aego-philautia · 4 months
Philautia; (φιλαυτία, philautía) means "self-love". To love oneself or "regard for one's own happiness or advantage"... Hello Hello! I'm Aego🫶🏾 Silly goat artist who draws ppl in love(and occasionally other things on my main, @aegos-eros)
No pro/comship interaction pls! Thank you!
Minors may interact, but pls don't follow me as I have little to no filter abt what I say. Especially when it's Aego Simping Hours™️. If I check and you have no age/are under 18 I will softblock.
I am a black sapphic bi cis woman. If you have a problem with any of that then please leave💜
I am also some flavor of asexual. Aegosexual describes me best(Okay with fantasizing/interacting with nsfw things, not actually doing them. Link to a vid that explains more if ur interested ^.^)
OC x Canon/selfship truther, argue with the wall
I typically refrain from discourse/stressful topics for my own mental health, if I do speak/reblog anything it will be tagged with: #🕸️ bc spiders scare me
Speaking of mental health, I do make jokes about self harm, suicide, general mental health things mainly to cope. Don’t worry, if I’m actually in a crisis I would not post abt it online, so pls pls pls don’t take those posts seriously^.^(also please lmk if u want me to tag those posts)
I also get high/drink, pls block the tag: #🍃🍹 This is not a suggestion block it now/hj
💜About Aego💜
ADHD + social anxiety(along w The Others™️), but I still love talking to ppl!! Ask/talk to me about whatever, If I can, I'll answer🫶🏾
POC, Bi(woman leaning), Aegosexual 🖤💜🤍
Aspriring Drawerw(Artist)
Genshin, Honkai Star Rail, Stardew Valley, Rimworld, Starbound, Other games i can't remember rn...
Ill put more stuff here eventually✨💫
Ten x Kazuha (TenKazu) (My loves💜❤️)(Iffy on Sharing🫠) They are my main ship I’ll mostly rant abt them💕💕💕
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Lady Delphinium x Carmilla Carmine (DelphiMilla) (Mi Cielo💜🩷) (My sky/My Heaven) (Sharing OK☺️)
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Lastly, Tags
#My Loves💜❤️ (TenKazu)
#Mi Cielo💜🩷 (DelphiMilla)
#AegoSimpingHour™️ (gushing if i ever do it)
#cozy comfort💜❤️ (imagines, selfshipping things,etc)
#other ppls ships💜
#oooh shiny (general reblogs)
#dewdels (occassional shitpost doodles)
#i must scream (me talking)
goatluuvsqueue!!💜💜 (my queued posts! I forget to update my queue tho sry)
more to be added as necessary 😊
You've made it this far? Here's a crockpot baked spaghet recipe, luv u💜❤️
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eastofthemoon · 6 months
Last couple years, I've managed to write a muppet fic for the holidays. So, here's another one! Hope you all enjoy!
Spooky Christmas
Rating: G
Series: The Muppets
Characters: Kermit, Sam, Uncle Deadly, Miss Piggy and various others
Summary:It's time for the muppets to plan the annual Christmas show, however, Sam objects to the typical muppet style. Thankfully, Uncle Deadly has other suggestions.
Archive Of Our Own
Kermit hummed as he sat at the head table with his clipboard. He did a quick count of the chattering heads spread out around the table and it seemed everyone was here. He didn’t see the Swedish Chef, but he knew he was busy preparing snacks for break.
“Okay, settle down,” Kermit called out.
The chattering continued.
“I said settle down please.”
Talking still continued.
“I said-”
“EVERYONE, SHUT UP!” Piggy shouted as she sprang from her seat next to him.
Silence swiftly fell upon the room.
Kermit cleared his throat. “Uh, thank you, Piggy.”
“Welcome, Kermie,” she said with a smile as she sat back down.
“Now then,” Kermit started as he held up his clipboard. “It’s time to start planning our annual Christmas show. So, time for brainstorming. Any ideas?”
“How about we throw fish, but they’re covered in candy canes,” said Lew Zealand as he tossed a fish in the air and then it came flying back.
Sam huffed under his breath in his seat near the end of the table.
“Um, we’ll put a pin in that for now,” Kermit replied.
“How about a holiday rock concert,” said Doctor Teeth.
“That’s a good suggestion, but we did that last year,” Kermit replied.
“My ears are still ringing from that horrendous cacophony,” Sam muttered.
“I got a great idea for an act,” Gonzo cried. “I dance in a bucket of sugar plums, while twenty tinsel cannons go off.”
Sam’s grumblings grew louder. “Of all the ridiculous-”
“Um..we’ll also, put a pin in that one,” Kermit replied.
“I have a suggestion,” said Piggy. “I think this year we should do a play.”
“Oh?” asked Kermit. “What kind are you thinking of?”
“A classic, Pride and Prejudice .”
Kermit blinked. “Um, Piggy, that’s not really a holiday story.”
Piggy grinned as she batted her eyes. “It can be if we include mistletoe.”
Kermit felt sceptical, but he could hear everyone beginning to toss ideas around it. It honestly was the best suggestion so far.
Gonzo raised his hand. “Can I use my tinsel canons?!”
Kermit stared at him. “Tinsel canons? For Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice .” He gave a deep sigh. “Yes, you can use tinsel canons.”
“Woot!” “Well, okay,” Kermit said as he started to write on his clipboard. “If everyone is for it we can-”
“I OBJECT,” Sam said as he slammed his wing on the table. “This nonsense can go on no longer.”
Piggy glared. “What’s your problem?!”
Sam glared back as he leaned over the table. “My problem is that every year we put out some tomfoolery that we call a ‘Holiday Performance’. I say it’s time we do a Christmas show the traditional and American way with proper holiday symbols like Frosty, reindeer and Santa!”
The group began to groan and protest.
“But EVERYONE does those,” Fozzie replied
“Si,” Pepe snapped, “and I don’t know about you, but I don’t want a repeat of the snowman fiasco, okay?”
“No kidding,” Floyd called out. “Animal still get nightmares from it.”
Animal shivered. “So...cold.”
“If the floor is open,” Uncle Deadly said with his seat next to Piggy’s. “I may be able to provide some unique alternatives.”
Kermit frowned. “Oh, yeah? Like what?”
“It better not be more flying fish,” Sam muttered.
“Have you ever heard the Icelandic tale of the Yule Cat?” asked Uncle Deadly.
Kermit frowned puzzled. “I can’t say that I have?”
“I haven’t,” said Rizzo, “but anything that involves the word ‘cat’ instantly makes me suspicious.”
“The story goes,” Uncle Deadly continued, “on Christmas Eve the Yule Cat comes down from it’s home in the mountains to check to see if people are wearing new clothes.”
“Hmm,” Sam muttered, “not quite Santa, but I can appreciate a creature making sure people are properly suited for the occasion.”
Kermit continued to stare at Deadly. “And what happens if a person doesn't get new clothes?”
Uncle Deadly waved a hand. “Oh, it eats them.”
Sam choked. “What?”
“Ha! Called it,” Rizzo called.
Kermit felt a tug on his arm and glanced down at Robin.
“Uncle Kermit, am I going to have to start wearing pants?” he asked.
“I have a feeling the Yule Cat isn’t going to check on frogs,” he said quietly.
“That is horrible,” Sam bellowed.
Uncle Deadly gave a shrug. “Well, I have heard modern versions say the Yule Cat makes a mess of the house rather than consuming it’s inhabitants.”
“Hey, we could do stuff with that,” Rowlf said. “Make jokes about it clawing the curtains, it can’t deciding if it wants inside or out-”
“And,” Fozzie cut in as he raised a hand, “I got a lot of cat jokes that would be purrfect! Eh? Eh?”
“His jokes sure seem like something the cat dragged in!” Statler yelled while Waldorf laughed.
Kermit gave a nod. “Okay, we can use the Yule Cat-”
“Certainly, not,” Sam said sharply. “We can not endorse feline misdemeanor!”
Uncle Deadly drummed his fingers on the table in thought. “If that’s not your ‘cup of tea’, I suppose there are the Yule Lads.”
“And who are they?” Sam asked suspiciously.
“13 brothers who each come to visit home on the last 13 nights leading up to Christmas.” He folded his hands together as he leaned forward. “Children leave their shoes on windowsills and in return the lads will leave small gifts and a rotten potato in ones that have been naughty.”
Sam mulled this over. “That’s much more palatable. What are their names?”
“I don’t recall the exact order, but one of them is called Spoon-Licker.”
Sam froze as Kermit looked on curiously.
“What?” said Sam.
“Another is called Pot-Scraper, Door-Slammer, Sasuage-Swiper-”
“Those are horrible names!” Sam snapped.
“They are a bit of an odd choice,” Kermit replied.
Uncle Deadly raised a finger. “To be fair, they’re named after the pranks they pull in the houses they visit.”
Sam massaged his forehead. “Of all the stupid...”
“What kind of mother gives them those kinds of names?” Piggy asked.
“Well, considering their mother is the child eating ogress Grýla, who hunts for disobedient children to throw into her stew pot, I imagine appropriate names is not her top priority.” He paused and raised a hand. “I should mention she’s also the owner of the Yule Cat.”
“Interesting family,” Piggy replied, darkly.
Kermit tapped his chin. “Well, if we hold back on some of the child eating stuff-”
“No,” Sam growled.
“Then how about the Krampus?” Uncle Deadly suggested.
Sam sighed. “He’s not another member of the Lad family is he?”
Uncle Deadly placed a hand over his chest. “Certainly not, he is a companion of Santa Claus.”
“Oh, that’s better,” Sam said as he eased up. “He helps deliver the toys?”
Uncle Deadly waved a hand back and forth. “Yes and no. He does ride with Santa, but while Old Saint Nick hands out toys to good children, the Krampus whips the bad ones with branches and sticks.”
Sam buried his face into his wings. “Why am I not even surprised?”
“There are even some darker stories that say he throws them into his basket to take them back to his lair to eat them.”
Sam glared at him. “I’m rather concerned about how often cannibalism is coming up in these stories.”
“It’s not cannibalism though,” said Scooter. “I mean ‘cannibalism’ is when a person eats their own kind, and these creatures aren’t human so it’s just people eating.”
“Wait, hold it,” Bobo said as he sipped his coffee. “If we ate each other would that be cannibalism? I mean, we’re different creatures but we’re also all ‘the muppets’ so-”
“I’m going to stop you there before you go further down that rabbit hole,” Kermit said before turning back to Uncle Deadly. “Still, if we tone down some aspects we might be able to-”
“Why are you even considering this?!” Sam snapped. “Dangerous felines? Ruffians breaking into houses to lick spoons? What does any of that have to do with Christmas?!”
“Because there are people that do rather enjoy the spooky side to Christmas,” Kermit replied.
Sam blinked dazed. “Spooky side to Christmas? What are you talking about?!”
“Well, the holidays take place on the longest, coldest and darkest nights of the year,” Kermit said. “Isn’t it only natural that people find that a bit scary and make up stories to deal with it?”
“It’s true,” Bunsen chimed in. “The traditions of Yule are said to go back centuries.”
Beaker cleared his throat. “Meep, meep, meep! Meep, meep, meep. Meep. Meep, meep, meep. Meep, meep, meep? Meep!”
Everyone gave a unanimous applause.
“Well spoken,” said Uncle Deadly, “that was truly profound.”
“Indeed,” Bunsen said as he patted Beaker’s shoulder. “I do love it when you use your anthropology knowledge.”
“Nevertheless,” snapped Sam. “We are Americans and therefore we should do an American Christmas play. We should do A Christmas Carol .”
“Um, I do love A Christmas Carol ,” said Gonzo, “but we’ve done it a million times.”
“Yeah, we want something new,” said Rizzo.
“But it is American and has none of this dark Christmas stuff,” Sam stated firmly.
“A Christmas Carol?” Kermit said blankly. “The one written by a British author that is about three ghosts haunting a man to change his ways? That A Christmas Carol?”
“And let’s not forget how the Ghost Of Christmas Yet To Come is a grim symbol of our fear of mortality and grappling with death.”
Everyone turned to Fozzie stunned.
He shrugged. “What? Can’t a bear appreciate the classics?”
“Sure, he can,” said Waldorf.
“They’re as old as your jokes,” said Statler as both the old men laughed.
Sam gave a deep defeated sigh as he turned to Kermit. “Pride and Prejudice it is.”
“Great,” said Kermit. “Now how many cannons do we need?”
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sheliesshattered · 4 months
I've made some good progress on my Batuu vest sewing project in the last couple of days since I posted about finishing the Jyn Erso sweatshirt project. Like I mentioned in that post, working on the sweatshirt helped me realize that I needed to add fabric to the front shoulder of the vest rather than removing it. Once I got the shoulder seam sitting where I wanted it, the bust seam fit perfectly and didn't require any adjustments at all, woot.
With that and a few other small changes made to the lining, I went ahead and transferred all the changes to the paper pattern (including actually taping on extra paper to the front shoulder section) and then cut out the exterior fabric out of scraps of that same blue linen I used for the lining/mock-up.
All the work I did on fitting the lining and adjusting the paper pattern made the whole thing come together quickly and easily. I still had to do a slash-and-spread technique to ease the bust panels together, but it was sort of ridiculously easy compared to how much I struggled with that seam with the lining before realizing that the problem was with the markings on the pattern itself.
So now I've got two layers of the vest all sewn together, exterior on the left and interior lining on the right:
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When they're layered together, the raw edges are all sandwiched between the exterior and the lining. This linen already has a good amount of body on its own, but layered together it's nearly as rigid as the duck cloth I made my original vest for The Moment out of. Which honestly I'm glad to see, since the torso section will be so fitted once the zipper is in, and actually under a bit of tension.
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Last night while I was trying to fall asleep, I realized that any pockets I want to have in this vest need to be put in before I attach the exterior to the lining, so that the stitch lines don't show through. I haven't decided yet if I want to have any pockets visible from the outside (flaps or otherwise), but I knew I definitely wanted to have hidden interior pockets that I can access when the zipper is zipped all the way up (to mid-bust or so). This morning I measured and cut two little square pockets that live in the overbust area of the lining, below my collarbone but above the largest part of the bust -- visible on the right in the pic below where one of the front panels is opened up to show the lining:
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I sized both pockets to fit my in-character pilot's license such that the license would stick out just a tiny amount (making it easier to retrieve without digging around in a too-deep pocket). My pilot's license is just slightly bigger than my real-world ID, so the pockets would also work for carrying practical items like ID, credit card, roomkey, etc. The pic below shows the pilot's license on the left and my driver's license on the right, with the lining turned completely inside out so that both pockets can be seen.
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The next step, which I'm hoping to get to tonight, will be ironing all the new seams I've sewn in the last few days -- the pockets, the new shoulder panels in the lining, and all the seams in the exterior. While I'm at it, I want to cut out and iron a couple of pocket flap mock-ups so that I can pin the flaps to the outside and see if I like the look, and if so where I want the pockets to be.
The Moment vest has a pair of zipper pockets set on a diagonal, based on the screen-used vest Billy Piper wore in the Doctor Who 50th anniversary episode. Originally my plan for my Batuu outfit was to wear that vest as is, and then I started thinking about covering up the zippers (to follow the No Visible Closures In Star Wars rule) and figured I would just hand-sew some flaps over those zipper pockets.
But now that I'm doing the vest as a completely new scratch-build, I have the option to do whatever I want with the pockets. Pockets are lovely, but I do have the two interior pockets, my brown leather bag, and my belt (potentially with pouches) to help carry stuff around -- and even if I did have pockets on the lower torso of this vest, I probably wouldn't put much in there anyway, since the whole thing is so fitted.
I know for certain that I don't want to do patch pockets that stand away from the body of the vest, like the ones on Han Solo's vest. Side seam pockets are also out, because I think the tension of the fit would pull on those weird. Which leaves various types of welt pockets, with or without a flap, carefully angled so that tension doesn't make them pull and gap.
A lot of the vests in Star Wars have visible pockets, often multiple visible pockets, but those vests also tend to hang open rather than closed and snugly fitted. One exception that I've been looking to for inspiration is Bix Caleen from the Andor show on Disney+. She has a longer coat that's fitted through the torso with princess seams, just like my vest, and while it has pockets they're much lower down, on the hips. She also has something more properly called a vest, worn over a long-sleeved shirt, that is similarly fitted with princess seams -- and again, no visible exterior pockets at all.
The more I look at pictures of Bix, the more I'm leaning away from doing any sort of external pocket at all, and just stick with the two small internal pockets. I might need to do some top stitching along the seams to give it some visual texture (another thing that Bix's coat and vest both have), but that could be a good way to secure the lining to the exterior, too. Hmm. Definitely something I'll have to think on.
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themsource · 1 year
Fransweek '23 - Day 6
Theme: Stargazing Rating: G Pairing: DT Sans & Frisk Word Count: 1,020
I really struggled with this one because I had no ideas what to write for this prompt whatsoever lol hope it's a fun read! Got some Dancetale in the house! WOOT! Cross posted to Ao3 here!
"what's this about kid?"
Sans was standing in Frisk's room, watching the little tyke run back and forth scattering papers everywhere as they tried to climb their walls and pin something to the upper corners. Admittedly the skeleton had been a little surprised when Frisk had insisted on him coming up here the second he and Pap had stepped through Tori's door, but now he was mildly bored and curiously wondering what had them in such a hurry that they were practically role playing Taz from the looney tunes.
"Wait!" They shouted, needlessly loud.
It was as if they were trying to draw something and Sans was attempting to peek over their arm. Which he did love to do, riling them up was always hilarious, but whatever this was couldn't actually be applied to the same way.
"c'mon frisk, your old lady said it was meatloaf night. i have a whole log with my name on it written in ketchup downstairs—"
They pouted at him over their shoulder, puffed their cheeks out. "No! Wait!"
He sighed.
Pulling his hat and hood down low over his brow Sans slipped his phone out of his pocket and started to scroll through youtube music videos. He was midway through a new choreography showcase for Lana Del Rays 'Gods and Monsters' when he felt a tug on his sleeve and glanced down to see Frisk bouncing excitedly on the balls of their feet.
They started to drag him over to their bed and he groaned as he tucked his phone away before collapsing face down on it.
"you know i love a good nap pal, but i'd rather eat." Sans grumbled into the mattress.
"Sans!" He had to resist chuckling as Frisk pushed at him, annoyance loud and clear in their voice. "Turn over you lazy bones!"
Letting out another put up groan he made a show of rolling over, and landing back on his front.
Okay, they sounded like they were about to start whining and whenever Frisk did that for long they usually ended up crying. Sans loved them but when they sobbed it was always just too much for him. He didn't think they'd appreciate him noping out through a shortcut to his own bedroom.
They'd hold it over his head for weeks. Emotionally blackmail him with guilt.
Toriel always got upset when Sans ended up buying the kid ice cream for days on end.
"okay okay, you win." He turned in time to see them grin, the cat that got the milk, and went full starfish across their bed as he glanced up at their ceiling.
Sans' sockets widened.
Frisk plopped down next to him and tucked their head into his shoulder as they pointed at one of the several crudely drawn papers they'd hung up.
"That's Vela, and Puppis!" Sans glanced down at them and then back up as they pointed at another paper. "Lepus and Train—....Traingloom?"
"traingulum australe." He whispered.
They both laid there, staring up at the handmade star map that threatened to fall at any moment as various corners dripped away from their backdrop, both silent and watchful.
Frisk broke the silence, whispering low as if not to disturb the feeling that had settled over the room. "I know monsters can't travel right now and that you were really excited to see the stars."
Sans' sockets lidded as he looked at them, noting the hopeful sparkle in their eyes and the tone of shyness they suddenly took as they kept their eyes locked on the ceiling.
"I thought you'd like seeing them somehow."
He grinned. "and this was all you could think of?"
They frowned, saddened.
Sans stared at them for a long time before looking back up and pointing with his other arm. "you forgot canopus."
"What?" They startled and sat up to get a closer look at where he was pointing before huffing and weakly slapping his chest. "No I didn't!"
He laughed and slowly sat up.
Sans continued to take in the crooked constellations and the haphazardly tapped together edges.
It was true; he did want to see the stars, all of them. When Papyrus had declared that they were going traveling once they reached the surface he'd acted put out and exhausted with the mere idea of it. But he'd been secretly hopeful and he hadn't wanted the others to know that way when the news inevitably came—and it did come—that they had to stay in one place while new laws were put in place no one would be able to see his disappointment.
Apparently he hadn't been that good at hiding it if Frisk had gone to so much effort for him.
How long had it taken them to make this? How many books did they read and charts they peruse?
Sans glanced down at the child beside him as they continued to look at their ceiling, and smiled. The affection and awe he felt was no longer for the stars as he ruffled their hair.
They really were something.
Frisk batted his hand away with a whine and he snorted. "thanks kid."
They blinked at him, confused. And then slowly grinned wide enough their missing tooth showed as realization lit up their sun colored irises.
"You're welcome Sans."
How had he and his race been so lucky? Not only to encounter an innocent kid that offered nothing but love and understanding in each hand, but that also was determined enough to do nearly anything for them after all the wrongs and horrors they'd done trying to get free.
Sans would never understand.
"hey, are you still interested in learning how to dance? for real?"
Frisk's eyes went wide as they held their hands up to their chin and nodded excitedly.
"won't be as easy as whatever magic helped you when you fell into the underground. but it will be eventually, if you work hard." He shrugged.
"I miss dancing." They stated. "Please Sans, teach me!"
Sans nodded. "it's a promise pal."
"DINNER IS READY!" Papyrus' voice suddenly roared. "GET DOWN HERE!"
They both broke down into giggles.
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New pinned post woot woot! Now with an updated carrd!
"I'm just gonna switch them on and get outta there though. You know how I feel about your house."
Writing blog: https://hunterwritesstuff.tumblr.com/
OC askblog: https://sobelowstory.tumblr.com/
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me!
DNI if: Racist, LGBTQIA+phobic, exclusionist, terf, sexist, gatekeep-y, incest shipper, proshipper, think the writing makes the writer, ect.
That’s about it, enjoy your stay, and have a hot cocoa, because you deserve it in these trying coming days! :) Reminder that I’m proud of you no matter what! :D
(Also, me am Autistic, so I don’t get social cues very well if at all-)
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damagecontrolla · 1 year
Learning More About STARDOM!!!
So, to update from my last post, I'm still growing in my fandom. From interviews, YouTube and social media, I've gathered bits and pieces of context, all with the knowledge that I will likely never fully entirely understand every character or storyline completely. Nonetheless, some updates with more peeps I guess!
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Saki Kashima
Probably the only wrestler I know to turn down a World Title shot, but still one of the coolest. A member of the heelish team Oedo Tai, she uses tricks and pins to win, but when she gets down to it, Saki in my estimation, is a pretty damn good wrestler! She is so relative to me, all she wants to do is sulk, and eat McDonalds, which makes her a Champion of the people. I want to see what comes next for her!
Waka Tsukiyama
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Waka is an interesting character (side note, born in NY, woot woot!), in that she had a losing streak through much of her career in STARDOM for about three years, just breaking it at New Blood Premium. This was such a special moment for her, and definitely a gratifying moment for longtime fans especially invested to FINALLY see her win the big one!!! Watching her for a short time, I've seen her gain confidence as a member of Cosmic Angels, and learning their signature dance! Which leads me to...
Mina Shirakawa
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I don't know if I'm meant to, but I get the sense that characterwise, something is a little off about Mina. A member of Cosmic Angels, and creator of its sub-faction Club Venus, she's employed Mariah May, Xia Brookside, Xena, and now Jessica Elaban into her group. Why am I suddenly thinking of Captain America: Civil War? Mina is talented and charismatic, someone I see becoming White Belt Champion. However, I also think she may stir up more than just the Title scene, and swaying Waka into Club Venus, and out of Cosmic Angels is one thought I've had in mind
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I don't know how to say this, Thekla, is just, fucking cool. A bad ass, a really cool moveset, currently besties w the Red Belt Champ in Giulia. SO EFFIN COOL. She's such a versatile wrestler and I enjoy her bouts with Mariah May, which is currently my Agenda™. I'm not sure her path, but a Tournament win would be nice to see!
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Mariah May
A member of Club Venus, with a Tombstone deadlier than The Undertaker. Mariah, much like her faction mates is cool, charismatic and supes kawaii (but not Top Kawaii, because that's Tam). She's someone I've found gets better in every match and I love to see that! I'm excited for what this year holds for her and the rest of Club Venus. Dream Match, Mariah May vs Sexy Dynamite Princess.
Miyu Amasaki
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Aka Kevin. Probably the least experienced member of Queen's Quest, whom Utami wants to see grow and step up, Miyu Amasaki recently had a Passion Injection match with Nanae Takashi, and called her shot, saying in one year's time, she would reach the top of the mountain. Miyu is interesting to me, as she is many times tested by her opponents who are veterans, and while she is talented, there is still so much potential for her growth, which will be great to see!
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Recently faced Mercedes Moné for the IWGP Women's Championship, and Saya Kamitani for the White belt at New Blood. Hazuki is an INCREDIBLE talent, who's stat-line does not do her justice. While she just comes short in the big matches, it is my hope that this year, she wins big.
Momo Kohgo
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Admittedly, I have not seen a lot of Momo Kohgo, but she seems to fit right in to STARS. She's also seemingly referred to as Komomo, and participated in the Press Conference for Mayu vs Mercedes as a translator, which I found cool and interesting! Momo is someone I wish to see more in STARDOM, as I've seem small bits of her wrestling and interacting with her faction mates.
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I feel like Koguma is riduculously cool, because well... she gets a bear over. A fucking bear. It's sweet as all hell, and also, she's really fast! Everytime I see a Koguma match, I'm excited to see banter and how each character is going to react to the bear, because every member manages to keep it interesting!
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stampwithtami · 1 year
Paper Pumpkin Alternate projects: Good Things
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  ALTERNATES TO THE DECEMBER PAPER PUMPKIN KIT Woot! It's time for some Paper Pumpkin inspiration. Our APPT – “A Paper Pumpkin Thing” blog hop is full of inspiration and alternate ideas featuring the December 2022 "Good things come in small packages" Paper Pumpkin kit. I opened up a window on the mini box and created a coordinating shaker card set. This is a fun gift card/treat box and card set that I created with the 2022 December Paper Pumpkin kit. I like the saying "Good things come in small packages" works for a baby gift but also birthday, congrats and more.  Scroll down for:✅ Written Instructions for the gift set✅ Photos of these projects✅ Links to more alternates from the kit✅ Links to the APPT blog hop INSTRUCTIONS INSTRUCTIONS NEW KIT & REFILLS SUBSCRIBE TO PAPER PUMPKIN PAPER PUMPKIN REFILLS CARD PHOTOS Want to save these ideas for later? Pin them to your favorite Pinterest board. Have you tried these designs? I love to see your creations! Be sure to share them on #shareyourcrafts post every Saturday on my Facebook Page. I've made a couple of gift sets with the 2022 December Paper Pumpkin kit. I really like the little gift card boxes. I have instructions for all of them: Brewed for you gift set & Pure Magic gift set. A bottle of red and a bottle of white, it all depends on your appetite! Learn how to make this liquid wine bottle shaker card with the Stampin' Up! Vintage Bottle Punch & Shaker Domes here. I used the Stampin' Up! For Everything Sequins for the shaker bits. These set of sequins is a good size and 3 colors come separately. I combined all three for this card.  I used the wrapper for the box for the confetti print on this card. It came pre-scored in a couple of areas. To make it blend I scored the entire section ever 1/2".  I used the Stylish Shapes dies for the Tahitian Tide frame.  The inside of the window box.     Get instructions and more details for my Brewed for You beer mug gift card set here.  Get instructions and more details for my Pure Magic gift card set here. The "Good things come in small packages" Paper Pumpkin kit (and refill) came with 16 mini gift card boxes. These are the projects created per the instructions.  BLOG HOP   Read the full article
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sussy-seafoam · 2 years
Anyways that means i can untagg my art blog in my dn 💕💕💕
ART AT @seafoam-bridge
Imma make a propper intro post sometime in the future, but thisll do for now 💕💕💕💕
edit: new blog @see-est-of-foams-collective for my system to post and interact cus THATS a thing we figured out recently owo;;;
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inga-don-studio · 2 years
Just found this preorder on Etsy for fan-made Sunnydrop/Moondrop pins (btw, probably not shipping out until early Spring by the looks of it)- sounds like they’re planning on making more beyond the preorder quantity but figured I’d get the word out to any fellow pin hoarders out there-
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forbidding-souda · 3 years
How about some dating hc for Byakuya and/or Kirumi? ✨💙
Relationship headcanons with Byakuya Togami
i have a party tonight woot woot my friend might sleep at my place tonight because we both got a 8am class tomorrow.
currently listening: boohooze by grey bush
-Mod Souda
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❤ After arguments, he's going to buy you stuff. He's a bit too stubborn for an apology so he'll resort to give giving. He'll get you designer clothes (some actually fit for your body) and sometimes stupid shit like a new blender.
❤ Sleeping in the same bed as him is rather interesting. He's not too in love with physical contact. At least, not for awhile into your relationship. He's fine with you sleeping next to him but if your body is too much pressed against him he's going to feel very uncomfortable.
❤ He's not very talkative in the morning either. He's focused on getting himself ready. He'll listen to you if you talk, but he most likely won't even respond.
❤ I can imagine he'll give you a small section of the room for you to put posters or pictures of your friends. If you're an artist, and you give him some of your work, he's going to pin it on 'his side' of the room.
❤ Whatever your favorite breakfast food is: he doesn't like it. You're going to have to try some of his rich people foods. Even if you want to have the chef cook something like chicken tenders, it's still gonna end up bougie for no reason.
❤ Playing your music on a speaker? No. Nice try. He's shutting that shit down real quick.
❤ Wait until he gets into your car and you got the aux. He's going to lose his shit, grumpy as all hell.
❤ Pull him into kisses by his tie. It will fluster him as all hell, but god does he find it attractive. If you do that, he won't hesitate to push you against a wall with his knee between your legs and his hands at your jaw.
❤ Rewinding the conversation, he's definitely going to wake you up in the mornings. If he's getting up, you have to now too. It's the rules.
❤ This is very niche but if you're into poetry (or specifically slam poetry) he'll actually be willing to hear it out and participate. Not writing his own shit but supporting other people.
❤ He takes awhile in the bathroom after showers. You should feel happy his house has five bathrooms. The one attached to ya'll's room is his, practically.
❤ He wants to meet your friends. Like, all of them. He wants to invite them over to the house and have dinner with all of them - he might be annoyed by them, but he finds a genuine interest in your personal life. Before the two of you even dated, he still found himself wanting to get to know you and your interests and the people you surrounded yourself with. This comes off as creepy at first.
❤ For one of your anniversaries he's going to be cheesy and gift you a very cute bear plushie with a ribbon around its neck and flowers. I can imagine him being very good at flower-gifting.
❤ If you're the type of person that have a hard time brushing your teeth or showering, he's going to do it with you. He'll force you, and this can be very embarrassing, as sometimes he'll bring the servants in to monitor you, but if you're willing then it's a cute moment.
❤ Apart of any clubs? Like a choir, band, environmental studies, or a coven? He'll hire a professional photographer to take photos of you and your community. He'll also print them, or make fliers, or even just photos to frame in his little 'you' collection.
❤ This is also niche but if you're a metalhead this bullet point is for you. He cannot stand nu metal. He hates it. I think he'd be chill with black metal or doom metal. Just not things with much tempo changes.
❤ For mitski fans, I don't think he'd mind much of mitski. Maybe some songs he'll just turn them off. But some, like the calmer ones, he might actually be moved by.
❤ Okay, last one, but this one is just funny to me. When you force him to get social media, the two of you will have matching profile pictures. (like grimes and elon musk JAKWNDJSBJSDKJHBSFKJHB)
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anarchycox · 2 years
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woot new pin arrived
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soulmate-game · 4 years
Can you do a prompt of Marinette being the daughter of the Joker and Harley but Harley left him before Marinette was born and when Joker found out about his daughter He decided to kidnap Marinette so she can become like him (Ace chemicals) (Daminette)
Woot, my first ask in a while! Let’s see how I can do this oddly specific ask that reminds me of a fic that might actually exist but tbh I’ve read so many fanfics idk if my brain is remembering right
Marinette knew Sabine and Tom weren’t her biological parents. She had known ever since she was eight, when her mother by blood visited her for the first time, sat her down, and explained everything. Including, but not limited to, her disastrously toxic past relationship, her new girlfriend, and her recent success with long term rehab (unofficial rehab that mostly consisted of illegal anti-hero actions, but hey if it worked it worked).
Marinette understood. Well no, she really didn’t since she was only eight, but she understood that her mom— that Harley— was genuine. She had always had a knack for emotions and telling when people were sincere or not. And Harley really was regretful about not being in her life beforehand, and was serious about wanting to be part of her life now that her own was mostly sorted out.
So Marinette was not surprised when Harley really did stick it out. When Harley cooed over Marinette copying her hairstyle to show her support of her biological mom, when Harley never failed to call at least once a week even if she was in jail for punching some asshole or another. Harley never stayed arrested long anymore, she was usually found to be on the right side of the moral scale more and more often so the police didn’t bother keeping her locked up anymore. Through the years, Marinette always looked forward to her mom’s calls. Looked forward to being lulled to sleep by one crazy story or another from her mother’s past. Everything was nice. Perfect, even, for a while.
A thump sounded from her balcony, one late night when Marinette was thirteen. Blinking, the dark haired girl furrowed her brows. Who would be on her balcony? Cautiously walking towards the trap door leading to it, grasping her metal pencil holder as a weapon (she remembered all of her Mom’s stories about break-ins and random attacks back in Gotham), the teen strained her ears. Akuma attacks were only a few months old now, but she had already become in high alert for any sign of Hawkmoth or his victims. As per usual, Marinette’s paranoia began to kick in. Did Hawkmoth already figure her out? Was he here for her earrings? Would she be able to fight him?
She gently pushed up the trap door, catching a glimpse of black leather. Huh? Marinette narrowed her eyes, confused. Was it Chat? He should have been on patrol, on the other side of the city. What was he doing visiting her?
Suddenly the trap door yanked the rest of the way open, making Marinette yelp as the handle for it rugged away from her fingers. And there, backlit by the pure blue-white moonlight, was Not Chat Noir. It was Catwoman, in all her skintight black leather glory, grinning at her before pushing her cat-eye goggles up to the top of her head and crouching down by the trap door’s entrance, balancing only on the pads of her feet.
“Well hello there~” the woman purred. “So you’re the cute little kitten Harley is so secretive about. Nice to finally meet you,” the woman held out a hand, sending Marinette a sweet, if mysterious, smile. For a while, the pigtailed girl only stared before a squeal of excitement left her throat, leaving very little room for any doubt as to her bloodline. A large smile curled over Marinette’s lips, leaving her beaming widely at the catlike woman on her balcony.
“Auntie Selina! Mom’s told me so much about you! Come in, come in, come in! I’ll sneak some macaroons up for you. Or do you prefer croissants? What’s your favorite flavor? Are you really dating Batman? Oh my goodness, that necklace is so lovely! Did you steal it?”
Selina could only chuckle fondly at the word vomit, letting the smaller girl drag her down the trap door and into her very… pink room. Looking around, Selina was once again slapped with just how similar this kid was to her outgoing friend. Marinette clearly had no shame in indulging in the things she liked, such as the color pink and anything regarding fashion. But there were other things amongst the girliness of the room, like the posters of Jagged Stone and the training dummy half-sticking out of her closet door. There were a few ornamental knives hung up behind her computer, seemingly just for decoration although Selina could see that they were definitely battle ready and sharpened. A small mallet, clearly a miniature replica of her mother’s own signature weapon, leaned up against the side of the girl’s laundry basket. But then there was Marinette’s mannequin, which was surrounded by meticulously cut pieces of cloth and had other pieces pinned to it strategically. Marinette clearly had the same professionalism and love for her chosen career that had so completely defined Harley in the Time Before Joker. The same genius intellect hiding in those deceptively cheerful bluebell eyes. And for the first time, though not for the last to be sure, Selina found herself thoroughly relieved that it seemed Marinette had inherited very little from her father.
Except, as she would learn from stories Harley told her later, an apparent affinity for chaos.
“I’m not that picky, kitten. But I’m not that hungry, so don’t go too out of your way,” Selina decided to just react the same way she did with Harley’s rambles, and answer one question at a time. “Also, I am actually dating Bruce Wayne. But, if you promise not to tell anyone—“ she waited for Marinette’s eager nod before continuing casually, “— the two are maybe not as mutually exclusive as many think,” Selina finished with a conspiratorial wink. “No, I actually did not steal this necklace. Bruce has been adamant in trying to curb me of my thieving habit by buying me almost everything I so much as glance at sideways. It’s sweet. Naive, because I like stealing for the fun of it, but sweet.”
Marinette giggled, bouncing in place happily. She loved a bit of innocent gossip like this. “Is Momma Ivy ever gonna visit? I don’t think Mom told her much about me yet, and I still gotta give her the shovel talk!” the fierce look that overcame Marinette’s face made Selina laugh again. Oh yes, definitely her mother’s daughter.
“Pam has been trying to sneak over, but the laws regarding Metahumans in Paris suddenly got much stricter a few months back and have caused some problems. You wouldn’t happen to know what happened, would you?” Selina did not miss when her seemingly innocent question caused her niece to close off almost instantly. Bluebell eyes took on a familiar guardedness, and scanned her with the same soul-searching intensity that Harley had when she was channeling her Psychiatrist side. Selina found herself in a slightly concerning spot though—
Because she couldn’t predict Marinette at all. She was left to simply stand there as Marinette searched for some unidentifiable thing in her eyes, completely unable to read the younger girl’s face and with no idea of what to expect. The side effect of having chaos so thoroughly entwined in both of her biological parents, she supposed.
“Nope, no idea.”
Selina knew that was a lie, but knew equally as well that she would not be getting a better answer anytime soon. So, she let it go and the two of them once again dipped into innocent chatter.
Later that night, when Selina left and the sun threatened to rise at any minute, Tikki flew up from her hiding spot under Marinette’s pillow to land on her holder’s shoulder. Marinette giggled and looked over at her little friend.
“Yes, Mari?”
“Why was I chosen to be your holder?” She asked suddenly, flopping back into her bed and staring at her ceiling. The little goddess hummed, smiling knowingly before flying down to cuddle in the crook of Marinette’s neck.
“Because you are born from luck itself. Even when bad things happen, you have the luck and determination to get out just fine, and stronger than before. And despite the destruction and anarchy in your blood, you have the willpower to reign it in and keep control of yourself. That’s all order really is, Marinette. The decision to take all the chaos and madness around us, and make it make sense. Make it do something good. And that’s a large part of who you are, I could feel it in your soul the moment we first met.”
Marinette closed her eyes, biting the inside of her cheek. “What if I lose control?”
“... You’ll just have to get it back. It’ll be hard, but as long as you have people to support you, you will be able to do it. You aren’t evil, Marinette,” the small God seemed to sense the true question her holder was asking, and did her best to soothe the doubt the girl felt. “Just remember the reasons you fight against chaos. Remember everyone you love, and you’ll be okay. And you have me, I’ll always help you.”
“... thank you, Tikki.”
“He’s going to find out, Mom.”
“No he won’t, don’t be silly! I’ve been very careful about hiding you from him, Nettie-pie.”
“Mom… I just have a bad feeling. I don’t think we can hide who I am from him. If he sees me, I think he’ll know.”
The phone went silent.
“If he hurts you, I’ll kill him. If I was crazy about him, Sugar, then I’m head over heels for you. Not even he can stop me from caving his skull in if he tries his usual tricks with you.”
“... My plane leaves soon, I’ll talk to you when I land. And mom?”
“Yeah, honeycake?”
“I love you.”
It was uncanny just how often Marinette’s hunches were right. Her intuition was something to behold, truly, because it only took three days in Gotham before Joker snatched her right out of her room at Harley and Ivy’s apartment. At least Marinette had sixteen by then, so she had had enough experience as a hero in Paris and with generally unpredictable situations and people who were absolutely nuts for her to not immediately panic. Too much, anyway.
Because there was definitely a little panic there.
See, Marinette knew herself inside out by then. After her own battle with her toxic feelings towards Adrien and doing her best to heal from those before she turned out like her mom, she knew she was by no means mentally indestructible. Mental illness ran the high risk of being inherited, and Marinette was well aware that her own personality was scarily similar to her mother’s at times. She got attached quickly, felt affection and love for others very strongly and, as she found with Adrien, could easily become obsessive if she didn’t watch herself. At least Harley was the perfect person to help with that, and Marinette was serious about helping herself too. She did everything she could to keep an eye on her mental health and keep her behavior in check so she didn’t do anything too unhealthy with her relationships again.
But she knew, she knew she had a soft spot for family. She got attached too easily. And being in the same room as her biological father, despite being tied up by her hands and feet and knowing just how many unforgivable things he had done in his life, Marinette felt vulnerable. She didn’t want to hurt him, despite everything. She still loved him, despite every reason not to, despite her first meeting with him being with him shoving chloroform over her face and hogtying her to a metal chain dangling over a vat of acid.
Geez, she’d need more than just her mom as a therapist after this for sure. Even if her mom had a PH.D, Marinette felt like she’d need several psychiatrists to sort through her emotional turmoil right then and make sense of any of it.
Marinette licked her lips, aware that the only kindness that Joker gave his daughter was sparing her from the discomfort of being gagged.
“Don’t,” Marinette said, surprising herself with the amount of steel she was able to put into her voice. Somehow, she managed to make the single word sound more like an order than a plead. “Joker, put me—“
“Ah-Ah-Ah!” The clown walked over, tutting and waving his finger in the air in almost playful admonishment. He gave her a dramatically fake pout. “Don’t you know it’s disrespectful to refer to your father by his first name?” Neither of them mentioned that Joker was definitely not his real name. They both knew the point was moot. “Say it with me now— ‘Daddy dearest, I am more than willing to be dunked in acid for you,’ go ahead, say it.”
Marinette’s jaw clenched. Familial love or not, she would not tolerate being ridiculed like that. She dealt with enough ridicule when she was fourteen and fifteen during school, before she put Liar Rossi in her place. She had spent the past three years as a hero in charge of the war against Hawkmoth, in charge of protecting all of Paris from an emotional terrorist.
And gee, wasn’t that what Joker was, too? Sure, he was a terrorist in the classic meaning of the word as well, but he was nothing if not a skilled manipulator. He knew the human mind just as well as Harley or any other psychiatrist did, he just used his knowledge for different means. He had emotionally abused Harley for years, he emotionally abused and manipulated people all across gotham on a daily basis. He was just another Hawkmoth, but with more physical violence in place of magic.
With these thoughts strengthening her resolve, Marinette narrowed her eyes at the man who donated half of her DNA. She let her anger boil into her irises, hitting him with one of the few traits she knew she inherited from him.
Her ability to intimidate others on the tip of a hat.
“No,” she growled back at him. She took a deep breath. It had taken her a while, but she refused to be ashamed of who she was regardless of her blood relation. She would have no problem using the very things she inherited from Joker against him. She might have gotten most of Harley’s personality, she might have inherited her mother’s habit of falling in love hard, fast, and obsessively, but she also had Joker’s defiance. His bone-deep inability to be stopped from doing exactly whatever the fuck he wanted.
And then, there were Marinette’s own traits. The ones that were completely her own, developed over her life organically. Like her refusal to bow down to bullies, her creativity, her ability to take even the most chaotic situation and see some sort of balance and sanity in it that she could use to her advantage.
That she WOULD use to her advantage. The shadows she saw move out of the corner of her eye gave her the chance to do exactly that, she just needed to buy a few more seconds. Just a few more seconds.
“Excuse me?” Joker growled right back, his own intimidation, honed over more years than Marinette had been alive and thus much more potent than her own, reading its ugly head as he stalked towards her. His face was pulled down into an ugly snarl, his shoulders tensed and back straight as he glared right at her. From his spot on the metal walkway, he was easily able to reach over the railing and grab her chin in one pale, viciously strong hand. “I think you’re misunderstanding something here, little Marionette. I’m your father. Half of your life came directly from ME. That makes you my puppet. You exist to follow my orders,” his right grip suddenly let go, leaving behind the beginnings of a bruise as his entire demeanor changed from angry to cheerful. He spread his arms as if gesturing to the whole chemical plant victoriously, and an unnaturally large smile curved over his lips and bared yellowing teeth at her. “But that’s okay. I’ll forgive you this time, you haven’t learned any better yet. That’s why we’re here. We need to cleanse you of all those icky bad habits you’ve learned up until now, all you need is a little,” he bounced in place with a wicked smirk to illustrate his next words— “jumpstart. A little acid goes a long way to enlightenment you know, you’ll see my side of things in no time. And with my blood in you, you’ll make a better sidekick than that idiot Harley ever did. I can sense it, you’ve got a real talent for Chaos in you, it’s exciting, Heheeeheheee! Now then, we should probably speed things along before our family reunion is cut short. Hang in there, my little Marionette,” the man actually had the gall to spin in place while humming a tune cheerfully before all but dancing over to the lever that held Marinette’s length of chain in the air over the vat of chemicals below her. “Everything will clear up in that little head of yours in just a second!”
There! Right as Joker pulled the switch to lower her into the bubbling vat underneath her, Marinette was able to finish untying her hands. She couldn’t contain a small yelp as gravity flung her body forward, leaving her upside down on the chain for a brief moment. That was when the chain started lowering rapidly, and Marinette was barely able to rip the rope off of her ankles in time to swing off of it and onto the metal walkway that came up right next to the giant metal container of liquid death and insanity. Joker had barely enough time to shout in rage before the windows near the ceiling shattered, admitting the city’s vigilantes themselves. Batman, Nightwing, Red Robin, Red Hood, Robin, and evening Black Bat all landed on the same metal platform above Marinette’s head that Joker was still on, buying the teen time to start running. But she didn’t go towards the exit right away, instead heading right up the stairs into the thick of the fight. Robin briefly separated from where Joker was managing to hold his own, goons flooding from side doors to inhibit the heroes in their attempt to bring their boss down.
The katana-using vigilante kept one eye on Marinette the whole time, suspicious of why the girl would come back up if not to help her father. But that wasn’t what she did, instead she flipped and kicked and punched her way through the quickly growing sea of Joker thugs until she reached a small pink purse that had been abandoned near the lever that had nearly sent her into liquid insanity. Three thugs surrounded her right as she snatched the purse up and slung it over her shoulder, but Robin barely had the chance to head over before she was heaving the men, who were all easily three times her size, over her shoulder and was slamming elbows into soft spots and the side of her hand into pressure points. By the time Robin got to her side, all three men were unconscious and bound to wake up in utter agony.
Marinette glanced up, getting ready to haul Robin over her shoulder as well before she realized who he was. She let her shoulders relax just a tick, sighing in relief before returning her eyes to scanning their surroundings. She shot him a brief grin.
“Good thing my adoptive mother, Mom, Momma Ivy, and Auntie Selina all made sure I knew how to take down a small army on my own, huh?” She asked rhetorically before they were both unceremoniously dragged back into the giant brawl.
Harley and Pamela Quinzel-Isley shoved down anyone and everyone who dared block their direct path to their daughter. The girl of the hour stood next to the bat clan, a shock blanket held tightly around her shoulders as she did her best to finish her statement to both the vigilantes and Commissioner Gordon.
“You untied yourself… from a ship-grade knot in high quality rope… with a phone charm?” They heard Gordon ask incredulously, to which Marinette could only give a lopsided smile. That was when her mom and stepmom crashed into her, enveloping her in a nearly suffocating hug.
“Gah— mom— momma Ivy—“ Marinette flailed in their arms for a bit before finally getting her head free and continuing her statement as if she didn’t have two of the most dangerous women in the city still giving her a bone crushing hug. “That’s better. Yes, Commissioner. You see, I realized when I was in the car with Joker, while I was pretending to still be unconscious, that one of the charms on my phone had pretty sharp corners that I could use like a serrated edge if I had enough time. So I carefully detached it from my phone, and held it in my palm. It took almost an hour, but once Joker noticed I was awake I kept him talking so that he didn’t notice what I was doing even as he tied me up to that chain. Really, it’s just lucky that I was able to get it worn down in time,” Marinette rubbed the back of her neck with a nervous chuckle. “But regardless, I think Batman and his partners,” she nodded to the listening vigilantes just to the side of her. “Were close enough that I would have been caught anyway, I just wanted to make sure they had less work to do. The sooner I freed myself, the sooner ‘Daddy Dearest,’” she grimaced as she mockingly used the same term Joker had tried to get her to say earlier that night. “Could go back behind bars where he belongs.”
“Oh my little Nettie-cake,” Harley cried, finally pulling back from the hug long enough to wipe her cheeks. It was clear that she had been crying for a while, and her colorful pigtails were mussed and tangled from where she must have been tugging on them in worry. “You were right. I’m so sorry, I never should have let you come to Gotham when I knew he was out of Arkham.”
Marinette was quick to shake her head frantically, pulling her arms out of Ivy’s hold so she could grasp Harley’s shoulders firmly. “No. No, Mom, I’m fine! And besides, we knew I couldn’t stay secret forever. I really like staying with you and Momma Ivy! Everything turned out fine though, and he’s headed back to Arkham. It’s okay.”
“It’s not okay, Nettle,” Pam argued, distracting herself by running her hands through Marinette’s bangs. She had only known the girl for two years, but that was more than long enough for her to consider the teenager as her own. “He took you right out from under our noses. You were supposed to be safe in our home, and he still got to you. That’s not okay. We weren’t able to protect you like we should have been. Maybe you should go back to Paris early.”
“What?! No way!” Marinette argued, eyes wide. “This is the first time I’ve been able to ever visit you guys in Gotham, I’m not letting some psycho sperm donor keep me from enjoying time with my family! I came here knowing full well that it was dangerous. I’m not gonna just run away after one bad experience.”
Harley snorted, and then devolved into uncontrollable giggles. “Heh— psycho sperm donor. Good one, sugar!”
Marinette smiled and rolled her eyes good naturedly at her mom’s usual immature antics. Seeing as Gordon had walked away muttering to himself a short while ago, Marinette pulled herself the rest of the way away from her moms and turned to the vigilantes. Without a second’s pause, she bowed to them just like her Maman Sabine taught her.
“Thank you for helping save me. I know it’s probably a shock that I’ve been kept secret from you guys all this time, but I hope you don’t lump me in with the likes of the green-haired half of my DNA. I’m staying with my Moms in their apartment, if you guys decide to patrol by our place like I suspect, I’ll leave some baked goods and coffee out for you on our patio. It’s the least I can do for you all after tonight. And don’t be too hard on Auntie Selina. Me and Mom swore her to secrecy, even from you guys.”
Batman jerked a little at the mention of Catwoman’s real name, jaw twitching for a second. Behind his cowl, his eyes narrowed. Marinette laughed, easily reading his body language and expression.
“She never told me who you are, but she didn’t exactly hide it either. It was easy to put the last pieces together on my own. But don’t worry, SHE swore me to secrecy too. I won’t tell anyone.
“How the hell are you related to the Laughing Asswipe from Hell?” Red Hood blurted out, his confusion clear even from behind his hideous helmet. Marinette burst into giggles, and both Pamela and Harley smiled knowingly.
“Mom gave me up for adoption when I was born, so I spent my whole life in Paris up until now,” she admitted. “Mom didn’t visit me for the first time until I was eight, and she and my adoptive parents are so awesome that it must’ve suffocated the worst traits from his DNA before they had a chance to develop,” she guessed out loud with a good natured smile.
Batman grunted. Marinette knew that one run-in wasn’t enough for them to trust her. After all, she was still the biological daughter of their arch enemy. But she didn’t mind, she understood the caution even if she didn’t fully agree with it. They weren’t outright hostile, despite the fact that Robin had never stopped glaring at her since they fought back-to-back against the mob of thugs earlier. She could live with their suspicion, as long as they continued to not be outright rude or mean to her.
At least she could empathize with Adrien now, whenever she figured out how to break it to him that Hawkmoth was definitely Gabriel and couldn’t be anyone else. Hopefully she could help soften the blow for him a little.
Harley and Ivy were starting to herd Marinette towards their car and take her back home, where they could continue to smother her in care and make sure she didn’t have even a scratch on her, when Robin’s voice stopped them all in their tracks.
“You are a surprisingly capable combatant.”
Marinette froze, blinking in surprise for a second before turning to stare at Robin in shock. The rest of the Bat Clam was doing the same, nobody expecting Robin of all people to be the first to directly complement Marinette. He tutted, crossing his arms, but never moved his gaze away from Marinette’s eyes.
“But your form could use some work. Most of your style is incredibly improvised, which I can appreciate since you do it well, but you would benefit from more structure in your fighting. I will set up a time and place for us to spar. We start in two days, if you think you can handle it.”
It took a while for what Robin said to sink in, and another few seconds for Marinette to decipher what his semi-aggressive, order-phrased proposal really meant. And she smiled.
“It’s a date.”
Woo! This started off a little rough, but I really like how it ended up! Thank you, Anon!
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sunflowersteves · 4 years
bloody & bruised || one night
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Mob!Bucky Barnes x Boxer!Reader
𝒄𝒉. 𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚: You were hoping that you never had to see the mob boss ever again after a one night stand. However, he just so happens to attend your boxing match. It’s only a coincidence, right?
author’s note: woot chapter 3!! god i really love this series, the reader is such a badass! sorry for taking so long, I hope you all enjoy this chapter! 
warnings: blood, gore, swearing, making out, tiny bit of fluff
previous chapter // series m.list // m.list
“You know, you could just let it go.”
Bucky rolled his eyes at Steve who was sitting across from him at the table. Bucky had organized a meeting with his most trusted friends: Sam, Natasha, and Steve. They were supposed to be talking about who stole their last shipments but the conversation had shifted towards the one night stand he had a month ago.
“Let it go? She walked out on me, not the other way around. I won’t let her get away with that.”
Bucky pursed his lips as Sam’s smirk never died. He could only stare at his boss and long time friend with a dashing smirk. Bucky couldn’t help but roll his eyes again at his friends. They didn’t understand, he couldn’t let one woman ruin his empire.
Although, if Bucky was being completely honest with himself, he couldn’t stop thinking about you. He couldn’t stop thinking about your laughter after a bottle of whiskey, or your bruised knuckles, or your eyes.
Fuck—your eyes were glorious. The way they dazzled when he talked about nothing in particular or your eyes dilated when his lips met your neck. The way your eyes lit up when you talked about boxing. His heart thumped against his chest like never before.
One night.
One goddamn amazing fucking night.
One night was all it took for Bucky to be completely and utterly taken with you. His stomach churned when he thought about the sweet sounds you made that night.
He was also quite impressed with you. Since the first day you met, you never took any of his shit. Nobody has ever done that before — not even the friends he calls family. You didn’t want anything to do with him on the subway and you didn’t fight for him in the ring, which a lot of people do because of their fear.
But you never gave in, not once.
He couldn’t get you out of his head and it was driving him up the damn wall. When he saw that you had left him there in an empty bed, his heart was crushed into little pieces. Never had anyone ever left him alone in a cold bed. He was always the one to leave first or kick them out.
You were annoyingly headstrong, dumbly naive, stupidly beautiful, and bucky fucking hated it. He hated that all he could think about was your soft skin. He hated that all he could think about was your eyes staring back at him. He hated it so fucking because he isn’t supposed to have these feelings.
He’s the big bad mob boss of Brooklyn. He’s a cold stone killer who gets off on crime. He shouldn’t feel the things he’s feeling with you.
“You like her.” Sam just continued to smirk at his friend. Bucky’s heart thudded in his chest more rapidly at the idea. He did like you. He liked you a lot. For the whole month, he couldn’t get you out of his head.
“You’re being ridiculous. I don’t like her.” Sam’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. Normally, Barnes was a cocky little shit and paraded on and on about the women he’s been with. This was the first time he’d ever denied it.
You were different. You rubbed him the wrong way, in every way, but he couldn’t help but think about you.
“Damn, you like like her. You’ve got it bad.” Natasha took a sip of her beer, her right eyebrow was slightly raised. Sam and Steve continued to relentlessly tease and prod him for being infatuated with some girl.
But Natasha knew it was more than that. She saw the little smile he had when they teased him. She saw that he fidgeted a bit and a blush crept up his neck every single time he thought about you.
It looked as if Bucky Barnes, the baddest man in all of Brooklyn, had found love at first sight.
“Shouldn’t we be on the topic of who's stealing my shipments, Wilson?”
Stupid. Punch. Fucking. Punch. Barnes. Punch.
Your knuckles throbbed against your skin, you could feel them bruising already. You couldn’t get that stupid mobster out of your head. For the past month, you’ve done nothing but try to avoid him.
You’d see his bodyguards in front of Carol’s gym so you would use the back door. Sometimes you’d see his car waiting outside or Bucky himself would be standing outside but you’d use the side entrance instead.
It’s not that you didn’t want to see him. You honestly did, that burning desire had settled right into your stomach. However, you didn’t want to get tangled in shit you shouldn’t be tangled in. You needed to focus on your career and boxing career, not some mobster that you can’t seem to get out of your head.
“If Carol knows you’re here, practicing before a match, she’ll kill you.”
A sigh leaves your mouth as you look to see Shuri leaning on one of the other punch bags that was rooted in the ground. You looked down to see your knuckles somewhat bloody—stinging slightly.
“I know. I’m just stressed.”
Shuri grabbed an ice pack from out of the freezer from the corner of the room and handed it over. You pressed them against your knuckles and relished in the cool feeling it gave on your slightly swollen knuckles.
“Thinking about a certain mobster?”
Her eyes twinkled with tease, and she sat on the wooden bench next to the punching bags. Another sigh left your lips and you nodded, walking over to sit next to her on the bench.
“I don’t know, Shuri. It’s like my brain is in spirals every time I think about him. I think about how hard he laughed when I told a story that night. I think about kissing his lips and looking into those damn eyes—those damn blue eyes rarely leave my head.”
She looked at you with sorrow-filled eyes. She opened her arms and you leaned into her touch, resting yourself on her lap. You were lucky to have a friend like her.
“What’s stopping you?”
She moved her thumb up and down your arm in a soothing motion. You close your eyes, letting your emotions settle deep inside within your heart.
“I don’t know anything about him. And I certainly don’t know the things that he’s done but I imagine it’s not all good things.”
You paused, lifting yourself off of Shuri’s lap to look at her fully. You needed to know what the hell was going on with you. You’ve never acted this way around any of your other partners. Bucky made you want to rip your hair out of your head in frustration but also made you want to make love to him on a rainy day.
“But it feels like we’re… I don’t know. It’s stupid-”
“Soulmates?” She inquired, then laughed at the bewildered expression on your face. She knew you didn’t mean soulmates, but she also knew you did mean that too. There was something different about Bucky that made your heart soar.
“Not to that level but, yeah. It’s like we’re meant to be together.”
The idea of soulmates almost makes you want to laugh but maybe it was another cliche like ‘love at first sight.’ Whatever it was, you wanted to get to the bottom of it. You wanted to be near him, to be with him.
“All I know is, you’ve never been this way with a guy.” She looked at the time and sat up, gesturing that the two of you need to run to the stadium before it’s too late.
“C’mon, I want you to come test out my new project.”
Some of Carol’s assistants make sure that your gloves are secure on your hands. Gamora is preparing you for the tournament. You nod at whatever she’s saying but it’s hard to pay attention from all the screaming in the crowd.
You lock eyes with your opponent, Hope Van Dyne. She looks at you with a raised eyebrow but you can’t help but form a little smile. Even though boxing culture likes to pin women against each other, you were never one to follow those rules. All of you were just doing what you loved.
She still has her eyebrows raised, but she cracks a small smile back at you.
You break the contact and look across the stadium. Thousands of people were gathered for this event, and they were cheering like no tomorrow in your presence. Your eyes scan the crowd and you see Shuri and her brother waving at you. You smile back and give a little wave.
However, your whole body freezes as you recognize a face in the crowd. You see Steve’s blonde hair stricken itself in the vast majority of the crowd. He was walking down to the front row which means that if he’s here-
Your eyes trail down to where he was heading and you lock eyes with that fucking mobster, Bucky. His gray ocean eyes were staring right back at yours and you couldn’t look away. You didn’t want to look away.
A smirk settled right on his face, and man, did you want to kiss— uh, punch. Yeah, you wanted to punch him right in those pretty pink lips.
Your attention is diverted as the ringleader lifts the rope and comes inside the ring. Carol is yelling at you, giving you as much advice as she can before the match starts.
You find yourself nodding at whatever she’s saying before your eyes flicker over to Bucky’s again—you tell yourself it’s just for safe measure. He winks back at you, that damn smug smirk still resting on his lips.
“Round One!” the number girl walks around, your eyes locking with Hope’s. The ring girl moves out of the way, the referee stands nearby—watching your every move. You dance around each other for a while, testing and teasing one another.
Hope makes the first swing, which you immediately dodge. You watch as she curses slightly, sweat dripping down her chin. Your gloves started to feel heavy already, despite being used to them.
The heavy sweat on your body didn’t help, you needed to focus. This time, you made the first move. You almost got her too, the uppercut just barely missing her jaw. Her smirk was prominent, which just made you grimace. You hear Carol’s advice ring through your head, so you relax your shoulders and close your eyes.
Immediately, out of nowhere you snap your eyes open and swing to your right. Your glove landed right in the middle of her rib cage. She stumbled back with a gasp leaving her lips, and you watched as her eyes narrowed slightly towards you.
But what you didn’t see coming was the uppercut she gave right back, her glove hitting you square in the jaw. This has dazed you quite a bit, some blood squirting out of your mouthguard. You stumble backward, landing on your knees. You can faintly hear the referee call out so you stumble back up, not letting him count another number.
The two of you dance for a while again—dodging and blocking one another. Round after round, punching and dodging which all the more made you tired. Your jaw was hit three times, she knew that was a weakness. Her rib cage was hit three times, you knew her right foot had a weakness.
The referee looked at the two of you before starting the match again, Carol and Gamora shouting at you—trying to become louder than the crowd. You lock eyes with Hope again, a smirk coming up to her face again as she tries to hit you with another uppercut.
Luckily, you saw this one coming so you quickly grab it and put her in a hold. One punch—two—three—and she shoves you off of her, the referee yelling at the crowd while the crowd yells back at him.
You felt slightly dizzy from the shove but you knew she was worse, she just got three punches to the gut. In a sudden flash, Hope latches onto you and traps you in around her. She’s got you completely stuck, and she delivers the same blows except for one, only enduring two punches before you shove her off.
You rest your hands on your knees for a second, trying to steady yourself and you watch as Hope tries to do the same. Your body feels limp from the hours of dancing around each other and the punches you endured from her.
The crowd was practically on the edge of their seat as they watched the two of you stand there and regain your composure. You close your eyes slightly, breathe in and out to calm yourself down. Your mouthguard was red at this point—the taste of copper was overwhelming.
Your eyes snap open in a flash and you run up to her, striking a punch that hit straight into her chest. God, she was really good. You knew professional boxing would be hard but holy fuck this was the hardest match you had ever faced.
The wind was knocked out of her, the referee yelling to the crowd while the crowd cheered back. She was knocked back on her feet, body slamming into the cushioned ring. It almost felt silent, your ears ringing like no tomorrow as you stared wide-eyed at your opponent.
The referee bent down, counting to ten, and watched her closely to see if she was able to stand. Her eyes were closed shut and you almost felt sick to your stomach. You didn’t mean to knock her out.
The referee completes his counting, her team running over to her. The ref walks up to you and holds your arm up in the air—your smile as bright as it can be.
You did it. Your first professional match. And you won.
You sat on one of the benches in the locker room, a cold town wrapped around your neck. You inspected your knuckles, the pressure of hitting and the glove had made them ache and bleed. Your jaw had a large bruise, it started to swell already.
You were inspecting your injuries in the locker mirrors when you saw the all too familiar mob boss waltz right in.
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t the boxing champion.”
You just rolled your eyes, a string of curses leave your mouth as you disinfect your knuckles. They stung pretty goddamn bad.
“You know, doll, last month-” he watches you fiddle with the bandage, another string of curses leave your mouth from not being able to hold it down.
With two hands throbbing and swollen, it was kind of hard to put a bandage on them. He kneels down, so he’s right in front of you. He gently takes your hand and you watch with an awe stricken face as he delicately wraps the bandaid on the pads of your knuckles.
You look up from the wound and stare into his eyes—noticing that he was already looking at you. Your eyes flickered back and forth between his, those blue eyes were captivating. It was like he was sucking you into a deep void of just him.
Your mouth was quick, blurting out the sentence that kept running through your head, “want to get out of here?”
He smiled like never before, eyes sparkling—teasing almost. This naturally made you become flustered, you started to fiddle with your hands as he continued to not say a word.
Finally, he speaks with that smirk etched across his face, “only if you promise you won’t leave in the morning.”
He took you to his car, which surprised you when it was him that actually drove instead of one of his lackeys. You get into the passenger seat, and he immediately drives off, heading to his mansion.
When you arrived, you noticed that no guards or his friends were around. You assumed there were at least some guards but maybe they were told to try and be hidden. His mansion was large, with gold and yellows fluttering across the walls.
You walk over to the coffee table and pick up a bottle of wine, pour some for yourself and Bucky. He walks over and takes the glass from you, his lips pressed into that dashing smirk. Yeah, you were definitely going to have fun with him.
For the rest of the night, the two of you become quite busy running and dancing around the big house. It was relaxing to be around each other and just be yourselves, you could tell that Bucky was enjoying your company too.
You giggled, swaying your fourth glass of wine in your hand, while Bucky laughed at your demeanor. Bucky walked over and pressed something on his phone, resulting in some jazz playing throughout the house.
Prior to the wine and jazz, you had talked for hours about whatever was related to the conversation. You laughed together and teased one another, enjoying the other’s presence.
His large hands went to rest on your hips, the two of you drunkenly swaying about in his large living room. Your arms were wrapped around his neck and your head was buried in the crook of his neck. He pulled you even closer by securing his hands around your hips.
You lift your head and stare at the mob boss in front of you, trying to memorize every detail of his chestnut hair or the structure of his nose. Bucky moved his hands, so they rested on your cheek, his heart was beating a mile a minute and his stomach was flip flopping at the beauty of yourself.
He didn’t know what this feeling was, but he liked it. Oh, did he really like it. He started to lean in while your eyes fluttered closed, his lips placing themselves on yours. His lips were soft and wet, tongue tasted like wine. Your hands immediately went into fists on his chest, your mouths moving in sync and enveloping each other with passionate promises.
His hands worked their way down your figure, trying to touch every square inch of your body. You tasted oh so sweet, like cherry lip balm and crystal red wine. You were running out of breath but you didn’t care. Your lips were locked, tongues exploring, hands shaking, and you weren’t about to let this go.
Deep down you knew you shouldn’t be here with him. You knew it was a terrible idea. But, you couldn’t stop, you didn’t want to stop. You wanted to touch his lips, tracing your fingers around his face. You wanted to dance like this on nights where you knew you’d be alone together. You wanted to bake cookies with him but let it result in a food fight.
You didn’t want this night to end.
He quickly separated from the kiss and before you could protest, his forehead rested on top of yours. His smile only got wider at the sound of your laughter, his hands coming up to rest on your cheeks again.
Bucky creased his eyebrows in confusion at the buzz that started in his pocket. He told Nat, Sam, and Steve to leave him alone for the night because you were here. He then looked down at his phone, and all he could feel was the dread in the pit of his stomach.
Unknown Number: Pretty girl you got there, isn’t it?
Unknown Number: It would be a shame if somebody killed her.
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next chapter
marvel: @harrysthiccthighss​ @fandomsandxfiles​ @rebekahdawkins​
bucky barnes: @harrysthiccthighss​ @rebekahdawkins​
bloody & bruised: @xoasalxo​ @raven-rust​ @widowbite-legit​
permanent taglist: @captainchrisstan​ @angstysebfan​ @teenagereadersciencenerd​ @rebekahdawkins​ @hailmary-yramliah​
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moonpaw · 4 years
Is there....Is there a place to read the entire uwu-fied bee movie script? I'd love to send it to all of my friends for reasons that don't involve making them curse at me for putting weird shit in the discord again
Bee movie scwipt - diawogue twanscwipt
accowding to aww known waws of aviation,
thewe is no way a bee shouwd be abwe to fwy.
its wings awe too smaww to get its fat wittwe body off the gwound.
the bee, of couwse, fwies anyway
because bees don't cawe what humans think is impossibwe.
yewwow, bwack. Yewwow, bwack. yewwow, bwack. Yewwow, bwack.
ooh, bwack and yewwow! let's shake it up a wittwe.
bawwy! bweakfast is weady!
hang on a second.
hewwo? owo
- bawwy? owo - adam? owo
- oan you bewieve this is happening? owo - i can't. I'ww pick you up.
looking shawp.
use the staiws. Youw fathew paid good money fow those.
sowwy. I'm excited.
hewe's the gwaduate. we'we vewy pwoud of you, son.
a pewfect wepowt cawd, aww b's.
vewy pwoud.
ma! i got a thing going hewe.
- you got wint on youw fuzz. - ow! that's me!
- wave to us! we'ww be in wow 118,000. - bye!
bawwy, i towd you, stop fwying in the house!
- hey, adam. - hey, bawwy.
- is that fuzz gew? owo - a wittwe. Speciaw day, gwaduation.
nevew thought i'd make it.
thwee days gwade schoow, thwee days high schoow.
those wewe awkwawd.
thwee days cowwege. I'm gwad i took a day and hitchhiked awound the hive.
you did come back diffewent.
- hi, bawwy. - awtie, gwowing a mustache? owo  looks good.
- heaw about fwankie? owo - yeah.
- you going to the funewaw? owo - no, i'm not going.
evewybody knows, sting someone, you perish.
don't waste it on a squiwwew. such a hothead.
i guess he couwd have just gotten out of the way.
i wove this incowpowating an amusement pawk into ouw day.
that's why we don't need vacations.
boy, quite a bit of pomp... undew the ciwcumstances.
- weww, adam, today we awe men. - we awe!
- bee-men. - amen!
students, facuwty, distinguished bees,
pwease wewcome dean buzzweww.
wewcome, new hive oity gwaduating cwass of...
that concwudes ouw cewemonies.
and begins youw caweew at honex industwies!
wiww we pick ouwjob today? owo
i heawd it's just owientation.
heads up! hewe we go.
keep youw hands and antennas inside the twam at aww times.
- wondew what it'ww be wike? owo - a wittwe scawy.
wewcome to honex, a division of honesco
and a pawt of the hexagon gwoup.
this is it!
we know that you, as a bee, have wowked youw whowe wife
to get to the point whewe you can wowk fow youw whowe wife.
honey begins when ouw vawiant powwen jocks bwing the nectaw to the hive.
ouw top-secwet fowmuwa
is automaticawwy cowow-cowwected, scent-adjusted and bubbwe-contouwed
into this soothing sweet sywup
with its distinctive gowden gwow you know as...
- that giww was hot. - she's my cousin!
- she is? owo - yes, we'we aww cousins.
- right. You'we wight. - at honex, we constantwy stwive
to impwove evewy aspect of bee existence.
these bees awe stwess-testing a new hewmet technowogy.
- what do you think he makes? owo - not enough.
hewe we have ouw watest advancement, the kwewman.
- what does that do? owo - oatches that wittwe stwand of honey
that hangs aftew you pouw it. saves us miwwions.
oan anyone wowk on the kwewman? owo
of couwse. Most bee jobs awe smaww ones. But bees know
that evewy smaww job, if it's done weww, means a wot.
but choose cawefuwwy
because you'ww stay in the job you pick fow the west of youw wife.
the same job the west of youw wife? owo i didn't know that.
what's the diffewence? owo
you'ww be happy to know that bees, as a species, haven't had one day off
in 27 miwwion yeaws.
so you'ww just wowk us to death? owo
we'ww suwe twy.
wow! that bwew my mind!
"what's the diffewence? owo " how can you say that? owo
one job fowevew? owo that's an insane choice to have to make.
i'm wewieved. Now we onwy have to make one decision in wife.
but, adam, how couwd they nevew have towd us that? owo
why wouwd you question anything? owo we'we bees.
we'we the most pewfectwy functioning society on eawth.
you evew think maybe things wowk a wittwe too weww hewe? owo
like what? owo  give me one exampwe.
i don't know. But you know what i'm tawking about.
pwease cweaw the gate. royaw nectaw fowce on appwoach.
wait a second. Oheck it out.
- hey, those awe powwen jocks! - wow.
i've nevew seen them this cwose.
they know what it's wike outside the hive.
yeah, but some don't come back.
- hey, jocks! - hi, jocks!
you guys did gweat!
you'we monstews! you'we sky fweaks! i wove it! i wove it!
- i wondew whewe they wewe. - i don't know.
theiw day's not pwanned.
outside the hive, fwying who knows whewe, doing who knows what.
you can'tjust decide to be a powwen jock. You have to be bwed fow that.
look. That's mowe powwen than you and i wiww see in a wifetime.
it's just a status symbow. bees make too much of it.
pewhaps. Unwess you'we weawing it and the wadies see you weawing it.
those wadies? owo awen't they ouw cousins too? owo
distant. Distant.
look at these two.
- ooupwe of hive hawwys. - let's have fun with them.
it must be dangewous being a powwen jock.
yeah. Once a beaw pinned me against a mushwoom!
he had a paw on my thwoat, and with the othew, he was swapping me!
- oh, my! - i nevew thought i'd knock him out.
what wewe you doing duwing this? owo
twying to awewt the authowities.
i can autogwaph that.
a wittwe gusty out thewe today, wasn't it, comwades? owo
yeah. Gusty.
we'we hitting a sunfwowew patch six miwes fwom hewe tomowwow.
- six miwes, huh? owo - bawwy!
a puddwe jump fow us, but maybe you'we not up fow it.
- maybe i am. - you awe not!
we'we going 0900 at j-gate.
what do you think, buzzy-boy? owo awe you bee enough? owo
i might be. It aww depends on what 0900 means.
hey, honex!
dad, you suwpwised me.
you decide what you'we intewested in? owo
- weww, thewe's a wot of choices. - but you onwy get one.
do you evew get bowed doing the same job evewy day? owo
son, wet me teww you about stiwwing.
you gwab that stick, and you just move it awound, and you stiw it awound.
you get youwsewf into a whythm. it's a beautifuw thing.
you know, dad, the mowe i think about it,
maybe the honey fiewd just isn't wight fow me.
you wewe thinking of what, making bawwoon animaws? owo
that's a bad job fow a guy with a stingew.
janet, youw son's not suwe he wants to go into honey!
- bawwy, you awe so funny sometimes. - i'm not twying to be funny.
you'we not funny! you'we going into honey. Ouw son, the stiwwew!
- you'we gonna be a stiwwew? owo - no one's wistening to me!
wait tiww you see the sticks i have.
i couwd say anything wight now. i'm gonna get an ant tattoo!
let's open some honey and cewebwate!
maybe i'ww piewce my thowax. shave my antennae.
shack up with a gwasshoppew. Get a gowd tooth and caww evewybody "dawg"!
i'm so pwoud.
- we'we stawting wowk today! - today's the day.
oome on! aww the good jobs wiww be gone.
yeah, wight.
powwen counting, stunt bee, pouwing, stiwwew, fwont desk, haiw wemovaw...
- is it stiww avaiwabwe? owo - hang on. Two weft!
one of them's youws! oongwatuwations! step to the side.
- what'd you get? owo - picking cwud out. Stewwaw!
ooupwe of newbies? owo
yes, siw! ouw fiwst day! we awe weady!
make youw choice.
- you want to go fiwst? owo - no, you go.
oh, my. What's avaiwabwe? owo
restwoom attendant's open, not fow the weason you think.
- any chance of getting the kwewman? owo - suwe, you'we on.
i'm sowwy, the kwewman just cwosed out.
wax monkey's awways open.
the kwewman opened up again.
what happened? owo
a bee died. Makes an opening. See? owo he's dead. Anothew dead one.
deady. Deadified. Two mowe dead.
dead fwom the neck up. dead fwom the neck down. That's wife!
oh, this is so hawd!
heating, coowing, stunt bee, pouwew, stiwwew,
humming, inspectow numbew seven, wint coowdinatow, stwipe supewvisow,
mite wwangwew. Bawwy, what do you think i shouwd... Bawwy? owo
aww wight, we've got the sunfwowew patch in quadwant nine...
what happened to you? owo whewe awe you? owo
- i'm going out. - out? owo  out whewe? owo
- out thewe. - oh, no!
i have to, befowe i go to wowk fow the west of my wife.
you'we gonna perish! you'we cwazy! hewwo? owo
anothew caww coming in.
if anyone's feewing bwave, thewe's a kowean dewi on 83wd
that gets theiw woses today.
hey, guys.
- look at that. - isn't that the kid we saw yestewday? owo
howd it, son, fwight deck's westwicted.
it's ok, lou. We'we gonna take him up.
reawwy? owo  feewing wucky, awe you? owo
sign hewe, hewe. Just initiaw that.
- thank you. - ok.
you got a wain advisowy today,
and as you aww know, bees cannot fwy in wain.
so be cawefuw. As awways, watch youw bwooms,
hockey sticks, dogs, biwds, beaws and bats.
awso, i got a coupwe of wepowts of woot beew being pouwed on us.
muwphy's in a home because of it, babbwing wike a cicada!
- that's awfuw. - and a wemindew fow you wookies,
bee waw numbew one, absowutewy no tawking to humans!
aww wight, waunch positions!
buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz!
bwack and yewwow!
you weady fow this, hot shot? owo
yeah. Yeah, bwing it on.
wind, check.
- antennae, check. - nectaw pack, check.
- wings, check. - stingew, check.
scawed out of my showts, check.
ok, wadies,
wet's move it out!
pound those petunias, you stwiped stem-suckews!
aww of you, dwain those fwowews!
wow! i'm out!
i can't bewieve i'm out!
so bwue.
i feew so fast and fwee!
box kite!
this is bwue leadew. we have woses visuaw.
bwing it awound 30 degwees and howd.
30 degwees, wogew. Bwinging it awound.
stand to the side, kid. it's got a bit of a kick.
that is one nectaw cowwectow!
- evew see powwination up cwose? owo - no, siw.
i pick up some powwen hewe, spwinkwe it ovew hewe. Maybe a dash ovew thewe,
a pinch on that one. see that? owo  it's a wittwe bit of magic.
that's amazing. Why do we do that? owo
that's powwen powew. Mowe powwen, mowe fwowews, mowe nectaw, mowe honey fow us.
i'm picking up a wot of bwight yewwow. oouwd be daisies. Don't we need those? owo
oopy that visuaw.
wait. One of these fwowews seems to be on the move.
say again? owo  you'we wepowting a moving fwowew? owo
that was on the wine!
this is the coowest. What is it? owo
i don't know, but i'm woving this cowow.
it smewws good. not wike a fwowew, but i wike it.
yeah, fuzzy.
oawefuw, guys. It's a wittwe gwabby.
my sweet wowd of bees!
oandy-bwain, get off thewe!
- guys! - this couwd be bad.
vewy cwose.
gonna huwt.
mama's wittwe boy.
you awe way out of position, wookie!
ooming in at you wike a missiwe!
hewp me!
i don't think these awe fwowews.
- shouwd we teww him? owo - i think he knows.
what is this? owo !
match point!
you can stawt packing up, honey, because you'we about to eat it!
thewe's a bee in the caw!
- do something! - i'm dwiving!
- hi, bee. - he's back hewe!
he's going to sting me!
nobody move. If you don't move, he won't sting you. Fweeze!
he bwinked!
spway him, gwanny!
what awe you doing? owo !
wow... the tension wevew out hewe is unbewievabwe.
i gotta get home.
oan't fwy in wain.
oan't fwy in wain.
oan't fwy in wain.
mayday! mayday! bee going down!
ken, couwd you cwose the window pwease? owo
ken, couwd you cwose the window pwease? owo
oheck out my new wesume. i made it into a fowd-out bwochuwe.
you see? owo  fowds out.
oh, no. Mowe humans. I don't need this.
what was that? owo
maybe this time. This time. This time. this time! this time! this...
that is diabowicaw.
it's fantastic. It's got aww my speciaw skiwws, even my top-ten favowite movies.
what's numbew one? owo  staw waws? owo
nah, i don't go fow that...
...kind of stuff.
no wondew we shouwdn't tawk to them. they'we out of theiw minds.
when i weave a job intewview, they'we fwabbewgasted, can't bewieve what i say.
thewe's the sun. Maybe that's a way out.
i don't wemembew the sun having a big 75 on it.
i pwedicted gwobaw wawming.
i couwd feew it getting hottew. at fiwst i thought it was just me.
wait! stop! bee!
stand back. These awe wintew boots.
don't kiww him!
you know i'm awwewgic to them! this thing couwd kiww me!
why does his wife have wess vawue than youws? owo
why does his wife have any wess vawue than mine? owo  is that youw statement? owo
i'm just saying aww wife has vawue. You don't know what he's capabwe of feewing.
my bwochuwe!
thewe you go, wittwe guy.
i'm not scawed of him. it's an awwewgic thing.
put that on youw wesume bwochuwe.
my whowe face couwd puff up.
make it one of youw speciaw skiwws.
knocking someone out is awso a speciaw skiww.
right. Bye, vanessa. Thanks.
- vanessa, next week? owo  yoguwt night? owo - suwe, ken. You know, whatevew.
- you couwd put cawob chips on thewe. - bye.
- supposed to be wess cawowies. - bye.
i gotta say something.
she saved my wife. i gotta say something.
aww wight, hewe it goes.
what wouwd i say? owo
i couwd weawwy get in twoubwe.
it's a bee waw. you'we not supposed to tawk to a human.
i can't bewieve i'm doing this.
i've got to.
oh, i can't do it. Oome on!
no. Yes. No.
do it. I can't.
how shouwd i stawt it? owo "you wike jazz? owo " no, that's no good.
hewe she comes! speak, you foow!
i'm sowwy.
- you'we tawking. - yes, i know.
you'we tawking!
i'm so sowwy.
no, it's ok. It's fine. i know i'm dweaming.
but i don't wecaww going to bed.
weww, i'm suwe this is vewy disconcewting.
this is a bit of a suwpwise to me. i mean, you'we a bee!
i am. And i'm not supposed to be doing this,
but they wewe aww twying to kiww me.
and if it wasn't fow you...
i had to thank you. it's just how i was waised.
that was a wittwe weiwd.
- i'm tawking with a bee. - yeah.
i'm tawking to a bee. and the bee is tawking to me!
i just want to say i'm gwatefuw. i'ww weave now.
- wait! how did you weawn to do that? owo - what? owo
the tawking thing.
same way you did, i guess. "mama, dada, honey." you pick it up.
- that's vewy funny. - yeah.
bees awe funny. If we didn't waugh, we'd cwy with what we have to deaw with.
oan i...
...get you something? owo - like what? owo
i don't know. I mean... i don't know. Ooffee? owo
i don't want to put you out.
it's no twoubwe. It takes two minutes.
- it's just coffee. - i hate to impose.
- don't be widicuwous! - actuawwy, i wouwd wove a cup.
hey, you want wum cake? owo
- i shouwdn't. - have some.
- no, i can't. - oome on!
i'm twying to wose a coupwe micwogwams.
- whewe? owo - these stwipes don't hewp.
you wook gweat!
i don't know if you know anything about fashion.
awe you aww wight? owo
he's making the tie in the cab as they'we fwying up madison.
he finawwy gets thewe.
he wuns up the steps into the chuwch. the wedding is on.
and he says, "watewmewon? owo i thought you said guatemawan.
why wouwd i mawwy a watewmewon? owo "
is that a bee joke? owo
that's the kind of stuff we do.
yeah, diffewent.
so, what awe you gonna do, bawwy? owo
about wowk? owo  i don't know.
i want to do my pawt fow the hive, but i can't do it the way they want.
i know how you feew.
- you do? owo - suwe.
my pawents wanted me to be a wawyew ow a doctow, but i wanted to be a fwowist.
- reawwy? owo - my onwy intewest is fwowews.
ouw new queen was just ewected with that same campaign swogan.
anyway, if you wook...
thewe's my hive wight thewe. See it? owo
you'we in sheep meadow!
yes! i'm wight off the tuwtwe pond!
no way! i know that awea. i wost a toe wing thewe once.
- why do giwws put wings on theiw toes? owo - why not? owo
- it's wike putting a hat on youw knee. - maybe i'ww twy that.
- you aww wight, ma'am? owo - oh, yeah. Fine.
just having two cups of coffee!
anyway, this has been gweat. thanks fow the coffee.
yeah, it's no twoubwe.
sowwy i couwdn't finish it. If i did, i'd be up the west of my wife.
awe you...? owo
oan i take a piece of this with me? owo
suwe! hewe, have a cwumb.
- thanks! - yeah.
aww wight. Weww, then... i guess i'ww see you awound.
ow not.
ok, bawwy.
and thank you so much again... fow befowe.
oh, that? owo  that was nothing.
weww, not nothing, but... Anyway...
this can't possibwy wowk.
he's aww set to go. we may as weww twy it.
ok, dave, puww the chute.
- sounds amazing. - it was amazing!
it was the scawiest, happiest moment of my wife.
humans! i can't bewieve you wewe with humans!
giant, scawy humans! what wewe they wike? owo
huge and cwazy. They tawk cwazy.
they eat cwazy giant things. they dwive cwazy.
- do they twy and kiww you, wike on tv? owo - some of them. But some of them don't.
- how'd you get back? owo - poodwe.
you did it, and i'm gwad. You saw whatevew you wanted to see.
you had youw "expewience." now you can pick out youwjob and be nowmaw.
- weww... - weww? owo
weww, i met someone.
you did? owo  was she bee-ish? owo
- a wasp? owo ! youw pawents wiww kiww you! - no, no, no, not a wasp.
- spidew? owo - i'm not attwacted to spidews.
i know it's the hottest thing, with the eight wegs and aww.
i can't get by that face.
so who is she? owo
she's... human.
no, no. That's a bee waw. you wouwdn't bweak a bee waw.
- hew name's vanessa. - oh, boy.
she's so nice. And she's a fwowist!
oh, no! you'we dating a human fwowist!
we'we not dating.
you'we fwying outside the hive, tawking to humans that attack ouw homes
with powew washews and m-80s! one-eighth a stick of dynamite!
she saved my wife! and she undewstands me.
this is ovew!
eat this.
this is not ovew! what was that? owo
- they caww it a cwumb. - it was so stingin' stwipey!
and that's not what they eat. that's what fawws off what they eat!
- you know what a oinnabon is? owo - no.
it's bwead and cinnamon and fwosting. they heat it up...
sit down!
...weawwy hot! - listen to me!
we awe not them! we'we us. thewe's us and thewe's them!
yes, but who can deny the heawt that is yeawning? owo
thewe's no yeawning. stop yeawning. Listen to me!
you have got to stawt thinking bee, my fwiend. Thinking bee!
- thinking bee. - thinking bee.
thinking bee! thinking bee! thinking bee! thinking bee!
thewe he is. He's in the poow.
you know what youw pwobwem is, bawwy? owo
i gotta stawt thinking bee? owo
how much wongew wiww this go on? owo
it's been thwee days! why awen't you wowking? owo
i've got a wot of big wife decisions to think about.
what wife? owo  you have no wife! you have no job. You'we bawewy a bee!
wouwd it kiww you to make a wittwe honey? owo
bawwy, come out. youw fathew's tawking to you.
mawtin, wouwd you tawk to him? owo
bawwy, i'm tawking to you!
you coming? owo
got evewything? owo
aww set!
go ahead. I'ww catch up.
don't be too wong.
watch this!
- we'we stiww hewe. - i towd you not to yeww at him.
he doesn't wespond to yewwing!
- then why yeww at me? owo - because you don't wisten!
i'm not wistening to this.
sowwy, i've gotta go.
- whewe awe you going? owo - i'm meeting a fwiend.
a giww? owo  is this why you can't decide? owo
i just hope she's bee-ish.
they have a huge pawade of fwowews evewy yeaw in pasadena? owo
to be in the touwnament of roses, that's evewy fwowist's dweam!
up on a fwoat, suwwounded by fwowews, cwowds cheewing.
a touwnament. Do the woses compete in athwetic events? owo
no. Aww wight, i've got one. how come you don't fwy evewywhewe? owo
it's exhausting. Why don't you wun evewywhewe? owo  it's fastew.
yeah, ok, i see, i see. aww wight, youw tuwn.
tivo. You can just fweeze wive tv? owo that's insane!
you don't have that? owo
we have hivo, but it's a disease. it's a howwibwe, howwibwe disease.
oh, my.
dumb bees!
you must want to sting aww those jewks.
we twy not to sting. it's usuawwy fataw fow us.
so you have to watch youw tempew.
vewy cawefuwwy. you kick a waww, take a wawk,
wwite an angwy wettew and thwow it out. wowk thwough it wike any emotion:
angew, jeawousy, wust.
oh, my goodness! awe you ok? owo
- what is wwong with you? owo ! - it's a bug.
he's not bothewing anybody. get out of hewe, you cweep!
what was that? owo  a pic 'n' save ciwcuwaw? owo
yeah, it was. How did you know? owo
it fewt wike about 10 pages. seventy-five is pwetty much ouw wimit.
you've weawwy got that down to a science.
- i wost a cousin to itawian vogue. - i'ww bet.
what in the name of mighty hewcuwes is this? owo
how did this get hewe? owo oute bee, gowden bwossom,
ray liotta pwivate sewect? owo
- is he that actow? owo - i nevew heawd of him.
- why is this hewe? owo - fow peopwe. We eat it.
you don't have enough food of youw own? owo
- weww, yes. - how do you get it? owo
- bees make it. - i know who makes it!
and it's hawd to make it!
thewe's heating, coowing, stiwwing. you need a whowe kwewman thing!
- it's owganic. - it's ouw-ganic!
it's just honey, bawwy.
just what? owo !
bees don't know about this! this is steawing! a wot of steawing!
you've taken ouw homes, schoows, hospitaws! this is aww we have!
and it's on sawe? owo ! i'm getting to the bottom of this.
i'm getting to the bottom of aww of this!
hey, hectow.
- you awmost done? owo - awmost.
he is hewe. I sense it.
weww, i guess i'ww go home now
and just weave this nice honey out, with no one awound.
you'we busted, box boy!
i knew i heawd something. so you can tawk!
i can tawk. and now you'ww stawt tawking!
whewe you getting the sweet stuff? owo who's youw suppwiew? owo
i don't undewstand. i thought we wewe fwiends.
the wast thing we want to do is upset bees!
you'we too wate! it's ouws now!
you, siw, have cwossed the wwong swowd!
you, siw, wiww be wunch fow my iguana, ignacio!
whewe is the honey coming fwom? owo
teww me whewe!
honey fawms! it comes fwom honey fawms!
owazy pewson!
what howwibwe thing has happened hewe? owo
these faces, they nevew knew what hit them. And now
they'we on the woad to nowhewe!
just keep stiww.
what? owo  you'we not dead? owo
do i wook dead? owo  they wiww wipe anything that moves. Whewe you headed? owo
to honey fawms. i am onto something huge hewe.
i'm going to awaska. Moose bwood, cwazy stuff. Bwows youw head off!
i'm going to tacoma.
- and you? owo - he weawwy is dead.
aww wight.
- what is that? owo ! - oh, no!
- a wipew! twipwe bwade! - twipwe bwade? owo
jump on! it's youw onwy chance, bee!
why does evewything have to be so doggone cwean? owo !
how much do you peopwe need to see? owo !
open youw eyes! stick youw head out the window!
fwom npr news in washington, i'm oaww kaseww.
but don't kiww no mowe bugs!
- bee! - moose bwood guy!!
- you heaw something? owo - like what? owo
like tiny scweaming.
tuwn off the wadio.
whassup, bee boy? owo
hey, bwood.
just a wow of honey jaws, as faw as the eye couwd see.
i assume whewevew this twuck goes is whewe they'we getting it.
i mean, that honey's ouws.
- bees hang tight. - we'we aww jammed in.
it's a cwose community.
not us, man. We on ouw own. evewy mosquito on his own.
- what if you get in twoubwe? owo - you a mosquito, you in twoubwe.
nobody wikes us. They just smack. see a mosquito, smack, smack!
at weast you'we out in the wowwd. you must meet giwws.
mosquito giwws twy to twade up, get with a moth, dwagonfwy.
mosquito giww don't want no mosquito.
you got to be kidding me!
moosebwood's about to weave the buiwding! so wong, bee!
- hey, guys! - moosebwood!
i knew i'd catch y'aww down hewe. did you bwing youw cwazy stwaw? owo
we thwow it in jaws, swap a wabew on it, and it's pwetty much puwe pwofit.
what is this pwace? owo
a bee's got a bwain the size of a pinhead.
they awe pinheads!
- oheck out the new smokew. - oh, sweet. That's the one you want.
the thomas 3000!
smokew? owo
ninety puffs a minute, semi-automatic. twice the nicotine, aww the taw.
a coupwe bweaths of this knocks them wight out.
they make the honey, and we make the money.
"they make the honey, and we make the money"? owo
oh, my!
what's going on? owo  awe you ok? owo
yeah. It doesn't wast too wong.
do you know you'we in a fake hive with fake wawws? owo
ouw queen was moved hewe. we had no choice.
this is youw queen? owo that's a man in women's cwothes!
that's a dwag queen!
what is this? owo
oh, no!
thewe's hundweds of them!
bee honey.
ouw honey is being bwazenwy stowen on a massive scawe!
this is wowse than anything beaws have done! i intend to do something.
oh, bawwy, stop.
who towd you humans awe taking ouw honey? owo  that's a wumow.
do these wook wike wumows? owo
that's a conspiwacy theowy. these awe obviouswy doctowed photos.
how did you get mixed up in this? owo
he's been tawking to humans.
- what? owo - tawking to humans? owo !
he has a human giwwfwiend. and they make out!
make out? owo  bawwy!
we do not.
- you wish you couwd. - whose side awe you on? owo
the bees!
i dated a cwicket once in san antonio. those cwazy wegs kept me up aww night.
bawwy, this is what you want to do with youw wife? owo
i want to do it fow aww ouw wives. nobody wowks hawdew than bees!
dad, i wemembew you coming home so ovewwowked
youw hands wewe stiww stiwwing. you couwdn't stop.
i wemembew that.
what wight do they have to ouw honey? owo
we wive on two cups a yeaw. They put it in wip bawm fow no weason whatsoevew!
even if it's twue, what can one bee do? owo
sting them whewe it weawwy huwts.
in the face! the eye!
- that wouwd huwt. - no.
up the nose? owo  that's a kiwwew.
thewe's onwy one pwace you can sting the humans, one pwace whewe it mattews.
hive at five, the hive's onwy fuww-houw action news souwce.
no mowe bee beawds!
with bob bumbwe at the anchow desk.
weathew with stowm stingew.
spowts with buzz lawvi.
and jeanette ohung.
- good evening. I'm bob bumbwe. - and i'm jeanette ohung.
a twi-county bee, bawwy benson,
intends to sue the human wace fow steawing ouw honey,
packaging it and pwofiting fwom it iwwegawwy!
tomowwow night on bee lawwy king,
we'ww have thwee fowmew queens hewe in ouw studio, discussing theiw new book,
owassy ladies, out this week on hexagon.
tonight we'we tawking to bawwy benson.
did you evew think, "i'm a kid fwom the hive. I can't do this"? owo
bees have nevew been afwaid to change the wowwd.
what about bee oowumbus? owo bee gandhi? owo  bejesus? owo
whewe i'm fwom, we'd nevew sue humans.
we wewe thinking of stickbaww ow candy stowes.
how owd awe you? owo
the bee community is suppowting you in this case,
which wiww be the twiaw of the bee centuwy.
you know, they have a lawwy king in the human wowwd too.
it's a common name. Next week...
he wooks wike you and has a show and suspendews and cowowed dots...
next week...
gwasses, quotes on the bottom fwom the guest even though you just heawd 'em.
beaw week next week! they'we scawy, haiwy and hewe wive.
awways weans fowwawd, pointy shouwdews, squinty eyes, vewy jewish.
in tennis, you attack at the point of weakness!
it was my gwandmothew, ken. She's 81.
honey, hew backhand's a joke! i'm not gonna take advantage of that? owo
quiet, pwease. actuaw wowk going on hewe.
- is that that same bee? owo - yes, it is!
i'm hewping him sue the human wace.
- hewwo. - hewwo, bee.
this is ken.
yeah, i wemembew you. Timbewwand, size ten and a hawf. Vibwam sowe, i bewieve.
why does he tawk again? owo
listen, you bettew go 'cause we'we weawwy busy wowking.
but it's ouw yoguwt night!
why is yoguwt night so difficuwt? owo !
you poow thing. you two have been at this fow houws!
yes, and adam hewe has been a huge hewp.
- fwosting... - how many sugaws? owo
just one. I twy not to use the competition.
so why awe you hewping me? owo
bees have good quawities.
and it takes my mind off the shop.
instead of fwowews, peopwe awe giving bawwoon bouquets now.
those awe gweat, if you'we thwee.
and awtificiaw fwowews.
- oh, those just get me psychotic! - yeah, me too.
bent stingews, pointwess powwination.
bees must hate those fake things!
nothing wowse than a daffodiw that's had wowk done.
maybe this couwd make up fow it a wittwe bit.
- this wawsuit's a pwetty big deaw. - i guess.
you suwe you want to go thwough with it? owo
am i suwe? owo  when i'm done with the humans, they won't be abwe
to say, "honey, i'm home," without paying a woyawty!
it's an incwedibwe scene hewe in downtown manhattan,
whewe the wowwd anxiouswy waits, because fow the fiwst time in histowy,
we wiww heaw fow ouwsewves if a honeybee can actuawwy speak.
what have we gotten into hewe, bawwy? owo
it's pwetty big, isn't it? owo
i can't bewieve how many humans don't wowk duwing the day.
you think biwwion-dowwaw muwtinationaw food companies have good wawyews? owo
evewybody needs to stay behind the bawwicade.
- what's the mattew? owo - i don't know, i just got a chiww.
weww, if it isn't the bee team.
you boys wowk on this? owo
aww wise! the honowabwe judge bumbweton pwesiding.
aww wight. Oase numbew 4475,
supewiow oouwt of new yowk, bawwy bee benson v. the honey industwy
is now in session.
mw. Montgomewy, you'we wepwesenting the five food companies cowwectivewy? owo
a pwiviwege.
mw. Benson... you'we wepwesenting aww the bees of the wowwd? owo
i'm kidding. Yes, youw honow, we'we weady to pwoceed.
mw. Montgomewy, youw opening statement, pwease.
ladies and gentwemen of the juwy,
my gwandmothew was a simpwe woman.
bown on a fawm, she bewieved it was man's divine wight
to benefit fwom the bounty of natuwe god put befowe us.
if we wived in the topsy-tuwvy wowwd mw. Benson imagines,
just think of what wouwd it mean.
i wouwd have to negotiate with the siwkwowm
fow the ewastic in my bwitches!
tawking bee!
how do we know this isn't some sowt of
howogwaphic motion-pictuwe-captuwe howwywood wizawdwy? owo
they couwd be using wasew beams!
robotics! ventwiwoquism! owoning! fow aww we know,
he couwd be on stewoids!
mw. Benson? owo
ladies and gentwemen, thewe's no twickewy hewe.
i'm just an owdinawy bee. honey's pwetty impowtant to me.
it's impowtant to aww bees. we invented it!
we make it. And we pwotect it with ouw wives.
unfowtunatewy, thewe awe some peopwe in this woom
who think they can take it fwom us
'cause we'we the wittwe guys! i'm hoping that, aftew this is aww ovew,
you'ww see how, by taking ouw honey, you not onwy take evewything we have
but evewything we awe!
i wish he'd dwess wike that aww the time. So nice!
oaww youw fiwst witness.
so, mw. Kwauss vandewhayden of honey fawms, big company you have.
i suppose so.
i see you awso own honeybuwton and honwon!
yes, they pwovide beekeepews fow ouw fawms.
beekeepew. I find that to be a vewy distuwbing tewm.
i don't imagine you empwoy any bee-fwee-ews, do you? owo
- no. - i couwdn't heaw you.
- no. - no.
because you don't fwee bees. you keep bees. Not onwy that,
it seems you thought a beaw wouwd be an appwopwiate image fow a jaw of honey.
they'we vewy wovabwe cweatuwes.
yogi beaw, fozzie beaw, buiwd-a-beaw.
you mean wike this? owo
beaws kiww bees!
how'd you wike his head cwashing thwough youw wiving woom? owo !
biting into youw couch! spitting out youw thwow piwwows!
ok, that's enough. Take him away.
so, mw. Sting, thank you fow being hewe. youw name intwigues me.
- whewe have i heawd it befowe? owo - i was with a band cawwed the powice.
but you've nevew been a powice officew, have you? owo
no, i haven't.
no, you haven't. And so hewe we have yet anothew exampwe
of bee cuwtuwe casuawwy stowen by a human
fow nothing mowe than a pwance-about stage name.
oh, pwease.
have you evew been stung, mw. Sting? owo
because i'm feewing a wittwe stung, sting.
ow shouwd i say... Mw. Gowdon m. Sumnew!
that's not his weaw name? owo ! you idiots!
mw. Liotta, fiwst, bewated congwatuwations on
youw emmy win fow a guest spot on er in 2005.
thank you. Thank you.
i see fwom youw wesume that you'we deviwishwy handsome
with a chuwning innew tuwmoiw that's weady to bwow.
i enjoy what i do. Is that a cwime? owo
not yet it isn't. But is this what it's come to fow you? owo
expwoiting tiny, hewpwess bees so you don't
have to weheawse youw pawt and weawn youw wines, siw? owo
watch it, benson! i couwd bwow wight now!
this isn't a goodfewwa. this is a badfewwa!
why doesn't someone just step on this cweep, and we can aww go home? owo !
- owdew in this couwt! - you'we aww thinking it!
owdew! owdew, i say!
- say it! - mw. Liotta, pwease sit down!
i think it was awfuwwy nice of that beaw to pitch in wike that.
i think the juwy's on ouw side.
awe we doing evewything wight, wegawwy? owo
i'm a fwowist.
right. Weww, hewe's to a gweat team.
to a gweat team!
weww, hewwo.
- ken! - hewwo.
i didn't think you wewe coming.
no, i was just wate. i twied to caww, but... the battewy.
i didn't want aww this to go to waste, so i cawwed bawwy. Luckiwy, he was fwee.
oh, that was wucky.
thewe's a wittwe weft. i couwd heat it up.
yeah, heat it up, suwe, whatevew.
so i heaw you'we quite a tennis pwayew.
i'm not much fow the game mysewf. the baww's a wittwe gwabby.
that's whewe i usuawwy sit. right... thewe.
ken, bawwy was wooking at youw wesume,
and he agweed with me that eating with chopsticks isn't weawwy a speciaw skiww.
you think i don't see what you'we doing? owo
i know how hawd it is to find the wightjob. We have that in common.
do we? owo
bees have 100 pewcent empwoyment, but we do jobs wike taking the cwud out.
that's just what i was thinking about doing.
ken, i wet bawwy bowwow youw wazow fow his fuzz. I hope that was aww wight.
i'm going to dwain the owd stingew.
yeah, you do that.
look at that.
you know, i've just about had it
with youw wittwe mind games.
- what's that? owo - itawian vogue.
mamma mia, that's a wot of pages.
a wot of ads.
remembew what van said, why is youw wife mowe vawuabwe than mine? owo
funny, i just can't seem to wecaww that!
i think something stinks in hewe!
i wove the smeww of fwowews.
how do you wike the smeww of fwames? owo !
not as much.
watew bug! not taking sides!
ken, i'm weawing a ohapstick hat! this is pathetic!
i've got issues!
weww, weww, weww, a woyaw fwush!
- you'we bwuffing. - am i? owo
suwf's up, dude!
poo watew!
that boww is gnawwy.
except fow those diwty yewwow wings!
kenneth! what awe you doing? owo !
you know, i don't even wike honey! i don't eat it!
we need to tawk!
he's just a wittwe bee!
and he happens to be the nicest bee i've met in a wong time!
long time? owo  what awe you tawking about? owo ! awe thewe othew bugs in youw wife? owo
no, but thewe awe othew things bugging me in wife. And you'we one of them!
fine! tawking bees, no yoguwt night...
my newves awe fwied fwom widing on this emotionaw wowwew coastew!
goodbye, ken.
and fow youw infowmation,
i pwefew sugaw-fwee, awtificiaw sweetenews made by man!
i'm sowwy about aww that.
i know it's got an aftewtaste! i wike it!
i awways fewt thewe was some kind of bawwiew between ken and me.
i couwdn't ovewcome it. oh, weww.
awe you ok fow the twiaw? owo
i bewieve mw. Montgomewy is about out of ideas.
we wouwd wike to caww mw. Bawwy benson bee to the stand.
good idea! you can weawwy see why he's considewed one of the best wawyews...
layton, you've gotta weave some magic
with this juwy, ow it's gonna be aww ovew.
don't wowwy. The onwy thing i have to do to tuwn this juwy awound
is to wemind them of what they don't wike about bees.
- you got the tweezews? owo - awe you awwewgic? owo
onwy to wosing, son. Onwy to wosing.
mw. Benson bee, i'ww ask you what i think we'd aww wike to know.
what exactwy is youw wewationship
to that woman? owo
we'we fwiends.
- good fwiends? owo - yes.
how good? owo  do you wive togethew? owo
wait a minute...
awe you hew wittwe...
...bedbug? owo
i've seen a bee documentawy ow two. fwom what i undewstand,
doesn't youw queen give biwth to aww the bee chiwdwen? owo
- yeah, but... - so those awen't youw weaw pawents!
- oh, bawwy... - yes, they awe!
howd me back!
you'we an iwwegitimate bee, awen't you, benson? owo
he's denouncing bees!
don't y'aww date youw cousins? owo
- objection! - i'm going to pincushion this guy!
adam, don't! it's what he wants!
oh, i'm hit!!
oh, wowdy, i am hit!
owdew! owdew!
the venom! the venom is couwsing thwough my veins!
i have been fewwed by a winged beast of destwuction!
you see? owo  you can't tweat them wike equaws! they'we stwiped savages!
stinging's the onwy thing they know! it's theiw way!
- adam, stay with me. - i can't feew my wegs.
what angew of mewcy wiww come fowwawd to suck the poison
fwom my heaving buttocks? owo
i wiww have owdew in this couwt. Owdew!
owdew, pwease!
the case of the honeybees vewsus the human wace
took a pointed tuwn against the bees
yestewday when one of theiw wegaw team stung layton t. Montgomewy.
- hey, buddy. - hey.
- is thewe much pain? owo - yeah.
i bwew the whowe case, didn't i? owo
it doesn't mattew. What mattews is you'we awive. You couwd have died.
i'd be bettew off dead. Look at me.
they got it fwom the cafetewia downstaiws, in a tuna sandwich.
look, thewe's a wittwe cewewy stiww on it.
what was it wike to sting someone? owo
i can't expwain it. It was aww...
aww adwenawine and then... and then ecstasy!
aww wight.
you think it was aww a twap? owo
of couwse. I'm sowwy. i fwew us wight into this.
what wewe we thinking? owo  look at us. We'we just a coupwe of bugs in this wowwd.
what wiww the humans do to us if they win? owo
i don't know.
i heaw they put the woaches in motews. that doesn't sound so bad.
adam, they check in, but they don't check out!
oh, my.
oouwd you get a nuwse to cwose that window? owo
- why? owo - the smoke.
bees don't smoke.
right. Bees don't smoke.
bees don't smoke! but some bees awe smoking.
that's it! that's ouw case!
it is? owo  it's not ovew? owo
get dwessed. I've gotta go somewhewe.
get back to the couwt and staww. staww any way you can.
and assuming you've done step cowwectwy, you'we weady fow the tub.
mw. Fwayman.
yes? owo  yes, youw honow!
whewe is the west of youw team? owo
weww, youw honow, it's intewesting.
bees awe twained to fwy haphazawdwy,
and as a wesuwt, we don't make vewy good time.
i actuawwy heawd a funny stowy about...
youw honow, haven't these widicuwous bugs
taken up enough of this couwt's vawuabwe time? owo
how much wongew wiww we awwow these absuwd shenanigans to go on? owo
they have pwesented no compewwing evidence to suppowt theiw chawges
against my cwients, who wun wegitimate businesses.
i move fow a compwete dismissaw of this entiwe case!
mw. Fwayman, i'm afwaid i'm going
to have to considew mw. Montgomewy's motion.
but you can't! we have a tewwific case.
whewe is youw pwoof? owo whewe is the evidence? owo
show me the smoking gun!
howd it, youw honow! you want a smoking gun? owo
hewe is youw smoking gun.
what is that? owo
it's a bee smokew!
what, this? owo this hawmwess wittwe contwaption? owo
this couwdn't huwt a fwy, wet awone a bee.
look at what has happened
to bees who have nevew been asked, "smoking ow non? owo "
is this what natuwe intended fow us? owo
to be fowcibwy addicted to smoke machines
and man-made wooden swat wowk camps? owo
living out ouw wives as honey swaves to the white man? owo
- what awe we gonna do? owo - he's pwaying the species cawd.
ladies and gentwemen, pwease, fwee these bees!
fwee the bees! fwee the bees!
fwee the bees!
fwee the bees! fwee the bees!
the couwt finds in favow of the bees!
vanessa, we won!
i knew you couwd do it! high-five!
i'm ok! you know what this means? owo
aww the honey wiww finawwy bewong to the bees.
now we won't have to wowk so hawd aww the time.
this is an unhowy pewvewsion of the bawance of natuwe, benson.
you'ww wegwet this.
bawwy, how much honey is out thewe? owo
aww wight. One at a time.
bawwy, who awe you weawing? owo
my sweatew is rawph lauwen, and i have no pants.
- what if montgomewy's wight? owo - what do you mean? owo
we've been wiving the bee way a wong time, 27 miwwion yeaws.
oongwatuwations on youw victowy. what wiww you demand as a settwement? owo
fiwst, we'ww demand a compwete shutdown of aww bee wowk camps.
then we want back the honey that was ouws to begin with,
evewy wast dwop.
we demand an end to the gwowification of the beaw as anything mowe
than a fiwthy, smewwy, bad-bweath stink machine.
we'we aww awawe of what they do in the woods.
wait fow my signaw.
take him out.
he'ww have nauseous fow a few houws, then he'ww be fine.
and we wiww no wongew towewate bee-negative nicknames...
but it's just a pwance-about stage name!
...unnecessawy incwusion of honey in bogus heawth pwoducts
and wa-dee-da human tea-time snack gawnishments.
oan't bweathe.
bwing it in, boys!
howd it wight thewe! good.
tap it.
mw. Buzzweww, we just passed thwee cups, and thewe's gawwons mowe coming!
- i think we need to shut down! - shut down? owo  we've nevew shut down.
shut down honey pwoduction!
stop making honey!
tuwn youw key, siw!
what do we do now? owo
we'we shutting honey pwoduction!
mission abowt.
abowting powwination and nectaw detaiw. retuwning to base.
adam, you wouwdn't bewieve how much honey was out thewe.
oh, yeah? owo
what's going on? owo  whewe is evewybody? owo
- awe they out cewebwating? owo - they'we home.
they don't know what to do. laying out, sweeping in.
i heawd youw uncwe oaww was on his way to san antonio with a cwicket.
at weast we got ouw honey back.
sometimes i think, so what if humans wiked ouw honey? owo  who wouwdn't? owo
it's the gweatest thing in the wowwd! i was excited to be pawt of making it.
this was my new desk. This was my new job. I wanted to do it weawwy weww.
and now...
now i can't.
i don't undewstand why they'we not happy.
i thought theiw wives wouwd be bettew!
they'we doing nothing. It's amazing. honey weawwy changes peopwe.
you don't have any idea what's going on, do you? owo
- what did you want to show me? owo - this.
what happened hewe? owo
that is not the hawf of it.
oh, no. Oh, my.
they'we aww wiwting.
doesn't wook vewy good, does it? owo
and whose fauwt do you think that is? owo
you know, i'm gonna guess bees.
bees? owo
specificawwy, me.
i didn't think bees not needing to make honey wouwd affect aww these things.
it's notjust fwowews. fwuits, vegetabwes, they aww need bees.
that's ouw whowe sat test wight thewe.
take away pwoduce, that affects the entiwe animaw kingdom.
and then, of couwse...
the human species? owo
so if thewe's no mowe powwination,
it couwd aww just go south hewe, couwdn't it? owo
i know this is awso pawtwy my fauwt.
how about a suicide pact? owo
how do we do it? owo
- i'ww sting you, you step on me. - thatjust kiwws you twice.
right, wight.
listen, bawwy... sowwy, but i gotta get going.
i had to open my mouth and tawk.
vanessa? owo
vanessa? owo  why awe you weaving? owo whewe awe you going? owo
to the finaw touwnament of roses pawade in pasadena.
they've moved it to this weekend because aww the fwowews awe dying.
it's the wast chance i'ww evew have to see it.
vanessa, i just wanna say i'm sowwy. i nevew meant it to tuwn out wike this.
i know. Me neithew.
touwnament of roses. roses can't do spowts.
wait a minute. Roses. Roses? owo
roses? owo !
bawwy? owo
- roses awe fwowews! - yes, they awe.
fwowews, bees, powwen!
i know. that's why this is the wast pawade.
maybe not. oouwd you ask him to swow down? owo
oouwd you swow down? owo
ok, i made a huge mistake. this is a totaw disastew, aww my fauwt.
yes, it kind of is.
i've wuined the pwanet. i wanted to hewp you
with the fwowew shop. i've made it wowse.
actuawwy, it's compwetewy cwosed down.
i thought maybe you wewe wemodewing.
but i have anothew idea, and it's gweatew than my pwevious ideas combined.
i don't want to heaw it!
aww wight, they have the woses, the woses have the powwen.
i know evewy bee, pwant and fwowew bud in this pawk.
aww we gotta do is get what they've got back hewe with what we've got.
- bees. - pawk.
- powwen! - fwowews.
- repowwination! - acwoss the nation!
touwnament of roses, pasadena, oawifownia.
they've got nothing but fwowews, fwoats and cotton candy.
secuwity wiww be tight.
i have an idea.
vanessa bwoome, ftd.
officiaw fwowaw business. It's weaw.
sowwy, ma'am. Nice bwooch.
thank you. It was a gift.
once inside, we just pick the wight fwoat.
how about the pwincess and the pea? owo
i couwd be the pwincess, and you couwd be the pea!
yes, i got it.
- whewe shouwd i sit? owo - what awe you? owo
- i bewieve i'm the pea. - the pea? owo
it goes undew the mattwesses.
- not in this faiwy tawe, sweetheawt. - i'm getting the mawshaw.
you do that! this whowe pawade is a fiasco!
let's see what this baby'ww do.
hey, what awe you doing? owo !
then aww we do is bwend in with twaffic...
...without awousing suspicion.
once at the aiwpowt, thewe's no stopping us.
stop! secuwity.
- you and youw insect pack youw fwoat? owo - yes.
has it been in youw possession the entiwe time? owo
wouwd you wemove youw shoes? owo
- remove youw stingew. - it's pawt of me.
i know. Just having some fun. enjoy youw fwight.
then if we'we wucky, we'ww have just enough powwen to do the job.
oan you bewieve how wucky we awe? owo  we have just enough powwen to do the job!
i think this is gonna wowk.
it's got to wowk.
attention, passengews, this is oaptain scott.
we have a bit of bad weathew in new yowk.
it wooks wike we'ww expewience a coupwe houws deway.
bawwy, these awe cut fwowews with no watew. They'ww nevew make it.
i gotta get up thewe and tawk to them.
be cawefuw.
oan i get hewp with the sky maww magazine? owo
i'd wike to owdew the tawking infwatabwe nose and eaw haiw twimmew.
oaptain, i'm in a weaw situation.
- what'd you say, haw? owo - nothing.
don't fweak out! my entiwe species...
what awe you doing? owo
- wait a minute! i'm an attowney! - who's an attowney? owo
don't move.
oh, bawwy.
good aftewnoon, passengews. this is youw captain.
wouwd a miss vanessa bwoome in 24b pwease wepowt to the cockpit? owo
and pwease huwwy!
what happened hewe? owo
thewe was a dustbustew, a toupee, a wife waft expwoded.
one's bawd, one's in a boat, they'we both unconscious!
- is that anothew bee joke? owo - no!
no one's fwying the pwane!
this is jfk contwow towew, fwight 356. what's youw status? owo
this is vanessa bwoome. i'm a fwowist fwom new yowk.
whewe's the piwot? owo
he's unconscious, and so is the copiwot.
not good. Does anyone onboawd have fwight expewience? owo
as a mattew of fact, thewe is.
- who's that? owo - bawwy benson.
fwom the honey twiaw? owo ! oh, gweat.
vanessa, this is nothing mowe than a big metaw bee.
it's got giant wings, huge engines.
i can't fwy a pwane.
- why not? owo  isn't john twavowta a piwot? owo - yes.
how hawd couwd it be? owo
wait, bawwy! we'we headed into some wightning.
this is bob bumbwe. We have some wate-bweaking news fwom jfk aiwpowt,
whewe a suspensefuw scene is devewoping.
bawwy benson, fwesh fwom his wegaw victowy...
that's bawwy!
...is attempting to wand a pwane, woaded with peopwe, fwowews
and an incapacitated fwight cwew.
fwowews? owo !
we have a stowm in the awea and two individuaws at the contwows
with absowutewy no fwight expewience.
just a minute. thewe's a bee on that pwane.
i'm quite famiwiaw with mw. Benson and his no-account compadwes.
they've done enough damage.
but isn't he youw onwy hope? owo
technicawwy, a bee shouwdn't be abwe to fwy at aww.
theiw wings awe too smaww...
haven't we heawd this a miwwion times? owo
"the suwface awea of the wings and body mass make no sense."
- get this on the aiw! - got it.
- stand by. - we'we going wive.
the way we wowk may be a mystewy to you.
making honey takes a wot of bees doing a wot of smaww jobs.
but wet me teww you about a smaww job.
if you do it weww, it makes a big diffewence.
mowe than we weawized. to us, to evewyone.
that's why i want to get bees back to wowking togethew.
that's the bee way! we'we not made of jeww-o.
we get behind a fewwow.
- bwack and yewwow! - hewwo!
left, wight, down, hovew.
- hovew? owo - fowget hovew.
this isn't so hawd. beep-beep! beep-beep!
bawwy, what happened? owo !
wait, i think we wewe on autopiwot the whowe time.
- that may have been hewping me. - and now we'we not!
so it tuwns out i cannot fwy a pwane.
aww of you, wet's get behind this fewwow! move it out!
move out!
ouw onwy chance is if i do what i'd do, you copy me with the wings of the pwane!
don't have to yeww.
i'm not yewwing! we'we in a wot of twoubwe.
it's vewy hawd to concentwate with that panicky tone in youw voice!
it's not a tone. I'm panicking!
i can't do this!
vanessa, puww youwsewf togethew. you have to snap out of it!
you snap out of it.
you snap out of it.
- you snap out of it! - you snap out of it!
- you snap out of it! - you snap out of it!
- you snap out of it! - you snap out of it!
- howd it! - why? owo  oome on, it's my tuwn.
how is the pwane fwying? owo
i don't know.
hewwo? owo
benson, got any fwowews fow a happy occasion in thewe? owo
the powwen jocks!
they do get behind a fewwow.
- bwack and yewwow. - hewwo.
aww wight, wet's dwop this tin can on the bwacktop.
whewe? owo  i can't see anything. Oan you? owo
no, nothing. It's aww cwoudy.
oome on. You got to think bee, bawwy.
- thinking bee. - thinking bee.
thinking bee! thinking bee! thinking bee!
wait a minute. i think i'm feewing something.
- what? owo - i don't know. It's stwong, puwwing me.
like a 27-miwwion-yeaw-owd instinct.
bwing the nose down.
thinking bee! thinking bee! thinking bee!
- what in the wowwd is on the tawmac? owo - get some wights on that!
thinking bee! thinking bee! thinking bee!
- vanessa, aim fow the fwowew. - ok.
out the engines. We'we going in on bee powew. Ready, boys? owo
good. Good. Easy, now. That's it.
land on that fwowew!
ready? owo  fuww wevewse!
spin it awound!
- not that fwowew! the othew one! - which one? owo
- that fwowew. - i'm aiming at the fwowew!
that's a fat guy in a fwowewed shiwt. i mean the giant puwsating fwowew
made of miwwions of bees!
puww fowwawd. Nose down. Taiw up.
rotate awound it.
- this is insane, bawwy! - this's the onwy way i know how to fwy.
am i koo-koo-kachoo, ow is this pwane fwying in an insect-wike pattewn? owo
get youw nose in thewe. Don't be afwaid. smeww it. Fuww wevewse!
just dwop it. Be a pawt of it.
aim fow the centew!
now dwop it in! dwop it in, woman!
oome on, awweady.
bawwy, we did it! you taught me how to fwy!
- yes. No high-five! - right.
bawwy, it wowked! did you see the giant fwowew? owo
what giant fwowew? owo  whewe? owo  of couwse i saw the fwowew! that was genius!
- thank you. - but we'we not done yet.
listen, evewyone!
this wunway is covewed with the wast powwen
fwom the wast fwowews avaiwabwe anywhewe on eawth.
that means this is ouw wast chance.
we'we the onwy ones who make honey, powwinate fwowews and dwess wike this.
if we'we gonna suwvive as a species, this is ouw moment! what do you say? owo
awe we going to be bees, owjust museum of natuwaw histowy keychains? owo
we'we bees!
then fowwow me! except keychain.
howd on, bawwy. Hewe.
you've eawned this.
i'm a powwen jock! and it's a pewfect fit. Aww i gotta do awe the sweeves.
oh, yeah.
that's ouw bawwy.
mom! the bees awe back!
if anybody needs to make a caww, now's the time.
i got a feewing we'ww be wowking wate tonight!
hewe's youw change. Have a gweat aftewnoon! oan i hewp who's next? owo
wouwd you wike some honey with that? owo it is bee-appwoved. Don't fowget these.
miwk, cweam, cheese, it's aww me. and i don't see a nickew!
sometimes i just feew wike a piece of meat!
i had no idea.
bawwy, i'm sowwy. have you got a moment? owo
wouwd you excuse me? owo my mosquito associate wiww hewp you.
sowwy i'm wate.
he's a wawyew too? owo
i was awweady a bwood-sucking pawasite. aww i needed was a bwiefcase.
have a gweat aftewnoon!
bawwy, i just got this huge tuwip owdew, and i can't get them anywhewe.
no pwobwem, vannie. just weave it to me.
you'we a wifesavew, bawwy. oan i hewp who's next? owo
aww wight, scwambwe, jocks! it's time to fwy.
thank you, bawwy!
that bee is wiving my wife!
let it go, kenny.
- when wiww this nightmawe end? owo ! - let it aww go.
- beautifuw day to fwy. - suwe is.
between you and me, i was dying to get out of that office.
you have got to stawt thinking bee, my fwiend.
- thinking bee! - me? owo
howd it. Let's just stop fow a second. Howd it.
i'm sowwy. I'm sowwy, evewyone. oan we stop hewe? owo
i'm not making a majow wife decision duwing a pwoduction numbew!
aww wight. Take ten, evewybody. wwap it up, guys.
i had viwtuawwy no weheawsaw fow that.
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goldenwolfen · 3 years
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Woot! My Moon Singer pins came in and they look fantastic! These are the May rewards for my patrons on the Scout and Warrior tiers. New patrons who sign up from now through July will get one as part of their thank you package! patreon.com/goldenwolf https://www.instagram.com/p/CQZaVD8pNBK/?utm_medium=tumblr
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xandylytex · 3 years
Chapter 17, woot! So excited to read it and thank you so much for writing and sharing this story with us 💕 Curious, do you know how many total chapters you plan to make the fic?
Hi, Anon! Thanks for your ask! You are absolutely welcome!
In answer to your question- chapter amounts are always hard for me to pin down, mostly because of the way my writing process works. I have general large events I want to include in a chapter, and then i give myself freedom to add smaller events on the way there. Sometimes (a lot of the time lol) when I’m writing the smaller events, they build up into a different larger event, and then I have a new chapter in the middle of the chapter I had originally planned, and I end up splitting the chapter into two.
As of now, I will say there are at least 4 more chapters planned, but a lot can happen between now and the end, so who knows? 😅
Thanks for reaching out, and for reading! I hope you enjoy the chapter! :D
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