sammythesheltie · 1 year
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A short update from us 🐶.
He is now 1 1/2 years old - 5,5kg and 37,5cm.
He is still the happy, cheeky boy he was as a puppy, full with joy and loves to work.
He has all his health tests done and is healthy like a fish.
He had his first dog show and got the second place with a super good letter.
He will maybe have his first rally-obedience competition in November and his BH in spring next year.
I am so proud of this little boy.
After Fox got new pain medication he acts like a young dog.
He wants to run and play and this makes us so super happy.
All in all, he is feeling super good and enjoys life.
He loves rally-obedience, especially barking at my mom for walking to slow.
Sammy is the angel I know.
Always happy, always with me and ready to adventure.
He loves training and exploring, just being with me.
We got circle master in rally-obedience, I am so so so proud of him.
He is now a tiny bit more cuddly, I saw the first grey eyeleash.
I am just always sentimental writing about him.
I hope you are all okay, sending all the warmth and love ❤️.
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cedar-glade · 9 months
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Along the Little Miami Inbetween hamilton and clermont co is a section that maintains conglomerate mudstone layer and a lot of mud banks close enough to mudflats that you still get some classic mudflat species and riparian gravel bar species.
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The first is the winged monkey flower(Mimulus alatus) , known for winged squared of stems, though since Ohio gets both, if you need to collect seeds for bioswale forbes and want to differentiate them when the stem is brown, the peduncle, aka main stem that holds/bares a flower or a fruit attached to the stem, is almost sessile or near sessile, aka still there but close to not existing where as Allegheny is elongate.
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a gravel bar species requiring full sun is Hibiscus moscheutos or the swamp rose mallow, it's about as common as our other native Hibiscus laevis or the halberd leafed mallow; this species pictured has more common smaller colonies with pink flowers on average with what most assume as a non deeply lobed leaf differing from a halberd lobed white flower with taller plants on average and larger colonies.
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Wouldn't be a good gravel bar without falls redest sedum, Ditch stone crop! or is it a sedum really???, while we used to assume based on morphological features it is no longer placed in the genera Sedum and is Penthorum sedoides a non succulent water loving species that actually has found it's self as a member of the saxifrage order. It is one of two species that I know of in the genera, and is associated with it's own family as of now. It is also the only member of the genus within the United States. Side note: As a member or the saxifrage order I don't even know if this species utilizes CAM to be honest and it wouldnt benefit it if you think about it.
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Lindernia dubia
false pimpernel
Associated with the mudflats, it's funny because people call this and many others the mudflat ephemerals because they are brief and seasonal inbetween flood stages. These always look like a monkey flower at first glance before you know the species.
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Eclipta prostrata
Mudflat false daisy, a riparian and swale species but also very common on mudflats.
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Persicaria pensylvanica or pensylvania smart weed, is a robust flowering species that forms semi erect inflorescence that are peppered pink and white. and easy to differentiate when you look at a non frimbrate connected ocrea that sheathes both stem and petiole. you can see invasive Persicaria longiseta or oriental bristled ladies thumb with frimbrate ocrea in background :( spicy flowers on our natives less spicy on the non natives.
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tabeajanssen · 5 months
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Sandtimer ;
2023, tnj
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be-a-stranger12 · 2 years
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Concept map of necrom
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joriboltonpainting · 2 years
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The full illustration for the Lifestyles of the Shadowy & Infamous cover, plus the original sketches I submitted to figure out how we were going to illustrate the scene.
(book available here: Catalyst Game Labs Store) AD: Ian King
© Catalyst Game Labs insta | artstation | twitter
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lord-allo · 1 year
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Rosa- & Zwergflamingos | Greater flamingos & Lesser flamingos
Phoenicopterus roseus & Phoeniconaias minor
(Walvis Bay)
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laurelnose · 3 months
one of my team members picked up a glass bottle butt only to discover the other side was covered in slipper snails and she was like, oh, I guess I can’t throw this away, and I was like, yeah but at least glass isn’t a big deal ecologically, it’s just habitat surface now. she said, true but I was thinking of kids walking on the beach. to which I said, this is a rocky reef, who the hell is walking around barefoot?? nobody should be barefoot here. the encrusting ecosystem hungers for blood. glass bottles or no glass bottles. foregoing shoes is just ASKING to get shanked by a barnacle and contract a mycobacteria infection. in other news, today i made an unwise choice in pants, leaned against a rock for five seconds, and shredded the inside of my calf
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candlewinds · 1 year
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And I sighed and thought, This isn't good.
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bogsuckerecologist · 1 year
Reddish Egrets have the funniest foraging strategy. While all our other local herons/egrets go for the stealth ambush method, these guys just run around frantically in circles, occasionally jumping up and flapping around, trying to flush fish and doubling back to catch them!
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So everywhere has their urban legends and when you hear it for the first time as a kid you believe it entirely, and then you grow up and look at it critically and realize it was a good story to tell and kept people from getting hurt so the story gets told regardless of truth.
But I just had a HELL of a whiplash, because the local urban legend that I grew up with, not only actually happened, but the reality is SO MUCH WORSE.
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skrimply · 2 months
today they let me loose in a marsh just to see what i would do
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contremineur · 1 year
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Gerard Stamp, Follow me follow (watercolour, 2015)
see here
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crazy-fruit · 7 months
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Come on
The seafloor is kissing the horizon
A compass to guide you home
Let's head into the desert of nothingness
Full of birds
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be-a-stranger12 · 2 years
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Coastal view of necrom
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joriboltonpainting · 2 years
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My first cover for Shadowrun! Lifestyles of the Shadowy & Infamous came out way sooner than I realized. With most of my work with Shadowrun I’ve had to wait about a year before being allowed to share it, but I finished this piece only a month ago. Shadowrun has so many great juxtapositions to explore, with runners and corps, magic and tech, and here, wealth and poverty. Lifestyles of the Shadowy & Infamous available from Catalyst Game Labs here.
AD: Ian King
© Catalyst Game Labs insta | artstation | twitter
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lord-allo · 1 year
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Wintergäste aus Europa und dem hohen Norden: Steinwälzer & Sanderlinge (die hellen dazwischen)
Winter guests from Europe and far North: Ruddy turnstones & Sanderlings (the bright ones)
Arenaria interpres & Calidris alba
(Walvis Bay)
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