madrabit · 4 months
fav bojance pics?? 👀
✨️ Heho
That is such a good question, and it took me a long, long time to dive into my folders and find the pics I like the most! It's actually very hard finding pictures with just the three of them, but I still have a few pics I do really like! I'll give you a small little selection, but since tumblr limits me to ten, it was actually very hard to decide.
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Let's start with the London live streams, or also the JO cooking shows, which are basically domestic BoJance living together. There are so many good screenshots of them, where they are silly or mostly looking confused af while reading the chat 😂
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While talking about livestream, their other insta live (or rather, the failed discord live) was also more than amusing and brought us this gem :3
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I think those three are the most random ones I could find and they don't have any particular reason behind why I chose them other that I love how chaotic they look!
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I could never not choose this picture. I honestly have no clue what the hell Bojan wanted to accomplish by that, but he managed to make it look super hot.
And damn, Nace looks way too intrigued by them.
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This might be my fav picture of them. Ever. Period.
They are just so very soft, and Jan and Nace are looking at each other while Bojan is wrapped in Nace's jacket like a little kitten? Not forgetting to talk about how damn big Nace's hands are, making Bojan look so damn tiny djjsjsnssjsnd 👀
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And as a lil extra, have the three boyfriends looking at each other! ✨️💜🩷❤️
I know you probably didn't expect me to write about the pics a well, but every time I get to talk about the three of them together is a very good time! ✨️
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da-proti-toku-grem · 2 months
17 Jance mayhaps (if you already did it I'm sorry, I love ur style and reading your prompts!!)
Thank you so much 🥰. I think I've officially lost the battle with my “I'm keeping these short” thoughts because this is almost 1.8k oops 😅.
As always, ao3 link at the bottom if you prefer to read it there <3
(Rating: Mature)
Send me a Ship and a Number and I will Write a Kiss
17. … to distract.
“Please, Nacko,” Jan begged from his place on the couch.
Knowing that they had an interview the next morning, Nace had offered Jan to stay at his house. After all, it was no secret that the guitarist was by no means a morning person and, being the one who lived closest to where the interview would take place, it seemed only reasonable to offer him a place to sleep without the need to drive from Vrhnika to Ljubljana in the early morning.
And maybe – and just maybe – something inside his chest was also tickling under the pretext of seeing Jan's gorgeous face when Nace inevitably woke up before him, his features relaxed and his hair tousled. No one needed to know that, though. He was more than willing to take the secret to his grave. It wasn't like someone like Jan would ever look at him that way, anyways.
Once they arrived at the apartment, Nace offered Jan a glass of wine. The bassist himself didn't drink anymore, but he liked to always have something to offer to his guests – in this case, a bottle of red wine.
And that's how they had gotten to this situation, Jan sitting cross-legged on the couch, an empty glass on the small table in front of him and looking up in the direction of Nace, who was standing on the other side of the table, with his pajamas already on and holding the bottle in his hand.
“I've already told you, Jan,” he said, a hint of tiredness in his voice. “You know that on any other occasion I wouldn't mind you drinking more, but we have an interview tomorrow and we can't risk you having a raging hangover because you drank the whole bottle of wine by yourself.”
“...Please?” Jan asked again, pouting and looking up at him with those beautiful dark puppy eyes that had no right to be so adorable. That, combined with the fact that his improvised pajamas were his boxer shorts and one of Nace's old t-shirts that was definitely too big on him – the length reaching almost halfway down his thighs and the collar being so wide that it left one of his shoulders exposed, as well as a bit of his chest hair – was definitely not helping Nace keep his thoughts pure.
He thought about how his hands would feel exploring the skin under the t-shirt or pulling on those gorgeous black locks, how he'd look up at him with his big brown eyes just like that while Nace fucked his mouth, taking it all like the good boy he knew he could be; how he’d love to kiss and bite and mark that exposed skin on his shoulder and neck until everyone knew who he belonged to, how he'd beg even prettier for Nace to touch him, to make him feel good; how he'd look all sweaty and ruined with his head thrown back, moaning Nace's name at the peak of his pleasure as he pounded into that sweet spot inside him over and over and-
Nace really needed to stop his train of thoughts right there before this ended in a terribly embarrassing situation.
“I'm sorry, okay?” He smiled at him apologetically, setting the bottle down on the table as he took a seat on the other side of the couch, hoping the other didn't notice the slight blush he felt creeping up his cheeks. “I know you probably don't want to go to sleep yet so… anything else you want to-”
The question died on the bassist's lips as he suddenly felt Jan straddle his thighs, resting his hands gently on his chest.
Nace simply remained still, his body a bit tense and his eyes wide open in surprise. He still didn't look at the guitarist's face, a million questions running through his mind when all of a sudden the weight of the younger man in his lap and the burning touch of his hands on his chest clouded his senses.
Eventually, he dared to look up, finding Jan's eyes, those eyes that made Nace's knees go weak and that accompanied him in his most sinful fantasies, looking back at him with that smirk he always had plastered on his face when he had an idea. He knew exactly what he was doing and Nace had fallen right into his trap.
“Hello there, Mr. Jordan,” Jan said, his deep voice reverberating in Nace's brain, as his hands went up to cup his cheeks.
He didn't respond, his own hands moving to Jan's thighs, over his t-shirt, while his eyes were flicking from the other's eyes to his lips and then up again and oh how much he'd like to send it all to hell and close the distance between them and-
Before he knew it, Jan's lips were on his.
Nace didn't move his hands, the uncertainty of not knowing how far Jan was willing to take this surpassing the urge to touch every single part of the other's body; but he started to reciprocate the kiss, taking everything Jan had to give him and trying to burn it into his memory, almost as if he was afraid that it was all a dream product of his treacherous imagination and he might wake up at any moment.
Their lips moved slowly against each other, his mouth opening in a silent invitation that Jan didn't hesitate to take, tongues dancing together in a rhythm known only to them.
Everything was so sultry, so sensual, so… Jan. It was intoxicating. And Nace didn't think he would ever get enough of this.
All too soon, the guitarist broke the kiss, pulling away completely and taking his place back on the couch. Nace immediately missed the warmth of his body pressing against his own.
“W-what was that for?” he asked after a few seconds, trying to sound nonchalant despite the deep blush he felt covering his face.
“Nothing,” Jan shrugged. “Can't I just kiss my really hot friend?”
At that, Nace looked up, meeting that mischievous grin before his gaze finally fell on the bottle that had somehow ended up in Jan's hands. Little shit.
“Oh hell no, come here,” he tugged at his arm and in one swift motion took the bottle from him, setting it safely on the table, and took him back into his lap, making him let out a surprised gasp.
“Well, I guess this will do too,” Jan smirked, moving his arms up to wrap them around Nace's neck, tangling his hands in the soft curls at the nape of his neck and drawing him into another kiss.
Nace didn't hold back this time, all the blood he had been trying to suppress from traveling south now rushed to his cock as his hands began to caress the body of the man on top of him.
The touch of his cold hands against the warm skin of his thighs sent a shiver down Jan's spine. Nace's hands traveled up his thighs, slowly slipping under his shirt until they reached his waist, grabbing it and moving his body so they could start grinding against each other.
Deep groans escaped their mouths the moment both of their already half-hard dicks brushed against each other, making them break the kiss, their foreheads pressed against one another as they breathed heavily into each other's mouths.
Without halting his movements, Nace leaned close to his ear and whispered: “Did you just want to distract me so you could get another glass or are you just a horny little slut, baby?”, catching the lobe between his teeth to emphasize his words before starting a trail of open-mouthed kisses and little nibbles along his jaw and neck.
The sound the younger man let out and the way Jan's hips jerked forward of their own accord, beginning to grind down more desperately, told Nace everything he needed to know.
It was still fun to tease him, though.
“I need words, honey. Or do you want me to stop?” he said teasingly. As if you'd be able to stop now that you finally have what you've been dreaming about for so long, the rational part of his brain told him.
“Please don’t stop.” Jan whined. “F-fuck, God knows how long I've been waiting for this.”
That sound, that plea, the meaning those words entailed all sent an electric jolt straight to Nace's cock. He sounded so beautifully desperate and– God. Jan Peteh was going to be the death of him.
“Oh yeah? Do I make you hard, baby?” he punctuated his words with a particularly hard thrust of his hips.
“So damn much, you have no idea. Fuck, have you seen yourself?”
Jan buried his face in Nace's neck, exploring his skin with his lips and teeth, careful not to leave marks in a place that would be visible during the interview and paying special attention to discover the bassist's most sensitive spots. Nace tilted his head to the side to grant him more access.
Neither of them could stop the soft little noises escaping their mouths, getting increasingly louder as Nace's hands started to roam all over the younger's back. They came to a stop at his ass, cupping Jan's cheeks over his boxers and pulling him even closer.
The increased pressure on his crotch caused the guitarist to pull away from Nace's neck, throwing his head back and exposing his throat as a sinful moan escaped his lips. It was probably the most erotic thing Nace had ever seen in his entire life.
However, as heavenly as the dry humping felt, Nace wanted – needed – more. He needed to feel skin on skin with the man that had been occupying his every thought ever since he officially joined the band.
He slowly licked a strip up his deliciously exposed throat, a smug smile spreading across his face at the shudder that ran through Jan's body.
“Shall we take this to the bedroom, kitten?” he asked, his deep voice accompanied with a little squeeze on his ass making Jan blush furiously.
Instead of answering, Jan smashed their lips together in a hungry, passionate kiss.
Nace took that as a yes, placing his hands under Jan's thighs and lifting them both off the couch to start the short walk to his room, grinning into the kiss when he felt Jan's dick twitch at the casual demonstration of strength as he wrapped his legs around his waist.
As he closed the bedroom door and threw a very flushed and now fully hard Jan unceremoniously on his bed, Nace made a mental note to treat him to all the red wine he wished for the days to come.
masterlist | ao3
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jokeroutsubs · 7 months
You won't impress Slovenians by singing in English
After two albums, Cvetličarna, Križanke, Exit, and Eurovision success, now a sold-out Stožice arena.
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Jan Peteh, Kris Guštin and Nace Jordan are still amazed by their success abroad. Photo: Leon Vidic
The group Joker Out, consisting of singer Bojan Cvjetićanin, drummer Jure Maček, guitarists Kris Guštin and Jan Peteh, and bassist Nace Jordan, is riding the wave of their Eurovision success and reaping their first international successes. We talked to the band's string players about international breakthrough and tonight's concert in Stožice Arena, which has been sold out for a while.
I first saw you live years ago at the Ljubljana Castle lapidarium. What's your view on gaining concert mileage?
Kris Guštin: Without smaller gigs, you never make it to big ones. Each gig adds something to your experience. The more unusual it is, the more you learn from it. We've had quite a few unusual gigs.
Which place that you performed at did you find the most unusual?
Jan Peteh: Postojna cave was probably the least typical concert venue we've performed at. I think I didn't need additional reverb for the hall, but I had it because of the radio broadcast. It was a really unusual concert for us because it was for a seated audience, which we're not used to. We're also not used to stalactites hanging above us. (Laughter.) Kris Guštin: Eurovision was also a very special performance. Completely different from anything we were used to up until that point.
Were you scared at all?
Kris Guštin: It's quite an imposing feeling when you step onto that empty stage during rehearsals. Luckily, you have eight performances in front of an audience before the live broadcast. So there's no big panic, but it is weird because you have to look at the cameras. It doesn't matter what your hands are doing, because everything, other than singing, is playback. You have to be focused on how you're moving, not what you're playing.
That wasn't very natural for you.
Kris Guštin: No, but on the other hand, I think we happily accepted the challenge of Eurovision. Nace Jordan: I'm the freshest member of the band, so I haven't performed in unusual places with them yet, because we were already performing on bigger stages by then. However, before that, I played in many weird places with other bands. Kris Guštin: For example, Nace played at my prom. (Laughter.) I didn't know that at the time, but I remember dancing to Silvija. It was the best.
Our last interview was before your double sould out concert in Ljubljana's Cvetličarna. At that time, I gave my article the visionary title of The hottest young band. That was followed by, among other things, Križanke, Exit, Eurovision, and now the sold-out Stožice arena. It's almost like it was all self-evident.
Jan Peteh: Should we expect the title 'the hottest old band' now? (Everyone laughs.) Kris Guštin: It's not that self-evident. I'm actually torn about this. On the one hand, it seems like everything happened naturally, step by step. On the other hand, we sold out Stožice arena months ago already. Maybe the sold-out Stožice arena isn't even that important, what's more important is that we brought the Slovenian language abroad with our music. That's even more unusual to me. I think that we were physically and mentally well-prepared for every new step we reached, and that we reached it at the right time, when we were mature enough. Nace Jordan: A lot has been happening to us recently, so we haven't even really had the time to truly reflect on our past achievements. When you're taking these steps, you don't think about how many you've already taken, but rather, how many you still have to take. So we're focusing more on the steps still in front of us. Jan Peteh: Oh, that was a nice way of putting it.
Relatively quickly, you achieved something that is out of reach for most Slovenian musicians: serious tours abroad. This current one should almost be called "The Sold-Out Tour".
Jan Peteh: We wish we had more time to get to know the cities we perform in, and not just their hotel rooms, concert halls and clubs. You can travel the whole world and not actually see anything. (Laughter.) Kris Guštin: But you do remember the concert halls very well. It kind of scares me that I've gotten used to living in hotel rooms. They're very cold, not homely, empty, and they have nothing you can get attached to. Except having to sleep there so that you'll be fine the next day. It's simply a necessary evil, and it's a lot nicer to come back home, to your own bed.
It's clear that many people abroad have accepted you as their own, regardless of the fact that you're singing in a language they don't understand.
Jan Peteh: That's true. Even in Slovenia, we were already under the impression that you can't know if you will make it by singing in Slovenian. Let alone making it abroad. If you're really daring, you might wish for some success in former Yugoslavian countries. There's also this duality where in Slovenia, you might make it in Slovenian, because Slovenians won't be too eager to listen to you if you sing in English.
Quite a few Slovenian bands started out singing in English and only had actual success when they started singing in Slovenian. For example, Hamo & Tribute 2 Love, Koala Voice…
Jan Peteh: I think it's nice that in Slovenia, we prioritise musicians that make music in Slovenian. But it gets complicated in regards to reaching international audiences. Except with an exceptional opportunity like Eurovision.
Out of all the Slovenian Eurovision representatives until now, you have had the biggest reaction.
Kris Guštin: That is true, but I don't even know how it happened. I was convinced that we would be just another band there, singing in a language no one understands. I believe in our music one hundred percent, but I think that there are tens of thousands of bands in other countries who also one hundred percent believe in their music. Why would international audiences, who will have seen and heard us for about three minutes, accept us as their own? It's clear that we gave something more, but even we can't determine what it was. It's wonderful that a part of the audience received it that way. Now we get to meet them in real life too.
I have a feeling that your audience isn't a typical Eurovision audience.
Nace Jordan: Clearly these days it is. (Laughter.) But I think that the more we perform abroad, the fewer Eurovision fans there are in the audience. When I talked to the audience in Sweden and asked them if they had watched us at Eurovision, most of them laughed at me. Less than half of them said yes. I never would've thought that we would move so quickly from the Eurovision environment to a different sphere. We've probably lost some of our Eurovision audience on the way. Many people don't care about the previous Eurovision anymore and are already looking to the next one. Kris Guštin: I feel like, from the start, most performers aren't counting on having live concerts, but on having a music career on the internet and TV. Maybe a big plus for us was that immediately after Eurovision, we went on a tour, which is still ongoing. We made good on what we were selling before our Eurovision performance, that we want to perform abroad. We added a certain dimension, which reflected in the audience's reaction.
Original article by Delo.
Translation JokerOutSubs
Proofread by IG @ GBoleyn123
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lunafoster · 1 year
Oh No
AN: So I can’t stop thinking about them *cough* ESC 2023 contestants *cough* and this came out. I’m so sorry.
AN2: yes, I’m from Europe if anyone was wondering; also, excuse my English but it’s not my first language.
Bojan Cvjetićanin x fem!actress!reader
Surprise in the end!
Words: 1500+
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Bojan couldn’t wait.
He was ecstatic, unable to keep himself still as he was being driven to the airport in Liverpool.
“Will you stop moving,” Jan sighed, nudging him with his elbow.
“He hasn’t seen her in a month, Jan,” Nace retorted, “of course he’s excited.”
He couldn’t even answer to them as his bandmates continued arguing over if he should or shouldn’t be this nervous about seeing his girlfriend again. After all, he was going to see her today, and that just made him so giddy he couldn’t focus on anything else.
The thing is, she had been away in America, filming a new TV show that would undoubtedly be loved by the public once it was out; so she couldn’t exactly accompany him in his Eurovision journey since him and his friends were elected in Slovenia.
He was so proud of her for making it into another soon-to-be hit show, but he missed her so very much during the last month. It’s true they tried calling each other every chance they had, but the time difference and their busy schedules didn’t let them be part of each other’s lives as much as they were used to.
Bojan couldn’t wait to give her the biggest hug and all the kisses he couldn’t give her when they were apart. He cringed at himself at the thought. That was disgusting.
“Hey!” A clap resounded in the air just millimetres away from his face.
“We’re here,” Kris told him, clapping his shoulder.
He looked around. He was the only one left in the van. The Slovene swallowed thickly. Why was he so nervous about meeting her?
He walked out of the vehicle, following the rest of his bandmates inside the airport and wringing his sweaty hands together.
They had all been careful, not saying anything on social media or giving away the fact that she was coming, even if he wanted to scream it at the world. He hadn’t even told any of the new friends he had made because of Eurovision. All of this wasn’t because their relationship was a secret, it couldn’t be further from that, but they didn’t want that much attention at their first meeting in a month. One never knows how he’s going to react.
When he arrived at the correct place with his best friends, he heard Jan asking him:
“Do you know if she’s already landed?”
He shook his head and grabbed his phone, realising he had a message from two minutes ago telling him she had, in fact, landed.
He put his phone away, staring directly at the exit doors the people from her flight would be using.
“I’m taking that stupid grin as a ‘yes, she’s landed’.”
Bojan nodded but didn’t look away, his eyes stinging. He refused to blink, what if he didn’t see her?
Big groups of people started getting out through the doors, Bojan getting more anxious as time passed and she didn’t appear. What if she changed her mind, all this time away from him making her realise she didn’t need him?
He didn’t have time to dwell on it, though. He saw her, carrying her luggage around with tired eyes that changed the second they landed on him.
A big smile spread across her cheeks as she started running towards him, leaving her suitcase near the rest of his bandmates and jumping up. He started chuckling the moment he felt her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist, reacting and putting his own hands below her to support her weight on him.
For long moments, they stayed like that, breathing each other in and feeling the warmth of the other’s skin on theirs; ignoring the other men’s cheers and puking sounds.
She was the first to move, removing her head from the junction between his shoulder and neck and smiling up at him with a shine in her eyes.
“Hi!”, she exclaimed.
“Hello,” he smiled back.
She noticed the soft look in his eyes, the small but genuine smile on his lips, it made the butterflies in her belly push against her skin, wanting to be able to touch him and be with him even closer than she was now.
“Are you not going to say anything about the rest of us?” Jure let out, feigning annoyance but with a huge smile on his face.
“I don’t know about that…,” she couldn’t help but match his energy, slowly getting down from her boyfriend’s embrace and going over to the guys, giving each of them a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
“Why do they get a kiss?” Bojan asked half jokingly half seriously wandering why he couldn’t get one, “I’m your boyfriend! Your boyfriend!”
“Alright, alright… don’t be a big baby, love.”
They drowned out the sound of the boys’ whines as they did, in fact, kiss. Bojan couldn’t help but tighten his grasp on her when she started to move away from him, chasing after her lips and giving her another sweet peck before she could escape him.
When he opened his eyes, he saw hers were still closed, a pink flush dusting over her cheeks. She opened her eyes and he saw the entire universe in them. His world.
“Okay, that’s enough,” Jan said, exasperated, “let’s go back to the hotel.”
“And no more kissing,” Kris added, “please.”
The couple laughed at the disgusted faces with which the rest of the group agreed, her taking his hand and following them to the van.
The rest of the day was spent meeting and getting to know the other ESC participants, as her boyfriend and his band had insisted so much in it.
They did leave her luggage in his hotel room first, but right after that they went to meet the band Voyager, and then Alessandra, Vesna, Blanca Paloma, and the rest of them.
She had had fun with all of them and sung a little of their songs with their respective artists, since she had heard them all countless times before.
The only one who she hadn’t met yet was the Finnish contestant, who she was the most curious about. She had to admit she enjoyed the vibe of his song the most (even more than her boyfriend’s, but she wouldn’t admit it to anyone), and he seemed like a great guy whenever Bojan talked about their hang outs.
Apparently, Käärijä had been gone the whole morning, no one knowing where he had gone off to at all. Her boyfriend wanted her to meet him, after all, the Finn had quickly become one of his best friends, sharing his energy and sense of humour.
“Guys!” Alessandra ran to them when they were coming back to the hotel from having lunch outside, “there’s gonna be a party today! The hotel’s throwing it for us!”
“We’ll go for sure, right?” Jure looked at his mates and the girl.
After they all agreed, Alessandra invited them for coffee and they went along with her, chatting about any topic that came to mind.
“What are you gonna wear tonight?” the Norwegian singer asked her.
“I’m not sure, I don’t think I have anything party-appropriate in my suitcase…”
“We’ll see about that, let’s go get it and to my room! I’m gonna make you look amazing!” She said excitedly, taking her hand and leading her upstairs, leaving the boys startled but laughing either way.
When it was time for the party, the girl went back to her boyfriend’s hotel room with the outfit her and Alessandra had come up with. She liked it, as it was comfortable but also dressy enough to wear to a party.
She knocked twice.
Her boyfriend opened the door, a black sweater, black jeans and black boots on.
“Oh no! They made her emo!” She said in English.
“Shut up!” He chuckled, pushing her playfully and fake-glaring at her.
She giggled and pushed him back. They ended up full on laughing in the middle of the hotel’s hallway, earning a few weird glances from people walking by.
When they calmed down enough to start talking normally again, Bojan extended his arm for her to take.
“Shall we go?” He asked in the most British accent he could muster.
“We shall,” she answered.
That’s how they found themselves having dinner with his band mates and the rest of the Eurovision contestants and technicians. Still, the Finn was nowhere to be seen.
“Have you seen Jere today?” ALIKA asked Bojan, a slight worried look in her eyes.
“Not really. I was gonna ask you the same thing, honestly.”
The Estonian singer let out a small sigh, continuing to eat while chatting away with the rest of the people at their table.
“Maybe something happened?” His girlfriend asked him, worried too after learning that no one knew where the guy was.
“We should probably check,” he replied, “when we finish, yeah?”
She nodded, going back to eat and watching her boyfriend do the same.
When the party started, Bojan and her went to the Finnish rapper’s door, knocking but hearing no response.
Giving up after a handful of tries, they went back to the party and tried to forget about it. Surely, they’d see him tomorrow, wouldn’t they?
However, tomorrow quickly turned into today when they caught a glimpse at the bowl-cut black hair and they headed towards Käärijä so that Bojan could properly introduce her to him.
“Jere! Finally man, you disappeared the whole day!”
“We go see Liverpool with my brother,” he said, smiling at the sight of the Slovene.
“That’s great!” Bojan smiled too, “you could’ve said something, though, didn’t answer my texts.”
“Sorry,” his smile turned sheepish.
That’s when he turned to her; the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, smiling at him with her eyes sparkling.
“This is my girlfriend,” his daydreaming got cut off by Bojan speaking.
Oh no.
“Hello,” he greeted, “you are beautiful,” slipped through his lips. He just had to say it, couldn’t hold it in.
Bojan huffed out a small laugh at that.
“Thanks!” She giggled cutely.
Oh no.
“I think you’re pretty cool, too!” She said in a perfect Finnish.
He was fucked.
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Part 2
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cinder-rose · 5 months
On today's episode of:
Fics I'll never write
Nace starts having steamy dreams about Jan.
It begins not long after he breaks up with his girlfriend and at first he dreams about being unfaithful to her with him, waking up upset with himself for the dream-betrayal, relieved it was only a dream, and a little empty that instead of having both of them he actually has neither.
It makes things weird in person, every time Jan wears an outfit or says a phrase that featured in one of Nace's dreams. They'll be in innocent situations irl which Nace's brain will turn decidedly Not Innocent later that night.
Jan climbing onto his lap in the studio.
Uno interrupted.
ASTP getting out of hand.
It starts making things weird between them (especially when they're sharing a room or fall asleep together on the couch or during naps on a plane) and when the dreams don't stop, Nace knows that he needs to talk to someone (maybe Kris during one of their coffee dates? Or Bojan on a run?) about it before it ruins their friendship
N: "I've been having dreams about Jan. Sexual dreams."
K: "that doesn't have to be a big deal. It probably just means you feel close to him on some level, doesn't have to mean you actually want to fuck him"
(Nace knows by now that he really does want to fuck him though)
N: "how do you know?"
K: "I had the same thing with Bojan years ago. It doesn't have to mean you're... You know, unless you are?"
(Nace thinks he probably always has been bisexual in theory but it has never come up in practice so it never felt right to label himself that way)
Maybe it ends on Nace coming clean about it and Jan admitting that he used to have sex dreams about Nace all the time when he was new to the band and still with his girlfriend but couldn't ever say anything about it
N: "how did you make them stop?"
J: "I didn't. I learned to enjoy them."
(nace internally combusting)
N: "do you wanna go for a drink later and we can talk about it? Just you and me?"
And that's how Nace Jordan ends up going on his first date with a man
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lovvecherrymotion · 4 months
29 and 33 for Jance
29. First date? (Give as much or little detail)
anon ily for this.
i think their first date was pretty casual - they don't seem like the type of people to... make a big deal out of it? i could see them going out for a walk and enjoying the day together (holding hands if they feel brave enough - it's not something they haven't done before, but it feels a little more intimate now).
they check some small record store on their way back home and nace insists on buying jan a vinyl he really wanted (and jan will complain, but nace is having none of it - and seeing jan's adorable shy smile is more than enough).
the day probably ends with them cooking dinner together, just like they've done a million other times, except now jan steals kisses whenever nace turns over to look at him and nace gets to hug jan from behind, leaving a trail of kisses on his neck as he (tries) to wash the dishes after dinner.
turns out, the dishes can wait until tomorrow.
33. What is their wedding day like?
so i've talked about this a lot but...
they figure out a compromise between a big and a small wedding - turns out they don't even want to invite that many people, but they decide to splurge a little to make it look and feel really nice. it's a nice mix of family, old friends, esc friends... and everyone gets along well! (jere FINALLY comes to slovenia and they all joke about him needing a whole wedding to fly over)
their pets are involved in some way - if it's too stressful to involve them in the ceremony itself, i could see them having a photoshoot with them (imagine igor with a little bowtie 😭) just so they have a memory of the day with them.
bojan cries a lot. kris is also very emotional but he hides it better (i can see it getting to him when he's making a speech and he just looks at jan, someone he's known his entire life, and his heart is filled with love and fondness). jure has the most fun but at the end of the night he gives them both a hug and tells them he's never been so happy for anyone else. martin makes sure everyone remembers this only happened because of him (after all, he's the one who suggested nace to replace him).
their first dance is to astp. of course. what else could it be?
and their honeymoon is in japan.
this is a little bonus thing i came up with a few days ago actually and... putting it under a cut because this is already too long
something old - jan had a shirt he got from his older brother and replaces one of the buttons on his wedding shirt with one of the buttons on the old shirt he got him. nace gets a little piece of a plaid black and white shirt sewed on the inner part of his suit
something new - jan gets a new tie from kris (his eyes filled with tears and jan has to take a deep breath not to cry either). nace gets a new bracelet from his sister - it's silver and it has a little treble clef charm on it
something borrowed - jure has to give jan extra socks because he forgot his own socks on his wedding day somehow. nace borrows a belt from bojan because it just fits him better than the belt he had picked
something blue - they both get matching blue underwear for their big day. the giggle about it at the store when they pick it out but they both wear it
THIS IS SO LONG I'M SORRY I HOPE YOU LIKED IT! (i also have a moodboard but this is like. insanely long as it is)
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185northgower · 22 days
Hello 👀
36 and/or 7 for BoJaNace, please? 👀
Also I need to say I looooooooove your fics! Thank you so much for writing!! ❤️❤️❤️
Awww, thank you so much, you're too sweet!! 🥰🥰🥰
I decided to write number 7 (to shut them up) first, but I also have 36 on my list and already have an idea what to write. I'm just very slow, so I've decided to post at least this one already :)
I hope you'll enjoy ❤️
(This and all the other kiss prompts I fill can also be found on AO3. And if you fancy reading my spin on a prompt you send in you can do so using this list!)
Nace is lovely. He really is. He’s thoughtful and caring, he isn’t easily flappable and quickly adapts to most situations. He’s also charming and gorgeous and irresistible, but Jan digresses. 
Amongst all his amazingly wonderful qualities however, he also has flaws. Of course he does, everyone has them. 
And while Jan usually doesn’t mind much, because that’s who Nace is, the good and the bad, he utterly loves all of him as a whole, there’s times where he almost chokes on his cappuccino, just like now. 
They’re chatting to a British reporter, Charlotte, having arrived in the country only this morning, with the afternoon being set aside for interviews and, as in this case, a preparatory chat before they’ll appear as guests on the radio later that day. 
Bojan has had to step outside to take a phone call regarding their gig tomorrow and Kris is currently talking about life on the tour bus. 
Charlotte is busily taking notes and Jan is half zoning out, leaning against Nace’s shoulder with the bassist’s fingers absently running through his hair. 
Kris is saying something about how lovely it is that they have such a dedicated fan base that even travels to see them play in multiple different cities during the same tour and they all nod their agreement. 
The reporter looks down at her notepad for a moment before looking up again, her gaze finding Nace’s as she asks, “And would you call these girls who travel all across Europe to attend your concerts your groupies? Or is that outdated terminology? Has there been noticeable change in the way young girls and big stars interact, in your opinion?”
Jan cringes internally while the woman speaks, taking a sip of his coffee to help him think and wishing Bojan were with them right then to diffuse the situation. He comes to a split decision.
The fact that they’re out now, have been for almost a year at this point, helps him breathe easier as he puts his coffee down again and strokes a hand along Nace’s thigh, making him turn his head towards Jan just as he was shifting next to him, seemingly getting ready to answer the question, his face telling Jan that he’s indeed about to make some very undue joke. 
He can see surprise in Nace’s eyes as he looks at him and before Jan can second guess himself he leans over, connecting their lips in a brief kiss, holding the chaste touch just long enough until he can hear Jure’s voice, jumping in to answer the question.
Jan breathes a quiet sigh of relief as he pulls back, shooting Nace an apologetic look and squeezing his thigh. He turns to listen to Jure explain that they’ve not really experienced any of the stereotypical rock star life and then Kris cuts in with praise for the creativity and artistic talent of their fans.
The conversation moves on, the reporter asking about their relationship and whether or not it’s impacted the band and Jan is glad they’ve had to answer these exact questions hundreds of times by now. 
Finally Charlotte declares that they’ve reached the last block of questions, wanting to know whether their time in the studio in London has left any lasting impact on them and Kris talks about the inspiration they’ve found in places, people and experiences.
Nace leans forward just as the door opens and Jan turns slightly to watch Bojan step back into the room.
He hears Charlotte ask about their favourite places, with Kris’ answer predictably being Camden.
Jure agrees and Jan and Bojan look at each other for a beat, realisation dawning in their eyes. 
Jan knows for a fact that Nace doesn’t mean what he’s surely about to say the way it will sound, but well, tell that to the people who, in a couple of hours, will hear: “So you’ve mentioned everyone in Camden looks really gay?”
While Jan turns back around in his seat, Bojan’s already stepped in front of them and is sliding into Nace’s lap, startling the older man, who wraps his arms around his singer. 
Jan watches out of the corner of his eyes as Bojan leans in, his lips softly connecting with Nace’s just as Jan leans forward, trying to think on his feet as he explains what had fascinated them about the colourful and multifaceted neighbourhood.
Most of his attention is on the two men next to him, Bojan having pulled back from the soft kisses they were trading after a moment and is now resting his cheek against the top of Nace’s head, smiling happily.
Luckily Bojan takes the rest of the questions, the reporter visibly itching to ask about their kisses as her eyes keep darting between Bojan, Jan and Nace, but thankfully she doesn’t comment after all. 
When they’ve wrapped up they have to wait a moment before they get picked up again, and Kris and Jure immediately use the time to explore the vending machine in the far corner of the lobby.
The other three make their way over to the exit, but Nace looks around, searching gaze scanning the lobby before turning back to his boyfriends. 
“I’ll go to the restroom real quick,” he says with a tilt of his head in the direction of the bathroom.
Bojan leans up for a kiss, after which Nace leans over and gives Jan a peck on the lips as well. 
“We’ll be here!” the singer announces happily and plops down on one of the couches that create a little waiting area by the entrance.
Jan joins him and Bojan immediately leans into his side, head resting in the crook of Jan’s neck as soon as the guitarist wraps an arm around the smaller man’s shoulders. 
“You know,” Jan says, and launches into a retelling of what happened while Bojan stepped out of the interview to answer the phone.
When he gets to the part where he kissed Nace to make him shut up the smaller man giggles, short fingers creeping just beneath the hem of Jan’s t-shirt to dig into his hip bone, making him squirm a little in his seat. 
“God,” Bojan sighs, shaking his head,”one of these days Nacko is really gonna say something so terrible… it’s hard enough keeping Kris in check, isn’t it?”
And Jan nods his agreement, thinking back on all the times he and Bojan have had to save the conversation. 
“When I came back in I just knew he was going to say something…” Bojan starts.
The elevator dings and Jan looks over Bojan’s head in the direction of the doors opening, recognising that it’s Charlotte stepping out into the lobby and about to walk towards the doors.
He looks at the smaller man in his embrace again and simply bends down, Bojan immediately pushing up into the kiss. The feeling of his soft, pink lips moving against Jan’s making a tingle run up his spine.
“See you later,” comes Nace’s deep voice and Jan looks up to see their boyfriend coming towards them, waving at Charlotte who’s almost by the doors.
“See you tonight guys,” she calls over her shoulder and when Jan and Bojan have waved to her too, Nace sits next to Bojan on the couch, easily wrapping an arm around both of their shoulders.
“So,” he says, and Jan bites his lip to keep himself from laughing, “not that I’m complaining,” Nace continues, and Bojan shifts against Jan’s side, clearly also trying not to burst out laughing. “What was up there earlier? Was I about to say the wrong thing again?” Nace looks between them and joins in when the two younger men can’t contain their laughter any longer.
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anxious-witch · 9 months
I loved the previous anon's ask about poly!JO💚 so my prompt is a drunk cuddle puddle, bonus if you can include Jan's sparklative
Anon, I know this has been a long wait, but I did finally get to your request! It ended up more emotional than I planned, but there is a cuddle puddle and lots of Jure appreciation.
Also before anyone asks, the bit about Jure's dad I made up, it's not based on anything, I just needed to give him some angst. It's how I show my love.
TW for past emotionally abusive parent
It was just a regular movie night. They spread out the big couch in the living room, which could still barely fit five grown men. But they managed.
There was alcohol, too although it wasn't required. It had just been a lot of touring lately and they all need a bit of unwinding with a random shitty movie and a bit of alcohol.
Jure couldn't even tell what exactly they were watching. Some comedy? He couldn't find it in himself to pay attention.
He was nestled between Bojan and Jan, right in the middle of all of them. Kris was on Bojan's end of the couch, while Nace took Jan's side. Bojan was holding his hand and drawing circles into his palm, while his head was on leaning Kris' shoulder.
Jan's arm was wrapoed around him waist and Nace was playing with his hair on the other side. It was comfortable. Familiar.
So why couldn't Jure relax?
He knew why. His phone lay on the coffee table innocently for anyone else, but for Jure he felt as if it loomed over him menacingly. There was an unanswered text message from his father, with a simple: Call me.
For most, while that could be a bit alarming, it wasn't the world ending message. Except Jure wasn't in contact with his father in years, with the exception of little tidbits his mother shared.
And it seemed his father gave up on trying to contact him. Until now. So what changed?
He drank more than he usually would for a movie night, but fear spurred him on and Jure hoped it would make it better. Which led him to now.
He didn't feel better.
"Will there be a day where you don't get into some kind of trouble?! I am so sick of you! No one will take this type of shit too long, do you hear me? If you don't start behaving, everyone will get sick of you!"
Was Jure just waiting for the inevitable? It was hard to get four boyfriends to get sick of him, but then again he was always known for making trouble. If someone could do it, it was him.
He didn't want that, though. He felt the sting of tears at the mere though of them leaving him. Where would he go? Who would he be without them?
Alcohol only served to bring his emotions out on the surface. His vision blurred as he stared, unseeing, to the tv.
"Jurček," Bojan whispered, suddenly touching his shoulder, "Jurček, hey, are you crying?"
Oh. He was. Jure covered up his face with his hands, as if he could push the tears back. Or at least hide them.
Unfortunately, Bojan never learned how to whisper particularly quietly.
"What's going on?" Jan asked, and Jure could feel him shift to look at him.
He tried to shake his head, to say nothing, but words got stuck in his throat.
"Kris, stop the movie. Jure is crying."
"I'm fine," he managed to choke out.
It seemed that that made everyone freeze for a second. Then he heard Kris swear quietly and reach for the remote.
Jan pulled him closer to his side, and Bojan nuzzled into his neck to his right side. Then Nace took a hold of his wrists.
He must have shuffled to the front of the couch. He was gently pulling Jure's hands away from his face. Jure put in a bit of resistance, but he knew that sooner or later, he'd lose that fight.
So he let him pull his hands away and simply stared at his lap. Kris pushed in between Bojan and Nace into the circle that suddenly surrounded Jure. He reached out to wipe his tears with a tissue.
"What happened?" Nace asked, his voice soft.
Jure shrugged.
"Don't lie," Kris chastised him, even if he tried to keep his voice gentle.
Jan began combing his fingers through Jure's hair. It was soothing. And comfortable.
"My father told me to call him."
Bojan tensed where he was curled up beside him. Nace and Jan exchanged a look and even Kris' mouth turned into a straight line.
"I just-nothing else happened. I didn't even call him yet, but I have no idea what he might want. But then I started remembering how he used to say everyone would eventually get sick of me the way he did and-and I-"
He interrupted himself with a sob. Then suddenly, they all surrounded him and he found himself in the middle of a group hug. He clung to them, even though he wasn't sure exactly who he was clinging on to.
It took him a bit to calm his sobs for long enough to finish his sentence. And for them to slowly release him from the all-encompassing hug.
"I don't want you to get sick of me."
Bojan narrowed him eyes and before Jure could even think to react, pounced on him. Jure yelped as they fell down on the couch, now lying down.
For someone so short, Bojan was stronger than he looked like. It was easy to forget sometimes.
"We. Could. Never. Ever. Get. Sick. Of. You," Bojan emphasized each word with a kiss on his face, until Jure could help but giggle through his tears.
Nace chuckled in the background, before Kris gently pulled Bojan back.
"Com'on now. Don't hog him. And we need to finish this conversation first."
Jan helped pull Jure up to sit again and immediately curled his hand around his waist protectively.
"Jure," Kris said, voice serious, "you know you don't owe him anything, right? You don't have to call him. Or reply. It's your choice of course but-"
"But calling him and risking your mental health for that asshole would be a stupid idea," Jan interrupted sharply.
Kris rolled his eyes at him before turning his attention back to Jure. He held uncharacteristically soft look on his face.
"Not how I would have phrased it, but essentially, yes. It's your choice and we'd support you either way, but we also don't want to see you hurt."
Jure nodded. He wasn't sure. He didn't want to call him, but what if it was urgent? What if it was important?
"Can I just...can we just cuddle? And I can decide tomorrow?"
"Of course," Nace said, leaning in to his his forehead.
They formed a cuddle pile, making sure they were all somehow touching Jure this time. We was quite a feat on the couch, but they managed.
Bojan was lying with his head on Jure's chest, and Kris had his arm over both of them. Jan had his legs wrapped around Jure's and his head was resting in Nace's lap. While Nace had his hand in Jure's hair, stroking it gently.
"We love you, you know that, right?" Bojan asked, looking up at him, "And we will never get tired of you."
Jure pressed a kiss on top of his head.
"Thank you."
"Obviously," Kris said deadpan, "I mean, Bojan is much more annoying and we manage him too, so."
There was an eruption of laughter from everyone but Bojan, who loudly said: "Hey! Rude!"
Which caused further bickering and teasing, that quickly drowned out most of what remained of Jure's somber mood.
Jure smiled softly. He knew that whatever he decided, they would be there for him. And really, how much trouble could he get into, with that much support?
He took another look at them, Kris and Bojan deep into the bickering while Nace was laughing. Jan met his eyes and squeezed his shoulder.
Well. Perhaps there would be trouble. But this time, at least he wouldn't be alone in it. With that, he made himself more comfortable and closed his eyes. Everything would be alright.
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da-proti-toku-grem · 19 days
jance + royalty au? 👀
Ohhh I think I'm gonna have fun with this one and it'll probably turn too long so putting this under the cut <3
(Note: I'm too lazy to search which countries still have any sort of monarchy and which ones would fit the most, so I leave it up for imagination. I mean, I know we have one here in Spain so maybe one could be Spanish but idk, whatever agahsbs)
Both Jan and Nace are next in line for their respective monarchies. They've never met each other, but along with the education they received as princes, they had to learn about the rest of the monarchies and regimes in the world, so yeah... they do know at least a bit about each other.
Jan has been out as queer for a few years now, since he was 18. It took him some time to gather the courage to speak to his parents, scared of how they would react to the possibility that the prince - the future king of the country - might fall in love with a man one day, making the possibility of having biological children a little, well, complicated. He still liked girls, but he liked boys too, so the possibility was there.
Still, he talked to them. Thankfully, his parents were very supportive and reassured him that there were many ways they could still have children, and there was always the adoption possibility if other methods didn't work out. "The crown is something that is passed from generation to generation, but it is not our blood that makes us kings or queens. We will love you and your future children no matter what."
They agreed to wait until he was 18 to make a statement. It was pretty wild, he appeared in the news and every single newspaper, the word obviously spreading all over the word: he was the first ever out and proud (future) monarch. But anyways, the response was mostly supportive.
Nace, for his part, belongs to a much conservative monarchy. The country has progressed a lot, is a lot more open and lgbtq friendly than it used to be. The monarchy - or, well, his parents and the people around them - on the other hand...
He has known he's gay since he was little, after realizing that him looking at men that way was not admiration or him wanting to be like them, but more like him having a crush on them.
He didn't tell anyone tho, he grew up hearing everyone around him talking bad about people like that, people like him, so he never said anything about it, he hated himself for being like that. That was until a few years later he confessed everything to his sister one night, crying, expecting her to hate him just as much as he had learned to hate that part of him. Instead, his sister hold him tight and told him that it was okay, that she loved him just the way he was, there was nothing wrong about it and he deserved to be loved for who he was.
With time, he started to learn how to love himself again. It was hard sometimes, he wasn't quite there yet - the thought that his parents wouldn't accept him if he came out a constant reminder of it - but he tried.
Then, it happened. Jan - the gorgeous prince with long, black hair and a slightly mysterious and cool aura, yet with beautiful big brown eyes and a soft smile that might or might not make Nace's stomach tingle every time he sees him on tv - has come out as queer. It's shocking at first, but he can't help but feel... good. He's not alone, there's people like him out there, and they're determined to prove that there's nothing wrong with being queer just because you're part of the Royal Family. And he's also proud of the younger boy, for having the courage to come out to a whole country (and the whole world basically) when he himself can't even talk to his parents.
It's not until a few years later that they meet at an event Nace's family organized, but Nace hasn't stopped thinking about the beautiful prince's speech. Nace surprises even himself by going up to Jan and introducing himself (even if they obviously know who they are but, a prince has to be polite right?). They talk a little and they realize that neither of them really wanted to be there, so they escaped the salon where everyone is gathered and Nace shows him around the castle.
They end up going into Nace's room, both of them laying on his bed side by side, looking at the ceiling, cracking jokes and talking shit about how ridiculously polite and hypocrite everyone in that room was. Nace's heart warms as he realizes that the beautiful, kinda shy guy he's had a little crush on from seeing him on tv is apparently really kind and funny and sweet and even more beautiful in person than he is through the screen somehow, and Nace doesn't know what possessed him in that moment but he ends up talking to Jan about when he came out. He confesses him how much his speech impacted him and how much it has helped him accept himself.
He doesn't say it directly, but it doesn't take a genius to understand, yet Jan ventures a quiet "so, you are..." There's a bit of silence where Jan wonders if he pushed too hard until Nace says "I'm gay". He's never said that to anyone besides his sister and it feels good, liberating and, for the first time since the conversation started, he dares to look at Jan. He finds him already looking at him with a bright smile on his face and a (hopeful?) glimmer in his eyes. The younger man doesn't say anything, but he wraps him up in a hug like no one has ever given him. It makes Nace feel safe and accepted like he's never felt and without realizing he starts sobbing quietly, the sobs turning into full tears streaming down his cheeks and heavy breathing as he tells Jan everything that troubles him, everything about his family not being accepting and Jan holds him through it, caressing his hair and whispering words of affirmation until he fully calms down.
Nace feels embarrassed after that, but Jan quickly reassures him and they end up exchanging numbers.
Sadly, the event doesn't last forever and Jan has to go home not long after, but he leaves with a promise to keep in touch, both of them excited for what seemed to be the start of a beautiful friendship.
Nace probably didn't expect it, but they end up texting almost every day. Despite their equally busy schedules, it's nice to come out of a very boring meeting to a bunch of messages from Jan, complaining about his equally boring meetings, talking about stuff that happen throughout his day or sending random memes. He's a bit shy at first, not daring to start conversations, but it's not long until he starts doing the same.
They stay up late at night chatting and sometimes even face timing each other. Nace learns that Jan is very much a night owl, but he's not that used to staying up too late so he sometimes falls asleep in the middle of their call (Jan just finds it incredibly cute and endearing, and if he sometimes spends a few long minutes looking at Nace's peaceful sleeping face before hanging up well... no one needed to know that)
It's been a few month since they first met when Nace has to travel to do some stuff in Jan's country. He swears he's never been more excited to go meet some people and visit some places, but the thought of getting to reunite with Jan is exhilarating. They hug each other so tight and definitely longer than you would hug someone you've only met once before once they meet, but they're both too happy to care about it.
The time Nace spends there passes by way too quickly and he has to go home. It's when he's laying in his own bed that night, his whole body seeming to miss Jan with every atom and his heart aching with the desire to have the other man near, that he realizes (or more like, accepts) that he's in love with Jan.
And he cries. Cries because he's fallen in love with his best friend. Cries because he doesn't want to fuck up this beautiful friendship that they've manage to build besides the distance. Cries because he knows he doesn't stand a chance. Cries because he would never forgive himself for ruining what they have. Cries because he misses him, so fucking much. But how could he not? When Jan has helped him accept and love himself just the way he is, when Jan has showed him he's deserving of love and genuine friendship, when Jan is just so... Jan.
Unbeknownst to him, Jan is having a similar reaction all the way over at home.
Jan blames himself. He knew he had a crush on Nace after that night they met. He thought it would be just a silly crush and it would go away soon, but every day that passed, every text and every late night call, made him fall a little bit more. How was his (not so) silly little crush supposed to go away when Nace was so sweet and nice and kind and cute and beautiful, when his hair was so soft and his dimpled smile was so bright and genuine and his sassy remarks never failed to make Jan smile, when he looked so incredibly adorable and hot when he was wearing his glasses, when his hugs made him feel so safe, when he talked so passionately about the things he liked - god he was such a nerd and fuck Jan was so down bad for him.
So yeah, Jan blames himself. Blames himself because he know this could potentially ruin their friendship. He would never be able to forgive himself if his feelings for his friend were the reason Nace decided to step away from his life, making him lose probably the most precious thing he has ever had.
Of course, none of them say anything about it, they keep in touch just like before, they visit each other as often as their schedules allow them, enjoying being friends. Both of them secretly hoping they could be more, but neither of them daring to risk breaking what they already have.
How long will it take them to get their shit together and realize the feeling is mutual? Will they be able to resist the urge to lean in and kiss the other on one of those rare times they get to spend the day together? Who will take the first step, risking everything they have, holding on to hope that this could turn out well and they could be happy together? How will they overcome all the challenges they will encounter once they are together, like having a long distance relationship or what Nace's parents will have to say about it? How will the world take it when Nace comes out, or if they - two princes and future kings of two different countries - come out as a couple? Well... that's a story for another time.
Leave an AU and a pairing in my ask and I’ll give you the plot of the fic I won’t write for it.
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Jan and Nace for the ship game please! 😊
You want them all then 😊 I am rubbing my hands with glee. I already answered 7, 8 and 9, but for the sake of convenience I'll do it again.
The umbrella, when it rains – That would be Nace, who actually brings an umbrella when it’s forecast to rain, although Jan’s hands are also on it to make sure it doesn’t veer away too far and leave him in the rain
The popcorn at the cinema – Nace is the one who wants the popcorn. He’s the one who always takes snacks to the cinema. Jan enters the Zone and doesn’t feel hunger so he’ll take some pieces and then forget the popcorn exists five minutes after the opening credits start.
The baby, when it cries – Jan is not the first person that anyone would hand a crying baby to, but when it comes down to it, he’s so chill and the relaxed energy seems to help to calm it down.
The ice cream cone, when they share – They do not share food, because Jan’s way of eating is an insult to decency, but Jan is the one left holding the cones when Nace decides taking a photo of him with melted ice-cream on his face would be hilarious.
The remote, when they sit down to watch a movie – Nace ends up taking it in the end. Every time they sit down, there’s a brief debate about who holds the remote because they want to make sure they choose a movie that they will both like, and Nace ends up in control almost every time so they actually get to watch something rather than talk about it for an hour.
The basket, when they go shopping – Nace is strong enough to wield the basket, and also needs to be in charge of the shopping list so all the food is suitable for him.
The door, on dates – I think that would be Nace, who likes to be the caregiver and look after people. I also think Jan would wind him up by racing to the door to open it himself.
The other’s hand, most often – We all know that Jan is the hand holder in that relationship. Nace puts his arm around him all the time, but holding hands is Jan's thing.
Their breath, upon seeing the other on their wedding day – Well, both, but Jan is a lot more reserved with his emotions so a big day like that has a massive impact. He barely gets through the formal proceedings because he just wants to stare at Nace the whole time.
The camera, when they take pictures together – Jan is master of the camera. Most of the time he’s just taking photos of Nace, and it’s Nace who insists they have some together.
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ana-chronista · 4 months
I'm sending another because I love those so much
…out of greed.
With Jan/Nace 🫶
Thank you for another great prompt!
“They’re gonna... they’re gonna come looking for us, you know.” Jan’s words emerge breathless and hot close to Nace’s ear, Nace having already shifted to pay attention to the sensitive spots on Jan’s neck. “I don’t care. I can have you to myself for five minutes, surely.” he replies, catching the exposed skin with his teeth. He feels Jan shudder – how can he not, when they’re pressed to closely together? – and fist his hands tighter in Nace’s jacket, leaning to grant him easier access. “Hey, no complaints from me.” Jan says, somewhere between a laugh and a moan “Just don’t be surprised if someone ends up coming after you later for mental scarring.” Nace decides maybe that’s enough talking for now and captures Jan’s lips with his own again. It takes absolutely no persuasion whatsoever for Jan’s mouth to fall open, his tongue meeting Nace’s easily, eagerly. He nips at his bottom lip and feels him shift in his arms from pliable to pushing back, meeting each and every movement of Nace’s with his own. And this, this, is what he’s been waiting for throughout the whole gig. For all their messing around on stage, they keep it professional enough, always respectful of the big line marked DO NOT CROSS no matter how much they might enjoy butting up against it – the band is bigger than just them, of course, and what they do is their own business for their own time. Still, it doesn’t make it any easier, having Jan within arm’s reach but only being able to watch him effortlessly command the crowd’s love and attention as he plays. This, here, is how it should be: just the two of them, Jan focused entirely on him, and him proving he can provide all the adoration Jan could ever need. Voices passing by out in the corridor snap them back to reality. Jan lets out a frustrated groan that reverberates against Nace’s lips and doesn’t make it any easier for him to break away. He leans his forehead up against Jan’s as they both try to catch their breath, reaching up to push back his matted dark hair. As much as neither of them likes it, they’re on borrowed time, even if Nace is nowhere near done with Jan yet. “Later?” he asks, only half a question. Jan nods wordlessly and Nace can’t get enough of him like this, all flushed cheeks and wide-blown pupils, even if he’s sure he must look much the same. Slowly, reluctantly, they unwind from each other, Jan’s fingers combing Nace’s hair more or less back into place and Nace helping to straighten out Jan’s shirt. They don’t need to say anything else – it’s not the first time they’ve done this, and they both know it won’t be the last. Eventually, with a smile and a wink, Jan heads out of the spare dressing room alone. Nace glances at his phone. Officially he’s waiting until he can follow with minimal scrutiny; really, he's already counting the minutes until he can get him alone again.
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lunafoster · 1 year
Intrusive thoughts
AN: yes, another one. Again, I’m really sorry but I hope you guys enjoy.
AN2: I really should be studying for my finals but I keep procrastinating. Somebody send help, please.
Warnings: none, honestly, just fluff. I’m gonna say maybe bad English, I’m trying.
Words: 1500+
Bojan Cvjetićanin x fem!reader
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*first clip*
The singer was sitting down in front of the camera next to Kris, talking while filming one of their vlogs, when the girl appeared, sitting down by his side.
He was wearing a sleeveless shirt, as it was warm and he didn’t want to be sweating. You could see the girl staring at his arms, though; it looked like she had just woke up from a nap. Bojan kept talking.
“Ang.” She bit his shoulder.
He didn’t even react, just kept having his conversation with Kris. The latter looked at her and then at his bandmate, mouth agape in shock.
“What is going on?”
*second clip*
Bojan and his girlfriend were being interviewed for the fans, as they wanted to know how their relationship started and how it was going since then.
“Who takes more time to get ready?”
“It’s him! He does!” She said, pointing at him and smirking.
“That’s not- alright maybe it is true,” he gave in, nodding his head and awkwardly smiling, “but it’s mostly because my hair takes a lot of time to be tamed, honestly.”
As if it had a mind of its own, a strand of his hair fell on his face, but he kept making excuses as to why he was the one who spent more time in the bathroom when they had to go out.
The girl kept staring at it, exchanging looks between the camera, the interviewer and her boyfriend. She continued being laser focused on the lock of hair that was slightly covering his left eye.
With one last glance at the camera and the interviewer, she extender her arm and carefully removed the piece of hair, pulling it to a better position so it wouldn’t be on his face.
He looked at her. “Thank you, love.”
She smiled and mused his hair up, laughing loudly. He sighed with a ‘done’ look on his face.
*third clip*
The Joker Out guys were talking during an interview, having sweets to munch on in between questions and topics.
In that moment, Jure was holding part of a KitKat in his hand, talking passionately about ‘Demoni’ and how they had come up with the idea of the music video.
The girl was watching them behind the camera, having a good time making faces at the boys during serious moments so they would crack a smile when they shouldn’t.
However, right in that moment, she was craving chocolate really badly. And that’s when she noticed the KitKat in Jure’s hand.
She quietly approached them, went into view for the camera just behind the boys and snatched the chocolate out of the blond’s hand.
“Aha!” She shouted with an evil laugh, munching on the KitKat and leaving the frame.
Everyone just looked at each other for a few seconds and bursted out laughing. All except for Jure, who tried keeping a pout on his lips while fake sobbing.
“My KitKat!”
*fourth clip*
“This is another video in the series of ‘baking with Jan’! Where I get stressed and he looks like he’s high!”
“What? It rhymes.”
*fifth clip*
Nace was explaining a story about them in the beach, playing with a giant yoga ball.
“So I tried to take it back to the sand but the ball was just too big…” everyone was chuckling, remembering how he had been chasing the ball around in the water.
“That’s what she said,” she whispered while giggling.
“Hey!” Nace pushed her shoulder away from him, “Stop it!”
*sixth clip*
The camera was angled so you could see both the girl, preparing the oven, and Jan, mixing the cookie dough on a bowl.
“Make sure it’s well mixed,” she told him, getting up from her crouched position.
“I know what I’m doing,” he replied, glancing at her briefly.
Jan went to grab the cookie cutters when he deemed it was well mixed enough, making the mistake of leaving the dough alone.
She instantly scooped some of it onto her finger and spread it on his face right when he turned around.
The video cuts and the camera focuses again on the two throwing the mixture at each other, the bowl now empty and cookie dough all over them.
The video cuts again and it comes back to her licking dough from her hand, taking from her face and eating it happily.
“You are disgusting,” Jan let’s out with a breathy laugh, distaste in his face.
“You are definitely not!” She goes towards him with grabby hands, “let me lick it off you, too!”
“No!” He moves away, going off camera.
*seventh clip*
Kris was in the background of Nace and Jure talking in front of the camera in one of their vlogs, mindlessly strumming his guitar.
Bojan and his girlfriend appeared from the right, moving towards the younger with the idea of sitting next to him.
They sat down but you could see the girl watching as Kris played with a fond look in her face and a soft smile.
She took Kris’ hand and, after making sure he left his guitar so it wouldn’t fall, dragged him towards the camera.
“Everyone this is my son,” she stated, making the guys look at her weirdly and Bojan laugh loudly, “if anything happened to him I would kill everyone and then myself.”
“What are you on?” Jan suddenly spoke up from somewhere in the room, not visible to the camera.
“He’s a child, just look at him.” She grabs his face with both hands and smushes his cheeks together, Kris chuckling and trying to pull away, unsuccessfully. “Isn’t he just so cute? I wanna put him in my pocket but he’s really tall and I can’t,” she added with a devastated look, pressing her hand to her chest and feigning being hurt.
“You got yourself a special one, man,” Nace said towards Bojan, who was still laughing obnoxiously.
He stood up and went towards his girlfriend and Kris, putting his arm around his shoulder and leaning on the taller boy.
“I will go for the adoption papers,” he said with a serious face, turning to her and breaking into a smile.
“They’re both coo-coo,” Jure says to the camera, making circle shapes with his finger near his head.
*eighth clip*
Bojan is talking to the camera while in the behind-the-scenes of their latest music video, wearing a big coat, making it clear that it’s really cold outside.
His girlfriend walks into view, with another huge coat, a woolly hat and gloves.
She suddenly squishes him really close to her in a hug, making it possible to hear the air leaving his lungs.
“What is going on?” He asks, strained and confused at the sudden affection, forgetting about the camera.
“You just look so squishable it’s unfair!” She answers, hugging him even tighter if possible.
*ninth clip*
Bojan and Jan are near the swimming pool, but fully clothed, talking about their next tour to his phone, as the comments can be seen going up from the bottom left of the screen.
“Can you get me a glass of water?” Bojan asks his girlfriend, not wanting to stop his conversation with Jan.
She leaves the frame of the camera and the conversation goes on, slowing to a stop when she comes back staring at Bojan.
He goes to take the glass from her but she’s faster, moving it over his head and pouring its contents all over him, making him open his mouth in shock.
“I’m sorry,” she giggles, covering her own mouth with her hand.
He stands up and Jan takes his phone, pointing the camera towards them, sensing that something funny is going to happen.
He’s right, of course, Bojan picks her up by her waist and throws himself (with her) in the swimming pool, effectively drenching them both.
“Bojan!” She shouts, both of them laughing loudly and Jan’s chuckling being heard from behind the camera.
*tenth clip*
They’re in the van while Bojan and his girlfriend are answering questions from fans in an Instagram live.
“What do you guys call each other?” She reads, immediately following it up with, “I call him daddy.”
“No, she does not,” he shakes his head profusely, moving towards the camera.
“I would call him daddy if he let me,” she corrects herself, getting closer to the camera to read the comments.
“Stop,” he laughs as he gently pushes her smirking head away.
“Someone said it’s a good nickname!”
“That was me,” says Jure, moving so he can be seen on the screen.
She pouts and looks at Bojan.
“What do I usually call you?”
“I call her love, sweetheart; and she…,” he trails off and turns to her, “I don’t know, what do you like calling me?”
“I know!” She exclaims happily, “waffles, cupcake, pie, pumpkin,… yes.” She nods to herself.
“That’s definitely not it,” he retorts, raising an eyebrow at her, “why are all of them high-calorie foods, anyway?”
“What? Do you want me to call you my little celery stick or something?”
Somebody laughs in the background at that.
“I hate you.”
“No, you don’t sugarplum,” she smirks again, watching as he’s trying to stop himself from laughing.
“You’re right, I don’t honey bun.”
All of them burst into a loud, chaotic laugh.
*end of the video*
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moreofthatdrowse · 10 months
JO Survey: What's a favorite JO moment of yours? Could be very small or something big
There were too many good answers in the questions with open answers in my Joker Out Survey, so below the cut are the answers to Question no. 14: What's a favorite JO moment of yours? Could be very small or something big
When bojan exists but also when they sung the boys are back from HSM in an interview in all the languages
Nace & Bojan completing my heart hands thing at a concert :) (& Nace showing the heart on his bass in my direction )
sparklative, the turtle interview, every interaction between jan and nace (it's hard to pick a favourite)
It's so hard to choose! Aside from repeating what I said before, I'll say I love them doing stuff with pride flags during concerts, and them hanging out together during Novi Val. Also them just wearing each others clothes. And the whole thing with Because of You during Eurovision. And Bojan singing Cha Cha Cha. And Tavastia. And Kris during the Katrina video whirling around his jacket. Ok I can't choose and I can go on forever.
When Nace started talking about his turtles
kris being a hater 🫶
how dare you make me pick one smh i guess the performance of novi val in Glasgow with the pride flag i dotn get emotional about artists raising pride flags in general even tho im queer but that specific moment in a CHURCH with THAT song made me sob
I can't choose so I've got 3: 1. WHY THIS HAS BEEN SO HAS BIVEN SPARKLY?! SPARKLING?! SPARKLATIVE?!?!?! 2. the interview where they talk about Nace's turtles ("shiiiit, they don't like to be pet!") 3. every time Bojan and Kris banter with each other 😭 and I saw this irl too when I was at their concert in London and Kris wouldn't stop playing his guitar whilst Bojan was trying to tune his
I've really enjoyed watching the behind the scenes video series' from Eurovision and the tour.
It's a tie between (i) pretty much any interview they've ever done and (ii) the Cvetličarna concert (didn't attend but have watched the footage)
Them comforting Käärijä together after his loss
Bojan's thighs lol
I really like drunk Kris at Barcelona preparty screaming "OH, SSF!" and dancing like the tall tree he is 🤣❤️‍🔥
Their joy in eurovision
The moment that Jan signed my jacket
Jan and Nace interacting on stage
Idk i love all the behind the scenes videos?
Them all singing together (see carpe diem series ep 7 amsterdam :D)
The backstage series
The Electric Ballroom gig in London & their reaction when Slovenia entered the grand final at ESC
Jan and Nace playing kazoos in the UK tour ep 2
You expect me to chose?? /j
Every Novi val performance.
anything Jan and Nace get up to tbh
Every moment in that "joker out being bros for 5 min straight" video or wtv or was called. Need friendships like that fr
don't know if it's my favorite moment per se but i do love how they all immeadiately fell in love with jere (käärijä), especially bojan ofc <3
Why has been so sparkling? ✨
Bojan draped in a pride flag in an old church while singing novi val. Top 3 moments to cry about at 3am tbh
The performance of Novi Val in Križanke. Also, this is not a JO moment as such, but a clip where Bojan imitates a german kid telling his mom he wants to jump on the trampoline(?) I'm sorry, but man's funny as fuck, I think about that clip often.
I haven't seen them live yet, so all the best moments are yet to come :)
All of them cuddles
I don’t knoww Maček in a box
I don't know yet - there's so many moments! So many smiles and like laying their heads on each others shoulders during concerts and looking out for each other. <3
I liked how promptly they got rid of gregor on a serious level and also on a happy level when they qualified to the Eurovision final
Bojan and Kaarija’s bromance
I don't know to many options
Love how often TURTOL is brought up. Nace would be proud <3
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hotcat37 · 3 months
(Jance! date night moodboard my beloved 🥰🥰) soo let’s set the scene: the fandoms fave husbands finally got a day off from touring left,right N center so Jan decided he’d take Nace out 4 lil picnic date (he’s not rlly big on huge romantic gestures but when it comes 2 his Nacko he can’t help but spoil the teddy bear-coded bassist sometimes) setting up the car 4 their lil night took some time N a few cups of coffee but alas everything was in place 2 surprise his soncek.The younger of the two lead Nace outside N told him 2 open his eyes on 3 (Nacko was so surprised by what Jan put together he fr pulled out one of the hairties he keeps in his pocket 4 Jan N proposed but that’s a tale 4 another ask) their favourite playlist was on in the back while a bouquet of roses layed in the middle of the pillows next 2 a snack basket that housed all of Nace’s fave candies,gluten-free obvs. (music sheet in the third pic on the third row is ASTP N yes some of the lavenders scattered on top of it did get a bit squished but it didn’t matter 2 them) Jan bought him N his boyfriend some churros from one of the convince stores not 2 far from their apartment which maybe led 2 them doing somesort of variation of the pocky kiss game from back in the day except instead of kissing they ended up making out N almost getting tangled in the long strings of fairy lights but it made Nace giggle. (which is coincidentally Janci’s favourite sound in this world N also my fave sound cuz HAVE U HEARD HOW ADORABLE HIS LAUGH IS) As the teddy bear-coded bassist N black cat-coded guitarists date when on,a very familiar song came on as Nace took his darlings hand N lifted them both up 2 dance 4 who knows how long,grinning N laughing with eachother like they’ve done since the very first gig that Joker Out did with Nace as their new bassist.Once all of the snacks were eaten,playlist turned down low so they wouldn’t have any angry neighbours at the two’s doorstep the next morning N midnight had passed,Jan N Nace’s bodies found themselves tangled together,cuddled up in a blanket of warmth in the safety of the boot in the older’s car,the only music left being the rhythmic beating of their hearts with Jan’s arms wrapped tight around his angel of a boyfriend N the HUGE teddy bear plushie he managed 2 fit in the boot by some miracle,he N Nace finally felt relaxed 4 what might of been the first time in a very,very long time✨✨✨✨✨
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STOPPPP THIS IS TOO FCKING SWEET these little date moodboards are absolutely adorable 😭🐻💞🐈‍⬛ The roses the churros the lill teddy in the moodboard 🧸💕 This is so soft and feels perfectly like a Jance date. Nothing extravagant but still fun and loving and personal 🥰🥰 I want what they have :")
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sparkles-oflight · 4 months
39. Jan/Nace (predictable choice) but I’m not over the Damon Baker shoot yet
For context: me and paperphilia (Sam) talked about what exactly we thought it was "a kiss because time's running out" and we made two things clear: dramatic and angsty (sorry not sorry)
Sam also recommended I use the lyrics of Muse's "Time is running out" for this fic.
And now, for the fic context: because Sam mentioned movie things, I took inspiration from The Hunger Games franchise and also from Hozier's "Take Me to Church" MV.
If you never watched The Hunger Games, don't worry, there are no spoilers here. But the specific scene(s) I'm using as a basis is the goodbye of the selected tributes and their families before the game (because their farewell is timed ^^')
So, disclaimers: there's violence here and angst. Please consider this an AU of sorts (even if we don't know exactly what's going on).
Nace was blindfolded, handcuffed and taken to somewhere he didn't know...He was knocked unconscious, and he didn't know for how long, but he heard the people guiding him mumbling something about taking him to see someone.
As he heard a door open, Nace was attacked by the light that came out of a window in a bright room. The blindfold and handcuffs had been removed.
- You have 3 minutes. - one of his "guards" said as he left.
After recovering from the temporary blindness, Nace looked around and found Jan.
He ran to his lover's arms. Jan hugged him strongly, both of them shaking. Jan looked about to burst into tears and his mouth was trembling. He looked like he was about to sob the loudest he had ever. Or had he already? Nace couldn't tell.
Nace broke their embrace and rested his forehead on Jan's, waiting for the younger one to calm down. Their palms were flat against each other.
- I think I'm drowning... asphyxiated. - Jan fought to get those words out.
In his mind, he just couldn't let go of Nace, yet he wanted to break this spell that he created. If only Nace wasn't in love with him, it would be so much easier. If only he weren't in love with Jan, they'd both be happy.
- You will be the death of me. - Nace joked to try to calm Jan down, but that didn't work.
- I need to bury it.
Nace understood with he meant – Jan wanted to bury their love.
- I won't let you bury it! - Nace grabbed Jan, who refused to look at him in his eyes, by his shoulders - I won't let you smother it or murder it!
- I just want your freedom, Nace! I tried to give you up, but I'm addicted! - Jan yelled at him, desperate to break Nace's heart -  You are sucking the life out of me.
Jan felt tears falling down and a snort coming from his nose all because...
He looked at Nace's big brown eyes which now looked like a red glass about to break.
- I don’t want freedom restricted and bounded.
Nace laid his head on Jan’s again and their noses met.
- Our time is running out. - Nace was trying to stay strong, as best as he could, but his hands met Jan's once more...he needed that friction to be able to hold on.
He squeezed his hand as hard as he could.
- You will squeeze the life out of me. - Jan said.
Nace pushed his lips against Jan's. Probably their sloppiest kiss ever, but they didn't know whether that was their last one or not. They just wanted to be next to each other.  They wouldn't mind dying from this kiss - "it would have been better than dying separated", that's what they believed in.
- Time's up. - the same voice from before came back to the room.
Nace and Jan didn't let go of each other. Nace felt his heart accelerate as he was pulled away from Jan.
Even after both being cuffed, they still wouldn't stop, which led to Jan getting hit in the head, and knocked unconscious.
- Jan! - Nace screamed as the last thing he saw before being blindfolded and knocked down himself was Jan being dragged away from the room.
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hazzybat · 4 months
hi!! Omg I love your fic and the last chapter was so good, all of these dynamics between the characters are so interesting! I also love when you give us extra lil snippets or ficlets here, and I was wondering if you could satisfy my curiosity about something (if you feel like it and it won't cause spoilers? )
I'd love to read a little scene of what went down between the others when Bojan and Jan were fucking during practice haha. Like how/when did they realise they weren't gonna be joining them anytime soon and why, could they hear them, is this normal behaviour or were they like wtf. I'm especially interested in how Nace and Kris felt, I'd love to hear Kris' POV of him realising and hearing that his not-boyfriend was indeed getting fed by someone else and how Kris felt about that.
Way shorter and not an actual scene but id also love to know what Jure whispered in Naces ear to make him even hornier watching bojan and Jan make out haha!
No pressure at all but if you did want to write something short I'd love to read it :)))
Aww thank you so much! I'm very glad you liked it!
I do really like that idea and probably will write something for how the others felt while the fucking was happening. Probably won't be a full chapter or anything and I'll post it here maybe. Might write it after I've written a few more chapters of the fic just so I don't spoil feelings and stuff. (I dunno if there would be spoilers but I wanna be safe)
I can do the other idea though! Have a little ficlet of Nace's POV during the Bo(Jan) dance floor flashback. Very quick thing.
"You wanna play with Joker Out you gotta party with Joker out" Jure slurred in Nace's ear, half kissing at the shell of it. The bassist had wondered how much of the rock and roll lifestyle the band would indulge in when he joined and it seemed he was getting his answer at their celebratory party to honour his first gig with them.
There was much less drugs and girls and much more bad karaoke and getting closer to each other than Nace realised. He knew what Bojan was and had been ready for him to be a flirt and a tease. It seemed the other three were just as bad though.
Jure had spent much of the night running his fingers down Nace's spine, sending shivers over his body as Kris giggled and told him about the last time Bojan had gone down on him.
Nace blushed hard as Kris keep repeating variations on "Dude you have to let him feed on you at least once. It's so worth it," Jure mumbling in agreement of how hot it was the few times they'd let him watch as payment for using his bed at the studio.
He breathed a sigh of relief as Kris got up to buy them all another round. The relief was short lived however as he looked to the dance floor. There were bodies everywhere but there were only two he cared about. Jan had pulled Bojan close, his hands in the demon's back pockets and lips hungrily devouring his.
Bojan moved his hips against Jan's, practically dry humping him as his hands grabbed at Jan's hair and neck. The lights danced over them as the music pounded, making them look almost ethereal.
Nace felt his cock harden even more, already worked up from Kris’s stories and Jure's lewd comments. He tried to stifle his moan behind the glass he brought to his lips. Jan looked hot, his lips easy and relaxed as they worked against Bojan's, his mesh shirt showing off his body wonderfully and his hair falling in his face. He wanted to be in Bojan's place, have Jan's hands against his ass and his body pressed close as they showed off for everyone watching. They broke the kiss and Nace's eyes met Bojan's, dark with lust and alcohol. The demon grinned at him, Jan's mouth on his jaw. Nace then glanced to meet Jan's gaze. The werewolf looked at him through his eyelashes and really that wasn't fair with how seductive he looked.
"He has a big cock I bet, maybe he'll show it to you," Jure hissed in his ear, grinning as Nace turned an even darker shade of red. The image of Jan fucking him right here and now appeared in his mind and he bit his tongue hard. The image of Jan sitting casually in the booth while Nace rode his dick, lost in ecstacy, everyone watching them and enjoying the show, sent a wave of need over him.
He couldn't be here anymore, excusing himself quickly and taking in lungfuls of fresh air outside as his head swam. He was never going to get that image out if his head. Those beautiful eyes looking at him after he made out with Bojan, practically begging him to come take the demon's place. Or maybe that's just what Nace hoped they said. This wasn't some cute little crush anymore, this was a heavy need for the werewolf to be his. Nace would have to learn to enjoy the ride if he was going to survive being in the band.
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