#Moon September 26th
snowe-zolynn-rogers · 5 months
Solar: …Hold on everyone, I hear a crying child.
Solar: *finds Baby Eclipse crying and whining trapped in a play house*
Solar: Oh, you poor thing. Why hasn’t anyone been taking care of you? *picks him up*
Baby Eclipse: *clings on for dear life*
Solar: You’re mine now. This is mine now.
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cyberpunkgame · 9 months
One year ago, we started our wild ride to the Moon together. Dear Edgerunners — thank you for being a part of this incredible adventure with us! 💚
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On September 26th we'll set off on a journey with another talented netrunner, Songbird, in #PhantomLiberty expansion.
Artwork by Yoh Yoshinari @‌trigger_inc
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bluecapsicum · 9 months
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Summer skies illustrations for my daily meteorological fiction project, Reports From Unknown Places About Undescribable Events (Twitter, Instagram, Mastodon).
Keep reading for the companion texts.
June 27th - We report: very hot today, so that at this late hour, the ground radiates heat though the sun is already low. Our expert, too, radiates heat, and we wonder when their skin got darker (today? No, over the course of this month, little by little every day). The sky is so big.
July 10th - We report about watching clouds go by and their shadows running across the fields; about stepping in and out of those shadows as they move, following them, sometimes walking ahead of them. On top of a hill, we are surprised to notice that the clouds are still not within reach.
July 26th - We report: the warm notes of the sun are remaining suspended in the air tonight. It is late, and the sunset is well underway; the streets are quiet, so it feels a little bit solemn, to witness the day going out like this. Counting down the last few moments of light.
August 1st - We report many months when we looked forward to the full moon, but missed it by a few days each time. This time, we found it by chance, felt a pang in our chest when it showed up through the clouds; suddenly emotional about it still being here, even though so much was changing.
August 4th - We report about the sunshine coming through the leaves like stained glass, creating shades of green within the spectrum of light that we did not realise existed. The afternoon is coming to an end at a very slow pace, watching the sun come around the forest in between branches.
August 7th - We report about the clouds that look the most solid in the sky - for how fragile and ever-changing clouds are, that is. There is a landscape there, one that nobody can ever walk, but it exists in this specific time and place. Sometimes, we wish we could freeze them like that.
August 9th - We report that we slept through the storm, but our expert told us all about it in the morning, how it caught the sky and did not let go until long after even thunder had ceased. How the lightning lasted for less than a second when it struck, but it touched every shadow each time.
August 10th - We report: we have lived hard and well every day and night since we were born, and we try hard to remember this in the pit of our heart every morning. That the planet spins, that we live there, that the sky is new every day, and that we have a lot more to do under that sky.
August 13th - We report about specks of dust suspended in smoke, or snowflakes caught in car headlights, or maybe stars in a cloudy sky. The scale is slightly different for all of these options, but in the end, they all look alike. We slowly make our way across the constellations. Goodnight.
September 5th - We report: the clouds are collapsing, over and over again. This kind of rain falls regardless of the seasons, it does not care about summer or autumn nearly as much as we do, about the days crossed out on our calendar. The afternoon goes on, soaked to the bone.
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tightjeansjavi · 8 months
The Birthday Boy
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A/N: couldn’t miss out on the birthday celebrations for my favorite fictional man <3 I am wishing the happiest of birthday’s to Mr. Joel heartthrob Miller. P.S this is not proofread. It’s definitely a little silly and fluffy but that’s what my man deserves on his special day (let’s just pretend the outbreak never happened 😇)
~word count: 2.1k~
Pairing | horse dad! Joel Miller x f! reader
Summary: it’s your first time celebrating Joel’s birthday after starting the transition process of moving in with him and Sarah. You want to make sure the birthday boy knows just how loved he really is.
Warnings: none! Just a lot of fluff, feels, cheesy banter from our favorite horse dad!, implied smut bc it wouldn’t be a birthday without some birthday sex, teasing, family love, light swearing, no outbreak! This takes place in the blue jeans universe but can be read as a standalone, Joel is 35 and not 36 in this universe, reader has no physical descriptions, +18 minors dni!
master list series master list
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September 26th 2003: Joel Miller’s birthday. He wasn’t particularly a huge fan of his special day. He never was the type to enjoy any kind of spotlight. He preferred a more simple and quiet birthday compared to some extravagant party where he would have to worry about entertaining his guests. No, he would much rather enjoy a night in with Sarah on his one side, and you on his other. Your only request was make him a cake. He begrudgingly complied to your thoughtful request, but before any cake baking could take place, you had to wiggle your way out of his death grip that he presently held on you under the soft duvet of his bed. The whole sleeping over every other day was proving to be an easy transition for all three of you, and at this point you were practically moved into the Miller household.
Your mornings always started with Joel doing his utmost best to keep you tangled between his legs for a few minutes longer. This morning however, you were all his. You had slept with him intimately enough times to pick up on all his specific quirks and mannerisms that were tailored to him. He snored, but only when he was laying on his back. If you got up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom or get a glass of water, he would be cuddling with your pillow until you returned. Sometimes his feet would get cold and he’d tuck them under your thighs to keep them warm. He talked in his sleep on the rare occasion. Most of it was gibberish, but you’d hear Sarah’s name and yours like the faintest of whispers.
You knew he was awake by the way his bare arm tightened around your waist as he lassoed you against his chest. His fingers were gently splayed under the soft cotton fabric of your sleep shirt (his of course) as he buried the bridge of his nose against the back of your neck. You could feel him inhale deeply through his nose before exhaling a warm breath of air that caused gooseflesh to pebble on your skin.
“Is the birthday boy finally awake?” You softly mused with your eyes half open like a crescent moon as you stretched your legs out under the warm confines of the comforter.
“Mmm, nope. The birthday boy is not awake right now. You’ll have to try again later my darlin.’” He teased, voice thick, gravelly and sticky with sleep as he pressed what felt like a dozen open mouth sweet kisses to your soft skin.
“Joooel” You giggled, warm and sweet as your hand brushed across his that rested across your middle. “You’re a shitty liar.”
“Baby, you can’t be mean to me when it’s my special day. Y’take that back right now.” He chuckled as he pulled you as close as he physically could. It never was enough, of course. He’d do anything to just crawl inside of your skin and make a little home for himself there. (not in a deranged way you sickos). That’s just what love did to him. It made him turn into this ushy- gushy softy that sometimes used you as his own personal heater.
“Well, if the birthday boy isn’t awake, then he doesn’t get his present.”
Well, that did it.
You barely finished your sentence before your man was nearly rolling over on top of you with a soft grunt from the ache in his back. “Okay, okay! The birthday boy is awake, and ready for his present.”
“Gotcha.” you peeked one eye open to find his not so impressed expression as a stray curl cascaded across his forehead. Dear god, he was truly so handsome, it hurt.
“You’re a lil’ tease, Y’know that? Gettin’ me all excited jus’ to go’in and break my heart!” He grasped his fist to his chest in mock despair as your sweet giggles filled the domestic air.
“Relax, Shakespeare. I’m only teasing!” You fought the urge to roll your eyes at his theatrics before you playfully pushed him onto his back just so you could straddle his hips.
“Shakespeare? Nah, I ain’t no Romeo, baby cakes, but you can be my Juliet?” He had a shit eating grin plastered on his kissable lips as you grabbed his wrists gently and pinned them above his head.
“That was so painfully lame, even for you, cowboy.”
“Yeah, but I jus’ know it made your puss–” You cut him off with a swift kiss to his lips that sent his heart melting into a puddle. Sweet, and filthy. What a lucky son of a bitch.
“Is the birthday boy going to be good so I can give him his present?” You mumbled against his lips as he kissed you back languidly.
“Ain’t I always bein’ a good boy for my baby?” He hummed as he rolled his hips slowly against yours.
“That’s a coin flip, cowboy.” He could feel your mischievous little grin blossom like flower petals as you slowly followed the rhythm of his hips with your own.
“Christ. Y’gonna fuck me or get me all riled up, baby? C’mon, please fuck me, honeybun. The birthday boy shouldn’t have’to beg.” he spoke with that deep Texas twang that always had you caving on the spot.
“We’re getting to that part, cowboy.”
Some gibberish followed by a deep moan that traveled deep from within his chest when you finally sank down around him.
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“Shell?” Joel asked with a small grin and arch of his brow as Sarah set a plate of eggs, toast, and bacon in front of him.
“Yep! Saved some just for you.” She teased. “I’m just kidding, Dad. There’s no shell! I promise.”
Joel seemed unconvinced as he used his fork to play around with his plate of scrambled eggs. “Hmm..are ya sure about that, kiddo?”
“Daaad.” Sarah placed her hands on her hips with a huff which only caused Joel’s grin to grow wider before he was reaching out and pulling his baby girl in for a hug as he pressed a gentle kiss to her mess of curls. “I trust ya.”
Sarah wrapped her arms back around him in a gentle hug, but she was smart to move away quickly when he attempted to tousle her hair.
It wouldn’t be a regular day in the Miller household without Tommy showing up with his own shit eating grin as he made a b-line straight for the fridge.
“Help yourself, why don’t ya?” Joel muttered with a mouthful of eggs.
“What’s it look like I'm doin?’” The younger Miller brother responded with a cheeky wink as he pulled out a container of leftover chicken wings from the fridge. “How old is grumpy today anyway, 50?”
“Do I look like–”
“He’s 35, but who’s really counting?” You chimed in as you pressed a quick kiss to Joel’s cheek before sitting down beside him.
“35 and he’s already gettin’ some gray’s I see. Gonna have to wear diapers soon.” Sarah teased as she took a bite of her eggs.
“Who says I don’t already?” Joel quipped back as he washed his eggs down with a big swig of coffee.
“Yes, my darlin?’”
“Your shirt is inside out.”
Joel tossed his fork down with a huff as he wasted no time to pull his t-shirt over his head and switch it the right way around.
“Y’girls still plannin’ on bakin’ me a cake?” He asked as he checked the time on his phone before standing up.
“You bet your fine Texas tush that we are. It’s going to be the best birthday cake you’ve ever tasted.”
Joel probably would have said something highly provocative if Sarah and Tommy weren’t listening in, so he opted for a quick kiss and a slight ass grab.
“Bus is leavin’ in five. Can’t wait to come home later and taste this delicious cake that you’re gonna make me, baby.”
“Gross.” Sarah nearly gagged as she picked up her plate and brought it to the kitchen sink.
“Hey, sugar? You think you can spare me a bit of cake too?” Tommy asked cheekily as he ducked down before Joel could thwack him upside the head. “Y’gotta be quicker than that, big brother.”
“G’nna kill him one of these days, I swear.” Joel mumbled as he looped his arms around your waist and pulled you in close. “Y’gonna pick Sarah up from school still? Dunno what time I'll be home later, but hopefully it ain’t too late.”
You looped your arms around his neck as your fingers gently played with the curly tendrils of hair that rested along the nape of his neck. “I’ll be there to pick her up. Try to not be home too late, okay?”
“G’nna do my best for my girls.” He closed the short gap between the two of you with a sweet affectionate kiss with a mumbled I love you before he was reluctantly pulling away when he heard Tommy beep from his truck in the driveway.
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“Did you get it fixed for him?” You asked Sarah as she climbed into the passenger seat of your car outside of the watchmaker's shop.
“Yep!” She beamed brightly up at you as she held the watch box up proudly.
“He’s gonna love it, kiddo.”
“What did you end up getting him?”
“Well, a little birdie whispered in my ear and told me that Curtis and Viper 2 is his absolute favorite movie. It’s the version with the deleted scenes.”
“Oh, wicked! He’s going to be soo happy!”
“As long as we don’t royally fuck up this cake. I don’t know the first thing about baking. Do you?”
“Well, if we happen to burn it..we can always cover the burnt spots with frosting?” Sarah suggested as she carefully slipped the watch box into her backpack.
“You’re a genius.”
“Oh, I know.” She winked before buckling up.
The cake turned out to not be a disaster..well, minus the first cake mix not rising properly. The best part was getting to decorate it with Sarah’s help. She insisted on the frosted red hearts while you piped out the letters spelling, happy birthday. It was nearing 10pm when Joel had finally arrived home. He was already feeling guilty for the fact that he was home later than he promised, but that all washed away when he found his two favorite girls cuddled up on the couch watching re-runs of Property Brothers on HGTV.
“Sorry I'm late. They gave us the wrong size for the headers. Took way longer than I was expectin.’ What are we watchin?’ He softly asked as he kicked his heavy duty work boots alongside the doormat.
“Property Brothers.” Sarah mumbled with her cheek gently pressed against your shoulder.
“They’re pretty good lookin.’” Joel added as he maneuvered his way over to the couch and plopped down. “Y’all make that cake you’ve been ravin’ about?” He gently draped his arm around the back of the couch where your head was presently resting.
“Well, we almost had a serious mishap, but it’ll still be the best damn cake you’ve ever eaten.”
“G’in get it f’me, darlin.’” He nearly yawned from being exhausted on the job all day as you leaned over and pressed a quick kiss to his temple before you got up and headed into the kitchen.
“Y’all didn’t burn it, right?” He asked his daughter who had shifted positions so she could cuddle up with him now.
“Nope. The first batch didn’t rise correctly, but two-times a charm, right?”
“That’s not how it goes, baby girl. Good effort though.” He chuckled softly as he wrapped his arm around her just as you came out of the kitchen with one hand supporting the base of the cake while the other was held close to the candles to keep them from burning out. Joel could see your eyes twinkle brightly from the flames of the candles, as a soft smile spread across his lips.
“Wow, y’all made this? Didn’t buy it from the store?”
“Homemade, just for you, baby.” You smiled warmly at him as you set the cake along the coffee table in front of him.
“Well, I'll be damned. That’s one fine lookin’ cake.” He nearly whistled.
You and Sarah sang Happy Birthday to him under the soft light of the candles glow while Joel listened proudly with happy tears glistening in his warm espresso colored eyes. All three of you were wearing silly little party hats from the dollar store, despite Joel’s protesting. (He looked damn cute in that hat) The cake was nothing short of delicious, and he was more than appreciative over both of his gifts. He might not have always been the biggest birthday person, but he was now all thanks to his favorite girls.
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Banners made by the lovely @saradika
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juniper-clan · 4 months
Okay, so I am BACK with Moon Phases. Fun facts that are just trivia but if you or anyone cares, here they are! Moon 2 (April) we see a full moon when Heron sees the kittypet, which means that night specifically was April 22 1701
The Gathering in September would be the 17th.
There was a Lunar Eclipse February 22 1701 (Moon 0) that would've been visible to them.
Ages: Heronstar is 19, Longstrike would be 14, Heronpaw is 8 (obvs).
As for birthdays, starting March 1st seems appropriate for 1) ease 2) it was the half-moon which is normally the healer meeting. This also means something interesting! February that month just missed being a full month by moon cycle, with the previous half moon that follows the full moon being January 31! So off to a wonderful and weird start when it comes to ages.
So, using the half-moon and pretending they both turned exactly 7 Moons old (Heron) and 2 Moons old (Long) for the sake of this.
Longstrike would've been born December 3. If you want to make that his birthday is up to you, I'm not gonna assign your characters a birthday, but he'd be a December baby.
Heronstar would be July 9th! Once again, your comic, your characters, your rules, so if anyone sees this ask, Unless Jade Says So those are not Official Dates. Fun trivia, there was a blue moon that month, on July 30th.
Slickpaw is being assigned half-moon baby as well for the sake of my sanity, which is already questionable at this point. He would be August 26th, which supports his claim to a lack of food, as a month later was the gathering where Howlstar announced that her Clan was starving and would now kill trespassers. [Also instead makes him the month Long and Heron fought after she saw the kittypet at the border]
For Drama, the gathering would've been March 14th, and the April Gathering with be April 12th, for when Howlstar might ask if anyone knows where that apprentice ran to
-Heron Anon (I am absolutely that in front of the pinboard meme)
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This is you.
(Also this is amazing and this is all canon now. I don't make the rules history makes the rules)
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and-claudia · 1 year
Against All Odds (Joel Miller x Fem! Reader) Prologue pt.1
Warnings: Cannon Typical graphicness, no Joel in this part, this one is also in 3rd person (that will change in later parts)
Word Count: 1143
General Warnings for later on: The main story will have an age gap between Joel and the reader (Reader will be 25 once we get to the main storyline), this will also be your warning that it will eventually be an x pregnant reader (if that's not your jam, I'm sorry) there is also going to be more graphic/trigger parts later on so please always to be sure to read the warnings BEFORE reading. This story will also be 18+ and TO BE ON THE TAGLIST YOU CAN NOT BE AN AGELESS BLOG (i do actually check that) also there first hand full of parts are all prologue so Joel won't actually be in it for a bit
(Once I have my TLOU masterlist i will link it here)
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September 26th 2003
Giggles filled the air as Yn ran around the backyard with her older brothers. There were six plus her ranging from 18 to 5 with little Yn being the youngest. Scott was the oldest. He was supposed to be in his first year of college down in Austin at the University of Texas, but he decided to take a gap year to help out with his younger siblings. Their parents tried to insist that he go, that this wasn’t his responsibility but he chose to stay. Roy was a grade A student, a Junior at their local high school. His twin, Zeak, was the quarterback of their high school football team. Everyone was excited to go to the Friday night games this fall, even little Yn. She may not understand the game, or why she gets drug all over North Texas every other Friday night, but she knew she was cheering on her brother and that was all she cared about. Chris was a sophomore, he found his passion in the automotive shop at school. He could take apart just about any car and put it right back together again. Marc was a freshman, he was still trying to decide what he wanted to do with his life, which was reasonable for someone his age. He had a knack for math though and could be found most weeknights helping his two younger siblings with their homework, even if one of them was just beginning addition. Alan was the youngest of the boys, and was originally thought to be the youngest of the family. He had a wild imagination and loved to tell stories to his younger sister. Which brings us to the youngest of the bunch, Yn. She was a wild little girl. Her mother had always wanted a baby girl, but was so grateful and completely over the moon with her boys. After Alan she wasn’t expecting any more babies, so when she fell pregnant again and they found it was a girl she was excited. She tried to get Yn to be a girly girl but with six older brothers, it was tough. 
All seven of them were outside today. It was a beautiful day on September 26th, 2003. The feelings of Autumn were finally just starting to inch their way into North Texas with a light breeze that tickled Yn’s arms when she chased after her brothers. 
“Let’s go grab the fishin’ poles and go down the creek! I bet there will be tons of fish!” Roy hollered getting everyone to stop. 
All the boys agreed and so he and Scott went off to find all the poles. 
“Alan! That’s not fair!” Yn whined. 
“Why not bug?” He asked, using her nickname. 
“Pa said I can’t go down there! Says the water gonna swipe me away!” She pouted, crossing her arms. 
“Hey, let's go ask him. Maybe since we’re all going, and the waters lower he’ll let you go. Come on, let's go ask.” He suggested. 
Yn thought for a moment and nodded before dashing towards the house. She threw open the back screen door and almost smack dab into her father who was just about to start making supper. 
“Whoa, killer where’s the fire?” He asked, grabbing her by her shoulders to stop her. 
“Can- I- go to- creek- with them?” She asked between deep breaths. 
Her father thought for a moment and looked to Alan for more information. 
“We’re getting the fishing poles to head down there for a bit. Figured since we’re all going, and the water is low, maybe she can go this time. She’s never been down there before.” He explained. 
“The drought did dry up that creek some… I guess. You mind your brothers though. And you better not get a speck of mud on the dress, or Ma is going to be mad at you.” He said. 
The little girl nodded vigorously. Then she and her brother ran back out and they all began the trek down to the creek. The seven of them spent the afternoon and early evening playing hide and seek, splashing in the water, climbing trees, fishing and just having fun. 
As the sun set they headed back for the house. Once they got there they all washed up and then ate dinner. Yn took her bath and was off to sleep not too soon after. 
Not even 2 hours later, Yn was jolted awake. 
“Come on, I got you shoes already, some clothes. Grab Teddy come on, we gotta go now!” Her oldest brother Scott was yelling at her. 
Yn was drowsy from just waking up and couldn’t understand what was being said. Scott saw this and just opted to scoop her up, grab her teddy bear, and ran out of the house with her as fast as he could. When he got to the stairs he slowed down and peered around the corner. She was occupied for the moment so he took that as his chance to run. He ran down the stairs and out the door, straight to the minivan his dad was already waiting for him in. He got in the backseat with Yn, who was now crying in fear in his arms. The streets were chaos, even in their small town of Canton, Texas. 
Yn was in shock. What had she just seen in their living room? It looked like Ma. But surely it wasn’t right? Ma was in the front seat where she always is. 
Yn looked to the front seat and was confused to see Chris there instead and Zeak in the seat beside them. 
“Where’s Ma?” She asked. 
“She’ll meet up with us later. Her and the rest of your brothers, don’t worry.” Pa said, though his voice sounded sad. 
‘Maybe he’s just sleepy?’ Yn thought to herself, it was the middle of the night after all. 
Her mind drifted back to the figure in the living room. It was hovering over something… no not something… someone. She would recognize  Alan’s bleached hair anywhere… and beside him… she knew that it was Roy and Marc. She wasn’t sure how but she just knew. And despite what her father had said, despite her age, she knew that Ma and her brothers wouldn’t be meeting back up with them. 
Deep down she knew that what she had seen was her Ma, well what used to be her Ma biting Alan, killing him. And she knew that she had already done the same to Roy and Marc. If it wasn’t for Scott she probably would’ve been one of the next ones to meet that same fate. 
Yn knew that something had happened and it would change a lot, but no one was prepared for the hell that had just been unleashed on the world, nor if they would even survive it. 
Joel Fic Taglist:
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scotianostra · 4 months
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On January 26th 1861 Edinburgh heard the sound of the one o'clock gun for the first time.
Walking along Princes Street when the gun goes off separates the locals from the visitors, one group stand in bewilderment, while the Edinburgh populace just walk on as if nothing has happened.
The gun has become an Edinburgh institution, it is fired six days a week from the castles on Mill’s Mount Battery on the north facing side of the castle, but originally it was fired from the Half Moon Battery which faces the Esplanade.
So what's the point of it? Well it's just a tradition nowadays, but it has all to do with the time ball on the top of the Nelson Monument on Calton Hill drops simultaneously at 1 o’clock too, many of you won't even know about this.
At 456 feet above sea level the Monument is highly visible from far off. This led to a 762kg time ball being added to the Monument in 1852 to enable captains of ships moored in the Firth of Forth to set their chronometers for accurate navigation by observing the dropping of the ball at one o'clock Greenwich Mean Time each day.
If you know anything about oor Scottish weather, particularly on the East coast, you will know we sometimes get the haar coming in of the sea. Haar or sea fret is a cold sea fog. It occurs most often on the east coast of England or Scotland between April and September, when warm air passes over the cold North Sea, on days like this you can hardly see a few yards so the mariners had no way of seeing the time ball drop, so it was to have an additional auditory signal, or as they say in Ireland "a big bang!"
Don't tell the people of Edinburgh, but their big bang is not the world's oldest, that honour goes to the Noon Gun from Signal Hill in Cape Town which has been fired since 1806.
Over the years some of the gunners have became almost as famous as the gun itself, Tam the Gun being the most well known, but Shannon the cannon is worth a mention, Bombardier Alison Jones became the first woman to fire the one o’clock gun in 2006.
There is no truth in the rumour that the time of one o’clock was specifically chosen by the Scots, as only the one cannonball each day would minimise the cost of the exercise. 😉
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Season 10
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*The image(s) I’ve used for the reader on the cover DOES NOT reflect what the reader actually looks like*
Season Summary: They say someone becomes evil because they are raised into it. Their environment makes them that way, and you're a villain in the making. Someone stole something from you and you're one hundred percent positive that you don't want it back. Sam and Dean will stop at nothing to protect the ones they love regardless of the consequences. You're filling your new shoes of the most powerful witch in creation nicely and if consequences are what they want, consequences are what they're going to get. No one crosses you and gets away with it, not even Sam and Dean, and you're more than happy to show them what true evil looks like.
*dates are subject to change at a moment's notice*
Black: Part One // Final Part
Reichenbach: Part One // Final Part
Soul Survivor: Part One // Part Two // Final Part
Paper Moon: June 3rd, 2024
Fan Fiction: June 17th, 2024
Ask Jeeves: June 24th, 2024
Girls, Girls, Girls: July 8th, 2024
Hibbing 911: July 15th, 2024
The Things We Left Behind: July 22nd, 2024
The Hunter Games: August 5th, 2024
There's No Place Like Home: August 12th, 2024
About A Boy: August 19th, 2024
Halt & Catch Fire: August 26th, 2024
The Executioner's Song: September 9th, 2024
 The Things They Carried: Septemeber 16th, 2024
Paint It Black: September 23rd, 2024
Inside Man: September 30th, 2024
Book of the Damned: October 14th, 2024
 The Werther Project: October 21st, 2024
Angel Heart: October 28th, 2024
Dark Dynasty: November 4th, 2024
The Prisoner: November 11th, 2024
Brother's Keeper: November 18th, 2024
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spade-riddles · 5 months
🌋 Messages
Here are all of their messages in order received. Also click on the 🌋 tag at the bottom of this post to see previous discussions about these messages:
Received on September 12th:
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Received on September 14th:
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Received on November 14th:
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Received on December 4th:
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Received on December 26th:
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Received on December 30th:
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Received on January 3rd:
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Received on January 13th:
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Received on February 5th:
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Received on February 20th:
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Received on March 3rd:
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Received on April 4th:
to a friend …
“i ask but one thing of you… to believe in beauty through all wrongs. o stay your hand, and leave my heart it’s songs!”
Received on April 6th:
you didn’t catch my mistake! the jumping of lettered keys, the words formed on the screen… through some sort of (ironically) advanced technology.
oh, the pride tied to the failure of care. the lack of revisitation. the naive sureness that my mind is above it all. forgive me. its, not it’s…
o stay your hand, and leave me its songs!
but in a way, it’s funny. symbolic. like a tear drop interrupting my words… ’
here’s to many, many, many more tears that will inevitably fall with me.
Received on April 10th:
🌋 i hope you’re not sick of me… allow me to share one more.
“i do not anymore wish to see
the world except through the veil
of your hair, so blonde, so pale…
over my sleepless eyes that stare
spread out the soft strands of hair
that seem to me gleaming rays of the moon…”
Received on May 3rd:
my hand’s on the door knob. i’m not afraid of the sound of creaking, just the voices that follow; the eyes that will land on me as the hinges squeak of shrill judgement. as i push down on the handle, i feel the gravity sinking in. what awaits on the other side of the door?
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Rules (Re-vamped for new added fandoms, rules, prefrences, Master List, and Current Works)
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(Re-vamped for new added fandoms, rules, and prefrences)
“I never ask a man what his business is, for it never interests me. What I ask him about are his thoughts and dreams.”-Howard Philips Lovecraft
Hello I'm Mr. Cosmic, I am a Romantic Asexual Man (Not sex repulsed, I actually find the concept of sex and how deeply it is ingrained in humanity fascinating) my birthday is September 26th, My favorite food is Spaghetti and Garlic Bread (I know I know, Asexuals and garlic bread), my favorite drink is home made Mountain Tea, I love writing romantic and fluffy things but I also may right angst if I'm in the right mood, My favorite bands are Queens Of The Stone Age, Arctic Monkeys, Franz Ferdinand, Iron Maiden, Nujabes (RIP), Megadeth, Rob Zombie, and Foo Fighters, I hope we can all get along!
I take recommendations for shows to watch and add to the list of fandoms and music to listen to while I write (I am partial to fast paced songs, but I also enjoy slower ones)
I am also associated with the @favonius-library and @ecrin-de-litterature
I only write romance for female characters but I'm perfectly fine with writing platonic male relationships (There are a few exceptions but most of the time this is the rule of thumb to go by)
I write for G/N, Male, and Female readers
Like any other Tumblr I reserve the right to reject asks
Be Respectful.
Do Not Hate On People In The Comments!
No Homophobia, Transphobia, etc. etc.
If You Have A Question About A Post Ask In The Comments Of The Post please.
No Politics!
I prefer to write for Ladies but I will do guys once in a blue moon if they're a part of the ask.
Due to a recent attempt to write trans characters and the anxiety attack which affected my willingness to write I have made the decision to (For the moment this may change though it is unlikely) not write Trans character's there is nothing wrong with Trans People I just feel like I can't portray them properly.
Genshin Impact
Honkai Star Rail
Reverse 1999
Lobotomy Corporation
Library Of Ruina
Limbus Company
Chainsaw man
Jujutsu Kaisen
Fate Grand Order and Fate in general
Persona 3
Persona 4
Persona 5
River City Girls
King Of Fighters
Guilty Gear
Granblue Fantasy
Under Night In Birth
Street Fighter
Resident Evil
Final Fantasy
Fear & Hunger
Fear & Hunger: Termina
Hi-Fi Rush
Trails Of Cold Steel
Girls Front Line
Elden Ring
(To Be Added)
What I Will Do
Character x Reader
All of the dere's (Yandere, Kudere, Tsundere, Goudere, Masodere, Sadodere etc. etc.)
Character x Multiple (Separate from Poly, NSFW only Ex. Free Use)
Platonic Relationships
NSFW (If You Want a Specific Kink You Have To Ask)
(More To Be Added)
What I Won’t Do
Non-Con (I might do CNC)
Kinks like Scat and Vore
(More To Be Added)
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jellymeduza · 6 months
September, October and November updates
2nd of September 2023: scholarship for having a parent in Education - added two more versions to make this mod compatible with @picknmixsims’ Driving Licence: Meduza_CJ-djsbadgescholarships_Education_Driving and Meduza_CJ-djsbadgescholarships_Education_Driving_5Points. You can read more about the update here.
12th of September 2023: scholarship for having a parent in Education - fixed dialogs in “DrivingLicence” versions
24th of September 2023: swimmable boats - added boats that let your Sims catch @sunmoon-starfactory​ salt water fish. They require their Gone Fishin’ 2.0 set. They can be used with boats that let Sims catch EAxis fish. However, fishing system is different from Sun&Moon’s fishing system. Chances of catching fish are based on fishing badge instead of body skill. Additionally, Sims use EAxis lures instead of Sun&Moon’s ones.
1st of October 2023: medieval shopping racks - now shopping racks (both slaved and standalone versions) have got proper empty state
17th of October 2023: useable ghost grave, useable ghost urn - this update was supposed to get rid of ghosts appearing like a bats while in the grave. It turned out the person who reported the error, was missing Midge's fairyglowball file.
24th of October 2023: ask to WooHoo in Walk-In Closet, Sims can WooHoo in vampire coffin, flyable TS4 rocket, TS3 fairy houses with more options - updated to support public woohoo wants and memories. Social plug-in (Meduza_AskToWooHoo_social) also recognises new woohoo spot (on a pirate ship).
2nd of November 2023: witches can gain energy by meditating, witches can practise magic - now menus are gender-sensitive: women have these actions under Witch.../, while men have them under Wizard.../
5th of November 2023: scholarship for having a parent in Education - improved code to avoid more errors
22nd of November 2023: Doctor Strange’s rotating orb - now the orb rotates exactly around its axis, so it doesn’t spin in circles anymore
26th of November 2023: custom skinned werewolf fix - added 2 new versions of the custom overlay. These versions will let your custom skinned Sims’ skintone show on their palms, ears and feet. They won’t pick up defaults you have. CHOOSE ONE version of the overlay: 1) S3 werewolf skintone with transparent ears, palms and feet using EAxis eyes; 2) S3 werewolf skintone with transparent ears, palms and feet using Phobia’s eyes (based on my default); 3) S3 werewolf skintone (texture-referenced).
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 5 months
Ruin Eclipse: Blood Moon, you are covered head to toe in chocolate syrup.
Blood Moon: I know, isn't it incredible?!
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garbagegirlblog · 1 year
my top 30 albums (not ranked in order)
.this is a long one.
Ultraviolence- Lana Del Rey • 2014 (January 1st)
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2. feed me with your kiss- My Bloody Valentine •1988 (October 31st)
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3. Unknown Pleasures- Joy Division • 1979 (June 1st)
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4. Are You Experienced- Jimi Hendrix • 1967 (May 12th)
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5. Shed- Title Fight • 2011 (May 3rd)
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6. In Utero- Nirvana • 1993 (September 21st)
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7. Loveless- My Bloody Valentine • 1991 (November 4th)
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8. Vulgar Display Of Power- Pantera • 1992 (February 21st)
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9. Souvlaki- Slowdive • 1994 (November 5th)
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10. Rumors- Fleetwood Mac • 1977 (Febuary 4th)
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11. Agents Of Fortune- Blue Öyster Cult • 1976 (?)
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12. Born to Die (the paradise edition)- Lana Del Rey • 2012 (November 12th)
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13. Crybaby- Lil Peep • 2016 (?)
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14. Sing me a Lullaby, my sweet temptation- $uicide boy$ • 2022 (July 29th)
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15. Led Zeppelin IV (Deluxe Edition) - Led Zeppelin • 1971 (November 8th)
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16. Wish you were here- Pink Floyd • 1975 (September 12th)
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17. 40o.z to freedom- Sublime • 1992 (June 1st)
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18. Norman Fucking Rockwell • 2019 (August 30th)
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19. Nevermind- Nirvana • 1991 (September 26th♡)
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20. The Misfits Box Set • 1996 (February 27th)
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21. So tonight that I might see- Mazzy Star ☆ • 1993 (October 5th)
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23. Enema of the state - Blink-182 • 1999 (June 1st)
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24. All hope is gone- Slipknot • 2008 (August 20th)
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25. Dr. Feelgood (Deluxe Version)- Mötley Crüe • 1989 (September 1st)
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26. The darkside of the moon 🌙-Pink Floyd • 1973 (March 1st)
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27. Blue Banisters- Lana Del Rey • 2021 (October 22nd)
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28. Among My Swan- Mazzy Star ☆ • 1996 (October 29th)
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29. Flower Boy- Tyler The Creator • 2017 (July 21st)
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30. Incesticide- Nirvana • 1992 (December 14th)
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And that's all folks....for now >:)
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bluecapsicum · 2 years
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Some recent illustrations from my daily meteorological fiction project, Reports From Unknown Places About Undescribable Events (Twitter, Instagram)
Keep reading for the companion texts.
September 5th - We report a windy night. Ribbons of clouds are going by fast and it seems like the sky is spinning over our head. The moon set hours ago, the night is dark, and we absolutely cannot tell where we are going. We are completely lost, actually.
September 12th - We report: not so long ago here, the grass had yellowed entirely, become dry, been hopelessly stomped to the ground by the summer heat. But with these days of heavy rain and the ones with intermittent moments of sunshine too, it is like a short spring shoved in between seasons.
September 19th - We report, on a day full of electricity, the wind turbines are spinning very fast and steadily, and the sun beaming down on the fields is making the sky look so much darker in comparison. We can still hear some crickets even as the weather keeps getting colder.
September 26th - We report: the house got drenched in golden light, in a way that had us immediately look out the window. The whole sky was lit up, and the world around us was in shades that we had never seen before. We stepped outside to take it in. The light changed again after a few minutes.
October 4th - We report: this morning, for breakfast, our expert had tea with a splash of milk. As we are looking up now, the way these clouds are expanding is looking just like that splash of milk in that teacup - they are taking their sweet time, though, and the light is changing fast.
October 8th - We report: the moon will be full tomorrow. We cannot really tell how much rounder the moon can get from here - about two percent more, our expert says, but this sounds very abstract to us. It is all about the moonlight to us, and how it washes over the world.
October 9th - We report a long night: our expert stopped by our house without any warning, and we stayed up all night listening to their weather-related stories. We brewed a lot of coffee while their vocabulary gradually became more and more obscure. Now, we are just about ready for sleep.
October 11th - We report scattered light across the cirrus that surround the sun, barely visible to the naked eye - but it is a shimmering veil of the whole spectrum of colours, one that we always look for whenever the weather conditions are similar to this day's.
October 14th - We report: there was never a chance that we would go out today. We looked at the rain falling through the window all day long. The sky started clearing up in the afternoon, and the wind picked up. The raindrops were drying slowly on the windowpane, and we were still inside.
October 19th - We report: as October keeps marching on, we have not yet found the cold temperatures we remember of autumn. We find ourselves having a hard time reconciling the shorter days with this odd note of summer lingering in the air. The sky is impossibly blue up there.
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colaxdraw · 1 month
About me :D
Hello my name is Cola!
Age: 14 y/o boy.
Sexualitys: Bisexual and Aroace Gender: Transmasc (He/Him)
Zodiac: Libra♎
Where I'm from: Will not say
Colour: Blue, cyan, red, black, purple
Food: Ramen, Instant noodles, spring rolls, sushi and other japanese food.
Drinks: Soda, boba tea
Hobby: Drawing, singing, writing, listening to Gorilaz, Imagine Dragons and Odetari
Birthday: September 26th 2009
Other: Smg4 fan, Smg34 shipper.
Any pets: None TvT
Aus, storys and fanfics I own: FNASC, SMG4 x Among us, SMG4 Trolls AU, Angels and Demons AU, SMG4 x Sam and Colby AU, There's a boy in disguise, SMG4 Emo AU, SMG4 x Equestria girls, SMG4 x Sailor Moon, ☆SMG4//Colaverse☆
The games I play: Minecraft, Roblox, Gacha
On what apps and social medias I'm in: (tumblr), Wattpad, Discord
Bonus: I have autism and ADHD
You can ask for art requests! It will just take me time sense I have other things!!
Thats all!! Hope you have a good/night!!
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foxes-that-run · 8 months
2021 Haylor Timeline
Timeline Tag, or years 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024..
18 January - Coney Island released as a single.
14 February Olivia at Harry’s house with luggage. Don't worry Darling filming wraps. On the 21st Taylor Lover tour cancelled.
10 March Instead of congratulating Harry on the nomination Zayn posted “F the Grammys”
15 March -Talk at the Grammys, Taylor and Harry part of small group of attendees. Harry goes over to Taylor and they are polite, Harry seems a little awkward and says “well it was nice to see you”. He keeps looking at her during his acceptance speech for record of the year.
Taylor wrote High Infidelity and WCS with Aaron Dessner while in LA for the Grammy's, when she saw Harry & J Mayer.
Niall and Liam congratulate Harry on his Grammy win, Zayn and Louis do not.
31 March - architect of Harry’s Erskine House renovations posts photos of the interior to their website. It has a black, wood pale grey palette with pink stairs
April 27 - Joe leaves UK to Belfast to film.
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May 11 - HS & TS both at Brit awards (the 26th was a blood moon)
May - Harry’s bassist since HS1, Adam Pendergast, leaves love band (date from his LinkedIn)
May 24 - Joe and Taylor together in Paris
21 June - Harry wrapped My Policeman in Italy, started in Feb. Released 1 September 2022. Holiday in Italy
2 July - renegade released
8 July - Harry and Olivia on yacht and in Italy
26 July - Charlotte Clarke (Harry’s backup singer) said she was let go and doesn’t understand why. won’t be on HSLOT
9 August - 26 August Harry in studio maybe mixing Harry's House in the behind scenes photos here you can see outfits he wore in LA on these dates.
4 September – 22 July 2023 - Love on Tour, Harry has a new bassist Elin Sandberg
7 September - Taylor in Belfast visiting Joe. Red TV entirely recorded at Kitty Committee Belfast UK (her home)
9 September - Taylor at Toronto Film Festival and to premiere all too well
11 September - Harry at Toronto Film Festival to premiere My policeman, talks about wasted time being the worst thing in presser
17 September - wildest dreams TV released, TikTok about recording Red TV and a glitch. Harry and Olivia in Phili with Xander, max and family
May 11 - HS & TS both at Brit awards (the 26th was a blood moon)
May - Harry’s bassist since HS1, Adam Pendergast, leaves love band (date from his LinkedIn)
May 24 - Joe and Taylor together in Paris
21 June - Harry wrapped My Policeman in Italy, started in Feb. Released 1 September 2022. Holiday in Italy
2 July - renegade released
8 July - Harry and Olivia on yacht and in Italy
26 July - Charlotte Clarke (Harry’s backup singer) said she was let go and doesn’t understand why. won’t be on HSLOT
9 August - 26 August Harry in studio maybe mixing Harry's House in the behind scenes photos here you can see outfits he wore in LA on these dates.
4 September – 22 July 2023 - Love on Tour, Harry has a new bassist Elin Sandberg
7 September - Taylor in Belfast visiting Joe. Red TV entirely recorded at Kitty Committee Belfast UK (her home)
9 September - Taylor at Toronto Film Festival and to premiere all too well
11 September - Harry at Toronto Film Festival to premiere My policeman, talks about wasted time being the worst thing in presser
17 September - wildest dreams TV released, TikTok about recording Red TV and a glitch. Harry and Olivia in Phili with Xander, max and family
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22 September - first heart kiss since 2018! St Paul - Falling, with Two Ghosts intro (4:31). Then again weekly till the end of the year
25 September - Taylor London Lena's wedding.
29 September - & 1 Oct Harry played Nashville and wore a white satin outfit, he played with his rings while performing Beautiful. Harry plays To Be so Lonely for 9 shows then never again, including Nashville N2 and NY. In Nashville looks up.
22 October - one more photo of Taylor and joe in the bathroom leaked (the proper selfie), photos from 2016 leaked in 2020
26 October - Taylor posts TikTok "Autumn Lovers RISE" as a reenactment of a 27 September 2017 Tumblr post. She writes lyrics to ATW "just between us did the love affair maim you" "and Plaid stuff and ankle boots" she's wearing a skirt but says 'stuff' plaid shirts and ankle Chelsea boots is Harry in 2011-2013. And "Maroon/Hunter Green" The ATW move included a book coming out 13 years later about the love affair.
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1 November - rumors Harry and OW fighting
12 November - Red TV released Harry wears red in his show on the 11th. All Too Well Short Film premiere Dylan O'Brien (who is in ATW film) is included in this footage of Austin and Dylan cheering when Jack plays Question..? in the Studio. Appears on Fallon and says she easter eggs 3 years in advance in reference to ATW.
16 November - Pleasing launch with Harry on bike photo on cover of Dazed
17 November – Taylor leaves NYC for Panama to go see Joe. Taylor posts a drunk TikTok from Panama. On the 20th she went to the national theater and leaves on the 22nd. Joe stays and films. Midnights written while gone
21 November - Last time Taylor is photographed in public for 3 months is the SNL performance for All too Well
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25 November Rolling Stone noted the Haylor call and response “the long-running songwriting badminton between her and Harry Allegedly is pop call-and-response the way it ought to be”
28 November- 13 December Harry MIA. OW seen alone in LA
1 December Taylor wore Gucci lion ring to Zoe’s kravitz birthday throwback photo shared day after YLM date identified by Jack.
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5 December - You're losing me written. Love on Tour in Buenos Aires
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Continue to 2022
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