#My little love extra
crazyunsexycool · 7 months
My little love
Happy Birthday Bucky!
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: fluff, HENRY BARNES!!!! he's the sweetest, Lottie being Lottie, a fake out, implied smut at the end
A/N: Alright here is another birthday for Bucky. Number 1 dad deserves all of the celebration!!!
For the first time since being freed from hydra’s hold, Bucky was looking forward to celebrating his birthday. He had a reason, well three to be exact, to want to celebrate. Bucky was truly happy for the first time in a long time. He had his dream girl and two of the sweetest kids anyone could have ever hoped for. 
On his birthday, Bucky woke up a bit later than usual. It didn’t matter because at least he would have a few minutes to cuddle with you but when he turned in bed you weren’t there. Still Bucky smiled as he thought that maybe Lottie and Henry would run in and spend some time hanging out with him but no. He sighs and gets up to get ready for the day. Out in the living room Bucky is met with you and Lottie but no Henry. Lottie hopped up and ran to her father and wished him a good morning. 
“Morning, Baby.” You look up at him from the book you were reading. 
“Morning, Sugar.” He leans down and gives you a quick kiss. 
“Do you have any plans today?” 
Bucky gave you a bit of a confused look but then shook his head. “Not really, only going to the gym for my normal workout and finishing some mission reports.” 
“Oh cool. I was thinking maybe we could go out to dinner with the kids.” 
“Yeah that sounds nice. Where’s Henry?” 
“He’s hanging out with Wanda. She was going to show him how to make some Sokovian dish.”
“Oh, ok.” Bucky says and looks around, slightly disappointed. Still he smiles and heads out the door to the gym.
Down at the gym Bucky is sparring with Sam since Steve is nowhere to be found. He was starting to feel a bit down since he was looking forward to celebrating. Part of him thought it would be weird if he mentioned the fact that it was his birthday considering that you knew and always went out of your way to do something special for him. Bucky pushed those thoughts out of his mind and focused on getting some work done. He couldn’t exactly be upset because he always said he didn’t like celebrating his birthday and maybe now everyone was finally doing as he asked.
When Bucky finally dragged himself back to the apartment he was surprised to see you all dressed up. You smiled up at him as you were entering the living room. 
“Hey babe, I laid out some clothes for you.” You say before giving Bucky a quick kiss. 
“Thanks, where are the kids?” 
“Well Henry is still with Wanda and Lottie insisted on having a ‘moobie night’ with Steve. I thought we could have a date night. What do you say?” 
Bucky was feeling more dejected as the day went on and not having his kids on his birthday was just the last straw. But he also didn’t want to force them to be with him if they didn’t want to.
“I was kind of looking forward to spending time with all four of us.” He says quietly. 
“Oh babe, I know but come on it’ll be fun.” 
He looks at your pout and big doe eyes and he smiles. “Ok, I’ll go get ready.” 
In the car Bucky was a bit distant. He had gone from being excited about his birthday to wishing the day would end already. You turned your head and smiled at him. To Bucky you seemed oblivious to his foul mood and somehow that hurt him more than you not even wishing him a happy birthday. 
When you finally got to what ended up being a diner Bucky was ready to just turn the car around and go home. You got out of the car and waited for him so reluctantly Bucky got out and took your hand. He was confused when you walked up to the diner and it was completely empty. 
“Is this the diner we brought the kids to?” He asks as he looks at the empty diner through the windows.
“Yeah, their first ever diner experience.” You smile.
“I think it’s closed. There’s no one here.”
“Well let’s just check, if it is we can go somewhere else.” 
You walk in and sure enough the only people there are the cooks and a few servers milling about. Bucky walks in right after you. He throws a suspicious glance around the place before he hears the door lock. He turns around but doesn’t see anyone by the door. When Bucky turns around the room is filled with the team and your family. 
“Surprise!” Everyone yells and Bucky is standing in stunned silence. 
“Happy biwthday dada.” Lottie runs up to him with her arms stretched out. She latches on to one of his legs. 
“Happy birthday daddy.” Henry says as he hugs Bucky around his midsection. 
Bucky was completely shocked and confused but he hugged his kids anyway. When you walked up to him he could see the guilt on your face. 
“I’m so sorry. The kids wanted to surprise you and swore me to secrecy.” 
Bucky couldn’t help but laugh, the disappointment he was feeling slid off him like water off a duck’s back. He pulled you in by your waist and you leaned up to kiss him.
“Happy birthday baby.” You said against his lips before kissing him again. 
“Get a room.” 
The team teased the two of you before they all started to wish him a happy birthday. Your family was also there to congratulate him before everyone settled down at the long table the diner staff had rearranged. The servers begin to take down everyone’s orders and the group is left to talk amongst themselves. 
“How long have you been planning this?” Bucky turned to look at you. You had your arm draped across the back of his chair and the other tucked under your chin while it rested against his shoulder. 
“The party I wanted to plan? About three weeks. Then two weeks ago the kids came to me while you were on a mission and told me their plan. They were so cute, they even drew what they wanted the decorations to look like. I saved the drawing for you to keep.” 
Bucky smiled, he really did have the best kids ever. 
“The whole not acknowledging your birthday was Henry’s idea. He thought you’d be even more surprised if you thought we all forgot.” 
“Oh so he’s who I have to put in timeout.” 
“What?” Henry’s head whipped around so fast. His eyebrows shot up in surprise but he wanted to giggle.
“No gibe bubba timeout dada. Is not nice.” 
“You can glare at me all you want but I’ll put you in time out too, little lady.” Bucky quipped and Lottie grinned before she giggled. 
“Dada no gibe you timeout bubba.” She announced as if the matter had been decided. 
“I’m just kidding bubs. You did something really nice for me and it means so much, so thank you, both of you.” 
The outing went on as planned. The group ate and talked and laughed. A jukebox in the corner played some of Bucky’s favorites. 
When it came time for dessert Steve helped Henry bring in the cake from the kitchen. Everyone stood around the smaller table with Bucky at the center. The cake was large and it was obviously homemade. It had a few layers to it so it was tall. The buttercream frosting was a deep blue. The other decorations on it were gold, including the Happy Birthday in a childlike scribble at the top of the cake. There was even a small goat figurine perched at the top. 
While Bucky held Lottie, Henry pulled up a chair and stood on it so that he could see everyone better. 
“Um before we sing happy birthday, I’d like to say something.” Henry speaks up. When everyone’s attention is on him, he clears his throat. “Well um, thank you everybody that could come and celebrate daddy’s birthday.” Henry says and turns to look at Bucky. “You are the best daddy in the world.” 
“The bestest one.” Lottie adds. 
 There’s a few chuckles from the group. 
“You are always nice and read us bedtime stories.”
“Gibe kisses when I habe an owie.” 
Bucky, although he tried his hardest, let a few tears slip. 
“You love us, and we love you.” Henry smiles at his father. Bucky hugs him with one arm while he keeps Lottie in his other arm. 
“Thank you, I love both of you so much.” 
Once he pulls back everyone begins to sing happy birthday. Bucky blushes a bit at the attention but can’t help but beam while he holds his kids and feels your hand on his back. When he turns his head to look at you he finds that your eyes are already on him. Pure love, admiration and happiness shine in them. When the singing was done and everyone wished him a happy birthday the cake was cut. 
“This is really good.” Bucky says around a fork full of cake and the fresh fruit filling. “Where did you get this?” He asks you.
“Oh I didn’t buy it.” 
“Nope. Henry made it with Wanda’s help.”
“I only really helped with the prep work and the oven. He even made the frosting.” Wanda adds. “Henry’s a natural in the kitchen.” 
“Baby added the goat though.” 
“Yeah, goat is so cute.” 
“What I don’t understand is Steve being completely absent all day.” 
You look at bucky and giggle. “Charlotte saw him telling you about the party so she took it into her own hands to keep him occupied until it was time to leave for the diner.”
“He was always the worst at lying.”
You all share a laugh as you continue to enjoy the dessert made by Henry. A few presents are opened before everyone calls it a night. 
When you finally make it back to the tower, the kids beg Bucky to read them a bedtime story which he does happily. While he does that you get ready for bed. When Bucky walks into your shared room he stops in his tracks. 
“Happy birthday Bucky.” You smile as Bucky’s eyes rake over your lingerie clad body. 
“You have one more present to unwrap.” 
Bucky licks his lips before moving towards you. He hovers over you and you can’t help but laugh at how giddy he looked. You love seeing him happy. 
“Best birthday ever.” He murmurs before he connects his lips with yours. 
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christadeguchi · 8 months
rattling the bars of my cage screaming for bread
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lemongogo · 2 months
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demon king laios silliness
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suguruverse · 2 months
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idk if anyone has ever talked about this but katsuki REFUSES to buy you flowers from the grocery store. like will not even look at it and will steer you away if he even catches you looking at it.
he genuinely looks at you crazy when you ask him why he’s avoiding the huge display of flowers because he cannot fathom why you would want “those cheap ugly shits” over a bouquet from the florist filled with your favourite flowers.
you pout when he drags you out the grocery store and back home only to wake up the next morning to a fresh bouquet on your bedside table with an obnoxiously large orange ribbon that screams katsuki name and a homemade breakfast from yours truly <3333
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sysig · 9 months
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Permission to headbutt: Granted (Patreon)
#My art#UT#Sans#Papyrus#Ft. something smol and I do on a regular basis ♪#This could be Handplates or it could be classic Undertale I leave that up to you lol#I definitely picked up a lot of the style quirks lol - but there are some of the ones that I like myself! Like Papyrus' darkmode clothes lol#And Sans' shorts having the stripe in the front haha - little details ♫#Realistically it probably is Handplates tho just based on where my head's at lol - I love the Handplates dynamic :D#Handplates#I talked myself into it! Pfft ♪#I found myself relating a lot to Sans especially while rereading - I want nothing more in the world than for my siblings to be happy! <3#So I gathered up a bunch of ideas of things especially me and smol do together and this was the most obviously cute one haha#Easiest to do! Tho I did still go a little extra on this lol#I'm trying to do more digital stuff ♪ It wasn't the best art day and I'm still a little nervous to jump right in :')#Not doing any sketches on paper beforehand feels weird but I guess it is thematic in a way lol#And I'm still pleased with how they turned out hehe#It really does feel nice to be drawing them again <3#And doing silly sibling things! Hehe#I dunno how clear it is since it's so ingrained into how smol and I talk to each other lol family language!#One of us will literally just announce ''bonk'' and the other will prepare for/lean in for a headbutt haha#She is a tiny bit taller than me - it's not quite /this/ extreme but she does lean down for me! S'cute <3#I like to think Papyrus would do the same hehe ♪ Let your lazy brother headbutt you! He can only reach so far!#On minimal effort anyhow hehe#It's just a fun way to be silly together ♫♪#Also yes I did show this to her and she cosigned lol - ''Cute'' -smol
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fairsweetlonging · 10 days
the svsss extras are actually so insane, one moment you're reading about the heartbreaking past between shen jiu and qi yue and about trauma and cycles of abuse, about luo binghe mourning shen yuan and staying with his body every day for years, about shang qinghua being offered the chance to go home and not taking it because he was miserable and lonely, and then the next tianlang-jun is trying to set zhuzhi-lang up with shen yuan and encouraging him to bride-steal?? and then shang qinghua is ordering mobei-jun to make him noodles while fantasizing about writing a danmei peak lord orgy?? cottagecore bingqiu?? everyone thinking shen qingqiu got pregnant with luo binghe's child??? og pidw fans apparently being qijiu and binggejiu shippers?? hello what??
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beansnpeets · 5 months
Thinking about human behaviour compared to animal behaviour again.
It's funny to hear people (the older gens) complaining that "kids these days are lazy, they don't wanna work, etc." What do we get for busting our asses? There is no reward. Many will never own homes. Many are unemployed, trying to find work, and nobody will hire them because they don't have a million years experience and a masters degree OR they want people to work for minimum wage??? People are giving up because there is no reward. Why would we do all this for nothing?
Same as a dog that won't recall when you haven't reinforced it with a reward. Your dog isn't going to do what you tell it to if there is no incentive. No, your dog SHOULDN'T listen just because you're boss and it should respect you. That isn't how it works. They don't think that way. And honestly neither do people.
When we went hiking Sprocket wasn't always taking treats gently from me when I recalled her or she checked in and I rewarded and my one friend told me to stop giving her treats. I told him I won't work for free so why should she. And he said "I do things for free all the time because I want to do them," and I didn't say it then, but I wish I had, but if you like doing it, that's the incentive. It's a self-rewarding behaviour. Just like anything else a dog does, like chasing a squirrel or sniffing things or getting into the trash. Heeling instead of going off to sniff stuff or recalling off of something they want to chase is something you have to reinforce. You have to give them something better so they make the choice you want them to make. They won't make it just because they *respect* you. They won't willingly recall off of exciting prey out of RESPECT. You need to give them a tangible reward for that. You cannot possibly expect your dog to listen just because and then punish them for disobeying you.
Yeah, Sprocket bit my fingers a couple times. The one time pretty hard. But she was excited. She knows how to take gently and I reminded her and she tried very hard to be gentle most of the time. I wasn't going to stop rewarding her for checking in with me and recalling while we were off leash hiking in the woods. I want her to know that coming back to me is good and in the event of an emergency I would like her to not blow me off.
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egophiliac · 1 year
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this is all I can muster right now, too busy having my brain absolutely melted by the September schedule, what is happening
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yugiohprince · 5 months
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theyre just a little fuity
part 2
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batgummy98 · 24 days
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had an edible and drew these twilight sparkles. enjoy
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crazyunsexycool · 7 months
My Little Love
💖It's Valentine's Day 💖
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word count: 2.1K
warning: none this is just some pure fluff. Maybe Lottie trying to play cupid....
A/N: I wasn't going to write anything for Valentine's Day but I was inspired by @jvanilly 's ask so here it is.
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“Dada no wook.” Charlotte says loudly as she hides around the corner from the living room. 
“Should I close my eyes, doll?” 
“Yes, pwease.” 
“Ok, they’re closed.” Bucky says with a smile at whatever it is that Lottie is up to now. He can hear her footsteps although they’re light against the hardwood floors. 
“Ok wook it.” 
Bucky opens his eyes to find Charlotte standing in front of him wearing a white shirt with a big pink heart, a pink tutu and white fluffy wings that look like they belong to angels on her back. Her hair is up in a twist held up in a heart shaped clip.
“Who do we have here? Are you Cupid?” 
“Mmhhmmm. You wike it?” She asks as she does a spin for him to see the whole outfit. 
“You’re the prettiest Cupid I’ve ever seen, doll.” 
Lottie gets bashful and giggles at the compliment. 
“Habe suwpwise.” 
“For me?” 
Lottie nods her head and holds out a handmade card for him. It’s a heart cut out of red construction paper glued to a white piece of paper and so much glitter. 
“This is the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen. Did you make this yourself?”
“Yeah.” She says shyly while looking up at him with those big blue eyes of hers. 
“Thank you, doll. I love it.” Bucky picks her up and gives her a chaste kiss on her forehead.
“Yeah, doll?” 
“Dada be my vawentine?”
Bucky smiles down at his little girl. “I would love to be your valentine. Are you going to be mine?”
“Yeah. I be dada’s vawentine.”
“Good. Your first valentine’s day has to be special.” 
“Hi mama.” Henry said almost as soon as you stepped out of the master bedroom. 
“Hi sweet boy. What are you up to?” 
“Nothing. Well something.” Henry gives you a sheepish look. 
You narrow your eyes in his direction with a bit of suspicion. But his innocent smile let you know whatever he’s up to isn’t anything mischievous. Henry holds up a construction paper heart, and a few paper flowers. 
“Will you be my valentine’s mama?” 
“I would love to be your valentine.” You accept the flowers and the cards before giving him a hug. “Are you going to be my valentine’s too?”
Henry nods against your midsection before pulling away. 
“Well we have to make your first valentine’s day super special, sweet boy.”
At Charlotte’s request you had curled her hair, pinning half of it up with heart shaped pins. You even let her wear a pink tinted lip balm and some soft pink eyeshadow. She was all smiles as she looked in the mirror. 
“Do you like it, sweet angel? You look beautiful.” You said from behind her. Looking at her through the mirror.
“Is so pwetty mama.” 
“I’m glad you like it. Now come on, let's get your dress and shoes on.”
“Kay.” Lottie hops off the stool she was sitting on and gets dressed up in her pink tulle dress with hearts all over. 
“Alright, I’m going to finish getting ready ok.”
“Alright bubs.” Bucky fixes the collar of Henry’s shirt so that it goes over his graphic tee. Then he smoothes out the cardigan Henry was wearing. “When we knock we give them the flowers and chocolates ok? Also remember to tell them how nice they look.”
“Let’s go get our girls then.” Bucky smiles as Henry grabs the flowers that he had picked out himself. 
Bucky follows suit and they walk out of Steve’s apartment where they went to get dressed. Giving you and Lottie privacy to have your own girl’s day as you got ready for the family date. 
At the door Henry knocks and waits for someone to answer the door. Lottie opens it with a huge smile on her face. It’s obvious she’s more than ready and excited for the evening. She lets Henry and Bucky in to wait for you to finish getting ready.
“Hi bubba. Hi dada.” She says. 
“Hi baby. You look so pretty.”
“Tank you bubba.”
“Hello my valentine. You look like a princess.” Bucky takes a knee. 
“Tank you dada.”
“These are for you.” Bucky holds out a small bouquet of flowers for her and a box of chocolates. 
Charlotte gasps as she takes her gifts. She buries her nose in the flowers and inhales just how she has seen you do so many times. 
“Is so nice dada, tank you.” 
“You’re welcome, doll.” 
You walk out a few minutes later, just as Bucky is putting Lottie’s flowers in a vase for her. He lets out a wolf whistle as he watches you reach the living room. You wore a red dress, the sleeves were short but puffy. The bodice hugged your curves and the skirt flared out with a slit up one leg. You smile over your shoulder at Bucky before turning your attention to Henry. 
“Hi my sweet valentine.” You tell him.
“Hi mama, you look very pretty.” 
“Thank you, sweet boy.” You smile before giving him a chaste kiss on his cheek. 
“These are for you.” 
Henry holds out a box of chocolate and a bouquet of flowers similar to Lottie’s, just a bit bigger. 
“They’re beautiful. Thank you so much. I love them. We have something for you too.” 
Lottie runs off into your room coming back with some boxes of candy for them as well. It’s obvious that Henry and Bucky weren’t expecting anything so it was nice to see their matching smiles.
“Here,” Bucky offers you a vase with water in it already. 
“Thanks baby.” 
You place the flowers in the vase and give him a kiss on the cheek. 
“We should get going.”
“Yeah,” Henry adds. “We have reservations.” 
“Oh you do?” 
“Yup. It's for our date.” 
“I thought we were just going to Tony’s party?” You look up at Bucky who is already helping Lottie into her coat. 
“Well it wouldn’t be a proper date if we didn't take our girls out first now would it?” 
You smile and grab something from your purse. When you stand in front of Bucky you place a red pocket square into his suit pocket. As usual he dressed in an all black suit and a more casual black t-shirt. The red added a little pop of color to tie in everyone’s outfit together. 
“Here mama.” Henry, following Bucky’s lead, holds out your coat.
“Well what a little gentleman.” 
You put on your coat and let them lead you and Lottie out.
It was still new, the four of you going out as a family. The kids were always excited going out to new places and experiencing new things. Bucky stopped the car at the entrance to the restuarant. The attendant makes his way over quickly to the driver’s side. Bucky steps out and gets the door for Lottie who was sitting behind him. Henry quickly gets out of his seat and gets out to open your door. 
“Thank you my sweet boy.”
“You’re welcome, mama.” He says as he takes your hand. 
The four of you walk into the building. Before you can say anything Henry steps up to the hostess stand.
“Hi ma’am.”
“Hello, how may I help you?” The young woman asks with a smile.
“We have a reservation under Barnes.” 
You couldn’t help but beam as Henry started to get more comfortable interacting with strangers. 
“I see the reservation for four people here. Please follow me.” The young woman walks you through the restaurant to a booth in the back. “Enjoy your evening.”
Lottie sits with Bucky and you sit with Henry. While the restaurant is full of couples you wouldn’t trade being here with the kids. You knew you’d share more than enough one on one time with Bucky later. The four of you have the time of your life at the restaurant. The kids try new foods and get loved on by you and Bucky. They also have the attention of the server that’s taking care of your table. She makes sure to ask them questions, getting the most interesting questions out of Lottie for sure. You can’t help but look across to Bucky and share that magic little moment in which you both relish in being able to enjoy this moment with them. Soon enough though dinner is over and you head back to the tower. 
Before heading to the party Charlotte insists on going back to the apartment for her cupid getup. Soon enough there’s a four year old running into the main living room with wings and bow and arrow. Her first stop of course is her favorite person ever.
“Steebie am cupid.” She says as he picks her up. 
“And a very cute cupid at that.” 
“Hi.” Lottie calls out to Bruce’s assistant. 
“Hello Charlotte. You look very pretty in your dress.” 
“Tank you. You pwetty too, wight Steebie?” Steve goes beet red in an instant.
“Of course. Your dress is very pretty.” Steve looks at her.
“No Steebie.” Charlotte sends a small glare in his direction. Lottie says her name, “Is pwetty.”
“Please don’t.” She mutters.
“No is kay. Steebie?”
“Yes, you are very pretty.” 
She opens her mouth ready to sass him back but decides against it due to Lottie’s enthusiasm. 
“Thank you, Steve.” 
Lottie feels as if she’s done her job so she wiggles her way out of Steve’s arm’s and does her usual round through the party. 
Bucky holds you close as he leads you in a dance. One hand around your waist, the other holding yours against his chest. His cheek rests against your temple. Both of your eyes are closed as he hums along to the song. 
“Hold me close and hold me fast
The magic spell you cast
This is la vie en rose.
When you kiss me heaven sighs
And though I close my eyes
I see la vie en rose.”
You smile as Bucky continues to serenade you. The song ends but another quickly starts up. Your dancing is interrupted though. 
“Daddy, mama is my valentine. I should be dancing with her.” Henry looks up at him, arms crossed over his chest.
“Ok, ok. Do you happen to know where your sister is?” 
Henry points to the other end of the room. You and Bucky look over to find Charlotte sitting on the bar sharing a cupcake with Sam and laughing. 
“I guess I’ll go get my valentine. Thanks for the dance, Sugar.” Bucky gives you a quick kiss.
“Wanna dance mama?”
“I would love to.” You say as Henry takes your hands and swaying side to side.
“Is so yummy Sammy.” Lottie holds up a cupcake with red frosting up for Sam to try. 
Sam narrows his eyes in her direction causing Lottie to giggle. “Are you trying to play a joke on me?” 
“Noooooo. Habe some.”
“Ok.” Sam leans in to take a bite out of the sweet treat but Lottie boops him in the nose with it leaving frosting behind. She throws her head back laughing while Sam playfully grumbles. 
“Is so funny.” 
“Oh you think that's funny?” Sam asks and Lottie nods. “What if I do this?” He takes a big bite of the cupcake she had in her hand. “No cupcake for you.” 
Charlotte is a giggling mess as she grabs another treat from the tray Sam had taken just for them. 
“Are you trying to steal my doll?” Bucky asks as he walks up to them. 
“Maybe I am.” 
“Habe one dada?” Lottie holds up another cupcake for him. He’d seen what she did to Sam and was sure she’d do the same to him. But the laughter was worth a little bit of red frosting on his nose. 
“I would love one.” 
Lottie pulls at the cupcake liner with heart designs on them, then offers it up to Bucky. He’s surprised when Lottie doesn’t try to get the frosting on him so he just eats it.
“Hey,” Sam says with a faux annoyed expression. “Why didn’t you get him?” 
“Dada my vawentine.” She looks up at her dad with so much love that it makes him weak in the knees. 
“Yeah Sam, I’m her Valentine’s go get your own.” He looks back at his little girl. “Wanna dance, Doll?” 
“Yes, pwease.” 
Lottie gives Sam a kiss on the cheek before going into her father’s arms. Bucky walks over to the dance floor and begins to sway. Not too far from him, you stand with Henry in your own dance. You catch each other’s eye and smile. He mouths an I love you which you return. 
All in all it was a very good Valentine’s Day. 
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crabsnpersimmons · 8 months
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a little wip for a little thing i'm working on!
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omaano · 5 months
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Echo with his tooka best buddy (and an extra) for @phantasm-echo 's DTIYS 🩵💙❤️
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landedinpayne · 2 months
in case you are in the mood to feel devastated here’s an alternate way of viewing charles’ response to edwin’s confession:
we know that charles kinda puts edwin on a pedestal- yes they are partners but there is a bit of a hierarchy between them. charles just looks up to and admires edwin in so many ways while constantly looking down on and being really hard on himself. he puts on his big happy persona because he thinks that people wouldn’t like him if they actually got to know him.
so when edwin confesses, it’s like a blow to him. he took his charming persona too far and went and tricked the most important person in the world into thinking he was worthy of love. and it’s worse because he does love edwin in that way, which is exactly why he can’t let him know that. charles still believes that he is like his dad, and he saw exactly what his parents’ relationship did to his mother.
he thinks that loving edwin in the way that he wants to would only cause more pain to this boy who has already been through far more than he deserves. so he blinks back his tears, attempts the same charming smile he’s used all these years, and dishes out the gentlest non-rejection in the history of forever
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shrimpchipsss · 1 year
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read Living With a Tiger by x_los !
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philshotcocoa · 24 days
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Dans little gestures :)
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