#Muse: DareDevil
captin-azoth · 2 months
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Doot da doot DOOT DOOT
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kaitlinamberxo · 2 months
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“I’m not seeking penance for what I’ve done, Father. I’m asking for forgiveness… for what I’m about to do.”
kaitlin's 100 favorite fictional muses — 90/100: Matt Murdock / Daredevil
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mythic-rose · 3 months
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❝ — "I am what I do in the dark now. I bleed only for myself."
rose's 100 favorite fictional muses — 60/100: Matt Murdock / Daredevil
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murdockbuckley · 1 month
i haven't posted anything but i am so incredibly excited for daredevil born again you don't understand
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championsofmyheart · 4 months
hello and welcome to soup and radar discuss the similarities between matt daredevil and muse muse and how interesting that is given one is sams mentor and the other is his nemesis. if you reblog this without radars addition ill kill you.
To Me both muse and matt are EXTREMELY white liberal coded
muse reads to me as one of those white liberals who constantly preaches about how inclusive they are and how accepting they are to minorities but then turns around and calls the cops on homeless people and poc. he's very much using his "anti-bigotry" for social capital while actively oppressing the groups he claims to support, and when confronted about it gets extremely defensive about how he's being "attacked" and how minorities should be grateful for his allyship and it can be taken away at any time if they aren't nice and thankful enough for his support.
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i think it's clearest in his inhuman exhibit where he poses them doing mundane tasks to show that they are "human too", but he gets the inhuman bodies FOR the exhibit by literally murdering them. his support is entirely artificial and for his own benefit to seem progressive and gain points.
matt's white liberalism is i think most evident in the beginning of the run and he gets a bit better by the end.
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here matt talks over sam, telling him to let daredevil (a white man) and matt murdock (a white man) to handle the problem. he talks over him and does not let sam into active work of taking down tenfingers in exactly the same way that white liberals love to ignore the voices and perspectives of the people harmed by the systems they claim to be against and excluding them from discussion and activism. i mean hes literally standing over sam in the panel, towering over him both as his mentor sure but also as a white man prioritizing himself in the discussion of a problem that affects sam, not him.
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by the end of sam's arc matt is able to recognize that he does not and will never be able to fully understand sam's perspective, and asking sam to think for himself instead of telling him what to do.
holds them in my hands I Just Think He's Neat. The similarities between matt and muse and how they're two different species within the same genus offers what i think is a very interesting angle to view the sam-matt dynamic through, and a new perspective to sam's thought process when matt was in that hospital bed telling him he's giving up on daredevil.
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okeydokeylackey · 4 months
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"There's this mystique about art. A shared fiction, if you will. An artist presents a piece to the world in its finished form, and pretends that it simply appeared that way, effortlessly birthed from his genius. Both artist and audience prefer to believe that's the truth. It's nice to think that the really good creators have some direct connection to the divine. But it's a lie. In reality, it's hours and hours of missteps, frustration, and bad ideas that get sliced away to reveal some kind of truth. It's never easy. In fact... It's agony."
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deep breath I've got thoughts about the daredevil show because I think they have the opportunity to do the most daredevil thing possible and I really really want them to do it. (edit: this post is about sam chung/blindspot by the way, sorry to anyone who reblogged it thinking it was about like. spiderman or whatever)
the thing about daredevil is that a lot of his really good stories (at least in my opinion) are tragedies. karen page's death. elektra's death. that whole thing where he has a great life being out as matt murdock And daredevil but it's actually shit and the purple children have to put the cat back in the bag. killing a guy and going to jail. becoming a catholic priest who runs a foster home and still never being free from daredevil. basically the entirety of charles soule's daredevil run. "unavoidably bad things happen to matt murdock/daredevil because he is matt murdock And because he is daredevil" is kind of the name of the game.
matt has depression. even when things are going well, there's a weight to daredevil stories. he -- and we -- are all just. waiting. for the other shoe to drop.
look at me. what if there was a young vigilante that daredevil was training. what if he was trying to help the kid become a hero, protect his neighborhood like daredevil protects hell's kitchen. what if matt grows to like the kid, starts looking after him, gets him a job when he gets injured. begins to trust him. the kid becomes a light in the dark story that daredevil always has. irreverent and determined and utterly brilliant.
but we know what's coming.
do you see what I'm saying? can you see the proverbial sword of damocles, hanging over the narrative? the unavoidable catastrophe that is just a few episodes away? the knowledge that we are going to watch this kid lose his eyes, lose his family, and get nothing in return for his intelligence and perseverance and loss.
the tragedy of daredevil is not in plot twists. it's in inevitability. the long fingers of grief, the anticipation of more trials to come. matt is job, ceaselessly tested to see if he is worthy of an imitation of what he once had. he is peter, drawing a sword to protect something he doesn't fully understand, something they will kill him for in the end. daredevil stories do not have happy endings, and the tragedy is contagious.
all this to say: I hope sam chung ends up in daredevil: born again, exactly as he is in soule's original run. I hope we get to see him fly as blindspot, and I hope the inevitable fall is foreshadowed. I hope the first time we see blindspot, he's saving three people. I hope he gets two black eyes in a fight. I hope there are tricks of the light that make his eyes glow blue or appear entirely gone. I hope he borrows matt's iconic glasses and makes a joke about going blind. I hope we are forced to remember his tragedy every time we see him.
put him in the show, cowards
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zekeyboy · 9 months
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soule run best run? ill figure out how to draw sam someday
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briefcasejuice · 1 year
some of you just don't get mattelektra. she does not want to make him worse, she doesn't want to make him anything. she doesn't even see him for who he is. every time she falls in love with 'him' again it isn't actually him, it's an idea of him that she's made up of him in her head based on all the times she genuinely did enjoy being with him. it's the same for matt, he's in love with an idea of her, the only difference is that HE is the one that wants to change her. elektra does not change unless she wants to be changed, unless she wants to change herself and the same goes for matt. that's the tragedy of them!!! they'll never change for one another so they're forever cursed to love ideas of each other that don't exist and therefore it can never work!!!
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mystic-mae · 4 months
would you guys like it if i suddenly and randomly started posting random fic ideas that i know will never get done by me personally but give full permission to let people use them so long as they credit my beautiful brain and ass?
because that sounds like a really fun idea and i am going to exploit that shit. but seriously, i will be on peoples' asses if they dont at least credit me by tagging my in their fic.
*throws bouquet at crowd* have fun, darlings! dont let my ideas overwhelm you!! i have become your official muse, fanfic writers!!
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xycuro-illuminati · 8 months
I need the Batmanification of Daredevil to die a painful death
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daresplaining · 1 month
White Tiger and Muse in Born Again!!
Exciting news, thank you for sharing! I'm particularly happy to hear about White Tiger (I assume it'll be a Bendis pull and we'll get Angela, and possibly Hector as well, if they adapt the "Trial of the White Tiger" arc. Though I hate the thought of Hector getting introduced into the MCU and then being immediately killed off, so hopefully not...). The White Tiger legacy is incredibly cool, and encompasses not only the White Tigers themselves (Hector Ayala, Angela Del Toro, Ava Ayala, and at a stretch, this cool cat from H4H volume 1) but also the Sons of the Tiger, a massively underrated martial arts team that emerged from Marvel's kung fu comics era alongside Shang-Chi and Iron Fist. I love the thought of new fans being introduced to these characters.
I'm torn on Muse. I love him, he's fantastic, I'm a huge fan, but he's also a Blindspot villain, not a Daredevil villain, and that's important to me. Since we do have an MCU Sam Chung, I would hope that Muse showing up means that Sam will be returning and getting his superhero origin story, but to be perfectly honest, I'm skeptical about the chances of that happening.
As a heads-up, I very likely won't be watching this show, at least not when it first airs. On a practical level, I don't have access to Disney+. I also just have no interest in this version of Daredevil anymore, for a plethora of reasons. But for those who will be watching it, I hope it's everything you hoped it would be.
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bullseyelover · 2 months
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hunter doohan as muse in daredevil born again
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sharkjumpers · 10 months
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a man in a mask
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bothsidesofaquestion · 10 months
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Amazing art by Luciano Vecchio
What if… Daredevil???
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pomegranate-belle · 4 months
Ok ok ok thinking about Muse again. I just think it’s so fascinating/funny/morbid to look at the gulf between what he says or idealizes — this desire to be considered a great artist, these high ideals about art itself, that everything should be sacrificed in the name of his art… Vs the art he actually makes, which is just hamfisted metaphor and weak messaging wrapped around a core that’s entirely empty. Because he has NOTHING TO SAY as an artist! He’s gotta ape Social Justice 101 messages to try and give himself a pretense of having something going on creatively, but the man truly has nada.
And it’s almost more fucked up that way, because here’s a serial killer that goes around murdering people to make the most mediocre godawful art in existence. Like, at least Poison Ivy turns oil execs into trees out of genuine ecoterrorist sentiment, lol — Muse doesn’t care about anything except his own image, so any “art” he attempts is always gonna be shallow and self-serving, relying only on its grotesque nature for shock value. I mean, obvs there would never be any kind of art worth murdering a bunch of people for, but it’s just adding insult to injury that the end result is so bad. He’s like a supervillain version of the smug annoying guy in my college writing classes.
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