#My Jersusalem
prettyyoungtragedy · 11 months
Free Palestine!
I was six…six years old when I was taught about Quds, shown the beautiful golden dome of Qubbat al-Sakhra, when I was taught about the beautiful olive farms, the welcoming people,about the richest and deepest history a land could have, the prophets that had walked this land, the people who stood against crusades and kept alive religion and peace in Masjid-al-Aqsa, the deep love and courage that is carved into the souls of palestinians for their land, when I learned to love Palestine like it was where my heart always belonged. 
I was eight when we painted flags and watched our parents shed tears over the loss of lives of our palestinian brothers and sisters. When they marched in solidarity and gathered communities together to donate to help our brothers and sisters in Gaza, Ramallah, Jenin, the West Bank, Nablus, Haifa…I was eight when I saw the blood of martyred Palestinians on a bloodied hospital floor and the media calling their resistance terrorism. 
I was ten and I sang From the River to the Sea, for my brothers and sisters in palestine. 
I was twelve and I made bracelets with my friends to sell and raise money to send to our brothers and sisters in Gaza. and I was twelve when they called people who looked like me and my family, terrorists. 
I was fourteen, and then sixteen and eighteen and twenty, and I still said FREE PALESTINE! When I cried when I saw photos of the elderly being abused at Al-Aqsa when they just wanted to speak to their creator in the house his holy prophets constructed in his remembrance. 
I was twenty two when I witnessed Israeli brutality in Gaza, in Ramallah, in Jersusalem. Persecuting the people of Palestine for simply being. Walls constructed to keep them in, bombs dropped on homes, children orphaned and still I cried Free Palestine but Palestine had a smile on its face. It’s people loved and lived and said: 
“حَسْبُنَا اللَّهُ وَنِعْمَ الْوَكِيلُ”,
“Sufficient for us is Allah, and [He is] the best Disposer of affairs.”
Then I was twenty four, and twenty six and we still cried Free Gaza, help the children of Palestine, free Palestine. 
And now I am almost thirty, and I am watching and my heart is crying, broken, my eyes have not been able to look at the world the same, I feel as if I am watching my own brothers and sisters die again and again. We are watching Palestinians die by the thousands, every video brings me to tears and i feel as if I cannot breathe, the sadness that has taken over me is a shadow when I compare it to the horrors the Palestinians are living at this very moment. We beg the world to see us as more than human animals, we beg the world to help Gaza and the children of Palestine. We have to convince you all we are humans, who deserve a chance to live, that this is immoral, we have to justify WHY we want the right to live? We are watching a genocide, children dead by the thousands and hospitals unable to cope with the death tolls and no one who wants to stand up to this oppressor but the Palestinians … The Palestinians' bravery and courage and absolute devotion to their faith is simply stunning. They repeat again and again “God is sufficient for us” and I feel as if I am the loser…they have such a love and fervor for their land and their faith that even in the face of death it isn't something worth giving up. 
And their love of Palestine has brought such unity around the world, that we all feel as if Palestine has been in our very souls from the beginning of time.  We are in the streets by the hundreds of thousands now, screaming FREE PALESTINE, and I am so filled with pride for their resilience that has driven us all. And Palestine will be free from the river to the sea, they will rise up again and every Palestinian child who left their heart in the beautiful lands of Al-Quds will get the chance to return and walk the land the prophets walked and sing in the fields their ancestors were forced to give up and they will be free.
As I grew older I began to realize, the saying Palestinians shouted with such fervor “By soul, by blood, we'll defend you oh al-Aqsa!” is the embodiment of Palestinian resistance and love for their homeland. And now I know love, dignity and courage were born in Palestine, a land that was created for peace but never saw a peaceful day. 
Free Palestine…
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onenicebugperday · 2 years
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@musclekittysenpai​ submitted: A rather dramatic scene I came across while walking.
Got any idea what the little reddish dude is? And is/was the potato bug laying eggs? This was found at Cal State Monterey Bay in Marina/Seaside California
Oh my! Dramatic indeed. Was the Jersusalem cricket (or potato bug, if you prefer) alive? Because it looks to me like it was partially squished and the eggs and possibly part of the insides came out. They lay their eggs in the soil so I don’t think it’s laying them there on purpose. The other fellow is a soil centipede, and seems to be taking advantage of the meal.
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vaticanblog · 2 years
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My Top Posts in 2022:
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Pope Benedict XVI prays at the Western Wall, Judaism's holiest prayer site, on May 12, 2009 in Jersusalem
49 notes - Posted February 9, 2022
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"Have no fear of moving into the unknown. Simply step out fearlessly knowing that I am with you, therefore no harm can befall you; all is very, very well. Do this in complete faith and confidence."
-Pope St. John Paul ll
71 notes - Posted June 29, 2022
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"It is when we attempt to avoid suffering by withdrawing from anything that might involve hurt, when we try to spare ourselves the effort and pain of pursuing truth, love, and goodness, that we drift into a life of emptiness, in which there may be almost no pain, but the dark sensation of meaninglessness and abandonment is all the greater."
-Pope Benedict XVI
123 notes - Posted February 25, 2022
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"Atheism is not the knowledge that God does not exist, but only the wish that he did not, in order that one could sin without reproach or exalt ones ego without challenge. The pillars upon which atheism mounts are sensuality and pride"
Venerable Fulton Sheen
219 notes - Posted January 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Hi all,
I hate asking people for prayers it makes me feel quite uncomfortable and awkward, but this past year has been very difficult for my father, he has kidney failure and is on dialysis and he is still struggling with getting used to working and being on dialysis. He has a doctors appointment soon and he is going to ask about his options for a kidney transplant, so I am asking for any sort of prayer for my father, and God willing he will be able to get one!
Thank you in advance and God bless ❤️🙏
223 notes - Posted June 16, 2022
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bhispro111 · 4 months
Event: Learning about Nebuchadnezzar II, King of Babylon
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This is my final event on my trip traveling through Babylon. And it is one that is highly important and that is learning about the King of Babylon Nebuchadnezzar II. It is revealed that Nebuchadnezzar is the greatest of the kings of Babylon (Harper,4). The Bible details his conquest of Jerusalem with saying “In the third year of the reign of King Jehoiakim of Judah, King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon came to Jerusalem and besieged it. The lord let king Jehoiakim of a Judah fall into his power, as well as some of the vessels of the house of God”(Daniel 1). The take away from that is the King of Judah fell and lost his power to the will of Nebuchadnezzar. Nebuchadnezzar’s father, Nabopolassar who ruled from 625-604BC, had made Babylon independent from Assyria in 625BC and founded the new Babylonian kingdom (Harper,4). It left his son to make Babylon a world power, through the carry out of many wars (Harper,4). This is shown in his conquest of overthrowing the King of Judah, Jehoiakim and taking Jersusalem. After conquoring Jerusalem he took the treasure and artifacts which told, “He brought to the land of Shinar, and place the vessels in the treasury of his gods”(Daniel 1). He made the statement of taking over various lands with “Under [Marduk’s] lofty protection, far off countries, far distant mountains, from the Upper sea to the Lower sea, steep ways, unopened roads, where passage was cut off……I traversed, and the unsubmissive I brought under submission, my enemies I took captive, I gave good rule to the land and made the people prosperous (Harper,4). Nebuchadnezzar said that he brought the people who was unsubmissive to submission with his power. The Bible says that this true with “Then the king commanded his palace master Ashpenaz to bring some of the Israelites of the royal family and the nobility, young men without physical def3xt and handsome, versed in every branh of wisdom……….and competent to serve in the king’s palace; they were taught the literature and language of the Chaldeans (Daniel 1). With this passage is giving Nebuchadnezzar credit with what he said about bring people who never had to bow to the might of any body like the Israelites royals and nobles, who now work under Nebuchadnezzar in his palace after he took over there homelands. As this is the end of my trip I learned a lot about Babylonian ways, that are the good, the neutral, and the bad. And I enjoyed just learning events that I did not know nothing about, but it is time to head home.
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bookoformon · 4 months
Ether 13: Introduction. "The New Jersusalem is You."
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Ether speaks of a New Jerusalem to be built in America by the seed of Joseph—He prophesies, is cast out, writes the Jaredite history, and foretells the destruction of the Jaredites—War rages over all the land.
1 And now I, Moroni, proceed to finish my record concerning the destruction of the people of whom I have been writing.
2 For behold, they rejected all the words of Ether; for he truly told them of all things, from the beginning of man; and that after the waters had receded from off the face of this land it became a choice land above all other lands, a chosen land of the Lord; wherefore the Lord would have that all men should serve him who dwell upon the face thereof;
3 And that it was the place of the New Jerusalem, which should come down out of heaven, and the holy sanctuary of the Lord.
4 Behold, Ether saw the days of Christ, and he spake concerning a New Jerusalem upon this land.
We knew the Civil War would destroy the country, also that we would rebuild it. President Lincoln must have planned to win, he had plans for Reconstruction that lasted around ten years. They are a model for how we could rebuild Israel, Russia, Iran and other troubled nations that are experiencing internal conflict.
The Reconstruction era lasted from 1865 to 1877, and its main focus was on bringing the southern states back into full political participation in the Union, guaranteeing rights to former slaves, and defining new relationships between African Americans and whites. 
"The US Army played a key role in Reconstruction, establishing a free labor economy in the South, protecting the legal rights of freedmen, and creating educational and religious institutions. The experiences of the Army in the first years of Reconstruction were foundational to its future experiences with military government, reconstruction, and stability operations."
The US Army itself, however says the effort failed due to the ability of the Nation to commit:
A large and rapid drawdown of forces hindered the Army’s ability to maintain order, a persistent insurgency developed against the enforcement of federal laws, especially with regard to civil rights, and opportunists from both the North and South spread corruption. The legacy of those later years of Reconstruction stayed with the South for many decades. However, the experiences of the Army in the first years of Reconstruction were foundational to its future experiences with military government, reconstruction, and stability operations in general-themes that persist to the present.
We made it into the present era somehow, not without a few bumps and scratches, i.e. the deaths of many black civil rights leaders an race riots, but Washington DC, as the script says became a New Jerusalem. Now it harbors freaks and fuckups that are not interested in anything but underage prostitution and abortions.
I have said it before, this is a choice land, and no one should forgive what the Republicans have done to it, and are trying to do to it again. The scripture says, "from the beginning of man; and that after the waters had receded from off the face of this land it became a choice land above all other lands, a chosen land of the Lord; wherefore the Lord would have that all men should serve him who dwell upon the face thereof..."
Yet there is still violence in the heart of America. And those fucking ships, planes, and men are not on the way to Ukraine to chase Russia away from it. We could do it. We could win. We could win the entire world back for itself.
But we are very confused about who we are, where we live and our purposes still. Joe Biden is still planning to debate that fool instead of killing him where he stands. This is disappointing.
The Values in Gematria are:
v. 1: And now I finish my record concerning the destruction of the people of whom I have been writing. The Value in Gematria is 6878, ו‎חזח‎‎, "and hazakh", "And what is right."
v. 2: They have rejected the Words. The Value in Gematria is 8018, חאֶפֶסאח‎ , hafesah, "they refuse to Passover."
v. 3:  And that it was the place of the New Jerusalem, which should come down out of heaven, and the holy sanctuary of the Lord. The Value in Gematria is 9122, טביב, taviv, "the 12 notes."
v. 4: Behold, Ether saw the days of Christ, and he spake concerning a New Jerusalem upon this land.
"Our noun εθνος (ethnos) means "nation" but with a very strong emphasis on the language that's spoken (rather than some arbitrary lines on a map, and an arbitrary capital were a gang of violent men collect taxes).
A "nation" is language basin: a non-centralized collective of people who speak the same language and exchange the same stories. This important word is used 165 times in the New Testament, SEE FULL CONCORDANCE.
Humans and chimps share 96% of their DNA. In the same way, the Body of Christ shares a very large portion of its doings, concerns and convictions, social networkery, buildings and finances, rules and administration, and expressions such as singing, dancing and artwork with pagans, pagan groups and pagan religions. And that is fine. To be human you need the same bones and muscles that you need to be a chimp.
The difference between humans and chimps comes nearly entirely from language (and genetically of course from the genes that modify body parts to support language), because the world literally becomes a wholly different place when you have words for the things around you, and you can exchange these words with others.
The difference between the Body of Christ and any pagan group of fellow humans is ελευθερια (eleutheria), or freedom-by-law, which is the freedom that comes from the mastery of the laws that make society possible (just like freedom of speech comes from adherence to the common laws of language, which in turn are an emergent property of society — hence the story of the Virgin birth; see our article on κερασ, keras, horn).
The Body of Christ is based on the fulfillment of law (GALATIANS 5:14, 2 CORINTHIANS 6:14), which results in the freedom that never violates this fulfilment of the law (2 CORINTHIANS 3:17, GALATIANS 5:1). In other words: neither frantically dancing and rolling around in ecstasy, nor being very quiet in a meditative state, neither having all sorts of feelings nor being stoically detached, are activities that come from the Holy Spirit, because the pagans do these things as well. From the Holy Spirit comes the freedom from being compelled to participate, or not.
The Holy Spirit gives the propriety and wisdom to do all these things when they are appropriate and the freedom to not when they are not."
The Value in Gematria is 5332, ה‎ג‎ג‎ב‎, the ggb, "you by the way."
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bonyassfish · 2 years
Utterly fascinated by the takes on Palestine you see from white non-Jewish Americans and Europeans. Here’s my perspective if you want it:
Israel is a settler-colonial state based on the displacement of Palestinians and privileged status of Jews. That’s just a fact. And a lot of early and current Zionist leaders said as much, and promoted racist policies or land thefts to push Palestinians out of their own homes. That’s all true.
However, for a lot of Jews who moved there or supported the state of Israel post ww2, it was less of a sense of Zionist politic and more a perceived existential need. In Europe, Jews were subject to a horrific genocide which wiped out approximately 2/3 of all European Jews. Following the establishment of the state of Israel, Jews living in North Africa and the Middle East (including some of the oldest Jewish communities in the world) were subject to discrimination, harassment, and accusations of dual loyalties. So while many Jews did indeed go to Israel with expressly Zionist intentions, many simply went because they didn’t really have anywhere else to go. 
The trick of the Zionist project is, and always has been, predicated on a genuine fear of antisemitism. If you were a Jew who’d managed to survive a genocide where most of the world either participated in your destruction or turned a blind eye to, Israel could seem like the only logical choice. If German Jews in the 1930s, arguably the most assimilated and nationalistically loyal group of Jews could become so hated by their non-Jewish countrymen, why not simply create a state of your own?
It’s not a logic I agree with at all, and it absolutely does not excuse the continued killing, displacement, and discrimination of the Palestinian people. But I understand the fear that led people to the Israeli state.
Even today, the concept of Israel as a state is still (at least partially) based on what’s called “negation of the diaspora” (שלילת הגלות in Hebrew). That the outside world will always be hostile to Jews, that Jews can never find a homeland outside of Israel, and that to be in diaspora is always a negative state. Israeli politicians regularly use this idea to try and encourage more diaspora Jews to migrate. In 2015, following a hostage siege on the Hypercacher kosher supermarket in Paris where 4 Jews were killed, the then-Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu encouraged French Jews to move to Israel and even pressured the families of the four victims to hold the funerals in Israel and have them buried in Jersusalem. 
To me, it’s a very defeatist attitude to take toward antisemitism. And it’s not borne out of any real concern for Jews living in France, or anywhere else in the diaspora. It’s a desperate need to have more Jews living in Israel so the balance of the state will have a Jewish majority. 
Further, “negation of the diaspora” is also based on negation of diaspora culture. In the early days of the state, Jewish immigrants were discouraged from using their own languages (Yiddish, Ladino, Judeo-Arabic) in favour of Hebrew. While many Holocaust survivors moved to Israel, they were often greeted with an Israeli sense of superiority, that Israeli-born Jews were strong where they were weak, would fight back while they were passive (this is simply not true, given the many uprisings and partisan fighters during the Holocaust, but I digress). The militaristic image Israel projects is, yes, meant to intimidate and promote violence towards Palestinians, but it’s as much a projection of insecurity.
As for non-Ashkenazi Jews, they were greeted with all kinds of racism and classism. Even today, Mizrahi Jews (Jews of Middle Eastern/North African descent) are subject to discrimination in many forms and have less wealth than Ashkenazis. In the earliest days of the Israeli state, over a thousand Yemenite Jewish children (most under the age of three) disappeared while in care of the Israeli state, most dying due to medical neglect or poor conditions. And despite Israel using the Beta Israel (also known as Ethiopian Jews) as a shield against accusations of racism, the community is subject to many forms of antiblack racism, from Beta Israel women being given Depo-Provera shots without their knowledge or consent, or a Beta Israel man being shot by a (white) Israeli police officer in 2015. These are just a few examples of intra-Jewish racism in Israel, but there are plenty more.
That all being said, I still find it upsetting and frustrating when you get people with no historical context assuming that every Israel migrant moved with colonialist, bloodthirsty intentions. I find it even more upsetting, and frankly ludicrous, when people say shit like “just send them back to Europe!”. Like, first off many Israeli Jews aren’t even from Europe. And secondly, there’s pretty good reasons why Israeli Jews who are from Europe have no desire to return. Get your head out of your ass. It’s especially strange to hear the latter take from white non-Jewish Americans/Canadians/Australians. Like my friend...YOU are living on a settler colonial state! And hearing white non-Jewish Brits talk about it is almost amusing. That Britain receives virtually no blame for their actions in the Middle East is so bizarre. Just google “British Mandate” if you’re curious.
So yeah. Israel is a settler-colonial state and Zionism is a policy predicated on the expulsion and removal of Palestinians, and the idea that Jews cannot have Jewish lives in diaspora. I despise both of these concepts. Palestinians are human being who have the same inherent right to safety and comfort, and it sickens me that we Jews, who know all too well what Nationalistic violence and displacement feels like, are inflicting it on others in the name of Jewish safety. 
The Jewish future is not Israel. It is not a state based on displacement and conformity, on violence and destruction, on cooperation with the same Western colonialist countries who either participated in the many attempts to destroy us or, at best, ignored it. I’m not sure what the future of the Jewish people is, but I believe it can only survive if we, instead of using the violence we have experienced to build a nationalist bunker, make common cause with other oppressed and marginalized groups and build a safe future for all of us.
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wickedpact · 3 years
How long do you think did it take for Yusuf and Nicolo to get together? Also how long till they stopped fighting/ killing each other? I don't really want an answer in canon (I think) but I'm curious about your opinion. I love the idea of them taking a long time to first become friends and only then starting to get together. I usually don't vibe with the idea of them stopping killing each other and falling straight in love. But yeah what do you think?
there is (sort of) a canon answer already, funnily enough (under cut for longe post)
according to this video joe and nicky Fell In Love before andy and quynh found them, and andy mentions in the comics being in involved in the baussenque wars in the 1150s to nile in passing. assuming that andy wouldnt be going ham in random wars if there were two new immortals floating about, it can be assumed andy and quynh found joenicky prior to 1150, thus they were lovers by 1150
re: killing, we see in the comics that joe and nicky killed each other in the siege of jersusalem, died, stayed dead until the battle was over and it was night, and then killed each other several more times in the dark. it is sunrise when they stop. that could theoretically happen over several nights, but according to gina they killed each other about 3-4 times, so it can be assumed they were only really killing each other for < 12 hours. (lmao @ nicky's 'many times' line. FOUR TIMES NICKY?? THATS NOT 'MANY')
both luca and gina, when talking about the enemies to lovers run, have both said something to the effect of 'joe and nicky stopped killing each other and immediately fell in love on the spot' (like you, i think thats a little dramatic, lol) but greg notably said once while talking about said enemies to lovers run that
I just really did like this idea of these two guys. I mean, imagine the fifth time you hit the guy in the head with a rock and spilled his brains — and he’s stuck you with a dagger in your carotid artery. And you both wake up and are still there. At a certain point, it’s just like, fuck it. This is clearly not working, so we’d better find another way to relate.
which really doesnt imply they fell in love from the get-go, or that they even necessarily liked each other from that point on, just that they wanted to 'relate'. which i do like.
regarding MY opinion on the subject................. i mean, i think it really could vary wildly depending on what story you want to write. i think a lot of 'how long they hated each other' or 'how long theyd be killing each other' comes down to stuff like... how traumatized were they by jerusalem? how good is their communication? how forgiving are they? how open minded are they?
and other situational stuff too. i mean, we know joe canonly isnt from jerusalem, so it would be a wildly different thing if he showed up two days before the siege and didn't know anyone who died in the battle vs. he'd lived there for years and watched nicky's comrades cut down his dear friends. also nicky's mental state, was he 24/7 brimming with religious hostility/superiority or was he already skeptical of the beliefs he was raised with & willing to change? depending on factors like that the story can be wildly different
ANOTHER thing that greg mentioned that can be (sort of) abt the subject is him indirectly touching on joe + forgiveness
Joe and Booker are shouting at each other at the lab... but Joe is the last person looking back when they leave Booker (...) and there's a nod between them. They have achieved something. In accepting this punishment, they can be friends again.
which to me, honestly, says joe can be quick to anger but also quick to forgiveness as well, which imo facilitates a story when they went from enemies to friends pretty quickly once joe realized a.) nicky is acting on beliefs he was raised with and b.) is willing to unlearn said beliefs
i, personally, am not a fan of the stories where the enemies -> friends -> lovers is a drawn out, angsty process bc honestly......... if i wanted to read a story abt Some White Guy with questionable at best politics guiltily angsting about hurting someone he loved (while aforementioned hurt loved one dotted away his tears) i could go.... anywhere, lmao. i dont find that aspect of nicky interesting and my soul withers for poor joe at the idea of him Having To Put Up With This Guy. so i like the idea of the enemies to friends bit passing by quickly, lmao. but of course that period doesnt have to be like that! and even if it is, it's still an interesting and valid period to explore. plus, ill admit the enemies -> friends development™ is usually very tasty
i Do however, have a lot of interest for the period of their lives where like.. there isnt any real hostility left between them, and theyre.. sort of friends! they would call each other friends! but they dont quite know each other very well despite being pretty devoted to one another, and theyre still figuring out how to effectively communicate. i like that period of ~exploration~ esp since they both probably wouldnt know much abt each other's cultures, and them just kind of figuring out what their relationship is (and where its going).
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hippography · 3 years
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Gen. Allenby leaving after the reading of the Proclamation [of Martial Law in Jersusalem], 1917.
Sir Edmund Allenby's Official Proclamation Following the Fall of Jerusalem, 9 December 1917
To the Inhabitants of Jerusalem the Blessed and the People Dwelling in Its Vicinity:
The defeat inflicted upon the Turks by the troops under my command has resulted in the occupation of your city by my forces.  I, therefore, here now proclaim it to be under martial law, under which form of administration it will remain so long as military considerations make necessary.
However, lest any of you be alarmed by reason of your experience at the hands of the enemy who has retired, I hereby inform you that it is my desire that every person pursue his lawful business without fear of interruption.
Furthermore, since your city is regarded with affection by the adherents of three of the great religions of mankind and its soil has been consecrated by the prayers and pilgrimages of multitudes of devout people of these three religions for many centuries, therefore, do I make it known to you that every sacred building, monument, holy spot, shrine, traditional site, endowment, pious bequest, or customary place of prayer of whatsoever form of the three religions will be maintained and protected according to the existing customs and beliefs of those to whose faith they are sacred.
Guardians have been established at Bethlehem and on Rachel's Tomb.  The tomb at Hebron has been placed under exclusive Moslem control.
The hereditary custodians at the gates of the Holy Sepulchre have been requested to take up their accustomed duties in remembrance of the magnanimous act of the Caliph Omar, who protected that church.
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bookkats · 2 years
Broken, A Prayer
Dear God I know Every time a denomination Breaks over justice issues: Like slavery, racism, women in ministry And the personhood of LGBTQIA siblings That you are crying big tears— Tears that say “Jerusalem O Jersusalem I long to snuggle you under my wings— Unified and beloved— And peck to death any who threaten you” Just kidding Jesus I added that last part, Based on what mother…
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antisemitism-eu · 6 years
Germany: Top German social democrat urges bank to end Israel boycott support
Via The Jersusalem Post (Benjamin Weinthal):
Michaela Engelmeier, a member of the executive board of the Social Democratic Party of Germany, demanded that the Bank for Social Economy stop providing accounts to groups that support the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions campaign against the Jewish state. “My opinion is that no one, no institution, no societal group, really no one should work together with BDS or hold accounts for these antisemitic groups,” Engelmeier wrote The Jerusalem Post on Thursday in connection with a query about the Bank for Social Economy’s enabling of BDS. The Cologne-based Bank for Social Economy is engulfed in an ever-widening anti-Israel scandal because of its defense of BDS groups which use accounts with the bank to launch economic warfare against the Jewish state. Engelmeier’s call for the bank to stop its BDS business is the first instance of a federal-level politician in Germany weighing in on the bank. The increase of pro-BDS activities in Germany prompted Felix Klein, the German government commissioner for the fight against anti-Semitism, to write in Die Welt last week that Frankfurt sent an important signal that it will not conduct business with banks that engage in BDS activities. Klein wrote that “the BDS movement is antisemitic in its methods and goals.” He added that BDS’s “Don’t buy!” stickers on products from the Jewish state are “methods from the Nazi period.”
read more The New Antisemite: https://ift.tt/2OGWpVe
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sundanzer · 4 years
"But I am captain of this chosen crew, With whom I oft have conquered, triumphed oft, Your lands and lineages long since I knew, Each knight obeys my rule, mild, easy, soft, I know each sword, each dart, each shaft I view, Although the quarrel fly in skies aloft, Whether the same of Ireland be, or France, And from what bow it comes, what hand perchance.               XIX "I ask an easy and a usual thing, As you have oft, this day, so win the field, Let zeal and honor be your virtue's sting, Your lives, my fame, Christ's faith defend and shield, To earth these Pagans slain and wounded bring, Tread on their necks, make them all die or yield, -- What need I more exhort you?  from your eyes I see how victory, how conquest flies."               XX Upon the captain, when his speech was done, It seemed a lamp and golden light down came, As from night's azure mantle oft doth run Or fall, a sliding star, or shining flame; But from the bosom of the burning sun Proceeded this, and garland-wise the same Godfredo's noble head encompassed round, And, as some thought, foreshowed he should be crowned.
Tasso, Jersusalem Liberated
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reginaslapdog · 7 years
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I made this a couple months ago and thought I'd share with the tumblrverse. It's a large brissle digital piece of the Palestinian flag. My people will be free and Jersusalem will remain the capital of our beautiful land! 🇵🇸
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didanawisgi · 7 years
Tau = Tula as Great Mother and much much moreAuthor: Joyeuse ()Date: April 21, 2005 03:00AMjust found that in my notes in checking something else as usual, lol. "DEFINITIONS: TAU The Greek alphabet. Esoteric Meaning: Ta, where; bottom, valley, abyss, etc. A T-square is an Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph for “Tau” which means “sacred gate” or “sacred opening”. Multiple Taus form a temple: for example “Stonehenge”. The Triple Tau is the symbol for the Temple of Jerusalem. Around the neck of Sirius, the “King of the Seven Stars” is the double tau, the “pi” symbol. From the tau hieroglyph in the Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead, it is clear that “Tau” means “holy or sacred gate or “holy or sacred opening”. The five- pointed star also denotes the word “sacred”. TAU CROSS The tau cross was shaped in the form of a “T” and is an ancient symbol of eternal life. The Druids venerated and made a tree sacred by etching into its bark a tau cross. Among Christians it is hailed as the “Cross of Saint Anthony”, since the saint was allegedly martyred on such a cross. The tau cross is also utilized in Freemasonry as one on its sacred symbols. TAU AS A PAGAN AND CHRISTIAN SYMBOL That which is now called the Christian cross was originally no Christian emblem at all, but was the Mystic Tau of the Chaldeans and the Egyptians—the true original form of the letter T, the initial of the name of Tammuz. It is the same as ancient Chaldee and is found on their coins. The Mystic Tau was marked in baptism on the foreheads of those initiated in the Mystery Schools. The Catholic priests make the sign of the cross on the foreheads of infants at baptism and it was used as a most sacred symbol. To identify Tammuz with the sun, it was joined with a circle of the sun; sometimes it was inserted in the circle. Whether the Maltese cross, which the Roman Bishops append to their names as a symbol of their Episcopal dignity, is the letter T, may be doubtful; but there seems no reason to doubt that the Maltese cross is an express symbol of the sun; for Lanyard found it as a sacred symbol in Nineveh in such a connection that it led him to identify it with the sun. The mystic Tau, as a symbol of great divinity, was called the sign of life. It was used as an amulet over the heart. It marked the official garments of the priests of Rome. It was borne by kings in their hands as a token of their dignity and divinely conferred authority. The Vestal virgins of Pagan Rome wore it suspended from their necklaces, as the nuns do now. The Egyptians did the same, as did many of the barbarous nations. It was worshipped in Mexico for ages before Roman Catholic missionaries set foot there. They were large stone crosses erected to the “gods of the rains”. The cross was the symbol of Bacchus, the Babylonian god, for he was represented with a headband of crosses. The cross of the Manicheans with leaves and flowers and fruit is called the divine tree, the tree of the gods, the tree of knowledge, and life. So the TAU was used by many ancient peoples and is still in use today as a sacred symbol. THE ANSATED CROSS, ANKH, OR TAU The ankh is an Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph signifying “life” a cross surmounted by a loop and known in Latin as a crux ansata (ansate, or handle-shaped cross). It is found in ancient tomb inscriptions, including those of the king Tutankhamen, and gods and pharaohs are often depicted holding it. The ankh forms part of hieroglyphs for such concepts as health and happiness. The form of the symbol suggests perhaps a sandal strap as its original meaning though it has been seen as representing a magical knot. It has been extensively used as the symbol of the Coptic Christian Church. One of the most widely recognized symbols sacred to the ancient Egyptians and often used as an amulet, this symbol is basically the T or Tau cross supporting a circular shape. It combines two symbols, the tau cross-‘life’, and the circle-‘eternity’, thus together ‘immortality’, and it is also the male and female symbols of the two principal Egyptian deities ‘Osirus’ and ‘Isis’. Thus we have the union of heaven and earth. THE TAU The Tau ‘T’ is the nineteenth letter of the Greek alphabet and in ancient times it was regarded as the symbol of life, and the eighth letter of the Greek alphabet, theta, was considered the symbol of death. Many say that these two symbols created today’s + and minus – symbols. The Tau is a very old form of the cross and is also known as St. Anthony’s Cross. The Hebrew form of the word Tau is pronounced ‘tov’ which means marking, etching or scrawl. In Pagan times a warrior returning honorably from battle would attach a T to his name. An ancient Roman Arch Lecture reveals that those acquitted of a crime or returning from battle could also use a T as a sign. In other words, The Tau cross was put on men to distinguish those who lamented sin or were brave in battle. In imitation of this, in the 26th degree of the Scottish Rite, a tau is put on the candidate’s forehead after the candidate has been purified with water to distinguish himself before proceeding. THE TRIPLE TAU It has been said that three taus come together to form the Triple Tau. Others say the Triple Tau is originally the coming together of a T and an H, forming Templum Hierosolyma, or the Temple of Jersusalem. Christians interpreted the symbol as “Holiness supporting Trinity”. Royal Arch Freemasonry records dating from 1767 show this symbol. In addition to meaning Templum Hierosolyma (The Temple of Jerusalem), it also is said to mean Calvis as Thesaurum- “ A key to the Treasure” –and Theca ubi respretiosa- “A place where the precious thing is concealed.” THE TAU-A FRANCISCAN CROSS The first recorded biblical reference to the TAU is from Ezekiel 9:4, “Go through the city of Jerusalem and put a TAU on the foreheads of those who grieve and lament over all the detestable things that are done in it.” The TAU is the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet and looks very much like the letter T. At the Fourth Lateran Council, on November 11, 1215, Pope Innocent III made reference to the TAU and quoted the above verse in reference to the profaning of the Holy Places by the Saracens. St. Francis was present and he heard these words of Pope Innocent III when he said, “The TAU has exactly the same form as the Cross on which our Lord was crucified on Calvary, and only those will be marked with this sign and will obtain mercy who have mortified their flesh and conformed their life to that to the Crucified savior. From Then on, the TAU became Francis’ own coat of arms. Francis used the TAU in his writings, painted in on the walls and doors of the places he stayed, and used it as his only signature on his writings. TULA: THE GREAT MOTHER William Henry wrote the following about TULA, The Center of the Milky Way Galaxy. TAU is an anagram within the word itself. “No matter where the word Tula appeared it represented the Great Mother. Her lore dominated the thinking of the ancients who believed our souls came from Tula and our mission on earth was to learn to return to Tula. Simultaneously, we were to turn the Earth, herself, into a Tula. Jesus called this the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. It is this awareness of the original concepts of Tula, including those of Jesus that we are now being asked to absorb. The Apocalyptic-minded believe we are being asked to learn the teachings that will place us in attunement or resonance with Tula in preparation for our return home. According to Greek myths, this heart of Tula beats and vibrations spread throughout the Galaxy. This Central Sun, TULA, is a fountain of healing energy, healing ‘waters’ or ‘living waters’. It is even considered to be the Holy Grail itself.” In the Egyptian Ceremony, “The Weighing of the Heart”, the scale used to weigh the heart is the SACRED TAU and the soul’s eternal destination was determined at this ceremony. The Tau represents balance in this ancient ritual. The TAU symbol also has a number of other meanings in physics, for example, the tau particle, the tau neutrino, and as a symbol for torque, etc. " complete article titled : The Sacred and Mysterious Tau (Missouri Mystery Mound) I skipped the parts specifically on the Missouri Mystery Mound you can read on the source link below if interested. [www.100megsfree4.com]
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christianmenatwork · 3 years
Lessons from Rocky-Selah49-CMAW139
  Lessons from Rocky (spoiler alert). I was 7 years old when both Rocky and Star Wars came out. We rarely went to the theater and this had some swearing so I didn’t see this in the theater but the VCR and ability to rent movies came out soon after that so I watched this movie along with all the sequels and actually Rocky 4 was the only movie for which I stood in line at midnight to see the premier. I would say that the Rocky, Star Wars and Indiana Jones franchises where the most impactful for me growing up in the 80’s and of the 3 I think the Rocky series has the most positive lessons we can glean especially as men. I recently took my youngest daughter to the biggest library in our area and while I was there I checked out the first Rocky movie. As a side note just telling my daughter about Rocky got me excited about it and After playing the main theme song “Gonna Fly Now”
Which she didn’t realize was from Rocky, I decided to look up trumpets on Craigslist and went and bought a used one. I haven’t played since college and I’ll going to pick it up again starting with learning the Rocky theme song.
Interesting facts about Rocky (turndowns, awards, success).
Put your work under Christ (2 main references, opening scene shows picture of Christ then pans down to Rocky in a boxing match, other when he makes a cross sign at the opening bell for his Championship match with Apollo Creed
Gentleness with your lady - Rocky and Adrian actually lived together during the latter part of the movie. We don’t know if they slept together or not. On the positive side Rocky is gentle and caring and encouraging toward Adrian, he compliments her, jokes with her but not in a sarcastic or critical way, he’s vulnerable with her sharing his feelings, and he apologized to her right away when he’s tired one evening and was a little short with her.  Also at his moment of semi-victory at the end going through distance with Apollo rather than basking in the limelight he only wants to see Adrian, tell her he loves her and share the moment with her.
Mentoring - great scene in beginning when he sees a teenage girl hanging out with the wrong crowd and acting poorly. He walks her home and gives her some words of wisdom. She actually disrespects him after his speech and it kind of adds to the sad stage set in the beginning where Rocky is feeling rejected and like a failure, but I Like to focus on the fact that he took the time to pour into a younger person as our lesson
Value and Respect Authority - when Micky came to offer and ask to be a Rocky’s manager he rejected him out of spite because how Micky had rejected Rocky but within moments apologized and agreed. He was wise not to train for the fight alone, recognizing the experience Micky had, and not letting pride prevent that choice
Work Hard - both a negative and positive lessons. He took the easy and immoral route acting as a tough guy debt collector for a loan shark, kind of Matthew from the Bible type. On the positive side his 5 weeks of hard work and training for The fight and his no quit attitude going the full 15 rounds with the Champ pain and exhaustion is one of the most vivid and inspiring examples of persistent hard work I can think of.
How to Not be a Bum - toward the end of the movie he tells his girlfriend that he doesn’t think he can win but if he can just go all 15 rounds he will have proven he’s not a bum. As Christians we need to realize we’re all bums to begin, meaning sinners but that the only way to lose that title is by accepting the free gift paid for by the blood of Jesus, not by anything we accomplish.
This week E is for end times.  I want to share with you video called "100% Proof of End Times " by TruthUnedited.  It's over 3 years old but everything that's happened since this video was produced only add to its arguments.
1 - Evil is now good
2 - United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
3 - Bitcoin and the Mark of the Beast
4 - One World Religion
5 - The Fight for Jersusalem and the Third Temple
6 - The U.S. Economy is Collapsing
7 - The Trade War and the Collapse of the U.S. Dollar
8 - The Wealthy are All Preparing for a Global Catastrophie
9 - The World is Desperate for New Leadership
10 - World on Edge for World War 3
  Proverbs 10:4 NKJV "He who has a slack hand becomes poor, But the hand of the diligent makes rich."
Ben Lacorte
Ask them "is that really what you believe?"
    H - John Shirey - Time Management
The ultimate goal is to glorify God in the things we do.
Check out this episode!
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Between The Testaments of Ancient History and Modern Society
I opened up the Holy Bible to Between the Testaments and learned of the First                 Jewish - Roman war between the Herodians and the Zealots. I started Diving into my eyes of scanning over whatever catches my eye and it was this “not written” but documented passages...Firstly, “The Talmud preserves the record of three hundred sixteen controversies between the schools of Hillel and Shammai. Tradition, in pharisaic thought, began as a commentary on the law but it was ultimately raised to the level of Law itself. To Justify this teaching it was maintained that the “oral law” was given by God to Moses on Mount Sinai along with the “ written law” or Torah. The ultimate in this development is reached when the Mishna states that oral law must be observed with greater stringency that the written law, because statutory law (I.e oral tradition) affects the life of the ordinary man more intimately than the more remote constitutional law ( the written torah )  - As in many worthy movements, the early piety of those who had separated themselves from impurity at great cost, was exchanged for an attitude to pride in the observance of legal precepts.      The Apocryphal Books   Why Prostestants Reject Them  While the Apocrypha was known to Jesus and His Disciples, they never quote from it as authoritative scripture, maybe.... they should’ve. The Book of 2 Esdras The Apocryphal is at its core.  A.D. 1546. At that time the following Apocryphal books were declared Canonical: Tobit, Judith, The Wisdom of Solomon, His resurrection, disciples still made their way to the temple at the hour of prayer.  Herodians vs zealots  Groups of Jews at the opposite ends of their faith brought opposites ends of the political spectrum. The Herodians Appear to have been jews of influence and stating who were well disposed to the herodian rule and, as a result, to the other hand, were super patriots who determined to resist Rome at all costs. Their Fanaticism brought on the war during which the army of Titus destroyed and its Jerusalem and its temple (A.D. 70).  
SO from here I looked up the First Jewish-Roman war 66-73CE and Gessius Florus gave the Herodians a Bad name, through his betrayal under the King and was collecting money everywhere in the midst of the Anti-taxation protests, He blackmailed the king with his son and the King and the roman officials fled Jerusalem. In the void, Cestius Gallus the legate of Syria and brought in military reinforcements because he was a Friend of Herod, so his empire came in to help the control of everyone simply to not fucking kill each other despite the first squadron of helpings and the saving of Jaffa - ( which is an ancient port city that the ancient Egyptian Queen Nefertari would send peace offerings and of new beginnings in the ancient times, Its cool, they saved Jaffa  .... BUT,  Gessius went on with the war that led in a 1st revolt of slaughter, they were all defeated by the Zealots Jewish Faction.. the main rebels force of action-orientated faith. So, leaders were being elected and Gessius didn't take anyone to replace him as Governor since he is a rare core of evil he needs to find his counterpart.  SO, 67.... A year after fleeing, through a note on a pigeons foot, Nero asked general Vespasian to appoint Titus, the Son of Nero to come back to unite some forces and King Herod’s forces and gain back control. They got a hold of Galiee and Forced the ZEALOT REBELS OUT THE FUCK BASICALLY            “the Romans launched a persistent campaign to eradicate rebel strongholds and punish the population. Within several months Vespasian and Titus took over the major Jewish strongholds of Galilee and finally overran Jodapatha, which was under the command of Yosef ben Matitiyahu, as well as subdued Tarichaea, which brought an end to the war in Galilee.” 
Between 67-68, THE ZEALOTS ESCAPED their fucking money greedy asses to jersusalem and created confrontation with the sadducees jerusalemites which led in a bloody physical spiritual warfare... and THEY even got more recruits from the idumeans. the Zealots killed all the citizens and normal people.. the idumeans went in and targeted the Herodian-era high priest and his disciples “Ananus ben Ananus.” Killed by the idumeans reinforcements alongside the Zealots factions. LOOK IT UP.. its not bolded in wikipedia. So Sadducees leaders invited Simon Bar Giora to help stand against the ZEALOTS... and so, we have ONE good force against the two factions of Zealots that formed cause of the fucking idumeans that came commanded by John of Giscala and Eleazar ben Simon, This kept going till 69.  In mid everything... My opinion is herodian-era was a good rule, and the subjects divided in half through an unknown royal court plotting fucked up betrayal of Gessius with the greed of money. I digress, 
During the lull in military operations the Zealots establishes walls in Jerusalem in 69 and Rome appointed Vespasian to govern Rome keep it cozy, while TITUS, went to jerusalem to besiege the core of this infested core of Zealots rebel resistance. Throughout a year Titus led the wall breeching escape and got into a stubborn aspect in the third wall, WHILE, that happened I'm sure the citizens were starting to just go along wit the new saviours in disguise cause they are either brainwashed or blackmailed... SO, the Zealots went and burn the whole cities food supplies which weakened their fucking forces......... and Titus army succeeding and Titus left for Rome in 71. Leaving a trustee to finish the rest, gain locational control back  from the jewish zealots strongholds of Herodium and Machaerus (WHICH 32 A.D John the Baptist was imprisoned and executed at), finalizing the Roman campaign in Masada in 73–74. AND THATS THE FIRST HOLY WAR CONCEPTUALIZED BY MAN, IN Ancient history The result,  The first Ancient historical Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed by the cover up murder of the high priest from the herodian-era Ananus Ben Anamus being killed by the idumeans and ZEALOTS Rebels. NOT, ..... Will continue the truth of the first temple’s high priest later. ancient origins is a lot of thinking.  
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tuseriesdetv · 7 years
Noticias de series de la semana: Otro despido
Despedido el creador de Fuller House
Warner ha despedido a Jeff Franklin, creador y showrunner de Fuller House. No ha sido acusado de acoso por ningún miembro del equipo, pero fue investigado a raíz de una carta en la que guionistas y otros trabajadores se quejaban de sus comentarios sobre su propia vida sexual o de que se llevaba a las citas al trabajo y a veces les ofrecía pequeños papeles.
Renovaciones de series
Amazon ha renovado Lore por una segunda temporada
Comedy Central ha renovado Corporate por una segunda temporada
Syfy ha renovado The Magicians por una cuarta temporada
Showcase ha renovado Travelers por una tercera temporada
Cancelaciones de series
FOX ha cancelado Wayward Pines tras su segunda temporada
BBC Three ha cancelado Murder in Successville tras su tercera temporada
Incorporaciones y fichajes de series
Clara Lago (Ocho apellidos vascos, Al final del túnel) protagonizará la dramedia Playing Dead, en fase de piloto para The CW, sobre una estafadora que pide a su ex (Tyler Ritter; The McCarthys, Arrow) que le ayude a fingir su muerte para huir de la mafia. Les acompaña Luke Youngblood (Galavant, Community).
Jessica Alba (Fantastic Four, Sin City) protagonizará el spin-off de Bad Boys junto a Gabrielle Union. Será Nancy McKenna, compañera en la policía de Los Ángeles de Syd Burnett (Union).
Gina Rodriguez (Jane the Virgin) será la novia de Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) en la quinta temporada de Brooklyn Nine-Nine.
Josh Stewart (Shooter, Dirt), Floriana Lima (Supergirl, The Family) y Giorgia Whigham (Scream, 13 Reasons Why) se unen a la segunda temporada de The Punisher. Serán Josh Pilgrim, la psicoterapeuta Krista Dubois y Amy Bendix.
Adam Scott (Ed), Iain Armitage (Ziggy), James Tupper (Nathan) y Jeffrey Nordling (Gordon) también estarán en la segunda temporada de Big Little Lies.
Bebe Neuwirth retomará su papel de juez Claudia Friend (The Good Wife) en la segunda temporada de The Good Fight.
Maya Thurman-Hawke (Little Women) se une como regular a la tercera temporada de Stranger Things. Será Robin, una joven aburrida de la rutina que busca algo de emoción en su vida y, sin duda, lo encuentra.
Betty Gabriel (Westworld, Get Out) se une como recurrente a la segunda temporada de Counterpart. Será Naya Temple, antigua agente del FBI recientemente contratada por la oficina.
Denis Leary (Sex&Drugs&Rock&Roll, Rescue Me) será recurrente como Billy, el padre de Deran (Jake Weary), en la tercera temporada de Animal Kingdom.
Elena Kampouris (American Odyssey, My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2) protagonizará Sacred Lies. Será Minnow Bly, una joven sin manos que escapa de una secta. Kevin Carroll (The Leftovers, The Catch) será el doctor Wilson, psicólogo forense. Kiana Madeira y Ryan Robbins (The Killing, Arrow) serán la compañera en detención juvenil y el padre de Minnow.
Brett Tucker (The Americans, Mistresses) participará en varios episodios de Station 19. Se desconocen detalles.
Olivia Sandoval (Fargo, Medium) participará en varios episodios de For The People interpretando a Celia Chavez, asistente judicial.
Amanda Payton (Animal Kingdom) se une como regular a la segunda temporada de Trial & Error.
Mercedes Mason (Fear The Walking Dead) será la capitana Zoe Andersen en The Rookie.
Lorenza Izzo (Feed the Beast) será recurrente en la cuarta y última temporada de Casual como Tathiana, una amiga que Laura (Tara Lynne Barr) hizo viajando.
Dawn Olivieri (Heroes, House of Lies) será recurrente en SEAL Team como Amy Nelson, nuevo interés amoroso de Jason (David Boreanaz).
Patti LaBelle (American Horror Story, Daytime Divas) será recurrente en la tercera temporada de Greenleaf como Maxine Patterson, amiga de la universidad de Mae (Lynn Whitfield).
Emma Appleton (Clique) y Luke Treadaway (Fortitude) protagonizarán Jersusalem. Serán Feef Symonds, una joven que acepta espiar a su propio gobierno para los americanos en 1945, y su amante americano.
Mamadou Athie (The Get Down, The Detour) y Kelly Marie Tran (Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi) se unen a la dramedia de Facebook Watch protagonizada Elizabeth Olsen, que se titulará Sorry For Your Loss.
Chosen Jacobs (It, Hawaii Five-0) será recurrente en Castle Rock como Wendell Deaver, hijo de Henry (Andre Holland).
Joy Bryant (Parenthood) será recurrente en la cuarta temporada de Ballers como una exitosa abogada y madre de una futura estrella del fútbol.
Gabriel Chavarria (East Los High) y Jessica Garza (Six) protagonizarán Purge. Serán dos hermanos, él marine y ella miembro de una secta.
Laine Neil será recurrente en Strange Angel como Patty, medio hermana de Susan (Bella Heathcote).
Faith Ford (Corky), Joe Regalbuto (Frank) y Grant Shaud (Miles) también volverán al revival de Murphy Brown.
John Magaro (Crisis in Six Scenes, Orange Is the New Black) se une como regular a The Umbrella Academy. Será Leonard Peabody, interés amoroso de Vanya (Ellen Page).
Rhyon Nicole Brown (Lincoln Heights) y Porscha Coleman serán recurrentes en la cuarta temporada de Empire como la hija de Poundcake (Da'Vine Joy Randolph) y la prima de Porsha (Ta'Rhonda Jones).
Pósters de series
    Nuevas series
Sarah Wayne Callies (Prison Break, The Walking Dead), Shawn Doyle (The Expanse, Big Love), Camille Sullivan (The Disappearance, The Man in the High Castle) y Michael Shanks (Saving Hope, Stargate SG-1) protagonizarán Unspeakable, miniserie de CBC y SundanceTV  sobre la llegada del VIH y la hepatitis C a Canadá en los años ochenta. Creada por Robert C. Cooper (Stargate: Atlantis, Dirk Gently) y basada en los libros 'Bad Blood' de Vic Parsons y 'The Gift of Death' de Andre Picard.
Luz verde directa en Apple a diez episodios de un thriller psicológico escrito por Tony Basgallop (Berlin Station, 24: Live Another Day) y producido por M. Night Shyamalan (The Village, Unbreakable). Se desconocen detalles de la trama.
Reese Witherspoon (Big Little Lies) y Kerry Washington (Scandal) protagonizarán y producirán una miniserie adaptación de Little Fires Everywhere, la novela de Celeste Ng sobre un pueblo dividido tras la adopción de una niña china. Escribe Liz Tigelaar (Casual, Bates Motel).
BBC Studios prepara The Watch (seis episodios), basada en la saga de novelas Discworld de Terry Pratchett. Adaptación escrita por Simon Allen (The Musketeers).
Netflix ha encargado Jinn, su primera serie árabe. Es un thriller sobrenatural sobre un grupo de adolescentes que deben detener a una figura espiritual, que se les ha aparecido en Petra, antes de que destruya el mundo. Seis episodios.
Fechas de series
La segunda temporada de Ransom se estrena en Global el 7 de abril
La novena temporada de Archer llega a FXX el 25 de abril
Tráilers de series
Cloak & Dagger
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