#Muscular Bodies and Their Characteristic Weapons
virtualsonic · 4 months
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Marco, William, Constanza, Bhumika y Mohamed R.
Versión en Español
hola amigos ¿cómo están?, espero que bien amigos, bueno amigos, aquí va un nuevo dibujo y que presento a un grupo de personajes originales que llevaba mucho tiempo de no aparecer en mis dibujos y que quise darles una nueva oportunidad para así mostrar qué tan diferente es mi estilo de dibujo actualmente en comparación con el último dibujo que hice de ellos y más considerando el cómo he ido acostumbrándome a dar más carne a los personajes que dibujo, mientras busco mantener las proporciones correctas por como no es fácil mantener tu estilo de dibujo en la medida que vas aprendiendo nuevas técnicas y métodos para hacer tus personajes interesantes y también, ir progresando en buscar un estilo de hacer arte que se sienta que sea más a gusto para ti, mientras se observa que el cómo el mismo evoluciona con el paso del tiempo, bueno amigos, sin dar más vueltas presento a Marco, William, Constanza, Bhumika y Mohamed Reaparecer la Evolución de mi Estilo de Arte Durante la Última Década
Aquí vemos al joven chita junto con amigos el perro galgo de ropas elegantes, la chica puma con traje de equipo de beisbol genérca, la chica tigresa con preciosas ropas de seda y el joven león con un color de melena poco peculiar reunirse tras varios años de no aparecer y que lo hacen mostrando no sólo los cambios observados en su ropa, sino que también se puede observar los cambios experimentados en mi estilo de dibujo durante la última década y que dos de los cambios más evidentes se encuentra en el hecho de que ahora tiendo a preocuparme más con el tema de la proporción de los personajes, por como procupo de no sólo que las caderas y cinturas tengan el largo que deben tener para dibujar bien la musculatura de la zona pectoral del cuerpo, sino que también procure de hacer los brazos y las piernas con el largo correcto para no tener el problema de las piernas cortas y los brazos cortos, mientras vemos que el otro cambio evidente está en el hecho de ponerle musculatura a los personajes cuando en el pasado no era usual que lo hiciera, pero que lo he tenido que hacer para mostrar que los personajes que dibujo tienen músculos y que no sólo simples personajes de palo, cosa que deja notarse por el mayor grosor que tienen estos y que procuro de darles el ancho correcto a estos por como no es fácil dibujar musculatura a tus personajes y que esto no sólo estén sobredimensionados, sino que no se ajusten adecuadamente al esqueleto que tiendo a dibujarles para dar cuenta de cómo es la pose de los chicos, además de que los músculos ayudan a dar cuenta de la anchura que tienen tus personajes, mientras buscas darles la forma correcta considerando las proporciones corporales que poseen y que sirven para probarte a ti mismo y el cómo tu estilo de dibujo evoluciona en la medida que pasa el tiempo
Bueno amigos, espero que les guste, al ver que llevaba un buen tiempo que no dibujaba a estos personajes y que hice como una forma de practicar mi estilo de dibujo y dar cuenta de algunos de los cambios observados en mi estilo de dibujo y que se han hecho más evidentes en la medida que he ido migrando de un programa de dibujo a otro que dejan ver que ello vale la pena hacerlo y más cuando notas que tu estilo de dibujo va cambiando por el tiempo y que te permite explorar nuevas formas de dibujar a tus personajes, los paisajes en los que se envuelven y también explicar diferentes cosas que dejan ver que tu estilo de arte no sólo evoluciona con el paso del tiempo, sino que también las cosas que creas con ello también lo hace y que eso se puede ver cuando haces un análisis retrospectivo de tus trabajos en el pasado y el cómo los recreas en el presente y que dejan ver que el proceso evolutivo visto de entonces a ahora es un proceso que vale la pena explorar y más cuando vas llevando un buen tiempo haciendo estas cosas y sabes el valor que ello tiene no sólo para ti, sino para la gente que disfruta de tus trabajos cuando menos te das cuenta, bueno amigos, disfruten el dibujo y nos vemos
Marco, William, Constanza, Bhumika y Mohamed (C) Virtualsonic
English Version
Hello friends, how are you? I hope you are well friends, well friends, here is a new drawing and I present a group of original characters that had not appeared in my drawings for a long time and I wanted to give them a new opportunity to show what My drawing style is so different today compared to the last drawing I made of them and even more so considering how I have become accustomed to giving more flesh to the characters I draw, while I try to maintain the correct proportions because it is not easy to maintain your style. of drawing as you learn new techniques and methods to make your characters interesting and also, progress in finding a style of making art that feels more comfortable for you, while observing how it evolves with the passage of time, well friends, without further ado I present Marco, William, Constanza, Bhumika and Mohamed Reappear the Evolution of my Art Style During the Last Decade
Here we see the young cheetah along with friends, the greyhound dog with elegant clothes, the puma girl with a generic baseball team outfit, the tigress girl with beautiful silk clothes and the young lion with an unusual mane color, reunite after several years of not appear and they do so showing not only the changes observed in their clothing, but you can also observe the changes experienced in my drawing style over the last decade and two of the most obvious changes are found in the fact that now I tend to worry more about the proportion of the characters, because I make sure not only that the hips and waists have the length they should have to draw well the musculature of the pectoral area of the body, but I also try to make the arms and legs with the correct length to avoid having the problem of short legs and short arms, while we see that the other obvious change is in the fact of putting muscles on the characters when in the past it was not usual to do so, but I have had to do it to show that the characters I draw have muscles and not just simple stick characters, something that can be noticed by the greater thickness that these have and that I try to give them the correct width because it is not easy to draw muscles for your characters and that not only are they oversized, but they do not fit properly to the skeleton that I tend to draw for them to account for what the pose of the boys is like, in addition to the fact that the muscles help to account for the width that your characters have, while you seek to give them the correct shape considering the body proportions they have and that serve to test yourself and how your drawing style evolves as time goes by
Well friends, I hope you like it, seeing that it had been a long time since I drew these characters and that I did it as a way to practice my drawing style and account for some of the changes observed in my drawing style and that have become more evident as I have been migrating from one drawing program to another that show that it is worth doing and even more so when you notice that your drawing style changes over time and that it allows you to explore new ways of drawing. to your characters, the landscapes in which they are involved and also explain different things that show that your art style not only evolves over time, but also the things you create with it also do so and that this can be see when you do a retrospective analysis of your works in the past and how you recreate them in the present and that shows that the evolutionary process seen from then to now is a process that is worth exploring and even more so when you have been doing it for a long time. these things and you know the value that it has not only for you, but for the people who enjoy your work when you least realize it, well friends, enjoy the drawing and see you
Marco, William, Constanza, Bhumika and Mohamed (C) Virtualsonic
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droctaviolovecraft · 12 days
TW: Sexual assault
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Subject Classification: R(ural)-02(Trauma)-529 (R-02-529)
Identification: Chicken God
Danger Level: RHTL 🌲 (Rural Horror Threat Level)
Lead Researcher: Dr. Öctavio Kalev
Containment: ANM-529 remains uncontained and poses a significant threat to rural areas, farmers, and the general public. The Elite Task Force "Foxhound" has been assigned to track and neutralize ANM-529 by any means necessary. Due to its destructive behavior and unusual ability to interact with avian life forms, all reports of strange chicken behavior, mutilations of farm animals, and sightings of ANM-529 must be immediately reported to the Director of the Rural Institute Base, Öctavio Kalev. Emergency protocols have been established to alert local authorities under the guise of avian flu outbreaks.
Agents of the Local Institute are instructed to monitor and intercept any sudden movements or abnormalities in bird populations. Any unexplained increase in aggression or intelligence among chickens should be considered an early indicator of ANM-529’s presence. Civilians must be evacuated from areas within a 20-kilometer radius after confirmation of an ANM-529 sighting, with appropriate cover stories provided.
If sighted, the immediate use of incendiary weapons is authorized. Direct engagement is strongly discouraged due to ANM-529’s strength and unpredictable behavior.
Description: ANM-529, colloquially known as "Chicken God," is a massive, grotesque chicken-like abomination, standing approximately 2.90 meters tall and weighing about 820 kg. Its appearance is a horrifying amalgamation of human and chicken features, with multiple irregular deformities scattered across its body. ANM-529’s skin is pale, resembling that of a plucked chicken, with frequent growths and discolored, veiny patches. The creature’s body appears swollen and distended, particularly around the stomach and crop, which frequently bloats with undigested flesh.
ANM-529 has disproportionately large, albino-colored legs, structurally similar to a chicken’s. These legs are highly muscular, durable, and capable of propelling ANM-529 to speeds of up to 97 km/h. Its claws are especially sharp and powerful, able to dismember and eviscerate humans with a single kick.
ANM-529’s arms resemble the vestigial wings of a bird, but they are deformed into crude, atrophied limbs. These wings have elongated, gnarled fingers ending in bony talons, allowing limited manipulation of objects. Despite their appearance, the wings can be used to grab and lift humans.
Its neck extends abnormally upward, curving into a long shape, with the skin gradually transitioning to a grayish tone near the head. The head itself contains a mixture of avian and human characteristics. ANM-529’s eyes are disproportionately large, bulging, and cross-eyed, though it seems to have better vision than humans. Its nose appears human but is unusually long, and it has a wide, permanently agape human mouth with abnormally inflamed gums. A chicken-like tongue flickers erratically within the mouth. ANM-529 is incapable of coherent speech, but its vocalizations resemble confused imitations of a human trying to mimic a rooster’s crow.
Behavioral Notes:
ANM-529 exhibits behaviors suggesting it identifies itself as a divine protector of chickens. It is known to target farms, slaughterhouses, and facilities where chickens are held captive, attacking personnel and structures with brute force to release the birds. Once freed, the chickens exhibit immediate behavioral changes, becoming more sentient, organized, and violent. Flocks under the influence of ANM-529 will retaliate against humans or other predators, often coordinating ambushes or attacking en masse with a level of intelligence previously unrecorded in chickens. The exact method by which ANM-529 influences these animals is unclear, but it seems to occur within a specific radius of the entity.
Diet and Feeding Habits:
ANM-529 primarily scavenges, exhibiting vulture-like tendencies. It prefers dead animal flesh but has been observed preying on recently deceased animals in extreme hunger cases. The creature stores its meals in a visible, bloated crop. From this crop, ANM-529 can regurgitate a highly corrosive and foul substance, used both as a defense mechanism and as a tool to dissolve obstacles like metal or reinforced structures.
Mating and Reproduction:
Although ANM-529 possesses biological capacity for reproduction, including a rooster-like appendage and visible scrotal tissue, no evidence suggests it actively seeks to reproduce. The creature displays frequent signs of sexual arousal but lacks any significant impulse to use its genitalia, making it a biological anomaly in this regard.
Field reports indicate a disturbing development in ANM-529’s sexual behavior. Previously considered non-inclined to use its reproductive appendage, ANM-529 has now been observed engaging in sexual assaults, specifically targeting human women. This new behavior adds an additional layer of threat to the entity, confirmed through eyewitness reports, victim testimonies (where applicable), and physical evidence recovered from attack sites.
In several recent cases, ANM-529 has demonstrated a targeted approach, selecting women exclusively for these assaults. The entity incapacitates its victims to prevent their escape. ANM-529 usually approaches silently and swiftly, using its powerful legs to break the victims' legs, rendering them immobile. The fractures caused are often severe, resulting in compound fractures that leave the victims unable to defend themselves or flee.
Once incapacitated, ANM-529 uses its appendage to violate the victim sexually. The assaults are typically brutal and, in most cases, result in the victim's death due to severe trauma or the corrosive acid emitted during or after the attack.
ANM-529 has been documented returning to attack sites, often revisiting the remains of the same victim days or weeks later, sometimes engaging in further sexual violation of decomposing bodies. The reason for this behavior is unknown, but it appears ritualistic in nature.
All confirmed cases involve female victims, usually between 14 and 45 years of age. There is no discernible pattern in terms of race, occupation, or location, aside from the rural proximity common to all sightings of ANM-529. However, a developing theory suggests that ANM-529 may be able to detect or be attracted to specific human female pheromones or hormones, most likely menstruation, as all the victims were menstruating during such cases.
In the rare instances where victims survived the initial attacks (due to interruption or ANM-529’s escape before completion), survivors exhibited extreme psychological trauma. Their testimonies describe the experience as one of overwhelming terror, paralyzing helplessness, and incomprehensible pain. Survivors reported hearing ANM-529 emit distorted, guttural vocalizations that mimic a human attempting to communicate during the assault.
Cognitive Abilities:
Despite having human-like vocal cords, ANM-529 is incapable of structured or meaningful speech, producing only erratic and animalistic sounds. Its cognitive abilities remain obscure. Although its actions appear deliberate, especially when freeing chickens from captivity, there is no evidence of complex planning or problem-solving. However, the increased intelligence it grants to nearby chickens suggests a latent telepathic or psionic ability not yet fully understood.
Several theories about ANM-529’s origin exist. The most prominent theory is that it could be the result of a failed genetic experiment attempting to merge human and avian DNA, primarily linked to unrecorded actions within the MOTHRA Institute. Some researchers speculate ANM-529 is a mutant human subjected to extreme genetic manipulation, explaining its disturbingly human-like features, such as vocal cords, facial structure, and partial reproductive system.
Recent analyses of ANM-529's interactions with human males reveal a pattern of hyperaggressive behavior. Unlike its sexually violent behavior toward female victims, ANM-529 exhibits a uniquely brutal form of aggression against males. This behavior is methodical but undeniably savage, with a clear intent to inflict maximum physical and psychological suffering on the victims before eventually killing them.
Upon encountering male victims, ANM-529 uses its immense strength to incapacitate the target immediately. It typically does this by grabbing the male victim by the legs and quickly lifting him upside down. The creature's claws, known for being incredibly sharp and strong, easily immobilize the victim, making resistance or escape virtually impossible.
Once the victim is suspended upside down, ANM-529 begins torturing the victim, targeting the man's genitals. Using its strong and skilled fingers, it twists the testicles with clinical precision. Post-mortem examination reports indicate that the entity applies excessive torque, twisting the testicles until the cords rupture and the organs are forcibly torn from the body. This process, though quick, is excruciatingly painful and leads to significant blood loss.
After the mutilation, ANM-529 inserts its bony "arm" directly into the victim's rectum. Using brute force and precision, ANM-529 penetrates deeply into the abdominal cavity, tearing and piercing the interior, searching for vital internal organs. Eyewitness accounts and autopsy results suggest that ANM-529 uses its hand to rip through soft tissues, grabbing the intestines, liver, or other nearby organs. It then proceeds to pull these organs out through the anus in a manner resembling a rudimentary form of evisceration. In some cases, the entirety of the lower intestinal tract, along with parts of the stomach, has been extracted.
Once the intestines and organs are removed, ANM-529 continues to mutilate the body in a manner reminiscent of taxidermy. It hollows out the victim’s torso cavity, tearing through connective tissue and removing additional organs such as the heart and lungs. While it shows no apparent interest in preserving the body for display, the methodical nature of the evisceration gives the impression that it is treating the body as though preparing it for a morbid exhibition. This aspect of ANM-529’s behavior has led some researchers to believe the creature may possess a perverse form of ritualistic instinct, treating its male victims with a grotesque form of artistry.
Due to the horrific nature of these attacks, FTM personnel are instructed to avoid direct engagement with ANM-529 whenever possible, especially male agents, who appear to be at higher risk. Should male personnel have to engage, they are advised to maintain a safe distance and use long-range, high-impact weaponry. Tranquilizers and anesthetics have proven ineffective so far. Local communities in rural areas must remain on high alert, and any incidents or mutilated bodies matching the aforementioned pattern should be reported immediately.
Incident Reports:
Incident 529-A: In [REDACTED], ANM-529 attacked a poultry processing plant in [REDACTED], resulting in the deaths of 47 employees. Security footage shows ANM-529 using its claws to tear through the factory walls before systematically releasing hundreds of chickens. These chickens exhibited highly coordinated behavior, attacking workers with pecks aimed at vital areas. The local task force was mobilized but failed to neutralize ANM-529 before it retreated to the nearby forest. The chickens also fled.
Incident 529-B: Reports of large-scale chicken uprisings in rural communities have increased since the emergence of ANM-529. Affected areas report chickens coordinating ambushes against farmers, dismantling machinery, and destroying infrastructure. ANM-529 has been sighted near these attacks but remains elusive.
Addendum 529-01: Investigation into potential containment measures, including the development of a containment zone or the use of advanced memetic agents, is ongoing. Incident Reports indicate a growing threat, with attacks targeting poultry facilities and coordinated revolts among chickens, suggesting ANM-529’s influence is spreading.
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ro-botany · 1 year
On the Characteristics of the Risen, and the Character of their King
The Risen King... Finally, a concept which once only existed in whispers and a single cipher 0 card, has made it into a Fire Emblem video game! Just the mobile game, sure, but it counts. And the Fell Exalt Chrom unit is so fascinating to me that I have not only this, but at least two other meta posts in the pipeline about it. I am so normal about him.
To kick things off... let’s talk about exactly what Risen King Chrom is, and also how he’s doing mentally. (Badly. He’s doing very badly.)
Real quick, we have to get one snag out of the way: the mechanism by which a Risen is made.
Shadows of Valentia introduced us to a prototypical version of the Risen created by Forneus, known as Death Masks. They’re made by fitting a dead body with a mask containing insects known as thanatophages. The thanatophages prevent the body’s decay and assert physical control over them in a manner not unlike certain real world parasites that control the muscular movements of their hosts.
I’ve seen a handful of my colleagues (lol) assume there are modern Risen made the same way. BUT. The Risen which exist during the events of Awakening are explicitly NOT Death Masks. During the xenologue Death’s Embrace, Brady states that “In the future, our wounded often turned to Risen just as we were tryin' to heal 'em.” This has to mean that Grima is transforming the dead and dying remotely, using some kind of magic; and at the height of their power, they may be either passively creating or deliberately casting an area of effect that turns dead bodies automatically. There’s nothing to suggest any Risen are manually created with thanatophages, or that Grima is manifesting thanatophages for that purpose.
Alas, we cannot do insect body horror with RK Chrom while also staying true to canon. But moving on...
Fell Chrom is, to make an understatement, very unique among the Risen. And to discuss why he’s unique, we first have to define what’s typical.
Behaviourally, typical Risen don’t appear to have sentience outside of their competency in wielding weapons and their tendency to form loose hierarchies based on individual strength. They’re incredibly aggressive by nature; it’s like their only innate drive is to fight and kill humans. Most of them are not capable of speech, though the stronger Risen Chiefs can grind out single words or even short phrases, which are usually just related to wanting to kill things. When being actively controlled through dark magic, they appear capable of basic tactics, though whether that comes from them or the person controlling them is unclear.
There’s no doubt that Fell Chrom is a Risen. He’s certainly got the appearance, the purple miasma, and the vocal distortion for it. Not to mention the giant glowing fatal wound in his side. Man certainly isn't alive.
He’s evidently still subject to control via dark magic too, if the fact that he was forced to war against his own country is anything to go by.
Fell Chrom also has the strong aggressive drive typical of Risen. Nearly all of his dialogue in battle situations suggests this. In order of increasing intensity: There’s the turn action quote “Find me an enemy”, which depending on your mood can read as either resignation or as chomping at the bit. There’s hostile level up quotes like “You shall count yourself...among the dead” and “You would...block my path”. His special trigger quotes are yet worse. He yells “This is your fate”, “No resistance”, and “Useless effort” with a fury you don’t expect from Chrom—and for the fourth one, he just shouts “DEATH”. And his voice clips for attacking aren’t words or even anywhere in the realm of a regular human noise, they're just distorted, monstrous growling.
But unlike with typical Risen, aggression is not all RK Chrom is. He can walk around the Askran castle and be around others without constantly trying to attack people. And in fact, he’s aware of and bothered by how violent being Risen makes him. One of his status page quotes is begging someone to “back away!” in a panic, as though he’s afraid of hurting them. It’s possible the violent instincts Risen have mainly only come into play for him in battle situations, or possibly when he’s in a state of heightened emotion.
And while RK Chrom displays the kind of difficulty with speech you would expect of a Risen, with his slow halting pace and gravelly tone, he speaks in complete, coherent sentences and displays remarkable clarity about who he is and what’s happening around him. He’s no husk. Chrom's mind is intact.
That is massive. That is completely unique among Risen, and deeply, deeply horrifying. Because even though he can think, he is by no means in control.
If the Forging Bonds supports are anything to go by, Chrom did try to resist Grima, at least in the beginning. From C through to A he moves from disbelief to outright despair at the very prospect of warring against Ylisse. But by the S support—which necessarily takes place years after the others due to how far Grima’s campaign has progressed—he’s given up. So much of his dialogue is mourning the past, or repeating Grima's belief that everyone is doomed and nothing can change. He’s not fighting it anymore. He's resigned to his fate as Grima’s executioner.
And why wouldn’t he be? After the initial confusion from being resurrected passed, he was lucid. He was fully mentally present when he was murdering his allies and slaughtering his own people. And between the deep, fundamental drive to kill and the direct influence of Grima on his actions... There wasn’t a damn thing he could do to stop himself. He couldn’t protect a thing.
Even now that he’s free of Grima’s influence in Askr, he doesn’t exactly do anything to avoid being an instrument of violence. Otherwise he wouldn’t be a playable unit. Everyone he’s ever cared about is dead, and he’s been nothing more than a monster and an instrument of violence for years. Why not fight. It’s the only thing he has left.
This Chrom is a deeply broken man. Angry and utterly hopeless. It’s no wonder after all he’s been through.
And yet... there’s still a spark there. For all his rigid insistence that Grima’s bleak outlook is the truth, his ally growth quote speaks volumes: “If this power were mine...back then...”
If fate is so immutable and hope is so pointless, why deal in what-ifs? Why wonder about what could have changed? And he’s still trying to protect people he cares about from himself; why else would he yell for others to “back away” when he feels he might attack them?
Through all the years of horror and the terrible curse of undeath... he’s still Chrom.
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stvrlcss · 4 months
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‘ jessie mei li, demi-girl, she/they, 26 / 260, half-illyrian half high fae ’ ― cauldron save you. it seems seren nist has finally made it to the capital, the blacksmith from the autumn court is said to be level-headed and is said to describe themselves with throwing knives tucked skillfully away, calloused hands over smooth metal, red-hot iron bending against a hammer, and fire flickering in the reflection of a focused eye and with all of this in mind their inflexible nature always seems to get them into trouble. may the mother hold them as they navigate this unthinkable time.
general details.
full name: seren nist nickname(s): ser, ren, cee name meaning: "star" in welsh age:  26 but rlly 260 date of birth: october 2nd ( libra ) species:  high fae / illyrian gender: demi-girl pronouns: she/her/they/them sexual orientation: pansexual romantic orientation: panromatic occupation: blacksmith family: orphan
physical appearance, etc.
faceclaim: jessie mei li hair color and style: dark, often tied up in some way, very messy eye color: deep brown with flecks of gold height: 5'3" body and build:  slim but muscular, bat-like wings tattoos: illyrian tattoos clothing style: generally dark colours, fitted to body for easy movement but lots of specific layers when smithing distinguishing characteristics: scar on left shoulder blade signature scent: fresh mandarin and jasmine
head canons and/or backstory.
seren was born to loving parents, an illyrian soldier who left illyria and ended up meeting a high fae, a lady in waiting in the autumn court. it was a beautiful love, but it was not meant to last. seren's mother was caught up in an assassination plot and was ultimately sentenced to death. seren's father took her to illyria and raised her until he disappeared one day
she stayed with a family friend and was inevitably raised by them completely. after she completely the blood rite, she discovered the truth about her father, he was the one who'd actually been involved in the assassination attempt that caused her mother's death, after raising her enough he confessed, ridden by guilt
after that, seren felt jaded by her illyrian bloodline and decided to go back to the autumn court. she set aside all of her fighting skills and instead focused on something useful that was still within her skillset, weapon forging.
that's all i've got for now.
i'd love for her to have someone from another court that exclusively trusts her weapons, that'd be sick.
maybe someone who did the blood rite at the same time as her??
i love any and all connections thank you
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ervona · 1 year
2, 3, 5
Was there something about the character creator that just couldn't capture your Character? Please tell us about their hair, facial hair, tattoos, piercings, disabilities, their trans or intersex body, or anything else you're comfortable sharing. (2)
Isemay has the characteristic burn scars on her face, but she's got scars like that on her body too! it's not offputting to me, though as she walks around with minimal coverage as berserkers should, it's suspension of disbelief for a little bit longer. she's shorter than her body type, but at least she looks muscular enough... she's mostly accurate to my vision for her and her younger self looks just right
Has your Character been using their illithid powers? (3)
nooo way... she ate the tadpole while partying with Minthara and friends out of peer pressure, but not again. as I said, she's hostile towards the guardian. in most situations that illithid authority is a bonus, her tried and true intimidation tactics will do the job better. she'd rubbed elbows with mysterious powers like these and people who embraced them in the past, and nothing good ever came of it!
Do you remember the first humanoid enemy your Character killed? Was it the first person they've ever killed, in your opinion? Would they have been bothered by it? (5)
I guess commander Zhalk for his fire sword. not sure if she killed him but she was in there fighting, and is rather nonplussed about it since fighting and killing has been her whole lifestyle for uh. a century and then some. cool new sword, after her favorite weapon was lost. she's too obstinate to just listen to the mind flayer, she wanted that sword and either she will save the day or die with a cool sword in her hands
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ivyprism · 8 months
MafiaDance Sonas (Info Dump)
Warnings: Violence and Dance
Astrantia - MafiaDancefell H
Personality: She understands exactly what she's doing. She has clear goals and is fearless and fierce. She is a fearless, strong woman. She adores dancing and puts a lot of work into her performances. Her chilly appearance masks her sensitive and empathetic personality. She is honest and tries to be nicer than others think she is. She is in complete control of her emotions and refuses to fight. She learns stuff over time and serves as an informant. She is a great listener who knows almost everything. She is also quite relaxed and serene. She is very knowledgeable.
Appearance: She’s a woman with hazel eyes. She has curly brown hair. She has a small scar on her left eye. She either wears glasses or has contacts. She also has more scars on her torso and body. She's muscular, yet chubby. She's 5'1". She has red highlights in her hair. She weaponized her ballet shoes.
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Lantana - MafiaDancetale H
Personality: She is a dancer who is fierce and skilled at performing. She is more self-confident and less dense. She is so lovely and considerate. She has a nice temper, but she will respond coldly if you push her too much. She adores all dancing styles and will go out of her way to dance with her friends and family. She possesses outstanding talent and skill in all disciplines of dancing. Her personality characteristics include introversion, intuition, emotion, and prospecting. She is a performer who serves as a mafia distraction. She is intelligent and innovative.
Appearance: She has hazel eyes. She has curly brown hair. She either wears glasses or has contacts. She has a small scar on her eye. She is chubby, yet flexible. She's 5'1". She wears a weaponized ballet shoes.
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cosmicxmuses · 1 year
repost & tag away!
BOLD all that applies to your muse. italicized is true/sometimes. striked out is a hidden truth.
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Muse: Cadence
eyes: blue | green | brown | hazel | gray | gray-blue | other
Hair: blonde | sandy | brown | black | auburn | ginger | grey / white | multi-color | other
body type: skinny | slender | slim | built | curvy | athletic | muscular | chubby | overweight
skin: pale | light | fair | freckled | tan | olive | medium | dark | discolored (bleached white by chemicals) | other.
gender: male | female | trans | cis | agender | demigender | genderfluid | other | doesn’t like labels
sexuality: heterosexual | homosexual | bisexual | pansexual | asexual | demisexual | other | doesn’t like labels
romantic orientation: homoromantic | heteroromantic | biromantic | panromantic | aromantic | demiromantic | sapioromantic | unsure | doesn’t like labels | polyamorous
species: human | undead (kinda? Dose it still apply since she broke the curse and got her heart back?)| shapeshifter | demon | angel | witch | ghost | incubus / succubus | werewolf | alien | mutant | vampire | fae | demigod | primate
education: high school drop out | college | university | master’s degree | PhD | other | limited | still in school | the fuck is school?
i’ve been: in love | hurt | ill | mentally abused | bullied | physically abused | tortured(killed and resurrected over and over)| redacted | brainwashed | shot | stabbed | poisoned
positive traits: affectionate | adventurous | athletic | brave | careful | charming | confident | creative | cunning | determined | forgiving | generous | honest | humorous | intelligent | loyal | modest | patient | selfless | polite | down-to-earth | diligent | romantic| moral | fun-loving | attractive | charismatic | calm
negative traits: aggressive | bossy | cynical | envious | shy | fearful | greedy | gullible | jealous | impatient | impulsive | cocky | reckless | insecure | irresponsible | mistrustful | paranoid | possessive | sarcastic | self-conscious | selfish | swears | unstable | clumsy | rebellious | emotional | vengeful | anxious | self-sabotaging | moody | peevish | angry | pessimistic | slacker | thin-skinned | overly dramatic | argumentative
living situation: lives alone | lives with parent(s) / guardian | lives with significant other | lives with a friend | drifter | homeless | lives with children | other
parents/guardian: mother | father | adoptive | foster | grandmother | grandfather | estranged| Uncle
sibling(s): half-sister | half-brother | sister(s) | brother(s) | none | estranged
relationship: single | crushing | dating | engaged | married | separated | it’s complicated | unrequited
i have a(n): learning disorder | personality disorder | mental disorder | anxiety disorder | sleep disorder | eating disorder | behavioral disorder | substance-related disorder | PTSD | mental disability | physical disability | redacted
things i’ve done before: had alcohol | smoked | stolen | done drugs | self-harmed( dose sacrificeing some of her own blood to get a cool weapon truly count?)| starved | had sex | had a threesome | had a one-night stand | gotten into a fist fight | gone to hospital | gone to jail | used a fake ID | played hooky | gone to a rave | killed someone(to be fair he killed her first) | had someone try to kill them
tagging: @cryptofadventure @a-cageless-canary @timid-plumber
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starry-skies-116 · 2 years
I’ve made a profile for my new ROTTMNT OC you guys listen the hecking heck up-:
Name: Samail Rahmoun
Pronouns: He/they/it, and all neopronouns
Gender: Intersex genderqueer transguy
Sexuality: Demi aroace, bi-oriented
Species: Human-turned-mutant
Nationality: Iraqi-Indian American
Family: Mother, Father, Ufairah and Jebrael (older siblings, of whom are both twins- Samail is 16, Ufairah and Jebrael are 17. Samail disregards the one-year difference, yet Ufairah and Jebrael don’t.)
Mutant type: Jackal
Age: 16
Weapon: Scepter of Purana (an ancient staff crafted from obsidian and shimmering steel, imbued with divine mystic energy from the jinn, a race of mutant-like creatures who shame the same origin as yokai and now live exiled to another plane- for some reason it resonates strongly with the Key to Purana, an ancient tablet full of unmeasurable divine mystic power and wisdom that can grant one wish, of which nobody knows the whereabouts of.).
Neurodivergencies: Autism, ADHD, Dyscalculia, PTSD from being turned into a mutant by Baron Draxum and just barely escaping his laboratory.
In jackal form, he has smooth black fur with golden bright amber eyes, dark sclera and slit pupils with anthropomorphic features characteristic of most mutants. There’s a fluffy tail that’s kinda long, too, as well as a full set of canines. He’s also bipedal, but can run on all fours (this increases his speed greatly).
In human form, he has a slightly muscular figure with curved hips, and is 5’3, with a bruise on his arm where the oozesquito stabbed him that eventually transforms into a glowing tattoo of the infamous Mahamatra’s sigil that he displays whenever in combat. He has dark tan skin, a beautiful face, curly and voluminous black hair styled into a mullet that fades into brown, maroon tinted cheeks, roseate dark lips, two dimples, and a long and broad, pointed nose. Samail also has very thick eyebrows, long and thick sideburns and visible canines in his full smile with exposed teeth.
Personality: A powerful, intelligent vigilante by night, yet a helpful and sweet high schooler by day, Samail is the epitome of a kind and gentle elder within a youngster’s body. His main title is Commander Mahamatra- carrying the lineage of jinn, mutant creatures with an origin similar to Yokai, he delivers justice upon those who dare transgress and hurt the innocent.
Prone to eccentric behaviours and peppering his speech and mannerisms with elusive and strange behaviours and words, he is still nevertheless a loving, cheerful, caring and fun individual to be around, despite his social skills needing a bit of work. He does suffer from low-self esteem and anxious episodes due to fear of not being able to live up to his Grandfather’s legacy, as well as panic attacks from the mutagen fusing with his lineage and unleashing a once dormant power. 
Fun fact about Samail: if he had voicelines, he’d have lots of voicelines similar to Nahida’s: 
“Quick, let’s find shelter, or all sorts of mushrooms and plants will start growing on our heads!”
“Somethin’ on your mind again, darling? Let’s work through it together- multiple heads are better than one~!” 
“Do you want to play hopscotch? I heard games are a great way to facilitate emotional bonds between different individuals! Don’t worry, I’ll draw the triangles extra-big for you!”
He’s also quite lonely at school, as he doesn’t have any close relationships save for his family and his childhood crush/sweetheart Lucius Zhang, who he’s acquaintances with. This changes when he meets the turtles and takes quite the fascination to them in the most harmless, sweet way, wanting to travel with them and help them on their adventures and missions, as well as grow close to them and form deep emotional bonds with them.
He has a soft spot for jokes, puns and one-liners to try and lighten the mood. He is serious and dignified in work-related situations and matters, and holds justice and integrity as the highest value above all else, religiously holding the belief that every soul will be weighed at the end of their ‘journey’.
He harbors a deep and festering grudge against Baron Draxum and The Foot Clan, and later, the Shredder and the Kraang, viewing them as threats to Earth, which he calls ‘humanity’s birthright and home that they have no right to.’ Samail, as the Commander Mahamatra, is deeply dedicated to his ideals of justice and viewing the law as eternal, and punishing any transgressions and sinners that may violate said law. They are cruel, harsh and callous to those who hurt others or break the law, and holds no sympathy towards whatever their reasons may be.
Samail is fairly relaxed outside of his ‘work’ on the level of the Turtles, being an avid fan of cooking, domestic work, independent academic study, online strategy games, and card games as well as video games. He grows over time to hold an incredible and deep emotional attachment to the turtles, considering them also to be his brothers and comrades.
Samail is hyperempathetic of those who suffer under those who abuse their power and status, which is likely why they’re so fervent about punishing and murdering criminals. He also takes frequent walks atop the roofs of New York City to calm his mind as well as patrol.
Favorite foods: Street food, most notably curries, tahchin, kebabs and shawarma- any Indian or Middle Eastern cuisine.
Least favorite foods: Pudding, Licorice, Dango, Mochi, Caramels, or any food that makes them feel like their teeth are being glued together. Pizza included… okay, fine. Pizza’s the only exception, but only specific types!
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18plusrefs · 2 days
this tumblr page is a collection of reference images that will often contain sexual, sensual, and/or artistic nudity. not all images are explicitly NSFW or 18+ but most are, VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED.
anyone who’s personal photos will be here that haven’t been taken from magazines, photoshoots, websites, etc will be reblogged directly from them
there will NOT be any real gore, blood, or injuries (unless the injuries are healed/healing) on this account. there WILL however be weapons and BDSM gear, tools, and dynamics featured in many images.
there will also be no videos or gifs or text posts unless they are detailing drawing information or they’re updates from me about this account (which will be text posts)
Header and Profile Picture Credits
header: No Flame Burns Forever, Alex Stoddard
pfp: image from the cover of the vintage magazine Pleasure, edition 005
Blog Navigation Info Below Cut ⬇️
Uncensored Images
unfortunately this is tumblr so any depiction of sex acts, genitals, or sex toys will be taken down. to combat this i will blur those things and have the uncensored versions available via DMs. PLEASE BE SPECIFIC WHEN YOU ASK ME FOR SOMETHING. its most useful if you send me the post you want uncensored so that i know exactly what you’re looking for!
DMs and Asks
DMs and Asks are always welcome!!! HOWEVER, i am not looking for any sort of sexual relations or friendships with anyone through this account.
if you are rude, hateful, or sexually explicit in DMs or Asks you will be ignored and blocked.
Tagging System
info - updates, announcements, etc from me
all references will be tagged so you may find them easier.
face - facial expressions or parts
body - any body parts: penises, vulvas, breasts, nipples*
*genitals and secondary sex characteristics are not listed separately but rather all under body. this will also include intersex bodies and those who have undergone any sort of medical transition.
Number of People Featured
solo - one person
pair - two people
3+ - three people or more
sensual - of romantic, tender, sensual nature
sexual - sexual nature, sex acts
Skin Colors of The People/Person Featured*
*skin color is often ambiguous and subjective in certain lighting so i cannot promise that you’ll agree with the way i’ve categorized things. additionally, i can’t always say for sure how the person in the image identifies or what their ethnic background actually is. these are sorted purely by visuals
pale - white people and people with fair or light skin
tan - brown people and POC with more mid toned/lighter brown or tan skin
black - black people and people with dark skin tones
color - colored/multicolored lighting
bright - brightly lit or outside during the day
dim - dimly lit, dark, or outside during the evening or night
Body Descriptors*
*once again these are subjective and based off of my own observations. these words not offensive and are used in a neutral descriptive way. and again i can’t always be sure how the person in the image identifies and describes their body.
slim - i’m afraid to use the term “thin” or “skinny” because of ed blogs
muscular - people who are muscular and/or toned
genderqueer - those who are genderqueer, transgender, intersex, or gnc
queer - people engaging in queer and/or same-sex sexual or sensual acts
hairy - body, pubic, and/or facial hair
shaved - fully shaved
disabled - those who are VISIBLY disabled (mobility aids; sensory aids; limb, facial, musculoskeletal differences; etc.)*
*i cannot tell by picture if someone is invisibly disabled
Clothes and Gear
clothed - includes fully or partially clothed
lingerie - includes “typical” lacy lingerie but also any sort of undergarments
leather - includes both leather clothing AND tools
latex - includes both latex clothing AND tools
ropes - shibari and suspension
sex toys - dildos, clamps, plugs, chastity, you name it, i’ll try to find it! (includes fantasy items)
weapons - knives, swords, guns, fantasy weapons, etc
costume - wings, tails, ears, masks, etc
wax - wax play or candles as an aspect part of the picture
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blackcubenexus · 19 days
Desert Quillcat
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Scientific Name: Felispina aridius Common Name: Desert Quillcat Habitat: Arid deserts, ancient ruins, vast dunes, oasis Lifespan: 50-80 years Size: Large, comparable to the size of a horse. They can stand around 6 feet at the shoulder and up to 10 feet in length, excluding their tail. Diet: Carnivorous. The Desert Quillcat primarily hunts large desert herbivores, using its impressive speed and retractable claws.
Physical Characteristics:
Size & Shape: The Desert Quillcat is approximately the size of a horse, standing around 6 feet at the shoulder and measuring up to 10 feet in length, not including its tail. Its body is muscular and sleek, with a feline grace that makes it both a powerful predator and a swift runner.
Fur & Colors: The Desert Quillcat comes in two primary colorations: deep, inky black and a sandy tan, allowing it to blend seamlessly into the desert environment, whether it is stalking prey at night or hiding in the dunes during the day.
Quills: Its most distinctive feature is the array of quills that cover its back and flanks. These quills are sharp, slightly curved, and can be up to a foot long. They are naturally camouflaged to match the creature's fur, making them hard to detect until the Quillcat feels threatened. In a defensive or offensive maneuver, the Desert Quillcat can shoot these quills with precision, using them to deter predators or incapacitate prey.
Claws & Tail: The Desert Quillcat has retractable claws that are incredibly sharp, designed for gripping and tearing. Its tail is long, muscular, and tapers into a sharp, pointed tip, which it can use as an additional weapon in close combat.
Behavior & Habitat:
Habitat: The Desert Quillcat is native to arid desert regions, where it thrives in the harsh, dry climate. It is most commonly found near rocky outcrops and caves, where it can take shelter from the heat of the day and launch ambushes on unsuspecting prey.
Diet: As a carnivorous predator, the Desert Quillcat primarily hunts large desert herbivores, but it is also known to take down smaller prey if the opportunity arises. Its diet is entirely meat-based, and it has developed a sophisticated hunting strategy that involves both stealth and the strategic use of its quills.
Intelligence: The Desert Quillcat is an incredibly intelligent creature, with problem-solving abilities that rival those of some of the smartest mammals. This intelligence makes it a formidable hunter and a challenging creature to tame.
Behavior: While highly dangerous in the wild, Desert Quillcats are also known to form strong bonds with humans if raised from a young age. However, they remain unpredictable and require a skilled handler. They are hyper-aware of their surroundings and can be fiercely loyal to those they consider part of their "pride."
Bonding & Taming:
Taming: Taming a Desert Quillcat is a long-term commitment that requires raising a cub from infancy. The cubs are initially playful and curious, but as they mature, they require extensive training to harness their natural instincts and abilities. A well-trained Quillcat can become a loyal and powerful mount, but feral adults are nearly impossible to tame due to their strong-willed nature and inherent distrust of humans.
Mounting: When tamed, the Desert Quillcat serves as an agile and swift mount, able to traverse difficult desert terrain with ease. Its ability to shoot quills can be harnessed in combat, making it a valuable asset in both travel and battle. However, due to their unpredictable nature, they require a strong bond with their rider, who must be attuned to the Quillcat's moods and behaviors.
Cultural Significance:
In desert societies, the Desert Quillcat is both feared and revered. Warriors who manage to tame a Quillcat are regarded with great respect, and the creatures themselves are often seen as symbols of power and independence. Legends often speak of Quillcats as guardians of the desert, with some tribes believing that they are the reincarnations of ancient desert spirits.
The process of bonding with a Desert Quillcat is often seen as a rite of passage, and only those who are deemed worthy by the Quillcat itself are allowed to ride them. Because of their intelligence and formidable nature, Quillcats are not just mounts but are considered partners in survival within the harsh desert environment.
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anjels001 · 29 days
Kirosk (KEE-rohsk)-equivalent to turtle
General Description:
The Kirosk is a formidable terrestrial creature indigenous to the planet Mandalore. Known for its formidable shell and assertive territorial nature, the Kirosk bears a striking resemblance to Earth’s turtles but boasts unique attributes that set it apart as one of the most esteemed and intimidating species on Mandalore. Revered and feared, this creature symbolizes the enduring spirit of Mandalorian culture.
Physical Characteristics:
Size and Structure:
Length: Up to 4 meters
Height: Up to 2 meters
Body: The Kirosk possesses a broad, muscular build, covered by a segmented shell composed of hard, resilient plates. These plates are made from a material akin to beskar, the legendary Mandalorian metal, known for its exceptional strength. The shell’s coloration ranges from dark gray to muted green and blue, aiding in camouflage against Mandalore’s rugged terrain.
Head and Limbs:
Head: The Kirosk features a wide, flattened head with small, piercing eyes that emit an amber glow. Its robust jaw is equipped with razor-sharp teeth designed for breaking rocks and extracting valuable minerals and metals.
Limbs: Short but powerful, the Kirosk’s limbs end in formidable claws. These claws are adept at digging through the earth and defending against potential threats.
Structure: The Kirosk’s tail is long, thick, and armored with spiked protrusions. It serves dual purposes: as a defensive weapon and as a tool for attacking. The tail can knock over small trees and deliver significant damage to adversaries during combat.
Behavior and Habits:
Marking: The Kirosk is highly territorial, using deep scratches on rocks and soil to demarcate its domain. Preferring rocky and mountainous environments, it uses these areas for shelter and strategic observation of potential threats.
Feeding Habits: Omnivorous by nature, the Kirosk’s diet includes tough vegetation, small fauna, and minerals embedded in rocks. Notably, the consumption of beskar deposits contributes to the robustness and durability of its shell.
Activity Patterns:
Behavior: Generally solitary, the Kirosk is active during the cooler hours of dawn and dusk, seeking food and defending its territory. Its behavior reflects a blend of cautious observation and aggressive defense.
Cultural Significance:
Mandalorian Symbolism:
Cultural Role: The Kirosk is revered in Mandalorian culture as a symbol of strength, resilience, and perseverance. Its image is often depicted in art, monuments, and armor, representing the enduring spirit of the Mandalorian people.
Ritual Significance: In Mandalorian tradition, confronting a Kirosk is considered a rite of passage for warriors, serving as a test of bravery and skill. The challenge of facing such a formidable creature is seen as a mark of honor and capability.
Utilitarian Value: The Kirosk’s shell, when found naturally, is highly prized. It is often repurposed into armor and shields, enhancing their protective properties with the strength of beskar-like material.
Conservation Status:
Population: The Kirosk is a rare and respected species, with populations concentrated in specific rocky regions of Mandalore. Its rarity contributes to its status as a formidable and coveted creature within Mandalorian society.
Threats: Natural predators and environmental changes pose threats to the Kirosk’s habitat. Conservation efforts focus on protecting these creatures and their ecosystems to ensure their continued presence on Mandalore.
Ecological Role:
Ecosystem Impact: As a keystone species, the Kirosk plays a crucial role in maintaining the ecological balance of Mandalore’s rocky environments. Its feeding habits help control mineral deposits and promote the health of the ecosystem.
"In our extensive studies of the diverse flora and fauna across the galaxy, one particularly fascinating specimen from the remote world of Mandalore has come to our attention: the Kirosk. This remarkable creature, with its formidable shell and elusive nature, has revealed an intriguing biological phenomenon concerning the formation of a rare crystal known as the Mado'a Kyeber. The Mado'a Kyeber, or 'Ka'ra Manda' as it is known in the native tongue, forms within the Kirosk’s digestive system in a manner reminiscent of the pearls produced by the Krayt dragon. As the Kirosk consumes various minerals, some of these are not fully digested and instead accumulate within the stomach. Over time, these undigested mineral fibers crystallize, resulting in the formation of the Mado'a Kyeber. This process mirrors the creation of Krayt dragon pearls, which develop from the irritation caused by foreign objects within the dragon’s digestive tract. The resulting Mado'a Kyeber is a striking black crystal with a pulsating resonance akin to a heartbeat. Its unique formation and properties make it a valuable and symbolically significant substance within Mandalorian culture. The comparison to Krayt dragon pearls underscores its rarity and the complex interplay between the creature's biology and the environment of Mandalore. Such discoveries not only enhance our understanding of the natural world but also deepen our appreciation for the intricate ways in which life adapts and evolves in different corners of the galaxy." — Archivist Nerron, Jedi Archives, circa 1017 ABY
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wickedsrest-rp · 2 years
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NAME: Sianach
RARITY: ★★☆☆☆
THREAT LEVEL: ★★★★☆ | Capable of killing with just a touch, and they’re aggressive. It’s possible to stay out of one’s way, but enlisting a hunter or spellcaster is the best way to kill it.
HABITAT: Like their more mundane cousins, the deer, sianach prefer to live in the woods and meadows away from the hustle and bustle of human life.
DESCRIPTION: Sianach are most readily distinguished from the mundane deer they resemble by their bright red head and antlers. Many people still don’t realize there’s anything supernatural about sianachs until they’re close enough to the creature to get a sense of scale, and notice their set of gleaming white serrated teeth. Sianachs are aggressive, and they can kill by touch alone. They typically hunt by charging people until they’re able to make physical contact, causing their victim to simply drop dead, giving the sianach an easy meal. 
Their aggression is often attributed to their carnivorous diet, but they have been known to leave the bodies uneaten, especially if the sianach felt threatened and wasn’t actually hungry. Being close to a sianach can confer an annoying supernatural condition, which causes antlers to grow on someone’s head. These usually fall off within a few days, but the person afflicted with antlers does always seem to be rather cantankerous for those days.
ABILITIES: Swift, agile, and muscular, sianachs share many characteristics with regular deer; they’re merely a little larger in size. However, because sianachs are predatory, they use their light footsteps and speed to hunt down those who wander into the forest. They instantly kill anyone who makes physical contact with them. This fatal contact kills their prey long before their sharp teeth ever have a chance to get you. Their teeth are advantageous for their diet, but don’t seem to contribute to their actual hunts.
WEAKNESS: Because touching or being close to a sianach is deadly or dangerous, the best way to escape one alive is to use ranged weapons or magic to combat the creature. They don’t have any supernatural defenses, so anything that could kill a normal deer can also kill a sianach. But be careful – physical contact with a sianach carcass will still kill, and sianachs take years to decompose. They seem to have some sort of kinship with faun and don’t exhibit any aggression toward them, if they even notice them at all. It’s theorized they can’t tell a faun from another sianach. 
White hart (Bone deer): These white deer could easily be mistaken for regular deer displaying leucism. However, they’re larger on average and don’t have the same aggressive temperament as their sianach cousins. They prefer simply eating grasses and other plants in peace. But you still don’t want to approach them. White harts don’t leave fresh bodies behind – they leave skeletons. Any living thing that makes contact with their formidable antlers will have their flesh dissolve from their bones, leaving behind a perfectly pearly skeleton. Despite this danger, many people find white harts beautiful and they’re sometimes seen as a symbol of good luck. No one has ever been able to catch one and some in the supernatural community don’t believe they exist.
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meteorswrd · 2 years
FULL  NAME.   Sokka. (Niaquq Bouchard in modern verse) MEANING.   Sokka - an expression meaning “eureka!”; Niaquq means ‘head’; both reflect his intelligence and quick thinking. NICKNAME.     the sleuthy one, snoozles, the ideas guy, also referred to in kinship terms by family GENDER.     male ETHNICITY.   water tribe (Inuk) HEIGHT.     5'5″, later 5′8″ AGE.     15/16 (verse dependent) ZODIAC.    Capricorn ( hard-working, responsible, pessimistic. element: earth. ruling-planet: Saturn) SPOKEN  LANGUAGES.     verse dependent. English, Inuktut
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physical characteristics!
HAIR  COLOR.    a dark chocolate brown EYE  COLOR.      very dark brown, almost black SKIN  TONE.     mid brown BODY  TYPE.     on the more slender side with broad shoulders, gaining some muscle over his journey with the gaang but not much. As an adult he becomes a bit more muscular and broader, similar to his father ACCENT.     / VOICE.    tenor range, generally very expressive with lots of intonation, carrying a comforting playfulness but becoming more low in tone when he’s angry or sad DOMINANT  HAND.    ambidextrous POSTURE.     generally pretty relaxed and casual, liking to lean back on things unless he’s trying to command attention; then he’d straighten his spine, and push his shoulders back SCARS.     a small one on his left temple from where he hit himself with his boomerang as a child. He also has various, more noticeable scars on his legs and torso from general fighting. TATTOOS.     / MOST  NOTICEABLE  FEATURE(S).   his wolf-tail hairstyle, which he retains even when he grows his hair into adulthood
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HOMETOWN.     a Water Tribe village in the South Pole’s capital BIRTH.    Natural FIRST  WORDS.     Aaana (mum) SIBLINGS.     his sister Katara, though Aang and Toph are practically honory siblings at this point PARENTS.    Kya (mother, deceased), and Hakoda (father) PARENT  INVOLVEMENT.     born in the remains of the Southern Water Tribe’s ruined capital, the presence of war always lingered in his life like a bad smell. But mostly, his parents tried to shelter him and his sister for as long as they could, being very loving and affectionate. His father gifted him his trusty boomerang, taught him how to hunt and use weapons, and how to make carvings, his mother taught him cooking, made him toys, made his clothes; both played often with him, never refusing any requests for attention or comfort. The Fire Nation raided his village when he was ten, murdering his mother; not too long after, his father left with the rest of the men in the village to fight in the war. The grief cut deep, but he repressed it severely, taking on the role of protector and looking after the rest of the village with his sister. They essentially raised each other.
OCCUPATION.     guardian of the gaang, water tribe warrior, tactician, inventor, southern water tribe representative CURRENT RESIDENCE.     he’s constantly travelling post war, and has a residence in republic city, but grabs any opportunity to stay in the south pole FINANCIAL  STATUS.     pretty well off in later adult life CRIMINAL  RECORD.     theft, aggravated assault, murder, VICES.   stubborn, self-deprecating, pessimistic
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CLOSE  FRIENDS.     Katara, Aang, Toph, Suki, Zuko, Haru, Bato RELATIONSHIP  STATUS.     single (thread dependent) SEXUAL  ORIENTATION.     bi ROMANTIC  ORIENTATION.     bi LOVE  LANGUAGE.     acts of service, gift giving, words of affirmation RELATIONSHIP  TENDENCIES.        once Sokka catches feelings for someone, he doesn’t waste a lot of time making it known, trying his best to flirt and look cool but more often than not, ends up flustered. He’s very doting and affectionate as a partner, never hesitating to express how amazing he thinks the other person is, and freely giving out hugs and kisses. Handmade gifts are often given as a token of his affections, and he’ll put a lot of effort into making them perfect. Being a protector is integral to his identity, and so he will be protective of his partner; however, an ideal partner for him is self-sufficient, not needing his protection and having his back as much as has theirs. He gravitates to strong-willed people, with a sense of community, a smart mind, and a sense of humour. However, sometimes he can feel insecure in his ability to be ‘good enough’ for the other person, and is fearful of losing them.
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THEME  SONG.    Ukiuq - The Jerry Cans/ He Ain’t Heavy He’s My Brother - The Hollies / Some Nights - fun. HOBBIES  TO  PASS  TIME.     drawing, painting, sculpting (by himself or with his father), studying in other nations, playing around with new technology, sword practicing, shopping,  “sok-casm” MENTAL  ILLNESSES.     prone to depression, anxiety PHYSICAL  ILLNESSES.     chronic pain in his leg post-war LEFT  OR  RIGHT  BRAINED.     very balanced PHOBIAS.     / SELF  CONFIDENCE  LEVEL.   fluctuates a lot as a teenager; he often doubts his abilities to look after and lead others, and is sometimes insecure of his place in the group VULNERABILITIES.        said lack of confidence, often unable to mask when he dislikes or distrusts someone, the leg he injured during Sozin’s Comet
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copying from my old blog! But I shall tag @nuiruk​ , @seismicsight​ , @hidiingplace​ (muse of your choice!), @recordsstraight​ (muse of your choice!) , @movingcastlle​  and anyone else who’d like to do this!
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sharptccth · 3 years
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          ☆.。.჻· richard armitage . cis-male. he/him . i would steer clear of aristeo olivier if i were you. a vampire from the ventrusa clan , they’ve been living in the hidden kingdom of sibiuia for eighty six years. apparently they're one hundred sixty three, but will always look forty five. i’ve heard they’re quite chivalrous , though they’re known by their clan to be rather blunt. guess that’s why they call them the mediator. they weren't vrajiit before their death, and often they remind me of black leather, humming a bard's tune, warm smiles secretly given to their lover. i’ll be interested to see what happens when they’re introduced to the humans …
Basic Information
Full Name: Aristeo Olivier
Nickname(s): Theo
Age: 163 (appears 45)
Born in: Wenchinka
Species: vampire
Gender: cis male
Pronouns: he/him
Orientation: pansexual & panromantic
Religion: the one true God (doesn’t practice anymore)
Physical Appearance
Face Claim: Richard Armitage
Hair Colour: dark brown
Eye Colour: blue
Height: 6 ft 2½ in or 189 cm
Weight: 93 kg or 205 lbs
Build: athletic
Tattoos: none
Piercings: none
Distinguishing Characteristics: baritone voice, blue-grey eyes, muscular body
Label: the mediator // “a person who attempts to make people involved in a conflict come to an agreement; a go-between.” a muse who helps everyone with their problems, maybe neglecting themselves in the process.
Positive Traits: chivalrous, passionate, gentle
Negative Traits: blunt, short-tempered
Optimist or pessimist?
Introvert or extrovert?
Daredevil or cautious?
Logical or emotional?
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?
Prefers working or relaxing?
Confident or unsure of himself?
Father: Janvier Olivier, deceased
Mother: Célinie Olivier, deceased
Sibling(s): (older) none
Spouse: Séraphie Olivier, deceased, current: Lucian Olivier, nee Fell
Children: daughter - Amalie Olivier, deceased
Pet(s): none
TW: death (ofc), murder
          Nobody ever cared about people in Wenchinka, that’s how Aristeo had always felt. His life has never been easy, his family was poor, living from paycheck to paycheck, so to speak, barely getting by. And it didn’t help that his parents regularly argued - some things were left unsaid, they piled up until one of the other couldn’t hold it in anymore. As soon as he was old enough Aristeo left his home to find work and live on his own. He loved his parents, but he couldn’t handle all these years of fighting.
          Once he left things started to look a bit brighter. Aristeo found out he had a knack for sword making. He was interested in blacksmith work, especially weapon making and the local blacksmith needed a helping hand. It turned out he was natural at making swords and sword-like weapons in general, he was very precise and he tried to find ways how to improve them.
          A few years later he met Séraphie. A young lady from Malsovia and he fell in love almost immediately. He courted her for a while before asking her hand in marriage. They married and a year later she gave him a daughter, Amalie. They were happy together. Seeing his parents marriage break from keeping everything in and all those arguments when they had had enough, Aristeo didn’t want to keep things hidden, he always told the truth, he had no secrets from his wife and he was always all for talking it out when things were starting to get a bit rocky or he felt like something was left unsaid, and for him it always worked 0 talking it out was the key to his strong and stable relationship with his wife.
          But all good things must come to an end sooner or later. One night he came home late from work, and the doors of his hope were slightly ajar. It was not supposed to be like that. He ran in and found both his wife and daughter murdered by, what it looked, a vicious animal. It was strange though - they both seemed to be missing a lot of blood, but there was not that much blood on the floor. Blinded by pain, sadness and anger Aristeo tried looking for answers, and he found them in the form of old tales about vampires, who came around once every fine years. It would sound like old scary stories to others, but at this point Aristeo believed even the craziest stories. Two most important people in his life were dead, he had nothing to lose anymore, so he found some people, who might know a thing or two about vampires, which eventually lead him to meeting a vampire face to face. This vampire was not the one, who killed his family, but he knew the one, who did it. Knowing he would not stand a chance against his family’s killer if he was a human, Aristeo asked to be turned, and in return he promised to work for him until his sire would decide the debt was paid. Aristeo agreed.
          He was trained, taught the new skills of a vampire, and, driven by revenge, he went after his family’s killer. Aristeo found him, tortured him for what he did and ended the killer’s life. It didn’t give Aristeo the relief he hoped to get, the anger and pain was still there. Defeated he returned to his sire to keep his end of the deal.
          For more than thirty years he never left his sire’s side. living in the shadows, Aristeo lead a criminal life since his sire was not an honest man. Those were dark years. Until his sire got hunted down by a group of vrajiits, who wanted to get a revenge on him for using their town as food or turning their loved ones into vampires for his own pleasure. It was a secluded town far from other ones, he made sure no word got out and nobody would miss the people there. But he thought wrong. Once his sire was killed, Aristeo was free. He roamed the lands until a vampire from Ventrusa clan found him. They had heard about his sire and they were hesitant to take Aristeo in. He was done living this life, Aristeo wanted some peace and quiet for a change, no criminal activity, he wanted to do honest work and turn his life around. Since his love for blacksmith work hadn’t faded, Aristeo did that as a community work - no pay and being watched carefully and for a few years he wasn’t allowed to leave the clan grounds. Once his punishment was over, he didn’t leave blacksmith work, he kept on doing it for many years. It helped him slowly become his old self - one who loved life and loved what he did for living.
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tarnishedxknight · 3 years
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full name  .  Basch fon Ronsenburg pronunciation  .  BAHSH fon RAHN-sehn-berg nicknames  .  Eh... people just call him Basch. Or Captain, I suppose, but that’s a title, not a nickname. Kingslayer.... if you want to get negative. height  .  5'11″ age .  34-37, timeline dependent zodiac  .  I have no idea, so I usually say Gemini, just because twins haha languages  .  Every human in Ivalice seems to speak the same sort of main Hume language (English) with varying accents. I’m not sure if he speaks any non-human languages.
hair colour  .  Blonde eye colour  .  Blue skin tone  .  Tanned body type  .  Muscular (except for, one could argue, after he was tortured/starved for 2 years, not that the game showed that) accent  .  Landisian in his youth, Dalmascan by the time he was in his late 20s dominant hand  .  Right posture  .  Straight tattoos  .  Nope most noticeable features  .  His somewhat dramatic hairstyle? XD And he has a lot of scars, most notably the one right across his forehead and left eye, but he also has a lot on his shoulders and back
place of birth  .  The Republic of Landis hometown  .  I have no idea, heh birth weight  /  height  .  Again, no idea manner of birth  .  Natural first words  .  I’m gonna say his brother’s name... or at least his butchered attempt at it  siblings  .  A younger twin brother by a few minutes, Noah parents  .  A Landisian father and an Archadian mother
occupation .  Captain of the Knights of Dalmasca close friends  .  Vossler York Azelas relationship status  .  Single financial status  .  He was very well paid by King Raminas, but lost everything after he was framed for his murder driver’s license  .  I mean? I guess? His world’s equivalent of it anyway criminal record  .  Yeah, he was convicted of killing King Raminas even though he didn’t do it
sexual orientation  .  heterosexual romantic orientation  .  heteroromantic preferred emotional role  .   submissive | dominant | switch  |  unsure. preferred sexual role  .   submissive |  dominant  |  switch |  sex repulsed libido  .  He’s got it repressed down to pretty much nothing, but if he did set it free it’d be moderate to high turn ons  .  Kindness, tenderness, emotional understanding, a beautiful smile and/or laugh turn offs  .  Cruelty, being manipulative, aggression, lying love language  .  selfless devotion, gentle touches, long glances, supportive and affectionate words relationship tendencies  .  I have no idea, he’s never been in a serious relationship, heh
character’s theme song  .  For me it’s always been Broken by Sonata Arctica for Basch hobbies to pass the time  .  Basch doesn’t have time for hobbies, unfortunately. After he cleans, polishes, maintains, repairs, etc. his armor and weapons, the only thing he has time to do aside from work is sleep, heh. mental illnesses  .  PTSD sometimes triggered by total darkness, restraint, or the smell of iron (from his imprisonment) and sometimes triggered by explosions, the sounds of weapons clanging, or the smell of blood (from living through several major battles of a longstanding war) left or right brained  .  left-brained fears  .  failure... specifically failing someone he loves, dying alone, dying senselessly, imprisonment
tagged by  :  I borrowed it from one of my other blogs. tagging  :  Anyone who wants to do this! ^_^
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horrorslashergirl · 3 years
Slasher OC: Nadia Nikolina Chirilă
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Full Name: Nadia Nikolina Chirilă
Nickname(s): Nadia, Niko, White Diamond Eyes
Age: 38
Gender: Female
Nationality: Romanian
Place of Birth: Bucharest, Romania
Current Location: Greenland or Scottland, depending on how she feels
Occupation: Former Forced Prostitute; Now Hitwoman and Artist
Languages: Romanian, English, Greenlandic, Danish, Chinese
Height: 6'1
Weight: 182 lbs
Body Type: Hourglass figure, thicker joints, muscular arms and legs, muscular chest and shoulders, rounded buttocks; a thick muscular woman that gives you the impression of a female Amazonian warrior
Skin Color: Warm Beige
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Hair Style: Long to her middle waist and wavy; giving her a wide appearance
Eye Color: Like her two brothers Decebal and Alexander, she has pale grey, almost white, giving the impression she is blind
Clothing: As a civilian she wears practical clothing for the weather in Greenland, opting for thick coats with hoods in colors of wine red, black, dark brown. She goes with simple dark thick pants and winter boots, the colors being dark ones. If she stays inside her home, she opts for comfortable clothing, knitted sweaters, and warm thighs. As a hitwoman, she dresses in full black clothing to hide her identity completely.
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Other features: She has tattoos going up from between the valley of her breasts to her collarbones and covering her neck.
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Weapons: Kusarigama, Throwing Knives, and Mace Bludgeon
Murderous expertise
Brute strength
Skilled usage of weaponry
Skill in hand-to-hand combat
Martial Arts
Artistic expertise in painting and origami 
Nadia Nikolina Chirilă was born in Romania, being the younger sister to Decebal and Alexander, the three of them being triplets by birth. She was the younger daughter to Apostol Chirilă, and her mother, Maria Stratulat of Moldovic heritage. She was born 12 minutes after Alexander, and because the parents couldn't support all three children, they passed Alexander and Nadia to an orphanage only to be sold over the country boundaries for human trafficking.
Before Alexander could be bought for organ trafficking in America, an old lady took him in, leaving Nadia all alone, only to be taken by an Italian Mafia Leader, Romero Gonzales because of her unique eyes, raising her until the age of 10, when she was forced to work into the prostitution by her father figure, losing her virginity at that fragile age and abused both mentally and sexually by countless men; being caged like an animal and labeled as nothing more than an object.
By the age of 15, a customer came in a Chinese man, who pitied Nadia and helped her escape. The said man took her to America, Ohio where he was living with his American wife who couldn't have children; the man being a former assassin from China.
Nadia observed how in his free time her new father figure practiced martial arts and asked him to train her, finding out more about what he did in his past, she simply asked him to teach her how to kill. Until the age of 27, she spent her time in America, Ohio with her adoptive parents, learning, and training, until they passed away.
Not seeing any reason to stay there, Nadia flew to a more secluded place in Greenland, starting a job as an independent artist in painting and the art of origami which her Chinese adoptive father taught her, and also taking jobs as a hitwoman. She also has a cabin for vacations in Scottland where she sometimes stays.
Her style of killing:
Despite being a ruthless killer, she mostly kills men, being a meister into weaponry, her preferable killing method is piercing under the chin of her victims with the sickle blade of her kusarigama or simply smashing the throats with her mace bludgeon. Despite being a woman she possesses strength that can match that of men, killing men that abuse women.
Nadia is the type of woman that is the epitome of a male into a female's body. She sports a hardcore personality that screams 'she is not one to be messed it'. The type of woman that plays with big boys like they are nothing but kids.
She is a manly woman with a spirit of a warrior, giving off big sister vibes, despite being the younger Chirila sibling. In her day-to-day life, she is a hard-working woman who isn't afraid to get dirty or bruised, always open to competing against men who underestimate her and prove them wrong.
Nadia hates the stereotype of 'woman should be housewives and stay home', always open up to compete even with herself. When she traveled to Scottland one time she competed with the men in 'caber toss' and won 2nd place, proving that women can do what men do.
She is a true feminist, but with a more quiet demeanor. 
She has a deep hatred towards men, because of her past abusers, she views men as only takers, destroying the beauty which the women exhibit. Towards women, especially petite ones, she is very soft and gentle, very polite, and acting as a big sister.
Despite her seeming calm and stoic attitude, she also has a very VERY bad temper that combusts into the presence of men, especially misogynist ones that act like peacocks with their masculinity.
Her favorite drink: Whiskey
Her favorite food: Moldavian Stew
Other Characteristics:
Despite her very tomboyish attitude, she also shows her feminity through arts and crafts in her paintings and origami sculptures, and such.
Like her brother, Decebal, her tolerance for alcohol is very big, being half Moldovian.
She is a smoker like her two other brothers, Decebal and Alexander.
Her voice holds a powerful timber, still feminine, but with a certain deepness, booming like she just threw a fist at a table.
Her scent is that of patchouli, tobacco with musky notes, hints of whiskey, and dark coffee.
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