#My brain went straight to infodump
meowbert-whiskers · 4 months
Weird ass Resident Evil head cannons because my brain is too silly
Wesker 100% got bullied by Chris and Jill when he was working with S. T. A. R. S. and cried at least once from it.
The moment Ashely got home she started crying to emo nightcore music while downing an entire pack of shredded cheddar cheese.
Luis definitely grabbed Leon's ass at least once whenever he bent down, then got the same treatment from Leon.
Leon purposefully coughs very dramatically in front of people who smoke to make them feel bad.
Chris has frequent nightmares about marrying Jill just for her to turn out to be Wesker in disguise. Every single time he has that nightmare he wakes up in a cold sweat with tears streaming down his face like he just saw the most horrifying thing know to man.
Rebecca has a penis straw some where in her house. It was a gift from Jill.
Wesker is horribly afraid of horses. Any time he sees a horse he starts running away as fast as he can. One time a horse smiled at him and he started screaming in terror.
The only reason Claire wears a ponytail is because one time when she was younger she went to a public pool with Chris and got her hair stuck in one of the drains and had to get a short hair cut. She was bullied about it for years by Chris.
Sherry is obsessed with Pokemon, especially when Leon first started working with the government since he got a bunch of money, and had a Pokemon themed bedroom. Her favourite Pokemon is Sylveon. Leon's is Pikachu because he's a dumb idiot who never saw the appeal and just wanted to make Sherry happy.
William was incredibly nerdy to the point where Annette would sometimes tape his mouth shut while they worked or else her infodump about each way to use a syringe/suture needle/any sort of medical shit they had to use. Albert didn't mind it when he rambled, though.
Chris once pranked Albert by switching his artificial sugars for his coffee with salt and hiding laxatives in it as well. Albert has never forgave him.
Jill once smacked Chris so hard he fell over and folded like an omelette. His spine has never recovered.
Leon was 100% a fan of Oingo Boingo and Weird Al. I will not explain any further.
Ada gets her nails done every other month by the same nail tech. Rebecca is secretly the nail tech.
Leon once accidentally sat on one of Sherry's Plush Charizards and got screamed at for an hour. Sherry said that she didn't want his "butt cooties" on her dragon.
Ashley loves cheese. Specifically brie.
Leon sometimes stares outside of the windows in his home while zoning out and standing completely straight. He also falls asleep like that with his eyes open. Chris will sometimes join him in watching the outside except he stands like a dad and does that thing where he has some sort of nut in his hands and shakes them around before eating them.
Chris wants to have kids, more specifically a daughter, so when Leon was on missions and Claire had to babysit her, he'd try to bond with Sherry. Sherry was horribly afraid of him and would cry if she was picked up by him.
Chris once smacked Wesker so hard his glasses went flying off. Wesker immediately got on the floor and started searching for them Velma style.
Leon unironicaly goes "YEOWCH!" whenever he gets hurt.
In the helicopter, Carlos slung his arm around Jill to try and be hot. It backfired once he realized Jill was both sleeping and drooling all over his arm. Ew.
Leon coughs like an old man on hospice.
Wesker sneezes like a kitten, especially during serious situations. He goes, "I'LL FUCKING END YOU-Achoo! (。>﹏<。)"
William once mistook Albert for Anette when he was incredibly tired and kissed Wesker on the lips. Neither were complaining.
This is so fucking dumb but please listen to my insane ramblings. PLEASE.
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jw-horror-stories · 6 months
Oh, boy, let me think of some good stories. I was fortunate enough that my family never tried to pressure baptism on me (My grandfather did, but only once). I never got baptized because of this.
I also lucked out in that I don't have any creepy old man stories, or anything else of that nature.
I DO have trauma from they way they use the world 'homosexual'.
Once, when my sister was like, 5? She made a board game all by herself, using paper. It was called 'Run Away from the Demons and Go to Jesus.' There were some awesome stick figure demons. Jeezy Boy, however, did not make it into the picture.
My parents had a good sense of humor about it, though.
I vividly remember reading a Watchtower article discussing a man who had a 'homosexual lifestyle' before coming into 'the truth'. He prayed to God and it went away tho!!! Prommy!!!!
(I feel so bad for him and I hope he realizes he doesn't have to do that.)
If I get anymore crazy stories, I'll let you know (I'm a minor and am stilled being brought every Sunday).
As soon as I sent that last ask I remembered a story! I had to listen to a talk given by a brother who clearly did NOT research evolution outside of the JW publications. He said (all in his talk about EVOLUTION): - There is NO evidence for evolution. None. Not even a bit. Not a single piece. Nada. - The sun will never run out of (quote) "fuel". (I don't remember how this tied in at all. Chances are it didn't.) - If bees died there would NO POLLINATORS. AT ALL. No more bees; no more anything!!!! (He literally said that without bees no flowers would ever be pollinated. Man has not seen a butterfly. Tragic.) - AI stands for AUTOMATED INFORMATION. (He did mean actual AI, he used this talking point as a 'gotchya' because humans cannot come close to creating a brain. Therefore: God.) - Evolution is being taught EXACTLY THE SAME as it was 60 years ago. (Tell me you've never looked into it without telling me you've never look into it.) The only difference is when HE was a kid it was a THEORY but now it's taught as a FACT. (No???) - Things NEVER crash in space because GOD is guiding them! (???? Man said this DURING a meteor shower btw) - Ants are NOT STRONG. (What. What are you talking about.) In the same line as the previous note he DID say elephants are strong. This is evidence of god's POWER. (I nearly had to leave the room. Elephants are evidence of god's power but ANTS are not???) This was all in one 45 minute talk. He bounced from point to point so much that it was too hard to follow and he just said straight-up untrue things half the time. If it wasn't so infuriating, it would have been funny.
Hoo boi, lots to unpack here, so let me just get everything done in one ultimate post.
The first part about the homosexuality, all I can say is that more likely than not the article you mentioned was most likely fictitious, or at least greatly embellished (probably involved a slightly girly man, or a slightly boyish woman, all that GNC shit they don't like).
And now, that 45 minute indoctrination session talk you heard.
There is NO evidence for evolution - yeah we were always at war with Eurasia. Okay, not quite that level of Orwell, but it's still bad. And also laughably stupid.
The sun will never run out of (quote) "fuel". - all part of a large over-arching narrative of "god has god powers so sun is forever and so is humans"
If bees died there would NO POLLINATORS - nevermind the butterflies for a moment, if such a cataclysmic mass extinction of bees did happen, flowers that do not need pollination would overtake the gene pool, and oh look, evolution. Those that survive the new conditions would take over. Funny that.
AI stands for AUTOMATED INFORMATION - I keep reading AI as "Accuracy International". Hey, if he can put in irrelevant nonsense then so can I. Only difference is I'm not pulling any bullshit here. Look them up, pretty cool, but autistic infodumping will have to wait.
Evolution is being taught EXACTLY THE SAME as it was 60 years ago - You can tell roughly how old this speaker was. Hey gramps, your information is pretty outdated, have you finally switched over to Windows 98 yet?
Things NEVER crash in space because GOD is guiding them! - Oh okay, so his knowledge of magnetic fields would imply that he's yet to discover the automobile. Or that it costs more than $5 a day for a good living wage. Does he even know about the Printing Press?
Ants are NOT STRONG - ok boomer
ngl it was actually kinda fun to respond to those talking points, just because of how utterly absurd it all is. I find that laughing at it rather than trying to understand the reasoning is ultimately better for one's mental health.
-Mod Degurechaff, needs more shit to respond to
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hecatesbroom · 3 months
I've been thinking about Maude and Vivian a lot, and having just watched the series finale there's a looot more thoughts I just added to that. And while I currently don't have the brainpower to properly express my thoughts I'll make an attempt because the need to infodump exceeds the need of giving my brain some rest lmao
SO. Maude and Viv.
Clearly there's something going on there, right? I mean, just check out the way they look at each other. The ways they touch. You can't tell me they're not at least a little bit attracted to each other. And knowing Maude, I'm pretty sure she's very well aware of it herself. Vivian? I'm not so sure, but hey! She's aware of something.
I like to think something went on between them in high school (you know, the usual "let's practice kissing for when we start dating boys"-type stuff) and probably carried over to college to some degreee. But nothing serious ever came of it, and I'm sure that at this point, instead of ignoring it, they've decided to write off the whole "practice" thing as a Very Normal Straight Teenager Thing.
Vivian would probably be fine with any turn her relationship with Maude would take. If there's anything clear about Vivian, it's that she's a very gentle person -- and she doesn't seem to have nearly as many prejudices as anyone in the show (including Maude, who has a lot more than she'd like to believe lol). Maude, though?
Maude’s terrified of intimacy and commitment. We’ve seen this in the therapy episode and the one with the flashback to how she and Walter got married.
For Maude, therefore, I don’t think queerness is the thing holding her back. I mean, she’s liberal enough — and while it’s obviously a bit of a hang-up, I mean, she is a middle-aged woman in the 1970s, it’s not the reason. She’s mostly just afraid of losing Viv. Always has been. And by not allowing her to get close to her that way, she’s doing the only thing she can think of to keep Viv close without inevitably setting herself up for failure.
Not that she’d ever say that out loud of course. She blames homophobia (and decides Vivian has probably internalised quite a lot of it) for the whole thing. Truth — which she’s only barely aware of herself — be damned.
Because that's what Maude does, isn't it? She seeks closeness and then rejects people right before they can reject her. She does it with a lot of people, but we haven't really seen her do the same to Viv -- and I'd like to think it's because she loves her too much for that.
Maybe they became friends before Maude fully developed her attachment issues (I mean, having 4 husbands is bound to do something to the way you allow yourself to trust people) and so Vivian is somewhat exempt from Maude's general approach. Because they got close enough before she started pushing everyone away.
Either way, Maude convinces herself Vivian doesn't want to explore their relationship because Vivian's afraid of it. But Viv is pretty honest about what she feels. And any attempt she makes to share her feelings about Maude, anything that veers too close to an "I love you", Maude probably shuts up. Thus confirming her own theory of Vivian never mentioning anything, by making Vivian shut up about it herself.
Maude doesn't allow anything to happen between them because she loves Vivian too much. And every time she's allowed someone she loves to get too close to her, she ends up with her heart broken. Keeping Vivian at something of a distance (yet as close as can be, because they're still best friends) is the only way she can think of keeping her close forever.
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dangoarts · 2 years
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tee hee hee au stuff this time jack fain centered
god i need to infodump about this but my brain has yet to organize the swirl of thoughts about it (help)
tldr jack and sammy were friends (sammy reluctantly) until sammy went batshit from the ink demon's influence and brought the ink demon straight to their hideout then basically died and came back as a lost one and ink demon's second in command
jack's arm was also injured and corrupted by a searcher's ink at some point
gotta have the gay divorce arc in every au i make
close ups of the side doodles bc my handwriting will not survive the tumblr compression
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threemoonwatchers · 7 months
So I went to a bookstore and got Thunder…
-Starting out the book believing Splashtail attacked her because let’s be honest he was the only one she told and the Erins are here for the drama
-Okay alright everyone’s suddenly respecting Nightheart something’s wrong
-i forgot Spotfur named her kits after dead people zycjvjgufyvu
- (p. 76) wow sunbeam really said “language, Cap”
-(p. 92) not Whistlepaw being the entire Ninjago fandom to Frostpaw’s Lloyd
-(p. 98) please let the companion be Shadowsight please let the companion be Shadowsight
-(p. 102)oh come on please tell me it’s not Nightheart can it be Shadowsight just this once I wanna see them interact and become besties
-(p. 107) “They’d be kind of famous?”Like one of the lights in the mist??? Meaning IT COULD STILL BE SHADOWSIGHT???
-(p. 108-109) …crap it’s not Shadowsight
-(p. 114) I actually panicked for a second about Nightheart being gone and then I realized. Oh yeah. He’s with Frostpaw. Whoops.
-(p. 118) I just remembered the scene in Squirrelflight’s Hope where she and Leafpool were talking about Squirrelflight (or I guess Squirrelstar now this feels so surreal) being clan leader and Leafpool being her medicine cat and I just realized that they were sO CLOSE TO HAVING IT BUT THEY ACHIEVED THEIR DREAM AT TWO DIFFERENT TIMES and I’m sad now
-(p. 136-137) Rootspring: That’s my dad! :D
-(p. 141) Look at it, it’s got anxiety 🩵
-(p. 161) Nightheart I swear if you pull a Cinderpelt-
-(p. 171) I’m sorry WHO IS SPEAKING FOR RIVERCLAN???
-(p. 172) I keep forgetting there’s canonically a cat named Icewing and every time she’s mentioned my brain immediately goes to Winter from Wings of Fire-
-(p. 179) nope this plan of Berryheart’s has to be somehow connected to Frostpaw’s attempted murder
-(p. 207) hold on Cherryfall’s OLD??? Where the heck did the time go-
-(p. 221) hold on how do these two random dudes know about Riverstar???
-(p. 221) calling it now at least a few of em are gonna be taken into RiverClan
-(p. 224) Nightheart and Frostpaw: *casually infodumping about life*
-(p. 228) Oh HeY tHe MeDiTaTiOn WoRkEd WhAdDaYa KnOw
-(p. 230) haha yes think about Splashtail it’s gotta be him
-(p. 237) Frostpaw 🤝 Lloyd: getting a love interest that ends up being the main villian of the arc said love interest appears in
-(p. 294) hOLD ON W H A T??? CURLFEATHER TOO??? Dude this girl is gonna have some serious trauma when this all blows over
-(p. 294) also was the vision of the curled feathers in the earlier books supposed to be a warning??? Or was it just her mind begging for a response to the need for a new leader??? Or is someone in StarClan working against them??? That whole vision just doesn’t make sense-
-(p. 313) “Curlfeather must be heartbroken that Frostpaw followed her to StarClan so soon.” Ahaha yeah about that-
-(p. 321) how dare you make it seem like Shadowsight’s gonna be important when he’s not :(
-(p. 334) OH MY GOODNESS WE’VE FINALLY DONE IT WE’VE FINALLY GOT AN EVIL MEDICINE CAT even if Podlight isn’t technically a medicine cat but shhhh
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dennisboobs · 11 months
15 questions for 15 mutuals
I was tagged by @emodennis and @sewerkingcharlie <3
Are you named after anyone?
I named myself <3 but originally I was the bandom equivalent of someone naming their kid Sasuke. Except I was named after a member of Motley Crue.
Do you have kids?
Nope, and I don't want any lol. I parented my sibling and that's enough.
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I Don't Know What Sarcasm Is And At This Point I'm Too Afraid To Ask.
First thing you notice about people?
I don't, I avoid eye contact at all times and if I'm lucky I avoid any and all contact in general.
But probably voice. I listen in on people.
What's your eye color?
Scary movies or happy endings?
I don't like horror movies and I have a weird sensitivity to seeing people hurt, definitely happy endings, I'm annoyingly an optimist and I love me some feel-good shit. But if it's done well it doesn't need to be a happy ending, just a satisfying one.
Special talents?
Catalogue of Dennis scenes in my brain. You can ask me anything about him and I'm able to give you the episode it comes from (huge boon for wiki purposes but also for editing and stuff too lol) based on like. nothing.
I also went to art school for several years (throughout high school & then a year of college before i realized i hated it) and can draw (not that anyone would know because I never fucking do that <33)
What are your hobbies?
Channelling Dennis' essence like a spirit medium but like. not a scam. He is in my brain and I'm simply his scribe.
I think any of my hobbies are probably known by now on here; wiki editing, drawing, writing, playing video games, editing videos; I have a YouTube channel that I abandoned because I hate it, actually, fuck YouTube-- and archival work. Also sewing, occasionally. And more shit I'm probably forgetting.
Have any pets?
Oui, a dog, Arwen, and a cat, Frisk. I've had plenty of small animals as well, and desperately want pet rats again.
What sports do you play/have you played?
I am a frail little bitch.
How tall are you?
Favorite subject in school?
I always liked my tech classes, always a fun day when I got to solder, but even more fun when I could infodump to the class about technology. I did a wholeass photoshoot for my NES opened up and gutted for a presentation in that class and I had truly never been so engaged in a school project before that lmao.
Dream job?
Probably working in JP-ENG game localization. I applied to Sega of America just before covid hit and pretty soon after that everyone I knew there had dipped lmao. I actually really genuinely enjoy working retail (lllloved working at EB Games/Gamestop, and I've worked at three different pet stores and I would literally work at one for the rest of my life and be completely content with it, one of the most rewarding and enjoyable jobs ever tbh), but I mean. You can't really compete with the $$$ that comes with being a welder. If I had the patience I would probably go back to school for translation work, or something psychology-adjacent, I would really love to be an advocate for better education re: autism. I've worked with Fandom for their diversity shit before and am just generally super passionate about helping people get the facts straight about what ASD actually is outside of the stereotypes. But I do that anyway, so I guess it doesn't need to be an actual job lol.
I think by this point everyone's been tagged by other shared mutuals, but if any of y'all want to do it and got passed over, feel free to take this as your sign to do it <3
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thefrontofmymind · 1 year
listen i need to infodump about my current sims 4 save because its amazing
so it started as a rags to riches challenge with this one sim London, but then i got to the riches part really easily so it became a legacy challenge
so she had a son Oliver with a sperm donor (thanks mods) but he was taken away as a toddler because he was asleep and i couldnt feed him in time
and then she married Salim Benali who she was friends with and they moved onto this big lot in windenburg and it had a greenhouse and like a ton of solar panels and rain catchers
and they had twin girls (Willow and Este). now Willow was kind of the perfect student and then out of nowhere she decided she hated the path i laid out for her which was acting and she instead got into baking so i made her a little bakery and now she lives in windenburg town with her bakery living her best life
Este was a lil different. she got really into programming and she constantly hacked her grades to the point she got the graduate early so she went into the programmer career and she was the next heir (also they had a cat called Shoehorn who i LOVED)
now i have a lot of mods to bare with me-- London (my founder) died of a brain aneurysm and i couldnt save her so that was the end of that generation
so i renovated the house and moved Salim to the poolhouse (meanwhile he's maxed the military career and also built a rocketship) and este found a lovely lady called Kristine and they got married
Salim started to befriend London's ghost and eventually she joined the household
now Este and Kristine decided to have IVF and Este got pregnant with a little girl, Tiara. and then Kristine had IVF not long later and had TRIPLETS, a boy and 2 girls- Dean, Antonia & Alaina
all the while this was happening i remembered London maxed the cooking and gourmet cooking skills so if i were to get all the ingredients i'd be able to make ambrosia to bring her back to life
so i spent 4 days straight fishing in Willow Creek to find an angelfish because we got a death flower plant A LONG time ago
so she just came back to life and idk what to do next
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squirrelno2 · 1 year
Writing Like Ourselves Tag Game
Tagged by @mwolf0epsilon, thanks! (also ooh boy this one is A Lot huh. getting some serious Backstory up in here)
1. what's your Shire? as in: what's a place you remember fondly and love? (or: some place you hated, some place vivid to you, etc.)
The dance studio I grew up going to - most specifically the studio we moved to after my first year or so there; I went from one or two nights a week to being there almost every day of the week, sometimes for five or six hours straight, and most of the people I’ve loved in my life are people who taught or took class there. Dance studio culture can vary wildly, but mine was generally really good at building community and supporting its dancers, and the people I took class with genuinely felt like family. As an autistic kid with a lot of trauma from the regular school system, going to the studio every night where I was allowed to be my own kind of weird and we could all create our unique communication style so we didn’t have to worry about it was probably the only thing standing between me and a much more fucked up brain. It’s the place I first started teaching, too, so it was there every step of my “coming of age” story.
2. what is your Hobbit culture? as in: values were you brought up in, culture you grew up with, etc.
this one is so hard to distinguish honestly - growing up a white kid in the US, the culture I was raised in is one that tries very hard to pretend it’s not a culture at all but rather some kind of “natural” state of being. Like, it’s the individualism and the Christianity that hasn’t really gone anywhere even though your parents were atheists and it’s the obsession with capitalism. even knowing these things, though, it’s hard to articulate - and that’s not even touching the fact that it’s a culture I don’t particularly connect to because most of the things I can articulate about it values-wise are things I don’t agree with.
On a more local level, my family’s culture was one of kindness and laughter - if you fuck up you laugh about it and you try again, if you’re weird that’s good because the world hasn’t beaten you down yet, and you should really stop trying to fight your bullies but we’ll go to bat for you the next time it happens because what the hell. I was always encouraged to make my own choices even as a young child, and to speak up when someone had hurt me. We were very isolated even though my mom has a large family, but within that isolation there was a lot of love and honesty.
3. who is your Tom Bombadil? as in: a character you loved as a child, in existence or from your imagination, a figure that took place in a lot of your play, etc.
this is about to get really sad and fucked up probably but. My brother? He died a long time before I was born, being a premature baby, but growing up I always had him as an imaginary friend. He’s haunted me my whole life, mostly benevolently; I still can’t help but think sometimes about who he’d be and who we’d be to each other. He’s kind of the first story I ever told myself.
4. what are your elves and dwarves? as in: something you studied or know a lot about, something you can geek out about, etc.
dance!!! also that’s creeping into the body in general, like workouts and injury prevention and that kind of thing. I love anatomy and physiology and how knowing about the science of your muscles and bones can help you convey specific emotions better. I literally will talk to my students about how to create emotional body language, like “hold your rhomboids together a little more and lift your chin, you’ll look proud” or “if you have just a little tension in your arms it will do this, but make sure your neck is relaxed” and then it gets super in depth if I’m not careful. help.
also I love cats and writing. I will infodump about either of these at the drop of a hat, though it’s been longer since I was actively studying cats and I think I’ve forgotten things (I’m so sorry, cats)
5. what are your middle earth languages? as in: something you have expertise in due to a career, a hobby, something you love, etc.
oh wait. uh. dance and the human body again? also writing craft. and the flute! I have varied and sundry interests and I treat them all like they might blossom into a huge all-encompassing career at any moment. if I know anything, I probably have put my whole soul into trying to make it something I’m an expert in. I believe in committing to the bit
6. what are your themes? as in: something you've grown up knowing, like loss, something you know intimately, something you know because of your area/history/ time/era, etc.
loss/grief is probably one. I’ve been losing people since I was a kid, to death and to life. It doesn’t stop hurting but you learn how to face it?
maybe communication? it’s something that haunts me, where I try so hard to be good at it and also have spent so much of my life affected by myself or someone else failing at it
7. what is your moral of the story? as in: a guiding value, a life motto, faith/spirituality, etc.
You don’t know a person’s mind. You don’t know everything feeding into their actions. They might be justified by your standards, or they might be a shithead, but no matter what everyone has an internal logic. It can be as simple as “I wanted to” but there is always a reason. You don’t need to know the reason to respect someone else’s humanity, but if you’re having trouble with someone the first step to fixing it may very well be seeking out the reason so you can understand what they need a little better.
This one gets personal so I definitely get if you don’t wanna do it but I’m making myself tag people now like a proper tumblr citizen so @writhingcreature @what-point-is-there @blackandblue13 if any of you want to?
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vidilpoge · 1 year
2023-05-05 Trainin Log
This one has a lot of dialogue somehow.
First off, I have a bad cut on my left thumb, in the inside, right where you ought to grip the sword, so the second thing I said after stepping in the hall was that I would not train in two handed sword for the night or for some time. Did I mention in 7 days I have the big tournament and I'm competing in two different brackets for longsword? I'm gonna try to heal as much as I can and still fence when the time comes.
The first thing I said after stepping in the hall was: How about we talk safety?
The conversarion went something like that:
Instructor: yeah don't worry we already did
Me: ah right so no more dangerous stuff like close combact
I: of course, we are dialing it back
M: the thing is we were never told to dial it back before, we were incouraged to do close combact stuff, like with the whole "let's see who can bring [185cm × 140kg guy] down" game
I: but... He is [185cm × 140kg guy]
Implying that if someone is several weight classes higher than you and thus difficult to wrestle it is just fine and dandy to engage in close combat as you cannot really win. At this very point I gave up.
The rest of the evening I borrowed the dussak simulacrum from the very entusiastic guy and kept my left hand safely tucked behind my back. The instructors decided that my training for the night should be a crash course in sidesword. So I tried to keep up with the many guards you need to know, and did the first half of a form. After about twenty minutes of me flailing about with a short, curved blade pretending it was a straight, double edged blade, with my brain boiling from having to completely switch from german terminology to italian, I stopped and ask:
Me: why am I even doing this form
Instructor A: to learn the moves :)
M: no but really, what good is to me to try to learn a new weapon system ten days before a tournament using the wrong simulacrum?
I A: what? But you can't train with the longsword anyway and next year we are switching to sidesword so you are gonna use it in the future anyway
M: can I please train the fundamentals instead? Like legwork or blocking or keeping the right distance, something system agnostic that actually helps me with the upcoming tournament? Maybe you are doing a reharsal for the lessons we are going to have in the years to come and I understand if it is so but please can I just stop with this form?
I A: so... What you want to do? I tought you wanted to train in one hand sword tonight...
M: can I just use the one handed sword to do blocking or "keeping distance" drills? Hell even without a weapon we can do the knee slap exercise
I A: well ok ai understand what you mean we'll just do blocking drills. [...]
Why the hell are the instructors so bad at being instructors.
I have henceforth come to the conclusion that I cannot rely on the two instructor guys and I am not taking bullshit from anyone. I can and I will speak up when I think they are wrong. They we have are the same age of me and have started fencing about the same time of me, they respect my seniority or else their seniority would crumble. If it wasn't so intense to apply for the instructor certification I would give it a try. I am not strong enough, but I have done so many "first lesson" with all the people that in the years have come in for a free trial that I have somewhat mapped in my brain the first three months of lessons for beginners. Am I too full of myself, for thinking that just infodumping all the guards names in ten minutes and then moving on is wrong?
The other hallmates just sparred the whole night or about so, didn't really payed them much attention was I so absorbed in my toughts. If you are reading this wish me luck for my poor thumb 👍
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rendellstreet · 2 years
A while back you made a post about Eugene and the royal court and I'm curious do you have more headcanons about that
Anon I know you asked specifically for Eugene, but the more I think about this, I am going to take a detour and go on a head-canon / world building tangent about Corona and Frederic
To back it up, the original post was inspired by my knowledge of the French court at Versailles, which is known for the Scandal, Gossip, and Intrigue. Louis XIV put up and center himself in this Rich French People Drama as a means to weaken the nobility and consolidate his power as an absolute monarch. 
Back to Corona, while I know some people aren’t keen on the idea, but I do like the idea of Frederic (and to a lesser extent Rapunzel) being a descendant of the Herz der Sonne, but not a direct descendant.
My head-canon is that der Sonne and Shampanier (who doesn’t have a name, but I like the name Zsófia so) were in love and got married, but neither one had real interest in... starting a family. They were pressed to have children but ultimately they were no kids, double income.
Fortunately, der Sonne did have brothers, five of them, and Frederic can trace his ancestry to the fourth one, because he ended up inheriting the throne*
*(Brother 1 died of illness, Brother 2 had a crisis of faith because of Brother 1 and become like, the Coronan version of a monk, Brother 3 and 5 died of illness 2: the electric boogaloo)
Now, as far as the royal court goes, Corona is this your typical court, with titled positions and whatnot. I do like the idea of Nigel and Captain being some kind of noblemen, Nigel’s family always were the stewards of Coronan kings, Captain coming from a family whose knight got titled and land or something,
But as a whole the Coronan courtiers are not particularly... friendly people, once you get past the smiles and etiquette, because this is a cutthroat business of getting the best position and putting yourself as close to the king and queen as possible. There WILL be blood and tears.
So where does Eugene fit in all of this?
Well, when Rapunzel went missing, there was a lot of anguish and distress Frederic and Arianna experienced, and the court did nothing to help but make it worse by jockeying positions as they always do, but thinking a distraught royal couple would be easier to manipulate, but then also like, “Why don’t you just have another kid”, which is kind of like. Dude. She’s been missing for like a week Holy shit-   
Cut to 18 years later, Rapunzel returns! Everyone’s excited! But there’s also [squinting] at this fresh-faced girl who doesn’t know a lick of anything about Corona and more importantly she’s single. Cue a LOT of courtiers maneuvering themselves to be in Rapunzel’s favor and promoting their choice of a perfect bachelor to her -
Except. Eugene is there. And he and Rapunzel love each other very much. 
So a big chunk of the contempt Eugene gets is everyone finding him being an unsuitable partner for Rapunzel and fuming about their plans being ruined 
There’s also the fact that a lot of them know him as Flynn Rider, so for a while it’s an endless “Hey I know you, you stole-!”
Then of course, Eugene is poor and a common man, HIGHLY inappropriate for high society Corona, the transgressions of class and status. If they don’t hate Eugene for being Flynn Rider, they hate the fact that this common street urchin is moseying around the palace in his grubby little clothes and has the Princess of Corona eating out of the palm of his hand.
Several courtiers have gone out of their way to get rid of Eugene. But Eugene is 1) smart 2) sexy 3) stolen long enough from rich people to know how to play their games 4) forcing him out just makes his love for Rapunzel grow stronger and 5) he’s spiteful he’s not going anywhere :)
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theygender · 2 years
My sense of humor is so broken. Today I had a mild anxiety attack + shutdown bc my partner happened to say something that my abuser would say to me a lot in the past and as I was standing in the kitchen crying with my arms wrapped around myself and unable to speak one of the first thoughts in my mind was "new trauma response just dropped babeyyy"
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aviivix · 3 years
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Welcome to some weird Jevil concepts
Many of these are based on incorrect assumptions that I decided I liked. My brain is open source, if you wanna steal these ideas, go for it.
More doodles and infodump below the break!
Main thing: That’s a mask, not his actual face. This stemmed from his face reminding me of things like the drama masks and Phanto from Mario 2, and the fact that I sorta mistook some of the mouth pixels for a crack in his face in his dancing animation.
Immediately after that, I thought that it’d be hilarious if under the mask was just, void, with eyes and teeth hangin’ out in there, almost like what you’d see when taking apart a 3D model. There’s no real reason for this besides I tried it once and it looked just goofy enough for me to like it.
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The mask has some chaotic magic imbued in it from being worn by such a chaotic creature and being exposed to so much chaotic magic, enough to start messing with folks who wear it for too long. Of course, since that chaotic magic comes from Jevil, he’s unaffected by the mask’s effects. (It’s Jevil that makes the mask chaotic, not the mask that makes Jevil chaotic.)
He really wouldn’t be without his mask often though. After all that face is probably pretty scary to folks, and what kind of a jester would he be if he were making people scared instead of making them laugh? He might’ve been more willing to remove it before he went insane, but at this point, the act and the game stuff is basically his life, so he’s practically glued to that thing.
This is just a personal design thing I like to do with it, but I also have it so the eyes and mouth can’t fully close, and he’s only got that top row of teeth. (Though since the eyes can often have nothing in them, they can easily appear to be fully closed.) Some of these doodles may break this though since I didn’t always maintain this idea.
Next, he’s made of fabric just like Seam! Not sure which fabric exactly, but he’s comparable to those fabric jack-in-the-box jesters, with the spring his head is on coiled in the main body. He’s totally hollow, holding his shape with magic. This also means he could commit pile of dirty laundry if he felt like it, or if he somehow ran out of magic.
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This also is meant to go with him mentioning “they craved to imprison my body” and “This body cannot be killed!” His body isn’t truly him exactly, as the ethereal presence in the void on his face is truly what makes him up. Alongside that, the fabric is just that - fabric. It can’t be killed because it was never alive, he could just repair it with magic if something ever got damaged. (Or ask Seam to do it, heh)
Also his chaos crime was yeeting Lancer off a cliff. He probably caused a bunch of chaotic problems, but the Chaos King of Spades thought it was too funny to stop - until he just YEETED Lancer and then all bets were off. (This is also how King learns of Lancer’s bounciness - not through child abuse)
Speaking of the chaos stuff, I don’t have a lot interesting to say about his chaos magic. I mostly play it straight, where his magic is very Discord (MLP) esque. I find it more fun to take the “I can do anything” literally, making him a chaos god archetype, able to teleport, apparate random props, mess with his own body (and I suppose others too, but it’s mostly him doing it to himself), mess with the weather, basically anything he thinks is suitably funny or wild.
In the current, I like to have it so he pops up out of his scythe form every now and again. I don’t personally like how quiet he goes in Chapter 2, though I get why. I just sorta wish he popped out and caused issues or funny scenes.
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Anyway if you’ve made it this far, thank you for indulging my strange headcanons. Beyond here, my HCs are more shallow and these are just some particularly good or funny doodles I’ve done over the past however long.
Such as, Jevil obviously being not on the best terms with Spamton... (I also am not super consistent with their sizes)
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Not ready to consider Gaster as the one who corrupted Jevil, and the crack on his face has nothing to do with Gaster, but someone pointed out their faces looking similar and it made me mad enough to do a side by side lmao
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Anyone can wear Jevil’s mask so long as they can fit it on their face. Including Lancer. Especially Lancer.
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His eyes and teeth just sorta float in the void, so I like to think you could shake him up and turn his face into alphabet soup.
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Young Jevil and Seam bein’ buds
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Another Discord Jevil doodle I did as part of a larger comic that I’m not happy enough with to post here. I liked this frame though.
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And another Discord Jevil
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jevil makes sweet sundae ramen on /ck/
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The amount of maskless Jevil pics I have where the thesis is just “please return the stolen property”
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musubiki · 2 years
ikasumi / emo ink mage girl infodump / lore dump thoughts so i can keep track!! (also some thoughts on how we first meet her in the story)
same age as the rest of the gang. about 16-17 when first introduced, 20-21 post-timeskip
first shows up claiming that tiramisu signed a contract previously that would allow her to be a memeber of the next cat witchs (mochi's) guild when the time came
said contract had the cat witchs seal, so tiramisu went "damn i guess i made this contract lmfaooo sorry mochi i guess she has to be a part of your guild? (sweating)"
(tiramisu signed a lot of contracts in her day that she doesnt nessecarily remember signing. she was a very busy woman)
mochi accepts it nonetheless because heyo thats her duty. feels a little queasy about it but this girl seems okay enough
at this point in the guild, its after lime, oscar, and coco are already members. ikasumi, at this point, would fill up the 5th and final position in the guild
for a little while, she stays in the room above the storage garage that taffy later gets
ikasumi claims to be from the central kingdom, and she hides the fact that she has any powers at all
basically throughout the course of the episode the guild remains suspicious of her but slowly kind of warms up. oscar is the only one who actually keeps an eye on her as the rest figure shes harmless
anyway theyre proven right because they catch her in the act of trying to steal some of mochis spellbooks. noteably, the ones that note down creatures and living beings
spellbooks which she then uses to pull creatures straight off the page into crazy ink monster things to attack them
ikasumi is proficient in her ink magic but still relatively young in it, and as a consequence doesn't have full control over that which she creates (summed up, the bigger/scarier the creature is, the more likely it is to turn on her)
she bites off more than she can chew with that being said, and mochi/the guild end up having to save her from her own creation
she reveals she is indeed one of the ink mages (or maybe the only one. I think these more common non-elemental mages can have more than one, contrast to taffy and kyanite who are the only one of their kind)
she is a member of the guild of the butterfly witch, Mag Lynn, who runs a fairly notorious antique shop (notorious in the magic community anyway. Mag Lynn's Antiques is full of old magic items, leftover cursed objects, weapons, spellbooks, etc. shes a collector, and also potentially the focus of a spin off/mini story i have in my brain)
Mag Lynn is about the age of mochis mom, and isn't very active as a witch anymore, but took in / recruited ikasumi for her ink magic
she was a bookkeeper for the antique shop but her newest mission is to spy on / keep an eye on the new cat witch, and send updates every so often. (everyone wants to know what goes on with the new cat witch) so she forged a contract and pretended like tiramisu owed her a guild spot
"why did you try and steal my spellbooks then-" "i mean. im sure lady mag lynn would appreciate a new addition to her collection-" and then mochi whacks her on the head with a book
regardless ikasumi is grateful to them for saving her, apologizes for deceiving them, and leaves
laughably it ends up as one of those things where its like "(in a kind of sad tone) do you think we'll ever see her again?" "who knows..." and then the next day she shows up at school and it floors all of them
"I thought you left forever?!" "No I still have Lady Mag Lynns mission to keep an eye on you, remember"
she also probably takes a part time job working at the cat cafe because lord knows being an artist doesnt exactly pay the bills
though she doesnt live with mochi afterwards - turns out lady mag lynn was housing her in a seperate apartment the whole time. part of the reason she agreed to this mission was mag lynn being like "ill take care of rent and utilities" and ikasumi was all "sold."
she is the broke artist character. also the character that will do nearly anything for money. think mona from genshin
someone drops a quarter by accident and she DIVES for it
tiramisu gives her free food whenever she drops by
i think she also has a thing for nice-smelling soap. she drops by to see mochi and is like "do you have any new soaps you can make me" and when mochi gives her the new coconut hibiscuis lavender whatever she magicked up ikasumi is all "(deep inhale) sensational"
doesnt show a lot of emotion, if any at all. just that blank expression most of the time. even when angry, while she beats the shit out of you shes emotionless the whole time
wears exclusively black/dark colors. coco respects this
likes her shimmer eyeshadow. post-timeskip she wears black lipstick as well
an even bigger conspiracy theorist than oscar. oscar goes "the moon landing was fake" and she responds "you believe in the moon?" oscar respects this
i think the way you beat her is with paper. you can re-trap the ink creations with paper, and i like to think of a really cool scene where mochi summons a shit ton of paper that just peppers her like those little paper men on spirited away
also a bit of a dumbass in her own right.
when shes sick: "im an artist. even when feeble, my body will remember" and then draws the worst thing youve ever seen
also noteworthy: her art skills are..,....not great
like 13 year old girl level. the only people she can draw are those badly drawn anime boys, and all her creatures look nothing like whatever it is shes trying to draw
she draws a dog and everyone is like "uhh boat? no? uhhhh is it a fish? not that either?? uhh"
this is one of the only things that frustrates her
oddly, oscar is the only one who nails it on the first try. maybe he has the vision. must be all that doodling in his journal that makes him more attuned to these things
coco is over there getting every guess wrong, and goes "c'mon, no one can tell what this is! oscar, what does this look like?!" and he leans over and goes "oh thats a dog"
ikasumi appreciates this
ability wise, whatever she can draw, she can bring to life / off the page
this includes weapons, items, creatures, etc. but its limited to her artistic ability
as a young mage all her creations are 2D but as she grows stronger they can take on 3D form
she carries around a small art kit with black paint / pens, but really she can use any kind of ink and any canvas to life. this includes spray paint and tattoos
usually draws cute little creatures that fight for her rather than fighting herself. in true desperation she creates horrific things, but shes also very afraid of them so she rarely does it (i think she gets more comfortable with it way later on)
she has cute freckles on her face, and also probably has shoulder freckles
i have a beta idea of her and coco starting a "lime sucks" club at school. she doesnt hate lime, has nothing against him, actually thinks hes really chill, but finds it very entertaining to be the thorn in the side of the "lime fan club" at school. indeed it becomes funny as hell. they HAAATE the lime sucks club.
when oscar catches wind of this hes like "AHAH! Thats awesome can I join?? for laughs??" and theyre like "sure" / "hell yeah join the dark side!!"
mochi is also like "...can i join? (ehe)"
and limes like "YOU THINK I SUCK??!!" and mochi has to explain like "NO no! but...our friends are in that club....i wanna be included
and eventually lime is also like "i wanna join this fucking club" and everyone else outside this friend group is like "??? what the fuck"
the idea of everyone being like "ahaha the lime sucks club is so dumb aha- wait." and lime is sitting with the lime sucks club
oscar gives her the nickname sumi / sumia and she hates it. but then coco also starts using it and also mochi somtimes and once you get a nickname in this group you cant escape it
"why sumi..." "because! i-ka-su-mi is too many syllabuls" "su-mi-ah isnt much better..."
always wearing long sleeve. even in summer when sweating. "ill suffer for fashion," she says
(a little bit more on lady mag lynn) mag lynn and tiramisu are actually incredibly good friends. one day she storms in pretending to be all bad like "what an ugly little shop. whats this i hear about your daughter harassing my guild?" and tiramisu is like "yes an ugly little shop suited for an ugly old hag like yourself! my daughter can beat your guilds ass any day." with a smile, and 2 seconds later theyre like omg i missed you so much!!! you never call me anymore!!
ikasumi isnt mag lynns daughter, but mag lynn lowkey treats her like a daughter. regardless, ikasumi wont get the butterflys power when mag lynn passes it on since shes already an ink mage and it cant be overridden. ikasumi will also be in the guild of whoever it is mag lynn choses the next butterfly witch to be
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handsmotif · 3 years
The Queercoding of Pinky and the Brain
This originally was just me infodumping to my friends on discord, but I decided it might be interesting to some people on here, so I polished it up and made it an actual essay lmao
To start, we’re going to break this into 2 sections -- the relationship between the mice, and Pinky’s relationship with gender, because queercoding doesn’t just mean gay!
For a 90′s show, Pinky and the Brain (and its mother show, Animaniacs) was very progressive for its time! But there were still lots of things that they couldn’t slip by censors, and thus, that’s where we have to read between the lines. And that is something I wanted to clarify here before we dive in, the actual meaning of queercoding. It’s NOT the same as queerbaiting. Queerbaiting is when the people producing certain media purposefully dangle the possibility of queer representation to lure in audiences (most prominent examples are BBC Sherlock, Riverdale, and Supernatural I GUESS? who knows abt that last one anymore), but never follow through, purely for profit. Queercoding is when media producers WANT to write in queer representation, but can’t, usually because the censors won’t let them. So, they must resort to subtext. (example: the policemen from Gravity Falls) It could also be unintentional, simply assigning certain characteristics associated with the LGBT community to characters. (example: Bugs Bunny, many Disney villains) Either way, it heavily relies on the audience picking up subtext, but whether it’s malicious or not varies, depending on the media. Bugs Bunny is an example of positive accidental queercoding, while a lot of Disney villains are negative examples.
Now, to actually discuss the gay little mice! Pinky and the Brain, whether it be intentional or not (based off comments from Maurice LaMarche, Rob Paulsen, and Tom Ruegger, signs strongly point to intentional, but it’s never been explicitly confirmed), is an example of positive queercoding.
There are many moments that I could pick out to discuss here, but we’ll start with some VERY on the nose gay metaphors. 
Remember Romy? If you don’t, that’s their actual biological son! Romy came about due to a cloning accident, where their DNA got combined and spat him out. 
There’s SO many things I could say about Romy. Every appearance he makes has an overarching gay metaphor as the plot. His first appearance in the episode Brinky (yeah it’s literally titled their ship name), it deals with his dads (WHICH I ALSO WANT TO POINT OUT, he DOES call them both dad, and they do both call him their son) disapproving of the fact that he wants to leave home and not follow in their footsteps of taking over the world. Brain even goes as far as disowning him whenever he tells him, which is certainly something a lot of queer people can unfortunately relate to. Also seen a lot in this episode is Pinky and Brain arguing even more than a married couple than usual, which pushes Romy away even further. Later, when Romy eventually does leave, and Brain starts to regret chasing him away, he tries desperately to reach out to him, but Romy doesn’t want anything to do with him. They end up tracking him down to an apartment building, where Romy is now living with his human girlfriend. When questioned about their relationship, the girlfriend, named Bunny, goes off on a tangent about how people shouldn’t judge others based on labels or relationships (hello?), and that Brain needs to be more tolerant. Brain apologizes and Romy forgives him. Happy ending.
Romy’s only other appearance is in the comics. Essentially, the plot of this one is that Brain wants to become the president of the local high school’s PTA, but he needs Romy’s help to make it look like he has a normal home life. He also enlists the help of Billie, the obligatory Woman introduced to make sure Brain doesn’t look as gay as he actually is, that he has a crush on. She pretends to be his girlfriend, and Pinky pretends to be Romy’s uncle, while they make up the story that Romy’s actual mother was lost at sea. Because if the organization found out that Brain has a son with a MAN??? THINK of the controversy! Anyway, the plan works, and Brain actually manages to get elected as president. Throughout this though, Pinky gets WEIRDLY jealous that Brain keeps brushing him aside for Billie. To the point where during Brain’s inauguration, Pinky actually dresses up as the wife/mother lost at sea and storms into the room.
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[ID: Comic panels of Pinky, Brain, and Romy on stage at the inauguration ceremony. Pinky busts into room wearing drag, saying, “Yoo hoo! I’m back from years lost at sea to be with my son and ungrateful husband! Narf!” He then hugs Romy, while glaring at Brain. He goes on to say, “I’ll stand by your side, even though you left me behind!” The people in the audience begin to question this, saying, “Oh great fuzzy bangs!”, “What’d she say?!”, “He deserted her to be with that other woman!”, “What kind of monster is he?!”. Brain then rips off Pinky’s wig and says, “This isn’t my wife! This isn’t even a woman! It’s my roommate, Pinky.” Pinky replies, “Well, yes... But Romy really is my son! Poit!” And Brain responds, “N-Nonsense! He’s my son!” More people in the audience angrily speak up, saying, “What’s that?”, “He lives with a guy who likes to dress up in women’s clothing and the both claim to be that kid’s father!”, “Grumble! Mutter!” /END ID]
Needless to say, this doesn’t end well for them. What we can conclude from this is that homophobia exists in the Pinky and the Brain universe, and our characters are directly affected by it.
Moving on, And-There-Was-Only-One-Bed is a pretty common occurrence with these two. Their cage is big, they have plenty of room for two beds, but? They choose to sleep together? Even in some times where this has been inconsistent and they DO have separate beds, they’re always RIGHT next to each other. (what if we put our minecraft beds together ❤😳)
I would like to mention the episode, You’ll Never Eat Food Pellets In This Town Again! This episode is interesting to say the least. Deals with a lot of the meta of the show. Anyway. In this episode, Brain has a nightmare that he’s in a loveless marriage with Billie. You know, the woman he’s supposed to have a crush on. In the end, he wakes up from the nightmare in the same bed as Pinky.
Speaking of female love interests, Pinky is seen having multiple relationships with characters of different species. Any time this is brought up by Brain, Pinky counters with Brain being too intolerant. An honorable mention with this is in Wakko’s Wish, when Pinky is with Pharfignewton, and Brain’s constant pestering about their relationship could be read as jealousy. Pinky needs a mousy date, after all!
Something else I would like to mention is in one episode (I forget what it’s called, I’ll try to look it up later and edit this), Brain is applying for a job. The employer asks Brain if he’s married, and Brain hesitates before saying he “has a roommate,” but that he’s occupied with his own things, which then cuts to a shot of Pinky applying lipstick.
Leading into part two of this essay, Pinky’s relationship with gender! Pinky has always been very gender nonconforming, and loves to wear dresses, do his makeup, and make himself look pretty. For the most part, this is played pretty straight, and not as a gag, like a lot of shows tend to do! It’s just a casual fact about him that he likes to present femininely sometimes.
This does play into their taking over the world plans pretty often, where Pinky wears drag, usually either to sneak into somewhere. Like in one of their earliest appearances on Animaniacs, Noah’s Lark, where they pose as a couple to board Noah’s, and I quote, “love boat.” After boarding, Noah says to himself, “Who am I to judge?” Okay. Yeah. Alright. Anyway.
I actually had less to say on this than I thought I did, but I wanted to make sure to emphasize that Pinky at the very least is coded as being Not Quite Cis, and that he’s played a key part in helping a lot of people watching the show figure out that they’re also Not Quite Cis. 
Wrapping this up because I’m hungry, but I want to throw in some more honorable mentions that I really do not see any type of cishet explanations for:
They literally go on a romantic date at a very fancy restaurant in Brain’s Night Off. This is played extremely casually, and the only remark from anyone that they receive is that they are “much smaller than the usual clients.”
Pinky, on at least one occasion, daydreams about him and Brain being a married couple, and wanting to be a housewife (the original malewife ❤)
There’s an issue in the comics where Pinky has a crush on another male mouse, and when Brain gets annoyed, Pinky reassures him that he thinks Brain is cute and quite the catch too
Brain attempting to kiss Pinky in the reboot??????
Brain actually did conquer the world once in the Halloween special, because Pinky made a deal with the devil for it, and thus Pinky got sent to hell! Brain actually went to hell and gave up the world to bring him back
Brain was extremely close to conquering the world once more in the Christmas special, but after reading what Pinky’s feelings for him were (nothing romantic, just Pinky basically just praising Brain for being so hardworking and an amazing mouse, and lamenting that he never gets anything for it), he gets so emotional that he sabotages himself and wishes everyone a Merry Christmas instead
TLDR; these mice are very queer and need therapy, and are probably the most heavily queercoded characters that I can think of in children’s media.
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that-wizard-oki · 2 years
Okay so my autism brain went brrrrr for a hot minute, so here’s me info dumping about King Arthurian lore and how it related to wizard101 lore/characters if you’re interested:
There’s literally hundreds of iterations of Merlin (in whom Ambrose is greatly inspired by) and within those hundreds of iterations there is also many OTHER different iterations of Morgana (who largely inspired Morganthe’s character)
One of the most popular iterations is the Sir Thomas Malory version written in the 15th century- which is most “accurately” depicted by the 1980′s film Excalibur. In these two representations of the story of merlin/king Arthur, Morgana’s actions in these tales are normally malicious due to Merlin (and by connection, Arthur) murdering her father and assulting her mother (and like, so much more lol).
And like, I bring this up because while some of these iterations are more popular than others, there’s not really a “true” one. So when it comes to creating characters like Ambrose and Morganthe who are largely inspired by these characters, it’s interesting to see what the writers took from the preexisting work  and wove into their own narrative
Like for one- Morganthe being a CHILD while under Merle’s tutelage is something entirely new and really changes how other aspects of the typical merlin/morgana relationship might work because they’ve always been adults. Some iterations have Merlin falling for Morgana’s beauty, and she uses (edit: damn i love infodumping because i start one thought and don’t finish the one i was currently on lmao)
But- get this- even when merlin becomes entranced or tricked by a sorceress, sometimes, it’s not even Morgana! Some tellings have Nuime in this role- who is/becomes the lady of the lake, which if you think about that in the context of wizard characters can be super interesting lol. 
Another interesting aspect is that some versions of Morgana depict her as being completely benevolent- actually, she’s usually the one that HEALS arthur (who equates to King Art in wiz if that wasn’t clear) after he dies and his spirit arrives in the isle of Avalon (yea that’s where avalon gets its name oooo smooth reference there KI)
I’m legit just going off my memory rn but I also recall Morgana being the eldest of nine sister- which is so interesting because, if Astral magic is considered just one school (as it is in the Arcanum), then shadow would be the “ninth” discipline of magic. So like, interesting the character Morganthe is based off of has 8 other sisters who could represent the other schools (looks at bat, mellori, the wizard, ect)
Also, Morgana just being like. straight up fae. Literally “Morgana le fey”- like she’s straight up a DRUID fam. Morganthe being a druid or related TO the druids would make so much sense in wiz lore KI i am begging you this character is So good DO SOMETHIGN WITH HER AAA
To end this info dump off- the reason that king Art is a bear in wiz is most likely because King Arthur’s nick-name in battle was... The Bear. I love that so much thank you 
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wixibaby · 3 years
Pwease infodump..
EEEEEEEGDHE ok here I go here I go
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here is an obligatory photo of tha 3 goobers because I am going to talk about some pretty heavy stuff. I assure you they were a happy family at one point jdshksadld
I took SO much inspiration for the Aftons as a whole. Michael is kind of like Sunny from Omori. Like he hurts Ben and his friends tempt him to frame it as an accident. For William I took a whole lot of inspo from actual serial killers and my own personal experiences with abuse. Obviously I don't think Scott did the best of jobs handling a character like William which is why I put SO much time and effort into developing him and his family.
For one thing William for sure threatens Michael with omnipresence. Mike can tell who he wants what's happening at home and run away to whoever he wants, but William will know. He will find out, and not only will he make sure Mike's "accusations" are dealt with to make Michael look like a liar, but William makes sure his son pays the price. He almost murdered Michael in a drunken rage. The only things stopping him were two things:
A. William was strangling Michael, and he had him pinned to the ground with his hands wrapped around Mike's neck so there was no way he could fight himself free. Michael was like 17 at the time and William was in his 40s, so there was no way Mike was getting free of his grasp. The only thing he could really do was kick and squirm and cry, and for a split second William saw the terror in Michael's eyes that he saw when Mike would bully Ben. Seeing that created some kind of horror and guilt for a fraction of a second that made him let go, and Michael freed himself and bolted out the door.
B. William knew that if Michael died, he would immediately be to blame. It wasn't like William could just pin the death of his family members on his best friend like he did with some random kids he killed at work in the near future.
My William, much like other serial killers, had a history of mutilating animals. He would find birds or cats or frogs and cut them up and leave them to rot. He never got in trouble for it because his parents were hellbent that William was a perfect angel who would never do such a thing. It was so preposterous that William was going around killing peoples' pets because he was just so smart and talented. He learned English so fast since they came to America and he had straight 100s in every class. There's no way it's him.
Because of that he has this weird "Oh I'll never get caught" complex. Sometimes he literally makes it dead obvious that he made all those kids go missing but the minute anybody has a lead, bam. Dead end. It was essentially a game to him where he tried to get people as close as possible to finding the killer, throw as many people under the bus as he could, rinse and repeat, because he knew he had more money was smarter than everyone else. Ironically though he got caught. Some 15 years later by a group of the same kids he murdered. Six really really pissed kids.
Elizabeth never tripped over a root in the woods and broke her neck. That was a lie William made up to make her death seem like more of an accident rather than anything he had to do with. Granted, he didn't kill her or anything, but her death was still somewhat because of how badly Ben's death affected the family and because of how William chose to grieve.
There were photos taped on William's bedroom wall when police went through his home. They all had Ben in them, his face scribbled out in black marker.
hakflhkjsdkhafdjk I love infodumping it makes my brain go ashdjkadshkdhalsdlhdhs
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