#2024 mood
djglory · 4 months
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valiantnomore · 2 months
maybe go listen to The Stranger (1977 album by Billy Joel) and you'll calm down
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abigailbuxton · 4 months
2024 mottos🎀🩰🤞🏼🦢🤍
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sheliesshattered · 2 months
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We had a fabulous time visiting Batuu yesterday! Our outfits were comfortable and functional and well suited to what turned out to be a relatively cold and cloudy day in southern California. Disney cast members definitely seemed to interact with us more because we made the effort to dress up, and we got some lovely compliments from other guests, too. We were even gifted some BSO credit coins by random strangers who liked our outfits!
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It was Jack's first visit to Batuu, and while I did get to spend a little bit of time there with my mom in October, this was my first opportunity to really explore the entire area, browse through the shops, and sample all the food and drinks available. It was at least as cool as my first impression of it back in October, and Jack was impressed and delighted by all of it. We spent a good portion of the day just admiring all the details and world-building and excellent sets.
Jack has requested no photos, but I did manage to snag this pic of him blocking the camera like a victim of the paparazzi, lol.
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But look at those pleats! Both Jack and I are so pleased with how they turned out. Several of the Resistance jackets on display in the Rise of the Resistance queue had similar pleat details, and it was fun to look at them up close.
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Over this last weekend and all the way up to late Monday night, I was able to add a few last details to our outfits. I finally adjusted the chain length of my dangley earrings and glued the leather cording wraps to the back of my kyber crystal necklace so that it wouldn't slip out. While I had the glue out, I figured I'd take a stab at making some spat-type things to cover the lacings of my tall Doc Marten boots. I was completely winging it from start to finish, but I'm really happy with how they turned out!
The spats are made from some left over suede I've had in my stash for literally more than 20 years now -- it's been used for an Aragorn vest for Jack, a couple of bags for me, and the inner layers of the big wedge shaped piece on my Oswin belt. And I still have some left over! Maybe I'll make myself a belt pouch to match these spats at some point in the future.
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The narrow end of each spat tucks under the laces closest to the toe of my boot, and theoretically secures to itself with a hook and eye, though I found the hook didn't really hold from that angle, and really wasn't necessary anyway. The straps then velcro around the back of my leg, at the lowest point of the bend of my ankle, and right at the top of the boot, so that the strap sits just above the top edge of the boot in the back, which helps keep it from slipping down.
To make these I really just draped scrap suede on my boot while wearing it, started cutting it to the shape I thought might make sense, then copied that over for a second spat. I measured how much I would need for the straps and how much of an overlap I wanted for the velcro, then cut out all those pieces and glued them together using E6000 -- which works wonderful for adhering velcro to suede and suede to suede, but is a bit more iffy with the metal hooks and eyes (one eye popped off when I was taking off the spat at the end of the night, but since it wasn't staying hooked anyway, I'm not fussed).
Despite being such a quick off-the-cuff project, the spats worked out great, and added that last little bit to my outfit by covering the laces of my boots. They're visible in the third photo, the full-length shot in front of the door (and in the video below), and I think they add an understated bit of texture difference in all the black-on-black there, in addition to obscuring the modern look of the boots a bit.
Besides those detail bits for me, I also made a pair of little pockets for Jack's jacket, to hold 'code cylinders'. It's a tiny detail that really makes the jacket look that much more Star Wars-y, and the cylinders themselves are empty and their tops unscrew, so the space can actually be functional, too. (Currently they're filled with gum!)
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And at Jack's request, I threw together a quick insert for the zipper section on his collar that used to hold the hood before we removed it. The hood was making the collar too puffy, but without it the collar didn't have enough body to stand up on its own.
I took some measurements, then cut a piece of cotton duck canvas (that I had originally bought to cover the zippers on my Moment vest, before I changed gears and made the Batuu vest instead) to the right length and about three times the height of the interior of the hood section. I did a simple zigzag tri-fold on the height, ironed it flat, and marked some guide lines perpendicular to the length. Then it was just a simple process of quilting the three layers together by machine sewing in short vertical rows ~1cm apart.
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The quilting gave the canvas even more stiffness, and after that point it absolutely did not want to fold or droop along the short vertical axis. I slipped it into the former hood pocket (after snipping one corner to fit around the snap I hadn't accounted for), zipped it closed, and gave the whole collar area a quick pressing. It's removable if we ever need to, completely washable, and keeps the collar standing upright without looking too stiff. Jack was very happy with the result.
With our outfits finally done, we headed into the park around mid-morning, with a plan to stay late. I wasn't quite sure what to expect with Batuu Bounding at Disneyland (which is notoriously a bit more hit-and-miss than Batuu East, in Florida), but we got through security without incident and through the rest of the park without anyone commenting on our outfits. We saw someone else wearing the same leather-look leggings as me, and a guy wearing similar jacket and pants to Jack (but without the pleating), which made us feel like we didn't look too weird, by general Disneyland standards.
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Once we were in Batuu, though, our bounding definitely got noticed more. A couple of fellow guests complemented our outfits (including the kind strangers who gave us the coins!), and cast members seemed way more interested in interacting with us in-character. I got to bring up a bit about the history I'd made up for Samæni Ray -- which led to one cast member later referring to me and Jack as "my friends from Denon!" All of the prep and character design made it a lot easier to think on my feet in those little improv interactions.
One cast member in particular kept finding us throughout the day, just suddenly appearing out of nowhere it felt like, and kept trying to sell us a speederbike that totally wasn't a broken down lemon.
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Later in the day, he kind of sold us out to Kylo Ren and a pair of stormtroopers (but like, in a fun way, lol) which led to an intense interaction with Kylo Ren right up in both my face and Jack's. Kylo Ren is tall, and the voice and the mask and the body language was all perfect up close. There was a bit of nervous laughter on our part, but we kept our cool and convinced Ren that that since we'd only just arrived on Batuu from Denon, we couldn't possibly know anything about any Resistance activity in Black Spire Outpost.
We were way too in the moment to get any photos, but because we were dressed up and Kylo Ren was so much up in our faces, we did draw a bit of a crowd, so for all I know other people may have taken pictures or videos of the event, lol. My family has a saying about 'look hard' rather than take photos, and it was definitely that for us.
Overall the whole day was wonderful, and we ended up spending nearly 12 hours in Batuu without leaving once. I got to pilot the Falcon multiple times (though I can't really say I've gotten any better at it, lol), and got to try out gunner and engineer, too. We managed to ride Rise of the Resistance both during the day and again after dark, explore every part of Black Spire Outpost in detail, learn to play Sabacc with a cast member, have drinks at Oga's, and eat a bunch of really tasty, really well-presented food.
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All together it was an excellent, excellent birthday. And we're already talking about when we might want to go back again.
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louloudelulu · 4 months
౨ৎ 2024 self-care mood board ౨ৎ
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teskadivljina · 4 months
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missdollytheog · 4 months
My 2024 vision board 🤣
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noplans-onlyplants · 4 months
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adiarysblog · 4 months
(Contém trechos traduzidos)
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Habitos a implementar
Yoga, pilates, caminhada, andar de bike, etc. qualquer coisa que mova seu corpo.
Reflexão- Anotar as coisas por qual você é grata. Anotar as coisas que você gostaria de melhorar em si mesmo ou na sua vida.
Mantenha-se consistente
A consistência é fundamental. Certifique-se de manter seu plano e continuar trabalhando em direção ao seus objetivos todos os dias, mesmo pequenos passos são progresso. Tente tornar seu objetivo parte da sua rotina diária.
Como se manter consistente
PROGRAMAÇÃO- Definir horários ajuda muito bem com consistência. Faça um cronograma para as tarefas que você precisa fazer diariamente ou semanalmente para atingir seus objetivos. Isso pode tornar seus objetivos parte da sua rotina, facilitando a consistência.
FIQUE ORGANIZADO- Acompanhe suas tarefas e objetivos. Use ferramentas como calendário, lista de tarefas ou aplicativo para ajudar a se manter organizado e lembrar o que você precisa fazer.
SEJA DISCIPLINADA- As vezes, você não terá vontade de trabalhar para seus objetivos, e tudo bem. A chave é manter a disciplina e fazer a tarefa de qualquer maneira. Lembre-se, a consistência é sobre fazer a tarefa regularmente, não apenas quando você quiser.
COMECE PEQUENO- Não se sobrecarregue com grandes tarefas. Comece pequeno e aumente gradualmente sua carga de trabalho a medida que constrói consistência.
NÃO SEJA MUITO DURO CONSIGO MESMA- Se você perdeu um dia, não se bata. Em vez disso, reconheça que aconteceu, entenda o porquê e siga em frente. Consistência é sobre progresso a longo prazo, não sobre perfeição.
Crie um plano
Depois de saber quais são seus objetivos, crie um plano passo a passo sobre como alcança-los. Divida cada objetivo em tarefas menos e gerenciáveis. Isso pode envolver a criação de um cronograma, a definição de prazo ou identificação de recursos ou ferramentas que você possa precisar.
Deixe as coisas no passado
Em 2023, tenho certeza de que todos tiveram altos e baixos, mas não deixá-los defini-lo como pessoa é que tem que ser feito para que você se torne uma nova pessoa.
Como deixar as coisas no passado
ACEITAÇÃO- Reconheça o passado e aceite-o como parte da sua história de vida. Entenda que é algo de te moldou, mas não te define.
PERDÃO- Perdoe a si mesmo e aos outros. Manter o ressentimento só prejudica você. Deixar de lado o rancor pode trazer uma sensação de paz e abrir espaço para relacionamentos mais saudáveis.
APRENDA COM ISSO- Toda experiência, boa ou ruim, é uma oportunidade de aprender. Reflita sobre essas experiências e use-as como trampolim para melhorar decisões no futuro.
CONCENTRE-SE NO PRESENTE- O passado é imutável, mas o presente está sob seu controle. Concentre-se no que você pode fazer agora para criar um futuro positivo.
DEFINA NOVAS METAS- Crie novos objetivos para si mesmo. Isso lhe dá algo para trabalhar e ajuda a mudar seu foco do passado para o futuro.
PRATIQUE A ATENÇÃO PLENA- Atenção plena é sobre manter o foco no momento presente. Praticas como meditação podem ajudá-lo a permanecer fundamentado e impedi-lo de se deter no passado.
Ajuste seu plano conforme necessário
Tudo bem se seu plano inicial não funcionar exatamente como você pensava. A vida acontece, e é importante ser flexível e adaptar seu plano conforme necessário. Se você achar que uma determinada abordagem não está funcionando, não tenha medo de tentar algo diferente.
Pratique o autocuidado
Lembre-se de cuidar de si mesmo fisicamente, emocionalmente e mentalmente. Isso pode incluir coisas como dormir o suficiente, comer saudável, se exercitar regularmente e tirar um tempo para fazer as coisas que gosta. Não se esqueça que o autocuidado é uma parte importante para alcançar seus objetivos.
Maneiras de praticar o autocuidado
DIETA EQUILIBRADA - Não há necessidade de se restringir dos alimentos, mas comer uma dieta saudável e equilibrada é crucial para manter a saúde física. Tente incluir muitas frutas, vegetais, proteínas magras e grãos integrais em sua dieta.
EXERCÍCIO REGULAR - A atividade fisica regular pode ajudar a reduzir o estresse, melhorar o humor e melhorar a saúde geral. Isso não significa necessariamente ir à academia - pode ser qualquer coisa, desde uma caminhada rápida até uma aula de ioga
DURMA O SUFICIENTE - Aponte para 7-9 horas de sono por noite. Estabeleça um horário de sono regular e crie uma rotina relaxante na hora de dormir para melhorar a qualidade do sono.
FIQUE HIDRATADO - Beber água suficiente todos os dias é importante para a saúde geral. Tente apontar para pelo menos 8 copos por dia.
FAÇA PAUSAS - Certifique-se de fazer pausas regulares ao longo do dia, especialmente se você estiver trabalhando ou estudando. Isso pode ajudar a prevenir o esgotamento e melhorar a produtividade.
FAÇA COISAS QUE VOCÊ GOSTA- Arrume tempo para hobbies ou atividades que você gosta. Isso pode ser qualquer coisa, desde ler um livro até praticar um esporte e pintar.
Comemorar pequenas coisas
Não espere atingir grandes objetivos para comemorar. Comemore pequenas vitórias ao longo da caminhada para manter sua motivação alta. Isso pode ser se presentear com algo que você gosta, ou simplesmente tirar um momento para reconhecer sua conquista.
Refletindo sobre o ano passado
Pense em como foi o ano passado. Você aprendeu alguma coisa? Você atingiu alguma meta? Se você não tiver as respostas para essas perguntas, recomendo examinar mais o seu ano e não repetir os mesmos erros!!!
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leatherjacketmixtapes · 4 months
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Usually at this time every year, I’d be writing up a big post about all the books I read in the past year and the annual reading challenges I did and which favorites I recommend.
Instead, I’m enjoying a book that I didn’t finish in time to count for 2023 and giving myself permission not to feel guilty about that or anything else I didn’t do this past year. For 2024, I’m giving up stressing over book challenges and fitting what I read into someone else’s prompts. It’s gonna be more about working through my own TBR at my own pace. Reading books I’ve been wanting to get to for years. Picking up whatever I feel like the next vibe is.
My friend had to remind me that rules are made up and life is too short - there’s no need to hold myself to doing reading tasks like they’re chores. So here’s to more matcha lattes and cozy blankets and more enjoyment of reading this next year.
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valiantnomore · 2 months
i have an interview tomorrow that would honestly be life changing for me (even if the job itself isn't great it would provide me great experience for future career paths) and I've been trying not to overthink it but as this day gets closer to ending I am becoming a jittery mess...
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retiosanti · 4 months
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sheliesshattered · 25 days
I finished my lightsaber bag last weekend, but work has been so hectic that I haven't really had the time to take photos and write up a post about it until now.
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The finished bag, when closed like this, is 39" long and 5" wide. It fits my lightsaber (hilt with 28" blade attached) just perfectly, and it's so nice and soft and padded inside that I feel like my saber is protected from most things it would encounter either at home or out in the world. I wouldn't check it as airline baggage in just this bag, but short of that it feels pretty secure.
The top flap closes with a large strip of brown velcro, which makes it quick and easy to get my saber out when I need it. That faux-suede fabric I used for the lining is a bit grippy, and the interior of the bag is too narrow to get even my tiny raccoon hands into, so it takes just the right amount of force (no pun intended) to draw the lightsaber out of the bag. Even with the flap open, there isn't much risk of the saber just falling out of the bag.
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The fake pocket flap in the middle of the bag, near the right edge of the above picture, hides another bit of velcro, which allows me to close off the bag at a slightly shorter length by folding the top flap down even further, until the velcro on the left side of the picture meets up with the underside of that flap. I didn't get any pictures of that, since it's really only usable when I separate the hilt and blade of my saber, which is just fiddly enough that I prefer to keep them attached when I can. But it does give me the option, say for a Disney trip, to remove the hilt and wear it on my belt, and then have just the blade in the bag, with the bag being a little bit shorter and lighter and easier to carry onto rides and such.
The pocket at the lower end of the bag is sized for carrying the hex wrench and little screws needed for attaching the blade to the hilt, and also has enough room to tuck the charging cable in there as well.
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I've taken to storing my fingerless leather gloves clipped onto the bag, just so they're handy for practicing with the saber every evening. I've built up a good repertoire of flow arts combinations, training on both hands pretty equally, and find that my frequently achy wrists and shoulders are much happier for the routine. I'm hoping to get video of it soon.
When I'm not using my saber, it lives in the bag hung from a hook on the wall. I might like to eventually have a dedicated hook at something closer to waist level, but for now this higher up coat hook works just fine.
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The carrying strap took a little bit of fiddling around with to figure out what was most comfortable (even though the whole thing is easily under 5lbs, probably closer to 3), but looped through the top ring and then clipped at the bottom seems to be the winning combination. I can pull the bag on over my head, but the easier thing is to unclip the big S carabiner from the lower ring. The strap isn't permanently attached to the bag anywhere, so I can experiment with other arrangements or even other straps in the future, if I want to.
The chalk guidelines from when I put the lettering on are still showing up somewhat in these photos, but in person they're hardly noticeable. I may do another erasing pass on them at some point, and I still haven't decided if I want to do some weathering with fabric paints or just leave it as is. Generally I'm really happy with how it turned out, but it's nice to know that I can easily make a few more adjustments to it if I feel like it.
But the next thing I want to spend some time working on is the lightsaber hilt itself. I picked out this particular combination of pieces knowing that I wanted to do some practical weathering on it. The hilt is made from aluminum with a nice matte black finish over top, and I've seen lots of examples online of the difference that sanding that surface makes to the overall look of the saber. Now that I've gotten to know the saber and figured out where my hands naturally want to hold it most often, it's just going to be a matter of getting in there with some sandpaper and starting to take off that black paint in a few places.
I've also been toying with the idea of adding a bit of heat bluing to the emitter using paints, and I think all those details will really help it look more like the 'fragile antique' that the bag proclaims it to be. Modifying my saber like that is a bit daunting, but I have a pretty good idea of what I want the hilt to look like when it's finished, so it's really just a matter of carving out some time to take pieces of the hilt apart and strategically attack them with sandpaper.
And besides that, the only thing I still need for Star Wars Nite is the actual tickets to Star Wars Nite, lol. We're coming up on the end of our third week with our new client, and we have a better idea of when the major milestones and deadlines are in April and May, so hopefully Jack and I can sit down soon and figure out when we want to head back to Batuu.
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mybloodrunsrad · 4 months
Truly love going out alone
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crisishauntline · 4 months
This is the year where I stop doing things that make me miserable and start doing what I actually want to do! I am lucky enough to have the resources, time, and energy to move toward my own happiness, and I don't need anyone to give me permission or validation to do so. My life is not an obligation or an apology. I don't have to manage anyone's fear or insecurity but my own. I am not a mother and not a child; I don't have to put my dreams on hold to parent or play house. I am a free woman at home in my own heart.
Like Mary Oliver says, "You do not have to walk on your knees / for a hundred miles through the desert repenting." So I won't. I'm going to quit my job and do all the lovely things I have starved myself of. I'm going to dive back into music and record an album to share with the world, travel, go hiking and camping, forage for wild mushrooms, ride the ferry, go out to clubs and concerts and plays, and have long, deep, silly, philosophical talks about death and queer mysticism and poetry and language and history and art. I will love and become everything that inspires me.
"The world offers itself to your imagination, calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting— over and over announcing your place in the family of things."
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jjhoanne · 4 months
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Mood for 2024 😎😎😎
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