#My bbies
asfodelle · 1 month
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neanmoins-que · 7 months
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ebechnasheim · 4 months
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They look so happy, I love them with all my heart | source
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rebouks · 1 month
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Jacob: I didn’t really see him that much anyway, y’know? Like he wasn’t a dad dad to me. Jude: It’s alright for you then. Jacob: At least you get to stay at Robin’s now, it’s like a sleepover every weekend! Jude: I guess-.. everything’s still weird though. [Jacob shrugged, unsure what else to say; he didn’t understand grownups any more than Jude did] Jude: I can’t believe dad n’ Pixie got to go on holiday without me. Jacob: Aren’t you going somewhere with your mom n’ Gavin in the summer holidays? Jude: I’d rather stay with dad then be bribed by my stupid soon to be step-dad… Jacob: Don’t tell her that. [Robin sighed, bored of his friends talking about grownups and their nonsense; there was enough of that at home without Jude and Jacob banging on about it all day as well. He almost felt grateful as Levi strode towards them, at least he’d change the subject] Levi: Any of you losers got a date for the dance yet? Jude: Not yet… Jacob: Who cares? Levi: I might ask Juniper later. Jude: You can’t! Levi: Oooh, why not? Jude: I mean-.. you could, but she wouldn’t say yes. Levi: Guess we’ll find out-.. what about you, Mutey? You could give someone a note or something, right? [Robin said nothing, much to Levi’s chagrin, eventually forcing him to continue without a response] Levi: Well.. three girls have asked me already, so you better hurry up or I’ll steal ‘em all. Jacob: [snorts] Like anyone would wanna go with you. Levi: I bet your mom would. Jacob: Which one? Levi: What? Teacher: C’mon, boys.. the bell rang five minutes ago. [Levi tensed slightly as Jude and Jacob wandered off, leaving him alone with Robin] Levi: Are you deaf as well? [Robin remained silent but passive, fascinated by Levi’s contradicting and tumultuous thoughts] Levi: I’m not actually gonna ask Juniper, I know she’s your cousin… [Robin shrugged; it wasn’t his business who Levi asked to some lame dance-.. Jacob was right anyway, who cared?] Levi: But if I did, she’d say yes. [Robin squinted; he wasn’t so sure about that] Levi: [scoffs] You’re creepy as hell, d’you know that? Always staring at people-.. such a weirdo. Teacher: Chop, chop, boys!
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anne-phibia-fan · 4 months
I'm sorry......
I have a confession.....
I can't contain it anymore-
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theebunnyfawn · 1 month
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I wish I had their sass and attitude sometimes 💕
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justafriendlyhuman · 1 year
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The Yugi twins without trauma (imagine lol)
inspired by this piece of official art:
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eatingyarn · 9 months
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annieanonymous1 · 2 months
Need to eat
Need Megaop content
Need TF One content
Want ANGST but don wanna hurt lil Orion and D
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today we have wolfstar being soft and addicted to nicotine xx
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momochimchim · 6 months
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frightfowl · 7 months
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is this late for halloween or early for winter HM HM HMMM
thinking i've finally nailed down his design to a point that i'm happy with!!
some funfacts about sir Ice Geist:
can and will float around and taunt
he's got a slight stutter
the 'flame' around his horn is extremely cold! may cause frostbite, no touchy
doesn't bleed, but can crack or melt
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MAG 88 - Dig
doodle 88/200; days left 12/110
Bonus I: with hands :DD
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Bonus II: Telling ants to dig (spoiler: it worked)
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ebechnasheim · 4 months
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I really love these guys | source
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beansthough · 1 year
Ch.6 {Blind as a Bat, Sneaky as a Snake}
Cw/Tw: fear, fear of discovery, fear of death, v0re mention, injury, hurt character
Wilbur groaned as he woke up with the worst headache of his life. He struggled to get out of bed when Techno called for breakfast.
It had been a couple of weeks since the incident. He hadn’t been sleeping the best and he had been staying out late. The Drider from the cave was the star in many of his bad dreams of late and sometimes even Tommy, but Wilbur knew that was just his instincts in the back of his brain. He and Tommy and grown back together the way they were before, or perhaps even closer now.
And if any fears of the naga remained after the dream, they would be disintegrated into dust the moment Wilbur went to visit Tommy for the day. However, the more Wilbur stayed away from home, his twin seemed to be growing more and more agitated with him being gone.
So what if he skipped a few of his chores to be with Tommy longer? And yeah he guesses he has missed a couple of dinners with the family by staying out pass dark, but he didn’t miss that many...
Wilbur let out a sigh of defeat. He knows he’s driving his family nuts. He knows that they only worry for him because they care. He’s probably been driving their familial instincts insane. Wilbur could only imagine his poor father when he didn’t return when expected.
His brother began to question him more, hating that he was making their father worried. But Wilbur reassured him that everything was fine, and it was.
Until Wilbur found Techno following him to the clearing.
He had just started to travel over when he heard to familiar heavy footsteps behind him. Anyone other person would probably not have heard a thing, but when you’ve lived with the leader of the guard everyday of your life, you unconsciously learn your brother’s footsteps.
Instead of heading to the clearing, Wilbur changed his course and began gathering nuts and seeds in his satchel. After about ten minutes he felt his brother’s presence leave him.
Wilbur found he had a new fear.
The guard wasn’t ever Wilbur’s favorite topic. His brother always wanted him to join but he always declined. He had much better ways to spend his day that didn’t involve training all day.
But this wasn’t about something so simple as Wilbur joining. It was much worse.
Wilbur’s worst nightmares were about the guard. But specifically it was about them finding Tommy.
Wilbur let out a long sigh and he opened his bedroom door, shaking the thoughts from his mind. He stumbled into the Kitchen and sat down in his chair.
As he swallowed his breakfast he noticed his sore throat. He let out a cough and his head pounded harder. He laid his head down absorbed in his own misery.
His father clearing his throat brought him back to reality. He hadn’t even noticed that his dad and Techno were eve there.
“Mate, are you feeling alright?” His father's concern was leaking out of his very being.
He sniffled and nodded his head. “Yeah, I’m fine.” He slurred.
Techno let out a disbelieving grunt and gave a look to Phil.
“I’m not so sure mate...” Phil walked over and felt his son’s head. Wilbur leaned into the cool touch.
“I think you need to rest today, Wil.” Wilbur let out a hum of acknowledgement. He did need to rest but he could do that with Tommy.
“I’m sure I’m fine.” Wilbur mumbled as his abruptly stood up, only to lose his balance and fall into his father’s awaiting arms.
“Alright Mate, back to bed. You need to stay home today.” Phil handed Wilbur to Techno and his twin carried him back to his room and laid him down on his soft blankets.
His father immediately hovering over him like the protective bird he was. Caring for his fever and sore throat. Maybe he did need to stay home today. He didn’t want to get Tommy sick after all.
He would have to apologize to the snake later, for now he slept in the warm caring embrace of his family.
Ranboo always loved to go on a nice flight and stretch his wings. What he didn’t like was making a wrong turn here and there and ending up lost.
He wasn’t great with directions. He had always had a bad memory with these kinds of things. He knew of and has been to the many places of the forest like the creek and mushroom grove many times before, but he’s usually with other people.
It’s also not his fault that his eyesight wasn’t the best. He was more nearsighted than most, but that was just one of the many challenges of being a bat hybrid. But maybe he should try to improve on his skill of echolocation, or remember to wear his glasses. Tubbo had made them just for him, but like most things Ranboo forgets them.
He’s gotten lost before, but he always makes it home in the end. If his echolocating doesn’t do the trick, the many tiny signs pointing to the village will eventually lead him there. It’s just frustrating to be having fun one minute and find that your completely lost the next. Then to spend the next couple of hours to find his way back.
They knew they should of waited tell tomorrow. Tubbo would’ve been free to come with him instead of working on his latest project. But the itch in Ranboo’s wings only grew and he fell to his urge to fly.
So here he was in a random clearing in the woods. There was nothing that special about it from what he could tell. Just a few stones and mushrooms here and there. The rest was a thick blanket of moss and grass. Tree limbs stretched just far enough over to cover just the right amount of sun from the floor below.
One word came to mind as he looked at his slightly blurry setting. Peaceful.
Ranboo sighed and sat down on a mossy stone to rest. He supposed there could be worst places to get lost.
They were startled out of their peace when one of the branches above gave out a loud creek.
He looked up to the tree tops above and gasped. It appeared to be a bundle of white flowers. One’s that grow from pear trees. Ranboo’s stomach rumbled from the realization.
Even if they couldn’t find and ripe fruit to eat, the nectar would be a delicious snack.
Ranboo stretched his wings wide and took off towards the white blob. Their suspensions were found correct as he landed gracefully on the branch and dove his face directly into the delicate flowers.
He didn’t notice the prying eyes just a little further up above.
Tommy was throughly disappointed. Wilbur didn’t show up today. While this wasn’t the first time he’s missed a day, it still made Tommy miss his brother.
A couple of hours had passed when Wilbur would’ve usually arrived when he heard movement on the forest floor. Had he just come late?
His heart leapt in excitement. He hid his scales in the shade of the branches of an old pear tree. He carefully watched the ground of the clearing, getting into pounce position.
He barely had time to hold himself back from dropping out of the tree. Instead of the mouse who he had grown so familiar with, it was instead a bat.
Tommy immediately shrunk back higher in the tree, keeping still and flat against the branches. But he couldn’t help but get a peak at the creature before him.
He had seen him around the forest before. Only this time he was on his own. No Bee hybrid or even the moth or the shrew.
No one but Wilbur had been to this area of the forest before. It made Tommy a little nervous.
He watched the little black and white figure wander around for a short while before he sat and rested on a stone.
He liked to watch this one occasionally. He was quiet while he was in his group, and always loomed behind them in the back ground. But they also were quick to throw in a witty joke or give anyone a helping hand.
But the question still remained… Why was he here?
Tommy leaned further forward to try and get a better look when suddenly the branch groaned under his shifting weight.
The little bat looked up and let out a loud gasp. Tommy’s heart stopped.
He ducked back behind the leaves his mind going a mile a minute.
Did they see him?
He heard the small flutter of wings coming his way.
Wait. That wasn’t right… shouldn’t they be flying away?
Tommy slowly peaked over the limb once more to see the bat face first in a bundle of white flowers. He had no idea how they didn’t see him.
The naga stayed still for awhile, content to watch the bat enjoy his meal, but his curiosity soon got the better of him.
And Tommy was rather lonely without his brother around…
“Hey you…” Tommy whispered out. The bat jumped up looking around. The naga stayed out of sight.
“Me?” The bat questioned. Still looking around squinting his eyes.
“Yeah… Do you like the flowers?” The naga didn’t have much practice in conversation with anyone who wasn’t Wilbur. His nervousness for even talking to the bat didn’t help either.
“Uh, yes I do.” The winged hybrid replied. He made a panicked face and nervously looked around once more. “These aren’t your flowers I hope… I’m sorry if they are.”
Tommy couldn’t help but laugh at that. His flowers? If anything they were the lady of the forest’s flowers. Not his.
And Tommy didn’t think that she cared if the bat ate from the flowers. If anything it was encouraged. Her forest was meant to protect and provide.
“No, those aren’t my flowers.” The child laughed. The little hybrid seemed a bit relieved, but a light blush covered the smaller’s cheeks.
“Well sorry anyways.” The bat kept his gaze to the branch below with a nervous smile, wringing is clawed hands together, his wings creating a makeshift safety blanket.
Tommy took this time to really analyze the bat hybrids features. They looked to be about the same age as Tommy, black and white wings attached to either arm, and large pointy ears nestled in with their fluffy two toned hair. If Tommy really focused on his face he could see the slightest glimpse of two little fangs poking over their bottom lip.
Tommy brightened at that last detail. They matched.
“I’m Tommy!” He introduced himself. “What’s your name?”
“I’m Ranboo…” Ranboo looked up once more and looked around. “Uh I’m sorry, I don’t have the best eyesight… Where are you?”
“I’m around…” Is all the same supplied. Ranboo let out a snort.
“That’s not a very good answer.” They laughed. “Well a big man like myself likes his privacy! Unlike someone like you, Ranboob…” Tommy faked annoyance.
Ranboo let out an unamused squawk at the poor nickname. “That’s not my name.” He shook his head with disappointment. “That wasn’t even that good!” They groaned.
“Ha! That good! That proves that it was at least a little good!” The naga bragged out with a smug grin.
Ranboo let out a chittering laugh. Tommy beamed in his amusement. After their laughter died down Ranboo asked a question.
“What are you even doing out here? Are you looking for the village?” Tommy looked down at the bat who was happily eating from the flowers again. Tommy was terrible at lying.
But he didn’t have to lie… he could just be vague.
“I was just waiting for a friend, but I don’t think he’s coming today. And uh I don’t love in the village, I live out here.”
Ranboo quieted at that. “You live on your own out here?”
The disembodied voice let out a sad laugh, “Yeah, but I’m a big man I can take care of myself.” Ranboo didn’t like that one bit, he sounded far to young to be on his own. Ranboo knew from experience.
“You could come live in the village with us!” They suggested. “We’re very welcoming to outsiders!”
Voice or Tommy didn’t have a reply. Ranboo sat the in awkward silence, letting it surround him.
“Who’s your friend?” He quickly changed the subject. With that simple question the air around them seemed to brighten again.
“Oh he’s the greatest! He visits me almost everyday! He basically my older brother at this point.” Tommy boasted.
“Basically?” The bat questioned with a smile. “Oh yeah, more like definitely. He’s helped me out so much, he comes up with cool games to play, and he keeps me safe!”
Ranboo couldn’t help his curiosity he had to ask. “Do you mind me asking his name?” Tommy seemed to paused at that. As if thinking it over in his head before telling them.
“I’ll tell you as long as you promise not to tell anyone that you and I met, or that me and him met…” Tommy paused again before quickly adding on, “You also can’t tell him that we’ve met.”
That made Ranboo more confused than he already was. He supposed he could keep a secret for Tommy’s sake. “I promise.”
“Ah… okay…” Tommy hesitated a little longer before finally letting it spill. “His name is Wilbur. He’s the greatest!” He said with the upmost pride.
Wilbur. Ranboo knew Wilbur well. They even hang out on occasion. He even used to babysit over Ranboo when they were younger. So why would Tommy want to keep them meeting a secret?
“I know him! We basically grew up together.” The bat answered honestly. “He help watch me after the village took me in.” He smiled fondly at the memories.
“That’s so cool you know Will!” Tommy squeaked with joy. “Isn’t he the greatest! He has like the best songs in the whole world.”
Ranboo let out a chuckle and shook his head. “ I don’t know if I would say all that to his face. It might all go to his head and it’ll get so big he wouldn’t be able to function.”
Tommy made several noises of agreement before speaking again. “Of course I wouldn’t! Well maybe about his songs and other stuff, but you’re right he is an absolute arse when he gets full of himself sometimes.” Tommy joked.
The two young hybrids fell in to a fit of giggles, mocking Wilbur’s voice in various ways of him saying that he was the best.
The two joked around and talked of the many things that interested them or that they enjoyed. Tommy’s subject mainly being about Wilbur, and Ranboo’s being about his friends back at the village. Ranboo eventually coming clean with some embarrassment that he was lost and Tommy laughing all the while but gave him directions back.
So far everything was going perfectly. Tommy was so proud. This could be one of his first real friends. They got along great and they enjoyed one another’s company. That was proven by Tommy telling them the way back, and them staying content where they were, relaxing with their back on the trunk of the tree.
Everything was fine… until it wasn’t.
Perhaps, Tommy got a little too relaxed. He should of had his eyes on the bat the whole time, but he just got so comfortable. He supposed it wouldn’t hurt to rest his eyes for a little bit it.
It did.
On the branch below the bat hybrid started to explore his surroundings more. All the while talking to Tommy about the trouble he and his friend Tubbo got up to last week. Tommy mumbling a tired response every now and then.
Perhaps, if he wasn’t so relaxed he would have felt the end of his tail fall to the branch below and start to subconsciously wrap around it.
Tommy sighed happily in the peaceful quiet of the afternoon….
“Ran, are you alright?” Tommy asked a little worried. There was no response.
“Ranboo?” Tommy peaked back over the branch and froze. He had broken one of Wilbur’s rules.
Ranboo grew a little restless after sitting and talking to his new friend Tommy for so long, so he decided to explore during their conversation.
For whatever reason Tommy wanted to stay out of sight. Ranboo understood that. He liked his own privacy and was rather shy when meeting new people too.
Ranboo walked a long the branch looking at the many different pattens of the bark. His head snapped up at the blurry sight of movement in the corner of his eye.
It was a bright red blob of something. At first they thought it was just a vine, one that would grow in trees to reach the sunlight better. But something was off…
He didn’t know of any species of plant that grew from a red vine, or at least not one as vibrant as this. He decided to approach it closer, in the back of his mind he vaguely realized he trailed off of conversation about Tubbo setting Niki’s kitchen on fire last week.
He stared silently as his mind tried to process what was before him. It was patterned, almost like the scales of a fish. He reached out to touch it and found that it was surprisingly warm.
They shifted underneath his touch.
Alarm bell blared in his head as stood frozen in place with a instinctual fear. They slowly craned their neck upwards, following the path of what now could only be a tail.
The thick branch above covered the head of the beast. Maybe it didn’t know he was here yet. He needed to warn Tommy, but the words died down in his throat at the thought of alerting the snake to his presence.
“Ran, are you alright?”
Ranboo suddenly realized that Tommy’s voice was coming from up above. His mind felt like it was about to break. This couldn’t be happening.
All their suspicious were found to be correct as a red scaled face with split pupils and fangs met his own. All color drained his face as fear completely seized his mind.
He couldn’t even run, frozen in place like a Statue. He supposed that made the Naga gazing down on him Medusa.
They would have laughed at their comparison if they weren’t down right terrified.
“I’m-” That’s all Ranboo needed to be pulled out of his trance. He raised his wings and shot away from the Naga. Barely avoiding branches and limbs in his path. He glanced behind him to see the beast coming after him. His head snapped forward once again only for his left winged arm to hit a broken branch.
White hot pain seared through his shoulder and he took a gasping breath with a pained noise. He felt himself start to plummet out of the sky to the ground below.
Warmth suddenly surrounded him and he was pulled back up into the tree. A wave of nausea ran through him as he realized he was trapped between to clawed hands.
This was it.
“Oh gods, Oh gods, are you alright!?”
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry! I shouldn’t of even talked to you, oh gods, Wilbur’s gonna kill me!”
Ranboo was suddenly laid down on a remaining flat platform from an old broken branch. They yelped as clawed hands immediately came after them again. Tears sprung in their eyes. The Naga’s claws takes back.
“No, no , no… It’s okay! Big man Tommy’s not gonna hurt you! I promise I-” The beast cut himself off with loud sobs.
Ranboo didn’t know what to. He sat trembling with his hurt wing held to his chest. This was the first time that Ranboo had ever been this close to a giant hybrid. It was a little overwhelming and down right terrifying.
Their mind couldn’t help but flash bad to the stories their Mothers told them when they were younger. But… He hadn’t done anything to hurt him. Technically…It was Ranboo who had flown into the tree. Also didn’t he just have a conversation with him for half the day? Ranboo might have overreacted just a bit…
Okay, maybe not, Naga’s are quite literally seen as the most deadliest outcome for someone his size. But Tommy has really been nothing but kind to him, he’s already made them laugh more then they could count.
He even gave them directions back to the village. Now that was at least one of the most concerning things, but he did say he knew Wilbur. Last time Ranboo checked the mouse hybrid was still alive and well. He’d seen less and less of Wilbur over the last few months but he supposed that he now knew the reason.
Leave it to Wilbur to adopt a literal nightmare.
He guessed he should at least give Tommy a chance. He tried to ignore the throbbing in his shoulder.
“T-tommy?” The bat hesitantly called out to the Naga. Gods, he hated his stuttering.
The snake sniffled and looked up at the bat. “I’m so sorry…” He wiped his eyes.
“It’s alright Tommy, I just…” Ranboo laughed, he sounded a little insane. “I just wasn’t expecting all of this!” He ran a hand down his face, just to make sure he wasn’t dreaming.
“Oh gods, I’ve made you go mad! Wilbur really is gonna kill me…” The snake buried his head into his hand with a whimpering growl. “ I’ve basically broke almost all of his rules in one day…”
“His rules?” Ranboo questioned, trying to focus on anything but his instincts to fly away. That would be horrible on a hurt wing.
“I’m not supposed to let anyone see me or talk to them...” The snake whined “Or hurt them.”
Fresh tears fell down the snake’s scaled cheeks. “Hey now, if anything that was my fault. I wasn’t watching where I was flying.” Ranboo tried to comfort.
“Because of me…” Tommy muttered with a shameful tone.
“It’s not your fault.” Ranboo protested once more. He let out a sigh as the naga seemed to pout. “Look I won’t tell Wilbur, remember?” Well now that he thinks about it, “Or anyone for that matter. I smack into things all the time. Bad eyesight remember? I should’ve at least worn my glasses.” Tommy gave a hum of acknowledgment.
Ranboo swallowed down his fear. He couldn’t believe he was doing this. “Help me check my wing.” Tommy’s slit eyes shot out to meet their own round ones. “Are you sure?”
“Yes, now hurry up before I wimp out.” They laughed. Tommy gave him a small smile and slowly reached out for him. Ranboo barley suppressing a flinch as the warm hands scooped him up. “Now what?” Tommy asked a little unsure of his self.
Ramboo’s heart was pounding. “Just-” He took a deep breath to calm his nerves. “Just pinch my wing and slowly stretch it out. I’ll tell you to stop if it hurts to much.” This was so overwhelming. Ranboo never would’ve imagined that they would’ve been held in another person’s palm. But he could do this.
Tommy ever so gently griped the wing between a finger and thumb and slowly started to pull it out. Ranboo let out a pained whine and nodded for Tommy to continue.
Once it was stretched all the way out Ranboo rotated his shoulder with a hiss. Tommy giggled and Ranboo glance up at him. “It’s just… you sound like me.” That took Ranboo by surprise and he let out a round of chittering laughs.
He gently pulled his wing back to his chest and sighed in relief. “I think it’s just a bad sprain. Wouldn’t be the first time.” Tommy nodded is head and ran his thumb down Ran’s back, trying to be the least bit comforting.
“I’ll go see Ponk when I get back…” Ranboo’s mind blanked. Shoot, how were they gonna get back.
As if reading his mind Tommy answered. “I’ll take you home.” Ranboo looked up a little unsure. “Don’t worry, it wouldn’t be the first time. I like to make sure Will gets back alright.”
“Okay then.” Ranboo agreed. “You have a good grip right?” Tommy asked, Ranboo giving him a confused look. “What?” He laughed.
“With you claws.” The Naga looked at his hurt wing. “Or what’s left of them…” Ranboo gave a nod. He got most of his strength from his back paws anyways.
Tommy lifted Ranboo above his head and gently sat him in the crown of golden curls on top of his head. “Hold on.” That was his only warning before Tommy began crawling through the trees with practiced ease.
“So… How’d you meet Wilbur?” Ranboo asked genuinely curious. They snickered as Tommy let out a long groan.
Tommy dropped Ranboo off right at the edge of the brush. Right where he knew the village started. He waited until the remaining guards passed by underfoot to guide him down.
“Thanks for not telling.” Tommy whispered and ruffled their fluffy black and white hair with a finger. Ranboo sputtered in annoyance. “Thanks for not eating me I guess.” They teased back.
Tommy let out a laugh, “Better watch out, I might’ve not made up my mind yet.” Ran giggles as Tommy gave a cheeky grin and stealthy climbed back up into the tree.
Tommy paused before going. “Will I see you again?”
“Of course!” Ranboo shouted before remembering to stay quiet. He quickly looked around for the guards.
They shared a laugh once more before they said their final goodbyes for the night. Both hybrids happy to have found a new friend.
The only worry on Tommy’s mind being that he hoped he could become a better liar by the time Wilbur visited next.
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tau1tvec · 10 months
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Pics of the kids. //
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