#Myrcella x Trystan
teapartywithmadhatter · 9 months
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Okay, this is a Persian symbol, and every time I think of Cersei x Oberyn or Elia x Jaime or Myrcella x Trystan pairings I remember this symbol. 
Lion and Sun, imagine a dynasty of Lannisters and Martells with a flag like that!
Did you know the mane of a lion represents the flares of the sun in Persian?
Sun is Life! And the Lion is the protector of the realm!
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jonsaslove · 1 month
As promised, I've begun posting oneshots in the castling the king universe! The first one is Myrcella-centric and I hope you give it a read :)
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chic-beyond-the-wall · 11 months
What Myrcella Baratheon would wear
(Ziad Nakad, Fall 2019)
October 29th
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Trystane Martell and Myrcella Baratheon
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eddieheart · 6 months
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Myrcella Baratheon x Sand Snake OC
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thepalaceofmelanie · 8 months
Martell Week, Day 5: Favorite ship(s) involving a Martell
Tag: @adriennegabriella @morby @wingsoftheangels @tashastrange89 @candycanes19
(A/N: Ah here we go! I’m bisexual and polyamours so, you best believe that this involves both. I wish I had time to do videos for the rest of them, I actually did one for a certain ship on this list.)
Day 5: Favorite Ship(s) involving a Martell
Song inspired: “My Girlfriend’s Girlfriend” by: Type O Negative
1- Oberyn/Ellaria
Nine times out of ten, I am not a canon shipper. This ship is one of my exceptions and I am more than okay with it. Seriously not only did we get bisexual characters, these two are dating, we got a man being openly bi, I love the chemistry. It’s not forced, like I would actually believe they were together if they were real people. It’s organic and we don’t see enough of this! Thank you Pedro and Indira for doing these two justice, but we all know Oberyn and Ellaria deserve better!
It was this one I did the video for on YouTube. I started to actually get into Tiktok for the first time in years and was looking up Daenerys videos, well someone made a video of this ship and I’m like “They’re bi, they both have fire, they’re hot! Let’s ship it!” I haven’t looked back since.
Show wise: These two would tear the Lannisters down and look hot doing it. They're both fiery and could end up with Yara Greyjoy as well.
Book wise: I would see them meeting since Doran wants a Targaryen on the throne. At first, Ellaria isn't trusting anyone. She's emotionally just drained, it's one of those slow burn types of relationships.
Team bi, all the way. These three would get the job done and avenge both Elia but also House Targaryen! Behind every great man, there's a great woman; but for Oberyn, he has two of them. Honestly this is one of my favorite poly-ships.
These two are so darn cute together! When I saw they both died in the show I was sad! Seriously, way to assassinate Ellaria and the Sand Snakes. Oh and when Myrcella told Jaime she knew that he was her Dad, broke my heart. When I learned that book wise, they’re both alive, I was happy about it! I hope they stay alive in the novels.
I have no idea what I was thinking on this one… I think a certain tiktok video made me think of it. It’s Oberyn f-kin’ Martell vs Jaime Fuckin’ Lannister. We all know Oberyn would top Jaime. I mean after what the Lannisters did, I feel this is more of an enemies to lovers type ship.
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leupagus · 6 months
BRB giving all the Lannisters a way more satisfying story arc than the one the show foisted on them
The wedding celebrations for Trystane's brother Quentyn and his new bride Desmera Redwyne lasted for nearly a fortnight, with dancing and feasting and even fireworks set off over the bay at the Water Gardens. Every noble in Dorne (and half the nobles of the Reach) had come; even Prince Doran had attended, and it seemed to do him good. His pain-lined face had been wreathed in smiles and he had sat at the head of the table at nearly every meal, coming out from his seclusion for the first time in ages.
Trystane noticed, too. "I don't think I have ever seen Papa so happy," he whispered, leaning toward her during the feast on the last night.
"It's because he has got rid of one troublesome son," she teased him, tapping her finger on his nose. It was true enough: tomorrow, Quentyn and Desmera would travel back to the Arbor where they would take up their duties as heirs to Paxter Redwyne.
Trystane scrunched his nose and moved closer to her on the bench, sliding his arm around her waist. "Soon he will be got rid of another," he murmured in her ear, kissing her gently on the cheek, then the neck.
"Ah, ah, this is not your wedding yet, little brother," warned Arianne as she briskly tapped them on their shoulders, pushing them firmly aside so that she could sit between them. "Room enough for the Mother, if you please."
"You're my sister, not my mother," Trystane grumbled. "And there isn't enough room for your backside!"
"Trystane!" Myrcella protested, but Arianne had it well in hand.
"If I were Mama, I would spank you on yours," she told him, and swatted at him anyway. Trystane yelped and hit her back, and their end of the table erupted into chaos as brothers and sisters, cousins and friends all shrieked and jabbed at each other, tickling and pinching as one can only do to those one truly loves.
Arianne and Myrcella had been thick as thieves when she had first arrived at Sunspear, still dreadfully homesick and afraid. Uncle Tyrion had promised her that the people of Dorne would treat her well; but though everyone had been kind, it was only Arianne who had truly been a friend at first. She had sneaked into Myrcella's room and hid behind drapes or under the bed to jump out at her, shown her the sights of the Water Gardens and Planky Town alike, even encouraged her to speak with Trystane, who at 15 had been terribly spotty and sulky.
Then Arianne had gone to visit her mother and her family, in far-off Norvos. It had been planned for only a few months, but the time had stretched on and on, and only Quentyn's marriage had brought her back at last. Myrcella had missed her even as she had grown closer with Trystane, and part of her dreaded their marriage that would take her away from the drowsy warmth and comfort of Arianne's company, even as it would deliver her back to her family at King's Landing.
Later that night, Myrcella crept into Arianne's chambers and hid inside the great wardrobe, keeping the door half-open as it had been already. (Arianne was shockingly untidy for a princess, and refused to allow any servant in her quarters to deal with the resulting mess. She used to drag Myrcella to her rooms once a month or so and make her sit on the bed, while Arianne picked up the clothes strewn about the floor or flung over the backs of chairs and complained about her own bad habits. Already, Myrcella thought, Arianne could do with a good cleaning.) A short while later the door to the chamber opened and Myrcella readied herself to jump out, just as Arianne had done to her so often.
But Arianne was not alone.
"—Yronwoods aren't pleased by the match," someone was saying. "Lord Anders thought Quentyn would marry Gwyneth, after being fostered with them for so long."
It was Ellaria Sand. She hadn't been seen overmuch at Sunspear since returning from King's Landing two months ago, Lord Oberyn's body in tow. Since then she'd avoided the court, instead spending time with Oberyn's daughters. The few times Myrcella had seen her, Ellaria had been as warm and friendly as before, but with a knife-edge to her smile that Myrcella recognized all too well from the courtiers in the Red Keep. She'd had taken care not to be alone with Ellaria, nor with the Sand Snakes, since then.
"Then Lord Anders is a fool," said Arianne in her sing-song voice, "and should be regarded as such. Gwyneth is a lovely girl, but she is far too little for a Prince of Dorne. The Arbor is a more valuable holding and the Redwynes far more valuable allies."
"And once Trystane is married to his blonde bastard girl, you will have both your brothers safely out of Dorne," said Ellaria. There was the sound of clothing being moved about, and Ellaria sitting down. "Really, dear, you ought to have someone clean in here. There could be mice, for all you know."
Arianne laughed, as though Ellaria had only insulted her housekeeping. Myrcella's hands clenched into fists. Was this what Arianne truly thought of her? And in Dorne, of all places! Where Ellaria herself, and all her lover's daughters, carried the last name of Sand! Ellaria had made much of the Dornish saying that bastard children were born of love and passion, and thus as trueborn as any child conceived by wedded parents. But clearly she held Myrcella in as much contempt as any of the rest of them would back home, if they knew the truth.
They never knew King Robert, the man who'd never once looked at her or her brothers but with resentment and bitterness. None of her mother's children had been loved, not by that oafish lumbering stag who saw them all as shackles that tied him to the Lannisters he hated so much. What shame was there in knowing her true parents, at least, loved each other? And loved their children, even if only one could dare show it? Myrcella wanted to burst out of the wardrobe and declare that she would gladly call herself Myrcella Waters — Myrcella Lannister — and dare anyone to judge her for it. 
But she huddled further into herself and listened, to hear what else Arianne might say.
"I've stayed away too long," is what she said, "if you're this comfortable calling poor Myrcella such names. She's done nothing to you—"
The scrape of a chair signaled that Ellaria had risen once again. "Her family murdered your uncle, who you seemed once to love—"
"—and yet I have been informed of a certain present you sent to Queen Cersei just a few days ago," Arianne overrode her. "A snake, with Myrcella's pendant in its mouth. Hardly subtle, my dear."
Ellaria did not answer, and Myrcella put her hand to her mouth to keep her own silence. Her pendant had gone missing during the wedding celebrations, she had thought a victim of one of the more energetic dances on that first night. But Ellaria had got hold of it somehow? And sent it to Mother as a...threat, it seemed. Or a warning.
"What do you want, Ellaria?" asked Arianne with more gentleness than Myrcella felt capable of. "The Lannisters have already suffered, even if not by our hand: their patriarch dead, their firstborn dead, their brother Tyrion probably dead and certainly dead to them. Even Casterly Rock itself is in dire straits, from what I've heard. You've spoken to my father a great deal of vengeance — but where will it end? Will it be satisfied with Myrcella's death? Or do you need every child of theirs to die, before killing Cersei and Jaime?"
"I—" Ellaria's voice was thick, and there was a long moment of quiet before she spoke again. "I do not know," she said at last, as if confessing.
"Well, I do know," said Arianne briskly, "and I will tell you, if you will listen."
"...I will," said Ellaria slowly. Myrcella hardly dared breathe.
"Good. I did not linger in Norvos for nothing, much as I love Mama. Do you remember Illyrio Mopatis, the magister from Pentos? We met him years ago, when I was a girl and you and Oberyn took me with you to Essos. You were pregnant with Dorea, I think, and Obella and Tyene followed you everywhere with pillows for your chairs. Illyrio then got you a litter and had you carried everywhere."
"Gods, yes," Ellaria said, chuckling. "And he had one to match!"
"Uncle Oberyn kept crowding out the litterbearer in the front so that he could carry you," Arianne said. "At any rate, I saw him — Illyrio. He came for a visit to Mama's estate, and we spoke at great length about certain plans he has been making."
Ellaria's laugh now was sour. "Ah yes, he and the Spider have been making those plans for nearly twenty years, haven't they? Put the Targaryen boy back on the throne with the assurance that this one is sane." She snorted. "They thought Rhaegar was sane, too."
"If by 'this one,' you refer to Viserys Targaryen, his sanity is a moot point," said Arianne. "He's dead. Has been for several years, apparently. But his sister Daenerys has survived. She's been making quite a nuisance of herself in Slaver's Bay. Along with her three dragons, Illyrio tells me."
"Dragons?" Ellaria scoffed. "Illyrio's always said a great number of things. That never made any of them true."
"Which is why I want you to go and find out what is true. Meet with this Daenerys Stormborn yourself. Take her measure. I could only discover so much in Norvos, with Mama's eye always on me. She doesn't approve of Papa's conciliation to the Red Keep, but stories of Targaryen princesses and their dragons aren't to her liking, either."
"Are they to your liking?" Whatever response Arianne made, it seemed to satisfy Ellaria. "Very well. I have two conditions."
"Only two?"
"First, I shall first go to Pentos first and speak directly with Illyrio. He never could lie to me, and if he is so sure Daenerys Targaryen is the true ruler of Westeros then he'll be willing to back that up with coin and supplies. Which we'll need, in abundance."
Arianne sighed. "Very well. Though if you venture so close to Norvos, Mama will insist you visit her."
Ellaria made a prevaricating sound. "Your mother always liked me best."
"She did. And does. What is your second condition?"
"Our daughters come with me. All of them."
"No," Arianne said flatly. "Aside from the fact that it will look strange to have all the Sand Snakes gone, Lorenza is barely seven years old. You would take her across the Narrow Sea to a slave city?"
"Better than leave her here, where Doran can fill her head with his witterings about peace and forgiveness," Ellaria snapped. "If she dies — if any of us die — at least we will not live like your father."
"Take Nymeria and Tyene," Arianne countered. "Obara, if you must. The rest of the Snakes are better off here. What would Sarella do in Meereen, or Astapor, or Yunkai? Those cities do not have a reputation for academic pursuits."
"She can bring her books with her. All of us go, or none. I want nothing of Oberyn left behind for someone else to take from me."
Arianne sighed. "I'll consider it. But I want you to consider, too. If this Daenerys Stormborn is what she is said to be, she will retake the Iron Throne 'with fire and blood.' Take care that it is not your blood, my dear."
They spoke for a bit longer, until the bells chimed the hour and Ellaria departed. How long until Arianne went to bed? Myrcella might stay here the whole night and then what would she do? Who could she tell? Who did she want to tell?
"You are thinking loudly enough to wake the entire palace, little lioness," said Arianne, and opened the wardrobe door all the way. Myrcella shrank back but it was no use; Arianne was looking down at her, shaking her head. "Let's talk, so that you might be a little quieter."
"Are you going to kill my brother?" she asked, not moving.
"No," Arianne said, with a certainty that Myrcella could not help but believe. "Nor will I let anyone else. We do not hurt children in Dorne." She held out her hand, and Myrcella took it.
They sat down on the bench near the window, the one that overlooked the whole of the palace and beyond that, the city of Sunspear itself. The stars here were clear and bright, even with the torches and lights from below burning merrily at this late hour.
"Tommen's in King's Landing, not Dorne," was the first thing Myrcella could think of to say. "And he's not a child anymore." Nor am I, she thought.
Arianne rolled her eyes. "So literal. I forgot this about you. You're right — he's a man grown now, and a husband soon, and already a king. But he is not to blame for the way things are now, anymore than Viserys and Daenerys were to blame for what their father and brother did during the Rebellion."
"My father always said Uncle Stannis should have killed them when he had the chance." She could remember that argument well, as it was one Robert made whenever Uncle Stannis irritated him — which was often. You had only to take them and drown them, and you couldn't even manage that! My brother the great tactician, bested by infants! 
"I very much doubt your father said any such thing," said Arianne tartly, "Though I am sure King Robert said it often enough." She tilted her head as she regarded Myrcella. "When did you first realize? About your parents?"
Myrcella hesitated, but it seemed silly to pretend ignorance now, of all times. "I've always known, I think. When the ravens came from Dragonstone, from Uncle Stannis, saying that we were bastard-born...it wasn't a surprise." Nor had she been surprised at her not-uncle's blunt declaration, cutting himself off from all claims of blood and family. Stannis had always been a hard man to love; she suspected he found it hard to love others in turn. Perhaps it had been as great a relief to him as it had been to her, to know there was nothing that bound them to each other after all.
"I am glad you know," said Arianne, "but that is one reason I wanted you to hear Ellaria's plans, as well as my own. She wants to hurt your mother and father very badly. Her rage has made her blind. My hope is that distance, as well as time, will allow her to see clearly again. But in the meanwhile it is best for everyone if you and she are far away from each other."
"But...those things you said, about Daenerys Targaryen. You want her to come here?"
Arianne sighed and took Myrcella's hands in hers. They were small and soft, dwarfed by Myrcella's long fingers. "Daenerys Stormborn is coming here. Nothing can stop that; sooner or later, she will arrive with her dragons, and she will take the Iron Throne. If your brother and your parents are to survive it, they must have somewhere to go. Someone who will take them in."
Myrcella stared at her. She couldn't mean Dorne; for one thing, Mother would never agree to live out her days here, strolling about the Water Gardens and bathing in the Summer Sea. For another, the Martells and the Targaryens had a complicated enough relationship; even Doran, even Arianne, wouldn't risk the wrath of a new queen by hosting the old king.
"Perhaps Highgarden—" but even as Myrcella said it she could see it for the farcical suggestion it was. She'd never met the Queen of Thorns, but she knew the Tyrells had sided with the Targaryens during the Rebellion; Olenna Tyrell would be only too happy to turn the Lannisters right back over to Daenerys should they put a foot wrong, even if Tommen's marriage to Margaery went through. Which left—
"Casterly Rock," she said, and felt ashamed that it had taken her so long to understand. "You want me to hold the Westerlands." It made sense: Jaime was still in the Kingsguard and likely to remain so, and Uncle Tyrion was long gone (and would be barred from inheriting anyhow, given the accusations that he had murdered Grandfather). Uncle Kevan and Lancel might have claims to it, but Tommen's last letter had mentioned Lancel's latest obsession with some odd religious sect that had gained popularity in the Crownlands. Which left...herself, of all the remaining Lannisters.
Arianne nodded. "Casterly Rock. You were raised to be the wife of a great lord. But I think you are better suited to be a great lord yourself." She lifted her eyebrows. "More importantly, little lioness, what do you think?"
All at once she wanted it more than breath: a home of her own, a castle, a people, a kingdom. A chance to be fair and kind and noble not just amongst the simpering painted faces of court, but in a place where fairness and kindness mattered. She could take Casterly Rock and make something more of it than the just golden bank of Westeros. Myrcella could feel a ravening hunger in her that she'd never imagined, that would take all of the Westerlands to sate.
Myrcella held on tightly. She could feel her fingers turning to claws, her hair a wild mane. "Yes," she said, her voice barely above a whisper but roaring louder in her head, in her throat, in her chest. "Yes."
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raspberryfingers · 2 years
A Lion in the Garden -Tywin Lannister x Reader- (Part 17)
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WARNING: Mentions of death, NSFW
————— Tywin was walking much faster than usual, a nervous feeling in his chest. Myrcella’s boat had been spotted, and now both he and Cersei were rushing for the shore all of you were pulling into. He hadn't seen you in a month and a half, and gods was he desperate to.
And deep down, he was terrified that he wouldn’t. When he got to the beach, Cersei had just arrived, and she was smiling brighter than the sun itself. 
“You’re excited to see her, aren’t you?” He asked softly, watching the boats approach. Cersei nodded, hands clasped together as she tried to contain her excitement. There were very few things that brought Cersei Lannister happiness, but her children always would no matter what they did. 
Tywin felt an odd warmth in his chest, and noted that Cersei looked just like Joanna when she was smiling. It was in those moments he seemed to remember she was his daughter, and that when she wasn’t angry or delusional, his favorite child. 
He—in a rare display of affection—let his arm wrap around her as he kissed her forehead, though his lips left her face just as fast as they’d been there. 
Cersei looked up at her father, and felt suddenly vulnerable. More than anything, she had craved her fathers approval and affection, and in the moments like these when she received it, it made her want to sob.
As the boat pulled ashore, the two broke apart and approached, watching Jaime get off with Myrcella right behind him. Cersei couldn’t stop smiling as she ran to her daughter, embracing her as tightly as she could. Myrcella was glad to see her mother, and was somewhat glad to be back here.
“Welcome home, Myrcella,” Tywin said softly, cupping her cheek and giving her a vague smile. She grinned at him.
“Thank you, grandfather.” 
Tywin noted the other boat reaching the shore as well, and watched Jaime make his way over to it, boarding and going inside the vessel. That was odd. 
“Prince Trystane has come with us, mother. We’re to be married,” Myrcella informed excitedly, though Cersei was cautious. 
“And you’ve spent time with him?” She questioned.
“Oh yes! I love him very much, mother. He's so kind, and handsome too,” Myrcella gushed. Cersei nodded, happy to know her daughter would not end up in a loveless marriage. 
Just then, Bronn and Prince Trystane made their way onto the beach and approached the group. Trystane and Myrcella hugged, after obviously being apart for a week at sea. 
“Mother, grandfather, this is Prince Trystane,” she introduced. Tywin shook the boy's hand, sensing he would be a good fit for his granddaughter. He then kissed Cersei’s hand, and she gave him a genuine smile. 
“Prince Trystane, thank you for joining us here.”
“Of course, Lady Cersei.”
As they began to converse, Tywin stepped aside and approached Bronn. 
“Where is Lady (Y/N)?” He whispered, making Bronn swallow. He did not want to bear the brunt of whatever anger would surely arise when he informed Tywin. 
“Ser Jaime is helping her from the ship, my lord,” he said simply, watching Tywin’s eyes avert and look the boat over. Why would you need help? 
Just then, he watched the door of the compartment open, and you stepped out with your arm around Jaime’s shoulders. 
Bronn took a step back, watching Tywin’s eyes widen and jaw set. Jaime saw his father too, and felt a sickness in his stomach. 
This was not going to go well.
I was limping off the boat, and Jaime and I saw Tywin at the same time. He obviously understood that I’d been injured, and he did not look happy.
“He’s going to murder me,” Jaime muttered, to which I shook my head. 
“Let me handle it.”
Tywin was walking with an immense speed, and he made his way up onto the ramp before Jaime and I could reach it.
“Move, boy. Let me do it, since clearly you’re incapable of even the simplest things,” Tywin scowled, motioning for Jaime to move. I sighed, being transferred from Jaime’s arms to Tywin��s. To be clear, I was not angry at the development, more so just annoyed that Tywin was going to handle it this way.
“Are you alright? What happened?” Tywin whispered after a moment, panic and distress clear in his voice. My heart softened, and I wanted to kiss the man’s cheek. 
“Our effort to reach Myrcella before the Sand Snakes was quite narrow. I got her worse than this, though,” I said, feeling Tywin wrap one arm around my torso and help me walk a bit quicker as he supported my weight. It was like Blackwater all over again. 
Jaime was walking behind us, and Tywin looked over his shoulder with an unmatched fury.
“You had one job. I told you to keep her safe, was I not abundantly clear?” Tywin hissed, shaking his head and helping me step onto the stony beach. 
“It’s not Jaime’s fault, Tywin. I was egging the girl on, and either way he was fighting another one of them,” I explained, making him shake his head. 
“He failed to do the task I gave him.”
“I’m injured, not dead, Tywin. You know me, I can’t resist the urge to make stupid decisions,” I said, trying to diffuse his anger.
“Yes, that’s why I hoped two men would keep you in check,” he muttered, making me laugh softly. 
The group noticed us, and Cersei’s eyes went wide.
“What happened?” She asked, genuinely surprised. 
“Lady (Y/N) risked her life to protect me. She fought so bravely, mother, you should have seen it,” Myrcella remarked, watching Cersei process it.
“Thank you, Lady (Y/N), for bringing my daughter home despite the costs,” she said to me after a moment.
“You’re welcome, Cersei. I know your children mean everything to you, and I’d do anything I could to reunite a family. Plus, it’s not the worst I’ve ever had,” I said with a smile, and she nodded, giving me the faintest of smiles back. I hoped to improve my relationship with her, especially because It was inevitable that people would find out about Tywin and I eventually, and maybe she wouldn’t be so angry if she knew I wasn’t a horrible person. 
“I’m going to take her into the Red Keep so she can sit down and receive medical attention. Prince Trystane, would you and Myrcella join me for dinner tonight?” Tywin offered, making me smile to myself for a moment. 
“Certainly, Lord Tywin. In the Tower of the Hand?” Trystane questioned, smiling at Myrcella for a moment. 
“The king’s chambers will do, I’m certain your brother will be excited to see you home. All three of my children will come, too,” Tywin said to him. I was surprised that he’d invited practically the whole Lannister family, and I imagined it would be a rather interesting dinner. 
One I was quite grateful to not be attending. 
“Of course, Lord Tywin, we will all see you tonight,” Trystane said, nodding his head at Tywin, who did the same before adjusting his stance and helping me walk up to the steps. When we reached the steps, Tywin gave me a look.
“Can you make it up?” He asked softly, and I swallowed and nodded. Putting a bit more of my weight on him, he managed to help lift me up the steps I couldn’t make, and I felt awful when we got to the top. 
“I’m sorry, I know this is awfully tedious,” I apologized as we continued on. 
“Don’t be. I carried you across the battlefield at Blackwater, back when you detested me and thought I was an insufferable cunt. What makes you think I would mind doing it now, when I’m very much in love with you?” He said, whispering the last bit. I smiled, looking around and seeing that nobody was looking and there weren’t any guards nearby. 
Leaning in, I kissed his cheek and he kissed my forehead. It would have to do in public, for anything else would have been too risky. 
“I uh- I told Jaime. He’s promised he’s not going to tell other people, especially not Cersei, but I thought I should let you know that he’s aware of us,” I said after a moment, not wanting to keep that kind of secret from Tywin. His face was unreadable for a moment, but he nodded.
“And what did he say?”
“Nothing, really, we had to get moving before the sun got too high. But when he asked, he reasoned that he knew you’d loved Joanna, but everyone had said the best part of you died with her. It seemed- it seemed he was trying to convey that he wondered whether or not you were still capable of loving,” I said softly, watching Tywin glance about. 
“I’ve been trying more with all of them. They’re all incompetent, whining children who love to bring down the Lannister name, but at the end of the day I am still their father. I’ve been trying to remind myself of that. Trying to think of what Joanna would want,” he said, mumbling the last bit with a sigh. I rubbed his back as well as I could, and he looked down at me with one of those sweet looks he only gave me when nobody else was around. 
We reached another set of stairs, larger this time, and Tywin sighed. I felt awful, and mentally prepared myself for what was about to ensue. Suddenly, however, I felt Tywin reach down and completely pick me up, carrying me in his arms instead. 
I looked at him with quite a bit of shock, but he ignored me and started up the stairs. I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned into him, enjoying this somehow. I felt safe in his arms, I felt cared for. 
Though I expected him to put me down at the top, he did not. In fact, all the way back to my chambers he carried me, despite the looks all the nobles around us gave him. 
A lion does not concern himself with the opinions of the sheep.
When we reached my chambers, he finally set me down so I could hug Ser Elias, and I was grateful for that. 
“What happened?” He asked, clearly observing that I was hurt. 
“I got into a bit of a fight. Though, the one I left on her was worse,” I said with a grin, and he nodded. 
“Your sister is out with the king today, but she’s requested your presence for dinner tonight,” he informed, to which I nodded.
“That would be lovely, thank you, Ser Elias,” I nodded, and Tywin helped me into my chambers, closing the door behind us. 
Once it was closed, I couldn’t resist the urge to kiss him deeply. He, of course, reciprocated just as passionately, cupping my face and pulling me closer to him. 
“Gods, I missed you,” He muttered when I pulled away. I smiled and pressed my forehead to his.
“I was so desperate to get home you have no idea,” I whispered, kissing him softly this time. I’d missed his lips, and that was something I hadn’t expected to feel so empty without. 
“Here, come sit down,” he said, helping me over to the small sofa in my room. We both sat down, and I sighed out with a certain relief. 
“I ought to call for a maester, you need to-“
“Tywin, just call for Cerella. She helped me quite a bit with the last injury,” I told him, watching him rise from the couch and think. He nodded then, and went to the door to ask for her. 
When he came back, he appeared to be tired. 
“Are you alright?” I asked him, just now noticing how disheveled he looked in the proper lighting. 
“I haven’t been sleeping well. I’ve been worrying about you this whole time,” he admitted, making me go soft. I reached out my hand for him, and he took it within seconds. I’d missed the warmth of his hands, too. 
“Well, I’m alright now. I know I can’t exactly stay with you in the tower for a month or so, but at least you know I’m safe,” I tried to assure him, feeling horrible that I’d truly put him through so much stress. 
“I’ll stay with you in here for a while. Do you trust Ser Elias?” He asked, thumb brushing back and forth over my hand. I nodded.
“I do. You just need to be careful about what times you come and go. Other people might see,” I said with a sigh, wishing politics didn’t force us to be a secret at all. 
“Of course. I’ll be careful, my dear, don’t worry,” he assured me, sitting down beside me again and kissing my forehead.
I leaned into him, so grateful to be home. Dorne was beautiful, but I found it hard to enjoy a place when Tywin wasn’t with me. Everything beautiful I saw, I wished to share with him. 
“I wish you’d been there. I would’ve liked to see you in Dornish robes,” I said, leaning into his neck and biting his ear. He gave me a low growl, nipping at my neck. 
“Dornish fashion suits you. The only style I like seeing you in more is Lannister style,” he complimented, looking me up and down in the dress. There was little left to the imagination, and I felt quite confident he appreciated that.
“Well, I can’t betray my house. Though, it certainly wouldn’t hurt to acquire a few more red and gold designs,” I said with a smile, kissing his cheek now. 
“I don’t know why you bother, I intend to make them all end up on my floor,” he flirted, fingers coming to my chin as he smirked. 
Just then, there was a knock at the door, and I yelled out for Cerella to come in. When she did, I smiled. I’d missed seeing her everyday, if I was honest.
“I heard you got into some trouble on your mission, my lady,” she said, bowing her head at Tywin who moved away so she could sit beside me. 
“You could say that. It wouldn’t have been much fun if I hadn’t,” I remarked, to which Tywin merely shook his head. 
“Cerella, do you think she’ll listen to you? She certainly doesn’t listen to me when I tell her to behave and act smartly,” Tywin scoffed, pouring two cups of wine and bringing me one. 
“Respectfully, my lord, I don’t think she intends to listen to anyone,” Cerella replied, making all of us smile. I lifted my dress as she got out her medical supplies, knowing she’d want to see it. I’d already received stitches, but after a week or so it would be nice to hear that things were still in place and healing well. 
When the site was revealed, Tywin visibly looked concerned, and I reached for his hand to reassure him. 
“All seems to be going well. I’m going to put some ointment around it, and I expect you can have them removed before the week is over,” she said, reaching for a small tin. 
“How deep was it?” Tywin asked me, watching Cerella remove the lid and apply the ointment. 
“I stopped her before she could get her knife all the way in. I’d say about three to four inches, and I still need to tell you what happened to her,” I said, beginning to feel excited. I’d wanted to tell him the story since it happened.
“Go on then, what did you do?” He asked with a soft smile, looking down at me fondly as Cerella put the bandages over my thigh. 
“Well, I was egging her on, that’s principally why she got me. She had tried to stab me in the arm, but I caught her hand before she could. She then dropped the blade and caught it with her other hand, stabbing me then. Of course, as she did that, I was still holding her wrist, so I stabbed all the way through her forearm and held my blade to her other wrist so she couldn’t push her knife any further into me,” I explained, motioning with my hands to demonstrate what I’d done. Tywin nodded, imagining the scenario in his head. 
“I imagine she screamed quite loudly when you did that,” he remarked, eyebrows raised knowingly. I smiled and nodded.
“She certainly did, and she continued to when I began to twist the blade. I was quite lucky to have struck her where I did, otherwise I might’ve just hit a bone,” I said with a sigh, pushing my skirts back down when Cerella was done. 
“Well, I don’t pity her, she should’ve known better than to challenge you,” Tywin scoffed, knowing I had done much worse to those I’d killed in the past. 
“She was a good fighter, just too angry. People who fight with anger are the worst kind,” I sighed, handing Cerella a gold coin and thanking her as she left us. 
“Well, besides this girl, how was Dorne? I can’t assume anything noteworthy happened, Jaime’s always been fairly mellow,” he reasoned, taking a sip of his wine.
“He almost got bitten by a snake, though Bronn killed it and we ate it for breakfast. I don’t have any desire to eat a snake ever again,” I told, smiling as he laughed and sat down beside me again. 
“I can imagine. How was Jaime’s man? Bronn, as you said,” Tywin inquired, eyes fixed on a small bird that had decided to perch itself on my balcony. 
“He was rather enjoyable. He’s quite funny, and quite the flirt. Oddly enough, he was also very good at singing,” I said, watching the jealousy settle into his eyes. It was truly so easy to do. 
“Is that so? And how did you discover that?” He questioned, jaw setting the way it always did when he was frustrated. I began to laugh.
“We sang a duet of the Dornishman’s wife together. Don’t get jealous, Tywin, you know I’ve only ever cared for you,” I said as I watched him gaze about the room. He wanted to look anywhere but at me.
“I know you only care for me, that’s not what bothers me,” he revealed, surprising me slightly. Why else would he care? 
“Then what is it that does bother you?”
“That other men look at you, that they get to see you smile. I want to be the only one who sees you, the only one who makes you smile and laugh,” he mumbled, hand gently coming around my throat as he moved closer to me. 
“Other men look, Tywin, but only you see. All of those men amount to nothing, and you know that. There’s only one great lion, only one man in all seven kingdoms that I want. Plus, none of them have ever kissed me. None of them have ever seen me naked. They’ve never watched me cum on their cocks while I moan their name,” I whispered with a smile. I reached for Tywin’s collar, pulling him into me and moaning as he kissed me. Gods, he made me burn for him. If it wasn’t for my thigh, I already would’ve torn off all his clothes. 
“I’ve missed you so much,” he mumbled, fire in his eyes as he looked at me. He was trying to calm himself, and I appreciated that.
“I would have too, it seems things have been relatively uneventful,” I said, as I hadn’t heard any news of importance lately.
“I wouldn’t say that. Do you recall the group I was discussing with you, those sparrows?” He questioned.
“Of course, why?”
“They caught the high septon in a brothel and forced him to walk through the streets naked. I had them all arrested for this, of course. I won’t have any group causing further chaos than already exists here,” he informed, making me raise my eyebrows in surprise. I had not expected such a punishment from a religious group. 
“Are they going to be executed?”
“Of course.”
“That might not be smart, Tywin. There’s potential there to upset lots of people,” I warned, knowing that persecuting a religious group might have some rather harsh effects. 
“It might seem that way, but the people in this damned city just want heads on pikes, they don’t care whose. Groups like these are like infections, starting small until they become a large problem and end up killing you. I’m not going to let some religious fanatics exercise power over us, or the rest of King's Landing for that matter. It starts with the high septon, eventually it would spread to the brothels and the moment brothels aren’t running, well, that would cause a lot of other problems,” Tywin explained, getting up and pacing as he did so. I liked to see into his brain during moments like this. He was obviously far older than I was and had seen much more than I had. It was this wisdom that I found so attractive, so inspiring. The most powerful man in Westeros indeed. 
“You’re correct, the high septon would not be the last. Though, it may not be a bad thing. Parading me naked through the streets might increase public morale,” I joked, making Tywin laugh heartily. It had been quite some time since I’d heard him laugh that way. 
“Yes, I’m certain it would!” He chuckled, looking at me with a hint of mischief. 
“Well, besides the public shaming, any other news?” I inquired, hoping that perhaps that was as large as our problems were. Tywin nodded and finished his glass with a sigh.
“Quite a few things, though the only that actually happened in Kings Landing was Tyrion’s wedding. Walder Frey’s daughter actually ended up being quite pretty, much to his satisfaction. A sweet girl called Roslin. Though, I fear she’s a bit too sweet for him,” Tywin admitted, scanning my face for any reaction.
“Tyrion needs someone sweet, I feel. He’s a protective person by nature. Did she appear pleased by the match?” I questioned as Tywin poured more wine.
“She seemed content enough. She seemed to be laughing with him at the feast, and there was a bedding ceremony. I was told so anyways, I didn’t care to stay for very long.”
“Why not?”
“Social events like weddings have become intolerable without you.”
We both stared at each other for a moment, and an odd look flashed through his eyes. For a second, I could’ve sworn he almost looked nervous.
But no, the look passed and he continued to drink.
“What else has happened? Any news outside of Kings Landing?”
“Would you like the good or the bad first?”
“The bad, of course.”
“Stannis is at Castle Black right now. By all accounts, he intends to take the north soon,” Tywin revealed, making my eyebrows knit together.
“Jon Snow is allowing this?”
“Stannis saved them all from the Wildlings. I believe, due to that, Jon Snow is forced to stay out of it. Plus, it may grant him a good opportunity. There’s nobody for Robb Stark to fight if Stannis is dead,” Tywin explained, shrugging. 
“Stannis won’t settle. He’ll want his daughter on the throne. He genuinely believes the rumors,” I reminded, knowing how far men like him would go. It was respectable if nothing else.
“And only his most loyal supporters will care enough to try and get her there. Let the north deal with it for now.”
“Tywin, I know it is less of a concern for you, but I want all seven kingdoms in harmony. Should Stannis march with his entire army, I want to send at least a few hundred men. I know there’s still some bitterness, but it’s a start,” I suggested, knowing that if we did not heal relations with the North we’d be doomed forever. 
I watched Tywin contemplate, sitting down in one of the chairs by my table. 
“Who’s to say the Starks won’t side with Stannis? Ned Stark died for him, after all,” he proposed, making me scoff and shake my head. 
“The North is already beaten down and tired. They’ve all just returned home after years at war, do you imagine they’ll be jumping to fight over another man’s war? They followed Robb Stark because they believe in Robb Stark, not Stannis Baratheon. More than anything, I can’t imagine they’ll respond kindly to someone they already know intends to take the north,” I reasoned, knowing that often they were loyal to themselves and themselves only. 
“And what if Robb Stark decides to back Stannis?”
“He won’t. Robb Stark is perfectly content as King in the North, he’s not going to kneel before Stannis Baratheon. We let him call himself whatever he damn pleases, and in return we keep a delicate alliance between the seven kingdoms. Not to mention, his sister is married to my brother. Declaring for Stannis would certainly… complicate things for their family,” I convinced, watching Tywin nod and sigh in his seat. My seat, technically. 
“Very well. Should it come to that, I’ll permit some 500 men to go and fight. Stannis has about 6,000 men. The northerners and 500 men from us should be sufficient,” he granted, making me quite content. 
“What of Tyrell troops?”
“Robb Stark has already spoken with you, I don’t think he’ll be offended. Help from Lannister soldiers is what they need to ensure peace, and it will only take us longer to summon troops from Highgarden,” he reasoned. I nodded, knowing that he was right. We didn’t exactly need my own troops, and the distance from here to Winterfell was already far enough.
“Thank you, Tywin. I know I must always keep what is best for my house first, but when I don’t need to worry about that, I let myself do what’s best for the realm. A house prospers most in a peaceful kingdom, after all,” I noted.
“With that sorted out, what is the good news?” I asked, motioning for him to come back over to me. I felt like we were far apart despite being in the same room. He rose, joining me on the sofa again. I grabbed at his shoulders and pulled myself into his lap. 
“Rather adventurous, aren’t we?”
“How do you imagine I’ve acquired so many scars?”
Tywin merely smiled and gave me a gentle kiss. 
“Daenerys Targaryen is dead.”
My eyes instantly went wide, and I shifted to look at him more directly.
“What? How?”
“Murdered by a pathetic uprising of Merenese nobles upset about her ending slavery there. They snuck up on her in the fighting pits, the entire thing seems to have been quite the slaughter,” he said, making me take a deep breath as I processed it. 
It certainly seemed that one by one, our threats were dying out or retreating. Things, for the first time in years, looked quite bright for the Tyrells and the Lannisters. 
“What of her dragons?”
“As far as I’m concerned, one is still missing, and the other two remain locked up underneath the temples. I don’t think anyone is brave enough to free them,” he said, hands placed sweetly above my hips. I sighed.
“We ought to keep track of the free one. As for the other two, I’ll pray they burn down all of Mereen eventually. The city seems doomed to outright collapse now that Daenerys is dead,” I reasoned, knowing it was already fragile enough while she was alive. 
“Yes, I imagine it will. Breaker of chains,” Tywin mumbled, making me quietly laugh at the irony. 
“The Targaryen bloodline gone with her, what a thought,” I sighed, considering just how temporary everything was, even the houses and our names. 
“It’s becoming a bit more than a thought for the Lannisters,” Tywin grumbled, leaning his head back onto the sofa. It was undeniably true, if I was honest. Tommen and Myrcella bore both the name Baratheon, and neither Jaime nor Tyrion had any children. 
“Tyrion’s going to be married soon,” I pointed out, making him scoff.
“To a Frey girl.”
I merely shrugged, smiling as I leaned in to kiss his neck. I felt his hands grip me a bit more firmly.
“Perhaps, Tywin, you have another option,” I whispered, tugging at his collar a bit for more access.
“Which is what?” He muttered in reply, hands coming down to my ass now. 
“Produce another heir,” I suggested, grinding on his crotch slightly as he groaned.
“You ought to be careful, if you keep that up I’m going to want to fuck you, and if I do that your stitches are going to split,” he warned, one hand coming up to fondle my breasts.
“You don’t need to fuck me. I want to taste you,” I mumbled, kissing him. He showed a degree of surprise, especially as I reached down to start undoing his pants. 
“You don’t have to,” he whispered after a moment, cupping my face to show me he meant it. 
“I know I don’t. I want to. You told me you would teach me how to touch you, and that’s what I’d like,” I said with a smile, moving off of him to start taking his pants off. 
He kicked off his boots, looking at me thoughtfully and nodding. I took his pants off and undid his coat, not wanting anything to get in the way. 
He swallowed as I pressed my body against his, kissing his neck and slowly reaching into his underclothes. He was still relatively soft when I touched him, so I began to touch and rub, appreciating his sharp inhales as I did. 
“(Y/N), if you end up learning quickly, there’s something else we could try,” he said, bucking into my hand just the tiniest bit.
“And what is that?”
“It’s for you to find out, sweet girl.”
I smiled, noticing he’d taken to calling me that whenever he was aroused. And physically, he was also becoming aroused beneath my hand. He wasn’t all the way there yet, but he was hard enough that I began to pull down the rest of Tywin’s clothes and free him. 
I swallowed at the sight of his erection, not sure where to go from here. Tywin’s hand came to my back, and he smiled ever so softly at me.
“Do you want some help?”
I nodded, and he brought his hand to the back of my head instead, gently lowering it until I was close up. 
“Do what feels right, and I’ll tell you if there’s something else you ought to try. The only thing is to not use your teeth, thank you,” he said, making me look up at him and laugh. 
“If you start misbehaving, maybe I will.”
He chuckled at that, and I focused myself back on him, taking the base of him into my hand and carefully licking his tip. 
I felt him shiver, and it encouraged me to continue, slowly taking him in my mouth and letting my tongue move against him. 
He groaned now, taking some of my hair in his hands and gripping onto it as I lowered my head even further. I took his cock as deep into my mouth as I could, gagging when it hit the back of my throat. That made him moan even louder, though, and I made a mental note of it. 
I remembered what Cerella had told me too, and began to suck on him, which elicited quite the moan, followed by my name.
“(Y/N)… gods yes… keep doing that,” he whined, back arching into me as I continued to suck his tip and use my hand on the rest of him. Tywin was a pathetic, moaning mess, and I felt pride in knowing I’d make him like this. 
I felt him smack my ass, and I moaned out around him, which he seemingly liked, as he threw his head back and quivered. 
“(Y/N)… (Y/N) wait…” he mumbled, bringing my head up with his hands. I looked up at him curiously, but he merely reached over and grabbed me, standing up from the couch and carrying me over to the bed.
“We’re going to try something, hm? I want to make you feel good,” he said, sitting me on the bed and pulling my shoes off. After that, he removed my underclothes but not my dress. From there I watched him get onto the bed and lay down, removing his coat before motioning for me to come over. 
“(Y/N), what I want you to do is to straddle my chest, can you do that?” He questioned, to which I nodded and did so. He hummed contently and motioned for me to turn around. 
“Good, now take me in your mouth again,” he instructed, to which I eagerly bent down and did so. He moaned, and I felt him pushing my skirts up even more and letting them stay up on my back. I felt his hands at my hips, and after a moment I realized what he was going to do.
I moaned as I felt his tongue between my folds, back arching as he found my clit and lapped at it faithfully.
I couldn’t stop moaning around his cock, even as I continued to suck on him and rub him. That in turn made him moan, and it felt wonderful between my legs. I was glad more than anything that it wasn’t putting pressure on my stitches, and there was relatively little pain. 
More than anything, it was just overwhelming pleasure. 
I pushed my head down on his cock again, gagging and drooling on him in a way that felt oddly satisfying. His hips were bucking up, fucking my mouth as I moaned and sucked on him obediently. 
I felt his hands on my ass, spreading me even further apart as he began to suck on my clit, his nose bumping up against me as well. 
I was grateful to be riding something besides a horse for the first time in a month and a half. 
As I continued to suck and gag, I could tell that Tywin was getting close. His moans were becoming louder and higher pitched just as they had the last time we’d laid together. 
My own orgasm seemed to be coming as well, and as I felt Tywin’s tongue lick my clit directly I could no longer hold back. My legs were shaking and I moaned around him, whimpering as he held me down and continued to bury his face between my legs. 
Just then, I felt his own cum spurting into my mouth and Tywin also began to moan particularly loud. I swallowed all of it, removing myself from his cock and trying to catch my breath, my head resting on his hip. 
We both laid there, content and overwhelmed as we tried to catch our breaths. 
“Was that a satisfactory welcome home?” He asked, still panting. I laughed softly, letting my hands roam the warm skin of his hips and legs. 
“Yes, it was. Thank you, Tywin.”
“Of course, my dear.”
He gave my ass a gentle pat, squeezing as I began to lift myself up, lying down beside him and cuddling close as he cleaned himself up, adjusting his clothes as well.
“Did you swallow it all?” He questioned upon realizing there wasn’t a mess. I smiled and nodded, and there was a spark in his eyes that I enjoyed quite deeply. 
“Good girl,” he mumbled, kissing my forehead. We laid together like that for a bit, chatting lightly about random topics and teasing one another, just as we always did. 
It was reassuring to me that even as Stannis readied himself at Castle Black, and even as a full grown dragon roamed unattended, all would be well for us. It seemed that together, there was not a challenge Tywin and I could not face. Slowly, the realm was coming back together. At least Westeros was, anyways, and it was not Stannis Baratheon doing it, it was not the late Daenerys Targaryen, or even Tommen. 
It was us. 
@cheyxfu @lemonscoffee @groovy-lady
@ladysindar @vesta-ro @exo-nova @paola-carter
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@fullmoonshadowwrites @kishie8
@the-desilittle-bird @dianilaws @girlonfireice @muscari-fae @lostgirllulu @abigfanofgameofthrones
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seventhwinterwolf · 2 years
If there had been no WotFK, who do you think the Stark children would have married?
So aside from two of my favorite pairings that did and did not quite come to fruition in the show (Bran x Meera, Arya x Gendry) I believe that most of the Stark children would have married Northerners and maybe one or two in the Riverlands and Vale. The honor of having a Stark enter their families is such a highly coveted value in the North and I firmly stand that Ned would seek to bestow every care on his bannerman without forcing his children into disagreeable arrangements or otherwise before they are ready.
Robb Stark
Myrcella Baratheon
Wynafryd Manderly
Dacey Mormont
Eddara Tallhart
Alys Karstark
As the heir of Winterfell and firstborn son of the Hand of the King, Robb would have every single young lady's eye. I would expect Robb to marry a Northerner, unless it was altered where King Robert wanted Myrcella married to honor Ned’s friendship and support over the many decades. This would then alleviate Sansa from Joffrey’s torment and Myrcella had developed a little crush on Robb during her time at Winterfell in AGOT. There are also unnamed daughters in House Umber that could be plausible for Robb’s consideration. Karstark and Tallhart seem on the sightly less likely side since Rickard Karstark had tried for several years to get Robb / Ned interested in his daughter but it never landed. Alys does end up being married to another northern lord.
Dacey and Robb become friends during the WOT5K, she is a bit older than him and might be too unladylike for Catelyn's approval. Dacey and Wynafryd are both the heirs to Bear Island and White Harbor, but since the two of them have younger sisters I can believe that their heiress title could be passed to a younger sister. Or one of the younger sons from Robb would become the heir to House Mormont or House Manderley. This isn't as much of an heiress big deal as Arianna Martell not marrying Willas Tyrell creating a double heir situation when Highgarden and Sunspear are much more comparable big game prizes for inheritance. Due to Wynafyrd's higher house standing and power I could see her being the forerunner for Robb to marry within the North.
While considering Robb and Margaery, it does not have as advantageous values for the Tyrells since Winterfell is so far removed geographically and politically, it seems on the more unlikely side that this pairing would happen. 
Sansa Stark
Joffrey Baratheon
Trystane Martell
Willas Tyrell (maybe Loras)
Edric Dayne
Jon Snow/Targaryen
Once free from being betrothed to Joffrey or not if Robert/Ned don't die early (or if Robb is with Myrcella), I could reasonably see Sansa having the whole of Westeros open for the opportunity from within King's Landing. I would expect her to marry outside of the North, Riverlands, and maybe even the Vale to consider one of the southernmost kingdoms. This would be one of the most to gain in political standing if it was from the Reach or Westernlands. As the firstborn daughter to the Hand of the King, Sansa would have the utmost attention and consideration for just about any great house's heir. I do see Dorne not being a forerunner though that could change if Prince Trystane Martell arrived In KL. The Baratheons outside of KL seem also not likely if she weren't involved with Joffrey. Eventually if Jon is a Targaryen and claims the throne I could see Sansa and Jon marrying to keep the North in the realm. If Sansa became a close companion to Margaery as Queen, she could easily be introduced to any lord within the Reach or in the stony mountains of Dorne nearby, which could open up House Dayne (special care for the Lady Ashara and Ned rumors) and I think that Sansa and Edric could be interesting.
Arya Stark
Beren Tallhart
Gawen Glover
Unnamed Umber Son
Gendry Waters
Maybe one of the younger Ryswells (Rickard or Roose) pending their unknown ages, I doubt Catelyn and Ned would approve of a large age gap. If Jojen Reed was not unfortunately doomed I could see Arya and him as a possible engagement. After Sansa, I find Arya to be the hardest Stark child to predict/guess a preplanned marriage for when not taking Gendry into factor.
Bran Stark
Meera Reed
Beth Cassel
Ysilla Royce
If he doesn't fall from the tower then I could see Bran going to the Vale since he has aspirations of being a knight and he could be fostered by Yohn Royce and become betrothed to his daughter Ysilla, before Mychel Redfort marries her in AFFC, or another unnamed Yohn Royce daughter. After some time in King's Landing if Robert were not to die early I could see him and Ned agreeing to send Bran and Tommen together to the Vale.
Rickon Stark
Lyanna Mormont
Wylla Manderly
I like the idea of Lyanna Mormont or Wylla Manderly to match Rickon's wild personality if Lyanna has more of her show presence rather than her minimal book appearances. With Wylla's green hair and Shaggydog's green eyes that could be potentially cute. If Robb married Dacey Mormont or Wynafyrd Manderley then I would see Rickon marrying into the other house.
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oneiric-misfit · 1 year
Serie Master list / Master List
Oberyn x Afab!OC
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Résumé : "Et quand il posa son regard sur elle, il sut. Inévitablement, indéniablement, il sut. Comme il savait que le soleil se levait chaque matin, comme il savait que la lune brillait chaque et que le printemps succédait à l'hiver. Il sut, qu'il mourrait pour elle. Et quand elle le regarda, elle sut. Indubitablement, incontestablement. Jusqu'à ce que le soleil ne se lève plus sur leur monde, jusqu'à ce que les étoiles se meurent et que l'hiver soit éternel. Elle sut, qu'elle vivrait pour lui."
Mots : 3K
Rating : Mature
Partie 2
Un tic d'impatience secoua la jambe d'Inan tandis qu'il attendait que Myrcella choisisse une tenue. Il était posté le dos droit devant la porte de sa chambre, la jeune fille l'avait fait entrer à l'intérieur de la pièce. Il avait été soulagé de voir que Septa Églantine n'était pas présente, son humeur maussade ne passerait pas au travers de son armure aujourd'hui, il se sentait tendu. 
- Qu'est-ce que tu penses de celle-ci ? 
Myrcella était sortie de sa salle de bain avec une longue robe, au tissus léger et diaphane, de couleur ocre. Des perles dorées avaient été minutieusement cousus sur l'encolure. 
- Vous portez des vêtements dorniens ? 
- Tu trouves que cela ne me sied guère ? 
- Vous êtes jolie, ce n'est pas ce que j'ai dit, n'en doutez jamais. 
Une jeune femme se mit à s'occuper des cheveux de la princesse en silence, les coiffants doucement, appliquant une huile ambrée sur sa chevelure d'or. Une odeur de vanille emplie la pièce. 
- Tu as réussis à t'intégrer depuis que nous sommes arrivés ? 
- Vos préoccupations me touchent princesse, mais je suis ici pour garantir votre sécurité, et non pour m'intégrer. Et pour vous ? 
- Pour moi c'était difficile, la maison me manquait beaucoup, elle me manque encore beaucoup, ma mère aussi... Tout est différent ici. Mais je crois que ça va mieux. Je voudrais aller me promener. 
Elle se leva et intima à Inan l'ordre de la suivre. Les pas de la princesse les menèrent sur la muraille qui bordait le palais, on pouvait y voir la ville s'étaler en contre-bas en une multitude de maison blanche aux toits ocres. Le soleil de l’après-midi réchauffait l'air autour d’eux. 
- Finalement, je crois que je me plais vraiment ici, il fait si beau ! Les gens sont si gentils ! 
- Et Trystan l'est également ? 
L'enfant se mit à rougir, riant nerveusement. 
- Oui... Il est très gentil, et très beau. 
- Cela doit être une qualité Dornienne.
- Ah oui ? Tu trouves que les dorniens sont beaux ? Arianne est très jolie également, je l'ai vu, venir te parler. 
Ce n'était pas à Arianne qu'Inan avait pensé en premier lieu, mais elle était effectivement très belle. 
- Je suis chevalier, ce n'est pas tellement mon sujet de préoccupation. 
- Tu ne cesses de répéter cela. Est-ce que tu te plais ici, tu ne m'as même pas répondu ! 
- Je me plais où vous vous plaisez princesse.
- Tu n'es pas drôle. Tu pourrais respirer de temps en temps tu sais.
Inan souffla un rire discret et leva son regard vers l'horizon. Il entendit, bien avant de le voir, un petit groupe de personnes arriver dans leur direction. Il plaça sa paume sur le pommeau de son épée, avant de détendre sa main quand il s'aperçut qu'il s'agissait d'Arianne, accompagnée de jeunes femmes qu'il reconnut comme étant Tyerne et Sarella, deux filles d'Oberyn. 
- Ser Inan ! Myrcella ! Vous étiez bien cachés, nous vous cherchions ! 
Inan les regarda s'approcher jusqu'à être à leur niveau. Il n’avait pas fait attention au premier abord mais Trystan les accompagnait également. 
- Je m'étais dit que nous pourrions les laisser tous les deux, Tyerne et Sarella voudraient faire découvrir le palais à Myrcella par la même occasion. 
- Je ne sais pas si... 
- Aller Inan s'il te plait ! Je ne suis pas en danger ici ! 
- Myrcella, ce n'est pas que je ne veux pas, c'est une question de sécurité. 
- Je garanti sa sécurité sur mon honneur de princesse de Dorne. Ils ne quitteront pas le palais vieux. Remettez-vous en doute l’honneur de ma famille ?
Arianne appuya son regard pour lui faire comprendre qu’elle ne lui laissait pas véritablement le choix.  
- Absolument pas. Je vous laisse le soin de la garder en sécurité Tyerne, Sarella.  
- Est ce que tous les chevaliers sont aussi barbant à la capitale ? Souffla Sarella. 
- Bien sûr Ser Inan, comptez sur nous. Ajouta Tyerne, narquoise. 
Inan mima un sourire crispé, se retenant de lever les yeux au ciel. Il regarda le petit groupe s'éloigner rapidement, Myrcella riait déjà aux éclats. 
- Venez, je vais vous faire visiter les jardins ! 
Inan laissa Arianne l'emporter dans les jardins intérieurs du palais vieux. 
- Ces fleurs ci, les bleues, broyées, elles peuvent provoquer un arrêt cardiaque à la personne qui les consomme. Discret et efficace. 
- Merci pour cette information, je ne saurais quoi en faire. 
- J'aime les plantes, elles semblent si fragiles, et pourtant, les apparences sont parfois trompeuses. Vous vous plaisez à Dorne ? 
Inan se crispa, si on lui demandait encore une fois s'il se plaisait ici, il allait imploser. 
- J'ai mis un moment à m'habituer à la chaleur.  
- Vous saviez, si vous portiez autre chose que votre armure...
La voix d'Arianne se fondit dans le décor tandis qu'il aperçut Oberyn au loin. Le prince s'entraînait, il se sentit subitement absorbé par les mouvements de son corps. Le voir de l'extérieur était tout à fait différent de ce qu'il avait pu expérimenter au combat. Quand ils s'affrontaient, il n'avait pas eu une seconde de répit, il n'avait pas eu l'occasion d'analyser sa manière de se battre, ni de voir ses gestes. Ils étaient encore plus impressionnants en tant que spectateur, loin du danger. Le prince se mouvait avec une précision et une souplesse hors du commun, il y avait quelque chose de terriblement gracieux dans sa démarche, de terriblement animal. Il détailla un long moment sa technique de combat, faites d'esquives et d'attaques rapides, d'acrobaties minutieusement exécutées, rien n'était laissé au hasard. Il ne remarqua pas quand il arrêta de se concentrer sur sa technique pour seulement le regarder, lui. Il détailla sa silhouette, son torse nu qu'il n'avait pas remarqué immédiatement, ce sourire sournois qui ne quittait jamais son visage, la courbe de son dos... 
- Je vois... Peut-être que je ne suis tout simplement pas du bon genre... 
La voix d'Arianne le ramena brutalement à la réalité, trop brutalement. Il sentit ses joues s'empourprer aux mots que la princesse venait de prononcer, à ces mots qui avaient lu dans ses pensées. 
- Ce n'est pas... 
La princesse lui fit un clin d'œil et s'éloigna jusqu'au camps d'entraînement, directement vers son oncle. Les doigts d'Inan s'enfoncèrent dans sa paume, il les regarda discuter, et vit Oberyn se tourner dans sa direction, un sourire aux lèvres. S'il avait pu se liquéfier sur place, disparaitre en poussière, il en aurait saisi l'occasion avec plaisir. Même être écrasé par une harde de chevaux aurait été accueilli avec gratitude en cet instant où il voyait le prince s'approcher de lui. Il le regarda essuyer son torse avec un linge et mettre un châle sur ses épaules pendant le trajet. S'il avait voulu cacher son corps, la tentative était vaine, Inan avait la sensation que le tissu transparent aux motifs mordorés ne faisait que mettre en évidence les muscles de son torse. 
- Arianne te pense insensible à ses charmes, elle pense que tu serais plutôt du genre à préférer les hommes. 
- Arianne est une femme magnifique. Et je ne faisais que regarder vos techniques de combats. 
- Donc tu étais bien en train de me regarder. 
Oberyn arbora un sourire fier. Inan ne survivrait pas longtemps à Dorne s'il n'apprenait pas à être plus vigilant et à ne pas vendre le fond de sa pensée sans y être invité. Le moindre mot prononcé de manière insouciante pouvait se transformer en arme ici. Et il n'avait aucune envie qu'Oberyn puisse avoir la moindre ascendance sur lui. Inan poussa un soupir résigné.
- Il semblerait. 
- Marches avec moi, veux-tu ? 
Inan suivit Oberyn dans les jardins aux senteurs de miel et de fleurs sauvages. Il n’avait pas remarqué ces odeurs, lors de sa visite avec Arianne. 
- Il y a une question que je me pose, tu n'es pas d'une famille noble, ta maison n'a connu aucun exploit, je ne connaissais pas ton nom avant que tu deviennes bouclier lige.
- Je n'entends pas de question. Constata Inan, glacial. 
- Comment es-tu devenu bouclier lige de la jeune Myrcella ? 
- J'ai été repéré pour mes qualités au combat, comme vous avez pu le remarquer, mais aussi pour ma bravoure. Il y quelques temps la princesse a été victime d'une tentative d'assassinat. Il se trouve que j'étais sur place, je l'ai sauvé et Tyrion Lannister m'a fait sacrer bouclier lige. 
- Tu ne me dis pas tout, si toutes les personnes qui sauvaient ou aidaient la famille royale étaient sacré bouclier lige, il n'y aurait plus de place au palais pour tous les accueillir. 
- Ils étaient six. Je les ai tués, les uns après les autres, tout en protégeant la princesse, mes collègues sont morts, j'ai reçu une blessure grave en protégeant la princesse de mon corps. Myrcella ne voulait plus se déplacer dans le château sans moi.
- Quelle chance, que vous vous soyez trouvé au bon endroit au bon moment. 
- En effet, c'est une chance, pour la princesse. 
- Bien entendu, pour la princesse. Depuis combien de temps êtes-vous son bouclier Lige ? 
- Un an. 
- Peu de temps avant que les fiançailles avec Trystan soient annoncées ? Décidément, que de hasard. 
- Vous faites beaucoup d'insinuations, pour un homme qui clame l'honnêteté, Prince Oberyn Martell. 
- Je t’en prie, appelle-moi Oberyn. 
- Je n'y tiens pas particulièrement, je vous remercie. 
- Tu appelles pourtant Arianne par son prénom, n'est-ce pas ? 
- Peut être qu'elle ne me laisse pas insensible finalement ? 
- Ou peut être as-tu une dent contre moi ? 
Inan posa sa main sur son flanc gauche. 
- Je ne vois pas ce qui vous fait penser cela.
- Comment se passe tes premières semaines à Dorne ? 
- Est ce que tout le monde s'est donné le mot pour me demander comment se passe ma vie depuis que je suis à Dorne et me rappeler à quel point je suis coincé ? 
- Tu l'es, c'est un fait. 
- Je me plait à Dorne, merci. Et je ne suis pas coincé, je suis chevalier. 
- Crois moi, j'ai côtoyé des chevaliers qui étaient loin d'être coincés, ce n'est pas inhérent à ton rôle, seulement à ta personne. 
- Je vais vous laisser, je n'ai aucune envie de me montrer désagréable. 
Il étendit son rire moqueur pour seule réponse tandis qu’il se dirigeait vers sa chambre. 
Quand Myrcella rentra ce soir-là, elle était surexcitée et plus que ravie. Elle raconta à Inan comme le palais était magnifique, elle adorait les mosaïques et les couleurs qui parcourait les murs et les salles.  
Chapitre 3 : L’ordre appelle le chaos.
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La Loba Y La Dragona (Daenerys x OFC GIP)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/Kya1h4g
by laanonimainvisible
Words: 79249, Chapters: 68/68, Language: Español
Fandoms: A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms, Game of Thrones (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi
Characters: Daenerys Targaryen, Jorah Mormont, Jon Snow, Tormund Giantsbane, Sansa Stark, Arya Stark, Gendry (A Song of Ice and Fire), Myrcella Baratheon, Oberyn Martell, Ellaria Sand, Asha Greyjoy | Yara Greyjoy
Relationships: Daenerys Targaryen/Original Female Character(s), Jon Snow/Ygritte, Sansa Stark/Margaery Tyrell, Gendry/Arya Stark, Myrcella Baratheon/Trystane Martell, Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth, Lyanna Mormont/Rickon Stark, Oberyn Martell/Ellaria Sand
Additional Tags: Oberyn Martell Lives, Margaery Tyrell Lives, Dark Jon Snow, Jon Snow is a Targaryen, Futanari, Girl Penis, Intersex, Full Shift Werewolves
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/Kya1h4g
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westerosoliviapope · 3 years
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Scandal Westeros | Feast of the Maiden (Valentine's Day) Trystane & Myrcella
asoiafnet event 11 | love is in the air
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chic-beyond-the-wall · 11 months
What Myrcella Baratheon would wear
October 25th
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sunfyress · 4 years
43 Trystane and Myrcella
The bandages covered half of her face, including the gaping hole where her ear once used to be. They also cover the scars that took space on nearly her entire left cheek, red and angry. Myrcella had caught a glimpse of her reflection in the mirror when she was without the bandages. A lump had formed in her throat as she had stared at herself, and she did all she could not to weep in front of Maester Caleotte and Trystane.
It felt silly, almost vain to cry over scars when Ser Arys lost his life and Princess Arianne was locked away by the orders of Prince Doran. Myrcella was alive and breathing, she should be glad and thanking the Mother Above for sparing her life. But the pitying looks from Rosamund and the disappointment that she will surely see from her lady mother if Queen Cersei ever requests her presence stops her from ever feeling so grateful.
Trystane never looked at her with pity or disappointment or disgust, even when the maester unwraps her bandages and her disfigurement is in full view. He would always be smiling at her, with his too wide grin and his slightly crooked teeth showing, and he would sit by her each day of her recovery. Myrcella liked his smile, it was always honest and true but she did not understand why he still smiles at her. The pretty princess he was once promised to was no longer so pretty.
“Cella,” Trystane said, carefully putting down a cup of hot tea by her bedside. Only Tommen had called her Cella before, Myrcella never cared much for the nickname. She thought it sounded silly. But coming from Trystane, it sounds almost nice. “I thought today we could—”
“Why aren’t you very upset with me?” Myrcella abruptly blurted out. She forgets her courtesies, she knows. But she simply doesn’t understand. “These scars.. they…”
“Scars?” Trystane shrugged. “I do not care. Besides, those scars show that you survived against the Darkstar. Very few can say that. You have warrior’s scars, my Uncle Oberyn had many of those.”
Myrcella brightened at that. Warrior’s scars, she likes that far better than Rosamund’s pitying murmuring of sad disfigurement. Still, the lingering shame of burdening Trystane to watch over her remained. “You don’t have to stay by my bedside all day.” she shyly said.
“I want to,” Trystane earnestly said. “We’ll play cyvasse.” he declared, before sighing. “I’m sure you will win once again.”
You always let me win, Myrcella almost said. She sits upright, a wide grin on her face to match Trystane’s, as he brings the cyvasse board on the bed. She felt joyful, for the first time since her injury.
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floral-saturn · 3 years
Game of thrones ships as Taylor swift songs (yes I’m doing this because I’m bored and I have nothing else to accomplish)
Jon Snow x Satin Flowers - cardigan
Theon Greyjoy x Robb Stark - Love Story
Brienne of Tarth x Jamie Lannister - You Need to Calm Down
Yara Greyjoy x Daenerys Targaryen - Lover feat. Shawn Mendez
Sansa Stark x Margaery Tyrell - Marjorie
Cersei Lannister x Jamie Lannister - Bad Blood
Jon Connington x Aegon VI Targaryen - Dear John
Jon Snow x Daenerys Targaryen - Out of the Woods
Tommen Baratheon x Margaery Tyrell - Getaway car
Ramsay Bolton x Theon Greyjoy - I Did Something Bad
Samwell Tarly x Gilly - Our Song
Tormund x Jon Snow - White Horse
Catelyn Tully x Ned Stark - Tim McGraw
Trystane Martell x Myrcella Baratheon - Style
Yara Greyjoy x Ellaria Sand - Illicit Affairs
Gendry Baratheon x Arya Stark - Back to December
Renly Baratheon x Loras Tyrell - Mine
Oberyn Martell x Ellaria Sand - End Game
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x-winging-it · 5 years
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Happy to step down and let his sister claim the throne of Dorne, Trystane retired to the life of a private lord with his lady Myrcella. And they lived out their days in the warmth of the Dornish sun- far from the politics and treachery of court, happy and content with a simple life. 
@asoiafrarepairs day 4 warmth | tears 
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