nomdenet · 2 years
What people forget is that the freedom from contracting COVID & possibly long COVID is greater than the inconvenience of wearing a mask. The compounding factor being their freedom to not wear masks conflicts with the freedom of sick & immunocompromised people from being infected.
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junkbbykow · 2 years
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emedecare · 1 year
K95 Protective Masks vs N95 Masks: Which One is Better?
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prizmamedya-blog · 2 years
FFP2 Masken Hersteller
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maskmatters · 2 years
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joshualunacreations · 3 years
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Make America Mask Again (even though it barely did to begin with). Unlike Asia, the West associates wearing masks with weakness and fascism, rather than a civic duty to protect themselves and others. As if forcing sick individuals to work or be in situations that can literally kill—just to keep the capitalist machine running—isn't tyrannical. Asians are triply targeted in this pandemic. We are potential COVID victims like anyone else, yet also get blamed for the pandemic, and then get treated as "dirty" carriers of the disease even more when we wear a mask. This leads to violent anti-Asian hate crimes against us. It isn't Asian to care about others and mask up. It's basic empathy and hygiene—which many Americans lack. To my fellow Asians out there who've been masking from the start and never stopped even though it added another target to your back, I see you. Hang in there. (Please don’t repost or edit my art. Reblogs are always appreciated.) If you enjoy my comics, please pledge to my Patreon or donate to my Paypal. I lost my publisher, so your support keeps me going until I can find a new publisher/lit agent. https://twitter.com/Joshua_Luna/status/1134522555744866304 https://patreon.com/joshualuna https://www.paypal.com/paypalme2/JoshuaLunaComics
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callese · 3 years
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cranquis · 3 years
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I never knew I had so many options besides clean-shaven.
Question: Wouldn't the Villain intentionally cross the seal?
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runs-4-pinkcupcakes · 3 years
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Hi bunnies!
2022. Entering year 3 of the pandemic. The past 2 years I’ve rarely had anyone close to me be COVID+. After my dad died from COVID in 2020 (before vaccines and only remdesivir), the vaccines came and most of my family and friends got it. After the holidays of 2021, everyone I know has gotten infected with Omnicron except me and my mom. But none of them are dying!!! My point: get a N95 mask and get the vaccine! Stay safe.
Minor Setbacks for me in January 2022
1. I had to cancel my Vegas and Hawaii trip for Jan/Feb. I had 1st class tickets to Hawaii that I used miles for and only cost me $110. 😩😩
2 Celine Dion canceled her concert in April and I had great tickets. (Some may see that as a blessing unless you are over a certain age 😂).
Lets offset that negativity with these gems:
1. I booked a beach house in lieu of Hawaii in S. California for February
2. I get $420 back from the canceled concert.
3. I’ve lost 45 pounds! (20.5 kg). I am thrilled. It is NOT easy to lose weight in menopause and in your 50’s.
4. I only have TWENTY 2-0 pounds (9 kg) to go to get to my happy weight. Likely not the final weight BUT that goal is so obtainable now. When you have over 50, 75, 100 lbs you think it’s impossible. Day by day, friends.
5. I’m down 2 short sizes. I fit into jeans yesterday I have not worn in 5 years. No muffin top. Feels good to wear real clothes not just leggings.
6. I’ve joined a couple of long distance (think across the USA) virtual races for this year to get me back to exercising consistently.
I hope y’all are meeting your goals, finding happiness in the little things, staying healthy mentally and physically, and when possible, helping the less fortunate.
Go NINERS! ❤️💛
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scarlettquailchick · 3 years
She's found her perfect bed 😊🐥
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humairasaleem · 4 years
Benefits of a N95 Respirator Face Mask
This pandemic situation has hit the whole US pretty hard. With the death toll rising by the day people are becoming more cautious than ever before.
However, with the help of correct preventive measures taken and collective efforts the Americans can defeat this pandemic. According to the guidelines of WHO people must avoid handshaking.
Benefits of a N95 Respirator Face Mask
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emedecare · 1 year
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theducates · 4 years
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labelleizzy · 4 years
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maskmatters · 2 years
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girlsmask · 4 years
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