#My name is Marz
hillbillyoracle · 3 months
Hey! I hope all is well with you.
I had a curiosity question about Time Lords. If your Time Lord is one of the inner planets that’s going to have a lot of transits, do you prefer to sort through those to find the most impactful ones? Or do you buckle up and prepare to have a crazy ass year?
So I've just been through a Mercury year, Moon year, and am on a Sun year so I have some personal experience with it.
I wrote a whole long thing about how there's not a lot of differences but then I remembered I did have to track things differently for my Lunar year. So I would say for Venus and Mercury I wound up with a similar number of transits as other years but Moon years can need some whittling down.
I only really paid attention to exact conjunctions with planets and void of course. That was also tempered by checking the solar return for the year and the lunar return each month and seeing which planets and themes were most prominent there. Because otherwise you have like 8 lunar transit aspects in a day at that's just...a lot.
The moon is kind of like that person who knows everyone. She's going to chat with everyone but only a handful are her real friends and only a handful are her real enemies. It just takes shaking those out.
So I guess I would say for Mercury or Venus, I don't change much. But for the Moon, yeah I had to identify the most important transits.
My most difficult year so far since I started tracking transits was a Mars ruled year - yeah let's all laugh at the irony.
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aru-art · 2 years
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peak character designs
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asteraws · 2 years
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alterna 🛰️
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kaiowut99 · 4 months
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters GX Episodes 106-107 Subbed (Finalized)
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(Previously: Episode 105 Subbed [Finalized])
(Check out my Subbed!GX Stream Masterpost!)
TURN-106: Judai and Johan of the Gem Beast Deck
A new school term has started at the Duel Academia. Invited to the Academia as transfer students and becoming new friends are the Academy Champions known as Amon, O'Brien, Crocodile, and a mysterious boy--along with one Professor Cobra. Meanwhile, atop the school building rooftop, Judai meets a boy who can see Spirits--who turns out to be the "mysterious boy," Johan. Cobra proposes an Exhibition Match, pitting Judai against Johan. Johan turns out to be a duelist in control of the rare Monsters known as the Gem Beasts.
TURN-107: The Neo-Spacians VS the Gem Beasts
Johan summons one Gem Beast after another, from his Amethyst Cat to his Topaz Tiger. Judai also has Neo-Spacian Flare Scarab and Neos perform a Contact Fusion to take them on with his Flare Neos. Then, Johan destroys Judai's Field Magic and activates a new Field Magic, Ancient City of Rainbows -- Rainbow Ruins, sending his Neo-Spacian back to his deck. Seeing these skillful attacks, Ed begins to speak of the unknown relationship between Johan and his Gem Beasts.
...so, didn't mean to let these take about a month and a half since 105 was all finalized, but heremst we be *sips indie coffee*
Season 3 gets into full swing with these two episodes as it starts us off with a hint of our upcoming big bad right off the jump (RIP Hiromi Tsuru, your Yubel is still fantastic), then introduces us to the big foreign players we'll be seeing quite a bit of going forward. Judai has a nightmare taking place in an area similar to his vision with Saiou--which I'm sure is unrelated to anything--and then opening ceremonies ensue before we're introduced properly to our new transfer students, and the Ancient Roman lore around Johan's Gem Beasts which was pretty cool to include; Judai and Johan then have a fun duel together as we see the Gem Beasts in action facing Judai's Neo-Spacians. These episodes also see the debut of some of my favorite OST tracks from Season 3, like Fervent Duel (used really well in 107) and A Pinch here. Ed coming in for 107 and giving us the background on Johan from Pegasus, featuring cameos of Dark Yugi, Kaiba, and Jounouchi (from the Warriors and Unstopping Overflowing Feelings OP/EN in DM--these nods were kept in the dub, so it was the first time those particular shots of Kaiba and Jou were used in the West), as we learn that he gifted the Gem Beasts to Johan during a tournament in Europe was good, and I still love Johan's little fakeout at the end with the Rainbow Dragon he doesn't actually have yet. A fun duo of episodes with a fun, low-stakes duel that we should enjoy while we can.
Quick side-notes for the dub, but want to take a sec to shout out Jim's dub VA who perfectly nailed his Australian voice for the guy, and who I hope comes back if we're ever lucky enough to get a more accurate GX redub (though I think he was recast in DL? But still sounded pretty good). Dub!Yubel, though... I'm still baffled by the decision made with that voice, and I'm glad they eventually went with a better voice in BBT. 107 also saw them make a bunch of--I assume--time cuts, including most of the cold open which featured our first in-series look at Martin, and other shots as Cobra set up his evil lair in the old SAL lab (continuity!), but also the ending shot as Cobra looks at the duel energy he collected and comments on their impressive duel--most of those are fair as far as time cuts go, though I think the ending scene should've been kept. It's also interesting that, with Johan's southern accent being a thing in the dub (which has grown on me, though I like his later no-accent voice more), that they had Pegasus say the tournament he went to with him happened "down south;" according to a comment on the Crunchyroll upload, the venue's the "All-England Lawn Tennis Club where the Grand Slam Wimbledon" happens in the UK? lol
Animation error-wise, there were just over a handful that I picked up on in each episode that I went ahead and fixed up--mostly quality-of-watching ones along with a couple of card errors, and I also translated the bio on Amon that O'Brien hands to Cobra early in episode 106. As always, details below the cut if interested, along with Translation Notes for the bio.
Anywho, enjoy! The next two-parter features our fiery boy O'Brien, and with some really nice art/animation in 109 that I always love to revisit; I'll begin work on that once I finalize some special side work that I should hopefully get to post about soon, too, though I'll also be going back to episode 1 to fix up a card error I forgot to tackle, lol. Stay tuned!
Fixes/Edits! (106)
Early in the episode, Professor Cobra enters O'Brien's room on the ship and asks who else would be visiting him; he hands him a bio pointing to one Amon Garam. As detailed here, I translated Amon's bio in this shot, first compiling a full image to edit from its later appearances in 111 and 121, then keyframing it into the rotating zooming-out shot that happens here with AfterEffects and Sony Vegas. (The full text of the bio is in that detailed post)
In the next shot, Cobra asks if Amon came to see O'Brien, noting that he seems to be a meddler but suggests that he doesn't pay him any mind, turning to pass the bio back to him--as he does so, a few quick animation errors happen: 1) Cobra's face/mouth glitch for a few quick frames as he shifts his face into a smile (likely his current face being left over his moving face behind it); 2) the bio page in his hand jitters a bit in the frames leading up to his turning towards O'Brien; and 3) once O'Brien's holding the paper and moves it down, there are a quick few frames where a small part of his hair (the one bang on his left) is missing before it comes back. As detailed here, I edited in my translation to the bio while Cobra's holding it and as he passes it back, masking in Cobra and the rest of the frame over it for blending, while also fixing those errors for the Japanese scene by holding Cobra's face pre-glitch over the glitched frames, editing the Amon bio so it's steady throughout, and masking in O'Brien's full hair bang over the frames where it's cut short.
Later, as the Judai/Johan duel gets underway, Judai and Johan give their "Duel!" shouts and draw their hands, but a few things happen as they jump into a split-screen for it: 1) Judai moves a frame before Johan starts to slide in on his split; 2) once the screen pans down to their decks as they draw, the split-screen border seems to have been drawn in oddly, as part of Judai's side ends up just on top of the border (also seems to be slightly cut off in width halfway down); and 3) as they split apart, more of Judai seems to have made it to the left of his split's border. I fixed each one in Vegas by first sliding in Johan a frame earlier as Judai moves, then enhancing the split-screen border a bit to cover up what ends up on top of it and to its left as they split out (I generally try to avoid making redone borders that much bigger, but thought it was the only way to cleanly/consistently fix that).
After Johan plays Gem Beast Emerald Turtle, we cut to the Overseas Champions watching on, with Jim whistling before Amon expresses his surprise at the Gem Beasts--but a coloring error happens in the rapid pan from Jim to Amon, with both having odd coloring spots. A quick fix in Vegas by redoing the panning using a frame of Jim post-whistle and a frame of Amon before his mouth moves.
After Judai summons Neos, Johan laments that he can't ask for his autograph while they're dueling, but notes that he was waiting for him to summon a new Monster--Judai slides in on a split-screen to question that, but a few things happen: 1) Johan starts moving to make room for his split a frame before he does so; 2) a coloring error happens as Judai and Johan then split apart before Johan activates Triggered Summon (more noticeable on Johan), and 3) Judai's uneven slide-out leads to it taking a frame longer than Johan's to get offscreen. Fixed each one in Vegas by sliding Judai in a frame earlier as Johan moves, masking in Judai and Johan's pre-slide-out splits over the frames as they slide out to fix the coloring error, and making Judai's slide-out match Johan's by masking one frame in earlier.
[continued below, just split thanks to stupid text-block character limits]
(6) A bit later, after Johan talks about not having any destruction cards in his deck so he can see his opponents going all-out, Judai notes how neat he finds him; as they split apart and Johan tells him to bring out his new Monster (due to Triggered Summon's effect), there's a quick frame where the border is missing on Judai's split. Quick fix in Vegas as I just added it back on by duplicating the one on Johan's and touching it up as needed.
(7) As Judai then summons Neo-Spacian Gran Mole, we see it pop up in front of him, but Judai has black rectangles on his Disk where Gran Mole, Neos, and Aqua Dolphin should be. Fixed using AfterEffects to slap on proxies for each in one frame, which I then took into Sony Vegas and shook around position-wise frame by frame to add it to the full shot (thankfully, this was just shaking around and not zooming in or out lol).
(8) During the preview for 107, we see Judai on a split-screen jumping as Johan declares an attack with his Amethyst Cat, but as they slide apart, two quick things happen: 1) there's a quick frame where there's just black behind them (and Johan's split's border isn't as glowy as Judai's), and 2) some of Johan's split's border hangs on for two frames after he and Judai slide offscreen. Fixed each in Vegas for 107 proper first, then applied the fixes here, masking in Amethyst Cat behind Judai and Johan as they split apart, then masking in some of the whooshing background behind Amethyst Cat to cover up the remaining bit of Johan's split border for those two frames.
Fixes/Edits! (107)
After Judai summons Flare Scarab, he has it do a Contact Fusion with Neos for Flare Neos, but as he declares Flare Scarab's name for it, we see that the cards on his Disk--for Gran Mole, Neos, and Flare Scarab--are flipped upside-down. Fixed in AfterEffects first by applying proxies as Judai swings his Disk around, then on one frame during the zoom-out on Flare Scarab after he moves--I then took the latter frame into Sony Vegas, where I redid the zoomout on it for the whole shot, masking in Flare Scarab on top of it.
After Johan plays Rainbow Ruins and Judai's Battle Phase ends, we see his Disk as Flare Neos returns to his field, but not only are his cards upside-down again--he also has regular ol' Neos where Flare Neos should be. Fixed both in AfterEffects by applying the Mole and Flare Neos proxies correctly, masking in the orb part of Judai's Disk over the Gran Mole one.
A bit after the eyecatch, as Judai realizes that Johan hasn't played his ace yet, he starts to ask about it, startling Johan as he slides into a split-screen with him to ask as much, but Johan starts to move for it a frame early. Fixed in Sony Vegas by sliding Judai in a frame earlier there.
Later, after Johan explains that Ruby Special-Summons itself and the other Gems in his Magic/Trap Zone when placed there (rude of the OCG to remove that part of its effect), we split out of the split-screen there as Ruby's summoned, but the border on Johan's split hangs on for an extra frame. Fixed in Vegas by just masking in part of the whooshing background over it.
A bit later, Johan declares a direct attack with Amethyst Cat, and Judai jumps as their split-screen splits apart to show Amethyst Cat pouncing at him, but as they slide apart, 1) there's a quick frame where there's just black behind them (and Johan's split's border isn't as glowy as Judai's), and 2) some of Johan's split's border hangs on for two frames after he and Judai slide offscreen. As noted for the preview version of this shot in 106's list, I fixed these here first before applying the fix there, masking in Amethyst Cat behind Judai and Johan as they split apart, then masking in some of the whooshing background behind Amethyst Cat to cover up the remaining bit of Johan's split border for those two frames.
Later, after summoning Air Neos (who), Judai slides into a split-screen to explain his ATK-gain-per-LP-difference effect; as they slide apart, Judai's uneven slide-out causes his side to take a frame longer than Johan's to slide offscreen. Fixed in Vegas by just masking part of Judai's slide-out a frame earlier to even up the slide-out.
A bit later, after Johan hypes up Rainbow Dragon only to end in a "just kiddin'," Judai clicks in for a split-screen in confusion before they split apart to show Air Neos's attack connecting with Amber Mammoth--as they split apart, parts of the border on Johan and Judai's splits hang on for an extra frame. I fixed this by just using the touched-up version of this shot from the recap in 108, which had Judai and Johan's splits slide out more naturally.
After the duel, Cobra walks out to congratulate the two on a duel well fought; he beckons them towards him, but as he walks up to the center of the arena to do so, his still feet jitter as Judai and Johan start to walk over. Fixed in Vegas by masking in his feet from the frame as Judai and Johan start to walk over over the 2-3 earlier frames as he gets to the center of the arena to keep it consistent.
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nordicbananas · 6 months
*appears in your inbox* HELLO! I have been directly invited to talk about I was a teenage exocolonist!!
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I'm rn like halfway through year 18 so I am very close to the end of my first game I am very hyped!!
Thoughts on nomi? They seem sweet but unfortunately all of my social stats are SHIT so I can't really interact with them beyond. Giving them gifts occasionally. Whenever I do a run and work on my social stats I'm def gonna try n be friends with em
Rn my two best friends are cal and tangent, though rex also as high as it can be with my like. 50 engineering and him only being around since year 15 haha
Uhmmm other than that? I am soooo intruiged by what is going on in this game, like I only just got to the ridge when exploring and I'm so mad it's taken this long. Also I think this run has gone so bad oh man I killed tammy age 10 and then we had a famine in which killed flulu, and then got the stuff I needed for the shimmer cure the day before geranium died and I'm so mad I still haven't figured out how to use the stuff I find while surveying to progress plots and agrh I'm mad. And so I'm currently at war with the planet and have no idea what to do about it aha
If u want me to kindof liveblog the ending of my run then 👀 I am sitting patiently in your inbox until I finish the game later today hehehe
omg i hope that your first playthrough and second if you've finished it was AMAZING and that you continue to play. because i adore the replayability of this game so much.
NOMIIII yeah it's actually kinda hard to get 100 hearts with the helio kids if that's not your goal
cal and tang are so <33 they're the silliest!!! i love them both and they have such amazing arcs i think. rex is also very cool he makes me happy :)
(nomi and rex forever they're best friends even if they end up dating in some endings <333)
dwdwdw for the deaths, actually do worry they made me cry too, but you can save all three!! there's usually stuff about your past lives to help you, and once you do it the first time it's super easy to keep on doing it. YOU CAN DO IT SAVE THEM ALL!!!
good luck with nature though. not much you can do about that after it happens.
also please ik this is late but please update me about your adventures!!
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today in class we were doing presentations and one of my classmates was trying to pull mine up for the teacher and we all sat and watched this kid scroll past my presentation five fucking times bc my school google account is still under my deadname and so he didnt recognize it At All and idk i just love that literally no one at my school knows my deadname its fucking great
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starzovermarz · 1 month
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guess who has a fursona nowww
One of my instagram friends designed me one, and aghhh <3 it's awesome
(the drawing they sent me of it is below :] )
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Their style is so much cuter than mine ahsjdjk
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valgreaves · 2 months
bought iwatex a few days ago to satisfy the if/vn itch and it continues to be devastatingly hysterical how i have the most predictable taste in the world. like of course your favorite ended up being the antisocial misanthrope with a complicated relationship with his sister and a codependent attachment to his partner/best friend. you have a noah pfp
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themyscirah · 10 months
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tyquu · 2 months
Boo! (dumps all my star wars OCs here in one go)
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Mostly drawings of Jinoro (the Mirialan with the forehead tattoo), my Jedi OC that I initially created with the explicit purpose of dying in this comic here .
But then i got attached and i felt bad for killing them so i decided to give them a padawan. Her name is Marz and she's a twi-togruta who loves dancing and pottery and bead work.
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squidpedia · 4 months
My take on the 5 human soul designs except
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these are literally my oc’s and I was shitposting to a friend at the time I made these a few months ago. I just tweaked their names and outfits a little bit and got a little too into the joke 🚶‍♂️
Cried when I realized how it fits their personalities and some of their colors schemes
Some fun facts I guess:
Everyone except scal and meadow were genderbent to be enby and had their names changed (scal and meadow were already enby though so they just remained the same)
Scal and Cho are twins that probably fell at the same time
Prawny is the twin’s older sibling that went looking for them
There was also an oc I turned into the justice soul at the time but 😀
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Their name is Marz
eh its fine I like Clover’s design better anyways. And yeah I only went back and made the last 3 doodles after beating uty’s nuetral route I think. Sorry for stealing your fit clover
Incorporates headcannon a friend mentioned where all the kids had regular eye colors before falling down, and then when in the underground they gain whatever eyecolor reflects their soul trait
`Extra doodles:
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Au versions vs og counterparts names
Abriel - Abigail
Scal remains the same
Cho - Vie
Prawny - Prawn
Meadow remains the same
Marz - Marzi
Fun fact, if you want to see some old comics featuring some of these characters (mainly abi, scal, vie, and prawn), I made a webtoon a few years ago called An Unconscious Effort featuring them. Don’t expect anything good from the chapters though, they were primarily made to be a learning experience about making longer comic strips and suffer a lot in terms of quality. I do wish to officially start the comic one day, but for the time being I’m just working on trying to finalize the plot
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marzmeltdown · 11 months
Show Me Your God
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⌦ Pairing: Demon!Hyunjin x FEM!Reader ⌦ Genre(s): smut ⌦ Warning(s): pet names (hyunjin: ,, reader: angel,, princess,, darling,, ),, religious themes(??),, throat fucking,, rough sex,, hair pulling,, dacryphilia,, dirty talk,, praise,, minor fluff,, oral (m + f receiving),, edging,, spanking,, swearing,, overstimulation,, unprotected sex (be smart),, creamepie,, slight pinning,, choking,, fingering,, ⌦ Word count: 2.18k ⌦ Summary: You were used to being on your knees, though in the biblical sense, sighting your nightly prayers and what not. Recently, however, your knees have been on the floor for a completely different, sinful reason. ⌦ A/N: Listening to Werewolf by Motionless in White truly was a great song to write this fic to. um,, this was written partly for my own delusions if I'm being 100% honest. If there's anything you feel I should improve on in the future, don't hesitate to let me know! You can find progress updates on this story and everything else I write in my pinned post every Wednesday.:)
⌦ marz’s tag list ⌦ marz’s req form
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You were used to being on your knees, though in the biblical sense, sighting your nightly prayers and what not.
It all started one night on your way home from your church's weekly nightly sermon. Though night sermons were typically held for those who could not make it to regular church services or for those who needed a warm place to stay for a few hours to combat the cold winters that swept through town, you always showed up.
He seemed to take pleasure in testing your faith each night since then; it was as if the devil himself sent the man to come and taint your once pure mind. He reached places you never knew were possible and put you in positions you were sure you would have never been able to do yourself.
But tonight. Tonight was different.
You couldn't shake the feeling that he had something sinister going on in that devilish mind of his. He was rough, messy, and held a cocky grin each time that cross necklace that never left your neck glistened in the light.
He took full pleasure in forcing gags from your throat with just his cock alone; the way you looked beneath him was truly a work of art. His hand gripped your hair at the root as his hips thrust into your face with such force that you were sure you'd have bruises around your mouth by the morning.
"You look so good like this, angel; on your knees for me with my cock down your throat," Hyunjin said, wrapping your hair around his hand in attempts to pull you closer to him. You whimpered in response to his praise, and the vibrations from your whimper shot up the demon's spine, causing his head to lull back in pleasure.
Your throat felt raw from how long his cock was being shoved down your throat. The only sounds coming from your mouth were the lewd sounds of your spit being churned in your mouth, and the gags being forced out of you with each harsh thrust sounded like music to Hyunjin's ears. You could feel the stickiness of your saliva mixed with tears running down your body.
His hips began to stutter as his orgasm pushed closer, and the whimpers that started to fall from his mouth went straight to your core, causing you to rub your thighs together. The friction you created with your thighs did little to appease your neglected cunt.
He thrust one, two, three more times. On the third thrust, hold your head still at the base, your nose brushing up against his pelvic bone. The two of you maintained eye contact as his cock twitched against your tongue and his cum shot down your throat, forcing you to swallow every drop.
He held your head in place for a few more seconds, catching his breath, before he let you pull away. He looked spent, and your jaw was on fire, but you knew that you were just getting started with your eventful night.
Your head fell forward as you took in as many deep breaths as you could. Hyunjin reached down to take hold of your hair once more, pulling your head up so you two were now face-to-face. "Don't tap out on me now, princess; we're just getting started," he said.
"I know, I just need a second to breathe," you replied, your voice hoarse from the harsh fucking it just received a moment ago. He kneeled down, placing a small kiss on your forehead.
Despite being rough in every sense of the word, he always made sure you were okay. He wouldn't continue until you gave him the okay to do so. The small gestures of kindness were short, almost nonexistent, but every time they do arise, you can't help but feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
He sat on the floor next to you, placing soft kisses on your head and stroking your hair soothingly. It didn't take long for you to recover; you just needed to gather your breath anyway—nothing too drastic.
You were quickly bent over the edge of the bed, Hyunjin's face buried deep into your cunt as soon as you gave the okay. The way his tongue expertly ran through your folds, teased your hole with his tongue, and sucked at your clit had you seeing stars.
He had one of your legs propped up on the bed to give him more room, and your moans grew louder with each poke and prod of his tongue throughout your pussy. A wanton moan leaving your lips once Hyunjin's fingers slipped inside your heat. He pumped his fingers in and out of your hole, curling his fingers up to hit that sweet spot inside your walls that had your head spinning.
"F-Fuck!" You whined, gripping at the sheets to ground yourself from the intense pleasure you were receiving from his mouth and fingers alone. Your walls clenched around his fingers, pulling a groan from Hyunjin at the feeling of your tight walls sucking his fingers further inside of you.
"Such a dirty mouth for such a pretty girl; you'll have to beg for forgiveness in confession," Hyunjin teased. The way he spoke about how dirty his precious church mouse was pushed you closer to the edge.
"Hyu- dear God! I'm close!" You cried, and Hyunjin chuckled softly as he pulled away. The immediate loss of attention to your cunt caused you to whine and look back at the demon who took your pleas to the Lord above while he was pleasing you as an ego boost.
He stood, lining himself up with your heat, though he didn't thrust in. Instead, he teased your hole with the tip of his cock, forcing more whines to fall from your saliva-soaked lips.
"Use your words, princess," he simply said; he spoke as if the sight of you writhing beneath him didn't have him leaking. You were growing impatient with his teasing, and your hips pushed back against his cock before you had time to think about it.
That action rewarded you with two reactions from your lover, one being a soft groan and the other landed a harsh smack against your ass. You yelped at the punishment, jumping forward in shock as your brain registered the stinging pain you had just received from Hyunjin's spanking.
"Please, Hyunjin.." You whined, looking over your shoulder to make eye contact with the man behind you. He resumed teasing your cunt, watching as you bit your lip to suppress a whine from escaping your lips.
"Please what, darling?" He asked, letting the tip of his cock slide into your cunt.
"Fuck me, please, Hyunjin," you begged.
He thrust his hips into you in one full motion, barely giving you time to adjust. The tear of his rough entry was more pleasurable than waiting for your okay. You moaned loudly as he bottomed out. Hyunjin had one hand against your neck, pressing your head into the bed, while the other held onto your hip to keep you from squirming.
His thrusts were fast and sharp, hitting your cervix with every thrust while simultaneously digging his nails into your neck. His eyes were focused on how his cock disappeared so quickly and then reappeared just as quickly. You were sure your walls were somehow molded to fit his cock perfectly—not that it was physically possible, of course.
You were on cloud nine, almost missing how he pulled you up by the hair so your back was flush with his chest. The hand that was holding your hip previously was now rubbing harsh circles into your clit, with his other hand gripping your neck. You were so cock drunk that your head lulled back and rested itself on his shoulder as your hands found themselves tangled in his hair. You bit your lip in an attempt to lessen the volume of your screams, but that was only presented with a harsh pinch to your nipple.
You let out a yelp of both pain and pleasure, your hands tugging so ruthlessly on his hair that his head was pulled back with it.
"Let me hear you, precious. Let God hear you," he growled into your ear. The snapping of his hips only became tougher the longer he fucked himself into you.
"Feels so good.. Feels so-…" You cried out, tears falling from your eyes as you rambled on about how good his dick felt inside you, how big and thick his cock was, and all the lewd descriptors that would make your local nunnery faint.
The cord in your stomach began to twist and turn again, faster this time from Hyunjin's relentless beatings to your pussy and his fingers harsh figure eights against your clit. You weren't sure where his obsession with bringing the Lord into your sexual escapades came from, but you weren't objecting at all for reasons you couldn't quite pinpoint.
"H-Hyunjin! Im gonna-" You sobbed, too far gone to even finish the sentence, but Hyunjin knew what you were trying to tell him. He could feel it in the way your walls were sucking him in, holding his cock captive inside the warm and wet paradise that was your pussy.
"Go ahead, princess," he whispered into your ear. That was all you needed to hear before the dam finally broke. Hyunjin's hand did not once falter from abusing your cunt as your cum soaked his hand, your legs, and the mattress beneath you.
The moan you let out when you squirted all over your lover's hand could only be compared to an animal howling at the moon. The demon's hand did not stop attacking that bundle of nerves that seemed so hard yet so easy for the male species to find. The tears streaming from your face thickened as overstimulation began to set in. Hyunjin held you up by your throat when your legs began to shake; the growling in your ear almost overpowered the pain you were slowly beginning to feel.
"Hyunjin, please!" You sobbed once more. Despite your nerves being on fire, you couldn't help but want him to continue.
"My angel did so well for me; do you think you can do it again?" He asked, and instinctively, you nodded. Hyunjin could make you squirt 5–6 times before he had to cum a second time, and the way he beat your pussy felt like he was angry at times. And you'd be lying to say you didn't enjoy it.
"C-Can we cum together?" You managed to ask through your sobs of pleasure, and he chuckled softly at the request. He could feel the cord in his own stomach twisting and turning; the sight of you glistening with your own juices and still having the energy to continue turned him on more than any piece of lingerie could.
"Of course, princess," he said. He moved the hand that was around your throat to force his middle and ring fingers into your mouth as his other hand rubbed circles into your clit until you were cumming down your leg again.
You let out a moan that had to have come from the bottom of your chest with how powerful it was. Watching as your body writhed with pleasure as he fucked you through your orgasm was enough to send him over the edge a second time.
It started with a few twitches of his cock before he was filling you with what felt like more cum than what he had forced you to swallow earlier in the night. You whimpered when his hand left your clit to aid the hand around your chin in holding you up, as your legs were effectively spent from the harsh beating your pussy had just endured.
"You did so well for me, baby girl, so well." He said this as he thrust his cum back inside of you whenever it threatened to leave your hole alongside your arousal and run down his balls. He pulled his fingers from your mouth as he kissed your sweat-soaked temple.
"Thank you, Hyunjin," you said; your voice was long gone by this point.
"Look at this mess you made," he said, still thrusting into your cunt shallowly, more so to make sure every drop of his cum stays inside your cunt rather than arousing you again. You blushed as you looked at the soaked spot on the bed.
"Can we lie like this for a little while? I don't want you to pull out yet." You asked, and he only shook his head as he pulled out and gently laid you on the bed.
"After I clean you up, princess, I don't want you to get sick from cockwarming right after sex," he said as he kissed your forehead.
You whined in protest but accepted it, and you liked it when he was soft after the fact. Emotionally, not physically, of course. He always cleaned you up with a warm towel, clothed you, changed your sheets, gave you water, and then laid in bed with you until you fell asleep.
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dwcmarshalarts · 2 months
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Art by DWC Marshal Arts YCH Commission for Reese, Fixer, Zac, Aster, Marz, and Eraphtas.
There is no one who can stand against me. Your mothers warned you about my coming. But you think you could have a chance. But you are afraid. What if I am the One? This could be the moment you've been praying for your whole life.
You're praying right now, to your grandmother. She died nine moons ago. She lost an eye. A rock smashed against her face when she crossed the storm. She was twelve. At the time, this world had a Fremen name.
The Hand of God be my witness, I am the Voice from the Outer World, and I will lead you to Paradise!
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asteraws · 2 years
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been doodling random splat3 charas that eventually became my ocs.. i just want the game already LOL
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st4rgzer · 3 months
i wanted to speak out on the wilbur/shelby situation since i’ve been such an adamant supporter of him throughout my life, wether that be watching his streams, or listening to his music. i will not be doing either from now on and have been waiting to see how the situation unfolds to be sure wether or not to talk about this.
first of all, i want to state i no longer support him, of course. i support shelby, and have ever since the vod speaking of this came out. the courage you have to have to speak out against this is beyond difficult.
his apology is fucking vile, he kept saying “my ex-girlfriend” instead of saying her actual name, deflecting guilt, and not owning up to his actions, repeating that hes “gotten therapy” or “changed a lot”. that doesn’t make up for the fact that you are an abuser. if you watch shelby’s vod, which i encourage you to do, you can see how disgusting the things she described happened to her are. and the fact that the only thing he puts out is a half assed apology where he doesn’t even apologize properly speaks volumes. he is disgusting, and the way that other creators, personal friends, are coming out speaking about him as well? he is fucking disgusting.
if you still support wilbur in any way i beg you to unfollow me, even though i’ve never written about him, i’ve posted and talked about him. but i don’t think we should give a platform for an abuser anymore, and anyone who thinks otherwise can leave.
domestic abuse is something that stays with a person, should be taken seriously, and something that should in no way be excused, this is not wilbur getting “cancelled” this is wilbur getting outed for being an abuser. thank you.
if you have any questions or want me to go more in depth about what happened, you’re welcome to message me.
domestic abuse hotline: UK
remember you are not alone.💗
@dwntwn-strnlo @sunshine-on-marz @phxntomsdusk @mysticalsoot (i’m aware both of you are taking a break i just felt the need to tag you<3)
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theworldofkirby · 5 months
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