#Muse: [ Thanatos ]
ofgalaxiesandstars · 1 year
Thanatos wasn't waiting for an answer any longer. He'd been knocking at the door, trying to keep the mortals from knowing who he was-- or thinking that he'd broken into their house --and had decided after some conversation with the newly introduced Eve that this was a waste of time.
In a blink he was inside Breaker's room, quickly kneeling at the man's side. He took Breaker's hand in one of his own, gripping it and stroking the not-so-mortal's cheek as he murmured softly to him, "I'm here... Don't die on me, Breaker... I'd rather not have to collect you just yet..."
He was at a bit of a loss. He was no healer, and he'd no idea if there was even anything he could do. So he stayed at Breaker's side, talking to him and trying to help the man through the fit.
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coreofgold · 2 years
@tragcdysewn​ for Thanatos
E-ming was staring right at Thanatos.  It might not be noticeable but the scimitar is staring in confusion.  The eye goes from Hua Cheng to Thanatos and vibrates heavily to get Hua Cheng’s reaction.  “What is it E-ming ?”  Hua Cheng grumbled as they looked down and stroked the blade softly before then following the eye’s gaze.  “Excuse me can you not stare at my weapon please ?  He gets self conscious. . .apparently.”  Hua Cheng spoke but not before also. . .staring closely at the other when they noticed a similar feature
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gabisart · 1 year
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Death has come to me, kissed me on the cheek, gave me closure Immortal by design I'll be meetin' you here every time 🥀🤍
(Patreon Reward of some months ago!!!)
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witchhazelevesque · 24 days
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baejax-the-great · 4 months
Thanatos x Zagreus | M | Chapters: 11/11 Tags: Angst, Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending, Emotion suppression, body transformation, Thanatos finds a unique way to deal with having a crush for the first time in his life, Canon-Typical Violence Summary:
“I have come to ask for your help.”
Aphrodite accepts this news as if it is delicious, her lips puckering in satisfaction, her gaze moving to his chest with a knowing eye. “Yes, I see. That does look painful. And have you come to ask for me to woo the object of your desire for you?”
“I didn’t expect so.”
Already Thanatos can feel the pull of the Underworld on him. He doesn’t care. He will stay here until he dies if he has to. Following Zagreus’s example, it’s easy enough. He pushes the pain down, and does not allow himself to tremble.
“I want you to take it away.”
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morningstarrook · 3 months
Hypnos and Thanatos with the song Lullaby for a Princess, is that anything
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0lympian-c0uncil · 2 years
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ofsanctus · 4 days
redownloading hades & just bought hades 2,,, if i end up wanting greek myth muses don’t look at me
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pyramultimuse · 1 year
“I’m sorry for calling you so late at night… I needed to hear your voice again…” (from Cal to Than?)
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The tole of a bell signaled Death's arrival just before his mist appeared and he along with it. The keepsake that had been given to Caligo was not only a way to have a piece of darkness with him but also a way to communicate with Thanatos and he would come to the demon's call.
"Missed me?" He asked since Cal didn't seem like he was in distress. Thanatos was okay with this, he was between collections and could comfort the demon. "It's alright, I wasn't doing anything that urgently needed my attention." Death floated down to stand on the ground so he was at a closer level to the other.
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fatalled · 10 months
dare + show a screenshot of your browsing history for hiroji
🕒 — what date si it 🕒 — gogle maps 🕒 — g 🕒 — kenji sasaki problematic 🕒 — hermes problematic 🕒 — cerberos problematic 🕒 — recent attacks 🕒 — cememtary near me 🕒 — how to ask otu ur friend 🕒 — best gifti deas for goths 🕒 — gifts for githc
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ofgalaxiesandstars · 1 year
Thanatos frowned as he stayed at Breaker's bedside. He could hear Timothy downstairs, arguing loudly with Cassiopeia-- no doubt about his missing brother. The god sighed slightly, gently brushing some hair out of Breaker's face. The man had been having difficulties bouncing back from this particular fit... Thanatos was growing worried.
He flinched when he sensed something, shoulders tensing as he saw Breaker tense up and start to seize again. Already..? This was far too soon-- Breaker hadn't yet recovered from the fit he had this morning. He stood-- there were healers here. One of them a god, the other the son of a god, surely they'd be able to do something...
He headed to the door, opening it to call out, "Will. Opal. One of you-- you're needed at Breaker's room."
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greekfamily · 1 year
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arcxnumvitae · 5 months
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He was just going to pretend that he didn’t see.
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baejax-the-great · 2 years
Snippet Sunday
There is a balance to being a god, but it was not always so. For most of his existence, Thanatos was not a person with hands and feet and hair and thoughts and whims and feelings and a voice. He was a primordial force, born from the Night and from necessity. Chaos’s new world began to decay, and Thanatos was there to bring an ending where there had so far only been beginnings.
Humans called the Titans monstrous, but it was only because their forms were not constricted the way mortals are. They invented form. It was theirs to experiment with whilst Night continued to populate her realm. The orderly mortal world with its different species neatly divided by recognizable features came later.
The Olympians changed godhood. They were born into bodies that were as much a part of them as the elements they commanded. They were not immutable, but they were, for lack of a better word, human. They looked like those who worshiped them. They acted like them. And the humans imitated their gods in return. It was cyclical, like Helios’s chariot in the sky drawing up the sun each day and Nyx leaving Tartarus to drive him away, the squabbles from heaven ignited squabbles on earth, and the squabbles on earth drew admirers and fans on Mount Olympus who lent their wisdom and aid and changed the course of humanity.
The Underworld, resistant to the tumult of everything above, did not remain unscathed. When Hades came to rule, pushing Nyx aside, everything became a little more human. Everyone became a little more human, including all of Nyx’s children. Including Thanatos.  
Not all of them took to it as easily as others. Charon’s boat appeared long before he did. The oar was next, then his cloak, and finally arms to fill it. Even then, he never really got the skin down right. His smile often left new shades trembling in fear after Thanatos had so carefully delivered them to him.
Hypnos, on the other hand, spent so much time in the mortals’ dreams that his form came readily. He understands the mortals. Sometimes Thanatos thinks he might as well go live with them up above. He is precisely the same age as Thanatos, and yet his body took on a youthful look that Hypnos said with a happy yawn was probably a result of all his time spent with babies.
Thanatos didn’t notice his body forming until he felt itchy for the first time. It was a curiously human sensation, as was scratching the itch with fingernails he did not know he had, though he never managed anything so uncouth as sneezing or yawning. He thinks the hood was there first before his head to fill it, but he isn’t sure. What he knows is that his body reflects his purpose, and it reflects how the mortals think of him: Terrifying.
He is taller than their greatest warriors, powerfully and needlessly muscular. His face is gaunt, hard, empty of pity. He does not have laugh lines as their elderly do, so despite his lifeless and bloodless skin, he is relatively youthful. Those who perceived Death’s physical form are under no misapprehensions that they could possibly overpower him. They cannot, though he does not need this body or fearsome expression for this.
Thanatos does not know how much of himself was shaped by their beliefs and how much was shaped from his own, he is not even certain when he began to know his own face, and whether that knowledge locked it into its current mold, but it does not matter. With a human body came other facets of humanity, and Thanatos is no longer merely an immutable fact of nature; he is also a man.   
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beautyxofxdestiny · 7 months
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"So tired... At least school ends tomorrow, I could do with a good, long rest..."
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cleromancy · 10 months
so far the coolest thing about hades game is the way they use the roguelike genre as a storytelling tool, like... theres a reason sisyphus is (probably) the first NPC you meet in the first dungeon.
and i havent finished the main plot yet and i also haven't done megs romance but i keep thinking about the way she functions in the narrative as the First Boss Of The Roguelike. and duty, and Sisyphean tasks, and gender. because the story really is so far doing some interesting stuff with that with every character but meg in particular i find i am pretty neutral on from like a blorbo perspective (compared to like my beloved alecto <- guy who is predictable) but very very interested in in what role the character is shaping up to play in the narrative. and tbh i think if i ever wrote her id wind up really liking her but rn she's just rotating in the lit analysis plane
very interested in seeing more of how her and thanatos keep playing off of our shitty nepo baby protagonist (<- affectionate). side note i just want to mention my beloved alecto saying whatever she said about zag being a shitty nepo baby idr her exact words (something something you were born into all this and you don't even want it). this is i think in the second, maybe 3rd fight you have with alecto after you unlock megs sisters?
hmmm. send tweet
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