#My Analysis of Gula
ardn631madiwolfgramm · 4 months
Week 1: SDL Video Analysis
Video 1: The disturbing true story of the Afghan Girl photo
This disturbing true story of the Afghan Girl was shown in class and brought to our attention by Tony and Chelsea Northrup's Youtube channel. It is evident how important photography ethics are and why they are important. Every minute, photographs are being taken. Everyone has a camera in their pocket, and billions of people use and consume photography on a daily basis. Despite the numerous benefits that democratisation of photography can bring, we now live in a world of "fake news," photo manipulation, and the widespread distribution of images online without consent.
No one will want to be photographed if we take pictures that harm our subjects. No one will believe us if we manipulate our images and manipulate our audience. We risk jeopardising the integrity of the industry as a whole if we are not ethical in how we use photography.
The story behind this iconic image, as well as Sharbat Gula's life story, are both disturbing and sad. As Tony concludes, there was some good that came from this photo. It resulted in National Geographic establishing a charity for Afghan girls, which reportedly raised more than a million dollars. The photo inspired millions of people and helped to spread awareness about Afghans and their problems. Things aren't always black and white, and this image appears to be no exception.
Video 2: Teju Cole Interview: My Looking Became Sacred
We get a sense of what Teju Coles was like when he woke up one morning blind in one eye and had to live with photographing his work through his blindspots, learning to adapt to his vision limitations when looking at the world.
With his passion of photography and his blind spot diagnosis it brought out a different experience for him but the experience changed the way hhe saw things as a photographer: "It really did become sacred. This intensity of looking at the world, really looking at it, and photographing things that were not exciting, but were washed with presence, with light."
This interview was very inspiring because it was told through his blindspots. Teju Cole takes us around the world with his camera and pen, transforming passing moments into gem-like narrations you won't forget.
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romy350-romyakari · 5 years
So a quick question I have for you. (May not have a short answer) But what do you think Gula's personality to be like? What kind of strengths and weaknesses does he have? Beyond the obvious he's logical and reserved and clever, more in-depth traits that make his character fuller and more like a real person. I'd like to hear some of your deep analysation if you don't mind.
This has take long enough and I want to post it now. [Will edit this maybe later bur now I finish the visuals lets get down to this]
Oh boy
You call it
Everybody prepare bc this may have take me awhile but be ready for my analysis at some level of him.
Warning: this is kind of my personal view of all and may sound weird at some level but I am trying to make sense to all of them (Foretellers in general). I elaborate this in my way to plan some fanfics and to do so i kind of take my time on try to analyse what I had.
You may want to go straight to Conclusions but I point out too circular thoughts at the beginning just for the sake of think of this a bit more
Analysis of Gula:
Cold headed and one of the most clever and quick to catch up stuff that may be happening. He is between the Master of Masters apprentices one of the youngest and has a special friendship develop with Ava, the youngest between all as it seems.
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This is the basic we know and I want to put as a base for what I will dive at some point and ramificate to them all in a light way just to reference a bit.
Out of my obserbations between one of the strongest things the Master’s apprentices share is their faith that the Master is right.
Back on the scene where Ira confronts them and they acknowledge a nightmare roaming the scene cuts to a flashback which different from the present it has a warm and familiar vive. The Master hold them together, they would laugh and be somehow unite, but the present just will reveal how little they may actually know each other, most of them.
The fact that Ira doubts who to point as most of the other and the rest of the movie with the exception of the bond between Gula and Ava.
Why I point this? This is something special, Gula doesn’t seem to be close to anyone except Ava. He trusts her almost to a degree as his faith for the Master but on a friend to friend way, enough to reveal her and talk about his role completely and openly on his weakest moment .
+ He can care under his masks
Gula didn’t really like his role tha much I think. He didn’t even want the Master to disappear the way he did. But let me add my point on how he came to the conclusion he just wanted things to be the way they were before by summoning KH.
He seems to be usually quick to find a solution or reasoning with whatever he has in front of him but as time passes and he hasn’t been able to succeed as any other task he may have been previously assigned. Even with his best he may have feel the stress of all falling down as I guess, every passing day and thing going worse is clear sing that he hasn’t fuli hir role as his own expectatives. He only show his weak side on the moment he feels can’t deal with it alone after months.
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+ Stress if you allow me to say.
It may be me but his minimum expressions show that he didn’t like the whole “Trust no one but yourself”. He may have let it pass about Invi, Ira and Aced but the fact it include Ava may throw him off been one of the closes person he had aside the Master. He wanted to trust her and he did, even if he constantly try to remind himself his Master words.
When he got lost and no more choices left for him to take on his mind there was the last plan: Summon Kingdom Hearts may lure the Master back, right? He would not let them fall intro such foolish actions, right? or so I think may be what pass through his mind or some nature of that. To everything fall since he in no able to fulfill his role.
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+ Pressure which equals at rushed actions.
He may be one of the most precise and calculative between the 6 but, he at the end even if he is the genius one he does make mistakes. Like maybe talk a bit too much into the detail sometimes, he is young so understandable he rushes a bit too much sometimes, some few times really. When he slip the fact that Invi talk him into leaving Aced’s alliance he cover any mistake fluently and so naturally that I think he may know how to handle when he wants to clear stuff is he kind of messes up at this point but he could also play the facts though if you pay attention you can tell when he say something he didn’t need to on the moment. He sure knows how to keep an act if is need.
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+ Effectiveness though minor struggles on the way
Gula is a boy who keep closed to others if people don’t try much to reach to him as I guess. Ava and the master seem the type to like to know the others but I think Ira, Invi, and Aced been young adults dealing with whatever is their duty they may have let pass the young one if he wanted to approach them or not, they would not mind. My faint guess is that he doesn’t show much of his true self to other and keep the cold headed manner since is what he may feel is expect to him and may be easier than show vulnerability of his own thinking and feeling at personal level, he may show it sometimes to the Master but I guess not that much since he may want to be probe at the others level been one of the youngest.
While I feel Ava been the most reachable one may have reach to him and with time build this friendship bond they have. The only scene I saw Gula drop his ‘mask’ was when He sincere to Ava and how he feel, how pointless his role seem or how much of almost a failure he got to be in a subtle way, he could no more and share with her what has been burdening him. But she could not help him because it go against her moral, he respect that and tae his mask up and wish for her the only thing the others didn’t say to him.
+ A mask over other mask
A/N: personally at this point I am sobbing a bit inside ; ;
But even after all, even if she turn him down, she is still his friend.
So i will touch the mobile game since I doubt their last conversation was that but his will be a bit more lighter so we can reach my conclusion. I can just assume a bit here and arrange facts but maybe is me trying to understand him.
After that on Back Cover I believe that wasn’t their final talk and may had another talk before the war but at this point I assume a pre-stress state creeping on them.
Gula may have go off with his plan but I don’t think he remember he badly even after that. He keep his believes strong towards his plans which I personally feel may be his attempt of ‘desperate try’ to get the Master to come back to all of them.
He may feel he can’t do anything about the end at this point.
In this moment on the timeline I assume pretty much each foreteller has fall in osme hole of pre-stress with the Keyblade War already on their heads. Which I assume took the drastic change I perceive on the story previously and at the war. Al is ending and I am not an expert but is the only thing I could think. Kids weren’t acting as kids too at this point in some cases because they were as well exposed to this opriment part of their story, fights between wielder became frequently and so all fall apart till it reach its end.
And the reborn.
He did try to wear his mask till the end and he did.
But it wasn’t over there as you know from the Epilogue on the Dark Seeker Saga. So let me one last time before reach the conclusions, there is so few left from me repeating stuff like crazy and to the best resume I can give and is more simple but I want to point this out before dive into it.
He got back to life, but even so you all hear him ask Luxu a reason why would he not include Ava. The bond of this two is a special thing I think the Master didn’t mind but will always be something to the matter, because they care about each other and if Ava’s out I have high expectation for him to want to know what become of her.
Hear me right here, the Master may still be important to them but Gula was expecting the Master to appear, maybe a childish thing that he would save them all because he was always hold in high regard by all of them but I think his faith may be starting to shake on a slightly not solid ground. Ava didn’t help him bug did give her an answer and even so is still his friend as so he to her.
Friendship has proved to be a factor that can get you to change views or who you choose to ally so I suppose he may play along but may not let this down, still this is a faint though with all going and and I first write most of the important remarks for this before this semi rambling part, sorry about that.
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Gula is a teenager that has got big responsibilities, may wear a mask ver the real one with his cool headed demeanor. tuns down companionship but if you get to actually know him you may notice this is just one side of his personality.
Weighted with the responsibility to stop an inevitable betrayal, and torn between his master’s orders and the believe one of the few he trusted till he could not longer wanted to do it all alone. shows weakness and vulnerability only with the ones he trusts and can keep appreciating said trusted people even if they are not up to help him on the moment. Loyal to some degrees.
Slips and messes up but tries to keep the control of the situation even so, flexible as the situation calls. but will always to be reasonable unless he is really into do a thing on his way, so kind of stubborn I will say.
Sassy when it calls and also probably honest s needed, a mechanism to comebacks or protection maybe but mostly used to handle situations.
May have his reasons to be so close and reserved. Life is not always fair you may guess.
At the end he is just a kid would may have been happy with the few he had before all this mess start to fall down and deserve a better guidance on social skills. He means no bad but truly would be more understood if there could have been time to work with his reserved ways and mistrust to the world in general out of his closed circle of people he trusted.
He is clever but still just a kid handed down a responsibility of something bigger than him.
He as the other may have get this to work if they have know at some good portion each other and had a light weight of trust. But that wasn’t the case this time.
He is a piece on this game after all where he still may remain for a while while, or who knows?.
Okey so I finally end this mess, I did some doodles but most of all I wanted to go around this thing I may overthinking and so. i truly love gula for the many ways you can read though him slowly and maybe I can help but wish happiness for him or so I hope, because he as the others deserve a chance to learn many thing out of dutty and be more than just a piece of something that was set to be.
I don’t think he means bad but I wish he could have learn more, maybe if he were to connect with others he would have archive some progress with his way to be, I believe it may had to do with past experience but out of all, I wish i could know more on what he think out of all of been back. If he goes full change of banc I am going to cheer for him and even the other as sobbing, is just maybe that I see him and the other as humans as possible gets me soft but I wish each of them could work on their own issues with the time flow on them and encounters in the future
Geez I suck at this and just may go in circles but I think it maybe was good to remak.
Thanks for getting this far if you read all!
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kicktwine · 3 years
do you have more thoughts on keyblade fighting that you need to put somewhere, because i have two hands ready to catch Should The Need Arise
anon: hey I heard you mention you’d analysed the combat styles in KH and what you said in the tags was already alluding to really neat stuff, but I for one would love to hear more of what you came up with!! so if you ever wanted to share any of your analysis then the floor is yours
Okay, so first some words on “standardized wielding styles”. These are styles shared by Terra, Aqua, Vanitas, Riku, and Xehanort and every other scala and daybreak kid. I will make the argument that the red style is the fanciest standard style, while the purple is seen often to make it easier on the little chibi sprites. BUT, I cannot discredit Eraqus, who uses the purple variant in bbs, nor can I discredit half of the Foretellers (Gula and Ava, at least, use this. Invi and Aced use the first type). So, two standard styles. For simplicity, let’s say one for primary offense, one for primary defense. The standard offensive style really wasn’t popular before Scala-era society.
check this difference out, specifically between ava invi and gula:
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then between eraqus, hermod, and xehanort, and eraqus and terra.
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These two were likely popularized and standardized for education in Scala ad Caelum for their predominant lack of obvious weak spots.
After this, we have unique styles. Those include Sora Kairi and Xion’s (similar to standard defense, but more mobile at the expense of form — Kairi takes after Sora but less confident, she hasn’t been hit that heavily yet), Ven’s (backhand, heavy range and mobility), Roxas’ (modified for two keyblades, but takes after Sora), and Axel’s (taught himself, comfortable with chakrams).
So! Let’s go.
Standard (offensive)
All styles have sub-variations, of a sense. Different wielders can choose where their keyblade points, and how they hold it exactly, based on what makes them most comfortable. Terra and Aqua point theirs downward, while Vanitas and Riku hold theirs above their head. What is recognizeable to this style is a hand for the sword, and a hand for guarding/blocking/items/magic.
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It’s incredibly efficient. With only one hand on the weapon, you not only free up a hand for other things, but increase your range of movement with said weapon. Test it out yourself! The keyblade hand is always your dominant hand, held behind you for increased power when attacking (since you lose a significant amount of it by choosing not to grip with both hands). This style also decreases the speed of the defense you have, but with that increased mobility and swing power, along with a hand free to brace against the keyblade (defense strength up!), it makes up for it. Many people who use this also have strong barrier spells — both a testament to their preference for coverage and an acknowledgement that any directional block will take a little longer and be weaker if they try it with one hand.
The pointy end, though. What difference does it actually make, the height it’s at?
I think it’s half a matter of attack style preference and half intention. Riku, Vanitas, and Xehanort stab quite a bit. Aqua and Terra slice more. Not that they don’t do both, but it’s the first instinct. Aqua and Terra are also likely taught to hold their keyblade neutrally, in a safe position, until someone starts attacking. It’s polite! Eraqus also holds his one-handed, neutrally, until he gets into position. Riku and Vanitas learned to fight assuming everyone was out to fight them. Invi and Aced may like this style because of range (i hc she’s blind and strikes very very quickly, and he’s already very powerful with just the one arm and wants better motion).
and on character specifics: Terra often switches to two-handed, to copy his dad and add extra power to his hits without always sacrificing the empty hand. Vanitas likely was forced to relearn how to fight, as instead of solely being trained to be better at withstanding, he was constantly being made to better his own attacks. The moves Xehanort uses would best be replicated in the same style. Vanitas is wild for holding the massive spiky x-blade like that.
Now, what‘s good on this style does not correlate to what’s bad in the other. The two standard styles simply have different ways of dealing with each con they create or taking advantage of each pro.
(Here’s an interesting side note — Gula uses standard defensive, but in this instance, swaps. One hand… likely to display confidence! Wrong move, but hey. He got cocky. He’s also doing it wrong, and swaps back to two-handed to take Aced’s attack.)
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Standard (defensive)
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The main detriment of this style is the lack of ease of long range movement. Hold a wrapping paper tube out in front of you with both hands, then run. It goes to the side, or tucks in to your stomach, right? Dodge. Your legs will get in the way unless you know where to move that sword. It requires, interestingly, a little more discipline. You’d think Aqua would like that, but no, she wants movement and practicality, and she loves magic, and remember that you must take a hand off this style to grab a potion. You’d think young Eraqus wouldn’t, but remember that he’s a fancy royal lad.
The main draw, though, is tankiness, readiness, and power. You don’t need to move as much if nothing dares hit you! Ava and Gula might be attracted to this style because they’re not as physically strong, but want protection in close-quarters fighting. Using this style when your muscles aren’t as big but you still want to Hit Things Good, or when you want to be a boy you can’t knock over with a pail of water (horse stance rules), is probably solid advice.
Traditionally, this is a lot less like fencing, and a lot more like a samurai sword or kendo. Your blade is held in front of you, giving you very easy access to blocks and frontal attack/defense. In losing some twirly spinniness, you gain power and minimize your opponent’s ability to parry and block.
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you gotta dodge master Eraqus so mcuh
All styles will swap between one and two hands for different moves. Eraqus, notably, swaps to a stance very similar to Xehanort when channeling a metric ton of magic.
Both of these styles require a degree of upper body/core strength, as does all swordfighting. I would be interested to see someone whose keyblade style relies on leg strength.
Sora, Xion, and Kairi
please look at the difference between the foretellers’ or eraqus’ two-handed grip and Sora’s. Do this with your shoulders and a top-heavy object.
They’re both in a hard stance, but hon. What are you, a gremlin? Anyways, a traditionally taught master would have… better form, even if it’s harder to learn at first. It’s habitual. Sora nearly crouches, and holds his keyblade back-pointed with two hands, which makes it easier for him to dodge roll, push off his feet quickly, and pull off those spinning combos he loves. It‘s really gonna hurt his muscles, in the future, though, since he’s doing a squat for like…. hours. Pulling on those shoulderblades and neck. Xion, too. Replicas had better have correct muscle dynamics. Kairi is brand new, so… maybe Aqua can teach her how to hold a sword so it doesnt hurt you.
Okay, now look at the grip itself. Held in front versus held to the side-back. They’re really attempting to combine both standard styles subconsciously, giving themselves more attack power while really wanting to keep that hard defensive parry, wanting to prevent all attacks to the front while also wanting mobility. It’s working for them really well, they fight like an anime character, and manage to get the best of both, with a minor sacrifice of length range that they don’t care about. We’re flexible and full of magic, baby! Holding the blade like this makes it pretty easy to let go with one hand without sacrificing that crouched defense position.
Now, Sora, specifically, is very adaptive. He’s had two keyblades, claws, guns, yo-yos, and a giant shield, to name a couple. He retains a bit of that alert crouch no matter where he goes, but Sora knows how he wants to attack and how to balance that with the most effective way to use his current weapon. He’s a smart kid! Sora has the most ridiculous shotlocks, which are also probably due to not always wanting to go standard for it. He also prefers to keep his focus on the enemy, which is evident in his reprisals and lack of very many effective “escape” moves.
Xion is very similar to Sora, but she does have some moves that are all movement. She switches to one handed for strikes a lot — using two for defending, one for smacking. In her data battle I’d swear some of those heavy hits are claymore-like. But anyways, since we’re magic, Xion cares not for the laws of exhaustion, and will ping about as a ball of light everywhere. Short range? Up in your business. Mid-range? In your business with one hand. Long range? Throws a boomerang. Hit her? No you dont. Ball of light. She’s above you and wants to bash your head in. (Vanitas also does this! A lot. It’s an easy way to catch someone off-guard. I’ll argue that the soras are very tough and strong, but not tanky. they want to avoid being hit a lot)
Another interesting note about Kairi. I say “unconfident” not because she doesn’t hit hard, but because her stance is also often tilted back, ready to dodge. It’s two handed, but almost all her moves are one. She does love spinning and throwing the thing! It looks like she’s been taking notes from the wielders she knows. It would be easy to teach her a standard style, I think. See here, she lets go on the strike, and by trying to do both, actually ends up with an advantage (being confusing) and disadvantage (losing both the power of two handed and versatility of one handed).
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A counter to Sora and Xion is difficult to pin down. Time? Probably. Lack of heating pads. Something that takes all their attention is about the only way to get a sneak attack in, and then you have to hit hard. A counter to Kairi would be anyone who can knock her off balance. She needs a sturdier stance. .
Roxas is interesting. He takes after Sora for the one blade. Wielding two, however, nets him a totally different way of fighting. Roxas’ clavicle muscles n… deltoids and stuff must be Ironclad. Also, two handed means you are very fast and sharp all the time. He has the advantage of standard defense (horse stance), and the advantage of offense (range of one sword, but twice).
Roxas generally attacks in two ways — simultaneous hits, and follow-up hits. Either he hits with both at once, or hits hard with the first one, and adds the second one as a bonus smack. He can attack by hitting in opposite directions with the two, like a drum, but that will be a little awkward and leave him prone to being tangled. That established, the follow-up hit method means he spins a bunch. As do we all.
Roxas gets a little complicated because we are not in the real world. We have magic and turning into light and physics that let you become a circular saw. So, typically, disadvantages would include: being unable to let go of a weapon to grab something or use an item, having just a very big silhouette to attack on, having difficulty with close-range attacks because Oathkeeper and Oblivion are kinda long, and convenience. Roxas gets to dodge #1 (keyblades can be unsummoned) and #4 (keyblades can be unsummoned). Speaking of dodging, he also gets to skirt the difficulty of dodging and rolling with two swords because he turns into a beam of light. But he can’t dodge how difficult it is to use two swords effectively — he needs to concentrate on fighting, and nothing else, or he risks messing up. He has to be very, very coordinated, and undistracted. Luckily he’s pretty good at making his opponents shut up, most of the time. Blocking is another thing — theoretically his blocks could be strong, but Roxas has no real brace: crossing your blades and taking a hefty stab might smack one of them back into your face. He mostly uses reversals and dodges, because of this.
The takeaway to this is Roxas is built for speed and power, and he is very strong. He’s a mid- to far- range fighter who if you’re not careful can snap you in half if you’re too close (be SO careful of that cross blade scissor).
A perfect counter to Roxas would be a tank that can grapple, and also be very distracting. If you can take hits, be talkative, and get close enough to stop his blades, you have a chance.
This is a bizarre choice, my guy, but I get it.
Backhanded weapons are very impractical for a lot of... attacking, mainly in mid-range combat, and Ven likes to either fight very close or throw the keyblade like a boomerang (and hey, backhand gives it a good whip for throwing). His attacks aren’t meant to one hit KO, but they do come with a bit of power to them, especially on the backslash. Like holding a knife for gouging. It’s for very close defense — pretty good when Wayward Wind and Missing Ache have hooks.
Backhand also, while retaining that empty hand for potions and guarding, gives you an extreme coverage boost. By which I mean Ven’s sword hand now has a nearly 270 degree sweep of “I see you, don’t touch me”, very quickly, based on just flicking his wrist. It sacrifices a ton of strength/sturdiness, but you don’t need that if you’re dodging. You also don’t really need to block, which is slower, but relatively sturdy when Ven does it, as he blocks with mostly the chunky hilt between crossed arms. He sacrifices (again) a bit of strength for coverage — an attack would hurt his arms, not his chest, if he were hit head-on.
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His attacks often have him flip the blade around in his hand, too. Quick swaps between standard moves and backhand ones. Basically, Ventus is built for moving, protecting himself, and quick attacks that wear down the enemy, not outclass it. Likely because he’s good at fighting, but everyone he’s fought hits harder than he can! It doesn’t matter how he holds it, getting hit will hurt. So he just. Doesn’t. He’s not a buff little guy — but he is a persistent one. Ven very likely made this up on his own, in Daybreak, and it was too hard to fix his whole style, but it was enough to correct most of his form so he doesn’t hurt himself too much. He is going to have to really stretch that shoulder and wrist (maybe get a brace), though. At least his neck is ok. … not sure about his knees tho dang boy that crouch
A perfect counter to Ven would be someone big and fast, who hits hard mid-range. He’s already been sparring with Terra, though, so when in doubt, try scruffing him?
Theres not a ton to say about him — he‘s not a swordfighter. He uses his keyblade like it’s a frisbee. Because that’s what he’s used to! His neutral is behind his back on his shoulder, which is terrible for readiness, but okay for chucking the thing. It’s good it has a sort of… ripstik like… boomerang quality.
Axel’s fighting style is completely made up, like most of the self-taught wielders’. His strengths lie in some of the benefits of standard offensive style (one-handed), and some of the same coverage stuff as Ven, having a cocked wrist most of the time so no one can sneak up around him without risking getting whacked very quickly, and having an interesting range due to the pointy end being basically on a spinny swivel wherever his hand moves. He’s not going to be good at close-range and he knows it — his attacks are mostly distance. And the guy has ZERO defense, combined with zero coverage when idle, so it’s for the better.
Distance-wise, though, he rocks. Treating the blade like it’s a flaming throwing weapon means his idle is actually great for sudden flick-tossing and attention-guiding for sneakier attacks, and his stance itself (…nonexistent) serves a different purpose: bait. Basically a big "come hit me". Fun, when you have a lot of fire magic and two friends who are beasts and love to take advantage of a distracted enemy — distance on the blade, proximity on the burning.
A perfect counter to Axel would be someone pinging around very close <—> very far and circling him incessantly. Like, data Xion could wreck him, as he has to wait for the boomerang to come back -- he no longer has two spinny wheels. Also someone with water magic.
SO! In conclusion! Having a teacher who teaches you correct sword usage rather than instinct may detract from overspecific styles that benefit you most but leave weak spots, but your muscles and your oversights will thank you. Everyone is glad we have the power of the Mouse and anime on our side.
Keep in mind again that I have done cursory research, and have had minimal actual sword instruction, I am not an expert and this is all for fun anyways :]
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When looking at the photo, the girl does not appear to be a regular thirteen-year-old; the terror in her eyes contrasts with her youthful appearance. I remember seeing this on the cover of a National Geographic magazine at my dads house, and being fascinated by her eyes. 
National Geographic photographer Steve McCurry and his author, arrived in Afghanistan in summer, 1984. They were given a tour of Afghanistan’s “war-torn frontier” in which they came across one particular refugee camp; home to 12/13-year-old girl - later known to the world as “the Afghan Girl” - “whose eyes were destined to become the symbol of the Muslim world. Her name is Gula. 
Muslim traditions, do not allow women to tell strangers their names or look them in the eye. This meant it was almost impossible to find images of Muslim women during this time. Although, Gula looked straight at the camera, displaying her open disobedience.
Her alert, observant eyes, represent her unparalleled trauma and the anger from her childhood stripped of her. McCurry has made sure that viewers can see her innocence. He set the photograph up to be shot in front of a green building, which matches the green in her eyes. Her eyes pop as her red burka contrasts with the green background. 
I found this statement from a visual analysis of the image, that i would like to include because it is written beautifully.
“The young Pashtun girl who survived the hardships of life in Afghanistan during the war with the USSR has become a symbol of strength and beauty that will be forever remembered as the girl the world loved but did not know.”
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nyctoheart · 4 years
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For the higher Anon: I don’t, at this point I am so utterly exhausted of theorizing (Strelitzia died TWO years ago) that I’m just sitting back and waiting for it to be confirmed who killed her and who replaced her. Like, I’m seriously so over it at this point LOL. I just want the revelation already. I don’t care who did it. I don’t care if i’m right or wrong, I don’t care if Sora himself killed her. I just want the fucking truth by now. STILL though, i’ll give my current thoughts because i can’t fucking help it asdlkfalskdf
For the lower Anon: I do not believe it would be Gula, just because I personally think there would be hints or at least visual cues to point at this, and there’s none of that- even in KH3′s Epilogue. I don’t think it was Vanitas who killed her either, and I’ve made an analysis on contradicting evidence of that.
I do still believe Ava killed Strelitzia, mainly for this statement by Nomura, the flip in Ava’s demeanor when you face her in the Keyblade War, and the fact that she’s trying to defy the MoM/BoP, and her fight with Luxu clearly forced her to the extreme when she jumped to slam him with her keyblade.
I’ve heard already that Brain saying in this new update “I don’t think Ava is responsible for the switch in leaders” is confirmation that she doesn’t have anything to do with that-- and I think that’s absolutely wrong. Brain isn’t even aware that Ava is alive right now, something WE the audience know because of the way Xigbar talks about her in KH3′s Epilogue. Brain ALSO assumed they were in the real Daybreak Town, and he was clearly wrong on that too. So I don’t care what Brain thinks, WE the audience have the bigger picture.
However, why Ava would have killed Strelitzia a day after recruiting her, I’m not sure. Before this update, I said that Ava’s fight with Luxu must have influenced her so much to make such a rash decision. So if Ava is the killer, then I still do genuinely believe it’s because Luxu revealed something MAJOR during their fight (which remember, we haven’t seen in its entirety).
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fandomoverflow · 5 years
Of Their Own Volition: Luxu, the Master, and KH3′s Secret Ending
Shortly I finished playing Kingdom Hearts 3, someone (can’t remember who but if anyone knows/finds the OP for it) suggested on Tumblr that Xehanort “shattering” Kairi was Luxu’s idea. That Sora didn’t require further motivation to fight Master Xehanort, but he did need a reason to keep abusing the Power of Waking until he faded away at the end of the game. 
My initial take on the idea was that Luxu either wanted to remove Sora as an obstacle to the Master of Masters’ plans, or Sora was part of the Master of Masters’ plans and Luxu wanted to isolate him from his friends. But now I think I’ve hit on a different take: Sora was just a means to an end. Getting Riku to the Master’s location was the true goal. 
Let me break it down. 
When Sora chases the Lich to rescue his friends’ hearts, Young Xehanort says 
“Dream by dream you nearly buried yourself in the dark of sleep. And now you’re at it again.” 
And when he departs, YX tells Sora that: 
“You’ve paid the price, and it lies at the bottom of the abyss.” 
Connecting Sora’s fate at the end of KH3 to the eternal slumber the Organization planned for him in DDD indicates that those who misuse the power of waking like Sora did trap themselves in the deepest layers of the Realm of Sleep.
Since the Master of Masters’ talk of fading/vanishing is reminiscent of what happens to Sora at the end of Kingdom Hearts 3, a lot of us have caught on to the indication that the Master’s disappearance in Back Cover is the result of misusing the power of Waking. 
For what purpose we still don’t know yet, but what the puzzle pieces laid out in the games tell us is that the Master of Masters knowingly sealed himself in the deepest abyss of the Realm of Sleep. How he’s able to interact with Young Xehanort in the Re:Mind trailer remains to be seen, but my best guess is that this is a projection of him, while his heart is elsewhere, like Crab Jack and what the Sleeping Realm Theory suggests happened with Kairi. 
Twitter user Scherzo pointed out the parallels in Chain of Memories’ Hollow Bastion storyline between Sora and the Beast as well as Riku and Belle. In their analysis, Maleficent’s role in this plot has paralles to Organization XIII. But in the comments for the post, Scherzo brought up the possibility that this plot parallel (Villain wants to use Character A’s love for Character B for their own nefarious ends) being repeated with the Master of Masters filling the role that Maleficent played in Chain of Memories. 
And that's when I remembered this line from Re: Chain of Memories when Vexen hears that Maleficent was one of the scents Zexion detected in Castle Oblivion’s lowest basement:
“The witch is gone. She cannot return from the Realm of Darkness of her own volition.”
Given the fact that the Realm of Sleep is repeatedly connected to the Realm of Darkness, it would stand to reason that returning from the deepest layer of the Realm of Sleep where Sora and the MoM are works similarly to returning from the Realm of Darkness.
So let’s look at the characters who have ended up in the Realm of Darkness at one point or another and how they were able to escape: 
Case 1 (Riku; COM): Sora enters Castle Obvious with the express goal of finding Riku. In Re:Com, his gut feeling that Riku and Mickey are in the castle is verbalized as “our very best friends. They’re here.” And during the course of Marluxia’s exposition dump, Sora out loud puts Riku into the category of “people I miss”. During or shortly after this time, Riku awakens in the Castle’s lowest basement. Vexen openly states that Riku’s arrival is because “his existence resonates with that of another.” In other words, Riku is able to escape the dark realm because of his connection with Sora.
Case 2 (Maleficent; KH2): After her apparent death in KH1, Maleficent’s heart ends up in the Realm of Darkness, where she manages to time travel back to the Age of Fairy Tales and ends up trapped in a Data Simulation made from the Book of Prophecies. A mysterious figure referred to as “Darkness” helps her return to her own time, back in the Realm of Darkness. In KH2, her raven diablo brings her robes to the Mysterious Tower. The three good fairies attempt to deny her existence, but simply remembering her is enough to reconstruct her body and return her to the realm of light. 
Case 3 (Sora & Riku; KH2): Sora’s heart opens the Door to Light at the end of KH2 after reading a letter that Kairi had written to him at the beginning of the game. 
Case 4 (DiZ; KH3): DiZ was removed from the Realm of Darkness by the Heartless of his former apprentice, who as a Heartless could travel in and out of the Dark World at will. 
Case 5 (Aqua; KH3): Rescued by Sora, who from her perspective she had met not too long ago when she recognized Riku as Terra’s chosen successor and made Sora promise to support Riku the way she knew Terra had needed support from her and Ven. In addition to that, Sora still had Ventus’ heart inside him when she was rescued. 
What all of these cases have in common is that each character is only able to leave the Realm of Darkness because of a strong enough connection with another person. 
Meaning that even if he knowingly consigned himself to the depths of the Realm of Sleep of his own choice, the Master of Masters cannot leave and return to the waking world without the outside assistance of someone he has a strong connection with: 
Riku’s connection to Sora allows him to slip out of the dark realm into Castle Oblivion in COM. 
Sora and Kairi’s connection allows him to open the Door to Light in KH2. 
DiZ was taken out of the dark realm by the Heartless of his former Apprentice. 
Aqua and Sora met once and he has Ven’s heart inside him. 
And although they tried to forget her, the three fairies, her enemies, were enough of a connection to allow Maleficent to come back in KH2. 
This fits incredibly well with Joshua’s line in DDD: 
“By ourselves we’re no one.  It’s when other people look at us and see someone.  That’s the moment we each start to exist.  All they needed was someone to see them, connect with them.”
In summary, escaping from the Realm of Darkness requires someone you know and have a strong connection with to acknowledge your existence.
But despite the similarities the Realm of Sleep is still the Realm of Sleep. The requirements for exiting its deepest layers aren’t going to be the exact same as exiting the Realm of Darkness. So it’s a good bet that the Power of Waking has to be involved 
The only times the Power of Waking was shown being used in DDD and KH3 were situations where the sleeper had a connection with the person waking them. Sora and Riku. Sora and Ventus. Sora and Kairi. 
So we can infer then that releasing someone from the depths of the Realm of Sleep requires 2 things: 
someone you have a connection with on the outside to serve as a beacon home
someone you have a connection with who can use the Power of Waking to release your heart from its prison. 
Which brings me to the end of Kingdom Hearts III and beyond. 
In the epilogue, Luxu summons four of the five Foretellers to the present day after Xehanort’s defeat. They are now the only people left alive who have a connection with the Master of Masters. No one else in the present day knows who he is. The few other X-era characters only knew of him at most and had no real connection to him. So it’s up to Luxu, Ira, Gula, Invi, and Aced to serve as the anchor point. 
As for the second requirement… 
After Kairi was “shattered” Sora used the Power of Waking one last time to restore her at the cost of casting himself into the depths of the Realm of Sleep. As his Dream Eater, Riku followed him. 
The presence of the Gazing Eye on Riku’s Soul Eater and Way to Dawn indicate that there is some connection between Riku and the Master of Masters. 
What that connection is remains to be seen (although I’m a big fan of the Nightmare Family Theory suggesting that the MoM is Riku’s father, with Luxu as his older brother and Nightmare counterpart), but I’m willing to bet that the Master of Masters is fully aware of that connection, whatever it may be. 
Now all he has to do is force Riku to acknowledge that connection and the Master will be freed from his prison to return to the Realm of Light once more. 
TL;DR: The Master of Masters has spent ages sealed in the deepest layers of the Realm of Sleep. The epilogue and secret ending of KH3 represent the beginning of the culmination of Luxu and the MoM’s carefully orchestrated plan to use the bond between Sora and Riku to free the Master from his self-constructed prison. 
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sakuralychee · 5 years
Guardians of Light and Foretellers: Personalities and Battle Style
It’s something that’s probably has been not only my mind, but a lot of people’s mind. While it’s not confirmed, I believe that there’s a member in the Guardians of Light that have some if not a lot of traits similar to one of the Foretellers. Because it’s bothered me, I tried my hand at an analysis to compare one of the members to the Guardians of Light to the Foretellers. I’m actually not the best observer and I probably made some mistakes so I apologize in advance and you can correct me. This is actually my first time actually ever doing this so if possible, I would love to write more on not just their personalities but maybe their weapons and color palettes(Though someone might have already done it). It is a very long analysis but I hope you are ready to read through it all. 
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Riku and Ira: I believe you can call both Riku and Ira naturally born leaders. They have both the skills, knowledge, and leadership to be able to be the top of their game. Especially when you see in the beginning of KH, Riku is basically holding the group together from slacking off and actually making the raft and the Master of Masters directly told Ira to take over leadership because he believes he has the most qualities of it. They are both very observant and is very quick to pick up small details that pertain to the bigger story. I believe it’s most obvious seen when Riku quickly picks up the situation and the theory on the parallel differences in Traverse Town and for Ira, as stated by the Master of Masters, he analyzes the Book of Prophecies thoroughly, indicating that he does not want to miss a single detail. Though, one of their biggest flaws is that they are quick to assume before actually confirming. For Ira, when the Chirithy Nightmare incident occurred, he quickly thought that it was one of the foretellers was the traitor and that traitor held the lost page without second thought, and immediately guessed Aced to be the traitor due to his actions. For Riku, he was influenced by Maleficient and even though he knew Sora longer and was his best friend, due to his insecurities I guess, he thought Sora abandoned him, didn't care about Sora, and only cared about his 'new friends'. 
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They only made assumptions based on what they're told rather than seeing the answers for themselves. They grow suspicious first before trusting. Though you see Ira somewhat getting out of the assumption as he wants to prevent the war, he does forgive Aced in some ways, and accepts as a comrade again, though it lead to his demise as Aced once again raised his blade against others due to his ideals and betrays Ira once more. 
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Riku also did suffer by the long run but after he sees his mistake, you do see him walk through the path to the light through his redemption arc. Basically Riku got the long end of the stick for this. They are both balanced magic and melee users, but I believe they focus a bit more on the melee rather than magic. They both utilize light attacks, though due to Riku having experience with darkness, he uses dark type spells as well. 
Aqua and Invi: Invi and Aqua are the ones who are the most composed and the one who keeps the group together. Both of their masters ordered them to observe and only take action when necessary, usually being on a neutral stance, though only following orders would lead to their downfall. They both are mainly magic users as well, and are known to be the most proficient out of the group with magic. Also the fact that they both fought the other counterpart, Terra/Aced because of their clashing ideals, and it can be noted in that battle that Aqua/Invi supports the Master while Terra/Aced to some extent questions and goes against their Master’s intentions. I feel that they have not shown Invi enough though since it seems she gets the least amount of appearances in both the movie and KHX itself for me to analyze her completely so I apologize it’s so short.
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Terra and Aced: Aced and Terra are close minded people due to their background of only having influence of their master. Though I'm not entirely sure about Aced, Terra has only been taught by the Master's teaching and you can kind of see how secluded he was, especially since Eraqus was such an idealist that Light is the only path. They both go against their master's teachings and follow to what they believe was right (though Terra did it more to protect his friend Ventus while Aced actually went against Gula from this) I can see that both ultimately fell to their demise due to such ideals, falling to darkness as their search for power. Even though they are both honest, the difference between the two is Terra is much kinder and sees the better of people (having a really trusting to the point of gullible nature, trusting even Xehanort while Aced sees the worst of people and assumes the worst, attacking his own allies from an action that does not follow his own ideals.) Their fighting styles are also really similar since they both rely on brute force and heavy physical damage dealers. They both use the ground to their advantage, as Terra is most proficient in ground element and Aced is able to use spatial and create rifts, especially towards the ground. 
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Gula and Ventus are a bit harder to discern but I think I am able to see some similarities. They have some level of playful personality, though more noticeable in Ven when he teases Zack, Gula does tease Aced regarding his appearance. This might be a bit far fetched however the master told Gula not to trust anyone in order to find the traitor which is a bit similar to Ven's situation where he was envying Skuld and Ephemer about their friendship which makes me think that he was most likely lonely and didn't really have trust to make friends. Also there's an opposite effect that Gula has not trusted Aced and deems his as a traitor due to his actions and influence of Invi who convinces him to while Ventus trusts Terra to make the right choice despite him falling to darkness and stays on his side, defending him and even going against Aqua throughout the whole game. Though this can be defended for their different actions because how Aced and Terra have opposite personalities when faced with their own obstacles. So while they are not as similar as the others, their opposite actually make them quite similar to each other. Also they are both reliant on speed and their elements are related to such fast motion as well, lightning and wind, also something to note that there is a Japanese myth of the Kami duo that are always paired together, the God of Lightning and Wind. (I might discuss it more if I ever try my hand on other analysis like their weapons itself.)
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I think Kairi and Ava have a lot of similarities and it's pretty obvious, I feel like it all started with these 2 for similarities. First off, they are both very kind individuals, outgoing, and not afraid to speak their minds. You can honestly see why they are on the side of light, protecting those that matter and will not hesitate to sacrifice themselves in order to protect it (Kairi hugging Heartless Sora from other heartlesses and Ava protecting Gula from Ira) (hey there's the slight Sora/Gula comparison~) They both see people for who they are rather than what they're labelled (Kairi is able to see through Sora and Riku when they were a heartless/Ansem and Ava recruits anyone who has their heart in the right mind no matter what union they are in). 
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They rather trust than doubt, as you can see that Kairi is able to forgive Lea rather than condemn him for kidnapping her (she has every right to hate him but still chooses to trust him and befriend him despite everything) and Ava is the last to believe (or she doesn't at all) that Aced is the traitor people speak of (even though the other Foretellers believe him to be such) and even though Luxu says and evidence points as such, she had a hard time believing the Master to support the Keyblade War. I think they have a flaw, though not really noticeable, and that's being afraid of change. For Kairi, it shows in the beginning before they set off, telling Sora to never change, to be the same Sora that she recognizes. In Ava's case, she tries to follow the Master's teachings as much as possible and anything other than that, she believes will just worsen the situation. 
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Though at the end, they both believe that doing such will not solve anything so they instead vow to take action instead. (Kairi, instead of being instructed to wait by Sora, goes off and jumps into a dark portal without hesitation if it will lead to Sora and Riku. Ava, being curious on the events of Keyblade War, tracks down Luxu to find the truth and gets out of her comfort zone by attacking him when she does find out.) They are not planning to bat an eye to conflict and would rather face it head on rather than running away, Kairi willingly becomes a Keyblade wielder once she finds out she's able to use a keyblade, (and fights Heartless to protect Sora!) even though she's one of the only Princesses of Heart and while Ava did create the Dandelions so they could avoid the Keyblade War, she herself throws herself into the War since she has the sense of duty to participate in it, especially since it cannot be avoided. 
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They also have a bit of a childish side to them, the ability to tease their comrades, Kairi teasing Sora in her first lines of KH for slacking off and Riku for acting like Sora in II.8, Ava teasing Aced with Gula for having such a frightening personality and utilize his bear to growl. 
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For fighting wise, they have the ability to use healing spells and is able to use light spells but I'm not entirely sure if Ava is able to that's up in the air. while Kairi is not able to use illusion like spells like Ava, I believe Namine has that ability (seen in CoM where she disguises as Kairi to save Riku). But if we were to compare Namine to Ava, that's going to be a whole section (and there's theories up in the air about it so I'm a bit too tired to discuss... Sorry..I might add the discussion with the ones that exists if I am able to find out more information.) 
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Thank you for reading this long analysis and if there’s any mistakes, don’t be afraid to fix it! I may not be the best person but I hope that people enjoyed reading this! 
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whereissora · 5 years
Reasons I Do Not Ship SoRiku
Before we get started, I need to stress a few things:
I am not a homophobe
This is not a personal attack against SoRiku shippers 
I love Master Riku very much, even if his first impression made me want to throw things at him 
Kairi plays a part in their relationship so I will be mentioning her from time to time
Lastly, you are free to say whatever you like in response to this post so long as you are polite. I don’t want to close the comments for this post, but I will if I have to.
With all that out of the way, I’d like to talk about Sora and Riku, and why I do not ship them.
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1) Riku made an impression in Kingdom Hearts 1
This was my understanding of the Destiny Trio (I was maybe 10-12)
Sora had feelings for Kairi
Kairi had feelings for Sora
Riku had feelings for Kairi too, or he felt left out by how his two best friends were falling in love with each other.
Pretty much every destiny trio interaction on the Destiny Islands drove this home to me. I don’t want to do a full-on analysis, but Sora’s quiet jealousy when Riku thanked Kairi at the end of the first day, the way Riku said (with confidence, then with a teasing smirk) that he wanted to share a paopu with Kairi, and the way Sora and Kairi watched the sunset together at the end of the second day all kinda contributed to me thinking there was some kinda love-triangle between the three, or Riku was feeling left out. One of the two.
 Riku betrayed Sora because he believed the only way to save Kairi was by using Kingdom Hearts, and that Sora, being who he is, wouldn’t allow that. Sora even told Riku straight out that he was on the wrong side. 
Sora also wanted to save Kairi--but he had no idea where she was, and for a time, didn’t even know that she lost her heart in the first place.
Also, Riku tried to kill Sora how many times?
He didn’t bother to help Sora in Agrabah, and just kidnapped a princess instead
He lured Sora deeper into Monstro (a living whale? With moving innards for walls? and Sora had to fight a boss in a puddle of stomach acid--don’t even try to tell me this wasn’t mortally dangerous)
He stole Sora’s keyblade, and left him behind in Hollow Bastion, a place that is crawling with the most dangerous heartless
He tried to incinerate Sora with dark fire
Right--at least four.
 So when I compared Sora and Riku’s first interactions to Sora and Kairi’s first interactions, I couldn’t help but feel they were total opposites. One bespoke love, safety, and affection. The other one just reminded me of Naruto and Sasuke’s interactions for 90% of that series--and I never shipped them either.
2) Sora and Riku are my BroTP
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Sora and Riku are an unstoppable team. Their history, friendship, and experience make are what make them unstoppable.
 But that doesn’t make me want to ship them.
 Sora and Riku have been through a lot together. 
Riku betrayed Sora to a degree that he carried that guilt with him through most of the series and has only recently begun to forgive himself for it. 
Sora searched everywhere for Riku after leaving him behind in the Dark Realm, only to find him in the last place he ever thought to look, and shook him to the point that he literally fell to his knees crying.
The reason Sora even ventured into Castle Oblivion in the first place was that he wanted to find Riku.
 Riku wore the black cloak and took on the extremely dangerous task of investigating Organization XIII mainly because of what they had done to Sora in Castle Oblivion.
Riku killed two people in order to wake Sora up, no matter how badly it hurt his heart to do it.
He also cooperated with Diz, someone he never fully trusted, because Diz knew how to wake Sora up faster.
When Riku was ready to give up after the fight with Xemnas, Sora helped him walk forward
Riku protected Sora throughout the final battle in kh2
They underwent their Mark of Mastery exam together
When Sora was taken by YMX in 3D, he called out to Riku, and Riku came to get him, saving Sora from becoming a vessel. 
Riku dove into the deepest darkness and woke Sora up, saving him from ending up like Ventus at the end of BBS
But none of these things really feel romantic to me.
If anything, it feels a lot like the relationship between the Winchester brothers in Supernatural. They constantly lose each other and find each other and save each other, again and again. Because they are literal brothers, and Dean was so desperate to bring Sam back to life he literally sold his soul. 
 Riku sacrificed everything he had to save Sora because he was the reason Sora ended up in such a dangerous situation. 
Sora adores Riku, but was a little jealous of him in kh1. 
Riku loves to mess with Sora. Just how real brothers mess with each other. He’s constantly poking fun at Sora, but not in a mean way, just in a friendly, teasing sort of way.
Sora and Riku are close to the point that they are literal brothers. You don’t need to be someone’s blood relative to be their family. 
That’s exactly how they feel to me. If not for the fact they look nothing alike, and it’s already been clarified that they have different parents, I might have thought they were biological brothers.
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3) “Sora loves Kairi”
The above statement isn’t in parenthesis because it’s false--it’s a quote, but you’ll have to take my word for it because it comes from my sister.
 My sister is a SoRiku shipper--she’s not as into this series as I am though, and isn’t too serious about them. When I asked her why she shipped them she said:
 “I mean, I ship them, but I know Sora loves Kairi.”
I mentioned before that Kairi and Sora’s relationship feels like love to me, and I’ve already explained that Riku and Sora feel like brothers to me. 
 But a quick word about SoKai:
 I have shipped them since I first touched Kingdom Hearts
Aside from Sora himself, they are the main reason I still play
I won’t explain why I ship them--there’s an entire video dedicated to that, and you can watch it here. But just know that to me, this is what love looks like. Sora and Kairi are devoted to each other, and I really hope we get to play as her someday (soon).
4) I don’t really ship Riku with anyone
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^^^^Don’t you worry, you beautiful piece of eye candy, you. You can have whomever, whenever. I. Am. Sure.
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Just not Sora and/or Kairi, because they are in love with each other.
Also, Riku is amazing and doesn’t need to be in a romantic relationship with anyone in order to be relevant. Not that Sora and Kairi would be irrelevant without each other. I would’ve adored Destiny Trio with or without Sokai.
 Really, outside of Sokai and Gula x Ava, I don’t really ship anyone in Kingdom Hearts. If I were to ship other pairings in the series, these would be them:
isa x subject x (ava? skuld?)
ephemer x skuld
maybe isa x lea (they only recently stopped trying to kill each other, so they still kinda feel like kh1 riku and sora to me)
 I’ve been feeling Strelitzia x Player recently, but that is my impossible ship. Impossible because they both died, they never even met, and player is an O.C.
But yes, if I were to ship Riku with anyone, it would be Namine. Nomura said in one of his... Ultimania interviews, I believe? That Riku had inherited his replica’s will. I don’t know if that means Riku will/has developed feelings for Namine, or if he is simply following Replica Riku’s wish for her safety and well-being. I guess we’ll find out.
These are all the reasons I can remember as to why I do not ship SoRiku. But I love both of them, and I’m looking forward to seeing them again in whatever we get next.
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khstoryanalysis · 6 years
Mini Analysis: The Book of Prophecies (Part 1)
NOTE: The following discussions you are about to read are only assumptions and theories. Only take them with a grain of salt for the time being.
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The Book of Prophecies, as its name says, it is a book that talks about events that will happen in the future. It is written by the Master of Masters, who has an eye that enables him to look into the future. The eye is called the Gazing Eye and it is placed onto the No Name Keyblade, the Keyblade of the Master of Masters.
At first glance of the Book’s content, the Book talks about Keyblades and Heartless. The final passage talks about the Keyblade War, which eventually comes true. Attempting to prevent the war, the Foretellers create Unions to gather Keyblade wielders. They send Keyblade wielders to defeat Heartless and collect Lux, believing that with enough light, they can prevent darkness from overtaking the world.
In Kingdom Hearts X [Chi], Ephemer tells the Player that the worlds they have been are actually holograms – they are not real. He believes that the Foretellers use the Book of Prophecies to project those worlds. With this information, along with the fact that the Master of Masters wants one of the Union Leaders to wield the Book, it is believed that the Book of Prophecies has also predict the aftermath of the Keyblade War – where the worlds are separated once they are rebuilt. The Book probably has stated how to restore the worlds and what worlds would come into existence.
In my Mini Analysis regarding the Black Box, I did mention that the Master of Masters is probably the reason why the X-Blade shatters in the first place. In an attempt to prevent the darkness from spreading, he stores the 13 pieces of Darkness from the shattered X-Blade into the Black Box. Through his Gazing Eye, he is able to predict 6 out of the 7 pieces of Light will become the Princesses of Heart. He then writes them down, which will later appear as projections thanks to the Foretellers’ magic. The worlds the Player visit are Dwarf Woodlands (Snow White), Castle of Dreams (Cinderella), Enchanted Dominion (Aurora), Wonderland (Alice), Beast’s Castle (Belle), Agrabah (Jasmine) and Olympus Coliseum (Hercules). In these 7 worlds, 6 of them are the homes to the Princesses of Heart.
What about Radiant Garden, the home of Kairi, the last Princess of Heart? It is never stated in the Book. It is believed that the Master of Masters has a limit in foreseeing future events. The Gazing Eye on the No Name Keyblade can see any future events that will happen on that place the eye sees. The further the eye sees into the future, the blurrier the event will be as the future is hypothetical. Kairi is probably around Sora’s age in Birth by Sleep, which means that she is probably born around that year when Ventus’s heart is split into two by Xehanort. Her birth is probably too distant into the future.
When I talk about the “resurrected heroes” in Kingdom Hearts, I state that the Foretellers, Luxu and the Master of Masters are the original 7 Guardians of Light. With the X-Blade shattered, as Guardians of Light, their duty is to protect the Light from expiring. The Master of Masters probably changes his ways and chooses to defend Light from Darkness. He also teaches his disciples to do the same. Once he predicts the Keyblade War, he then begins writing the Book of Prophecies. I believe that he writes 7 Books of Prophecies, with the intention in giving the Book for each Guardian. However, when he finds out that the Keyblade War is inevitable in any outcome possible, he changes his mind.
He first hands five Books of Prophecies to the Foretellers, giving them time to read it. He does not give Luxu the Book to avoid him causing temporal paradox. After giving Luxu his task, the Master of Masters then meets up with the Foretellers, who all have read the Book and know about the Keyblade War. When he is giving Ava’s role, he tells her to hand a copy of the Book of Prophecies to the child circled in red, who will be one of the five Union Leaders after the War. The Book is needed to help shape the world what it is supposed to be. The presence of the seventh and last Book of Prophecies remains unknown.
According to Ira and Gula, the Books of Prophecies wielded by the Foretellers do not contain a specific page, which is the Lost Page. It is uncertain if the Master of Masters has written the Lost Page in every Book and then tears them out. If every Book originally contains the Lost Page, it is reasonable for the Master of Masters to tear the page out of the five copies before handing them to the Foretellers. The Lost Page describes the traitor that will end the world, and such knowledge will tear the Foretellers apart, even if they are running a single union. By tearing out the Lost Page, the Master of Masters can slow down the inevitable conflict between the Foretellers, which will then result in the Keyblade War.
In Kingdom Hearts X Back Cover, we see the Master of Masters tears out the Lost Page from a copy of the Book of Prophecies and hands the page to Gula. The Book of Prophecies cannot be those wielded by the Foretellers as they have already received the five copies prior to the Master of Masters assigning Gula’s role. This will mean that the Book of Prophecies seen in “The Case of Gula” has to be either the sixth or seventh copy.
Aside from Gula, Luxu probably wields the Lost Page as well. He is only told by the Master of Masters that he will successfully train an apprentice and pass down the No Name Keyblade. The proof is the existence of the Book of Prophecies, which also proves that the Keyblade War will indeed happen. He does not know that he will only succeed in that role after the Keyblade War. Luxu has no knowledge of what the future holds as he is not given the Book of Prophecies. To help out Luxu, the Master of Masters probably gives him a copy of the Lost Page. Since the Lost Page talks about the traitor beginning to end the world, Luxu will know about the Keyblade War and prepare for it.
It is unknown what has happened to the five Books of Prophecies wielded by the Foretellers. The Books may have been carried by them all the time and later be destroyed in the War. If this is true, there will only be two Books of Prophecies left. One of the remaining copies is wielded by a specific Union Leader, while the other’s whereabouts remains unknown. The Book wielded by the Union Leaders will probably lack of the Lost Page in order to prevent the Union Leaders from turning against each other.
We all have a feeling that Kingdom Hearts Union X [Cross] will probably have a bad ending, which may mean that the Book of Prophecies wielded by the Union Leaders may be destroyed as well. From what we know from the Kingdom Hearts 3 trailers, when Xehanort is training to become a Keyblade Master, he reads the Book of Prophecies and tells Eraqus about the final passage. How does Xehanort get his hands on the Book of Prophecies? Perhaps he, or maybe Luxu or his apprentices before Xehanort, stumbles upon Daybreak Town and finds the Book of Prophecies? It may be possible. Moreover, the Book of Prophecies has to be a complete one and it may not be the one wielded by the Union Leaders as Blaine (or Brain) has torn out a page from that book. The Book of Prophecies read by Xehanort may possibly be the last existing copy. As for the Lost Page, perhaps Luxu has kept it safe and it may still exist. The Book’s location is currently unknown but Maleficent has knowledge of the Book (Xehanort may have told her about it, not just Kingdom Hearts and the Princesses of Heart), and even tells Mickey to hand the Book over, implying that Mickey may have knowledge of the Book as well.
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khdiscussions · 6 years
Aced: The Tragic Foreteller
I want to, at some point, write analysis on all the Foretellers. For this first one, I decided to make the subject the Foreteller who would probably be my favorite if not for union loyalty, Aced.
I think we can all agree the Master of Masters did a terrible job in picking the roles, but I feel that that lapse in decision shows at its finest in Aced.
Aced is an ambitious character. He has the drive to lead any group to victories and would have no qualms for breaking the rules if it means doing what he thinks is right. That being said, when thrown into the position of second in command with the special task the MoM gave him (take over if you see Ira as unfit) you have that ambition stifled and while Aced is always looking for times when Ira isn’t showing himself the steady leader the MoM seems to believe he will be, a terrible combination for the position he’s supposed to fill.
And yet once the MoM disappears Aced tries to fulfill this role to the best of his abilities anyways. He ignores his want to be leader to support Ira in his endeavors and in training the Keyblade Wielders of his union up until the point where Ira decides to rat out the traitor in the worst way possible. When Ira unveils the traitor’s presence, Aced won’t hear of it, and wants to do whatever he can to uncover them, and this starts the first thread of his undoing.
The search for whoever the traitor is leads Aced to decide to form an alliance, partially against Ira for how he acted in revealing the traitor, and partially to discover the traitor and defeat the threat, since if they stop it then there’s no risk to the Realm of Light. Now there are flaws in this plan (such as by inviting Invi, Ava, and Gula into an alliance he was most likely bringing the traitor in) but all he wanted was to find answers. Unfortunately for him, he found none, and this resulted in Gula leaving him based on Invi’s arguments, Invi providing the other issue that resulted in the tragedy of Aced’s character, betrayal.
Everything that happens to Aced that we see in Backcover is a betrayal. When he sees how Ira is handling the traitor situation after bringing up the dark Chirithy to the other Foretellers (by doing nothing at all) Aced tries to take charge as per his role, an inevitability based on his ambitions to be leader and the MoM encouraging him to do so when he believes Ira is wrong. He challenges Invi only for his former ally, Gula, and Ava to accuse him of being the traitor and gang up on him with Invi. Ira is unreliable, and the rest don’t trust him, and Aced feels as though he is alone.
His view of Gula is further shaken when he hears about the lost page. Gula, somebody he trusted, had hidden this information and lied. To Aced, Gula betrayed him and everybody else deeply, Gula was the traitor and yet was the one he most trusted. He was betrayed, and betrayed, and betrayed again by his friends, and so he finally tried to go after the single person he viewed as a traitor: resulting in him being so defeated that when Ira finds him all he wants is death.
But instead Ira offers him a second chance, he believes there’s light still in Aced and Aced is offered hope. Now we next see Aced after this (timeline wise) no longer getting along with Ira in KHx, but there’s definitely a reason why.
Now we don’t quite know the timing of Quest 675, but judging by the dialogue, it’s when the Keyblade War is coming, and the Dandelions are preparing for their final journey. It’s highly likely that the scene came after the fight between Ava and Luxu, when the bell rang. With Ira hunting down Gula, it wouldn’t be hard to believe that the bell ringing came from Aced’s attack, not Ava. And so finally, like the rest of the Foretellers, Ira betrays Aced, leaving him utterly alone.
With no friends remaining and nobody left to trust, Aced turns towards the only option he can, power. He tries to gain the most power of the Foretellers, holding an especially bitter rivalry with Ira ass seen by their fighting in the KHx finale where he goes out of his way to attack Ira (and Ira vice versa for Aced) all in the name against the Foretellers who betrayed and wronged him when all he did was try to do what he was told by the MoM.
And in the end, it makes his character all the more tragic.
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rt1cnf · 5 years
When you mentioned bullying it is something that is very common towards teenagers and showbiz or famous figures. Bullying is an open-ended and willful misuse of power in relationships through repeated verbal, physical and/or social behavior that intends to cause physical, social and/or psychological harm. It can involve an individual or a group misusing their power, or perceived power, over entirety or more persons who feel unable to stop it from happening.
The DepEd or the Department of Education has commended Department Order No. 40 which systematized zero tolerance for violence against children and authorized the CPC in all public and private schools. It added information relating to the identity and personal circumstances of the bullies, the victims, or the witnesses shall be treated with utmost confidentiality by the Child Protection Committee (CP)C and the school personnel. The department also obtained the announcement of the Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act 10627, or the Anti-Bullying Act of 2013, which requires schools to submit copies of these policies to the district offices.
"The Department also encourages learners who experience or witness bullying, abuse, or retaliation to speak up and report verified incidents to their peers, parents, teachers, and the appropriate authorities for proper intervention," DepEd said in a statement Friday.
One of the current bullying matters here in the Philippines was in Catanduanes when a 15 years old boy was being hit with a wood just because he refused to give the bullies his allowance already. He sustained a blood clot in the head aside from a fractured skull after he was mauled by older schoolmates in Bagamanoc Rural Development High School. He was unconscious when he was first rushed to the Bagamanoc rural health unit.  Another one is from one of the famous school in the Philippines which is in Ateneo. An athlete student beat up another student inside the comfort room, he never stopped the beating even though there were students taking videos of him. Lastly, was here in Cebu, in a public school where a little boy was asked to give 1000 pesos per week and if he won’t give, they would beat him up until he bleeds.
“I am very sad about the report of the elementary student towards their Elementary principal. As the adviser of the one who bullied, I feel like I am responsible of the happening. It feels like I failed to guide him and discipline his attitude, it feels like I am a failure” Mr. AM said, a Night High School grade 10 adviser.
As for 2016, there is an increase rate of bullying not just here in the Philippines but all over the world. Rates of bullying vary across studies (from 9% to 98%). A meta-analysis of 80 studies analyzing bullying involvement rates (for both bullying others and being bullied) for 12-18 year old students reported a mean prevalence rate of 35% for traditional bullying involvement and 15% for cyberbullying involvement. 33% of students who reported being bullied at school indicated that they were bullied at least once or twice a month during the school year, a higher portion of female than of male students report being bullied at school (23% vs. 19%). In contrast, a higher percentage of male than of female students report being physically bullied (6% vs. 4%) and threatened with harm (5% vs. 3%). There must be a level continuity and frequency to the display of aggression. While available statistics vary in the Philippines, this much is certain according to studies: back in 2010, roughly 2.7 million students suffered bullying victimization each year with 160,000 choosing to miss school because of it.
When a person is bullied he, she will start to do things like like there would be changes in sleep patterns, changes in eating patterns, frequent tears or anger, he or she becomes withdrawn or starts stammering and would probably feels like he is always alone. He will become aggressive and unreasonable. He would refuse to talk about what is wrong, and would develop a phobia in facing people.
“Year 2013, my youngest daughter was being bullied here in one of the famous international school. I never knew it until someone reported me that she saw my child outside the school with wounds. I asked her but she never answered me properly, she just suddenly told me that she doesn’t want to go to school anymore” a teacher whose name should does not want to be told but let’s just call her Mdm. Desto, a former grade 6 adviser in a public school here in Cebu.
Kids who are bullied can experience negative physical, school, and mental health issues. Kids who are bullied are more likely to experience the following which are Depression and anxiety, increased feelings of sadness and loneliness, changes in sleep and eating patterns, and loss of interest in activities they used to enjoy. These issues may persist into adulthood and he may also beat his wife or child.
People that would suffer bullying may develop psychological disorders and the most common of them is depression. A student may feel unwanted everywhere that he may start to feel that no one would protect or love him because of what he is suffering right now. This leads to suicidal thoughts and then suicide. We are encouraging people to stop bullying to end this chain which can end someone's life. In the Philippines in the Philippines a study that states that about 50 percent of Filipino students are bullied in school and they started to have the symptoms and signs of depression and one-fourth of their population decided to end their life.
“She really did suffer anxiety and panic attack, there is also a time that she would breath hardly when arriving her classroom” Madam Desto added
There is a recent news about the suicide because of bullying. Due to its sexuality  a 17-year-old Sophia Santos came out as bi in a Facebook post, classmates mocked  due to her appearance, sexuality, and gender identity, even telling Santos she should take her own life. She died on January 24, just months before her high school graduation.
“It’s been so hard to think and unbelievable, what happened to our family,” Czarine wrote on Facebook. “To all the students who bullied my sister because of her appearance and gender, may you all find peace of mind. You destroyed someone’s future. You destroyed a family… Words can kill a person.”
When a person is a bully he possessed these things like get sent to the principal’s office or to detention frequently, have unexplained extra money or new belongings, blame others for their problems, don’t accept responsibility for their actions, are competitive and worry about their reputation or popularity.
“I was very angry when I knew that my grandchild bullies someone in school, I was so schocked because the one that he introduced me as a friend was actually the student that he bullied. He asked for the notebooks of his classmate, he won’t copy notes but he wanted to throw it in the toilet bowl.” Mrs. Melon said, a grandmother of the bully
“Teachers, students, and parents should cooperate in this situation if you wanted to stop bullying. It is also very important to have an open communication to it.” Sir AMsaid.
“I guess the proper thing to prevent bullying is to be matured enough in thinking your actions” J. E Ephraim, a University of Cebu grade 12 student said.
“Talk to their child always and have time to them make sure to give them proper guidance, I guess that is one of the best way to avoid that issue” Madam Desto answered.
DepEd Order No. 55, series 2013 (DO 55 s. 2013), or the “Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act No. 10627 (R.A. 10627) Otherwise Known as the Anti-Bullying Act of 2013,” on the other hand requires all public and private schools to submit a copy of their child protection or anti-bullying policy to the Division Office. The same shall be submitted to the Regional Director in addition to the requirements for an application for permit to operate and/or recognition as prescribed by the existing rules of the Department. Rule IV of DO 55 s. 2013 underscores that the bullying prevention program in schools shall be comprehensive and multifaceted, and shall involve all education stakeholders and personnel. Schools shall develop intervention strategies like counseling, life skills training, education and other activities that will enhance the psychological, emotional and psychosocial well-being of victims, bullies, and other parties who may be affected by the bullying incident. Private schools that fail to comply with the requirements of R.A. 10627 or of the IRR may face penalties under the law.The Department also encourages learners who experience or witness bullying, abuse, or retaliation to speak up and report verified incidents to their peers, parents, teachers, and the appropriate authorities for proper intervention. Any information relating to the identity and personal circumstances of the bully/ies, the victim/s, or the witness/es shall be treated with utmost confidentiality by the CPC and the school personnel.
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romy350-romyakari · 5 years
Me: okey. Time for doodle to make this more special. We are gonna doodle this and so-
*ends painting a scan and sketches of AU set with lots of helps of a friend*
Me: We where close i guess.
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What the Heck Is curso de teologia grátis?
A young Catholic expanding up while in the years preceding Vatican II would discover it pretty curious to notice that scriptural training may be the "Soul of all theology," (Dei Verbum, from Richard Gula, p. one hundred sixty five, Explanation Educated BY Religion). My encounter for a pupil inside of a Catholic elementary college during the pre-Vatican II years is the fact there was little or no instructing of Scripture At the moment.
In reality, Although Vatican II prompted a renewed emphasis on Scripture, several non-Catholics even now consider the Catholic Church as devoid of the Scriptural basis. Chapter 12, "Scripture in Ethical Theology" (Gula, p165) incorporates an outline of the important utilization of scripture and pre-important usage of Scripture then engages in some dialogue with the Scripture to be a basis for ethical choice-producing.
Now, Catholics approximately universally have an understanding of the necessity for vital Assessment in using Scripture. Nonetheless a Opposite use of Scripture is to utilize a way identified as evidence-textual content. To be aware of this method, 1 need to initial accept The reality that some spot a greater emphasis around the Organic regulation than on Scripture.
Applying this concept, just after a difficulty is determined on the basis of Pure legislation, a review of Scripture is performed to substantiate the Natural law placement. As a result, as Gula suggests, it truly is type of an right after thought or an attempt to justify Pure law. Additional, "Whilst it offers the looks of a Biblical grounding to ethical theology, proof-texting genuinely won't permit Scripture to enter The material of moral theological reflection" (Gula, p.166).
Even though the vital use of Scripture tends to low cost the validity of proof-texting, Steven D. Cline, in his article, "In Defense on the Proof Text", tends to make the argument that it's not evidence-texting that's the problem but relatively the misuse of Biblical textual content that should be at problem. Mr. Cline says, "All those amongst us who disdain evidence-texting might not have distorting the Scriptures in mind. I've an idea that they suggest that we should always discard the honorable follow of supplying ebook, chapter and verse once we undertake to teach a Bible fact" (Crane, bible-infonet.org). He goes more to work with examples where by Jesus used passages from your Outdated Testomony to assistance His educating to argue in favor of the evidence-text technique. He also discusses The nice sermon of Peter in Acts in which the Previous Testomony is quoted as A different validation of proof-texting. I'm not absolutely sure if Mr. Cline is Catholic or not, but from many of his feedback on denominationalism I have the impression that he is not. His arguments are usually not with out benefit In spite of this truth.
Important utilization of Scripture requires an Examination of the passages from different Views. Gula relies within the Examination of Kenneth R. Himes to elucidate four associated responsibilities by which someone have to have interaction to relate Scripture to moral theology. They can be "...(1) the exegetical activity: pinpointing the this means from the textual content in its authentic context; (2) the hermeneutical process: pinpointing the meaning with the textual content for these days; (three) the methodological process: applying scripture in ethical reflection; (4) the theological job: describing the connection of Scripture to other resources of moral knowledge" (Gula, p.167).
Celia Brewer Marshall in her e book, A Guideline Through The New Testomony, defines exegesis as, "...the expression college students of The brand new Testament use to explain what they are performing if they try to see what a fresh Testomony passage meant when it had been 1st composed"(Marshal, p.15). As a result, criticism of the passages, not as an exercising of obtaining fault, but alternatively as Investigation is our effort and hard work to discover just what the textual content intended at the time of producing for the reason that that has a profound affect on exactly what is must indicate to us these days. Ms. Marshal relates various areas of crucial Assessment. They are really textual, supply, sort, redaction and literary analyses.
The textual is evaluating the language used in particular passage in various translations. One example is, chances are you'll find unique wording in the New American Bible than you find in the Revised Normal or maybe the King James Model. The next Evaluation would be the resource. Ms. Marshal says that, "Supply vital theories are merely that-hypotheses that might or might not be valuable to you in evaluating the Gospels" (Marshal, p. fifteen). She goes even further to elucidate that resource Investigation is not likely a concern in one other publications from the Bible, but just the Gospels.
"Kind criticism tries to go back driving the written documents and see what the person models may have been inside their pre-literary type" (Marshal, p. fifteen). Ms. Marshal points out that redaction criticism considers the authors as editors and looks at how the tales from the Bible are "edited". Literary criticism simply just seems at what could be acquired within the textual content. Gula states that, "Confined although it might be, mindful exegetical do the job is definitely the vital initial step resulting in the satisfactory fulfillment of the other responsibilities in working with Scripture in ethical theology" (Gula p.168).
Crucial Investigation enables us to receive at the original which means of a textual content and hermeneutics will allow us to bridge the gap culturally involving the society on the writers plus the tradition of your visitors. Dr. Brian Allison claims, "Biblical hermeneutics is crucial and foundational to The entire theological (and apologetical) enterprise"(Allison, Biblical Hermeneutics: An Alternative Paradigm). Gula asserts this Assessment is vital and uses some illustrations For instance his posture. Allison Alternatively appears to say in his post that the cultural-historic differences aren't as important. It can be a fascinating Examination And that i connect it herewith for your interest. I do concur with Gula as pointed out in his instance that the eschatological ecosystem of the primary century puts several of the proclamations created by Jesus in a distinct standpoint. Once anyone has carried out an analysis from the textual content he / she is ready to utilize it in the choice generating system.
The Methodological undertaking could be the putting scripture to implement in ethical reflection and final decision-generating. Gula relies on Gustafson to clarify that there are two strategies to look at the direction supplied in Scripture. Unveiled morality is considering the text as being a directive for action. He breaks down unveiled morality into 4 subsections, law, beliefs, analogies and excellent wide range. To me It is just a type of hierarchy where regulation is the fundamentalist watch the place the Word would be the legislation and that is it. From there you progress to the look at wherever the Term is usually a set of beliefs and not simply just rules to stick to. Thirdly, from analogy, you can Assess the Scriptural stories and apply them by analogy to current working day circumstances. Wonderful wide variety, as explained by Gula is often a form of halfway amongst uncovered morality and exposed actuality, which considers Scripture as only instructive and not as exclusively determining morality. Great range seems to express that Scripture is very important but that it's not all-inclusive. It permits mental reflection and for other sources as the basis for ethical reflection as does the unveiled reality approach.
In his Examination with the unveiled reality method, Gula discusses covenant and also the reign of God. Covenant according to Gula could be the response we make to God's offer of affection. God calls us and offers us some construction for the relationship. This construction is found in The foundations and commandments and as Gula puts it, They may be "...presumptions and burdens of evidence with the ethical existence" (Gula, p.173). In a covenant connection, we bind ourselves to our God by accepting his enjoy and his technique for residing. Gula then discusses the reign of God as yet another way to have a look at exposed reality. "God's reign just isn't a location, but a Neighborhood-building exercise whereby Every person experiences a strong sense of solidarity with Other folks. Covenant with God permits us to maneuver into marriage with others likewise in covenant with him and permits us to practical experience the "shalom" style of peace. We discover Jesus giving us course within the Scriptures regarding how to move to this type of existence. It is much more than basically guidelines to adhere to. This is a move toward a life of hope lived through reverence, conversion and duty. Hope "...normally factors for the adore of God as the basis to the fulfillment of The brand new prospects of human nicely-currently being, hope will be the source of our Vitality to respond creatively to new alternatives for re-generating Modern society" (Gula, p.177).
Contrast the uncovered reality to uncovered morality and you also locate the latter specializing in the "black and white" of everything. But when just one thinks that the Scriptures are offered to us like a set of laws to observe blindly, then What exactly are we to think of the unconventional sayings of Jesus? Are they only figures of speech? Gula considers the information of Jesus to pluck out your eye if it leads to you to sin. Jesus came to save lots of us. He arrived to provide forgiveness. To "pluck out your eye" is Opposite to His message. Thus, I'd counsel that they are not directives like The good commandment about They are really attempts to have our awareness also to get us to think about the relevance on the concept. To blindly observe each of the passages of Scripture leaves no room for the stimulation of our creative imagination and imagination. It does show up to me that there are numerous policies to follow and there are passages in Scripture that give us These regulations. In addition, you will discover stories, exaggerations and various literary gadgets that enable us to creatively interpret the "procedures" and to use them.
In a remaining make an effort to reconcile the distinction between exposed fact and revealed morality, Gula discusses The good commandment. It would seem that there is small place to dispute what Jesus is telling us as He responds to your problem through the Pharisees in Matthew 22. "He mentioned to him, "You shall like the Lord, your God, with all of your heart, with all your soul, and with your intellect. This can be the greatest and the 1st commandment. The second is like it: You shall appreciate your neighbor as on your own. The full regulation and the prophets rely on both of these commandments" (Matthew, 22:37-40). Right here is a good illustration from the difference between disclosed morality and revealed fact. Inside a exposed morality feeling you are taking this practically and love Every person. However what on earth is like And just how are we to are now living in like. It involves some critical Examination to be familiar with what Jesus usually means by His directive to love your neighbor. Exactly what is neighbor? Is it the individual future door? Is it the individual on our block? Precisely what is neighbor? And what is really like. If our neighbor is of the opposite sexual intercourse, are we to "enjoy" that individual in a man-girl type of way? Absolutely to consider Jesus literally is not as easy as it seems at the beginning examining. Therefore we look to the fact curso de teologia gratis driving the statement and attract path from it and after that build the reality during which we're to Dwell from that analysis.
There are actually a number of views concerning the utilization of Scripture in growth of moral theology. The look for an complete could be a noble one, nonetheless the greater research to me might be to be educated not simply inside the text of your Bible but about the Bible. In Discovering concerning the bible we can easily gain an idea of its position within our life and use the messages it offers to assist us in our makes an attempt to produce moral choices that permit us to live our lives per the will of God.
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The True Name of the Master of Masters and My Theories for Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts X (Chi) and SALIGIA: the Key to an Allegory By Jesus C. Deytiquez Disclaimer: The following (except those validated or founded facts in the Kingdom Hearts series) are my own speculations based with research and knowledge. And sorry for the grammatical errors if there is/are. Reincarnation Theory I know that there is a theory spreading among the fans of Kingdom Hearts like me that proposes the idea that the foretellers and their master, the Master of Masters, will die and then be reincarnated into the several characters that we are very familiar with (e.g. Sora being the reincarnation of Gula). I really cannot say that I am one hundred percent certain with the accuracy of what I will be going to show in this article, but, maybe, just maybe, my speculations will help my fellow fans to reconsider or rethink the aforementioned theory. My Story I am a writer and I like reading and writing allegories, or stories that hide deeper meanings in them through symbolism or imagery, with the goal (although somewhat paradoxical) that by masking such meanings, the meanings will be understood by the reader in a way that a normal presentation cannot do. I like the allegories of C.S. Lewis, Dante Alighieri, John Bunyan, and other Christian writers; they all utilize their character’s name and personality to present several ideas to their reader. One common thing also about them is that they always introduce to their readers the seven deadly sins, namely, pride, avarice, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth by creating characters of their own, based on the sins with related names and suitable personalities—the seven antagonists in the anime Full Metal Alchemist will be the contemporary example of this allegorical style. And these characters representing the seven deadly sins will be the characters that the protagonist will need to encounter and overcome during his or her journey. And I, moved by the beauty of their stories and that particular style, tried to write my own. My Research, Discovery, the Seven Deadly Sins, and the Master of Masters’ Name During my attempt to create my own allegory, of course, I also done some further research to aid me in my endeavor. Ex nihilo nihil fit. From nothing comes nothing. I need to receive first before I can give. Then I discovered along the way that the seven deadly sins, when translated to Latin, will have these names: Superbia, Avaritia, Luxuria, Invidia, Gula, Ira, and Acedia (SALIGIA). By the time I discovered this, mysteriously, I also discovered that there is an android game of my all-time-favorite game, Kingdom Hearts, which is Kingdom Hearts X (Chi) or which now called as Kingdom Hearts Union Cross. (This happened way back late 2016.) I hastily installed the app, and you can imagine my surprise when I learned the name of the foretellers who were the leaders of the five unions. The five foretellers possess names from the seven deadly sins! Master Ava is avaritia. Master Invi is invidia. Master Aced is acedia, and so forth. In other words, the Master of Master’s name, which is still unrevealed last time I checked, is almost sure to be Superbia or some shortened version of that Latin word for pride. I know that it is really fitting for the Master of Masters’ name to be a name for pride because, according to the Christian faith from which the concept of the seven deadly sins originated, pride is the father or master of all remaining deadly sins. Furthermore, all other sins still have some love for others in them or they really on other persons to exist (e.g. you can get mad or be wrathful to a person because you still have, no matter how imperfect or perverted, some care or love for that person, you can envy a person because you perceive him to be better than you etc.). But pride only focuses on itself. Remember the keyblades of the foretellers. All have hearts in them except for the keyblade of the Master of Masters. In support of this, remember how the Master of Masters seemed to be apathetic to what is to befall. But, you might, of course, object that that particular keyblade will be passed on later to Luxu and then to Xehanort. Yes, it was passed on later to several persons, but such objection can be answered easily through analysis of the personalities of the successors and the sins themselves. Lust can easily become more like its father when it is, ultimately, already about satisfying the pleasure of the self alone. And, remember also how Xehanort used Terra and his friends for his own “selfish” reason. The Seven Lights or Virtues Now we will return to the reincarnation theory. I think that if there are seven deadly sins or vices, then there will be also seven virtues that the Christian faith also enumerated, namely, Humility or Humilitas, Charity or Caritas, Chastity or Castitas, Kindness or Humanitas, Temperance or Temperantia, Patience or Patientia, and Diligence or Industria. I believe that these virtues, being contrary to them, are what the foretellers lacked or even repelled respectively, and such lacking and repulsion of those virtues became the reason for their own downfall (I can still remember a clip showing Ira lacking patience during the crisis, being wrath). Sora, Kairi, Riku, Ventus, Aqua, and Terra are the six of those seven virtues or guardians of the light while King Mickey will be the leader. And you can see, dear reader, how very suitable it is for King Mickey to be Humilitas because a mouse is commonly seen as lowly or humble. In other words, the two leaders of warring factions are King Mickey and Superbia. Humility and Pride. Thirteen Seekers of Darkness and Twelve Seekers of Light But of course there are also a dark group called the Thirteen Seekers of Darkness, and currently such group only has six members namely Master Xehanort, Young Xehanort, Terra-Xehanort (heartless), Terra-Xehanort (nobody), Xigbar, and Saïx. How can such a group be completed? One very probable answer is: by adding the fallen seven deadly sins or foretellers. Thus, maybe, just maybe, the foretellers did not really die and got reincarnated to become our seven guardians of the light just as what the reincarnation theory says, but only became fallens and just wandered somewhere and somehow, only to be gathered by the liar and schemer, Superbia to join his student (probably), Xehanort, for a later battle against the denizens of the light. If the aforementioned is true, then the seven guardians of the lights are clearly outnumbered. But let us also remember that thirteen, which is considered as an evil number, also have a positive counterpart: number twelve. Remember that in the Judeo-Christian tradition, the number twelve, along with one, three, five, and seven, is a number for perfection. Furthermore, the Catholic tradition listed twelve fruits of the Holy Spirit: Charity, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Generosity, Gentleness, Faithfulness, Modesty, Self-Control, and Chastity. Christ, on the other hand, enumerated thirteen things on Mark 7:21-22 that defile and arise in the heart: wicked thoughts; acts of immorality, of theft, of murder, of adultery, of greed, of maliciousness, deceit, immoderate conduct, an Evil Eye (remember the eye in the keyblade of the Master of Master’s?), blasphemy, arrogance, and lack of good sense.1 Therefore, there must really be twelve seekers of light! Now, aside from Master Yen Sid, Lea is an additional keyblade wielder in the series, and there is also an official video showing Xion and Roxas joining the fight with Sora and his pals. If they really are the additional four seekers, then there are already eleven seekers of light. I wonder who will complete the group? Maybe one or several of the characters in KHUX will be the one(s) to complete the missing spot/s or replace any or even all of the probable four: Ephemer, Strelitzia, Skuld, our character in KHUX, Blaine (though very unlikely and suspicious), and Lauriam (also very unlikely and suspicious). Though still outnumbered by one it is better than only seven, and let us recall also that in the Christian faith, it is the disadvantaged or the weak or the poor that emerges at the end. In Short… Here are the two theories I harbor for the mystery introduced by the age of the foretellers and the Master of Master’s: Superbia or the Master of Masters is the ultimate villain and Invi was the traitor. What is Invi’s mask? A snake. We all know that in Judeo-Christian faith, it is out of envy that Cain betrayed and killed his brother, Abel. Does this mean Invi, a snake, is the one who betrayed them? It is kind of obvious. But the again, is there really any traitor? As what I have said earlier, the devil (known as the father of all lies and as pride which is the father of all sins) is symbolized in Kingdom Hearts, in my own opinion, as the Master of Masters. He might just have lied to all in order for them to kill one another to try to form Kingdom Hearts or the X-blade at the expense of their souls or hearts. He might have just instructed Ava to save some special keyblade wielders or dandelions in order for them to be his backup guinea pigs in case the keyblade war failed to bring his selfish desire fruition; of course, erasing their memories, as what he ordered to Ava, will be very helpful and safe for his plan if ever. (Remember the connection of Ventus as a Dandelion in KHUX and as a boy with no memories in Birth by Sleep.) Kingdom Hearts as a Christian Allegory Now, as an extra, let us ponder on this question: is Kingdom Hearts a Christian allegory? Before I say my opinion about the key or the main theme of Kingdom Hearts series, I would like to warn the reader that if he or she does not like religious matters or hate them, especially those concerning Christianity, he or she is free to read some other article. Now, for those who still willed to accompany me up until the end, I will say that, in my own opinion, Kingdom Hearts’ theme, the very key that connects all worlds in it, is ultimately, very Christian. Of course, the stained glasses are very much related to Christianity, but these particular beauty in the game are only one part (that started it all) of the many things that convinced me to believe and propose such opinion. Consider one of the most crucial points in Kingdom Hearts: Sora’s sacrifice. Like Christ, he sacrificed his life for his beloved. He, in a sense died, in order for Kairi to live. Sora is a Christ-like figure in the Kingdom Hearts. He is the one to mend all the hurting. And since we talked about Sora’s sacrifice and remembered how he became a heartless and a nobody, we might as well talk about the keyblade, the heartless and the nobodies. There are three forces in the world of Kingdom Hearts: the keyblade, the heartless, and the nobodies (as what Roxas drawing shown us in KHII). I believe that the keyblade symbolizes the goodness of God; the heartless symbolizes the people who were consumed by the sin in their hearts; the nobodies are those who are in between or those who are in a state very akin with being in limbo. Of course the people in Kingdom Heart’s world will also symbolize normal human beings like us, and we can all chose which side we will be: the keyblade’s or in God’s side where we will experience everlasting joy in the end, or the forever darkness or hell or eternal suffering because of unappeasable or unquenchable hunger or thirst caused by the hole in one’s chest, or in limbo where we will be in a state of not really suffering nor joyful. In the end it is the keyblade or the goodness or grace of God that will save us from both of the latter and undesirable ends. In support of the aforementioned, normal people like wielders in the Kingdom Hearts world can feel all kind of emotions, the heartless only the unappeasable hunger or thirst to fill the hole in their chest, and the nobodies does not really feel anything. (Special and good nobodies like Roxas might be considered as those who are in purgatory, or a place in hell where souls suffer for a while to become cleansed and later on be in heaven or become “truly real”.) Consider the possessors of the keyblade with no heart: the Master of Masters, Luxu, and Xehanort. They symbolize the demonic side. Aside from the facts or premises already stated earlier, consider this: the sign of the devil looks like what? A goat’s head. What animal did Christ use as a symbol for those who rejected Him until the end? Goat. What animal design does that particular keyblade that the Master of Masters, Luxu, and Xehanort possess/ed? A goat’s head. Since we are on the subject, I think the masks or animal representations of the foretellers are also very fitting for them. A bear hibernates thus can be considered as lazy. A unicorn, as described in mythologies, have a short-temper and can fly into a very bloodthirsty rage, and thus can be considered wrathful. A fox is considered as cunning. A snake, a traitor. A jaguar, a hasty and deadly animal. Trinity is also always being subtly emphasized in KH. Sora, Kairi, and Riku. Ventus, Aqua, and Terra. Roxas, Xion, and Axel. Hayner, Pence, and Olette. The keyblade, heartless, and nobodies. Mickey, Donald, and Goofy—speaking of Mickey, Mickey Mouse’s head is (this one added as a kind of a joke) composed of three circles. The wielder, the keyblade, and the spirit. The wielder can be seen as the Father. The keyblade can be seen as the instrument for salvation or the Son. The Chirity is the guide or the Holy Spirit. Chi is for cross right? Which can mean Christian. Chirity sounds like a mix of the words Chi, trinity and spirit, right? So, the introduction of the Chirity might be pointing to us the symbolism of the Holy Trinity which is the very cornerstone of Christianity, through the interconnection of the wielder, the keyblade, and the spirit. Of course, the Master of Masters may have also lied that he was the one who created them (the chirities). And of course there is the reverse side too. There are the corrupt wielders, the keyblades of darkness, and the nightmare chirities. There is the devil, evil persons or his angels, and the spirit of the antichrist. The devil, as what many saints describe him, likes to turn good and beautiful things into evil and ugly things. For an example look at the reversed cross. The true cross is where the justice and mercy of God kissed, for the salvation of humankind, and the original reversed cross is a sign of St. Peter’s martyrdom and love for Christ. Yet look at the symbol of the antichrist: a reversed cross. And also look at the hour of Christ’s death or the hour of divine mercy which is considered as three in the afternoon, then remember what is always considered to be the most ungodly hour or the devil’s hour (as popularized by the enemy’s agenda I am sure of it): three in the morning. And there is also the black coat that characters use to safely pass through the corridor of darkness and resist its corruption. Veteran readers of Christian mysticism and theology will be quickly triggered by the mention of these two—especially those who read St. John of the Cross, St. Thérèse of Lisieux, and St. Teresa of Calcutta; they all have written about that dark night of the soul where there is a darkness that will engulf the soul and enable her (the soul) to pass through a path, unnoticed, and finally meet her Beloved, who is God. The corridor of darkness might be a symbol for a path of suffering or spiritual dryness that the saints usually goes through, and the black coat is the night that will embrace the saint’s soul in order for her to be safely united with the Beloved. But in the end, there is also a hint of Manichaeism or Dualism in KH; Riku’s statement in KH II that light and darkness are eternal pretty much sums up those two beliefs. But of course, maybe he was just fooled by the earlier speech of Xehanort (nobody). But whether KH really endorse the aforementioned two or not, it will not change the fact that the good must be prior to evil and the two are not coeternal with one another; evil is just a perversion the good just as a spoiled food is an edible meal before as what C.S. Lewis once said.2 It is the desire to be powerful and own exclusively the light that made the Master of Masters be like who he is (Xehanort too!). It is because of the desire to be equal to God that Lucifer became a fallen angel. The foolish gods and goddesses of the myth that fought for the possession of the apple of self did not know that it is by sharing that a soul or two is blessed.3 Again it is pride or selfishness that introduced darkness into KH’s world and ours. It is only by Humility or love that the light will return much brighter than before. Ending Remarks There are many other premises and theories that I can include but this article of mine is already too long. Perhaps I will enumerate them in a future article. I am currently busy so I guess I will write that one in a distant future. Let’s meet again somewhere, sometime, and somehow! _________ 1. Elliot, J. (2016). Beware the Evil Eye (Vol. 3). Eugene: Wipf and Stock Publishers. 2. Lewis, C.S. (1952) Mere Christianity. Great Britain: G. Bles. Bibliography: Black Coat. (2017). Kingdom Hearts Wiki. Retrieved 30 November 2017, from http://kingdom hearts.wikia.com/wiki/Black_Coat Bunyan, J. (1967). The Pilgrim’s Progress. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Pub. House. Elliot, J. (2016). Beware the Evil Eye (Vol. 3). Eugene: Wipf and Stock Publishers. Fruit of the Holy Spirit. (2017). En.wikipedia.org. Retrieved 30 November 2017, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fruit_of_the_Holy_Spirit Lewis, C.S. (1961). An Experiment in Criticism. London: Cambridge University Press. Lewis, C.S. (1952) Mere Christianity. Great Britain: G. Bles. Lewis, C.S. (1933). The Pilgrim’s Regress: An Allegorical Apology for Christianity, Reason, and Romanticism. London: J.M. Dent and Sons. Real Organization XIII-Kingdom Hearts Wiki, the Kingdom Hearts encyclopedia. (2017). Khwiki.com. Retrieved 30 November 2017, from https://www.khwiki.com/Real_Organization_XIII Seven deadly sins. (2017). En.m.wikipedia.org. Retrieved 30 November 2017, from https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_deadly_sins The Seven Lights. (2017). Kingdom Hearts Wiki. Retrieved 30 November 2017, from http://kingdomhearts.wikia.com/wiki/ The_Seven_Lights
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informapedia · 7 years
There is no real technical term for "junk" foods, although they have an inclination to be high in calorie while not providing any type of health advantages within the kind of nutrients and fiber. Despite the variability of salty and sweet, junk foods square measure well-known to come back prepacked on the shelves of convenience stores. although their intake could seem just like the right action within the moment, consistent intake will result in associate unhealthful weight and therefore the potential development of chronic diseases. Fight food cravings once and for all with these six easy steps! 1. Drink Water 2. Eat More Protein 3. Distance Yourself From the Craving 4.  Plan Your Meals 5. Avoid Getting Extremely Hungry 6. Fight Stress 7. Take Spinach Extract 8. Practice Mindful Eating 9. Get Enough Sleep 10. Eat Proper Meals How to Stop consumption Junk Foods begin with A Balanced Breakfast→Kicking off the morning with healthful foods will facilitate pave the thanks to additional healthful selections the remainder of the day. If not a zealous breakfast eater, begin tiny with a glass of milk, slice of toast with spread or a cup of dairy product. once breakfast becomes additional enjoyed and tolerated, begin getting ready eggs, parfaits and alternative breakfast favorites! As a general rule, perpetually have a protein-rich breakfast item to stay hunger levels sustained till a mid morning snack or mealtime. Keep food Away:→The statement "Out of sight, out of mind," holds most truth once it involves a way to get eliminate and fight food cravings! analysis systematically shows sweetening merchandise will be extremely addictive . Giving into cravings more stimulates the desirability of such merchandise. rather than prepackaged pastries and chips set within the comfort of home or within the drawers of your work table, avoid their purchase altogether. Purchase Healthier Foods :→Fill the diet with additional whole grains, lean proteins, healthful fats, and contemporary fruits and veggies. begin to understand the role of healthful foods and the way they nourish the body. create the alimentary journey pleasurable by exploring all alimentary foods and making an attempt new products! once alimentary foods top off the diet, very little space is left for those "junk" foods! Avoid Mindless consumption:→Mindless consumption ordinarily arises once partaking in alternative activities like observation a motion picture or operating before of a pc. Bouts of mindless consumption square measure usually full of non-nutritious snacks, simply having the power to gain calories and weight. thus before reaching for that bag of chips, raise yourself "Am i actually wanting this?" realize Distractions:→If actually desperate to cave into that bag of chips or the other type of desire, don't feed into it! rather than treading to the room, direct and check out to search out some type of distraction. a fast walk or piece of gum cannot solely fight food cravings, however save on many unwanted calories! Drink lots of Water:→Thirst is usually mistaken for hunger. thus rather than reaching for that snack, pour up a glass of water! Staying hydrous more aids in digestion and promotes a healthy metabolism. in addition, drinking a glass before or with snacks and meals will cut back gula and total caloric intake. 
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lbcybersecurity · 7 years
Understanding Tenable Plugins
Are you pluggin’ along looking for vulnerabilities? The heart of Tenable vulnerability detection comes from the individual tests called plugins – simple programs that check for specific flaws. Each plugin contains a vulnerability description, fix recommendations, and algorithms for detection. Tenable products receive new plugins nightly, which keep the tests current and relevant.
Finding plugin information
 SecurityCenter® has at least four places to research plugins:
1. Click on your userid (top right) to find the Plugins. This is the quickest source while working on SecurityCenter. You can also use a URL such as: https://<SecurityCenterhostname>/#plugins
2. On the analysis screens and plugin screens, click the i icon next to the Plugin ID This is the most informative source.
3. Click on Analysis / Vulnerabilities and choose the Vulnerability Detail List (VDL) tool to find many explanations related to individual plugins.
4. Log in as administrator. The initial Overview dashboard (bottom right) lists the plugins currently loaded in SecurityCenter.
You can also find plugins in other Tenable products.
Nessus® takes a few clicks to drill down to plugins. Go to Policies / New Policy / Advanced Scan /Plugins. Then select a family on the left and a plugin on the right:
You can also see Nessus plugin information in scan results and by drilling down on individual plugin results. This provides similar information as VDL in SecurityCenter.
Tenable.io™ provides very similar information as Nessus, both in content and location (see Tenable.io Vulnerability Management for information about this new application).
You can use three places on the Internet to research plugins:
Plugins: This site is very useful. The Tenable Support Portal also links to the Plugins.
Tenable Community: provides technical discussions on individual plugins. Use this site to see how a plugin is used by others.
Google: Of course, an organic search for a Nessus Plugin Name or ID is often the easiest to remember.
Explanation of plugin sources
Each plugin source has its advantages and peculiarities. They vary in the information provided. Here are the nine sources, comparing their advantages and unique details.
This source provides many fields to search on. I use Plugin Name or Plugin ID most often.
This view has several unique characteristics. First, it shows the plugins currently in SecurityCenter:
Second, this source enables you to search against the audit files that have been activated in your SecurityCenter installation. For example, you can see the compliance password tests:
i icon
Clicking the small i icon results in voluminous information. If you carefully search through the Details tab’s Solution section, you can find the plugin’s source filename:
A second Source tab (top right) displays the plugin’s actual scripting in Tenable’s proprietary Nessus Attack Script Language (NASL):
Not all plugins are provided in NASL. Others plugins are compiled to protect confidential techniques.
You can find a gold mine of information in the VDL analysis tool. This is usually the best resource for researching plugin results.
The Plugin output field is one of the most valuable fields, because you can see the actual response from the target during testing. It stands out with green-on-black coloring:
The VDL output is the best for assessing risk and how the CVSS score was tallied. It includes the vector, the version, and more.
If a publicly-known exploit is available, the VDL will provide details. In this example, the specific Metasploit module is specified:
VDL includes ties to many industry vulnerability sources like BID, IAVM, CVE, and CERT announcements:
VDL also references frameworks like 800-53, CSF, PCI, ISO 27000, Critical Security Controls (formerly SANS top 20) and several others. Tenable provides audit files, which in the individual stanzas correlate the framework modules by tags in the Reference field. The tags enable framework dashboards, reports, and Assurance Report Cards® to automatically populate with appropriate scan results related to the framework. A listing of related audit files can be found by posting a specific question on the Tenable Community.
The Host field includes items such as the date that the vulnerability was first seen. It also gathers asset identity details like DNS, NetBIOS, and MAC address.
Admin overview dashboard
After logging in as admin, I like to sort by modified date to see when plugins arrived. The date for the newest plugin downloads should be less than 24 hours (except for an offline SecurityCenter). I also like to see what issues the recent plugins address.
Finding plugin information takes several steps. Nessus also provides many fields about a plugin.
To identify risk severity, Nessus shows both CVSS versions two and three in the detailed view.
Similar to Nessus.
This has been my favorite interface to work with for quick lookups. It also lists plugins by families. The Plugins portal includes several pages:
Helpful screens on newest plugins and options on obtaining an activation code for plugin updates.
View all plugins provides the latest count of plugins at the top. The page is organized by research plugin families.
Search: I often start my research here. I usually search by Plugin Name and Plugin ID.
Example: A customer asked if Tenable had any tests for nginx. I typed in nginx, searched with Plugin Name, and was surprised by how many plugins were listed.
TIP: Though the page suggests using double quotes for an exact search, I have not had success with that search technique.
Be aware that this page is showing Nessus plugins only. To see the PVS™ plugins, go to bottom left of the page, click Product Resources, and then click PVS Plugins.
Tenable Community
This portal provides technical discussions between customers and Tenable support staff. I often search it to see how others use a particular plugin.
This site is especially helpful for late-breaking vulnerabilities. Here is an example with the recent GRIZZLY STEPPE exploit:
Even if you forget the first eight sources, you will probably remember to use Google (or another search tool). It often points to information from sources 7 and 8.
Common questions and tips
Tip #1: What is the best plugin?
I nominate Nessus Scan Information, #19506. I chose this plugin even though it does not do any vulnerability testing. It gathers many scan forensics like how long the scan took, if the credentials worked, what scanner was used, and more.
Details include:
Policy name (both hash and field)
Scan options
Performance settings
When started and how long scan ran
Type of Nessus scan (agent or sensor)
Credentialed scan successful or not
Credentials used
This plugin is often used as part of a daily discover scan to identify a new host on the network. See my blog about Favorite SecurityCenter Asset Lists for details.
What is your favorite plugin? Let us know at the Tenable Community. Also feel free to request plugins you would find helpful that we currently do not provide.
Tip #2: Can customers code plugins?
Yes. Some sage advice comes from Ron Gula, Tenable co-founder, in a Tenable Community posting:
Tenable does not officially support custom NASLs as part of our support program but if you look in the API section you will see plenty of responses from Tenable staff answering questions about NASLs in general.
Most of the time, what people need to do with a NASL is actually already covered by another NASL or covered more easily by writing an .audit policy.
You can easily add tests to an audit file with PowerShell commands for Windows targets, or with a Linux command or script.
Tip #3: How do I set up a plugin-specific scan?
Identify the plugin IDs and their family that you want to use in the policy. Scan policies that are crafted with only individual plugins do not change their contents after nightly updates.
The Nessus User’s Guide provides excellent directions on setting up the scan.
SecurityCenter provides a helpful search filter for locating the individual plugins to build a new scan policy:
Tip #4: What dates can I find on plugins?
Plugins have four different dates: vulnerability release, patch release, initial plugin release, and latest date for plugin modifications. You can find two additional dates in the plugin results: when the vulnerability was originally discovered on a particular system and when the vulnerability was last observed. The periodicity of the last two dates depends upon the frequency of scans.
Tip #5: Which plugins do not count against the IP license?
The answer is in the SecurityCenter User’s Guide, but know that this list does change:
Plugins are invaluable tests that Tenable provides for tracking down vulnerabilities. You can find detailed plugin information within the products or on the internet. While Tenable provides lots of good information, sharing tips with other users is often quite helpful. Please share your plugin tips or questions in the Tenable Community!
from Understanding Tenable Plugins
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