#Muzan x gn!reader
crowborn666-writes · 2 years
Apologies (Part 2)
(Part 2 was asked for by @iheartmyselff ! Apologies (hehe) for the wait on this one, Stardew Valley has taken over my life.)
Muzan x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Platonic/Romantic
Summary: A few years had passed since you became a demon. You spend your days training and growing stronger, getting used to killing and eating humans and never touching sunlight again. Today however, you’re indulging in a favorite pastime.
Part 1 (contains CW/TW)
The gentle, amber lights of the shopping district bathed you and Akaza in a warm glow. You had wanted to buy something without Muzan around, so you politely asked Akaza to accompany you. He said yes, of course, not wishing to displease you, and after a quick disguise of his more demonic features, he walked side by side with you into the night.
It wasn’t until you had purchased quite a bit of fabrics of different colors did Akaza think to ask you what you’d come for.
You smiled and playfully held a finger to your lips, an action so hauntingly familiar to Muzan’s, yet yours held an entirely different weight. Yours was lighter and softer, more of a playful shush than a demand of silence. “I’ll tell you, but only if you keep it a secret from Lord Muzan!”
Akaza’s eyebrows lifted, an expression of both apprehension and interest crossing his features. You told him about your hobby back when you were human, how you loved to sow and create delightful patterned kimonos and other fabrics. Your expression grew somber when you explained others around you would negate or dirty your work.
“But I still love to create those fabrics,” you continued, checking the colors you’d picked out already as you spoke, “and I wanted to create something nice for Lord Muzan as a thank-you for saving me from my dreadful human life.”
Akaza smiled gently at you then, absently wondering how something sweet and delicate like yourself could’ve been turned into a strong demon. You weren’t on par with any of the Upper Moons, perhaps not even a Lower Moon at that, but Akaza knew you would get there someday. You already showed promise of that.
“I’m sure Lord Muzan would love your gift. Do you have everything you need? I brought along extra money if it’s needed.”
It was your turn to smile up at him, your eyes glittering with warmth as your grin stretched wide across your face.
“Sometimes you’re too sweet to be as terrifying as you actually are, Akaza. But no, thank you, I believe I have everything.” You took a moment to adjust your grip on the basket of fabrics in your hands. “We can return.”
The minute you got back to the home Muzan had you stay in, you absconded to your room with your things, wanting to get right to work before Muzan could find you and ruin the surprise you had planned for him.
Your hands glided through each step of the process, the kimono beginning to form in shades of deep violet and black. As you worked, you couldn’t help but hope and pray your measurements were correct. You were too afraid to ask for Muzan’s measurements in fear he’d figure out what you were planning.
Still, if the measurements weren’t correct, you could always offer to fix them.
You didn’t hear your door slide open as you were making the final adjustments and folding the new clothing into a neat, presentable pile, nearly jumping a foot in the air when a voice sounded behind you.
“Are you hiding something from me? You’ve been avoiding me (Y/n).”
To your credit, you were quick to spin on your heels and give a respectful bow.
“Not at all Lord Muzan! I merely wished to create something for you and didn’t want the surprise to be ruined!”
It was quiet as he studied you, that piercing, red gaze of his settling a weight onto your shoulders. But only for a moment, as the weight lifted as his expression softened.
“A surprise? May I see what it is?”
You lifted your head and nodded with a smile, turning around as Muzan welcomed himself further into your room.
“I do hope the measurements are correct. If not, tell me and I can easily fix them!”
You wonder if you were ever the first to see genuine surprise on the Demon Lord’s face, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape as you presented the kimono to him.
“You made this?” He asked, carefully unfolding the fabric to examine it in full.
“I did. Fabric making has always been a fun hobby for me. And again, apologies for not telling you, I really did wish to surprise you.”
Muzan’s face melted into a smile as he carefully folded the kimono again, holding it close to him. “Thank you (Y/n), I quite like the colors you picked.”
“You do?” You couldn’t hold in your happiness at this point, your joy shining through and breaking your formality. “Oh I’m so glad! I’ll happily make you anything else you’d like!”
“I look forward to it.” Muzan hummed, turning to exit your room with his usual grace.
You were in your room, sketching out a new design idea that had popped into your head before bed when you felt Muzan’s presence behind you. You didn’t have time to turn and acknowledge him when he sat next to you, the new kimono you made for him fitting his form near perfectly.
Wordlessly, he held out his hand, and you wasted no time in giving him yours, palm up as you’d been instructed to a few times before. He smiled warmly, leaning forward to kiss the backs of your fingers as his free hand dripped drops of his blood into your awaiting palm.
You weren’t sure if this was a thanks or a reward for the kimono, but you definitely weren’t passing up the rare chance of Muzan sharing his blood.
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reticent-writer · 9 months
back to the half demon half human reader thing: this time, upper moons? i think it would be cute
Demon slayer masterlist
Baby demon - hashira
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Muzan walked into your room. You haven't made a noise since he put you down for a nap.
He found you staring at the flower themed mobile. He cooed at you as he picked you up.
He had you in his hip while he took a walk around the castle letting you see each demons domains.
You babbled as you played with the buttons on his best.
"My Lord I didn't know you had a kid." Douma commented, seeing him walk by.
"I Don't."
"Please stop pulling my hair." Kokushibo said while grabbing your hands that were tangled in his long locs. You were standing on one of his legs while he was sitting.
Once he got a hold of both of your hands you started to dance
"Da Da Da" You babbled.
"Yeah, that's right dada. Can you say it?"
"Da da... Dadaa."
"Yeah, I'm dada." His blew raspberries into your cheeks.
You giggled and squirmed.
He knew you were a half demon from the start.
You were presented to Douma as a present from one of his followers, you're unique like him. Visually different (I was thinking something like an albino or vitiligo) but still adorable to look at.
"Aww you look so cute Y/n!" He exclaimed as he took you from his follower's arms. You had on an outfit identical to his with a matching hat.
You giggled as he tickled your stomach before sitting you on a soft pillow next to his own.
You always sat next to him and his followers came and visited.
"Do you want your binkie?" Akaza tried to calm you down but nothing was working.
He tried feeding you, cradling you, swaddling you, putting you down for a nap and more.
You would not stop crying.
There was one thing they he hadn't tried yet but he was too embarrassed to do it. Your screams were enough to drive him to do it.
He sung to calm you down.
It worked.
"Ready or not here I come." Daki took of running to find you.
You giggled, not so quietly, as you watched her run around while you were hiding behind Gyotaro.
"Gyotaro where did they go?" Daki whispered as if she didn't know you were behind him. He shrugged cause you to giggle harder.
"GOTCHA" She exclaimed and tried to reach around her brother. You screeched and tried to run but she caught you and threw you in the air.
Guess who's my favorite
Who was your favorite
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thetreefairy · 11 months
Call me dad
warnings: suggestion of forced turning, reader refuses to call Muzan dad, the upper moons are scared, reader is tied up, reader is tied up. GN reader
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Reader hated Muzan with a burning passion.
They hated how Muzan got angry when they didn't call him dad.
They hated how his anger was never directed towards them.
It made Reader feel like they weren't justified in their anger. But what they hated more was the forced cuddle time.
"I hate this." Reader mumbled, Muzan was having a meeting but since it was at the same time as cuddle time. Reader had to attend, they were tied up unable to leave his lap. It would feel domestic if Reader ignored the restraints.
The upper moons tensed. Muzan turned to Reader with sharp yet concerned eyes. "Are the restraints too tight?"
"I don't want to be here." Reader mumbled. "It's too loud., Muzan"
"Is it?" Muzan mumbled. "How sensitive you are, my dear but it's dad remember." Reader rolled their eyes. "Don't worry, I'll punish those pests for disrupting our cuddle time."
Reader scoffed and mumbled: "I think they should be rewarded instead."
Muzan's grip on them became stronger. "Don't say such foolish things unless you want confinement." Reader couldn't help but chuckle. "And you say I am sensitive Muu-zan~!"
It felt like a victory every time he got pissed, the upper moons terrified faces made it all worth it. "It 's dad, preferably papa." Muzan hissed.
"Oh, it is now?" Reader hummed with a grin. Muzan dragged his nails on Reader's shoulder. "It won't be when I die."
Douma looked up scared, the other uppermoons looked at Reader with wide eyes. "Are you threatening me with your death?"
They grinned. "Well, it is the one thing you can't control." Reader whispered in his ear for dramatic effect. "Is it? Perhaps I should turn you now."
Reader's eyes hardened. "As if you would." Muzan didn't want to turn them until they were an adult". But the more Reader opposes him, the more he wants to turn them. "Oh, I will."
Their young demon self would need guidance and would be under his full control. And he could command them to call him papa.
and he will take that opportunity gladly
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huboi · 5 months
“it wasn’t your fault”
[muzan kibutusuji, kokushibo and akaza x gn! reader]
╰┈➤ includes; mentions of r*pe, self loathing, death (not reader), please note this is a triggering topic so readers’ discretion is advised
╰┈➤ extras; this was a request, sadly I can’t tag them cause tumblrs’ being a bitch about it so I just hope that the requester comes across this
╰┈➤ a/n; it’s important to note I haven’t dealt with anything like this personally, so apologies if this doesn’t seem realistic or is badly done, I will try my damndest to be as respectful as possible with this fic
ʚ ═══・୨ ꕤ ୧・═══ ɞ
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muzan kibutusuji
yes, he’s a demon, not just any demon but the king of demons, which certainly means he cares for no one, especially not a human of all things right?
muzan originally planned on turning you, when something in his dead heart jumped for joy at the sight of your face, he just couldn’t turn you
and so he protected you when needed and eventually you ended up dating
one thing he noticed is that whenever he goes to touch or kiss you etc. you seem to back off or hesitate, you believe he doesn’t notice but he does
he’s also noticed you tend to cover your body 24/7 with baggy clothing and never wear short sleeved shirts or shorts
when he confronted you about it, you just burst into tears, thinking he would dump you or blame you for what they did to your body
with a comforting embrace, and some time to mull it over, you decided to tell him what happened
muzan was furious to say the least, not at you, never, he was furious at the disgusting person who dared to lay their filthy hands on you without your consent
he gives you little kisses on your face (with consent of course) and hugs you close whilst assuring you “it’s not your fault”
later on when he was sure you were fast asleep, he took care of a certain someone
safe to say that that person will never touch you again
ʚ ═══・୨ ꕤ ୧・═══ ɞ
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it’s pretty obvious he’s a demon
so as soon as you guys crossed paths, you could tell he wasn’t human by his face alone
at first you were worried he was gonna hurt you, but he simply shrugged and explained how he doesn’t bother killing people unless necessary
somehow you guys ended up in a relationship and bam!
you’re one of the most protected people in Japan
kokushibos’ weary eyes couldn’t help but notice your hesitancy towards his intimate advances, no matter how simple
he could also tell you held some sort of self hatred towards yourself, as he had been in your position hundreds of years ago
he brings it up one afternoon, explaining how he wants to make sure you’re both comfortable in the relationship
you hesitantly give him the answer, expecting for him to kill you on the spot
only for the usually stoic demon to wrap you into a tight hug, arms trembling and face contorted in anger
“it’s not your fault, you didn’t do anything wrong” he seethed, before asking if you remember what they look like
after giving him a brief description of them he was off in a flash, seemingly teleporting to god knows where
the person trembled, cowering into a corner begging for their life to be spared, kokushibo simply unsheathing his sword and landing cuts all over them so he can bleed out slowly and die from the blood loss
when coming back from his deeds, kokushibo saw you in bed wrapped up in the blanket, he simply climbed in after you and hugged you from behind
ʚ ═══・୨ ꕤ ୧・═══ ɞ
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definitely the most angry out of all three demons
he will hunt everywhere for this person and won’t take a break until he finds them and breaks them himself
when he does come across this ‘human’, he will personally punch him so that he dies from a slow painful death
when coming back to you, akaza will simply be there for you throughout the healing process/trauma
he hates how the monster caused you so much trauma
akaza is always there for you if you want to vent or talk about your feelings
if anything like that ever happens again, tell him, he’ll be there for you and will also personally deal with the monster that did this to you
ʚ ═══・୨ ꕤ ୧・═══ ɞ
© content belongs to @huboi, please refrain from republishing on any other platforms! I don’t own the characters in this story
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plaguechyld · 9 months
Headcanon: Muzan will call you to him while he's reading smth and he's wearing a super short skirt, he'll tell you to put your head in between his thighs and then he'll basically trap your head in between and stroke your hair while he reads
Gosh when I saw this I instantly imagine the position of having the reader with their face pressed against his crotch lmao. Honestly either of the two would be really cute like...
Contains: sub!muzan, dom!reader, cross dressing, light feminization, AFAB muzan, cunnilingus, oral sex(c!receiving), soft!reader, gn!reader, demon!reader, existing relationship, married couple, praising, teasing
Pretty short
You're just resting your head between his thighs, ignoring the way his skirt is riding up. Well, not ignoring it for long as your lips find his inner thigh rather quickly, peppering sweet kisses to the sensitive skin. Muzan has to suppress a gasp and multiple whimpers when you do this. He has the reddest face but he doesn't shove your head away, instead he buries his face in his book and tries to ignore the feeling.
Soon enough though you have your face buried between his thighs, your tongue teasingly running against his already soaked panties. He's panting and letting out the occasional whimper or moan. You never tired of just how sensitive your husband was. Your hands held his hips so he couldn't squirm away not that he ever would.
"I hope you're not attached to these." You say, not even giving Muzan a chance to react before you tear his lacy underwear off with your sharp canines, exposing his pussy to your eyes. You smiled despite yourself, taking great pride in being able to subdue the demon king this much. Your tongue works slowly at first, running down the length of his already wet slit. You can feel him grip your head with the shaky hands you adored so much. You moved your head slightly and wrapped your plush lips around his clit. You started sucking on it slowly, easing him into intimacy as you always did.
He was moaning loudly, trying to squirm away from you but push down on your mouth at the same time. Muzan grasped the arms of the chair, not trusting himself enough to not dig his sharp nails into your head from the feeling you were giving him. His red eyes rolled up when he finally felt your warm and wet tongue pushing into him. With a whimper he gave into your will, submitting himself to you without a fight.
You savored everything he let out, continually stimulating him and driving him closer to the edge. His legs quivered around your head, squeezing you tighter. You pulled your tongue out enough so you could run it against the most inner parts of his labia. He shook even more and let out a mewl as he came without warning. You didn't stop then, however and continued with your sensual attack on his most sensitive area.
Your tongue thrusts in and out of him, tearing a sob from your husband yet again. You had driven him to orgasming three times already and his cunt was aching from the constant feeling of your tongue. He whined, trying to pull himself away from you but was unable to do so because your hands held him so securely.
"Pleasepleasepleaseplease I c-can't! C-can't!!~" He cries out, trying in vain to stop himself from grinding against your mouth. You weren't done with your poor husband yet, however and a smirk tugged at the corners of your lips. You spoke for the first time in a little while.
"You can. My love, let's make you squirt." You said, your voice a low purr. After telling him what you planned to do he hiccuped and nodded, too deep in subspace to actually stop you. You lowered your face back against his cunt and continuing where you left off. The constant feeling of your tongue sliding around inside of him was joined by two of your fingers pushing in as well. They instantly find his g-spot, making him let out a cry so loud it could be considered a scream. With that he came for the fourth time that night and squirted right into your mouth.
You licked your lips, savoring his taste before going up and kissing him on the forehead, admiring his flushed face and glassy eyes. You picked him up without a word and carried him into the bedroom before lying down with him.
"You did so good for me, my husband." You praise him while covering his face in kisses. He melted into your touches quickly, enjoying how sweet you were after sex.
He would have to wear short skirts more often.
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blues824 · 2 years
Hello. Can I request Muzan, Douma, Akaza, Daki and Gyutaro (separately) with human S/O, who willingly help them for two reasons: first, their love towards them, and second, the fact that they f*cking hate people (lol, I really shouldn't watch YGOTAS that much)?
I am so sorry for how late this is. Also, imma make it so that you are married to them because I had no idea how else to execute this. Also also, kind of OOC, but eh.
Also also also, I hate people as well. All my readers are exceptions tho.
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Muzan Kibutsuji
“My love, why are you so willing to help me?” He asked after you already went through most of his task list by yourself. You were even willing to lay down your own life for him if it ever came to that point. But why??
“Well, because I love you. In our wedding vows, I vowed that I would support you in any way that I could. I also just hate people” You responded honestly. Even if you had a horrible past, people just sucked in general.
Muzan seemed satisfied by your answer, responding by putting his hands on the side of your waist and pulling you in for a kiss. It was small moments like these with your husband that you treasured the most.
“Darling, on our wedding day, you looked so ethereal. As if you were a snow monarch in the midst of the stars of the night sky” He whispered into your ear. He always managed to make your heart squeeze in adoration for him.
“And you looked so unbelievably handsome, I was nervous about tripping on the aisle because I was so distracted.” You giggled as you looked into your husband’s eyes. He had a smile gracing his lips. It wasn’t normal for you both to be seen as lovey-dovey, but that doesn’t mean it never happens
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As a result of being joined together in matrimony, it only made sense that his followers became your followers as well. While being praised as a deity definitely has its perks, it was a lot to get used to in such a short amount of time. Especially if you weren’t particularly fond of humankind.
“Y/N, how are you adjusting to being the spouse of a highly worshiped demon?” He asked with a smile. We all know that he’s genuinely apathetic, but when he saw you for the first time… Alexa, play This Is What Falling In Love Feels Like by JVKE. 
“It’s a lot to adjust to, if I’m being honest. All the worship is a lot to handle. You know how much I don’t like people” You let out a weak laugh as you gave him your answer. He had a frown on his face as you said it. He pulled you into a hug and placed a kiss on your temple.
“On our very special day, I vowed that I would protect you and provide for you. If you don’t tell me these things, then I’m not doing my job as your husband.” He whispered to you. He felt like he failed you. Why wouldn’t you tell him something like this?
“You are doing a wonderful job as my husband, honey. It’s your followers that are the problem. I understand that you would get praise, but I would rather not have it.” Douma made a mental note to warn his followers that if they were so much as to breathe in your direction from now on, they would meet their end.
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He has forgotten what the word home meant before he met you. You were just so loving and you acted like his rock that kept him stable. You gave him a purpose other than becoming stronger. This is how he knew that he absolutely needed to marry you. However, you were still human.
“Baby, do you ever miss your family?” He asked as he saw you making something in the kitchen of your shared home. Times like these are times he can mistake you both as being a normal married couple in a normal house with normal lives. 
“You are my family.” You didn’t look up, instead you continued chopping the vegetables you were making for the stew. You knew that Akaza wasn’t able to consume it, but you were still human. “You’re the only one I need.”
“Yes, but before me you had a life with your friends and family. Surely you must miss them, or at least hold some resentment towards me?” You always hated when he would get insecure because he never saw how great he treated you compared to the people from your past.
“If I had to choose between you and my family, I would choose you no matter what. We made a vow to stick with each other for better, for worse, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health.” He seemed happy with your answer, as he gave you a kiss on your shoulder and wrapped his arms around your waist from behind.
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We all know how much of a child she is, but when you agreed to marry her, it increased by a lot. She became super clingy because of her past. However, you don’t mind. I mean, you knew you would never be treated horribly by her because of it. But she still has her insecurities.
“Sweetie, why are you still with me? You’re human, and you had a life before I took you away from it.” She ended her tangent with a sad sigh. It pained you to see her so blue, so you knelt in front of her and took her hands in yours.
“I’m still with you because we’re married and it’s not that easy to leave. I also love you and hate humans.” You said with a soft smile. Memories of your wedding day flashed through your mind: your wife (then fiance) was so beautiful in the white kimono. Gyutaro was sobbing in the front.
“If you could, would you ever go back?” She asked. She had never felt so sad, because she knew that she originally didn’t really give you a choice in the whole matter. Wasn’t marriage supposed to be a mutual agreement between both parties?
“Absolutely not. Instead, I would go back so that I could be the one to ask you to marry me. I love you, Daki. I wouldn’t give up what we have for the world.” You whispered. She had shed a few tears during your ‘speech’. Then she pulled you into her lap (she’s strong, your size doesn’t matter) and squeezed you tightly.
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If you think Daki was clingy, you haven’t seen anything yet. Sure at first he was extremely distant, but when you reassured him that you weren’t leaving he held on for dear life. If his hand isn’t in yours, his whole arm is around your waist.
“Baby, why don’t you leave me? You’ve always stuck by my side, but why?” Even if he was super powerful, he still had those days of doubt. And on those days, you would make him lay his head in your lap and run your fingers through his hair while you tell him the reasons why you love him.
“Let’s see… because you’re the most handsome, loving, amazing husband that I could ever ask for. You protect me, love me, and make good on your promises to me that you made at our wedding.” With each thing you listed, Gyutaro’s blush worsened more and more.
“But you could do so much better than settling down with me. You’re graceful, kind, and a good listener.” He rambled on and on. Once he got going, it was hard for him to stop. It saddened you that you couldn’t just reach in and extract all self-deprecating thoughts from his mind.
“Gyu, I chose you for a reason. If I didn’t want to marry you, I wouldn’t have said yes when you proposed. I wouldn’t have said I do after our vows. I love you, Gyutaro. Now, accept it.” You jokingly threatened. You always knew how to make him feel better.
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yandere-kokeshi · 2 years
Yandere Muzan with a gn darling who suffers from migraines
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Request(ed?): Yes! - hiii, long time no see. Could i request muzan with reader who always has migraines? i have one atm and it’s pure hell. — requested by ❤️‍🔥 anon.
Warnings: Yandere behavior.
Authors note: I hope this is okay, i didnt check for any mistakes. Please enjoy this still!
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As he’s very ‘old’, he’s used to seeing humans in pain and he enjoys seeing it, but on you, he absolutely hates it and never wants to see it.
When the severe headaches first happen, he raises his eyebrow, seeing that you were sick to your stomach and weren’t eating as much; but the more he observed you and saw how you groaned from the lights and fast-movements, he immediately knew what was up.
Like the first headcanon: he’s pretty ‘old’ and well educated on the health of humans. Because of this, he will do everything in his power to atleast make you feel a bit better, such as: turning off the lamps, having a cold towel resting on your temple, making sure you stay hydrated and leaving anti-nausea near you. He will even take time off, or try too, to make sure you stay alright.
If that’s not possible, he will make sure to have Kokushibou or Akaza near you, coming at your needs and delivering whatever you say.
Muzan makes sure to not be overbearing, but you’re his pet, so he needs to make sure you’re in the perfect condition 24/7. He helps you to the bathroom, making sure to pull your hair back, and hand-feeds you if he needs too.
Though, after you’ve recovered, he goes back to original mood and disappears as much. But, he will try to go easy on you for a week or two, remembering that you shouldn’t be overwhelmed after a hellish time.
But, if you have continuous ones and that makes it extremely hard for you to do daily-tasks when he’s gone most of the night; he will end up turning you into a demon.
Like stated above, Muzan needs his partner well and perfect, meaning he will take every chance there is to make you feel better; this shows how far he will go for you.
Check out my masterlist for more yandere content!
Reblogs, comments and likes are very much appreciated!!!
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cosmicck · 2 years
Y/n:Fuck you
Enmu: ....
Y/n:Fuck you
Daki: ....
Y/n:Gladly fuck me
Muzan: ....
Y/n:your cool
Akaza and Douma:🤙🤙
Hashira: ....
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hysteriablues · 1 year
||Midnight Kisses||
Muzan x gn!human reader
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Muzan and his secret lover meet up at night again after quiet sometime. Pure fluff ahead, ooc Muzan
It was night time, the moon stood tall in the sky as no clouds could be seen. The stars shone brightly in the dark night sky, it was a peaceful and quiet night. A silhouette could be made out under the moonlight, a person. They were dressed in black clothing. A concerned look could be made out on their face as they started pacing around the three. It was already past midnight, where was he? The person they were so impatiently waiting for seemed to be late, which was extremely unusual. A sigh was let out as they took out a box of cigarettes from their pocket, trying to calm their nerves by filling their lungs with that familiar smoke again.
"I told you before this is bad for you didn't I?"
The figure came to and halt at that voice, a noticable smile made it's way onto their face as they turned to greet the male who was standing not too far from them.
"Muzan, and there you had me getting worried over you."
Now the both of them had smiles adoring their faces as Muzan stepped closer to the human. The demon king wrapped his arms around the other's waist and pulled them closer, taking the box of cigarettes out of their hands.
"Apologies my dear, I've got held up with.. let's say a situation that suddenly came up."
The handsome man explained as he buried his face into their lovers neck, inhaling their all too familiar scent. A giggle was heard as the demon felt a hand run through his hair, he relaxed at the touch having been stressed about the situation that occured sometime ago.
"Don't worry about it love, I'm glad you're okay. I've seen a lot more demon slayers around lately and couldn't help but be worried."
They sighed out continuing to run their fingers through their boyfriend's hair as it also had an calming effect to them. Muzan sighed out and placed a kiss onto his lovers neck. They had to be more careful then, he wouldn't want them getting hurt because of him in any way. If that where to happen he wouldn't ever forgive himself for it. Muzan wished nothing more than to just take them with him to the infinity fortress, but he knew better than that. Especially with some of the uppermoons being as unhinged as they are, his mind lingering on uppermoon two. He shook those thoughts out of his head as he leaned back again to look his partner into the face. They smiled right at him, and his stress practically melted away.
"Then we might have to start meeting up at a different location then, I wouldn't want those slayers interrupting my time with you in any way. I already got the uppermoons for that."
Shaking their head they placed a hand on Muzan's cheek and caressed it gently, noticing the way how this whole situation seemed to have stressed the man. They placed a quick peck onto the demons lips and watched as a warm smile made it's way onto their boyfriend's lips again. The man simply looked beautiful, his black hair that contrasted his pale skin so well and the way his pretty red eyes practically glowed in the dark. Everything about him was breath taking. It was nearly impossible to believe that someone like him, had chosen someone like them to be by his side. None on the less they were extremely grateful for that as Muzan had always treated them well no matter what. They would never wish for anyone else than him, that much was clear. A comfortable silence was shared between the two as they looked at each other with each a fond smile on their face.
"You look pretty today, like always."
A grin made it's way onto their face when they catched the look of surprise on their lovers face. Seems like the man had not expected the sudden compliment as he blinked a few times before he grumbled a bit under his breath. Laughter made it's way out if their mouth seeing the demon's reaction. A glare was thrown their way.
"I'm sorry that was so- you're so cute. I couldn't help myself but laugh at your expression!"
They tried to defend themself all while trying not to laugh in the middle of their words again. Muzan could never be mad at them. Their laughter made his heart jump as he hadn't heard it in quiet a while. The demon king let out a chuckle of his own, amused and happy to see his lover enjoying themself like that all because of his blatant surprise. An idea struck his head as he started moving his hands that were placed on the others waist up by a few inches. A confused look was send his way before that look suddenly turned into a panicked one.
"Too late darling, this is my revenge."
And with that he started tickling them. He watched as they squirmed like crazy trying to escape his grasp while laughing the whole time. They were begging for him to stop in between their fits of laughter. He grinned and continued tickling them, only stopping when he felt satisfied having heard them laugh for long enough. Muzan watched his lover catch their breath again as they were leaning on him for support.
"That was such a foul move mister, booo. I can't believe you did this to me!"
They exclaimed pretending to be hurt by the others action which earned them a quiet chuckle. The demon started mockingly cooing at them patting his lovers head and caressing their cheek.
"Oh you poor thing, want me to kiss it better hm?"
His lover crossed their arms before their chest pouting seeming to think about the offer. They looked Muzan up and down, as if trying to decide if Muzan was worth forgiving. A small grin made it's way across their face as their eyes stayed on the other's lips just a second more than the rest of his body. That was more than enough a clear yes. Muzan took a step forward, trapping them between his own body and the tree. His hands met his lovers waist once again as he leaned closer. The moment his lips made contact with theirs he closed his eyes, wanting to enjoy the moment. Both of their lips moved in sync against each other. Arms were wrapped around Muzans neck the next second pulling him in deeper. The two lovers broke apart for a second before connecting their lips again. That cycle got repeated a few more times leaving the human gasping for air at some point. Of course Muzan quickly noticed that and they broke apart once more. Placing their foreheads against each other's they gazed into the others eyes. A smile made it's way onto their face again upon seeing the way those pretty red eyes glowed in the dark.
"You know, we should do this more often."
The demon king couldn't stop the grin that made it's way across his face at his lovers comment. He nodded in agreement before being pulled in for another kiss from them. If not for the sun that was going to rise again soon, they could have kept going at this forever but sadly good things end too. Their hand caressed Muzan's face one last time for the night as the two bid each other goodbye. They would meet up again, in a few weeks this time. Until then they had to wait patiently just daydreaming about his kisses once more. But they didn't mind, a long as he always came back to them.
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leo-the-dumbass · 8 months
Hiiiii! ❤️ How are you? May I please request if you aren't too busy?
Now hear me it, I know it's very difficult to find the blue spider Lilly but can you do headcanons for a fem s/o that brings home the blue spider Lilly to Muzan, Kokushibo and Akaza (separately) without knowing that they were.
Please and thank you!
[I'm good <3, and yes I can here you go! <3]
"You found the blue spider Lilly!"
On one of your long walks you had encountered a strange blue flower and you thought it looked beautiful so you wanted to go home and show it to Muzan. When you arrived home you walked into Muzan's room with a smile "Hey Muzan! Look at this flower I found!" You called out happily holding the flower out. At first Muzan was irritated with the disruption from his work before he turned to you eyes widening it was too good to be true. Had you really found the blue spider lily?! He quickly took it from your hands a malicious grin forming on his face as he started laughing psychotically.
You snuck into Kokushibou's dojo sitting beside him smiling as he tried to ignore your presence. "Hey Koku! Look at this pretty flower I found!" You said smiling slowly he opened one of his six eyes, looking over at you all six eyes widening in shock. You had the blue spider lily.. "Y/N, please give me that.." Kokushibou said sternly, holding his hands out you gave him a questioning look before giving him the flower with a small smile. A small grin appeared on his face "My Lord will be so pleased.."
You had come back to a spot in the forest. You and Akaza hung out in quite a bit and tapped his shoulder gently with a bright smile. "Akaza! Look at this pretty flower I found!" You said excitedly, holding out the blue spider lily with a smile. Akaza's eyes widened as he stared at the flower in your hands. You had found the blue spider lily... "Y/N.. Can I please have that flower?" Akaza questioned softly. You smiled and dropped it into his hand."There! I can always go get another one!" Akaza looked at you with an appreciative look."Thank you so much, Y/N.."
Hope you enjoyed! <3
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emuthec0w · 11 months
Fem!Muzan x Reader?
Therefore You and Me
A/N: I know who you are, hi pookie wookie bear <33 xoxoxo
Anyway enjoy
CW’s: Fem/Crossdressing Muzan!!! Blood mentions, GN!Reader
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In this life, everyone treads along the red string of life and death. And if you asked, most would say humans are at the top of the food chain. But that isn’t the case. It never had been.
For centuries creatures known as demons roamed the mortal realmed and took the lives of many innocent humans. They gained strength by gradually consuming humans. That is what made them.. demons. The monsters they were, the monsters which disguised themselves as regular civilians on the daily- only to undisguise themselves when night fell.
And above all the rest was the ring leader of the circus. A person of many names and identities, yet one who wore the same eyes for each. Those same blood red eyes that reflected the fine string of death.
You.. oh, poor you. Having stumbled upon the demon’s master all alone during the depths of the night. She was dressed in a beautiful black, white and red kimono. Lacing trailed down from her wrists and her stockings, red nails matching her sharp and beautiful irises. She was so intoxicating.. from the moment you lied your eyes upon her you couldn’t bare to look away.
Each night you’d visit her abode, paying your respects to her as the oiran of her house and giving her roses of red which matched her accesories.. and of course- those lovely eyes.
She would often return your loving gaze with her own, as if she truly meant every adoring word she said onto you.
Unfortunately, nothing good lasts forever. Her nails dug into your paling skin as you lied on her comfortably blanketed futon. She loomed over you from above, pinning you down like a predator would with their prey.
“Shh.. not a word.” She cooed, “Do you know who I am?”
You veered your head to the side as he nails dug deeper into your flesh, blood trickling down your shoulder. It clotted her nails, matching the red nail polish they were coated in. Although you wanted to answer.. the pain from her vicious attack kept you from speaking. All you could do was bite your lip and let out pathetic attempts at squeaking.
“I am Muzan Kibutsuji.” As she spoke she slashed her hand through your skin, “From today forward, how about I make you my pet? I’d hate to see you die just yet..”
Love? She could hardly say she ‘loved’ you, but since you amused her she would give you a new lease on life. A superior life.. a life where people would fear you and whisper your name in children’s tales. Soon the wound on your neck began to blister and sizzle, popping here and there. Veins began popping along your entire body, and all you could do was scream in agony. You choked on your own spit as you struggled..
And to your dazed surprised the demon landed a soft kiss to your forehead as the swelling slowed to a stop. She grinned, seemingly pleased with her handy work.
“Remember that name and reverie it. Fear your new Master, and follow my every command-“ She drew her hand away, licking the blood from it teasingly slowly, “-Like the good pet you are.”
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crowborn666-writes · 2 years
(If you spot any extra CW or TW, please let me know so I can add them! Also tried to keep this as GN as possible!)
Muzan x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Platonic/Romantic
Summary: Each day is rather painful, being pulled around by a gross man you were married off to for money. What you didn’t know was bumping into a demon could be the best thing for you.
CW/TW: mentions of abuse
Part 2
The painful grip of your husband was sure to leave bruises, only adding to the various cuts and scratches his long nails and violent tendencies left behind. You were forced to stay quiet and follow, unable to forgive your family for sending you off to this wretched man.
The busy streets of the city were easy to hide your pain, a quiet apology leaving you whenever you bumped someone’s shoulder. Each time, your husband would squeeze your wrist in warning, and each time your voice would grow quieter.
You were pulled onto an emptier street, your husband’s hand leaving your wrist as you were pulled to a vendor. You took the chance to soothe the ache in your wrist as your husband got what he came for, the feeling of eyes settling on you for just a moment.
You opted to ignore the gaze, keeping your head down as you were told before your wrist was seized again.
“Let’s go.” Your husband growled, roughly pulling you along.
Your gaze had lifted from the jarring pull, and your eyes caught sight of someone in front of you. Another glance up showed bright red eyes.
Your lungs stuttered in that brief moment, the realization that you were inevitably going to crash into this man coming to the forefront of your mind. This man was obviously something else entirely, the sheer aura he gave off making your senses prickle.
You winced as your form practically fell into his much sturdier one, the movement enough to loosen your husband’s grip on you.
For a moment, it felt like the man was about to lift his arms to steady you, but you didn’t waste another second, backpedaling a few steps before dropping into a bow. “My deepest apologies, sir! I didn’t not mean to crash into you in such a—”
“What did I tell you about speaking, (Y/n)?! Now get over here!”
You flinched at the harsh growl in your husband’s voice, slowly lifting up from your interrupted apology.
“No.” A smooth as silk voice reached your ears, your eyes hesitantly lifting to see the red-eyed man glaring down at your husband. “I do believe you owe me the apology. You were the one pulling them so harshly, after all.”
“Why you—Who the hell do you think you are?!”
“How crude. A man goes about openly hurting another person, and then demands thing’s of others.”
Your husband scoffed, waving a hand dismissively before moving to slip past the red eyed man and towards you.
It happened so fast, you thought you’d imagined it for a moment. A clawed hand swiped out, tearing three deep claw marks into the back of your husband’s neck.
“(Y/n), come on, let’s go.”
You found yourself being defiant, shaking your head and pulling away, afraid of what was just done to your husband. You could see veins beginning to pulse and pop, fangs beginning to grow in his mouth, and his nails turning into claws.
A deep, hungry roar left your husband, his orange eyes gaining a beast-like quality to them as he lurched towards you, purchase forgotten as drool spilled from his maw.
“M-Monster!!!” Your voice came out in a shrill scream as you ducked away from the first swipe. For a moment, as the fearful screams and chaos erupted, you thought that you’d simply imagined the red-eyed man. He’d simply disappeared from your view, and perhaps your husband was truly a man-eating beast after all.
As the pained scream of the vender man sounded behind you, a much gentler hand grasped your wrist, tugging you into an alleyway away from the carnage.
“Come with me, that man won’t hurt you anymore.”
The silk smooth voice had returned, the red-eyed man beginning to guide you along to quieter streets, leaving the chaos behind for someone else to deal with.
As you were led loosely along by your hand, your frayed nerves beginning to relax and stitch themselves back into order once again, you found yourself speaking.
“W-What did you do to my… What did you do to him?”
“You have quick eyes,” he remarked, “I changed him. He’ll be slain within a day or so, or be foolish enough to step into the sun, whichever comes first.”
“But what about all those people—”
“Do you care for them? They never bothered to try and help you, did they?”
“N… No… I guess not.”
The quiet settled in again, the distant screams beginning to fade just a bit more.
“…May I ask your name?”
“You may call me Muzan. And yours?”
“(Y/n).” You murmured, watching as Muzan’s nails sharpened into claws, “A… Are you what I think you are?”
“Are you scared of me?” He asked, turning to you with those red orbs.
“I should, but you just pulled me out of a pit of torment…” you replied, glancing behind you as your thumb traced over the edge of one of his claws. “I guess I owe you now, don’t I?”
A smile adorned his features then, one that had shivers running down your back as his other hand lifted to rest a claw over the pulse by your neck.
“How would you feel about hurting others? Surely you’re sick of being pushed aside and being treated as nothing more than an object?”
You should’ve been screaming, or saying no at the very least.
“I’m tired of being hurt all the time.” You admitted, a dark and sour feeling bubbling up inside you, “It isn’t fair that everyone else gets to be happy.”
Muzan’s smile was warmer then, the claw against your throat pushing a bit firmer against your skin before making a cut in one swift motion, his blood quickly mixing with yours. “Apologies if this hurts, it won’t last long, I promise.”
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reticent-writer · 1 year
muzan sees the reincarnation of 5yo reader, the only kid he had when he was a human, in town. does he kidnap them or kill their parents first? does he turn them into a demon?
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Demon slayer masterlist
There was a festival the week of your families disappearance.
"C'mon Shoya, it's time to go." Your mother called from a crowd, she couldn't see you amongst the crowd and your father was looking
"I'm com-" You bummed into someone's leg and it knocked you down.
Looking up at the person you are net with stricking red eyes.
You picked yourself up and bowed, "I'm sorry." You said as he patted your head.
"It's alright, wheres your mom? Would you like me to bring you to her?" He said it with such a soft smile and everyone in the village knew each other so he had to know your mom right?
"Yes please, she's... I heard her that way?" Your voice grew quiet as you questioned yourself. You looked all around hoping she would call out for you again.
"I don't know where she is." You were about to cry when Muzan picked you up and say you on his hip.
"It's alright well find her." He said while walking through the crown of people. He gave you a false sense of hope.
The sun was going down.
The two of you walked around the entire village in vain. Your mother and father were no where to be seen.
"How about you spend the night at my house we can continue looking for them tomorrow." Muzan suggested.
You nodded. The realization that you are all alone set in as you started to cry.
"It's alright, Y/n I'm sure we'll find them." He patted your back. You didn't notice what he called you.
That night Muzan took you to the infinity castle and gave you his blood.
You don't remember anything about your parents or how you became a demon.
"Y/n, we have a meeting c'mon."
"Comin' papa!."
He killed your parents, kidnapped you and turned you into a demon 😈
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thetreefairy · 2 years
I understand why, but you should not doubt your talent and your works. You're wonderful! You're amazing! You are so talented and you are developing this talent! You deserve all the praises of this world. In every sense.
Okay, well, i brought some more jokes, so, hey, what's up, how are you?
Of course, some Moons still perceive the Reader as their food or their Lord's toy, but Muzan does not allow them to think so.
Dad has always taken care of his dear child, and always will. And now, the Reader is able to take care of dad.
the last one, is me with my s/o, like a lot. We both don't like being cared off ;-;. And now I want ramen-, also, you don't need to compliment me, and don't feed my ego, it will just make me want to finally finish all those asks in my inbox and the 5 books I am trying to write in a week. I should really finish those asks-
they/them toddler reader
Food and cuddles
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Most of the lower moons see Reader simply as their lords small pet, Reader noticed, it kinda made them sad :(, so what did Muzan do?
He punished everyone that said anything bad about reader, or even looked at them in a way he didn't like.
But Reader is a leech, like an actual leech. They will suck all the love in your body and make them give it to Reader, they don't do it intentional. They are just a ball of sunshine.
After a day of trying to win the lower upper moons heart (and succeeding :D) Muzan and Reader were having cuddle parties!
Muzan was too tired to be infantalizing, so you know what Reader did?
Trap Muzan in a blanket and started to give him (platonic) kisses all over his face and smiling brightly. "Oh, are you taking care of me now?" Muzan teased Reader. "Yes, papa! I feed you and give you cuddles!"
"Your too adorable, maybe you should feed me some ramen."
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deleteddewewted · 2 years
Lady Muzan for the sweet and sour event. I want to do sour, obsessive love. Muzan fawns over a human and does the unthinkable to make them theirs.
Sour: Diseased
Yandere! Lady Muzan x Gn! Reader
❤️🖤Sweet And Sour Event (May 21 - June 26)(JJK, MHA, KNY Characters Only!)❤️🖤
❤️🖤Sweet And Sour Event Masterlist❤️🖤
W: Heavy Manipulation Themes, Mildly Suggestive, Murder, Torture, Nonconsensual Demon Turning, Obsessed/Yandere! Muzan, Mutual Attraction, Dark Themes
If you'd like to support my work (Check my Ko-fi and Throne!)
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Humanity was a matter that she cared nothing for. After all, spending centuries living un complete commodity and never needing to struggle for a single thing she wanted, Muzan grew complacent. She had lovers come and go, some of who she killed because she became hungry. None of them were worth anything to her since she had an abundance of suitors. She usually picked the ones that looked pretty and who would do enough to satiate her needs for the night but they would usually be disposed of in the end.
She searched for a new partner to help her pass the night, the Redlight district usually offered plentiful opportunities to find someone. Usually, she would walk around, her makeup flawlessly done that was complimented by a red lip, and see what person looked the most attractive out of a crowd that would form around her. Usually, the men would offer her a lot of money to spend the night with her, and some even offered to pay off her debt if it meant she became their wife. She ignored many of the offers, she was deeply offended that they thought she was a cheap whore so she made it clear that monetary incentive came at a high price. She charged higher than any Oiran ever cost but there were never any complaints, she was gorgeous, ethereal almost, and the pathetic men with only lust in their eyes never complained.
She planned on doing the same thing she usually did but tonight it was different. She caught a mysterious stranger’s eyes as she walked around the redlight district. They had something about them that attracted her, looks mostly, but she felt something foreign when their eyes met.
You made sure to present yourself the best way you knew that night. You had raised enough money to pay off your sister’s debt, the entire ordeal becoming more and more stressful as the years passed by, and no matter how much you begged the best stayed the same. It was a painful reality but you persevered through it all. You didn’t bother with looking around and certainly didn’t care at all about the beautiful women who walked around looking for their next client. You walked passed a dark-haired woman, eyes ruby red with a black kimono. You met her eyes and averted them once you were past her. She was beautiful but the feeling was fleeting. There was nothing significant there that made you want to stay and chat.
Rejection never felt good for anyone but for Muzan it was like someone slapped her across the face. A mortal, a human, ignoring her for whatever other task was insulting. She followed you with her eyes and watched you enter one of the houses. 
You bowed to the manager of the house and looked on the verge of tears as you waved your money around. The manager stanched your money and began to count as they spoke back to you. It was a pathetic sight, you were crying and snot was running down your face as you begged. Who knows what the reason was but she made her way towards you and the manager of the house and asked what the situation was.
“This one wants to pay for our Oirans debt but they haven’t brought enough.” The manager sneered. Muzan’s face darkened at the thought that an Oiran had bested her in capturing your attention.
“She’s my sister! I want her back! She deserves to be happy and live a peaceful life where she’s not being used and mistreated by any man who has enough money to pay to damage her!” More tears escaped you but this time someone’s hand had been placed on your shoulder.
”How much do they still owe?” Muzans grip tightened on your shoulder as the manager began to babble on about how she couldn’t possibly afford to pay off the debt owed. Muzan simply rolled her eyes and threw her purse at the manager who fumbled with it.
“That should be enough for the sister. Now-” She turned all of her attention onto you,” what do I have to do in order to get a moment with you?” An ever-widening grin became more sinister as she waited for your response.
Your sister and you lived in a large estate with servants who took care of the both of you. She found a husband who could give her everything she could ever want but instead of her leaving to love with him, he came and loved in the estate you both resided in. Muzan, the woman who had paid for your sister’s debt, had given you both a home to live in and feed you both properly. The clothes you both wore were expensive, none like you’ve ever owned before and ever thought of owning. 
“I can’t have any of you looking ragged. You’re mine now. You must look the part.” It was semi-aggressive but she was also very loving towards you. 
She had you sit down and proceed to crawl into your lap as she played with your hair. She would leave kisses all over your neck, her arms wrapped around you to take in your warmth. It was awkward in the beginning, you weren’t romantically involved with her and it was socially reprehensible that you both were both this physically close. Yet, it never bothered her. She continued it even in front of others. At times it made you feel like a criminal. You had a gorgeous woman enveloping herself in your clothes and in your being while other wealthy and socially respected men couldn’t.
“Why haven’t you seduced me into bed already. I’m starting to think you don’t like my company.” Muzan had been doing her makeup when she asked you. You felt too warm and stuffy sitting behind her and watching her. She was nude, naked as the day she was born, and all too tempting for you. Your face was warm and your ears heated as she turned to face.
“So you don’t like me.” You shook your head.
“N-no, it’s not that at all. I do find you attractive but I’m not of social standing. My family was poor and my sister was sold off to help pay off our debt but in return, she developed her own.” You struggled to ignore her breasts as she walked toward you and sat in front of you.
“I don’t feel like I am worthy of you. Of your affection or your body. You deserve to be with someone of higher standing, someone who could give you everything you want-” Muzan stopped before you could continue. Her hand smushed your cheeks together and prevented you from speaking.
“Ive done many things to show you I want you. I didn’t bring you to live with me just because.” She brought her face closer to your own, her breath a mixture of the sweets she indulged in and the alcohol she enjoyed drinking when in private with you.
“You’re mine.” Her lips met yours and for the first time since you’ve both met, you tasted blood. You choked as she pushed more of the vial flood into your mouth and gagged in an attempt to not swallow.
Your head grew hazy and your body began to burn as she kept you pressed against her. The kiss took your breath away but the emotions rushing through you were not pleasant. Fear and dread engulfed you as the woman you once looked at with admiration and care, dug her nails into your skin. The moment she let you go, your body fell forward and convulsed as she watched. Blood spewed out from your mouth as your awareness faded. Muzan held you as you laid dormant in her arms. Her body was warm and welcoming as you rest against her. 
“Ive done too much for you. Ive become soft, kind, and gentle with you.” Her eyes softened as your breathing steadied and your heartbeat settled.
“I can’t have anyone taking advantage of this. Ive done so many things to ensure that you’re mine.” She lowered herself and kissed your forehead with a silent plea that you would wake up soon.
She carried you to her bedroom and left you on her bed wrapped in her blankets. Her body felt the absence of your being, her nude body cold without you to keep her warm. She made her way to the cellar and was met with the pungent scent of decay. The bodies of those who had once courted her and those who defied her rotted away in the dark space. Muzan stepped over the limbs and ripped pieces of human until she reached the cell she was looking for. Inside laid the manager of the house that kept your sister, captive. Besides the manager, there was a strange man who Muzan later found out was the one who sold your sister and maintained your family in poverty by demanding high rent. She feeds off of them slowly, their screams becoming more satisfying as they beg her to stop. She did it because she noticed the stress it caused you, the horrible memories that talking about the past managed to do to you. You’d cry silently at night thinking that she isn’t able to hear you through the walls. The rage of knowing that you suffered at the hands of mortals upsets her more than she could have ever imagined.
She tore off both of their heads, the spine making a disgusting cracking and popping sound, while the flesh audibly ripped apart from where they were connected. The bodies slumped forward, the heads were thrown away to the side so they could rot away. Muzan’s only thoughts were to go back to the bed you lay in and embrace you the way she always wanted to. Hold you and adore you the same way you made her feel adored.
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urfavcalli · 3 months
Evil's Hero (chapter one)
18+ Only, Minors DNI
Collab w/ @mystk
English isn't our first language, so sorry if the grammar is bad
🌙 = Muzans POV
☀️= GN insert POV
🕰️= Flashback
(Contains; hurt/comfort, slight gore, physical torture, basements (scary), kidnapping, savior complex, waterboarding, sedation, non-consensual sedation, cigarette burns,
Trans-male Muzan, threesome, praise kink, co-dependent Muzan, Hero complex, Muzan is just a little fella, flashbacks, hydrophobia, electrocution, shock collars, comfort sex.)
Kink warning: Torture, Pet play, Bondage, Asphyxiation, Degradation, Praise, Slight Waterboarding, Kidnapping, Collar, Non-con, Cage, Burning, Whipping, Threesome, Femdom, Humiliation, Cockwarming, Aftercare, Punishments.
Couple: GN reader / Muzan /  Female BC we love a good femdom
(None of these things are endorsed by us! We do not write this in a kinky way, this is just being used as a base for the whole “mentally broken” aspect.)
Two people simultaneously wrote this please untwist your panties and don't comment hate!! 🐡🐡🐡🐡🐡🐡🐡🐡🐡🐡🐡🐡🐡🐡🐡
I’m only vaguely aware of how badly my body aches, the sticky feeling of blood on my skin.
My mind is fuzzy, and I can barely keep my eyes open.
Something in the back of my head is telling me to run, some primal instinct that keeps warning me about danger approaching.
But why should I care? I'm so tired. It couldn't hurt to just close my eyes for a second, could it? 
I glance back, watching my girlfriend put a bullet through that sick-fucks head. We’ve been on his trail for months now, and I'm just glad we can go back home now. She turns and grins at me “I got the final blow, you're cooking dinner tonight!”. I fake scowl, ruffling her hair and laughing.
And then we hear it, well, she hears it. A small sniffling noise penetrates the silence of the kitchen.
She grimaces and looks at me.
“Sounds like another one of his victims in the basement.”, She sighs. I glance towards what I assume is the basement door and approach it, stopped only by her hand on my shoulder. “We don't know what's down there.”. I grin, looking back at her; “We won't till we go look!”. I shout, and open the door.
The stairs are creaky, but the noise has silenced.
I'm hardly halfway down the stairs when I see it, barreling down the rest of the flight to kneel by his side, as my girlfriend approaches us.
“Fuckin’ hell.” She mutters, looking horrified. 
I'm quick to pry open his eyes, staring at the blown-out pupils with a grimace. “He’s alive, just sedated.” I inform her, a relieved look on her face.
“Poor thing.” she tuts, brushing a bloody, matted, black strand of hair out of his face.
I wake up in somebody's arms. He hasn't taken me out of the basement before so it's a tad bit surprising. I don't have the energy to fight him, though.
It's embarrassing really, I didn't even notice I was crying till I felt some of the dirt on my face dampen.
I hear water running. Wait- running water ?
I know it's futile deep down, but I do my best to get out of his grip, screaming (As loud as my damaged vocal chords let me, anyways), and desperately trying to wiggle out of his strong grip.
I try my best to hold him still gently. “Hey buddy, it's okay.”. I'm not the best at soothing people but I'm trying.
“Sir? PLEASE I'VE BEEN GOOD-” His voice is high and panicked; I cringe, thinking about what it could mean. 
“Hey, it's okay- you're okay.” I try my best to be soothing but it only seems to add to his panic,  he kicks and screams and fucking bites me.
This kid has a death grip on me. He won’t let go for anything. “Hey! Let him fucking go!” my girlfriend screams while she tries to wrestle him off of me.
When she finally pins him down, he keeps thrashing around on the tile, struggling with what was left of his strength to get free from her grasp, ‘’Jesus christ, calm down kiddo-’’ it takes him a second, but he pauses looking around as his eyes widen. ‘’W-wha- who are you.’’  His voice is quiet and timid, but endearing in its own way. She sighs, loosening her grip on him. ‘’You’re safe, he’s dead.’’
For a second, everything is blissful, the idea of that sick fuck being dead running through my head over and over again.
Does this mean I can go home?
Am I free?
My head feels clear for the first time in months, the numbing fog disappearing from my brain.
I look at the woman holding me down, blinking away tears as my eyes focus-
‘’My name’s [name]’’ she sighs, letting go of me.
The person holding me earlier grimaces, offering a hand to me.
“And my name’s [name]” the other man says, while checking the bath’s temperature. “I think it’s ready for you, kiddo.”.
My eyes go wide when I realize he wants me to take a bath. Before he can say anything else, I sprint out of the bathroom and down a hallway. I immediately get lost, and start checking door handles, looking for an unlocked room.
I hear yelling coming from the bathroom. I think they’re arguing. As soon as I hear a door click open, I run inside and quickly shut the door. Then, I scan my surroundings, looking for a place to hide.
As I hear footsteps get closer to where I am, I start to panic, and the memories come flooding back to me
Two months ago
‘’Just fucking- GOD!’’ he curses, grabbing a handful of my hair and pulling me back by it- I know I'm crying, but I'm beyond the point of being ashamed of it.
He glares at me and I know ive made a mistake,- ‘’You fucking bitch I was going to go easy on you.’’ he’s yelling in my face and I’m sobbing but- of course he doesn’t care, he’d have to be able to feel for him to care.
He grabs the back of my neck, pushing me into the far too hot water.
And he holds me under the water.
Then I feel it. The electric shocks in the water. He’s starting on a medium voltage, but keeps turning it up after each shock. I’m going to die, I think.
I’m trying to wiggle out of his grip, but there’s no use. My panic rises every second I'm held under the water, my oxygen rapidly depleting. 
But before my mind can even start thinking of worst case scenarios, he yanks me out of the water. I stumble back and hit my head on the concrete. 
“STOP WIGGLING AROUND YOU USELESS SLUT- Actually, I have a better idea. I’ll make sure you can’t move around.”. He reaches into his drawer and grabs-
It takes a second to break down the door, I cringe internally seeing the smaller man curled up on the floor, bawling his eyes out.
‘’Jesus- it's alright kiddo.’’ [name] Soothes, gently cradling him in her arms.
I don’t know why, but I feel a spark of envy ignite within me upon seeing how she cradles him. I do my best to squash it- feeling stupid for even considering being jealous of him. I know she loves me, but I still feel insecure at the sight of her coddling another man.
Soon enough, we’re all back in the bathroom, sitting on the floor beside the bath. The boy is only in his boxers, eyeing the water with a worried look.
She’s staring wide-eyed at the scars and bruises covering his body, her eyes giving away the guilt she feels at not being here sooner- at not being able to save him some of the pain, despite how hard she tries to keep her expression blank. I can’t even begin to imagine how he got half of the injuries on his body, they’re so intense it's terrifying to see. I’m mad at myself for being jealous of him, realizing now that he didn't even want to be touched- let alone held in the moment.
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