alltimefail · 26 days
We have some unfinished business and a case to solve: The Case of the Curious Cancellation! 💀🔎
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Here are the ways you can help (be sure to read until the end).
I'm not sure how many people here on Tumblr are also over on DBDA Twitter, but there have been MANY developments in the last 24 hours and it's important for all of us to be on the same page if we're going to have a chance in hell of saving our show.
First and foremost, we need to get Dead Boy Detectives in the Netflix Top 10 again. This means running it as much as possible. Read about that below:
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As the graphic says, the goal is to have it running on a loop constantly, as much as you physically can. Be sure to have some level of volume on or else it won't count. If you're on Twitter be sure to post your rewatch (photos of your tv, commentary, etc.) with the hashtag #ReviveDeadBoyDetectives !!!
Also, there's no better time to do this: the Tweet below brings up a great point! 👍
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Second, and easiest thing: KEEP TALKING ABOUT THE SHOW AND CREATING CONTENT ABOUT THE SHOW. Analysis, fics, fanart, shitposts, gif sets, memes, tik tok videos, so on - do not stop! Reblog other people's stuff and talk about it! Give fics kudos, comment, make fic rec lists and post that WIP or sketch! The most important thing to remember is to TAG YOUR POSTS AND CREATIONS. We need to trend!!! On Tumblr make sure you continue tagging your posts as you probably already are (look at my tags on this post if you need help, and remember not to use "DBD" on here because that is another fandom! We use DBDA here). On Twitter you want to use the hashtag #ReviveDeadBoyDetectives for the rewatch and #SaveDeadBoyDetectives is a popular one, too. You can also use #DeadBoyDetectives. Hell, I usually use all three if I can! Hashtag every post you make about Dead Boys, no matter how annoying or "cringe" you may feel. Flood the fucking tag and do not stop.
Third, everyone needs to sign and keep circulating the petition. We've surpassed 5,000 signatures in a day which is fantastic, but we need more. Get everyone you know to sign it; tell them it takes no more than 15 seconds. Be annoying until they do it just to shut you up.
Fourth, request "Dead Boy Detectives Season 2" through Netflix's support website. It's a small thing but if we all do this a couple times a day it will get their attention. They really do vet these suggestions, and an influx of requests for a canceled show will raise eyebrows.
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Lastly, if you decide to write Netflix (via email or a letter - their office address has been floating around) please remember to stay concise and professional. Don't curse at them, don't call names. State that you are disappointed with the cancellation of the show, maybe add an anecdote about what it meant to you, and I would even recommend attaching some articles that emphasize people's displeasure with the platform abandoning shows on a whim and Netflix's flippant attitude toward queer shows in particular. Dead Boy Detective Agency on Twitter has retweeted every article on this topic so far, you can find their page here.
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You can also use graphics such as the ones below to affirm that the cancellation was unjust.
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(Source 1, Source 2)
I know this feels like a lot: know your limits and take care of yourself. Whether you do every single one of these things or just a few of these things, every llittle bit helps!
Even in the worst case scenario where nothing changes, this gesture will mean so much to everyone who made this show. We owe it to the writers, cast, crew, and each other to TRY. We can all agree that this show deserves at least another season and if Netflix isn't going to do it, they need to be open to selling it to someone who will. We cannot keep allowing them to axe these queer and diverse shows with little regard for their customers and their employees, but also because it sets a harmful standard in the industry that is destroying television.
Let's crack this case and bring our agency back! I truly believe in this community!! 💜 We can do this!!
If there are any spelling errors or issues with links let me know! I did this on mobile because I want to mobilize this information as quickly as possible! I'll be adding on to this with new developments and can answer any questions you all might have. Lets save our show!
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soopticboop · 2 years
I am BEGGING, from the depths of my heart, for people to watch Lockwood and Co this week.
This week determines whether we’ll get a renewal. IM BEGGING people to watch it; PLEASE let this be the show that breaks the Netflix curse. PLEASE let this be the show that EXCELLED despite Netflix not promoting it.
It’s a story of found family, three teens who would live and die for each other, who are all lost until they find one another. And they hunt ghosts. I MEAN COME ON 😭🙏
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dorothleah · 5 months
Y'all I am so passionate about this I got my COMPUTER in the middle of doing laundry to sign onto tumblr.com and share this deranged parallel in my mind ok ok SO KASTLE RIGHT? I'm obsessed, thanks a lot to my friend megan (ily megan). So I was in the shower and I was humming Ivy by Taylor Swift, as you do. And it hit me like a brick WALL that this is THEIR. SONG. absolutely 1000% and let me demonstrate (this will be a long post please forgive my ramblings I am SO excited) How's one to know? I'd meet you where the spirit meets the bones In a faith-forgotten land In from the snow Your touch brought forth an incandescent glow Tarnished but so grand I'm gonna start with the fact that Hell's Kitchen is easily a faith forgotten land. This song is, in my head, from Karen Page's POV where canonically in the comics, she marries Matt, or in the Netflix universe, at least dates him. She meets Frank, his touch TARNISHED but SO GRAND. And the old widow goes to the stone every day But I don't, I just sit here and wait Grieving for the living Karen KNOWS what it's like to kill someone. To lose them. She, just like Frank, GRIEVE for the living. Oh, I can't My pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand Taking mine, but it's been promised to another Oh, I can't Stop you putting roots in my dreamland My house of stone, your ivy grows And now I'm covered in you
Okay this is what started it for me. Karen being this protective person who yearns to be understood and loved for who SHE IS. HER PAIN fitting in the palm of rough, calloused Frank Castle's hand, but her hand is promised to Matt. But she still goes to him, as she now cares so deeply for his wellbeing, that it causes his "ivy to grow" and cover her. I wish to know The fatal flaw that makes you long to be Magnificently cursed He's in the room Your opal eyes are all I wish to see He wants what's only yours
The second verse hits hard, with that fatal flaw of Frank's, his idea that he cannot be happy, in love. That isn't in the cards for him anymore. Like he's cursed. Clover blooms in the fields Spring breaks loose, the time is near What would he do if he found us out? Crescent moon, coast is clear Spring breaks loose, but so does fear He's gonna burn this house to the ground How's one to know? I'd live and die for moments that we stole On begged and borrowed time So tell me to run Or dare to sit and watch what we'll become And drink my husband's wine This is where I stopped my laundry and just sat. What would he do if he found us out?? If Matthew Murdock found out Karen loved a man who kills others? We know Matt does not like the way Frank does things. The beauty of this secret deep rooted love is reminicent of spring, of renewal after loss for them both. LIVE AND DIE FOR MOMENTS THAT WE STOLE. ON BEGGED AND BORROWED TIME. That's it that's them. Because Frank will tell her to run, or just sit and watch her and Matt happily, because he believes he cannot give her what she deserves. Lastly: So yeah, it's a fire It's a violent blaze in the dark And you started it You started it So yeah, it's a war It's the fiercest fight of my life And you started it You started it Do I even have to say it? Frank is the absolute violent blaze. But I can see Frank saying SHE is the fiercest fight of his life and she started it, flipping the script. This part goes for them both. I am done. I apologize for my unhinged behavior, and I hope someone enjoyed this ridiculous ramble. <3
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astroprompts · 2 years
“It’s not that bad, I can explain.”
“It’s not what it looks like... But it might be worse.”
“What you need to understand is that moose aren’t afraid of anything.”
“To be fair, when you can walk on water like moose christ and cripple cars, there’s not gonna be a lot of things that put fear in your heart.”
“When a moose decides to choose violence, only two things can save you; Jesus Christ and the Moosiah himself.”
“First of all, why would you ever put yourself in a position where you need to know any of this?”
“If you’re dumb enough to do that, you might as well just let natural selection do it’s thing.”
“Gorillas don’t usually attack anything that seems weaker than they are, which gives them more of a moral compass than high school bullies.”
“Are you serious? Did you really think I was gonna have actual advice here?”
“If it’s black, fight back. If it’s brown, get on the ground. If it’s white... You’re gonna die.”
“One uppercut, and he/she/they’re sending your jaw to Jerusalem with no return trip.”
“Evolution made humans smart enough to put a man on the moon, but it also made chimps swole enough to put a man on the news.”
“Be sure to save me a seat at heaven’s dining hall.”
"What makes you think they’ll go easy on you?”
“You think I’m exaggerating?”
“They’re built like a Toyota with the personality of Jeffery Dahmer.”
“Cocaine hippos are something the world doesn’t need to deal with.”
“Cougars are not to be taken lightly.”
“Humans are an evolutionary failure, because we can’t seem to run away from anything.”
“Unless you’re a gay hillbilly redneck with a Netflix series, I don’t see how you could ever possibly need this.”
“Disrespecting a tiger is really bad for your health.”
“Do not turn your back on a grizzly bear.”
“Unless your last name is De Caprio, there is no award for getting assaulted by a grizzly.”
“Not only are you gonna feel real stupid, you’re also gonna die.”
“If an elephant decides it wants to hurt you, there isn’t a force in nature that can save you.”
“Basically we’re dealing with a coked-up weasel with really bad roid rage.”
“They have no moral compass, no conscience, and no remorse.”
“If I have to be cursed with this knowledge, so do you.”
“Ducks are cancelled.”
“Ducks answer to no god.”
“How do you want to die?”
“I’d honestly rather get insta-killed by a tiger than dissected by a polar bear.”
“He’ll destroy my way of life, but at least I’ll have a life to live.”
“Can we please acknowledge the fact that the platypus makes no sense as an animal?”
“I should probably explain what the hell that was.”
“They’re found in South Africa and Australia, but they also own a good amount of real estate in my nightmares.”
“Can’t call it simping if it works.”
“The more you look at it, the worse it gets.”
“If someone handed you $100,000, no strings attached, what would be your first move?”
“Unconditional love might sound cute, but in nature, it is very much conditional.”
“I already don’t trust pelicans off principle.”
“It’s survival of the fittest, and there is no award for participation.”
“Somewhere a middle child just shed a single, silent tear.”
“Imagine having an older sister whose primary purpose in life is making sure you don’t have one.”
“If ‘men ain’t shit’ was an animal, it would be the hyena.”
“When you’re that good for that long, eventually time is gonna catch up to you.”
“Life is a brutal reality show where life is all about getting renewed to the next season.”
“Few animals have a worse PR team than hyenas.”
“I pay way too much for contacts for you to lie to me about what’s in front of my face.”
“Time for 50 shades of fuck around and find out.”
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demonfox38 · 2 years
🔥 castlevania
God. Incoming fireballs.
Obviously, the greatest of the "Castlevania" TV's show's sins was Season 3. But, I also want to nominate Sin #2 as making the dullest interpretation of Carmilla known to the entire goddamn series. You could have had a giant, naked woman riding around on a skull, crying flaming tears while her catgirl girlfriend mauled people to death. Or, Necromancer Barbie shaking her titties at the protagonist and laughing her ass off at their futile struggles. But, no. We had to rip off what turned out to be one of the most disappointing media mistakes all to get cash. Boo. I'm not renewing my Netflix subscription to see the next "Castlevania" show. Frankly, it would not break my heart if it fell apart in production.
I hate that Alucard's hair color has drifted from white/platinum blonde to a honey blonde in the popular consciousness. Like, yes, it used to be black (and still can be, if he's hot about it.) And yes, I get that it makes him look more like his mother. But, I'm all about an interpretation of Alucard where people look at him and go, "What the fuck is that, and why is it kind of hot?" And that's just harder to do when you've got the color palette of the average Japanese stereotype of a European/American dude.
Writers are cowards for not including Grant Danasty in subsequent projects. But also, I could easily write him out of the story. Just got up to the tower where he's hanging out, accidentally kill him in monster form, then have Trevor go "Oh, fuck! What the hell?!" and move on. He can be removable, but goddamn, does it show how little writers have played the actual games or have any sense of geography when they talk about him.
Honestly, I don't like watching most "Castlevania" speedruns. Mostly, because they have broken into clipping and arbitrary code execution to get the fastest times. If it's glitchless, I'm cool with it. It's otherwise dull to me.
It's a shame that "Aria/Dawn of Sorrow" never went full tilt with Shintoism or Japanese mythology in their games, but I'm glad Igarashi's doing it now with the "Bloodstained" series.
I don't trust Konami to do anything with the "Castlevania" property outside of whoring it out when they want cash. Frankly, that's their attitude with all of their properties, but that's the one that hits me closest to home. Some executive in that company has earned a special place in hell for not cultivating and keeping their design teams happy and in house.
I get the feeling that every time Igarashi was made to put a Belmont in his "Castlevania" games, it came at the cost of him cursing and swearing a lot. Like, "Shit! Fuck! You want more of these guys? May I please use someone else?"
If you don't get that Dracula's Castle is both alive and a character, you have no business handling anything with the series. It needs to be as charming and hostile as its master. If you don't get why people might want to hang around it, you've gotta leave.
It is Dracula's Castle. It is not "Castlevania." "Castlevania" is the English name we're stuck with for the series. Dracula's Castle is the place.
We probably shouldn't ever get a 1999 "Castlevania." It will never be sick enough.
We also shouldn't get a "Castlevania: Symphony of the Night" remake. At least, not until modeling can match the sprite work for fluidity and personality. And frankly, losing the original voice acting is a disaster unto itself. (Yes, I am not pleased with the PSP dub.)  
Okay. I think this enough for now.
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asexual-spongebob · 8 months
hi so um. I wrote a hypothetical Wikipedia article for the waves that lap the shore. Hope yall enjoy.
The Waves that Lap The Shore 
The Waves That Lap The Shore is British-American Octonauts X H2O: Just Add Water crossover that first started airing on October 15th 2023 on Netflix (US) and BBC (UK). 
It started off as a Fanfiction posted on Tumblr, AO3 and Wattpad. However, the author and show creator, Kitty.L. Wayne (more known by her online usernames, Kittysboba and Asexual-SpongeBob) got permission to make it into a show. 
It was produced by Mainframe Studios, Silvergate Media and Brown Bag Films and was written Kitty . L. Wayne.
The theme song “No Ordinary Girl” is by Kate Alexa, The same theme song as second season of H2O. The end credits song is the Mako Mermaids (or otherwise, Mako: Island Of Secrets) theme song. 
It is also well known for rock music to be used as background music, a notable example being Weezer’s “Only In Dreams” being used in an episode of the same name. 
Its first season is still currently airing and has 20 episodes planned, 19 of which have aired. 
Surprisingly, unlike most Octonauts episodes it’s one big episode. No segments.
These episodes can range from 10 -24 minutes depending on the episode.
Not to mention, unlike both shows it’s based on, It is rated TV-14 for usage of cursing and mental health issues. 
It was renewed for a second season in late January of 2024. 
The show takes place in Ireland (first half of season one) and Australia (second half of season one + beyond)
The Octonauts go to Ireland to study sea creatures, Shellington stumbles upon some mysterious sea caves while going for a walk and decides to check it out. Little does he know this would change him, his partner’s  and friends lives forever. 
Surprisingly, in this show there is romantic relationships. Unlike one of the shows it’s based on, Octonauts. Those relationships being Shellso, Twashi and Kwazini. Shellso being the most shocking to fans.
Not to mention its inclusion of LGBTQIA+/ Queer themes. And mental health issues. 
Both Kwazii and Paani have ADHD.
Kwazii and Paani are also Demisexual and Demiromantic.
Shellington is autistic and he is also a trans man. He is also bi. 
Peso was the first person to find out about Shellington being a merman.
In the US dub, Peso can be heard cursing in Spanish, for example at the end of Kisses Of Ash he is seen saying “Sí. Estamos cansados de cojones.” Which translates to “Yes. We are tired as fuck.” However in the UK version he just says cuss words in English.
Peso has AUDHD and is transmasc (he/it) and is also gay. 
Kisses Of Ash is based off the h2o episode “Bad Moon Rising”.
Paani becomes a merperson in episode twenty, as seen in the trailer for the episode.
The weirdest episode was episode two, “The Quest For Mussels” , where we see Shellington slurping out the flesh from mussels. It is also considered the grossest episode by fans and writer themself, Kitty.
In this show, Kwazii has RSD. It was confirmed in episode 18 “The Disappearance”. 
Shellington has the same power as Cleo, Peso as the same power as Emma and Kwazii has the same power as Rikki.
It took awhile for Shellington to discover his power over water, while it didn’t take long for Kwazii, Peso and Paani. 
Many people were shocked to find out that the series is rated TV 14. 
It was first released in the US and UK.
Rock Lobster by the B52’s can be heard in episode 15.
Shellington is seen listening to Weezer’s “Why Bother” in episode 12.
Kwazii likes the Spice Girls.
Tweak and Kwazii are seen singing Sublime’s “Smoke Two Joints” in episode 13.
Professor Inkling didn’t make his first appearance until episode 5.
Paani is seen listening to Nirvana’s “Scentless Apprentice” in episode 19.
Please expand this part of the article 
List of episodes- 
Season One:
Newfound Scales
The Quest for mussels 
Curiosity Kills The Cat.
Catnip and Moon possession
Shellington’s apology 
Vegimals to the rescue 
The Treasure Chest
Sea Sick Sea Otter
Kwazii,Peso, Dashi and Tweak and the moonstruck sea otter
Peso and Shellington and the Angelshark
Peso and Shellington and the sleepover
Hello, Mako.
Kwazii’s rescue 
Only In Dreams (We see what it means)
Kwazii and Paani’s dinner (gone wrong)
Kisses of Ash
Grape Soda.
The disappearance
19:  The Meeting
20: And Then There Were  Four (Unaired) 
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i-am-just-a-kiddo · 2 years
10 characters
tagged by @talays-portkey ❤ I chose 10 characters from 10 different things that I consumed this year and liked.  I’m gonna say a few things about each and try to keep it short. 
tagging @intyalote, @the-cloud-whisperer, @not-saying-revolution-but, @cortue, @isabellaofparma, @sassyassassy. Have fun, there’s no rules!
continues under the cut: 
Sean /Not Me: The Series (2021)
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Not Me, as a whole, breaks me in the best ways possible. And Sean - he’s just everything to me. In my opinion, one of the most beautiful character arcs you can give me is having a character find a few more reasons to live. Make them start cherishing their life as a thing that should be protected and you have me on the floor sobbing. And Sean is this to me - comfort and pain wrapped in one person.
Jim Jimenez /Our Flag Means Death (2022)
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Do you know how hard it is to choose only one character from this damn show? I love them all so much, with my entire heart. But Jim is my special kid okay. It truly hits diffently, seeing them having their own arc in this silly little show, being just as silly with their crewmates, but also being badass and cool off the side and also having such a precious friends to lovers romance alongside everything. My beloved. 
Ayukawa Ryuuji “Yuka”/ Blue Period (2021)
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This anime wrecked me, everything about Yuka wrecked me. Their story made me cry for two hours straight and unlocked something in my brain. I don’t know how to explain. 
Shen Yi /Under The Skin (2022)
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With everything happening this year, I almost forgot I watched this show, but everytime I remember it, I’m so incredibly fond. It’s rare to watch a crime show that feels comforting, but this one does it! And I attribute a lot of it to this lovely protagonist, because he is so warm, sensitive and charismatic. I loved watching Shen Yi and going through all these cases from his point of view. He just feels like such a comforting presence and honestly, more protagonists should have this characteristic. Let them be gentle!! 
Guillermo de la Cruz/ What We Do in the Shadows (2019-?)
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As someone on this hellsite put it - he’s the most character ever. Last week I finally caught up with the new season and I’m all here for Guillermo’s emancipation arc! Fuck it up son!!!! I’m cheering you on, keep doing your hot girl shit!
Vegas Theerapanyakul & Pete / Kinnporsche: La Forte (2022)
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Yes I’m cheating again but what are you gonna do about it. I couldn’t choose between these two because I find them both equally as engaging and interesting. If you’ve been following me - you know. You know the insanity I feel for these two. Who would’ve thought comfort is stored in the toxic BDSM couple. Emotional support fucked up men. Truly on the top of the list for this year.
Striga /Castlevania (2017-2021)
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Listen it doesn’t need much - give me a queer muscly lady with a huge sword and the coolest action sequence of the series and you have me sold. My actual favourite is Alucard, but I feel like we, as a society, should appreciate love and go crazy over Striga a bit more. Like, she’s right there!!
Lucifer Morningstar /The Sandman (2022)
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I just think they’re neat. Once again a show full of wonderful, beautiful characters, but Lucifer simply lives in my mind rentfree. @ netflix I beg, please renew this show so we can get the sequel with Lucifer going apeshit. I’m on my knees. 
Wen Ning / The Untamed (2019)
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Sooooooooo I’ve been rewatching this curse of a show for the past week while lying sick in bed with covid and. AND. After three years the pain truly does not get better. Once again, I did not know who to choose for this - every single character in this god forsaken show deserves their own spot. But I somehow ended up on my darling, my boy, my favourite Ghost General. His story arc fucks me up so badly every time and yet it is one of the most beautifully tragic things. He’s a red thread, pulled through the entire story, and it makes my heart bleed. (and yes @the-cloud-whisperer​, I’m gonna come back to you soon and finally scream with you properly)
👑 Louis de Pointe du Lac / Interview With the Vampire (2022-?)
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2022 has not ended yet but I know this guy takes the crown. I’ve been a fan of the Vampire Chronicles since I was 15 and finally. FINALLY. I get what I fucking deserve. And FINALLY here is a Louis that I adore - one that is charismatic, one that feels raw and real, and one I can finally love and be invested in. This show truly made me fall in love with his character when before that, he always paled in my affection to Lestat. He always kinda bored me in the books and the movie adaptation. As my friend put it: we all want to be Lestat but actually we are all Louis. But here is he at last, my highest quality blorbo: Louis de Pointe du Lac, resident disaster man full of existential despair, wrath and love. This show is all I’ve been thinking about and I will not apologise. 
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capsiclesteebrogers · 4 years
Redemption Arc Done Right
Okay, here is the post that nobody asked for, but I decided to make it either way. I already made a short post about how I think The Weeping Monk’s arc is similar to Jaime Lannister’s but now I will elaborate because it bogs my mind still.
If you haven’t finished watching the show I recommend you don;t read it because I will give spoilers. So read it on your own risks.
So as I previously stated, The Weeping Monk reminded me heavily of Jaime Lannister from GOT and the similarities poped up episode after episode which made me think that his arc may be similar to Jaime and that it would make a lot of sense to be like that. Let me present to you my arguments.
1) Looking alike
What striked me first was how similar Lancelot (that’s The Weeping Monk’s real name) is to Jaime in terms of appereance. This may be personal, but I doubt I am the only who looked at both of them and saw how alike in features they are. They both have dirty blonde hair (Lancelot keeps his in a man bun but the writers were cowards and didn’t let Jaime have a man bun as well), a sharp jawline, a beard (although Lancelot’s is not as long as Jaime’s) and a slim but muscular figure. I will insert two pictures here so you can see for yourself (I have taken them from Google Images and don’t know who originally posted them).
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SEE WHAT I MEAN? The resemblence is right here! I especially thought they looked similar when Lancelot fought the evil paladins and he got a bit bloody and it reminded me of when Jaime was Robb’s prisoner.
2) The Red Paladins aka Lannister Army
This may not be very obvious, but if you rewatch the last episode of Cursed (Season 1, Episode 10: The Sacrifice) and look at the Red Paladins’ tents you’ll see what I’m talking about. Now, their tents are white and the Lannister’s are red but the Paladins have red associated with them throughout the show. Look at this and tell me it doesn’t resemble the Paladins’ army.
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Maybe it’s just me but it’s oddly familiar. I also say the Paladins’ resemble the Lannister army because Father Cardan’s relationship with Lancelot is somewhat similar to Tywin’s relationship with Jaime. They both expect their “sons” to live up to their expectations and be perfect soldiers. And yet both Jaime and Lancelot stand out and don’t fit in the crowd. Jaime because he cares about the innocent people and wishes to no longer be seen as Kingslayer and Lancelot because he’s actually fey and “damned”. They try to please the people who are above them but don’t seem to be enough. 
Jaime eventually escapes his abusive family (don’t try to tell me they weren’t) much like Lancelot escaped the Paladins and is set on a different path.
3) Reveal of name
This was the moment that clicked for me and I saw clearly how the two characters are similar. When Lancelot reveals his name to Squirrel (”Lancelot. A long time ago my name was Lancelot”) it reminded me of the moment when Jaime told Brienne his name. They are both with people who don’t really like them and in a moment of weakness they reveal something personal to them. When Jaime told Brienne his name after she called him Kingslayer (”Jaime. My name’s Jaime.”, btw Nikolaj Coster-Waldau’s acting in this scene is superb) he wanted to finally escaped the nickname that was given to him and I think this is the moment where Lancelot shows his humanity and perhaps wishes to no longer be seen as The Weeping Monk.
4) Resented by their own people
Yet another similarity is the fact that both characters are resented by their people. Jaime is resented by the people of Westeros because he killed Aerys “The Mad King” Targaryen by driving a sword through his back and gained the nickname Kingslayer and Lancelot is resented and hated by the fey because he associates himself with the Red Paladins and wants to exterminate them and in return he gained the name, The Weeping Monk. 
We know that Jaime wants to get rid of his title as Kinglsayer because it doesn’t represent what he stand for and even though we did not see it yet, I do believe that Lancelot will want to escape his given name. I would even say (as stated above) that him revealing his true name is a step towards that path.
Now that I have presented you with a few similarities between the two I can tell you that I think Lancelot’s arc will be similar to Jaime’s. He will go to serve a good queen who cares about her people (Jaime went to Sansa and Lancelot is going to Nimue) and atone for his mistakes (Jaime utlimately fought for the living and Lancelot will fight for the fey) and ultimately become an honorable man.
Him going to find Nimue resembles Jaime’s wish to go North, find and protect Sansa. Nimue also resembles Sansa to me because she is a queen chosen by her people, didn’t fit very well at the beggining, is concerned with the well-being of her people (the scene where Nimue discuses food and how to feed the fey reminded me of when Sansa talked to the lords about securing food for the North), so it would make sense for Lancelot to serve her and pledge to her cause.
I think it would make a lot more sense for his character to be a Knight for Nimue and a protector rather than a love interest. A good redemption arc takes time and developement and I don’t think a romance is necessary, especially not with Nimue. To me, it doesn’t make sense. I am also a bit tired of the “enemies turned lovers” trope and it bugs me the wrong way that people completely disregard Arthur and his importance in the plot (and how convenient that the fandom ignores the black love interest, hmm). So many people jumped onto this ship and I can’t for the life of me understand why.
I don’t deny the connections and similarities between Nimue and Lancelot but that doesn’t mean that they have to be romantically involved and “endgame”. I also think they may be siblings, mainly because of what Merlin said at one point about “his kin” to Nimue. I can’t remember from the top of my head what he said exactly, but he didn’t refer to her as “my daughter” or even “my child”, but “my kin” and it made me think that it implies that Nimue is not his only child. 
This was such a long post, but I had to make it because it has been on my mind for a couple of days. Let me know what you think about Lancelot’s arc and what are your theories because I am curious about what other people think.
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Please go watch Cursed on Netflix and helped get it renewed. It's a great show and Netflix cancelled it after one season. Not to mention they set up a good enemies-to-lovers and just took it away. Go watch it, tell people about it, post about it just do anything to get it renewed. Thank you.
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paiigetownsen · 3 years
people really need to hop on Netflix and watch Cursed 🥺
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pyra-morgana · 4 years
If we get more seasons of Cursed, I just want a scene that goes more or less like this :
Someone : *talking shit to Nimue and Lancelot*
Lancelot : Don’t do it...
Nimue : *pulls out the Sword of Power*
Lancelot :
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talesofthehollow · 4 years
It never gets old seeing the exact moment where someone finds out who the Weeping Monk actually is. I had the pleasure of watching my mom (who I had somehow managed to rope into watching Cursed with me) react to the big reveal in real time the other day.
(^t/n: My mom rarely swears so getting that reaction from her makes it all the more worthwhile. )
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Now, imagine the restraint of having to keep your mouth shut about spoilers for weeks... 😂
I remember when we first started watching it together, I had to give her an evasive answer about whether he was an antagonist or not when he came onscreen. (She wanted to know for reasons, LM@0 🔎✨ We have eyes, you know... 👀)
Bonus: She wasn’t even thinking in terms of Nimue & the Weeping Monk possibly being a thing either, but she had some questions about him sensing her presence at the abbey :x
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forviik · 3 years
“It’s not that bad, I can explain.”
“It’s not what it looks like... But it might be worse.”
“What you need to understand is that moose aren’t afraid of anything.”
“To be fair, when you can walk on water like moose christ and cripple cars, there’s not gonna be a lot of things that put fear in your heart.”
“When a moose decides to choose violence, only two things can save you; Jesus Christ and the Moosiah himself.”
“First of all, why would you ever put yourself in a position where you need to know any of this?”
“If you’re dumb enough to do that, you might as well just let natural selection do it’s thing.”
“Gorillas don’t usually attack anything that seems weaker than they are, which gives them more of a moral compass than high school bullies.”
“Are you serious? Did you really think I was gonna have actual advice here?”
“If it’s black, fight back. If it’s brown, get on the ground. If it’s white... You’re gonna die.”
“One uppercut, and he/she/they’re sending your jaw to Jerusalem with no return trip.”
“Evolution made humans smart enough to put a man on the moon, but it also made chimps swole enough to put a man on the news.”
“Be sure to save me a seat at heaven’s dining hall.”
"What makes you think they’ll go easy on you?”
“You think I’m exaggerating?”
“They’re built like a Toyota with the personality of Jeffery Dahmer.”
“Cocaine hippos are something the world doesn’t need to deal with.”
“Cougars are not to be taken lightly.”
“Humans are an evolutionary failure, because we can’t seem to run away from anything.”
“Unless you’re a gay hillbilly redneck with a Netflix series, I don’t see how you could ever possibly need this.”
“Disrespecting a tiger is really bad for your health.”
“Do not turn your back on a grizzly bear.”
“Unless your last name is De Caprio, there is no award for getting assaulted by a grizzly.”
“Not only are you gonna feel real stupid, you’re also gonna die.”
“If an elephant decides it wants to hurt you, there isn’t a force in nature that can save you.”
“Basically we’re dealing with a coked-up weasel with really bad roid rage.”
“They have no moral compass, no conscience, and no remorse.”
“If I have to be cursed with this knowledge, so do you.”
“Ducks are cancelled.”
“Ducks answer to no god.”
“How do you want to die?”
“I’d honestly rather get insta-killed by a tiger than dissected by a polar bear.”
“He’ll destroy my way of life, but at least I’ll have a life to live.”
“Can we please acknowledge the fact that the platypus makes no sense as an animal?”
“I should probably explain what the hell that was.”
“They’re found in South Africa and Australia, but they also own a good amount of real estate in my nightmares.”
“Can’t call it simping if it works.”
“The more you look at it, the worse it gets.”
“If someone handed you $100,000, no strings attached, what would be your first move?”
“Unconditional love might sound cute, but in nature, it is very much conditional.”
“I already don’t trust pelicans off principle.”
“It’s survival of the fittest, and there is no award for participation.”
“Somewhere a middle child just shed a single, silent tear.”
“Imagine having an older sister whose primary purpose in life is making sure you don’t have one.”
“If ‘men ain’t shit’ was an animal, it would be the hyena.”
“When you’re that good for that long, eventually time is gonna catch up to you.”
“Life is a brutal reality show where life is all about getting renewed to the next season.”
“Few animals have a worse PR team than hyenas.”
“I pay way too much for contacts for you to lie to me about what’s in front of my face.”
“Time for 50 shades of fuck around and find out.”
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nuoyi-writes · 4 years
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<< P: NCT Kun x fm!reader | WC: 1.1k | G: fluff | TW: cursing, like the reader refers to someone with degrading terms at some point LOL >>
tag list: @channoticedmeuwu​ 
networks: @ficscafe
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY @kiri-ah​!! I hope you don’t mind me including you in this cringe af fic-
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“Please, Dejun would make a better project leader than that old geezer”
You were talking Kiri, one of your old friends you hadn’t seen in a long time because her profession required her to travel frequently, about recent (and very nonsensical) changes that were made at the company that had hosted the party you were in. Twirling the half empty glass of wine in your hand, you let you eyes flit across the faces in your view, momentarily revising their names and positions in your head for when you interact with them later.
“I get why I don’t see her often, but you literally have no reason to not drop by our house once in a while”, you deadpanned when Kunhang arrived with Kiri’s drink.
“You talk like you live in a nursing home”, he retorted as his hand slid behind his wife’s waist and she leaned into him, making herself comfortable in his arms. His eyes momentarily softened at her notion and the feeling of home that invaded him.
“Oh my god ew. Stop”, you faked a gag at the sight in front of you, receiving an eye roll from Kunhang.
“Seriously, what generation are you from?”, he asked, shaking his head in feigned disappointment.
“Shut up, I’m 25″
“You don’t act like it, that’s exactly why we don’t visit you”
“Sicheng visits us”
“Only when he needs to renew the Netflix subscription”
You furrowed your brows, lips parting from the realisation that he really did only visited when he needed to renew his subscription. That snake-
“Who’s that beside Kun?”, Kiri interrupted your banter, eyes trained on something behind you. Kunhang and you followed her line of sight, only to be met with a disturbing image of some woman you’ve never seen before attempting to seduce your husband. Anger hit you faster than a freight train and you let out a string of curses as you watched her practically throw herself on him.
Wanna-be-mistresses, always looking for a rich married man to fuck, then leech off of by threatening to expose the affair. To them, finding someone like Kun, someone who looked like he was sculpted by Greek Gods themselves, among these old geezers was like winning the lottery, not to mention they all assumed your marriage was devoid of love because you and Kun weren’t touchy in public like your other friends that went through with an arranged marriage.
The loud clicking of your heels caught the attention of Kun and the woman beside him, relief flooding into the former when he realised you were coming over to save him, but it was soon replaced with confusion by the hint of playfulness you were radiating. Based on how the woman looked nothing but annoyed by your presence, you quickly realised she didn’t know you.
“Qian Kun”, you batted your lashes as you planted yourself right next to him, the back of your hand grazing his own, and Kun fought the tiny smirk making its way onto his lips when he understood what you had in mind.
“And who are you?”, the woman in front of you narrowed her eyes as you placed your glass on a table near you before looping your arm through his.
“Oh! I’m sorry, I didn’t see you there”, you turned to face her and dramatically faked a look of surprise, eyes widened and fingers hovering over your lips.
“I’m Y/n”, you replied in your sweetest voice as you pretended to not have noticed her rude tone.
The unchanging look on her face made you realise that this bitch didn’t even bother to find out the name of her target’s wife.
“You’re touching a married man”, she sneered, your confident gaze and posture agitating her.
“You yourself were all over him before I came here”, you stated, sweet tone and formal smile not faltering the slightest bit.
“Exactly, I was here first, and you were the one who rudely interrupted our conversation”
Your friends, now very entertained by the scene unfolding before them, moved closer while trying their best to maintain stoic faces. You felt Kun, who didn’t find the whole ordeal very amusing anymore, nudge you lightly with his elbow, pleading you to not make a scene, only to be ignored. This wasn’t the first time someone made advances on him knowing he was married; but it was the first time you wanted to publicly expose someone.
“What is your name?”, you asked her, baiting her by increasing the volume of your voice and gaining the attention of more people.
“Lin Daiyu, you must be knowing the Lin family?”, she gloated, ego coming into play as she proudly stated her family name. Although you were pleased with the fact that she had given away her last name as well, you realised you didn’t want to hurt the rest of her family for a mistake she was making, especially because you knew some of them to be genuinely good people.
“Yes, I do”, you answered calmly as you untangled your arm from Kun, mind clearer now that you were aware of the repercussions of carrying out your initial plan.
“And what is your family name?”, she attempted to stare you down, sure that you couldn’t possibly be from a bloodline as prestigious as hers from your change in stance.
So she wasn’t a wanna-be-mistress- just had the hots for your husband- but that didn’t justify any of her actions; from trying to seduce a married man, to speaking to you so rudely.
Tone low but strong, you answered her question, watching as her eyes widened in horror, and stepped closer to her, lips only inches away from the tips of her ears.
“And I’m his wife”
Face as pale as a ghost and cheeks dusted with heavy embarrassment, she spun around and walked off, and you would say that was the most sensible choice she had made since you've laid eyes on her.
Kun let out a sign of relief, glad that you de-escalated the situation in time, and felt proud when he saw a group of onlookers silently praising your course of action. When his eyes landed on your satisfied grin and the snickers of his friends faded into the background, he slipped his fingers through yours and squeezed your hand, bringing you to meet his eyes.
“You’re not leaving my side tonight”, he spoke softly, tugging your hand and pulling you closer to him. You nodded your head slowly, both of your smiles growing wider with every passing second inside the tiny bubble you’ve built for yourself.
“Oh my god ew. Stop”, Kunhang faked a gag at the sight in front of him, Kun and you throwing him the strongest glares you could muster.
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© 2021, nuoyi-writes. All rights reserved
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A Song of Ash and Sky - A Cursed Fanfic
Chapter 14 - The Execution
As his execution approaches, Lancelot learns of new threats to the Fey, says his goodbyes, and considers his legacy. Nimue, his executioner, must make a decision.
“For his crimes, the Fey have demanded from the Weeping Monk his flesh, his tears, his blood, and his life.” A metallic ringing echoed in the air as she drew his sword from its sheath and held it high. “As the Fey Queen, I now deliver you this justice!”
Hey everyone! Thank you again for following my fic! We are coming up on some very exciting stuff in the next few chapters, including one that will be released with another commissioned fanart that I am VERY excited about!
ALSO please be aware that there is a Renew Cursed social media event coming up on February 20th so if you’d like to remind Netflix that we’d like a REAL Season 2, please join in:
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pynkpoet · 4 years
tell me you miss jatp without saying you miss jatp.
I'll go first: I actually miss caleb.
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The main antagonist who's technically bad hot dogged nick, tricked julie and nearly took her FOUND FAMILY away, and took advantage of Willie's kindness by using his invite to curse the boys and separate willie from alex in the process. Caleb caused immense problems to the protagonists and I'm still agonizing over it and you know what?
it sucked. like rancid hot dogs that kill 3 of your band mates while you're left alive to take their songwriting to claim as your own for unknown reasons, only to be haunted by their ghosts 25 years later, but I digress.
because if I don't get a nick possessed by caleb song it's practically OVER for me.
I am perfectly fine.
netflix please renew jatp
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