ilybigman · 2 years
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synonymroll648 · 17 days
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alphajocklover · 4 months
Hey bro, I have a bit of a strange situation going on. You see, I’m a big nerd, like playing dnd, good at math, into card games nerds. And I never really questioned it. But recently, I’ve found myself wanting to be more active, I’ve been wanting to become something I am not, a big strong guy. And it all stared when I rediscovered the Xmen through the show and upcoming movie. Could you, I mean, would you mind helping me become like my ideal man, Wolverine?
I want to be the small hunky and hairy beats he is, oozing with libido and sex appeal.
It's a little strange, but I’ve been getting a lot of superhero requests recently! Not that I’m complaining, I love writing about superheros. They’re interesting characters who have long histories and decades of lore to use. Plus they’re usually hot as fuck. And Wolverine is one of the hottest. Muscular, with a thick layer of hair, and gruff as can be. He’s traditionally a loner, but he has a certain rough charm to him. There’s a reason he’s been a part of almost every superhero team at one time or another. People can’t get enough of the guy. It could be his inventive power set, his ability to change with the times and still remain interesting and relevant. Or it could be that he’s an incredibly manly hunk whose animalistic nature makes people weak in the knees. He’s everything you ever wanted to be, or at least everything you’ve wanted to be since you saw those new X-Men cartoons. When you watched them, something awakened in you. And now… you’re becoming just like him.
You’re not becoming him, if that’s what you’re thinking. Whatever is happening to you can’t give you claws like Wolverine or coat your skeleton in adamantium. I mean, in our world adamantium doesn’t really exist, and even though some transformation methods could turn you into a perfect replica of wolverine or add onto the periodic table, this one won’t do that. It’s more fun to be a stud without the responsibility of being a superhero anyways, especially since one of his main powers is to survive incredibly painful situations. Now you get all the pleasure, none of the pain, and an absolutely studly body.
One common fun fact that people like to bring up about Wolverine is the fact that he’s… while he’s short. Really short. Since Hugh Jackman is over 6 feet tall, people tend to forget that in the comics Wolverine is a complete shortstack, standing at 5’3”. So, I’m afraid to say that you’re going to shrink quite a bit. Luckily, being shorter just makes your new muscles look even bigger and better. Your biceps are enormous, your pecs are amazing, and your abs are almost inhuman. That, plus a heavy layer of manly, thick hair, and you look like you walked right off the pages of a comic book. Or out of a very suggestive movie. Of course you don’t want to just look like Wolverine. You want to be like Wolverine. Which means a few… adjustments to your personality.
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That might seem daunting or scary at first, the idea that your personality is going to change. But you won’t feel that way very long. Nothing is going to faze you anymore. Just like Wolverine You’re tough as nails and you act like it. Literally nothing throws you. You’re a certified badass. Yes, you have a sensitive side like the real Wolverine, but most people aren’t gonna see that. Most people, from your manly new friends to the girls you hook up with, are going to see the manly man, the strong warrior, the beast.
There are some small differences between you and Wolverine of course. The main one being that the guy in the comics doesn’t hook up with people very often. Too busy saving the world. And when he does get a love interest, the feelings between them are pretty serious. You don’t have the same patterns. You’re the type of guy who has a new girl every night and is constantly looking for more pussy. You can’t help it, with a massive cock and an even bigger libido. You’re the best at what you do, and what you do is fuck.
**Hey guys! Hope I did Wolverine justice. He’s a super hot character and I had a lot of fun writing a tf inspired by him. Hope you enjoyed!**
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love-now-cry-later · 1 year
the importance of change
"nothing lasts forever, nothing stays the same"
september 3, 2023
I'm at a point in life where everything is changing and for the first time… I'm ok with it. I just turned 18 (woo!) and for the first year since i was 12 i didn't have a breakdown on my birthday. i graduated just before that and now i'm off. in 1 month i'll be in maine for a concert with my best friend, then i'll be in GA with my mom and then i'll be back in jersey until christmas where i’ll then go to nebraska for a bit and then costa rica from january to july, and when we come back my friend Abbi will be graduating and we all will have had enough saved up to rent a house together. And My dad asked me this morning if I was scared and I've just sat here thinking. What do I feel?
i'm about to spend the next year of my life traveling and seeing the world. having opportunities, that i'm eternally grateful for, that many people don't have and my family never had. I have a chance of moving out and getting my own home and for my family, generations in one home, that's really big. I'm young and free and I'm grateful to have friends who give me opportunities that I would never have otherwise.
But It's terrifying. I'm gonna be far from home for a long time and when i'm finally back it won't be for long, but you know what's scarier? everything staying the same.
my life has gotten easier these last few months. my senior year, I graduated because I have connections with teachers and principals and people like me. my 'charisma' as Camdyn puts it. I have opportunities like Costa Rica because friends and their families like me. My life has gotten easier and I don't take that for granted. In some ways I believe the easy, go-with-the-flow, handouts and kindness that I've been receiving is an apology from the universe. An apology for having to be strong and grow up at a very young age. An apology for all that i had to deal with very young, and a reward for not letting it turn me into a person i would be ashamed of. Coming out of it a better person.
I believe that I was meant to break generational cycles. The cycles of poverty- the cycles of teen pregnancy- the cycles of throwing your life away. The cycles of dead end office jobs, janitorial positions- of deciding between a meal for you or your kids tonight. The grab the wic approved!- dirty looks in the grocery line because of the ebt card. I believe it’s gotten easier because I deserve an easier life than my mother and my father. Not that they dont deserve it either, But i can tell they’re happy that i have better, i think thats what they've always wanted for me. Even though they didn’t necessarily provide it, they're happy for me. I can tell.
My point- or the point of this ramble at least is that change is scary but you know what- that's good. Fear is good sometimes! It’s like when you first start highschool and you're scared, there's a new building and its so big and there's so many people you’ve never met and people you never will, but after a couple weeks freshman year is easy- then it’s winter break and spring break, and then- you're a sophomore. I was terrified to graduate, but I'm so grateful and happy I did. Because you know what's more scary and embarrassing than standing in front of hundreds of people that dont like you, and an ex and their new gf in a stupid cap and gown, and possibly falling on your face walking off the stage? Not doing it. Letting yourself give up and fail out of fear. The great thing about life is that you can change at any point. Anything you're unhappy with you can change, And isn't that beautiful?
The thing is that, I've really looked at my life and gotten more perspective and I need more change. “The way im living is a temper tantrum” and not in the way it was before, where i was drinking myself into oblivion for some nihilistic ‘fuck you’ to the man or god or whatver. But in the way that i’ve kept myself in a box so to be what others want me to be. I’m done with the edgy-tryhard - anti feminine hard ass-intimidating bullshit image i’ve tried to spin my whole life. I'm surrendering. Surrendering to the divine feminine, to the easy, happy, beautiful universe. I'm ready to begin the easiest, happiest era of my life. An era of receiving.
Anyway, I hope to all that read this that you will experience freedom, and happiness as we’re all entitled to. Asé
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thessalian · 6 months
Thess vs Firegleam
So I spent awhile backtracking just for kicks. Some of it was worth it. Some of it ... not so much.
There is supposed to be a big chunk of green shiny out by Sylens' lab but I cannot get up there to find out. I will look later when I don't have so much firegleam to ignite. But lemme see what's over actually behind that firegleam deposit in Sylens' 'lab space', for lack of a better word.
Well, mildly underwhelming, but hey. Lemme just grab a campfire in the area and...
Oh. That's a noise. Talanah! And Longlegs! Friend and needed parts! Okay, the firegleam can wait!
Ah. Another Carja trying to find friends, family, or Other Important Person in the West. Cool, we can deal with that. A little bit out of my way, but what're friends for?
...I am missing out on so much hunting, Talanah...
A ... Shellsnapper. That's new. Okay, you brought me Longlegs and a whole new unfeasibly big thing to kill. All is forgiven. Now, lemme see ... scanned, logged, and that's a vulnerable bit but lemme hunker because that thing can probably take a huge amount of--
.........Did ... did I just one-shot Robo-Atuin?
Apparently, yes I did. I guess I worried for nothing.
Ah. Now there is a mountain in the way and not even I can feasibly climb it. I guess we find a way around or through. Yeah, yeah, we'll probably meet again when circumstances demand. For now, though ... I should be saving the world but apparently that will wait for me to ignite a lot of firegleam.
Right. Start from the Daunt, work my way down. This one at this old dig site might be worth looking at.
...Vendor trash. Okay. Fine. Next!
Huh. This lets me into that tower I couldn't get into. Now, what wonders will we find within?
...A ... codex entry and more vendor trash. Okay. Fine. Next!
............Dude, HOW ARE YOU STILL PULLING ON THAT POOR DEAD OSERAM?!? There really should be a function whereby, if you complete a quest, the quest giver can ... like, go away, do something else? Something other than pulling on the ankle on the same Oseram corpse for, like, three in-game days?
Please let this climb and ridiculousness be worth it...
Moooooooore vendor trash. Okay. Fine. Someone's going to love me when I finally get back to Plainsong for the main quest because I'm going to have so much vendor trash...
(Wow. Really glad I'm not playing BG3 like this. Imagine encumberance rules in this game...)
Right. Okay. How about this one just by Barren Light, at the edge of No Man's Land. That's got to have something worthwhile ... right?
GREEN SHINY! ...And nothing to spend it on so far. Ah well.
Okay. This is in an Old World ruin. This has to be something worthwhile.
This ... is a lateral thinking jumping puzzle. Right. Okay. Hoboy.
So ... I have a battery I can't jump with, a body of water I can't cross, and over there, a crate. Hrm.
So the only way over there is gliding. I think I see why they mapped everything to space bar, now. Guess I'm going to have to rebind some keys here or I won't time it right.
Okay, so ... can't jump on the crate while holding battery. So how... Wait. Can we use the pullcaster on this thing?
.........Oh. Ooooooooh. You sneaky bastards.
No, the ramps won't do it because it'll just slide off when the crate's at an angle. And that's where the nearly perfect dock comes in.
BATTERY FERRIED. Now, up. More crate-dragging. Wheee!
So ... that's another toucan ball. And this one's ... oh, those weren't clovers on the first ones - they were clubs, like the card suit. Because this one's giving off spades. Huh. The Old World was weird.
On that note, I should probably consider something that resembles food. Today's probably going to be a bit of a Forbidden West binge. The Saturday Shenanigans group is on a two-week hiatus between mini-campaigns - this week because I wanted a break, next week because @hyperewok1 is away and we don't have enough players on a Saturday to play when we're a person short. Plus, I really could use a little bit more of a break too. I mean, that'll mean that I have a whole weekend next weekend, just for me! (Not that I don't love my every-other-Sunday D&D group - I really seriously do. Just a whole weekend with nothing to plan for or set up for people feels ... decadent and lovely, somehow.)
Anyway, then I have to decide between going for that drone near Plainsong (which means dealing with Blight, yay), or dealing with the Rebel outposting also near Plainsong. Either way, going to stick around Plainsong at least a bit. But all of that will be easier on a full stomach. So ... food.
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randomfoggytiger · 1 year
React: "Return to Me" (from the POV of Someone Averse to RomComs, Part VII): Scars and Hearts, Dining and Dashing
We're back, let's go!
**Note**: Editing later, brb.
Bob is deterred from further work instructions by his workers' "we got it all done" even if they don't know what it was they got all done. It's time to clock out, let them live.
The new enclosure's done-- Sydney gets a new cage, woo.
Some guy named Fennington is going to do the speech and apparently that's mock worthy. Forgot who that was, maybe old man at the party (in Part I) or one of the boardroom guys (in Part II?)
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"Elizabeth would love that, huh?" Charlie quips.
"She would've loved this."
"You did it."
"Took me long enough."
Love how Bonnie Hunt sets aside time for characters to celebrate each other-- the restaurant, the bowling alley, and now the construction completion. It makes this world feel homey, lived in.
Charlie picks up that Grace is playing at something; but he thinks it's long-term teasing rather than her being scar-shy. To be fair, no one but she and her family (and Megan-Bonnie and her husband-- who are practically family anyway) know about the scar thing.
The mock turtle soup line DOES play into this but not directly as Charlie asserts: "This is a game that all women play just to reel us in."
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And that could be true-- for the women Charlie surrounds himself with, who want to play rather than settle down. But Grace isn't like that; but he doesn't know she's not like that. And he's worried about how hard Bob has fallen for her, especially how quickly.
"Well, it's working."
"You are so sad."
Bob calls Charlie Sammie Sosa-- brb, gotta research him because the kids went HAM and chased his pal across the park. ...'Kay, so he was a Chicago White Sox player big enough to be on a baseball card. That explains that, though I'm outta the baseball card loop (and baseball.)
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Megan-Bonnie still insists that Grace tell him about the heart surgery; and is adoring of her chaotic, salt-of-the-earth Joe man.
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Bob's getting prepped for "the talk" Grace promised-- which includes messing up the microwave over and over to make popcorn.
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He does know how to make popcorn, guys.
He does.
He says so while grabbing the popcorn back out to rip off the plastic wrapper he'd forgotten to take off.
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He brought up the writeup on his wife's tribute coming up.
The magic fingers worked: the popcorn will now pop once the safety guidelines have been followed. A miracle.
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I guess affectionately slapping your dog off the couch is the next order of importance. I mean, he's a dog who likes it, so that's kind of tempting.
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Enclosure talk time. Bob's proud and relieved and feels like a weight is off his back. And a bit of closure as well....
3/4 angst mark here we COME.
Grace understands and compliments him on his hard work.
"Yeah, but it's been worth it... to make Elizabeth's dream come true. At least I could do that for her."
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"I'm sure she's very proud of you."
That's such. an amazing compliment.
Unlocked: Bob will remember that.
"Thank you, Grace." DD, perfect line delivery: a breathy exhale more than a word. A sentiment instead of a sentence. Validation and understanding.
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Grace is saved by the bell (the microwave timer); and Bob reads the room, backing off and giving her space to recuperate.
And, of course, this is when Grace stumbles across the letter.
Her letter.
I knew this plot point was coming, here we go.
A furthering of the gag: Bob burns his hand on the hot popcorn... in a bowl?? Bob, you put the popped microwave packet in a bowl???? Are you okay--
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They're all burned and Bob's discouraged.
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Bob, what.
Bob's spraying the popcorn demons away. Please tell me that's-- IS THAT WINDEX.
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What's peak comedy about this is the scene's done in complete silence other than the kitchen banging and spritz sounds, perfectly cutting back and forth with Grace/Minnie's unraveling revelation upstairs.
Grace reads the paper, sees Elizabeth's death date, and starts making gruesome connections.
Yuuuuuuuuuuup, she just saw the letter.
Yuppity yupperoo.
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She books it, making up a babysitting excuse.
Bob tries to help put on Grace's coat even if she's already whipping it on herself. It's the little touches that, to me, are unintentionally hilarious and also really endearing.
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She's wheelin' outta there even if parts of her bike are breaking; and both of them are chattering-- she to avoid conversation, he to engage it.
Bob's as perplexed as any reasonable man would be. Maybe she smelled the popcorn upstairs, BOB.
He trails her out, maneuvering the bike down the steps and catching a few extra seconds with his gal pal. Bob is still chattering, wanting to lighten Grace's stress as much as possible.
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All his solutions and questions are brushed away as she zooms off.
He's smitten... but he's also thinkin'.
Survivor's guilt kicking in.
"What was God thinking??" got a chuckle out of me.
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Megan/Bonnie is all for transparency and honesty but can't say the complicated truth herself. Great characterization.
Joe walking in and knowing someone died and misinterpreting everything and wanting to fight Bob is both why Megan loves and wants to strangle him.
Megan blurts it out.
Joe: "He's not married? ...Oh, okay." That's good enough for him.
Joe's great.
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Grandpa is making plans for Grace to go alone to Rome since that's what she thinks will make it easier for Bob to process.
It's the day of reckoning.
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Bob pops in, greeting both of them cheerfully; and charmingly adds, "Hey Gracie, close your eyes and don't open them until I tell you to open them."
Marty gives her some advice-- the strongest character gets the hardest challenges-- doing his best to uplift her by twisting lemons into lemonade.
Bob got her a new bike because her other one was a bunch of busted bolts. Ooooooooh, isn't that always how it goes in movies? Make it just that gut-punch a hair tougher, why don't ya?
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A touched and pained cry-- I like it, Minnie Driver, I like it a lot.
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Bob even made a trumpet noise to celebrate.
Bob I'm sorry I ever doubted you if our journey led up to this trumpet noise.
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Those chipmunk cheeks of happiness won't last, Bob. Enjoy your mood while you may.
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"You okay? I was worried about you last night."
"I'm going away."
"I'm going away."
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Minnie/Grace reveals what she didn't have the courage to tell him sooner, leading up to her admittance of surgery last year.
Bob's radar fears are up; but he has no idea what's coming. (But WE do, heheheh.) His posture is slightly turtled back: stomach tucked in, shoulders hunched, preparing for the worst (nice acting chops)--
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but EXPLODES forward in relief at the heart transplant news.
He flings out the quickest joke he can think of that's farthest away from his true fears: "I thought you were gonna say you were a man or something." Which is the least detached way of expressing unbearable relief.
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Then he immediately jumps back like Minnie/Grace feared he would: "Am I hurting you??" His face then cycles from worry to panic to lessening anxiety ("You're okay now?") to saturating, processing relief ("You're fine. You're healed."); and, finally, to mild but reasonable reproof ("You could have told me that....")
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Apparently, Tumblr's decided I've had too much fun and is making me cut off there.
Will continue as soon as I can.
Thank you for reading~
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shopping day (Chip Taylor)
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y/n and chip are still eating.
"you know most people think that strawberries are an aphrodisiac, i think sexy men are, i have never been turned on by strawberries have you?" y/n asked.
"um, well i never really had a chance to do anything romantic like that with my ex, she just wanted the sex and be done with me, she was great in bed but she.." he looks down and sighs.
"i'm sorry i didn't mean to upset you, we can talk about something else it was a stupid thing to ask anyway."
"no it wasn't and it's ok i need to talk about it, y/n i never really had romance, like you my partner only cared about just herself never me"
"i'm sorry chip, i know how you feel, i have never had an orgasm, no man ever cared enough to make sure i had one, the last boyfriend i had was when i was 23 i'm 28 now"
"you have never had an orgasm?!!" he lost choked on his pancake.
"nope never, so i just gave up on sex" she shrugged and took another bite of her pancake.
"no women should ever have to give up sex, it's the best feeling in the world, someday you will find a man who loves you so much he will make sure you have an orgasm, many orgasms."
"i hope so, so do you want to go shopping for some clothes now?" she said throwing her napkin down and taking a deep breath, would you like to go shopping now? she asked.
"i just have to run by my house, i need my credit card" she told chip standing up.
chip goes back to his room and gets dressed.
chip put the lips shirt back on.
"i hate this shirt so much" he said out loud.
"i will give you a ride chip, as long as you don't mind me stopping at my house first?"
"i don't mind stopping."
they both get in the car and y/n drives to her house.
"you know i was thinking i still have some of my ex's clothes at my house, i was saving it for when i was really, really pissed off so i could burn it, but somehow i never got around to it, you're welcome to it if you want."  y/n told chip looking straight ahead as so drove.
"um, sure, if it's ok with you"
"it's fine with me, but as i said tiny dick so they will be to tight for you" she giggled.
"yeah tiny dick" chip looks down, he doesn't want to keep remembering liza but it keeps happening.
"i mean you will not fit in them very well, but it's just till we get you some new stuff to wear" you tell him pulling in the driveway.
"ok, here we are" you tell him taking off your seatbelt.
"do you want to stay here?" chip askes.
"well it's going to be kind of hard to put some pants on out here don't you think?" you giggle.
"well yes but i don't want to bother you" chip tells you.
you bother me? never" she giggled getting out of the car.
you both walk to the door you unlock the door and walk inside, chip looks around your little one-bedroom house, the sofa is tan there is a Tv in the living room, brown carpet not the color you would have picked but it came with the house.
"the bedroom is just down the hall, and the box is in the closet it's the box that says marks crap, you can't miss it " you tell him.
he walks to the bedroom and turns on the light, your room has a full-size bed with a pink blanket and two pillows, the carpet is the same brown from the living room he sees the closet and opens it there is the box.
"Marks crap, great wearing stuff from a box again, well this must be the box, let's see what we have."
he takes out a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt.
"are there any shoes in here?" after moving some more stuff around he sees a pair of shoes, black sinkers, "size 6 well no wonder she never had an orgasm" he smiled.
"did you find it?" you ask from the living room.
"yes i did, what do you think?" he asks walking out of the bedroom.
"very nice you look so much better in them then mark ever did, the jackass."
'well thank you, the shoes didn't fit, so i have to keep these."
"and i see the pants are to tight" you tell him seeing he is big.
"a little bit yeah, but i will get some new ones" he tells you noticing you looking.
you two go to target chip try's on some stuff and shows you, putting on many things at one time, you both had a good laugh about it.
chip gets four pairs of pants and six shirts two pairs of shoes and a few boxer shorts to wear to bed.
after checks out and you both go back to the parking lot and get into your car chip is moving around a lot and you think it's because his pants are to thigh.
"we will be back at my place soon and you can wash you're new pants"
"oh yeah, ok thank you" he answers looking down at his hands that he is wringing.
"are you ok? did i do something to upset you?" you ask.
"no not at all i just wanted to ask you something and i don't really know how"
"well what is it? you can ask me"
"well if...if you have given up on sex then why did you tell bernard that you would have gone back to my room with me if i had asked you too?" he asks looking right at you.
you pull of the road and turn your body so you are facing him.
"chip i would have gladly gone back to your room with you because i didn't want to give up sex, believe me, but as i said the men i have had sex with, well i hated it, it wasn't good and you know how that feels so i didn't want that kind of sex, but you i can see that you are the kind of lover that wants to make a women feel god, and that is why i would have gone back with you" you tell him putting your hand on his.
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saemi-the-dreamer · 1 year
For the Headcanons meme
Bowser Junior: ♥ and ☯
Trucy Wright: ☆ , ♦ and ♒ And the Same thing for Klavier Gavin =)
Severus Snape: ☆ (i know it will be hard ^^" because this "poor" man have not been happy for years), ☮, ♒ and ★
You can ask me as much that you want too =)
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Thanks for the ask <3
Bowser Junior
♥ - family headcanon
Junior didn't ask his father who his "real mother" was after the events of Super Mario Sunshine. Partly because a part of him had clung so much to the idea of Peach being his mom that he wasn't ready to let go of it completely yet, even if he acknowledge the truth. But also because he was happy with his father, and had never really felt lonely with him, Kamek, the Koopalings and even Dad's henchmen; it's like a big family and he loves it dearly.
☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon
Funnily, Junior likes to eat vegetables, contrary (and to the shock) of his Dad! But since he loves them best with spicy, hot sauce/flavour, Bowser kinda shruggs it off quickly.
Like most kids of his age, he doesn't like getting send to bed early, even when he's getting sleepy. He wants to spend more time with Papa and help him in his plans or play with him longer.
Trucy Wright
☆ - happy headcanon
The fact that every night, no matter how late he came back home, Phoenix would take the time to check on her and kiss her forehead before going to bed himself. Trucy felt so loved and overwhelmed by this simple gesture.
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
Trucy is very good at crafting in general, she loves to knit - as we see how she did Phoenix's beanie - and sew. For a long time, she made her dolls' dresses/clothes herself instead of buying more, both to save money but also because she loves doing them. She made her magician attire herself.
Biking, especially after riding a bike with her new Dad, she wanted to be able to follow him and the two often joke that they might do a country race together.
♒ - cooking/food headcanon
As I wrote in one of my fanfic, Trucy is a very good cook! Since Phoenix and her are on a quite low budget, the two found recipes for dishes that wouldn't cost too much. She's the champion for various curry dishes.
Klavier Gavin
☆ - happy headcanon
When he and Kristoph still lived with their parents, they didn't go much to the cinema. But after moving in with their aunt Exilia, he could go see his very first superhero movie in theatre with his brother. Both the hero and music were a huge inspiration for him.
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
Klavier's favourite sport is natation. He just loves swimming, ever since he was a kid.
He reads quite a lot in his spare time, both to clear his mind and to find inspiration.
Baking! See below ^^
♒ - cooking/food headcanon
Klavier cooks well, but his area is more pastries! He started mostly because he knew Kristoph had a sweet tooth and wanted to make him happy, then he realised he actually loved baking. Klavier makes the best pancakes, he needs to threaten to charge people otherwise he'd get called everyday/exploited by the Wright Agency.
Severus Snape
☆ - happy headcanon
Some of his (mostly Slytherin) students found out when his birthday was and for years, he found some little gifts (more or less expensive depending on the students) with cards sent to his office, thanking him.
☮ - friendship headcanon
There were 2 classmates in Slytherin (not blood supremacists or Voldy-fanatics) that he got along well enough. The three could have become friends if it had not been for their personnal problems coming into the way.
Years later, he crossed path with the husband of one of them with his daughter, and the latter told Severus that his wife regretted not actually befriending him and that, were she still alive, she would have liked to reach out to him. This kinda lifted his spirit up a bit.
♒ - cooking/food headcanon
Severus is very good at cooking, but he doesn't always take the time to do so. Either because he's too busy, or because he doesn't take care of himself that well.
★ - sad headcanon
(oh dear) Despite everything, Snape really loved Dumbledore as a somewhat father-figure, and he knew Dumbledore loved him too (not romantically ofc), but the Headmaster prioritze "the greater good" before anything else.
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ahsokathegray · 2 years
The Platinum Prevaricator
Pairing: Rexsoka
Prompt: Rexsoka Week '22 - Day 1 - Revenge / Rebels
Summary: When searching for answers, Wolffe finds more than just the truth on Rex's datapad.
Tags: 18+ language, nudes, mentions of sexual situations, rex is dishonest
Word Count: 2,908
A/N: I wanted to write why I thought Wolffe kept Ahsoka's messages from Rex in Rebels. Also, this can be read as a standalone piece or as a part 2 to The Platinum Prude fic I wrote in 2017
read on ao3! / rexsoka week '22 masterlist
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Wolffe has frankly had enough of it. Rex was his brother and a brother he’d long respected, but he’d always made too many exceptions for the man. Even these days, he did just that. It was a bad habit, really. Rex and Gregor were the only brothers he had left… he didn’t really see any advantage in denying them exceptions.
So what if they sometimes drew a little bit of attention, so what if Gregor ate more rations than were his, so what if they had to move around every few weeks. Those were just the cards they’d been dealt. That was just the galaxy they lived in now.
Having removed their inhibitor chips, Wolffe expected they’d be on the same page more 一 he and Rex that is. 
He touched a finger to his temple, feeling the lengthy cut on his head. At least it wasn’t as big as the one on his face. The new wound had begun to heal, but was still sensitive to the touch. It almost looked as if the two scars might connect.
Rex had appointed himself In Charge of their small trio. It had taken some getting used to, seeing as they were once both leaders of their own respective troops. A troop of three was hardly something to argue over. Wolffe had allowed it, seeing as the former Torrent Company Captain knew more about their new normal than he did.
After all, Rex had his chip removed immediately after the order was given. Wolffe and Gregor had not. 
The story he’d told them was that the ARC trooper Jesse removed it and, while he wanted to believe it, he also knew better. Rex was many things, but a convincing liar was not one of them. Wolffe knew that there was a piece of the story being withheld.
It wasn’t that he didn’t trust Rex. He did. Thus far, he’d made some tactful moves. That was Rex’s nature anyway, but there was a respect to be had for being able to navigate in unpredictable times. He admired the former Captain for that. Rex had saved their skins on multiple occasions since the Republic blew to shreds. He just… had secretive ways of going about it all; secret contacts. Wolffe had a distaste in his mouth about that. 
Gregor was no help. He didn’t care either way if the two of them were fully informed or not. 
“Rex handles the missions, it’s his call, whatever means he has of keeping us safe is his business.”
If there was one thing Wolffe didn’t like, it was being left in the dark on these matters. He had the clearance and right to know who exactly Rex was shaking hands with… who he was always messaging.
He didn’t know why they ran the missions that they did. He didn’t know why they risked their asses for supplies that they didn’t keep. Supplies they were told not to ask questions about. Neither he nor Gregor knew if they were run-of-the-mill rations or weapons or what. Why should they continue running into skirmishes for other people’s missions and motives they knew nothing about?
Wolffe had let it slide for too long.
“The way I see it… these jobs put food on the table and keep Rexster happy. It’s a win-win in my book. You won’t hear a complaint outta me!”
Gregor truly was no help. 
Rex would be returning the following day. He never said where he was going, but he also didn’t clear his ship’s log. Last time he left, Wolffe snuck onto the ship to peek at the destination history. 
He’d come from Ord Mantell. The old Separatist planet became a place Rex had visited many times over and without the company of Gregor or himself. His biddings remained undisclosed to them. 
With a place like Ord Mantell, Wolffe was becoming more and more weary of his blind trust in the Captain. If they were dealing with the likes of the Black Sun or the Shadow Collective, the boy in blue was in for a world of hurt. He almost didn’t want to know, but the ongoing secrecy worried him that much more that what they were truly associating with was nothing good.
His grip tightened on the handle of his mug. He’d had enough of it. He would no longer partake in this forced complacency like his brother did. He was owed answers and he was tired of pretending to go along with these blatant lies.
The 501st’s Captain was not with his respective General or the rest of the 501st during Order 66. It had been split right down the middle. Rex had been promoted to Commander and had served under General Skywalker’s former Padawan… and had lied about it. What the blonde had failed to consider, was that Wolffe had long known all of this. The Jedi he served under was presently at large. Remaining details were muddled, but Wolffe knew better than to believe Rex’s story about being in Coruscant airspace when the Chancellor was kidnapped.
Wolffe and the rest of his pack were about to depart the planet when Grievous’s Invisible Hand crash landed onto the surface. He’d received every detail of the mission that had delayed their departure.
Up until this point, Wolffe was fine with his vod’s lie. It didn’t hurt him or Gregor and the subject was frankly quite painful to all of them… brothers being wired and controlled like droids; disposed of like droids. They just didn’t address it.
He remembered how Rex had made eye contact with him as he told the story. It was his biggest tell. Normally, he has an equal amount of eye contact as with the ground or the world around him. Whenever Rex was lying, he was focusing too hard on the eye contact, almost as if he was trying hard to believe the lie himself.
Wolffe swore his cybernetic eye was responsible for how exceptionally privy he was to otherwise minute details.
Rex’s lying and going around unchecked would be coming to an end.
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“How are you boys holding up?” Rex called as the door shut behind him, a slight saunter in his step, “Miss me while I was gone?”
Wolffe stiffened in his seat, keeping a watchful eye on the blonde as he removed his tattered cloak. His twin blasters were placed on the counter and he began to look toward the man sitting in the corner when the ‘fresher door opened.
“Rex!” Gregor greeted, a towel slung over his lower half, “How’d it go, vod? We sure missed ya ‘round here!” The man’s signature laughter ricocheted in his ears.
The two men exchanged a quick hug and Gregor crossed the small kitchenette to regain some decency. It didn’t go unnoticed to Wolffe that Rex hadn’t answered their brother’s question.
“Wolffe,” Rex started, setting down his datapad and pulling a chair up, “What about you?”
The Captain had straddled his chair backwards, propping his arms up on the back of it as he sifted through a bag of Mantell Mix. He offered his brother some. Wolffe declined, “Not for me, vod. I never did have a sweet tooth.”
Gregor was ever oblivious to the tension in the room. He strode back in, now fully dressed in his civvies, starting some drawn out tale about how the last time he divulged in a sweet snack, it had been laced with Glitterstim spice. 
The remainder of the evening played out similarly. There was a thick tension between him and Rex, with Gregor’s heedless joking cushioning its sharp edges. Enduring the Commando’s incessant chatter was excruciating, to put it in the very least. Normally, he could ignore it just fine, but Wolffe was on edge tonight. He’d had one goal in mind for over a week now: get his hands on Rex’s datapad.
He’d crafted the most meticulous plan. He was proud of how precise it was. 
For the past few weeks, Wolffe began noticing an unbreakable pattern. Rex would leave his datapad on the table in their AT-TE’s kitchen area. It always remained there until he went to sleep, but all throughout the evening, he would continuously return his attention to it. The catch? He never once got up to grab it.
Wolffe knew his blonde brother was waiting on something, he just didn’t know exactly what that something was. 
He did know that by the time Rex headed to bed, he’d finally go retrieve it and place it on the underside of his pillow. It was no big secret that he did this, but he also knew neither Wolffe nor Gregor would go reaching under his head in search of it. They each had their own. 
It was a simple yet timeless plan, but it would work. 
Like clockwork, the Captain remained true to his set pattern. Rex was becoming predictable. He stood from his spot in the room and made a karkin’ beeline for the device. 
He bid his brothers a goodnight and the door to their shared quarters sealed closed behind him. Wolffe would wait well into the night to make his move. He’d been waiting for weeks; a few more hours were manageable. 
Not long after Rex went to bed, Gregor followed suit, leaving Wolffe alone in the living area. Not much longer.
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Wolffe shut all the lights off inside the old tank, finally making his own way to the sleeping quarters. He did everything as he normally would, changing nothing. 
The door shut softly behind him as he padded across the durasteel floor to his bunk. He plucked his own, dusty datapad from a low drawer and began the process of doing a complete wipe on the device. He didn’t ever use it anyway. 
He snapped his head around at Gregor, whose snoring had just started. For a moment he envied his vod. Wolffe knew he’d get a good night’s sleep too if he had lived a life away from the majority of the war. With that, he knew his plan was in motion. All he needed was for Gregor to be asleep. Rex had started in on his slumber hours ago, still stuck in his military routine.
Still a prude. 
Wolffe’s datapad screen went white, then black. Words scrolled across the screen. Wipe complete. 
He stood from his bunk and, with light feet, crept over to Rex’s. Making sure the light on his device was blinking, he held it near his brother's pillow and waited. Seconds felt like several minutes as he watched the blinking white light. Nerves danced in his stomach and suddenly the light switched to green. Transfer successful. 
Wolffe could’ve gasped. He was told that it worked, but had never tried it for himself. He returned to his side of the small room. Everything on Rex’s datapad had just been copied over to his. His heart pounded in his chest, echoing loudly in his ears. Where did he even begin? Everything he’d wanted to know was now waiting for him.
He immediately started digging through messages — old and new. 
Hunter? The scarred clone began reading, finding that it was the name of one of the enhanced clones. Rex was in contact with Clone Force 99? He found messages pertaining to the rescue of Gregor. Gregor had mentioned that was part of his rescue, but either left out or failed to realize how much deeper it went. The greedy man pressed onward.
Rafa. According to past transmissions, she was both a smuggler and an informer for Rex. 
Saw Gerrera. A known rebel whose messages Rex continues to receive, but never replies to. 
Cut Lawquane. The deserter. 
Echo. The old 501st ARC who had, seemingly, joined the group of defective clones. 
Ahsoka. Wolffe knew the name all too well. The Chosen One’s Padawan. His own General, Plo Koon, had harbored a soft spot for her. The Jedi was found guilty of bombing the Temple. He’d gone with the team sent to bring her in. She was given the other half of the 501st to capture the Sith on Mandalore. She was who Rex had been assigned to when Order 66 was issued.
She was the one who he’d seen kiss Rex in the medbay that night, some years prior. 
He began scrolling back to her earlier messages with the Captain. 
Ahsoka: I’m safe. I’m sorry, Rex. This was the last thing I could have ever wanted, but it’s the only way I can keep you safe. Let me know when you land. 
Rex: I just landed. Position is secure. I wish you luck, sir. 
Ahsoka: Keep in touch. 
Wolffe knew he had been right, but this was clear confirmation of the lie. Rex had been with her on Mandalore. Rex was not above Coruscant and had consciously made up a story… to cover up what? 
Rex: What you told me when we saw each other last. Was it true?
Ahsoka: Every word of it, yes. 
Rex: Is it still true?
Ahsoka: Everyday. 
Rex: I didn’t know what to say then. I was shocked at the confession as well with you leaving… I love you, too… I’ve loved you for such a long time now. 
What a pansy. He rolled his eyes. Wolffe loved his brother and he was thankful for his part in extracting him from the Empire. However, he didn’t know the esteemed Captain Rex could be so soft. He scoffed and kept digging. 
Ahsoka: I can’t begin to tell you how much I miss you. Being apart from you when I know you’re not gone is the biggest battle I never thought I’d face.
Ugh, scroll. 
Wolffe was not about to read further into that sickly, affectionate garbage. Bile rose in his throat. 
Rex: Fuck ‘Soka. Made me make a mess.
What in karkin’ hell?
He went back up to see what that message could possibly be in response to. 
There were photos attached. 
Against his better judgment, he opened them. Wolffe couldn’t believe what he was seeing. It was a series of very explicit images; sent by not just her but Rex too. It was highly pornographic. 
He got out of the image bank completely.
Try as he might, he couldn’t shake the images from his head. They had been burned into the backs of his eyelids. Physical scars aside, Wolffe was now scarred for life at the images he’d just seen. Rex grabbing his cock and sending pictures like that, legs spread with the camera in front of him. He could never admit it, but he felt a pang of jealousy. Whoever told him all clones' cocks were the same size, had lied. 
Ahsoka’s photos were more suggestive than they were explicit; insinuating pleasure and teasing rather than really showing anything. 
Ahsoka: Rex you just made me come. 
Wolffe really thought he’d be sick that time. Commander Tano was not his type, but Rex was eating her up. Literally. The Platinum Prude was a prude no longer… Now, he was just the Platinum Prevaricator. He scrolled on, annoyed.
Rex: The boys just transferred the crates to your team. I hope these will aid you in the fight.
Ahsoka: I appreciate it, Rex, more than you know. It’s a small effort now, but we are making waves. Every bit counts
Rex: I never thought I’d say it… I still hate it, but we are making more progress for the rebellion as a whole by being apart.
Ahsoka: We are. I’ll see you next week on Ord Mantell. Tell Hunter to expect me.
And there it was. The confession, the truth, the whole kriffing story. No wonder the Captain was so happy when coming back today. He’d been getting his fucking dick wet. Rex was in league with everyone on that list, everything pertaining to the rebellion in one way or another. He’d enlisted Gregor and himself in a cause they didn’t sign up for!
Wolffe was fuming. He wanted to destroy the device in his hand, go over to the Platinum Prevaricator and confront him; teach him a lesson or several with his fists until the skin on his knuckles broke. Did he know what kind of risk — what kind of danger he was putting his vode in? He ground his teeth together and began to detect a faint metallic tang. Wolffe’s nostrils flared as he began to talk himself down. Do nothing. Tell him nothing. Say nothing to Gregor. This never happened. Make the transfer. 
This ended tonight.
With that, Wolffe walked once more to Rex’s sleeping form. He didn’t get to sign them up for a rebellion. They had earned their retirement. He didn’t get to swap sexually charged messages and photos while his brothers did his dirty work. He didn’t get to fuck the rebel-Jedi every few weeks while he bunked up with Clone Force 99. Not while he and Gregor took his orders as he just lied and came in his hand. He didn’t get to keep secrets when it put the lives of his others at stake. Who does that after you lose all the brothers you have?
Deft fingers made quick work of getting Rex’s datapad from underneath the pillow and swapping it with his own. An exact replica. Now, his rebel friends would contact him, but it would go straight to Wolffe. Rex would never be the wiser, having a datapad with a different contact number, awaiting messages that would not be arriving.
The Platinum Prude (can be read as a part 1)
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lairn · 9 months
New Movies I saw in 2023
Return to Seoul: 7/10. Actually came out in 2022 but played locally in 2023. A depressing, fairly well constructed film. It was a little flat, but I feel like the protagonist’s pain makes her experience life in a flattened way.
Renfield: 7/10. It’s more of a 6 but fun enough and personally appealing enough that I forgive its many flaws. Nicolas Cage puts his whole pussy into it as usual. I rewatched it on a plane and still enjoyed it.
Beau Is Afraid: 8.5/10. Really, really good for 3 quarters of the film but fumbles the bag towards the end. I still sat through the credits because it was riding on a lot of well-earned grace. Uncomfortable and funny.
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse: 8/10. Animation looks even better than the first one. I didn’t know it was part 1 of 2 and was frequently distracted by the pacing, wondering how they were going to tell a whole story. Will pass full judgement when part 2 comes out.
Barbie: 7/10. Amusing and I liked the set design a lot. If I hadn’t been with friends who were trying to make it fun it would have been more of a 6.5.
Oppenheimer: 7/10. Tough to rate this one. I thought it was more of an 8 at first, but on a second viewing (where I wasn’t distracted by a terrible need to pee) the pacing problems were more glaring. Had some really powerful scenes and a good soundtrack. The sound design was not well balanced.
Killers of the Flower Moon: 7.5/10. Well made and a fantastic final scene. However it suffered a lot from taking the perspective of the killers. An Osage pov could have made it a lot better.
Saltburn: 7/10. I like this one a lot because it appeals to my personal tastes but there were a few small weak things and one major narrative flaw towards the end. Great costume design and soundtrack. Enjoyed the performance of the main actor.
Maestro: 5.5/10. Tried for too big a scope and the threads got lost. This is petty, but it particularly bothered me that it saved the title card for the end of the film and put it over Felicia’s face. Maybe it was trying to say Bernstein’s title as maestro overshadowed his wife’s life but that’s not what the rest of the movie said.
The Holdovers: 9/10. I really enjoyed this one. You can sense the direction the story is going but it doesn’t detract from the execution. Witty dialogue, but in a way that seems grounded for the characters and fits their environment. Made me laugh several times. Cried a bit too, but I’m soft.
Poor Things: 8/10. Lush and weird world with opulent set and costume design. Explores themes around personhood and being a woman in interesting ways. Feels slow - it’s 2.5 hours and you can tell. Sat through the credits which is always a good sign to me.
Godzilla Minus One: 8/10. I like the way it built on the original movie and wasn’t a shot-for-shot remake. At times I felt less invested but there were some very good scenes. I especially liked when they tried to fight Godzilla at sea the first time. More on the nose in its commentary about war than the original, which felt appropriate. Great timing on using the traditional theme music.
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fearhidden · 1 year
muses — shepley atwood & lucía socarras.
location — lucía’s place, late evening.
tagging — @waywordhearts​
Having risen from the ashes once, doing it again had never been in his plans. He’d clawed his way into a finely tailored suit and somehow managed to trade it out for an itchy jumpsuit in a color he just couldn’t own.
Felony level fraud, they’d claimed. Seven years maximum punishment. Tight cuffs and plenty of love lost for the family he’d expected to save him.
Of course, being locked up had its perks. Connections were hard to come by for a man who’d came from nothing, but on the inside? They were all the same. It was the one place where being guilty of the crime wasn’t a bad thing after all.
What started as a means for survival had shifted into something else entirely. One pretty little favor had earned him protection, but that was the thing about favors on the inside — they never stopped at just one.
Slipping notes from cell to cell had graduated to physical messages, none of which were ever tied back to him. Given his perfectly clean record, it was no surprise when the parole board fell into his charm and granted him freedom after two years.
Two years of a hell that wasn’t so bad, but a version of hell nonetheless.
Freedom was a fickle thing. The world was his oyster, or so it should have been. Instead, he was running a dirty operation from the outside with a side plan of his own. One that involved playing with fire in the form of a scorned lover, if he could even consider her such.
So, for three weeks, he played the game of sitting back and watching as the woman he’d fallen into lived her life. A life that hadn’t changed from what she’d lived before. Golden. While he’d gotten himself tied up into something deep, she’d been swiping her daddy’s card and stirring up trouble like she always did.
Now, it was time he stirred up a bit of his own. Her place, as nice as it was, had been far too easy to get into. He’d moved through the dimly lit space, both eager and slightly fearful of what was to come.
He’d only just settled into the comfort of her couch when he heard the front door click open. His smile stretched wide as he threw his arm over the back with ease.
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“I hope you don’t mind. I helped myself.” Out of spite, he’d grabbed the oldest looking bottle in her collection, wiped away the dust, and pulled the cork without a second thought. “It’s only fitting considering the occasion. Did you get my message?” Upon his release, the first move he’d made was a warning shot towards the woman who’d put him away in the first place.
The message? Unclear, really. He’d sent her favorite flowers, though he’d requested the lowest quality bouquet available. Attached had been her family’s business card with holes punched through it and a handwritten message: watch out for the rats. If that wasn’t enough, he’d done his research and the terribly wealthy family looking to purchase their next big race horse from the Socarras farm? Well, they’d had a change of heart.
“I just wanted to stop by. See how you were doing. It’s been awhile.” He patted the back of the couch as if he were offering her a seat, but he imagined it’d be a cold day in hell before she joined him without an attempt on his life. “And before you get any bold ideas, I’ve got a couple of new friends waiting for me outside. I told them to give me an hour. You see, if I don’t check in, you’ll have more unexpected guests and I know how much you love surprises.”
A lie, but an added sense of security never hurt anyone. That, and he doubted the gun at his side was much of a threat. “Now that I think about it, I didn’t even grab two glasses. Guess I left my manners back in my cell.”
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@when-kurt-met-blaine replied to your post “Apparently both Ooblets and Potion Permit got game...”:
Have you played Ooblets? I've been thinking about getting it and am wondering if it's worth it.
​I have and I liked it a lot. I liked it more than Potion Permit. Brb let me copy-paste my review here. I played on Switch.
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It has elements of a simple farming simulation. You buy seeds to grow crops and those crops can be used to help out the town by fulfilling wishes and whatnot. A big new thing is the whole Ooblets thing. Ooblets are funny creatures that need to be grown on your farm as well. You can get Ooblet seeds through friendship, but most commonly you get them after dance battling a horde of wild Ooblets. Once you defeat them, one of the Ooblets literally shits out a seed (you hear a farting sound). There are three types of each Ooblet: common, unusual and gleamy. These Ooblets spawn randomly each day in different locations and all Ooblets need certain items before they allow you to battle them, so you need to collect or cook first. This makes some Ooblets harder to obtain than others.
These dance battles are integral to the plot, because you also need to dance battle in order to advance to new places or to get certain items and recipes (which is something I didn’t know until later, so oop, please use the Dance Barn the moment it’s opened). These dance battles are card based and all Ooblet types have their own special moves. These battles aren’t too bad, but they also aren’t my favourite part of the game (which is why I neglected the Dance Barn so long), but they’re fun enough. The thing that is a bit… uh… questionable is that the cards are random. I know this adds a necessary challenge, but it’s also made some things a bit messy. It’s happened that I only got a deck of useless cards (“steal 5 points” in the first round when the opponent doesn’t have anything to steal etc.), so it’s up to chance. Some battles are really easy, but some are difficult. I’ve definitely lost battles. The AI is also a bit weird though, because the opponent does often play useless cards, which can make the battles annoyingly long. I can’t help but yearn for a fast-forward option during those moments. Shout-out to the time my opponent placed 11 flusters on their team!
Another part that is actually difficult is the, well, economy of the game. In farming sims, you start out as a new and humble farmer and you build your wait to the top by selling produce and investing in new things. It’s quite hard to earn money (gummies) in this game, since most of the crops don’t make a lot of profit and you have to prioritise using them for quests that often do not reward gummies. Basically, you need a lot of patience, because crops take time to grow and unlike other games in the genre, going to bed does not end the day. Later you can unlock an item that allows you to sleep to the next day early, but oh man.
Lastly, the characters! This game has two kinds of NPCs: befriendable and non-befriendable. The befriendables NPCs can be spoken to every day in order to gain friendship and obtain friendship stickers. They also have more personality and they can hanker items that you can bring to them. Non-befriendable NPCs are static bland characters to fill up the town. Honestly, I find it clever. You still have a full world, but it’s not overwhelming. The befriendable NPCs are still not the most fleshed out NPCs ever, though. They don’t really develop and there isn’t a backstory to unlock, so they’re not Stardew Valley level of interesting, but they aren’t bland and uninteresting like the ones in Pioneers of Olive Town. They do have a limited dialogue pool, though, so after a lot of hours it’s not really interesting to talk to them.
Please save regularly, though. The game has an autosave, but unfortunately it’s happened several times that my software closed due to an error and I lost progress! They did recently update the game. I can’t find patch notes, so I don’t know what happened, and I haven’t gotten the error again, but I thought I’d mention it.
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ultdyknn · 1 year
hi all!! ヾ(^∇^) it's been a while
so many things have happened since i last posted, and a whole summer has gone by!
firstly, i have gotten back into creative writing again! i've always been into writing my own short stories and mini novels since forever, and now i've found the motivation to pursue this again.
for six years i've been working on a passion project of mine, which is a novel covering both period fiction and fantasy. it's even influenced a lot of my artwork, which has actually sparked my motivation to actually finish the novel. maybe i'll post some parts of the novel on here..? (ー_ーゞ ... stay tuned i guess?
last time i posted, i was looking forward to zb1's debut (10/7). let me just say.. i'm so so SOOO glad that they went with a fresh whimsy concept and not a hardcore and dark concept that has been plaguing boy groups since 4th gen started. i've been seeing more groups start to shift away from the hardcore concepts and i couldn't be happier.
also, my two zb1 albums came in last month and guess who's card i pulled?
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not just one hao.. but TWO hoas??? i've never been this lucky before when it comes to pulling photocards <("0 ")>
in addition to zb1, i've been catching up with groups that i've previously been fans of. nct dream also had a comeback in july 'ISTJ' and it's sooo good!! renjun has been killing it this comeback this is HIS era. let's go renjun you go renjun!!!
i didn't pull renjun this comeback but i've been collecting some of his photocards from this album and the previous album. i've been getting back into investing in photocards which i'm not too proud of, considering that it's a big investment depending on which idol's cards you want to collect.
unfortunately for me, all my favorite idols are really popular, meaning their cards cost a lot more.
i'm trying to be smart and not overdo it though!! i don't want to go broke again (◞‸◟).....
in other non-kpop related news, i got a new laptop!! my old one gave up on me so i had to use my mother's personal laptop for the rest of the spring semester and for my summer classes. i'm not normally a picky person, especially in times like this where i take what i can. but... given how old it was... it was absolute hell trying to get things done with it.
i'm actually a pretty busy person, and a lot of my work requires me to have a good-working device with working internet. this spare laptop was barely getting me through that, and it became almost impossible to get anything done.
and finally!! i was able to save up enough money this summer to get a new laptop! and it was perfect timing since i go back to school very soon..
anyways.. school starts very soon for me. it's my last year and then hopefully i'll be done for good. i'm a little nervous because of senior thesis work, but i have a really supportive department (we're very small so we all know each other pretty well) so hopefully i'll be okay. hopefully, this year will go pretty smoothly and it'll be another good year.
again, i'm sorry that i haven't been on here a lot. hopefully i'll be able to stay on here enough that i can give monthly updates, but we'll see. until then, i hope this finds you in good spirits! love yas <33 !
to sign off, here's a funny cute pic of renjun that i've been cheesing over since two days ago
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-Starr ☆
i totally forgot to mention that i watched barbie and oppenheimer a couple weeks ago and both are so so good!!! i was going in thinking i'd like only one of them, but actually loved both them near equally!
well... i actually think i liked barbie a little bit more. i think it has to do with being afab and being someone who has the female perspective and experience of a woman living in this world. i think that it's really sad that critics have labelled this as an "anti-man" and "preachy" movie when that wasn't the point at all. barbie actually talks about how the patriarchy is harming both women AND MEN! it talks about how even men are also victims of a social structure that they created.
i could talk about barbie forever, but i don't want to add too much to this post since it's already so long (~_~;)
maybe i'll talk about barbie and oppenheimer another time, since i have so many thoughts on both of them. overall, it was a good experience and recommend both movies to anyone who hasn't seen them yet. 10/10 for both to be honest...
anways.. signing off for real this time!
-Starr ☆
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jazwritesalot · 2 years
Mocha Choco Latte - Chapter 2: Iced Caramel Macchiato
Pairing: Kirishima Eijirou/Bakugou Katsuki, KiriBaku Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia, My Hero Academia Rating: Teen & Up Audiences Current Word Count: 21,000 Tags: Aged-Up Characters, AU- College/University, AU- No Quirks, AU- Coffee Shops & Cafes, Barista Bakugou, Actor Kirishima, slow burn, background IzuOcha, mentions of Bakusquad, rated for language, Bakugou Katsuki swears a lot, Bakugou Katsuki is bad at feelings, drinking, house parties
Link to AO3
Chapter 1
Chapter summary: Alternatively titled: Katsuki Consumes Enough Caffeine to Challenge God, and Win.
Fate, as it would seem, liked to spit in Katsuki’s face. It was a slow Thursday night at the cafe, which Katsuki was grateful for. It gave him plenty of time to read over his statistics textbook to prepare for his exam the next morning, 8am to be precise. If he could go back and shake himself down for registering for an 8am class, he would. What he wasn’t grateful for, however, was the stupid new uniform he had to wear. Sato had given them all these hideous, mustard colored polos with an embroidered ‘SR’ on the left to wear for their shifts and he hated it. No matter how many times he washed it, the shirt was itchy as hell. He was thankful that the hat was at least a simple black ballcap, but only barely. He wished they could go back to wearing whatever the hell they wanted to, but no, they were starting to get more recognition, so they had to have a signature look. Whatever. 
He was squinting at the text, trying to make sense of the different formulas while simultaneously kicking himself for saving statistics for his last year of university, when the bells on the door chimed. He marked his place, downed his fourth shot of espresso, and shut the book, shoving it on the shelf under the register. He looked up and promptly his heart fell—standing at the door on the phone was none other than Kirishima Eijirou, the man who had been haunting his dreams for the past month. He wished he could blame the flush on his face on embarrassment from their last encounter, but sadly, that wasn’t the case. The more he thought about Kirishima the past month, the more he realized he had a big fat crush on the actor, which was asinine because he barely knew the guy, aside from what the interviews showed him. Not that he would admit to locking himself away in his room to watch interviews of Kirishima. No, that would be too weird. And something that Deku would do, not him. It was weird, though, because it seemed like he was actually a genuine and down-to-earth person, despite his fame and success. He didn’t seem to match any stereotypes for famous people, and as a fellow misfit, Katsuki could appreciate that. 
“Oh hey! It’s you again!” Kirishima smiled at him, and he wished that the ground would just swallow him whole at this point. Of course he would remember him. Why wouldn’t he—it’s not every day you get insulted at a restaurant. 
“Welcome to Sugar Rush. What can I get for you today?” he bit out, trying to keep the weariness from being too apparent. Kirishima took a minute to look over the menu, and Katsuki couldn’t help but check him out. He was in the same ridiculous costume as last time, which did nothing for Katsuki’s sanity. How was he supposed to ignore his stupid feelings for the man when he could see how absolutely jacked the guy was? It just wasn’t fair. 
“I’d like one of those iced caramel macchiatos this time. Medium please. Oh, and to-go again.” Katsuki tried to keep the relief off his face. Thank God he wasn’t staying. That would have been a new fresh level of hell that he was certain he wouldn’t be able to handle right now. 
“Is there anything else I can get you?”  
“I’d like one of those shrimp katsu sandwiches please!”
“Sure,” he grumbled, pressing the buttons on the register. Oh, for fuck’s sake. Of course he would want food. “Will that be all?” 
“That’ll do it man!” he grinned, handing over his card. Katsuki took the payment and ran it while he scrawled the instructions for the drink onto the cup. He handed the card back and Kirishima smiled at him again as he pocketed it and went to the end of the bar to wait for his purchase. Katsuki threw another sidelong glance his way and swallowed loudly, clicking the top of the marker again to quickly scribble his phone number and ‘call me’ underneath the ‘Shitty Hair’ that already adorned the cup. He could blame it on the current caffeine high he was on, but he had to try—it wasn’t every day that an actor waltzed into your cafe happy to see you after you insulted him. That had to mean something, right? An almost manic grin split his face as he put the cup down and grabbed the receipt. This was going to work; he was certain of it. Nothing could mess this up. The grin dropped from his face as quickly as it came as he turned toward the kitchen window and was met with a mop of green hair loosely secured by a hair tie. Fuck. How could he forget Deku was the one working the kitchen tonight?  
“Kacchan? Can I have the ticket?” Izuku asked, looking up at him with a raised eyebrow, hand outstretched. Katsuki thrusted the ticket into his hand and leaned into the window, getting as close to him as he could. 
“Listen here, you little nerd. Don’t you dare fuck this up, you hear me?” he hissed, eyes narrowing. 
“What are you talking about?” Izuku laughed nervously, placing the ticket on the rail, and scanned it quickly before turning to grab some bread from the bread bin. Katsuki took note of the headphones in his ears. Oh, so that’s why the nerd was clueless.  
“This is Kirishima’s order.” 
“What?!” Izuku shouted, jerking back in surprise. His hand hadn’t cleared the lip of the container, however, and he brought the entire bread bin crashing to the ground, slices decorating the floor. “Fuck,” he groaned, throwing his head back as he placed the last two slices onto the counter. 
“Oh my God,” Katsuki sighed, hiding his face in the palm of his hand. “Just…don’t do your whole weird fanboy shit with him.”
“S-sure thing, Kacchan!” Izuku squeaked, hands shaking as he went about preparing the meal. 
“Guess I’ll fuckin’ take sandwiches off the menu for the night,” Katsuki grumbled, turning away from the disaster in the kitchen. He grabbed the milk from the fridge, tossing it to the counter before shoving the small metal cup into the espresso machine, setting it for a double shot. The machine whirred to life, the smell of freshly brewing coffee filling the small space. He kept stealing glances at Kirishima as he added the pumps of vanilla syrup and milk to the cup before dumping ice into the mixture. The actor was tapping away on his phone, smiling dumbly at whatever was on the screen. He turned his attention away from Kirishima and he could hear Deku muttering to himself in the kitchen as he slowly added the espresso, the bitter coffee settling nicely atop the creamy milk. He added the signature caramel drizzle, and if he went a little heavy-handed on it, Kirishima would be none-the-wiser. 
“Here you go, Shitty Hair,” he called out as he popped the lid on and slid it over the counter. He was met with Kirishima’s rumbling laughter as the other slid the phone into the pocket of the ridiculously oversized pants and grabbed the drink and a straw from the container perched on the counter. He had just poked the straw through the lid and stirred the drink when Izuku came bursting through the kitchen doors, panting. 
“Here’s your order!” he cried, thrusting the to-go sack at him. “Oh my god, I can’t believe I’m looking at the Kirishima in the flesh! I’m such a huge fan!” His voice had raised a few octaves and he was bouncing in place. “How does it feel to be playing Red Riot? Man, you’re ripped—what is your workout routine? Oh! Do you know Ashido Mina? How long does it take to paint her skin for her role? Can you sign my apron?” Kirishima’s eyes widened in surprise from Izuku’s rapid-fire questioning before he let out another hearty laugh.
“I don’t mind giving you an autograph, but unless you guys have silver markers, it will be a little hard for me to sign your apron,” he said, motioning to the pure black garment. His face fell for a fraction of a second before he perked back up, leaned over the counter, and pressed down on the feed button on the receipt paper. He yanked it off and handed it to Kirishima, vibrating with excitement, and Katsuki swore to himself that he was going to kill the damn nerd. 
“My name is Midoriya Izuku!” he practically shouted. Kirishima penned ‘Stay Manly, Izuku!’ and his signature on the slip of paper before handing the marker back to him and Katsuki was certain that Deku was going to pass out from excitement. “Oh my God—thank you so much!”
“Not a problem, man! Always happy to meet a fan. Gotta get going though; thanks for the food and drink!” His eyes connected with Katsuki’s for a brief moment as he waved at them, turning to leave the cafe, a grin on his face as he looked at his cup before he took a drink. The moment the door shut behind him, Katsuki rounded on Izuku, who was still standing in front of the counter with a starstruck look in his eyes as he clutched the autograph close to his chest.
“What the fuck was that, Deku?” he growled, knuckles white as he gripped the counter. “What did I specifically ask you not to do?!” Izuku jumped, head swinging over to look at Katsuki.
“I, uh, I’m sorry?” he squeaked out, shoving the paper into the pocket of his jeans while backing up slowly from the building wrath that was his roommate and best friend. Katsuki snarled, jabbing a finger into his chest.
“Get your ass back in the kitchen, you goddamn fanboy.” Izuku nodded silently, eyes widened in fear, before darting back into the kitchen. Katsuki blew out an irritated huff, tossing the espresso cup into the sink with more force than was necessary. He cracked his textbook open, more than ready to erase that disaster from his memory.
The rest of the shift passed in a blur, Katsuki alternating between making orders, studying for his exam, and downing more espresso shots while Izuku continued to prepare the food in silence, which was exactly how Katsuki liked it. Before either of them knew it, they were locking the doors and turning the sign in the front from open to closed. Katsuki hoped that they would be able to finish up the closing procedures quickly, since he still had roughly three chapters of material to review. He was in the middle of sweeping up the lobby when Izuku approached him sheepishly. 
“Hey Kacchan, can I ask a huge favor of you?” he asked, thumbs tapping together. 
“What do you want?” he replied gruffly, knocking at a clump of dried mud with the broom while pointedly refusing to look at Deku. He was still pissed off at him for the whole autograph thing, after all. 
“Well, um, would it be okay if you closed by yourself tonight?” At this, Katsuki’s face snapped up, glare prominent as he snarled at the other. 
“And why in the hell would I need to do that?” 
“Well, you see, Uraraka asked me to go to dinner with her tonight and I told her I would after work, so she said she would meet me at this cafe at 8, but if I stay and help close, then I won’t have enough time to get changed and get there on time,” he explained, hands waving frantically. 
“And this is my problem why?”
“It isn’t, but it would mean a lot to me if you did this for me. I even pre-closed the kitchen for you, so there only should be the dishes from the line left to do.”
“So, you just assumed that I would agree to close for you?” Katsuki asked, eyebrow twitching slightly as he finally got the mud swept up. He wasn’t going to cave. This asshole made a fool of him earlier, so he was going to suffer.
“No! Well, yes? I was really hoping you would agree,” he muttered, shoulders sagging and lip jutting out in a small pout. Katsuki had to fight back a groan—of course Deku would do the puppy dog eyes pout to him. He thought after fifteen years of friendship he would be immune to it, but of course not. The damn nerd knew just how to get under his skin. 
“You owe me big time, asshole,” Katsuki sighed and Izuku beamed.  
“Really?? Oh my god, thank you Kacchan! You’re the best!” he exclaimed, throwing his arms around Katsuki in a hug that was quickly shrugged off. 
“Get out of here before I change my mind and make you close by yourself,” he growled and Izuku wasted no time, practically sprinting out the employee entrance in the back of the shop. Katsuki finished sweeping the lobby and fished his phone out of his pocket to check the time as he went behind the counter and groaned. At this rate, it would be at least an hour before he was done closing. Tack on thirty minutes to get home, then another thirty to make dinner, and he was looking at not being able to resume studying until at least nine o’clock. Great, it was looking like he was going to have to pull an all-nighter. Damn nerd. He poured himself one last shot of espresso, downed it, and set out to do the best damn solo-close that this shop had ever seen. 
Katsuki sat at his desk with a smug sort of satisfaction as he cracked his textbook open at 8:45. The close went by quicker than he thought it would, partially thanks to Deku’s pre-close, so he was able to catch the earlier train home. After scarfing down a quick meal of yakisoba and an energy drink, he was ready and raring to go. He was going to murder this stats exam tomorrow. 
He was a few paragraphs in when his eyes strayed to his phone. He unlocked it and was disappointed when he didn’t see a text or call notification on the screen. He knew he saw Kirishima smile at the cup, so he was certain that the actor got the message he left for him. So why hadn’t he called? Katsuki was certainly attractive enough with his cropped spikes that faded into an undercut, piercing red eyes, and gauged ears. It also helped that he was meticulous about keeping up his physique—his slim build made up for by lean muscle. He was a fucking catch, so why wasn’t the damn redhead messaging him? 
‘Focus, Katsuki,’ he chided himself, shaking his head. He didn’t have time to deal with this bullshit. He turned his attention back to the text, jotting down necessary formulas on his cheat sheet that he was allowed. He spent the next hour working through the text and practice problems, his rage building each time he stopped to check his phone and found no notifications. He was about to chuck the damn thing across the room at his fourth look at it when it started to buzz, an unfamiliar number crossing the screen. Fucking finally. 
“It’s about damn time you call me you...”
“Is this Bakugou?” a breathless, and very much feminine voice cut him off. What the...?
“Who the hell is this?” he growled out. Who gave this weirdo his name and number??
“It’s Uraraka.”
“Who? And how the hell did you get my number?”
“Oh my god—we work together! I’m the pastry girl. Ringing any bells?” Oh yeah—that sounded familiar. “There’s a sheet with everyone’s numbers in the breakroom.” He frowned; he didn’t like the thought of random extras from the cafe having his number. Deku having it was bad enough, but that was pretty unavoidable at this point. It clicked then: this was the girl that the nerd had a huge crush on. 
“Okay, and you’re calling me why? Aren’t you on a date with Deku or some shit?” This call was starting to piss him off. He still had around two chapters of material to get through. 
“About that… I need your help. He’s not, um, he’s not okay.” 
“Not okay? What the fuck happened?” Visions of broken bones flashed to mind, which wasn’t too unbelievable, given how accident prone he was. He pushed away from his desk, grabbing his keys and wallet before heading to the living room. 
“It’s hard to explain, but I need your help getting him home. Please, Bakugou?” she pleaded. 
“Just text me your location. I’ll be there as soon as I can,” he said, shoving his arms through the sleeves of his jacket and hanging up before she could respond. His phone buzzed, the address and ‘I’ll explain when you’re here’ lighting up the screen. He shoved his shoes on and made his way to the train station. What the hell had his roommate gotten himself into now? 
Thankfully, the address Pastry Girl had given him wasn’t too terribly far from their apartment; it was only a couple stops away from the station nearest to them. The building was pretty plain looking and one of the few detached ones in the neighborhood. An iron fence surrounded the small patio area, which was currently sectioned off. There were a few steps that led to the entrance. A gaudy yellow and black sign adorned the brick next to the door, announcing the cafe as Cool Beans in a curling script, which Katsuki instantly gagged at. There was a small menu board to the right of the door with bold lettering stating that Today’s SOUP-ER Special was Shiitake dashi. So Pastry Girl was as into puns as the nerd was, huh? He shot her a quick text letting her know that he was here.
The lights were dimmed as he entered the cafe, giving it a slightly romantic ambiance. There was a bar to the left of the entrance, which was positioned right by the door to the kitchen. To the right there was the seating area that was partially blocked off by a partitioned wall, the ivy cutouts not giving him much of a view of what was going on in the dining area.
“Can I help you, sir?” a soft-spoken voice asked and Katsuki blinked, turning away from his snooping to face the host desk. His eyes widened in surprise when he took in the freaking child sitting in a chair next to the counter. Her pale blue hair was tied into pigtails and her vibrant red eyes looked bored as she took him in. She was dressed in a white button-down shirt that was tucked into a grey, knee-length pleated skirt. Her legs were swinging back and forth as they dangled from the chair, the knee-high yellow stockings matching the bowtie around her neck. Polished black Mary-Janes completed the look, and Katsuki was so confused. There was no way that she could have been any older than ten. What the hell? Why was she working at a restaurant? He was about to respond when he felt something brush his leg, making him stiffen in surprise. He looked down and was wholly unprepared to see a tabby cat the color of sand rubbing against his leg, purring loudly. 
“Why is there a cat in here?” he questioned, squatting down to rub the cat between its ears, earning him a loud chirp of delight. The girl cocked her head to the side, eyebrow arching as she looked at him.
“Because this is a cat cafe?” she said, gesturing to the sign behind her. Katsuki squinted, cursing that he forgot to put his glasses on, and was able to make out the smaller script below the cafe’s name that stated it was indeed a cat cafe. Another cat, this one with brown fur, came darting out of nowhere, jumping onto the host counter and rolling onto its back, stretching languidly. The girl reached over and rubbed the cat’s belly idly while still staring down at him, which was slightly unnerving, but he was still focused on what in the world was going on with Izuku. Was the nerd having an allergic reaction to the cats? He didn’t think Deku had any allergies, but he never had really seen his roommate around animals much. As he was standing up from his crouch, Uraraka rounded the corner, another sandy-colored cat nestled in her arms in a hug. 
“Bakugou! Thank god you’re here!” she said, leaning down to release the cat, who meowed loudly in protest before trotting over to the host and jumping into her lap. The girl looked between the two of them before she shrugged, turning her attention to the two cats, a small smile on her face. 
“Okay, spill it, Round Face. What in the hell is going on?” he asked, shoving his hands in his pockets, glaring at her as two silvery-grey cats zoomed past him and jumped onto the window sill to stare and chatter at the birds gathered outside. 
“Um, well, I think you should just see for yourself,” she stammered, blushing brightly, and motioned for him to follow her. He rolled his eyes but complied. They stepped into the dining area and to the right there was a small area full of toys, scratchers, and cat beds, one of which was occupied by an orangey-brown tortoiseshell who had a spot on its head that reminded him of one of the characters from a cartoon he and Deku used to watch when they were younger. He hissed in pain as he felt claws graze the side of his head and he looked up to see a sleek grey cat perched on the top of a cat tree to the left of the entrance staring down at him. Asshole. They continued further into the dining area before Pastry Girl stopped abruptly, causing Katsuki to run into her. 
“This,” she sighed and motioned with her hand, “is what’s wrong.” Katsuki looked up from the ground, where he had been watching out for stray paws and tails, and was met with a scene that was as comical as it was horrifying. Izuku was seated at a table by the window, his face flushed a deep red as he was cuddling the biggest and fluffiest freaking cat Katsuki had ever seen. The white-and-black feline with a very unique pattern on its face was squirming in his grip, protesting loudly while the damn nerd was sobbing uncontrollably, pressing his face into the long fur. An employee, who was dressed similarly to the girl in front, was trying to pry the cat from his hands, exhaustion and exasperation written all over his very tired-looking face. 
“God damn it, I don’t get paid enough for this bullshit,” the man grumbled to himself as the cat accidentally swiped at him. He pulled his hand back and hissed in pain as he checked the scratches, wiping the blood on his grey slacks before he ran his fingers through hair the color of purple hyacinths. The cat let out another angry cry and he dove back in, trying to wedge his hand between the cat and Deku.
“What the fuck is this?” Katsuki wheezed, trying his hardest not to laugh while side eyeing Uraraka. She sighed, dropping her head, her fingers toying nervously with the hem of her shirt. 
“He’s been like this for the last half hour. When he got here, I could tell he was pretty nervous, and I mean, I was too, so I suggested that maybe we get a drink to take the edge off and relax us a bit.” The laughter that was threatening to escape Katsuki died instantly, a groan replacing it. Izuku and drinking was never a good mix.  
“And then what happened?” he asked, almost afraid of the answer. 
“At first, it was all good. We were laughing and having a great time. I want to say it was by the time we had the fourth or fifth drink that things started going downhill. By this point, there were about four cats gathered at our table since we were the only ones here. One minute he was fine, petting the cats and laughing, and the next, he was crying.”
“Jesus, what the hell were you two drinking?” Katsuki was bewildered. Sure, Deku didn’t handle alcohol well, but he had never seen him like this after a few beers. 
“He said he would have what I was having, so I ordered us some whiskey sours,” she admitted sheepishly. Fuck—of course it was hard liquor. After the blackout incident that was Izuku’s twentieth birthday, Katsuki was sure that the nerd had sworn off ever drinking anything harder than a beer. Guess he really was nervous. 
“It was around the time I called you that he really started getting bad. Kept sobbing and saying that he shouldn’t have had the whiskey because now he was unable to protect all the kitties from harm.” Katsuki couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled up from him at that. That definitely sounded like something a drunk Deku would say. 
“That one,” she said, gesturing to the cat that was still in Deku’s drunken clutches, despite the waiter’s best efforts, “was really concerned. Kept sniffing him in the face and licking his cheek, which caused him to cry more. Before I knew it, he had it wrapped up in his arms. The waiter saw, and now I think you’re up to speed on everything that happened.” There was a loud curse from the waiter as the cat clawed him again. 
“As funny as this all is, why exactly do you need me to help?” Katsuki asked, watching the employee stomp off toward the kitchen, hands shoved in the pockets of his apron. 
“Gee Bakugou, I wonder why,” she deadpanned, looking at him like he had grown another head. “He can barely stop crying, let alone stand. I have no idea where you two live, so clearly, I can’t get him home by myself. What else was I supposed to do?”   
“Leave him here?” Katsuki suggested, which was met with a sharp glare from Uraraka. He sighed in defeat, rolling his eyes. “Okay, okay. I’ll help. Let’s get this cat free first.” She nodded and they approached the drunken mess. 
“Yo nerd, let the cat go,” Katsuki ordered, throwing himself into the chair next to Izuku, who looked up at him confused. 
“Kacchan? What are you doin’ here?” he slurred, blinking slowly. 
“Saving your sorry ass. You owe me big time. Now, let the damn cat go.”
“But… I can’t protect him if I can’t hold him!” 
“That cat looks about two seconds away from shredding your face to hell. Just let him go,” Katsuki growled while Uraraka gently coaxed his hands from their death grip around the cat. The moment his hands were loosened enough, the cat wriggled free, jumping from the table to sprint away, nearly knocking over the waiter as he led an older, and equally tired-looking man, from the kitchen toward them. 
“Well, I see you finally let him go,” the waiter spat, sending a seething glare at Deku while the older man sighed, dragging his hand down his face, his inky black hair slipping out of the messy bun.
“My employee here said this young man was harassing the animals,” he stated, the weariness more than evident in his voice. 
“I’m sorry sir. It’s my fault—I shouldn’t have ordered so many drinks,” Round Face apologized with a small bow as Katsuki pulled Izuku to his feet, looping one arm under him to support his weight. 
“Even so, you caused distress to my animals. This will not be tolerated. I’m going to have to ask that you leave and don’t return,” he stated sternly, crossing his arms as he glared at the trio.
“Yes sir. Once again, I am so sorry that this happened,” Uraraka apologized again, shoving a stack of bills into the waiter’s hands to cover the cost of their meal before slipping herself under Izuku’s other arm, the three of them awkwardly shuffling out of the cafe. Izuku burst into another round of sobs, apologizing profusely to the two of them. 
“Have a good night,” the girl at the front counter called out after them, and Katsuki bit back a sarcastic insult. No point in pissing off the staff any more than Deku already had. The door shut with a resounding ‘thud’ behind them and they were met with the peaceful lull of the city, which was only interrupted by the sniffles and hiccups from Izuku as he continued to babble out apologies.
“I’ve got him,” Katsuki grunted, shifting Izuku’s weight so it was more on him than Uraraka. “If you want to leave, you’re more than welcome to.”
“I probably should get going,” she sighed, letting Izuku’s arm drop from her shoulders as she ducked away from him. “I have to be in at five to help Sato with the baking.”
“Do you need me to walk you home? Or at least to the train station?” Katsuki offered. He may be pissed off at them, sure, but he wasn’t a complete asshole.
“Bakugou? Being nice? Hell must have frozen over,” she laughed, and he glared at her. “Thanks for the offer, but I should be fine. I actually don’t live too far away from here. I hope you don’t have too hard of a time getting him home, though,” she frowned. 
“Nah, it shouldn’t be a problem. I’m used to carrying this idiot around.” He checked his phone, relieved to see the next train still had about ten minutes before it would arrive. “You know, he really does like you,” Katsuki admitted as he pocketed the phone, noticing that Deku was snoring lightly. “He was so scared he was going to mess this up. Try not to hold this against him too much.”
“Hey, I’m as much to blame for tonight as he is,” she smiled before leaning in to press a kiss against Izuku’s cheek. “Let him know I will talk to him tomorrow, will you?” she asked, pulling back, and Katsuki nodded. “Thanks again, Bakugou!” she waved awkwardly before leaving the two of them standing there. 
“Come on, you idiot,” he grumbled, shaking Izuku awake as they set off toward the train station. It took longer than Katsuki anticipated, what with Deku tripping over his feet, but they made it just in time, slipping into the car. He checked the time after propping Deku against the window, groaning as he saw it was getting closer and closer to eleven. By the time they got home and Deku was situated into bed, it would be close to eleven-thirty. At this rate, Katsuki wasn’t going to get any sleep, which really pissed him off. He was hoping to avoid an all-nighter if at all possible. He checked his messages and saw one from Round Face, letting him know she made it home safely. His mood further soured when he saw that she was the only one who had texted him. Thankfully, their ride was a short one, and Katsuki all but pushed Deku out the doors once they opened.  
“Where’s Ur’aka?” Izuku mumbled sleepily, still stumbling as they exited the platform. 
“At home. Probably asleep. Now, get on my back, asshole. I’d like to get home before midnight,” he said. With that, he crouched in front of Izuku, who nodded, leaning forward to wrap his arms around Katsuki’s neck before jumping. Katsuki caught him, threading his arms under the idiot’s legs, and pulling them both up in a haphazard piggy-back ride. Katsuki was thankful that it was a relatively cool autumn night because Izuku was sweating up a storm against his back. Fuckin’ gross. He was pretty sure that the nerd had fallen asleep as they slowly made their way down the street, but to his horror, he heard the sobs start up again. 
“Hey. Cut that shit out, you fucking cry baby.”
“But Kacchan, yer jus’ so great!” he wailed. 
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever. You’re just drunk. Come tomorrow you’re not gonna think I’m so great when I’m purposefully making loud noises.” Oh yeah, he totally was going to make the nerd’s life a living hell tomorrow. 
“No! I mean it! I should do somethin’ nice fer you!” he shouted and Katsuki winced. Sure, his hearing wasn’t the best, but the idiot was practically yelling in his ear. “I know! I’ll introduce you to Kirishima!” he announced like it was the simplest solution ever before wiggling around, brandishing his phone like a weapon, fingers flying against the keyboard. 
“Oi! Stop moving or I’ll fuckin’ drop your ass and leave you here!” Katsuki growled. 
“Oh don’t be so mean, Kacchan! I’m trying to help you. Oh! Sent!” 
“You idiot,” Bakugou finally decided after a deep, grounding breath. How was the nerd supposed to know that he was bitterly waiting for a response from said actor? “Just because you got his autograph today doesn’t mean you’re friends with him.”
“Whatever. You’ll see,” he huffed, leaning forward to rest his chin on Katsuki’s shoulder. The rest of the walk was spent in blessed silence, Izuku dozing off when they were about halfway there. They made it up to their apartment without any issues, though Katsuki did find it somewhat difficult to fish his keys out of his pocket with Deku’s deadweight leaning against him. Once they made it into the apartment, Bakugou unceremoniously dropped Izuku on his bed, a small ‘ooof’ leaving him as he collided with the mattress. He rolled to his side, green hair that escaped the ponytail at the base of his neck hanging loosely around his face as he muttered and drooled into the pillow. He was still in the jeans and plaid button down he wore to the cafe, and Katsuki utterly refused to change the idiot. He could suffer through a night of wearing uncomfortable clothes to bed, shoes included. Katsuki rolled his eyes and flicked the light off, slamming the door shut behind him. 
He made his way to the kitchen, grabbing another energy drink from his stash in the cupboard as he checked his phone, ready to let Pastry Girl know they made it home safely when he saw both a missed call and an unread message from an unknown number. His heart thudded anxiously and with slightly shaking hands—which he definitely blamed on the caffeine—he opened the app. This was it; it had to be. Kirishima probably had just been busy all day. No big deal. He clicked on the unknown message as he took a big gulp of the energy drink to calm his nerves and choked as his eyes scanned the simple text of ‘is this Kacchan?’ Unfettered rage filled him as he saw the stupid nickname that Deku insisted on calling him staring back at him. He remembered the nerd’s drunken promise and saw red—this was probably one of his stupid friends doing the idiot a favor just to fuck with Katsuki. 
‘I don’t know which one of Deku’s shitty friends this is, but fuck off,’ he furiously typed, hitting the send button aggressively as he stomped his way to his room. The read receipt popped up, as did the three dots signifying the other person typing. Katsuki downed the rest of the drink, crushing the can while opening the conversation settings and quickly tapped the ‘block number’ button, not wanting to see what the extra had to say. He chucked his phone on his bed and threw himself into the chair at his desk, burying his face in his hands and releasing a loud groan. He didn’t have time for this shit. He snagged his glasses off the desk and glanced at the alarm clock, noting that it was close to 11:45, and cracked his neck and back loudly before opening his textbook and settling in for a wonderfully unpleasant sleepless night. The last thing he decided on before letting the formulas and theories fill his head was that he’d just confront the actor about his stupid cup message the next time he saw him, if he saw him again.  
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yuuana · 2 years
Music Monday #213: ATEEZ - Say My Name  release: January 2019 genre: kpop
At nearly four years old now, I'd ordinarily save this for Throwback Thursday, but King Shit main dancer Jung Wooyoung said fuck this, no quarter given to thieves, so we're having a special BONUS Music Monday this week, in which I maaay be a bit bitchy, but I think I'm allowed, considering. Confused? Okay, let me back up and explain....
There is, of course, an official MV for this single, with lore implications in every scene, but since this is a bonus dance edition, the lore will have to wait for whenever I get to this song's partner single, HALA HALA. Because this entry is going to focus entirely on the dancing. Because before their debut as idol group ATEEZ, these guys spent months and years training as dance crew KQ Fellaz and Wooyoung blasted the call out on live national television, so here we go. "Say My Name" was ATEEZ's iconic sophomore release, coming out just a couple months after "Pirate King" and "Treasure," and the signature point choreo - the one-handed driving gliding move from the chorus - immediately caught attention. But this was 2019, before things like TikTok dance challenges really took off, so while the challenge was out there, the internet ecosystem was different then. ATEEZ did the promotional round with it, then moved on to the next release. And yet "Say My Name" continues to be a favorite, one the members regularly cite as a song of theirs that deserves more love and really speaks to who ATEEZ are. One might even go so far as to call it a core part of their identity as ATEEZ ... and that's important. Jumping back to 2022... several times this year, ATINY have called out larger companies for questionable creative practices. A couple times, companies have tried to use the "inspired by" card after the fact for things that are awfully close to ATEEZ's content. Granted, sometimes the arguments for plagiarism have been a bit thin on the ground and other times, the companies have quietly backpedaled, but for the most part these incidents have briefly flared up and then quietly gone away, without any comments from ATEEZ directly, until.... Welcome to the start of September and enter, stage left, Street Man Fighter. Disclaimer: I haven't actually been watching this season yet - I have limited time/energy for video these days, so I was spending it on NCT 127's and ATEEZ's recent reality content and figuring I'd get to SMF later. BIG MISTAKE, apparently, but here's what I've learned since the shit really hit the fan yesterday: last month, the crews were given a mission to create a wholly original choreography for their teams. Okay, great, fine. Street Man Fighter is a popular dance show and after the episode aired, the dance challenges popped up on TikTok and went viral. Again, fine. Except.... Choreographer Vata released "his" choreography as "driving challenge" for Zico's "New Things" and it took off. Because it looks cool. And familiar. Really familiar. Which then led down a prickly path of weeks of ATINY pointing it out and getting shouted down. And to be fair, what counts as copying in dance can be tricky. There are, after all, certain basic moves that everyone does, it's when you start stringing them together that you have something unique. But how many of those strung together moves do you get to copy before crossing a line? 4 beats, like Vata's own crew said previously? 8 beats, as is a common starting point for music claims? Do you get a pass if the base move is one everyone knows? Who decides when a move is that well known? Is adding/changing the flares enough even if you can still easily recognize the base move(s)? It really tends to depend on each specific instance ... and Vata might have even gotten away with his shit but for two things: 1. he was claiming his choreography was wholly original and 2. him and his crew recently got up on their high horses over someone copying four beats of one of their dances. Jump to the start of this month and ATEEZ is doing performances again, first with KCON Saudi Arabia and then again with their set at Daegu this weekend and at the latter, "Say My Name" was the second song in their set, prompting quite a few non-fans to ask why ATEEZ was doing the driving challenge in their second song. At both of these performances, when ATEEZ got to The Real and the bboying dance break towards the end, Wooyoung did the biting sign - for KCON Saudi Arabia, he followed the bite with the driving glide, since he was one of the two to freestyle that night, whereas at Daegu, he made the sign from off to the side while San got into position for his freestyle, followed by Yunho "driving" into his own freestyle. In bboying, the bite move - arms out from the body in a box shape, at chest level, and snapping up and down like a biting dog - is used to indicate your opponent is copying someone's moves, style, or whole set, a code very well known in those dance circles but not necessarily elsewhere. The first time it got largely missed, probably due to the camera angles, but the second time made it clear this was a choice and a message, spoken in the language Vata ought to arguably know best: dance. Which has sparked a virtual whirlwind of fans amplifying Wooyoung's call out and one of the original choreographers boosting the call outs as well ... and resounding silence from Vata while haters continue to insist ATINY are being overdramatic. Which is about what ATINY have come to expect. Of course the other side of this is that "Say My Name" is now enjoying a resurgence in streams and iTunes purchases, to the point that it's charting quite high in a number of countries and might even re-enter the Billboard charts? Which feels like a fitting feather in the cap for an iconic song that means so much to ATEEZ and ATINY both. additional sources: ATEEZ - The Real @ KCON Saudia Arabia 2022 (22.10.01) - Wooyoung's dance break (Twitter) ATEEZ - The Real @ DAEGU KPOP CONCERT 2022 (22.10.09) - freestyle dance break (Twitter) Anze Skrube - original choreography for ATEEZ Say my Name (YT) STEEZY - Dancers React to ATEEZ Part 1 ft Anze Skrube (YT) Want to see Music Monday deep dives more often? Sponsor a song selection! For the low, low price of one (1) KoFi, I'll write up the song of your choice. ANY song of your choice. Yes, even that one that's been played to death. Yes, your obscure faves too. With sponsors, I can stop skipping weeks and falling further and further behind in the releases! Sponsor a current CB for the next open Music Monday slot or sponsor a throwback for a Thursday feature! But seriously, if you've been enjoying my selections and analyses, we (me and the foster kittens) would love a KoFi in thanks. DW | Twitter | Ko-fi | Patreon | Discord | Twitch
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Hey 👋
I swear I'm addicted to your writing😁 Thank you for the amazing post❤
Can I request a usually calm reader coming home to Hanni and Wil with n bruise on their cheek and/or blue knuckles from n fight. And when they question reader they find out reader defended their relationship.
Them reacting to reader with cigarette burn scars from childhood or self harm scars.
Sorry if it's specific I had a dream about the first one and I'm insecure about my scars😅 Also if it makes you uncomfy ignore me🤣
Have a wonderful day/night/afternoon💕
Hey anon, sorry it took me a hot minute to get to this. Hope you enjoy!
Gender neutral y/n comes home covered in bruises. Their lovers Hannibal and Will need to know why.
trigger warnings: blood, threats of violence, mention of firearms, stalking
You spit a mouthful of blood into the snow before you even thought about turning the doorknob. Any random passerby would look at you and think you were attempting to rob the place. You couldn't say you disagreed, though: your hood was pulled over your head and you held a tire iron in your singular non-bleeding hand.
You knew it wasn't wise to let the old-money Baltimore socialites catch you in such a compromising position, but you had to double-check your mental map of the house one more time. Hannibal would undoubtedly be cooking; hopefully so in his element that he wouldn't notice you slipping by. Will was the one you had to worry about. When it came to you, he'd become as alert as a German shepherd with protective instincts to match. Where he was in the house was anyone's guess, so you needed to be on guard.
You removed your heavy boots and opted to leave them outside. You then tossed the tire iron behind a nearby planter and slowly, quietly turned the knob. The door creaked as it opened, making you cringe. The sight of neither of your partners immediately running up on you was a bit of a relief; you hadn't been discovered quite yet.
You just needed to make it upstairs so you could barricade yourself in the master bathroom and use that oh-so-rare sliver of privacy to cover up your bruises. Then you could climb down the trellis, grab your shoes and make a proper entrance with hello kisses and whatnot.
"[F/N]?" Hannibal called out before you could even breach the threshold.
With no thought on your mind other than "fuck", you turned your head away from the direction you heard him. "Yeah, I'm home."
"I'd rush to give you a kiss, but I'm a little tied up at the moment." He said, undoubtedly grinning to himself as he trussed a chicken with sturdy cooking wire. "So you'll have to come to me."
"Oh, yeah." You called back. "Let me just get cleaned up first."
"If you insist." He said with a dramatic dip in his voice. "But hurry right back. Dinner is almost ready."
Hurdle one was cleared. Now all you had to do was clear the second, much higher hurdle.
You ascended the stairs, but forgot to skip that one consistently creaky step that always alerted the dogs. A small army of dogs came pouring into the upstairs hallway, blocked only by the baby gate Hannibal had installed as a compromise. Enthusiastic barks filled the foyer as you desperately tried to calm them down from the top step.
"Winston! Max! Harley!" You rattled off as many names as you could remember. "Hush, please!"
"[F/N]?" Will said, turning the corner.
You momentarily considered throwing yourself down the stairs. It would be easier to explain the bruises and you could still soak up that sweet, sweet throuple affection without having to tell a story that even you didn't entirely believe. Common sense, however, kept your feet firmly on the ground.
Will appeared in your line of sight. You pulled the brim of your hat down and stuffed your hands into your pockets. "I, uh- forgot how to open the gate again."
The dogs parted in Will's path and he looked at you with suspicion as he effortlessly opened the gate. "Is everything okay?"
You turned your head to the side. "I'm fine. It's just really cold outside."
"I'm sure those wet clothes aren't helping." Will cocked his head. "We can start by throwing that hoodie in the dryer-"
Before you could pull away, he pushed your hood and your hat off in one fluid motion. He knew what was going on.
"I'm no doctor, but I don’t think busted noses and black eyes are side effects of low body temperature." He said, folding his arms.
You put your hand up, unintentionally revealing the bruises on your knuckles. "You learn something new every day."
You tried to scoot past him, but he grabbed your hand and pulled you back.
"[F/N]--" Will said, a blistering fury beginning to percolate in his chest. "Who did this to you?"
"I ran into a bus stop." You lied, not even trying to make it sound believable.
"That bus wouldn't have happened to be headed to Dacula, would it?"
Your silence spoke louder than any excuse you could think of.
Will sighed. "Right. I think I know what happened."
"Will, I-" you protested.
"Save it for dinner." He scolded. "I'm sure Hannibal would love to hear this."
You'd been found out it was much worse than anticipated. You felt like you were on trial, which, given the circumstances, you could have actually been on trial in a real court of law on the charge of aggravated assault. However, that didn’t make you feel any better.
Hannibal demanded an explanation and couldn't wait until dinner. He was willing to let one of his culinary masterpieces burn in the oven, knowing of course that a much rarer delicacy was in the cards once you gave him a name.
He brushed his finger over an open cut under your eye. A light click of his tongue reached your ears as he examined your face.
"Give us a name, love." Hannibal probed, holding your jaw between his fingers and following the trail of bruises down your neck. "Who did this to you?"
"It's not a big deal, really." You assured him, squirming against his grip. "I started it."
"Now that, I find hard to believe." Hannibal contested. "You're not a preemptive strikes kind of person."
"Nor would you go all the way to Dacula to throw a few punches." Will added, approaching you with an ice pack.
"Okay, so maybe I finished it." You corrected.
Hannibal smiled proudly to himself. "That's more like it."
"What exactly did you finish?" Will asked, gently placing the ice against your bruised knuckles.
You sighed. You mentioned Dacula once and they already knew the answer. They were just waiting to hear you say it.
"My ex-boyfriend, Sidney." You leaned back on your one good wrist. "He was a being a completely irredeemable shit, as usual-"
"Details, darling." Hannibal said in too singsongy of a voice than was really appropriate while wrapping your hand in gauze.
"Acting entitled, talking like I belonged to him-"
"You have no idea how little that narrows it down." Will shook his head.
You were compelled to agree, but couldn't bring yourself to admit that and the fact that you ever dated Sidney in the first place. "Right."
"That isn't out of character for him." Hannibal said.
"And certainly not enough to make you willingly drive back out to cousinfuck nowhere to beat him up." Will finished.
"I didn't go out there with the intent to beat him up!" You contested. "He said that if I could meet him for coffee he'd never speak to me again. I know it's a lot of gas money, but I really was gonna hold him to the whole 'never speaking to me again' bit."
"So what happened?" Will asked, growing impatient.
You looked at the ground, embarrassment stopping the words at the tip of your tongue.
"Somehow, he caught a whiff of our... arrangement." You tightened your hands into frustrated fists. "And he made some really shitty comments about... you."
Hannibal and Will exchanged looks. They let the silence linger, urging you to fill it.
"He went into obscene detail about how mmf threesomes are his favorite category of porn," you tried not to gag as you recalled the disgusting details. "And then said if I 'let him watch', he wouldn't tell the local baptist church that I was a whore-"
"The man is a pig." Hannibal said, matter-of-factually.
"I got up to leave." You continued. "Obviously. Then he said he knew where you lived. Announced it to the whole diner. Started to go through his list of semiautomatic weapons. So to make sure he knew I meant business-"
"You threw the first punch." Hannibal finished the thought for you.
You nodded. "Naturally."
Will smiled to the floor and pushed his glasses up his nose. "I would have loved to see that."
"As much as it pains me to say," Hannibal began, resignedly agreeing. "It's only fair that you stand up for us the way we stand up for you. From time to time."
Will brought your bruised knuckles to his lips. "Though we desperately need to teach you how to dodge. Because the next time you come home covered in scratches, someone will pay."
You took both of their hands. "I should get beat up more often."
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