#My life has been a road trip to Vegas in a hot car
teaboot · 3 months
My point is I like myself and I like who I am and I enjoy being alive but I really don't think there should be more people like me
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chloemarievaughan · 25 days
May 4
Today we had another bus tour booked, this time, to the Isle of Skye! One of the things I was looking forward to the most about this trip. Skye is not very easily accessible, especially without a car; I considered staying on the island but there isn’t much public transportation and so again a bus tour was the best option! It is not really very close to Inverness making it a 12 hour round trip bus trip to get there. Again, thoroughly justifying my decision not to drive in Scotland because the roads were terrifying, one lane mountain roads with two way traffic covered in potholes with our bus driver flying through with ease.
Our bus driver (larger tour this time, about 30 people and a bus rather than a van) was not Scottish, he was from Lancashire and had an accent reminiscent of the Starks from Game of Thrones or Jamie Tartt from Ted Lasso. He was a grumpy old man but full of facts about the places we were passing. I thought yesterday’s drive was beautiful but I was blown away by the majestic scenery we passed today! (Grey and I each took over 400 pictures of the day! The most scenic day of my life! It was again hard to actually take photos that did the scenery justice; once I noticed something picture worthy immediately we went behind a tree blocking the view, or another car, etc. so I did end up deleting quite a few photos 😂) Grey and I started sitting together but the seats directly across the aisle were empty and so he bumped across the way, which worked out well because usually one of us had a better angle for photos than the other, one side usually being up the mountain and the other down the mountain. we had a brief morning stop to take a ~20 minute hike to a waterfall and another brief stop where I had a delicious raspberry jam and coconut cake and ginger tea with an incredible view of the farmland hills. Yesterday I dressed too warmly; today I may have gone a bit farther the other way and been not quite warm enough, but I would way rather be cold than hot! I warmed up plenty when walking around. there is a very annoying woman on the tour who has been talking non stop to the bus driver for hours of the day. She is the only person who answers when the tour guide asks a question and the grumpy tour guide driver also seems to be very annoyed by her. At breakfast she was loudly chatting with a Scottish couple who lived locally and complaining about the low level of education in the US and how most people where she lives in Las Vegas don’t have bachelors degrees. I’m not sure how likely it is that the sheep farmers she was complaining to have bachelors degrees… but also why spend time complaining about this when you could be talking to the lovely local Scottish couple about literally any other topic lolol.
we stopped at a scenic overlook in the mountains of one of the lochs, which was scenic but was not actually a great place to take a picture because the trees next to the overlook were way too tall!
I learned that loch sometimes means lake but more accurately means body of water- something like 20 % of the lochs are fed by the ocean and aren’t a proper lake. Other things I learned as fun facts from the driver: the isle of Skye, our destination, was expecting 300 million dollars of tourism in 2024. It’s may 4th and they have already surpassed that! He told us about the history of developing the roads and trains through the wilderness of the highlands, including the bridge to Skye. They used to only have a ferry able to take two cars at a time across the water, and then would up with a bridge charging crazy tolls that had to be purchased by the government due to all the protests of the tolls.
Every single bend we went around on the road to Skye and then on Skye and on the way home from Skye was more scenic and picture worthy than the last! It was magical! We went to lunch at Portree which is the biggest town on Skye, overlooking a harbor with colorful houses and filled with touristy shops and restaurants. then we went to hike the Fairy Pools- which has surpassed my previous favorite hike I did in Colorado last summer while visiting Grey as the best hike I’ve ever done! We had 1.5 hours to hike a 3 mile out and back that was down a mountain, up a mountain, back down the mountain, and back up the mountain, all following along a winding mountain river with rock fixtures and waterfalls and plenty of mountainous photo opportunities to boot. One of us had an easier time on this hike than the other; let’s say the one who lives in Denver at a mile elevation and regularly climbs mountains had an easier hike than the one with the sinus infection lol. So I powerwalked on the out part of the hike, planning to go slower on the way back, taking in the view. It was a bit difficult to tell when to stop hiking, but I made it to a waterfall that is the picture when you google “fairy pools” so I figured, good enough! Grey made it much farther but just decided when to turn around based on timing. The trail continued on but was less and less maintained and more and more rocky. We headed back, and I felt like I was dyingI on the last little climb back up the mountain and had to keep stopping very out of breath to enjoy the scenery and recover. Made it back to the top with 9 minutes to spare and enjoyed looking back on the whole hike!
We then stopped at a memorial for the two Scottish men who did most of the surveying and mapping of the mountains on Skye. They have a statue of themselves gazing upward, forever facing the beautiful mountains they once explored. Next to their memorial was a restaurant where Grey and I enjoyed some more whisky- grey asked for the “peatiest scotch they had” and I had a whisky distilled on Skye, a Talisker 10 year. It started to sprinkle just a little bit on the way back, so I couldn’t take pictures for a while out the window but still was able to soak in the view. Last stop of the day was a picture stop at Eilean Donan castle, which juts out on a loch with a great view. It is sort of the ruins of a castle and looks how I would imagine Hogwarts is supposed to look to muggles 😂😂
the last bit we wound down the mountain past more incredibly beautiful mountains and back to Inverness past Loch Ness- we are going back to Loch Ness tomorrow. We had dinner at a random restaurant taking reservations (it is a bank holiday this weekend so people don’t work Monday, and the restaurants are pretty full) it was okay but we were both exhausted so ate super quickly to make it back to the air bnb to pass out!
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hotdamnhunnam · 3 years
🎰🔪🧨 with Charlie himself. 🤞🏻
Thanks for your request for my Emoji Fic Fest! 💗
Slut Machine
Pairing: Charlie Hunnam x F!Reader Warnings: smut, swearing, Vegas shenanigans Word Count: ~1.5k Emoji Prompt: 🎰🔪🧨 (key words are in bold)
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“Morning, sleepyhead.”
… Whose voice is that? Your senses are too hazy yet to process who it was or what he said. You blink your bleary eyes and wake up in an… unfamiliar bed. The sheets are a ridiculous resplendent red—must be a love motel or some shit—there’s a story as to how you ended up here but you find you can’t remember any of it. Sleep was so deep that you feel as if you’re waking from the dead.
When your eyes finally flutter open everything comes flooding back. You’re here in bed with Charlie Motherfucking Hunnam and the sight of his blue gaze and bright white grin gives you a goddamn heart attack.
You cover your face with your hands and groan out loud at just how mortified you are. Recalling how you’d made a clown out of yourself last night when you bumped into this million-dollar movie star. Literally bumped into him—till yesterday you never even knew him—you had just been crushing hard on him for years but he was always a completely unattainable celebrity. A girls’ trip brought you to Sin City; you and your besties were hopping casually from bar to bar, when you had stumbled clumsily straight into Charlie as he stepped out of his car.
You’d simply scurried off in that instant ‘cause he was too damn beautiful in person and your ass was terrified. But then bumped into him again soon after you both got inside. This time you had a full martini glass in hand and spilled its contents all across his shirt and thought you ought to help the man get dried. Decided then you really shouldn’t try to run away and hide.
You’d grabbed a bunch of napkins, dabbing at his chest and abs through the damp fabric as you nervously apologized for what happened. Your spastic wiping motions all across his chiseled muscles weren’t exactly very helpful with the spilled drink situation, as your brain cells were all absent in the face of heaven’s most stunning creation. Charlie said some shit about how bumping into you a second time wasn’t an accident. You were too hypnotized with lust to understand just what he meant.
He joked that you could make it up to him by winning him a jackpot at the slot machines. You told him shyly that the whole gambling thing isn’t quite your scene. Although he didn’t want to pressure you he asked you to indulge him in a night of fun—all kinds of shit you’d never done—let him take you out around Vegas to the wildest places you had never been.
It didn’t make sense that you felt so safe with him but hell you did. You were still sober by the time Charlie was coming onto you and all your girlfriends chanted do it do it do it! And the craziest night of your life began before you even knew it. Took you to his favorite high-stakes casino—then to seats in the front row at a big AEW Dynamite show—and then to some intense axe-throwing place that also offered knives and ninja stars and other shit to throw.
The best part of the night though… was of course when Charlie claimed you as his dirty little ho. The memory of it is vivid as you look up at him now and find that both of you are still stuck in the most mind-blowing afterglow.
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“No way that was your first fucking time throwing knives?!” Charlie shakes his blonde head in defeat as he walks you back out to the sweet car he drives. “Bitch I swear you’ve been doing this shit your whole life.”
You slide into the passenger seat while erupting in laughter. He’s so fucking butthurt that your aim was better than his because he’s a competitive smug little bastard. “Well I am an assassin specifically hired to take out insanely attractive actors… but I can assure you that wasn’t a factor.”
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He closes the driver’s side door, turns the keys and the engine ignites in a smooth thrumming roar. “And by ‘take out’ you mean…?”
“It’s cute of you to ask but dinner and a movie isn’t really the assassin scene.”
He chuckles playfully as he speeds down the street, the night alive with white hot heat, the lights of Vegas bright as ever as the night deepens. “You gonna kill me in my sleep, then?”
“That’d be making it too easy.”
“Babe, don’t tease me. We both know you make it hard.”
Okay so he just pulled that card.
Fight off the burning urge to stare down at his crotch—no doubt the car would crash then if you saw what you’re imagining and know you’d be unable to resist the urge to touch…
You’ve never wanted anyone or anything in all your life so fucking much.
The sudden tension in the air leads him to smooth back his slicked hair, facing the road with a restrained stare. He’s been picking up on signals all night long but doesn’t dare to just assume you want to go there. Tries to come off calm and cool although there’s nothing he wants more. “So, uh—should I just drive you back to your hotel or…?”
The voice that comes out of your mouth is one you barely even recognize. It takes both you and Charlie by surprise, the way your inner slut replies: “That’d be a fucking bore. You know I’d much rather you take me back to yours… so you can fuck me like a filthy little whore.”
The swanky penthouse suite in the five-star hotel where Charlie came to stay… it’s a ten-minute drive away.
That’s way too far needless to say.
He needs you right this second, after what you’d gone and said—although the backseat of his car is a fine spot for a good wrecking, there are fifty shades of shit he’d rather do with you spread in the comfort of a big sumptuous bed.
Thankfully there is an extremely tacky-looking love motel just down the road. And it’s the perfect place for you two to check in and let your passions for each other just explode.
It turns out this particular motel has a requirement for guests to stay the night that just might pose a bit of trouble: lovebirds have to pass through the adjoining chapel first and be a lawfully wedded couple.
So you stand uncomfortably at the reception desk and bite your tongue. Happen to know that Charlie tied the knot in Vegas once when he was young; you’ve heard about it in some interviews. You’re sure that he’d have no desire to repeat that same mistake tonight with you.
But this has been a night of wild crazy shit and he’s on fire to continue.
Mostly it’s just that he really needs his dick in you… but there’s a spark that he can feel might someday blossom into something more and he just hopes that you can feel it too.
Of course you do. The ceremony is a joke but you’re both giddy as if it’s real by the time you’ve seen it through. There’s just no hope of sanity and self-control between you two.
You’re in a fluffy white confection of a wedding gown that this establishment provided for the night. You look like a big puff of cotton fucking candy and he wants to take a bite. So much about this night seems wrong, but when the heat between the racing of your heartbeats is so strong, it can’t feel anything but right.
Once you’re at last inside your room he throws you down onto the bed and dives headfirst into your gown, and goes to town, taking you high until you die as he goes down.
The dress is so damn big, that you can’t see his flawless face, let alone his glorious dick, and that’s a royal fucking waste. You need to see and touch and taste.
He knows exactly what you need and ravenously rips the poufy fabric off of you. His pearly smile and the bristles of his beard are gleaming with your pussy juices as he climbs on top of you. You long to tell him just how bad you want to blow him—want to tell him that you love him even though you barely know him—it would be fucking insane to say I love you, but of course you can still show him.
Yet he wants to consummate this marriage first, before he lets you satisfy your thirst. You’ll have a lifetime’s worth of days and nights to suck on his big dick if you decide to stay with him and make him yours.
That’s everything you want of course.
This whirlwind of a night that started with a stupid joke about hitting the jackpot at the slot machines… turned into you being his motherfucking wife, after the wildest and best night of your motherfucking life. And now he’s here on top of you about to fuck you and it’s totally outrageously obscene.
You wouldn’t have it any other way ‘cause you know you were put on earth to serve as Charlie Hunnam’s dirty little slut machine.
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Emoji Fic Masterlist
Emoji Fic Tag List – below; if you’d like to be added or removed, just let me know!
@happyhunnams @band--psycho @est11 @edonaspanca @starbooty @innerpaperexpertcloud @i-love-scott-mccall @six-camelot @alexa-rae-dreamz @coffeebooksandfandom @thesuicidalflower @flaireandsynch @helloheyhihowdyheya @gemini0410 @waywardodysseys @zozebo @bettergetusetoit @emilykjh @little-diable @rocketqueen @mrspeacem1nusone @miss-smutty @rayslittlekitten @abby-splace @chubbychubbs28 @miraclesoflove @tegggeeee @hunnambabe @missusnora @kesskirata @vixenrebellion @thexhostess @pomegranatearildreams @kandii395 @severewobblerlightdragon @itspdameronthings @niki-xie @cind-in-real-life @saweetspoiled @poge-life @few-proud-emotonal @samanthaisnthome @melodranas @soaharleys @charlie-hunnams-old-lady @simpmasterjr @nataliewalker93 @lovebarefootblonde @marvelousmermaid @tsukuyomi011 @sciapod @midnight-dreams-23
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 years
2020 Fics
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Hi ya’ll! I took some inspiration from my girl @supernatural-jackles and did a round up of all the fics I posted this year! Anything from 2020 is below and organized by pairing. I never realized I did so many oneshots this year until now. I’m looking forward to what 2021 brings!
Dean: 78 Fics (35 oneshots, 32 imagines, 10 series, 1 drabble)
Sam: 6 fics (4 oneshots, 2 imagines)
Jensen: 20 Fics (16 oneshots, 3 imagines, 1 series)
Jared: 4 Fics (3 oneshots, 1 imagine)
No Pairing: 3 Fics (3 oneshots)
Poly Pairing: 3 Fics (2 oneshots, 1 imagine)
Other Characters: 1 Fic (1 oneshot)
Total 2020: 115 Fics (64 oneshots, 39 imagines, 11 series, 1 drabble)
Dean x reader
Out Of The Way (Part 2) (Bartender!Dean x reader) - The reader has been working at the bar for a while and things seem to be running smoothly as she and Dean continue to grow closer.
Creep (Dean x reader) - The reader runs into an old flame at the bar.
Girl’s Trip (Dean x reader) - Dean wakes up the reader and her friends after the reader’s bachorlette party in Vegas.
Quarantine (Doctor!Dean x Nurse!reader) - After an accident at work leaves the reader exposed to a dangerous virus, she has has to spend two weeks in quarantine with her ex-boyfriend, Dean.
Not Stupid (Dean x reader) (11x17 Rewrite) - After a hunt goes wrong, the reader and Sam are injured and it only gets worse from there.
Rough Ride (Dean x reader) (smut) - The reader gets in trouble with Dean on purpose but he’s going to make her work to get off.
Stranded (EMT!Dean x reader) (smut) - After a car accident, the reader and Dean are stranded on the side of the road in a storm and begin to bicker. When Dean nearly leaves, she incentivizes him to stay.
Anything For You (Michael!Dean x reader) (smut) - The reader has another one of her control lessons with Michael.
My Oh My (Alpha!Dean x omega!reader) (smut) - The reader and her next door neighbor Dean have an arrangement to help one another through heats and ruts or just to fool around when they feel like it. When the reader’s heat hits though, things go differently this time around.
Omega Mine (Omega!Dean x omega!reader) (smut) - After a long hunt, Dean’s heat hits him full on and triggers the reader’s as well. But Dean needs to be taken care of first, the reader has just the trick.
Hot Pink (Dean x reader) (smut) - After a hunt, Dean needs an extra roll of bandages and finds something intriguing in the reader’s bag.
Harder (AU Dom!Dean x sub!reader) (smut) - The reader has a bad day at work and needs Dean to help her unwind, even if she might take it too far.
Natural (Dean x reader) (smut) - After sharing their feelings for one another, the reader and Dean are finally about to get intimate. Only the reader gets nervous about how she might look downstairs.
The Game (Dean x reader) - After Dean’s death, the reader isn’t in great shape and would prefer to stay home and be miserable. But when she gets a letter from Dean, she soon starts playing a game he created for her in the event that he died to help her try to get the closure she needs.
Can’t Stand The Heat (Cowboy!Dean x reader) (smut) - After a long day at work, Dean comes home to a very warm reader in very little clothing.
Dry Spell (Dean x reader) (smut) - When Dean is cursed on a hunt, he discovers a few things belonging to him may be missing. It may be some time before they find a cure but the reader doesn’t see a problem with this.
Five Times I Fell For You (Dean x reader) - Five different times Dean has fallen in love with the reader over the course of their relationship.
Blank Slate (Actor!Dean x reader) - After losing her memories of her life with her family, the reader has to try and piece together what exactly happened to her with her husband’s help.
Mateless Mate (Alpha!Dean x Human!reader) - The reader moves into her new apartment and meets her Alpha neighbor, Dean. He seems friendly enough but he’s very adamant that he and the reader are going to be something more.
Mated For Life (Alpha!Dean x Omega!reader) - It’s not a good night when Dean’s father comes over unannounced to try and drag Dean on a hunt. Unfortunately, things go from bad to worse fast.
A New Kind Of Misery (Part 1) (Soulmate!Dean x Actress!reader) - After a night out, the reader wakes up the next day to discover her soulmate mark is now on her body. Except she has no idea who they are.
A New Kind Of Misery (Part 2) (Soulmate!Dean x Actress!reader) - After a night out, the reader wakes up the next day to discover her soulmate mark is now on her body. Except she has no idea who they are.
Somebody I Used To Know (Endverse!Dean x reader) - Months into the end of the world, the reader helps out a mysterious man she’s never seen before. He asks her to meet up with him where she learns she used to know him better than anyone.
One Room Left (Dean x reader) - Dean and the reader find out their motel room only has one bed. This ends up being a very good thing.
Roommates (AU!Dean x reader) - The reader’s roommate, Dean, is looking a little worse for wear after work one night. When he passes out on the couch, she knows something needs to change.
Snowed In (AU!Dean x reader) - The reader is staying over her best friend Dean’s house for the weekend due to a nasty winter storm. During a game of truth or dare, Dean makes an unusual dare that will make serious changes to their friendship.
What You Wish For (Prince!Dean x Princess!reader) - Princess Y/N isn’t pleased to have to attend a boring business dinner with the royal family of the neighboring kingdom. When she complains to her fairy godfather about it, she and a certain young prince get a lesson in being careful what you wish for.
Memories (Dean x reader) - When Dean discovers the reader has abilities she’s never told him about, he breaks things off. But when she wanders back into the Winchester’s lives a year later, he starts to realize there’s more to the situation than just a few lies.
Three’s Company (Dean x reader) (smut) - The reader discovers that the AU Dean that’s been living with them lately may have a thing for her. Dean’s known for a while though and is okay with letting the reader play out a certain desire of hers with the alternate Dean.
Change Of Plans (Dean x reader) - As the reader and Dean begin their romantic weekend away, mother nature decides to visit the reader a week early and throw off all of their plans. Dean however is intent on making sure the reader feels okay and is still enjoying their time together.
15 x 20 (Dean x reader) - This is a semi-rewrite of episode 15x20.
The Boss From Hell (Demon!Dean x reader) (smut) - After Hell rose up under the rule of Boyking Sam and took over the earth, the reader has found herself working for Hell Corp and trying to be as productive an employee as possible to save herself from death. When she gets a call to meet with Sam himself though, he has a new job for her, one involving seducing his demon brother.
Unspoken (Dean x reader) - Dean is cursed with the inability to speak unless a cure can be found. It begins to wear on him in more ways than one.
Pajama Man (Dean x reader) - For their first holiday season away from hunting, Dean decides to get everyone some Christmas themed pajamas and something a little extra to celebrate Hanukkah too.
Good Point (AU!Dean x reader) - The reader isn’t too happy when the number on the scale has gone up during quarantine despite their best efforts to be healthier recently. Dean however has a different viewpoint that helps put things into perspective.
Imagine…Demon Dean Catching You (Demon!Dean x reader)
Imagine…Secretly Dating Dean (Dean x reader)
Imagine…Meeting Your Online Date In Person (Dean x reader)
Imagine…Dean Debating Asking You Out (Dean x reader)
Imagine…Dean Noticing When You’re Down (Dean x reader)
Imagine…Meeting The Other Winchesters (Dean x reader)
Imagine…Running Into AU Dean (AU!Dean x AU!reader)
Imagine…A Day On The River (Dean x reader)
Imagine…Dean Being Cursed To Only Tell The Truth (Dean x reader)
Imagine…Counting Dean’s Freckles (Dean x reader)
Imagine…Dean On Game Night (Dean x reader)
Imagine…Dean’s First Sleepover (Daddy!Dean x reader)
Imagine…The Power Going Out (Dean x reader)
Imagine…Getting A Sunburn (Dean x reader)
Imagine…An Accidental Kiss (Dean x reader)
Imagine…Working Out With Dean (Dean x reader)
Imagine…Warming Up With Dean (Dean x reader)
Imagine…A Nighttime Hayride (Dean x reader)
Imagine…After A Bad Hunt (Dean x reader)
Imagine…Touch Football (AU!Dean x reader)
Imagine…Taking A Midnight Swim (Dean x reader)
Imagine…Sam Teasing You About Dean (Dean x reader)
Imagine…Nesting With Dean (Alpha!Dean x omega!reader)
Imagine…Running Into Your Ex (Dean x reader)
Imagine…Dean & His Babies (Daddy!Dean x reader)
Imagine…Dean Replacing Your Jacket With You Knowing (Dean x reader)
Imagine…Dean Teaching You To Drive Baby (Dean x reader)
Imagine…An Elf On The Shelf Following Dean (Dean x reader)
Imagine…Decorating The Bunker (Dean x reader)
Imagine…Getting A Card From Dean (Dean x reader)
Imagine…Dean Liking Harry Potter (Dean x reader)
Imagine…Dean Shoveling Snow (Dean x reader)
Not Losing You (Mechanic!Dean x reader) (Completed)
-The reader is pulled over on the side of the road when a man suddenly appears and proceeds to collapse in front of her. Little does she know, that may be a good thing for them both…
Make It Through The Night (Apocalypse!Dean x reader) (Completed)
- One year into the apocalypse, the reader finds herself in some trouble when a mysterious stranger shows up. When she finds out what exactly was the cause of the end of the world, she agrees to help him make things right…
The Shallows (Wildlife Agent!Dean x reader) (Completed)
-A few months after moving to a quiet little lake town on the edge of the state park, the reader has a near death experience and is saved by a man close by. When the police don’t take her seriously, he does and the pair stumble onto something bigger than they imagined…
My Little Secret (Mechanic!Dean x reader) (Completed)
-When a tragic accident happens, Dean takes a drastic measure in order to save the person he cares about most…
Still The One (Mechanic!Dean x reader) (Completed)
-When the reader’s childhood best friend, Dean, shows up at her door one night after a fight with his roommate, she invites him to stay. But things aren’t as simple as they seem…
The Wedding Date (AU!Dean x reader) (Completed)
- When the reader is in desperate need of a date to her sister’s wedding, she calls a service to fulfill the need and ends up meeting Dean Winchester…
A Nightmare In A Dream (Serial Killer!Dean x reader) (Completed)
- Six months after reuniting with the Winchesters and her brother, things are going good for the reader. She and Dean are happily together and occasionally stay with her brother, Matty, and Sam, who has been getting him used to normal life. Life appears to be heading in a good direction when the past has a way of creeping up again and dropping a bombshell on them all…
Strangers (Doctor!Dean x patient!reader) (Completed) - While getting a snack out of the vending machine, the reader bumps into a frustrated doctor who’s having a bad night and helps him get some perspective on things…
Home Bound (Dean x reader) (Dean’s POV) (Completed) - After defeating Chuck, Dean wakes up in the middle of nowhere Colorado four months after dying. He has no idea why he’s alive again or what’s going on. All he knows is his family is gone and he needs to get back home to figure out what brought him back to life and why. It’s easier said than done though in the middle of a brutal ice storm with Dean’s grief threatening to consume him every passing moment. Dean knows if he can just make it home, he’ll be okay again or so he hopes…
Soldier Boy (Superhero!Dean x reader) (Completed) - When the reader is saved by Soldier Boy, she isn’t all that happy with him. She makes an impression on him though which is perfect for her plans. But her simple job of getting Soldier Boy to fall for her for a little revenge isn’t so easy when she starts to see the man behind the mask…
You Ever…
Sam x Reader
Heir To The Throne (Boyking!Sam x reader) (smut) - Sam’s had a hard day at work and needs to unwind.
Let Go (Dom!Sam x sub!reader) (smut) - The reader and Sam are beginning their new relationship but the reader has a few things to learn about being a sub.
Say It (Sam x reader) (smut) - The reader brings her bar hookup home and discovers that permission turns him a whole lot more than she thought it would.
Surprises (Sam x reader) (smut) - The reader has a few birthday surprises for Sam.
Sam’s Self-care Routine (Sam x reader)
Sex In The Impala (Sam x reader)
Jensen x Reader
Breathe (Jensen x reader) (smut) - The reader is having an off day and wants to be left alone. Jensen on the other hand comes up with the perfect plan to make the reader feel wanted.
Twisted (Jensen x reader) - The reader goes to a sleepover at her boyfriend Jensen’s place but the night doesn’t end well when she starts feeling insecure.
Unexpected (Jensen x reader) - The reader and Jensen discover their odds of having children are low and look into adoption. When they end up fostering a teenager though, they realize what they thought they wanted might be right in front of them.
Mardi Gras (Jensen x reader) (smut) - A year after Jensen’s reign as King for Mardi Gras, the reader has a surprise for him. Only he has one for her as well.
Wrong Number (Jensen x reader) - An accidental text message leads to something more between Jensen and the reader.
Mated (Alpha!Jensen x Omega!reader) - The reader discovers that her old school classmate is in fact her true mate and she’s not sure how to feel about that at first.
Best Laid Plans (Jensen x reader) - When Jensen starts acting strange around the reader, she has a talk with Jared to ease her worries. In doing so, she reveals a secret of her own and may just put an end to her friendship with Jensen for good.
Love Notes (Jensen x reader) - After the show has finished filming, Jensen’s returned home and is feeling a little off. The reader decides to make a scavenger hunt to cheer him up with a fun surprise waiting at the end.
More Than Words (Jensen x reader) - The reader and her boyfriend Jensen have been together for years but she feels him slipping away when the physical distance between them starts affecting their relationship. She decides to end things for both their sakes when she feels him stop caring and tries to move on with her life. But an afternoon get together is going to change hers forever and she now has to figure out what that means for both her and Jensen.
Dark Little Places (Jensen x reader) - The reader makes an out of the blue comment about being happy which concerns Jensen that she might not be as happy as she seems to be.
All The Friends With Benefits (Jensen x reader) - The reader and Jensen are attending their friends Halloween party when they start flirting a little too hard for their own good.
I Got You (Part 1) (Jensen x reader) - The reader is celebrating her two year anniversary with her fiance when her best friend from childhood, Jensen, calls. Something’s wrong with him and he tries to play it off once he remembers what night it is for her but the reader isn’t budging and that may be a good thing for the both of them.
I Got You (Part 2) (Jensen x reader) - The reader has a quieter morning with Jensen while trying to convince him that he needs to talk to his family sooner rather than later if he wants to start feeling better.
The One Who Got Away (Jensen x reader) - While out with friends one night, the reader bumps into her old high school best friend, Jensen. They always had a will they, won’t they relationship but the reader finds things with Jensen don’t seem to be going as well she thinks they are.
Honey & Sweetheart (Jensen x reader) - The reader talks to Jensen and a special friend about struggling with parts of the finale.
Christmas Card (Photographer!Jensen x reader) - The reader and her family are getting some Christmas photos done when the reader inadvertently leaves her phone behind. When she goes to retrieve it, she gets to talking to the photographer.
The Glitter Prank (Jensen x reader)
Meeting Jensen Grocery Shopping (Jensen x reader)
Imagine…Jensen’s Self-care Routine (Jensen x reader)
Won’t You Stay (Jensen x Director!reader) (Completed)
- Having grown up with Ethan Y/L/N, one of Hollywood’s biggest and most loved stars, as a father, the reader is following in his footsteps and is directing her first movie. Even better, it’s the story she wrote and published years earlier, The Dark Woods, and her dad is set to play one of the leads. On the surface, her life seems perfect, even while she keeps the truth hidden. When the other lead actor drops out the first day of filming, they’re forced to find a replacement and fast. Jensen Ackles is an up and comer and seemingly knows the character inside and out. But he has a past too and the last thing either one of them wants is to get involved. But if they can get over their fears of being hurt again, they may find that they’re exactly what the other needs…
Jared x Reader
Saxx (Jared x reader) (smut) - The reader is determined to have Jared bottom for her tonight but first, she wants a special strip show from him.
A Texas Dream (Jared x reader) (smut) - After a shopping trip, Jared finds out the reader purchased a pair of her first authentic cowboy boots while the reader discovers that Jared really has a thing for them, even if he doesn’t want to admit it at first.
Reflect (Jared x reader) - Jared notices the reader shying away from him and suspects something serious with the way she views herself is going on.
Jared’s Self-Care Routine (Jared x reader)
No Pairing 
Seeing Double (Part 2) (Alpha!Dean x Jensen) (platonic) - After the Winchesters show up at Jensen’s apartment, they discover getting the boys home may not be possible.
Beg For It (Lucifer x Michael) (smut) - Michael wants it again and Lucifer knows that. Tonight though, he wants to hear his brother beg.
Baby Brothers (Dean x sister!reader) - Dean shows up at the reader’s doorstep injured and looking for help. Little does he know, the reader is going to do more than fix up a few cuts for him.
Poly Pairing
Jared x Reader x Jensen
Silver Lining - After poor weather cancels their flight into Vancouver, the group rents a car in hopes of driving into town before filming is set to start. Unfortunately for them, their bad luck follows them and their car breaks down in the middle of nowhere.
Jenneel x reader (Jensen x Reader x Danneel)
Photos - The reader and Danneel have a small fight over a present for Jensen that leads to his intervening and a small confession.
Sam x reader x Dean
Imagine…Telling The Boys You’re Pregnant (Sam x reader x Dean)
Benny x Reader
Dangerous (Benny x reader) (smut) - The reader gets injured on a hunt and gets in idea have some fun with her favorite vampire.
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shining-red-diamond · 3 years
One Little Coyote
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Words: 2k
Pairing:  Hyunjin x Reader
Genre: Fluff, some angst
Rating: PG
Warnings: nightmare scene, some arguing, mentions of cigarettes and smoking
A/N; I’m super proud of how this turned out! I’m sorry if it seems rushed, but I thought this was a cute and interesting concept. Banner credits to @oobin​
If the morning sun wasn’t hot enough, then the afternoon sun certainly was. Heat waves could easily be seen rising up from the dark pavement the gray Subaru traveled on. Hyunjin carefully drove himself and Y/N across the desert, even though it was mostly barren despite the occasional car that passed them in the opposite direction. The two had been on the road since eight, and it was now nearing twelve-thirty as Y/N’s stomach began to rumble.
“Are you that hungry?” Hyunjin giggled.
“Hey, you’re the one who insisted on just having granola bars instead of eggs like I suggested,” Y/N shot back.
“I know, I should’ve set the alarm for earlier.” Hyunjin rolled his eyes behind his round, dark-lense sunglasses.
Y/N sighed. “No, I should’ve just grabbed an apple.”
“Baby, we’re almost to a gas station. We’ll stop there and grab a bite to eat.”
For whatever reason, the two seemed to be arguing about something with every other conversation they had since waking up that morning. Was it because one of them slept bad? Did Hyunjin get irritated at her for some reason? Or was Y/N just hangry? They hated fighting with each other, but they couldn’t seem to get along for the first leg of their journey. The heat could be a factor in both of them butting heads, but the air was on full blast.
Y/N stared down at her twiddling her thumbs as the song changed to an old AC/DC tune, and Hyunjin glanced over at her. He felt bad for using a sharp tone at her. For months, the two had been planning a road trip from the Grand Canyon to Las Vegas; but he felt terrible for being in such a crabby mood.
Taking her hand, he laced his fingers through hers and kissed the back of it.
“Why the sudden change in behavior?” she asked with a raised brow.
“I’m sorry,” he apologized as they pulled into the gas station.
“Can we talk about this later? I just want to get some food before my stomach starts speaking in tongues.”
Before Hyunjin could respond, Y/N was already out of the car and beelined for the restaurant in the convenience store.
The gas station had only three other vehicles parked there: a motorcycle on the side of the building, a beat up brown truck at a pump, and a dark minivan at another. Heat from the sun was beating down in the surrounding area, but Hyunjin was protected under some shade at the gas pump he paid at. A snake slithered by, but it didn’t bother him. A rugged looking man exited the building and pulled a brand new pack of cigarettes and lit one up before entering the truck and pulling out, but not before giving Hyunjin a nod of acknowledgement.
When the tank was filled, Hyunjin took his receipt, parked in another spot, and locked the car before meeting his girlfriend inside. Y/N was sitting in a gray booth with an order of two burgers and large fries with two large drinks. She hadn’t touched any of the food on the tray, which she always did when she paid for food if she were traveling with anyone. Hyunjin was about to open his mouth to protest how he should have been the one to purchase the food, but he was done arguing with the love of his life.
“This looks delicious, baby,” he smiled and kissed her head before sitting in the seat across from her.
“I made sure to not get pickles in yours,” she replied.
“You know me too well.”
Once Hyunjin tied his long hair back, he and Y/N began their lunch; and she was thankful they didn’t fight while they filled their bellies with a meal.
“Just think,” Hyunjin smiled slyly, “by tomorrow afternoon we’ll be entering Vegas. The desert and heat will be a distant memory as we feast on delicious food, swim in an indoor pool, and get cozy.”
Y/N chuckled at his attempt at being smooth with his words, which in turn caused him to laugh as well.
“We can’t forget seeing all of the cool shows and counting the slot machines in each casino,” she added. “But I’m happy to just be with you for a few days, even if we don’t get to party like millionaires.”
Hyunjin scoffed. “Who needs wealth when I’m already a rich man just having the most beautiful woman in the world with me?”
“You’re cheesy, dude; but I like cheese.”
“I know,” her boyfriend replied with a wink.
As soon as they finished their meal, the two were back on the road, the surrounding desert brightened more by the afternoon sun. For about two hours, the two drive in mostly silence. The only noises around them were the radio, which would go static in some areas, and the wind outside. A few animals passed by in the sand and among the vegetation, but it was mostly snakes and rabbits.
“Babe,” Hyunjin said after a while, “about me apologizing earlier, I didn’t sleep well last night and woke up this morning in a bad mood. I hate fighting with you, and I was trying to make it up to you.”
He couldn’t exactly look at her as he was driving, but he could see out of the corner of his eye she was half smiling as he spoke.
“I’m sorry, too,” she lightly sighed. “I shouldn’t have snapped back at you. I didn’t know.”
“It’s not your fault. The bed at the motel was too uncomfortable.”
“Hopefully, the hotel bed is much better.”
“It’s Vegas! It has to be.”
A truce was formed during their own little comedy hour, and Hyunjin was happy he was able to make it all up with his girl. Like most couples, they had their arguments some days, but Hyunjin could never stay angry with Y/N, nor could she with him. The last thing either of them wanted to do was hurt the other person, and they both knew words were impactful. Only once had they insulted each other where it hurt the most that they wouldn’t speak to each other for a week until they both cooled off and talked it over.
“I wonder where the coyotes are,” Y/N spoke up as she looked out the window.
“They’re out there,” her boyfriend replied as he glanced around the sandy plains. “We won’t be going anywhere near them, but we’re approaching a bunch of rock formations and hills in a while.”
“Maybe we’ll hear them when we camp.”
“And that one little coyote howling at the moon,” Y/N sang with a giggle.
As if on cue, the radio song switched to the exact song. It was a genie wishing her song request.
The night air was too quiet for Y/N, except for the coyote’s howling at the full moon every couple of seconds. Moonlight illuminated the inside of the car, and she couldn’t fall back asleep anymore. The windows were still cracked open a little to allow air to circulate, but there was no wind blowing. Y/N hated how silent it was, and the coyote’s weren’t exactly singing lullabies to her. Sitting up, she looked over to where Hyunjin was, but he was gone. His blanket remained there, but the man himself had vanished.
Maybe he just had to go pee somewhere, she thought. However, the closest gas station was miles behind them. There was no way he would have walked that far just for a bathroom with a way to protect himself. The possibility of him just finding a small bush to do his business seemed logical, and since it was dark out, anyone who passed by probably wouldn’t see him.
Against her better judgement, Y/N decided to step out and see if her boyfriend was okay. Climbing over the seats, she reached one of the passenger doors and unlocked it. Once she stumbled out of the car, she shut the door and made her way to the back. The little fire pit used to cook their hot dogs was missing, and there was no sign that anyone had made a stop there. Nothing but dry mud and weeds. The air was also freezing, but Y/N didn’t want to go back to the car until her boyfriend was found.
“Hyunjin?” Y/N called in a whisper. No answer. She called for him across the other side of the main road, but still no reply.
“Babe, this isn’t funny!” she called as she turned around to see if he was messing with her.
To her horror, the Subaru was now gone. She didn’t hear the engine turn on, no tire tracks were left, nothing. It was as if it vanished into thin air. Turning back again, the road was gone too. What was going on?
Coyote howls grew louder, and Y/N was starting to panic. Small feet scampered by her, but not a humans’ footsteps. She pulled out her phone light and looked down. A row of jack rabbits were racing by her towards the rock formations, so she decided to follow them to try to find help. She took about six steps before a branch seemingly wrapped around her ankle and tripped her, cutting into the flesh.
“Don’t panic,” YN told herself. “It’s just a bush. You can get out of this.”
However, once she sat up, whatever was holding her had let go and disappeared. It left behind her ankle bleeding, but she had no means of treating it. She could still walk on it, so she kept going.
A few snakes, poisonous ones, slithered by, hissing at her as she walked. It was as if they were threatening her to turn back or else they’ll attack and sink their venomous fangs into her.
“As I rode my pony across the Western plain,” she sang sobbed, not realizing she had been crying. “We stopped and heard a sweet and sad refrain. It filled the sundown skies with a lonesome tune. It was one little coyote howling at the moon.”
RIght at that moment, howling broke the eerie silence from behind her. When Y/N turned around, two red glowing eyes were staring at her. It was a terrible, hungry look, and a deep throaty growl sent shivers down her back. Before she could even blink, teeth flashed in front of her as if the creature attempted to eat her face off.
Y/N screamed as she felt her life ending right there.
“Baby, wake up!” a familiar voice cried out.
Opening her eyes, Y/N realized she was back in the car but in a cold sweat. It was somewhat dark out, but the sky was just barely rising by the deep purple sky fading into pink.
“Jinnie!” Y/N sobbed as she pulled her boyfriend in for a hug.
“What happened?”
Once she caught her breath, she realized everything she had seen and experienced was all a nightmare.
“Bad dream?” Hyunjin guessed as dried her head with a blanket.
“Yeah,” she sighed. She explained everything in detail to him, even checking her ankle for the injury she had sustained. To her relief, there was no cut.
“I’m so sorry you had such an awful nightmare,” Hyunjin kissed her forehead. “I forget how you have bad nightmares one the first night of a camping trip.”
“I’ll be okay,” Y/N promised. “What time is it?”
Hyunjin looked through the suitcases for some fresh clothes. “6:30 in the morning. I was awake because I got too hot in here. It wasn’t long before you screamed awake.”
“I’m sorry if I scared you.”
“No, no. Don’t be sorry. It was only a dream.”
After tying his hair up to keep himself cool, Hyunjin brought Y/N closer to him and cuddled her for a while. Whenever she had a bad dream, it always comforted her to be held or snuggled until she calmed down. His heartbeat was the main composer of her calming, and she loved how warm he felt when he embraced her.
In the distance, a coyote howled.
“He won’t hurt you, my love,” Hyunjin reassured as he held Y/N tighter. “It’s just one little coyote.”
@hongism​ @ethereal-eirene​ @ezralia-writes​
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Welllp These Are Books: the March 2021 Edition
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There aren’t even any pictures! Except in that one book where there were pictures! It was weird! This was a weird book month! Back at it again with thoughts and opinions about a whole mess of books that no one explicitly asked for, but I’ve got lots of thoughts and opinions and they only count if I share them on the internet. Seriously, someone let me go to a baseball game soon. Obligatory warning for spoilers and vaguely unhinged rants under the cut. As always, feel free to come tell me what else I should be reading at literally any time ever.
Best Book of the Month Honors Goes to This Book, Even Though They Called It Halftime at a Hockey Game. A Hockey Game!
The Dating Plan by Sara Desai
Daisy Patel is a software engineer who understands lists and logic better than bosses and boyfriends. With her life all planned out, and no interest in love, the one thing she can't give her family is the marriage they expect. Left with few options, she asks her childhood crush to be her decoy fiancé. Liam Murphy is a venture capitalist with something to prove. When he learns that his inheritance is contingent on being married, he realizes his best friend's little sister has the perfect solution to his problem. A marriage of convenience will get Daisy's matchmaking relatives off her back and fulfill the terms of his late grandfather's will. If only he hadn’t broken her tender teenage heart nine years ago… Sparks fly when Daisy and Liam go on a series of dates to legitimize their fake relationship. Too late, they realize that very little is convenient about their arrangement. History and chemistry aren't about to follow the rules of this engagement.
— Ok, it’s important to know that I really did love this book. It hit all my trope-wants. Childhood friends, incredibly stupid misunderstandings, pining, seriously God the pining, fake engagement, BANTER. It was all going great. I was occasionally swooning. They kept making out! And then! THEN. They went to a hockey game. On a date. A fake date. Cool, cool, cool. All tropes, all the time right? Not so fast, internet! Because these self-proclaimed Sharks SUPER FANS referred to intermission as “halftime was coming up.” Halftime! At a hockey game! That’s—that’s not how hockey works! If this hadn’t been “traditionally” published, I probably could have let it slide. But that was not the case. This was a “real” book with, I can only assume, real editors. All of whom saw the words halftime and hockey near each other and we’re like YEAH, PRINT THAT SHIT. I read that at nearly one in the morning and seriously considered waking Justin up to be like CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS IS IN A REAL BOOK? Anyway, it was still real cute. Everyone lived happily ever after. It made want to eat samosas.
This Book Had Pictures, It Was Weird
Clean Sweep by Ilona Andrews
On the outside, Dina Demille is the epitome of normal. She runs a quaint Victorian Bed and Breakfast in a small Texas town, owns a Shih Tzu named Beast, and is a perfect neighbor, whose biggest problem should be what to serve her guests for breakfast. But Dina is...different:  Her broom is a deadly weapon; her Inn is magic and thinks for itself. Meant to be a lodging for otherworldly visitors, the only permanent guest is a retired Galactic aristocrat who can’t leave the grounds because she’s responsible for the deaths of millions and someone might shoot her on sight. Under the circumstances, "normal" is a bit of a stretch for Dina.
And now, something with wicked claws and deepwater teeth has begun to hunt at night...Feeling responsible for her neighbors, Dina decides to get involved. Before long, she has to juggle dealing with the annoyingly attractive, ex-military, new neighbor, Sean Evans—an alpha-strain werewolf—and the equally arresting cosmic vampire soldier, Arland, while trying to keep her inn and its guests safe. But the enemy she’s facing is unlike anything she’s ever encountered before. It’s smart, vicious, and lethal, and putting herself between this creature and her neighbors might just cost her everything.
— So, Ilona Andrews is a name that keeps coming up because when I borrow a book from the library I have to go through Kindle and Amazon is like...here are some other absurd fantasy romances you’d enjoy. Also, one of her other series had been recc’ed to me. Only problem? The first book in that series is the only book in that series not available at my library. So, I was like, ok, I’ll start this one instead. It was...weird. Honestly, it felt like I’d been dropped in the middle of the story and the narrator was like, well why don’t you already know what’s going on? In theory the world building was cool. (I was not expecting alien werewolves, lemme tell you that!) But also it all felt very rushed and the end just sorta happened.
In Which I Continue to Love “Same Verse” Books & No One Else Had Sex in the Port Jeff High School Dugout. For Which I Was Grateful
Love Her or Lose Her by Tessa Bailey
Rosie and Dominic Vega are the perfect couple: high school sweethearts, best friends, madly in love. Well, they used to be anyway. Now Rosie’s lucky to get a caveman grunt from the ex-soldier every time she walks in the door. Dom is faithful and a great provider, but the man she fell in love with ten years ago is nowhere to be found. When her girlfriends encourage Rosie to demand more out of life and pursue her dream of opening a restaurant, she decides to demand more out of love, too. Three words: marriage boot camp.
Never in a million years did Rosie believe her stoic, too-manly-to-emote husband would actually agree to relationship rehab with a weed-smoking hippie. Dom talking about feelings? Sitting on pillows? Communing with nature? Learning love languages? Nope. But to her surprise, he’s all in, and it forces her to admit her own role in their cracked foundation. As they complete one ridiculous—yet surprisingly helpful—assignment after another, their remodeled relationship gets stronger than ever. Except just as they’re getting back on track, Rosie discovers Dom has a secret... and it could demolish everything.
— Listen, one of my absolutely favorite tropes that I do not think gets enough love in the world is COMMITTED LONG-LASTING RELATIONSHIPS. And, like, ok, sure the premise of this was that they were separating in that long-lasting relationship. But no one really believed that, did they? Rosie and Dominic were real cute and their banter was good and I wasn’t totally skeeved out when they literally fucked on the kitchen floor. So, I think that’s saying something. Also, also! I seriously appreciated the realism of this book because no one on Long Island would ever call Manhattan Manhattan. It’s the city. Every other borough gets a name, but Manhattan is just the city and I nearly cheered when they said that. But also, no one’s taking a cab from Port Jeff to the Meatpacking District. You know what that would cost? God.
Tools of Engagement by Tessa Bailey
Hair, makeup, clothing, decor... everything in Bethany Castle's world is organized, planned, and styled to perfection. Which is why the homes she designs for her family's real estate business are the most coveted in town. The only thing not perfect? Her track record with men. She's on a dating hiatus and after helping her friends achieve their dreams, Bethany finally has time to focus on her own: flip a house, from framework to furnishings, all by herself. Except her older brother runs the company and refuses to take her seriously.
When a television producer gets wind of the Castle sibling rivalry, they’re invited on Flip Off, a competition to see who can do the best renovation. Bethany wants bragging rights, but she needs a crew and the only member of her brother's construction team willing to jump ship is Wes Daniels, the new guy in town. His Texas drawl and handsome face got under Bethany's skin on day one, and the last thing she needs is some cocky young cowboy in her way.
As the race to renovate heats up, Wes and Bethany are forced into close quarters, trading barbs and biting banter as they remodel the ugliest house on the block. It's a labor of love, hate, and everything in between, and soon sparks are flying. But Bethany's perfectly structured life is one kiss away from going up in smoke and she knows falling for a guy like Wes would be a flipping disaster.
— It should first be noted that in the three books of this series, I could not and cannot understand why Bethany’s brother was such a monumental dick. He was just...he was a dick. His marriage was awful. How long was his wife pregnant without him knowing???? I digress. This continued to be cute, Bethany was a legit heroine as far as those rom-com things go, Wes was very Texas and that got a little over the top, but they had sex in a bed like normal people so that helped. Oh, except that one time on the construction site. Whatever, this book was cute. This whole series was cute, really, and I was a big fan of the happy little wrap-everything-up with a bow ending.
Romance That Happens In Point Two Seconds Is...Unbelievable
Too Hot to Handle by Tessa Bailey
The road trip was definitely a bad idea. Having already flambéed her culinary career beyond recognition, Rita Clarkson is now stranded in God-Knows-Where, New Mexico, with a busted-ass car and her three temperamental siblings, who she hasn't seen in years. When rescue shows up---six-feet-plus of hot, charming sex on a motorcycle---Rita's pretty certain she's gone from the frying pan right into the fire . . . Jasper Ellis has a bad boy reputation in this town, and he loathes it. The moment he sees Rita, though, Jasper knows he's about to be sorely tempted. There's something real between them. Something raw. And Jasper has only a few days to show Rita that he isn't just for tonight---he's forever.
— For as much as I loved the Port Jeff series by my new pal Tessa, this one was...oof. Too much, guys. Too much. Fucking in trucks. Fucking in back offices. The whole book lasted, like, three days. And keep in mind this is coming from someone who has written like two million words about Killian Jones, self-loathing champ 250 years running, but Jasper’s self-loathing was a little over the top. Like, let’s not objectify dudes, but also...I don’t know guys. Maybe the other books in the series are better? I was mostly just annoyed by Rita.
What the Hell Happened at the End of This Book?? Seriously, I Have No Idea
The Queen’s Assassin by Melissa de la Cruz
Caledon Holt is the kingdom's deadliest weapon. No one alive can best him in speed, strength, or brains, which is why he's the Hearthstone Guild's most dangerous member. Cal is also the Queen's Assassin, bound to her by magic and unable to leave her service until the task she's set for him is fulfilled. Shadow of the Honey Glade has been training all her life to join the Guild, hoping that one day she'll become an assassin as feared and revered as Cal. But Shadow's mother and aunts expect her to serve the crown as a lady of the Renovian Court. When a surprise attack brings Shadow and Cal together, they're forced to team up as assassin and apprentice. Even though Shadow's life belongs to the court and Cal's belongs to the queen, they cannot deny their attraction to each other. But now, with war on the horizon and true love at risk, Shadow and Cal will uncover a shocking web of lies that will change their paths forever.
—WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED AT THE END OF THIS BOOK??? I figured out the so-called twist like...two chapters in. Fine, ok, whatever. It’s YA, this is not rocket science and I was interested enough in Cale and Shadow to see how it all played out. Only it didn’t really play out! Because the whole end was just this like four chapter retcon of basically EVERYTHING ELSE THAT HAPPENED and I genuinely could not believe it was happening. It didn’t make sense?!? Like with the plot? Also, spoiler, good thing Shadow and the other king haven’t consummated their marriage yet since she and Cale totally fucked after her wedding? What is YA? Why is Amazon telling me this is a Teacher’s Pick? Why hasn’t my hold come through on the sequel yet so I know what happens next?
Low-Stakes Romance Was Real Boring and All The People Were Boring In It
The Ten Rules for Faking It by Sophie Sullivan
As birthdays go, this year’s for radio producer Everly Dean hit rock-bottom. Worse than the “tonsillectomy birthday.” Worse than the birthday her parents decided to split (the first time). But catching your boyfriend cheating on you with his assistant? Even clichés sting. But this is Everly’s year! She won’t let her anxiety hold her back. She’ll pitch her podcast idea to her boss. There’s just one problem. Her boss, Chris, is very cute. (Of course). Also, he's extremely distant (which means he hates her, right? Or is that the anxiety talking)? And, Stacey the DJ didn’t mute the mic during Everly’s rant about Simon the Snake (syn: Cheating Ex). That’s three problems. Suddenly, people are lining up to date her, Bachelorette-style, fans are voting (Reminder: never leave house again), and her interest in Chris might be a two-way street. It’s a lot for a woman who could gold medal in people-avoidance. She’s going to have to fake it ‘till she makes it to get through all of this. Perhaps she’ll make a list: The Ten Rules for Faking It. 
— I am a broken record. Shouting. From the highest hilltop. Just because you think someone is cute when you’re technically not supposed to be dating them does not mean you get to be anything less than nice around them! It’s not cute! And part two, which often goes with part one: rom com dudes have GOT to stop lying or hiding or otherwise avoiding telling people who they really are. It’s a convoluted, passably lazy way of writing and dropping a third-act bomb on the story. Don’t do it. Stop doing it. We’ve moved past the need for hidden identities. Unless he’s, like, a spy or something. Um...this was a weird book. I know Everly had anxiety and that became a PLOT POINT, patent pending, but she was also not super relatable? Which is crazy considering my very real, rather undiagnosed anxiety. Chris was boring. The whole plot, as this title suggests, was very low stakes and no one actually  seemed to remember that their jobs were ever on the line? Did Everly and Chris have a conversation before they decided they liked each other? Who can say, really.
Shipped by Angie Hockman
Between taking night classes for her MBA and her demanding day job at a cruise line, marketing manager Henley Evans barely has time for herself, let alone family, friends, or dating. But when she’s shortlisted for the promotion of her dreams, all her sacrifices finally seem worth it. The only problem? Graeme Crawford-Collins, the remote social media manager and the bane of her existence, is also up for the position. Although they’ve never met in person, their epic email battles are the stuff of office legend. Their boss tasks each of them with drafting a proposal on how to boost bookings in the Galápagos—best proposal wins the promotion. There’s just one catch: they have to go on a company cruise to the Galápagos Islands...together. But when the two meet on the ship, Henley is shocked to discover that the real Graeme is nothing like she imagined. As they explore the Islands together, she soon finds the line between loathing and liking thinner than a postcard. With her career dreams in her sights and a growing attraction to the competition, Henley begins questioning her life choices. Because what’s the point of working all the time if you never actually live?
— YOU NEED TO HAVE A CONVERSATION WITH SOMEONE TO DECIDE YOU LIKE THEM. AUTHORS REALLY REALLY NEED TO LEARN HOW TO BUILD ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIPS. IF THEY ONLY LIKE EACH OTHER BECAUSE THEY KISS WELL IT’S NOT A GOOD RELATIONSHIP. AND THIS IS COMING FROM ME. Back at it again with the annoying so-called heroine who was just...occasionally real mean to Graem for no reason at all? Also her name was Henley. Which is not a great reason to dislike her, but here we are.
Apparently I Read These Books Out Of Order. Who Knew?
Pride, Prejudice and Other Flavors by Sonali Dev
It is a truth universally acknowledged that only in an overachieving Indian American family can a genius daughter be considered a black sheep.
Dr. Trisha Raje is San Francisco’s most acclaimed neurosurgeon. But that’s not enough for the Rajes, her influential immigrant family who’s achieved power by making its own non-negotiable rules:
·       Never trust an outsider
·       Never do anything to jeopardize your brother’s political aspirations
·       And never, ever, defy your family
Trisha is guilty of breaking all three rules. But now she has a chance to redeem herself. So long as she doesn’t repeat old mistakes.
Up-and-coming chef DJ Caine has known people like Trisha before, people who judge him by his rough beginnings and place pedigree above character. He needs the lucrative job the Rajes offer, but he values his pride too much to indulge Trisha’s arrogance. And then he discovers that she’s the only surgeon who can save his sister’s life.
As the two clash, their assumptions crumble like the spun sugar on one of DJ’s stunning desserts. But before a future can be savored there’s a past to be reckoned with...
A family trying to build home in a new land.
A man who has never felt at home anywhere.
And a choice to be made between the two.
— Surprise, apparently this was the first book in the series. I did not know. It didn’t affect my enjoyment of the Persuasion version in this same ‘verse, which is also strange because I liked the Persuasion one way better. There was a lot of medical in this. And not super uplifting medical, either. This was like...oh the Jane character (I guess???) has cancer and either she’s going to go blind after having a surgery (also she was an artist, so you see how this was a problem) or she’s just going to decide to die. Wait, what? That came out of left field, really. Also DJ and Trisha were not nice to each other. Like, I know this is Pride and Prejudice so there has to be some of that at the start, but it wasn’t like Trisha ever really went through the Darcy-required time at Pemberly. She just decided she liked DJ and told him and it was as awkward as Jane Austen intended it, but then we got more medical and everything was cool. It felt very rushed and shoehorned into a modern setting and the Persuasion one was better. You can’t have Darcy’s growth without the Pemberly stuff. You just can’t.
In Which I Didn’t Like a Nickname??? Is the World Ending??
Crazy Stupid Bromance by Lyssa Kay Adams
Alexis Carlisle and her cat café, ToeBeans, have shot to fame after she came forward as a victim of a celebrity chef’s sexual harassment. When a new customer approaches to confide in her, the last thing Alexis expects is for the woman to claim they’re sisters. Unsure what to do, Alexis turns to the only man she trusts—her best friend, Noah Logan.   Computer genius Noah left his rebellious teenage hacker past behind to become a computer security expert. Now he only uses his old skills for the right cause. But Noah’s got a secret: He’s madly in love with Alexis. When she asks for his help, he wonders if the timing will ever be right to confess his crush.   Noah’s pals in The Bromance Book Club are more than willing to share their beloved “manuals” to help him go from bud to boyfriend. But he must decide if telling the truth is worth risking the best friendship he’s ever had.
— If Noah was going to call her Lexa, then her name should have been Alexa and not Alexis. That’s it and that’s all. Also, the story was n u t s. Estranged dads and kidney failure and they got together so fast in this book. Which usually is cool by me, but I really could not get over the nickname and the estranged family was mean to Alexis. Lexa. HER NAME SHOULD HAVE BEEN ALEXA, IT DOESN’T MAKE SENSE. Also Noah was a former hacker? The estranged family accused him corporate espionage or something? A lot happened in this book, guys. Her name should have been Alexa.
Dumb Brother Was Dumb™ Everyone Else Was Real Cute
The Off Limits Rule by Sarah Adams
I have found rock bottom. It's here, moving in with my older brother because I'm too broke to afford to live on my own. It's okay though, because we've always been close and I think I'm going to have fun living with him again.

 That is until I meet Cooper...

 Turns out, my brother has very strong opinions on the idea of me dating his best friend and is dead set against it. According to him, Cooper is everything I should stay away from: flirtatious, adventurous, non-committal, and freaking hot. (I added that last part because I feel like you need the whole picture.) My brother is right--I should stay away from Cooper James and his pretty blue eyes. He's the opposite of what I need right now.

 Nah--who am I kidding? I'm going for it.
— This was cute, mostly mindless fluff. Hit some trope high points, including, obviously, best friends sister. Only the brother in question was a Neanderthal and I really thought people were going to make out more while said brother was on his business trip. I got it for free off Amazon. Which I think should explain a lot. Like, story-wise. Sorry, free Amazon books. Don’t be insulted.
Prose, Prose, Prose, Please Someone Have a Conversation
Trick by Natalia Jaster
In the Kingdom of Spring, Poet is renowned. He's young and pretty, a lover of men and women. He performs for the court, kisses like a scoundrel, and mocks with a silver tongue. Yet allow him this: It's only the most cunning and manipulative soul who can play the fool. For beyond the castle walls, Poet guards a secret. One the Crown would shackle him for. One that he'll risk everything to protect. Alas, it will take more than clever words to deceive Princess Briar. Convinced that he's juggling lies as well as verse, this righteous nuisance of a girl is determined to expose him. But not all falsehoods are fiendish. Poet's secret is delicate, binding the jester and princess in an unlikely alliance—and kindling a breathless attraction, as alluring as it is forbidden.
— The purplest of prose. Mauve prose. Royal purple prose. Lavender prose. There was so much writing here. So much. Too much, some might say. I say. Actually. If we want to get specific. And that was a shame, really, because when Briar and Poet actually had a conversation, they were interesting to read about. Also, the world building here? Yeeeesh. The so-called, wait for it, FOOL TRADE played a prominent role and that was...super cringe. Super Cringe. That being said, I asked Justin what I should read next and he thought it was funny that a book was just called...
Dare by Natalia Jaster
In the Kingdom of Summer, they say she's wild. Locked in a cage by the sea, Flare dreams of escape. She dreams of a lost world, known only in legends. The island is calling to her. And she won't let anyone keep her from it. Especially not him. They say he's cruel. Jeryn has crossed the ocean for the Trade, to bargain for those fierce, imprisoned creatures that make his skin crawl. By law, they're subjects meant for experimentation. And easy to despise. One girl in particular. But on the cusp of transport, the tide rages. That hidden island awaits. Stranded, the prince and prisoner must fight to survive. In a mysterious rainforest, they must band together...if they don't slay one another first. Or become something more to each other.  Something just as dangerous.
— This was Justin’s fault. He could not believe this book was just called Dare. It should have been called “We’re going to weirdly force what is basically slavery into this story and then a prince is going to fall in love with an escaped slave and we’re also going to call that ROMANCE.” y i k e s. Remember that one story that took place over three days? This was the complete opposite. Years! They were shipwrecked for years! They got saved, spoilers, the DAY they started having sex. What are the odds, right?? And then MORE YEARS passed. Multiple years! Five years! They couldn’t actually be together because of that aforementioned slave trade. What the shit, man? Natalia, ya gotta be kidding me with this. The internet claimed Trick was good and a solid follow to reading ACOTAR and that there was this whole verse and it was also good. The internet was wrong.
Nothing Happened, Everything Happened, I...Hated It
Graceling by Kristin Cashore
Kristin Cashore’s bestselling, award-winning fantasy Graceling tells the story of the vulnerable-yet-strong Katsa, a smart, beautiful teenager who lives in a world where selected people are given a Grace, a special talent that can be anything from dancing to swimming. Katsa’s is killing. As the king’s niece, she is forced to use her extreme skills as his thug. Along the way, Katsa must learn to decipher the true nature of her Grace… and how to put it to good use. A thrilling, action-packed fantasy adventure (and steamy romance!) that will resonate deeply with adolescents trying to find their way in the world.
— I can’t believe this was a book. Katsa was so annoying! Like, listen, I know her life was sad. And she was a pawn being used against her will. Blah, blah, blah. Whatever. The tone of the whole book was so strangely formal and Poe was strangely in love with Katsa? Who obviously didn’t want to get married because she was WOMAN HEAR ME ROAR. Or kill people, as the case may be. Only she wanted to make out with Poe? Only ONLY they didn’t even really get together at the end? I could not believe the end of this book. I nearly threw my Kindle across the room. Once again, no apologies for spoilers because do not read this book, but HE WAS BLIND? Katsa had to leave him behind to save his cousin and he just ENDED UP BEING BLIND? AND THEY NEVER GOT TOGETHER REALLY?? What the fuck? Seriously. Steamy romance, my ass. Nothing happened. The villain got defeated in point two seconds. There are other books in this universe? No, thanks.
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The Long Day
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Part 19 of Seventy Percent
Series Summary: When you left on your trip to Vegas, you’d planned on letting loose for one last weekend before heading back to reality and getting your affairs in order so your best friend wouldn’t be left cleaning up your mess when your cancer finally ended your life. What you hadn’t counted on was waking up married to a celebrity who has a knight-in-shining-armor complex, connections with an oncologist, and amazing insurance…
Chapter Summary: You have a super long day, but Sebastian makes up for it when he comes home for the weekend
Word Count: 2,122
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“God, can this day get any longer?” you moaned, looking out the window. Sean glanced over at you and you offered him a small smile to let him know you were fine. “I’m glad you could still drive me today, even though the universe is against my schedule.”
“Yeah, what happened with that? You already pushed me back two hours for pickup this week so you can do your nerdy coffee shop thing without Sebastian yelling at you about germs. I wondered why you pushed me back even further.”
You groaned and sank into the passenger seat. “My fuckin’ alarm didn’t go off this morning and the guy they sent because you had to go to your wife’s graduation like a good husband didn’t even call or text me, so I didn’t know.”
“At least you got some more sleep, right?”
“Ha! No. I woke up at, like, four this morning and couldn’t get back to sleep, so I decided to work. It’s the first project my boss has given me since I’ve been here so I wanted to get a jump start on it. And I got so into my work that I didn’t notice what time it was until Seb called. So I had to wait for your agency to send another driver and by the time I made it to the hospital, there was some sort of accident that took all the nurses, so I had to wait even longer for my infusion to start. Then there was a problem with the machine, so I had to wait for them to fix that before the infusion even started.”
“And then I was late because traffic was horrible…” Sean added.
“And now we’re stuck in traffic and I was really hoping I could relax before Seb came home.”
“What time’s his flight come in?”
You looked at the clock and groaned, once again. “Like, now. We’ll be lucky to make it home before him.”
Sean offered you a smile before refocusing on his attention on the road. “I know you want me to pull out my super speed race driving skills, but I can’t.”
“C’mon, Sean. That’s ridiculous. There’s so much traffic that your race car skills wouldn’t be helpful.” You sat back into your seat and grinned. “Pushing that secret button on your dash to make this car fly would be enough.”
“Ah, you know what? I let Shelly take that car this morning.”
“Maybe your wife should take over being my driver, then.”
“Too late for today. Maybe Monday.”
The drive took forty minutes more than normal. It was a good thing you considered Sean a friend, otherwise it would be horribly awkward to be in a car with someone that long. By the time he pulled up to the elevator in the underground garage, you were beat. All you wanted to do was curl up on your bed… maybe settle in for a nice, long bath.
But you couldn’t. Because Seb was going to be home soon and would want to spend time with you. Hell, you wanted to spend time with him. After your skype calls with him the last few days, something had definitely shifted in your relationship and you wanted to figure out what.
But you couldn’t even stand up straight. You were leaning against the elevator wall and nearly groaned when the elevator car pulled to a stop on the ground floor. More stops meant it would take longer for you to get to the apartment.
Your eyes shot open. “Seb!”
He stepped onto the elevator. Just as someone shouted to hold the elevator, he pushed the button to close the doors. “What are you doing down here? Thought you’d be up in the apartment.”
“It has been a long ass day. Sean just dropped me off.”
“Mmm.” He nodded and stepped forward. His eyes hadn’t left your face at all. “I’d love to hear all about it later.”
Later? Why not now?
Your unasked question was answered by his hand on the back of your neck, tilting your head up so he could kiss you.
A surprised squeak was the extent of your initial reaction before your fingers gripped the soft cotton of his t-shirt. Once you’d relaxed into him, he wasted no time parting your lips and pulling your body into his.
You were falling, spiraling, soaring. The way his fingers dug into your skin and his lips moving roughly against yours as if you were the last bubble of oxygen left in the world was making you dizzy.
The elevator pulled to a stop and Seb backed up just enough to look into your eyes, his own sparkling. “I’ve been thinking about doing that for so long.”
“I, uh, need a second to restart my brain.”
He grinned cockily and wrapped an arm tightly around you to usher you out of the elevator. “I’ve missed you this week and I was expectin’ you to be in the apartment so when I saw you there, I just…”
“I don’t think I’ve ever been grateful for a man’s lack of self-control before,” you mused. You stepped out of Seb’s hold to lean against the door frame as he dug out his keys. “This is a first.”
“It won’t be the last, sweetheart.” He tossed a wink your way just as he opened the door and motioned for you to enter first.
As soon as you were both in, he crowded you against the closed door and framed your face with his hands, staring for a moment before kissing you again. This kiss was slower, less rushed. It was a shifting of your relationship.
Your first kiss had been urgent, physical. This kiss was a choice. It was a decision. It was a page turned, new chapter. It was a delicately choreographed transformation.
But as electric as the kiss was, your long day still weighed on you and you gently urged his face away.
“Seb, I really hate to stop this, but I’m exhausted.”
“Right, you had a long day.” He pecked your lips once more before stepping back. “Have you eaten dinner yet?”
“I had half a cardboard sandwich from the hospital cafeteria, if that counts.” You knew it didn’t.
“Nope.” With your hand tightly bound in his, he pulled you to the kitchen and sat you on a stool while he went to the fridge. As he set about making dinner, you vented about your day. Once he heated up two servings of leftover soup, you both went and settled onto the couch to watch The Voice.
The empty bowls were abandoned on the coffee table and you were wrapped in Sebastian’s arms by the time Monday’s episode finished and Tuesday’s began. It was then that a thought crossed your mind and you started laughing.
“My god, we’re like an old married couple. It’s Friday night. Normal people would be out on the town, but we’re here catching up on our reality TV and eating fucking soup on the couch.”
“Careful who you call old,” Seb warned.
“You’re like, over a decade older than me, dude. And you play a hundred year old dude on TV. It’s like the casting directors could just tell that you’re fit for that part.”
He shifted slightly from behind you. For a second, you thought he was just trying to get more comfortable, but as soon as one of his arms clenched tightly around your stomach, anchoring you to him and preventing any escape, you started to get concerned.
But not too concerned. “I don’t know what your game is, Stan, but I’m not ticklish.”
“Hmm, is that so?” His lips were at your ear, breath hot against your skin. “So you won’t mind if I test that theory, right?”
“If you want an excuse to feel me up, just ask.” You weren’t ticklish… well, except for one spot. But it couldn’t hurt to try and change the subject.
And if that was the subject you were changing to, you were fully game.
“I’ll keep that in mind for later,” he murmured, lips brushing your ear. “Right now though, I just wanna find out if you’re lying to me.”
His free hand started moving up your side. You forced yourself to remain relaxed and not give anything away. It took Jazmin years to find your one ticklish spot. It wasn’t like Seb could do it in one night. “Seb, this isn’t—Oo, no, no! Seb stop!”
Sebastian’s laughter rang out through the room as you squirmed in his arms. He dug his fingers in even more and your squirming and giggling grew. By the time he finally let up, you were squished between him and the back of the couch, trying to catch your breath. And the sparkle in his eyes definitely wasn’t helping matters.
“Not ticklish, huh?”
“Shit. The one part of my entire body that’s ticklish and you find it in less than ten seconds.”
“Hmmm, only one spot?”
“Don’t you fucking dare.”
Your hand on his arm did nothing to stop his fingers from inching closer to your side. So you did the very next thing that came to mind.
You kissed him.
He froze for a moment, but quickly overcame his surprise and eagerly returned the kiss. The weight of his body pressing you back into the couch and the corded muscle of his arm beneath your fingers were sending you in a dizzying headfirst tumble.
Sebastian quickly took control of the kiss and you gladly handed it to him. His lips moved languidly over yours, tugging your breaths into his mouth.
“Still wanna call me old?” He whispered against your lips, his fingers digging into your hip.
How the hell could he string words together at a time like this?
“Mmm.” His lips moved down your cheek, landing on your neck. It didn’t make thinking any easier, yet you were still somehow able to come up with a retort. “Baby, I’ve got daddy issues. This age gap thing is really getting me going.”
“Is that so?” He asked, nipping at your neck. “My gray hairs getting you in good snuff?”
“Good snuff?” you giggled.
“You think these gray hairs make me the ginchiest?”
“Ginchiest? Where the hell are you getting these words from?”
He pulled back with a grin. “Doll, I did my research for Bucky. And I was in a movie based in the sixties.”
“So you just had to pull from your childhood memories, huh?” you teased with a shit-eating grin. Eyes narrowed playfully, his hand inched towards the ticklish spot. “No, no, no! Stop! I’m sorry! You are the ginchiest. And you don’t have gray hair.”
“That’s better.” His lips were hovering over yours when he spoke again. “We’re missing this entire episode.”
“We can rewind it later,” you offered.
“But tomorrow’s Dancing With the Stars, remember?”
“We’ve got all day.”
“Actually, I have plans for us tomorrow.”
He grinned and pecked your nose. “It’s a secret.”
“Big plans?”
There was enough worry in your voice that he picked up on it easily. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, nothing…” You trailed off and he waited patiently for you to gather your thoughts. “It’s just… I’m not completely laid out by the treatment anymore, but my energy is still day-to-day.”
“In that case, we better get to bed. We’ve got some walking to do tomorrow.” His hand landed on your upper thigh, squeezing. “But we can go at whatever pace you want. We’ll take it nice and slow.”
His words fell into a whisper, tickling your ear, heating your body. “Seb…”
With one last squeeze to your thigh, he pushed off of the couch. The second his body lifted off yours, a chill enveloped you and you found yourself pouting.
Honest-to-god pouting.
You never pouted.
“Seb, get back here.”
And begging? God, you never begged. What the hell kind of spell did Sebastian cast on you?
Fuck’s sake, the look he was giving you right now. It was like he was a kid and you were Christmas day. He was looking at you like you were everything he’d ever hoped for.
It should have scared the hell out of you. After all, there was a very high chance you wouldn’t survive the cancer. You would leave him all alone. You should be doing anything you could to create distance between you.
But you were begging him to come back and kiss you and there wasn’t an ounce of embarrassment in your body.
“Much as I’d like to, sweetheart,” he said, sucking his bottom lip between his teeth for a brief second, “I think you’ll like what I have planned for tomorrow. Can’t have you tired before we begin.”
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THEY FINALLY KISSED!!!!  (That’s a weird thing to be excited about for a couple who has been married for a few weeks) And what plans do you think Seb has planned for tomorrow? 
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Driving into the sunset
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The sun is beaming and if it wasn’t for my sunglasses, I wouldn’t see anything. It is such a nice warm and sunny day, that I decided to go only with a tight fitted denim, a tank top and my leather jacket. Sure, normally that would be a normal outfit but for me it isn’t. As I sit on my Harley-Davidson Power-Cruiser I smile happily, this is what I dreamt of my whole life. A motorbike road trip through America. I love it so far, the people are incredibly nice and I have the time of my life.
 Today I finally arrive in Los Angeles and as I drive around this massive city with those 4 or 6 lane roads, I can feel the warm breeze in my face. Suddenly a see another biker in my rear mirrors and he starts to speed up. He waves at me and I laugh. Challenge accepted. I turn the gas and speed up, to overtake him. At least I think the driver is a male. He definitely looks male, broad shoulders, slim hips and no long hair under the helmet. He wears sunglasses and I literally can´t see anything of his face. I push my bike but he has no problems to stay behind me. As we near a crossroads, I break lightly and put my feet to the ground. He stops right next to me and I see him smiling.
“Where´re you going?” he asks and I stretch my arms.
“Thought about going to the beach, any recommendations?” I answer and shift my bike because the lights switch to green. He falls back behind me and stops next to me once again at the next red lights.
“Sure, what `bout Santa Monica? Have you been there?” he asks and I shake my head.
“No, I just arrived here, never have been here before”
“Then follow me, love” he suggests and shifts, to drive off. I follow him and slide behind him in the spaces of the cars. It´s fun, I miss driving with someone else. It is so much better.
When we arrive at the beach, he pulls over to a parking space and shuts his engine down.
“Here we are” he says and I park behind him, get off my bike and stretch. I´ve been driving for the last four hours and I have to say, my ass hurts and my legs have had better days, too.
“Thanks for the company, looks nice. Is that the famous Santa Monica Pier?” I point to our left and unclip my helmet. I take off my sunglasses and put everything on my handlebar.
My Y/H/C hair flows down my back and I look at him. He is still not recognizable and I wonder, why he doesn’t take off his helmet and glasses. Maybe he is shy.
“Yeah, it is. It was nice meeting you. See you around” he says and starts his engine. Wait, what? He just leaves me here?
“Won´t you come and join me? Would love some company…have been travelling alone for weeks now” I suggest but he shakes his head.
“I´m sorry, that is not possible. I enjoyed driving with you. Have a good one and taste Bubba Gump, it´s great” he suggests and takes off. Thanks. I can´t say I am not sad, that he leaves without telling me his name or showing me his face. I am sad. I would have loved to get to know a fellow biker here, especially because I am planning to stay for a few days.
I enjoy my evening at the beach, I eat one of those recommended Bubba Gump soups and watch the sunset. It is beautiful, the sand under my feet, the waves crashing and touching me, the warm sun and the light and warm breeze in my hair.
I stay in a simple motel, but it´s kinda nice. It isn’t as bad, as I expected. 
 The next day I decide to go to the boulevard and later I want to see the Hollywood Hills. I walk over the stars, check out the Chinese theatre and grab a snack at the CVS. I like the vibe of LA, the feeling this city gives me and as I drive through the fancy streets in Beverly Hills, to get to the hills, I see a familiar biker in my rear mirror. I smile, as he comes closer and flashes me with his light. I hold out my foot, which is a common greeting amongst biker.
I stop in front of a red light and look at him. I still can´t see anything of his face.
“Hey, biker lady. How was your day at the pier?” he asks and looks at me through his tinted glasses.
“I loved it, thanks for the idea” I answer and shift my bike.
“Where´re you headin´?” he replies and I nod my head in my direction.
“Wanted to take a little hike up in the hills. Wanna join?” I ask hopefully, I would really like to see, who is behind this helmet. I notice his big, slim hands, some beautiful rings and manicured fingers. When he answers I hear his deep, soothing voice and look up from his hands, pulling the break.
“Well, I don’t have anything to do, I will accompany you to the best place. We´ll see, if I join your hike” he answers and I notice the first time, that he talks really slow and sound intelligent, expresses himself well selected. I think, he´s a very interesting man and I die to see his face. He wears dark denims, Chelsea boots and a Hoodie. I can see, that his hair is dark, because some of those seemingly curly strands hang into his face. We drive calmly to the place he knows and park next to each other.
“So? You gonna join or head off again?” I ask him smiling. My helmet is on my handlebar once again and I look at him. He takes off his glasses, wow. One step after the other. His eyes are piercing green and very beautiful. He looks around us and shrugs his shoulders. 
“Don’t even know your name, maybe you want to murder me” he laughs and clips his helmet open. My heart is racing, what if he is ugly as fuck and destroys my daydream? No, he can´t be.
“I´m Y/N so, now you know your murderers' name” I reply and get off my bike. I lock the handlebar and open my leather jacket. Without the wind, it is really hot. I decide to leave my jacket in my bike case and as I turn around, I see him hanging his helmet on the handlebar. He indeed has dark brown curls, a bit longer than I thought and now he ruffles his hand through them, finally turning around.
“Wow” I whisper and look at him, smirking.
“Yeah, I know” he laughs a bit uncomfortable. He knows what? That he is absolutely beautiful? Stunning? Handsome? He has perfect features, plump lips, a light stubble going on on his cheeks. He smiles now and shows deep dimples, which make him even more beautiful. But most mesmerizing is his green eyes. He is so gorgeous.
“You are by far the most handsome guy, I have ever seen. You should never wear a helmet” I say and slap me at the same time mentally. Why can´t I just shut up and keep my mouth shut? Why?
“Uh…thank you. You are very attractive yourself” he laughs nervously and I raise an eyebrow. He looks oddly familiar, but that can´t be. I have never been to Los Angeles before and I definitely would have remembered his face and his voice.
“I know the way to the top, if you want? We are lucky, there are only a few people here” he says and I walk next to him over to a dusty path up the hills.
“I still don´t know your name,” I say after a few minutes and he looks at me.
“Really?” he laughs and I look very confused into his direction.
“Yeah” I reply and shake my head. This is a bit odd.
“My name´s Harry” and as he takes off his jacket, because of the warmth and show his tattooed arms, I remember where I saw his face. Literally everywhere. Advertising, news, papers, online. He is everywhere.
“Oh my god, now I understand what you meant when you said Yeah, I know. You are this boyband guy, right? That´s crazy” I say and he scrunches his nose.
“Took you longer, than most people take…but honestly, I don´t like to be referred to as this boy band guy. I´m literally just Harry” he replies and his eyes wander over the landscape, which is, to be honest very boring. Dry and dusty.
“Sorry, Harry. I am not even into this kind of music, so I don´t care, really. I think you are pretty nice, but you are no local either, or?” I ask curiously and he smiles.
“You really don’t know much about me, do you? I´m British and you? As you are on vacation here, I don´t think you are a native, are you?” he asks and he sounds so British, as he said it. I shake my head and name him my birth country. He nods impressed.
“I like it there, the people are so nice,” he says and of course, he has been there already. He probably has travelled the whole world and I worked my ass off for a month to afford three weeks in the US, sleeping in Motels whilst he most likely has slept in luxurious hotels.
“Tell me something about you, because you are right, I literally know nothing about you. Some songs from the radio, your name and that you like riding a motorbike, that’s practically all” I ask him and look down the hill. The city is enlightened by a warm goldish-orange tone. The sun is about to set and I smile. This is beautiful.
“Well, I´m 28, I love music, I do my own stuff since the band went on hiatus and I like having nice people around me. Sometimes I just sit and read a book, on other days I like to party and go out. I am very private, I hate paparazzi, but they usually follow me everywhere. And I love to tour” he fulfils my request and I nod.
“Let´s sit here for a moment, Harry. I want to watch the sunset” I say and sit down on a bench. He plops himself right next to me and relaxes. It must be really stressful, to be always in everybody’s focus.
“And what are you planning for your next days? I could show you my favourite café and some nice places if you like” he suggests but I already have other plans, to be honest.
“I´d love spending more time with you, really. But I have to go on with my trip. I want to go to the Grand Canyon and Las Vegas” I explain and yes, I am a bit sad that I can´t stay.
“Oh, that´s alright. Don’t want to ruin your trip by keeping you here” he laughs and I smile. He wouldn´t ruin it.
The sun sets finally and everything looks like it has been painted red, orange and yellow. It is mesmerizing especially because the city lights start to twinkle now.
“Have never been to the Canyon” he sighs and I look at him.
“Really? Then come join me, I´d love some company” I propose and he looks really surprised.
“You serious? You would like me to come with you? I mean, I can´t, I have obligations here and some appointments, but that is so nice of you. It means a lot, really” he assures and beams at me.
“I am on the road for nearly two weeks now and I am all alone, so yes I would really appreciate some company. But I totally understand, that you have obligations and maybe it isn’t such a good idea to go on the road with a stranger. It was just what I thought at the moment…maybe we should head back, it´s starting to get dark” he nods in agreement and gets up on his feet. We walk back to our bikes, not really talking. I am enjoying the last time I have company for the next two days.
We head off and cruise around the city, having fun and laughing, as we pass each other over. I love it.
Finally, I stop in front of my motel and turn the engine off. I smile at him, putting my helmet on my hip and holding it with my arm.
“This is goodbye then, I guess. I´m heading to Arizona early” I say and he takes his helmet off. He grabs me and hugs me tight. I was not prepared for that and gasp for air. Involuntarily I grab his shoulders and hug him back. This is a damn good hug. We stand like this for a few minutes, until he releases me and smiles.
“Be careful, it was very refreshing meeting you, Y/N.” he says and I nod a bit sad. I really like him, it´s a shame to know, that we won´t see each other again.
“Thanks for the show-around” I really mean it and he knows it, then he puts on his helmet, takes his sunglasses and starts the engine.  I wave as he drives away.
 When I finish my packing on the next morning, I check out. It is quite early, around 7, so I hope the streets in LA are free. As I put my helmet on, I hear another bike and turn around. I don’t believe my eyes, as I take my helmet back off. What is he doing here? Harry stops and gets off his bike and takes off his helmet.
“Hey, love. Slept well?” he asks and I nod in awe. He wears a leather jacket, some denim and biker boots, gloves as well. His bike is packed with some cases and I can´t stop staring at his green eyes, which are so striking.
“What are you doing here, Harry?” I ask and he grins, pointing to his bike.
“Got rid of my obligations and ready to join you” he simply says and I laugh.
“What? Did you change everything to join me? Why?”
“You looked so sad, when I told you, I couldn´t come with you and I decided that a small adventure wouldn´t be so bad either” he explains and I can´t believe it. He is really coming with me.
“Happy?” he asks and I nod.
“Yes, oh my god” I jump into his arms and hug him. Our leather jackets are tacky against one another, but I don´t care at this point. I just want to cuddle him and kiss his cheek. He shaved and I have to say, I like him better when he has no stubble.
He puts me down to my feet and he looks so happy. We get ready to leave and speed off shortly after.
The trip is great, we take breaks at the most beautiful spots and as the day starts to fade, we stop at a motel.
“I know, this is below your standards, but honestly I can´t afford your standards at all. Also, I don´t think there is a luxurious hotel nearby” I say and look around us. There is literally nothing, just nature and dust.
“No, it´s fine. As long, as there is a shower and a bed. My ass hurts and I am sweaty as fuck. It´s so hot here in the desert” he says and wipes the sweat off of his forehead.
“Sorry, we are fully booked, I can only offer you a night in a single room” the receptionist shutters our dreams of having a big bed and room to be free. Fuck. I look at Harry, ready to sit back on my bike and go further into Arizona to get the next motel. He looks with furrowed brows and sighs.
“I´m sorry, I can´t go anymore, I need to rest. Like really, I have never ever been so long on the bike. I take the couch, you can have the bed. Just let us stay here…please” he begs and I laugh. Ne looks sore and worn out, tired as I am. I nod.
“Okay, let´s stay here for the night, we´ll figure it out” I take the offer of the lady behind the desk and she nods, not really caring about anything. She didn´t even look at us, as we came in.
“Name?” she asks and I answer quickly, before Harry does.
“Y/N Y/L/N” he looks at me and smiles, knowing I did that on purpose, that he doesn´t need to say his name and maybe get mobbed.
He mouths a thank you and I smile at him, while taking the key. Our room is small, but it is clean and will do for the night.
“What would you say, if I tell you, there´s a whirlpool to soothe your ass pain?” I say as I read the motel flyer.
“Really? A whirlpool? I´d love to go there, oh boy” he sighs as he sits down on the couch. I laugh at him, already used to the pain.
“Then change and let´s go” I command and he flinches.
“You joining me? Even better. Ah” he gets up and grabs a pair of bright yellow swim shorts out of his bag. He takes off his shirt and I can´t help it, but stare. There is a huge butterfly on his torso and some fern leaves on his hips, his whole upper body seems to be tattooed with the most different things. And he is trained, I can see his abs and as he now turns around and shows me his back, I see the muscles stretch under his smooth and tan skin. He is even more perfect than I thought. Shit, I need to keep my shit together.
I grab my bikini and go to the bathroom, to get changed. A few minutes later, we are at the swimming area and look disappointed at the empty whirlpool.
“At least, we can swim there” he points to the pool and I nod.
“Yeah, but would have been nice” he puts his arm around my shoulder and I am so relieved, that we both wear clothes over our swim clothes and he is not touching me nearly naked.
We get into the water and I see him staring at me. What? I raise an eyebrow and splash some water on him. He snorts and dips his head underwater.
I follow him and start swimming a bit, but really, I just want an air mattress to float onto. Harry, on the other hand, floats without a mattress. How? I try and go down, he giggles as I get back to the surface.
“How do you do that?” I ask him and he gets to his feet.
“Just take as much air in, as you can and try again,” he says and I do as requested. I fail and cause him to giggle even more.
“Again” he laughs and I roll my eyes at him, but I try again. I feel his hands under my back, pushing me back to the surface. He holds me steady, his face near mine and I smile at him.
“Guess, you are now my rack” he looks me in the eyes and the heat of his hands warms my whole body.
“But when I take my hands away, you will go down” he prophesies and I try to look at him with warning eyes.
“Don´t you dare” I say and he grins, taking his hands away, so I get down. But beforehand I put my arms around his neck and hold me up. He is so close. His eyes scan my face and I bite my bottom lip. His hands snake around me and he holds me right to his naked body. 
“You wanted to drown me” I whine and he laughs, as I let finally go of him. We get out of the water, dry off and head back to our room. We get some food to take away in the small restaurant next to us. It isn´t bad but it could definitely be better. We sit on the bed, eating and chatting until he asks:
“So you really know nothing about me? I mean, I love it, it´s like being totally normal but I´m not”
“I really don´t. I saw you once or twice somewhere but honestly, I don´t care about such things and I couldn´t even name one song from you, sorry” I say and I mean it.
“You want to see?” he asks shyly and I nod slowly.
“Yeah, why not” he takes his phone and shows me some videos of concerts when he was younger. There were so many people. He continues with a video of his last solo tour and after that one of his music videos. I am very impressed. He seems to be really famous.
“So you are way more than Harry on a motorcycle,” I say and lean back in the pillows.
“I guess, yeah. But I like being Harry on a motorcycle, I like not being a celebrity for once” he whispers and I don’t know why, but he looks hurt. I put my hand on his knee and he looks up.
“Sorry, I am usually not a teary boy” he smiles and I see his eyes glistening with tears. Oh god, how do I react?
“It´s okay. Sometimes, we just need to cry. I do it and even Harry Styles, does it” I assure him, that it is okay. He wipes his tear stains on his cheeks away and coughs.
“I´m fine. No need to cry. It is hard sometimes, to be in the spotlight. People aren’t very nice” he explains his sudden outburst of emotions and I nod in agreement. He is right. People are cruel.
“Let´s get some sleep. Tomorrow we will see the most amazing place on earth” I am so excited and he swings his legs out of the bed.
“Wait, what are you doing?” I ask and grab his hand. He looks over his shoulder and entwines our fingers for a split second, until he moves.
“I said, I´ll sleep on the couch,” he says, but I shake my head.
“Absolutely not, you moron. Come here and I warn you, if you start snoring I will kick you out” I warn him and he smiles, as he leans back into the pillows.
“You sure? Couch is no problem, really” he suggests once more. I roll my eyes at him and close them afterwards, pretending to be asleep.
 The next morning, we have a small breakfast at a gas station and then head further north to the canyon. It isn´t as warm as before, and I feel it gets colder as we get nearer. At our next stop, I pull out a hoodie and put it on, under my leather jacket.
Finally, we pull over at a parking space and turn our engines down.
“Ready to see the Grand Canyon? Because I am” he says and I follow him. The view is amazing, I take in the clear and fresh air and look over the formations of stone. It is absolutely breathtaking, I can´t describe it, you can´t even see the end of the canyon.
“It´s amazing, thank you for letting me join,” Harry says and I look at him.
“Of course, this is unbelievable. I am here, finally” I start to tear up and before he notices, I walk away. I knew this would be hard, but I need to be here. The tears are now pouring down my cheeks and I take the time to cry, sit alone far away from the others and remember why I am here.
“Y/n what´s the matter? Why are you crying? Are you ok, love?” he asks very concerned and gets down next to me. My hands are shaking and I nod, trying to keep a bit of my face.
“My dad and I always wanted to do this trip together, we were inseparable. This was our dream. Two bikes, two people and this country. He was diagnosed with leukaemia a year back and we knew, our dream will never happen. He was too far and he died six months later. I was with him and he took the promise from me, to do this trip and remember him. In his honour, I am here today. For you, dad” I whisper my last sentence and look up in the sky. For you, daddy.
“I never knew this. I am so sorry of your loss, but it is a beautiful gesture to do this in his honour. And I am honoured, to be a part of it, even I am a small part” he laughs quietly and puts an arm around my shoulders. He pulls me close to his chest and I hug him, inhale his heavenly scent. He smells so good and he feels good as well. 
“You aren’t a small part. You are important, without you it wouldn’t be the same” I whisper in his ear and he pulls me even closer to him. 
“Thank you, Y/N. Cry as much as you want, I´m here” he replies and I sob into his shoulder, letting all the tears flow. He soothes me, whispering calming words in my ear and stroking my back. Maybe I enjoy it a little bit too much. 
I move backwards and let him go. His eyes look concerned and I smile at him. It´s better now, as I cried a bit. 
“You okay?” he asks and I nod. I see him coming into my direction and he caresses my cheek, wiping away my tear stains. My skin tingles a bit, where he touched me and he smiles. 
“Ready to witness a beautiful sunset? I think we have a great spot, literally fucking nobody is here, except for us. Wait here, okay?” he asks excited and leaves me alone. I have a few minutes to calm down and think about him and I. I think, I am dangerously close to falling for him. He joins me back at the abyss and hands me a blanket. I feel how it gets colder and we sit down on the blanket. Behind us is a wall of stones, so we can lean on it with our backs and for comfort, Harry even brought some hoodies. 
“Come here, I want to hold you,” he says and I look at him confused and surprised. That is normally not something someone would say if you don’t like the other one very much. 
I lean closer and he pulls me into his lap, so I can rest my back against his chest. It is extremely comfortable and I don’t mind him putting his arms around me. Here I am, in the sunset, cuddling with Harry Styles. What the fuck. 
The sun sets slowly and we get yet again dipped into beautiful red light. 
“This is our second sunset together,” I say very quietly and feel him holding me closer to his chest. I look up and smile at him, which he returns. 
“It´s breath-taking. Just look at all those colours. It´s so fucking beautiful” he answers and I look at the beauty he just described. He hums a song and I ask myself, if it is one of his songs or someone else´s. 
We sit there in silence, his hands softly caressing my arms and I can´t help it, but I shiver lightly because of his touch.
“Cold?” Harry asks and I nod. He doesn’t need to know; it is because of his touch. Especially because it is a bit colder since the sun went down. He tugs me closer into his arms and nuzzles his face on my shoulder. Oh, dear god. 
“Maybe we should look for a place to stay the night?” I suggest because I can feel my heart pounding like crazy in my chest. I get scared, that he will hear or feel it. 
“Mh, don´t wanna leave” he sighs and I smile, biting my bottom lip.
“Harry, come on. We can cuddle at the motel” I bloat out, rolling my eyes at myself.
“Are we staying in one room again? I thought that was an exception” he whispers and I can feel his hot breath tickle my neck. 
“I honestly don’t care, you are not snoring so, would be fine with me. But it´s your decision if you want to be my personal heater tonight” I laugh to reduce the pressure on him. I get out of his arms and get up. It darkened fast after the sun has set and now, I am freezing. 
“Let´s just leave, for now” he answers and I bite my lip because of his rejection. We drive to a nearby motel, but it is fully booked, so we end at a campground. We rent a small wooden cabin and enter it. It is super cute, there is even a fireplace and a kitchen. Luckily I have some spaghetti in my case, so we can cook something. The campground has no lights outside, so you can see the stars and I am eager to go and watch them as soon as I am in some warmer clothes.
“You really want to leave again? Let´s just get this cabin warm and sit by the fire” he begs me but I shake my head. Not gonna happen, I want to see the stars. 
“You don’t have to come with me, but I am going,” I say and tie my shoelace. Harry sighs and follows me.
“I am not letting you go outside in the dark with no lights around, when it is bear season. You heard the woman at the reception” he says and I laugh.
“And what are you gonna do, if a bear attacks?” I ask him and he smirks, winks at me and answers:
“I will protect you, of course. Like the hero I am” he laughs and we leave the cabin, to walk a bit down the dirt road. We find a bench and sit down as we look mesmerized into the sky. The milky way is so prominent, I can´t look away. I am sure, my dad is here at this very moment. I can feel him. Harry's hand rests on my knee and I look at him, sparkling eyes, happy smile.
“You know…I haven’t been myself in awhile…the pressure is so immense and after some time, you just become someone else, so you can keep something to yourself instead of giving everything to the public. But with you…here at this moment, I think I can be myself and not be afraid of you seeing it. That’s a special and wonderful feeling, to trust someone” he says and his eyes scan my face, my every feature and then he just smiles at me. 
“You trust me? You don’t even know me, Harry. Trust is a very serious thing, you should be careful with it” I suggest, but I smile. I am flattered, that he trusts me. 
“I know, but it just feels so good, being here with you. I like you a lot and you make me feel safe, so why on earth shouldn’t I trust you? I TRUST Y/N!” he yells and I jump surprised. What was that?
“That´s nice of you to say. Do you want to stay some more? Because I am getting cold” I hint and he gets up, taking my hand in his and warming my fingers, while we walk back to our cabin. It is nice holding hands with him, just so effortless, as it is meant to be like this. 
Back inside we get rid of our coats and change into some comfy clothes before we begin cooking our pasta. 
It is like being on vacation with a good friend and the more often I look at him, as he runs his fingers through his hair, smiling at me with his cute dimples, the long shadows his lashes put on his cheeks, his piercing green eyes…I know it is too late for me. My heart jumps as I admit it to myself. I have fallen for Harry during our two-day trip. Or even before, I don’t know. I am in love with a Popstar. Great choice, Y/N. Not hopeless at all. 
After dinner, we sit down in front of the warm fire and talk. We talk about literally everything, previous relationships, favourite things, our families and most important people in our lives and so much more, until I can barely sit straight and concentrate. 
“Maybe it´s time to go to sleep” he suggests with a low voice and I nod. He is right, but I don’t want this to end. I get up not willing to go to bed. I stumble tired and Harry helps me, catching myself. I look up at him and that’s when the unbelievable thing happens. He kisses me. His soft, plump lips press against mine and I sigh happily, being fully awake now. He lifts me up, like I weigh nothing and carries me to our bedroom. His lips are not leaving mine for one second, even as he puts me down and starts kissing his way down my collarbone, he is touching me everywhere and my skin burns. I laugh breathless as I remember how I was afraid to be cold tonight. I will most definitely not be cold. This is more than I expected and everything I ever wished for. This is perfect, I stop thinking about how hard it will be to leave the US, when it is time and start relaxing and enjoying. 
I hope you enjoyed it, as much as I enjoyed writing it. I am a biker myself (ok I´m currently on my license but I am going to be one very soon!
If you have requests, send them to me. I am always open for new ideas. I would love to write a part 2 of this maybe, just tell me what you think about it. 
Love, xx
113 notes · View notes
1. I own a ferret. 2. My best friend is my boyfriend 3. My best friend is a girl 4. I use the word super way too much 5. I am a boy 6. I like My Chemical Romance 7. I own more than 100 CDs 8. I like discussing politics 9. I collect state quarters 10. The Legend of Zelda is my favorite video game. 11. I have Cingular 12. I love MAC makeup 13. I smoke too much 14. I own more than 5 bandanas 15. My favorite movie is Kill Bill 16. I watched Lamb Chop when I was young 17. I have my ears gauged 18. I can do HTML without guidance 19. I watch Spongebob Squarepants regularly. 20. I go to the movies at least once a week 21. I play guitar or bass 22. I love Elvis 23. I’ve had a mo/bi/trihawk before 24. I have met my favorite band 25. I like to hardcore dance 26. Something’s outside my window 27. I believe in ghosts 28. I do drugs regularly 29. I am straightedge 30. My favorite feature about myself is my lips 31. I have never consumed alcohol 32. I want a tattoo. 33. My favorite actor is Will Ferrell. 34. I have seen Conan O'Brien live. 35. I hate MTV 36. I used to watch Cheaters every week 37. I have my own vaccuum 38. Frank Sinatra is awesome 39. I sleep with a stuffed animal 40. I am scared of werewolves 41. I watch hockey regularly 42. I am originally from New York 43. I own an iPod 44. Some people aren’t funny. 45. I hate school. 46. My favorite vegetable is lettuce. 47. Tickle fights are fun. 48. I am currently unemployed. 49. I have my license 50. I hate spelling mistakes 51. I love Spanish class 52. I live in a big city 53. I have been to the Grand Canyon 54. I listen to music to fall asleep 55. I watch TV to fall asleep 56. I only get a few hours of sleep each night 57. I’m relatively innocent. 58. I am a size 3 or smaller 59. I’m bored. 60. Purple is my favorite color. 61. I hate flossing 62. I have a car. 63. I believe in God 64. I’m in love. 65. I used to love Unwritten Law. 66. Reno 911 is my favorite show. 67. There is a mini stapler on my computer desk. 68. Cuddling’s my favorite. 69. For sure. 70. I have a flip phone 71. I love my handwriting 72. I own a Louis Vuitton handbag 73. I want to be an astronaut. 74. I love the song Dragostea Din Tei 75. 50 Cent is not talented 76. I like scanners better than digital cameras. 77. I own at least one Punk-O-Rama CD 78. My room is sound proof. 79. I’m 5'5 or less 80. Lying pisses me off 81. I backstab people. 82. I have been in a fist fight. 83. I have PaintShop Pro. 84. It’s almost midnight 85. My nightlight is cracked 86. I only listen to Dashboard Confessional when I’m sad 87. And I feel like a pansy when I do so 88. I hate metal 89. I’m in a band. 90. Napoleon Dynamite is annoying now. 91. I love hickeys 92. I want to lose weight 93. My favorite channel is the Food Network. 94. I don’t have a CD burner. 95. Pixar is stupid except for the Incredibles 96. I own an apartment/house 97. I am engaged. 98. My computer’s a Gateway. 99. I hate driving. 100. I like watching boys sleep. =========================== 01. I miss someone right now 02. I don’t watch much TV these days 03. I love olives 04. I love sleeping 05. I own lots of books 06. I wear glasses or contact lenses 07. I love to play video games 08. I’ve tried marijuana 09. I’ve watched porn movies 10. I have been in a threesome 11. I have been the psycho-ex in a past relationship 12. I believe honesty is usually the best policy 13. I have acne free skin usually 14. I like and respect Al Sharpton 15. I curse frequently 16. I have changed a lot mentally over the last year 17. I have a hobby 18. I’ve been told I can suck the chromes off a trailer hitch. 19. I carry my knife/razor everywhere with me 20. I’m smart 21. I’ve never broken someone’s bones 22. I have a secret that I am ashamed to reveal 23. I hate the rain 24. I’m paranoid at times 25. I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scars. 26. I need money right now! 27. I love Sushi 28. I talk really, really fast sometimes 29. I have fresh breath in the morning 30. I have semi-long hair 31. I have lost money in Las Vegas 32. I have at least one brother and/or one sister 33. I was born in a country outside of the U.S. 34. I shave my legs 35. I have a twin 36. I have worn fake hair/fingernails/eyelashes in the past 37. I couldn’t survive without Caller I.D. 38. I like the way that I look sometimes 39. I have lied to a good friend in the last 6 months 40. I know how to do cornrows 41. I am usually pessimistic 42. I have a lot of mood swings 43. I think prostitution should be legalized 44. I think Britney Spears is hot 45. I have cheated on a significant other in the past 46. I have a hidden talent 47. I’m always hyper no matter how much sugar I have. 48. I think that I’m popular 49. I am currently single 50. I have kissed someone of the same sex 51. I enjoy talking on the phone 52. I practically live in sweatpants or PJ pants 53. I love to shop. 54. I would rather shop than eat 55. I would classify myself as ghetto. 56. I’m bourgie and have worn a sweater tied around my shoulders 57. I’m obsessed with my Livejournal 58. I don’t hate anyone. 59. I’m a pretty good dancer 60. I don’t think Mike Tyson raped Desiree Washington 61. I’m completely embarrassed to be seen with my mother 62. I have a cell phone 63. I believe in God/ a higher being. 64. I watch MTV/Vh1 on a daily basis 65. I have passed out drunk in the past 6 months 66. I love drama. 67. I have never been in a real romantic relationship before 68. I’ve rejected someone before 69. I currently have a crush on someone 70. I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life 71. I want to have children in the future 72. I have changed a diaper before 73. I’ve called the cops on a friend before 74. I bite my nails 75. I am a member of the Tom Green fan club 76. I’m not allergic to anything 77. I have a lot to learn 78. I have dated someone at least 10 years older or younger 79. I plan on seeing Ice Cube’s newest “Friday” movie 80. I am sometimes shy around the opposite sex 81. I’m online 24/7, even as an away message 82. I have at least 5 away messages saved 83. I have tried alcohol or drugs before 84. I have made a move on a friend’s significant other in the past 85. I own the “South Park” movie 86. I have avoided assignments at work/school to be on Xanga or Livejournal 87. When I was a kid I played “the birds and the bees” with a neighbor or chum 88. I enjoy some country music 90. I think that Pizza Hut has the best pizza 91. I watch soap operas whenever I can 92. I’m obsessive, anal retentive, and often a perfectionist 93. I have used my sexuality to advance my career 94. I love Michael Jackson, scandals and all 95. I know all the words to Slick Rick’s “Children’s Story” 96. Halloween is awesome because you get free candy 97. I watch Spongebob Squarepants and I like it 98. I have dated a close friend’s ex 99. I’m happy as of this moment 100. I was born in the 80s but I am truly a child of the 90s  101. I have slapped john dasaro and chris burke in the face..on the same night 102. I haven’t showered in two days… and I like it. 103. i own every f***er here 104. I procrastinate all the time 105. I’m a nerd 106. I LOVE the movie The Wedding Singer. 107. i hate corn. 108. i’ve attended the rocky horror picture show 109. i’ve never seen Bambi the movie 110. Thinking about the future terrifies me 111. Without music there would be no point in living. 112. If I could change one thing about myself I would 113. If someone of the same sex liked me, I would date them. 114. I went to the mall today for 5 hours ================================ Would do Have Done
001. Bought everyone in the pub a drink 002. Swam with wild dolphins 003. Climbed a mountain *004. Taken a Ferrari for a test drive 005. Been inside the Great Pyramid 006. Held a tarantula. *007. Taken a candlelit bath with someone 008. Said ‘I love you’ and meant it. 009. Hugged a tree *010. Done a striptease 011. Bungee jumped *012. Visited Paris 013. Watched a lightning storm at sea *014. Stayed up all night long, and watch the sun rise several times *015. Seen the Northern Lights 016. Gone to a huge sports game 017. Walked the stairs to the top of the leaning Tower of Pisa *018. Grown and eaten your own vegetables *019. Touched an iceberg *020. Slept under the stars 021. Changed a baby’s diaper 022. Taken a trip in a hot air balloon *023. Watched a meteor shower *024. Gotten drunk on champagne *025. Given more than you can afford to charity 026. Looked up at the night sky through a telescope 027. Had an uncontrollable giggling fit at the worst possible moment 028. Had a food fight 029. Bet on a winning horse 030. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill 031. Asked out a stranger 032. Had a snowball fight 033. Photocopied your bottom on the office photocopier 034. Screamed as loudly as you possibly can 035. Held a lamb 036. Organized and planned a surprise party for a loved one *037. Taken a midnight skinny dip 038. Taken an ice cold bath 039. Had a meaningful conversation with a beggar 040. Seen a total eclipse 041. Ridden a roller coaster 042. Hit a home run 043. Fit three weeks miraculously into three days 044. Danced like a fool and not cared who was looking *045. Adopted an accent for an entire day 046. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors 047. Actually felt happy about your life, even for just a moment *048. Had two hard drives for your computer *049. Visited all 50 states 050. Loved your job for all accounts *051. Taken care of someone who was really sick *052. Had enough money to be truly satisfied 053. Had amazing friends 054. Danced with a stranger in a foreign country *055. Watched wild whales 056. Stolen a sign 057. Backpacked in Europe *058. Taken a road-trip 059. Rock climbing 060. Lied to foreign government’s official in that country to avoid notice *061. Midnight walk on the beach 062. Sky diving *063. Visited Ireland 064. Been heartbroken longer then you were actually in love 065. In a restaurant, sat at a stranger’s table and had a meal with them *066. Visited Japan 067. Bench pressed your own weight 068. Milked a cow 069. Alphabetized your records 070. Pretended to be a superhero 071. Sung karaoke 072. Lounged around in bed all day 073. Protested something you feel strongly against 074. Scuba diving *075. Got it on to “Let’s Get It On” by Marvin Gaye 076. Kissed in the rain 077. Played in the mud 078. Played in the rain *079. Gone to a drive-in theater 080. Done something you should regret, but don’t regret *081. Visited the Great Wall of China 082. Discovered that someone who’s not supposed to have known about your blog has discovered your blog 083. Dropped Windows in favor of something better 084. Started a business 085. Fallen in love and not had your heart broken 086. Toured ancient sites 087. Taken a martial arts class 088. Swordfought for the honor of a woman 089. Played D&D for more than 6 hours straight *090. Gotten married 091. Been in a movie 092. Crashed a party 093. Loved someone you shouldn’t have *094. Kissed someone so passionately it made them dizzy 095. Gotten divorced 096. Started an office war 097. Gone without food for 5 days 098. Made cookies from scratch 099. Won first prize in a costume contest 100. Ridden a gondola in Venice 101. Gotten a tattoo 102. Found that the texture of some materials can turn you on 103. Rafted the Snake River 104. Been on television news programs as an “expert" 105. Got flowers for no reason 106. Made out in a public place 107. Got so drunk you don’t remember anything 108. Been addicted to some form of illegal drug 109. Performed on stage 110. Been to Las Vegas 111. Recorded music 112. Eaten shark *113. Drank an entire 6 pack by yourself *114. Gone to Thailand 115. Seen Siouxsie *116. Bought a house 117. Been in a combat zone 118. Buried one/both of your parents 119. Shaved all of your hair off *120. Been on a cruise ship 121. Spoken more than one language fluently 122. Gotten into a fight while attempting to defend someone 123. Bounced a check 124. Performed in theatre 125. Read - and understood - your credit report *126. Raised children 127. Recently bought and played with a favorite childhood toy *128. Followed your favorite band/singer on tour *129. Created and named your own constellation of stars 130. Taken a bicycle tour in a foreign country 131. Found out something significant that your ancestors did 132. Called or written your Congress person 133. Picked up and moved to another city to just start over 135. Walked the Golden Gate Bridge 136. Sang loudly in the car, and didn’t stop when you knew someone was looking 137. Had an abortion 138. Had plastic surgery 139. Survived an accident that you shouldn’t have survived 140. Wrote articles for a large publication 141. Lost over 100 pounds 142. Held someone while they were having a flashback 143. Piloted an airplane 144. Petted a stingray 145. Broken someone’s heart 146. Helped an animal give birth 147. Been fired or laid off from a job 148. Won money on a TV game show 149. Broken a bone 150. Killed a human being *151. Gone on an African photo safari 152. Ridden a motorcycle 153. Driven any land vehicle at a speed of greater than 100mph 154. Had a body part of yours below the neck pierced 155. Fired a rifle, shotgun, or pistol 156. Eaten mushrooms that were gathered in the wild 157. Ridden a horse 158. Had major surgery 159. Ridden on a passenger train 160. Had a snake as a pet 161. Hiked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon 162. Slept through an entire flight: takeoff, flight, and landing 163. Slept for more than 30 hours over the course of 48 hours 164. Visited more foreign countries than U.S. states *165. Visited all 7 continents 166. Taken a canoe trip that lasted more than 2 days 167. Eaten kangaroo meat 168. Fallen in love at an ancient Mayan burial ground 169. Been a sperm or egg donor 170. Eaten sushi 171. Had your picture in the newspaper 172. Had 2 (or more) healthy romantic relationships for over a year in your lifetime *173. Changed someone’s mind about something you care deeply about 174. Gotten someone fired for their actions 175. Gone back to school 176. Parasailed 177. Changed your name 178. Petted a cockroach 179. Eaten fried green tomatoes 180. Read The Iliad 181. Selected one "important” author who you missed in school, and read 182. Dined in a restaurant and stolen silverware, plates, cups because your apartment needed them 183. …and gotten 86'ed from the restaurant because you did it so many times, they figured out it was you 184. Taught yourself an art from scratch 185. Killed and prepared an animal for eating 186. Apologized to someone years after inflicting the hurt *187. Skipped all your school reunions 188. Communicated with someone without sharing a common spoken language 189. Been elected to public office 190. Written your own computer language 191. Thought to yourself that you’re living your dream 192. Had to put someone you love into hospice care 193. Built your own PC from parts 194. Sold your own artwork to someone who didn’t know you 195. Had a booth at a street fair 196: Dyed your hair blue 197: Been a DJ 198: Found out someone was going to dump you via LiveJournal 199: Written your own role playing game 200: Been arrested ====================== 1. I have self-mutilated before. 2. I still love the song Dragostea Din Tei 3. I used to like New Kids on the Block 4. The 80s was funny. 5. I have realtones enabled on my cellular phone. 6. Public bathrooms scare me 7. I have keys on my belt 8. I’m not wearing a belt 9. I hate writing 10. I hate reading 1. I love compilation CDs 12. My favorite teachers have all been guys 13. I think Bad Religion’s only been around for ten or so years 14. I don’t know who Bad Religion is. 15. I don’t wear my hood unless it’s raining 16. I enjoy smaller clubs rather than big ones 17. I’ve put a song on repeat for more than 8 hours 18. I have sound on my computer  19. Someone wants my hiney. 20. My mom loves Elvis 21. I have my own computer 22. I live on the east coast 23. My favorite animal is a kangaroo 24. I’m on vacation 25. I don’t own a pair of ripped jeans 26. I am very insecure somewhat 27. I love to dance 28. I curse way too much. 29. I choose the pansy way and star out my curse words (f*ck) 30. I feel dumb because I was just called a pansy 31. I have a flatscreen computer 32. I collect something. 33. I’m married 34. I won’t date someone who’s smaller than me smaller, as in also shorter? 35. Brass knuckles are the shit. 36. I own a hand puppet 37. I write with blue pens 38. I wear eye makeup almost every day 39. I wish I lived somewhere other than here 40. I don’t own a band shirt. Not yet anyway.. 41. I love techno. 42. I have my nipples pierced 43. I’m shitty at wrapping presents 44. I know someone in the KKK 45. I’m racist/anti-semitist. 46. I don’t know what those mean. 47. I love life most of the time 48. I have posters all over my room 49. I’ve never been a camera whore with someone.. And I want to. 50. I’m halfway done 51. I wish I lived in the 80s 52. I know what the term borgie means 53. I’m interested in social hierarchy. 54. I love music videos. 55. I have a DVD player 56. I’m drunk right now 57. I’m listening to music 58. I have a big screen TV 59. I have an STD 60. I know the singer of the Clash’s name 61. The only IM program I have is AIM 62. I skateboard regularly 63. I live on the north side of town 64. I have been to Alaska 65. I’ve worn a cowboy hat 66. I watch late night infomercials for retarded, unnecessary things 67. I LOVE DOING THE DEATH GROWL TO MY FAVORITE METAL SONGS. 68. That last question was dumb. 69. I know what the word “peligroso” means in English 70. I speak another language fluently 71. I’ve been in a limo 72. I own a bong 73. My lungs hurt 74. I know someone who’s committed suicide 75. I’ve got a six pack and I don’t need you! 76. I know what band sung the above line 77. I like strong boys. 78. I’m sick right now 79. I know someone who’s currently enlisted in the army 80. I do not own a color phone 81. My birthday is in September 82. I hate mall cops 83. I hate most cops in general 84. I’m wearing blush 85. I live in an apartment 86. I’m still in high school. 87. I own something from Victoria’s Secret 88. I don’t know a boy that wears girls pants 89. I’ve had the same best friend since I was 8. 90. Brownies are my favorite 91. So is cake 92. I’ve heard the song “Looks Good in Leather” 93. I own some sort of propaganda, fake or real 94. I deny the Holocaust happened 95. Kisses are my favorite sign of affection 96. I need to charge my phone 97. My purse could pass for a suitcase 98. I take birth control 99. I only buy what’s fashionable
1. I love bolding 2. I know someone named Mimi 3. I hate my old best friend 4. My favorite alcoholic drink is Jack n Coke 5. I have a digital camera 6. I’m talking to at least one person online 7. I like watching college basketball 8. I have never moved. 9. I have at least one cat 10. I have at least one dog 11. I’m going to see a movie tonight maybe 12. I make my own AIM icons 13. I’m in pain 14. I watch more than five shows a day 15. I love the Cure 16. My parents like some of the same music I do 17. I have never been to the dentist 18. I listen to the radio 19. I do my own laundry 20. I’ve made at least one article of clothing 21. I have/want something on my face pierced 22. I go to at least one concert a week 23. I’ve written a story 24. I’ve dyed my hair every color of the rainbow 25. I own a Grand Theft Auto game 26. My favorite pattern is camoflauge 27. I know someone who does/did cocaine 28. I have too many game systems 29. I love scary movies 30. I hate scary movies 31. I’ve had sex more than 5 times 32. My favorite chips are Lays Original 33. I think butter is unhealthy 34. I hate the Osbournes 35. I used to have dreadlocks 36. I need to take medicine for something 37. I suffer from insomnia 38. I speak ebonics 39. I’ve gambled 40. And won 41. I have at least one gay friend 42. I like going to pet stores 43. I own a dog toy 44. And I don’t have a dog 45. I own more than ten candles 46. I’ve smoked a cigarette in the shower before 47. I’ve flunked a class 48. I listen to music every day 49. I have more than one nickname 50. I wear pajamas when I feel like it 51. I’m wearing more than one jewelry item 52. I haven’t washed my hair in a week 53. I watch the Grammy’s every year 54. Along with the Macy’s Parade 55. My favorite season is winter 56. I have seen the All American Rejects live 57. And I’ve enjoyed it. 58. Boobs are nothing special 59. I go swimming at least once a week in summer. 60. I have a pool. 61. I’ve gone skinnydipping 62. I’ve played strip poker 63. And lost 64. I want a nautical star tattoo 65. My cell phone turns off when it’s charging 66. And it pisses me off 67. I used to buy my entire wardrobe from Hot Topic 68. I’ve been to albinoblacksheep.com 69. My favorite subject is History 70. And/or math 71. I am a republican 72. I am a democrat 73. I listen to the Used occasionally 74. I have been to the Warped Tour 75. I am part Mexican 76. I am part German 77. All of my grandparents are still alive. 79. I love bowling 80. I know that there is a South Park, Colorado 81. I love Dairy Queen 82. Sometimes I think I’m crazy 83. I own a Moffatts CD 84. I own a Backstreet Boys CD 85. I want plastic surgery 86. Operation, operation, snip and tie, snip and tie 87. I know what song that line is from 88. I have killed something [bugs!] 89. I’ve never had a Nokia cell phone 90. I’m never sarcastic 91. Light eyes turn me on 92. I have never been to a foreign country 93. I don’t eat enough 94. I own illegal weaponry 95. I know someone who has overdosed on something 96. And lived to tell about it 97. I don’t own a pair of mittens 98. I love the heat 99. I’ve never had a steady boyfriend/gf 100. I want to makeout.
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moskaisley · 4 years
fear and loathing
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gif: @pedroispunk​
pairing: javier peña x reader
rating: NC-17!! explicit!!! this is literally porn!!! if ur under, 18+ go away.
warnings: mentions of drugs, alcohol, crime, SMUT MSUSTMSUMUT
word count: 2.9k
“Oh, maybe I was a little too wild in the 70s Back down to earth with a lounge singer shimmer Elevator down to my make believe residency From the honeymoon suite Two shows a day, four nights a week Easy money”
In the years before Agent Peña was shipped to Colombia, he spent his time lost in the lights of Las Vegas, entangling himself with the lounge singer of the Flamingo Hotel and Casino.
a/n: aka me romanticizing my own city knowing it’s actually a piece of shit town. i would highly recommend u listen to star treatment by arctic monkeys bc i had that record on repeat while writing this :) enjoy space cowboys!
The neon lights of Las Vegas were so bright they could burn skin with sin. 
People called New York the city that never sleeps, but the Big Apple couldn’t hold a candle to the mirage of chaos situated in the heart of the Mojave. This place was hotter than Hell and the citizens were like snakes, hiding from the beating sun at dawn and slithering out to hunt at dusk. The city was designed to overwhelm its “guests” with temptation. What happens here, stays here: an empty promise disguised as a secret. People talk, and the name had its own proud implication.
You didn’t have to say what you got up to in Vegas, everyone already knows.
The year was 1979. Javier Peña sat in a smoky lounge of the Flamingo, eyes lazily trained on a suited piano man playing away on stage.
He’d never come here willingly, but the DEA had him sent to Sin City investigating its suspicious abundance of every drug under the sun. Though Bugsy Siegel and many of the mobsters were long gone, the mafia still held Vegas by the balls. Their influence was atomic, going so far as to halt Metro in making any sort of move against them. Javi noticed it immediately on his first day in the office; the officers on the force only ever responded to petty crimes and traffic violations. Any call involving suited men and blow were brushed off and away. When Javi confronted one of the detectives, he only laughed in his face,
“Their lawyers are too good, Peña.”
It was only when Javi took a walk down to a shitty convenience store for a pack of cigarettes did he realize the state of the city. He saw a group of kids who couldn’t have been older than 22, high off their ass and stumbling along the sidewalk. He did his best to ignore them, but the group suddenly got louder as a girl was tripping over her heels into the street, an oncoming car only seconds away. He acted quickly grabbing her arm and pulling her flush against him, Rolls Royce tearing down the road, horn blaring at the two of them.
“You saved my life there, Mr. Mustache,” she cooed, “How could I ever repay you?”
When he looked back to her, he tried his best not to cringe. Her pupils were so dilated, he was surprised her eyes didn’t pop out of their sockets. Then, he saw the white powder off the corner of her nostril and his stomach turned. She cackled at him, and he pushed her back to her coked out friends.
Javi learned two things that night: Vegas has horrible drivers, and anyone who came close to this town rotted from the inside out. 
He figured that, in order to make any progress here, it would have to come from Hell itself. If he stuck around long enough, maybe he’d find something amongst the fields of ringing slot machines and gaudy carpet.
“Lose all your money already, son?” A voice drew him out of his thoughts. He turned to see a sharply dressed older man.
Javi faked a smile for the sake of being polite, “No, not yet. Maybe in a bit.” 
The man chuckled and sat in the leather chair to the left of him, “You should stay. They’ve got quite a show coming up.”
Fancyman bristles beside him reaching inside his breast pocket. The little bag that he pulls out is unmistakable. The high roller notices his stare, “It’ll be especially good with a little bit of this.”
Javi cocks an eyebrow at him and waves him off, “No thanks. I think I’ll just stick with these.”
He gestures to his pack of cigarettes on the small table.
“Suit yourself,” the man settles. He takes the powder on his pinky and snorts it into his nostril.
Javier holds back on rolling his eyes and instead leans into his seat. He pulls a cigarette to his lips, settling in for this magnificent show that Fancyman promised. He rifled through his leather jacket for a lighter, but nothing turned up in his pockets. 
“Let me get that for you,” a new, sultry voice whispers into his ears.
Heat creeps up his neck as a hand splays itself across his chest, tracing the exposed skin under his black button up. A golden zippo in perfectly manicured fingers appears before him, flickering to life with a tiny flame. He leans in and takes a drag, acutely aware of the lips inches away from his ear. 
“Speak of the devil,” he nearly forgot about his company for the evening, “if it isn’t our little songbird.”
“Always a pleasure to see you again, Mr. Hughes,” Javi is strangely disappointed to hear the voice had drawn away, “Who’s your friend here?”
He turns around to introduce himself, but his name dies in his throat when his eyes catch yours. You could easily be a movie star with your bright red lipstick and perfect waves of hair. His mouth goes dry when you round the corner of his chair and sit on the armrest, lighting your own thin cigarette and storing away your zippo in your fur coat.
“I don’t know, darling, but I think he’s in love.”
“Is that so?” Your perfect lips form a smile as you curl them around the filter, “What’s your name, lover?”
He coughs into his sleeve in an attempt to prevent his voice from rising three octaves.
“Javier,” he says, “It’s just Javi, though..”
“Javier,” he could get drunk on the way you say his name, “Well, just Javi, could you hold onto this for me?”
His breath hitches when you slide the coat off your shoulders, revealing your body in a silk black strapless dress and a gold necklace with diamonds spilling onto your collarbone. You all but throw the fur onto his lap and stamp out your cig in the ashtray in front of him. 
“Enjoy the show, lover.”
Describing you as a “songbird” was a serious understatement. Javi found your voice fucking heavenly with the way it crooned out some old torch song from the 40s. He wasn’t the only one who felt this way; sober or not, the audience hung onto every note that left your lips and the room was at your command. Your smooth, honey-sweet voice melted through one melody to the next. Soon enough, you were thanking everyone for coming out and wishing the crowd a lovely stay at the Flamingo.
And then your eyes met Javi’s once again, and blood rushed to his ears.
Eyes glittering mischievously, you point directly to him, “This last song is dedicated to that man right there.”
The spotlight whips away from the stage, landing directly on Javi’s chair. He tried his best to remain stone cold, jaw clenched and dark eyes boring into yours from across the room. But his embarrassment was quite literally on display as he shifted uncomfortably under the white hot heat of the light behind him.
“Just Javi was kind enough to hold onto something very special to me,” you purred into the mic, “Please give him a round of applause.”
Thank God, for your coat. Had it not been there, the world would’ve seen the way Javi’s cock strained against his jeans.
He finally let out a huff of relief as the spotlight left his back and veered its way back to your place on the stage, your last song starting. Javi was quick to scramble for another cigarette. He looked at the coat in his lap, pausing in contemplation. His eyes darted between the fur coat and yours as you began to sing again.
“I found a place
Full of charms
A magic world
In my baby's arms....”
His hands slithered their way to the folds of the coat on his lap, dipping into the pocket and pulling out the golden lighter. He flicked the sparkwheel, a tiny fire illuminating his the curves of his face as he kept his steely gaze on you.
“Her soft embrace
Like Satin and Lace..”
Javi took a long drag, nicotine setting his chest aflame. Your black dress ripples along your legs as you cross the stage. You’re smooth in the way you pull yourself onto the grand piano, lying down and arching your breasts upward as you belt out the lyrics, shooting a dazzling smile to him.
“Wondrous place”
“Excuse me, miss? There’s someone here to see you.”
“Tell him he needs to get in line.”
You see Tom, the baby-faced stagehand, bristle in the reflection of your dressing room mirror. He’s heatedly whispering with the person next to him. You always felt bad for giving him the chore of turning your suitors away.
And while you expect Tom to close the door and leave you in peace, he presses on.
“He-uh-he says he has your coat, ma’am.”
Your lips curl into a devilish smile, and you turn to your sweet blushing assistant.
“Oh, send him in then. He’s okay.”
The kid obeys, pushing your door further open. The man you’ve had your eyes on all night walks through, your fur coat wrapped along his forearm.
“What a lovely surprise, Just Javi.”
You watch him in amusement as his Adam's apple bobs in his neck. You relish in the paralyzing effect you have on him.
“I just came to return this,” his voice is tight as he tries to return your fur to you. You don’t miss the way his eyes trail over your body; your black stage dress was replaced by a cream silk robe loosely tied at your waist.
“Sure you did,” you tease. His jaw clenches. A small laugh spills from your lips, “Tom, could you give us a bit of privacy?”
Silence follows after the door shuts closed. You cross the room to stand inches before him, raising a hand to caress his cheek. The other rests on the coat in his arms. His ragged breathing is music to your ears. 
“You were great tonight.”
“I aim to entertain,” you rub your thumb over his cheekbone, “Thank you.”
He clears his throat, voice growing low, “That was a pretty mean stunt you pulled out there.”
“Not a fan of the limelight, Javier?”
“No, not particularly.” 
A coy smile creeps on your face when he leans in closer, lips parting in an attempt to catch yours. You slyly dodge Javi's mouth, and it connects with the crook of your neck instead. In his frustration, he bites down hard. A satisfied mewl escapes you.
“You’re driving me insane,” he huffs against your clavicle.
“What can I say?” he pulls away to look at you with wild eyes, “I like to play with my food, Javier.”
Chest heaving, Javi throws the damn coat onto the plush velvet chaise behind you. His strong, calloused hands are at your waist, feeling the curves of your body and pulling you closer towards him. You giggled in delight at his touch and your hands flew to clutch the back of his neck, fingers entangling themselves in his hair. You squeal when he goes to grab your ass, hoisting you up and wrapping your legs around his torso. He makes his way over to your vanity, and with a sweep of his right hand, he pushes off the contents of the table to the floor. Javi sits you up against the mirror, and takes your face in his hands.
“Let me kiss you, mi amor.”
Your body swells with warmth. You didn’t plan on kissing him, but the way his accent echoed in your ears made you dizzy. Your hands drop to the opening in his button up, and you pull him in, lips crashing together. He shudders against you, tongue swiping across your bottom lip. You let Javi in with fervor, huffing against his lips. Your fingers work their way down his torso, unbuttoning his shirt. They come back to his shoulders, desperately pushing his leather jacket off his shoulders. Javi’s hands leave your face and shrug off both his garments onto the floor. Your face flushes with heat at the sight of his bare chest. He pushes himself closer between your legs, and traces his right hand towards your inner thigh. His other hand pulls the bow at your waist and your robe spills open revealing your naked body.
Javi groans at the sight before him, and his hand palms at your breast.
“Fuck, you’re stunning.”
“Take a picture. Lasts longer.”
“I intend to do way more than that, cariño.”
Your heart flutters when he pulls your vanity chair in front of you and takes a seat. He spreads your legs out wide, hooking one of them over his shoulder. You hold your breath as he kisses along the inside of your thigh. Two fingers come up to your dripping pussy, massaging against the folds and spreading them open. His fucking tongue traces against your opening and you nearly cry at how good it feels. Javi drinks in every part of you as you squirm under his mouth like any parched man would in this desert. He moves his lips upward to suck gently on your clit, and inserts two fingers into you. 
“Javi!” you croon, “Javi, baby, it feels so good.”
“Yeah? Sing it for me, sweetheart. I love hearing your voice.”
You gasp when his digits curl inside you. You wrap your hand in his hair, and pull him back up to face you. He’s still pumping into you when he stands from the chair, and your leg falls back onto the table. Trouble flickers across your face as you reach down and grip his wrist. You pull his fingers out of you and take them into your mouth, swirling your tongue and tasting your cunt on his tips. 
“Shit, baby,” Javi grunts and uses his free hand to pull you flush against his hips. You moan at the feeling of his cock through his jeans. He presses his forehead against yours and removes his fingers from your hot mouth. Your deft hands fly to unbuckle his belt and unzip his pants. You claw at the waistband of his boxers, dipping your soft hands below to palm his thick cock.
Javi’s eyes shut at the contact, cursing under his breath when you wrap your fingers around the tip and squeeze.
“I knew I was gonna fuck you the minute I saw you,” You shift under him to whisper in his ear, “I’m so glad you don’t disappoint.”
“How?” Javi is barely holding it together, head spinning as you slowly stroke his shaft, “You couldn’t even see my face in the lounge.”
“No, I couldn’t. But I saw you in the lobby,” you push down his underwear and his cock springs out, “It was just my luck you came to see me.”
You pull him into another searing kiss, dick still in hand. His heart races as you rub him along your wet entrance. He leans forward and his arms pin themselves beside your head against the vanity mirror. He thrusts his length fully inside you, and the sound you make is ungodly. Your tight cunt is so warm and tight and he begins to move faster. The slapping of his torso against the back of your thighs reverberates around your dressing room, and your vanity table shakes with every push into you. Anything remaining on your table shifted and fell to the floor with the rest of Javi’s clothes. 
He pulls his hands away from your mirror, and he presses them into your shoulders for stability. His lips move from yours and attack your neck, sucking at the supple skin below your jawline.
You let out a strangled mewl, but chide “Not on my neck, lover. I’ve got a show tomorrow.”
Javi nearly whines in frustration and pushes you backwards, forcing you to arch your chest into him. He kisses along your sternum instead, sucking down hard and marking you with a purple hickey between your breasts. The sight riles him up further, and he plows into you faster.
“Fuck, Javier, I’m gonna cum!” 
“Look at me, mi amor. I wanna see you,” he tilts your chin upwards with his finger.
A wave of pleasure washes over you and your lips are chanting his name as you ride your orgasm. Javi has his own shortly after you, cum spilling into you and leaking around the sides of his dick. He pulls out of you and leans against the table, arms flexing next to your legs.You sit up and kiss the corner of his mouth. Pushing yourself off your vanity, you push past him and bend over your chaise lounge, shuffling through your forgotten coat. You turn back to Javier leaning against the armrest and you light one of your slim cigs. You take your first drag and pull it from your lips, offering it to him as you exhale. When he goes to take it from your fingers, however, you abruptly tug at his arm, throwing him onto your chaise. 
His bewilderment made you chuckle, “What are you doing there, sweetheart?”
Your mischievous smile returns as you twist the cig in your fingers, 
“Hold onto this for me, Javier.”
You stick the filter into the corner of his mouth as you straddle his legs, and you peel off your robe to reveal all of yourself to him.
“I hope you’ve enjoyed your stay,” you coo as you lick your lips “but I don’t think I’m quite done singing for the night.”
You were no songbird. You were a siren. A succubus. Like everything else in Las Vegas, you would take and take and take and leave nothing but dry bones and dust in your wake.
a/n: disclaimer: las vegas is actually lame as fuck. 
but i hope u liked the very basic history lesson i peppered in there anyway haha. fun fact: the lawyers for all those mobsters actually became mayor at some point. 
the song mentioned in this fic is wondrous place by billy fury! 
the title is totally ripped from fear and loathing in las vegas! because we love references.
idk if there’s gonna b another part for this?? mayb if y’all rly want it i have a few ideas but after this i want to focus back on to migraine. lmk if u like it!! bc it was actually fun just writing about a place i know. hope you all enjoyed!
@starkstranges​  @mysterihoeee​
thanks for reading! see u space cowboys <3
- leo
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cravingmarvel · 4 years
American Money: Chapter Four - Getaway Car
Paring: Bucky Barnes AU x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Shit’s going down, blood, police violence
Summary: Going on a road trip with your best friend Bucky to Lake Erie  ended quicker than you thought it would. The car crash turned yours and Bucky’s life around from living in Manhattan, to staying at different motels every night and running from the police.
“How did this happen?” A question only two people can answer. And one of them is dead.
A/N: Here we areee! I’m sorry it took so long, but I feel like right now I’m on a roll with writing so I just had to get another chapter done. Thank you to anyone who is still reading this series and thank you for waiting :(
Masterlist // Chapter Three
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Chapter Four - Getaway Car
 I awoke to the soft melody of a song playing on the radio, Bucky humming along, a little out of tune. My eyes got used to the sun shining brighter than I would like it and I looked out of the window, the sun standing high, the morning already passed. Outside nothing but boring sand and coloured stone could be seen for miles, not a single cloud lingered in the sky, only blue for miles.
Turning my head, I saw Bucky, one hand on the steering wheel, the other lazily draped out the window. Bucky’s hair was flowing free from the wind blowing through the rolled down window. His beard started to get longer than just a five o’ clock shadow.
“How long did I sleep for?”
He turned his head to my direction shortly and smiled, concentrating on the road again (even though there wasn’t much to concentrate on). “Long enough. We’re almost in Page.”
My jaw dropped. “What! I slept for nine hours?”
Bucky erupted into laughter. “Yes! I stopped a few times and expected you to wake up, but you wouldn’t.”
I closed my mouth, shocked at my long slumber. The last few days must’ve really worn me down considering the circumstances. Life back in New York wasn’t as versatile, the only time I felt tired enough to sleep more than six hours was after my workout class, but that’s it.
“How long until we’re there?” I asked once I gained my composure back.
“About thirty minutes. I looked up a motel we can stay in. It even has a bar.” Bucky smiled smugly at me.
I just shook my head, smiling. A drink could be the perfect way to drown some of the stress away. Although I’ve never been much of a drinker, after the incident at the store, I was happy to have some alcohol.
As the road went on and on, the greener it got. The small wooded area sat strangely between all the canyons and flat sand patches. It was nice to see some trees after the unbearable sun kept shining on our car. Even with all the windows down, it was too hot, so some trees promised for a little shadow.
We arrived at the motel, which was nicer than the others we stayed in, probably because we can afford it now, due to the money we stole. The whole building was made of wooden planks, stained a dark brown. It was situated in between the little wooded area and perfect to hide in for the night. The three stories promised for a look over the trees, to the main road so we could observe anyone driving by. Although that doesn’t seem to be that interesting, after all, we didn’t come across anyone for miles.
The narrow street opened up to a big parking area and only two men sat on the bench outside next to the door, smoking a cigar.
Upon walking in, the choice of style from the outside caries through to the inside. The interior mostly made out od wood, plaid curtains and chandeliers made of metal gave the lobby a nice Bavarian feel. Under different circumstances, I would’ve loved to stay here a few days. Walk around the motel, wander through the forest and search through the canyons for adventures unknown to me. But right now, all Bucky and I can do, is hide in our room.
Bucky checked in at the front desk while I kept a lookout for anyone glancing for a little too long, but the process was quick and we were on your way, up the creaking stairs to the third floor.
Along the walls there were pictures, most of them in black and white, of different people. Some appeared to be guides, some I wondered to be previous owners.
Our room was no different from the rest of the motel. A bed made of wood, plaid curtains and a chandelier made of metal. The small bathroom gave little to no room for relaxation as a tiny shower was the only way to get clean. I was hoping for a bathtub, but when you’re a criminal, you have to deal with what you’ve got.
We unpacked the few things we had, and it became apparent that a washing machine wouldn’t be such a bad idea. The attire I had taken with me wasn’t supposed to last so long without a wash and whilst packing I didn’t know Bucky and I would be taking a detour to Los Angeles.
I let myself fall onto the bed, relishing in the softness of it. This was definitely much better than what we were used to. Bucky fell down next to me on the bed. For a few minutes we just laid there, before we stared laughing.
“This is crazy.” Bucky said.
“Yeah, who would’ve known that we would end up here?” I turned my head to look at him. “What’s the plan for tomorrow?”
“Tomorrow we’re aiming for Las Vegas and then straight to Los Angeles to meet with Sam. I already told him about our situation, he’s meeting us at the Freehand Hotel.”
“How do you know Sam?” I said, Bucky turned his head to look at me.
“Old friends.”
I looked back up to the ceiling. I didn’t want to ask any further questions. I’ll get my answers once I meet this Sam. If he even exists. But that’s crazy.
“Y/n, let’s go to the bar!” Bucky jumped up from the bed and held his hand out for me to take.
I followed Bucky downstairs, through the lobby and into the bar. We sat down in one of the booths a little further away from the other people.
Not that there was a mass amount of people, but enough to make me nervous. Bucky went over to the bartender ordering a glass of Lambrusco for me and a Negroni for himself.
He came back with our drinks and sat down beside me. “Here-“ he handed me the glass. “- I don’t know how you can drink cold red wine with fizz.”
“And I don’t know how you can drink a Negroni of all things.” I said, scrunching my nose.
We laughed together as the sun started to sink behind the trees, the bar filling with music on a low volume. I looked back to Bucky, who was staring straight ahead. The sun casting a halo around him and I didn’t know if it was the alcohol from my third glass of wine, or just me, but thoughts about him started to pop up in my head. Thoughts I’ve never had, like the way I loved his hair hanging down to his shoulders, or the blue of his eyes.
“Whatcha looking at?” Bucky said softly, catching me off guard.
I quickly turned my head away from him, adverting my gaze to my hand on the stem of my glass. I knew my cheeks were burning bright red and I had nothing to say to him.
I felt two fingers on my chin, lifting my head, turning my face to him. Bucky draped his arm around my shoulder, while his other stayed on my chin. My mouth agape, he inched closer, never breaking eye contact.
He closed the distance between us, moving his lips on mine, his hand straying away from my chin to my cheek, keeping my head in place. My mind was fuzzy, and I was ready to melt into a puddle before him.
Bucky pulled away with a smile and I exhaled deeply. Did this just really happen? Bucky, my best friend for years and I just kissed.
“Hey, are you ok? Do you want to go to the room?”
I shook my head, pushing his hand away from my cheek I stood stumbling not only over my words but also my feet. This was wrong, this whole situation was so wrong. How could I let this happen?
I muttered an apology and left Bucky sitting in the booth.
I sprinted back up the creaking stairs, stumbling into the room. Sitting down on the bed next to the nightstand, next to me, the bag of money.
“This is messed up.” I got up, grabbed the bag and car keys.
I ran out of the motel and walked to the phonebooth next to the motel.
“Hello this is-“
“Bucky Barnes is staying in the motel in Page Arizona, Blue Bird Motel. The man who killed the guy in Sheffield.”
I hung up without saying anything else. They will know.
I sat in the Cadillac and put the bag on the passenger seat. Breathing became much more difficult and I focussed on the street ahead of me.
I looked into the review mirror and saw Bucky standing, looking out of the window of our room. Next, I heard the sirens and drove off.
I saw Bucky running out as soon as police cars started to flood in.
I heard the sirens behind me and someone yelling my name. It’s Bucky. I knew he felt betrayed and that’s what I did; I betrayed him. Jumping slightly as I heard a gunshot being fired, a shiver ran down my spine.
The tears in my eyes blurred my vision terribly, rolling down my cheeks like they’ve done for the past three hours. My eyes fixed on the dark road in front of me, the trees disappearing beside me. Only the moon and the bag of money accompanying me on my journey. I didn’t want to look, but my eyes flickered up to the review mirror of the Cadillac.
There he is, lying on the floor. Blood and dirt coating his messy brown hair. The ringing in my ears tuned out the sirens, but I could clearly see the blurry red and blue lights through my tears.
And I screamed, I yelled out to no one. Hitting the steering wheel, adverting my gaze back on the road.
As the road went on and on, the tears stopped. My mind was blank, dazed from the mess that happened. The sun started to rise on the horizon, and I lit a cigarette, keeping my mind occupied with the smoke to calm my nerves.
I knew where I needed to go, the plan set in my mind.
Get to Los Angeles and meet with Sam. Whoever that is.
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musedblues · 5 years
Hello Again
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Part 1 of (maybe 2?)
W/C: 8k
Summary: Gwilym has always been around, somewhere in the background of your fast-moving life. But when summer comes along, you finally slow down enough to take a closer look.
Warnings: Allusion to/ Mentions of alcoholism? Nothing too horrific! 
A/N: I’m writing again! Rather, finally getting around to uploading things I’ve had written for ages. There will be a second part to this in the very near future! Please enjoy my hopeless fantasizing, gang! (and don’t be afraid to let me know if you do!) _
You had nearly forgotten all about your past twenty-three years of living, on your rampage through the American desert: and that was your mission...  To focus on nothing besides soaking up every the last ray of the blistering hot sun before summer vacation was over, and you had to start senior year of college. You were a history major and initially had big dreams of becoming a librarian or a museum director, so that you could enjoy immense hushed quiet all day before going out with your best girlfriends at night.
You loved to take it easy, especially after a night of partying so hard. You and your friends had established yourselves as the college's most wild group up until earlier this year when you nearly KO'd after staying in the hospital for a month due to alcohol poisoning. You took the school year slow, and when summer came, you piled your three closest friends and took off on a stereotypical road trip. Good, clean fun.  
When you weren't driving, your trip was mainly spent poolside, humming along to the static radio Francine toted along with her everywhere. The battery-powered thing would even work in the car sometimes, which came in handy as your vintage mustang wasn't equipped with a port for an aux cord or a radio that worked any longer.
Francine spread her gangly legs across Emma's lap in the back while Tilly sat in your passenger seat, flexing her map reading muscle on a mission to be totally directionally literate by the end of the road trip across the southwest. But then your car broke down forty miles deep into death valley and you all had to cram your belongings and yourselves into the back of a cab. Other friends might not have survived being squished together like sardines. But you made it to the Vegas airport without a foul word between the bunch of you.
Granted, Emma started to cry because the cab smelt of ham and Tilly's beloved map blew across the sandy horizon as you sat on the roadside, waiting to be rescued. You all relied on each other to keep a cool head, like always.
Your three roommates were sometimes too much to handle at once, but over the past three years of college and dates and sickness and flunked classes, you'd be lost without your best friends.
Once you all got back home to California with a bundle of stories to tell and a lot of left over time to fill up, the only thing to do was crash. 
Luckily, your brother's fancy new home was the closest and coolest stop. So you decided to take over his pool house like you were still on some kind of adventure.
"How's your brother so well off? And is he well off.. in other areas?" Francine pipped up. She blew away some of her frizzy strands of hair that made her seem like the coolest hippie alive, with a name to match. Her boldness never faltered in style or speak.
"Hm, strange I've suddenly lost my hearing." You quipped, grossed out by the thought of your brother being lusted after.
"Just don't bother him, okay? I'm welcome in the pool house without question so none of you are allowed to mess this up for us!" You informed. Your brother, Daniel, bought the house earlier in the year sometime when a film project he was apart of paid off pretty well. You'd forgotten anything to do with his big winnings in your previously alcoholic state.
"Oh, just go shower! We're gonna search through the movie cabinet and bask in the glow of this projector." Emma beamed.
The pool house was a studio with a tiny square marble kitchen, a living room complete with a bunch over oversized beanbags, and two twin beds hidden in the sunken pit lounge area. The space was designed in the '70s and the golden shag carpet still remained to prove it. This was the faux frat house your brother escaped to when the fancy chandelier in his adjacent home shone a little too brightly for his liking.   The best part of the pool house was the film projector and the massive pull-down screen, like a tiny personal movie theater. Though your brother was a bigger fan of dated television series', a few classic films found their way into his collection on the wall-length shelf.
You left the hip space to take a breather in the grey tiled bathroom, taking your time washing off the sheen of dust and sweat your road trip disaster left you in. When you returned to the living room to take Emma's place on the sofa while she scampered to the shower, the girls had popped in some movie of their liking.
"Top End Wedding. I've never heard of it." Tilly called from the floor, crawling around to put the disc in the player. She had already placed the cover back into its rightful spot on the shelf.
"What's that even mean?" Francine wondered, snuggling under a furry blanket.
"Shut up and find out like the rest of us." Tilly offered, plopping back against a florescent bean bag.
You chuckled as the movie started, but turned your attention your cell phone after it started too buzz. There was an email from the death valley mechanic addressing the problems he had to fix in order to get your car running again. You typed back a response in a hurry. When your friend's giggles cut through your focus, you clicked your phone off and turned your attention back to the film.
You'd completely missed the first scene, catching only glimpses of lush green islands and a lady with a broken high heeled shoe. But then a familiar voice spoke up.
"I have to take her to court?" Gwilym Lee was on the screen. Of course, he was. He appeared unmistakably himself... but much different from the last time you recalled seeing the man.
You silently chuckled to yourself, wondering whatever became of your brother's best friend. After Daniel and Gwilym finished grad school together, Gwilym was apparently apart of a few major British productions and a well off guy. But between your focus on college and some extra wild nights out, you'd barely seen your brother outside of holiday celebrations. So Gwyilm was hardly ever brought up in conversation. Or maybe he was, and you were just too maxed out to register. Be that as it may, the blue-eyed man was on the screen now... looking rather grown-up.
"My God he's a catch am I right?" Tilly pipped up, sipping vodka she'd found in the mini-fridge. Did she really think so? Dear old Gwilym?
"Look at him! That actress is so tiny next to him, God. Imagine being pinned between him and a wall." Francine swooned, in her usual lovestruck wonder.
And the intrusive thought was frightening to you. Because it seemed almost appealing. Gwilym hugged you goodbye once, some odd years ago. His strong arms were certainly brought a comfort you could still recollect.
"Confirmation that we're all hot for this Ned character?" Tilly turned her pretty feathery head of hair to you. You were busy bitting your thumbnail and wondering when Gwilym had gotten so buff.
"Huh? Oh yeah, Ned's cool." You nodded emptily.
"Pfft!" Francine spat, sitting up and leaning across a pillow toward you. "Get your head out of your car troubles and look at this fine British hunk!"
"I thought this was an Austrian film?" Tilly wondered.
"He's clearly British! Listen up! Haven't you paid attention during the world's fair week?" Francine rang, lifting her own glass of vodka toward the screen.
Your phone buzzed again and you desperately hoped it was the man who would assure your car was liable and you could pick it up and drive it through the desert some more before summer vacation ended. But instead, your brother's name blinked across your dim screen.
Daniel: Are you in the pool house? Come inside for a second. Leave the sorority behind. (No offense)
"I'll be right back. Pools open! Just don't come in the house!" You called out the rules your brother gave you the first time you stayed here. Your friends groaned. You scurried out the window paneled door and across the stone packed pathway to Daniel's deck. The back porch light was on and its reflection glistened off the pool. Was he going to be pissed that you remembered where he hid the spare key and tell your gang to leave? Did he just want to say hello? If he did, why wouldn't he just come out to greet you?
You knocked a couple of times to warn of your requested intrusion. The kitchen was empty and dark but there was a chatter coming from the living room. Your brother must have had company. Why did you need to come in here?
That's when Vinny and Violet came bounding up the basement staircase toward you in a fluffy flurry. They were sibling Burmese Mountain dogs whose nails were clicking against the cherry wood floor as they pranced below your feet; a very excitable greeting.
"Y/N? Come in here!" Daniel's low timbre was heard in from the living room and the sound of clinking glasses followed. Your brother Daniel was standing from his luxurious leather sofa, smiling and gesturing you into the room. On the other side of the sofa was a man you hadn't seen in years, but had just been reminded of only moments ago.
"Gwil is in town! I thought I heard you outside and we were just talking about you."
Oh my God. He was hot. You tried to stifle your shock at the stone-carved beauty of a brother's best friend that rose to his feet before you.
"Hello, again Y/N! Looking very comfortable." Gwil's voice was silky and wonderfully British. The accent would always catch you off guard. But his enchanting voice only reminded you how silly you must have looked in your sad excuse for pajamas. You wore tattered sweat pants and a torn-up tshirt that bared too much of your collar bone to be deemed appropriate.
And the angelic Gwilym was in well-fitted slacks and a dress shirt, blue eyes glimmering, muscles rippling past his perfect clothes.
"Hi, Gwil!" You chimed, really mustering the strength to sound normal. But what was normal between the pair of you? You'd met him a total of three times.
"Why are you all the way over in this part of town?" Daniel wondered, shifting his weight and glancing at you.
"My car broke down in death valley and your place was closest. Hope it's alright if we crash for the night?"
"I left the pool house key out for a reason! It's never a bother. I like that you're comfortable enough to stay. Roxanne never even comes over." Daniel complained about your middle sister. Roxanne was an unassuming girl with an interest in botany that left her camped out in national parks for weeks at a time. Your sister would talk about plants little to nothing else, besides her terrible crush on Gwilym Lee. A shameless attraction you'd all too suddenly understood.
"How's she?" Gwilym asked with a knowing smile. She could never hide the way she melted in Gwil's presence.
"She's been the movies this year, if that's what you're asking."  Daniel chortled. You wondered for a moment if the film your friends had found in the cabinet was one that made it to theaters. Was Gwilym finally featured on the big screen? And did Roxanne really still have that girlish crush?
"She's been seeing a lot of that Max guy, actually. I know because she does, in fact, call me every weekend." You chided, looking to Daniel with a smile.
"Yeah to make sure you're not dead." Daniel retorted. He was never a fan of your wild streak. Bless him. "She's always up to something crazy. Practically Instagram famous." Daniel buffed your confidence, gushing over his very own kid sister.
"I have a few thousand followers, it's really not uncommon." You assured your brother, who'd never gotten more than twelve likes on his own posts.
"Cute." Gwilym smiled. He looked you up and down and if you weren't sporting the world's nastiest pajamas. You'd dare to wonder if he liked what he saw.
"Well I better get back were-" You caught your breath and tore your curious gaze away from your brother's best friend. "...having quite the girls night."
Daniel nodded in response.
"You staying for a while? See you around?" You asked Gwilym. You were a naturally curious girl, and Gwilym Lee was extremely easy on the eyes. Why wouldn't you want to look a little longer?
"Yeah, I'll be in town. See ya around, kid." Gwilym's perfect smile was photograph worthy. But that remark stung. You were just Daniel's littlest sister, to Gwilym.
Later that evening you excused your bout of absence with some white lie about your brother needing help with his dogs after a bath.
The death valley mechanic eventually emailed you with good news, so you text your brother and asked if he could take you through the desert on a mission to get your car back. He happily agreed to take you and to let the girls take over the pool house for the day.
Your eyes fluttered open, blinded by the sharp white rays of sun boomeranging off the pool and into the window by your bed. Emma was passed out on the adjacent bed, snoring peacefully. There were more shuffles and chatter from the level above you and you knew the other girls were awake. You heard muted squeals and high pitched whispers floating through the pool house, and among them, a lower voice grumbled.
"Y/N! Ned's here!" Francine's unmistakably excited voice rang out.
"Oh, lovely!" You heard Gwilym let out a far off chortle.
Shit. What! Why? You bolted out of the twin bed and up the couple of steps, feet flying over the inexplicable shag carpet toward the double doors.
Gwilym was dressed for the day, in khaki shorts, a white short-sleeved button-up, and turtle framed glasses hiding the sparkle of his sea-blue eyes. And he was standing in the doorway with that stupid smirk, looking right at you.
"Gwil! Hi?" You reasoned, shouldering past Francine who was clutching the open door frame with her jaw hovering just above the floor.
"I texted you a bunch- but I see you were still asleep." Gwilym grinned, shoving his hands in his pockets.
"Is everything alright?" You wondered suddenly. You didn't even care that your hair was sticking in different directions, and the man had already seen your atrocious excuse for pajamas.
"Well, Dan got called into work. Left in a big hurry and asked if I'd help you out today. Fancy a lift? He took his SUV. Left the Buick." Gwil actually smirked, like he was making a sweet deal.
That's when Emma let out a gasp from somewhere behind you. She'd spent the first half of Top End Wedding in the shower, but quickly joined your friends to gush over the main character upon her joining the film
Gwilym's eyes left yours for a moment to glance over your shoulder to the house full of girls.
"Uh... alright." You gave a nervous grin, realizing you didn't really have another option. Daniel trusted Gwilym with his vehicle. If he caught one of your college friends behind the wheel of his car, he'd blow a gasket for certain.
"Uh, give me a minute to get my self together?" You nodded to Gwilym. The pair of you had never really spent any kind of quality time with each other. Only sat beside each other during dinners out with your brother's friends and across the living room sharing jokes. This was very different. Did you trust Gwil?
"Sure. I'll wait here if you lot don't mind." Gwil turned his bright gaze to Francine who's chipped nails were still digging into the open door. The girl gave a subtle nod, watching Gwil creep toward the kitchen counter.
"What the hell is going on?" Tilly laughed as you gestured past her.
"Secrets out! Gwil is a family friend. Please don't freak him out." You groaned, scooting to the bathroom. Tilly gapped at you as you spun into the bathroom to pull yourself together.
After finding an old Sargent Pepper tshirt in your bag and managing your hair into a suitable fashion, you hurried back out of the bathroom to hit the road; praying that your friends hadn't corned Gwilym.
The girls were scattered around the kitchen, leaning against counters with their eyes plastered on Gwil. He was like a wonder of the world. An uncovered treasure splayed out in the open.
You had spotted your sandals by the counter and were stepping into them as Tilly asked daft questions to Gwilym about how he knew me, and just exactly how rich he was. The man answered Tilly with grace and caution. Was he really so easy-going? After apologizing profusely and shooting daggers to your girlfriends it was time to go.
"You can use the pool and the dogs will probably hang out. Francine, you're in charge of disaster prevention!" You pointed your way out of the door, as Gwilym followed with a chuckle. Funnily enough, the brash girl was the clearest head in times of trouble.
Gwilym shuffled toward the garage and as you passed into the musty room, feeling a little sick to your stomach.
"Gwil, are you sure this is how you want to spend your day? I don't want to ask too much of you."
"Oh get in the car. I haven't got a thing to do until Dan gets back tonight. There's no harm in a little road trip, is there?"
"Three hours one way. This is your last chance to back out."
Gwilym was already behind the wheel, buckling his seat belt with a smile. You had no choice but to shrug and scramble in the passenger. At least this ride had a radio.
Five minutes in.
"Where's my turn?" Gwilym panicked, steering the wheel sharply to swerve out of the way of roadkill.
"Next exit. When did you learn to drive in the States? Yesterday?" He was almost too quick to react.
"Ha. Ha." Gwilym produced a dry laugh, speeding up ever so slightly. "Last year. A couple of mates and I spent the summer driving around this very desert, I'll have you know."
"Hmm, I see." You smiled as you tried to picture Gwilym going on some great adventure. As far as you knew, his work was his life. Must be some pretty important pals to have tricked the tall man into having a little long-lasting fun. Was he always so cute when he smiled like that?
20 minutes later.
"It's too late now Gwilym. We're already on the freeway and the next exit is only a private ranch."
"But I want a soda so bad." The Englishman whined. For some reason, that surprised you. You realized you really didn't know this guy at all. But you really wanted too. So you promised Gwilym you'd track down the closest fast-food spot and started into an easy-going conversation.
"What would you be doing today if I wasn't in such desperate need?" You teased but you really wanted to know more about the man. The pretty, pretty man.
"Back home? Probably spending the day at a sports game. Having a few drinks at night. Maybe a film to wrap up the evening? That or working I'm sure."
"Yeah, I'm sure." These were things you already knew about Gwil. But you could have listened to him drone on in that delicatessen accent forever and a day.
"What about you? Still out till the odd hours? Still dating that Rodney fellow?"
You couldn't help but let a snort escape you as you turned your head toward Gwil. Had it really been so long since you'd seen him?
"I broke Rodney's heart three years ago, Gwil. I dated around for a while but it's been a busy time. I've not even had time to drink myself sick all year." You smirked. Gwil let out a shocked chuckle. He was right to do so. You used to have a little too much fun.
"No time to do anything but cram. I've not even been to the movies. What do you know about those?" You grinned. It was his dream to act. You felt a little bad for not keeping better track of the local theater. Surely Gwilym had made it to the big screen by now.
"I heard you saw a certain one last night." Gwil pipped up gently. Ah yes, Francine introduced the man at the door as 'Ned.'
"Yeah, that... We found the tape in the cupboard. Your character was a total catch by the way. Any others I've missed out on?"
Your conversation was flowing, and you felt real true ease between your brother's best friend and yourself. Whether it was circumstantial or genuine, you let yourself sink into an appreciation for the magnetic moment.
"Uh... a few," Gwilym spoke. "Do you like the Beatles?"
"Why were you cast as Mr. Harrison or something?" You giggled at Gwil's change of subject.
"Just wanted to make sure you weren't a fraud." Gwilym smiled, gesturing to your Sargent Pepper shirt.
"I'm no fraud!" You assured. "I love all that old rock and roll stuff." You'd scored tickets to see Ringo Starr before college kicked off. It was the best damn day of your life.
"Good. Let's have at it then, aye?" Gwil managed to uncover an aux chord from bellow the counsel and plugged it into his phone. The man reached out and cranked the radio up to the tune of Do You Want To Know A Secret. And for just a moment as you sang along, you pretended that Gwilym knew you were singing to him.
2 hours in
You stopped at the In-n-Out one hundred miles inward. Gwyilm finally got his soda and a whole lot more. The pair of you split a giant order of fries and traded burgers when you discovered you liked each other's orders better. You both thought about splitting a shake but you convinced Gwilym to get his own. He downed the sweet treat in minutes, but yours sat beading with sweat in the cup holder now. A couple of inches of the frozen drink rippled in a melted puddle as the Buick crept toward a gas station.
Gwilym stood in the heat to fill the car as you disposed of the collection of fast-food trash.
"Should I get more snacks?" You called out to Gwil from across the otherwise empty lot.
"Why don't we just agree to a nice dinner on the way home?" He shouted back. It sounded like a joke but you knew it wasn't. You went on to purchase some sunflower seeds anyway because you'd want to stash some in your car.
"Don't act like you don't want some of these." You prodded Gwils ribs as you both settled back into your brother's car. He shook his head with a grin as you tore open the packet of sunflower seeds.
"You're unbelievable. I guess I'll have a few." Gwil reached a hand out after revving the engine.
"Alright. How much was gas, while we're at it?" You gave the bag of seeds to Gwilym as you reached into your purse for your wallet.
"It's none of your business. My treat, really. Thank you for sharing." Gwil laid the bag of seeds to rest in your lap as he turned the wheel out of the gas station.
"I'll let you have that one but I'll get you back when you least expect it." You grumbled, snatching the seeds for your own again.
"Let's get back to your opinion on American football. We've got a lot to dissect here." Gwilym smirked, hands lose on the wheel, tires steady on the road. He was getting the hang of this yet!
"I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours." It was the unsexiest innuendo of all time, but with gentle prodding, Gwil had begun to easily open up to you.
The car dealership was just outside Vegas and your beloved mustang was roasting in the hot sun, ready to be driven back to safer grounds.
You practically fell to your knees before the mechanic who ordered special parts and offered you a discount for all your troubles.
"Just follow behind, I know the way back." You smiled to Gwilym, admiring the way the soft breeze tousled his hair. "Thanks again for this." He was really a good sport.
You had settled into your old mustang, fingers fitting into the worn-out divots in the steering wheel. But you cursed when you reached for the radio. You had really been pampered all day, in your brothers Buick, with groovy tunes and a whole lot of eye candy.
That's when your phone rang. It was Gwilym.
The desert road was wide open, but you still decided to put the call on speaker and rest the phone on your dash.
"Hello?" You laughed, checking your rearview mirror. Gwil drove your brothers Buick a safe distance behind. You swore you could see Gwilym's bright white teeth as he responded.
"Hello! I've just realized that I promised to take to dinner, but I can't very well do that with you leading the way."
"Oh, that's what this is about?" You snorted, eyeing the mountains across the horizon.
"Where shall we go?" His voice crackled from your dashboard.
"There's an exit in about forty minutes with a few suitable options. Nothing movie star worthy though." You clicked your tongue, wondering if this was all some fever dream brought on by the ninety-degree day.
"Oh stop it. Is there an IHop? I love IHop."
"You do?" You chuckled. Gwilym hummed with certainty.
"Alright." You spoke up, glancing in the rearview once more. Was he looking? "I'm sure we can track one down."
"Thanks, kid." There it was again, that pesky pet name. You didn't like it at all.
"Am I liable to call you old man?" You jabbed, making your feelings known in a light-hearted manner.
"Whoa now, I'll hang up and leave you alone with your broken radio." Gwil threatened. He remembered your telling him your radio was broken? You glanced in the rearview once more and noticed Gwilym holding up his middle finger.
"Hey!" You laughed.
"Eyes on the road!" Gwilym challenged. There were, in fact, shiny cars popcorning over the horizon.
"Alright, alright! Can you Google and drive? I'll be your eyes." You offered, driving ahead of the man.
"Hang on," Gwilym spoke. You smiled and bit your lip to withhold the burst of joy you wanted to scream out. "I've got one. I'm gonna pass you and take this adventure into my own hands if you don't mind."
You could hear Gwilym smile as his car sped up past yours in an instant.
"See ya at IHop old man!" You shouted, swiping the phone call to end before Gwilym could shout back.
Your brothers Buick zoomed past you and began to blend in with the waves of heat on the horizon. You prayed under your breath that the man leading your way wasn't just a mirage.
You sat across from your brother's best friend in a sticky old IHop booth while a family of six and an old married couple filled out the other corners of the restaurant. One waitress floated through the otherwise empty diner to cater to all of you as the sun set.
Gwilym ordered a tea and you warned he was going to be disappointed in the Americanized beverage. He shooed off your comment and relaxed in the booth while you sipped your coffee. You wondered how you ended up here, then you wondered how Gwilym ended up here.
"Have you really just come to town for my brother's silly party?" You suddenly quizzed. Dan threw what he called a "mixer" once every year, where all the friends he'd ever known were invited to drink bourbon and pretend it was fun being an adult. This year was a bit of a house warming party, and your whole family was invited.
"Sort of. I wanted to see him anyway and some other friends around LA." Gwilym offered, resting his head on the heel of his hand while he gazed at you.
"I see, I forgot you were a big rom-com star now." You chuckled. Of course, he was in Hollywood to mingle with other bright eyed up and comers.
But Gwilym just rolled his eyes and smiled as the waitress floated by to fill up your coffee cup.
"The last time I saw you was Easter in 2015, do you remember that?" Gwilym sat up a little, twirling his finger around the rim of his mug of tea. You tried really hard not to notice.
"I'm surprised you do. I was late to brunch and you left not long after I showed up." You recalled. That was when he hugged you goodbye, as he was leaving and you were just joining the rest of your family. He lingered around the dining table to finish some conversation with your father, but you don't remember him leaving.
"'Course I remember. You poured something from a flask into your coffee when your mum wasn't looking." Gwil gestured toward your warm cup and you winced in remembrance.
"Those were the days, huh?" You furrowed your brow even though you smiled, a little sick at the thought of drinking anything.
"They aren't anymore?" Gwil seemed to gently pry, and you weren't about to lie to him.
"No, I learned my lesson in the hospital." You shrugged, hoping to never stay that long on an IV drip ever again.
"What?" Gwilym asked. He seemed genuinely concerned and you hadn't realized he didn't know. Dan would usually warn anyone to keep an eye out on you in case you keeled over like you always used to morning noon and night.
"Yeah, I drank myself silly." You laughed, but it wasn't silly at all. That month was shit. "I haven't drank since January."
"Christ." Gwil shot his wide eyes toward you.
"It's a good thing! I like coffee much more, anyway."
"Than this," Gwil gestured around the eatery, "was the perfect choice."
Gwilym's smile was ultraviolet. You admired him in a way you might have anyone else, but the longer you took in his features, they became prettier by the second. You caught yourself staring, but that was usually the case. What caught you further off guard was the way Gwilym seemed to be just as in tune to your conversation as you were. LIke he really wanted to right here, in the middle of nowhere, with his best friend's kid sister.
He was too good to be true. Why had it taken you so long to realize?
That same night, you drove your friends back to your flat to the tune of their incessant teasing. You guessed you'd be shocked if Colin Firth showed up to crash your spontaneous slumber party, after watching Love Actually. So, you couldn't blame them, but you could block them out. You found your mind wandering to the weekend. You found yourself thinking of Gwilym.
Your brother's annual gala was three days later. Your parents swung by your flat and gave you a lift all the way across one town to the next so you could all attend your brother's first party in his new home.
You wore torn up mom jeans and a decent blouse, unbothered by most of the guests sporting their finest black-tie looks, like this was the waiting block for Mad Men auditions or something. Everyone was drinking and the smell alone made your blood curdle. You slinked through plastic Hollywood types and decided you didn't need to drink to have fun, or waste your time mingling.
You wound up in the posh den, in a leather recliner, directing your brother's dogs to do tricks. You got Vinny to start barking at his reflection in the flat screen tv , much to the annoyance of the passing guests. But someone was charmed by your antics. Gwyilm leaned against the door frame with a now-familiar smile.
"Vinny, look!" You pointed to the flatscreen while the giant dog spun around to start whining. Gwilym laughed at you, and you whipped your head to find him watching on, drink in hand.
"Are you having a good time?" Gwilym comically quizzed, scooting further into the room. He sat on the arm of the chair you occupied, holding his glass between his legs. You looked up at the British hunk and smiled.
"We are. Violet just learned to shake hands!" You quipped. The dog bounced over at the sound of her name and sat in front of you, ready to show off her new skills.
"Nice to meet you, lady." You teased, holding your palm in front of your brother's dog. Violet raised her paw into your hand and you smiled as you shook it.
"Well before we call the circus and send you off, you better say goodbye to your family. Your mum's been looking for you." Gwilym laughed, shaking his head as he sipped something dark.
God, how embarrassing. Did she send him to find you? Did she think you were passed out in the bushes or worse? With a pursed smile you stood and left the den to find your mother lounging in the living room with a few other, older guests.
"Oh, this is my youngest, Y/N. A very bright girl." Your mother gushed, grabbing on to your writs and pulling you toward the sofa as some middle-aged blonde lady smiled widely at you. Her name was Dawn and she was busy trying to one-up your mother in housewife points. You just gave a fake grin and spun around to find your father asking about your car troubles.
"It's all fixed and fine now." You assured. Dan appeared on the scene, boasting about how his friend Gwilym was kind enough to take you on that trip. Gwil was sitting back on the sofa, smiling at your father as Dan boosted his ego. But he deserved the praise.
"Gwil practically saved my life!" You pointed, spinning toward where the man was settled onto the love seat. In your classic dramatic flare, you flung yourself into Gwilym's lap without thinking. The time you'd spent with the man had stripped away the layer if unfamiliarity between the two of you. And you would have plopped into anyone of your friend's laps. You made sure to bring your hand to your forehead to ensure your swooning was just for show. Even if you happened to feel a swoop of endearment at the prospect of being so close to Gwil. He was stunning. And his fingers were cautiously hovering around you, as if he wanted to hold you but knew better. And as you scooted out of the man's lap toward the cushion beside him, you swore you saw a hunger in his sea-blue eyes.
"Alright, leave the acting to him, you're no good." Daniel batted your hair on his way across the room at the sound of his name being called.
Moments after you peeled yourself off of Gwilym Lee's lap, your sister showed up. You hadn't seen Roxanne in what felt like ages. On her arm, an unassuming botanist called Max, who seemed to be totally head over heels for your older sister. Boy was he in for a treat.
"Hello, Roxy." Gwilym smiled, resting his glass on the coffee table as he stood to greet your sister. And just like that, the usually demure girl practically melted. You couldn't blame her, not anymore. Not after you caught a glimpse at how warm Gwil's smile really was.
"This, uh, this is Max." Roxanne shoved her boyfriend between herself and Gwilym, a human shield. The equally as meek fellow seemed to look up to Gwilym with wonder in his eye. You realized that no one was safe from doing a double-take. Gwilym was just that great.
The party fizzled out. Before the last guests even left, Roxanne kissed her beau and skipped out to the pool house with you, deciding to spend the night for some much-needed one on one time. You stole some of Daniel's sweatshirts and snacks from your brother's home and locked yourselves into the private little hut in his back yard.
After nearly a full hour of listening to your sister gush over how much she liked Max and how their relationship was taking off, Roxanne got quiet.
"I didn't realize Gwil was in town." Roxanne sheepishly admitted, reaching to the bowl of popcorn between the two of you.
"Yeah, I was surprised too." You realized. "I can't believe you still have a thing for him."
Roxanne laughed and shook her head as if that was all behind her now. But then she bit her lip and looked at you to tell her secret.
"No harm in looking, right?" She shrugged. Roxanne really did seem happy with her new boyfriend. But anyone with eyes could see Gwilym's glow and would probably long to bask in it all the same. You weren't blind to that any longer.
Emma and Francine were busy sitting around your apartment doing nothing, terribly bored of it all. Tilly had gone back to visit her family while the summer raged on, leaving the three of you to your own usual devices. Your brother had asked you to stay a little while longer, but he and Gwil took the dogs to a hiking trail and you got bored alone in the pool house after your sister went home. So you drove back to your flat where your roommates decided to waste away together.
"There's nothing good on tv. And I don't wanna go out. Why is nothing fun anymore?" You complained. The days of dancing the night away seemed like a waste of time to you now. There had been lots of fun last year, and the ones before. Maybe too much fun. When you weren't drinking you were asleep in someone else's bed. Casual dating turned into some kind of game. And it all started when Francine challenged you to get with as many people as you could take a shot for. And naturally, you were down to take the drinking challenge, but you took way too many shots that night. And you started zipping through one night stands like it was your job and you needed extra rent. You felt nothing, numbed by so many drinks. And near the end of your manic episode, you thought that maybe the more people you shagged, you'd eventually feel for one of them. But that never happened. Even when you brought some of them home and tried to mold them into a little perfect box.
You had a lot of time to reevaluate in the hospital. You hoped with your new lease on life that meaning would seep back through your cracks. But sitting around your old dusty apartment bored you. Wasn't there any balance anymore? Your phone buzzed you out of deep thought.
Gwil: How'd you get Violet to shake your hand? She won't listen to me or Dan!
You: I'm a dog whisperer. ;)
"We could do arts and crafts!" Emma chirped like a hopeful preschooler.
"It's too hot to think of having fun." Francine moaned, sprawled across the sofa with her upper half sliding down toward the floor.
Your phone buzzed again. Gwilym responded with the meme of the angry-looking cat sitting at the dinner table. You let out a breathy laugh that fanned through your nose. Before you could think of responding Gwilym had sent another text.
Gwil: I'll find out your secret one day.
You: Take a hike!
He should have been trekking through scenic California mountains instead of sending you memes.
"Earth to Y/N! Why are you smiling at your phone like that when we're in the middle of a boredom crisis meeting?"
"What?" You blanched. Had you really been lost in the short-lived conversation between Gwilym and yourself? He was just too good to be true. Of course, you were transfixed by the lad.
"Yeah, who are you talking to? Is Stu back from Ibiza? Are you two hooking up again?" Francine challenged, sitting up on the sofa with a knowing grin.
"God no, not Stu. He stole my underwear. That fucking creep." You shivered at the memory of your very last and longest hookup. Emma grimaced in response, but Francine, like always, wasn't satisfied.
"So who is it then?" The girl's honey-brown eyes filled with mischief as she reached for your phone.
"Why do you think it has to be anybody?" You whined, trying to lean further back before Francine could launch her self toward you. But it was too late, she latched onto your cell like a falcon, and scanned the screen. Her lips turned into a wild smile while Emma turned her head in anticipation.
"It's Ned!" Francine let out a burst of laughter as you dove back toward her to rescue your stolen device.
"Ned from the movie?" Emma questioned.
"What other Ned's do you know, Emma?" Francine rang, allowing you to take back your phone.
"The dad from the Try Guys." Emma shrugged. You would have laughed if you didn't feel your stomach fall away. What was there to be so nervous about?
"Why is movie star Ned sending you memes? How do you even know him, again?" Francine sat straight up against some throw pillows to begin her interrogation.
"When Daniel moved to London for college, he and Gwilym became the best of friends." You sighed, reminding Francine of the name of the man she kept referring to.
"He sent you a meme, Y/N." Francine rose her brows like she was alluding to something more.
"After he drove you across the desert and back," Emma added, pointing your way.
"Yeah, I guess he's my friend too." You gapped. Well he was, wasn't he? Your phone buzzed again and everyone's eyes filled with curiosity as you kept your phone clutched to your chest.
"He's also a movie star!" Francine rang.
"Just because he was in some Australian rom-com doesn't mean anything-"
"What other movies has he been in? Maybe he's loaded and you guys can be Hollywoods new it couple." Emma cooed like she was dreaming for herself.
"I don't know- the last time I saw Gwil was years ago I hardly think-"
"Babe. I can tell you're into him so do away with excuses!" Francine leaned over the sofa to rest a hand on your knee.
"Guys, I'm just now really getting to know him..." You reasoned, trying like mad to pretend his gloriously pretty face wasn't always on your mind.
"He's hot. I'm talking mega beautiful. I don't blame you. And he basically already took you on a date." Francine remained trying to get you to crack.
"Uh, guys..." Emma was fixated on her phone screen when you and Francine whipped your heads toward the girl. She began to squeal through her teeth as she bolted from the pull out bed and skipped toward the coffee table to snatch the remote.
"What are you doing, Emma?" You asked but it sounded more like a warning. She only giggled as the tv buzzed to life. After a quick search on your shared Amazon account, a film from last year started to play.
"Are you trying to tell us that Gwilym is in Bohemian Rhapsody? Wasn't that nominated for a bunch of awards?" Francine focused on Emma who was staring at the screen in anticipation.
"Oh my God." You sighed. Not only did were you turned off by the thrill of seeing Gwil on screen, you felt horrible for not knowing your brother's best friend was in a damn blockbuster. Had you really been so far gone in party land that you were that blinded to the world around you? Francine picked up on your unease and tried to talk you into the spirit.
"He's probably just in the background for a second. But we have to watch it, so, Let's just get it over with."
Emma let out a nervous giggle as an actor opened his eyes on the screen. You literally held your breath while the film crept through the introduction. And then you saw him. Dawning a curly black wig and a smile that belonged to someone else.
"Oh no." You groaned at the exact moment Francine let out an excitable laugh.
"Your boyfriend is Brian May!" She squealed. Gwilym wasn't your boyfriend, but he was nearly identical to the guitarist of Queen. You loved their music. You loved their story. But you had totally missed the posters and promotions for the film that featured Gwil's name in lights. You decided then and there that you would never drink again. You and your friends watched the rest of the film in total rapture. Emma decided the blonde playing Roger was the new love of her life. Francine started to cry when the lad playing Freddie walked out of the doctor's office. You held her hand as the band kicked off Live Aid and when the credits rolled, Emma hit mute and you three stared at each other for a beat, lost for words.
"I sort of forgot all about Ned. He's a proper actor, isn't he?" Francine looked to you like she'd just seen a ghost. You could only muster a stunned nod of exact agreement.
"I just remembered something... my sister in law saw this in theaters like four times. She's totally obsessed with it. Let's call her!" Emma reached across the pull out bed to claim her cell phone before you could stop her.
"No, Emma this is ridiculous! It's not like I don't know Gwil." You reasoned.
"You just said that you were just getting to know him. And trust me when I say that no one knows an actor better than the fandom." Francine lifted her brow as if to prove a point. The girl was still obsessed with Supernatural, and would spout off info about the actors she kept up learning online. But it was all hearsay, wasn't it?
"That's insanely untrue, just so you know." You nodded to Francine, hoping to coax her out of that toxic mindset. The phone was ringing through Emma's speaker and before anyone could day more, someone answered.
"Susan! What do you know about Gwilym Lee?" Emma giggled, resting her phone on the bed with her speaker's volume all the way up. You buried your head in your hands as Francine wrapped an encouraging arm around your shoulder.
"You mean Brian May's clone?" Susan the sister in law crackled through the cell phone. She wasn't wrong. Halfway through the film, you'd nearly forgotten the real members of Queen weren't actually there.
"Is that a compliment? I mean really tell me about this guy. Sell him to me." Emma bargained, propping herself up on her elbows and kicking her feet behind her.
"Okay..." The girl on the phone breathed and suspense built up in your stomach while you waited for a stranger to list of facts about your brother's best friend. "Gwilym is perfect for starters. He's into sports and he's totally obsessed with his castmates. They still see each other all the time. Gwil seems totally devoted and passionate. Rumor has it he's engaged. The good ones are always taken."
You suddenly felt like a ghost of your former giddy self. Why should you have felt so sick? So what if he was engaged? He was just your friend. But friends were supposed to tell each other these sorts of things, weren't they?
"Engaged?" Emma squealed, practically causing the silky pull out bed to ripple from her risen octave.
"Well, it's just a rumor. There are no pictures of a ring or a girl or anything. But where there's smoke there's fire. Anyway, can I tell you about the rest of the cast?"
Francine sat up beside you, casting fiery eyes into yours as she reached for her phone to begin investigating for herself.
"No, I've gotta go." Emma hung up with no explanation, flinging her legs over the edge of the rickety couch bed.
"She's right, there's no evidence." Francine rang, turning her phone to me with a slim Google result list.
"Not to be a downer but I feel like there's gotta be something going on, right?" Emma glanced at you with big sad eyes.
"I- I don't know. Maybe he is? He's talked for ages about his family. Never said a word about a girl."
"That's because he's into you and he's on a great American fling. If there's a girl he's not going to say so." Francine reasoned. She was right. She had to be. Gwilym was too beautiful and endearing to have been single. You were just a good flirt.
I can't get no satisfaction, I can't get no satisfaction... 'cause I try and I...
Your phone was ringing. And your friend's eyes were glued to your every move. You were only a little shocked to find Gwilym's name flickering across your dim screen now. But as you snatched the phone to answer you felt your chest tighten between a rope of anxious nerves.
"Hi, Gwil." You tried to sound nonchalant as you stood up and pointed a warning finger to your friends. But they, of course, couldn't be expected to hold back their bursts of excitable chirps.
"Hang on!" You warned, making a break for your bedroom. There was little hope your friends would settle their giggles because as they chased after you to beg to eavesdrop, they were squealing far too loudly. After dramatically flinging yourself behind your locked bedroom door you answered the phone once more.
"Okay! Hi!" You sighed, trying desperately to even out your breathing.
"Is this a bad time?" Gwilym quizzed over the phone. You cast your eyes across your well-kept room with a smile.
"No! Just... what's up?" You wondered in turn. No time was a bad time for Gwilym.
"Alright." The man let out a chuckle before continuing. "Well, this might be a stretch, but here it goes. I was going to bring Dan with me to a premier tomorrow. He had to cancel last minute for work, yet again. I've already got a plus one, so, would you like to come with me?"
"I'm second best, huh?" You laughed, stepping further into the room, past a stack of books around the corner.
"Well, first if you think about it! Dan called dibs, but I... well I called you."
Oh dear. You had to remind yourself to breathe as Gwilym went on to say,
"I think you'd get on well with my mates is all, and you seemed to have a free week. Asking seemed worth a shot."
"I see." You bit your lip. Was he really being as forward as he sounded? Was he really engaged? "Well, I'd love a night out. Only if you're sure though."
"Oh, I'm sure. Come round Dan's by seven?" You could hear him smile.
"Okay." You agreed while still holding your breath. "See you soon, Gwil."
What do I wear?
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the-roanoke-society · 5 years
What's the story behind the Agents of Sass and Class tag? How did Seraphim and Succubus meet within the society even tho they were from two COMPLETELY different agent circles? P.S I love you, bitch. 💖💖💖
now you did get the initial beginning down pretty square—seraphim had heard, on the periphery, that oh, we had a new necromancer, and man, her origin story was equal parts bizarre and intriguing (with the normal touches of tragedy that seemed to paint the narratives of everyone at the estate from time time—but such is the human and non-human condition of this plane, unfortunately).
let’s talk about it.
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between the emotional aftermath of enoch’s abrupt departure, the city in the hills, all on top of routine missions that she was still being handed from lilith, there was a lot that seraphim missed. it wasn’t because of apathy. it was because of exhaustion. (and then there was still the matter of agent whiskey, of statesman. she was… still working on figuring that part out. but jack loved a good chase. and a good fuck.)
a large part of that was succubus’s training and entire initiation. but even as it was, for some reason seraphim couldn’t quite discern, lilith had been very keen on the senior agent being at least a bit aware that she was around.
very keen.
“hey, it’s—clementine. right?”
those were her first words to her. she’d overheard poltergeist a few days ago, talking to wendigo and mothman about his newest recruit. that he’d done the grave test, as he’d done with other field agents in training before her.
seraphim didn’t hate him. not exactly. but he reminded her so much of john who sparked such a deep anger and hurt inside of her that it was difficult for her to physically be around him for long. and it broke her heart to see another person being spiritually shattered in this way.
she’d pivoted abruptly, leaving the lounge before any of the three had seen her. fuming.
we aren’t wild horses. this is all so goddamn unnecessary and exhausting.
it didn’t feel like they were being broken and remade into something better. it just felt like breaking.
looking back, seraphim was grateful that rae had let her carefully lead her to one of the stools by the center island, get her tissues, a wet towel for her face, and food that was actually plated. she was hardly the first person seraphim had seen weeping in an odd place in the manor, although crying in front of an open fridge was a first.
clementine wasn’t clementine for long. soon enough, she was raeanna. then rae. but a lot about her was… guarded. that first conversation in the kitchen that night was very much a weird kind of dance. seraphim had to learn where to press, where not to press. the shapes of what she was willing to share versus what she wasn’t. and succubus, for her part, had only a vague idea of who seraphim even was.
“my name’s morgan. uh, seraphim’s my handle. it’s nice to finally meet you.”
an exorcist, fine, a senior agent of apparent high regard, sure, but succubus didn’t know her and didn’t exactly relish the idea of a sleepover-tier get-to-know-you conversation in the middle of the night with the witch that poltergeist had constantly used as a standard to decimate her confidence.
the closeness and seamlessness they share as a duo on the field wasn’t formed overnight.
but it was engendered in one.
because succubus found that for the life of her, she couldn’t withstand the barrage of kindness.
they ran into each other a few times after that, always in passing. succubus still had her training to finish, and seraphim had her normal fieldwork.
but one day, shortly after succubus had finally graduated out of poltergeist’s authority to become an agent in her own right, lilith called seraphim into her office. all of her usual calm smile and gentle—if not a little suspicious—demeanor.
“morgan! there you are! i see the color’s gotten back into your face since you came home. did mr. daniels have something to do with that? … aaannnddd look, now there’s even more pink there, i’m taking that as a yes.”
“lil, please. look, did you need to ask me something? i’m assuming you called me up here for a reason.” seraphim took a seat in one of the plush armchairs on the other side of lilith’s desk, watching her superior thoughtfully twirl a red apple in the space above an open hand. it had a bite out of it.
“you know me well. i did have something that i wanted to assign you, and agent succubus.”
“agent? oh, she got through training! thank god, i was scared that adam was going to run her off, or worse, and—wait, both of us?” seraphim lifted one brow. it wasn’t that she’d been hit with dread, but she’d never worked with rae afield before. she wasn’t sure what to expect.
“yes, she’s become quite the gifted necromancer under ‘geist’s—particular brand of tutelage. … morgan, would you like an apple, or are you just jealous that you haven’t quite mastered the art of object levitation?”
seraphim sighed. “both, if i’m honest, but joe’s been teaching me energy manipulation.” she caught the apple that lilith tossed to her from a bowl on the small table behind her and eyed the manila folder she slid onto her desk towards her. “granted, it’s not like i have a separate universe at my hands. our magic doesn’t look the same. but it’s…” her voice softened. another sigh. this one was sadder. “… it’s nice to be able to explore what i can do. after everything. you never really stop learning, i guess. not really.” she poked at the folder. “but uh, i’m a little bit more curious about that, ma’am.”
lilith smiled kindly. she’d have to speak with mothman later, see what exactly they’d been up to. “we’ve had—reports,” she began, flipping open the folder. seraphim took a bite out of her apple, reaching forward to touch one of the photographs that was on top of a stack of scanned newspaper clippings. “of something interesting happening around the outsides of las vegas.”
seraphim picked the picture up, frowning at it. “uh—lil, uhm, what, what am i looking at?” she spoke around the apple bits in her mouth. the only distinct shapes she could make out in the photo were the mountains in the distance and a police cruiser. but this black blur in the middle…
whatever it was, it was massive. easily at least ten, twelve feet, comparing it to the car. big, dark, and—were those antlers?
“we’re not a hundred percent sure. but we’re afraid that given the damage its caused and an uptick in insomnia and night terrors around the part of the city where it’s been sighted, it may be something demonic.”
“which is why you’re sending me. okay, i follow you.”
“we also think it might not be completely alive in the traditional sense.”
“… it’s not what now?”
lilith rubbing her hands together. not a good sign. “we don’t think it’s—living. no mundane weapons seem to slow it down, which isn’t necessarily a huge surprise, but other members from the nevada office that were dispatched had similar misfortune. granted, their specializations aren’t quite like yours, or like rae’s, and we’re wondering if maybe we just need an approach with… let’s say a dynamic more like the one you two have.”
“i don’t mean anything as shallow as a game of holy versus unholy. i only mean that both of you are walking different sides of the same road, going the same way. you have a decent handle on being, as luca has said, a ‘light-bringer,’ and rae makes a weapon out of darkness. between the two of you, this thing doesn’t stand a chance, and the vegas mayor will, once again, owe me a debt.”
“uh, once again?” why was it that she consistently left lilith’s office with more questions than answers?
“it’s a long story, i’ll tell you when you get back. now go find rae, please, i’d like to speak with her. take this file with you to review. our dear darling quetzl just got back from visiting his mother, he’ll fly you out tomorrow morning at six a.m. sharp.”
“yes ma’am.” seraphim bit down on her apple, holding it in her mouth as she used both hands to shift through the file.
this would make for some interesting afternoon reading, but first, to find succubus…
*   *     *
“did you eat breakfast?” seraphim asked the next morning, hoping that a pair of dark capris and a light grey button-up wouldn’t end up being too hot for the desert. she couldn’t bring herself to just wear a tank-top. she didn’t like how people looked at her scars.
“… what?” succubus was rubbing sleep out of her eyes, almost tripping up the steps into the jet. almost. “oh shit—uhm, no, i opted to get as much sleep as possible. kind of regretting it.”
“what, sleeping in or not eating anything?” seraphim got up into the plane first, slinging her duffel bag upwards onto the rack over their seats.
the good witch—which seraphim thought was a fuckin’ weird name for a plane—was one of the nicer jets in roanoke’s hangar. the flight from kentucky to nevada wouldn’t be tremendously long, but it’d give them a few hours to rest, and if seraphim had her way, to be better friends.
this would be the first time they’d be stuck together for an extended period, and she wasn’t sure what to expect.
succubus laughed, and readily handed her own bag to seraphim’s outstretched hand. “both.”
“then boy do i have a surprise for you two!” seraphim and succubus both jumped at the booming voice of quetzl, who was the most intense morning person seraphim had ever met. all dark eyes, dark smiles and a demeanor that could be likened to a nuclear reactor.
before either of them could quiet react he’d already stuffed pop tarts into their hands—smores flavor into seraphim’s, strawberry into succubus’s. “you’re welcome. now please, go sit down, i’ve got to radio phoenix and get him to open the hangar up for us, but as soon as the gate’s up, we’re outta here!”
and as soon as they sat down: “dude do you want to trade? that one’s my favorite.”
“seriously? hell yeah, that one’s my favorite too.”
okay. off to a good start.
but seraphim closed her eyes as soon as they hit cruising altitude—she’d watched succubus take out a worn copy of carrie, and had to hide her smile—and when she opened them again, it was to the tune of quetzl’s voice over the p.a. system. “ladies! and—other ladies! all of the two ladies on board. we’ll be landing on the airstrip by our nevada compatriots here in like, thirty minutes. we’ll be right on the outskirts of henderson, which means around a thirty minute drive to the site that lilith wanted you to investigate first. so please return your seats to the upright position, do the thing with the tray tables, you’ve been on a plane before, just don’t run around the cabin, that’s literally it. … thank you for your patronage.”
succubus rolled her eyes. “is he always like this?”
seraphim laughed in response. “welcome to air quetzl. never boring, and sometimes just—real fuckin’ annoying.”
“better annoying than boring, though?”
the senior agent hummed, nodding. “i—yeah. better annoying than boring.”
*    *     *
agent tahoe met them in the hangar. blonde-haired, blue-eyed, and all six feet of her like a ray of sunshine. seraphim thought she was going to bruise her knuckles with the strength of her grip. where the hell does lilith keep finding all these morning people?
“seraphim! good to see you again, look how long your hair’s gotten! and you must be our newest crowned, agent succubus! i’m senior agent tahoe. our ah, staff’s stretched a bit thin at the moment, what with all the monster bullshit, but don’t worry, i’ll be the one making sure you get to where you need to g—“
“emilia! baaaabe! how’s it hangin’?”
“… clark.”
her tone went deadpan and succubus was trying desperately to keep some sense of professionalism.
“oh come on, you’re not still mad at me, are you?”
“if you two will follow me, our ride’s waiting in the garage juuuuust down this corridor here—“
“oh sweet, what did boss man upstairs lend us?”
“i said you two. meaning them. you are going straight inside where someone can keep an eye on you. and don’t touch anything.”
“go fucking upstairs.” but all the venom in her voice disappeared when she turned back to the team at her shoulders, following close behind her. “in all seriousness, we’re really glad y’all are here. whatever this thing it, it broke jarbridge’s legs, compound fractures, too. i mean, she passed out, which is good, she says she doesn’t even remember it happening, but i’m pretty sure lovelock’s gonna have to take some kind of sabbatical, you know how squeamish he is around blood…”
succubus glanced at seraphim once. her face was a little pale.
but seraphim just put a warm hand on her shoulder, and leaned closer to her. “hey. this asshole hasn’t met us yet. we got this.”
 *    *     *
tahoe was the kind of woman where, if you didn’t make any attempt to steer the conversation, she could talk gore and guts for literal hours (seraphim had heard her do it enough times before).
once they’d gotten into a shiny black falcon coup (that, despite how clean it looked, was straight out of 1975) seraphim watched succubus’s face become more and more drawn.
she’d survived poltergeist. that spoke volumes in and of itself. but even the confidence bred from that firewalking brand of training, well…
seraphim remembered her first mission solo, without enoch at her side. all she had to do was envision that bright yellow doorway on lincoln street and it all came flooding back, visceral but short-lived. the nervousness. the fear. and for her, at least, an acute case of being overwhelmed.
but then… poltergeist hadn’t left.
would it have been so bad if he did leave, really?
seraphim shook her head. “—emilia! emilia. uhm. look, now, you know i love a war story as much as the next agent, but ah, rae looked a little confused as to why you were being so cold to clark, and frankly, i am too, i thought you two had patched things up?”
if there was one thing tahoe liked talking about more than body horror—it was her exes.
succubus didn’t want to let on that her heart was in her throat, and she had her hands balled into fists in her lap so no one could tell they were shaking. what had she gotten herself into? double compound fractures? were her bones about to see the light of day as well? she suppressed a shudder.
she loved bones. she loved her own bones.  she loved them most when they were safely under her skin like they were supposed to be.
but succubus also loved gossip, and seraphim, as it turned out, was an excellent enabler.
also turned out that quetzl was just as awful to date as succubus had judged beforehand, according to tahoe. “and okay, i’ll concede that maybe i shouldn’t have been looking through his phone but damnit, rae, it was my own sister! like, both of my sisters! who does that?”
  *    *     *
their arrival point was hardly anything climactic—although ‘cinematic’ was still a word that seraphim would’ve used. in a very regional gothic sort of way. the sun was high by that point, not a cloud in the sky and it was so blue that it hurt her eyes. she could see roaring vegas in the distance as she stood by the front of the coup, taking a drag off of her cigarette. her usual pre-mission ritual these days.
“i didn’t know you smoked,” succubus said quietly, but even as soft as her voice was, seraphim jumped anyway, coughing. “oh shit, sorry, i didn’t mean t—“
“it’s okay! it’s okay. it’s a gross habit. i keep telling lilith i’ll quit, but…” she stared at it in the v of her fingers, shrugged, and then took one long final inhale before flicking upwards, snapping her fingers, and—where the hell did it go? “i don’t know. i don’t have a lot of motivation to stop. and anyway, that’s not why we’re here, we’re here!” with a grand flourish, she turned, motioning to the spread of desert before them. “to catch a monster.”
succubus grinned. “i do like the sound of that.”
“hell yeah you do! we are the fuckin’ veil!” tahoe had a mapped spread out over the car’s hood, covered in various markings. “shit, iiiiii am utter garbage at location work, i wish jarbridge was out of medical already—“ she laughed. “man she’s probably high as a kite right now anyway. she’d be useless. okay, look just—you two come over here.”
seraphim and succumbs watched at her shoulders as she pointed with one black-painted nail to a part of the map marked with three sharpie x’s, all in a triangle and all on the other side of a low, craggy ridge about a mile or so from where the dirt roadside where they’d parked. “based off of all the intel we’ve been able to gather, we think that it’s home base is right around here. now, it’s daytime, and this thing is one nocturnal son of a bitch, so the strategy is to get a jump on him on his home turf. catch him with pants down, or whatever.”
succubus hummed, “oh, now those are my favorite kind of missions—“
tahoe lifted her eyebrows. “remind me to ask you some questions when this is all over and we get celebratory shots on the strip or something. now!” in a few wide strides she was at the trunk, popping the lid with the wave of a hand as she walked. “these are yours.” she handed seraphim her usual pistol, and succubus a standard issue handgun marked by the roanoke insignia and a few sigils she couldn’t quite recognize.
“there’s my baby!”
“uh, morgan, what kinds of babies have you been around…?” but seraphim was too busy taking practice swings with a large wooden bat, embedded with nails, wrapped in barbed wire and prayer beads.
“rae, meet virgil. virgil, rae. most trustworthy man i’ve ever met.”
succubus lifted her eyebrows in approval. “will, uh, i get one of those—?”
seraphim had the audacity to wink. “if you make one yourself. i’ll tell you virgil’s story over all those shots tahoe said she was going to buy us here in a second.”
but tahoe was back studying the map. something about her posture was different. her back straighter, her lips in a tighter line. there was a beat before she lifted her eyes to the agents, sighing. “i wish there was something more i could give you. anything more. but this is it.” another short exhale. “we don’t know what, exactly, this is. but you two are going to be the best crack at it that we’ve taken so far. if things get hairy, just head back here. i’ll stay here with the ride. my office is a button-press away. don’t—“ she swallowed. seraphim felt nervousness tug at the base of her stomach. this wasn’t like emilia. “don’t be scared to bail out. might’ve saved jarbridge her legs. i’ll be here, okay? comm’s on. you’ve got your specs. call me beep me, whatever.”
succubus lifted a hand, reflexively tracing the frames that rested across the bridge of her nose.
“… good luck.”
seraphim had one hand on the top of the holster strapped across her thigh, the other on virgil’s base. he rested easily across the width of her shoulders. she knew where the grooves were to keep the barbs from digging into her work jacket (although a few still did anyway). succubus realized the weird straps of leather stretching across seraphim’s back were just another holster as she took one more swing, then popped the back into the curved sockets. “we won’t let you down, em. rae—stay at my shoulder.”
but she waited until they were a ways down, making their own path through the sand before she kept going: “—but when i say get behind me, get behind me.”
succubus frowned. “what, you think i can’t handle it?”
“no, no, please, enlighten me.” they didn’t stop walking. their path started to descend down, and succubus could see the rocky edge they’d have to hike over to get to the triangle marked on tahoe’s map. she wondered if it’d be like the monster movies she’d watched as a kid; would there be a cave? a dark, yawning maw on a hillside, looking like it’s full of nothing but pitch, like how sophie walked into the cavern in howl’s moving castle?
seraphim didn’t answer immediately, but then: “this is our first time. not to make this sound all euphemistic and shit, but i’d prefer if you didn’t, i don’t know, get a part of your neck bitten out, get your bones broken—y’know. work stuff.”
succubus blew out a breath. “right. … right. i, uh. i’m—“
“don’t.” seraphim smiled. succubus realized how easy it looked, sliding onto her countenance.
it didn’t make sense.
she’d seen this same woman look absolutely haunted when she thought no one was looking.
“i’m here to act as guardian angel. this is a part of your training.” and softer: “… and mine, too.”
“nothin’. just stay close, okay?”
  *    *     *
the rest of the walk was fairly quietly. seraphim kept singing under her breath, but succubus couldn’t make out anything familiar.  she thought she heard something like “it’s rainin’ tacos…”
they came up on top of the ridge, and succubus squinted, staring down. it was a sheer drop, and while it wasn’t like they were on top of the grand canyon, she was pretty sure a fall from this height could kill someone. or at least make sure they never walked again. seraphim whistled lowly, motioning off to the left. “looks like there’s a path that goes down.” her voice was soft, but solid. “if i had to guess, we’re probably standing on top of this thing’s house. ten bucks says there’s a cave or something similar down there.”
and as it turned out, there was a cave.
well—‘cave’ might’ve been too kind of a descriptor.
to seraphim it looked more like a giant had straight up just clawed a huge whole into the side of the rock. the entrance was marked by sharpened, jagged stones that looked too much like teeth for her liking.
they approached painfully slowly. as soon as the ground had evened out, seraphim had drawn her pistol, and succubus mimicked the movement. but there was no sound, nothing, save for the wind whistling over the ridge.
“look like about how you expected?”
“with a bit more cacti, yeah. and the police cruiser is a surprise.”
the saguaro looked like they belonged there, but that car did not. seraphim wondered if it was the same one she’d seen in the photo lilith had shown her, but this one had definitely been through the wringer.
all the windows had been shattered. the sun caught the shards of glass that surrounded it, making it look like someone had spilled stars onto the sand. it was covered in dents, the place where the engine was had been hit downward (whatever engine there had been was now probably less engine and more just… car parts scattered underneath the cruiser), but what caught her eye the most was a set of six long lines dug along the length of one side.
claw marks? teeth marks? it was anyone’s guess.
—oh. and we’re about to find out.
succubus suppressed a shiver underneath a full sun. “what do we do?” she whispered. she could see seraphim’s jaw working, brows furrowed.
“should’ve brought a grenade…” a short sigh. “well, too late now, and this isn’t exactly joe’s last d and d campaign. i don’t think charging in there is a good idea. we have no idea of the layout, and ‘strength in numbers’ doesn’t apply to every situation, especially not ones like this.” she lifted a hand and ran it along her chin. “… okay. okay. i have an idea.”
“what’s the idea?”
“you go wait by the cruiser. i’m gonna whistle and try to draw it out.”
“… are you being serious?”
seraphim grinned and it looked borderline maniacal. “sure am. something tells me it might have a weakness to sunlight, hence why we only see it at night. if it is demonic, like lilith thinks, i’ll be able to bind it. and if it’s undead—also like lilith thinks—then you’ll just dispatch it.” she nodded to the handgun at succubus’s hip. “those bullets are holy. should do the trick. now get over there. i’m going to see if i can pull off a tom and jerry, get the jump on it from behind if we can just lure it out.”
so. succubus found herself on her knees behind the front part of the cruiser, sheltering behind the busted metal. she watched as seraphim had walked a far, wide circle, coming back to the ridge face and slowly edging her way along the rock, her spine pressed as flat against the stone as it would go. virgil, abandoned for the moment to make space, leaned against the rock some ways away. succubus was already regretting that decision.
it felt like ages passed as she side-stepped. side-stepped. side-stepped. side-stepped again.
until finally seraphim was close to the cave’s mouth. but she didn’t draw her gun again, like succubus had expected. it stayed holstered alongside her thigh. but she did roll up her sleeves to reveal—were those tattoos? where had those come from? succubus couldn’t remember seeing them before. had she found time to mark herself somehow?
but she didn’t have enough time to ponder. because seraphim met her eyes, nodded once, and turned her neck.
there it came, a whistle, low, long and, succubus reasoned if she could hear it from all the way behind the police car, loud. seraphim abruptly jerked back, flattening herself again. her palm spread wide against the stone, trying to feel the vibrations of movement, the vibrations of anything.
but an entire minute passed. then two. then five.
seraphim blew some air into her cheeks, and with trembling legs, finally began walking back towards the car. “look, rae, i think maybe the recon team got the wr—“
it came so quickly that seraphim immediately collapsed to her knees. it was a high-pitched banshee wail of a shriek, so cacophonous and blaring that even when succubus jammed the heels of her hands over the shell curves of her ears it did nothing to soften the sound. she screwed her eyes shut, and just as abruptly as it started, it was done. when she opened them, trying to remember how to breathe, how inhaling and exhaling felt, seraphim had collapsed onto her rear on the other end of the cruiser.
succubus swallowed. “what. the fuck. was that.” her voice was quiet. a jet plane would have been quiet in comparison to what they’d just heard.
seraphim had no color in her face and couldn’t immediately answer. “… okay. that’s uh. probably the target. i apologize, i completely gave in to the monkey brain flight-or-fight response there and didn’t pick the right one.”
“i don’t know if i necessarily agree.” they stared at each other for a few beats of silence. both were afraid to move. it wasn’t something either of them were trying to hide that moment. “—what do we do now?”
seraphim took a breath, her mouth moving to answer, but was interrupted by—succubus didn’t know how to describe it, not straight away. it had different parts, all moving and all happening so close together it was hard to pick them apart. the whoosh of air, the clean cut of metal on metal, that short of shink noise that a knife made up against a whetstone. succubus blinked.
she thought she’d seen sparks between them.
literal sparks, as if the side of the car had been hit with something.
her mind was trying to catch up.
… are those claws?
the fingertips—nails, talons, claws, all of them—of a hand (‘hand’ was a generous descriptor in this instance) were sticking out of the side of the car. not opening the door. they were sticking out having gone through the outer frame of the cruiser.
tap. … tap tap.
succubus was going to be sick.
seraphim abruptly fell backwards as the half of the car she’d been leaning against was wrenched back, and she found herself staring upwards, right into the face of the monster of the photograph.
“jesus christ you are so much uglier up close.”
“morgan for fuck’s sake—!“
succubus was reaching, grabbing, trying to grasp her pant leg, something as this thing let out another scream. it threw the chunk of cruiser down where seraphim had been lying in partial shock just seconds earlier. the crash was deafening and before seraphim quite knew what was happening, she was sprinting across the sand with her elbow in a grip that was almost bone-crushing.
it didn’t matter that they were armed. it was too close too fast. there was no time. no space. it was on them like–what was it poltergeist had liked to say? white on rice.
that thing didn’t have to make a noise, they could both hear the hoofbeats behind them, could see the too-long, too-prickled shadow catching up to overtake theirs on the desert ground.
“what the fuck! what the fuck! shit!” succubus wasn’t leading them back to tahoe, then there’d be three dead agents instead of just two, and she absolutely believed that there was for sure going to be two.
“—i have another idea!”
“oh fucking great!”
“no no no, this one’ll work i’m positive!”
“isn’t that what you said last time?!”
“if you remember correctly, i said no such thing! trust me, old school always works! let me go on three, okay? one—three!”
succubus hadn’t planned on turning around, but then the—demon? zombie? old forgotten demigod or someone’s bastard offspring? who knew?—started to make a new sound. she ran until its shadow wasn’t touching anything in her sight, ending up back against the ridge. only then did she turn.
… wow.
what she hadn’t seen was seraphim pulling off what she’d honestly considered a hail mary.
they couldn’t outrun it. in the time it would take them to draw their guns, it probably would’ve sliced them open at the elbows. and as any necromancer, or exorcist, or witch, or sorcerer can tell you: it’s very, very difficult to concentrate enough to do anything, let alone put up a decent defense or guard, when you’re actively being chased and doing the opposite of gaining ground.
not for seraphim, anyway.
not yet.
as soon as succubus’s grip released from her arm with a push, seraphim dropped like dead weight onto her back and prayed—prayed very, very hard, and focused, just like she’d been taught.
she forced her elbows to meet, right up to her wrists, as she was very, very narrowly missed being stepped on (which would’ve been lethal—apparently she’d missed the velociraptor feet the first go-around). and as she did so, the marks on her arms made a shape—a circle, decorated with smaller symbols, around and around and around…
a seal.
“a capite ad calcem.”
from head to heel.
freeze, motherfucker.
succubus turned in time to see the target upheld over seraphim, who was flat on her spine against the dirt, directly underneath it. it almost looked like it was being suspended by the thinnest strands of razor wire—succubus kept catching glints as it thrashed, and something black began to ooze out of it.
seraphim had some drip right onto her flushed cheeks, struggling a bit to keep the seal intact.
succubus began to understand why poltergeist had brought her up so often. for a beat, she could only stare.
and with a bit of surprise, she realized she didn’t feel envy, or any kind of spite—because that’s just what adam would have wanted, isn’t it? to break a thing before it got a chance to breathe?—she felt awe.
she felt pride.
which quickly melted into panic as soon as seraphim’s voice cut through her haze, upped a pitch in the chaos. “rae? buddy? a little help? this dude’s—oh shit, no you do not, asshole mcgee—just a smidge stronger than i first thought. show me what you’ve got! deport this fucker!”
every line blazed into a brightness that hurt her to look at for too long, and it suddenly all snapped into place. every single thing poltergeist had taught her, flooding back. perhaps her learning retention was better than she thought.
as another of the monster’s cries echoed against the ridge wall—this one perhaps a bit more pain than rage—she ran closer.
those were petrov lines—which meant that was an azrael seal. azrael was an archangel who had special dominion over retribution; his marks (and succubus understood that oh, those are what seraphim had on her arms, i just couldn’t recognize them in broken pieces—) aided in trapping demonic entities that had manifested onto the physical plane. this was one of the first seals that seraphim had been taught, and for good reason.
okay. so a demon.
but petrov lines, those only appeared for beings that were demonic just in part. something that came from some of the in-between worlds, an underworld that was a hell but not a hell.
something that succubus merely recognized as undead.
fuck, it’s both.
but succubus suddenly felt a surge of confidence at the light of the lines, and she lifted her hands, gun forgotten, darkness already beginning to twine out from her elbows, down to her wrists. she stalked, predatory, and seraphim tried to both watch her partner and keep this thing under control.
she may not have seen succubus’s hand motions, the intricate movements of her fingers in rapid succession followed by a definitive slicing motion.
but she heard her, speaking in the same tongue she had.
“ad initium—asshole!”
seraphim watched as cords of black intertwined with the lightlines, and kept watching as they found the creature’s neck.
it was both forces together that bore themselves down and quite literally razored the being into little chunks. no more black fell on seraphim’s face. it simply dissipated, as if it had turned to ash.
what was it that lilith had said?
walking different sides of the same road.
it took about a minute for it to disappear completely, and when it did, for about as long, neither agent moved. seraphim was exhausted. muscle fatigue manifested as tremors in her arms. she stared up at an empty sky as succubus slowly walked towards her, finally kneeling down by her side.
“… you good?”
“… yeah. you good?”
seraphim closed her eyes. she could’ve fallen asleep if she hadn’t started to hear distant yelling: “oh my god what did you two DO?!” tahoe was scrambling down towards them, yelling, looking equal parts horrified and elated. “i heard—oh my god, i—morgan, rae, you’re alive, you’re both alive, hallelujah, and no bones! morgan, what the fuck is all over your face? whose blood is that? is that blood? holy shit i can’t believe you—woah woah!” she caught succubus as she flopped off to the one side, threatening to collapse. “rae. rae, stay away. morgan. … morgan!”
she slapped the exorcist on the bicep, and the exorcist in question swore but in a much more whiney tone than she’d originally meant, to which tahoe just quipped: “oh walk it off you big baby. we’ll have a beta team come out and cleanse this area, it’s still tainted, which means if you’re gonna faint, you can’t do it here. c’mon now, up we go—“
succubus, as a newer recruit, had the luxury of tahoe’s arm around her waist, helping her to stagger to her feet. seraphim had a few false starts before she managed to first roll up onto her knees, then finally, to stand. her first few steps were shaky. but she shook her head, blinked a few times, and glanced over at succubus and tahoe walking back towards the car.
and they grew steadier, as she went.
around thirty minutes later, time found them all sitting at the bar of a classic, neon-tinged greasy spoon diner, complete with black-and-white checkered floors and a jukebox in the corner that apparently knew three songs: rocketman, dancing queen, and under pressure.
not a bad mix, honestly.
“ladies!” tahoe was the first to lift her shot glass. the three of them swirled with some cheap well tequila, given a pink sheen from the lights. “what do we want to toast to?”
“… uhm.” seraphim mumbled, staring at her glass. “weee… should toast toooo…”
“… new friendships?” succubus had spoken so softly that at first, seraphim wasn’t sure she’d heard her. but once she understood, she grinned, broadly.
“to new friendships—and to the first of many victories.” succubus smiled back at her. … i think i could really like it here.
their glasses clinked to the tune of sir elton john, crooning softly: “and i think it’s gonna be a long long time… and i think it’s gonna be a long long time…”
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emeraldwaves · 6 years
Title:  #pinkwall Chapter 10 Pairing:  Promptis Rating: T Word Count:  2,475 Read on Ao3 Summary: As a last hurrah before graduating college, Prompto suggests he and Noctis take a road trip to L.A during their 2 week spring break. Prompto is desperate to snap pics in front of the infamous Pink Wall of Instagram and Noctis is hoping to finally confess his feelings for his best friend. Will either of them find what they’re looking for on their impromptu cross-country road trip?
Thank you to @youaremynewdream  for betaing! !
Driving into L.A. feels like hell on Earth. There are so many cars and the highways are so damn wide. Noctis has driven in New York City plenty of times, which is its own branch of hell, but this is completely different. Cars seem to stack and the red brake lights feel incredibly evil.
"Man," Prompto sighs, "they were not kidding when they said L.A. had bad traffic." He lets out a long whine and longingly glances out the window. "Feels like we should've been there hours ago!"
"Well someone had to stop to look at trees all afternoon."
"Hey man! That stop was worth it and you know it!" Prompto laughs.
"It was pretty nice."
Noctis does have to thank to the trees for convincing him to confess his feelings to Prompto. He hasn't done it yet, but he sure as hell plans on it.
"See!?" Prompto says, nudging his shoulder. "You loved it."
"But I sure as hell hate this," Noctis snorts, glancing at the angry red lights in front of him.
Noctis no longer enjoys being at a stand-still, that's the real problem. This entire trip he's been stuck in the same place with his and Prompto's relationship. They've traveled across the country, and yet Noctis feels like he has barely taken a step. The traffic glares at him, reminding him of all the frustrations he's felt every step along the way.
But not anymore.
Tomorrow, he and Prompto will stand in front of the stupid Pink Wall Prompto's been dying to see and Noctis will finally let out all the emotions he's felt inside.
He can only pray Prompto still wants to talk to him after all is said and done. Actually, maybe there's a small part of him praying Prompto will want him too, but Noctis doesn't want to hold his breath.
The hotel Noctis chose overlooks the Santa Monica pier and they're about twenty minutes away from downtown L.A. sans traffic (which there always is, so really it's more like forty minutes). However, the Pink Wall is actually in Hollywood and Noctis has little desire to stay for a long time there. It's a tourist trap, for people hoping to sell cheap souvenirs to idiot tourists who think they can catch a glimpse of an actual celebrity if they walk the Walk of Fame for long enough.
It only takes them another hour to make it past downtown L.A. to Santa Monica, and Noctis has never been so happy to see a bed in his whole damn life. After the exhausting day in Vegas and nursing his hangover while he drove to L.A. with the detour, Noctis feels like he's just about ready to collapse.
"Man, I can't tell if this is the best hotel we've stayed in, or if I'm just really exhausted!" Prompto sighs, flopping back onto his bed.
Noctis falls forward, his face burying into a pillow. "I think I'm going to die I'm so tired."
"You know Noct," Prompto hums, the light from his phone illuminating his face. "The Pink Wall is technically open 24/7, so we could go look at it right now-"
"No," Noctis states flatly and turns to face the wall. He's exhausted, and he needs the mental recharge before he rushes into telling Prompto everything he's been feeling for the last few damn years.
"Okay, okay!" Prompto laughs. "I promise it was just a joke!"
"Oh really?" Noctis hums, rolling his head to the side to look at Prompto's bed. "So you're telling me if I got up and said 'Let's go right now!', you would tell me you were too tired?"
"Yes," Prompto nods. "I would."
"Suuuure," he sighs.
"Alright, princess," Prompto teases. "I forgot that you need your beauty rest."
"After driving your ass around all day, I do," he smirks and shuts his eyes. It's barely 10 PM, but they've got big plans tomorrow, and Noctis' plans are even bigger.
Still, as tired as he is, anxiety courses through his veins. He can hear Prompto next to him, gently tapping on his phone; knowing him he's probably too excited to sleep. Noctis can't bring himself to talk to Prompto though... he's too nervous he’ll blurt out his feelings if he keeps speaking too much.
Noctis is a man of little words, and there are only so many he can use to distract himself from what he really wishes to say.
His mind keeps playing various scenarios over and over. Prompto will take all his pictures and force Noctis to be in a few. Eventually Noctis will say all his feelings and then they can both be awkward when Prompto rejects him.
He runs through various scenarios in his mind; telling him in front of the wall, telling him while he's taking a picture, spelling it out with his body somehow? No... that was the dumbest idea he's had in a long time.
Though he’s expecting rejection, he hates the small sliver of hope he has that maybe, just maybe, Prompto has feelings for him.
As he finally drifts off to sleep, he wonders how tomorrow will play out when Prompto finally, once and for all, knows what Noctis has been thinking this whole damn time.
Noctis is abruptly awoken by Prompto's cheer and he groans, folding the pillow over his ears. "I just want one day of sleep."
"Noct, this is the day we've been waiting for!"
"The day you've been waiting for."
Prompto flops down on Noctis' bed, draping his body over Noctis' legs. "Yes, but you're coming with me. It wouldn't be fun if I went alone."
He grunts when the bed sinks more under Prompto's weight. "And you need me to drive you."
"Technically I could Uber but... who wants to do that! Besides, you have to be in some of my pictures," he says, and pushes himself off the bed. "I'm gonna get ready."
"Alright..." Noctis grumbles.
A sense of dread fills his stomach. Today is the day... and nothing is going to stop him, especially not his own goddamn nerves.
Thankfully, he does get a bit more time in bed, since Prompto takes years to get ready. When Prompto doesn't re-emerge from the bathroom after almost 30 minutes, Noctis forces himself out of bed to go check on him.
"Prom..." he mumbles, scratching at his stomach. "What is taking you so long?" He peers into the bathroom, only to find Prompto styling his hair, probably for the tenth time. His fingers glide through his blond locks, sweeping it up.
"I'm getting ready!" he exclaims.
"For thirty minutes?" Noctis says.
"Noct," Prompto sighs. "We drove all the way across the country for these pictures. They gotta look perfect!"
Noctis sighs, leaning against the door frame. "You do look perfect," he says softly, and Noctis means it. The words slipped from his lips unexpectedly, and Noctis’ cheeks flush.
"You don't mean that, you just want me to hurry up!" he sighs, folding his arms across his chest.
"No... you look fine, you goof," Noctis rolls his eyes, trying to play it as cool as possible.
"B-But I..." Prompto stammers, blushing so hard. It makes him look even more perfect. He turns towards the mirror. "Maybe you're right."
The two make their way to the car and Noctis feels his heart throbbing all over his body. He knows he can survive, but he feels like his body is about to explode behind the wheel.
"L.A. is such a weird city," Prompto muses, looking at the traffic as he stares out the window.
"Yeah? It kind of seems like a place you would like," Noctis admits. Everyone in California feels so wild and free... it suits Prompto.
"I don't think I could live here," he chuckles. "New York is more dynamic, better for the types of pictures I wanna take."
There Prompto goes again, reaffirming Noctis he won't be leaving.
"Yeah, New York is better, for sure," Noctis agrees, partially because he doesn't want Prompto to start thinking the opposite.
The closer the GPS leads them to Melrose... the more Noctis' palms begin to sweat. Prompto is talking about various poses he wants to try... and he wonders if there will be a line... or if they'll have to pay. Noctis gives him half-assed answers as he tries to focus on the road in front of him... on the goals in front of him.
"We're almost there!" Prompto cheers, thrusting his phone up into the air. "I can't believe it!"
By now, they've probably driven almost 3,000 miles to get to this point. 3,000 miles for Prompto to take a few pictures.
And yet... it's so much more than that. Images of the trip flood Noctis' mind and he knows this is the right thing to do... so much has built to this... the diner, a Ferris Wheel, Mount Rushmore... his jealousy of their tour guide, Gladiolus, Cindy's advice, Ravus' assumptions, dealing with Vegas, and hugging a tree... everything feels so goddamn clear.
"I SEE IT!" Prompto shouts and points his finger towards the windshield.
It stands there, like a beacon of pure pink as the two of them drive down the street, heading directly towards it. It’s about three stories tall, shining against the hot L.A. sun. The glint in Prompto's eyes is as pink as the wall itself, excitement radiating off of him.
Noctis' heart flutters. Prompto has been waiting for this. They both have, truthfully... a rush of emotions about to come to a head.
It really is a pink wall... the end of the line... the place where all of Prompto's dreams will come true, and Noctis will bare his heart.
It's all so very real.
They pull into the parking lot where a few groups of people are posing in front of the wall, snapping pics. Most of them are taking selfies, but some of them are getting the parking lot attendant to snap a pic or two for them. There is a small line and Prompto rushes from the car to stand in it.
A girl with short dark hair bounces up and down in front of them. "I came from Wyoming!" she says. "My brother and I are visiting some family friends," she laughs. "He refused to come with me."
"Lame! This is the coolest part of L.A.!" Prompto chuckles. "We came all the way from New York City!" he poses proudly, like the distance is an accomplishment. Somewhere behind them, Noctis is sure he hears someone say they came from Europe, but he decides to keep his mouth shut, wanting Prompto to keep his pride.
"Wow! New York City! That's so far. I'm Iris by the way..."
Noctis tunes the girl out as he stares at the wall looming in front of him. Some of the wall casts a shadow on the parking lot and the wall itself isn't completely illuminated by the sun.
They keep moving closer and closer.
"Dude Noctis, did you hear Iris!?" Prompto says and gently hits Noctis' arm.
"Eh? What?" he says, pulling his gaze away from the wall.
"That guy, Gladio? He's her brother! Gladio's here in L.A. too! He never told us he was coming!"
"Yeah, I kinda dragged him into it in the last minute," Iris giggles. "He hates leaving Yellowstone."
Noctis can't believe what he's hearing. Gladio is in town? Gladio?! Hell no.
It's finally their turn and Noctis wraps his fingers around Prompto's wrist. He tugs him forward and Prompto stumbles. "Woah! Noct! You're really eager!"
"Yup," he says and Prompto fixes himself, rushing towards the wall.
He runs up to it so fast, pressing his palms against it. "I can't believe we finally made it to you!" he squeals and pushes his cheek against it.
"Stay like that..." Noctis chuckles, and reaches into Prompto's back pocket, snagging his phone to snap a quick pic. "You'll thank me later."
"I'm sure I will!" Prompto says, keeping one hand touching the wall as he stares up at it. "We're about to have a damn good time together."
All they need is some fun music, and Noctis swears they would be something out of a movie montage. Prompto steals his phone back to snap a couple of selfies, holding his fingers up in a peace sign. He's smiling so happily, Noctis can't help but smile too. Prompto's smile is always infectious like that. He hands the phone back to Noctis and Noctis takes a few of Prompto jumping into the air, standing in a star pose, crossing his legs with his back leaned against the wall.
Prompto really is the perfect picture subject. His blond hair and freckles pop against the bright pink, and he looks so damn handsome, his face turned to the side as he stares seriously at nothing. Noctis can't help but blush, his cheeks matching the color of the wall.
Noctis wonders what Prompto’s face will look like when he finally tells him.
"Noct!" Prompto waves, breaking him from the daze. "Get over here! I gotta take a few of you."
"Ugh..." he groans, but he does it for Prompto. They drove all this way after all.
Prompto sets him in different positions, and a few Noctis ruins by doing silly dramatic poses.
"Noct!" he whines. "You're not being serious! Let's do a few together."
"Okay, okay," Noctis chuckles. The tension is tight in his body. He knows they're almost done with this photo shoot. Prompto will probably take a few selfies of the two of them and then they'll be moving on to another, fun, L.A. wall.
Prompto wraps his arm around Noctis' neck, pulling him close as he holds his phone out. "Say cheese, Noct!"
"..." He tries to smile, but his smiles are always a little awkward. Nothing like the brightness that are Prompto's.
"Do you want me to take a few for you?!" Iris calls out and Noctis suddenly remembers she's there, which means Gladio could show up at any moment.
"Yeah!" Prompto cheers, and dashes over to hand his phone to her. "We gotta document our long trip!"
"Alright!" she says, and her hands hold Prompto's phone as she raises it to center them in the frame.
Noctis purses his lips. What if Gladio shows up to meet Iris and ruins everything? What if he can't say what he needs to say to Prompto!?
"This really has been the best trip, buddy!" Prompto says, smiling at him. He slings his arm around Noctis' shoulder and pulls him close, their noses practically touching.
It's then Noctis decides.
There's only one thing to do.
"Say cheese!"
Instead of saying anything, Noctis presses his lips to Prompto's, pulling him into a surprise kiss.
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atc74 · 6 years
You’re My Key
Summary: Donna decides it is time for her and Dean to take a vacation, but she has more than one surprise in store for him. 
Word Count: 2557
Warnings: fluff, slight angst, Donna’s doubt
Pairing: Dean x Donna
Written for: @thing-you-do-with-that-thing Kari’s SPN Girl Power Challenge
This can be read as a stand alone, but if you really want to know my story of Dean and Donna, read Wherever You Are first. Beta’d by my angel, @just-another-busy-fangirl. Love you to the moon and back!
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Donna poured a second cup of coffee and casually meandered about the Bunker. It was her day off and the boys were on a hunt. She couldn’t believe this was her life now. It was only a little over a year ago that she and Dean decided to give this thing between them a shot. She got the deputy job in Smith County and now came home to Dean every night at the Bunker. It wasn’t perfect, but she didn’t need perfect. She wanted real and that is what she and Dean had found in each other.
Sure, it was hard. She worked full time and Dean was hunting with his brother, but it was easier than if she still lived states away. She had the extra income coming in from renting out her house in Stillwater and she had been saving up for a while. She wanted to take Dean on an honest-to-God vacation. She was sure he hadn’t one of those in, like, ever. She had already planned a trip and thought it would be the perfect opportunity to spend some much needed alone time with Dean.
Donna had already booked the rooms they would need along the way. She had discussed her plans with Sam, so he was in on the decision and wholeheartedly agreed that Dean needed a vacation. The boys would be returning from the hunt later today, then she and Dean would leave first thing in the morning. She spent the rest of her day packing their bags and double checking the itinerary. Now all she had to do was wait for her man to come home.
She didn’t have to wait long. She heard the heavy door to the garage slam close and echo through the halls, carrying into the kitchen where she was cooking dinner. Dean always appreciated a hot meal and a shower when he returned. Before she started dinner, she laid clean clothes and a fresh towel out for him in the bathroom. Donna hummed as she mixed the dough for the chicken and dumplings she was making. It was the perfect comfort food for a bone chilling day. Of course, she thought it was nice out, being from Minnesota; this was great weather!
“Donna? Honey, I’m hoooome,” Dean’s voice rang out.
“In the kitchen,” she called back, a smile on her face.
“Hey, good lookin’, whatchya got cookin’?” Dean laughed as he wrapped her in a hug, his arms tight around her waist, head resting on her shoulder. He nuzzled his face into her neck, breathing her in. “God, I missed you.”
“I missed you, too,” she told him. Turning around in his arms, she kissed him deeply to show him just how much he was missed. “Now, go take a shower, dinner will be ready when you are done. And then I will show you that there is more where that came from.” He growled low, kissing her before she pushed him away, making a face. “Go, you stink.”
“You’re not wrong,” he agreed after he lifted his shirt up to his nose. “I’ll be back in ten.”
Donna dropped the dough into the creamy mix of chicken and vegetables and set a timer. The dumplings should be done before Dean returned. She grabbed the bowls from the cupboard, utensils from the drawer and set the table. She snagged three beers and put them down as well. The timer went off a few minutes later and no sooner had she set the steaming pot in the middle of the table on the trivet, Dean walked through the door.
“Something smells delicious!” He rubbed his hands together and took a seat, Donna sitting next to him. She dished up their bowls as Sam walked in, also fresh from the shower.
“My famous chicken and dumplings, boys. Dig in,” she told them. She watched each of their faces as they took the first bite. She knew it wasn’t necessary, that it wasn’t expected of her, but she also knew she felt the need to take care of these men that she loved. Dean, the love she thought she would never experience, and Sam, the brother she never had. It made her happy to take care of them, even though they told her over and over she didn’t need to. The three of them had fallen into an easy rhythm within a few weeks of her moving in and they all just fit in each other’s lives.
During dinner, Sam and Dean filled her in on the hunt. It was not as easy as they had hoped, but neither of them had sustained any injuries, and that was always a win. She thought she actually worried more about them now then she ever did when they were apart. But this was a relationship now, not just friendship. It was deep and meaningful.
The dishes were cleared and leftovers were stored. Donna took Dean by the hand and led him back to their room. She had set up an ice bucket with four beers in it next to the bed with an envelope leaning against it, Dean’s name neatly written in her hand across the front.
“What is this?” he asked seeing it there when he climbed into bed.
“Open it, silly goose,” she prompted. She watched as he opened the envelope, his eyes wide when he turned to look at her.
“Are you serious?” he was astonished, most likely because someone would do something like this for him.
“Of course, Dean! I think it is time we took a vacation. From talking to Sam, you guys have never really had a vacation, with the exception of Vegas week. You’ve earned it, Dean. We’ve earned it,” she explained.
“Route 66? This is gonna be awesome! Thank you, Donna. This is really great. I love it,” Dean whispered, pulling her in for a kiss. Whenever he kissed her, it knocked her socks off. He left her breathless and wanting more, even if it was just a peck. Dean approached everything like he did hunting: calculated and measured and every move with a purpose. He rolled them until he was hovering above her. He spent the next few hours loving her, showing her exactly what she meant to him.
Morning came too early for Dean’s liking, but Donna was already out of bed. He smelled coffee and shuffled to the kitchen, clad only in his dead guy robe.  Donna handed him a cup and continued bustling around the kitchen. She was packing sandwiches and snacks, along with extra beer, for their journey.
“You ready to begin our adventure today?” she looked over at him. He wasn’t even drinking the coffee, just admiring her as she moved about. Some days he couldn’t believe this beautiful and confident creature he was in love with was the same timid woman he met on a case more than four years ago.
“I am more than ready to start another adventure with you, Don. I’ll get dressed then carry this stuff out for you, then we are off,” he replied. He returned to the kitchen fully dressed and grabbed the cooler and headed for the garage, Donna right behind him with a smaller cooler she had packed the food in. They settled everything in the backseat, tossed the bags in and took their seats in the car.
“Ready?” she asked.
“First stop: Hamburger City!” Dean exclaimed as he turned the key and Baby’s engine roared to life. They pulled out of the garage on what Donna hoped was the next leg of their adventure together. She mentally crossed her fingers and prayed she was making the right move.
Their first stop was Robert’s Grill, a little diner in El Reno, Oklahoma. They each had an onion burger, the house specialty, and shared an order of chili cheese fries. “These are amazing!”
“This is probably the best burger I have ever had!” Donna declared as she shoved another chili covered fry in her mouth, licking her fingers.
“Honey, you keep that up and we won’t make it to our next destination,” Dean warned, a smile paying at his lips.
“Maybe that is the next destination,” Donna suggested. “We have been on the road for some time already…”
“Maybe a quick pit stop won’t hurt. Let’s get outta here, Sweetheart,” he slid out of the booth and reached for her hand. It was still early and the sun was shining bright. It took a bit of out of the way driving for them to find a secluded spot, but as soon as Dean parked, they made quick work of Donna’s promises from the diner. An hour later, they were back on the road.
Dean wasn’t as impressed with the Cadillac Ranch as Donna hoped he would be. He just didn’t get how people could do that to a car; it seemed so wrong in his eyes. They back tracked to Amarillo for dinner and checked into the hotel Donna had reserved. Dean was impressed with the hotel. The room didn’t smell like something had died and there was nothing growing in the shower. The bed was comfortable and the sheets were clean. He was with Donna and he couldn’t ask for more. This was already a memorable trip and he couldn’t wait to continue on this journey with her.
“Hey Don, I know you have TInkertown on the list, but I am kinda excited to see the Grand Canyon. Do you mind if we hit it up on our way back instead?” Dean asked Donna as they stopped for fuel.
“Oh hey, no! I think that sounds like a great idea, Handsome. Let’s go!” Donna exclaimed and climbed back in the Impala. Her plans were being pushed up slightly and now she was a little nervous. Her plan had been to arrive at the Grand Canyon nearing sunset and this would put them ahead of schedule. She may have to adjust her plan.
Dean and Donna sat hand in hand overlooking the Grand Canyon. They had stopped for lunch and a pitstop, arriving an hour or two before the sunset. Donna was relieved that the timing had worked. She looked over at the man next to her, not believing this could be her life. She shifted to her knees and turned to him.
“You see this Dean? The way the sunset unlocks even more natural beauty of the rock. It is already there, but like it needed a key to really shine,” she handed him a small box.
“Don, what is this?” Dean asked her, perplexed at the box she placed in his hand.
“Stop asking and just open it, please,” her big brown eyes, boring into his. He pulled the top off the box and lifted out the contents.
“A key?” he asked. An old fashioned key, small enough that it fit on a chain. Donna took the chain from him and placed it over his head, hanging perfectly over his heart. She took something from her pocket and placed an identical chain over her head.
“A key to this,” Donna held up a small lock that hung at the end of her chain. “The key that you hold, unlocks even more of me, the natural me that until I met you didn’t even know existed. You’re my key. I want to spend the rest of my life making you as happy as you have made me. I am a happier, more confident woman since the day you busted into my life. Dean, will you marry me?”
The look, the myriad of emotions, that crossed Dean’s face made Donna start sweating and question everything she had ever felt for him. Was she reading more into it than was really there? Did Dean love her as much as she loved him? Did he love her at all? What if she made a terrible mistake? She took a deep breath and hung her head in her hands. She stood and tried to take a step back, but his hand on her waist stopped her.
“Sweetheart, I don’t even know where to start, much less what to say.” Dean licked his lips nervously, his eyes cast downward as he gathered his thoughts. Donna was terrified that he was going to end things with her; that she had gone too far.
“It’s okay, Dean. You don’t need to say anything. I get it,” she whispered.
“I thought I had it all worked out in my head and then you did all this, and now I can’t think of a single thing I wanted to say. I do have so many things I want to say, but they’re all going to fall short if held up against what you said.” He looked down at the key. “This is probably the best, most meaningful and perfect gift that anyone has ever given me. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, Dean. Hey, uh, why don’t we head out?” Donna looked out over the beautiful landscape laid out before them, unconsciously wringing her hands in her lap. She was startled when she felt Dean’s large hand hold her two smaller ones.
“Look at me, Beautiful,” he said and Donna turned her head, her eyes meeting his. She still wasn’t sure what emotions she saw there, but felt that love was one of them. “I, um, I told Sam last week that you were it for me. It scares the hell outta me to think that, much less to say it out loud. Hell, Don, there was a time when you scared me. You are so beautiful and I couldn’t help but wonder what you wanted with a guy like me.”
Donna opened her mouth to speak, but Dean held his finger against her lips, silencing her.
“I never thought I would have this in my life, this unconditional love that I feel for you, and you for me. I never knew what that was. Despite all my faults, you love me anyways, and I love you even more because you can see past all my bullshit and excuses, and don’t hold back when I need to be called on it. I never thought in any lifetime, I would be saying these words and I find it so ironic that you said them first. So I’m just gonna give you this, since you beat me to it,” Dean laughed and handed her the small box he was holding. With shaky hands, Donna opened the box and her hand flew to her mouth.
“Dean,” she gasped. “What’re you doing?”
“Apparently, we had the same idea, but like I said, ya beat me to it,” he took the ring and slipped it on her finger. “Our love is like these knots. There is no end and no beginning, like my love for you.”
“I love it, and I love you. But, Dean, you never answered my question,” she reminded him.
“Oh, yeah that question that I wanted to ask, but as usual, you were one step ahead me. Yes, Donna. I wanna marry you, Sweetheart. Hell yes, I can’t wait to marry you.” Dean pulled her face to his and crashed their lips together. This kiss was like so many they shared before, full of love and passion, but this was the first kiss of the rest of their lives.
The Whole Enchilada Taglist: @iwantthedean @d-s-winchester @just-a-touch-of-sass-and-fandoms @just-another-busy-fangirl @mamaredd123 @ellen-reincarnated1967 @tankcupcakes @katymacsupernatural @winchesterprincessbride @chelsea072498 @meeshw777  @tmccarney @ruprecht0420 @theoriginalvicki @nanie5 @docharleythegeekqueen @megansescape @notnaturalanahi @impalaimagining @mrswhozeewhatsis @blacktithe7 @emoryhemsworth @bringmesomepie56 @devilgirlsarah @spnbaby-67 @myoutletforfanfiction @deansangelgirl @jerk-bitch-and-an-angel @kayteonline @percussiongirl2017 @fanfreak07 @tattooedmomster13 @sandlee44 @moonstar86 @uttertrash--butlikecutetrash  @squirrel-moose-winchester @growningupgeek @charliebradbury1104 @evansrogerskitten @feelmyroarrrr @itseverythingilike @smoothdogsgirl @supernatural-jackles @ryantherandomhero @love-kittykat21 @kathaswings @crispychrissy @paintrider13-blog  @bethbabybaby @ravenangel33 @shaelyn102
Dean’s Den of Iniquity: @akshi8278  @iamabeautifulperson18 @suzannebeaketa @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @deandoesthingstome @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @boxywrites  @sparklesuperwholock88  @ericaprice2008 @tardis-full-of-fallen-angels 
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rinnnyxr · 3 years
Appearance: am tall am in between am short am a blonde am redheaded am a brunette have black hair have blue eyes have brown eyes have green eyes have hazel eyes have grey eyes and wear glasses and wear contacts have braces have freckles have piercings have a tattoo have long hair have short hair have mid-length hair
My nationality includes:  chinese indian taiwanese japanese hispanic nicoya puerto rican chicana italian scottish filipino dutch english french german irish greek portuguese polish  korean jamaican canadian lithuanian native american russian british danish african hungarian scandanavian armenian finnish other  I don’t know
My favorite color(s) is(are): red pink yellow black green blue white silver purple brown orange
Some things I’ve done/played include: soccer cheerleading dancing lacrosse field hockey hockey football softball wrestling gymnastics track/cross country basketball baseball golf minigolf playing in the mud playing music hiking kayaking camping horseback riding
I am sometimes: annoying talkative shy funny serious bubbly spazzy fun-loving laid back strict hyper weird
I like _____ music: rap rock pop country hip hop r&b slow jams Christian classical techno oldies the 80s punk metal reggae Goth Latin 90’s grunge musicals
The pet(s) I have is (are) a: cat dog lizard rat ferret rabbit fish bird tortoise/turtle snakes other
Clothes I like to wear are: plain t-shirts sweatshirts stockings high heels boots sneakers jeans pj pants dresses mini skirts long skirts watches necklace hoop earrings toe socks flip flops halter tops stilettos shorts sleeveless shirts
I like to wear my hair (in a): down ponytail pigtails messy bun half ponytail scrunched/curly bun crimped with a bandana French braids lots of little braids  Gel hat messy hot guy hair fauxhawk
I am mostly labeled as: goth emo prep punk surfer athletic hippie nerd gangster ditzy hyper happy I have no idea
I eat/drink: dessert every night  no meat diet stuff healthy foods junk foods a lot of carbs lots of meat salad seafood
A typical friday night: mall with your friends partying at a show/venue watching movies going to the club staying home babysitting hanging out with your friends hanging out with your boyfriend/girlfriend working while your friends are out having fun i don’t plan out my weekends
Currently I am: in a relationship single and loving it crushing single and looking for someone single and whatever happens, happens
Online, I use: lol sup =D lmao stfu ty  jk ttyl g2g ^^ T_T x_x ^_^ o.o <3 “LOLZOHEMGEE” knai omg
I have: lied to my best friend dyed my hair dressed punk kissed a girl on the cheek lied to my parents cried in front of lots of people went barefoot in the snow played hockey made my own clothes
In the last 24 hours, I: got in a fight took a shower gave a dirty look to someone cried went to school shopped danced got sick did something I regret ate something gross discovered something new
At school I: run to class because I’m always late hide in the bathroom am smart am hyper am a nerd am somewhat popular don’t know
Right now I am: in my pjs drinking listening to music watching a movie IMing someone talking on the phone eating
Have you ever…. Ridden a skateboard? Played a piano? Been to New York? Seen the movie “Thirteen”? Ridden in an ambulance? Broken a bone? Broken somebody else’s bone? Been to sleepaway camp? Gone to another state without your parents? Babysat? Cried for no apparent reason? Laughed for no apparent reason? Shoplifted?  Heard “The Tide” by The Spill Canvas? Been nothing for Halloween?  Killed a bug with your bare hand? Met a celebrity? Moved? Played on a soccer team? Made a MySpace? Talked on the phone for over an hour?  Got detention? Got suspended? Played pool?
LGBTQ+ Out of the closet She/her Owns an LGBTQ+ account Cisgender Other sexuality Pansexual Has tons of gay ships Transgender Has been to a pride parade
They/them Asexual Homosexual Has family members in the LGBTQ+ community Nonbinary Has friends in the LGBTQ+ community In the closet  Demisexual Bisexual Polyamorous Heterosexual Questioning Genderfluid He/him
Favorite Childhood Tv Shows Bob the Builder The Suite Life of Zach&Cody Wizards of Waverly Place Sesame street Blue’s Clues Kim Possible My Little Pony Go Diego Go iCarly The Backyardigans The Wonder Pets SpongeBob SquarePants The Powerpuff Girls Caillou Barney & Friends Hannah Montana Dore the Explorer Teletubbies Zoboomafoo Peppa Pig Pingu The Magic School Bus Phineas and Ferb Lizzie McGuire
Favorite Disney Movies Moana Lilo & Stitch Cinderella Brave One Hundred and One Dalmatians The Lion King Alice in Wonderland Pocahontas Lady and the Tramp The Fox and the Hound Sleeping Beauty Finding Nemo Mulan Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs The Jungle Book Frozen Aladdin The Princess and the Frog Tangled The Little Mermaid Peter Pan The Aristocats Bambi
1- I can do Australian accents 2- I know where Madagascar is 3- Je peux parler français 4- I can’t speak French  5- I am partially Russian 6- I like Swiss cheese 7- I have lived/am living outside the States 8- I have tasted REAL Chinese food 9- I have attempted to learn Japanese 10- I know what the South African word ‘Tskudu’ means 11- I know someone who speaks fluent Norwegian 12- I can say ‘I love you’ in more than five languages besides English  13- I have in the past fallen for the story, “Haggis is a three-legged rodent” 14- I have always been aware that Haggis is actually sheep gut 15- I can read the Cyrillic alphabet 16- I understand slang from other countries 17- I have tasted Belgian chocolate  18- I have a penpal who doesn’t speak English 19- I have songs on my iPod/MP3 that aren’t in English  20- I know what ‘croque-monsieur’ is  21- I know where Helsinki is  22- Minä puhun suomi  23- I don’t have a clue what language that’s in  24- I have been lost in a foreign country 25- French wine is the best 26- I can cuss in multiple languages 27- I understand the Greek alphabet 28- I think Swedish is a pretty language 29- I have never heard spoken Swedish 30- I can play bagpipes 31- I think Scottish accents are cute 32- I have been to Hong Kong 33- I think anime would be better if it was in Japanese with English subtitles 34- The majority of my friends are not from my home country 35- I often think it would be cool to speak Polish  36- I don’t have a clue where Thailand is 37- I understand the term, “fucking British weather” 38- People speaking in foreign languages unnerve me 39- I can speak other languages besides English fluently  40- English is not my first language
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