#Mt Sinai Authority
yhebrew · 2 years
Priority of Authority
Wednesday, July 27, 2022 Copied in full text from Ministries of New Life Website December 30, 2022 It is written by Marilyn Griffin in the volume of the Book I delight to do Your will, O My Elohim. Yes, Your Torah [Teaching] is within My heart. Psa. 40:7b-8 Born to Reveal the Father  In the natural and spiritual realms, submission to authority is fundamental to advancement. No one modeled…
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sag-dab-sar · 30 days
📖 Myth & Sacred Scripture 📖
In Hellenic Polytheism and Mesopotamian Polytheism (and others but I don't want to speak for them) there is no sacred scripture where the words of a God are given to a myth writer and that writing is then declared holy by some form of religious authority.
The idea that myths are the literal actions of the Gods come from a concept of sacred scripture. Sacred meaning the words have holy implications or they have a fundamentally important connection to the divine. This understanding of religious writings is demonstrated in:
Protestant Christianity where the Bible is divinely inspired (usually derived from 1 Timothy 3:16 & 2 Peter 1:12). Additionally, in Trinitarian Christianity Jesus is God making his words in the Gospels the literal words of God.
Islam where the Quran are the words of God given to Mohammad via the angel Gabriel over the course of his life.
Judaism where traditionally the written Torah are the words of God given to Moses at Mt Sinai.
**There are more examples but I'm not going to try and talk about something I did not study.
This pervasive idea of scripture being the words of God embeds itself into a general view of what religion supposedly is because:
Christianity is the largest religion in the world.
Christianity is the dominant religion in English speaking countries, so when we have these discussions in English it tends to have that cultural Christian viewpoint.
Islam is the second largest religion in the world.
Islam considers the Jewish and Christian scriptures to also be given from God, but they have been corrupted in one way or another. This combination can put a mistaken emphasis on sacred scripture being a fundamental aspect of religion.
Even though Judaism is a very small religion the the written Torah is considered part of the Christian Old Testament (first five books). Christians interpret the scripture completely differently but the idea of Moses receiving the Word of God at Mt Sinai continues into Christianity from Judaism.
In many "dead religions" the closest you can come to the "words of the gods" might be the writings of ancient oracles or those who communed directly with spirits & gods. However, in Greece and Mesopotamia there was no centralized religion or continuous tradition to overview and canonize them into sacred scripture. Additionally, those are not usually what people are talking about when they refer to myth.
Myth is extremely important, but mythic literalism is a misstep people make, often due to our preconceived notions of sacred scriptures and their connection to the divine.
-dyslexic not audio proof read-
-I hope this makes sense-
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Jewish Song of the Day #40: Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai
Okay so this one is a little tricky to explain the context of, because it requires a certain baseline of existing knowledge, but I'm gonna try.
So this is a Lag b'Omer song, for reasons I will get to momentarily.
Lag b'Omer is the 33rd day in the counting cycle of the Omer - the 49 days between the second day of Passover (Pesach) and the holiday of Shavuot, which commemorates the giving of the Torah to the Jewish people by Hashem from Mt. Sinai.
Lag b'Omer is celebrated for a couple of reasons:
Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, who lived in the second century of the Common Era, was the first to publicly teach the mystical dimension of the Torah known as the Kabbalah, and is the author of the classic text of Kabbalah, the Zohar. On the day of his passing, Rabbi Shimon instructed his disciples to mark the date as “the day of my joy.” The chassidic masters explain that the final day of a righteous person’s earthly life marks the point at which all their deeds, teachings and work achieve their culminating perfection and the zenith of their impact upon our lives. So each Lag BaOmer, we celebrate Rabbi Shimon’s life and the revelation of the esoteric soul of Torah. Lag BaOmer also commemorates another joyous event. The Talmud relates that in the weeks between the Jewish holidays of Passover and Shavuot, a plague raged among the disciples of the great sage Rabbi Akiva (teacher of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai), “because they did not act respectfully towards each other.” These weeks are therefore observed as a period of mourning, with various joyous activities proscribed by law and custom. On Lag BaOmer the deaths ceased. Thus, Lag BaOmer also carries the theme of loving and respecting one’s fellow (ahavat Yisrael).
(Source: Chabad - read more about it here)
Because of this, Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai is associated with the day, and therefore this song exists.
It is also worth noting that the first 32 days of the Omer (also referred to as the sephira) traditional Jews observe a number of mourning customs, including restrictions on music. I typically observe some level of this, so JSOTD might go on hiatus for that month, or at a minimum, might switch to a capella music only. I might also switch to doing a "Jewish Teaching of the Day" instead. Please let me know what y'all think in the notes. There is also another similar three week period during the summer months of Tammuz and Av where mourning customs are observed. I will likely do the same thing during both.
The Omer doesn’t occur until early May, but I figured I'd give a heads-up while I am talking about this anyway.
Enjoy the song and let me know your thoughts!
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thesynaxarium · 2 years
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Today, on the fourth Sunday of Lent we celebrate the Venerable John, Abbot of Sinai and author of the Ladder of Divine Ascent (or the Climacus). This indispensable book stands as a witness to the great effort needed for entrance into God’s Kingdom (Mt.10: 12). The spiritual struggle of the Christian life is a real one, “not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers of the present darkness the hosts of wickedness in heavenly places” (Eph 6:12). Saint John encourages the faithful in their efforts for, according to the Lord, only “he who endures to the end will be saved” (Mt.24:13). The troparion of Saint John is chanted by St. Kassiani Antiochian Archdiocese Choir of Australia. May he intercede for us always + #saint #john #ladder #ladderofdivineascent #johnclimacus #climacus #book #lent #greatlent #kingdomofheaven #God #easter #pascha #journeytotheresurrection #resurrection #sinai #abbot #egypt #orthodox (at Sinai, Egypt) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqOiHccjGm9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pamprinninja · 4 months
'Standard Clitoris™'
Apologies for those that read the title with confusion and / or an injured sense of propriety; there is critical context here, I promise!
Act I:
Two years ago, I contacted Mt. Sinai's Center For Transgender Medicine And Surgery; with the intent of pursuing gender reassignment.
(The people there are lovely; but this was still an incredibly involved and rather stressful process, as (a) my health insurer required numerous hurdles be jumped before they would authorize the surgery; and (b) the Mt. SInai health system is located in New York, whereas I am quite definitively not.)
I ended up consulting with renowned vaginoplasty surgeon Dr. Miro Djordjevic. For those not in the know, Dr. Miro originates from Serbia; and while he speaks excellent English, he also has a flair for creating unusual turns of phrase that are as delightful as they are unexpected.
To transcribe this conversation (to the best of my recollection):
"Dr. Miro - what level of control do you have over the appearance of the new vulva?"
"Oh, Lauren; many young girls, they come in here with pictures of other women, they say: 'Dr. Miro, please can you make my new vagina look like this'. And I say, 'I cannot, I am sorry; for the final appearance is very dependent on your individual anatomy'. However, I understand this, and I will give you a very good vagina, a very beautiful vagina; you will see."
"Ah! This makes sense to me. Let me rephrase my question: once I am healed, I hope to have my clitoris pierced; but I understand that this requires the anatomy to be a certain way."
"Lauren, in many surgeries, you are the first girl that has asked this. But! The clitoris, this I can change! You tell me what size your clitoris should be, and I will do this for you."
Act II:
Thus, I visited my local piercing parlor; and provided my piercer with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to specify the exact dimensions and (and other qualities) of the clitoris that they would, in future, be piercing.
The takeaways were surprisingly straightforward:
The clitoris needed to be large enough to pierce (with an overall diameter of 10mm suggested as an appropriate target).
There needed to be sufficient space between the clitoris and clitoral hood to comfortably fit a Q-Tip.
So armed, I prepared for the day of surgery (a tale in its own right).
Act III:
It is the 9th of February, 2023; and I am currently sitting in the pre-op room, meeting the vast team of individuals who will shortly be participating in the surgical revamp of my genitalia (or the critical task of ensuring that I remain wholly unconscious during said revamp, but not so unconscious that, say, my heart stops).
It is here that I see Dr. Miro once again; and remind him of our previous conversation and my subsequent fact-finding mission regarding clitoral anatomy as it pertains to piercing suitability:
"Okay, so: my piercer says that the clitoris should be around 10mm in diameter; and that there should be enough space between the clitoris and hood to fit a Q-Tip."
...To which Dr. Miro wryly shook his head, and proceeded to hew from his English lexicon a brand-new term that has lived with me ever since:
"Lauren, Lauren! Why didn't you say? This is Standard Clitoris™! This is what I was going to give you anyway!"
...And so it was, as I rapidly drifted towards my robotically-assisted neovaginal destiny (and away from consciousness), that the primary thought looping through my mind was: "I should have known: the Standard Clitoris™"!
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wesleyhill · 1 year
Jesus recapitulates Moses.
But at the very same moment, Jesus recapitulates someone else.
Here’s how Matthew introduces the Sermon on the Mount: “Seeing the crowds, he went up on the mountain, and when he sat down, his disciples came to him.”
Why does Matthew make a point of saying that Jesus sat down? Not, presumably, because Jesus knew his Sermon was going to be a long one and his legs would give out before he finished.
No, Jesus sits down on the mountain the way a king sits down on his throne. He occupies the topmost spot on the mountain and takes possession of it, so that when he preaches, proclaims, and promulgates, he does so not merely as a mediator of someone else’s words. He speaks his own words, greater than Solomon’s, but also greater than Moses’s.
Jesus on the mountaintop recapitulates the Lord God of Israel on Mt. Sinai. Jesus is both: he is Moses the man and mediator, one of the people, their spokesman and intercessor; at the same time he is the Lord, the God of Israel, their savior and true king. Hence the Sermon’s conclusion: “And when Jesus finished these sayings, the crowds were astonished at his teaching, for he was teaching them as one who had authority.”
— Sarah Hinlicky Wilson
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woodlandwizard77 · 13 days
I have an HRT/PCP appt next week
And have been making notes/questions to share. Some of them you all may have answers/thoughts to, but I also know the last time I shared a list of stuff that I made for myself, a whole bunch of people thought it was very helpful. So I'll share this list of questions as well. For reference, I live in Upstate NY and am insured through my employer locally/nationally. Programs and laws local to Upstate NY apply here.
1) Can you help me get a prior authorization for laser hair removal in preparation for surgery? I don't expect my insurance to cover it, but they should let it count against deductibles with the prior authorization 3) My insurance will cover up to 30 speech therapy/voice lessons if "the medical necessity requirements" are met. Can you help me make sure I have all of those met and refer me to a gender affirming speech therapist in the Ithaca area? Probably also prior auth. I am aware of the free one at [redacted local college] and am on the waitlist 4) Can we check up on surgery stuff? I have started laser hair and have two letters of support. What next? I am guessing I just wait for Mt. Sinai to call me sometime around the new year? 5) What are some alternatives to Spiro? I think I might be getting more migraines and definitely have to pee more. 6) I have been crying nearly daily. Is that expected? Wondering about dosage and also if its better to take HRT on a weekly dose (injections? I don't like needles is an understatement?) If this is normal and is just adjustment period, great, but otherwise would like to consider stuff. 7) Can I get COVID and Flu shots (today)? 8) I know a lot of trans women get a lot out of taking progesterone. When should we consider that? Can we consider that?
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mattanaministry · 2 months
Mattana Ministry
Welcomes YouTo:
Weekly Bible Study: 30 July 2024
Theme: Bible Basics Explained/Ten Commandments
Scripture: Ex.20:1-6
No Other Gods, No Idols
We don’t get much more foundational than this. The Law of Almighty God summed up in ten concise commands. His Will for mankind, His clear directions, at the very foundation of righteousness and justice, and no small controversy here three thousand years later—all right here in one chapter: Exodus 20.
So that’s our topic for the next six weeks. We’ll cover one or two commandments each week, and we’ll explain them. That’s what Bible Basics Explained is all about. We take some of the most important topics in the whole Bible, find the key verses that get right to the heart of it, and we walk through them together.
So to catch up on the story here, the Israelites have followed Moses and followed God into the wilderness. They are camped at the foot of Mt. Sinai. A thick cloud covers the mountain, and the Lord Almighty has descended to the top of Mt. Sinai in fire. Lightning flashes, thunder shakes, and the voice of God resounds through the valley for all to hear.
The words that God speaks are known as the Ten Commandments. It is rare in the Bible for God's voice to be heard by all, but these commands are for the world.
The Ten Commandments are moral law—the foundational basics of right and wrong. And to be clear, Mt. Sinai was not the invention of moral law, but the declaration. God gave mankind a conscience from the beginning, and every society in history has displayed a clear sense of morality and justice. But here, the Lord declares His foundational commands.
Verse 1:
"And God spoke all these words: ‘I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery'" (Exodus 20:1-2).
So God introduces Himself. This is His Law—not Moses's law, and not man-made. And He reminds Israel that He freed them from slavery. That's an important foundation to the Law: because of who God is and what He has done for us, He has the right to command us. And God's Will for us is freedom, and the ultimate purpose of the Law will be freedom.
Verse 3:
“You shall have no other gods before me" (Exodus 20:3).
Commandment number one is foundational. No . . . other . . . gods. Nothing comes before God—He is priority and authority number one. He is Foundation, Cornerstone, Roots, Vine, Source, Maker, Creator, Preeminent. If we miss commandment one—if we move the foundation—everything else is dislodged. Morality, justice, equality, truth, love, wisdom—without God Preeminent, all of it begins to crack, and fails to answer the simple question: why. Why right or wrong? Why equal rights? Why love? But when we set God as God, we have foundation for everything.
The words do not imply that we can have other gods after God. It literally means “in my face.” Sort of like God saying, "Look, I see you. I see everything. That other god you made - I see it right there before me. So get rid of it."
And speaking of making gods, verse 4:
“You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them” (Exodus 20:4-5).
For Catholics, this is still Commandment one. The Orthodox and Protestant churches mark it as number two. No idols. Don't carve something to look like a god or represent a god. Historically, some have taken this as a ban on all carvings and statues, but later in Exodus God Himself commands the carving of cherubim images for the ark. Verse five makes it clear that the issue here is carving images to bow down to in worship. That is idolatry.
More arguments have arisen over icons—artistic images of Jesus or the saints. We'll leave that debate to theologians. But if we worship anything other than God, that is by definition idolatry. Any substitute for God. Ephesians 5 explains that any immoral, impure, or greedy person is an idolater. They have replaced God with money, pleasure, knowledge, success, alcohol, drugs, guns, power, anything—even just self. We will know our idol by the altar where we sacrifice.
So if worship is the heart of the matter, what is so dangerous about carving an image? It comes down to a reversal of order. God made us in His image, we should never attempt to make Him in our image. Carving an image of God sets us as creator and designer.
And when we create a god to match our own imaginations, that denigration of God's nature—in turn denigrates us. We reflect what we worship, and idolatry is a downward spiral.
And we'll close out our study right there for today.
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spiritsoulandbody · 3 months
#DailyDevotion Fix Your Eyes On Jesus To Finish The Race
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#DailyDevotion Fix Your Eyes On Jesus To Finish The Race Heb. 12 Now then, with all these witnesses around us like a cloud, let us get rid of every burden and the sin we easily fall into and with endurance run the race laid out before us, 2looking to Jesus, Who gives us our faith from start to finish. Chapter 11 is the cloud of witnesses he is referring to. Now the image of a cloud should also bring to mind the glory of God. There is the pillar of cloud by day. The cloud God spoke to Moses on Mt. Sinai. The smoke of Isaiah 6. Finally, the mount of transfiguration where Jesus appeared with two of these witnesses, Moses and Elijah and the Father speaking to the disciples. These all died in the faith and are with God in glory awaiting the resurrection of glorified bodies. They are our witnesses to endure in the faith. As these all died in the faith and did not have anything we have not been given by God, no, we are given the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, we are encouraged therefore to get rid of every burden and the sin we so easily fall into. After several of the admonitions in early chapters about not having room for repentance after sin, it is comforting to see he realizes how we easily fall into it. The burden here is not daily troubles. We will not escape the crosses God lays upon us. They are for our good. What then can be our burdens? The burdens are our guilt of past sins, our lack of asking forgiveness and making amends where necessary, and our resentments and refusal to forgive those who sin against us. What sins have we not confessed to God, thinking if we don't confess them He won't know about them? What harms have we not gone to those we have sinned against, admitted our faults and asked how to repair the damage we have caused? Who are we refusing to forgive in our hearts and what resentments are we holding onto? Let us take care of these things. If we take care of these things sin will not have as great a hold on us. We should also minimize the places, things and situations that tempt us into sin until we have matured more in the faith. He calls us to endurance to finish the faith, looking to Jesus, who gives us our faith from start to finish. Jesus is the author and perfecter of our faith. Perfecter from the Greek teleiōtēs, the word Jesus says from the cross, “It is finished.” Looking to Jesus is trusting Jesus. It is believing His promises. As Paul says in 1 Cor. 1, “8He will strengthen you to the end so that no one can accuse you of anything on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. 9You can depend on God, Who called you to the fellowship of His Son Jesus Christ, our Lord.” Again in Phil. 1, “6I'm sure that He Who started a good work in you will go on to finish it until the day of Christ Jesus.” Did not Jesus say in John, “No one can snatch you out of My hand.” and “No one can snatch you out of My Father's hand?” Jesus starts us on the race and cheers us on. Jesus is with us in the race carrying our feet. We see Jesus at the end of the race cheering us on with the prize He has for those who complete the race, forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, eternal life and the kingdom of God. Keeping our eyes on Jesus is living in the Spirit. It is living in His Gospel promises. The more we keep our eyes on Jesus the more we will drop our burdens and not be entangled with the sin that so easily trips us up. Only the Good News of Jesus frees us from sinning. While we have this great cloud of witnesses which is encouraging, Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith is still greater than these. Keep your eyes on Jesus. Heavenly Father, give us such faith that keeps our eyes on Jesus so we may drop our burdens and avoid sin so we may finish our race. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Read the full article
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ramadhanseries · 6 months
26th Taraweeh:
27th Para from 1.5 of Surah Zaariyaat till end of Surah Hadeed.
1. Compensation of actions is certain.
2. The purpose of the creation if Man and Jinn, is to worship ALLAH.
52. Suratul Toor : The Chapter of the Mountain Sinai. Makkah 49 Aayats.
This Surah in Brief:
The punishment of evil actions is certain. The punishment will befall the antagonists of the truth. ALLAH Ta'aala commands Nabi (SALLALLAHU ALAYHI WASALLAM) to continue propagating the same message which all Ambiyaa did. Do they think that by them not accepting your directives it will prevent the forthcoming events. Mt. Sinai is where Moosa (Alayhi Salaam) received ‘wahy’ and saw ALLAH'S glory.
53. Suratun Najm : The Chapter of the Stars. Makkah – 62 Aayats
This Surah in Brief:
The traditions or sayings of Rasulullaah (SALLALLAHU ALAYHI WASALLAM) are Divine Revelation too and your (i.e.Kufr) beliefs are based on mental evaluations and are pure mental assumptions and do not be bothered about these.
1. Do not these people know that every person will be recompensed for their actions.
2. ALLAH Ta'aala will recompense the people by HIMSELF, therefore
3. HE ruined Aad, Thamud, the people of Noah (Alayhi Salaam) etc as punishment for their evil actions.
4. Meeraj is also mentioned.
54. Suratul Qamar : The Chapter of the Moon. Makkah : 55 Aayats
This Surah in brief:-
Removing the idea that Qiyaamat (Judgement Day) is a far-fetched thing. Qiyaamat means when the whole universe will be in a condition of turmoil and havoc. The matter regarding the breaking of a heavenly body (i.e. the splitting of the moon) from the universe is a clear proof that the remaining heavenly bodies will also encounter weaknesses and perish.
1. Removing the thought that Judgement day is far-fetched.
2. A reminder of the visitations of ALLAH in the next 3 rukus.
The story of Nuh (Alayhi Salaam), his call, the rain and the ark. Resting thereafter on Mount Judi, border of Turkey. The statement; “WE have made the Quraan easy to remember, but will anyone take heed” appears 4 times.
55. Suratur Rahmaan : The Chapter of the Compassionate. Madinah – 78 Aayats
This Surah in Brief:
This Surah is an answer to the question "Who is Ar-Rahmaan?" which the Kuffar posed. ALLAH knows best! A reminder of the bounties of ALLAH.
1. Everything will definitely perish.
2. That Benefactor who has showed favours upon you will take your reckoning.
3. Those who misused the favours will be dealt with severly. ALLAH will reward those who use their favours properly by granting them Jannat and its delights and two gardens. The words “then which of Your Rabb’s favours you deny” appears 31 times in this Surah.
56. Suratul Waqiah : The Chapter of that which must come to pass. Makkah – 96 Aayats
This Surah in Brief :-
On the day of Judgement there will be three categories of people. Those on the right, left and foremost. Two categories, the right and the foremost, will be saved and the third one, the left, will be doomed.
1. The categories briefly outlined, the righteousness and those who accepted the truth upon presentation, are the successful.
2. Mention is made of the bounties of the two saved categories will receive.
Then :-
1. Mention is made of how ALLAH will deal with the Ashabush Shima (i.e. the dwellers of hell).
2. Removing the thought that resurrection is far-fetched, by mentioning the natural surroundings. A repetition on how ALLAH will deal with all three categories as a conclusion.
57. Suratul Hadeed : The Chapter of Iron. Madinah – 29 Aayats.
This Surah in Brief:
The manner in which to achieve Dominion.
1. If one desires respect and authority then one should lay oneself completely to obey the orders of ALLAH.
2. Learn how to spend in the path of ALLAH.
3. When one spends then in this world his Imaan strengthens and in the Aakhirat (hereafter) he receives Nur (i.e. celestial light)
4. When one avoids spending (in the path of ALLAH) then in this world he acquires hypocrisy and the Nur is snatched away from him in the Aakhirat (hereafter).
5. When one avoids spending in the path of ALLAH then he is diseased with vainglory and amassment in wealth and offspring, etc. ALLAH has mercy and compassion in sight for HIS creation. There should be no blending of innovations with these laws revealed from ALLAH Ta'aala. The role of Nuh (Alayhi Salaam) and Ibrahim (Alayhi Salaam) as ALLAH'S Nabi’s is stated, believers will be rewarded with this nur and pardon.
26வது தாராவீஹ்:
சூரா ஜாரியாத்தின் 1.5 முதல் சூரா ஹதீத் முடியும் வரை 27வது பாரா.
1. செயல்களின் இழப்பீடு நிச்சயம்.
2. மனிதனும் ஜினும் படைப்பின் நோக்கம், அல்லாஹ்வை வணங்குவதாகும்.
52. சூரத்துல் தூர் : சினாய் மலையின் அத்தியாயம். மக்கா 49 ஆயத்துகள்.
இந்த சூரா சுருக்கமாக:
தீய செயல்களுக்கு தண்டனை நிச்சயம். சத்தியத்தின் எதிரிகளுக்கு தண்டனை கிடைக்கும். அம்பியா அவர்கள் செய்த அதே செய்தியைத் தொடர்ந்து பிரச்சாரம் செய்யும்படி அல்லாஹ் தஆலா நபி (ஸல்) அவர்களுக்குக் கட்டளையிடுகிறான். உங்களின் உத்தரவுகளை அவர்கள் ஏற்காததால் அது வரவிருக்கும் நிகழ்வுகளைத் தடுக்கும் என்று அவர்கள் நினைக்கிறார்களா? மூஸா (அலை) அவர்கள் ‘வஹி’ பெற்று அல்லாஹ்வின் மகிமையைக் கண்ட இடம் சினாய் மலை.
53. சூரதுன் நஜ்ம் : நட்சத்திரங்களின் அத்தியாயம். மக்கா - 62 ஆயாத்துகள்
இந்த சூரா சுருக்கமாக:
ரசூலுல்லாஹ் (ஸல்) அவர்களின் மரபுகள் அல்லது வாசகங்கள் தெய்வீக வெளிப்பாடு மற்றும் உங்கள் (அதாவது குஃப்ர்) நம்பிக்கைகள் மன மதிப்பீடுகளை அடிப்படையாகக் கொண்டவை மற்றும் தூய மன அனுமானங்கள் மற்றும் அவற்றைப் பற்றி கவலைப்பட வேண்டாம்.
1. ஒவ்வொரு நபரும் தங்கள் செயல்களுக்கு கூலி கொடுக்கப்படுவார்கள் என்பது இவர்களுக்குத் தெரியாதா?
2. அல்லாஹ் தஆலா தானே மக்களுக்குப் பிரதிபலன் கொடுப்பான்
3. ஆத், ஸமூத், நூஹ்வின் மக்கள் (அலைஹி ஸலாம்) போன்றவர்களை அவர்களுடைய தீய செயல்களுக்கான தண்டனையாக அழித்தார்.
4. மீராஜ் என்றும் குறிப்பிடப்பட்டுள்ளது.
54. சூரத்துல் கமர் : சந்திரனின் அத்தியாயம். மக்கா : 55 ஆயாத்துகள்
இந்த சூரா சுருக்கமாக:-
கியாமத் (தீர்ப்பு நாள்) என்ற எண்ணத்தை நீக்குவது வெகு தொலைவில் உள்ளது. கியாமத் என்றால் முழு பிரபஞ்சமும் கொந்தளிப்பு மற்றும் அழிவு நிலையில் இருக்கும் போது. பிரபஞ்சத்திலிருந்து ஒரு பரலோக உடலை உடைப்பது (அதாவது சந்திரன் பிளவுபடுவது) பற்றிய விஷயம், மீதமுள்ள வான உடல்களும் பலவீனங்களைச் சந்தித்து அழிந்துவிடும் என்பதற்கு தெளிவான சான்றாகும்.
1. நியாயத்தீர்ப்பு நாள் வெகு தொலைவில் உள்ளது என்ற எண்ணத்தை நீக்குதல்.
2. அடுத்த 3 ருகூக்களில் அல்லாஹ்வின் வருகைகளின் நினைவூட்டல்.
நூஹ் (அலை) அவர்களின் அழைப்பு, மழை மற்றும் பேழையின் கதை. அதன் பிறகு துருக்கியின் எல்லையான ஜூடி மலையில் ஓய்வெடுக்கிறார். அறிக்கை; "குர்ஆனை நாம் எளிதாக நினைவில் வைத்திருக்கிறோம், ஆனால் யாராவது கவனத்தில் கொள்வார்களா" என்று 4 முறை தோன்றும்.
55. சூரதுர் ரஹ்மான்: இரக்கமுள்ளவரின் அத்தியாயம். மதீனா - 78 ஆயாட்டுகள்
இந்த சூரா சுருக்கமாக:
இந்த சூரா "அர்-ரஹ்மான் யார்?" என்ற கேள்விக்கான பதில். குஃபர் போஸ் கொடுத்தது. அல்லாஹ்வே நன்கு அறிந்தவன்! அல்லாஹ்வின் அருளைப் பற்றிய நினைவூட்டல்.
1. எல்லாம் கண்டிப்பாக அழியும்.
2. உங்கள் மீது அனுதாபம் காட்டிய அந்த அருளாளர் உங்கள் கணக்கை ஏற்றுக்கொள்வார்.
3. உதவிகளைத் தவறாகப் பயன்படுத்துபவர்கள் கடுமையாகக் கையாளப்படுவார்கள். தங்களின் அருட்கொடைகளை முறையாகப் பயன்படுத்துபவர்களுக்கு அல்லாஹ் ஜன்னத்தையும் அதன் இன்பங்களையும் இரண்டு தோட்டங்களையும் வழங்குவான். இந்த சூராவில் "உங்கள் ரப்பின் எந்த உதவியை நீங்கள் மறுக்கிறீர்கள்" என்ற வார்த்தைகள் 31 முறை வருகிறது.
56. சூரத்துல் வாக்கியா: நடக்க வேண்டிய அத்தியாயம். மக்கா - 96 ஆயாத்துகள்
இந்த சூரா சுருக்கமாக:-
தீர்ப்பு நாளில் மூன்று வகை மக்கள் இருப்பார்கள். வலது, இடது மற்றும் முன்னணியில் இருப்பவர்கள். வலது மற்றும் முதன்மையான இரண்டு பிரிவுகள் சேமிக்கப்படும் மற்றும் மூன்றாவது, இடது, அழிந்துவிடும்.
1. சுருக்கமாக கோடிட்டுக் காட்டப்பட்ட பிரிவுகள், நேர்மை மற்றும் உ��்மையை ஏற்றுக்கொண்டவர்கள் வெற்றி பெற்றவர்கள்.
2. சேமித்த இரு பிரிவினரின் வரப்பிரசாதங்களைப் பற்றி குறிப்பிடப்பட்டுள்ளது.
பிறகு :
1. அஷாபுஷ் ஷிமாவை (அதாவது நரகவாசிகள்) அல்லாஹ் எவ்வாறு கையாள்வான் என்பது குறிப்பிடப்பட்டுள்ளது.
2. இயற்கையான சூழலைக் குறிப்பிட்டு, உயிர்த்தெழுதல் வெகு தூரம் என்ற எண்ணத்தை நீக்குதல். மூன்று வகைகளையும் ஒரு முடிவாக அல்லாஹ் எவ்வாறு கையாள்வான் என்பது பற்றிய ஒரு மறுபரிசீலனை.
57. சூரத்துல் ஹதீத் : இரும்பின் அத்தியாயம். மதீனா - 29 ஆயாத்துகள்.
இந்த சூரா சுருக்கமாக:
ஆதிக்கத்தை அடையும் விதம்.
1. ஒருவர் மரியாதை மற்றும் அதிகாரத்தை விரும்பினால், அல்லாஹ்வின் கட்டளைகளுக்குக் கீழ்ப்படிவதற்கு ஒருவர் தன்னை முழுமையாக அர்ப்பணிக்க வேண்டும்.
2. அல்லாஹ்வின் பாதையில் செலவு செய்வது எப்படி என்று கற்றுக் கொள்ளுங்கள்.
3. ஒருவர் இவ்வுலகில் செலவிடும் போது அவருடைய ஈமான் வலுவடைந்து ஆக்கிரத்தில் (இனிமேல்) நூர் (அதாவது வான ஒளி) பெறுகிறார்.
4. ஒருவர் (அல்லாஹ்வின் பாதையில்) செலவழிப்பதைத் தவிர்க்கும்போது, ​​இவ்வுலகில் அவர் நயவஞ்சகத்தைப் பெறுகிறார், மேலும் நூர் ஆக்கிரத்தில் (மறுமையில்) அவரிடமிருந்து பறிக்கப்படுகிறது.
5. ஒருவர் அல்லாஹ்வின் பாதையில் செலவு செய்வதைத் தவிர்க்கும் போது, ​​அவர் வீண்பெருமை மற்றும் செல்வம் மற்றும் சந்ததி போன்றவற்றால் நோய்வாய்ப்படுகிறார். அல்லாஹ் தஆலாவிடமிருந்து வெளிப்படுத்தப்பட்ட இந்த சட்டங்களுடன் புதுமைகளின் கலவை இருக்கக்கூடாது. நூஹ் (அலைஹி ஸலாம்) மற்றும் இப்ராஹிம் (அலை) ஆகியோரின் பாத்திரம் அல்லாஹ்வின் நபியாகக் கூறப்பட்டுள்ளது, விசுவாசிகளுக்கு இந்த நூர் மற்றும் மன்னிப்பு வெகுமதி அளிக்கப்படும்.
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pastortomsteers · 7 months
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The Fourth Sunday in Lent
March 10, 2024
Pastor Tom Steers
Christ the Saviour Lutheran Church, Toronto
OPENNING HYMNN: 702  “My Faith Looks Up to Thee”
Lutheran Service Book
                                                                                                                               The Invocation                         Page 184 
Confession and Absolution    Page 184-185
P:O Lord.     C: have mercy.
P: O Christ.   C: have mercy.
P: O Lord.     C: have mercy.
P: O Christ.   C: hear us.
P: God the Father in heaven.  C: have mercy.
P: God the Son, Redeemer of the world.  C: have mercy.
P: God the Holy Spirit.  C: have mercy.
P: Be gracious to us.  C: Spare us good Lord.
P: Be gracious to us.  C: Help us, good Lord.
P: In the time of our tribulation; in the time of our prosperity; in the hour of death; and in the day of judgment:
C: Help us good Lord.
P: We poor sinners implore You
C: To hear us, O Lord.
P: To give all peoples concord and peace; to preserve our land from discord and strife; to give our country and Christians around the world Your protection in every time of need;
     To direct and correct all in civil authority; to bless and protect our armed forces, and all people from evil and terrorism;
     To watch over and help those who are in danger, need, and tribulation.
     To help and sustain the poor and unemployed, to defend and comfort orphans and provide for them;
     To strengthen and heal the sick, disabled, and injured; to free those in bondage; and to have mercy on all:
C: We implore You to hear us, good Lord.
The Kyrie (Lord Have Mercy)
Lord Have mercy upon us.
Christ have mercy upon us.
Lord Have mercy upon us.
Collect Prayer:
Almighty God, our heavenly Father, Your mercies are new every morning; and though we deserve only punishment, You receive us as Your children and provide for all our needs of body and soul. Grant that we may heartily acknowledge Your merciful goodness, give thanks for all Your benefits, and serve You in willing obedience; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.  Amen.
Our Bible Readings:
Old Testament Reading   Numbers 21:4-9 
Psalm 107, verses 1-9                                                                                                                               Epistle Reading                 Ephesians 2:1-10                                                                                                                                  Gospel Reading                John 3:9-21 
HYMN OF THE DAY:  571  “God Loved the Word So That He Gave”
Today Jesus tells us of the victory over death Christians have in Him.
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”
In these words, Christ is promising nothing less than pardon from eternal death and eternity in Heaven.
In the first Sunday of Lent, Jesus told us in the Gospel text that the time is fulfilled, the kingdom of God is at hand.
In the second week of Lent, Jesus reminded us we have a cross to bear.
Last Sunday brought us a strong message of God’s law which shows us our sins, and our desperate need for a Saviour.
Today, in answer to that condemnation we get three powerful Bible lessons about God’s redemption.
And so, we consider our first reading from the Book of Numbers.
The children of Israel have seen the plagues in Egypt,                    crossed the Red Sea after God parted it,  
trembled at the base of Mt. Sinai in the presence of the Lord,
and gotten up every morning to eat manna the Almighty provided, 
but they still find something to complain about.
God makes clear in Proverbs, and in the Book of Jude, that He doesn’t like complainers.
The Israelites, freed from bondage in Egypt, ask why the Lord brought them to the desert.
They also say they’re tired of the food being served.
God has had enough of it.
He sends poisonous serpents to bite them, and they died.
That focused their attention on what really mattered.
The people go to Moses and beg him to pray that God will take away the snakes.
Moses does that, but God in effect says, “I have a better idea.”
He tells Moses to make a bronze serpent, and put it up on a pole so people can see.
Now, if snakes bite them, they can look up at the bronze serpent and live.
Notice that God doesn’t take the snakes away.
In fact, the solution looks a lot like the problem.
We pray for God to take our problems away, but He doesn’t always do that.
He gives us something to look at instead, something to believe in.
He doesn’t remove a disease but says ‘put out your hand and I will place the bread of life there.’
We say whatever we’re praying about is destroying us!
God says, “I know, here is what I’m doing about it.”
He gives us His body, broken, and His blood, shed, on a cross.
Moses listens to God and places the bronze serpent on the pole.
God is saying, “Look away from the problem to my solution.”
That takes faith, we have to trust the one speaking, and we have to believe what He says.
The salvation of the whole world is coming, the salvation from the bite of the ancient serpent, who is satan.
The cure for that bite will be Jesus, hanging on another piece of wood, a cross.
The non-believing world says, ‘this is the answer?’
God says, Yes!
Christ is the solution; this is the healing you need.
Look to this man hanging on a cross, and believe He is not just another peasant caught up in the Roman machinery of death.
He is the sinless Son of God, the righteous sacrifice for your sins, and the sins of the world.
In the Book of Numbers, God is addressing the faith problem of the Israelites.
Do we have a similar issue today when we’re faced with the worst this world can throw at us?
The solution is the same: look to Christ.
The Book of Ephesians, from which our Epistle lesson comes, can be called the Apostle Paul’s last will and testament.
Through the years he’s dealt with people who believe they can save themselves by observing the Law of Moses and doing good works.
This is the belief Paul held before encountering Christ on the Damascus road.
The story of Paul is of someone who’s passed from death to life.
It’s ultimately the story of every Christian.
Our verses from Ephesians start out with a corpse.
Enslaved to the devil, the sons of disobedience were children of wrath.
Then the grace of God came to us.
Rich in mercy for His children, God loved us when we were spiritually dead, and His enemies.
Yet He made us alive together with Christ, and graciously raises us up, one day even to be with Him in heaven.
This is a gift, not a reward, we can’t boast about it.
The transformer is the Lord, and we are made new out of grace.
Grace comes from a Greek word.
At its root it’s all about a free gift, no strings attached.
We’re saved to be God’s people, His disciples in this day and place.
So we come to one of the most beautiful passages in the New Testament, John 3:14-21. 
The Pharisee Nicodemus comes to visit Jesus at night to ask questions.
The dark setting is important.
Now, the reference Christ makes to the bronze serpent is striking.
Christ tells us that when He’s raised up from the earth like the bronze snake, people will look to Him, in faith, and this faith will bring eternal life.
John 3:16 is perhaps the most commonly memorized sentence in the Bible.
How are we to understand it?
In his letter, 1st John 4:9-10, the Apostle explains: 
“In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him. In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation (to be the atoning sacrifice), for our sins.”
Our Gospel text today is not only Jesus talking to Nicodemus; it’s God talking to us.
How many in the world today, like the Pharisees of old, are without Christ’s Word?
How many have refused to hear and believe in the ‘earthly’ accounts of the Gospel, and so miss the heavenly message?
‘For God loved the world in this way, that he gave his only son so that all who believe might have eternal life.’
God isn’t interested in destroying the world.
That’s not His desire.
He wants to save it.
When you read this verse insert your name here.
For God so loved you that He gave His only Son to die for your sins.
So much for the wrathful and angry God some people only see.
The operating principal of salvation here is faith.
Whoever believes is saved.
Whoever does not believe, is condemned.
People who want nothing to do with their Saviour, who refuse God’s free gift in Christ, will get their wish on the last day when He turns His face away from them.
But the judgment isn’t based on our accomplishments or good deeds.
The basis of our acquittal, is Jesus.
Christ is the object of our faith.
Faith worked in us by God’s means of grace, His Word and Sacraments.
The Greek term for ‘believe’ here actually means that relationship with God in which He saves us.
Faith implies that our belief results in trust.
Christ explained that the one who rejects the true light, Himself, and flees to the darkness, loves evil, and doesn’t want to see the light of God.
Whoever comes into the light wants his life to be exposed, because it really isn’t his or her life that’s seen, it’s the life which is in God, in Christ.
As Paul will say in Romans, it is the righteousness of God which is revealed in our lives.
God’s call to faith often comes long before we’re even aware of it.
The infant who’s held before the Baptismal font is capable of faith because the Holy Spirit puts it there.
Baptism is an act of God, not man.
God has called you, His child,
He’s filled you with His Spirit, raised you to new life.
He will place you with Christ in heaven.
We are recipients of the most precious gift ever given.
The gift bought and paid for by the crucified and resurrected Saviour of the world.
Jesus Christ.
THE LORD’S PRAYER                      Page 196
AGNUS DEI (Lamb of God)              Page 962
 Post-Communion Collect (Left-hand column)  Page 201   
CLOSING HYMN: 543   “What Wondrous Love Is This”
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wahlpaper · 10 months
The Matzah Ball Review
The Matzah Ball by Jean Meltzer
CW: Child/Family Abandonment, Death of a Parent, Cancer, Grief, Described Chronic Illnesses, Shame, Ableism, Internalized Ableism, Internet Bullying, Mention of Infidelity, Antisemitism, Discussion of the Holocaust, Breach of Privacy, Drunkenness, Suicidal Thoughts
Being a popular book amongst romance readers, I have no idea how I first came across The Matzah Ball by Jean Meltzer. It came out in 2021 and I've wanted to read it since. I tend to pick out books that don't have a waitlist on Libby as it can be overwhelming when the books end up coming in all at once. It's because of this that I took a while to get to The Matzah Ball, and even longer because I decided I'd read it for Hannukka 2023. I'm so happy that I finally got to read it. Meltzer is a wonderful author!
Rachel Rubinstein-Goldblatt is the daughter of a popular rabbi and a successful doctor. She's been raised to be the perfect Jewish woman, often reminded that the synagogue of over 1000 families is always watching. She's kept her secrets close to her chest; that she has Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and that she loves Christmas. Needing a job that allows her to work from home, she became a successful Christmas romance writer. Unfortunately, this Hannukka, her world is going to be sent spinning like a dreidel. Her publisher tells her to write a Hannukka novel in the same week that her middle school boyfriend, Jacob, comes back to New York. Though they would love to avoid each other, they'll be forced to air out their grudges as they prep for the Matzah Ball together. 
This book knows exactly who its audience is. It's accessible for both Jews and non-Jews. The book takes the time to explain certain things that are pretty basic, like sufganiyot, the fact that Hannukka isn't a major holiday, that the 10 Commandments were received at Mt. Sinai, and more. These are for the non-Jewish readers. The book also has plenty of things that are treated as a part of life, like knowing what the Berkshires are, using two sets of table/cookware, and many Yiddish words. One of my favorite Jewish moments in the book is when Jacob is setting up the menorah and has to melt the bottoms of the candles to get them to stick. My family does this too and it filled me with glee to hear it described. I appreciate that The Matzah Ball was written mostly for a Jewish audience without alienating any other readers. 
If you enjoy tropes and trope analysis, this is definitely the Hannukka romance for you. The Matzah Ball isn't just a holiday romance novel, it's about holiday romance novels. If at times it feels a little cheesy, unrealistic, or rushed, there's a reason for it. These are important elements of the sub-genre. You can have the romantic tropes featured, enemies-to-lovers and second-chance romance, in any romance sub-genre, but there are certain elements that make this a holiday romance. Obviously, it has to take place during a Festival of Lights holiday and there has to be snow, it also should take place (at least partially) in a big city like New York, each love interest should have just one friend, and they should be in love within an extraordinarily low number of days. Meltzer has set up Rachel to be a writer, a hint to the audience that everything tropey/cliche is intentional. 
I'd have loved this book even if it was just a fluffy Hannukka romcom, but it is more than that. The Matzah Ball features a main character who is surviving through a chronic illness and a love interest who was raised by a chronically ill single mom. I face my own chronic illnesses, fibromyalgia and IBS, so I always appreciate when a book explores what it's like to have one. Even better if the character is Jewish. Rachel has a best friend and family that care about and support her, but she has so much shame about her CFS that she has a hard time accepting enough help. The way Jacob approaches Rachel's CFS is accepting and reminds me a little of my own boyfriend. Both men have been close to someone who needed extra help and came away better people for it. Some of it is written in a way that takes away Rachel's agency, but he learns from it. Overall, representation matters!
Jean Meltzer's The Matzah Ball is sweet, hopefully, and delightfully tropey. It also had me guessing how a few things would go and made me invested in all of the characters. If you want a little light in your December books, I highly recommend getting your hands or ears on this novel!
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ebookpost · 2 years
Get (Now) 100 Hikes of a Lifetime: The World's Ultimate Scenic Trails BY : Kate Siber
[Read] PDF/Book 100 Hikes of a Lifetime: The World's Ultimate Scenic Trails By Kate Siber
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Ebook PDF 100 Hikes of a Lifetime: The World's Ultimate Scenic Trails | EBOOK ONLINE DOWNLOAD If you want to download free Ebook, you are in the right place to download Ebook. Ebook/PDF 100 Hikes of a Lifetime: The World's Ultimate Scenic Trails DOWNLOAD in English is available for free here, Click on the download LINK below to download Ebook After You 2020 PDF Download in English by Jojo Moyes (Author).
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From the world's expert in outdoor adventure, here is the ultimate hiker's bucket list, with 100 breathtaking experiences for beginners to experts around the globe--from the celebrated Appalachian Trail to the off-the-beaten path (but not to be missed!) Six Waterfalls Hike in Micronesia.Filled with beautiful National Geographic photography, wisdom from expert hikers like Andrew Skurka, need-to-know travel information, and practical wildlife-spotting tips, this inspirational guide offers the planet's best experiences for hikers and sightseers. From short day hikes--California's Sierra High Route, Lake Agnes Teahouse in Alberta, Norway's Mt. Skala--to multiday excursions like Mt. Meru in Tanzania and multi-week treks (Egypt's Sinai Trail, Bhutan's Snowman Trek, and the Bibbulum Track in Australia), you'll find a hike that matches your interests and skill level. Crossing all continents and climates (from the jungles of Costa Rica to the ice fields in Alaska's Kenai Fjords National
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thesynaxarium · 1 year
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Today we celebrate the Venerable John, Abbot of Sinai and author of the Ladder of Divine Ascent (or the Climacus). This indispensable book stands as a witness to the great effort needed for entrance into God’s Kingdom (Mt.10: 12). The spiritual struggle of the Christian life is a real one, “not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers of the present darkness the hosts of wickedness in heavenly places” (Eph 6:12). Saint John encourages the faithful in their efforts for, according to the Lord, only “he who endures to the end will be saved” (Mt.24:13). May he intercede for us always + #saint #john #ladder #ladderofdivineascent #johnclimacus #climacus #book #lent #greatlent #kingdomofheaven #God #sinai #abbot #egypt #orthodox #saintoftheday (at Sinai, Egypt) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqYt1RJLW5A/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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juliaseiderdown · 2 years
shoutout to the random teacher on google named Mr. Rose who wrote this, credit to him.
Red: blood, passion, emotion, danger, or daring
Black: passivity, death, evil
White: innocence, purity, light.
Green: new life, fertility, hope
Yellow: caution, decay, decrepitude, old age Blue: peace, serenity, eternity
Pink : innocence, femininity
Purple : royalty
Brown : earth, soil, humility and poverty Orange : heat, sun
Gold: riches, sacredness
seasons + nature
🌸🌱🌿Spring: birth, new beginning
🌞🍉🌻Summer: maturity, knowledge
🍂🍁🥮Autumn: decline, nearing death, growing old
❄️☃️🌨️Winter: death, sleep, hibernation, or stagnation
🌅Dawn: illumination, hope
💡Light: truth, safety, warmth, knowledge Darkness: evil, ignorance, danger
🍎Apple: temptation, loss of innocence
🌱Weeds : evil, wildness/outcasts of society
🌼Flowers: beauty, youth, strength, gentleness
🌹Rose: budding youth, romance
💧Water: purification, cleansing Evergreen tree: immortality
🌬️🍃Wind and storms: violent human emotions
⚡️Lightning : power and strength
🌅Morning : purity and promise
🌈Rainbows : heralds of good fortune, heaven
⛈️Thunder : God’s wrath, punishment
🌁🌫️Fog/Mist: isolation; confusion, obscurity
☔️Rain: sadness or despair
🕊️Dove : peace, purity, simplicity
🦊Fox: slyness, cleverness
🪶Raven: death, destruction, impending doom Lion: strength, power, authority
🦚Peacock: pride, vanity
🐭Mouse : shyness, meekness
🦅Hawk : sharp, keen eyesight
🦉Owl : wisdom
🐈Cats : cunning, forethought, and ingenuity
🐑Lamb : sacrifice element, the children of God
🦅Eagle: freedom
🐴Donkey: humility, patience, stupidity
🦤Buzzard/Vulture: warning of impending death
🦸🏻‍♀️Cape: withdrawal into oneself or into God.
🎭Mask: demonic tendencies
🧥Cloak: human trickery
🌳🦌Forest: usually a place of evil or mystery
🌵🏜️Desert: isolation: alienation, loneliness
⛲️🏡Garden: paradise of a haven
🏞️Park: a place for retreat and renewal
💀Skull: death
👑Crown: wealth
💍Ring: long-term commitment
🪓Axe: battle, work
🥋Belt: protection, chastity
🪟Window: freedom or lack thereof Door: opportunity
🕯️Candle: light in the darkness
⭕️Circle: wholeness, perfection
🔥Fire: Hell; pain, death
🧋Pearl: incorruptibility
⚔️Sword: protection, strength
🚙Journey: the call of fate, adventure
Zero (0): the ultimate mystery; nothingness
Three (3): tripartite nature of the world; signifies fulfillment Consider: Holy Trinity; 3: beginning, middle, end; past, present, and future;
Five (5): human perfectionConsider: Five senses, five fingers on each hand, five toes on each foot, five wounds of Jesus
Seven (7): totality; divine abundance Consider: Seven days of creation, seven days of the week, seven sacraments, seven deadly sins
Twelve (12) universal fulfillment Consider: Twelve tribes of Israel, Twelve Apostles, twelve days of Christmas, 12 months in a year
Forty (40): penance, purification Consider: 40 days of lent, Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness, the Jews wandered the desert for forty years, Moses spent 40 days on Mt. Sinai, the Great Flood was caused by 40 days of rain
my notes
really interesting to note how a lot of symbols are Biblical.
make up your own symbols and meanings!
symbolism can be shown in a number of things from parts of your characters to their clothing and surroundings... be creative!
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lgxnbook · 2 years
Moon Egypt - Sarah Smierciak
by Sarah Smierciak.
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Ebook PDF Moon Egypt | EBOOK ONLINE DOWNLOAD Hello Book lovers, If you want to download free Ebook, you are in the right place to download Ebook. Ebook Moon Egypt EBOOK ONLINE DOWNLOAD in English is available for free here, Click on the download LINK below to download Ebook Moon Egypt 2020 PDF Download in English by Sarah Smierciak (Author).
 Description Book: 
From the breathtaking traces of the ancient world to the colorful corals of the Red Sea, experience a land of treasures with?Moon Egypt. Inside you'll find:Strategic, flexible itineraries?including a two-week Best of EgyptThe top historic sights: Wander in the shadows of kings at Luxor?s Karnak Temple and stroll the Avenue of Sphinxes. Marvel at the magnificent temple of Queen Hatshepsut, travel back in time at the Grand Egyptian Museum, or wind your way through colorful backstreet markets in search of the perfect handmade souvenirOutdoor adventures:?Summit historic Mt. Sinai at dawn or spend an evening horseback riding near the Great Pyramid of Giza. Escape the chaos of Cairo on a felucca boat cruise or bike through the City of the Dead. Kayak the Nile and camp under the stars in the White DesertThe best local flavors:?Feast on traditional Egyptian street food, dig into fresh seafood in Alexandria, and indulge your sweet tooth with a plate of kunafa or basbousaFirsthand insight?from
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