#Mumbo in a maids dress
ashhollowart · 5 months
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Behold! All of the Hermit maids (and butlers) and Maidtyns I've drawn over the past 2-3 years! Yes I'm posting Boatem maids twice, I really liked the pencils on that one
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weaselishmcdiesel · 2 years
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My friend did it again
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slashmagpie · 2 years
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Hi magpie. You know what I'm here for >:) Kattmaids, hand em over teehee
I can't believe you're making me post Kattmaids on main. This is gonna make no sense to anyone not in OHC and I am so, so sorry.
Em looks at Scar funnily after Feine leaves. Scar notices, of course.
“Is something wrong?”
“You look different,” Em says. “To her. You look different than her. The…” He reaches up, in front of his own ears, and mimics Scar’s, the way they stick up and flop down. 
“Oh!” Scar says. “Well, that’ll be because I’m seven-eighths human.”
Etho blinks. “You are? I thought you were Vex.”
“Oh.” Em looks down. “I had a friend who was three-quarters human.”
Scar, very tactfully, does not ask what happened to said friend. “Oh, you did?”
“He didn’t look very ender. They told me his ears were slightly bigger than a normal human’s, but I hadn’t seen a normal human to compare.”
“Well, I’m not the best comparison,” Scar says, flicking his ear. “Considering.”
Em nods. “Did you… Have you ever lived with humans?”
“Well, sure! Most of my life, in fact! I’ve only been at Dearthwood for, oh, two years now?”
“And… Were they…”
Scar gets what he’s trying to say. “Ehhh.” He waves his hand in a so-so motion. “Some people have some funny ideas about hybrids, but I also met some very lovely people! It depends where you go.”
“You’re not a hybrid. You’re Vex. Vexblood. Whatever.”
“Well, they didn’t know that, did they? I was just good ol’ Scar, with all that canine spirit. I imagine—well, with you, they’ll probably just think you’re a regular ol’ mouse.”
Em’s nose twitches. He looks up at Scar, but doesn’t meet his eyes. “You think I can hide?” he asks.
“I’m almost sure of it!” Scar agrees. “You’ll blend… well, maybe not right in, but you’ll be fine.”
Em nods, shoulders hunching. “Thank you,” he mumbles, glancing away again.
“And if you’re still worried… well, a big hat can go a long way,” Scar reassures. 
“A big… hat.”
“Well, sure! I’ll have you know I’m a connoisseur of big and wonderful hats.” He straightens up, an idea occurring to him. “Em, do you want me to make you a big hat? We could do—ooh, maybe a sunhat, or a top hat if you prefer, or, oh, I know! How about a fedora?”
“…I think I’ll pass,” Em says at last. “Thank you.”
Scar sighs. “No one appreciates my big hats. One day.”
“Sure,” Em agrees sardonically. “One day…”
The first time Scar sees Etho without his hood up, he jumps.
“You have mouse ears!”
Etho, facing away from him and apparently lost in thought, jumps too. When he turns around to Scar, his face is creased in confusion. “Uh, yeah…?”
“I had no idea!” Scar says. “I mean, I knew you weren’t human, but—you’re a mouse hybrid, then?”
Etho, if possible, looks even more confused. “Sure?”
“You know, I met an en—mouse hybrid years ago. He was a good kid.”
“But you don’t want to hear about that!” Scar shakes his head, shaking the memories away. “Sorry to interrupt you. Enjoy your shopping, Etho!”
Scar leaves, shaking his head fondly. Oh, that Etho’s an odd one, alright. He wonders, briefly, what Em’s up to these days. Hopefully he’s doing alright. Maybe he, like Scar, like Etho, had made his way to a server where you didn’t need to wear a big hat or a silly hood, and is living as peacefully as he can.
Scar hopes so. 
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thatstoomanysausages · 4 months
- Why is Mumbo always the one to have overreactions to food man😭
- He just turned grey and melted into the floor because I gave him creamy stew
- Jizzie is not happening guys
- They are fighting and throwing shit at each other😭
- Joel went to apologise and Lizzie said “Hell nah😒😐”
- Joel just fell to his knees
- All he can think about is Lizzie😭
- Genuinely a whole ass rain cloud above him rn🙄
- I’m giving him a bowler hat to cheer him up. It didn’t work much
- He has a dress now
- Joel is singing a rock song now
- Jimmy has had a fight with Pearl🧍‍♂️
- Why are these mfs so aggressive???
- I’ve given Jimmy a maid dress😋
- And an orange strawberry hat
- He looks so fucking goofy
- They made up thank god, I don’t know how Pearl kept a straight face with him standing there looking like an absolute knob
- He’s gonna do it in a maid dress and yellow strawberry hat💪💪
- I hate doing these😭😭😭
- I had to physically hold my fuckinf breath
- honeymoon in China
- Guys I fucked that proposal up twice I only had one chance I was stressing😭😭
- Killing myself😐
- Guys why does Lizzie not have Scar as her best friend😟 DID THEY FIGHT WHAT
- Truly a fuckinf heartbreaking day for scar and Lizzie bestie truthers (me)☹️☹️☹️
- …weren’t Grian and X besties
- Now it’s X and Jimmy… huh? Am I stupid
- Oh wait no I’m dumb G’s bestie is Mumbo🔥🔥🔥
- No one panic😊
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prince-liest · 7 months
vox gets a free make-alastor-do-whatever-you-want card for the day !! what’s he doing ?? (i’m of the stance that he’d make them do cutesy dates or smth lol)
HAHA, YES, CUTESY DATES.... DEFINITELY....................
Honestly, I think it depends on whether or not Vox expects there to be consequences to his choices and how this card comes to exist, LOL. But assuming, like, handwavey magical mumbo jumbo that renders Alastor agreeable but aware, probably something along the lines of:
put him on camera without the video dying a horrible death, if it's even possible. make ALL the weird and degrading porn with this new ability. nobody else will ever see it but Vox is living. after a while, he will probably realize he should use this temporary ability for something other than porn. in fact, he probably has pre-made plans for this exact scenario that have been sitting in a vault for years and years.
the fucking maid dress
Being Seen Together In Public With Alastor Not Being A Huge Bitch About It (And Vox Kind Of Being A Huge Bitch About It), feat. advertising for the Vees in ways that would make Alastor's eyes roll out of his skull normally
actually getting fucked by Alastor finally
trying to use Alastor to get a personal introduction to Lucifer, not realizing how bad of a fucking idea that is for several reasons
possibly tail fluff stim hours time to recover from that experience, which Alastor would probably let him get away with normally already
and now that he's spent all day pissing Alastor off, he can cap it off by letting what consequences may be just happen, which he kind of hopes will be sexy in nature but definitely do not end up being so (whether Vox still enjoys himself despite Alastor's best efforts is a different question)
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wolfythewitch · 2 years
ill throw in etho in a maid dress too if mumbo wins
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wooshofficial · 10 months
Martyn makes his way back to Baxter after the end of the session, only for there to be ghosts at his house.
Not the good ghosts, either- he saw Jimmy and Lizzie chasing each other around the Secret Keeper earlier, and Mumbo hovering around Grian as he called time. No, these are the wrong ghosts.
Three people sit on Baxter, staring down at him with glances ranging from pity to mania. Martyn holds a staring contest with the three before someone speaks up:
“Oh man, the lone wolf makes it back home, everyone! How do you guys think he’s feeling right now?” The voice that pipes up comes from the ghost on the right. They’re not human—a mouse, maybe a rat?—and they’re wearing a maid dress, which isn’t the weirdest part of this whole situation.
“I don’t know,” says the left ghost, lounging on Baxter’s ear and jingling bells on their jester outfit with the movement, “probably…alone. Angry.”
Martyn scowls at the clown and rat, building his way up to be level with the ghosts. “Who the hell are you?! What are you doing at my house?”
He gets no direct response, because of course he doesn’t. Because of course the Watchers would try to drive him insane with ghosts commenting on his current mental state and him unable to give his two cents. Instead, the right ghost looks at the left, who has continued to spread out on Baxter and make some very annoying jingling sounds.
“Angry is a definite. Guilty, probably. Hating himself, absolutely.”
What? No. This is a death game, people are going to die. Martyn knows this. He doesn’t blame or hate himself, thank you very much! He opens his mouth to debate, but-
“Oh, be nice to him, Rat. He just lost his buddies!” The middle ghost finally speaks up, swinging her legs and staring directly at him. She’s got orange skin and what looks like an anchor strapped across her back, which Martyn is confused at- both the fact that it’s there and the fact that he knows what it is. “Remember how I felt up until what, two months ago? Because of you, might I add.”
“I told you Lux, I didn’t know he would get permakilled!”
“I apologized!”
“Would you please get back to talking about me while you’re sitting on my goddamn house?”Martyn says, still at eye level with the three frankly absurd ghosts arguing in front of him, once again to no response. Anchor ghost—Lux—leans over and slaps the right ghost—Rat—straight across the face, and this is where Martyn would stop paying attention to the nonsense, except Rat just pulled out a monstrous looking scythe; and Jester Ghost is scrambling across Baxter’s head to be at their side with a similar weapon in their hand, jingling the whole way there; and Martyn is now checking his wrist tattoo to make sure his between-session immunity is working so he doesn’t die from this.
“Rat!” Lux ghost shouts, looking over towards Martyn, pity still in their eyes, “you’re scaring him!”
“You slapped me!” They follow Lux’s gaze to double the amount of staring in Martyn’s general direction, and Jester Ghost follows suit, with a manic smile on top. Rat ghost puts the scythe away with a sigh. “We’re getting off track. Lone wolf over there is exactly what it says on the tin. Lux gets that feeling, and I don’t because I am basically god.”
Martyn chooses to ignore that. Lux ghost just rolls their eyes.
“But,” Rat says, and Martyn is now sure that these ghosts are simply choosing to ignore him because he’s suddenly locked in another stare off, “what I know-“
“We all know,” adds the clown-
“-is payback. Sweet, beautiful, over the top payback.”
Lux nods. “And he knows it too, doesn’t he?”
“Everyone on this server knows payback,” Martyn mutters, mostly to himself. “Even Scar knows payback. Damn good at it too.”
The jester makes a tsk sound towards him, and that’s when he knows that the ghosts are definitely pretending he’s not there, besides the whole all-three-of-them-are-staring-directly-at-him thing. “Ah-ah, but there’s a difference between how they do it and we do it. When they do it, it’s very…”
“Vanilla?” Lux ghost supplies.
“Boring?” Rat ghost drawls.
The jester ghost ponders a moment, that manic grin still on their painted face, before answering: “Simple. This server only knows simple payback. Us, on the other hand, we’re grand. Dramatic!”
Sure, like Martyn could be more dramatic than spawning three withers, or blowing himself up to kill someone else, or breaking a truce to go on a murder spree and win the game entirely. Like that’s even possible. Like the Watchers would allow that sort of thing on top of all the curses.
“So?” Martyn chides, about two seconds away from leaving and just moving bases entirely. “What do any of you have to do with this?!”
“So,” Rat says, and they have finally stopped ignoring him, “be like us, Martyn. Don’t just go to war, be the war.”
“Fight like nothing else matters.”
“And revel in the catharsis when it’s done.”
And then all three of them start laughing, filling the air with the sounds of bells and chaos and violence before disappearing in the blink of an eye. In their place, a single stick of TnT, with a note tied to it:
A pipe bomb for your troubles :)
Martyn throws it across the mesa, and promptly goes to sleep, deciding that even if lonely, he’s damn glad that he’s not whoever the hell those ghosts were.
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dragonheart2497 · 2 years
considering the actual definition of a tumblr sexyman these are who I'm advocating for
tall lanky boy
Actually very awkward and silly but drawn badass/sexy by fandom you have no idea how many gay breakdowns I've had over Etho art I mean cough what
Even his friends refer to him as an eldrich creature 
Usually portrayed as pretty masculine but no matter what, GENDERRRRRRRR
Now. The fandom was already down bad enough for him before his uncorrupted form was shown, and after that, OH BOY.
He's proud about having gone to 'demon high school' and 'demon college' why the fuck do we portray him as sexy as we do he's lowkey a loser he got trapped in a CRYSTAL 
His demon form's not just black and red, he's black and *VAPORWAVE PINK/PURPLE*. 
I'm going to be CLAWING for Xornoth to survive the round against Ranboo oh boy,,
AMENDMENT: I forgot to mention (cc!)Scott: "smash or [pass],,, Smash Xornoth- well, I can't say that, because he's my BROTHER, but... if he was NOT... then yes :3" (from Feb 16 2022 stream I don't have the clip but I have this terrible animatic)
"are about to let another cishet white man win another competition"
Fuck the skinny tall archetype anyway
They're a badass and that's all there is to it
I really don't need to explain this one he's probably gonna win anyway
I think we're forgetting that Doc fans' reaction to Doc making a tumblr account was to mass-post art of him in a maid dress. This treatment has to qualify in some way
gets lumped into the villain role a lot but at least slays at it
Cg5 wrote a song about his abs. Like literally do I need to say more
I used to ruuuuule the woooooorld HES GOT THE MEMES. HES GOT THE HISTORY IN THE FANDOM
..my TL. my poor poor TL. ive seen far too many sexymanified drawings of sausage (god damn you E. And sausage himself for encouraging it all)
He's only on this list because of Griande
AMENDMENT: also because of watcher fanon, cuteguy, the wacky gender stuff, he's basically our OC at this point like
Mumbo jumbo
again. Pathetic guy who's drawn way too hot by the fanartists
He has the 'formal outfit' qualification! And tall he's literally 6'5
see above but x2 he's nothing but a loserboy in Canon why is his fanart kinda,,
He tries so hard to be a badass and the fanartists/writers are who actually give that to him
I know nothing about mp but Reigen reminds me of him
overall I think Etho Scar and Xornoth (might be biased on that one) are the most sexyman
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frozenjokes · 1 month
ngl i thought for a second your mumbomaid au was about like mumbo wearing a maid dress and got very confused about what that had to do with monsterfucking
then i got over it and agreed that eldritch abominations and the like also deserve to feel cute in maid dresses
then i checked the au and felt like a fool xd
my favorite thing about this is the complete acceptance of this au being solely about monsters in maid dressed. this is why I’m never changing this au name. the world is good
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MCYT creators who I’m fine with joining tumblr and why:
1. DocM77
This one is for obvious reasons— this is the gay dilf sex website, after all.
2. Rendog
I feel like Ren’s attempts (and failures) at flirting would be an amazing thing to see in text form. Someone from outside the MCYT fan base might try to cancel him for it though, so there’s risk involved. I think he’d be willing to do that though.
3. Bdubs
The man’s already talked about joining this hellsite, I feel like it’s only a matter of time until he finally does. He’s going to be very confused about the maid dresses.
4. Mumbo
Mumbo needs an outlet where he can really just let himself go absolutely batshit crazy and just say whatever the fuck he wants. I feel like this is a very good place to do so.
5. Wilbur
The man constantly looks like a 2014-era hipster blogger. I’m honestly astonished he HASN’T used tumblr more.
6. Tubbo
Y’all know that one c!Tubbo acct? I think his posts would be a lot like that
7. Slimecicle
Charlie just kind of radiates chaotic neutral energy that would do fantastically on a platform where there are little to no rules. He can finally be free. I desperately want to see him say the most deranged and unhinged shit imaginable.
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riacte · 9 months
screw it. give me your ten fanfic teams I’ll do it
Hiiii brave soldier in my inbox hiiiiiiii (also if you do end up posting whatever, please don't mention me by name lmao although I feel like some people will figure it out anyway lol)
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I think SBI / Purple4 HAS to be top place. Like there's basically no contention. They changed the world. If you sort the MCC tag by kudos, the first page is basically SBI found family with some hermit Tommy / watcher Grian.
[Puts on my hermit bias lenses] (Everything other than the above is hermit / hermit adjacent I know nothing about anything else) Blue9 is second place to me (I'm biased) (they have a dedicated Ao3 tag) (there are 14 fics). Mint19 also deserves high honours because it is SOOOOO Tumblr fandom influenced like we seriously put them in maid dresses?? It became part of Renchanting lore?? Very very sexy??? Hmm????
People have been asking for Boatem team so uhh Grian Scar Impulse Pearl I guess (SORRY MUMBO). Lime Life winners. Grian's various Pride teams. I think Scott Tango Jimmy (someone) would also drive the Ranchers / FH people crazy. [Digging around dynamics with clout on twt] and uhhhh Scar Grian Joel Jimmy. Bad boys plus desert duo I think people are gonna eat it up right. Right. Is that how clout works
You know what, the hermit bias is too much. I'll pull up the stats from the MCC tag on Ao3 and. Oh. Um. [Hermit bias lenses clatter to the ground]
No Romantic Relationship(s) (64) Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Phil Watson | Philza (50) Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit (45) Clay | Dream/GeorgeNotFound (Video Blogging RPF) (42) Toby Smith | Tubbo & TommyInnit (35) Clay | Dream & GeorgeNotFound & Sapnap (Video Blogging RPF) (26) Technoblade & Phil Watson | Philza (26) Clay | Dream & Sapnap (Video Blogging RPF) (23) Ranboo & Toby Smith | Tubbo (20) Technoblade & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF) (19)
.... If you want stats they're here I guess. Also I'm pretty sure there was at least one Wilbur/Ace Race fic which is soooo funny to me.
Lime14 has three fics (all by me). Pink9 has six fics. I pioneered the Lime11, Purple13, and Mint19 tags (they each have one fic). Shoutout to the tag wranglers and I'm sorry I should've tagged them better 😭 aLSO I just realised they have tags for events?? Like there's 15 fics in the MCC17 tag?? Do I have to tag back everything lmao
Y'know what, regardless of cast it's actually cute that there are so many Gen fics and fics with No Romantic Relationships. We all love that found family friendship shit. And I'm sorry that this wasn't very helpful because I'm throwing spaghetti to the wall and hoping it sticks haha
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weaselishmcdiesel · 2 years
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yes honey
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queer-enderdragon · 2 years
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I posted 2,791 times in 2022
That's 1,377 more posts than 2021!
99 posts created (4%)
2,692 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 896 of my posts in 2022
#other’s stellar art - 332 posts
#queuecraft - 172 posts
#grian - 142 posts
#mumbo jumbo - 82 posts
#goodtimeswithscar - 73 posts
#rendog - 63 posts
#my drawings - 61 posts
#zach creates - 57 posts
#joe hills - 52 posts
#zombiecleo - 51 posts
My Top Posts in 2022:
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congrats on the gender my lady <3
303 notes - Posted April 19, 2022
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have some maids-
in love
325 notes - Posted January 12, 2022
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a few days ago i got reminded of an idea i had years ago, i blacked out n this was in firealpaca... enjoy ! ^-^
art without purple overlay under the cut <3
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335 notes - Posted September 30, 2022
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See the full post
405 notes - Posted July 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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hiiii welcome to tumblr miss @ ivory-frill hope you enjoy your stay! <3
(if youre a lil confused, we got a kinda tradition in mcytblr of drawing cc's in maid dresses. as a welcome... is a long story sdhgsdfg)
605 notes - Posted September 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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thatstoomanysausages · 3 months
SOBBING😭😭‼️‼️‼️‼️😭😭😭 (Tomodachi Life):
- Joel: “what do you think about me and Etho” hm, you could get very close👍👍🔥🔥
- …Mumbo has had another goddamn fight
- With who you may ask? Skizz
- A kiwi calmed him down
- Why are Grian and Mumbo so aggressive with their friendships, I swear they’ve fought people so often
- I guess it was fate that they’d be besties😭
- Impulse and Tango friendship💪
- Etho and Jimmy have a friendship of 90% RAHHHH
- I feel like I’ve got short term memory loss
- Have I mentioned that Lizzie and Pearl are now besties
- Probably
- Either way I’m stating it again
- ITS A GIRLLLLL😭😭😭😭😭😭😍❤️❤️❤️❤️
- ITS SO CUTEEEE❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- I was rocking it to a song that wouldn’t be quite tasteful for a baby 😭😭😭 LMAOOO
- Poultry Man, Cuteguy and Hotguy have been added‼️‼️
- Poultry Man and HotGuy are friends🔥🔥🔥
- I think I’m developing a phobia of tomodachi life because I keep avoiding it to not have to face the proposals
- This is why updates take so long in between
- Ella is staying in the island bc I don’t have street pass but fuck it we ball
- …should I make her full name Ellen Degeneres or however the fuck that bitches name is spelled
- No
- I won’t
- But know that it was considered
- I’m making her full name Cinderella (Ella) TheDog
- The montage of her growing up😭😭😭
- Shut uuuupppp😭😭😭 sobbing hard rn
- Damn got her potty training on camera😭😭
- Fuck this goes on for so long
- I’m making her 15 (born in 2008)
- Bigger apartment complex‼️‼️
- I forgot Jimmy has a maid dress on😭
(Sorry that this is shorter than usual, this fixation is upsettingly on the back burner bc of another fixation taking over 😭 I’m not stopping tho LMAO these are so fun‼️‼️)
If you have more people in mind that you want on the island then I will add them‼️‼️ I just keep forgetting😍
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slashmagpie · 2 years
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Gimme that kattmaid mumbo fic mag 🔫
The fact that you're forcing me to write more Kattmaids on main is actually inhumane. ((Some) context for the uninitiated.)
Impulse has no idea what’s going on.
Now, that’s not necessarily out of the ordinary: Hermitcraft is full of very strange, very wonderful things that often leave him confused. Impulse is used to being baffled at his friends’ antics. This, however, is a little bit out of his field of expertise.
Because Mumbo had been mugged, and then had started having a panic attack, and then Grian had appeared out of nowhere and somehow managed to drag them off-server through some back-alley channel to some random deserted world. Which, that alone? Weird. Deeply unsettling and concerning and disconcerting and a bunch of other words with negative connotations.
The thing that’s really throwing Impulse for a loop, though, is the maid dresses.
He had no idea they’d even owned maid dresses, let alone matching ones—and when would Mumbo even have time to put his on? It’s like it’d appeared between blinks. Is this a bit? A prank gone too far? If it is, then it’s far beyond the past of funny and well into the realm of anger-inducing, but as Mumbo shakes in the corner and Grian comes back in, locking the door behind him, Impulse can’t quite bring himself to believe that it’s a prank.
Grian’s first move, upon re-entering, is to try and convince Mumbo to sleep and no, hang on.
“Isn’t there something you two want to talk about first?” Impulse asks.
“Like what?” Impulse raises an eyebrow and folds his arms. “What?”
“Like, oh, I don’t know, what just happened out there?”
“Oh.” Grian blinks like he’s stupid. Impulse knows he’s not. “That. Right. About that.”
“Right, so, I’m guessing that—what it seems like has happened, um. When Mumbo stole my soul, it looks like also managed to crib some of my, uh—” He pauses. “Telepathic abilities.”
There’s a long moment of silence. Grian cringes.
“Telepathic abilities,” Impulse repeats slowly.
“You can read minds?”
Grian explains the mind-reading thing. If Impulse is being honest, he’s only half-following, because he’s a little distracted by—well. The layers of taffeta and lace and linen, the golden bell hanging from a collar, and Grian’s ears, fully on display without his beret, only the second time Impulse has seen them in all their years of friendship. And he’s all too aware of, out of the corner of his eye, Mumbo wearing the same thing, the red-and-black maid dress and collar, lacking only the bell. 
Mumbo falls asleep, and then it’s just Impulse and Grian, and Impulse finally gets a chance to ask.
“What’s with the maid dresses?” he blurts.
Grian flinches. “It’s, uh, well, you know.” He shrugs, too-casual. “They come free with your soul?”
“They… what?”
“It’s, like, it’s…” He flounders. “They’re a part of the magic. If you use too much of it… poof!”
“Poof,” Impulse echoes.
Grian nods seriously. “Poof.”
Impulse rubs his temples. He needs a good night’s sleep before he has this conversation. That, or far more coffee than he’s already had. 
He glances up, and does a double-take. “Wait, where’d it go?”
Grian, back in his normal jumper and trousers, shrugs. “I can make it go away, too,” he says, ears flicking nervously. “I’m not…” He glances down at Mumbo, still cuddled up in layers of lace and fabric. “I’ll teach him to hide his too. What he can, anyway.” He reaches up to his neck, to the collar Impulse knows is hidden behind his turtleneck. He glances up at Impulse and frowns. “What are you looking at me like that for?”
Impulse sighs, looking away. “Nothing. Doesn’t matter. I’m glad you talked to him.”
“Well, it’s not like I had a choice.”
“I still feel like a couple of weeks ago you’d have found a way to weasel out of it.”
“I can’t tell how insulted I should feel.”
“It’s not an insult. Just an observation,” Impulse says. He is definitely too tired to be having this conversation. So, he does what any exhausted person would do and abruptly changes the subject. “Have you got any firewood left in here?”
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youm3us · 2 years
you enjoyed maid dress mumbo jumbo huh
yus :)
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