#My only concern is Sam™
hiding-in-the-vault · 3 months
The cave au ^-^
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This AU that I've kept in the back of my mind came purely from wanting to put the blorbos in cool low-lit atmospheres. The general idea behind the plot came from me deciding that because of the fantastical nature of the source material, I can really do whatever the heck i want. So I decided that the ground is growing!
Yeah, the surface is growing upwards, eating up whatever is built on it. For example, Tommy's little hill house doesn't get pushed higher up the hill; the ceiling stays where it is, but the ground below it grows around-- eventually the hill is much higher than the roof, eventually dirt and stone begins to consume, and eventually its gone.
It grows too fast for them to rebuild. Lakes are risen and walls crumble, causing massive floods. Ravines form and cave in on themselves, lava pools turn into volcanoes, all in the span of a few days. (magic™) It's sudden and violent and confusing, and there is no time to ask How or Why.
I compare it in my mind to how strangely and quickly mushrooms grow, which have always freaked me out lol
The prison fares much better and Sam holds out the longest, but eventually it too begins to get overwhelmed. Certain walls near the cell begin to bow in and the elder guardian system gets affected and suddenly it's a real security concern. He'll just build a new one underground : )
With how the ground is growing, the caverns below remain in-tact. They get much bigger, and expand much deeper than before. But the people above aren't the only ones having to adapt.
As I said in my last post about it, everyone travels primarily in one big sectioned group, at least until they find a relatively safe area to settle. The plan is to recreate some sort of hub as they had before, and people will be able to venture out from there if they wish. That includes Dream being forced along with the prison guards. But it does Not include Techno, Phil, and Niki. (Ranboo sticks with the big group- power in numbers!)
They go underground as well, but they do so separately, deciding tensions are bound to get high and wanting no part of it. But even as they enter the caverns from wildly different areas, Techno still catches wind of Dream being pulled along with the others, and starts working on a plan to give him a chance to escape.
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chaoticsoft · 17 days
I'm sorting through my belongings to pack them up for our move and I found a Drawer of Significant Memories™ that included, among many, many things:
A (still untranslated) Christmas card from a kindly German lady I, at ~14 years old, randomly developed an inexplicable bond with when she visited my church
My Dad's ancient pair of Costco glasses that he is always wearing in the image I have of him in my mind
Letters from when Sam and I first fell in love
A gently worded but concerned letter from a Christian counselor-in-training encouraging me to seek therapy lol
The candle I lit on my wedding night
A portrait my very first Tumblr friend drew of us as Qunari warrior babes (@kbeekill I loveeeee youuuuu)
A folder of letters from @the-poetic-mathematician ranging from our freshman to senior years of college :') :') <33333 (I feel like I was a shitty pen pal, but I want you to know how much I truly cherish you 💛💛💛)
I'm feeling so emotional tonight. So many snippets of my life. And many, many of them are cards, letters, messages from people who loved me. Some of them are no longer with me, either because we lost touch or they've passed away. But I will always carry their love inside me because knowing them helped make me the person I am, even if we connected only briefly. And I will never really forget them, it just takes a spark to recall them, to reconnect the pathways of the mind and call them back to me again.
And I have these remnants, these artifacts of our bonds. They mean so much to me because they say to me, "These were people who loved you. These were people who found you worth loving."
:') :') :')
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dothwrites · 10 months
PEACE OF MIND! PEACE OF MIND! (aka best episode ever)
cas really is an awkward dad coming to talk to his kid. and it's not going well. though he is more supportive of jack's snake than dean, which good for him (coming from someone who is DEEPLY uncomfortable around snakes) i forgot how worried everyone already was about jack's soul. i remembered dean and the ridiculous cake test but i didn't remember cas being this concerned
dean and cas having a conversation about jack and sam is really like cas is dean's second husband and sam is his stepson while jack is his and dean's child. if you get where i'm going. like, sam is DEAN'S kid, but jack is THEIR child. so they're having a conversation about their respective children, and they've cast themselves in roles of concerned parents
i can only assume that dean forced cas to watch all of the scanners movies since metatron would never lower himself to watch those movies. (this pleases me GREATLY) cas' saturday evening post line! there's something about cas drifting through the bunker late at night after everyone has gone to bed and looking through old magazines to soothe himself that is both incredibly soft, incredibly hilarious and incredibly poignant. he LOVES humanity! he's looking at an idealized version of the human condition in order to soothe himself. the rest of his loved ones are asleep and cas remains awake to watch over them but he still needs comfort, so he looks at old magazines. (i'm going to stop now but just know that this thought LIVES IN MY HEAD)
cas' "delicious" is wonderful here. he's such a wonderful dick. HIS HEAD EXPLODED. LIKE A RIPE MELON ON THE SUN. i love cas and i would die for him and he is the only character ever.
the irony of this woman saying "MORALS" to a degenerate homosexual angel of THEE lord... layers upon layers upon layers! and then cas mimicking the "shape and heft". he knows from personal experience. because he is a homosexual.
dean's cake test is so ridiculous. HE is so ridiculous. and his immediate REGRET after calling snakes "cool". the look of a man who just saw his whole damn life flash before his eyes. (it is established that dean does not care for snakes and finds them frightening. how much of this is because of a natural aversion and how much of this is because THEE indiana jones ALSO finds snakes off putting and scary?) RIDICULOUS MAN! RIDICULOUS MAN TESTING HIS KID WITH CAKE.
cas' consistent irritation with people is something that can be so personal, honestly. "the very tall man" laughing because misha looks so short next to jarpad but misha is actually pretty normal sized/tall
whoever the woman is who plays the wife, give her an emmy. she has FANTASTIC comedic timing. this whole scene is pure comedic gold. i remember laughing to the point of tears the first time i saw it. stop forcing jarpad to be a dramatic action hero. let him either be the villain or let him act in comedies! this is where he THRIVES! don't make him be a gritty action hero! he is not receiving enrichment in that environment!
i love when cas allows himself to be a terrifying badass. so much of the time he's masking his true nature for the comfort of the humans around him, but sometimes he just lets himself go and when he does, it's TERRIFYING!
we love a fight where cas is FINALLY allowed to be a badass. we LOVE IT. finally some good fucking food if you ever wanted to know why sastiel can never be a thing (sastiel fans i love and respect you) just look at this scene compared with the prisoner scene. sam and cas' scene is longer but my GOD is it lacking in the sexual tension and pathos of the prisoner scene. jarpad just does not have chemistry with men and that is okay because he is a heterosexual and they're necessary for the environment too!
"GOD HAS A BEARD" supernatural is A Show™
the implications that cas called dean to gossip about sam's cardigan and his faux marriage. insane. they're just chatting. because they're husbands. and they're married.
love that very ominous shot of cas lurking over jack's shoulder as he watches him kill the snake. it's very dramatic.
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rosietrace · 7 months
Hello Rosie [evil] we need to interact more so ∅ for Walton with Max and Sam or Victoria with Keres >:)
Hi Mercie! I'm gonna do a separate post for Vic and Keres, since this post is gonna be longer if I do both in one go HSJSHDJS
Edit: I'm so sorry this took so long to post 💀
Oc thoughts: Walton Morrigan on Maxwell Murray and Samuel
Character Featured: Walton Morrigan
Mentioned: Maxwell Murray, Samuel
Warning(s): Walton /j, Samuel being a little shit, Trinity™, implied murder(?), Walton's room, potentially ooc
[ Apologies for any out of character moments ]
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“Hmm….. My dorm leader intrigues me. I don't know much about Maxwell, but I wish to know more… It's funny, really. Uncharacteristically tall, with a unique magic that makes him almost invisible… He'd make a wonderful test subject.”
“Samuel. That troublesome little- Ugh…. They exasperate me, to no end. His childishness and annoying voice make my ears bleed, and sometimes, in the dead of night, I wonder what would happen if I…. Oh, hah. You didn't hear that.”
— Walton Morrigan
Non-verbal Thoughts
「 General Thoughts 」
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ They don't talk to Walton. Or rather, Walton doesn't talk to them as much as he should.
➜ Walton's always busy with his machinery and computer work, and in general, pretty unapproachable. Not because no one wants to talk to him, but because Walton doesn't allow anyone closer to him. Simply put: He keeps everyone at arm's length.
➜ And Maxwell and Samuel aren't exceptions. Not in the slightest. Walton only goes to them when it concerns any conditions he needs to meet regarding his machinery, but that's about it.
➜ They've interacted with him, of course, but it's just unusually rare. Walton doesn't make it any better, his eerie — almost uncanny — sort of personality.
➜ Perhaps there's another reason Max doesn't approach Walton. The latter claims he works at a hospital on the side, after all…
➜ Walton's one of the few people who immediately notice Max is around. Quietness doesn't stop him from being as analytical as he is.
➜ Samuel's shenanigans frustrate him to no end. He has this almost murderous look in his eyes every time he talks to them. He gets progressively angrier when Samuel starts messing with him through his ‘childish’ pranks.
➜ Trinity seems to be the only one who can properly restrain Walton from throttling Samuel, then and there, at any given moment. Despite that, Walton's significantly taller than they were, and has gotten close to see the light leave Samuel's eyes…. Allegedly.
➜ When they do dorm room check-ins, Walton doesn't allow Max to check up on him in his room. And frankly, Max prefers it that way.
↳ There's just this…. Stench, to Walton's room. Max didn't wanna know what was the cause of it, and just left Walton's room be.
➜ Walton begrudgingly accepts the candy Samuel offers, even if — at times — there's probably some sort of concoction to them.
↳ If it can get Samuel away from him, then so be it.
「 Interactions 」
❐ Well- Walton was in Terrovania since before Max became the dorm head. It was no surprise that he met Max, and later met Samuel.
➜ Walton wants to do experiments on Maxwell. Weird, I know, but he really isn't trying to beat the ‘mad scientist/potential serial killer’ allegations. (Maybe the latter, but not so much for the former.)
➜ He recommends movies to Max from time to time. It doesn't happen often, but it does happen. Oddly enough, Walton would usually recommend children's movies.
➜ He legitimately believed Samuel was like…. 12, at most. Then again, he didn't care how old he was, Samuel was a continuous nuisance to him.
➜ Walton ‘Samuel-proofed’ the ceilings in Terrovania so he couldn't crawl on them anymore. But, alas, it was only a temporary little addition.
➜ They really can't point their finger at it, but…. There was just something off about Walton. He talks, acts, and thinks like a normal overly analytical genius would. But, something about him just… Doesn't feel right.
➜ Walton brings lollipops everywhere he goes, just to shove them in Samuel's mouth to get him to shut up.
➜ ‘Conversations’ between Max and Walton barely feel like conversations. Because of how quiet the two are, most would just assume they were having an unusually tense staring contest.
➜ Learning about Max's unnatural strength, only made Walton want to run experiments on him even more. Unfortunately, at the end of the day, he can't do that as long as Max is still Terrovania’s dorm head.
➜ Both Max and Samuel can agree that they don't want to go into Walton's room at all. The stench emitting from it was enough of a reason, but it seemed there were more reasons than they let on…
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reanimatedgh0ul · 2 months
when it comes to my hcs regarding the trio having grown up together i think tucker's parents would get along w sam's parents just fine meanwhile w danny's parents it's the complete opposite and the 1 person in the fenton family who's basically acting as the proverbial olive branch is danny and jazz's abuelo bc i imagine him getting along w ida
i think the main reason as why the relationship btwn the fentons and mansons is more tense compared to their relationship w the foleys is bc of them having differing personalities that clash w one another
also control freaks isn't canon to me so as far as i'm concerned instead of sam's parents inherently seeing tucker/danny as bad influences on their daughter
i imagine pamela and jeremy were def the kind of parents who prior to sam befriending tucker/danny would try to set her up on playdates w their acquaintances' kids but she ended up almost always never getting along w any of the other kids so it was practically a lost cause
so they eventually threw in the towel and then at one point ida just told them that have they considered just letting sam yk make her own friends w/o their help bc while sam doesn't necessarily have the easiest time making friends w ppl like they do that doesn't mean she's incapable of finding ppl that she will get along w and so they take her advice it proves to be right
with pamela it's like on one hand she is happy that her daughter finally found some kids her age that she actually gets along w but on the other hand she preferably would like her daughter to be friends w other girls her age instead of just surrounding herself w boys™ but there's only sm she can do abt that
meanwhile jeremy's just glad that they took his mom's advice and it actually worked out although granted he'd prefer it if danny's parents weren't ALOT to deal w but on the bright side atleast the foleys are easy going
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liopleurodean · 7 months
Season 12, Episode 4: American Nightmare
They always show the churches so empty
She is not okay
...were those the cross wounds?
They are!
What is she saying?
The crown of thorns...
Must be Enochian
Not again
Sean Penn and Robert De Niro are the stars of the movie "We're No Angels"...
Poor guy
He's not exactly wrong
It seemed angelic
That's one way to put it
They are. So loud. And surrounded by people
That was weird
Aw, Dean...
No, you're not
Sounds like a great TV show
Sam, what does that mean?
I thought Sam hated rock. Of all kinds. My whole world is upside down right now
Dean asking the real questions
Eloi, eloi, lama sabachthani (I'm proud of myself, I looked it up to make sure the spelling was right and only two letters were off)
They want to know
He is definitely not okay
That's one way to put it
Sounds like Jesus to me
Wait, THAT'S what stigmata means? I gotta go find that Tumblr poll
Not likely
Makes sense
Wouldn't it be really funny if there was a tiny file about the Winchesters in there? Like, ages ago some ran across them living in a motel and filed a report but they moved out before anything happened
Dean, no
Jumping to conclusions
He is really antsy
Another one
That's a lead
It's hard to do
Oh! Magda Peterson! Okay
More likely than the Wiccan
Sweater time
Oh, this is funny
Remember when Dean was able to parkour off of chain link fences? Yeah, me too
But she doesn't hate you!
I've definitely done better with my brother after time apart
Jim Morrison and Ray Manzarek were both in The Doors, known for the song "Light My Fire."
That was an interesting reaction
I can imagine
Hah. Hahahaha. Yeah, they know God.
The bike from the previous episode. Men of Letters tailing them, maybe?
I miss the old plates
Guess so
Wow. That's rough, buddy. What made the change?
Not me, sitting in front of two screens, typing about fake people doing fake things 😭
I can respect that
There we go
"behavior-enhancing", what does that mean? Anti-depressants?
...that's not concerning at all
But not for too long
I guess it worked
Sacrifices for longevity?
Out of context, this probably looks horrible
Dean is confused™
I think Sam is on the better track
Don't shoot her, Dean
Huh. Abraham and Elijah. Magda for Magdalene? I wonder what the wife's name is
Oh, don't ruin one of my favorite childhood songs like this
That must be Magda
She's skipping around in the song
Poor girl
I don't think it's Lucifer
What is that, a flail?
...are they making her whip herself???
It's not her fault
Kid, get away from there
I don't think so
The psychic powers
One of the horseshoes is upside down
...he has the Men of Letters symbol as his background? Seriously?
Nice candle
Dean, no
Yeah, I bet
That is kind of hilarious
Thank goodness they had that conversation
Great, he doesn't have an alibi
Where did they get the Aramaic from?
Well, I may not recognize most of the words, but I know a-do-nay!
They were both wrong
Uh oh
Elijah, no
Dang it
I know this song, too
Is it?
You're not the devil, kid
Sam would know
That's not the devil, kiddo
How old is she?
He hasn't used them in a hot minute
He used to
Hah! Not really
It wasn't on purpose
Oh, Magda...
It wasn't your fault, kiddo
Is this a normal situation?
Definitely not helping!
No, you really don't!
That doesn't sound right
No! No, it doesn't! That's against everything Jesus stood for!
She's a psychopath!
Elijah, no!
Magda, help him!
No. Not even remotely
This is horrifying
Magda, no, please
Thank goodness
Let's hope she's not as psycho
Oh really? What makes you say that, Dean?
It's okay
I hope so
Speaking of
Aw. Cute
Heh. She's got that hunter chic
...I don't think she's gonna make it to California
There's biker guy
Magda, look out!
Oh no...
Those freaking--
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dadbodsandbots · 1 year
your ship with Locus!? in a world of lost and found: 3, 7, 14, 33, aand 50!
3. What was their first impression of each other? We met when Sam had some time off and ambled into an Outpost Discovery exhibit that I was curating at [REDACTED] UNSC base as part of their public outreach programming, and he just kind of stood around thoroughly reading display labels before I commented about what he was interested in and we organically built a rapport based on our mutual interests. Sam was actually relieved that I carried most conversations by going off the tour script with personal quips but also feeling encouraged to share his thoughts and experiences. For the first time in a long time, he felt seen and valued as a person who happened to be a soldier. I was thrilled that 1) unga bunga gorgeous guy, and 2) oh thank god a jarhead that actually respects my job title
Sam was more than a little embarrassed when, after automatically walking in the direction of the exhibit one day, Felix told him to "say hi to your girlfriend for me." To absolutely no one's surprise, Felix decided to tag along to rag on Sam because "OF COURSE chubby nerds are your type" or some shit no matter how many times Sam tried to ditch him. Predictably, Felix got bored real fast and started touching accessions before I slapped him with a 30-day ban then had him removed from the premises. That day also happened the first time I saw Sam genuinely smile.
7. How often do they say “I love you”?
I say "I love you!" so so so easily because it's true!! It's a fresh shot of dopamine every single time and it doesn't even bother me that Sam doesn't nearly verbalize it near as much as I do because that makes any time he quietly says it back that much more special!
Sam knows this and will wait until we're swaying in a hammock or washing dishes together then drop an "I love you" because he loves watching me light up like a Christmas tree and fall asleep smiling after a hard day. His love is careful - deliberate - and very, very real.
14. Do they enjoy PDA, or are they more private with affection?
I'm the more tactile of us, so I'm quick to give a hug or kiss on the cheek, but only if I know Sam's chill with the present company seeing. Sometimes my hand migrates to his back pocket at the bar out of habit, so he'll huffs and nudges me if it gets too obvious what I'm up to.
In public, Sam's affection is masked by intent. He stands directly behind me or at my side and might put his hand on my back if we're walking. He's also not immune to gingerly brushing his fingers against mine in an excuse to reach for something; when I say this man is touch STARVED-
Sam's more generous with affection in and around the privacy of our home, kissing the top of my head or fidgeting with my hair. Non-sexual intimacy is one of his favorite forms of expression because of the quiet, raw honesty that we mutually love each other without audacious displays and without question at our best and our lowest moments.
33. How do they flirt? Who’s the worse flirt?
Dear GOD we're both abysmal. We've actually been booed by Felix, Reese, Tucker, and Kaikaina after some flirting attempts that we almost never express affection in public now thanks guys -
When I DO flirt, it's usually just when it's the two of us that I can properly dote on Sam (i.e. play with his hair, pack a letter with his lunch, kiss his helmet for good luck, etc.). Otherwise, it's purposefully cringe shit like patting his ass when he asks a favor all "whatever you say, cake boss!"
Sam has stealth rizz when he gets impatient or tired but maybe I just like getting ordered around who knows On that note, he's both impressed and concerned about how easy it is to convince me to Complete a Task™ with a genuine compliment.
50. Would they ever break up? If so, why? Who would handle the breakup better?
We actually did break up for a not-insignificant amount of time! Emotional and physical distance built after Sam went into the private sector with Felix, whom I HEAVILY disapproved of at this point, and I stayed with the UNSC for an off-world sabbatical assignment that a supervisor with sour grapes used as an excuse to write me off on a backwater planet ( guess 👀) where I barely eked out a living as a temple tour guide and archaeological advisor.
Our communication was heavily atrophied by that point, so as far as Sam could conclude, the fact that I never responded to his messages meant that what we were was over and - despite his insistence otherwise - deeply undercut his already tenuous self-worth that apparently he wasn't owed a clean answer after everything - at least that's what Felix remarked. Siris was a temporary balm to Sam's emotional wounds, but what happened further eroded his faith in other people beyond their - and his - utility.
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The Chalice, A Ship O’er the Seas || Bobbi, Sam, & Tepin
TIMING: Current PARTIES: @timetide @samjacksonwc @cattale SUMMARY: Bobbi, Sam, & Tepin are brought together on the Salmon Ella to find the chalice that will make The Tree™ disappear. They meet an ocean friend(?) who makes a deal with them in exchange for the chalice. 
The sound of waves crashing against the rocks echoed in the small cave Marina was guarding. She could feel the chaotic rhythm and grinned at the thought of the water’s more wild nature. It had her dancing around in the faintly lit alcove with the chest she guarded and humming to herself in delight. The ocean sprites that were scattered throughout the cave and the outside were all on high alert. They could feel it too. They were all in sync with the body of water they protected. Between the normal flow of the waves, there was something there. She knew they wouldn’t be alone for long. A satisfied smirk crossed her face. “At the ready,” she directed firmly, “It seems like we’re due for some visitors. Don’t make it easy for them to get in.”
Tepin wasn’t entirely sure what she was doing here. Aboard the boat of a woman she had barely met. With the man she had only met once and under the weirdest of circumstances. She stayed still, holding herself steady with her hand wrapped around the rails, as she watched everyone else, eyes wandering to and from each of the other assembled personalities. The balam was way out of her league, like a literal fish out of water, except the fish was a jaguar and the water was the Outskirts. As she struggled to steel herself against the inevitability of what’s to come, an age-old question crawled out of her lips. “Are we there yet?”
To say that Sam wasn’t amused with Tepin’s antics would be the understatement of the year. Grinning from ear to ear at the sight of her looking every bit uncomfortable like she hasn’t been on a boat, which was probably true, he shook his head and turned towards the captain, gesturing in that direction with a nod. “I think the Captain’s more suited to answer that question. What’s the status update, Captain? Are we close?” 
 Sam, on the other hand, has been on a boat. Multiple times already. Sometimes not of his own free will. While he wasn’t a master of the vessel, he did know his way around it, even enjoyed it. The open waters, the cool ocean breeze, the occasional spray of saltwater in his face… It all made for an excellent and invigorating set-up for adventure, whether that was inevitable or mostly in his head. The sight of Bobbi, however, both annoyed and scared him. While his encounter with Tepin had been awkward in a more hilarious kind of way, his first time meeting with the fisherfolk had been more tense and too dangerous for his own taste. Gotta keep my eye on that one.
Bobbi was terrified, solicitous, and desperately worried. She had obviously never done anything like this before, and by like this, she means taking with her two fragile-looking landlubbers who may just end up dragging them all down. It didn’t help that she was, even if she would never admit it, not even to herself, more concerned of her broken ankle, an injury that was already healing but not at 100% yet. She had actually earned it during the first time she encountered Sam Jackson, who looked every bit like his father, the man that had himself earned her ire so many years ago. It took a lot from her, to remind herself that Sam was not Jack, but he bore his father’s face, and it made Bobbi feel much more uneasy than she should be.
 With a sigh, she turned to the pair, one after another, before immediately shifting her attention back to the bow. “We’re close.” Catching a glimpse of John close by gave her a little bit of relief. While the boys seemed oblivious enough to the supernatural that lurked beneath the town’s many masks, they would never abandon their Captain. Just like their ancestors once stuck by her side despite the greater odds. She scowled at that memory, especially when it reminded her of their loss, the ghostly fleet taking the Jade Wind from them. Fortunately for everyone involved, Bobbi and her crew were no strangers to Hanging Rock, to where their treasure supposedly hides. Haunted or not, that treasure will soon be theirs. “Steady yourselves… Watch out for any surprises.”
“Surprises?” Tepin did not like the sound of that. She had zero experiences on a boat, whether docked or at sea. Any “surprises” in this scenario would definitely catch her off guard, no matter how prepared she tried to be. Pretty soon now the jaguar might even pop out, without her consent as usual, without her being able to control it. It might end up jumping off of the boat. On one hand, Tepin was worried that might be harmful to the creature and of course to herself. On the other? I guess that would keep the others safe… She wasn’t even sure the jaguar could swim, though it probably could. 
 She wondered, however, if she could, for once in her life, given the current newness of her situation, control the jaguar this time, but she soon realised that she scarcely cared. She could feel the fear of the unknown bubbling within her, and the cold air not of the ocean breeze but of that same fear thumping fast in her chest. She felt fine, though. She felt absolutely fine. I feel nothing at all. “What kind of surprises?”
Bobbi didn’t have to say that twice. Sam was more than ready to take on any surprises. He wasn’t going to be caught off guard again. Not after what happened in that cave. He had learned his mistakes, learned from Thomas a few tricks, and even though he was neither a hunter or whatever Bobbi was, he could defend himself all the same. At least that’s what he thought, liked to think. That flare gun trick worked before, so he brought another with him. Also a spear and a harpoon, both of which he actually has no idea how to use. Great. At least he has his trusty gun. If only he wasn’t a bad shot. “Duly noted, Captain.”
 “You okay there, bud?” Sam raised an eyebrow when he heard Tepin squeaking in her little corner of the deck. He was starting to second-guess why she was there as well. From what he could remember, she didn’t really strike him as someone who would be moderately useful in this situation. Don’t get Sam wrong: He thought she was pretty and nice and an outstanding member of the community, but this was a treasure hunt, and well, ruthlessness might be a little bit more useful than being nice or outstanding. “Don’t worry about it. Just make sure you’re going to be able to keep yourself safe. Captain can take care of the rest, broken ankle or not. Trust me: I’ve seen her fight. She is a beast.” He turned towards her again, an eyebrow and suspicions still raised.
 “Any and all kinds of surprises,” stated Bobbi, explaining it as best as she could. She wasn’t really much of an orator or academic. The way she saw things, she took to them plainly, often never in-depth. Maybe she should try to, but the people around her, the boys mostly, worked well with her plain statements, so she never really needed to go above and beyond that. Maybe that should change. Maybe. “Hanging Rock may be beautiful on the surface, but there’s a reason why it has a haunting reputation. Back then, people were hanged there, people suspected of witchcraft, victims of an ill-advised witch hunt. To this day, some people still hear their screams of injustice at night—against the swelling of the sea.”
 The huxian smiled at them, as best as she could, stopping her words with a wince when her ankle reminded her of its current state, annoyed and unimpressed and pained. Bobbi nodded her head towards the pair, gesturing for John to take to them, to make sure they wouldn’t get in her way, they would be safe. Despite her telling herself that the two outsiders would be just dead weight to her, she was actually more concerned that any misstep on her part, especially with her broken ankle, could lead to their unnecessary deaths. That just won’t do. Not again.
Tepin shook her head, which pretty much contradicted the reassurance that spilled forth from her lips. “I-I’m fine… It’s just… This is my first time on a boat, so… I’ve… Never gone on a treasure hunt on a boat…” Her words were measured yet awkward. She tried to be honest, without portraying herself as a burden to the others, but she believed the same, so it was very hard for her to keep the truth from them. She could only ever keep the one, and it was mostly because the jaguar’s truth would not help anyone. Tepin tried her best to reassure Sam and the others with a nod, but even that didn’t seem very helpful or believable.
 Turning towards the Captain as she spoke, Tepin couldn’t help but gulp. She wasn’t new to ghost stories, inexperienced, as back home in Mexico, her parents and her family had a lot of them, most even shared with her at bedtime. It was difficult not to. Her mother was a herbalist and her father the village witch doctor, both of them well-versed with the more supernatural side of life. Tepin, however, had never really encountered a ghost first-hand. Or a witch. At least she wasn’t aware of any such encounters. She could only watch as John went to them, giving her a reassuring smile himself, which she tried to repay but could only muster another awkward half-hearted smile. If things go south… I hope the jaguar doesn’t mess all of this up so much…
Sam simply gave Tepin a nod, though his dark brown eyes lingered on her, hoping she was truly fine and would not suffer her demise in this journey. God, I hope no one dies on this boat. Or no one on this boat dies. Sam had no intention of dying himself. He still had to catch up with his work partner, Yoo-ara, when she finally returned to the office. Her holiday leave had been extended on account of her mother getting sick, but Sam knew the truth: Yoo-ara didn’t even see her mother. What did you get yourself into, little fox?
 His reverie was interrupted when John, a member of the Captain’s crew, went to them to reassure him and Tepin, whom he knew were the only strangers to the boat and the crew, that everything would be fine. Of course it is! They were a capable crew of fishermen. They would know everything about the sea, and as the Captain had seemingly implied with her spooky explanation, this part of town. Sam was still very and highly suspicious of Bobbi’s true nature, but because she had technically saved her life, and he hers even if she would never admit it, he felt some sort of strange bond with her, a pact. Whatever this treasure is, I can’t just not try and see it for myself. 
Bobbi kept her eyes on the sea as she continued to steer the ship. Most wouldn’t dare sail this close to Hanging Rock, especially not somewhere as confined or unexplored as the little water caves around the area, but where there’s treasure to be found, Bobbi would risk everything for it. Well, maybe not everything. Is it really that much of a risk when you’re prepared and you have decades of experience plundering and pillaging the seas? Maybe. Bobbi wasn’t entirely sure.
 What she was sure of, though, was that the cave would not be left unguarded. Treasures rarely are. Bobbi squinted as hard as she could as she brought her ship closer to their destination, to where the X marked the spot. Figuratively, of course. There was no literal X to be seen anywhere, but there were…jellyfish? Bobbi felt her throat tighten when one of her crew pointed that part out. “Whoa, are those jellyfish?” And then another. And another. And another. Until she herself could see them swarming all sides of the boat. Fuck, why did it have to be jellyfish?! 
 Bobbi screamed as she steadied the ship, calling for another from her crew to take over the helm. “Don’t let them on the ship! Don’t touch them! Keep them back!” She soon went for a spear and directed the others to poke back into the ocean any jellyfish that tried to climb aboard. Well, hurl themselves aboard. I’ve seen worse.  
Curious, Tepin turned to where the crew member was looking to catch a glimpse of the supposed jellyfish. She hadn’t seen one for years, having spent most of her life hiding out in forests and jungles, far from the coast and the seas. The last time she had been near one, she was still just a little girl, when her parents brought her to the beach for that rare vacation. Even then, she had not enjoyed the experience. Water was great, but saltwater? Tepin had never been fond of the open waters, at least not as much as most were. 
 “Why are they swarming the boat? Do they do that often?” She asked before the creatures began to actually rock the boat. Tepin almost fell back down on the deck but she managed to hold herself up with the nearest rail, just instinctively grabbing it. If she could, she would’ve cursed, but she realized she didn’t even have time to do that. The rest of the boat’s crew started to take to the rails themselves, armed with spears and sticks. Tepin made way for them, heading to the middle, almost bumping into one or two of the fishermen along the way. “What’s happening? Is this normal?”
 Tepin already knew the answer to that. Well, part of her did. The other part? It was struggling to get out, to face the dangers ahead, to take control and assert its dominance. But Tepin held her own against it. It was not the time or place to transform. Don’t… Please don’t! Not now! Not with these people!
Jellyfish? Sam couldn’t really care less about the jellyfish. It has been a while as well since the last time he was face-to-face with such a creature, but it was a good thing. He wouldn’t want to be anywhere near the sting of a jellyfish. Not if he wanted to get peed on again. Nightmare creatures. Even as they swarmed the boat, rocked it, Sam did not immediately think of them as a threat. Not until the Captain started screaming directions, orders really, to make sure they were treated as such. “What the fuck?”
 Looking around him, Sam took another fisherman’s spear and started hitting the jellyfish on the right side of the boat, the side closest to him, trying his best to keep them away from the vessel. Although he intended to harm them, he was actually hitting them with the blunt end of the weapon, not noticing that fact, just acting out of instinct, pure adrenaline. Unfortunately, Sam was terrible at this, and he ended up losing the spear to a grabby jellyfish. Well, two of them, a pair that decided to gang up on him and take his only weapon. 
 “Fuck!” Startled, mostly because he had no idea jellyfish could do that, Sam immediately backed off from the rails, allowing another more competent fisherman to take his place. 
 As Sam looked around him, he caught sight of a panicking Tepin. He raised an eyebrow, just standing there, watching her, curious as to why she was even here when she wasn’t even helping anyone else. Despite that, however, the White Crest Tourism Board Member went to the woman he had driven home before and held her, trying to make sure she was all right. “You okay? Tepin? Miss Silva? Stay with me! We’ll be fine, all right? We’ll be just fine! The Captain and her crew know what they’re doing. Trust me. We’ll be fine.” Right? They know what they’re doing, right?! Truth be told, he wasn’t even sure anymore. Not like he ever is.
With the tenacity of a boat captain that had lost far too many ships, even though she only really had that one to lose, Bobbi growled under her breath as she used the blunt end of her spear to push the jellyfish back from the bow of her ship. This was her ship, and she wasn’t losing it. Not now. Not ever. Not again. “Focus on keeping them back, men!” 
 Knowing that her crew would be loyal enough to do what they’re told, and then some, Bobbi stole glimpses of the two strangers that had boarded her ship. When she realized they were too busy with each other to notice anything out of the ordinary, or at least she hoped, the huxian took a deep breath and channelled the electricity within her, sending the energy out discreetly towards the jellyfish that had accumulated at the bow. She did not intend to kill, mostly just to scare them off, force them back, but if that didn't work, she would have no other choice soon. It wasn’t just the treasure that she wanted to take at all costs: She also had people onboard that she didn’t want to get hurt by these damned sea creatures. Come on, come on, come on… Just leave us alone!
While everyone else did their best to fight off the swarms of jellyfish trying to tip their boat over, Tepin was more preoccupied with trying to fight off the jaguar within. The struggle was real, to borrow an overused phrase, as she rarely had the opportunity to stand her ground, retain her control over her body, her very sense of self. The last time she was able to, she had been dreading the hours leading to the would-have-been takeover. She also managed to beat the beast back then, so the human part of her had hope that the result would be the same.
 But then Sam came over, and while she fidgeted in place, her arms tight around her chest, her fingers uncontrollably flailing around, here and there, not unlike that of a certain fictional witch in scarlet, he was already all over her, reminding her of the warmth her mother and father had once shared with her when she was just a little girl, just as scared if not more. Tepin, however, felt more than just his warmth. As he continued to spew words of hope and encouragement, not a single one she retained. She couldn’t focus on much of what he was saying. She was more drawn to his scent, to his racing heartbeat, to how delicious he suddenly seemed to be.
 Sam… Why are you… Why do you look so tasty? Her eyes were turning amber, more jaguar-like, as she turned her head to face his neck, his juicy, very delectable, very vulnerable neck. Shaking, her arms made their way around him, her right over his left shoulder and her left underneath his right arm. Slowly, Tepin gave him a hug, as tight as she could in that condition, while her face nestled against his neck, above his right shoulder. You’re so warm… And so defenseless… I could just eat you up, you tall, antler-less- Trust?
 That one word snapped Tepin back to reality, as if it was the anchor her ship needed to become moored, to keep her where she was, what she was. She felt her throat tighten, her eyes water, as she kept her hold on him, this time no longer…hungry. “I-I’m sorry… F-fine… We’ll be…fine.” Will they, though? Will she? When she can’t even trust herself? 
Sam could do nothing else as watch the rest of Bobbi’s crew, including herself of course, fend off the jellyfish swarm with surprising competence. Well, as competent as anyone could, fighting off jellyfish that were trying to board a fishing boat. Sam had never seen anything like it, but over the years, after spending so much time in White Crest, he’s learned to just accept that things will never stop being weird. Or dangerous. 
 “Fucking hell. What is up with the jellyfish around this place? Is this even normal?” Sam muttered under his breath, already forgetting how someone else was in his arms, someone more dangerous. Realizing that, however, the first part anyway, he discreetly put a hand on her ears, as if that would help with anything. “Sorry about that. Haven’t really seen anything like this before, but to be fair, I’ve never been around these parts and on a boat.”
 As soon as she hugged him back, however, Sam raised an eyebrow, trying to turn towards her and look her in the eyes, but Tepin had already…nuzzled his neck. Weird. He found it…odd but allowed it, assuming that she was probably just afraid and this was one of those things where you do weird shit when you’re really afraid. Sam has done worse before. “Sorry? What are you sorry for? Don’t worry about it, okay? This won’t last long. Ms. Lin’s got this under control.”
Bobbi did not have this under control. She tried her best to shock the damned creatures off but only managed to succeed against less than half of the swarming jellyfish at the bow. At least not without alerting the others to her true nature. No way in hell was she going to have that long ass conversation with her crew. There must be another way, right? The huxian looked around her, panicking but trying her best to remain calm under pressure. At least on the outside. A jellyfish almost made contact with one of her men but John was quick enough to catch it, hitting it back to the sea with the side of his spear like it was a baseball and he intended to win a championship game with a homerun. Everything else around her seemed like they were happening in slow motion: his boys doing their best to stave off the attack, two of them screaming in fear and frustration, three using the same spear to push back a stack of jellyfish that was nearing the edge of the ship, and Sam and Tepin holding each other like lovers left alive. Good movie.
 “Does anyone have any suggestions, anything at all?!” Bobbi screamed before continuing to push the relentless jellyfish off the bow, those that she could not fry or shock earlier into submission. John screamed back at her after pulling another fisherman out of the way of a jellyfish that just freaking hurled itself from the rest and onto the boat, almost slipping as he managed to kick it off the boat, back into the sea, like he was bending it like Beckham (sorry, Ariana) in a World Cup finals. “Pee on them?!”
 “No! Absolutely not! No one’s peeing on anything!” Bobbi rolled her eyes at John’s stupid suggestion, missing his heroic feats because she was too damn busy with her own side of the boat. She stole another glimpse of the fisherman at the helm who was struggling to keep them in place. The damn jellyfish were definitely formidable as a swarm. She did not doubt that. Turning her attention towards Sam and Tepin, she yelled at them, swatting a jellyfish that tried to sneak up on her back to where it came from. “Any bright ideas, Jackson?!” 
 Sure, the best way to take out jellyfish was to remove it from the water, dry it out somewhere else, and then douse it in gasoline to set it on fire, but they were on a boat and it wasn’t exactly immune to fire. If they did that, they could pretty much just burn themselves to death. Bobbi wasn’t losing another boat. “Something that doesn’t involve setting my boat on fire please!”
Nodding her head while still hiding her face between Sam’s juicy neck and shoulder, Tepin didn’t dare turn to him yet. Not while she could still feel her own heartbeat racing. She was holding her own against the jaguar, but she wasn’t that confident yet that her face was still her own. The hunger had fully disappeared but there was still that rage, or was that fear, bubbling close to the surface. The balam was afraid that if she made any unnecessary motion, left Sam’s warmth and comfort, the jaguar would simply just take the opportunity and rip everyone else on that boat to shreds. 
 “N-nothing…” came her soft reply to his question, like a weak little baby bird still feeling her wings, not yet out of its nest for even the first time. Tepin wasn’t feeling as weak, however. In fact, she was mustering all the courage and strength she could to stay…herself. The chaos around them was not helping. If this was what the fishermen considered under control, then they’re either the bravest or stupidest men she had ever met. Sometimes, there was but a fine line. 
 “C-can you not use your nets? Lift them over the sea, all of them?” She spoke out, not even sure the others could hear her, not even sure her suggestion would help. Tepin hoped at least that Sam could. He was close enough.
 “Me?!” Sam yelled back at Bobbi, thoroughly confused and very, very agitated. Not at Bobbi, of course. Well, mostly not at her. He was more frustrated that the jellyfish swarm didn’t seem to be letting up anytime soon. Where are these things even coming from? And why do they seem so determined to sink us?! “Why are you asking me? You’re the Captain of this ship! I don’t even know if these things are actual fish or whatever corals are!” Besides, Sam wasn’t that great with fish science, even if he loved fishing as a kid. Just because jellyfish had the word fish in it didn’t mean he loved them, too.
 Hearing Tepin’s suggestion, however, he turned to her with a look of confusion in his face. It took him a while, like a few seconds, but he managed to figure out what she was saying. Sam shifted his attention towards the Captain and her crew, yelling at them Tepin’s suggestion as loud as he can. Jellyfish don’t have ears, right? Can they even hear shit? “Use your nets! Lift them over the sea, dry them out? Would that work?” If not, he’ll have to start shooting these damned things.
If Bobbi wasn’t furious before, Sam’s back talk definitely sent her there. Fortunately for him, she couldn’t go stomping to where he stood, cradling Tepin like they were an ill-advised item, currently preoccupied with keeping the damned jellyfish off of her boat and away from anyone else. She’s been stung before, and it wasn’t a great experience, even though it would definitely have been a hundred times worse for someone who wasn’t a huxian. The way the jellyfish were swarming them, Bobbi wouldn’t doubt if their end goal was to have everyone spill out to the sea, where they could potentially drown them not just through the waters but with the added pain of their thousand stings. Can’t have that.
 Sam’s suggestion quickly calmed her anger, though, annoyance really, and she found the ebony black of her almond-shaped eyes wandering towards the nets. Could they actually do that? Would that really work? She shrugged. It’s worth a try. With one final shove with the blunt end of her stick, Bobbi grabbed one of her men, pulling him to replace her before grabbing another one and quickly gesturing towards the nets. “You, keep the jellyfish off the boat here. You, help me with the damned nets!” Both men were quick to follow her orders, well acquainted with the fury of their captain ignored.
  From the shadows of the cave, Marina had a sinister grin painted on her face as the sprites protecting the treasure with her took to swarming the boat that was approaching their little alcove. Her eyes narrowed as she observed the crew. She could sense some frustration among them which means her comrades had done their job well. Even still, the boat anchored outside her cave. That simply wouldn’t do. She’d spent longer than she could remember guarding this spot. The artifacts within the musty wooden chest held more value than even she knew, but it was time, if they chose to pay the price. No one else had made it quite this far, so if they decided to take her offer, she’d part with the treasure. 
 She exited the shadows and let the fading light of day dance across the small tentacle-like suctions that danced across her skin as she showed some of her true form. Her army of sprites were on all sides of her should they choose not to pay the price it demanded. “Stop there,” the nymph demanded. Her voice was icy as it boomed over the sound of crashing waves; waves that she could practically feel swelling within her. “You haven’t sunk yet,” she commented with disdain, “A minorly impressive feat. Tell me, what is it you seek?” 
Hearing Sam reiterate her words in a much louder voice made Tepin feel conflicted. A part of her was glad that he had heard her, that she was sharing her suggestion to the rest of the crew, that she was essentially helping. The other, still human part? It felt a little confused, betrayed, as if Sam had stolen her moment in the glory, if there even was such a thing. Tepin told herself, in her head, that it was just not the time to consider who said what, that Sam was most likely just spurred by the moment, prioritizing a potential solution and perhaps just forgetting to give credit where credit was due. What would I even do with that?
 Still holding Sam, as if she was either hiding still from their jellyfish oppressors or keeping him close just in case she’d reconsider her aforementioned support for his continued existence despite the imagined slight, Tepin stole a glimpse of the strange person that had stepped out of the shadows of the nearby cave. “Who’s that?” The words crawled softly from her lips, perhaps only Sam hearing her due to the commotion all around them. As per usual, Tepin had no idea what she was, if she was even a person, though the creatures around her would suggest otherwise.
  Sam immediately took a step forward, carefully moving Tepin behind him. Even though Sam wasn’t a hero, and he definitely didn’t want to die as one, his protective instincts kicked in, though a look of confusion dominated his face as he shifted his full attention towards the person Tepin had pointed out, the same person he himself heard yelling at them from the cave beyond. He watched them, trying to figure out if they were human or not, but at that distance? Sam shouldn’t have wasted his own time. 
 “Thank you, miss, uhh…?” He tried to fish for her name while on a fishing boat, which should be hilarious for someone else, but they were still in danger of getting stung to the afterlife by the swarms of jellyfish that seemed to be under the new person’s beck and call. He’s heard of cat ladies and dog trainers, but this person really knew how to stay unique. Sam tried his best to negotiate with the stranger, hoping they did control the jellyfish. It was a weird thought but did he have any other options? 
 “I’m Sam Jackson, of the White Crest Tourism Board. Me and my crew here, who all would really appreciate these majestic sea creatures—of yours?, uhh, yes, if the jellyfish would, uhm, stop trying to tip our boat… We’re here to, uhm, acquire a very fancy chalice…with roots along the stem. It’s very important to us, and we need it for the, uhh, town, so… I hope we’re not bothering you, miss…?”
Before Bobbi and another fisherman from her crew could actually make any progress with the nets, something else caught their attention, someone else, another creature that seemed more dangerous than the swarms of jellyfish about to either sting them to death or first flip her boat over and then sting them to death. Scowling, Bobbi turned to the direction of the woman, who had apparently been hanging out in the cave with more of the jellyfish. Great. Just great.
 Before Bobbi could address them as the Captain of the ship, however, Sam was already running his mouth. She turned to him, still scowling, an eyebrow raised. In Sam’s defense, that was his job: running his mouth. Although Bobbi wouldn’t dare trust everything he says, especially after finding out that he was the spawn of the asshole who wronged her decades ago, letting him do all the talking seemed to her like the best course of action to take this time. If anything, should he anger the other person, they could just sacrifice him to gain her trust, her help. Bobbi wouldn’t actually do that but the thought made her smile. The Captain was not known for sacrificing anyone on her ship. If anything, once you’re on her boat, you become her charge, and the former huxian pirate tends to take that whole breaking bread and protection thing somewhat seriously.
 “If you would be so kind,” Bobbi put on a more cordial demeanor, though her annoyance at the jellyfish’s ambush was still clear as daylight on her face. “We would very much like the opportunity to parley. These are your…friends, right?”
“My name is hardly relevant, but you can call me Marina,” she said plainly as she gestured for them to hurry up and come ashore so she could get a good look at them. None of them appeared to be fae. She’d be able to tell. As much wasn’t surprising, the chalice they sought would temporarily end the chaos caused by the tree. Marina knew most fae tended to relish in chaos and mischief. It was what made them far superior to anyone else they encountered. She scanned the three who were now in front of her. The one who appeared to be captain looked vaguely familiar and she had to suspect the woman spent a lot of times in these majestic waters that she called home. “Yes, we shall parley,” she waved a hand and the sprites halted their movements, “If you don’t find my terms agreeable, they will not let you take what you seek.” 
She let out a rough laugh. It’d been too long since she had company outside of the sprites she called family. Marina turned to the man and nodded slowly, “You seek the Calicem Redemptionis. It comes at a steep price, do you think you can pay?” She raised a brow and examined them each closely. For centuries, she’d known this moment would come and knew the price she’d ask. “I've spent countless years here, protecting what you seek. In a way you could never understand, it has become part of my essence. Giving it up would pain me; it would give me a wound that will never close. I will allow you to take it, but you must give something up of your own. Something that will create an open wound, something which you will miss every day of your existence. That is our agreement.” 
Marina… As soon as the name was spoken and shared, Tepin mouthed it, as if it was in a language so foreign and new to the balam. She waited until the others made the first move and followed them, despite her own fears and concerns. Being left alone in the boat with the other fishermen seemed less of an ideal situation for her, especially with the threat of the jaguar taking over from out of nowhere. With Sam and Bobbi, she felt more secure, mostly because she believed the two of them would be able to handle themselves against the beast should it ever interrupt them. If anything, if this new person ever became a threat, she could just unleash the jaguar on her and have her companions flee back to the boat.
 Tepin gulped at the mention of having to trade something of her own for the chalice, for the treasure they had sailed. She should’ve expected something like this, that she would have to lose one thing to gain, but she never expected being given a choice. Would she accept…the jaguar? The very thought gave her mixed feelings. On one hand, she had fled home to find a cure to her condition, and this seemed like it would suffice. On the other, would she even miss the creature? Would she even still be who she is without the creature? It was the uncertainty that rendered her unable to speak, the weight of the looming decision she had to make heavy upon her brow. The jaguar within would definitely not appreciate this betrayal. “Would you accept…the other part of me?”
Sam nodded at Marina, appreciating her surrendering her name. It meant, at least to him, that she was very much open to discussing things in a more civilized manner, even though she seemed like she lived in that cave with all the jellyfish. The Tourism Board Member immediately tried to lead the rest of them to shore, holding Tepin by the hand to help steady her as they went, before his eyes met Bobbi’s and he realized that he may be overstepping his authority there. 
 On land, mostly in town, Sam would hold greater weight as part of a governing body. Even though Bobbi, as a fisher, a provider of food, would technically be more important than someone who lied for a living. On her ship, however, he at least understood that the Captain was the captain for a reason. Plus, she had more people, and he wasn’t even sure they’d vote for him if he ever started a mutiny, which he knew would be stupid and unnecessary. So he took a step back, offered an apologetic nod, and followed her lead instead. Lest she makes me walk the plank! He chuckled in his mind, making sure on the outside he didn’t do anything of the sort.
 Sam raised an eyebrow at Marina’s display of political power, a simple wave of her hand and the jellyfish swarm stopped their attack. Now that’s what I call good public approval. “The Calic—” Sam hasn’t spoken or read Latin for a while, so to protect his ego, he quickly cut himself off and stopped trying, feigning a cough and just speaking plainly. “Yes, we seek the chalice. We…can try. The White Crest Tourism Board can offset the price of the item, granted that it is in good working condition and that the— Oh, you didn’t mean money, did you?” Fuck. Sam didn’t think he had anything else of note outside of money, and it wasn’t even his money. 
 This all seemed very dangerous to Sam now, especially with Tepin offering…a part of her, whatever that meant. He shot her a look of confusion before trying to make an impromptu deal. “Uhh… Would the full support and protection of the White Crest Tourism Board be something you’d be interested in? I think we can make it difficult for others to visit you and ruin your peace ever again. So you wouldn’t be bothered by random people. We can probably have this area cordoned, restricting access to everyone else… That sort of stuff?” Judging by how adept the jellyfish were at almost drowning them, they probably didn’t need his help with that, but he really had nothing else. At least that’s what he thought. “I’d be giving up the pleasure of visiting you folks ever again and that would be, uhh, something I’d definitely miss every day…”
Warily, Bobbi accepted the invitation to come ashore, gesturing to John with one look the same thing that they always did whenever the captain had to discuss something, anything, with someone else: The rest of them had to stay on the ship, and should trouble come a knocking, should the worst come to pass, they had to get the fuck out of there and make sure they’d live, wait for her at the nearest port. It was his duty as her first mate to ensure the survival of the other members of her fishing crew, and John took that seriously at least. He nodded back to her and helped them off the ship, giving Sam the stink eye for trying to go before their captain.
 Bobbi herself didn’t think much of it, Sam’s supposed attempt to wrest authority from her. The way she saw it, he was better skilled in terms of negotiations and politicking. At least if he was anything like his disgusting father. Bobbi had to shake those memories off of her mind in order to focus on the parley, giving Marina a quick nod to acknowledge at least her terms and that veiled threat. This was her territory. They’d be stupid to do otherwise. In a way, Bobbi felt somewhat of a similarity between herself and Marina, but instead of protecting a chalice, she had her obsession of taking back the Jade Wind from the Lost Fleet. She knew the feeling of being bound to something for years that it has become a part of you, your identity.
 Like Sam, Bobbi raised an eyebrow at Tepin’s offer. She ended up heaving a sigh and rolling at the politician’s attempt to win over Marina with promises and bureaucratic bullshit, as if a woman who can control enough jellyfish to threaten a fishing boat and its very competent crew would need aid from a barely functioning political entity. “It seems we all agree to your fair terms. The chalice, your essence, for our own.” Bobbi could care less about the giant tree and its annoying roots. As long as the docks were safe, that was all that mattered to her. But in the long run, in her quest to regain her ship, this all seemed to pale in comparison. Like a minor setback in her personal crusade. She’s already lost all her tails anyway. Losing something else shouldn’t make that much of a difference to her…right? 
With a tilt of her head, Marina eyed the man. While the other woman’s offer of part of herself seemed worthwhile, that wasn’t how any of this worked. Terms that were too clear left no room for embellishment for how she’d take what she was owed. The man’s idea was even more useless. As if she cared for whatever a tourism board was or what protection it could offer. She had the ocean and all of its creatures on her side. Petty human politics were hardly of importance. “I care little for whatever a tourism board is. The terms of this deal don’t quite work that way. Only time will tell what is dear to you and what will ultimately be the price you pay.” 
 The ocean sprites buzzed around her delightedly like the true friends they were. More like family, really. It’d been well over fifty years since one of her own had come to visit and she understood. The ocean was vast and needed their protection. She missed them all the same. 
 When the captain agreed to her terms, Marina cocked her head and grinned. With a glance at the sprites, they paused their excited buzzing. “Good, good. A dear part of me for a dear part of you. Time will make it all clear.” She turned to the other two. “Do you find these terms agreeable?” The look on her face and the way she eyed the sprites that kept her company left the hint of a threat in the air. 
For her part, Tepin actually thought Sam’s idea was great. Until of course Marina spoke. So she means something else? Something…vague. Something we don’t even know yet? She wondered if Marina was actually interested in her offer, as she didn’t speak against it, but Tepin wasn’t sure if that part of her would fit with Marina’s described want. Tepin doubted the jaguar spirit within her would ever be dear to her, if she would even miss it should the time come, should it become the price she has to pay. She might even enjoy being without it. Regardless of what the jaguar itself would feel, if it even could feel anything besides its wild hunger and viciousness.
 Her eyes were soon drawn to the sprites buzzing around Marina. Tepin took a step back, fearful of what they could want to do, but quickly realized that they didn’t mean them harm. For the most part anyway. Still, better safe than sorry. It was a little odd, though, how Tepin couldn’t feel the jaguar wanting to get out anymore, even in the presence of potential danger. Maybe it’s resting? 
 She heaved a sigh of relief when the sprites stopped buzzing but immediately perked up, eyes wide in surprise and fear, when Marina addressed her directly. Tepin took a moment to turn to Sam and Bobbi before realizing Bobbi had already accepted the terms for her, for them, without even directly offering anything from herself. But before Tepin could linger on that thought any further, the sprites made her feel like she didn’t have a choice. Not that she wouldn’t have accepted the terms anyway. They needed that chalice. “Y-yes… I accept.”
Sam feigned a cough, almost choking for a second there. Was it because he felt embarrassed for having read the room incorrectly? Or was it because he realized only then that he had no true power there? Regardless, he instinctively felt the need to explain things some more. “Oh, well a tourism board pretty much works to, uhh, you’re not interested, yes, of course not…” He gulped when she laid out the terms in a way that he understood. For the most part anyway. “Ah, I see… That doesn’t mean… That doesn’t include our lives, right?” Granted that Sam didn’t really care much about his own life, nor did he had any fears of dying, but it still felt so sudden to him, and Sam wasn’t someone that enjoyed or felt comfortable being caught off guard.
 He did ignore the sprites, however, fully focused on Marina and their negotiations. Sam believed she wouldn’t let her minions hurt them. Not until they came to a conclusive end, which he believed would be a pretty good compromise for everyone involved. He wasn’t thrilled with the uncertainty of the payment, but for the good of the wretched town, and more importantly his own welfare, his revenge on his father’s wicked ways, he couldn’t answer otherwise. He inhaled deeply before giving his reply. “...of course. I, Sam Jackson, of the White Crest Tourism Board, of my own free will, agree to your terms.”
 Shifting his eyes towards Tepin and then Bobbi without quite moving his head, just to make sure they were all right with all this, even though they had both already expressed their agreement, Sam feigned another cough and warily extended his hand, already expecting the chalice to be immediately surrendered to them. “We’ll be, uhh, taking the chalice then, if that would be all right?”
Bobbi simply kept to herself, raising an eyebrow at Sam when Marina put him in his place. Like father, like son, sadly. She sighed at that thought. When the sprites buzzed around them, the huxian stole glimpses of them, wary of any possible attacks, especially after Marina’s disapproval of Sam’s tactics. That would’ve been enough to set her off, to have set her creatures on them, and Bobbi wouldn’t even take it personally. She would have done the same if the roles were reversed. Fortunately, it seemed Marina was feeling generous. 
 Bobbi only listened when Tepin nervously accepted the terms more plainly and Sam almost botched his acceptance again. Mansplaining was not the way to go, my guy, but she did wonder if Sam was aware that was what he had technically tried to do. John and the boys had been in his shoes before and were unaware of their crimes, but when Bobbi set them straight, they matured accordingly. Did Sam not have a sister or a woman in his life right now? 
 Heaving a sigh, Bobbi squinted as Sam tried to take the chalice right then and there. She didn’t hate the idea. In fact, she thought it was pretty bold. The terms were set and then agreed upon. All that was left was the chalice. Hopefully, Marina didn’t think that was too rude. If she did, Bobbi, as the captain, would take the blame. Even if Sam was the poo poo head. “If I may ask, your…friends. They’re not just jellyfish, are they?”
 The man, who was later announced to be Sam Jackson, seemed more resistant to her terms. Marina wouldn’t necessarily mind showing her true form and throttling him with her tentacles, but she found she was quite eager to finally leave her guard. The ocean was a big place and she longed to swim freely. She watched him with a quirked brow. “You’re correct. I have little interest in this concept of human tourism and their boards.” 
 After, he immediately agreed and with a nod, Marina looked between the three of them. While she was curious about the other part of her the more timid woman offered up, she knew she’d know sooner or later. Now that she would be free to roam away from the cave she guarded, she had every intention of seeing how this deal played out for all involved. The ocean was home and came with its own particular brand of instability, but it’d been far too long since she watched a more orchestrated form of chaos occur. It was in her nature after all to enjoy the mischief of it all. She snapped her head back to Sam with a glare. “Patience,” she directed. 
 Her glance traveled back to the assumed captain who inquired about the jellyfish surrounding her. Marina wore a fond smile as she looked at her friends. “They are not,” she said sweetly, “I’m afraid I can’t give much more away than we share a common nature.” She let her skin take on a slightly orange and shiny tint without removing the glamor from her tentacles. Almost just as quickly, she let her glamor take back over and kept her human looking appearance. She turned to one of the sprites and watched the three carefully. It was only a moment before her friend returned with the chalice. She looked over its rooted base wistfully before handing it to the captain. “Handle it with care and utilize it wisely,” she directed, “It’s nature is a mystery, but it possesses much power. Do with that knowledge what you will.” She waved them off with an air of indifference before she added, “You’ll trek back will be calm. None who call this ocean their home will give you any difficulty.”
Seemingly more aware that he could be endangering himself and also the rest of them with his choice of words than Sam was self-aware, Tepin discreetly grabbed at his clothes, tugging at his closest sleeve to her reach. It was an attempt to signal to Sam to shut the hell up, but with the balam’s softer and much less angry demeanor, it might’ve just seemed to her that she was scared, which she also was. She tugged at his sleeve again when Marina spoke a second time, this time more out of surprise than concern at Sam’s well-being, even closing her eyes briefly.
 Because Tepin had been avoiding Marina’s gaze after she agreed to the terms, especially when Sam started seemingly annoying her and even Bobbi, she wasn’t able to see her change in skin color. She was unaware that Marina wasn’t human, though she had her suspicions, which she would definitely keep to herself. Tepin heaved a sigh of relief when she caught a glimpse of the chalice being handed to Bobbi and felt even more relieved when Marina promised they would be safe on their way back. Regardless, she waited for the others to lead the way back to the ship, more content with being a quiet follower than a dead hero. “T-thank you, Marina. We’re sorry if we bothered you. Have a great day.” 
Sam’s eyes widened in surprise when Marina snapped at him. Yep, definitely should not take point in this. He took back his hand in a flash, as if fearful that Marina would take a bite out of his fingers. He needed those fingers. He didn’t want to lose those fingers. But what if my fingers would be the price to pay? Sam gulped as he held his fingers in his hand, now worried more than ever. So worried in fact that he didn’t even notice the first time Tepin tugged on his sleeve.
 The second time was hard to miss, not unlike the quick transformation Marina did, which Sam wasn’t even sure of was real. Maybe he was just seeing things. Maybe his brain was trying to portray her as scarier than she was, should be. Taking Tepin’s arm and moving her behind him, he offered Marina an awkward and apologetic smile as they waited for…something. When a returning sprite revealed that it was in fact the chalice, Sam’s grin turned into a better one, one that had more pride than necessary, as he extended his hand once more to accept…only to find out it was given to Bobbi instead. Yeah, that checks out. She is the captain, so… Sam pretended to cough, looking away as he retrieved his ignored hand, trying his best to salvage what was left of his pride. 
 “Thank you.” Sam nodded at Marina and even offered her a quick bow…for some reason. He tried to stare at her as long as he could, but almost immediately chickened out when she turned to him, or at least he thought she was about to, instinctively looking away, towards Bobbi, hoping to follow her lead out of there with Tepin safe behind him. It was like being a child, with another child, caught between two scary mommies. God, that’s an awful analogy. With head bowed, he followed their captain to safety, making sure Tepin was doing the same.
God damn it, Sam! Bobbi wanted nothing else than to scream that at him, even though she understood his point-of-view and even attributed some usefulness to him and his line of work. But angering this Marina person? It was not the way to go. Not even by a longshot Bobbi could probably take her on, though. One on one. Just the two of them. But with that army of jellyfish surrounding them and the boat? Bobbi could take her out but she didn’t want to think how many of her crew, including Sam and Tepin, would end up as casualties. That was not the way to go.
 “Huh. I figured as much.” Bobbi stole a glimpse of the treasure’s guardian as her skin shifted to something else and then back again. The huxian wasn’t sure if the form that was standing before them now was Marina’s true form. She’s probably more like her jellyfish friends. Or was she? That seemed like the easiest train of thought to take, but when Baozhai was commanding her own pirate ship that was crewed by humans, her true form was different from theirs. Realizing that, she decided to just ignore the mystery and focus on the task at hand. 
 Although Bobbi was a little surprised when she was given the chalice, mostly because Sam was the one who had asked for it, she quickly understood that she shouldn’t have felt that way. She was their captain and Marina most likely didn’t trust Sam because of his impatience. Plus, he was so fucking untrustworthy. Even Bobbi wouldn’t leave him with the shiba. She’d probably trust the shiba with the chalice more than she would Sam. Bobbi gave Marina a serious nod as she received the treasure. “We will. You have our sincerest gratitude, Marina.”
 Turning to Sam and Tepin once, she gestured for them to follow her, and never looked back again, holding the chalice with both hands. Bobbi didn’t want to catch another glimpse of Marina, whatever she was. Not because she was afraid of her and her army. Not because she was disgusted of her and her true form. But because if she did, the huxian didn’t know if she would end up asking her more unnecessary questions. If she wouldn’t try and ask her about the Lost Fleet. Or if Sam would beat her to them first.
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janiedean · 2 years
do you think grrm/asoiaf endorses incest and what do you think of jon/arya being a romance story in the OG outline and how some people it may be hinting towards jon/dany or jon/sansa
with the premise that if I get discourse on this it's getting immediately deleted and that I'm answering this in extremely objective terms and not wrt my feelings concerning specific ships:
'grrm endorses incest': he has said more than once in public/interviews that he does not and all the incest you see in *asoiaf* in canon is hardly endorsing™ since we're talking about one relationship that is presented from the get-go as unhealthy and that is over and finished on page, so no I don't grrm doesn't
that's also including the targ stuff in general in f&b because while grrm is a lot less hard on targ incest than on the other-specific-incest we're discussing f&b is written like a history book for the very specific reason of having the external pov from which you have to deduce things, it's clearly shown that the continuous incest going on within the family is bad™ and honestly idt that if he doesn't write idk jaehaerys/alysanne as immediately HORRIBLE™ doesn't mean that you can't see that he doesn't go and endorse that irl or that he enjoys the concept or whatever outside 'I am writing a fantasy thing where I incorporated the fact that most european royals married within each other and I want to explore this'
'what do you think of jon/arya being a romance in the og outline': that it was a shit idea but there's a reason why the og outline got scrapped for a good 75% of it and he realized it wasn't a very good idea, also jaime is the villain™ in the og outline and in what we got is half of the crowning achievement romance™ of grrm's dreams so I don't think that what's in the og outline beyond what's actually in the books matters at all
'how some people it may be hinting towards jon/dany or jon/sansa': with the premise that - again - I have absolutely zero horses in this race because as far as I'm concerned the only woman I ship jon with is ygritte (unless you throw gilly and sam both in the middle of it) so like it's all the same to me: - I have no doubt that at this point jon/dany is gonna happen because like... as much as I don't showtruth they went there for two wholeass seasons and there's enough text evidence that it might be a thing so if we say that he took the jon/arya outline thing and put it on dany it's not completely out of nowhere but - like... never mind that imvho jon/dany is not an endgame romance (I think she goes back to essos and he fixes shit/separates the kingdoms again and goes to live with the wildlings when he's done), while they are related, one thing is 'the sister of my long-dead father that I didn't even know was my father until I was 16 and to whom I have no previous relationship and to whose family I feel no previous kinship', one thing is 'my first grade cousin with whom I grew up thinking she was my sister' like sorry but the 'ew they're related' factor here counts in immensely different ways so just that would disqualify jon/sansa immediately because if you grew up with someone thinking they're your sibling that's not gonna stop the moment you find out you're cousins which is btw still incest
also like back to the beginning, in westeros incest is seen as bad - like the only reason targs get away with it is that jaehaerys paid off the entire fucking conclave to make a law saying that incest is bad and unholy and terrible except when targaryens do it because they're above everyone else but everyone else doesn't get that luxury like craster is seen as the literal worst, jc have to hide it because if they got found out they'd be killed for it -, I don't see how this setting means 'the author excuses incest', and the fact that cousin marriage is more accepted doesn't mean that eyebrows aren't raised at it and like it automatically means that then it's somehow more okay, like.... it's not and out of all the options jon/dany is the least charged one in that sense
I don't think 'incest is a thing in these books but the author obviously doesn't endorse it and has obviously clear that he doesn't go for it beyond the exploration of how that would work within the targs historically' is anything that leads to the conclusion 'the main character's endgame love interest will be strictly related to him'
especially when it comes to jon/sansa anyway because I'd again like to reiterate once again that sansa has an endgame romance whose name is either sandor clegane or tyrion lannister and jon isn't even a contender when it comes to people who have a chance in hell of being sansa's endgame LI so honestly I think it's a moot point anyway
also I would like to again point out that fine there's the whole 'incest is a crime for everyone including targaryens' issue but for jon that wouldn't really matter because he never thought of himself as one, the one thing he wanted was being a stark, when he finds out he's targ it won't automatically make him go like OH WELL THEN THAT'S THE HOUSE I OWE MY ALLEGIANCE TO JUST FOR THAT and he won't go like 'ah well I can marry my relatives because I'm a targ who stops me' because he doesn't care for that and he's not going to change his entire value system based on that, and like if he and dany get together and they already know his bg (which... I mean I think there is no sensed way they wouldn't know before meeting given the book timeline) it's going to be in spite of that - like dany probably doesn't gaf about that bc she grew up with viserys who thought they should get married in targ fashion but jon would have an issue or two with that I think which ngl is why I thought no way jon/dany was gonna happen in canon but... i mean if it does now with a lot of conflict on his side I'm not gonna be surprised
tldr: that the jon/arya thing is a blueprint for jon/dany could be a thing but the fact that grrm thrice-removed the level of how strictly they're related to go there says everything there is to say about him realizing it was a shit idea/there was no way it was an endgame, that the jon/arya thing is a blueprint for jon/sansa endgame is not a thing dot because it bases itself on the concept that a) the moment jon finds out he's a targ he stops giving a fuck about everything he's gaf until this point b) that he's sansa's endgame, and considering that sansa's arc is 'I wanted to be a queen and marry a dashing pretty beautiful guy and then I realized that court sucks and pretty guys are fake as fuck so I won't be a queen anymore but I'll have my love story with a guy that everyone sees as monstrous but actually is not because the author really likes beauty and the beast' and jon is ultimately headed for kingship I really doubt they interact as more than 'we didn't care for each other while we were growing up together so now we'll learn to be siblings' so *shrug*
but anyway none of ^^^ means grrm thinks incest should be legal or encouraged or whatever
this stated: idgaf if people ship it in asoiaf any of them as long as they aren't assholes about it but that's valid for every ship under the sun anyway so like this isn't me judging ppl on enjoying incest stuff wrt asoiaf like knock yourself out, and people can ship whatever in whichever way they like (I mean if ppl wanna write however much fic with endgame j*nsa reigning together bc it's what they like good for them), but idt the text supports any incest ship being eventual endgame unless I'm colossally wrong about jondany but idt grrm wants targ restoration monarchy given his politics and the fact that it's present in canon doesn't mean the text supports it or sponsors it nor that grrm has it on top of his fictional preferences in ships list because his fictional preference wrt ships is beauty and the beast and that sure af doesn't exactly fit the bill XD
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of-a-chaotic-mind · 3 years
Headcanon for Being the Gen Z Child of Dean, Sam, & Cas
TW/CW: Gen Z humor should be a warning in and of itself lol but basically just dark humor and mention of getting bitten by a monster.
Requested?: Yes, another amazing request from @princesswagger17 , “Can you maybe do a headcannon for Sam and Dean and maybe Cas too for what it would be like to be thier Gen Z kid?”
A/N: As an older Gen Z I hope I did this justice lol. Requests are open! Hope everyone is well, love to all!
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    - If there’s anything you and Dean have in common it’s your pop culture references. Unfortunately, you guys don’t always get each other’s references.
      *Loud noise comes from the door of the bunker being slammed shut which interrupts your and Dean’s conversation about an older pop culture reference he made that you didn’t get*
      You: *already on edge* Stooooop I could’ve dropped my croissant!
      Dean: *utterly confused* You’re not even holding a croissant??
      You: Okay, Boomer. *laughs all the way back to your room*
    - You: *walks in on Dean and Sam arguing about whether you pour the milk in the bowl before the cereal*
      Dean: Ah my favorite offspring, (you started this ongoing joke a while ago) you know the correct way to pour your bowl of cereal is by pouring the milk first and then the cereal right?
      You: First of all, I’m your only offspring. Second, you guys use milk with your cereal? I’ve been using bleach.
      Dean & Sam: *Concerned™*
    - Dean always feels a mixture of concern and “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree” when you mention that you’re running on “like three hours of sleep, no will to live, and two burgers.”
    - You: *bursts into the room carrying your phone* Dad! Dad! I have tea! I have scalding hot tea!
      Dean: What? Well, don’t be running with it you’ll spill it and burn yourself. *Looks up finally* (Y/N), you don’t have tea. You have your phone.
      You: *facepalms* No look, *shows him some news article that he would find fascinating on your phone*
      Dean: How is that tea?
      You: I’m surrounded by idiots.
      Dean: Did you just quote Scar from Lion King?
      You: Sure did. That guy is such a mood.
    - You: *drops your last fry on the floor of the diner* Well fuck me, might as well go yeet myself off a bridge.
      *Sometime Later*
      You: *gets bitten by a monster* *in a light and calm voice* Oh look at that, I’ve been impaled.
      Dean: *While racing over to help you fight off the other monsters* What the hell, (Y/N)! You drop a fry on the ground and act like it’s the end of the world but get bitten by a monster and it’s just a minor inconvenience?
    - Sam: *starts freaking out because you got hurt on a case or something*
      You: Woah Dad, why are you panicking? This isn’t a disco.
      Sam: *rolls his eyes at your ability to avoid the seriousness of the situation with humor*
      Dean: *somewhere off to the side while hacking some monster in two* damn right this isn’t a disco. Wouldn’t be caught dead at one.
    - *during a case and you guys finally find out what the culprit is*
      You: Alright, we know what this thing is, how do we yeet this bitch from existence?
      Sam & Dean: *dumbfounded*  
      Sam: Did they just say yeet? What is yeet?
      Dean: Idk do you think it’s like yet but with an extra e?
      You: Okay Boomers.
    - Every now and then when you and Sam are researching for a case, you’ll send him a bunch of links for different articles and hide a rick roll link in there just for fun. He doesn’t find it very funny but Dean always laughs his ass off.
   - *you, Sam, and Dean are all driving along a country highway or something*
      You: *as you all pass a pond with ducks and geese surrounding it* Look at all those chickensssss.
      Sam: *double takes to make sure he saw correctly that those are in fact geese and ducks* (Y/N), are you feeling alright? Those aren’t chickens.
      You: Ugh, Boomer.
    - Cas: *opens a door and almost hits you with it* Oh (Y/N), I’m so sorry!
      Dean: Wow Cas, watch out you could’ve killed her.
      You: *blankest face possible* I wish...
      Cas & Dean: *concerned Dad noises*
    - Cas found your constant use of finger guns amusing and has also started doing it much to the annoyance of Sam & Dean.
    - Cas is often confused of your use of different terms such as mood, oof, same, etc. He was not aware that an apple rolling off the table was among the range of humans' moods and emotions.
    - Cas: Okay, it’s my turn for a supply run. Does anyone need anything?
      You: A will to live would be nice but I hear those are in short supply lately so I’ll settle for a case of Monster Energy drinks.
      Cas & Sam: *concerned af*
      Dean to Cas: *straight face* That’s a mood, I’ll take a case too but make mine beer.
      Dean to You: Is that how you use that word? Did I do that right?
      You: *high fives Dean* Sure did! Nice execution.
Everything Taglist:
Dean Winchester Taglist: @akshi8278​
Sam Winchester Taglist:
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charcubed · 3 years
i love the Steve Rogers acting Weird™ in endgame as a red herring that something is not quite right, but for some reason my mind CANNOT get over that group therapy session scene and how un-Steve Rogers it all was. the glossing over Bucky and Sam at a meeting for people mourning those they lost FROM THE SNAP was awful enough; deciding instead to bring up Peggy (who died 7 years ago from natural causes/Alzheimer’s) and claiming that she supposedly was “the love of his life” this entire time REALLY makes me want to believe that that wasn’t the real Steve in that scene but some imposter who was operating on old information. Idk, I think it would just make me feel better lol. In all honesty, I think your theory is more likely, that endgame Steve is actually Steve until he comes back as an old man. but that scene is STILL going to haunt me until I am finally vindicated by the real Steve’s return. I’m willing to forgive (some) of marvel’s crimes if they actually DO pull that off
There is even a way to reconcile that as a red herring too though, if you want to. Steve Rogers shouldn’t have been leading therapy for anyone. He NEEDED therapy. That’s Steve with the Captain America persona on, trying to lead people and do the best he can, and being the person he thinks the world needs him to be. Rarely, if ever, does that mask get to slip.
Plus… it was even sort of the safe option for him to discuss loss as a topic—not only emotionally, but also in terms of how those strangers would take it. Potentially he could have mentioned Sam, because overall Sam is probably mostly considered a hero, right? But he was still a fugitive right before the snap too. Bucky? Well, as far as the world was concerned, was Bucky ever “cleared” of being the Winter Soldier in the public consciousness? No one knew he was healing in Wakanda. Hell, many people may have not even known he ever came back from his 1945 grave. And Wanda… she was a huge part of the reason the Accords were created. The world feared her existence. No one except those who knew her personally had any reason to love or understand mourning her.
So Sam, Bucky, and Wanda are 3 loved ones Steve lost in the snap. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that they were loved by the world, or that he’d be comfortable bearing his grief for them to strangers. To everyone else, his grief for them requires extensive explanation. But again, another element of the Captain America mythos: he was a man out of time, and the love he had for Peggy Carter was well documented, as was their tragic separation. The Captain America mythos says little about the person Steve became after the ice, what he experienced in the past decade, and who he cared about, because how much of the world ever knew any of the truths behind all of that?
If you’re trying to comfort strangers as a public figure, you tell them what they would want or expect to hear, and you’re under no obligation to give them more pieces of you than they lay claim to already.
That being said: YES OF COURSE I ALSO WOULD LOVE FOR THAT SCENE TO NOT ACTUALLY BE STEVE LOL. But, as previously mentioned, I just think it’s unrealistic! So, spin it a different way: it’s not Steve. It’s Captain America.
(Of course, as always, it could also just be bad writing. But who knows.)
No idea if that helps or not but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ that’s where I’m at and where it fits into my previously discussed theory.
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mcrcki · 3 years
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we’re at the pizza hut, we’re at the taco bell, we’re at the combination pizza hut and taco bell. alright here i come with a new ooc mascot and a ridiculously long event plotting/starter call !! below the cut you’ll find a far too long list of my girls, where they are, what their vibe is, possible plot ideas, as well as a general consensus of injuries or involvement in that sort of thing and their starter slots! these plot ideas are just a jumping off point and by no means are they the only ones possible for any of my girls, so don’t worry about sticking to just the connections on this list!! please give this A LIKE for PLOTTING, and COMMENT what character combinations you would like for STARTERS !! i’ll come swooping into your discord dms ( tired mom™#6101 ) over the next few days to plot things out! i will probably still dm you even if you just request starters so i know what the vibe is but !!! anyways, y’all know i’m wordy, so enjoy my essay ♥
cassandra dimitrescu | resident evil 8 | aware 
currently residing  : the island
open to : death | injury | harming others
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cassandra is rightfully rather pissed, concerned and admittedly a little scared. she doesn’t know what’s become of her sisters or mother again, and is fearful that they may be in some kind of danger. of course, she knows whatever they are faced with they can destroy, but she can’t help but be fearful. while she’s afraid for the safety of her family, the actual island does not concern her all that much. the only thing that can hurt her is drastically cold temperatures, so as long as this damn place doesn’t start snowing she doesn’t get what all the fuss is about. she did try to fly off the island being 3 million flies in a trench coat, and is pissed when it didn’t work. not above using people as human shields however if any of the disasters do start to harm her. will just be enjoying the misery of others while trying to reach her family.
possible connections : anyone looking for some more immediate danger from a pissed off mutant vampire, someone who can maybe tame her anger to get them to help her, is someone wants to be her human shield, anyone who has a phone she can borrow, anyone just looking for even more chaos vibes
starters ( 4 / 5 )
hope mikaelson ( swan )
neville longbottom ( cherry )
daniela dimitrescu ( jodie )
alcina dimitrescu ( katherine )
text starters ( 1 / 5 )
bela dimitrescu ( kasey )
emma vanity | harry potter - marauders era | aware
currently residing : the island
open to : death | injury | harming others
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emma’s not exactly outdoorsy. while she is big into quidditch and fitness, she is not one for camping, and rightfully so, not a big fan of being stuck on a deserted island. she thought, maybe, this would be a good time to relax, until the rain started. now, she’s even more pissed. she’s down to team up with other people with power, not wanting to be on her own here, but do not expect t her to be using her magic to protect anyone but herself. she would love to just hunker down and wait for it all to pass but it doesn’t seem like that’s fully an option with things changing so quickly. she just wants to know where her friends are, to make sure her allies are safe. she’s going to be in a bad mood, so best of luck to anyone she deems less than her because she too is not afraid to use people as shields. would happily trip you to outrun any of the disasters about to strike.
possible connections : an uncomfortable allyship, anyone who wants to be at the other end of a death eaters wand, someone who proves to her she’s not all that and all powerful like she likes to claim/someone who pulls her out of immediate danger so she can be a bit humbled, anyone who tries to get help from her but is turned down??
starters ( 4 / 5 )
narcissa black ( swan )
rita skeeter ( sunny )
alecto carrow ( cherry )
oliver mckinnon ( sam )
text starters ( 1 / 5 )
rabastan lestrange ( alex )
ginny weasley | harry potter - golden era | aware
currently residing : washington dc
open to : death | injury | harming others
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ginny woke up to the blinding light only to see luna gone from their apartment and immediately her only thoughts were ‘what the fuck, not again, this isn’t happening again.’ she is absolutely losing her mind seeing dementors flying around the city, seeing merlin knows what these other things are roaming around. she’s panicked, having not done all that well last time she faced down a magic surge like this back in the fall. the smart thing to do would be to hunker down in her apartment and wait for them all to disappear. but she’s got too many friends, too much family in the city. so, find this girl wand ready and running through dc trying to find them all. she’ll try and help people as she can, she’d always been rather skilled in battle magic so she’s fine facing these things off, she is just begging for a break though. will be happy to help, to find people safe zones and lost family. all around just ready to fight, to help, all while she’s constantly trying to phone her family to get some sign of life from them.
possible connections : people she helps in a fight, someone who helps her out of a dangerous situation, battle buddies, anyone who needs help getting to somewhere safe, just all around an ally in the streets, someone who can explain to her what the hell some of these creatures are, someone who needs help against against from hp, etc.
starters ( 4 / 5 )
hermione granger ( swan )
annie james ( jodie )
draco malfoy ( sam )
charlie weasley ( marie )
text starters ( 3 / 5 )
ron weasley ( katherine )
luna lovegood ( kasey )
neville longbottom ( cherry )
leia organa | star wars | aware
currently residing : washington dc
open to : death | injury | harming others
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leia’s been through this type of situation a few times and while she feels like she’s mostly prepared for something like this, the sight of stormtroopers is definitely something she didn’t think she would have to mentally deal with again. although she has spent the better part of a year now training with her lightsaber and feels at least somewhat prepared for this. she has her blaster if all else fails. she is going to do all she possibly can to help her people, to help anyone in her city that may need it. she doesn’t care about the cost to herself, to her own harm, so long as her people are safe. she’s going to be trying to get in touch with her family, but she knows they can handle themselves, she would feel if something would be wrong, right? it’s far more important to help those who don’t have the help of weapons and the force. if you’re looking for anyone to help you, for an ally or help getting to a safe zone, she’s your lady. will have big ‘someone has to save our skin’ energy so someone truly remind her she cannot save everyone thank you
possible connections : anyone who needs help , someone trapped and looking for a safe zone, someone that she could get hurt around trying to help cause let’s face it girl will shoot with her eyes closed and regret it later, maybe someone who decides they want to take advantage of the chaos in the streets and they fight???, anyone who knows the first family/ss agents who are trying to get her dumbass back home 
starters ( 3 / 5 )
izzy lightwood ( swan )
diana prince ( marie ) 
jacen solo ( chany )
text starters ( 2 / 5 )
luke skywalker ( cherry )
allana solo ( kasey )
marlene mckinnon | harry potter - marauders era | aware
currently residing : the island
open to : death (still up in the air on this) | injury | harming others
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marlene’s entire thought process right now is just “are you fucking kidding me, not again.” she’s scared, worried about her friends, worried that they are stuck back in the city with bloody voldemort wandering around. and merlin she still has lily’s wand. if something happens because she nicked her friend’s wand to protect herself and now she’s memoryless and defenseless. all she knows is she has to get home. has to find her friends, find her family. make sure they’re all safe. she knows that, despite being stuck on the island with james, they’ll be able to make it out of here with some smart magic and holding off on bickering. she will be doing what she can to help others, offering out protective charms and any help they may need. she’s in full order mode, focusing on saving the people around them and shoving down any concern she has for her friends. they’re just as prepared as her, and can take care of themselves and each other. whatever people around her need, she’ll be there to help in any capacity she can. 
possible connections : someone she helps protect, someone she pulls under a protective charm at the last second, someone who sees her while she’s letting her mask break for just a moment, a possible death plot, maybe someone who pulls her out of a dangerous situation
starters ( 3 / 5 )
james potter ( kasey )
esther mckinnon ( sunny )
alice longbottom ( ariel )
text starters ( 1 / 5 )
lily evans ( sunny )
omega | star wars : the bad batch | aware
currently residing : washington dc
open to : death | injury | harming others ( solely accidental )
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omega is nothing if not desperate to help. she might not be the best shot, the best fighter, but she small and quiet and can easily sneak around whatever the kriff these monsters are. will be doing everything she possibly can to help people. she knows her team can handle themselves, but will be relieved when she finds them. also looking for her mom but will definitely get distracted by whatever is going on in the streets. her and her bow will most likely try to hide out on roofs and in alley’s, will do what she can to help people to safety. if you need someone to run right into a battle with, she’s got your back. basically dumb child with a laser bow that’s ready to kick some ass.
possible connections : someone who she helps, someone who wants to team up and fight things, people who find her hiding out and want to hide with, someone who she drags out of a fight, someone who drags her out of a fight.
starters ( 2 / 5 )
feyre archeron ( kasey )
diana prince ( marie )
text starters ( 0 / 5 )
pj halliwell | charmed | aware
currently residing : the island
open to : death | injury | harming others
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a charmed one’s kid through and through, absolute powerhouse witch, pj’s main focus right now is making sure that the people here on the island are safe. she’s going to be pushing herself through whatever mental block she’s having, whatever fear she has for her friends, focusing on making sure she is fully in the zone to protect the people around her. she’s still careful not to expose her own magic, as it is something that could get their entire family into trouble, but if that’s what she needs to do to keep people safe, she will. elders be damned. truly look to her if you need someone to help you, even if you just need someone to talk to take your mind off of whatever hell this city has thrown our way again. she’s great for just a distraction, and for saving lives. no better bogo around. 
possible connections : someone she saves, someone who needs just someone to talk to to distract, anyone she could expose her powers to, someone who helps her or tells her that she too needs to take care of herself
starters ( 1 / 5 )
emmett cullen ( marie )
text starters ( 0 / 5 )
sella palpatine | star wars | aware
currently residing : washington dc
open to : death (kinda in the air on this but) | injury | harming others
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sella is having a no good very bad day here, friends. she is absolutely terrified and if you see her and ask if she’s okay i guarantee she will break down sobbing. she is not a fighter, has been pretty much locked inside her family’s estate until she got here and does not know what is going on. this was supposed to be a nice place. she will be looking for a place to hide, but is not very good at it so expect to see her just running away a lot. she keeps trying to find her siblings but this stupid data pad she got for work is so hard to use she cannot find any of them. please someone just come get her before she gets herself killed thank you very much, she did it once and would not recommend it. just, help
possible connections : truly anyone to save her ok she’s got no clue what’s going on, someone who she hides out with, someone who can help her know what’s going on, maybe someone who pushes her into the fray to save themselves :) , anyone who has a savior complex and wants to lend a hand, someone who knows how to text and can help her figure it out thank you
starters ( 1 / 5 )
sion val palpatine ( alex )
text starters ( 0 / 5 )
suki | avatar : the last airbender | aware
currently residing : the island
open to : death | injury | harming others
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okay, sure the island situation isn’t ideal but honestly suki’s pretty relaxed. this is all part of her job, keeping people calm and safe. she’s almost missed the kind of chaos that this sort of thing will bring. it’s giving her a purpose here in dc and she’s relieved to have some kind of control and familiarity. will 100% help people find shelter and safer ground, will be the level headed one to turn to when a decision needs to be made. there’s some concern about her friends, but they can handle themselves better than most people. she had a job to do protecting people and she needs to stay focused on that.
possible connections : anyone who needs help, people who need a shoulder to cry on, people who get trapped in one of the disasters and need someone to help get out of it, anyone who wants to argue over ways to protect people
starters ( 3 / 5 )
katara ( swan )
ty lee ( kasey )
niye ( jodie )
text starters ( 0 / 5 )
victoria | twilight | aware
currently residing : washington dc
open to : death | injury | harming others
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this is the best thing that’s happened to her in this city since getting her memories back. god this is going to be fun. seeing all the people absolutely terrified and monsters filling the streets, vic cannot wait to join in it knowing that she doesn’t have to hide in the shadows to hunt. she’s just excited to add to the chaos. some of the monsters are creepy and gross sure, but who cares, it’s got the entire city terrified and scared blood tastes the best, so let the feast begin.
possible connections : people she can kill lmao, people she can make fun of for being scared, people she can trick thinking she’s going to help but really she’s looking to maim, harm etc, maybe someone who’s safe house she crashes.
starters ( 4 / 5 )
bree tanner ( swan )
erica reyes ( bee )
jean grey ( marie )
rosalie hale ( chany )
text starters ( 1 / 5 )
renesmee cullen ( kasey )
18 notes · View notes
I've been meaning to post about that Vriska debacle for a while but I felt like I shouldn't spoil stuff for people who maybe just finished the Vriska series
Anyway a while ago I expressed a desire to have a character who was more … the Vriska I wanted to spend time with, rather than "Vriska the person and Vriska the book"
But then I started thinking like this and I realized there's no way I can do that without making Unsong into Vriska 2.0 as far as I'm concerned
It's already very clear in the earlier books that there is no possibility of a happily-ever-after Vriska/Sam relationship. As soon as he does something that is even slightly interesting (besides sitting around being Vriskon) she drops him like a hot potato. Even her initial reaction to his discovery that the other Eld is alive (like "is this my Vriska?") is just not compatible with a romantic interest. There's also the way she handled and then dropped Jake, which is just not something you would "cure" with a kiss if you were making a movie, or even a more light-hearted story about someone who "cucked" (i.e. enjoyed a sexual encounter with another person with no desire for it themselves).
The only characters who could be remotely interesting about this sort of thing are other people, and given how rarely the series treats them realistically, there's no way they could ever be allowed to be interesting again. And Vriska has shown herself to be an awful judge of character to the point of being easily fooled, so there's no way she'd ever trust anyone again.
So, in the books I don't really intend to have interesting characters. I doubt there will ever again be a lot of focus on people who aren't (literal) drug addicts and murderers and assorted freaks. Which isn't necessarily a death sentence for one's character, but you literally can't write these people without losing the sense of life as anything but grim and grimdark, and that's really what you get in this series.
(I should probably also mention that this is why I don't feel comfortable writing H/C as anything other than a Bad Romance™ with a creepy subtext regarding the sort of ideas I had about Vriska when I first started reading. You can't do that if you're trying to accurately portray her actions as they actually happen)
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xenoshadow13 · 2 years
So has your friend Sam/Gig's mun sent a friendly hello to the characters with Gig on the other askblog yet? :D
@helianthus-house / @showmethehotpods (tagging both cuz not sure which to tag) & @shslpunkartist (tagging you cuz thought you should see this too)
Oh and about the other question you sent, the only one who will definitely recognize who Gig is on sight is Xeno due to them being familiar with Gig's home game as well as his cameo appearances from the Disgaea series.
As for how Xeno would react, well...
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This. Just this expression.
Well ok pretend it's more along the along lines of "OH SHIT" than "WTF" and maybe more visibly terrified, but yeah lol.
Oh and to answer your other question about how Xeno would react to Keith being his lovable fearless dumb gremlin self with Gig, pffft, same expression there except make it more along the lines of CONCERN™. Oh and lots of internal screaming while they try to subtly tell the others to PLEASE GET KEITH TO STOP BEFORE HE ACCIDENTALLY DOES SOMETHING THAT MIGHT PISS OFF THE OTHER GUY BAD ENOUGH INTO KILLING HIM that doesn't involve outright saying so for obvious reasons lol.
0 notes
lukearnold · 3 years
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liopleurodean · 9 months
Season 11, Episode 4: Baby
11x04 Baby THEE episode of all time
(I specifically rushed the last six episodes so that I could watch this on my birthday)
Aw yeah
Poor Baby is a mess
Sleepy Dean
I wanna see the shorts
That's good
Dean, you're not fine
Anything works
Nice fade
I doubt it, but worth a shot
Dude. Really?
It looks disgusting
Aw, Cas
It's awesome
Yeah, he'll be fine
Okay, how many times are they gonna use the caption [engine purring]?
Has food!
Whoa! What's that about Swayze?
He was in there a while
Why are the windows down?
Well, he definitely learned to have fun
Dean knows exactly what happened
This is the reason Night Moves is on my Dean playlist
Dean's getting into it 😂
Bob Seger!
Better than Sammy
This is great
Oh, that's so pretty
Ah!!!! The camerawork!!!! The lighting!!!!! Baby has never been more beautiful
Oh, Dean... 😂
Okay, Dean
He put a blanket down because he knew you'd kill him if he got anything on the upholstery
He didn't deny it 😂
Dean. You're 37, not dead
He thinks about it. He doesn't let himself go any further
Great question
Must be a dream
Of course he has
Has been for a while
Yeah, well. Didn't work out
Oh, Sam...
You saw Hell, Sam
As always
That was weird
I'll rate it 5 stars
That's sweet
That's concerning
Not like Azazel
He looked kinda weird
Screw John Winchester
But they already knew that
So... just keep going?
Dean is confused™
Spill the tea, Sam
Dean would know
Makes sense
I'm gonna cry now 😭
They need hugs so bad
Because they like messing with people
I think that's the point
Still worth looking into
I miss that 😭😭😭
And there it is
Say it, Sam. WEREPIRE.
Uh oh
That's nice
Well now Dean has to try it
No. Not the valet
This is not living, Sam
Listen. Normally, I'm okay with valet, but not when the drivers are that young. It's just asking for trouble
See that smile on her face? She's up to no good
Oh boy
At least they have taste
...but not in music
Recipe for disaster
Good riddance
She definitely didn't
That was a quick stop
Dean, no...
Nope. You shouldn't have tipped her
This is scintillating
Dean, why did you leave your phone?
This conversation is horrible
That's lame
Oh great
Dean's a little preoccupied
This is great
Season eleven was what? 2016? Cas, the next solar eclipse was in a year. Not that far away
He's a little busy
That's weird
Waste of bullets
We're doing this Leviathan-style, I guess
It sounds like a Mogwai
Good idea
That is really weird
Uh oh
This'll be fun
That is a long way to drive backward
Interesting shot
It's possible
A ghoulpire!
So, a drachma?
That's convenient
But only before 1982
I knew that too
Don't worry about it, Cas
The purse?
Don't open the cooler
Oh boy
Don't do it
Good plan
Not even remotely
Yeah. Of course
Oh no
What did she do?
He doesn't know anything
Wow, there is a lot of room in that backseat. I've got a pretty big car, and I don't think I could do that
This is great
Uh oh
Dang it, Sam!
Ah, here we are
So the head can be reattached?
There's the purse
Well, duh
Definitely not dumb
Ah, the hairpin!
Too many
That's not good
Against the Darkness
You'd be surprised
Mm, I doubt that
Of course he is
It wasn't personal
Yeah, that's not gonna happen
That won't do much
Yeah, there we go
Just use all of them
And there goes another window
Yup, there it is
That's one way to chop off a head
Yeah, me too. She's a mess
Poor girl
Come on Baby, I know you can do it
Come on
Yeah, there she is!
And there's the 180°. Gets me every time
Still gorgeous
Looks like they're all okay
Good thing they came
Of course
Sam, the monsters were scared of Eve. That doesn't mean much
Yeah, okay 😂
You're both a mess
You got it, Baby
Oh, I can't look 😭 I'm so sorry, Baby
And her engine doesn't sound right either 😭
0 notes