#My HOA writing
tinkerbelldetective · 5 months
Joy thinks Nina has it so easy. Joy, who was given the title Chosen One, and suffered under it, had to watch the actual Chosen One get along fine, and was expected to not feel envious, righteously angry at such things.
It's not until after the article. It's not until Nina and Fabian reunite. It's not until the year is done and over, but for two nights left, Joy finds Nina crying, the way Fabian found Nina crying at the start, only this time it's almost 10 P.M., and Nina sits on the stoop in front of Anubis House, shoulders quaking.
Nina can't stop shaking. In the future, she will consider this night to be the night she let out the pressure that had been boiling over. Senkhara is gone. Rufus is gone. They survived. And now she can finally breathe.
The sobs are familiar to Joy. She did it often when she was alone with a chessboard and with chants written down on paper that she was forced to memorize.
Wordlessly, she slips down next to Nina, who breathes in hard in an attempt to slow the next onslaught of tears.
"It hasn't been easy at all for you, has it?"
Nina, weeks prior, would likely have given a passive-aggressive answer along the lines of "Oh, you finally realized?" But she doesn't want to anymore. She laughs pitifully, to which Joy scrunches her nose and shakes her head.
"No, no, don't do that."
They sit in silence until Victor ushers them in.
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starry-carrousel · 9 months
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Posting the girls on this beautiful Flower Thursday
Read Flower if you haven’t already!
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queerdiazs · 8 months
what to do when evan buckley breaks into your house at 3:17 in the morning | 2.9k, teen
“Quit moving!”  “Ow! Ouch!” More cheese gets hawked in Eddie’s face, powdery and slimy and gross. “Jesus Christ! What are you doing to me?”  Discombobulated, Eddie worms out from beneath the intruder, stutters to his feet, and flicks on the light above the sink. He blinks fast as a hummingbird’s wings till his eyes adjust and then screeches, “Buck?” with utter disbelief and very major irritation. Whatever slight fear he felt at having an intruder in his hose vanishes, replaced with absolute confusion.  At his feet, ruddy-cheeked and messy-haired, Buck sits cross-legged on his ass. He’s wearing a pretty maroon satin-like button down rolled up to his forearms and that pair of Levis that hug his thighs like a second skin and the goofiest, prettiest smile Eddie’s ever seen—even with shredded cheese shoved between his teeth.  Holy shit, again.  “What’d you do that for?”  “Me? Me?” Eddie puts his hands on his hips and scoffs, irked in a way he hasn’t been since he caught Chris staying up after bedtime to play his video games. He’s even wearing the same black tank top—life imitates bullshit, or whatever the saying is. “What are you doing in my house? It’s three in the morning!”  Buck blinks. “Oh,” he says, giggles, and wipes the mix of drool and cheese off his chin. “This is not my house.”  “No, it isn’t.” Eddie runs a hand through his hair and shakes his head. He counts down from ten, slowly, two times, and then puts his hands on his knees and leans down closer to Buck’s face. “What the fuck, Buck?”  “Mm. That rhymed.”  Eddie makes a face. “Are you drunk?”  Buck nods his head. “No way,” he fibs, giggly and cross-eyed. This close, Eddie can see how glassy his blue eyes are. He’s not hammered, but he’s not exactly sober, either. “Maybe a li’l bit.” 
read the rest on ao3
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myshiptrashcan · 4 months
I guess Jason in my stories is a family man.
Man's wants I guess
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lovelyamneris · 4 months
I know the fandom is mostly adults so I hope we can all try to be mindful that these characters are children&minors in a show made for kids thanks.
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oblivious-troll · 4 months
Because I'm not gonna have time to finish the art for Mermay, here's a Jalim Mer idea I wrote down in an hour and didn't reread/edit. It's 4am. Don't judge me too harshly, lmaoo
Mer au idea- Siren Salim and Merman Jason
(Under cut cuz it's kinda long?)
The two demihuman sea creatures (Numbered 19112 and 10119 for short) have been seen interacting on underwater cameras and occasionally relaxing together on land, a sight very rare for the two territorial and conflicting species.
Both Marine Biologists and Ichthyologists take interest in the unlikely friendship of the two species... Until they realize through certain behaviours (modified slightly from what is typically seen in Sirens and Merfolk, changed to best suit their partner of a different species) that they're actually mated. Catching the two grooming each other on the beach via a drone camera was a huge discovery for the marine life community, it even earns the unknowing pair a fan base online of people who regularly check in on them by using sites that safely track and document them.
Jason doesn't like the growing crowd of humans that always seem to just show up whenever he's trying to relax with his mate on the beach or is sunbathing with him on a rock. Whatever happened to humans knowing the keep their distance? He feels like it's disrespectful to Salim especially, he's a siren for Neptune's sake, a creature from the deep-sea who could drown them all without lifting a claw if he so chose to!
Salim's annoyed by the humans too, but only because it irritates Jason. He's unbothered so long as they keep their distance, and a short growl or bluffed lunge is usually enough to get the stupid ones to back away again.
But of course too much attention always has a down side. People forget how dangerous they are just because they only hear reports of their domestic behaviours, the gentle side which is reserved just for each other. They don't hear how they regularly take down and eat things like crocodiles, sharks, and other large sea predators for food and to protect their territory.
It takes one guy thinking he's special enough to approach them, and of course he's attacked despite trying to talk to them with his hands out like they're going understand the human gesture and he 'means no harm'.
Jason attacks first, more awake then Salim who was half dozed off while Jason groomed his hard to reach scales. It jolts Salim awake who doesn't join at first despite wanting to, Jason growls at him to stay away, humans are far less likely to hurt a merfolk then a siren- they kill sirens for far less, and Jason's not really in any danger, he can easily take a human down.
Salim watches carefully, claws digging into the sand for leverage, ready to pounce at a moment's notice, his long tail deceptively efficient at moving across sand. He sees a glint of silver as the human falls down on his back, scrambling back and kicking up sand as he grabs the dropped metal. He swips his hand and Jason winces- The smell of his mates blood kicking Salim's instincts into overdrive.
Salim lunches forward with gnashing teeth, claws easily piercing through the armourless skin of the human. He downs the man in seconds, tail snaking around and squeezing to keep him still, biting out chunks of whatever limb flails out to try and fruitlessly get Salim off him.
He doesn't know much on how the human body works, but years of hunting large predators has taught him that most things die if you squeeze them hard enough.
Salim looks away when Jason snarls, not letting go as he follows Jason gaze behind him. More humans approaching, holding black steel pointed at him.
There's a loud booming sound and a smoke smell before Salim feels a piercing burn in his pec, two others following that don't pierce but leave deep gashes across his chest. Salim holds on, baring teeth despite the heavy gushing of maroon blood from the one wound that burns inside his body- It feels like Jason described his experience accidentally injesting poison as a young mer, but it makes no sense, Salim's species is immune to poisons.
Eventually he has to drop the human, unsure if they're dead or not, he can't keep up the strength in his tail or arms as his upper body collapses sideways into the sand, soaking up a dangerous about of blood. His vision is fuzzy, using what remains of his strength to reach out for Jason- a thin vial with liquid hitting his forearm and jamming it's way through tuff scales slowly injects its contents and moments later he's out like a light.
Jason watches with horror as Salim completely goes limp, throwing every sign of aggression he can at the humans, bared teeth, flaired fins. He snarls and hisses as he drags himself over to Salim, getting into a protective position over his mate. His forearm had been sliced pretty bad by the silver weapon in the unconscious human's hand, but he's not going down until every last bastard that hurt Salim is dead- and if Salim dies, Jason will kill every human he ever lays his eyes on again.
He's not given the chance to, taking two of those vial things to the shoulder and collarbone, whatever the hell's in those things is potent because Jason can hardly blink a few heavy times after their injected before collapsing on top of Salim
Jason wakes up in a large space that smells off, in that there are no familiar scents of the ocean. The first thing he does is scramble over to Salim, checking him over carefully, his chest is wrapped up in some human cloth, stuck to his skin and Jason's afraid to take it off. He still smells blood on him but it's faint, his heartbeat and lungs are strong though, a great improvement from the beach. When enough time passes and he knows they're alone and Salim will live, Jason explores the area slowly and cautiously, not wanting to leave Salim too far when he’s still injured. He bumps hard into an unseen barrier multiple times, explores sand that's too clean, there are only small fish and snails- nothing sufficient to eat, especially for Salim who needs a lot more for his powerful tail.
What happened? Where the hell are they?
- They've been moved to an aquarium that specializes in rescuing, rehabilitating, and eventually releasing various marine life. This isn't the first time they've had a merfolk, but it's the first time an alive siren has ever been in human hands.
The scientists would be Clarice and Eric, Rachel and Nick would be security guards. Idk what I'd do with Dar, Joey, or Merwin yet?
Maybe I'd make Dar a belligerent/annoying reporter trying to get Jason and Salim put down for attacking the man on the beach or something because there's always someone who thinks it's the animals fault (even tho they were provoked) and it's unsafe for them to be released now they have 'a taste for human blood' or some bs... Anyone feel free to give ideas
(Add this to the ever growing list of stories to one day do after 'Twisted Love' 🙃)
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max-nico · 5 months
i saw your birthday fic and i loved your writing style!! what do you think tails favorite thing at the park would be? slides? swings? that tire thing? monkey bars?
Good question !! I think its the merry go round.
Firstly, imagine being spun by Sonic the Hedgehog on a merry go round? You might puke but it's gonna be the most fun thing in the world for that one minute.
Secondly, imagine being able to keep up with Sonic the Hedgehog, and being able to show off not only how fast but how strong you are in a low stress/low danger environment !!! Quickest way to make a friend is to show off how cool you are
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ultrabananapudding · 4 months
Ramble of Merman!AU // Violence, Gore ‼️
Merman AU in which there is a myth that the tears of a merman transforms into pearls and Fisherman!Dar decides to test out this theory with the recent capture of an adult and child mermen.
It is easy enough to make the child cry, barely had to break skin for his eyes to well up - but there was nothing but sand falling down his puffy cheeks.
The adult on the other hand, seeing the younger thing in such distress, was enough to squeeze out the shiny beads Dar was anticipating.
Upon discovering that the myth is indeed real, Dar proceeds to mutilate Merman!Zains tail in order to elicit a strong enough reaction from Merman!Salim to have him cry a stream of pearls.
Salim gets his revenge by tearing off Dars ear with his own set of sharp teeth, which causes enough of a commotion for Zain to flee. Of course, now Salim is stuck in his own personal hell where the human will try any and all methods to make the older merman cry.
The damage Zains tail has sustained in the aftermath of Dars torture leaves him unable to properly navigate in the water or fight against the waves.
When morning comes, in one of Jason's routine jogs, he finds the body of a child laying on the beach - with a tail for legs of all things - but nonetheless injured and needing of help.
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This entire thing is just my excuse to put Salim in the worst possible scenario ever, with Dar as the main perpetrator lmao
Salim gets to tear off Dars ear.... As a treat....
I just think the concept of "merman tears are actually pearls" is so cool !!!!
I feel bad for putting Zain in the crossfire here, but if there is one thing that would conceivably make Salim cry, it would be seeing his own son getting tortured.
Jason is once again here to save the day. He will nurse Zain back to health and in this AU, Eric (Marine biologist) and Nick (Vet) will be there to help out as well !!!
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Nina Martin, who is constantly looking over her shoulder. Nina Martin, who speaks in empty rooms. Nina Martin, who speaks in empty rooms as if she isn't the only one there. Nina Martin, who carefully chooses each piece of herself that she shares. Nina Martin, who reaches for Sarah's-her locket several times, only to remember that it isn't there. Nina Martin, who sits at a table and writes down her two years at Anubis House and reads each word and realizes not one person could possibly understand this. Nina Martin, staring at the stars and hoping that somewhere across the Atlantic, someone else is too.
The residents of Anubis House going about their lives, Sibuna remembering the mystery but not in fear or in danger, while Nina Martin can't stop running.
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non-cannon · 9 months
Me coming up with new ways to say something has an ancient Egyptian aesthetic, but isn't necessarily authentic ancient Egyptian (in less words) for fic reasons: Egyptian looking, Egyptianized, Egyptian style, Egyptian version, Egyptiany...
Egypt no longer looks like a word.
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illarian-rambling · 6 months
One of my friends just called Ivander the most "white suburban wine mom man ever" and I really can't argue with that
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queerdiazs · 4 months
tease tidbit tuesday 🫧
bet yall forgot i moonlight as a writer lmao
Buck, red-faced with his brows knit so close together they’re nearly one, snarls his lip in disgust. He doesn’t say anything and instead cups his palms around Abbie Jean’s elbows, pulling her carefully up out of the pool and passing her off to a paramedic. Once she’s wrapped in a blanket and shuttled off, he turns to stare back down at Eddie.  (Buck is so hot when he’s pissed off, holy shit.)  Eddie offers a smile. It isn’t received well.  Shaking his head, Buck reaches down and knots his hand in the front of Eddie’s t-shirt. He hauls Eddie all the way up and out of the water, and Eddie would be impressed and probably turned on if Buck didn’t look like he’s ready to tear the whole world apart. 
tagged by @loveyouanyway and @wikiangela, mwah
tagging @spagheddiediaz, @jeeyuns, @neverevan, @exhuastedpigeon, @actualalligator, @honestlydarkprincess, @rogerzsteven, @underwaterninja13, @devirnis, and @monsterrae1 if any of you have something you want to share!
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hoasens · 11 months
I'd love to hear more about ur Champa oc ! and her daughter ! (no pressure tho)
of course!!
- champa was known for being a seafaring nation, she traveled often and had a talent for shipbuilding, she controlled the spice and silk trade between south and esea asia, she’s an ambitious girl
- matrilineality and the role of woman are incredibly important in cham culture, the creation myth for the champ people has the goddess lady po nagar as the founder of the nation, hence why i made champa a woman
- she was briefly allies with vietnam as they had common enemy from mongol invasions
- champa wasn’t a centralized kingdom, it was made of different polities, she didn’t really “die” until the last polity was annexed by vietnam in the 19th century
- cham isn’t her only child, i think cham represents the group that live in current central and south vietnam as well as cambodia, which is where the majority of cham people live
- her other children are also spread through malaysia and hainan, i also don’t think the way familial ties within hetalia work the same as humans, i don’t think they were born in the typical way, i like the idea of cham and her siblings being born from sea foam as that’s in the creation myth
- cham was born around the 14th-18th century during the decline of the champa kingdom
- her people faced a lot of forced assimilation and genocide in the contemporary era, fortunately the culture and people are still flourishing to this day. though, persecution in the modern day hasn’t gone away completely
- on that note, i don’t feel too comfortable going super in depth with the oppression of the cham people in the context of original characters and hetalia, i have indigenous heritage from my grandparents on both sides but my family assimilated into the majority kinh ethnic group and i’m not connected to the cultures to really write about the indigenous experience, i only identify as vietnamese.
thank you so much for asking! i’ll eventually draw and make more content for these this mother and daughter duo
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myshiptrashcan · 5 months
First frame of a comic I'm doing
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Some notes on this picture I'd like to list out
Salim is taking up about 2/3 of the bed
Is hugging Jason's wing that partly covers him
Jason is on the edge of the bed (he doesn't mind)
Jason's booty and tail feathers are in fact off the bed and sleeps with one wing on the floor
Jason likes having one foot out the blanket.
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guys i am very stupid, because i never realized that the actual reason Eddie didn’t get taken as a Sinner when they threw him into the sarcophagus is because he had KT’s key on him. he wasn’t a good actor, he was a lucky bastard
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oblivious-troll · 4 months
Going to drop by here and say that I absolutely adore your Mermay entry with the Jalim snippet your wrote 🩷🩷
Now I gotta ask how you envisioned their first meeting went like ? How did they cross paths and how did such an unlikely romance between a merman and siren unfold ?
Thank you! I'm glad you like it ♥️ I might have gone a bit overboard with this answer, so bare with me, lol
I think they'd meet pretty simular to how they meet in the game, kind of forced to work together to survive and the longer they get to talking the more they tease and flirt until, oops! They're in love!
For different reasons they're both looking for a place to establish as their territory, Salim to settle down and live a peacefully secluded life when his old territory gets too filled with predators, Jason to get out of his old pod he doesn't want to spend the rest of his life with (Sirens are solo creatures once old enough to live on their own, until they mate and then they keep to just two and their young until they also grow up and leave. Merfolk are more pod oriented, usually in groups of 10-20, but solo merfolk aren't unheard of.)
They both come across this old ship wreck in a large cave, the perfect bit of territory to claim as a home. Neither know who got there first, bumping into each other not long after they get there- a short fight ensues but is cut short when a minor earthquake has the cave shaking and the entrance is blocked off when a chunk of rock is shook loose and falls.
The alliance is temporary and unstable at the beginning, both expecting the other to suddenly attack and that when they find another exit the territorial battle will continue. Maybe that was once the plan for both of them, but the environment has a way of interfering.
The cave goes deep, way deeper than either thought, and it's filled with octopus of various sizes, seeming to get bigger and more aggressive as they go down. Too many times are they grabbed by Giant Pacific Octopuses, Salim needing to take the brunt of them because he can withstand their toxic bites better than Jason- not immune like poison, but resistant enough to shrug off a good solid few. Not that Jason lets him take any bites, throwing himself back into the battle whenever a beak gets too close to Salim.
Distracted by the octopuses, it takes a while for them to notice that there's a lot of ship wrecks down here too... way too many with splintered wood suggesting they'd been dragged.
And at the center of it all, in the deepest pit of this hellish cave they've found themselves trapped in, lay a Kraken.
They thank Neptune that it sleeps, carefully maneuvering through the landmine of octopuses, unable to swim too high off the ground without disturbing the Kraken.
It's a mad dash at the end, jumped by an octopus that shreaks as Salim jabs in through with an old bar torn off a ship they'd passed earlier. Not such a stupid accessory after all when Salim had been fighting fine with his teeth, tail and claws up until now.
Jason's relived when they make it out of the Kraken's nest, turning around to laugh his stress and adrenaline off with Salim... but Salim's not there.
He doesn't hesitate a second, diving back into what has to be of the most dangerous place in the sea, swimming as fast as his tail will take him.
Salim’s in trouble, struggling to get multiple octopuses off him, claws chipped from overuse and too many scratches from strong beaks, suction cup cuts and bruises on the scaleless bits of his skin.
Jason’s helping Salim up just in time as a giant tentacle spears into the ground where his head had been, he keeps Salim's hand in his own as he dashes for the crevice too small for a Kraken- he's moving so fast he can't stop when he sees another tentacle of the now awake beast try to strike again, he just braces for impact and hopes Salim will make it.
A shriek louder than anything Jason's heard pierces the air and shakes their surrounds. He looks up to see the tentacle flail back, a distinct metal bar pierced through it. He gives Salim an incredulous look, and Salim's shit eating grin confirms it. The bastard speared it with the bar.
There's no time to think as they flee, hardly time to recuperate either as a bunch of octopuses try and follow them- they're lucky they find an exit on the other side of the vast cave only needing to kill a few more, but they have the advantage in the open and the blood of the octopuses lure out other sea creatures that thankfully aren't interested in either of them, seals the biggest help.
They don't part ways after this, continuing to search for a territory that will be best for both of them instead. And when they finally do, mating is the next step for them :)
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