wally-b-feed · 2 years
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Anthony Fineran (B 1981), Morono Cafe, 2022
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commander-goo · 1 month
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trans-zag · 1 month
I am both obsessed with waxwitch and moronoe once I'm out of art block its over for everyone mark my words I gotta draw this
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cagesidepress · 1 year
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What's Next: UFC Charlotte Winners
Read the full story on cagesidepress.com
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theanticool · 2 years
Santiago Ponzinibbio finishes Alex Morono in the 3rd!
Huge come from behind win for Ponz as Morono was definitely up 2-0 heading into the last round. Got dropped in both the first and 2nd round off of compromising positions. Like the first time he went down, it’s cause Morono went for a spinning back first, Ponz moved out the way and tried to fire back but ended up eating a big right uppercut/hook that sat him down real quick. He was even hurt in that third round on a sprinting right hand from Morono. Morono tried to capitalize and buzzed Ponz a couple times but he managed to stay on his feet. He went for the basic 1-level change-overhand right that caught Morono straight up in the air and put him down. Big win for Ponz. His comeback since 2021 has been so up and down. It’s clear he isn’t the guy from 2018 anymore thanks to injury and illness but man can still bang when given the right fight.
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quality-street-rat · 1 year
I have seen 5 minutes of Graham Hancock's show Ancient Apocalypse and I have facepalmed like 30 times. He said he was banned from the Serpent Mound because of "censorship" and I literally physically yelled at the screen
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extreme-neutral · 2 months
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Jake Melano Madrido Marlo Morono Macnuggo
That Toy Boy.
With background, just in case you can't see shit in transparent (which actually was the point, but oh well)
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Perfect Paradise Ch.12:
Don't Talk 'bout Me Like How You Might Know How I Feel
Summary: Back to school.
"H-hey, dude!" Nino rose from his seat to kiss both of Alya's cheeks.
"Hey," Alya returned the favor and plopped down. "Ughhhh!"
Despite his nervousness Nino grinned as Alya let her head fall back and look up at the ceiling. "Rough day?"
Alya slid her hands over her face before sliding them down. "They published some trash in the opinion section about Kagami and I am this close to letting him have it."
"Same guy? I'm surprised they still hire him."
"We don't even know each other and I hate him viscerally!"
"We could always tp his house," Nino suggested jokingly.
"No, that won't work. He lives in an apartment."
Nino chuckled.
The waiter came by with two coffees.
"Thanks dude. We're good for now."
"Oh thank god." Alya grabbed her steaming mug of black coffee and sipped.
"Can you even taste anything while burning your tongue like that?" Nino smirked.
"No comments from the guy trying to stay awake until next week," Alya replied, gesturing to his quadruple expresso mocha.
Nino lifted his drink. "Perks of being the Turtle. No crashes or jitters."
"Lucky! Remind me when that happened?"
"Sometime during university. Woke up after an all nighter with no hangover. Kim was soooo jealous!" Nino laughed.
Alya laughed with him. Likely imagining the look on Kim's face. "Was that before or after...?"
"A few months after we broke up, yeah." Nino thought back to that year. "We were still giving each other space..."
"... Because falling back into old habits was too easy," Alya sighed. "Man, we were dumb."
"Morono-sauruses," Nino agreed, staring at his coffee.
Alya scoffed but grinned. "What about you? I hear you finally performed in a club. And not just any club, Le Chemin Sombre!"
"Adrien and I got married!" Nino exhaled in a rush.
"Are you fucking kidding me!?" Alya slammed her palms on the table.
"Not so loud!" Nino stage whispered, leaning in.
Alya glanced at the handful of other patrons, who gave her a look at her outburst but otherwise returned to their own mornings. Copying Nino, Alya lowered her voice and scooted closer. "WTF dude? What do you mean you're married!?"
"Well we went to City Hall and filled out the paperwork..."
"Nino, I swear if you don't-"
"He's worried about the kids okay?" Nino ran his hands over his face. "Dude just straight up asked me to take care of them if he couldn't and I just- What was I supposed to say? 'No'!? Yeah right."
"Did you want to say no?"
"No, but... Gah!" Nino dropped his head to the table.
Alya moved his coffee to the side so it wouldn't spill. Patting him on the back.
"I'm not upset," Nino sighed. "Just... processing."
"Right... And it's got nothing to do with Adrien proposing for practical reasons," Alya stated a bit too reasonably.
"Adrien's my bro, dude. Y'know I love him more than anyone."
"Mm-hm. I know. It was kinda obvious when you became his kids' third parent."
"I just said it's a marriage of convenience."
"Actually meant before that... Way, way before. But speaking of the kids, do they know?"
"Not yet."
"Hmmm," Alya said, stressing the silent judgement.
"We're going to tell them!" Nino replied defensively.
"Uh-huh." Suddenly remembering her coffee Alya took a drink.
"We are!"
A few tables away, covered by a minor invisibility Mirage, Wayzz and Trixx played with sugar cubes.
"Oh, things just got interesting," Trixx grinned.
"Must you look at the Young Master like that?" Wayzz asked, poking her cheek with a teaspoon.
Trixx floated out of reach. "Not so young anymore. And it's not my fault your Avatar likes the dramatic ones," she teased.
Wayzz didn't deign that with a response even if he did agree.
(Read the rest on AO3)
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a-bit-of-japanology · 7 months
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Utagawa Kuniyoshi
Scene from a version of the Chushingura ('Chuko Gishi Yurai'), with the kabuki actors Nakamura Utaemon IV as Lord Ko no Morono dressed in a black descending a staircase (centre) being watched by Bando Hikosaburo as Enga Hangan kneeling in a yellow robe (right) and Ichikawa Yaozo as Wakasaya Yoichi no Suke (left) kneeling and Iwai Shijaku as the Lady Kaoyo-gozen standing behind.
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glampire-rockstar · 10 months
JOE ANOA'I - Roman Reigns/Joe Leakee
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GALINA BECKER - Zoie Jordan/Sierra Moore
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JONATHAN GOOD - Jon Moxley/Dean Ambrose
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RENEE PAQUETTE - Faye Wayland/Renee Young
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COLBY LOPEZ - Seth Rollins/Tyler Black
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SARAH ALESANDRELLI - Kourtney Scott/Danielle Morono
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FERGAL DEVITT - Finn Balor/Jonah Arsene
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VERO RODRIGUEZ - Amy Grayson/Jane Sharp
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DANIEL GILLIES - Gavin Powers/Travis Dawson
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ASHLEY FLIEHR - Charlotte Flair/Ashley Diamond
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IAN SOMERHALDER - Hayden Evans/Brendan Smith
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SARAYA BEVIS - Saraya Calaway/Paige Knight
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JOSEPH MORGAN - Elijah Gonzales/Hunter Prince
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REBECCA QUIN - Becky Lynch/Rebecca Knox
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PAUL WESLEY - Isiah Alister/Zakai Danger
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APRIL MENDEZ - AJ Lee/Mey Zodiac
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I've found the best characters for my AEW/WWE Fan-Fiction stories, I got the main boys from the Vampire Diaries and the Originals, and got the three married wives and a former girlfriend turned friend.
We know that most of the wrestlers here will be faces or heels, but I want them as the baddest bosses while the good guys are gonna be portrayed as sixteen newcomers who's shorter.
I got Jordan "Dan" Sweeto, Kayleigh "Wolfy" Smyth | Wolfychu, Patrick "Patty" Walters, Dorothy "Dottie" Martin, Johnnie Guilbert, Alexandria "Alex" Dorame, James Tyler Hagen, Shannon "Shan" Taylor, Nathan "Nate" Owens, Leda "Monster Bunny" Muir, Damon "Dee" Fizzy, Carson Fanikos, Luke Jeydon Wale, Samantha "Sam" Rochelle, Kyle David Hall, and Meghan Marie Hogan for the OC portrayals cause I like people within the goth/punk/emo/scene style.
I figured that modern day of straight history meets attitude era for their bad influence; my sixteen OCs doesn't care for the rules and are the most rebellious people in WWE.
This takes place from SummerSlam 2012 for the Fallen Angels and their first victory in Night of Champions: Gold Rush; Survivor Series 2012 for the Shield and their first victory in TLC; Royal Rumble 2013 for the Dark Gods and their first victory in Elimination Chamber; WrestleMania 29 for the Resistance and their first victory in Extreme Rules; they're known as the Pack of Lone Wolves.
For each OC stable...their names are the following; the Unholy Circle for the girls, the Genesis for the girls, the Blood Order for the boys, and the Demolition for the boys; they're the Pride of Wild Lions.
Comment down on ring names for my OCs and follow me at Wattpad on GlampireRockstar...sayonara guys!
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tiodolma · 1 year
ok smh taliesin tells merlin of avalon
The island of apples which men call “The Fortunate Isle” gets its name from the fact that it produces all things of itself; the fields there have no need of the ploughs of the farmers and all cultivation is lacking except what nature provides. Of its own accord it produces grain and grapes, and apple trees grow in its woods from the close-clipped grass.
The ground of its own accord produces everything instead of merely grass, and people live there a hundred years or more.
There nine sisters rule by a pleasing set of laws those who come to them from our country. 49 She who is first of them is more skilled in the healing art, and excels her sisters in the beauty of her person. Morgen is her name, and she has learned what useful properties all the herbs contain, so that she can cure sick bodies.
She also knows an art by which to change her shape, and to cleave the air on new wings like Daedalus; when she wishes she is at Brest, Chartres, or Pavia, 50 and when she will she slips down from the air onto your shores. And men say that she has taught mathematics to her sisters, Moronoe, Mazoe, Gliten, Glitonea, Gliton, Tyronoe, Thitis;
Thitis best known for her cither. Thither after the battle of Camlan we took the wounded Arthur, guided by Barinthus 51 to whom the waters and the stars of heaven were well known.
With him steering the ship we arrived there with the prince, and Morgen received is with fitting honour, and in her chamber she placed the king on a golden bed and with er own hand she uncovered his honourable wound and gazed at it for a long time. At length she said that health could be restored to him if he stayed with her for a long time and made use of her healing art. Rejoicing, therefore, we entrusted the king to her and returning spread our sails to the favouring winds.”
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liminalpsych · 1 year
Vita Merlini
So "The Life of Merlin" by Geoffrey of Monmouth is… weird. I don't quite know how to feel about it.
If you're a big Merlin fan, or a Morgan le Fay fan, it's worth a read. My understanding is that this is the first appearance in literature of Morgan le Fay, called Morgen in this text.
If you're just reading the literature for general Arthuriana, or anyone other than Merlin, you might be able to just skip it. If you want to read Geoffrey of Monmouth but don't want to slog through the entire Historia, maybe just read Vita Merlini since it summarizes all the Arthurian bits from the Historia anyway.
I read Faletra's translation (it's just included in the appendices of his translation of the History of the Kings of Britain). He says this about Vita Merlini: "The Life of Merlin was the work of Geoffrey of Monmouth’s later years, written around the year 1150. Unlike the “humble” prose style of The History, it was composed in elegant Latin hexameter verse and embellished with considerable descriptive passages, expositions on natural philosophy, and rhetorical flourishes; Geoffrey perhaps thought of it as his tour de force. It narrates the madness of Merlin at the end of his lifetime, having lived many years past the days of Vortigern and Arthur."
It's got still more prophecies, some by Merlin and some by his sister (???) Ganieda. He's also married (???). This is just kind of… dropped on the reader partway through, we're not given any context or background to his marriage.
Ganieda is married to Rhydderch, king of the Cumbrians. She's cheating on him with someone (we never get any more details on this lover), which Merlin tells Rhydderch about. Ganieda thinks quick and discredits Merlin's words by having a boy show up in three different disguises (one of which is a girl), and Merlin prophesizes a different death for him each time. She reveals that all three were the same person, and Rhydderch agrees with her that Merlin's words are not trustworthy in his madness.
(Of course, the boy grows up and then dies in a way that fulfills all three prophecies. But Rhydderch and Ganieda don't hear about that, I don't think, so the ruse works out for Ganieda.)
Merlin's wife is Gwendolena. She seems to love Merlin a lot, but he just wants to go live in the forest forever away from pesky humanity. Gwendolena has a full on breakdown when Merlin keeps insisting on leaving. He finally says she can just go remarry whoever, and he'll show up at the wedding with a bunch of gifts, so long as the guy she remarries doesn't show up in front of him because he'll probably kill the guy in a fury. (And he does, when the guy shows his face upon Merlin arriving on the back of a stag with a bunch of gifts.)
Rhydderch eventually dies just as the bard Taliesin arrives, and Ganieda grieves and decides to go be a forest-dwelling prophet like her brother. Taliesin and Merlin talk about natural science as Geoffrey understood it. Merlin becomes sane again and no longer has the gift of prophecy, but then Ganieda starts prophesying at the very end of the story.
We do get a little bit of Arthur, Avalon, and Morgan le Fay from Taliesin's lengthy speech. He describes Avalon as the Isle of Apples and expounds upon it at length.
"The inhabitants live to be a hundred years or more. Nine sisters govern that place, administering a very pleasant law code over those people who come to them from our lands. The foremost among these sisters is most learned in the art of healing, and she surpasses them all in beauty. Her name is Morgen, and she has learned the helpful properties of all the various herbs in order to cure the bodies of the sick. She also possesses the great skill of being able to transform her appearance and to sail through the air with new feathers, just as Daedalus did. She can be at Brest or Chartres or Pavia whenever she desires. And she can also glide down to your shores at will. It is said that she taught mathematics to her sisters, whose names are Moronoe, Mazoe, Gliten, Glitonea, Gliton, Tyronoe, and Thiten, who is best known for her cithara."
Taliesin additionally says, "We carried the wounded Arthur to the Isle of Apples after the battle of Camlann, guided by Barinthus, who knows all the seas and all the stars of heaven". They received a welcome from Morgen, who inspected Arthur and said he could return to health if he stayed in Avalon for a very long time.
Taliesin and Merlin's conversation provides a summary of the Arthurian parts of the History of the Kings of Britain, plus a bit extra. A lengthy summary. Nothing new if you already read the History.
All in all, it was interesting enough as a perspective on Merlin, with a different version than the modern narrative of his life, history, and relationships. It was tedious reading in parts; Geoffrey got very flowery and ornate in his writing, and tried to be Herodotus a few times. But it's pretty short, too, so it's a quick read if you don't mind the periods of tedium.
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parttimeghost · 2 years
Find the Word Tag
thank you to @marigoldispeculiar for the tag (also: hi! <3)
my words are: TELL, FELL, WELL, SHELL, & SMELL
Head to the Isle of Avalon; you’ll be safe there. Show them this,” She presses Moronoe’s dagger into his palm, his fingers curling gently—hesitatingly—around the hilt, “tell them Morgan sent you and that I’m sorry I haven’t been able to write recently, but that I’m okay. Can you do that?” When he doesn’t answer, she prompts, “Mordred. Can you do that?”
She would tell them of the years that followed. Of the families that had approached her in the dead of night, frightened faces alight with the flames of cloth torches, babes tucked beneath their cloaks whose sleeping chests rose and fell in time with the winds.
Merlin nods, flipping over on the bed so he’s facing her, elbows sinking into the mattress. “There’s always a feast after the first day of the tournament. It’s supposed to–” He coughs, pitching his voice deeper to mimic the King. “Commemorate the memories of the late Lady Ygraine and her daughter, as well as the anniversary of Arthur’s adoption. Kind of weird to me. But I guess nothing says paying respects to the dead like almost joining them.”
She wonders if he would believe the king's lies. Believe that his sister had bartered away pieces of her soul in return for power; believe that the Laudine that remained was but an empty shell, all magic and hunger and power.
tw: injury, discussions of death
He laughs, a soft, breathy thing, glancing up at Uther from behind wild hair. “A king that is afraid of an honest duel is hardly the kind of man that should sit upon the throne. How can he be expected to defend his kingdom when he will not even defend his own pride? Cowardice is hardly becoming of a King, Uther. And besides,” He takes a breath as gold sparks around his wrists, the smell of burning flesh permeating the air. A preview of what is surely to come. “You and your son could always refuse to pick up the gauntlet, show everyone what cowards you really are.”
no pressure tags: @athemarina, @j-1173, and anyone else that feels like joining in!
Your words are: EXPRESS, TEAR, SHARP, SLIP, & STONE.
And if you can’t find any of the words, feel free to share something else about your WIP that you’re proud of. It might be a piece of dialogue, a fun bit of worldbuilding, or a character you love. <3
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trans-zag · 29 days
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small moronoe doodle for the soul and Alt Blog cause whilst i want to draw them properly i also have so many things i need to work on
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cagesidepress · 15 days
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What's Next: UFC 302 Losers
Read the full story on cagesidepress.com
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theanticool · 2 years
Alex Morono takes UD over Matt Semelsberger.
Morono is one of those guys who I’ve really enjoyed watching turn into a really good fighter. Got to the UFC as a somewhat technical brawler with very little going for him but has grown and made himself into a solid striker who eats up younger, inexperienced talent with his lead hand. Had Semelsberger’s eye shut before the end of the third. Great stuff.
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