arwen-winchester · 1 year
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Mój post ma 50 reblogów! Dziękuję @blueflyingturtleontheway i wszystkim, którzy się do tego przyczynili!
Polish 'The Witcher Fan Movie'... a long expected Christmas gift 'from fans to fans'... and my mind has just exploded... This is fucking AWESOME
Have patience my loves! Theres two after credits scenes
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arwen-winchester · 1 year
Not only Texas or USA in general. It is happening in every country with conservative governments.
#Anijednejwięcej #Notonemore
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arwen-winchester · 2 years
The oficial opening match of Men's Handball World Championships in Poland-Sweden 2023 was one the most calm handball games for fans I've ever seen
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arwen-winchester · 2 years
My note about The Witcher's lore was based on my (short) memory of the books and all I wanted to show was how many mistakes were made in 'Blood Origin'. So thank you all who forced me into deep check.
If you're intrested in the book version of the lore check this YouTube channel
I know... I know.
This channel is in polish, but most of the vlogs have subtitles. And the essays are great.
BTW: The linked one is the story of origin of Hen Ichaer (based on the books)
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arwen-winchester · 2 years
When you are creating a movie or series based on already existing beloved source material make it at least internally consistent!!!
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arwen-winchester · 2 years
About ‘The Witcher: Blood Origin’ from the lore perspective
This - probably extremely poor-attempted - quick analysis contains spoilers from the books’ version of the witcher lore by Andrzej Sapkowski and latest Witcher-verse abomination from Netlix
So you’ve been warned.
Let set the stage of the drama.
The entirety of ‘The Witcher’ saga is a story based on relations between races and relations beetwen them.
(In one word the book’s version story is about racism)
 At the beggining these said races are mostly gnomes, dwarves, elves and human. In the books there are always unicors - but about them later.
Gnomes and dwarves were - as was said in the books - indigenous inhabitants of the Continent.
I’m gonna talk about monsters in further part of this analisys or maybe in another note.
Elves originated in ANOTHER WORLD. Before the Conjunction of the Spheres elves were able to travel between worlds. How? Enter unicors. Elves couldn’t open Ard Gaeth - The Doors/Gates of the Worlds - on their own. To do that they needed help. And unicorns had the ability to easely open/close those Gates. 
At this time there were one single tribe of elves. During the Conjunction elven abilities slowly faded and they devided themselves in to groups or tribes! Aen Seidhe had stayed in the Continent world. The other tribe had become Aen Elle - which later turned into The Wild Hunt.
For regaine the ability of between-world-travelling elven scientists created Hen Ichaer, The Elder Blood. The Elder Blood’s the genetic material ceated by mixing of the genes of elves and unicorns.
Conjuction of the Spheres
This huge cataclysmic long-lasting event brought elves, human and monters into the Continent. This event forced elves into magical science experiments with the mix of the genes of elves and unicrorns (Hen Ichaer) and brought people and other creatures into unending war. And human to create first monster hunter known as The First Witcher
Far before the main story there were four important caracters in the books. The Elven mages -  Aen Saevherne - Avallac’h, Auberon Muircetach, Shiadhal and Eredin Breacc Glass. All of them were injected with genetic mix that turned later into The Elder Blood, Hen Ichaer.
Two of them - Shiadhal and Auberon Muircetach - had a baby girl, Lara Dorren, first in line of ‘Lara’s gene’, a natural born carrier of powerful magical genetic material. Lara was supposed to marry Avallac’h, but she’d fallen in love with human mage -  Cregennan of Lod.
Their doughter was Riannon, born with the last breath of her mother, adopted and raised by queen Cerro of Redania. She was queen of Temeria during Falka’s uprising. Mother of Fiona (only survivg childand first queen of Cintra with Lara’s gene) and Amavet (father of the next Cintra’s queen). Foster mother of Adela, Falka’s bastard doughter.
As a result of many generation of Royal Family of Cintra princess Cirilla was born.
Fun Fact: The Lara’s gene is active in the female-only-line. Males could be carriers, but the gene is inactive and became extinct in two, maybe three generations. The grandparents of princess Cirilla were Calanthe (with barely exinting activator in her genetic material) and Roegner (who in this case was the carrier of almost extinct remnants of the Hen Ichaer genetics).
Creation of the first Witcher
The people responsible for creation of The First Witcher were Alzur and his lover Lylianna, renegade mage from Temeria and sorceress intrested in mutation. They’d tried to create monter hunter but failed multiple times, most of the were spectacular. The First Witcher was a young orphan boy adopted by said mage. That boy was put into a series of magical Trials and Changes. And this time it was a success. the key element of the witcher cretion was youth.
And now crème de la crème - the comparison of the Lore and ‘Witcher: Blood Origin’
1. There was no clans in the elven society. They were devide into classic society structure. And ther’re the first occupiers of the lands that previously belonged to gnomes or dwarves.
2. Ithlinne was  Aen Saevherne (The Knowing Ones) - a high-born and elven powerful mage. Not a peasant girl working in the inn in the middle of nowhere in far north of the Continent.
3. The First Witcher were createed out of a young orphan boy with magic and a lot of mutagenic herbs, not an adult elven-male warrior and other-worldly monster’s heart.
4. WITCHERS ARE STERIL!!! That means they cannot have kids. And the show impled that Eile and Fjall’s child was conceived after him changing into the witcher.
5. The elves travelled between worls WITHOUT monoliths. this addition to the main show was the most outrages thing ever happened in the fantasy plot.
6. In the main show Vesemir needed special magical flowers, Ciri’s blood and Tris help with incantation to even attempt to create that mutagenic potion and in the ‘Blood Origin’ all they need was two mages and monter’s heart
TL;DR: The showrunners of the Netflix’s Witcher-verse graduated Stephen Moffat’s Show Writting University. And in comparison to other Witcher’s properties this is the biggest pile of dragon shit I’ve ever seen.
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arwen-winchester · 2 years
Why did I do this to myself?
Ok. I' ve watched almost everything related to 'Saint Seiya' a.k.a. 'Knights of the Zodiac':
- Original series from the '80 was my introduction to Shōnen genre (I'm probably that one person who don't like 'Dragon Ball' you're joking about in your talks with friends);
- It took months - if not years - for me to watch all movies realesed as the companions to the story of main series;
- I love the ' Lost Canvas'! It's the best prequel EVER. Sirously, go watch it!
- Even commonly hated 'Omega' anime series was a blast to me.
And nów, to the latest project from 'Saints' universe - the live action movie:
I know it's only a trailer (watched on smartphone screen) but to my taste it doesn't look any good - even worse than last 'MK' movie.
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arwen-winchester · 2 years
Aaaaand all I want is his duet version of this song with Jensen Ackles
Get you a man who can do both 😍
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arwen-winchester · 3 years
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Agentka W.A.N.D. i Łowcy - Głęboko w las! (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1050392956-agentka-w-a-n-d-i-%C5%82owcy-g%C5%82%C4%99boko-w-las?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Arwen_Winchester&wp_originator=oOdjd2bzBAbapUsS3pxOdvd3E%2BZ4f6cYm8bQeoDQ1DHB6G29UvP5s4bF%2BHRo1pXf0LCO1vyArRTWnlEaY8ChwRtmmJ%2FkEETlZnAertE21OhWlSdBylpZm4OSI7w6eCSF Minął niecały rok od Bitwy o Manhattan. W S.H.I.E.L.D. odebrano tajemniczy sygnał. Jego źródło znajduje się w Lebanon, w stanie Kansas. Dyrektor Fury, kontaktuje się z Pandorą Peters, szefową W.A.N.D. (Wizardry Alchemy and Necromancy Department), która wysyła na miejsce najlepszą agentkę sekcji - Emily Janovych. Uwaga! * Opowiadanie rozpoczyna się wraz z odcinkiem "Everybody hates Hitler" (sezon 8 odcinek 13, aired: 06.02.2013) serialu "Supernatural".
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arwen-winchester · 3 years
Lin-Manuel Miranda is an international treasure!
The job he did as the director of the 'tick...tick...BOOM' movie adaptation is outsanding.
I solemnly swear for the next month I'll be brainwashing every single one around me with the soundtrack.
P. S. Did anyone else start crying during 'Sunday' performance or that was just me being myself
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arwen-winchester · 3 years
The Truth has been spoken
mr. Samuel L. Jackson himself said Chris evans is the first lgbt captain America, so that’s canon enough for me.
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arwen-winchester · 3 years
Who lives in Poland don't lought they asses of at the circus!
Ok. You've may or may not heared about it, sooo... let me tell you about colourful artists and women's support group called WIEDŹMUCHY.
This is a art collective and its members are ladies with troubled past.
And their mission is bring joy to their community, so thei are doing it putting various costumes - mosty witches' costumes for their actions. And those actions are incredible... from dance performances in harvest festival to education about health issues: breast cancer, mental health, etc.
Few days ago a city council member of Mikołów in nothern Poland got concern about this group of local ladies. Nothing special you might say... well... those ladies are wearing witches' costumes, croocked noses and the have brooms in their hands during their performances.
And this city council member is a member of PiS (Law and Justice, ruling party in Poland) also a member of big catholic group in his parish. So this man, put a pettition (with other members of PiS from the council and the parish) and brought that group into a session for a debate.
And the main question is:
Are those ladies Satan worshipers?
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Stay tuned...
If you want, check their FB:
Or YouTube:
The petition was kicked out from the council's session agenda.
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arwen-winchester · 3 years
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arwen-winchester · 3 years
Ugh. That line made me sick. A gut punch with a knife. Twisting hole while into my belly. Hate that with every fiber of my being
"using the only natural resource the world has too much of ..... girls"
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arwen-winchester · 3 years
On ‘Black Widow’ again...
When Nat, Yelena and Alexei have reunited with Melina in her pig conditioning lab/house, Nat heard the story about her biological mother. Melina said her she was bought by Red Room (RR) officer for a great amount of money. And the main reason was - Nat was genetically fit into new version of the Black Widow Program
Nat’s parents had to live in great poverty. Maybe in the deep, deep village somewhere in the middle of nowhere , somewhere in Russia. And I think when an opportunity for having a lot of money was a great deal for them. Or probably just for her father was. Because her mother was desperate for finding her daughter.
Dreykov said that when he’d finally conquered the world there’s a lot of other Melinas, Natashas and Yelenas nobody would missing or cared for, he’d taken for the program as his.
And now to my not-so-subtle theory:
Red Room’s send its scientists to work as child’s clinic in big cities or groups of them into rural areas to do genetic checks on infants and little girls. After they find a genetically fit candidate for the new version program, they ‘paid’ (90% of certainty they’re killing parents to cut all possible links to outside world and prevent escape) parents for their dauthers.
When they bring kids into the Red Room, girls are put into culture training (language and other stuff) to help them blinding in during their future missions. When they grow up to certain age - maybe six-years-old - when they can mantain their balance, older widows bring them to gym for exhausting training. 
Try to convince me othervise, but Melina was definitely trained by Dottie Underwood, a Widow from ‘Agent Carter’. I dare you.
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arwen-winchester · 3 years
I’ve watched ‘Black Widow’ few hours ago
Wow Marvel, you are telling me while Steve, Bucky and Tony have been chasing Zemo and after watching a certain video tape, Natasha was dealing with her life’s worst nightmare!
And when Steve, Bucky and Tony Have been kicking each others asses, Nat broke her KGB picked ‘papa’ out of prison lockated, I assume, IN ANOTHER PART OF SIBERIA! Ok.
Sweet Mother of Dragons, with Red Room Marvel created one of the most terrifying and disgusting evil organisation. I felt sick when I’ve seen that Nat’s flinch during the third act during her talk with Dreykov. Oh, and using a pheromonal blockade as Widow’s ‘kill switch’ was both genius and horrifying; as well as using one more time Dreykov’s doughter as trigger for Nat.
Did you see Nat’s reaction when Melina, her KGB picked ‘mama’, say what people working in the Northen Institute really do? And for what purpose? Holy Mac’n’Cheese. With that news, I’m more than certain KGB/Hydra deffinitely transported cryo pod with Bucky in it from USSR to US and back whenever needed.
I need time to fully put that movie into MCU timeline
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arwen-winchester · 3 years
Happy Birthday America!
Happy Birtday to America and especially Happy Birthday to America’s Ass
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Baby, I hate it when you leave, but I love watching you go 😉
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