#Mostly because Zay is Topanga
licenselesswriter · 1 year
Zay: (Texting Lucas) Man, I'm so sorry.
Lucas: (Texting back) What for? For ruining Riley's birthday? For making Farkle doubt? Or for exposing that Maya and I were dating in secret because we didn't want to hurt her feelings?
Zay: (Texting back) Well, now that you put it like that, everything.
Lucas: (Texting back) It's ok buddy, just make sure to apologize to Riley, you ruined her birthday after all.
Zay: (Texting back) I feel really bad, I kinda ruined your night too.
Lucas: (Texting back) Zay, for fuck's sake, you didn't fucked anything we did, now, let him keep eating.
Zay: (Texting back) Tell Lucas I miss when it was just the two of us.
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gomezisabellas · 4 years
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girl meets world - season 4
highly inspired by @quincywillows & @insertsighs, here is my take on what i would’ve wanted season four of girl meets world to look like. hope you enjoy it! under the cut is the episode descriptions in case it’s hard for you to read in the picture!
Girl Meets Change - After a summer of celebrating that she’s staying in New York, Riley wonders if her mother made the right choice. Meanwhile, Cory has to teach a new class, without Riley or her friends.
Girl Meets Viral - Maya posts her art online, expecting no one to see it but it goes viral overnight. All of the sudden she has to deal with her newfound and quick fame, and her friends asking her questions she doesn’t want to answer.
Girl Meets Investigation - Maya wonders why Josh has been distant. She enlists her friends to help her crack the case and spy on him at NYU. Her friends agree but they all think she knows the answer already.
Girl Meets Boiling Point - The gang all get locked in a room after school. After some time, things they had been hiding from each other come out. Cory and Topanga hit a rough patch.
Girl Meets Intervention - Maya, Lucas, Isadora, Zay, and Farkle all realize that Riley hasn’t been herself lately. They try to sit her down and talk to her. And what they learn makes them angry, but mostly sad for their friend.
Girl Meets Gardening - Maya and Isadora start a garden at school, only to find out that someone is stealing all of the food they grow. Riley ponders the meaning of growth.
Girl Meets Auditions - Abigail Adams is putting on their annual school musical. The musical is Dear Evan Hansen. Throughout the audition process, the gang learns about the characters and themselves. Auggie and Ava try to write a musical.
Girl Meets the Musical - With the musical in full swing, cast members are forced to confront the truths that lie within their roles and themselves. Maya is resentful that she didn’t get a principal role. A shocking revelation is made on opening night.
Girl Meets Therapy - After intense lobbying from her friends, Riley agrees to ask her parents about seeing a therapist. Farkle and Isadora decide to break up.
Girl Meets Religion - Farkle decides to start going to a Jewish congregation, but has to face his conflicting feelings with religion and science. Riley and Isadora have a discussion which makes Riley question her faith.
Girl Meets Broken - Maya’s dad attempts to make amends again but Maya comes to a realization. Cory and Topanga tell Riley they’ve been going to marriage counseling.
Girl Meets Masks - Riley’s friends come to find out that she never followed through on her promise. They sit her down once again but it doesn’t go according to plan. Maya distances herself from the group.
Girl Meets Science Fair - Farkle and Isadora are going up against each other at the science fair, vying for first place. But perhaps they work better as a team. Maya gets artist’s block and tries to cure it. She realizes it’s because she’s distanced herself from her muse.
Girl Meets Advice - Riley writes into the school paper’s advice column. Maya realizes who wrote the entry and enlists the help of the other four to help Riley. Topanga sleeps on the couch.
Girl Meets Art - Maya finally reveals all the questions asked about her viral artwork but leaves out some key details. Riley puts her detective clothes on and realizes what the art truly meant. Farkle and Isadora get back together.
Girl Meets Rocky - Riley and Farkle each dare each other to face their fears: heights and confrontation. Farkle tries to rock climb while Riley tries to confront Lucas. Meanwhile, Cory and Topanga have a serious and difficult discussion.
Girl Meets Confusion - After Maya’s revelation and Riley’s new realization, they’re both confused on where their friendship stands. To make matters worse, Josh is visiting. Cory and Topanga deal with the fallout of their discussion.
Girl Meets Family - Isadora finds out that her father has a secret second family. As her entire world crumbles, she tries to hide everything and be the stoic person everyone thinks she is. Maya gets a message from her father’s “new family.”
Girl Meets Zay’s Choice - Zay has the chance to move back to Texas and must decide if he wants to go back or stay in New York. Meanwhile, there’s some tension between Riley and Lucas, when Lucas finds something.
Girl Meets Babies - Everyone is paired up with someone to take care of a fake baby. Chaos ensues over different parenting styles. Farkle’s parents announce that they’re expecting.
Girl Meets Healing - Riley finally allows herself to tell her parents how she truly feels and reach out for help, Cory and Topanga decide to put their differences aside and come together to help Riley.
Girl Meets Standardized Testing - The gang studies for the state tests and PSATs. Isadora comes to realize that tests don’t mean anything, making her question why she based her worth off them for so long. Maya discovers she has a learning disability.
Girl Meets Passover - Farkle decides to host a Seder and invites all of his friends to it. The night brings up questions of oppression and slavery, prompting everyone to rethink their own privilege.
Girl Meets Finals - As the gang studies for finals, they realize that junior year is just next year. And then senior year. And then college. The anxiety slips in as they all ponder what to do with their futures and what happens when their futures don’t align with one another.
Girl Meets The End - After a graduation party, the gang reminisces on their time together. They all wonder about their futures. Riley goes back to being herself a bit more. They all make a promise that is unbreakable.
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ambitionsource · 4 years
Rucas 19,20,21,22,23
19. Who tells their family/friends about their relationship first?
well in terms of friends, they have a similar circle and the entire A class finds out… relatively quickly let’s say. and that compromises basically their entire social circle so FJDKGDFLSH basically the same time. for family… yeah interesting situations there. i don’t think lucas even thinks to tell his mom about it (and we KNOW he isn’t telling his father), so it’s probably riley? not that that’s the most perfect situation either.
20. What do their family/friends think of their relationship?
so the main crew of friends – isa, dasher, etc. – love it obviously. it can’t be ignored that riley definitely helps… tame lucas, let’s say, so no one is going to complain about that. even farkle and zay would state that they’re happy for them, because by god does it make lucas way more tolerable and actually… a human being they can communicate with (not that they necessarily would choose to lmao). dylan and asher in particular like the relationship because they’ve been “let lucas be in love” warriors since day one, and also… double dates!! they’re gonna have so much fun :’)
grace i think would love the relationship if she knew anything about it lmao, but she can definitely tell that lucas is more… grounded after a certain point and she will not complain about that. cory is complicated, as he like… wants to be happy for riley, but he’s been lucas’s teacher for years and he knows that while he’s smart he has this rascally reputation and i think that would just FREAK cory out no matter how accepting he tries to be or how much lucas matures or changes. so they’re never gonna… it’s gonna be a complicated dynamic there for a long time before it mellows out. so cory isn’t going to like GET BETWEEN THEM or anything, but riley makes an effort to make sure he like… Doesn’t Know things going on between them. it’s, yeah, it’s complicated. topanga doesn’t really have an opinion, and she meets lucas and thinks cory has been exaggerating about his behavior bc he’s so well mannered in front of her and recovering from his break down, so she i think gets pride from being like… the “cool” mom who is oh so supportive of her daughter’s relationship where cory has issues with it (so just another one-up in her book… mess).
auggie takes time to warm up to lucas but then he kinda lowkey idolizes him lmao. he’s like dad can i get a denim jacket and boots and a snapback and cory is like… kill me!! eric and jack also have a whole dynamic with rl but… time will deliver on that flkdsjgkdjfgkdh
21. Who is more likely to start dancing with the other?
again, easy. if you look at the show even all the evidence is there that riley will also start a dance – with the exception of a rare brave moment, like the gala – but the key is that lucas will rarely say no to her. if riley wants to dance, then by jove rl is gonna dance… a true miracle worker
22. Who cooks more/who is better at cooking?
okay this is so interesting, because i actually think lucas?? and i think this is because lucas has had to fend for himself in a lot of cases and thus has become resourceful in more than just rascally ways. i think riley can handle herself in small ways, but she’s had parents making meals for her her entire life and also… is like, a klutz, so it’s a safer bet to have lucas handle cooking
23. Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines?
definitely riley. i think she would come up with them mostly just to make lucas have to hear something silly and try his best not to break his Unimpressed Facade… and he can never maintain his straight face with her. but she’s courteous enough to wait until they’re alone so he won’t ruin his reputation with everyone else FJDSKFDLGDFG
send some winter hiatus asks !! or try this one
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atlafan · 5 years
She’s Like No Other - Part Three
a/n: rucas multi-part fic. Everything takes place during the fall of their sophomore year. This picks up after Texas part 3. (a little something special in the spirit of valentine’s day) Riley and Lucas come to a resolve, but is it what they really both want? 
Things we awkward between the six friends. They would all go to Topanga’s together, but Riley and Lucas wouldn’t sit anywhere near each other. Riley kept a stoic persona, at first it was easy because she was so angry. But one day after she got home, she broke down in tears. After that, it was like she couldn’t stop crying.
“I don’t get Maya.” She says to her friend as she walks down the hallway. “I was fine, angry, but fine. Now it’s like every time I see him I get all emotional.”
“Maybe it’s part of the grieving process. It’s really hitting you that your relationship is over. Do you even miss how close you two used to be?”
“I mean...I don’t know. He was nice to talk to. He was nice to look at too.”
The girls see Lucas at his locker. Riley starts to tear up. He looks over at them, and before he can wave or smile, she darts into the bathroom. Maya follows her.
“I’m really getting sick of her avoiding me. She won’t even hang out after school anymore.” Lucas says to Zay.
“Maybe it’s because she thinks you’re gonna ask her out again.”
“I’m not giving up on us. But...she definitely needs to be the one to come back to me. I can’t chase after her. I miss talking to her. We used to have the best talks.”
“Find another girl to talk to.”
“I tried that, remember? I got a smoothie on my head.”
“Maybe try another girl who isn’t her best friend.”
“I’m not ready to move on.”
Lucas sees Riley walk out of the bathroom. He sees her wipe away a few tears from her face. He wanted so badly to comfort her, and make it all better.
“Maybe she’s not ready either.” He says to himself.
Riley’s bursts of tears continued on for two weeks. When it finally stopped she came to the realization that she was definitely still attracted to Lucas. But she wasn’t quite ready to trust him in a relationship again.
“Hey.” She says walking up to him at the end of the day at his locker.
“Hi stranger.” He says with a small smile.
“I know, I’ve been distant.”
“Try nonexistent. Where have you been?”
“Around...mostly avoiding you. Can we talk in private?”
Riley and Lucas go out to the school, and go sit in his truck in the parking lot. His hope was that she was finally ready to get back together. She was quiet for a few moments, but then she finally spoke.
“I want to be friends again.”
“Friends, I see.” He could feel his heart crushing.
“I miss talking and hanging out. I think I’m done being angry.”
“Well, if you’re done being angry, why can’t we-”
“I’m not there yet.”
“Will you ever be?”
“I’m trying..I thought being friends again would be a good start.”
“I guess we could give it a try. I’d rather have you in my life in some way than not at all.”
She reaches out and hugs him tight. They sat there holding each other. Both secretly wanting it to never end.
“Feel like going to Topanga’s?” He asks.
“Yeah, that would be great.”
When they show up together at Topanga’s their friends can’t help but be excited. Zay sees the look on Lucas’ face and realizes that it’s not what it seems.
“So uhhh, what’s this?” Zay asks.
“No more weirdness, we’re friends again.” Riley says.
“Didn’t realize you ever stopped.” Farkle said.
“Well, it was on me, I distanced myself. I also wanted to apologize if I made things difficult for all of you. Just because Lucas and I broke up, doesn’t mean we all needed to.”
Riley goes up to the counter to order a drink. Lucas sits next to Zay.
“You’re not happy.”
“I was hoping she wanted to get back together, but she said she wasn’t ready.”
“I have an idea, but you won’t like it.”
“What if you went out on a date, and she happened to see you kiss another girl.”
“I wouldn’t want to hurt her, Zay. That would kill her. But getting back out there doesn’t sound like a bad idea.”
Riley comes back with two drinks, and hands one to Lucas.
“What’s this?”
“Still your favorite, I hope.”
“Yeah, it is thanks.”
They smile at each other.
“Okay, I’m officially ready to vomit. Can we do our homework now?” Maya asks.
The group breaks out their school work, like no time had passed at all. Lucas and Riley steele glances of each other when the other wasn’t looking. She had butterflies in her stomach like before.
A couple of weeks had gone by and everything felt sort of back to normal. Riley could see Lucas at his locker from her locker, and would often find herself in a trance looking at him.
“You’re drooling.” Maya says.
“Oh I am not.”
“You should just get back with him. You clearly want him.”
“I want...parts of him.”
“Ew, Riley-”
“Sorry. He’s just so hot.”
“And you’re not the only one who thinks so.”
“What does that mean?”
“I heard he’s going on a study date with Molly tonight.”
“Molly? Yeah right, he would never go out with her. Where is the date?”
“At Topanga’s.”
Around six Riley walks into Topanga’s to see Lucas cozied up with his books, and Molly. She sees them giggling, and then the worst thing happens. Molly kisses Lucas, but it doesn’t last for long. In a pit of rage Riley storms over to their table.
“So it is true! You’re on a date?!”
“Woah, Riley calm down.”
“Don’t tell me to calm down! Why do you keep taking girls on dates here? You know I’m gonna be here, is this just a sick game?”
“No, of course not!”
“And you, how dare you kiss him, in my mother’s bakery!”
“I can see you two have some stuff to figure out. Call me, Lucas.” Molly quickly leaves.
Lucas is breathing heavily, and starts pacing around his table. He finally looks at her.
“You broke up with me, you know? I have every right to go on dates with other girls.”
“You don’t have the right to kiss them right in front of me.”
“I didn’t see you walk in, and she kissed me, by the way.”
You’re absolutely right, you made her feel safe and comfortable so she kissed you.”
“This isn’t fare, I wanted to get back together.”
“And I told you I wasn’t ready!” “So, I’m just supposed to sit around and be miserable?!”
Riley takes a step back. She hadn't considered how hurt Lucas was. She was only concerned with how she felt.
“Lucas, I am sorry. Of course I don’t want you to be miserable. You can go out with whoever you want. You shouldn’t have to wait for me to figure everything out.”
Before he can say anything she leaves, and hurries home.
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madelinecoffee · 5 years
Is This Seat Taken? Ch. 3
Summary: Rucas Senior Year AU. Riley’s a loner who doesn’t really have any friends, besides her twin brother Josh but she keeps to herself in school. Something happened the year before where she missed the 2nd half of the year but she’s back for senior year and Lucas’ heart is ready. He’s had a crush on her since he moved to Philly in 3rd grade and he’s convinced this is the year they’ll move up from the class-friends label and into something more. This is not a completely fluffy fic, I’m going to be diving into some deep shit so if that’s not your cup of tea please leave *this does  include some serious depression if it goes beyond that I will trigger warn it*
A/N: Hi friends! New chapter! Let me know your thoughts on it all! Things are moving fast, because as I told Feli I cannot write slow-burn. This is leading into something big going down so prepare yourselves.  Tagging:  @iwantyoutochooseme @celluloiddreams @imaginarybird Words: 1879 Previous: Ch. 1 Ch. 2
Lucas stares at her shocked for a moment before he can do anything other than breathe but once it settles in that Riley is asking him on a date all he can do is frantically nod as he figures out how to use his voice.  She’s smiling softly at him as he nods and when he does get his voice to work it cracks as he manages a “Yes”, before he clears his throat and tries again
“I would love to go on a date with you Riley.” Riley beams up at him they decide on 11 am at Blue Max’s they’re walking out of school before it dawns on Lucas that they never decided on transportation or if they were going to meet there. This entire time Riley’s been back he’s never seen her drive, Josh always does. But he thinks he remembers her having a white Toyota, but all he’s seen was Josh driving and it wasn’t the Toyota.
“Do you want me to pick you up for our date?” Lucas can’t help but smile as he says date but his nervousness shows through as he rubs his neck
Riley looks at him for a moment and he sees panic flash through her before she shoves it down.
“I would love it if you would pick me up” Josh is giving her a look from the car and Maya is giving Lucas his own look as well, so before Lucas has time to fully react she hugs him tight and jogs away to Josh
 When Lucas gets over to the car Maya’s giving him a weird look, “What’s wrong with your face?”
“Your face, you look like someone injected you with happy serum or something I don’t know. But you’re smiling way to much”
“Oh well Riley just asked me out” He states with glee as he starts up the car
“WHAT!” Maya shrieks as he pulls out of the parking lot
It’s the next day and Topanga is helping Riley get ready for her date by offering her support
“You’ve liked Lucas forever, and he was always such a nice boy, I’m sure it will go well” Topanga smiles warmly at her daughter while he daughter gives her a look
“Mom I’m sure it will, Lucas has always been the nicest and from what Josh, Maya and Zay say he likes me a lot.  I’m not worried about it being a nice time. I just, it’s our first date. And I want it to be perfect.”
Topanga nods, “You know what Joanne says about building things up to be perfect in your head sweetie.”
Riley nods, “And that’s the other thing! I have told him about any of that! Or The Thing. And I don’t think I’m ready to fully but I want him to know some and god Mom now I’m stressed out! Maybe I should just cancel!” Riley makes a move to grab her phone, but Topanga grabs her instead
With a fierce look in her eye Topanga talks to her daughter, “Riley this could really be the start of something beautiful but that means you have to give it a chance. You don’t have to tell him about The Thing, but you could tell him about some things that are a result of The Thing or some things that caused it. But whatever you decide is up to.” Before Riley can respond the doorbell rings, Riley jumps up smooths out her dress and runs down the stairs, but when she opens her door it’s only her Uncles.
“Uncle Eric! Uncle Jack! What are you doing here?” Riley deflates
Both of her Uncles smile, “We’re here to meet Lover-Boy” Eric states proudly
“We’re also here to offer our favorite niece support as she goes on her first date.” Jack stated as he nudged his husband while Eric nodded,
“Yeah that too”
Before Riley could say anymore the doorbell rang again, “That had better not be Aunt Morgan and Aunt Morgan.” She stated as he gave them a look. But standing on the other side of the door was Lucas holding a bouquet of flowers wearing blue jeans, his boots, and the flannel she had complimented him on before. He completely lost his breath as she opened the door. She had a bun on top of her head but most of her hair was down, and she was wearing a purple dress that flared above her knees out with a pair of converse.
He handed her the flowers while he tried to close his jaw, “You look wow”
Riley giggled prettily at him, “Thank you, and come in for a second so I can put these in water”
Lucas nodded as he stepped in not expecting the three Matthews men to be staring him down.
Jack started, “If you hurt that little bean so help us god-“
“We will end you and hide your body so no one can find it-“ Eric continued
“And make your disappearance look like an accident, but that won’t be a problem will it Lucas.” Cory finished
“No sirs” Lucas answered confidently
Riley shot daggers at her family as she walked back in, “You guys stop.”
Lucas chuckled as he grabbed her hand, “Don’t worry they’re only looking out for you. You ready to go?”
Riley nodded, ”Yeah all my stuffs in my pockets! Look this dress has pockets!” As if to prove her point she put her hand that wasn’t holding his in her pocket and smiled at him as he beamed down at her.
Riley was having a wonderful time, he had opened the door to his car for her and helped her in, he bought her coffee even though she argued, and he was holding her hand occasionally running his thumb over her knuckles. They had been talking about everything and nothing for the past couple of hours and Riley couldn’t stop smiling. The coffee shop was small but cozy, there weren’t too many people around and the noise wasn’t overwhelming.
They had talked about some important topics, like how Pluto was still a planet and how they both loved animals but Riley wanted to fill Lucas in on some things. She drew at the same courage she used when she asked him out,
“Lucas there’s something I want to tell you, it’s kind of serious” Lucas gestured for her to continue, “So I really like you and I really want whatever this is to continue-“
“Me too” Lucas butted in for reassurance
“But there’s a few things you should know about me before that. Um for one I hate large crowds and loud noises.” Lucas nodded he knew things just from watching her,
“And um. I’m really really really insecure, I don’t mean to be and my family tells me there’s no reason to be but I often feel out of place and inadequate.”
“Oh Riley” Lucas comforted squeezing her hand but letting her continue
“That’s why I don’t always eat with you guys, it’s overwhelming. And why I’m so glad you’re my automatic partner because the idea of choosing someone freaks me out. Though I’d choose you anytime, over anyone.”
“Me too, thanks for telling me Riley. But I had already kinda figured out the first two.”
Riley gave him a curious look, “How?”
Lucas turned bashful, “Well you’ve been like that since we were kids, and uh I watched you a lot. Not in like a creepy way but in like a---I liked you way. And as for you being insecure, it’s okay. If I have to remind you everyday how perfect you are, I will”
The two smiled at each other with their hands on the table as Lucas spoke again,
“Since we’re sharing secrets, um I kind of have a temper. When I was younger pre-moving here I had some serious anger stuff and um at the start of high school it came back and I went to therapy for it. Which has helped a lot, and I box on the sides now to work off some of the anger. But I just wanted you to know.”
“Thanks for telling me that Lucas, and if you ever need to talk about it. You know I’m your girl right?”
Lucas nodded, “I do” There was a pause where Lucas debated with himself if he was really going to do it but before he could fully process it, it was out of his mouth. “I know it’s our first date and everything, but would you be my girl all the time?”
Riley cocked her head to the side, “Like your-your?”
“Girlfriend” Lucas finished smiling
“YES!” Riley shouted as she launched herself across the table to hug him
On Monday none of their friends were surprised that the two were officially dating after only one date. They’d been pinning a lot. But the girls of their high school did not seem to like the idea, and Riley noticed. All sorts of girls had been trying to date Lucas since middle school and nothing, Riley Matthews goes on one date with him and they end up dating?
Riley brought it up with the group as they ate lunch that Monday, “All these girls won’t stop giving me the death glare and it’s giving me the heebie jeebies.”
Maya nodded, “Yeah I heard a bunch of them talking in the bathroom about it, I told them to mind their own damn business. You two make each other happy, it’s that simple.” Riley gave her a grateful smile
Lucas piped in before Riley could respond, “No one’s said anything, mostly because I doubt they would say anything to you and we’re always together. But I can feel their daggers” Lunch continued on as normal and as did their school days.
Riley and Lucas would go on dates and outings on Saturdays; sometimes they’d go with the group sometimes Riley would ditch Lucas just to hang out with Maya. But after a few weeks things settled down in their personal lives and things seemed good.
It was early October now and school had really picked up, it seemed to the gang that their teachers had all gotten together and assigned projects and papers. Lucas knew it was stressing Riley out because she had made a few comments on it, and he could tell she was drawing into herself. But mostly she seemed fine, she came to school went to class they held hands and sometimes they kissed at her locker. She seemed mostly fine if not a little more tense than usual that are why it surprised Lucas when she wasn’t at school on Friday.
She had texted him, “Hey Blue” which was her pet-name for him considering how much blue he wore, “I won’t be at school today, I’m not feeling right. Could you take good notes for me and get my work?” Complete with three purple hearts
Lucas went over on Friday after school with Josh to drop it off.  Her door sign said she was taking a nap so he and Josh went to play video games downstairs as he waited for his girlfriend to wake up. They were having a good time until they heard a crash from upstairs.  
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hiiii yallll the rilaya group chat is happenin oki so to get in u hav to reblog this n fill out theses questiolns abt urself (u fill them out as much as u r comfortable with)
name/ what u want us to call u:
fave book/ film:
fave series:
fave colour:
where ya from (approx):
pic (if ya wants):
what ya studyin/fave subjects in school:
fave gmw character:
anything else u wnna share i have a bad imagination wid this type of stuff lol like social media u wanna share or anything:
oki!! so i finally made up my mind on where we should start it we can start is on discord bcuz its easy to add ppl etc etc n if we dont like it we can decide from there tbh its easy once we start!! my tumblr notifications r on for 24 hours so once u reblog n do the thing i’ll send u the link n u make a profile n u joinnnn! as eazy as that
okii now here’s mine
name/ what u want us to call u: my names lea yall can call me that wtv
age: 19
gender: female
sexuality: i dont precise am str8 because i dont wanna b wrong if i fall for a girl
fave book/ film: the little prince by antoine de saint-exupery and mustang 2015
fave series: empire heartland backstage gmw r my constants n the rest vary all the time 
fave colour:  green    to wear warm colours
where ya from (approx): middle east
pic (if ya wants): i dnt wantss sorryyy
hobbies: chillin strivin annoyin stressin procrastinatin dreaminn
what ya studyin/fave subjects in school: am studyin fine arts at unii n i liked french n history 
music/ fave sabrina carpenter song: i like rap n rnb i listen to french rap mostly// fall apart i perform that shit
fave gmw character:  topanga probs she tried to keep cory in check fuckinn loved zay
languages u speak:   french english arabic n som spanish n turkish
anything else u wnna share i have a bad imagination wid this type of stuff lol like social media u wanna share or anything:   follow my twitter if u wanna @ rowzacarpenter
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I’m going to a concert tonight so idk when I’ll be able to check in, but Christine, give me some headcanons from your gmw/htgawm crossover. Pleaseeeeee?
I hope you’re enjoying your concert! Ok so I’ve been trying to come up with some headcanons that are non-spoilery just in case I actually get my shit together and write all of these scenes, but I couldn’t come up with anything. 
Instead I’m going to give some more background on the characters and what their htgawm counterpart(s) is/are. I hope that’s okay!!
I went overboard so it’s under the cut. These also started to get more and more vague the longer I worked at them so…¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Topanga is the Annalise (obvs) but with a lot less baggage. She and Cory were childhood sweethearts who got married and pregnant in college but she followed through with her dreams to become a defense attorney and left most of the child rearing to Cory. Once Auggie was born they moved back to their college town and Topanga took a job as a professor. These days she has a better relationship with her kids but both of them are still closer to Cory.
Cory is nothing like Sam, thank god! but he does have some dark secrets he’s hiding from his family. When Riley moves back home she believes that he is on an extended trip to visit her Uncle Eric and Uncle Jack but she soon learns that there is more to the story than that. 
Riley is the most like Wes. She’s coming home and entering her old world but seeing it with fresh eyes. Being the professor’s daughter, she has something to prove to her classmates and is prepared to work twice as hard to do so. Her studies soon take a backseat when the investigation into Ava Morgenstern’s death takes a devastating turn. She decides to take matters into her own hands; anything to help her little brother. 
Maya is Bonnie but, again, without all the baggage. She’s been Topanga’s right hand woman for over six years and is practically a member of the Matthews family at this point. She has a rough past with both of her parents and Topanga has taken on an almost maternal role in her life which causes some issues in their working relationship. She sometimes wonders what would have happened if she’d gone to art school, but she is generally happy with the direction her life took.
Charlie is a mix between Frank and another character that I can’t reveal because it would maybe be a spoiler. He was one of Topanga’s students before suddenly dropping out during his second year. She offered him a job and he’s been working for her ever since. He and Riley have a complicated past and when she moves home he proves that he doesn’t really know how to take a hint.
Lucas is mostly Connor with a little Michaela thrown in there because why not?! He has more than a few demons in his past and he’ll do just about anything to overcome them and make something of himself. And when he says anything he means anything. He sometimes causes more problems than he solves in the beginning, but when Riley gets in over her head he soon becomes her closest ally.
Farkle is both Asher and Laurel. Wound tightly by the expectations of his family, he comes off as cold, self centered, and the absolute worst team player. He quickly loses control though as things in his love life start to heat up.
Izzy is Oliver through and through. Absolutely lovable and too pure for this messed up group. A tech prodigy running her own start up, she has her life completely together until Farkle Minkus walks back into her life. It slowly becomes one of the best and worst decisions she’s ever made when she agrees to help him as she makes unbreakable connections when she’s thrown into their crazy world.
Zay is pretty much all Rebecca. Trouble follows as soon as he comes to town. He and Lucas were the best of friends growing up, but now Lucas wants nothing to do with him until one tragic night when their paths are forced back together. He falls hard and fast for one of our favorites and it’s this unlikely relationship that keeps him in town when things start getting scary.
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miissmr · 7 years
Fake It ‘Til You Make It
An anon requested a one shot that was Riley-centric based on the song Fake Happy by Paramore, but with Lucas catching on at the end. So, here it is. 
Word Count: 3,496
trigger warning: possible depression
It’s the gang’s senior year of high school, and that meant all the senior activities to come—the senior prom, the senior carnival, the senior lock-in, and so much more. Everyone was excited. Everyone that is beside Riley.
She couldn’t explain it and she couldn’t understand it herself, but Riley felt nothing. She wasn’t excited for her last year of high school or anything for that matter. She wasn’t anxious or nervous. She wasn’t scared. She felt nothing. And, when she wasn’t numbed to the world, sadness came rushing over her.
Riley tried her best to hide whatever it was she was feeling because she didn’t actually think she had a real reason to feel what she was feeling. She had parents who would go to the ends of the world for her, the best of friends anyone could ask for who loved her, a roof over her head and a warm bed to sleep in at night. Some people would call her lucky, yet an agonizing feeling of emptiness swallowed her whole. The feeling had first crept in weeks ago, and she just wanted it to go away. She wanted to stop pretending that she was still smiley Riley, but sometimes you need to fake it until you make it, right?
The group of friends is now months into their senior year, and no one had caught onto how Riley has truly been feeling. But, she couldn’t blame them—she was giving them a performance. Every day that they all met at Topanga’s after school to do homework she’d laugh like nothing was wrong, and every day at school she’d walk with a pep in her step and a smile on her face.
On the weekends, if her friends made plans, Riley would tag along. And, just like any other time, she would pretend she was happy, but, after a couple of hours, Riley would say she was tired and excuse herself for the rest of the night. And on the nights Riley didn’t feel like being fake happy, she’d make up an excuse and stay in her room.
Pretending to be happy was exhausting for Riley. Every night, after spending the day laughing and smiling, Riley cried. She didn’t know why she was crying, but when she started, she couldn’t stop. The only comfort she found was in a specific song that she played every night humming softly to it while she fell asleep.
♫ If I smile with my teeth Bet you believe me If I smile with my teeth I think I believe me ♫
♫ Oh please don't ask me how I've been Don't make me play pretend Oh no, oh what's the use Oh please, I bet everybody here is fake happy too ♫
The day of Riley’s eighteenth birthday finally came, but all she really wanted to do was stay in her room with her door shut, her window curtains draw closed, and her earphones in shutting out the outside world. However, she should have known that wasn’t what was going to happen when she heard a loud knock on her window early in the morning.
She slowly sits up on her bed facing away from the window. She takes a deep breath and tries her best to be happy. She’s supposed to be anyway, right? It’s her birthday, and she’s Riley.
Riley drags her feet across her bedroom floor to her window and draw opens her curtains, and she sees her blonde blue-eyed best friend smiling at her with happy birthday balloons.
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY, RILES!” Maya yells as soon as she wiggles her way inside with the bundle of balloons struggling to fit through the window all at once.
Riley laughs, and for a second, she even has herself believing she is really happy. “Maya, shh!” Riley wonders if Maya had noticed that she hasn’t called her peaches in months. “It’s seven in the morning, and everyone is still asleep.”
Maya’s eyes widen. “How is everyone asleep?! It’s your-“
Before Maya can finish her sentence, Riley’s parents and her brother come rushing in. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY, RILEY!” Auggie, and Mr. and Mrs. Matthews shout, and again, Riley laughs—only she knows it isn’t real.
After everyone hugs Riley, they ask her what she wants to do for the day. “Actually, I was hoping that we could have a quiet night in, if possible.” She looks at them waiting for them to object, but they don’t. She thinks about asking if she could just spend the day alone, but she didn’t want to push it.
“If that’s what you want,” Riley’s mother says, and Riley nods.
Maya groans. “Fine, but I’m taking you out for breakfast then to the mall to buy you a new outfit, and before you say no, you don’t have a choice. So, get ready.”
Riley playfully rolls her eyes. “Okay, but can you all get out? I need to shower and get dressed.” She really just needed a minute to sulk to herself. She needed a minute on her birthday where she didn’t have to pretend.
Once the four of them leave the room, Mr. Matthews turns towards his wife. “Do you think we should cancel the party? She did just say she wanted a quiet evening in.”
Maya laughs. “Please. It’s Riley. She loves birthdays, and hers is no different. I’m sure she only said that because she didn’t want to feel like an inconvenience to us. Riley deserves this party, so it’s still on.”
After a day spent having Maya drag her from store to store, making her try on one outfit after another, and having to fake laugh and fake smile, Riley was happy the day was finally coming to an end. Riley still didn’t understand why Maya made her wear her outfit out of the store.
“I hope you had fun today, honey,” Maya says as they reach Riley’s front door.
“I did. Thank you, Maya.” Riley waits for a second and hopes Maya will finally catch on that she has once again used her name—the way she has the entire day, the way she has for months—instead, of the nickname that Riley had given Maya in the first few minutes of their friendship. But, Maya doesn’t say anything
Riley searches through her bag and pulls out her keys trying her best to ignore the sly smirk that crept on Maya’s lips. When the two girls walk inside, Riley is relieved to find the room dark hoping her parents and Auggie went out for a quick errand and that would give her enough time to try to get rid of Maya and run to the comforts and her room. She lets the smile that she’s been forced on her face fall letting the darkness shield her face.
“Why is it so dark in here?” Maya reaches for the switch by the front door, and Riley turns around to stop her, but before Riley can do so, she hears voices behind yell SURPRISE!
Riley sees Maya smiling at her, but the only thing going through Riley’s mind is the word pretend—and that is what she does. She turns to face everyone and laughs and covers her mouth with her hands in a surprised manner, and she sees everyone smiling at her. She should feel happy at this moment, and for a second, she does. However, it fades away, but she won’t let anyone in the room know that.
She skips around the room, and she understands why no one had noticed. She feels different on the inside, but the way she is acting like nothing has changed. Sometimes when she catches a glimpse of herself smiling or she hears her laughter it fools her into thinking she is truly happy, but the numbness and the sadness tell her otherwise.
“Happy birthday, Riley!” She hears as soon as she is surrounded by her close five friends, and each one of them takes a second to hug her as tightly possible.
The party continues. Everyone sings happy birthday to Riley. She opens her gifts. She chats with everyone who came to celebrate with her. Most importantly Riley makes sure the smile never falters from her lips.
Hours tick by, and now she was counting the minutes until she says goodbye to everyone. She was happy that Maya had an early shift at the bakery, and that meant she couldn’t stay the night. At least, she would have some time alone on her birthday the way she wanted.  
“Before the night is over, we have one final surprise for the birthday girl,” Maya starts. “So, Riles, will you come sit down?” Maya gestured to the sofa and Riley does what Maya asked. “We,” she gestures to Lucas, Zay, Farkle, and Smackle who were standing behind the couch, “went around and asked everyone to say something about you. Whether it was a memory, something nice, or whatever they felt like sharing. Anyways, we smashed everything together into a video.”
Maya looks at Farkle, Riley assumes signaling him to start the video. Farkle moves to the TV in front of the living room and pushes a couple of buttons on two different remotes. The video starts and Riley listens to all her parents and friends speak about her.
She listens to some of her classmates and coworkers speak mostly about her happiness and smile, and how she’s always skipping around making sure everyone around her is okay.
Her parents are next, and they talk about the day she was born and how proud they are of the person she is turning out to be. Zay speaks about the time he and Riley made cookies together after getting the recipe from his grandmother because she felt horrible for eating his cookie. Smackle speaks about Riley’s always bubbly personality, and how it can make anyone feel welcomed the way it made Smackle feel the first time she entered the group of friends.
Farkle addresses Riley as one of his two ex-wives, which earn laughs from the room. He speaks about her kindness for others, and her heart made of gold. He also shares a memory about the first time they went to the planetarium, and Riley couldn’t stop talking about Pluto. Maya starts by saying how much she loves Riley, and how it was Riley who brought the sunshine back into her world, and with that sunshine, it allowed hope to grow.
Finally, it’s Lucas. Everyone in the room can see how nervous he was in the video. He tells everyone how Riley skips through the halls, and how she can make anyone smile just by being herself. He finishes by saying that he’s lucky to have met Riley.
Riley is waiting to feel butterflies in her stomach, a feeling she misses more than anything, but they don’t come and she can’t understand why. He’s always been able to make the flutter come alive, and she knows how she feels about him. But nothing happens inside of her.
As the video comes to an end, it fades into a montage of friends and family saying happy birthday to Riley, and for the first time in a really long time, Riley feels truly happy—until pictures start to show.
At first, there are candid moments of Riley sincerely smiling and laughing, and she finds tears start to build in her eyes.
“Aw, Riles!” Maya plops herself next to Riley once Maya notices the tears.
Maya thinks the tears are from happiness, but Riley knows better—she feels it. She misses feeling happy she misses smiling. Riley is too scared to blink because she knows once she does that the tears will start to fall down her cheeks
She continues to watch the video, and Riley notices something that struck her to her very core. The pictures start becoming less candid moments of her smiling, and more moments of her posing in pictures with friends or family. She notices her smile in the newer pictures, and she notices that those smiles never once reaches her eyes.
She quickly glances around the room wondering if anyone noticed, but no one does. Everyone has smiles on their faces while watching the screen, so she does what she does best—smile and pretends to be happy.
After everyone leaves, Riley helps her parents clean up before rushing to her room. This is the place she really wanted to spend the entire day. She closes her door and changes out of her new outfit and quickly slides on a pair of sweats and an oversized sweatshirt.
She saunters to her desks and slowly opens her laptop ready to find comfort in her music, one song specifically. So, she hits play and walks to her dresser to grab her brush. She stares at herself running the brush through her hair and let the lyrics run through her body and starts to sing along.
♫ I love making you believe What you get is what you see But I'm so fake happy I feel so fake happy And I bet everybody here Is just as insincere We're all so fake happy And I know fake happy ♫
It begins soft and the voice is low, and anyone who first listens to the song will think it’s just another slow sad song, but it changes.  
♫ I been doing a good job of makin' 'em think I'm quite alright But I hope I don't blink You see its easy when I'm stomping on a beat But no one sees me when I crawl back underneath ♫
The message of the lyrics doesn’t change, but the tempo does. It’s no longer slow, and one might even find themselves dancing along to it forgetting the words and solely focusing on the music. Riley thinks it’s genius. The catchy sound of the music can distract someone from truly hearing the lyrics—just like her smile can distract everyone from knowing the truth about how she feels.
The chorus is just about to begin, but she stops herself when she hears a quiet tap on her window. She turns her head and sees Lucas staring at her. She places her brush on the dresser and moved to let him in.
“Hey, what are you doing here?” Riley asks once Lucas is inside her room.
He rubs the back of his neck. “I…I needed to talk to you about something.” He had noticed something at her party, and he had no idea how he missed it.
“Oh, okay. Let me just turn off my music, and we can talk.” Lucas nods, and Riley walks across her room hurrying to turn off the song, not that she’d think Lucas was actually listening to the lyrics. She just wanted to keep it to herself—but it was too late. He heard, and the words were ringing through his head.
Truth be told, he was outside Riley’s window for a minute before he tapped on her window. He listened to her sing. He saw the connection Riley felt with the song, and what he really noticed was she didn’t smile once.
“So, what did you need to talk about?” Riley turns to face him to see him sitting at the foot of her bed, so she slowly walks and takes the spot next to him.
Lucas looks down at his hands and slowly releases a deep breath before looking at Riley. His green eyes meet hers, and he’s looking for the brightness. But, he doesn’t see anything. How has he been so blind?
“Are you okay?” Riley can feel the caution in his voice. She hadn’t been asked that question in months. Her eyes scan his, and she can see them pleading with her to tell him the truth. Nevertheless, she doesn’t.
She laughs half-heartedly. “What? Of course, I’m okay. Why would you ask?”
His eyes don’t leave hers. “Because at your party…with the video and the pictures at the end…it just, it felt like something was off.” He had been the one to provide most of the candid pictures of Riley. Whenever she’d start laughing too hard or she’d get lost in her own thoughts a small smirk found its way to her lips, Lucas was there to capture the moment.
However, it wasn’t until Farkle asked for pictures of Riley for the video that he noticed he didn’t have any recent pictures of those candid moments. He’d been too busy with football and trying to improve his college applications to notice, and he was beating himself up for it.
The entire time the pictures were showing he saw the light slowly leave Riley’s bright eyes. It wasn’t until it was right in front of him that he noticed something was wrong. Lucas wanted to talk to Riley immediately after her party, but she was quick to politely push everyone out the door. He tried to go home and forget about it, telling himself he was overthinking things, but he couldn’t. Her eyes were haunting him every single time he closed his. He knew something was wrong.
“Really?” Riley looks away from his eyes and begins to wring her hands. “I thought the video was lovely.”
Lucas nods. “It was, but something was different. Riley, can I ask you something?”
“You can ask me anything, Lucas,” Riley says still looking away from him.
“Are you happy?” Her eyes shoot up to look at him, but she doesn’t say anything. So, he continues. “I know we decided to just be friends, but I want you to know that you can tell me anything. I’m here. I’ll listen.”
Riley takes a shaky breath, and she parts her lips but stops. She knows if she starts to talk she’ll cry. No one had asked her if she was happy, and she wanted to scream she wasn’t. But, she couldn’t. If she did, then she wouldn’t hold the image of smiley Riley, so she lies.
“O-of course, I’m happy.” Her voice breaks at first, and Lucas furrows his eyebrows.
“Really?” She nods. “So, the song you were listening to and singing along to didn’t mean anything to you?”
Her eyes widen. “Yo-you heard me singing?”
“I did, and I’ve known you long enough to know by the way you were singing that the song means something. So, please, Riley, talk to me. We’ve always been good at talking.”
Her eyes swell with tears, and she blinks trying to push them back, but that only sends them rushing down her cheek. Lucas waits for Riley to wipe her tears away, but when she doesn’t, he doesn’t hesitate to.
Lucas cups Riley’s face between his hands. “Riley, please talk to me. I’m begging you.”
“I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” she sobs. “I don’t feel anything. I don’t feel happy. I don’t feel anxious. I don’t feel scared. I feel nothing. I feel empty.” Lucas slowly drops his hands from Riley’s face, and instead, takes her hands in his. “And when I do feel something, it’s this searing amount of sadness. It swallows me.”
Tears race down her cheeks, and Lucas releases his hands to wipe them away, but returns them to holding Riley’s hands.
“I-I sometimes don’t even want to leave my room let alone my bed. I shouldn’t be feeling like this, but I ca-can’t control it. I didn’t want to b-bother anyone. I’m supposed to be happy. I-I’m supposed to be the happy go lucky one in the group. I’m supposed to keep everyone’s spirit up. I-I’m supposed t-to be the one that smiles themselves to death, but it hurts to have to pretend to be happy when I haven’t been happy in months,” Riley stutters through her tears, but Lucas understands every word. He lets go of her hands and wraps his arms around Riley.
He can feel her trembling against his chest as she sobs. How did he not notice something was wrong with her? How did he not notice the smile that he saw every day was fake? Why did it take him so long to figure this out?
Riley slowly pulls away from Lucas. Her bloodshot red eyes meet his now glossy green ones. “What’s wrong with me, Lucas?” Riley cries.
Lucas tenderly brushes the hair covering Riley’s face behind her ears. He can see her eyes, and this time he’s studying them. Her brown eyes are pleading with him for answers, and he wished he had them for her. “I…I don’t know. I wish more than anything I had an answer for you, but we can get you help. You don’t have to pretend anymore.”
Hearing that she didn’t have to pretend anymore threw Riley into another fit of sobs. Her secret was out. She didn’t have to be fake happy anymore, and for the first time in months, she felt something different from the two feelings she had grown accustomed to for the past several months. She felt relieved.
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harringtown · 7 years
how light carries on endlessly
pairing: riley matthews & lucas friar 
word count: 2,900
summary: riley is asked to prom by a boy at school, but things dont turn out as planned (aka riley gets her heart broken, texas lucas makes an appearance, and long-had feelings are finally acted upon)
notes: i most definitely should have waited until i finished s3 to write this, but i didnt, because i had feelings. not sure how canon compliant it is because of that. sorry yall! my first try at anything gmw and i mostly did it for myself but hey!!! figured id share because i live for validation
link to the fic on ao3
Riley Matthews has been waiting for prom her entire life. Now that she’s a junior, she’s finally eligible to go, and she’s ready.
Though Maya was initially completely against the idea, she was inevitably wrangled into going. Farkle and Smackle are turning their duo into a group of 4, and it’s expected that Lucas will join them, too.
Riley isn’t expecting to get asked. The only person she’d even want to ask her is someone she agreed not to go, or be, with.
Riley made a promise to herself to stay away from Lucas, at least romantically. After everything that happened, she believes that staying friends is the best way to keep everyone-and their hearts-safe. Because hearts are fragile things, so easily broken.
But hearts are stubborn, demanding things, and though she’s tried, her heart refuses to let go of Lucas Friar. He wormed his way in and he took root and she can’t bring herself to push him out all the way.
She isn’t going with him. She knows that. But it doesn’t stop the fantasies from playing in her head when its late at night and she’s alone in the darkness. Her and Lucas, matching corsages and boutonnieres, riding into the gym on a white horse (so, the white horse might be a little far-fetched, but it’s her fantasy after all).
So, when Daniel Hathaway turns around to face her in Chemistry, she isn’t expecting the words that come from his mouth.
“Are you going to prom?” He asks. Riley frowns, glancing around as if to see if he’s talking to someone else. But she’s the only one there since the bell hasn’t rung yet and not everyone is in class, so she’s the only person he could be talking to.
“Yes.” She squeaks.
“Yeah, you’re going?”
Riley nods quickly. Daniel’s lips curl up in a smirk, and he leans his forearms onto her desk.
“Would you wanna go with me?”
“To-to prom?”
“Yeah, to prom.”
Riley’s stomach tumbles, and for a moment, she forgets how to speak. She can barely spit out a quick “yes” before the bell rings and the teacher calls their attention to the front.
And for the rest of class, she lets her fantasies turn into ones featuring a boy with dark hair rather than one with blonde.
“Daniel Hathaway did what?” Maya exclaims, leaning forward in her seat that afternoon at Topanga’s. She’s the only one to speak; both Farkle and Smackle’s mouths are wide open, Zay has his brows arched at Lucas, and Lucas’ jaw is clenched.
“He asked me to prom,” Riley says, cheeks flushed.
“Daniel Hathaway. Asked you. To prom.” Maya says, testing the words out. Riley shifts in her seat, uncomfortable.
“Yes. He did. Today in Chemistry.”
“And you said…”
“Yes. Of course, I said yes.” Riley says.
“Of course? Why of course?” Lucas asks, breaking his silence.
“It’s Daniel Hathaway! He’s the most popular guy in school. How could she say no?” Say says.
“He’s a douche, Riley,” Maya says.
“Maya! He isn’t that bad!”
“You say that because you’re a good person and you like to see the good in people. But I see the bad in people. And I see a bunch of bad in him.” Maya says.
“Yeah, I don’t know about him, Riley,” Lucas says.
“Cant you guys just be happy for me? I mean, it’s not like anyone else was gonna ask me!” Riley says. Lucas sits back like he’s been hit, and Riley’s face falls.
“I didn’t mean-“
“It’s fine,” Lucas says.
“We should go, Zay. We have that project to work on.” Lucas says, gathering his bag and standing up. Zay’s brows arch and he looks between Lucas and Riley. He gets to his feet and nods, grabbing his things.
“Uh-yeah. The project.”
“Project, huh?” Maya asks, narrowing her eyes. Zay gives her a fake smile and maneuvers out of the area and out of Maya’s line of sight before she can break him down with her stare.
Then he and Lucas are gone, and Smackle and Farkle start talking amongst themselves, and Riley can feel Maya’s eyes on hers.
“It’ll be fun with him, right?” Riley asks. Maya’s lips pull thin, but she quickly puts on a supportive smile.
“Yeah, Riles. It’ll be fun.”
Riley knows Maya is just saying that. And for the first time since she was asked, she wonders if maybe Maya has reason to be suspicious. She wonders if maybe she should, too.
Everything was fine. Sure, Riley would have liked if she and Daniel had planned a bit more. But she has her dress, she’s ordered the boutonniere, and Prom is in less than 48 hours.
It’s the Friday before, and Riley is sitting with her friends at their table in the cafeteria. Maya has her head tipped back, Zay is carefully balancing french fries on her nose, and Smackle and Farkle are trying to mathematically decide how many fries it’s possible for Maya to balance before the tower comes toppling down. Lucas disappeared a few minutes ago, pulled over to the table where his baseball friends are sitting, probably talking over their strategies for the game after school.
Riley finds her attention drawn to Daniel at his table across the cafeteria, wondering if she should go ask him about dinner the night of. They never decided which restaurant to go to. She could just text him, but she’s feeling brave. Brave enough to go up to him, surrounded by all his friends.
Riley stands up, and her friends look at her. Maya’s head snaps back to normal, the fries falling into her lap.
“Where ya going?” She asks.
“Gonna go ask Daniel something.” She says, stepping away from the bench. Maya frowns.
“Can’t you just text him?” She asks.
“Texting is a much more efficient means of communication,” Smackle says.
“She’s right. As per usual.” Farkle agrees. Smackle’s face lights up, and she shrugs.
“I’ll be right back,” Riley says, giving them a smile to dispel the weird mood that always seems to set in when Daniel and prom are brought up.
“Riley, I don’t think you should,” Maya says.
Riley frowns, looking back at her best friend.
“Why not?”
“I don’t have a good feeling about this whole thing,” Maya says. Riley lets out a sigh and shakes her head.
“Come on, Maya. Just because you didn’t get asked to the dance doesn’t mean you can’t be happy for me because I did.”
Maya’s face contorts.
Riley turns and walks away, making her way towards Daniel’s table. She stops behind him, resisting the urge to tuck her hair behind her ears, rocking back on her heels before tapping him on the shoulder.
Daniel turns to face her, not even getting up, brows pulling together.
“I just wanted to know if you’d picked a restaurant for before. I’m okay with anything, so don’t worry about picking something I don’t like. Food is food-“
“What are you talking about?” Daniel asks. Riley’s smile falters, and she tilts her head, hands coming to clasp in front of her.
“You know. Before Prom. We’re going to dinner?”
Riley’s stomach knots and she nods quickly.
“Yeah. Prom. Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten already. It’s not like we’ve been talking about it for a few weeks, or anything.” Riley teases, things unraveling beneath her fingertips.
Daniel’s brows arch, and he looks around at his friends before his gaze settles back on Riley.
“You-you didn’t actually think we were going together, did you?” He asks.
The smile slips from Riley’s face, and her hands fall to her sides. Her lips part and she can barely spit the words out.
“You asked me. In Chemistry. We’ve-we’ve been talking and-“
“It was just a joke, Riley. We aren’t actually going together.” Daniel says.
“A-a joke?”
Daniel laughs, and one of his friends stands up, patting Riley on the shoulder.
“You can take a joke, can’t you?”
“Why would you ask me if-if you weren’t-“ Riley stammers.
“Alec Lebowski gave me $50. Nobody figured you’d take me seriously.”
“So we’re not-“ Riley is in shock, and she knows that she’s babbling nonsense, but she can’t stop. She can feel the eyes of everyone in the cafeteria on her, and all she wants to do is curl up beneath the table and disappear. She wants to be forgotten, invisible, nonexistent.
“I’d never actually go with you, Riley,” Daniel says.
Riley stumbles backward right into someone's arms. Maya steadies her, but her attention is on the boys, not Riley. She pushes her back into Farkle’s arms, and she watches silently as Maya marches right up to Daniel.
“What the hell is wrong with you? Is it actually funny to screw with people like that? Do you get off on it? Were you thrown at a wall as a child? I mean, when were you planned on telling her? Gonna go Carrie style and dump blood on her head or something?" Maya snarls the words at him, and is pulled back a moment later by Zay, who murmurs something in her ear. She doesn’t relax, but she shakes her head and shuts her mouth.
“Let’s get out of here.” She says, glancing Riley’s way.
Then Farkle and Smackle are helping Riley out of the cafeteria, and Maya is being led by Zay, and it’s all Riley can do not to cry.
She doesn’t cry. Not then. She can’t. Not when her friends are there, all watching her like she’s some broken baby bird, waiting for her to fall apart.
She’s 17. Nearly an adult. She will not break, not here.
“Riley…” Maya says. She doesn’t instill any wisdom or support; there is none to give right now. All Maya can do is thread her fingers through Riley’s and squeeze, tethering Riley to where they stand in the hallway.
“I think I’m gonna go home. I’m not feeling too well.” Riley says, voice even. Maya frowns and looks at her friends.
“Riley-“ Farkle starts. Riley shakes her head, pulling out of Maya’s grip.
She doesn’t look back as she trudges down the hall and toward the front door. She doesn’t look back when her friends call after her; she especially doesn’t look back when she hears Lucas call her name.
Lucas shows up later that night, coming after Maya has left.
Maya spent a few hours there, holding Riley in the bay window as she cried, rubbing her back and brushing the hair off her forehead.
It seems Lucas has come to see if she’s okay, too. And Riley would be touched by that if it weren’t for the blood all over Lucas’ hands and the fierce look on his face.
He climbs through her window, scanning the room before settling on her where she sits in her bed, bundled up in comfy clothes and fluffy socks. She doesn’t even care that her face is puffy as he flips the lights on and rushes him.
“Your hands are bloody. Why are your hands bloody? Are you hurt? I’ll get the first-aid kit, we don’t want you to get infected-“ Riley stammers, taking Lucas’ hands in hers and looking them over, staring down at his red stained skin.
Lucas shakes his head, flipping his hands to grip her tiny ones.
“I’m not hurt, Riley.”
Riley’s brows furrow and she drops his hands.
She steps away, turning away from him. She tucks her hair behind her ears, gathering herself before she turns to face him again.
“You didn’t do what I think you did.” She says. Lucas’ face falls, and she knows. She knows what he’s done. And she also knows that he doesn’t regret it.
That much is obvious; it’s written all over his face. He did it and he’d do it again.
The worst part of it all is that she would let him.
Because Riley has never been as ashamed and as humiliated as she was in that moment, when he told her that everything was a joke, that he could never want her, when she fled the cafeteria with tears stinging her eyes.
“You shouldn’t have done that. Not for me.” It’s the Lucas from Texas, the one she heard stories about. A Lucas she couldn’t love.
And yet, that Lucas is standing in front of her. The Lucas she loves is also the Lucas from Texas, the Lucas who beat up a boy who humiliated her. That’s something she has always known but didn’t want to accept until right now.
She loves Lucas, and in loving him, she has to love all of him. The sweet boy who smiles at her and the boy who will resort to violence if it means protecting the people he cares about. They’re all wrapped into one boy, one wonderfully complex boy.
“I couldn’t stop myself, Riley. When you left the cafeteria-the look on your face. I couldn’t stop. I couldn’t let that-that asshole stand there and laugh with his friends about how he’d-how he’d broken your heart. I couldn’t stop.” Lucas says. There’s only a little bit of shame in his voice; it’s mostly anger. Anger towards that boy for tearing Riley apart.
Riley feels that same anger towards herself. For believing someone like him could want her.
She should know by now that those things aren’t meant to work out for her. They didn’t work with Lucas, after all.
Tears prick the back of her eyes and she blinks them away, turning her head so Lucas doesn’t see.
But it’s Lucas, and he’s always been paying attention. He reaches out, fingers brushing her jaw. Riley’s gaze lands on his bloody knuckles and his hand drops like it’s been smacked.
“He hurt you. And I never want to see you hurt, ever. I’ll always do everything I can to keep you from hurting. Always.” Lucas says.
Riley lifts her eyes to his, lips pulled thin.
“Even punch people?”
“If it’ll keep you safe, yeah,” Lucas says, exasperated.
“You shouldn’t say things like that.” She says.
It’s true; they both know it. After what happened with Maya, Riley can’t be sure that his feelings for her went away, or that Maya’s feelings for Lucas went away. The last thing she wants to do is hurt either of them.
They all stay friends. It’s a rule they’ve all followed for years.
But Lucas is teetering on the edge of breaking it. And Riley doesn’t want to stop him.
“It’s my fault. All of it.”
“Lucas, it is not-“
“It is!” Lucas exclaims, stepping back and dropping his red hands to his sides.
“If I had just paid more attention, I’d have known he was setting you up.”
“You can’t protect me from everything, Lucas,” Riley says softly, not sure how to say anything else.
“But I want to. I want to, Riley.” Lucas says.
“I've stayed back all this time because you wanted me too. And I didn’t want to hurt you and I didn’t want to hurt Maya. But every time you’ve liked someone else, gone to some stupid dance with someone other than me, it’s-it’s the worst thing I could imagine. I want you to be happy, Riley. But I want you to be happy with me.” Lucas says.
Lucas doesn’t make another move toward her, and Riley realizes this is her moment to be brave.
Because she loves him. She’s loved Lucas Friar for a long time, and she knows it, and she’s so tired of pretending not to. He’s standing here and he’s telling her he loves her too and she wants to just be for a little while. She’s tired of the constant back and forth, the looks that mean more, the touches that last a little too long.
So she steps forward and takes his hands from his sides and guides them to her cheeks. So she tilts her head up to look him in the eye. So she smiles a small smile.
“I want that.” She says.
“You do?”
“I do. I always have. Since the day I fell into your lap on the subway.” She says.
And then she’s kissing him and he’s kissing her back and it isn’t her first or second or even third kiss but it’s one that matters. It’s her second time kissing Lucas and it’s so incredibly different from the first time. There’s fire beneath fingertips and there is no hesitation and there is absolutely no uncertainty, not anymore.
She knows him, has learned her way around him over the years. He’s done the same.
Lucas’ hands stray to her sides, trailing their way down her body before tightening on her hips and backing her up gently until she is pressing against the wall. She stretches on her toes and winds her arms around his neck and kisses him, kisses him, kisses him. She never wants to stop kissing him. She’s never going to stop kissing him.
And it’s so utterly ridiculous and a little bit shocking that when they finally pull apart, they’re smiling at each other and Riley’s lips tingle from where Lucas’ just were and his hand comes up from her side, his thumb grazing her bottom lip.
“Riley?“ Lucas asks shyly, words tumbling from his lips.
“Will you go Prom with me?”
“Yes,” Riley says.
“It’s last minute, and you deserve better than that, but-“
“Yes, Lucas.”
“Yes?” Lucas asks. Riley smiles and nods.
“Yes, I will go to prom with you, Lucas Friar.”
Lucas’ lips spread in a wide grin.
“Can we do that again? I really liked that.” He says, obviously referencing the kiss.
Riley leans forward, brushing her lips against his, smiling against his mouth.
He takes that as a yes, and they spend the rest of the afternoon learning their way around each other, taking breaks when they both forget to breathe.
And she’s happy. Deliriously, blisteringly happy.
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theowldetective · 7 years
Editing this ask because it used the proper ship name and I already feel bad for commenting on a post the other day without registering that the OP was a Rilucas blog (I generally try to avoid that, but I’m out of the habit of checking! 😣😔): Gosh, [Rilucas] fans trying to deny the break up with things like “it was implied that they were back together”, “they planned to break up only if Riley moved” and my favorite “they agreed in a future break-up, but they’re still together” ????????? The fact that Jacobs wanted a 4th season isn’t enough for them to realize that it’s impossible that the writers would left the statu quo intact? p.s Sorry for the rant.
In their defense, Rilucas’s status as the credits roll is left completely ambiguous which means there’s wiggle room for argument on that front.
They absolutely had a break-up scene, and while it’s debatable as to whether that would’ve been a final break-up had Disney Channel not cancelled the show (for the record I don’t think it would’ve been although it’s not addressed in the episode), I think it’s clear in the moment that Riley and Lucas genuinely believe she’s moving and their relationship is over. Pretty much EVERYONE assumed Topanga would take the job and that it was already a done deal, even Riley, despite her initial desperation to deny it in the cold open. Neither Lucas nor Riley ever says a single solitary word about long distance, or “fighting for their relationship,” or how they’ll always feel the same way about each other, or about how they’ll only break up IF and only IF she moves. Nothing like that happens.
Despite Lucas being agitated and talking about how he’s “not ready” earlier in the episode, he’s pretty much fine with it by the time they say their goodbyes. I’m not saying he was dancing a jig and happy to see Riley go, not by any means, I’m only pointing out that he didn’t exactly end up behaving like a devastated boyfriend when (they thought) it was time to say goodbye. Riley didn’t really act like Lucas’s devastated girlfriend at ANY point in the episode, frankly, which might explain why Lucas is ultimately rather sedate about it in the break-up scene. (I mean…at that point it’s been months of him spewing pretty-sounding words off-and-on but getting mostly nuthin’ back from Riley.) He and Riley both just let the whole “couple” thing go without much fuss and with a friendly little side hug in (what they thought was) the end.
Just like Farkle and Riley (and Zay and Riley, and Smackle and Riley) in the preceding scene as well as Auggie and Ava and Maya and Riley in the Bay Window scene right after, Riley and Lucas were saying goodbye outside Topanga’s because they truly believed she was leaving and that they WERE each other’s first bf/gf. Past tense. They just…cordially and kindly accept that it’s over. Their overall behavior towards each other in their goodbye/break-up scene is sweet and polite no doubt, certainly, but it’s just plain not the behavior of a pair of kids in any kind of substantial romantic love with each other—or even particularly strong platonic love for that matter. Zay and Smackle’s goodbyes to Riley were arguably more heartfelt than Lucas’s in terms of content, to say nothing of Farkle’s and Maya’s goodbyes.
Hell, Riley’s goodbye to Zay (“our group wasn’t complete until you got here”) kinda blows her never-ending “Lucas is gonna be a veterinarian!” obsession out of the water in terms of personal sentiment (I think it's only/mostly because Riley and Lucas put a damper on their genuine friendship whenever they try to force themselves to be a couple though). Auggie and Ava acted more like a believably devastated couple for goodness’s sake, and I don’t think it’s a coincidence that those scenes were back-to-back. It’s a classic GMW spot-the-diff, to my eyes and ears.
That all said, I’m still 100% of the belief that the break-up scene in GMGB wasn’t the last we’d have seen of Rilucas the Couple (in label, anyway) had MJ gotten to keep going like he wanted. I DO think the relationship would’ve ended once and for all in terms of trying to be boyfriend and girlfriend eventually, but I don’t think that’s actually what happened in GMGB. I think GMGB only set them back to a new version of where they were post-First Date: ambiguous and ill-defined. Supposed to be into each other romantically, but not really acting like it when it matters most.
I think it’s a huge stretch to say the episode itself implied in any way that they even talked about their reaction to what they believed was the end of their dating relationship, much less reneged on what they said…but at the same time—and considering the way their break-up convo paralleled First Date—I think S4 would’ve opened (will open? 🙏) similar to S2, with a dash of Semi-Formal thrown in: something along the lines of Riley and Lucas having avoided talking about their status in light of what happened, with both of them making (likely differing) assumptions about it.
However, I think they would have wound up PROPERLY COMMUNICATING about it this go ‘round rather than finding a convenient excuse to wave away their mostly-clinical/matter-of-fact reaction to believing their relationship was over, like they did when they used the “not ready” excuse Topanga provided to wave away their palpable discomfort at properly holding hands with their fingers laced together (which they never do again btw, even after they officially become bf/gf they just kinda…awkwardly clasp fingertips. It’s almost like they don’t WANT to try a something as tame and “middle school” as a proper hand hold, for whatever reason. Meanwhile Smarckle, so you can’t just blame Disney Channel. Anyway.) I also think the “square dance” pattern would have repeated beyond that “step,” with Rilucas-as-a-romance crumbling to dust similar to S2, but without the avoidance and plausible deniability this time.
Long story short, it’s ultimately left ambiguous and there’s definitely room for Rilucas fans to speculate on what would’ve come next just like there’s room for others to do so, although I can’t reasonably defend adding things that didn’t actually happen, not even sub-textually or via meta (like the break-up was conditional in the moment when it wasn’t, or that it was implied they were “back together” when it just plain wasn’t addressed at all, etc).
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seriestrash · 7 years
London’s Calling
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1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || 7 || 8 || 9 || 10 || 11 || 12
Chapter Thirteen: Attitude Adjustment
Word Count: 2669
☏ ☏ ☏ ☏
The following day Riley met up with Zay. By then he’d learnt of Riley’s arrival through Lucas and was coaxed into giving Riley a letter. The second Riley took the envelop with her name scrawled on the front she knew the handwriting belonged to Lucas. Reluctantly she accepted it and slipped it into her bag. 
Twenty-four hours later Riley sits in her London bedroom with the unopened letter resting on the sheets in front of her. Nervously the brunette chews on her thumbnail unsure if she should open it or not. Riley knew the letter could only contain another apology from Lucas, after their talk on the subway she’s sure that would be the nature of the letter but still she cant bring herself read it. 
Luckily she’s not forced to ponder that option for very long as her parents call out for her to join them in the living room. Riley picks up the envelope and slips it in her desk drawer. Out of sight, out of mind. 
Riley had returned to London determined to give her new life the chance she promised she would when she first left New York. Riley was going to embrace the experience to it’s fullest and embrace it she did. After that day Riley approached everything with a new attitude, everything including her school life. The first morning back since Spring Break Riley approaches a table full of Finn’s friends. 
“Hey,” Riley says bravely. Pretending like she wasn’t a ball of nerves. 
“Hi,” One of the girls, Michelle, gives her a warm smile, “Finn isn’t here yet…” 
“That’s okay,” Riley nods, “Is it cool if I sit with you guys anyway?” 
“Of course,” Michelle’s smile widens and she slides over on the bench seat, freeing up space for Riley. 
“So how was New York?” One of the guys, Parker asks. 
“Eventful,” Riley laughs nervously, praying they wouldn’t press for details which they did lightly but Riley steered clear of any Lucas talk. 
The conversation flows naturally until the morning bell rings and Riley walked to her homeroom with a smile. Maybe things weren’t as bad as she believed them to previously be.. That is a thought that sticks with Riley all day, it’s like her own cloudy mind was slowly clearing the more the day went on. 
During English Riley is handed back a report she did prior to leaving on spring break. A big A+ is circled at the top of the page and her teacher - the one that gave her a hard time when she first began - gives Riley a congratulatory pat on the back and an encouraging, “I knew you had it in you.” Maybe he was being tough on her because he saw the potential she had? This makes Riley think about how she once wondered if she brought the isolation on herself and she now knows for sure that to an extent she did. That her longing for the life she had back in New York made her paint London gloomier than she had to. 
As another week passes things only get brighter for the New Yorker. Little conversations with her friends - yes she now calls them her friends - make Riley smile. 
“Mish your hair looks so cute,” Jake says to his girlfriend Michelle as he plays with her golden locks. 
“Thanks,” Michelle shimmies one shoulder slightly, “I thought Riley looked positively adorable the first week she wore them so I thought I’d copy. Hope you don’t mind, Ri.” 
“Mind?” Riley coaxes her head. For a moment she thought maybe she was being made fun of again but the genuine smile on the girls face made that thought disappear quickly. “Of course not.” Riley smiles at the notion that she inspired something, even as trivial as a pigtails it made Riley feel special for the whole day. 
Even with things looking up for Riley it didn’t erase the loneliness she once felt. That empty feeling still weighs on her mind from time to time, mostly when she’s alone with her thoughts but the new perspective she has on things certainly makes the smile she wears more genuine. That and the open line of communication she has with her parents again also helps Riley cope emotionally with things. 
On the last day of the school year Finn and Riley sit at her favourite bench, the one where Finn gave her the peace offering (the hot chocolate) and the two look at the pretty gardens surrounding them. 
“You know what?” Riley says with a loud exhale, “I think I’m actually going to miss this place.
“Yeah, but not enough to stay,” Finn says with a crooked smile, “New York is where you belong so New York is where you’ll go.”
Oh yeah… Did I forget to mention Riley’s moving back to New York City? Not just with the Minkus’ either but with her whole family. After coming back from the trip during Spring Break Topanga couldn’t help but shake the feeling that she’d made a terrible mistake. As exciting and challenging as her new position was it resulted in her losing touch with the most important thing in her life, her family. 
In fact, the very day Riley and Topanga returned from New York - when Cory and Topanga called Riley into the living room - they brought up the topic of moving back to the states.
Topanga being Topanga always had a contingency plan in place, one she set with the help of her husband. London was always going to have a one year trail period. That’s why Topanga held onto the bakery as long as she did and why Cory and Topanga only subletted their apartment rather than give up their lease completely. Also, both Cory and Topanga had their old jobs waiting for them if they ever chose to return to the city. This was all news to Riley and Auggie of course as it was kept under wraps because both Cory and Topanga didn’t want to discourage their children from embracing the move but they still wanted the security of having a backup plan incase things didn’t work out in London.
Riley asked her mom why she wanted to move back and Topanga cupped Riley’s cheek in her hand and explained how she overhead what she said about losing her parents if she left. Comending her once again about how mature she is, willing to sacrifice her own happiness for the greater good. 
Riley argues that if they moved back wouldn’t that mean that Topanga would be the one giving up her happiness and dream job. Topanga explained that during their trip back to the states she met up with her mother rather than potential buyers for the bakery. A meeting they’d organised after Topanga cried on the phone to her and the two of them found a way where no one would have to sacrifice their happiness. Because moving home would make her children happy therefore Topanga would be happy too.
So, after a long chat the Matthews decided to finish out their year and return home. Sure things were painful and weird between with Lucas and Riley had the new positive attitude she planned to apply to her school etc. but Riley would’ve been lying if she said that moving back to New York City, with her whole family, didn’t excite her. She’d get to see Maya again everyday and she’d study with Farkle and they’d continue their regular planetarium gazing they did at his apartment once a month where they’d talk and he’d gush about Smackle. Smackle, Riley thought, she’d go home and make certain that Smackle new she was indeed Riley’s friend, not just Farkle’s girlfriend and then there’s Zay whose lighthearted teasing and witty banter would once again bring regular joy to her life. 
Riley knew, after a year of being away she wouldn’t just be able to return to her old life, things would be strange and there would be a readjustment period. Then of course there was Lucas, who knows what would become of them if she moved back. If that would cause an obstacle with Riley and her friends. Then there was Rain, whom she’d never met before but in Riley’s eyes the girl is a trigger for her emotionally. Even though it’s not really the girls fault but Riley couldn’t help but fear the impact Rain would have if she moved back. This is a girl that inadvertently caused Lucas to break up with Riley, that and she had been welcomed into her friends, friend circle so facing her would be inevitable. All worries aside, Riley couldn’t help but feel the pros outweighed the cons. 
Back to the bench where Riley and Finn sit at school on their last day Finn asks Riley if she’s coming to his end of year party to which she smiles and nods. 
“I wouldn’t miss it,” Riley beams. There was no nagging required by her parents or by Finn to get her there just a genuine interest in making the most of the time she has left with the people she’s come to care a great deal for. 
As the night unfolds Riley has a blast. The goofball is so genuinely happy as she silly dances around the room that her face hurts from all the smiling. Out of  breath and tired from all the dancing Riley takes a breather in the kitchen where Finn fetches her some water. The pair make their way up to the rooftop garden, an obvious awkwardness lingers in the air. 
Noticing this Riley jokes, “You’re not going to try kiss me again are you?”
Finn gives her a playful shove and wraps an arm around her shoulder. “It would be like kissing my sister now,” he pokes his tongue out in disgust. 
Riley giggles and nods her head. 
“What a wild year this has been,” Finn exhales loudly and both he and Riley admire the city lights they see from the rooftop. 
“I can’t believe it’s almost over,” Riley shakes her head in disbelief. “I can’t believe we’re going to different schools in different countries…” 
“If I didn’t know any better I’d think you were saying goodbye,” Finn gives Riley a funny look, his mouth slightly agape. 
“I guess I kind of am…” Riley says solemnly. 
“Hey, I heard once Smiley McCheese is in your life she’s in it forever,” Finn gives her an intense look. 
Riley presses a kiss on Finn’s cheek and pulls pack with a grin. Finn slaps a hand to where she marked him and gasps, “What was that for?”
“Just a bit of fun,” Riley gives him a knowing look and the two chuckle along and return to the party.
Riley’s not sure where he heard the whole forever thing she believes so much in but him adopting it as a belief of her own touched Riley, thus earning him the peck on the cheek but the thought of this stirred up her confused feelings for Lucas. The ones she’s spent two months trying to suppress. Feelings she could now no longer ignore, for that night when Riley returns to her apartment she paces by her desk. Trying to talk herself out of it but curiosity won in the end as she opens the drawer and pulls out the unopened letter. Riley retreats to her bed and sits with crossed legs and slowly opens the envelope and reads the letter. 
Dear Riley, 
I know you asked for time and I intend to respect that but I can’t help but feel as if I didn’t stress something enough when we spoke. No, it’s not that I’m sorry.. Because I am.. It’s that I genuinely do just want you to be happy. Anywhere in the world, with anyone, always. That means more to me than anything. Even if my jealous, idiotic behaviour seems to prove otherwise. 
I know what you said about pretending to be happy makes sense but we pretend to be happy because we care. We can’t force ourselves to like a situation but, smiling anyway? We do that because the other persons happiness is more important than our own. That’s what I meant when I said it. I know you’re familiar with the concept. You’ve always put others before yourself so I ask you not forgive me because you think it’s the right thing to do but because it’s the right thing for you. 
Two months, two years, forever. However much time you need and I’ll respect that. I promise you won’t hear from me unless you want to. 
With love, Lucas.
Riley knew Lucas was right, about pretending to be happy. Riley had been guilty of doing it for almost a year with her mother. Also, she’d keep certain things from her friends if she thought it would make them happier. Riley doesn’t even know why she said what she did, maybe it was part of her wishing that no one had to suffer quietly. That in a perfect parallel universe that she could be Riley and he could be Lucas and in any form; romantic, platonic or other and they’d be happy. 
With a heavy sigh and the letter still in hand Riley flops back on the bed. Riley knew Lucas, even after a year she’s still sure she knows him and she knew that when he felt bad about something he could react in a number of ways. One of which is Lucas being embarrassed for his behaviour, too embarrassed to acknowledge his actions right away. He’d go quiet and hope the situation would do the same. Another way is something Riley always referred to as ‘over apologising’ where Lucas would become neurotic and constantly spit “I’m sorries” until he was convinced he’d convinced them of his regret. Another way - the most common Riley feels - is how Lucas makes a point to show you he’s sorry. He does this by first apologising and then once the conflict is resolved Lucas would be proactive in demonstrating he’s learnt from his mistake. The first example of this that comes to Riley’s mind Lucas’ “you’re too much” comment he made on their first day of high school and how he constantly made the effort to reassure Riley that wasn’t the case. Riley’s knows Lucas doesn’t do this because he feels guilty but because he genuinely wants the person to understand that they deserve better than whatever he did. This is something Riley has always admired about Lucas. 
It’s with this knowledge that Riley can only assume Lucas would have found it difficult to respect Riley’s request for time and space. Much like herself Lucas shares the same incessant need to please the ones he cares about. Knowing this makes Riley feel slightly guilty for phasing him out even though Riley knew she had reason too. But, it’s not the guilt or the thought that if she was moving back they’d eventually have to get over it that makes Riley pick up her phone. It’s not even her own incessant need to please the ones she care about, it’s because she wants to. Things would be weird and Riley still wasn’t sure they’d be able to get over it but she was willing to try. With that she texts Lucas. 
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Lucas thought he was still dreaming when he woke up to the early AM text from Riley. When his mind cleared he replied back to her. Of course he still wanted that, he’d spent two months physically stopping himself from trying to contact her. He’d spent two months trying to think of ways he could make it right should Riley ever speak to him again. Two months wondering if she even read the letter and if she did, did she understand what he was trying to say? Riley didn’t reply to his text and she didn’t have to. Lucas knew Riley was coming home and this text, even though it may be the weakest of glimmers, it gave him hope. 
End Note: Again I feel like I couldnt get across what I intended… Sorry if this chapter is choppy with the back and forth but I feel as though I wanted to tell you how much more enjoyable Riley’s last two months were BEFORE you found out they’d be the last two months. 
Anyway, the epilogue is next. The FINAL part. 24 hours away :)
Please let me know what you think thus far dksfjsdkjf !! 
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ambitionsource · 5 years
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AMBITION Season 1 ♫ “The Phantom of AAA” [ 1.02 ]
CREATED BY Esther (rapunzles) & Maggie (quincywillows)
LIFE’S NO FUN WITHOUT A GOOD SCARE – October brings terror as the techies are forced to skip an important event for the performers. Isadora works on a short film, documenting the supposed ghost haunting AAA. Riley has issues adjusting to the intensity of the school.
44 Minutes (7K words) || No warnings apply.
[ ← First Impressions (Pilot) ] [ S1 Synopsis ] [ Under Pressure → ]
( Follow along with the music on Spotify here! )
Another alarm kicks off the episode, being turned off as abruptly as it was in the pilot. RILEY MATTHEWS lays in bed, only her expression is less nervous this time and more determined. Ambitious, if you will. Without hesitation, she throws the covers and leaps out of bed.
As Riley gets ready, dancing and humming around her room, she takes a moment to stop in front of a brand new item hanging on her wall. It’s a dream / moodboard, already decorated with a couple of playbills, ticket stubs, and inspirations (Sara Bareilles, Laura Osnes, etc.) But there’s plenty of room to fill up with new memories.
The dream is out there in front of her. All she has to do is grab it. Shouldering her bag, she gives it a grin before stepping out into the hall.
When Riley emerges, she finds CORY MATTHEWS sitting at the table having breakfast. Her mother is nowhere to be found, but SHAWN HUNTER is scarfing down a plate of eggs and bacon in her place. The two of them are discussing Topanga’s absence, but immediately swap topics when Riley joins the conversation.
The two of them question Riley on how she is feeling about school now. Just as she finishes fixing herself a plate and sits down to eat, Shawn receives an email notification on his phone that grabs his attention. He unlocks his phone, evidently taking great effort to read the full email.
An “oh, fuck,” is all he shares before jumping to his feet. Cory and Riley don’t even get the chance to ask what happened, Shawn out the door and heading to school. Riley gives her father a look, trying to suss out what may have just gone down.
Cory: Well, guess I’m calling in sick today.
It doesn’t take long for us to get answers. ERIC MATTHEWS is pacing in front of an exasperated JACK HUNTER, evidently up in arms about whatever it was that got Shawn so frazzled moments earlier. He wonders if Jack realizes what exactly he’s done, if he realizes he’s made a terrible, terrible mistake.
Jack goes onto to explain what exact calamity might have just occurred – there is an annual student technician conference that happens one specific weekend in October, open to sophomores and up only. It’s one of those beautiful bonding moments that binds a class together, and each class of technicians looks forward to their chance to experience it for the first time. It is a heralded techie tradition, and seem as somewhat of a right of passage.
Only one problem: this year, the event was double-booked with an important recruitment performance at the local middle schools, most notably John Quincy Adams middle school. Considering they need at least a crew of technicians with experience to help run the event, Jack had to make the executive decision to hold one class back to run it. Considering the sophomores are the group with the least credit, it only makes sense to require their attendance and mandate that they skip the conference.
Eric can smell the trouble this will cause from a mile away. He leans forward onto the desk, obviously all business.
Eric: A lot of feelings are going to be hurt if you make this decision. You do realize this, correct?
Jack: Believe it or not, Matthews, this job is not all rainbows and sunshine. Sometimes, you have to make a tough call.
Eric: I’m just saying, don’t say I didn’t warn you. This school is going to be hell this week because of it.
Jack: You say that as if this school isn’t hell every week.
Ooh, sick (semi-self) burn. Off of Eric’s evident frustration as he storms out of the office –
That chaos is already beginning to brew, LUCAS FRIAR and ISADORA DE LA CRUZ marching after Shawn down the hallway. They’ve heard the news, and they’re none too happy about it. They’ve been waiting for this conference for a year now. Isadora was planning to submit to the student film festival they do, and had been storyboarding for weeks. What gives?
Lucas: They can’t just do this.
Isadora: This is a right of passage for us. We have put up with all this crap for a year, we’re constantly doing things for the performers –
Lucas: Let alone with any thanks –
Isadora: How can we just not be going?
Lucas: This is bullshit!
Shawn: [ breaking, snapping ] Look, you think I don’t know that?
Shawn breaks his composure, whipping around to face them both. They stop talking to let him speak, but it’s clear from their expressions that they’re not going to stop being angry any time soon. Well, they’re always pissed, but especially now. Shawn tries to reel it back in, not wanting to take out his frustration on them.
Shawn: I’m trying my best. But you know how things are around here. You know which side of the school gets the favor.
Lucas, insistent: What about Dora’s film?
Shawn: [ looking at Isadora, sympathetic ] We can still send it.
But it’s not the same. They all know it’s not the same as being there. Lucas and Isadora exchange a look, evidently pissed, as the opening tones of “Thriller / Heads Will Roll” kick up…
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Thriller / Heads Will Roll” as performed by Glee Cast || Performed by AAA Sophomores
The sophomore performers are practicing the basics of their recruitment number, a mash-up of “Thriller / Heads Will Roll” as Glee so eloquently threw together back in the day. The performance will be performed at middle schools across the district as a recruitment tool at the end of that week, so they’re hard at work to make it lively, energetic, and naturally, perfect.
The techies, on the other hand, do not share such a dedication. In fact, given the current circumstances, they’re mostly pissed as hell and don’t feel like doing much of anything correctly or helpfully. So while the number progresses normally through the first half or so, by the time we get into the middle it’s clear that the techies are beginning to disrupt the rehearsal process.
This charge is accented by Lucas completely disrupting the number, jumping in with the spoken part of the mash-up (“Darkness falls across the land / the midnight hour is close at hand…”). As he does so, the techies launch into full-on chaos, doing “important technical things” like moving set pieces, pretending to be accomplishing a very important task, but it really just means running in between the performer’s blocking, messing up choreography, knocking them over with stuff, etc.
MAYA HART desperately tries to get the number back on track (“Off with your head! Off with your head!”), but it’s no use. The techies aren’t done until they decide they are, all of them jumping off the front of the stage and scattering into the audience. The performers attempt to finish the performance, but they’re all turned around and frazzled so it’s a mess of a conclusion.
And now they’re pissed, too. FARKLE MINKUS most of all.
Cue title sequence.
Riley is somewhat grateful for the disruption, as it makes her own exhaustion and confusion come off as less out of the ordinary. Maya is pointedly trying to get everybody back on track, because apparently there are higher stakes to this recruitment business than Riley realized.
Maya: Could we please get this back on track? Mr. Jacobs is going to be there Friday night and I don’t want to embarrass myself in front of him.
Farkle: [ with a choked gasp ] WHAT?
Riley: I’m sorry, I’m – who?
Zay: Mr. Jacobs. He’s a big wig on the admissions panel for Julliard. It’s never a bad idea to get on his good side and curry some favor as early as possible.
Maya: His daughters attend JQA, and there’s no way in hell I’m throwing away my shot to impress him. [ To the techies. ] So kindly, if all of you could stop ruining everything? Much appreciated. Muah.
Riley still doesn’t really get what the big deal is, but the rest of the coalition is clearly stressed so she decides she may as well be, too. She wanders off as the rest of the performers call for a break, trying to grapple with this news.
A darkened classroom, a film showing on the screen. It’s something older and spooky; Frankenstein or Dracula, maybe. DYLAN ORLANDO is conked out at his desk, drooling a little bit onto his notebook near the back of the classroom. NICK YOGI and DAVE WILLIAMS mess with him without waking him up, sticking markers together and trying to poke his ear.
Isadora is seated behind them, ignoring their antics but not paying attention to the film either. She’s dejectedly flipping through a journal, where she’s been taking notes and jotting down ideas for a film for well over a year. And now it’s a bust.
She flips to one of the earlier pages, where notes about a potential mockumentary surrounding Adams are scribbled. She sighs, glancing back up at the screen just as something monumental or scary happens. The lead actress screams bloody murder, and suddenly Isa’s eye light up with an idea. Slowly, a smile creeps onto her face.
Lucas is immediately accosted by Isa the moment he crosses paths with her, the latter shoving him out of the way and into a corner of the school. When he questions what the hell is going on, noticing the wild look in Isadora’s eyes, she barely gives him a second to catch up before declaring that she knows exactly what her film is going to be – and they’re getting their revenge.
She should’ve led with “revenge.” Lucas gestures for her to lead the way, the two of them jogging off to gather the rest of the techies.
Angela has dragged Shawn into Jack’s office to complain, fed up with the behavior of the techies and citing this instance with the recruitment rehearsal as the last straw. She remarks that the stunts they pulled were unacceptable, and demands that action be taken against them. Shawn fires back with the fact that they already had to give up something to appease her students, so he doesn’t see how they’re not already being punished. Jack attempts to mediate, but it’s evident that the bad blood between Shawn and Angela is far deeper than the party lines between their halves of the school.
Shawn: Forgive my kids for wanting their one well-deserved break from listening to you all screech every day of the week.
Angela: Your students don’t even do the assignments. They don’t perform –
Jack: [ rubbing his temples ] This is my living nightmare.
Jack takes Shawn’s side in this instance, pointing out that no one was harmed in the messing of the rehearsal and that the situation is not ideal for either party. Angela attempts to plead for favor in the sense that if their performance doesn’t go well, it reflects poorly on all of them. But Jack has had enough, because believe it or not there are other things he has to attend to rather than their constant beef. He dismisses them both.
Shawn and Angela continue their tirade in the hallway, griping at one another and taking a couple more personal shots. We quickly learn that this grudge between them goes back many years, back to their own college days. Yes, Shawn & Angela were once an item, and a serious one at that. But when Angela wanted to pursue her artistic dreams and jet-set off to New York they broke up, and a heartbroken Shawn sort of lost direction and went down a couple of wrong paths. Shawn is stuck in this job on the good will of his half-brother to get a fresh start, and Angela somehow ended up stuck in the same place rather than being the superstar she always swore she would be.
It’s clear that there is lingering bitterness between them because of all of that, but also… maybe, lingering feelings? It’s hard to decide when the line between love and hate is so thin. Angela makes one off-hand, dismissive comment about the way Shawn runs his crew before storming off, leaving him embittered.
The techies are taking advantage of the quiet in the auditorium, assembled on the stage. Isadora has the rolling whiteboard and they are jotting down ideas, she and Lucas leading the groupthink and brainstorming ideas. As Isadora explains it, they are going to make her mockumentary about the ghost of Adams.
Isadora: No, it’s a mock – could I finish?
There is no ghost, but they’re going to convince the performers that there is – by scaring the ever living shit out of them. And how? By using the technical prowess they’ve crafted over the years that the performers never even notice or appreciate in the first place. But to do that, they need ideas. Hence, the brainstorming session.
Dave raises his hand eagerly, waiting to be called on even though no one else is jumping up to speak. Lucas exchanges a look with Isadora, before pointing and granting him the right speak.
Lucas: What say you, Dave?
Dave: Okay. Okay. [ catching his breath ] Okay. So, here’s an idea. We get a pair of crocodiles –
[ Isadora pinches the bridge of her nose. Lucas’s eyebrows raise, but he doesn’t look opposed to the suggestion. ]
Dave: I know what you’re thinking, but I know a guy. So we get the crocs –
Shawn interrupts the brainstorm, immediately able to tell that something is up. He questions them as he approaches, all of them muttering something incoherent and discordant. Lucas casually steps in front of the whiteboard, shrugging and scratching the back of his neck.
When Shawn turns to Isadora, it’s hard to lie to her favorite teacher. She confesses, explaining their full plan. She prefaces that she knows it’s not necessarily couth, but she’s so sick of getting overwritten by them and all she wanted was to make this film… but Shawn disrupts her nervous ranting by claiming that he understands. No, Shawn doesn’t want to shut down the operation; he supports it full force. Fired up from his dispute with Angela, Shawn is more than ready to help them shake things up – and after all, every student project needs a faculty sponsor.
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “This Is Halloween” as performed by The Nightmare Before Christmas Original Cast || Performed by Shawn Hunter & AAA Sophomore Techies
[ Lyrics specific to characters – follow along here! ]
As the song begins we see the techies starting to suggest more ideas with Isadora writing them on the board. As the lyrics begin, we see each person singing working on whatever piece of the pranks they are putting together. What exactly they’re setting up, we’re not sure, but there’s lots of spooktacular elements and fake blood involved…
When we come back to the last verse, the techies have assembled back on the stage. They’re putting together what operates like a staircase with apple boxes and other set pieces, and Jade is decorating Isadora in some items from the costume loft that make her seem more regal.
As we get to the entrance of “Jack” (“Our girl Smack is queen of the pumpkin patch”), Isadora descends from the top of the made up staircase and Lucas runs up to help her down the steps, essentially marching in as the brand new ruler of the auditorium. Then they continue to goof around and congregate together, before descending into ominous laughter. Oh, spooky…
The next day. The performers are hard at work rehearsing dance moves again, ZAY BABINEAUX leading the lesson. Riley is doing her best to keep up, but it’s obvious she’s just rustier than everyone else. She bumps into SARAH CARLSON, earning a glare from her.
The rehearsal is somewhat thrown off by the presence of Isadora, who is now filming everything with her camera. She’s weaving throughout the performance, getting things on footage, collecting “B-roll” for her documentary. She is concentrated and hard at work, but the performers have no idea what she’s actually supposed to be filming.
Farkle is the first to vocally object, complaining that she shouldn’t be filming them when they’re not at their most polished. It’s not going to help their performance. Isadora snaps at him not to flatter himself, and explains that the film isn’t about them but the ghost of Adams. She’s attempting to create a documentary about the ghoul and how it continues to haunt campus to this day. When all the performers are like A GHOST??? Isadora is like, oh, you hadn’t heard?
Still, not everybody is convinced.
Farkle: There is no such thing as ghosts. [ Launches into big, long, scientific explanation. ]
As Farkle is ranting, Lucas saunters up behind him and spooks him. He yelps and nearly knocks his teeth out, Lucas ducking out of the way just in time and laughing. It’s not an encouraging laugh. If they thought the ghost was scary…
CHARLIE GARDNER, on the other hand, has a different approach.
Charlie: Farkle is loud, but right. If ghosts were real, my devout Catholic grandmother would still be tucking in my shirts and telling me I’m going to hell for missing mass on Sundays for rehearsals.
Dylan: I’m going to hell too, but that’s not why.
Asher & Dave: [ Laughing and high-fiving behind Dylan. ]
Isadora continues to film as the students divulge in the discourse, more invested and less aloof than they would want you to believe.
Maya: Don’t Christians believe in demons, though?
Charlie: They’re not really the same thing, but –
Yindra: My grandparents used to talk about ghosts all the time and how we had to pray them away.
Maya: See! Ghosts are totally a Christian thing.
Farkle: Ghosts. Aren’t. Anything! They don’t exist!
Yogi: Tell that to the elderly man who lives in my apartment and moves our furniture around when we’re not there.
Charlie: [ concerned ] Are you… are you sure that’s not just some homeless squatter?
Angela brings an end to the chaos, frantically trying to get their rehearsal back on track.
Shawn: Unless the ghost gets you first.
Angela: Do not encourage this!
Riley opts to have lunch with Eric, the two of them chatting about how she’s adjusting. She does admit that she’s surprised by how intense it is, but she skates over how hard it is to keep up and feeling chronically behind. Instead, she gets Eric to talk about the whole techie conference debacle and why there seems to be such a vitriolic divide between the two sides of the school.
Eric attributes some of it to Shawn and Angela and their history, discussing how that certainly encourages and reinforces the negativity. But some of it, he concedes, is simply circumstance. Everyone is coming from their own experience and perspective, and often forget to remember that others may not share that point of view. Naturally, this is going to create clashes…
As if to speak right to this, Isadora is certainly coming from different circumstances than her peers. We quickly get the sense that she is in a foster home situation, she and Lucas crammed into the room she shares with another girl and attempting to get work done on their schematics for the techie scheme. Other children shrieking and chattering can be heard on the other side of the door, evidently irritating Isadora even though the door is closed.
Disrupting their focus, CATHERINA GONZALEZ (15), Isadora’s roommate, enters. She is cheerful, full of enthusiasm and thirst for life – a sharp contrast from Isa and her grumpy best friend. She rambles on to Isadora about her day and her plans for the rest of the evening, while Isa hums occasionally and mostly ignores her and Lucas watches the exchange silently with amusement. It’s evident that Catherina doesn’t catch onto how disinterested Isadora is at all.
The moment Catherina disappears, Lucas opens his mouth to comment when the foster mother steps in instead, interrupting them once again. This is KAREN VAN HERSCHING (40s), type-A, driven, and devoted mother – but not exactly on the same wavelength as Isadora and doesn’t put in as much effort as she should to meet her at her level. It’s clear from the way she greets Lucas that she is… uncertain about him, which is to say lowkey terrified he’s going to do something like steal her jewelry or vandalize her perfect off-white walls.
After a brief exchange and Karen checking if they need anything like a good hostess, she leaves them alone. Lucas waits to see if any more interruptions are imminent before speaking. He tries to ask Isadora about how this foster family is shaping out, indicating it’s not the first one she has been with but perhaps the one that has lasted the longest.
But Isadora doesn’t want to talk about it. Lucas points out that, hey, at least this woman seems to be putting in a modicum of effort. Isadora ignores the comment, redirecting his attention to the task at hand and making it clear that such topics are not being discussed this afternoon.
In sharp contrast to Isadora’s crowded foster home, the Minkus home is lavish, spacious, and more than able to accommodate Farkle and his many siblings. At present, four of them are seated at the dinner table with STUART MINKUS (late 30s) and JENNIFER MINKUS (40s) – Farkle, LILA MINKUS (18), URI MINKUS (12), and EZRA MINKUS (7).
Farkle is smack in the middle of this family with two other older brothers off at college already, and while it’s more than evident that it’s a loving clan there’s just not enough attention to go around most days. Jennifer is distracted with Ezra, and Stuart is attempting to get Uri engaged in conversation about his school day.
During the conversation, Farkle consistently attempts to gain control of the dinner topic, finally just blurting out whether or not they all believe in ghosts. This captures their attention certainly, all of them laughing it off or scoffing. Farkle, please! Why would he even ask such a silly thing…
Farkle: No, yeah, yeah, of course. I know. I know, obviously. I just… yeah. I know.
Ezra: Wait, why are we talking about ghosts? Are they real?
Jennifer: Of course not, dear, Farkle is just being silly. Aren’t you, darling?
Farkle, flatly: Oh, that’s me. I’m as silly as they come.
Somehow, the conversation shifts gears until Farkle is forgotten again. He accidentally knocks over a water glass and makes a mess, causing both the parents to get up and run to get stuff to clean it up. Lila, clearly harboring a somewhat contentious relationship with her closest in age sibling, rolls her eyes disdainfully.
Lila: Why are you such a disease?
Farkle: [ chews pointedly and obnoxiously in her direction ]
Once the dust from his accident has settled, Farkle tentatively mentions the upcoming performance at JQA and asks if his parents and siblings will be able to make it to any of the middle school recruitment performances. Especially given the special guest of Mr. Jacobs… Stuart fondly recalls the business dealings he’s had with Jacobs, but doesn’t confirm or deny his presence at the performance.
When Farkle pushes further, all of them express pity and point out x commitment and y reason that they can’t make it. But they’re sure he’ll do great! Farkle brushes it off, acting as though it doesn’t bother him. But he’s pretty quiet at dinner after that.
As the week progresses, a series of odd and unusual “hauntings” begin to happen at the school, prompting discussion amongst the students. A couple of them even mention how a couple videos have been featured on their rogue instagram page, AAA Confessions.
We haven’t seen the terrors hit the performers full force until rehearsal one afternoon, in which CHAI FRESCO (15) is practicing the opening operatic tones of “Think of Me.”
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Think Of Me” as performed by Phantom of the Opera Original Cast || Performed by Chai Fresco (feat. AAA Sophomores) || First 40 seconds
While Chai is rehearsing, a set piece seems to mysteriously fall apart and come crashing down – seconds from where Farkle is pacing and running choreography. Maya pulls him out of the way just in time, obviously stunned by how close it came to falling on top of him.
To be clear, the set piece is just thin wood and probably weighs less than five pounds. It wouldn’t have done much damage to anyone, but the sound it makes as it hits the stage floor startles all of them. The moment is clearly an homage to Phantom, prompting screams and an assemblage of the performers to launch into “HE’S HEREEE, THE PHANTOM OF AAA!” Farkle is like okay can you all shut it?
This isn’t the first happening they’ve experienced that week, however, and people are starting to change their tune. As Angela calls for a break and Shawn instructs Dave and Dylan to go and fix the broken set piece, Maya makes a dash for the dressing room. Riley watches her go, contemplative.
Maya is attempting to shake off the nerves from the spook, whispering to herself and taking deep breaths. Riley follows her in, hanging back for a moment before Maya spots her in the mirror. Embarrassed, Maya snaps at her for what she wants.
Riley tries to put her best foot forward, offering a helping hand and claiming she has some techniques she uses to calm down if Maya wants them. There’s a moment where it seems like they may come together, but Maya has been independent for a long time and doesn’t plan to let her walls down any time soon – let alone to a nobody like Riley.
She redirects instead, pointing out how she doesn’t see how Riley could possibly be of any help to her when she can’t even keep up with the rigor of the curriculum. Ouchie! Riley takes the blow, nodding and backing off. The moment she’s gone, Maya lets out a long exhale, hiding her head in her hands.
The discussion over Farkle’s near “brush with death” continues in the dressing room. Although it seems like Charlie and the others are starting to wonder whether the ghost may be real, Farkle maintains his skepticism almost like an act of defiance. But he’s a bit too crazed over it to be wholly convincing.
Zay has his own doubts, and he expresses as such before gearing up to head out. He’s off to do a little investigating of his own.
Riley is en route to lunch when Charlie catches up to her, offering to join her for lunch since she’s still trying to figure out her place. We still can’t tell if he’s genuinely a nice person or if he’s trying to get with Riley, but she does humor the conversation long enough to get something further out of the conversation.
The two of them stop in the hallway just by the library, the cafeteria doors down the hall. Charlie stuffs his hands in his pockets and leans against the wall, launching into a lament about how it is a shame that this ghost stuff seems to be cropping up at the same time as the recruitment performances. Riley probes further.
Riley: Why is it such a big deal? [ hesitating, then batting her eyelashes ] You know, if you can tell me.
Charlie: I don’t really think it’s so much a secret as people not wanting to come off too vulnerable. But these kind of showcases, they’re really important to a lot of people in class. You know, everyone is trying to prove they’ve got what it takes.
Riley: Farkle.
Charlie: Farkle, sure, but the rest of them too. Maybe not for the same reasons, but you know what they say. Everybody’s got something to hide. [ Glancing at Riley, looking her over. ] You know what I mean?
Riley, uncertain: Right. Sure.
Charlie rounds out the conversation by pointing out the very true fact that most of the odd happenings have occurred in the auditorium. He just wishes it would cease and desist so they could get some practicing done. If someone could exorcise whatever demon is haunting them, they’d sure be a hero. The wheels in Riley’s head are turning…
When Charlie asks if she’s ready to go eat, Riley pretends to have forgotten something in the auditorium, saying she’ll meet him later. He waves and heads off, Riley ducking back towards the auditorium. If the sophomore class needs a hero, then she’s willing to step up to the plate.
Riley continues her journey to the auditorium, making sure to duck out of the way and sidestep as people pass her to head towards lunch. She ducks into an open doorway and watches as Isadora passes with Asher, Dylan, and Jeff tailing behind her, confirming that the techies have vacated the auditorium.
Making it to the doorway to the dressing room hall, she ducks into the doors and disappears.
Poking around the darkened theater, behind the scenes, the auditorium seems much more sinister than it does during class. It’s almost humorous, the way the technical aspects of the room – set pieces, costume loft, prop loft – seem to loom over her and intimidate her as if they’re straight out of hell.
Spooky music accompanies her as she makes her way around, wandering where she shouldn’t and searching for any sort of clue as to what may be causing all of the strange happenings. She continues to hit dead-ends, until she changes her track and heads towards the world beyond the stage: the audience, the aisles, and the technician’s booth looming so far away from them all.
In fact, the technician’s booth seems like a worthy thing to investigate. It’s so mysterious and removed, and if anything would hold answers that would be it. Riley glances over her shoulder, jogging towards the back row of seating and the stairs that lead up to the technician’s booth. She hesitates, hand hovering over the handrail, before taking the plunge.
She takes the steps two at a time, slowing the closer she gets to that hulking black door. It’s unassuming yet insurmountable, and Riley grows more apprehensive the closer she gets. The door handle is right in front of her, waiting… the music quiets as she reaches a hand out… inches away from the other side of their world…
Lucas, from below: HEY!
DUN DUN DUN! Lucas’s shout acts as a jump scare both to us and Riley, causing her to startle and whip around. Lucas is glaring at her from the bottom of the stairs, as unfriendly and unsettling as usual. Talk about truly terrifying.
Lucas: [ tilting his head ] You’re not supposed to be in here.
Riley: Oh, yeah. Yes. Well, I was just… see, I was only…
Riley has no excuses and no probable explanation for her presence. At least, none that Lucas would take or appreciate, she’s sure. As she struggles to find an excuse, Lucas begins making his way up the stairs in her direction. Each step of his big black boots is like an impending sense of danger, and Riley would run if her brain would start working again. But it’s completely shut down, unable to form a coherent thought, plausible excuse, or get her feet moving so she can escape and live to see another day.
Lucas comes to a stop on the step below where she’s standing, allowing them to stand at approximately the same height. Riley trails off with her stammers, pressing her lips together nervously and avoiding his gaze. Lucas simply examines her, getting a good look at her. Riley has to wonder if this is the end for her – he does have a switchblade, after all.
Instead, Lucas waits for her to glance at him and meet his eyes. Then, a simple message:
Lucas: Mind your own business.
Then he leaves her alone, continuing his trek up the stairs and disappearing into the technician’s booth. The door slams, causing Riley to jump again. She takes a moment to catch her breath, closing her eyes and trying not to like, pass out. Then she makes a beeline out of there.
Zay, on the other hand, is conducting analysis of his own. As he works in math class, he notices Jade and Dave continuously tossing glances in his direction when they think he isn’t looking.
Thoughtful, Zay waits until the rest of the class has left when the bell rings before approaching the two of them. He questions if they’ve also noticed the strange behavior supposedly attributed to the ghost. Jade acts nonchalant, but Dave stumbles a bit which Zay catches onto. Jade excuses them both, but Zay has gotten the lead he needs. Something else is up, and he’s not going to let it drop so easily.
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Somebody’s Watching Me” as performed by Rockwell || Performed by Zay Babineaux
As Zay continues his way through the halls and throughout the school day, he takes note of all the moments where the techies are acting weird or seem to be just behind him or in his line of sight. It’s evident to him that they’re behind whatever is going on, he just needs some proof.
He gets his proof as he turns the games on them and starts trailing each of the techies, trying to see if he can catch any of them doing something suspicious.
His search comes to an end as he corners Isadora in the computer lab, working on a cut of her documentary. She dodges his interrogations at first, but the more he pushes the more easy she is to crack. She admits that they’re behind the whole thing, but begs him not to blow the ruse until she can get all the footage she needs.
Zay passes her to take a look at the footage, watching with amusement as Farkle and Maya freak out on camera. He thinks for a moment, before declaring he’s not going to rat her out. On the contrary – he wants in on the joke.  
He may just be the key they need to convince Farkle, considering he would never believe another performer would be in on the ruse. And Zay has known him for two years now, he’s observed enough about Farkle’s psyche to know how to crack him. Forging a temporary truce, Zay and Isadora shake on it.
Using Zay as their inside man, the techies pull off their final prank on that Friday, the same day that the recruitment performances kick off. They haven’t gotten much rehearsing done all week, and this day is no exception despite how frantically Maya tries to get them all to pull it together.
As the mirage unfolds and they essentially pretend to (convincingly) kill Zay after he is kidnapped by the ghost, Farkle cracks and totally freaks out. The prank falls apart after Zay breaks character, and the techies all burst into laughter now that Isadora has gotten all the footage she needs. The performers realize what has happened and that they’ve been messed with, and they are none too happy.
Maya: What, do you think you all are so smart? You think you’ve done something really great?
Isadora: Well, no, not yet. Still needs to be edited, but –
Maya is pissed, and the rest of the performers share that energy. When Zay tells her to calm down and that it’s not that deep, she retorts that it is, because they’ve wasted an entire week and now they’re going to embarrass themselves in front of a bunch of middle schoolers and people whose opinions actually matter. The techies fire back that they had to give up something already, so perhaps this can even the slate.
It’s clear that the divides that exist between the school are running even deeper than ever. Riley watches it all unfold, not quite feeling a part of any of it. Somehow isolated even in a situation where her placement should be effortless and easy. Maya storms out first, leaving tensions high.
Angela and Shawn are at it again, having a sparring match over what unfolded in class that afternoon. They’ve convened in the actual performing classroom, the black box, and it’s more claustrophobic than the halls. As they argue, their words seem to echo off the walls.
Shawn claims that the students just got what was coming to them. Angela scoffs, commenting that Shawn is just as childish as them and as he was the day she left him. This is a deep cut, and Shawn doesn’t have much to say in response. She states that it’s time both of them grew up – that he stops spreading his petty energy and tantrum throwing to the students, and that she stops holding out the foolish hope that he’ll change.
Shawn wants to get another word in, to stand up for himself, but Angela claims she doesn’t have the time. She has a class to lead in a performance that’s going to be tough for all of them, considering his students fucked it all up. Shawn is left behind, seething. He knocks over some papers from the desk, running his hands through his hair.
Riley practices along in her bedroom, dressed for the recruitment performance but with her mind elsewhere. She sits in her bay window and strums her ukulele.
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Creep” as performed by Jahzel || Performed by Riley Matthews
Riley sings this stripped down version of “Creep” by herself, demonstrating her talent when its just presented and allowed to simply be. It reflects the frustrations she’s having fitting in with her classmates, and feeling as though she doesn’t quite belong (“What the hell am I doing here / I don’t belong here”).
When she finishes, Cory pokes his head in and asks if she’s ready to go. She hesitates, then nods, dropping her ukulele on the window seat and getting to her feet.
The performers have assembled, Angela leading the charge. She leads them through warm-ups, before confirming if they have the same sense she does that their number they’ve been half-assing all week just isn’t going to cut it. They all agree, they haven’t practiced it enough.
Angela claims they should go on loose, then, and perform something fun that they all know. That’s what this is all about, isn’t it? Doing it because it’s fun and because you love it. When she asks for suggestions, instantly Maya, Farkle, and Zay all shout “TIME WARP,” because it’s the quintessential Halloween theater kid song from a quintessential theater kid movie.
The techies are all in their positions, begrudgingly so. Lucas and Isadora are hanging out in the booth waiting for the performance to start when Shawn darts in, late again but seemingly on a mission. He pulls the two of them aside, telling them to go to the festival.
Shawn: Did you finish the film?
Isadora: Yes, I submitted it an hour ago. Why?
Shawn: Good. Then you’ll want to get going if you want to get there in time.
Lucas: What?
Shawn: Go. Both of you, get going and go represent triple A. If you leave now before this starts, you can still make it. [ to the others ] Dylan! You can cover the board?
Dylan: Aye, aye, captain!
Lucas and Isadora are totally stunned, questioning if that’s allowed and whether it’ll cause more trouble and a myriad of other questions. Shawn shrugs them all off, getting both of their attention and looking them in the eyes. The words he speaks next are impassioned, coming from his own experience, and also act as a lesson for a good portion of the series.
Shawn: Look, sometimes, you can’t let the man tell you what to do or how to be. If something is important, if it matters, you go out and you do it anyway. Only you can decide who you are and what matters. You stand up for yourself. Do you hear me?
Lucas and Isadora nod, getting the message loud and clear. Shawn gives Lucas a pat on the shoulder before pushing them towards the doors. They peel out just as the opening tones of “Time Warp” fill the auditorium…
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Time Warp” as performed by Glee Cast || Performed by AAA Sophomore Performers
The performers take to the stage, doing a fun, loose, and kooky rendition of the classic Halloween dance number. They all actually look like they’re having fun, and the middle schoolers are clearly having fun too. In the back of the theater, the mysterious Mr. Jacobs watches with an intrigued eye.
Lucas and Isadora sprint into the parking lot, making it to the car Isadora is allowed to use. Lucas hops in the driver’s seat, the two of them backing out of the parking lot and exchanging a grin before heading on the way to the conference.
As it stands, there’s no way this performer / techie divide is going away any time soon. Neither is the tension between individuals. But for now, for a moment, they can share in the one thing that brings them all together and brings them joy – the rush of a successful production.
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definitionofgenius · 7 years
Okay so I had an idea of how Farkle proposes to Riley and I’m gonna do it in the style of @couldnt-think-of-a-funny-name ‘s headcanons here we go
So Riley and Farkle live in an apartment next to Lucas and Maya, and Zay and Smackle are two doors down, okay?
It’s like a huge sleepover 24/7
The guys will never admit it but they love this set up okay
One night Lucaya throws this huge party in their apartment
Farkle and Riley get there and Riley is instantly confused
Why are there so many people?
Why are the parents here?
Why is dad crying?
But she’s still completely oblivious because you know, she’s Riley
So then Maya and Smackle and the moms of the group wisk Riley away and take her to the master bathroom
They take their time getting Riles all dolled up
Maya is trying so freaking hard not to cry and Smackle keeps giving her a look that says “Pull yourself together woman!”
The ladies take their time on Riley
And when they’re done Riley is a freaking princess
I mean she was before
But she is in a purple ball gown, her hair is all curled, full face of make up, whole nine yards
So they leave the master suite
And the hallway is just
It’s pictures of the clique six
Of the core four
Of the original three
But it is mostly pictures of Farkle and Riley
And there’s a straight line of photos on the ground
So Riley follows it, holding Maya’s hand.
She reaches for Smackle but Smackle is looking at Rilaya like “Nah, I’ll let this be their moment” what a sweetheart
And the hallway opens into the living room
And there are candles
Riley is just looking around
How did this happen
How did they get this done in a half hour
What is happening
And the line of photos breaks for a little bit and there’s a heart made of photos in the middle of the living room
And Riley is crying
And all the ladies are mentally high fiving for using waterproof make up
Then the line of photos continues out the door
Down the hallway
And up a staircase
Then they’re almost on the roof
And Maya squeezes Riley’s hand
Everyone is crying
Smackle’s crying
Topanga is crying
Maya is sobbing like a baby
I’M sobbing like a baby
And they open the door to the roof
And Cory is standing there
Topanga goes and holds his hand
And Riley takes that last step
And just
Everyone is there
They’re all holding candles
All of their friends
All of their families
Who the hell invited Charlie
Maya finally lets go of Riley’s hand and goes to Lucas and grabs a candle
A f*ckin 4 piece orchestra starts playing an instrumental version of Beauty and the Beast
Do not tell me Belle is not Riley’s favorite princess because you are wrong
And in the middle of it all
Stands Farkle
He’s wearing a tux
But instead of a dress shirt
And the music is soft in the background
And Farkle had this whole speech planned
He’s been practicing it for years, okay
But he can’t remember a single word of it.
This is the boy that knows everything
But standing in front of Riley
He knows nothing
Suddenly he feels hands on him
Lucas pushing down on his shoulders
Zay making sure he lands on one knee
Farkle snaps back into reality
Reaches into his pocket
Pulls out the ring
Opens the box
And Riley is crying and nodding her head profusely
Farkle springs up and kisses her
As passionately as he could in front of everyone he knew
And they break away and she holds out her hand
He puts the ring on her finger
“Let’s do this thing.”
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Look After You
Here’s something else I found. This one is when they are all adults. Awkward Christmas party
If ever there was a doubt My love she leans into me This most assuredly counts She says most assuredly
Maya tapped her fingers against her thigh, her burgundy sweater dress rippling with each tap. The thick fabric fell around her and would be scraping the floor if it wasn’t for her chunky brown boots. Her free hand continuously rubbed at her protruding belly—never tiring of the unexplainable feeling of being so close to her baby boy. 
She stared at herself in the reflection of the mirror as she sat down her volume boosting mascara as Riley stepped into the room.
“It feels longer than five years since I moved out of here.” 
Riley plopped onto her old bed, now fitted with more sophisticated fitted sheets—a dark purple color that matched nicely with her gray walls. Though they were grown adults, both married and one with a child on the way, they both still found comfort in the room. Maya told Riley she was pregnant in the bay window even. It felt like coming home and when they both struggled, Riley’s room is where they both went.
Riley looked around with a sigh.
“My grandparents are here.”
Maya held in an agitated sigh. It wasn’t that she didn’t like the older Matthews couple. She loved them—she did. They are the people who raised not only Cory, but also her own stepfather in a way. Shawn wouldn’t be the man he is today if it wasn’t for them, but ever since she got married four and a half years earlier, they always found a way to slip in their judgmental gazes her way.
Her husband wasn’t what they would have chosen for her. She got married too young effectively ruining her life. They once thought the same of Topanga and Cory—she isn’t sure why she was surprised by their frosty response the first time she showed up with a ring on her finger.
Because she broke their son’s heart and for that, they might always hate her a little bit for. 
It didn’t matter if it was over six years ago. It didn’t matter that she was obviously happy. All that mattered to them was she was married right out of high school and it wasn’t to their son.
“You know they love you.” Riley twisted her diamond around her finger with her thumb—a nervous twitch that she had picked ever since the ring settled around her left hand three years previously.
“I think they would love me more if I had the last name Matthews,” Maya kept a small hand on her belly as she slowly settled beside her best friend.
“Well, my presents have decreased since I switched.”
Maya rolled her eyes. “Speaking of, where is that insanely handsome husband of yours?”
“Off making me angry. You know I am thinking of divorcing him?”
Maya threw her head back at Riley’s expression, snorting at the ridiculous thought. “We both know he is your favorite person on this whole planet. Maybe in the universe.”
“He’s supposed to be here already.” Riley pouted, her arms crossed tight over her chest. 
“And he will be. My hubby isn’t here yet either. Mostly because he promised to pick yours up.”
“See! You should be mad at him too.”
“You and I both know the second he walks through that door, he’s going to give you that lovey-dovey smile and you’re going to give him that Riley grin you have been giving him since seventh grade—
“It has not been since seventh grade.”
Maya raised a perfectly plucked eyebrow. “I’m sorry, eighth?”
“Whatever. You make me sound like putty in his hands. I could stay mad at him if I wanted to.”
“You could, honey. You just don’t want to.” Maya pulled herself up, lending a hand to her overdramatic best friend.
“Now let’s go. Just keep me occupied until our husbands show up. You know I am emotional.”
They started down the stairs, Maya tensing at the laugh that came from none other than her ex-boyfriend.
She hadn’t seen him since she had gotten married and she was never thinking the way he would see her next is when she was six months pregnant. She was sure he knew that she was permanently off the market—that was why he didn’t come around as often.
She stepped down from the last step and once again, her left hand settled on her swollen belly. It had become her safety net that she never knew she needed. 
His eyes didn’t leave her belly, shock dawning his features.
The Christmas party continued to roll on, no one noticing the sick look on Josh’s face. Maya clawed into Riley’s arm making sure she didn’t skip away to greet the guests. 
It wasn’t like their break-up was awful. They didn’t even date that long. Something she thought she wanted for so long fizzled so quickly, she sometimes had a hard time remembering exactly how long they even dated. The long game quickly became the short game and waiting around for someday turned out to be a waste of time. 
Her heart didn’t shatter when they decided to split. If anything, she was greatly relieved. She no longer questioned if they would be together. She got her answer and was free to move on.
Josh stepped forward giving Riley a tight hug before awkwardly turning to Maya. “Hey, Maya.”
She gave a sweet grin, reminding herself that it he is allowed to be shocked, though she had an itch her throat to tell him to stop staring at her stomach. “Uncle Josh, how have you been?”
“I must say, I felt a lot better five minutes ago.”
It shouldn’t annoy her. It really shouldn’t. If he was trying to guilt her for loving someone that isn’t him, she shouldn’t be angry. Sure, they only dated a few months, but there was always a promise before that of something amazing. She was nailing the coffin shut by being married, but it wasn’t like this was a new development. He had not spoken to her since she was in high school. 
“I thought that whole marriage thing was a joke.”
Maya felt anger. She wasn’t sure if it came from being pregnant or maybe the fact she was tired of that comment. Because Maya Hunter settling down at the ripe old age of nineteen just didn’t make sense. She got asked if she was pregnant more times than she could count the first year of her marriage. 
Love wasn’t the first go to in a young marriage.
There had to an underlying reason. But there wasn’t one. 
“It is as real as his child in me.” 
She felt her blood start to rise in temperature and she started to think of all the different ways to tell him off. She might be a married woman with a baby on the way but she was still Katy Hunter’s daughter and she wasn’t in the mood for someone like Josh Matthews.
She was used to his parents. Their thinly veiled insults towards her husband. What his profession was, any trouble he might have seen in his younger years. He coughed in a way they thought wasn’t polite and she would hear about it.
Her mouth opened—ready to take fire with more riling comments when she heard a calming voice.
Maya glanced over her ex’s shoulder who was still waiting for her response—probably didn’t even realize the rudeness of it.
“Dad.” She hadn’t seen Shawn in a few weeks because of a job he had down in one of the Carolinas—she couldn’t remember which one—and she wasn’t expecting to see him for another week. 
Josh was left unattended, Maya no longer caring, to reach out to her father. He felt safe and warm when his arms wrapped around her, her belly kicking at being enveloped. She was sure the baby boy knew his grandfather was in close proximity or maybe even now he knew that Shawn Hunter was one of Maya’s favorite people and he had been keeping her calm ever since even before he married her mom.
“How’s my favorite grandson doing?” Shawn kissed the top of her head, knowing she was trying her hardest to keep her temper in check.
“Much better once his dad gets here.”
Maya released Shawn from her grasps, he keeping an arm around her shoulder as they turned back to Josh and Riley. 
Shawn began a discussion with Josh about the joys of photography and Maya felt her previous anger began to slip away. Josh seemed to have forgotten about her diamond captured finger and her swollen belly and for that Maya was relieved.
Maya slipped away suddenly craving her mom’s sugar cookies that she knew she had brought with her to the party. Riley followed over to snack table instantly.
“I knew he was going to say something not needed.”
“It’s alright, Riles. I am used to it.”
“You shouldn’t have to be. So we are young and fresh out of college. Why does that mean we should feel bad for starting families?”
Maya raised a perfectly plucked eyebrow. “We?”
Riley became flustered. Her face becoming the slightest shade of pink. “You know what I mean.”
“Oh, I do?”
Riley turned to respond, but her eye caught someone at the door. “Smackle!” Smackle hung her jacket up before rushing over to greet her two best friends.
They had not been able to see each other in the few weeks leading up to Christmas with all of their jobs and lives being so hectic. Smackle herself was in graduate school and took almost all of her time.
“Let me see the ring!” Riley squealed snatching up Smackle’s left hand and the modest rose gold ring sparkled.  The rose quarts diamond was oval in shape and fit on Smackle’s thin finger like it was cut specifically for her.
Her engagement was no surprise to the friends and they had even begun to take bets on to when the question would be popped to their quirky friend.
“Where is—” Maya’s words died in her throat the site of her husband walking through the door. 
Riley sighed next to her and Maya couldn’t help but roll her eyes. 
“You’re right. I’m putty.”
Riley’s smile lit up the whole room as Lucas and Farkle made their way over to the trio, Zay not far behind.
“Hey, Huckleberry.”
Lucas grinned at Maya as though his mouth didn't even know he was doing it.
“Hey,” Riley’s voice came out breathy and almost in awe when Farkle stepped in front of her, he now towering over her unlike back when they were kids.
“You still mad at me?” Farkle asked giving a quick kiss to the top of her forehead.  
“No, but only because you delivered my best friend her husband.”
Farkle shook his head wrapping his arms around her waist as they turned to the rest of the group.
Maya felt all of her panic and worry fall away at the seams once Lucas came to stand beside her, slightly behind her so her back was against the righter part of his chest. His left hand played with hers, their rings clinking together.
“How does it feel to have a fiancé, Zay?” Lucas grinned at his oldest friend.
“I figured you two are married and your wives are happy, so how hard can it be?”
Maya rolled her eyes at him, and she, Riley, and Smackle shared a look. Smackle had filled them in on how their friend had proposed. He had dug through her memory box (after asking Maya and Riley for the okay, of course), and found the etiquette book that he had given to her so long ago when she was still dating Farkle and the triangle was still fresh and wrong. Zay was the only one outside of the drama and in a way, it made him understand the group and without knowing it then, understand his future wife in a way the others didn’t comprehend. 
He rewrote in the margins all the way he still loved her and found her beautiful, but this time in ways she would make an amazing wife and mother. On the last page, he taped the ring beside the etiquette of how to accept a proposal (not marriage of course) and in the margin, wrote: Just say yes. 
Maya cried for a good thirty minutes after Smackle told her and that was how Lucas found her when he came home from a long day of at the animal hospital—she was sitting in front of a canvas with paint smeared across her cheek and tears falling from her eyes.
Even now she was wiping at her made up eyes to make sure she didn't make a scene in the middle of the party. 
The rest of the group began to discuss wedding plans which Maya and Lucas had no way of giving input for her. Neither had wanted a wedding and wanted to be married before they moved for school, so they ended up married in a restaurant where they had their first date.  Another reason for the Matthews to not agree with their marriage because of how abnormal they went about it.
They never cared the looks they got from people when they told them about their wedding day because honestly, neither cared. They were both happy and never felt slighted from their decisions. 
“I missed you today.” She mumbled turning around to look up at him.
“I have been right here.”  
Maya rolled her eyes not understanding why she would have expected another response. He always gave the same response when she told him she missed him.
“Josh is here.”
“I saw.” He muttered, never liking Riley’s uncle. Of course, when he was younger he tried to find reasons for why he didn't like her, but soon he came to terms it was because of how Maya smiled at him and forgot anyone else in the room even existed. 
“Don’t do anything stupid, Huckleberry.”
He laughed at her command and grabbed the finger pointing at him pulling it up to his lips to kiss it. 
“I am not fifteen anymore, Maya. Besides, you're my wife. Why would I be bothered by an ex-boyfriend?”
“Good answer.” She sighed standing on her tip toes to give him a peck, his left hand instantly going to rest on the right side of her belly—stroking it lovingly.
Throughout the rest of the night, Maya caught Josh multiple times staring at her and Lucas. She felt herself shrink into her husband under the other man’s glare and Lucas’ hand was tighten on her waist when Josh found reasons to come by into the kitchen. It wasn’t that Josh was this terrible guy that she needed protecting from—it was just that Lucas and Josh hated each other.
By the end of the night, after everyone else had left, Maya was curled up in one of the big comfy chairs in the living room with Lucas’ arms tight around her. He was discussing baseball with Zay and his voice alone lulled her to sleep.
When she came, she heard soft voices and decided to pretend she was asleep for a little bit longer. 
“I don’t think I ever said congratulations.”
Josh’s voice put Maya on edge and she was nervous about how the conversation was going to go.
“Thanks. It was pretty quick so not many people knew. My dad wasn't even there for it. He was on a business trip.” Lucas laughed as he continued to stroke Maya’s arm.
“I was angry with you for a long time, but I get it was always going to be you two. I just needed to get out of the way.”
“Well, I won’t disagree with you.” 
Maya mentally rolled her eyes at her husband.  
“You treat her well Lucas. I’m sorry my parents refuse to see that.”
“I could treat her better. I know she deserves a lot more than what I have given her. She has given a lot up for me and I just want to be able to repay the favor.”
Maya doesn't hear Josh respond, but the silence wasn’t awkward she assumed her nodded or something nonverbal. 
“Well, I better get going. Tell her I am sorry for earlier.” 
Maya could fell Lucas shift her around to give Josh a handshake and before she knew it, it was just them two again. She then allowed herself to pretend to wake up. “You heard all of that didn't you?”
Maya knew she was caught but feigned innocence, “Ranger Rick, I was asleep.”
“I know you Shortstack. Your body tensed the second you woke up.”
She pouted at him, “Well maybe you shouldn't know me so well.”
“Yeah, I will get right on that.”
She tried to fight a smile, but it was useless when it came to him. “I love you. You know that right?”
“I love you too.” 
“Don't ever feel like you have to repay me for following you to Texas. I did it gladly.”
He nodded at her and she couldn't resist leaning up to push her lips against his. “I love you forever.”
She growled at his response and he let out a bark of laughter. It was common response when she told him she would love him forever and she wasn't positive if it was because they got married on a Tuesday, hence when they made the vow to love each other forever or if it was because he was giving her a heads up that he was leaving her on a Tuesday.
“You are so mean to me.”
“Oh, I know.” 
She giggled pulling herself up before holding a hand out to him, “Come on Mr. Friar. Time to go home.”
“Anything for you, Mrs. Friar.”    
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erinblueee · 7 years
- after high school, the boys go to colleges that are far apart, but they keep in contact through skype/facetime/texting and the girls ofc 
- during their 2nd year of college, they take a road trip alone because the girls get off class 2 weeks later and for like guys bonding time or something like that
- they like make it to hollywood, and they’re just chilling: farkle is singing, zay is playing the guitar, and lucas is on drums (he learned to play back in texas in order for a way to release his anger)
- BUT LIKE THEY’RE RLLY FuCKING GOOD and theyre approached by a big hot shot manager, and after like a 3 hour phone call with the girls, and a lot of complementing, theyre like hell yeah
- they want their album to be authentic to they take the rest 2 years of college to write and record songs and such 
- farkle is singer, but he also plays piano, and ofc he writes a lot of the emotional songs (he gets a lot of inspiration through riley)
- lucas is rlly good at pop-country songs, but while farkle writes a lot of emotional songs, he writes songs that has lots of creative and unique lyrics (i mean, his gf is maya) 
- zay ofc is like the life of the party, and his songs are LITTT and there those rlly catchy songs that you love but also hate bc they get in your head and wont get out yk what i mean 
- i imagine their sound to be a mix between maroon 5/coldplay/the beatles
- when they first started, farkle’s father wants to rent out stadiums and get them on talk shows thru connections, but farkle put his foot down and was like if we’re going to do this, we’re going to do this by ourselves
-the girls are their biggest supporters duh
-theyre fcking huge, like hugeeeee. probably as big as one direction, but not the beatles bc tbh who CAN beat the beatles?
- they have alot of fans, and fangirls, but they reassure their wives, i mean gf that they wont let fame change them 
- the band split when they’re 34-35, but they’re so unbelievably thankful, and they love their fans, and omg im emotional
- theyre fans like that theyre single bc its kinda hard to date for a lot of widely successful people
- but theyre on ellen, and ellen just goes, “who heres taken”
- and lucas and farkle raises their hand and like the crowd goes crazy and theyre trending on twitter bc MY FUTURE HUSBAND CANNOT BE DATING SOMEBODY 
- riley is a very insecure person, so i see that she is very insecure about whether or not farkle would want to stay w her, but like boiiiiiiiiii, farkle has been in love w you since the 1st grade, yeah hes not going anywhere 
- in my head, she ends up as a physiotherapist, and her job is v hard, but she loves helping ppl, and loves seeing the delvopemtn that ppl go through. she adopts a lot of stray animals (mostly cats), and only finally stop once farkle throws up a hairball
- maya is very happy for lucas, and shes not as insecure as riles but she has those moments, and lucas is quickly there to prove her wrong. shes lucas’s personal bodyguard even tho hes fully capable of protecting himself
- she ends up as a big artist whos painting is hung all over museums, in her local free time, she runs a art camp with riley, and they teach creative arts/music (like camp rock)
- okay, so my headcannon is that smackle does go to the school she wanted, all the way across the world, but her, riles, and maya still keep in connect
- she moves back to new york where she’s a well respected scientist that speaks openly about her aspergers and inspire people who has it
- she and zay meets up, and ofc they click it off, and they try to make it work, but its especially hard with him gone all the time, but they somehow manage. ofc they take alot of breaks, but they never stray and they love eachother
- riley has always wanted a knight to sweep her off her feet, and farkle decides that she needs to be proposed like a princess. the boys are 24 when they preform at the superbowl, in front of 100+ million ppl
- they’re at their last song, which is a new song that farkle wrote for riley, and you can bet she is in front, cheering her bf on. roses and candles are lit in a makeshift stage that leads to riles, and he proposes and its like a fairytale  
- lucas and maya are more lowkey, they’re in their beds, just stealing kisses, and watching stand up comedies when lucas slides a ring to maya, and just ask her if she wants to rodeo with him until they die. ofc she says yes
- zay would propose on smackle’s bday
- he would do kind of a quest where she has to find clues that lead her to places all over new york, until she ends up at topangas
- there, theres is the book of etiquette that he gave her in high school that he managed to steals from her drawer
- a part of the books says “a single pady speaks in quiet, soft tone” or something like that, but its crossed out, and he writes in it, “ i hope you scream yes when i ask you to marry me” o r something like that
- you can bet all their lives are going to be eventful, full w drama, screaming babies, and diapers, but they wouldn’t want it no other way 
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rosalinesbenvolio · 7 years
I Want To Leave You Feeling Breathless
Maya's feet hurt. Lucas notices. 
man I've had this idea in my head fOrever & this isn't exactly what I planned so idk if I'm gonna write another very similar But Not The Same fic or not but have this pile of fluff.  title from celion dion's steve mcqueen 
also on ao3
It’s not noticeable at first, actually, which Maya likes to put down to the sheer overwhelming nature of nearly doubling the size of her friend group and the amount of people she has to (wants to, is honored to be able to) worry about.
In hindsight, it’s entirely unsurprising that Lucas is the one who brings it to her attention: Lucas has rapidly become someone she can count on to give it to her straight, since Riley loves her too much to take fault in any of her bad traits and Farkle may be a genius, but he misses increasingly huge parts of her life.
Lucas calls her a short stack of pancakes and Riley agrees and the argument is settled by Mr. Matthew’s weird older brother, but Maya still goes and trades her favorite winter jacket for a pair of heeled booties at Demolition. How’s she meant to protect Riley from the big bad world if she’s too short for Riley to hide behind, anyway?
Of course, that isn’t the end of it. Riley just keeps on growing, and it’s getting quite clear that Maya’s not. Maya finds herself looking up to meet her sister’s eyes on a near-weekly basis, and she finds herself trading in each pair of shoes for a new-to-her even taller pair.
The good thing about the triangle dissolving and the whole group of them being overwhelmed with high school and relationship drama and extracurriculars and friendships outside of the circle is that no one really notices that Maya is coming to school in what is, basically, a half step away from stilettos. Or, if they do, they don't realize it's a part of some sort of weird insecurity-slash-pathological-protective-instinct and instead chalk it down to her fashion sense, which has settled into a happy medium between Rebellious Maya and Maya With A Father Figure. (It's fun to test Shawn, with skirt length and transparent blouses, but it still feels warm and fuzzy somewhere between her lungs when he tells her she's too young for such clothes.)
The downside, of course, is that she can only complain about her arches and the balls of her feet killing her so much before someone goes ahead and points out well, why are you wearing those kinds of shoes? like they think they've solved climate change or something.
In their sophomore year, when teachers start making noises about the ACTs and the SATs and their AP exams, Riley institutes a mandatory weekly study session, telling them they'd best all show up or else she’d sic her father on them. Cory’s gotten even more ridiculous ever since Shawn came home and married her mom, insisting that he's now her actual uncle, and Maya appreciates the excuse of not wanting to deal with Mr Matthews any more than she has to. She’d have come anyway, because she sort of misses Riley and the rest of them, for all they still hang out every few days, and she hates studying alone, but it's nice to be able to claim a less sappy, more selfish reason.
Maya gets to the Matthews’ residence first, even before Riley, who’s been distracted with flirting awkwardly with a girl on the cheer team, and the entire place is empty, so Maya unlocks the door with her own key, hobbles over to the fridge and pulls out what she assumes is the rest of the previous night’s dinner, leaning heavily against the countertop as she watches it go ‘round and ‘round in the microwave.
The front door opens at the same time the microwave dings, and Maya straightens up and forces her face not to wince as she carries her plate over to the couch, heels clicking against the wooden floors. Lucas is at the coffee table, already pulling two prep books out of his bag, his baseball duffel leaning against the wall by the door, his hair dropping with what Maya hopes is shower-water and not sweat.
“Riley still putting the moves on Sam?” Maya asks as she sinks into the couch, stirring up her pasta and reluctantly accepting a stack of flashcards from him.
“I think Sam finds it more endearing than uncomfortable,” Lucas says, and he grins a little knowingly when Maya lets out a tiny sigh of relief—they'd all been worried when Riley came out as bi to the cheer team, because some of the upperclassmen had been a little mean about it, but they'd graduated and the rest of the team seemed mostly fine with it in that shitty denial sort of way.
“You think she's got a shot?”
“I'd say the hair twirling was pretty telling,” Lucas gossips, raising his eyebrows and waggling them until Maya snorts.
“Riles’ gonna get some,” Zay announces when he, Farkle, and Smackle come crashing in. “Farkle saw Sam leaning over and holding Riley’s elbow, and I heard them set a date for Saturday.”
“He also whooped and got us caught,” Smackle says, shrugging out of her sweater and sinking into the love seat next Farkle. “I find myself unable to believe believe that this is who got me an etiquette book.”
“Is no one gonna let me forget that?” Zay mumbles. “It was a nice gesture!”
“Almost as nice as pity-asking me out,” Maya quips and Zay groans, messing up her hair as he passes by on his way to the pantry to look for Mr Matthews’ secret poptart stash. Every time he finds them, Cory changes the location, and it's been almost a year of passive aggression, and Maya wholeheartedly approves.
“I helped him hide them,” Farkle calls out to Zay, who is halfway underneath the sink. “You'll never find them this time.”
Zay does a passable imitation of Farkle’s old favored honk-laugh and Farkle whirls, half out of his seat, to throw his copy of The Scarlet Letter at Zay’s back.
“You swore you'd never do that!” Farkle half-shouts, patting Smackle’s calming hand on his forearm absently. “Now I get to tell everyone about you getting locked in the chicken coop.”
Lucas snorts and then starts laughing, ducking his head and pressing his hand to his mouth. Maya reaches out and prods him in the back of the skull, easy enough to reach, for once, since he's finally taken his regular seat on the floor, between the couch and the table, in front of her.
“Do you already know this tale, Sundance?” Maya presses when his shoulders keep shaking, even as he mostly controls his expression. Zay’s struggling to get out from under the sink and yelping loudly in protest, swearing and shouting that Farkle had better not, but Maya’s attention is entirely on the green-eyed cowboy at her feet. “How come you haven't told me?”
“Zay knows too many things about me,” Lucas admits, grinning ruefully even as he reaches back and catches her hand to stop her from continuing to jab her little fingers at him. “But I think Farkle is just annoyed enough to share.”
Zay yells nonsense the entire time Farkle speaks, and Farkle only just gets louder until the both of them are nearly screaming over each other. When Riley finally shows up, looking dazed and well-kissed, Farkle has to tell the story again, since they're all cracking up and she's curious. Zay pouts the entire second time, making menacing noises, but he's ultimately a good sport about blackmail deals.
They break for dinner when Auggie gets home, and they all take turns talking to Cory and Topanga when they call from their date-night vacay hotel in the Hamptons, like the upper-middle class white people they are.
Between biology and trig Maya brings up Sam, and Zay leaps at the change to tease someone else for a change, but Riley is, Maya is proud to note, somewhat more composed about this love interest than she has been in the past, only pinkening a little when Maya makes kissy noises, and only gushing for a moment about Sam’s eyes and how smart she is before she fairly adeptly turns the subject to Lucas’ most recent game.
Maya leans over and cuddles into her sister for a while after Lucas and Smackle get into it about the validity of baseball as a hardcore sport and the comparable mathletes team. Riley allows Maya to pet her hair and snuffle at her cheek, smiling gently and fondly as she wraps her skinny arms around Maya’s frame, squeezing and giving her a look like we can gush more later.
Maya blows a raspberry against Riley’s elbow-pit in a and don't be stingy on the details and eventually drags herself to settle back against the other arm of the couch, one leg bent at the knee, other one dangling over the side, heels still strapped to her feet.
Eventually it's time for Auggie to go to sleep, and the group settles into their quieter selves, Farkle and Zay quizzing each other on the periodic table, Smackle typing steadily on her laptop, working through her English essay with a sort of efficiency that still impresses and terrifies Maya in equal measure. Riley is the first one of them to nod off, curled up tinier than she should be able, all those long limbs and huge personality, hugging her math notes and her phone tight to her chest. Zay is next, and Farkle pulls out a book to read. Lucas is still working through his ACT prep book, setting his phone’s timer and taking test after test, eyebrows furrowing a little when he doesn't finish with the results he'd wanted.
Maya stretches hard, arching her back and pressing her shoe against Lucas’ cheek when he wrinkles his nose at the sound of her spine cracking. He blinks and finally looks up from his workbook, hands catching Maya’s heeled foot and holding it steady, his expression like he's working through some tough problem.
“Still wearing these, Shortstack?” He says, not really a question, more under his breath than anything else. His eyes are glinting in the dim room, and Maya knows she's been caught. Because Lucas is a fundamentally different person than she is, he doesn't immediately start laughing or crowing at this new knowledge. He barely even smirks.
He does, however, shift around until he’s more or less facing her, pull her foot a little closer to his chest, and unbuckle her shoe, sliding it off her aching foot with an overwhelming sort of gentleness.
He motions for her other foot and, somewhat dazed, she slowly slings it towards him, taking care to not jostle Riley with the movement. He removes that shoe too, and just holds her feet in his hands for half a second before he digs his thumbs into her arches and Maya has to bite down on her lip to hold back a damn moan, the pleasure-pain is so good.
He keeps doing it, too, massaging her feet and her ankles, soothing and firm in an alternating, mind-blowing pattern, those green eyes looking up at her from his spot at her feet.
“How long have you needed this?” Lucas murmurs, and Maya—Maya flushes, eyes glancing around the room to make sure Smackle and Farkle finally succumbed to sleep.
“How long have you wanted to do this?” Maya retorts quietly, and Lucas doesn't answer her any more than she answered him, but his hands drift up a little, working her calves with strong, slightly calloused fingers, never leaving her feet for long.
Maya tilts her head, hair falling around her in a way she knows is attractive, and Lucas’ eyes dilate, obvious only because of how closely she's watching him.
“I won't pretend that I think anything I say will convince you to stop,” Lucas muses, brushing his thumbs across the delicate bones in the top of her feet.
“They're kind of my thing, now,” Maya says, with a casual shrug that doesn't do too great a job of disguising her shudder. Lucas is polite enough not to mention it, although now—now, he's smirking.
“Gotta give the people what they want,” Lucas agrees.
The words are on the tip of her tongue: and what do you want? but she's only ever been brave with Riley, and this ain't something Riley can help her with. Lucas seems to read the question in whatever expression is on her face anyway. He bends down and presses a feather-light kiss against each foot before giving Maya her feet back and smiling, that proper, Huckleberry smile that Maya won't admit for a million dollars that she's missed.
“I'll make sure to hear you, the next time you complain about them,” is all he says. It's almost a letdown. Her stomach swoops at all the promises in his expression. It kind of feels like a beginning, though.
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