#NHL first star of opening week
icedbatik · 2 years
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Penguins captain Sidney Crosby has been named the NHL's first star for the opening week of the 2022-23 regular season.
Crosby, the NHL's current leading scorer with six points (2G-4A), recorded two three-point outings in the Penguins' first two games of the season, tallying one goal and two assists in each game.
From Pens PR: Crosby began his 18th NHL season, the most in Penguins history, by factoring into 50% of the Penguins’ goals through two games (6/12).
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drewsbuzzcut · 2 months
Deeper Than Oceans You Run, Watch As Our World Has Begun
Nick Moldenhauer x Dallas Blankenburg Moldenhauer
A so it goes blurb
Warnings: some insecurities and slight angst
Takes places during their honeymoon this summer
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The full moon reflects on the darkened waves that lap at the couple. Nick and Dallas cling to each other, limbs tangled up in a perfect mess as they float.
Today marks one week into their blissful honeymoon. They’ve been having boozy, blistering fun on the white sand beaches in Tulum. They love being in love and being happy. There have been many endless kisses and bone chilling touches. Albeit the overwhelming rapture, Dallas can tell something’s wrong with Nick. Her husband has a faint furrow between his eyebrows and the corners of his lips don’t fully rise with his smile. Any other person wouldn’t even notice, but Nick is Dallas’ favorite worn in book. She can notice the slightest difference in anything he does.
“What’s wrong? You seemed down all day,” the girl pulls herself tighter into his chest and slides a hand into his curls.
“Just thinking a little too much,” Nick whispers, not able to meet her eyes.
“About what?” She asks, tilting his head up so he can look at her.
“Um… just about my future. In the nhl. I just- I don't know,” he mumbles and turns away despite his wife trying to keep his eyes on hers.
“Nicky, it’s all going to be okay,” she tries to reassure him.
“What if it’s not? What if I fail miserably, or what if I can’t be the player that I want to be?” Nick exasperates, eyes wide and his unshed tears glimmering in the moonlight. His voice is shaky and his chest is starting to heave.
“It’s going to be okay, baby. You’re a good hockey player and you never give up. You’re so committed to bettering yourself and that’s all that matters. Even if you do fail, I will be by your side, so unbelievably proud of you. I know you’re not going to fail, though. You’re Nick Moldenhauer, someone who has gone through a lot so early in their hockey career. You’ve had a lot of odds against you, but you’re here playing hockey for umich. You’re drafted and you’re going to be amazing,” she hums and wipes away the tear on his cheek.
“I just want to be able to take care of you, us, and our future family,” Nick admits, letting out a sigh when she nuzzles her nose into his cheek. Dallas softly traced over the scar on his jaw before pressing a soft kiss onto the raised skin. The girl feels a fluttery feeling grow in her heart at the thought of their future family.
“And you will be able to. If not, then I have no problem being your sugar mommy,” the girl jokes, trying to get a smile out of her husband.
“You’re my everything and the last person I want to let down,” he chokes out with a quivering lip. His words are pained, easily making her heart crack.
“You could never. I love you so much, Nicky,” she reassures him once again.
Dallas loops her arms around his shoulders and squeezes him tightly to her body. Heat builds where their soft skin touches, consoling Nick.
“I love you, June bug. I’m happy you’re my wife. It’s you and it’ll always be you,” he affirms and leans down to capture her lips in a kiss.
Dallas cups his cheeks, her legs wrapping around his waist as she gets lost in his lips. His tongue gently prods her lips open and explores her mouth as if it’s his first time. She loves that every time they kiss, it feels like the very first time. She gets filled with excitement, and she can feel it blossom in Nick with the way his fingers press into her skin.
“Want to help me tick something off of my bucket list?” Dallas asks, lips moving over his.
Her husband pulls away, watching her facial features and seeing the smirk that she can’t bother hiding.
“What is that?”
“Sex on the beach,” she rasps in his ear.
Nick doesn’t respond, he just pulls Dallas over his shoulder and carries her to shore. He can’t wait to see her fall apart under the stars and moon.
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Snitches Get Stitches: Chapter 1
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Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader
Part of the San Diego Dogfighters universe
Summary: Jake Seresin, golden boy of the NHL and Captain of the Dallas Stars makes headlines when he unexpectedly signs with newly-formed San Diego Dogfighters. When your future seems at the verge of crashing down, you receive the opportunity of a lifetime to become the team physician for the Dogfighters. You never expected to be working directly with your favorite hockey player. Jake has a secret and you have a job to do. Will he be able to trust you enough to help and will you be able to trust him with your heart?
Series CW: 18+ ONLY, swearing, violence, sports violence, medical stuff, blood probably, angst, fluff, (potentially eventual) smut, forbidden romance, sexual harassment, suggestive language, medical inaccuracies, hockey inaccuracies etc. There will be individual chapter warnings. No use of Y/N.
Word Count: 3.4k
A/N: This is a repost of my completed series, Snitches Get Stitches. It was originally posted in October-November 2023, and was lost when my blog was deleted.
Previous Chapter // Series Masterlist // Next Chapter
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“And that’s everything,” Pete says with a grin and a shrug of his shoulders as you approach the board room. He’s been giving you a tour of the facilities since it’s your first day as the team physician of the newly formed San Diego Daggers. You were still pinching yourself. Two weeks ago you’d been unemployed and spending every single waking moment stressing about what would happen once you finished your fellowship at the Cedars-Sinai Kerlan-Jobe Institute when you’d quite literally crashed into the opportunity of a lifetime when hockey legend Pete “Maverick” Mitchell had driven his motorcycle in front of your car at a gas station. Turns out he was the newly appointed head coach of the San Diego Daggers hockey team and when you’d let slip that working for a hockey team was your dream he’d offered you an interview on the spot.
Since then, you’d found out that he hadn’t been kidding when he said that wasn’t his department as the general manager, Beau Simpson had exasperatedly informed you during your interview. Thankfully Mr. Simpson had been impressed with your resume and had offered you the most level-headed response to your situation you’d received in the three months since the incident occurred. You’d taken a chance in trusting him with the details of what happened but you knew it was better that he heard it from you before someone else could twist the story with their own opinion and interpretation of the events. The two of you had struck an agreement that stipulated the basic work contract to account for your situation, but the job was yours.
Now here you were, on your first day, being shown around your new place of work. “Now I want to introduce you to the newest member of our team, he’s going to be our team captain, so it’s imperative that you two get acquainted as soon as possible so you can start organizing physicals for the team. The ink’s quite literally still drying on his contract, but I think he’ll be the perfect man for the job.” You nod along, as you’ve been for the better part of the last hour. “By the way, kiddo, I never got the chance to ask. You said the Ducks were your second favorite team, who’s your first?” His eyes twinkle with humor as you chuckle, embarrassed as you remember your first interaction.
“The Dallas Stars,” you answer. “I’ve been a fan of them for as long as I can remember.” Oh but you can remember, you remember the day your loyalties shifted from the childhood love of Anaheim you’d shared with your dad, but you’ve embarrassed yourself enough in front of Pete Mitchell for a lifetime, or so you think.
His grin widens and his eyes light up conspiratorially as he pushes the door to the conference room open. “Well then, kid, I think the two of you are going to get along just fine.” You blink as your eyes adjust to the change from the dimmer ambient hallway lights to the bright LEDs in the conference room, just as the seat closest to the door turns to reveal its occupant. “Jake! I want you to meet our brand new team physician. Kiddo, this is Jake.”
Jake Seresin. Jake motherfucking Seresin, Centre and Captain of the Dallas Stars, and the very reason you became a Stars fan in the first place, stands from the chair and offers you his hand. “Hey there, it’s nice to meet you, ma’am” His grin is wide and just as blinding as it is on TV, but it doesn’t touch the storm in his eyes. The piercing green that’s always warm, inviting, and jovial now looks more like a raging sea. Thankfully your professionalism manages to rush back to your brain in a timely manner and you take his hand, feeling the calluses on his palm scrape the smooth skin of yours.
“H-Hi,” you introduce yourself with the eloquence of a deep sea fish, as he releases your hand before your curiosity gets the better of you. “I thought you played for the Stars.” It’s harmless enough, it’s not like you’ve divulged anything personal but it feels like you’ve revealed yourself as some kind of unprofessional super fan in front of someone who is first and foremost your colleague and your patient for God’s sake.
He shifts uncomfortably, scratching the back of his neck as he deliberates how to answer your question before he settles on, “I did, until,” he breaks eye contact to check the watch on his wrist. “38 hours ago.”
“Oh,” is all you can manage as your brain descends into chaos. “Well, I guess since I signed about a week ago, welcome to the team.” He lets out a laugh at that and you watch some of the weight lift off his shoulders. Your mind is racing but the sensible part of it reminds you that this is your place of work, he’s just a client, regardless of who he is.
“So Mr. Seresin, or do you prefer Captain Seresin? When would be a good time to meet and go over scheduling the team physicals? I know we’re in the off-season right now but I want to get all the routine procedures done as soon as possible and adjust training as needed based on that.” He chuckles and it puts you at ease instantly.
“Just Jake is fine, ma’am. You’re the one in charge here, remember? As for the physicals, I agree that we should get those out of the way first and foremost. Scheduling that is up to our trainers, however, not me.”
“No, right of course, but as Captain would you be willing to go first to kind of show a united front? If I’m going to properly and efficiently take care of your team, trust is key.” You almost miss the bob of his Adam’s apple as he hesitates.
“Sure thing, sign me up.”
“Seresin.” The door opens behind you as Mr. Simpson enters the board room. “And our new physician, good to see you made it.” You nod in acknowledgment. “Seresin we’re glad to have you here, you’re a last-minute catch, but that does mean we need to get you up to speed as soon as possible.”
“Of course, sir.” Jake’s back to his charismatic self for his manager, the troubled man you’d met just minutes ago gone. “It was nice to meet you, ma’am.” He pipes up as you make your way towards the door, your dismissal unspoken.
You turn back to give him a smile, “Nice to meet you too, Jake.” You’ve barely made it halfway down the hallway when the door opens again and Mav is jogging after you, a shit-eating grin creeping across his face.
“So, what do you think?” He’s ecstatic.
“Mav,… I mean this with all the grace of a professional, but how the fuck did you manage to get Jake Seresin?” He laughs, loud and long before leaning in conspiratorially.
“We didn’t. He came to us.” You’re shell-shocked, to say the least.
You open and close your mouth without saying anything for a few seconds before you remember your last conversation. “Mav, about what I said to you earlier,” He grins. “I said that to you as a friend, not a coworker and I’d really appreciate it if you kept that to yourself, for the sake of my professionalism, please. Jake’s my coworker and patient, and anything else would affect his ability to trust me as his physician.” His eyes twinkle as he winks.
“Your secret is safe with me, kiddo. I appreciate your dedication to the job from the get-go. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if you asked for his autograph, though.” You can’t fight the flush that creeps across your cheeks. He pats your back gently. “Don’t worry kiddo, any girl in the world would lose their head a bit if they had to work with that boy. I played with plenty of guys just like him in my day.”
“Mav, you were a guy like him in your day.” Mav laughs again as you reach your office.
“Good luck, kid. Break a leg!” He leaves with a wave and you sigh, pushing into the room.
The moment the door swings shut, you turn to press your forehead against the hardwood, letting out a breath you’ve been holding since you entered the board room. You’re fucked, totally completely, royally fucked. You’ve never struggled with professionalism in the workplace. Your entire patient base was made up of multimillion-dollar athletes, any awkwardness due to this had been a hurdle you’d long since crossed. But this? This wasn’t just close to home in the way that you were a fan of the sport your patient played, you were a fan of the player period.
Jake “Hangman” Seresin had had a successful enough career long before he came to play for the Dallas Stars but it was during his first season with them that he first caught your eye. Sure, every girl who knew anything about hockey salivated over the Ken doll on skates but that wasn’t what had drawn you to him. You’d been a hockey fan long enough to know that there were plenty of pretty faces on the ice and sooner or later his dazzling smile would be short a few perfect teeth. Plus, they weren’t there to be pretty, they were there because they could play, and damn if Jake wasn’t the whole package because he was a monster on the ice. He hadn’t earned the nickname “Hangman” for nothing.
It was Dallas vs. Anaheim and Anaheim had the game in the bag, or so you thought. It was the third period, the score was 6-2 in favor of Anaheim. Dallas had managed to take a single point each period, saving themselves from a total wipeout but a four-point difference with nine minutes left in the game had most people switching channels, safe with the knowledge that the match was decided. Then Dallas made a game-changing switch, they switched their centre, just their centre. You’d written it off the same way as everyone else, as a last-ditch effort by Dallas to change the flow of the game in any way they could, but it was anything but.
The moment Jake Seresin hit the ice, the energy in the entire arena shifted, as if they knew what was coming somehow. That was the thing about Jake Seresin you learned that day, he played every second he was on the ice like it was the last second of a tied game. He was a game maker. In the next nine minutes, not only did Dallas tie the score, making up the four points that they trailed, but they sunk a final, victory point with three seconds left on the clock. Of those five points, only two were scored directly by Jake, including the final one, but it was a unanimous opinion that Jake was the reason behind the win. He knew how to move a puck, he knew how to support his teammates while finding shots through a jungle of defense like an octopus in a wall of rock. You weren’t sure if you breathed at all during those nine minutes, and when it was finally over, you’d sat back, too stunned to speak, eyes wide and mouth parted. You’d been brought back to earth by your dad’s laugh from next to you as he gave you a wry smile, “And that’s the moment you’ll fall in love with hockey.” It was something he’d told you once when you asked how he’d come to love the sport as much as he did, a love he’d passed down to you. For him it was an Anaheim game that he was passively watching in a hotel room, half asleep and channel surfing, looking for something to lull him to sleep. For you, you’d always thought you loved hockey, you’d been watching Anaheim games with your dad for as long as you could remember, but it wasn’t until that night that you saw Jake Seresin play for the first time that you realized that while you loved hockey, you couldn’t have been in love with hockey because nothing had ever felt like this.
You’re broken out of your thoughts by a firm rapping on the door you’re still leaning your forehead against. You straighten with a soft groan before opening the door to reveal an unfamiliar woman on the other side. Compared to your forest green scrubs and white coat, she’s a vision in a powder pink suit, her hair pulled into a no-nonsense bun at the base of her neck, and a pair thick of black glasses propped on her head. She extends a perfectly manicured hand to you, her other one occupied with a pink leather folio that matches her suit and nails, introducing herself. “Everyone here calls me Zamboni, though, or just Zam.”
“Can… can I ask why?” You’re a little intimidated by her, the color pink has never made you feel mildly terrified before but there’s a first time for everything.
She laughs at that, a rich, real sound. “I got it at my first unofficial gig, they said it was because I smooth things over, just like a Zamboni smoothes the ice.” She rolls her eyes playfully. “College guys think they are so funny, but the name stuck.” She shrugs. “I like to think it’s because I’m good at my job. I’m the PR rep for the team.”
“It’s nice to meet you Zam.” You weigh your options quickly before deciding to dive right in. “Actually, I have a question I was hoping you could answer.” Zam raises an eyebrow at the way your voice drops but nods to encourage you to continue. “What’s Jake Seresin doing here?” Both eyebrows are raised now. She lets out a defeated huff, crossing her arms over her chest in frustration.
“You know, I pride myself on knowing every aspect of my job inside out, and that includes my players, but that’s one question that even I don’t have the answer to, and not for lack of trying. All I know is that Seresin reached out to Beau two nights ago and showed up here this morning. No private plane, no nothing, the man took a commercial red eye. It does make you wonder,
what exactly had him running like hell to get out of Dallas, but as far as concrete answers go, I’m all out.” She frowns. “Any particular reason why you ask? Do you know something?”
You shake your head, disappointedly. “Nope, but I watch enough hockey on my own time to know he could be anywhere and why he’s here makes little to no sense. I know he and Machado are friends but that doesn’t seem like enough to pass up re-signing to Dallas, and definitely doesn’t explain why he decided to move in less than 48 hours.”
“Just one of life’s mysteries.” An unfamiliar voice interrupts. You both turn to see another woman approach. “I’m Natasha Trace, the head equipment manager.” You shake her outstretched hand as you look over the dark-haired woman. She has a strong grip and you feel the barely there brush of calluses on her hand as if they’ve long faded but stubbornly remained in some places. “If it helps, Javy didn’t know he was coming here either, he’s just as surprised as the rest of us.” Her eyes darken sadly. “Honestly, he’s more pissed than excited right now.”
“Are you two close?” You ask and she’s smiling again.
“Yeah, we went to high school together. He’s actually the reason I have this job, he recommended it to me.”
“And by proxy you know Jake, then?” She shrugs nonchalantly.
“He’s Javy’s best friend, but honestly we don’t see enough of each other to really say I know Jake. Most of what I know about him is what I hear from Javy. I could count on one hand the number of times we’d met before this.” She claps her hands, signaling the end of the conversation. “As much as I enjoy gossiping like old hens with both of you, I did actually come here for a reason. Mav wants to introduce you to the rest of the team so you can start getting into their physicals.” With that, Zam is back in professional mode, straightening from where she’s been leaning on the doorframe to follow the two of you as you do your best to memorize the route Natasha is taking. When you enter the rink, the boys are mid-practice, zipping around on the ice while Maverick watches from the sidelines, taking notes. He turns at the click of Zam’s heels as your group approaches.
“Ladies, welcome! Kiddo, glad to see you’re getting assimilated!” He turns back to the ice, blowing his whistle to signal the guys over to the bench. Your nose is hit with the familiar smell of sweaty athletes as they collect on the ice in front of Mav, removing their helmets and shaking out their name hair. A few swing over the boards to take a seat on the bench, grabbing water bottles as slowly all eyes come to rest on you. You glance over the group, clocking familiar faces. Javy Machado, a right winger, here from the San Jose Sharks and Jake Seresin’s former teammate on the Arizona Coyotes. Left winger, Bradley Bradshaw, the oldest player on the team, from the Philadelphia Flyers. The defensive duo, Reuben Fitch and Mickey Garcia from the New Jersey Devils. Rookie goalie Bob Floyd, whose acquisition has been turning a lot of heads. And of course, Jake Seresin, former captain and centre for the Dallas Stars.
Mav claps a hand on your shoulder. “Gentlemen, this is our new team physician. I’m gonna let her take the floor.” He steps back at that to linger with Natasha and Zam as twenty pairs of eyes focus on you.
You introduce yourself and put on your best smile as the boys chorus back their own greetings. “My first order of business is going to be scheduling your physicals. I want to get as much of the basics out of the way early so we can catch any hidden injuries or undiagnosed conditions as soon as possible so that we can adjust anything we need to have you ready and fighting fit when the season starts in two months.” You almost miss the way Jake shifts uncomfortably at your mention of hidden injuries and undiagnosed conditions and you store away that tidbit for later. “I look forward to working with all of you this season and I want you to know that my priority is your health and safety, and if we want to make the best of our relationship then we need to trust each other so I hope I can earn your trust.” You make eye contact with Jake as you say this. His eyes are back to the stormy seas from this morning and you hope he can trust you enough to tell you what’s really going on so you can help. Just as you’re about to wrap up you remember something. “One last thing! I want to clearly emphasize that this physical will not, and I repeat, will not include any reason for you to be naked. I’m a licensed general physician but this physical doesn’t involve checking your testicles or your prostate unless a specific condition makes it necessary. So please, please keep your underwear on for both our benefit. I don’t want to see any dicks in my exam room, am I clear?” A chorus of laughs and yes ma’am’s bounce off the walls. When you turn to excuse yourself, Mav is grinning too. You decide to get this out ahead of time. “Mav, we need to discuss a good time for me to start the physicals.”
He nods before shrugging. “We’re done here for a bit so If you’re free to start now, you can start taking them one by one.” You nod, turning back to the boys on the ice who are slowly trudging off the ice at his words. “Captain, you’re up.”
Jake stiffens before his mask is back on. “Sure thing, ma’am, I’ll be right there as soon as I hit the showers.” You nod in return and head back to your office to prepare yourself. This is about to be a lesson in professionalism.
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octuscle · 6 months
I know you 'produce' a lot of athletes in soccer, football and so on but I'd like to become an ice hockey star - maybe I can replace an actual player and you find another solution for him? I'm open for your suggestions but nice abs are a must 😉
Monday morning. 08:30. Start of duty at the call center. The phones are ringing off the hook. It's going to be another great week, you can feel it. There's still slush on the streets of Berlin outside. Somehow spring is not coming at all this year. After the third caller who berates you for things you can't do anything about, you're already fed up. You greet the fourth caller with a friendly "Grützi". Shit, where does your Swiss accent come from… You're actually from northern Germany… Nonsense! Bern is not in northern Germany. You are proudly Swiss. The other colleagues here have always made fun of your accent…
Thank God you survived this morning. During your lunch break, you go for a run through the park. Your body needs exercise, otherwise you'll get cranky. This morning it was still bloody cold outside in Nashville. But the temperature is rising rapidly. In the early afternoon, it should finally be well over 20 degrees Celsius again. Eh, you mean 68 degrees Fahrenheit, of course. You just can't get used to the strange units of measurement here in the USA. But you'll learn that too.
The afternoon shift at the gym is always relaxed. There are hardly any people working out. Plenty of free space to do a bit of training yourself. You love to confuse new customers. With your roots in the Balkans, most people here think you're an Arab. And when you speak English with your Swiss accent, nobody knows what to believe. After 4 p.m. you have more to do. That's when some of the ice hockey team come to train. They're professionals, they're fun to talk to. Better than overweight pensioners who want to get in shape. Hehehe, but they usually tip better…
The Predators have a public practice tonight. You saw they're looking for a new fitness trainer. Ice hockey was already your passion back home in Switzerland. Now to be under contract with one of the best clubs in the world... That would be a hot deal! And you know a few of the guys quite well by now, maybe someone will put in a good word for you. A few of the less experienced fans ask you if you're an injured professional. Because you're not on the ice. Yes, you really don't look like the typical fan in your jersey….
The alarm clock rings at 05:30. You're awake two seconds earlier. Even though your family's roots are in the Balkans, you were born and raised in Bern. You are a Swiss precision instrument. Always on time. And your shots almost always hit the mark. Training on the ice starts at 09:00. Before that, you want to do your eight-mile lap and spend an hour on the weights. Last season you weren't fit enough, you missed a lot of time due to injury. That shouldn't happen to you again this season. Hard and controlled training. That's the only way to stay at the top!
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Dude, you're a machine! Captain of the team. The first Swiss player to be awarded the James Norris Memorial Trophy as the NHL's best defenseman. You're one of the players with the highest advertising revenue. Some attribute it to your eight-pack. Others attribute it to your discipline and reliability. But you still have a little quirk. You call your helmet Roman. You haven't told anyone why…
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intheupside · 1 year
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Pittsburgh Penguins alternate captain Evgeni Malkin was named the NHL’s Third Star for the opening week of the 2023-24 regular season, it was announced today.
Malkin opened the season with six points (2G-4A) in his first three games, and is currently tied as the NHL’s leading scorer. In the Penguins’ second game of the season on October 13 in Washington, Malkin (1G-3A) opened the scoring and factored in on each of Pittsburgh’s four goals to record his first four-point game since January 10, 2023. Malkin’s 29 career four-point games and 36 three-assist games are both the fourth most among all active players.
With a goal and assist, Malkin recorded another multi-point game the next night at home against Calgary on October 14, as Pittsburgh swept their first set of back-to-back games of the season. Malkin’s goal that night marked his 473rd career marker, tying him with Alexander Mogilny for the third-most goals by a Russian-born player in NHL history. Only Alex Ovechkin (822) and Sergei Fedorov (483) have more goals among Russians.
This season marks Malkin’s 18th with the Penguins, surpassing Mario Lemieux (17) for the second-most seasons played with the team in franchise history (Sidney Crosby, 19; Kris Letang, 18). Pittsburgh’s long-standing core of Malkin and teammates Crosby and Letang are skating in their 18th season together, marking the longest-tenured trio of teammates in major North American professional sports history.
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swissboyhisch · 2 years
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Last Call Inspired by "Last Call" by Will Linley.
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My Jersey After a little rain comes sun... And thunder. Thunder in the form of a six-foot five Russian defenseman.
That Scar Hurt By The Way In a world where everyone has a soulmate link, you happened to luck out with a pain link.
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Lost In Japan Inspired by "Lost In Japan" by Shawn Mendes.
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Picasso The perfect family... Mum. Dad. And three dogs. With a touch of fluff and uninformed comment.
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You know I love you right? After bad game, what more could you ask for? Maybe just chinese, Netflix and some good old cuddling.
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I’m Your Favourite, Eh? An All-Star Competition and a married couple with a kiddo. What more could you ask for?
I Brought Too Many Sorry Female issues are always a fun time of month. Even worse... running out of pads in a time of need. Luckily someone comes to the rescue, a little too well.
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Surprise Cheerleader Surprises from one party to another during a big Volleyball game.
All-Star Love The NHL All Star weekend is always fun. But bring in a romance… Then that's when it becomes interesting.
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Hey There Delilah Inspired by "Hey There Delilah" by Plain White T's.
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Thanks For The 20 Kiddos Hosting hockey players was normal. Guys that would become brothers. Until him.
Cupid Cousin First game against his old team for your cousin and he wants you there. Luckily some of his ex-teammates are cute.
The Aussie BBQ Experience You finally got to take Nico home to Australia. He got the true experience of an Aussie BBQ.
The Aussie Easter Experience Nico gets to experience an Aussie Easter after being not making the playoffs.
The Aussie Snack Experience As a marketing idea, you get to feature in a video with Nico trying snacks from your home country.
The Aussie Chrissie Experience Since Nico is injured just before Christmas, you head back to Australia for Nico to experience an Aussie Chrissie.
Sorry But I Really Like Her You head to Newark to see your parents new place after avoiding it like the plague. Maybe this time, something with make you want to come back.
We're Not Naked You just wanted some time alone with your partner. Sadly, your brothers are clingy.
Hughes Siblings Acquired (Part 1) Somehow, the New Jersey Devils acquire a player who will fit in well on the team.
Welcome to New Jersey (Part 2) Quinn arrives to New Jersey and has his first training with his brothers and new team.
The Sugar Fix After opening your cafe and bar, a familiar hockey player comes in opening day. Seems like he remembers you too.
Prom Queen Inspired by "Prom Queen" by Molly Kate Kestner.
Don't Want to Lose You (Part 1) You notice something is wrong with your body. A wrong diagnosis then something you never wanna hear.
Will You Be There When I Wake Up? (Part 2) Two weeks pass and it's time for surgery.
I'd Marry You Tomorrow (Part 3) As a precautionary measure, you follow through with the doctor suggestion to collect eggs. It wasn't as an easy process as you thought.
Home Inspired by "Home" by Phillip Phillips.
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Opening Night For once Mat is your pretty accessory for your big night. Instead of the other way round.
Drunken Mistakes (Part 1) After receiving some bad news, you just wanted to not be alone. After a couple drinks, what most likely is a bad decision, starts to sound too good to miss.
New York Luck (Part 2) After a lovely holiday, your partner breaks up with you and so you turn to your only friend in the city.
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Something In The Orange Inspired by the song "Something In The Orange" by Zach Bryan. Little Miss Klutz Despite you hating your pain link to your soulmate, he had a tendency to look on the brighter side.
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You’re Not Useless Broken bones and being bed bound can affect you more than physically. Fighting words are thrown between the pair.
WAG Meetings After it's confirmed that the boys will go to playoffs for another season, the WAGs have a meeting to discuss the most exciting part. WAG Jackets.
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My Family A pair of friends reunite with a surprise in store for one of them. Oops, it's a baby.
Bad Day = Cuddles After the worst day you have had in a long time, your boyfriend at home was ready to take care of you.
You're My Favouite A visit to your family goes wrong when Auston meets your Aunt.
Halloween Surprise The team's Halloween party seemed like the perfect time to reveal to everyone who you were dating.
God, You’re Amazing A championship game ends up being the best day for multiple people's lives.
Stop Flirting With Marner! A few Leafs spy a figure skater practicing on the ice of the All-Star Arena. After persistent bugging from his friends, one finds himself embarrassing himself to try score a date.
Flirt With Her Tomorrow A day spent at a stable as a team bonding exercise turns out to be a great place to meet people for some.
Never Letting You Go Again Bumping into exes are always fun. But with a little meddling from a sweet cafe owner who's missed her favourite regulars, some truths are revealed.
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Baking Antics A rainy day means baking and dancing in the kitchen.
Kick Ass Your first time back in a competition and your luck charm definitely helped.
Support My Girl The final dance concert comes around and you're lucky to have such a supportive family.
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UPDATED: 9/11/23
331 notes · View notes
couldawouldashoulda50 · 10 months
Toi et Moi
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A/N - Happy Birthday yesterday @leafs-lover - this is my fic for your birthday celebration. It’s waaaay longer than I had planned (11+k words) but I wanted to try and get some previous ideas pulled together into one fic.  This still falls under William Nylander and the reader who is a global super-star in her own right.  
I’m sorry - I can only write about Willy Styles for now but I’m starting to have some thirsty thoughts about a handful of other players; I plan to keep broadening my horizons 🙂
I hope you like this regardless.  
Warnings: 18+ content, general smut (p in v, oral m receiving), swearing, pregnant reader feeling insecure, discussions of jealousy
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November, 2023 - Stockholm
“Fuck….William…” you pant.  “Oh…my…god…. – oh no…shit - what time is it?”
“We’re good - we got time” William grunts as he continues to buck his hips, pounding his cock deep into you.  “Fuck Y/N….you feel too fuckin’ good”.
You and William finally had a couple of hours to spend alone together after days of him being in the spotlight during the Leafs visit to Stockholm for the NHL Global Series.   With the first game against Detroit behind them, William had once again been thrust into the eye of the media hurricane that ensued after his 3 point showing.  His goal and two assists helped the Leafs win a come from behind game which only helped to bolster the overall frenzy over William’s (and the other Swedish members from the 4 teams) return to Sweden. 
While William, the team, and the WAGs that came along on the trip stayed at a luxury hotel in the city, you opted to stay at the apartment where you and William now consider “home-base” during the off-season; it was the safest bet for you to remain away from the cameras that were all but guaranteed to be following William this week. The apartment is, by far, one of the happiest places on earth for you and you had been looking forward to coming back to it, albeit a a different time of year.  The times that William and you have spent together in this space are nothing short of perfection and the present moment, with William underneath you, was certainly no exception.
William’s hands move skilfully around your body as your hips rock back and forth, grinding and forcing his cock deeply inside of you.  You catch William watching you; his expression is a mix of deep desire and ultimate pleasure and he smiles at you when your eyes lock on each other.  
“Fuck, William….” you sigh as the corners of your lips form a tiny smirk, followed by a full grin.  Your mouth drops open as the tip of his cock, coupled with his thick girth, hits the perfect spot while stretching you just right; your walls respond by gripping his cock even tighter.  You can feel a fresh release of slickness seep from your core and a distinct groan comes from William as thrusts become faster and harder.   
He sits up and kisses you madly; in doing so, you slide further down taking his entire length inside of you.  A jolt of pleasure shoots up through your body and you can’t help but to tightly grab a fistful of William’s hair as you bury your face in the crook of his neck.  It feels like you - your whole body is dangling from a cliff and you grasp at his body like he’s your only saviour.
What William doesn’t say with words during these moments, he more than makes up for it with a symphony of the most sensual and erotic sounds.  Normally every grunt, moan and growl that’s forced through his gritted teeth shows you what you do to him and you, in turn, close your eyes and allow yourself to completely melt into him.  
In this moment however, thoughts in your mind begin to converge between feeling the ultimate pleasure with the love of your life and uncertainty that swirls in your mind with William’s new heights with his celebrity.
You desperately try to stay in the moment with William as he sucks on your earlobe, sending another high-voltage shock through your body.  
You press your forehead against his jawline and graze your lips against the base of his muscular neck, mouthing the words “I love you” over and over against his skin.  You taste the delicious salt of his skin as you leave open mouthed kisses along his shoulder blades and over his collar bone.  
William’s strong arms have you fully enveloped, pulling you into him even closer, he pumps his cock upwards into you.  The slapping sound of William driving into you grows even louder, echoing alongside your strained cries throughout the entire apartment.   Your ass, tits and thighs give way to the ripple effect of each powerful thrust; your body’s reflection in a nearby full length mirror is on full display and it catches William’s gaze.  He watches you in the mirror as you ride and grind his cock with such fervent passion that he loses complete control and erupts deep within you, grunting and groaning with each twitch from the after effects of his orgasm.  He holds you in place for a moment, and once his lips find yours again, he kisses you deeply, releasing a long moan into your mouth as his hands glide effortlessly over your glistening skin.
“Shit, I came before you didn’t I?” he said, huffing breathlessly, his lips still pressed against yours.  His hands move up to your face, brushing some of your sweaty tendrils away from your face.  
He looks at you and smiles; his thumbs lightly stroke the delicate skin on either side of your mouth.
“You’re so fucking unbelievably beautiful…”
You bashfully smile, looking down from his gaze…your eyes landing on the shine of his thick chain around his broad neck.  “So are you,” you said softly.
You can feel William’s cock softening, still inside of you.  His seed begins to drip from your entrance but he remains holding you in place on top of his lap. 
“You ok?  I know we don’t have a ton of time right now to take care of you… but you know I’ll make this up to you, right?” William said gently.
“Mmmm-hmmm…you know you give me multiple orgasms regularly…I think I can let this one go” you said jokingly, followed by a soft kiss on his mouth.  
“But are you doing ok?  I know been a fucking circus since I got here…and I know I’m kind of being pulled in all different directions - ” 
“William” you gently interrupt him, cupping his face and smiling.  “This is such a huge moment for you…for every Swede on all the teams.  I’m just so fucking proud of you, I could almost burst.  And to watch your family get to see what you do…live…at home in Sweden - it’s fucking amazing.  This is a once in a lifetime thing, and I want you to take in as much as you can.  Trust me, I’ve loved watching every single moment of what’s happened here.”
William kisses you again, and helps you slide off his lap, murmuring words of love to you. He helps you onto your side, his arms wrap around you and you nestle your face into his chest.
“I sort of wish our relationship was more out in the open now though - I feel bad that you’re always sort of in the background and not out taking pictures with me” William confessed.
Since you and William officially began dating, both of your ultra-private tendencies kicked into high gear.  It’s not always been easy; when William is asked about any part of his personal life, he averts spilling any details except for a few crumbs about Pablo and Banksy, friends and family.  You have done the same during interviews and have become a master at giving answers with no real details associated with them.  It’s worked well for the most part, allowing your relationship to flourish without being under a microscope.  You were able to date, move in together, become engaged, get pregnant and married without a whiff to anyone that didn’t respect your right to privacy.  Up to this point, neither of you seemed to be in a rush to make your joint lives public; you both lived by the adage “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” and it has led to a happy and harmonious life so far.  
Until now, that is.
Prior to arriving in Sweden, you thought long and hard about remaining in the background during the week, despite being involved in some of the more publicized events that would occur during the week. You were one of the primary investors in the “Börje” docuseries that was premiering early in the week, however, you opted to be dropped off at the back entrance of the theatre, while William, his teammates and his family took pictures together in the front.  It was during these photo ops that William began to feel very strongly that no matter the recourse with the media and the public, he wanted you next to him. 
You had also begun to wish you hadn’t covered-up and protected your relationship as much as you had now.  One of the biggest moments of his life, and you, his wife, pregnant with your first child, was nowhere to be seen, at least not in the pictures.  You had desperately wanted the attention to remain on the teams at the Global Series, but it now seemed with the sacrifice of your own making, it appeared like you did not exist in his life at all.  You had always thought it was not the “outside world’s” business to know about the details of your personal life but now, to be able to stand with William as part of his world, meant more than keeping everything under wraps.
The nights were even lonelier, leaving William at the hotel and you returning to the apartment without him.  While you were exhausted most of the time, too many thoughts derived from some of your deepest insecurities started to bounce around in your mind, keeping you awake for far too long.  
The pregnancy lately only exacerbated those insecurities.  Prior to leaving for Sweden, you had driven William to one of his last practices and hung out with some of the staff while the team was on the ice.  
While at the rink, you relaxed as you waited leaning back in your chair with your feet up on another, Mitch came into the lounge afterward bellowing a “whoa!  Big Momma’s in the house!  Tone - hey - …c’mere for a sec.”  
Auston enters the room giving you his normal shit-eating grin.  
“Doesn’t she look bigger than yesterday?”
You look at Mitch, your mouth slightly agape, trying to process what in the tom-fuck he’s got going on in his brain, only able to shake your head at the comment.
Auston tries to stifle a chuckle and turns to Mitch “She looks like she’s gonna fuckin kick your ass dude”.
“What?  Well - maybe not bigger…more like thicker…”
Mitch’s comment wouldn’t have bothered you so much if, let’s say, you hadn’t sat in the corner of your massive walk-in closet, hating how you looked in every single item of clothing (that still fit) the night before.  
“That’s essentially the same thing as being bigger - Jesus Mitch” you chuckle.
“You still look good though….look, I was just saying the baby’s getting bigger…” Mitch trails off, trying not to sound too defensive.  
You get up from the chair.  “Awh, Mitchy…it’s all good.  Big Momma still loves you” you said, patting him on the shoulder before walking out of the room.  You overhear Auston chuckling at Mitch saying “you’re such an idiot”.
You see Max (Domi) and give him a quick hug before heading into the washroom for some solitude.  It was these little moments in time - the little innocuous comments that weren't meant to be hurtful but just came out wrong - that badly skewed your perception of yourself when you allowed them to.  Being a performer, with all of its perks - it had dented your self-esteem in ways that you yourself are still trying to comprehend, even after all of these years.
Now that you are in Sweden, you’re acutely aware that there are an impossible number of beautiful women (yes - a Shoresey reference)  just in Stockholm alone, and have yourself convinced that 99.9% of them want your husband.  The way that your mind played out the scenario is that William might want a little taste on the side too.
“Y/N?  Did I lose you or something” William chuckles.
You look up at him and all of his handsome features and suddenly, you feel a pin-prick feeling from your eyes as a tear threatens to fall from the corner.
You hesitated saying anything for a few moments but quickly realized your emotions were getting the better of you.  “Fuck…we don’t have time for this” you quietly said, trying to discreetly wipe your eyes.
“It’s ok - we’ve got time…out with it, what’s going on?” 
You mentally joke that William has said ‘we got time’ already when he was balls deep in you so your radar is now up…he probably has no idea at all.
You paused a bit longer, gathering your thoughts together.  
“I don’t know…I’ve got all of this stupid shit running through my head lately.  I’m trying to get a hold of it but it’s really kind of fucking with me”.  
You try and not let out a sob and try to stop the tears. 
“Try not to judge me for thinking this….every time that I see a beautiful girl within 100 feet of you, I think you’re going to ditch me and run off with her….and given we're here, in the fucking land of the beautiful people…I just can’t get a grip….it’s driving me mental…”, you said, a tiny smile forms through your tears.
William chuckled lightly.  
“Please don’t get me wrong - I do love to see all the attention, all the recognition - all the outpouring of love for you this week.  All those times your character was completely ripped apart in the media coming out of Toronto…it made my blood boil.  I always thought ‘if those people only knew…if they could really see you - how gifted of a player you are, how hard you work, and how good of a person you are…they’d just shut the fuck up’.  But now….I don’t know…I guess now that everyone else has caught up to what your people already knew…and I hate myself a little for saying this but everything seems like it’s completely different now.  I’m feeling so uneasy about all of this…like maybe you’re going to want to be single again…maybe go on a bit of a sex bender, have a different taste of the week…something like that.”
As long as William had known you, he had always been perplexed about the level of self-doubt you had, but seldom revealed.  He could never quite figure out where it all stemmed from.  You were exceptionally talented, hugely successful, extremely intelligent, and had a heart as deep as an ocean.  You were amazing to your family and friends.  William often mused that he has never been loved so passionately by a partner,  nor had someone that was so openly devoted to him.  
All of this, and you were a total knock-out; an absolutely stunning beauty.  William would sometimes lie there quietly as you slept and just watch you breathe.  He tried not to disturb you but as always, he would give into the urge to glide his hand over and around your stomach; his fingers lightly and slowly trailing past your belly-button, and ever so delicately, his middle finger would touch the top of your slit.  His tongue would create a glossy trail along the curve of your breast and would move eagerly to your pointed nipple, lapping and swirling around the peak until he heard the moans escape from your mouth.  
It’s through these moments, touching you - the constant urge of knowing he had to have you, when William hoped you could feel how deep his love for you is.  Spending countless hours, with him talking into your forehead and you into his chest (simply because neither of you were willing to break free from your embrace) he felt you letting your guard down and any doubts kicking around in your head would dissolve.
Tears were beginning to fall steadily, saturating William’s chest.  You hated these moments when you were feeling so vulnerable, especially about William.  
You continued, speaking softly.  “It’s all the changes that are going to happen once Little One arrives.  Just picture it…after the baby’s born….how are you going to feel when you get home from a long road trip and I’m a grumpy mess and the baby’s crying and the dogs are barking, and there’s no food in the house and there’s just shit…everywhere.  This is what greets you when you walk in?  What happens if this…your new home life…drives you to feeling like you want to get out…escape back to your single life…and the first thing you end up doing is diving between some model’s thighs who slipped into your DM’s…”, you lament.  
You finally say “It’s just…with all of this" rubbing the roundness of your belly, “I just don't want to do any of this without you…and I’m having trouble shaking these thoughts,” your voice sounding small, filled with anguish.
William pulled you in even closer, your head rising and falling on his chest with each breath he took.  The wetness from your tears had pooled, trapped between your cheek and William’s chest.  You lift your head, wiping his chest off with your hand and softly pressed kisses along his skin before burying your face back into his body.
“Look Y/N, I get it.  I totally do.  I maybe never said it but I sometimes feel sorta the same thing.  Like, when we were at Lollapalooza, you were up there on stage with all these rock star guys just killin’ it.  I could see the way the guys looked at you, like they were in awe of you.   Like they worshipped you in a way.  I admit it, I got jealous. Like really fucking jealous.  I didn’t know the bands or the songs - fuck, even Linus and Sandy were singing along - I guess I felt like a bit of an idiot.  Like maybe you deserved a lot better than me”.  William plants a long kiss on the top of your head. 
William continued; “I know this stuff scares you and you’re spinning all of these worst case scenarios…do you really believe I’m just going to walk away from you, from our baby, from this life just to fuck other pretty girls?  And I know you’re going to say that it happens all the time…and yeah, it does.  But there’s also couples that are perfect for one another.  I think that’s you and me.”
William lifts your left hand so it’s within your view.  He thumbs your engagement ring that is nestled alongside your wedding band. 
“Toi et Moi…” William said, bringing your hand to his lips.  The duality of the reference makes your heart melt; for you, it not only alludes to the two-stone design of the ring, but the memory those three words hold.
*flashback to July, 2022*
William had first seen the Toi et Moi design vacationing with you and his family in Saint Tropez in the off-season the year prior.  The trip itself was one of the gifts you have given him for his 26th birthday; a trip anywhere he wanted with whomever he wanted.  Once the shock of your generous gift wore off, he barely needed to even think about it; William chose the French Riviera with the most important people in his life.
A few days into the vacation, parents Camilla and Michael departed for a day alone at the beach, followed by a trip to the open air market.  William and Alex had ventured into town while you and the sister contingent of his family stayed back at your villa, relaxing in the sun by the pool.  
The brothers meandered through the streets amongst the many tourists that flocked to the stunning French coastline during the summer.  The trip had been the perfect antidote for Alex; he had recently broken up with his girlfriend and had been testy and grouchy ever since.  Alex was in his element now, being surrounded by beautiful girls in short summer dresses, and he embraced his singledom wholeheartedly.  William ribbed his brother incessantly as Alex was constantly swivelling his head around to survey each girl as they passed by.  They continued on to the shops and cafes that dotted the waterfront, chatting about nothing but laughing at everything.
They stopped at Cafe de Paris which had a street level patio with an amazing view of the port.  The deep blue sky was completely cloudless and save for all the yachts in the harbour, it was hard to distinguish where the water ended and the sky began.    
Once seated under the outdoor canopy, Alex removes his sunglasses and soaks in the view.  
“Fuuuuuck….look at this.  This…is pretty incredible, no?” 
“Yeah, this whole trip has been amazing.  Y/N was a little nervous about going on her first Nylander family vacation but I think it’s going pretty good”, William said while taking in the view.
“I still can’t believe she gave you a trip…a trip for your entire family…just for your birthday.  Fuck dude…it’s not even a ‘big’ birthday”, Alex teases.  “Man, I don’t know what you must do to her….”
William laughs his trademark laugh.
“Scratch that.  I know what you do to her…I’ve heard you two going at it more than once”, Alex said, dripping with sarcasm and rolling his eyes.
“Bit bitter, eh?” William chuckles at his brother’s sour expression.
“Fuck, c’mon man….” Alex said, leaning back in his seat.  “It’s hard not to be a little envious….your girlfriend - she’s famous as fuck, stunning as fuck, rich as fuck.  You’re pretty fucking greedy��.you know that?” Alex backhands William’s upper arm.
William laughs even harder.
“She’s also kind as fuck, funny as fuck, talented as fuck, and smart as fuck too…she picked me after all.  It’s the Nylander charm….”, William goads him on, as he backhands Alex’s arm in return.  “Maybe you should try it some time….” 
“Low blow fucker… I’ve heard enough out of you” Alex deadpans, followed by a smirk.
The banter dissipates as they both peruse the drink menu.  
“Ohhhhh yeah….Porn Star Martini” William chuckles.  
“Yeah…it figures you’d go for that, pornstar…seems fitting” Alex said sardonically, his lips curling into a smile afterward.  
“You might want to think about ordering a couple - maybe you need to up your game a little with the laaa-dies”, William said, tongue in cheek.
“Oh my God William - fuuuuuck off….” Alex said, shaking his head.
The server arrives at their table and William orders the drinks for both he and Alex.  The men had decided on a lunch full of rich French fare; Baked Mussels, Croque-Monsieur and Beef Tartar.
The Martinis are going down pretty easy so Alex tells the server to keep them coming.  They have nowhere specific to be, at least not for the next few hours, so they settle in for a relaxed afternoon.  The conversation is typical; they trade notes on their sister’s boyfriends (potential or otherwise), gossip about mutual friends and their ongoing sagas, family drama, and about what the next hockey season may bring.  They continue to people-watch - mostly girls (William’s not really looking - not that much anyway - just helping his brother out) that are out shopping or out sunbathing on the yachts that are moored at the marina.  
After lunch and a few too many beverages, Alex and William decide to move on, needing a walk to sober them up a little.  They take their time strolling along Rue François Sibilli and window-shop the luxury boutiques to see if there’s anything intriguing to buy.
As they continue to wind their way along the narrow streets, William’s phone buzzes with a notification - a text from his sister, Stephanie.  A picture of you and William’s parents appears, standing around the island of the gourmet kitchen in the villa.  You and Michael appear to be prepping food, and Camilla is standing and watching; all of you seem to be mid-laugh.  There are half-full wine glasses near each of you.  
William is entranced by the photo, his heart feels like it could burst with happiness.  
William turns to Alex and shows Alex the picture that Stephanie sent.  Alex smiles faintly saying “Awh…great picture”.  Alex leans in closer and reads Stephanie’s text [in Swedish] “I hope you marry her so we can keep her.  Or we can just vote Alex off the island and she take his spot” 
“Real fucking nice - she’s getting chucked in the pool for that one”, Alex’s slight irritation showing.  William had missed seeing the text, and giggled once he read it.  He felt a little bad for Alex, but he laughed at the expression on his face anyway.
 “I was going to do this after we all got home after our trips but…I think I want to get Y/N something now from the family to say thank-you to her”.  
“Yeah - good idea…..what would she be into - what do you think she’d like?” Alex asked.
“That’s the problem.  I could show up with an old t-shirt of mine wrapped in a paper bag and she’d be over the moon….”, William said.  “Well, maybe not that as a thank you for spending thousands of dollars on our family but you know what I mean…she’s seriously like that though”, William confided.  “I don’t know…I want to get her something that’s really special…something that will always make her remember her first vacation with me…with all of us”.   
“Ha - you are so fucking whipped….” Alex said jokingly as William shot him a warning glance
Alex put up his hands in defence “Don’t get all pissy - I was going to say that she really is awesome...Mom, Dad, the rest of the family - including me…before I get voted off, that is  - she seems to fit right in.  You’re lucky….considering what everyone thought about my last girlfriend, I can tell you that it REALLY fucking sucks to have Mom and Dad disapprove, let alone anyone else in the family.”  
Alex nods in the direction of a jewellery store.  “Get her some jewellery.  Fuck, you cannot go wrong with that”, Alex said.  
They enter the small but elegant boutique, and are greeted by a stylish and attractive young woman.   Her smile widens at the gorgeous Swedes, unintentionally blushing when they return the smile.  
In a demure voice, with a hint of seduction and a distinct French accent, she asks if the men speak English.  They respond yes, and just to catch her attention, Alex adds “Oui” after he responds.  It was a small gesture but it worked…Alex had no trouble getting her to focus on him.  Alex sees from her name tag that her name is Eloise and commits it to his memory.
“What can I help the gentlemen with today?” Eloise asks sweetly.
“Bonjour, Eloise…that’s such a beautiful name” Alex said, appearing more smitten by the second.  “My - my brother’s looking for a gift for his girlfriend”.
Eloise looks at William, and a wide smile appears on her face “You are brothers - ah oui, I can see it now!” she giggles.  
The group chuckles and Eloise smiles at Alex “Je m’excuse…excuse me - un moment” she turns as she heads through a door leading  into the backroom of the store.  The brothers begin to look at the brilliant pieces though the display cases while they hear Eloise faintly talking to someone else in French.
Eloise reappears with another woman, more mature in years than Eloise but equally as beautiful.  Eloise introduces the other associate as Juliette and explains Juliette will be assisting William, while Eloise helps Alex.  It was obvious it was a ploy for Eloise’s attention to remain solely on Alex, and Alex did not mind one bit.
Juliette motions for William to take a seat in one of the plush chairs in front of a glass display case.  She introduces herself and William does the same.  The two make small talk which flows easily.  Eventually the pair shoot a glance toward Eloise and Alex and jointly chuckle.  On the surface, Alex and Eloise appeared to just be looking at different selections of jewellery but their body language told a completely different story.  You could see the temperature rising between them every time they shared a mere glance at one another.
Juliette turns back to William and begins to ask questions about what he’s looking for.
“Eloise tells me you are looking for a gift for your girlfriend…how very lovely,” Juliette gently said, smiling.  “Is it a gift for a special occasion?  Birthday?  Anniversaire - oh, quel est le mot…your Anniversary?”
“It’s meant to be a thank you from me and my family.  She gave us all a trip here to Saint Tropez and I wanted to give her something special to show how much this meant to me…and well, to my family too.” William explains.
“Mon Dieu, that’s wonderful…” Juliette smiled brightly.  “Bien sur, of course…I will help you choose something perfect for your love.  Can you tell me a little more about what she might like?  Diamonds or Gemstones?  Colour of Gold?  Things like that.”
“I’m actually more into jewellery than she is, I think.  I’m really into David Yurman and have been since my Mom gave my brother and I these chains when we were little. So - um, I’m a little more flashy when it comes to jewellery than her”  William smiles.  “When I have seen her wear something for a long period of time, it’s mostly because it has a sentimental meaning behind it.”
“Have you been together for a long time?” Juliette asks.
William thinks for a moment.  “Well, we’ve really only been an ‘official’ couple since last fall, but we’ve known each other since 2016.  It took us a really, really long time to finally be able to be together.  It’s a long story.” William said with a grin.  “She’s a pretty amazing girl”.
Juliette smiles at William.  She can hear it in his voice that he is very much in love.  
“I’m so happy to hear that…I can hear how much you care for her.” Juliette said warmly.
William glances at Eloise and Alex for a moment and laughs to himself at the sight of them; flirting is in full swing between the two with doe eyes being exchanged.  He thinks that’s exactly how you and him look at each other, with the big difference being that he wants you for his forever, not for just a “perfect for right now”.
Having already discussed a budget (which William wasn’t interested in setting any kind of dollar limit), Juliette begins to bring pieces from various collections for William to view.  She lays the velvet boards out in front of him and smiles to herself when she sees his eyes grow wide and bright at the options presented.  
“Oh…wow…this one is interesting.  There’s something really unique about it…” William’s eyes dance as he looks intently at the details of the diamond necklace laid before him.  
“Ah oui - yes, that necklace is a very special piece and is part of the ‘Toi et Moi’ collection, meaning ‘You and Me’ en anglais..in English.  The design has historical importance, especially here in France.  In the 18th century, Napoleon presented Josephine with the very first ‘Toi et Moi’ ring, which we have in various styles in another case over there.  As with this necklace, two lovers are represented by each diamond, and the design, the stones being set together as they are here, represents the two loves meeting,” Juliette explains.  “Toi et Moi - You and Me….it’s very romantic, no?”
“It’s perfect” William said, running his fingers over the white gold setting and along each of the diamonds.  “I know she’ll love it….the history of it even….she’s even fluent in French, so the whole France/Napoleon connection is awesome.”  
“Oh, ma coeur, a girl after my own heart…that is lovely!  A very strong and loving connection, that is what I see you two have, so this necklace is the essence of you both.” 
Juliette couldn’t help it but William had already endeared himself to her.  She could feel his utter devotion to you, and it resonated with Juliette deeply.  She had found the very same thing with her late husband and to see William speak about you so adoringly, her heart felt full knowing that kind of pure love still existed.
“I will definitely take the necklace, and I see there’s a bracelet too….I’d like both please.”  
William looked toward the other display case.  “Can you show me a Toi et Moi ring?” he asked.
William's heart momentarily raced at the thought of looking at a ring for you, let alone an engagement ring…although, he knew it wasn’t the right time to propose to you, not just yet.  It wasn’t because he was unsure about wanting to be with you; he wanted the two of you to experience more of day to day life together and hopefully move in together for the coming season.  
Juliette brought a small selection of the rings to William and explained how the rings could be completely customized.
Eloise looked over at Juliette as she handed one of the rings to William to inspect.  
“Ohhh!  Alex…ton frѐre…is he looking at engagement rings?” Eloise gasped lightly with a wide grin.
Alex’s eyes darted toward William as he stood there holding the ring between his thumb and index finger.
“William…wait, are you serious?” Alex said, his serious tone apparent.  
“Don’t freak out, I was just looking.  The design of the ring is crazy…it’s perfect.  After everything we went through, I don’t think there’s any other ring that comes close to actually being ‘us’... this one definitely does.  When it’s time, I think this is what I want to give to her”,  
“Phew…ok.  Yeah - it’s really beautiful.”  Alex looks back towards Eloise, relief washing over his face.  Eloise giggles at Alex’s expression and they resume with their flirtations which are more apparent now.  
Juliette and William chat while she places the pieces in the individual velvet boxes which William requested.  The bracelet, he decides, will be from the family but the necklace, he’s planning on giving that to you separately when you’re alone later on that evening.  He’s fairly certain that it’s all you’ll be wearing once he places it around your neck, and he can feel himself harden slightly with the thought.  
Once he settles the invoice, William and Juliette exchange a quick embrace and warmly bid their thank you’s and goodbyes.  Juliette quietly reminded William that if you and he ever find themselves back in Saint Tropez next summer to come and visit her, she would be so thrilled to meet you.  
Alex, having already snagged Eloise’s number, flashes her a brilliant smile and quietly said “Call you later” followed by a wink.  Eloise’s cheeks are flushed with a red hue - a knowing smile formed on her lips, followed by “à bientôt, Alex”.
The men departed the store, both grinning like two idiots, totally in love - or lust depending on the brother.  If they had managed to sober up at all after lunch, you couldn’t really tell at this point…both seemed to be almost reeling, beaming with their own individual images in their minds of what the coming evening might hold. 
William takes in some of the scenery on the way back to Villa Margarido.  The cab ride thankfully is quick as a nervous-excitement begins to build in William’s stomach.  He has given you gifts before, but this set - these specific pieces - mean something so much more.  It’s undeniable now, he knows what he wants his future with you to look like.
The driver was pleasant and friendly, and given the kind of afternoon the brothers had, they tipped him generously - excessively even.  The driver thanked them profusely, secretly hoping to have them as repeat clients.  William and Alex’s mood continued to elevate as they breezed through the glass front entrance doors, stopping only for William to tuck his purchases away, and they made their way towards the lively conversations taking place on the large poolside terrace.   
Despite the dinner hour approaching, the hot July sun still hangs in the cloudless, azure skies  and is nowhere close to setting.  Light permeates every square inch of one of the spacious, white living rooms embellished with red accents throughout, which bordered the expansive and modern kitchen.  The private chef that was included for the duration of the week, Marco, greets Alex and William with fist bumps and animated repartee.  You had all established with Marco when you arrived that you wanted him to feel like an extended member of the family, which seemed to suit Marco’s personality just fine.  
William peered over the island to see the multiple creations that Marco had in store for tonight’s multi-course dinner.  Hunger pangs hit William suddenly, and he sneaks a piece of grilled homemade focaccia with cherry tomato and fresh burrata.  Marco catches him in the act and with a strong Italian accent, he tells William his hockey career will be over if he does it again.  Marco erupts in laughter, as does William while complimenting the chef with his mouth full.  They leave the chef to continue with his prep work and make their way out to the large, light stone terrace. 
William spots you sitting beside Camilla and Michael; Camilla is stretched out on a lounge chair and Michael sits at the end on the same chair, tenderly rubbing her calves and feet.  The three sisters are wading in the pool as they discuss the scandals of late in the competitive world of women’s tennis and within their respective circle of friends.  You seemingly had just gotten out of the pool, your toned and tanned body still had water beading on your chest and arms as it dripped down from your long, slicked back hair.  
Two thoughts converged in William’s mind; the first thought being that nothing could make him happier than seeing you relaxing with his parents and thoroughly enjoying each other’s company, and the second thought, he wished you two were alone so he could throw you over his shoulder, stretch you out on the nearest comfortable surface and go completely feral on you.  ‘Fuck’ William thought to himself as he scanned your features, willing the uprising in his shorts to calm down. 
Everyone’s attention redirects to Alex and William’s arrival, the conversations now switch to greetings.  The men walk around the pool’s edge towards you and his parents and the questions start flying about how their day was.  The three sisters wade to the opposite edge of the pool, propping their elbows up on the warm stone to allow them to participate in the conversation. 
Alex spots Stephanie; he discreetly dips his foot into the pool and in one swift motion, he flicks water in her face.  Before she can complain, Alex cuts her off with a low “vote me off the island…you’ll go before me there, sunshine”.   
The two other girls in the pool splash water back at Alex, missing him by a mile.  He sets down his things on a table close by while greeting you and his parents. Giggles and laughter erupt when Alex suddenly rips his shirt off and with shorts and flip flops on still, does a cannonball into the water and promptly bombards Stephanie with the miniature tsunami that the jump, and his frame, generated.  
Whoops and hollers echo all around and even Marco came out from the kitchen onto the upper balcony to chime in when he heard the commotion.  You laughed and applauded at the sibling chaos, and finally afterward, you were able to cast your eyes on your beloved man.  Your gaze meets Williams, followed by wide grins and soft hellos.  Your heart already racing, William leans over and kisses you gently.  He tastes so exquisite that you are desperate to slide your tongue against his, but not with his parents and siblings as an audience.  You cradle his face with one hand, and quietly ask, while his face is still close to yours, if he had a good day.  “Very, very good” was William’s response as leaned in for one more kiss.  You place a dry towel for him to sit down on the lounge chair with you, and as he sits, you and Camilla resume chatting.  William began telling the three of you about the super yachts that he saw at the port, where they went for lunch and what they had, and how girl crazy Alex seems to be here.  Camilla and Michael look at each other with a knowing smile and then chuckle at William.  
He was just about to mention Alex meeting Eloise but he stopped himself, not wanting to give away the location of where they met her.  You saw him stifle himself but you quickly looked past it as he continued to answer more questions about his day.
Marco reappears on the upper deck and in his booming voice announces that dinner will begin in an hour.  The group all shout thank-you’s back and Marco bows down in an exaggerated, grandiose manner.
You finish your water and the remainder of your cocktail while the surrounding conversations begin to wind down.  Having multiple layers of sunscreen baked onto your skin throughout the day, you’re looking forward to a warm shower, preferably not alone, before dinner is served.  
You excuse yourself, being the first to retreat to your room.  William helps you gather a few things and explains that he needs to talk with his parents for a couple of minutes and he’ll be in soon.  You kiss him softly on the cheek and affectionately tell the group you will see them at dinner as you depart.  
You enter the villa and see Marco working away in the kitchen like a conductor in front of an orchestra.  The aroma of the various dishes that everyone will be enjoying this evening fills the air, and with wide eyes, you simply say “Oh my gosh, Braaaavo Marco” praising him and his incredible talents as a chef.  As you walk by the floor to ceiling windows that look out over the pool and terrace, you see the Nylander family gathered around William while he speaks.  It’s none of your business but there’s something…it’s not quite suspicious or unsettling…but whatever intuition you’ve been bestowed is giving you a funny feeling in your stomach that the discussion might very well be about you.
You softly pad across the bedroom while thoughts swirl around in your mind, wondering what Wiliam was talking about with his family. 'It’s none of your business' you tell yourself as you undress and step into the walk-in shower in the ensuite of your bedroom.
You turn on the shower, the rainfall shower head envelops you in streams of warm water.  Exhaling deeply, you lean your head back as the water gently pulsates against your face. You slick back your long curly hair which is now stretched out and hangs low, touching the cheeks of your ass.
You hear William enter the bedroom and shortly thereafter, he appears at the ensuite door wearing just his shorts.  He watches you with keen interest, a small grin appears on his face once you spot him.
You gather your ample breasts in your hands, not really doing much to cover them, looking at him with a look of faux sheepishness on your face.
“Um, excuse me….have we met?” you look at him with a slight grin.
“Oh…we’ve met…” William said cheekily.  He removes his shorts, his cock already appearing rigid.  He steps into the shower and his hands waste no time encircling your waist, landing on your round ass, pulling you into him.  
“You sure?” you say, teasingly.  
Your hands release your breasts, your nipples hard and protruding against William’s chest.  You glide your fingertips down from his shoulders, along his biceps, around to his lower back, finally settling your hands on his muscular backside. You scan his face as you gently sway your hips so the area above the slit of your pussy comes into contact with his penis. Your flesh brushes against the tip of his cock and incites a low groan from his mouth.  You feel the growing pressure of his erection against you and instinctively, you bite your lower lip as your own pressure intensifies between your thighs.
Your eyes are fixed on his mouth, the natural and sensual curves of his lips beg for a slow and passionate kiss.  William lowers his head, your mouths almost connecting, breathing each other in before succumbing to your primal urges.  Your kiss is deep and passionate, the longing you’ve had for William all day is now being unleashed and is completely untamed.  Hands begin to feverishly grasp at each other as the water streams over your interlaced bodies.  The taste of William’s mouth further ignites your already desperate need to devour all of him.  
It’s the second time today William felt intoxicated.  God, he needed you so badly.  The way your body felt pressed against his drove him wild; it always has.  The moans that escaped your lips alongside your murmurs in his ear of loving, wanting and needing him so much, nearly put him off balance.
You break from the kiss, your mouth descending down his body, leaving a trail of licks and kisses from his jawline, down over his neck, across his collarbones, and down toward his torso.  You worked your way further down his body, turning him around so the water from the shower is hitting his back.  You are on your knees now, his fully erect dick right in your line of sight, ready for the taking.  
“It looks like Wild Bill is happy to see me,” you purr as your lips ghost the tip of his cock.   Nicknames weren’t necessarily your thing, but one night in his bed, early on in your sex-plorations with William, the name ‘Wild Bill’ rolled off your tongue in reference to his cock after he had made you cum so hard that you thought you might pass out. 
You looked up at Williiam as he mutters “Fuck” , leaning his head back under the steady stream of water, his cock now throbbing with the anticipation of your next move.  
Torturously slow, you gently take the tip of his dick in your mouth. As the taste of William’s pre-cum hits your tongue, the nerve-endings throughout your pussy are electrified.  Streams of water continue to flow down his body, weaving paths along the protruding veins of his thick member.  
You run your hands up the back of his calves and then further up to his muscular thighs.  You’re in complete awe of his body as you caress the intricate designs of his muscle mass in his legs, his ass and that fucking perfect “V” on his lower torso.  As your hands continue to walk over his lower body, your long tongue continues to lap and stroke the head of his cock, encouraging more of the pearlized fluid to seep from the tip.  
William was starting to lose control.  You heard a strained moan and could feel the muscles in his body tighten and compress.  Your right hand firmly grips him around the girth of his beautiful thick cock and you guide it into your mouth.  Your tongue naturally moves along the underside of his shaft, and you accept his full length into your mouth again and again.  Your hand stroking and manipulating his shaft and balls compliment the expert work done by your mouth.  William clenches his jaw while a series of indiscernible words, possibly in Swedish, pour out of his mouth.  
“Jesus….fucking….Christ…Y/N…fuuuuck” WIlliam stammers as he begins to buck his hips to a faster rhythm.  More and more, you taste his arousal on your tongue.  You raise your body up slightly while remaining on your knees, your mouth never leaving his member.  The slight change in angle as you continue to work his manhood is marked by a long agonizing growl from his mouth.  One of William’s hands clutches a mass of your wet hair while the other hand presses against the marble wall of the shower for stability.  William’s thighs begin to twitch and his hips continue to pump his cock into your mouth in rapid, shallow movements.  
“Shit, Y/N - I’m cumming!” William bellows as he grabs the back of your head and fully erupts into your mouth; you allow the thick streams of his cum to slide down your throat.  Your hands are splayed on his hips, your fingertips press into his flesh as the involuntary jerking motions from his powerful orgasm subsides.  You gently grab the base of his penis to hold it steady as you slowly withdraw him from your mouth.  You hold the weight of his cock gingerly in your hand as you gaze up at him, smiling innocently.  His soaking wet hair has fallen forward as his head hangs, his chin towards his chest, allowing the water to hit the back of his neck.  His breathing is almost back to normal as he opens his eyes and sees you still kneeling in front of him.  
William extends his hands to you, interlacing your fingers with his, giving you some extra leverage as you stand up.  He wraps his strong arms around you and angles his head into the crook of your neck, the warm water creating a steam bath of sorts.
“You’re incredible, Y/N” William said as he grazes his lips along your neck, up toward your ear.  
Knowing you were left without any kind of release for yourself, William tells you how he’s got something special planned for you later on this evening.   Despite the warmth of the shower, his low voice purring in your ear sends a shiver down your spine, your clit now aching for his attention. You kiss him, moaning softly as your tongues connect while your hands continue to follow the expanse of each other’s bodies.
Sensing Wild Bill is getting aroused again, as well as yourself, you affectionately remind William that dinner’s going to be ready soon, and you don’t want to advertise to everyone what you two have been up to by arriving to the table late.
“We could skip dinner,” William said, raising an eyebrow as he hands you the shampoo for your hair.
“Mmmmm….I know it’d be totally worth it, but I’m fucking starving now…did you see what Marco made?” you smiled.
“I swiped one of those burrata things…it was pretty fucking good” William said before he’s immerses himself back under the shower head to rinse.
You stood there for a moment, finally responding with “You’re lucky he didn’t break one of your fingers for doing that you know” you quip.
William decided not to mention the (empty) threat Marco made about ending his hockey career after he lifted one of his creations.  In true Willy Styles form, William simply responded “Nah…he loves me”.   A wide grin appears on your face as you shake your head.  You don’t say anything else; you’ve known William long enough to know when he’s harmlessly stretching the truth.
You and William quickly finish showering, both of you stealing little kisses and touches while chatting about various moments throughout the day.  
You were trying to decide on something fairly simple to wear when William motions toward a white off-the-shoulder shirt, suggesting for you to ‘show off your tan’.  You grab the shirt and match it with a long and flowy white cotton skirt accented with lace embroidery and some simple low-heeled cross-tie sandals.  You tie your long locks into a low, loose bun at the nape of your neck, allowing some tendrils of hair to fall, framing your face.  William looks amazing as usual in just a nice t-shirt and shorts.  You curl your toes when he comes up behind you as you open the door to exit your bedroom, the scent of his cologne literally making you weak in the knees.  
“Jeeeesus, William” you say, turning to face him.  You start nuzzling his neck and you wrap your arm around his waist, pulling yourself towards him.  “Actually, maybe we could skip dinner, or just have it delivered outside here…I can give you more oral pleasure, monsieur William…” you say with a heavy French accent.  You smile mischievously while William rubs his hand over his face, and follows by a barely audible “fuck me…”.  The two of you take a deep breath,  intertwine your fingers and head out to the outdoor dining area, miraculously right on time. 
Everyone, including Marco, are seated at the table; the soft lightning further deepens the sun-kissed skin tones of the smiling faces that greet you and William.
The dinner conversations, as they always are at a Nylander gathering, are lively and animated and full of laughter.  You and Marco being the only non-relatives sitting at the table revelled in their family dynamic and ate up their stories as voraciously as the divine food.
At the end of the multiple course dinner, you could hear the collective sigh of pure contentment and satisfaction from the group.  You stood up and raised your glass, proposing a toast.  The wine had hit you a little more than expected but your words of praise and admiration for Marco and the Nylanders were heart-felt and the expressions on the faces of your audience simply beamed.  You sat back in your chair and William leaned in close and kissed you by your ear, sending tingles up your spine.  He reached one arm around your waist and pulled you in closer.  ‘Ha..he’s tipsy…he’s gonna be such slut tonight in bed’ you thought, chuckling to yourself.
“What’s so funny?” William softly mumbles in your ear.
 You shake your head, stifling a grin that eventually breaks wide open.  “I’m just happy,” you said quietly.  
Before William could respond, Michael rose from his chair.
He raises his glass, eloquently giving accolades to Marco and welcoming him into the Nylander family.  The group cheers and glasses clink together; everyone takes a generous sip of their drinks.  
“Now, Y/N.  I am truly speechless when I think of your generosity.  Throughout these past months, when William tells me of all the amazing things you think of doing for him, for his team, for anyone it seems, I am truly awestruck.  Camilla and I, the girls, and Alex are so happy that you and William found each other again.  I can see it every time you’re around each other…it’s so apparent how much love you share, how much love is felt between you…I know it because that’s how I feel about Camilla.  I recognize it when I see the way you look at each other.”
You try to swallow but the lump in your throat is working against you.
“To say thank you, we have a gift which I hope shows you how much we truly appreciate what you’ve done for our family”.  
You hadn’t noticed Marco leave the table; as he returned to the patio, he handed Michael a longer, rectangular velvet box.  Michael approaches you and places the gift  in your hands.  You hear murmurs around the table in anticipation of the gift’s unveiling.  
As gently pry the box open, the sparkle of what looks like a billion diamonds dance in your line of sight.  Your cheeks are flushed and you let out an audible gasp as you look at the exquisite bracelet before you.  
William takes the box from your hand and gingerly places it around your wrist, followed by a long but tasteful kiss.  
“I’m just overwhelmed,” you shook your head, fighting back tears.  “I don’t have the words…I can’t think of the perfect words right now - this is so unbelievably breathtaking.  Thank you all so much”.  
“To Y/N!” Marco cheers.
“To Y/N!” the Nylanders toast in unison.
Hugs ensue and the ladies surround you to get a closer look at the expensive bracelet.   
More wine is poured and eventually, everyone begins to clear the table to make room for the dessert tasting menu Marco has prepared.  
‘No other night has ever felt this enchanting’ you mused, soaking in the warmth of the evening sea breeze and the loving atmosphere that surrounds you.  
You can feel William’s gaze and as you turn to face him, he tenderly holds your wrist, angling the position so the lighting hits all the stones at once.  
You lean into him, kissing along his jawline up to his ear. “It’s gorgeous, William…”
“Do you wanna take Pablo for a walk?  We can just take him around the property…I’m stuffed so I’m not sure I could go any further anyway” William said, tapping his abdomen.  
“Let me go change my shoes - be right back”.  Feeling a little buzzed from the wine, you slowly pull his body toward you and kiss him seductively and sensually, your tongue searching for his.  Your hands slide up his toned chest and with that simple movement, you start to feel that ever familiar sensation between your thighs as that touch conjures up images of him being inside of you.   
“Jesus - can you guys just not?  I’m in blue-ball hell and then I have to sit next to my big brother as he eye-fucks his girlfriend all night. I was trying to enjoy my dinner for fuck sakes.” Alex said as he poured another glass of wine.  
You give Alex an apologetic look; you know it’s been a bit bumpy for him lately.  You walk over to him and give him a little side-hug squeeze.  Alex draped his arm over your shoulder; a wide grin full of mischief forms on his face. “You know, Y/N…you could just trade him in for the more handsome and younger model…”
Camilla swats her second born lightly on his arm as she comes up behind him to grab her glass of wine. She jokingly scolds him in Swedish, followed by a quick kiss on the cheek and grabs your hand, rescuing you from the conversation.  You stand chatting with Camilla, finishing off the last remnants of wine from your own glass.  You turn to see the brothers clowning around jostling into one another yanking at each other’s shirts.  With every movement, their muscular legs, arms and backs are on full display; you shake your head as you excuse yourself and head inside to freshen up.  Glancing back at the boys still horsing around, you laugh to yourself thinking ‘this family is too fucking perfect’. 
You return a few minutes later and greet Pablo with a couple of his favourite dog treats.  The mere mention of the word ‘walk’ has Pablo running and jumping around in anticipation.  
“You ready?  OK….break!” giving Pablo the familiar command that he can run around as fast as he can go.  You step shoeless into the lush and manicured grass that surrounds the terrace; the heat of the day has now dissipated and you welcome the coolness from the earth against the bottom of your feet.  You stand there for a moment watching Pablo as he darts about and a wide smile adorns your face with the adoration you have for him.  
The sun is beginning to set; the once bright, giant orb now resembles a fireball blazing deep orange hues as it recedes into the horizon.  William stands beside you taking in the mesmerizing view.  You begin to walk together; your fingers loosely intertwined as you meander around the property.  You and William often share quiet, serene moments where just being in each other’s presence fills you both with such bliss.   More often than not, those tranquil moments when it's the two of you together eventually give way to fits of giggles and lively storytelling.  
William leads you to a long and wide bench covered by pergola; sheer white curtains surround the loveseat and large, soft cream-coloured pillows line the back rest.  Pablo is in full zoomie-mode as he jumps up on the bench and leaps off again, running in figure-8 patterns on the lawn.   
William sits down and slides himself back so his muscular legs extend to the full length of the bench.  You see him lift his hips to pull an object from his back pocket, presumably his phone.  It’s odd that he slips the object between the pillow and the side of his leg, but in all honesty, you’re not focusing on that as he motions for you to straddle him.  The bench is wide enough that you have no trouble comfortably positioning yourself as he desired; the pressure in your core is rising, as is William’s cock as you gently lower yourself onto him.  You can feel a very distinct bulge at your scantily clad entrance and you arch your back, pressing your need against his erection.  Although the curtains have numerous layers of gauze fabric, it does little for true privacy as it wouldn’t take long for anyone that happened to walk by to know what business you two are up to.  
Your lips lock together; kissing though giddy smiles as hands wander over each of your bodies.
“I’ve got something for you too - a gift” William murmurs in your ear.
“Mmmm - really?  I can feel it” you said softly, your lips ghosting his neck.
You can feel William smile.  “Yeah…not just that though….something else”.
You sit up more, still straddling him, as William reaches between the cushions and pulls out another long, velvet box.
Your eyes grow wide and your cheeks flush with the sudden rush of emotion.   
He opens the box for you and the sight of the necklace has you covering your mouth from the overall surprise of the gift.    
“William….this is too much….it’s absolutely stunning…” you gasp, your eyes still wide as they scan William’s smiling face.
You feel patches of heat radiating through your face and neck; between the wine and the presentation of this exquisite gift, you hope your deep tan covers the blotches that usually decorate your neck under circumstances like these.
“You like it, right? The design caught my eye….and there’s a history to it that made me think of you and me.  That’s what the design is called - Toi et Moi”, William explains, his smile growing wider with each second.
Tears well in your eyes.  It had definitely been a long and winding road for your and William to get to this very moment.
“Oh my god - William….seriously….it’s exquisite - stunning – gorgeous… I- I honestly can’t find the perfect word - I am seriously overwhelmed here” you said just above a whisper.  
You lean over and kiss him gently at first, but the magnitude of his gift has you almost feeling breathless as your kisses deepen.
“Let me put it on you” William smiled softly, breaking from the kiss.
You slide off of him and turn so your back is facing him.  You gather your hair in your hands and lift it to not allow the necklace to tangle in your long curls.  
“Beautiful” William said in a low tone; he’s directly behind you; his breath tickles the sensitive area along your slender neck.  You reach behind so your hands lightly glide alongside his body.
He places the necklace on your neck, laying it gently across your skin and closes the clasp.
Your hand instinctively goes to your neck; you fingers lightly graze the perfectly cut diamonds.  You turn around and look at William; you’re certain you might very levitate right then and there and just float away. 
“I might be able to come up with something better than a simple thank-you a little later - my brain is overloaded in the most amazing way right now though.  Thank you, William…aside from you, this is the most amazingly gorgeous thing I have ever seen….and the bracelet - my god, I am completely stunned by all of this”.
“I just wanted to make sure you know how much you - everything you do - how much it means to me.  I’ll never be able to think of all the ways, like - all the different things, the kindness that is just there in you…fuck, everything you do just blows me away.”  
William knows he’s not great with words and sometimes he struggles with expressing exactly what he feels but all he can do is try, and hope that you know that he’s yours, totally and completely.
The sun has almost completely dipped out of sight; there are streaks of orange and red that help illuminate the incoming clouds in shades of purple.  The tall coniferous trees that line the property are all but cloaked in black, contrasted by the subtle lights that dot the various pathways.  
After the long, luscious kisses and loving embraces have paused (at least for the moment), the two of you walk slowly back to the villa, even more in love than when you left.  You enter through the already open doors off of the terrace.  The family have gathered in the large living room and as usual, they are laughing with hints of that unique and wonderful Nylander laugh, at a story that Michael is telling Marco about playing hockey.  It’s not that the story was necessarily comedical: Michael was animatedly explaining one of his most serious injuries, a broken neck of all things.  The laughter was at Marco’s expense with his heightened levels of shock and horror at Michael’s very descriptive recollection of the trauma.
Alex appears from the hallway that leads to the bedrooms, freshly showered and looking devastatingly handsome.  There’s a collective “Oooooo” as he strides past the group and he smiles and shakes his head in response.  You catch the scent of his cologne as he walks past you and lean into your man standing next to you and inhale his own tantalizing fragrance.   
Alex is on his way to meet Eloise and as he runs out the door, he hollers back to the family to not wait up for him.  It’s a clear indication what he has in store once he meets Eloise tonight.
The rest of the family is following Marco to a music festival in town.  Marco implores that you and William join them this evening but William, seeing a rare opportunity to have the villa to yourselves, politely declines.  
Camilla catches a glimpse of your new piece of jewellery and her eyes light up with a mix of love for her son, and admiration for you.  She hugs you both and quietly says “I’ll distract Marco and the others, you both just go hide until we leave”.  She gives you a knowing smile and glides over to the kitchen, and calls Marco and the others over for a quick shot of Sambuca before they depart for the evening.
You both stealthily walk past the family and head into your bedroom, closing the door quietly behind you.  Almost if on cue, you overhear Camilla saying you and William were exhausted and have already gone to bed.  She wasn’t entirely fibbing….you and William had gone to bed, just not to rest.  
You and William made full use of the empty villa, testing the acoustics in various places until you both finally collapsed from “exhaustion”.
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offside-the-lines · 9 months
tell me who i run to (if not you) | anthony beauvillier | Ep 3. Pal-entine's Day
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This is a completed series! Read Full Fic | 🧸 Series Cover Page/Masterlist 🧁 | 🎵 Playlist 🎶 << Previous Episode || Ep 3 || Next Epissode>>
Episode synopsis:Tito returns her kindness by being a shoulder Evie can lean on when she is having a hard time after all-star break. She tells him it’s anxiety about work. He brings her a box of pastries and they cuddle on the couch all day; he doesn’t realize it’s Valentine’s Day. Later, a hook-up goes very wrong.
A/N: You can refer to cover page for the series summary, author's notes, tropes, general warnings and other fun tidbits. This series contains mature themes. Minors DNI. Warnings: This episode contains mentions of a past toxic relationship and sex that occurs off screen. Disclaimer: This series is set in Chicago but does not mention the name of the team.
Word count: 4.8k // 44.5k
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Pal-entine’s Day
Evie — February 10
It’s late when Evie finishes work for the day. She rubs her eyes and finishes her cup of tea, which is now less than lukewarm. She sighs. This was kind of her own doing. She didn’t work as much as she should’ve in January, especially in the week that Tito stayed over, which means she’s feeling more behind than she would like them to be. Not to mention, this latest work she was editing was full of so many glaring issues that the document has more comments than text at this point.
She puts her phone down and rests her head on the table. 
She doesn’t regret it. Tito had been clearly so down in the dumps after his wrist injury. She had taken him to the different museums, touristy sights, and fun restaurants around town that she had been meaning to get to; she had thought that she would catch up on her work when he was in Florida with his brother’s family during Bye Week. 
She doesn’t regret it because their adventures brightened his mood every time, his glowing smile seared on the inside of her eyelids. She thinks about the time she had taken him to the Skating Ribbon in Maggie Daley Park on a particularly bad day. 
He had come back from the rink dejected after being told he couldn’t join no-contact practice yet. He had been cleared to skate, though. So, the joy on his face when he stepped onto the ice again, even if it was a park and not an NHL arena, made them both feel a hundred pounds lighter.
She doesn’t regret it. It’s just that— Unfortunately, her plan to catch up on work during Bye Week didn't happen. The day after Tito left for Florida, her apartment felt startlingly empty. 
It reminded her of when she had first moved to Chicago. She had just a couple of boxes and suitcases. She left behind all the remnants of her life with Pierre. Those plates, pillows, and knickknacks didn’t feel like they belonged in her life anymore. That’s why she moved, right? To get a clean start at age 28. 
It wasn’t just stuff she had left behind. It was her whole life, a life that had looked increasingly foreign in those final months anyway. All of their friends, all of their stuff, all of their memories. He could keep them. She just wanted out.
Those first months in Chicago had felt so lonely, living without anyone else for the first time ever. It was hard to make friends in a new city, so she spent a lot of time just in her apartment. The thought kept creeping into her head that she would probably be alone forever and regret leaving her seemingly perfect relationship behind in Toronto. 
She downloaded and deleted Bumble probably ten times in the first few months.
Eventually, she met Kelsey, Leanne, and the others at a work-sponsored holiday party. They were unhappy that she hadn’t reached out sooner. So, with them dragging her out of her house a few times a week to whatever restaurant, bar, or event, she eventually settled into life in Chicago. Looking back, she’s not quite sure when her one-bedroom apartment started to feel like home.
That's why she’s so shocked to find herself once again feeling unsettled. Her sleep hasn’t been great either, making her sluggish and heavy. In the week or so since Tito left for Florida, she has only left her house twice. Both of them were to see him play when he returned to the lineup after the All-Star break. 
When she looks around her apartment, she can see the small pile of his clothes that sits at the far end of the couch. She had washed them while he was away and folded them so they would be clean when he came back. 
That was a week ago. 
She’s happy that he’s back at training and back in the line-up. She appreciates the rigorous schedule that he's sticking to to get back to the top of his game. 
She understands that means she takes a back seat. It’s just that she wishes a little part of her didn’t resent it or herself for missing his company that she didn’t know she had gotten so used to.
She doesn’t pester him, though, not when he was on vacation and not now that he’s been back training. He still texts her every day, and she tries not to get too excited when he does, being mindful to not be too suffocating and demanding of his time and attention.
She figures it’s probably not a bad idea to realign her priorities: to focus on her work and on the book that she wants to finally finish soon.
Tito — February 14
Tito watches as the sky begins to lighten and decides to just give up on going back to sleep. He reaches over and checks his phone. 
5:48 am. 
He unlocks his phone, which opens to the text thread with Evie he had been staring at after the game last night.
Monday, 4:46 pm evie 🧁: sorry, i don’t think i’ll be coming to the game tomorrow. i’m just totally under water with work right now. To evie 🧁: damn, that sucks. i’m sorry. do you want me to come over with some dinner tonight? To evie 🧁: or after the game tomorrow?
He didn’t receive a reply until past midnight that night.
Yesterday, 1:18 am evie 🧁: nah, it’s okay To evie 🧁: good morning to you too. how're you doing? work hasn’t killed you right? i can bring over some lunch. i bet you havent been eating much. Read
He quickly swipes out of his messages and locks his phone again. 
He stares out the window. They have only known each other for less than two months, but not hearing from Evie for so long throws him off-kilter.
This is so unusual, given their typical rhythm, that even if work has been busy, he’s worried, and underneath the worry, he’s confused. It seemed unlike Evie to not be open with him about whatever was bothering her— at least, he thought she was.
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A little while later, he finds himself sitting in front of her favorite bakery on his way to her apartment. He waits for the clock to hit 9 a.m. before he heads in and picks up breakfast for them both: a selection of pastries and two coffees. It’s busier than he expects, but there are still plenty of their favorites left. 
He’s been to Evie’s building enough times now that the doorman recognizes him and buzzes him up the elevator straight away with a nod. It’s only when he's standing outside her door that he realizes he should've probably texted beforehand to make sure she was free.
Too late now. Tito rings her doorbell, his heart in his throat as he listens for any sound inside.
Somewhere between 30 seconds and 10 minutes later, he hears some shuffling, and the door opens slowly. Standing in the entryway is Evie rubbing her eyes with the sleeve of his Canucks hoodie, sleep shorts barely peaking out under the hem. He rips his eyes away from the soft skin of her legs. 
She startles when she sees him, her eyes wide. Her messy hair and fuzzy slippers only intensify the warm fondness buzzing in his chest.
“Um, hi,” she says, stepping aside to wave him in. “What’s all this?”
“Nice hoodie,” he beams at her, a crooked smile tugging on the corner of his lips.
“What?” She looks down and immediately covers her face with her hands. “Oh shit, this is yours. I was just grabbing the first hoodie I saw, and it was sitting on my— I’m sorry, do you want it back? I can go change.”
“Hey,” he says gently, setting the food down on the kitchen counter. “No, keep it on. I can’t really wear it out anymore, and it looks good on you.”
She cracks a smile for the first time this morning.
“Here, I brought you some breakfast and coffee— peppermint mocha, half sweet, with oat milk. I figured you might need something stronger with all the late nights you’ve been working.”
She stares at him silently for a long time before reaching for the coffee and whispering a quiet, “Thanks.”
He smiles at her and pulls her in for a quick hug, feeling some of the tightness in his chest melt away as he breathes in her scent. As he pulls back, he waves her to the couch.
“Go, sit.” He pushes her gently. “I’ll bring over the food.”
As if on cue, her stomach grumbles. “What did you get? Oh! Oooh! Good Ambler. My favorite,” she says excitedly, finally looking more like herself.
He smiles to himself as he puts the food down on the coffee table. “Yeah, I know! I got us the quiche and a bunch of their pastries.” He opens the box and watches as her eyes light up.
She laughs, “Wow, you really went all out.” 
“I guess I did,” he shrugs.
They eat in a comfortable silence for a while, both deep in thought. It’s been a few days since Tito has set foot in her apartment. He feels more at home here than in his own place. There are touches of Evie everywhere. 
She has shelves next to the TV console that are covered in books. There are at least five more books spread around the room. Her fuzzy blanket is draped across the back of the couch. There are candles on her coffee table, sitting next to colorful coasters with bad book puns on them. Unhung art and posters are leaning against the bottom of the walls. The space is so clearly lived in and loved.
Although, as he looks around, he can see the signs that things might be a bit off. There are dirty dishes piled up in the sink when there usually wouldn’t be any. There are stacks of papers spread across various surfaces. A box next to the bin for the overflowing trash. He counts at least seven mugs of mostly drunk tea around the space.
He frowns.
“So,” he starts cautiously, “how've you been?” He winces at how awkward that sounds.
“Oh, you know. Same old, same old. Busy? I guess mainly.” She stares at the muffin in her hands, pointedly avoiding his skeptical expression.
He sighs and reaches over, his broad hand lightly covering her wrist. “Hey, I feel like something has been off recently, and I want to know what’s going on. Is it just work that’s been crazy? Or is there something else?”
Evie looks up at him finally; their eyes meet, both assessing the other. He can see the dark circles that dull her tired eyes, her expression pained.
“Yeah, I’ve just been having trouble getting stuff done. But it’s not a big deal. It’s fine, though. I can handle it.” She frowns and picks at the remaining half of the muffin. 
“Hey,” Tito says gently. He reaches out, takes the muffin, and puts it down before taking her hands in his. The movement makes them turn to each other. “It’s okay if you’re struggling. Just tell me how I can help. I won’t judge you, okay?”
She shakes her head, tugging her hands back and hugging them to her body. “Yeah, I know, but I’m okay. I don’t want to be a pain—”
“Evie,” he says gently, “Asking for help doesn’t make you a pain. Look, we’re friends, right? You were there for me last month when I was having a really bad time. And now I want to be here for you. You should let me help where I can. Or at least tell me what’s wrong. I can’t guarantee I’ll always say or do the right thing, but I’ll listen, and I’ll try to help where I can, okay?”
She looks at him, searching his face for a lie and not finding one in his open and caring expression. “Okay,” she whispers with a small smile.
He hands her back her muffin, and they finish up their breakfast. He takes their trash to the kitchen, and despite her complaints, he does the dishes as he makes them both a cup of tea.
When he sits back down on the couch, he finally speaks again, “So, are you going to tell me what’s wrong? Or at least, if there’s anything I can do to help?”
She heaves a big sigh but does smile at him warmly before settling into the couch. “I guess I just had a kinda bad week last week? I'm kinda behind on stuff, and I got really in my head about it. Remember how I told you I moved here after a bad breakup? Well…” She shrugs.
“You don’t need to explain if you don’t want to. I know it sucks. I mean, I haven’t dated anyone seriously since before the pandemic. But we actually broke up like January 2020, so those first few months in lockdown were really rough. Just bad feelings and a whole lot of time.” 
She looks up at him, “Oh. I had no idea.”
“It’s not a big deal. That was quite a few years ago at this point, anyway. I’m over it now, but— I’m just saying that I know it can be hard.”
“Yeah,” she nods, fiddling with her mug before finally saying, “Honestly, I’m not that bummed about the breakup. It wasn’t bad or anything. Or at least nothing bad happened. Things just sort of just… I don’t know. I was just feeling like shit all the time.
“By the time I left, I had already been mentally checked out for a while, so I wasn’t really sad at all anymore. It was mainly hard because our lives were so entwined. 
“We had gone to grad school together, and we were working at the same company. We had all the same friends, and everyone loved him, you know? So, it was hard to leave that behind.”
He reaches out and squeezes her knee, encouraging her to keep talking.
“It’s just… I hate it, feeling like I’m falling behind.”
“Like on work?”
She nods weakly.
“Well, if it’s anything I’ve had to learn in my career, you’re more than your productivity. You don’t need to be perfectly productive all the time to be contributing something.”
“Yeah… it’s just that—” Evie sighs.
She swallows heavily and looks out the window. “It’s just that… I hate feeling behind at work because it makes me feel like I’m behind on my career. And that’s really all I have right now. After— Like, I’m 28 years old, and what do I have to show for it.”
He studies her face and squeezes her knee again, drawing her gaze back to him. “Who told you that?”
“Who told you that you’re behind on life?”
“Well… Pierre? I guess. My ex. He used to talk about success milestones—”
“Success what?” he interrupts.
She powers on. “Just, like, things I should accomplish by a certain age. And when I left, you know? I set back my life? Single again. Starting over. And when I left, Pierre kinda pointed that out. And all I have left is my career— a struggling career.”
“Okay, honestly?” He says, fuming, “Fuck Pierre. Like, what the fuck is that?”
“No,” she shakes her head, chewing on her bottom lip, “No. I don’t— He’s right.”
“He isn't right.” He's sitting up now, fully facing her. “He's not— Firstly, your career isn't struggling. You have a job you enjoy, and from everything I’ve heard from Kelsey and Leanne, you’re fucking good at it. You’re making progress with finishing your book every week, which is awesome. I see you working your ass off all the time. And on top of all that, you're a great fucking friend. And a great fucking person.”
He shakes his head and sighs loudly. “Evie, you don’t have to complete some stupid made-up checklist to be successful. Only you get to decide what counts as success in your life. That's the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. Honestly, Evie, I'm saying this as your friend, fuck Pierre for making you feel lesser and smaller with this bullshit.”
She looks at him, her face betraying her surprise at his outburst. His cheeks are warm and probably a little flushed, but he doesn’t care. He can feel the anger in his veins, opening and closing his fists to dispel some of the energy.
“I guess?” she says finally. “Pierre’s really not a bad guy. He’s a good person. We just— He just wasn’t a good fit for me.”
“Okay,” he concedes, silently disagreeing with her assessment.
“Thanks, though. For saying that. It means a lot.” She reaches out and squeezes his clenched fists. “Thank you. I'm okay, really. Overall, in the grand scheme of things, anyway. I’m sorry I didn’t come to your game yesterday.”
“It’s okay. You don’t have to come to every game. It’s just an offer.” He smiles softly. “I mean, I’d love to have you there, obviously, but I’ll understand if you don't.”
“Okay,” she smiles back.
“So, do you think you can take today off? I think you might be a little burnt out.”
She sighs and looks at her phone, the emails trickling in. She knows she has the time; she always makes herself finish far earlier than whatever deadline her director gives her. She fires off a quick message to the group, telling them she’s taking a mental health day, before putting her phone face down on the coffee table.
“Yeah,” she smiles, “I can take today off.”
“Good,” he beams. He puts his arm around Evie’s waist and pulls her into his side. He reaches for the remote. “That’s good because I haven’t seen any Brooklyn Nine-Nine in like two weeks, and I know the next episode is a Halloween heist episode, and it’s been killing me.”
“Yeah, dummy. That’s our show. I can’t watch it without you.”
She laughs, “Okay.”
He puts on the show, smiling as it plays the cold open. He turns to her and tugs her in closer.
“Hey, Evie?”
“Please just tell me what’s bothering you next time, okay?”
“Yeah, okay. I will. I promise.” She smiles up at him from his side, and he feels his chest tighten.
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A few episodes later, they've slid down on the couch so that she’s almost lying on top of him. He looks down at her head on his chest to see her sound asleep. He pauses the show and pulls out his phone.
To jason dickinson: yo, do you have any more restaurant recs? evie’s been having a rough week, i’m thinking maybe taking her out for dinner today might cheer her up jason dickinson: eyyyyyyy get it!!!!!! To jason dickinson: ????? get what??? jason dickinson: uh? is this a trick question?  To jason dickinson: no? jason dickinson: a date? laid? idk To jason dickinson: WHAT?!!!! jason dickinson: you’re asking for a date spot right? To jason dickinson: wtf jason, no. we’ve been through this. we’re just friends. jason dickinson: riiiiiiight. just friends who ask for a date spot on valentine’s day
Tito’s eyes widen as he glances at the calendar app on his phone.
February 14.
Valentine’s Day.
Next to him, Evie stirs, yawning.
“Hey,” she says, her voice muffled, “You paused the show?”
“Yeah, you fell asleep.”
She chuckles. “I guess I did.” She looks up at him and frowns. “What’s up, Tito? You got a weird look on your face.”
“Oh, um. I just realized what day it was.”
“What day is it?” she looks at her phone.
“Yeah, it’s Valentine’s Day.”
“Oh!” she laughs, shaking her head. She pulls away, sitting up, and runs her fingers through her hair. “Okay? Did you have plans? I’m good here if you want to go.”
“What? No? What plans would I have?”
“I don’t know, Anthony. Maybe you’re an international man of mystery,” she laughs, lightly shoving his knee.
“Sure I am,” he says, rolling his eyes, “That’s not what I meant, though.”
“What did you mean then?”
“I don’t know. Maybe you have plans.” She gives him an unimpressed look. “Okay, well, maybe you don’t have plans. But I didn’t get you anything.”
“Do friends get friends Valentine’s Day gifts?”
He sucks in a breath. “I mean, no? I don’t know.”
“You did get me a whole box of pastries. I feel like that’s pretty good. I mean it’s not like I’ve ever celebrated Valentine’s Day before.”
He freezes, brows furrowed.
“What? You never celebrated with Pierre?”
“Nope,” she shakes her head.
“Weren’t you together for like five years?”
“Yep!” she shrugs. “He just wasn’t into that sort of stuff. He thought it was stupid and a waste of money.”
“Come on, what the fuck?” he says, rolling his eyes.
“Yeah, we never did anniversaries either. It’s not a big deal.”
“Please tell me he at least did birthdays.”
“I guess. I mean, he always got me birthday and Christmas presents, but usually nothing major. I always planned a dinner and stuff with our group of friends for my birthday.”
He studies her face, his brows furrowed.
She sits up. “What?” 
She nods.
“I bet he always got you to plan his birthday parties too.” He rolls his eyes and sighs. “I don’t mean to be rude, but like. Fuck Pierre, man.”
She’s quiet for a second before saying softly, “It’s really not a big deal.”
He shakes his head. “I mean, sure, Valentine’s Day is kinda stupid and cheesy. But that’s the point. It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use it as an excuse to show someone you love them.”
“Wow, Anthony. I didn’t know you were such a romantic,” she grins, bumping his shoulder.
“I’m not. He just sounds like he was being lazy and didn’t really care to try.”
“It’s really not that big of a deal, Tito. Guys're just like that.”
His eyes follow the sad smile she gives him, and he pauses. Her eyes are a little glassy, and her cheeks redder. He knows when to leave something be.
“Guys are absolutely not ‘just like that,’” he says, making air quotes. “But I’ll drop it.”
He lays back down, tugging on her arm. He mutters, “I just think that he should've cared enough to try, like, even a little bit.”
“God, you're such a sap. Imagine your teammates hearing about this.”
“I wouldn't be embarrassed, Evie. Like, at all,” he looks at her flatly.
She rolls her eyes and lays back down against him.
A few minutes later, she speaks up again. “So, you want to hit up some clubs tonight? Things always get hot and heavy on Valentine’s Day. Good night to pick-up.”
“It’s Wednesday, and I’ve got a game tomorrow,” he says, his voice hollow as he forces his eyes to stay on the screen.
“Lame,” she says, a relieved smile on her lips that he doesn't see.
Evie — March 2
When Evie comes to, she’s lying on her bed with her arm covering her eyes, panting. Her body still feels tingly, in the way it does after good, wild sex. It always leaves her a little dizzy and disoriented. She can hear the sound of heavy breathing next to her. She hums, pleased.
Her other outstretched hand is buried in soft hair. She tugs on a curl and smiles. She loves his curly hair. Evie has always had thick, straight hair, a blessing and a curse; it has never felt as soft as curly hair does. Her fingers twirl around the curl, playing with the springy coil.
She thinks maybe Tito will let his hair grow even longer. He looks so good with longer hair that forms actual curls. The way it falls in front of his eyes a bit makes him look so soft. She thinks about how he lays on the couch lazily, his hair splayed out on the cushion, and how his shirt rides up to show the sliver of skin above his low-slung sweats when he gets comfortable.
The urge to ask him if he’s going to cut his hair soon overtakes her exhaustion, and she moves her arm to look over.
“So—” Evie starts before she furrows her brows.
At that moment, she notices that instead of Tito’s baby blues, she's met with a pair of wide-eyed browns. Her entire body freezes as the night slams back into her consciousness. 
The dancing, the flirting, the meaningful looks, the cab ride home, the sex. God, the sex was fucking good. Her limbs hum in agreement as her chest tightens.
Well, these eyes gaze at her lazily, warm and soft. Evie’s hand is still in her curly mess of hair. The first thing she thinks is that it's actually longer than Tito’s hair is now before she immediately banishes his name from her mind completely. 
Evie can’t seem to relax her body enough to free her voice, which is caught in her throat.
Shit, what is her name?
Natalie? Natalia? Natasha? Nat for sure—
“Don’t worry,” Nat states, smirking, “I’m not staying. Just trying to catch my breath before leaving.”
Evie can’t help but feel unsettled and disoriented, but she forces her mind to quieten. Nat is really hot, and they did have a really good night. Slowly, Evie puts a coy smile back on her face and blinks slowly at her. 
“You don’t have to leave? If you don’t want to. I didn’t mean to kick you out.”
Evie has absolutely no idea why she just said that. She has never asked a hook-up if they want to stay. It must show on her face because Nat laughs. She shakes her head and presses another heated kiss to Evie’s lips, reminding her why she feels like she’s still floating outside of her body.
“I’ll get going.” Nat shakes her head and stands up, looking for her clothes in the mess on the floor. Evie probably should've cleaned up a little before going out.
She leans up on her elbows and lets her eyes trail down Nat’s body. Her mind finally focuses, and she whistles. “Are you sure you don’t want to stay?”
Nat laughs. 
“Yes, baby girl. I’ve got to go to work tomorrow. This was very good, though,” Nat says while putting on her clothes. “Don’t worry. I’m not going to ask for your number or when we’ll see each other again. So you don’t need to give me the spiel. I knew— know what this was.”
Evie laughs at the exaggerated wink Nat gives her. She feels a little lighter with relief at that.
“Can I use your bathroom, though? Before I go.”
“Yeah, it’s right through there.”
“Thanks.” Nat sends her a warm smile before slipping into the bathroom.
Evie lays back down and rubs her eyes. That was fucking weird, what the—
Her bathroom door flies open.
“What the fuck?” Natalie says, holding up Tito’s bread trimmer.
“Do you have a boyfriend or something? Did you just fucking use me to cheat on someone?”
“No?” Evie sits up, confused.
“Don’t fucking lie to me. I was willing to overlook the men’s shoes and coat in your entryway; maybe they’re a friend’s. I was willing to overlook the sweatshirts and sweatpants strewn around your room. I figured maybe you just like being comfortable.” 
“What?” she squeaks through the lump in her throat.
Nat powers through her interruption. “But there’s a fucking beard trimmer in there. Two toothbrushes. Two towels. A curly-defining gel that you definitely don’t use. And the—”
“No, you’re—”
“Are you honestly going to tell me you live here alone? What stupid fucking excuse are you going to give me, huh? This is a one-bedroom apartment, dude. Whoever’s shit this is, he's definitely not your roommate.”
Evie stares at her, stunned, mouth opening and closing.
“God, you know what. Save it. I don’t want to fucking know,” she says before storming out of the bedroom. 
Evie hugs her knees in stunned silence, watching from her bed as Nat grabs her coat and shoes. She pleads with her brain for something to say and comes up empty. 
Nat throws her one last dirty look, her face twisting in a scowl at her continued silence. “Seriously, fuck you, Gigi.” 
The sound of the front door slamming makes Evie jump. She just sits there, staring into empty space for so long that she feels her butt go numb.
She flops back onto her bed, pressing the heels of her hands to her eyes.
“What the fuck just happened?” she says to her empty room.
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kitnita · 8 months
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jake oettinger via fanatics view   —   2024 nhl all-star media day   —   02.01.24 
[you and wedgewood are tight. i just wonder, what makes a good backup in the NHL these days? you know, it’s a bit of a changing dynamic, workload, and, you know, some teams have three goalies. like, what works between you two, what makes  scott good as that number two.]  yeah, i think, first and foremost, like, we just root for each other really hard, i think that’s, like — you can say that, you know, but not everyone really means it and you know, i know when i’m in there he means … he wants me to do my best, and he knows that when he’s in there i’m pulling for him. and we push each other a ton and … he’s just a great guy to have around, like, even — you know, if he was a — not a goalie, if he was just a guy on the team, we’d be good friends too, so, he’s just a great dude and i’m lucky to share the crease with him and we push each other a lot, we both wanna, you know, be the number one guy, so, um. you know, i know if i, you know, take my foot off the gas, that he’s gonna take over, so.  [i know you’ve been, like — say, at the program, you were there with woll, you guys probably shared, but like — you guys were younger, were you at times, like, i’ve gotta check myself and be a little bit more positive?]  yeah, for sure, i think that’s a — i mean, that’s the thing, like, about being a goalie. there’s only one net, right? so it’s … it’s a hard position, um … and for me, obviously, i want to play as much as i can and, you know — someone else doing poor doesn’t, uh, — like, help me in any way, you know what i mean? like, i know if i play my best then i’m gonna be the number one, so that’s kind of the only thing i focus on. i’ve had great relationships with every goalie i’ve played with and, um … i’m looking to do that the rest of my career. 
uh, one piece of sports memorabilia you wish you could own? 
well, for my whole career i was dying to get a henrik lundqvist signed stick and i just got one, like, two weeks ago, so it was, like, the best gift i’ve ever gotten in my life, so. 
how’d you finally get it?
uh, my guy at bauer hooked me up. he, like, had a case? a bauer thing, and i thought it was gonna be an all-star stick. and he was like, open it up, and i opened it up, and it was one of his used sticks signed and it was … coolest thing i own. 
how would you change NHL overtime rules? 
i think i would do … ten minute overtime. 
three on three still? 
three on three still. and then maybe … try that for a bit, and if it didn’t work, maybe do no, uh — ‘cause, like, it’s such a big … everyone wants to keep possession, maybe do a no over-and-back rule. 
finally – i know i’m asking a goalie this question – on a scale from one to ten, how superstitious are you? 
i’m gonna go, like … four, five. 
pretty low, yeah. you can ask my fiancée, my teammates, my friends.  it’s nothing too crazy, just go out there and have fun. 
i’m doing a story on PWHL minnesota team. i just think that minnesota fans are amazing, because they watch those women from all the way out here. for someone who’s from minnesota, can you tell me what that environment is like? 
yeah, it’s so special, i think, like, boys and girls high school hockey there is just, like, so important, uh … it’s kinda like football in texas, that’s what i compare it to, and, uh — i played in the state tournament, um, my freshman year in high school and that was, like, one of my favorite hockey memories of my whole career, um, so — it’s just so special, and i think, i mean … when i saw that they had 13,000 or whatever at the x it didn’t surprise me one bit, i mean, it’s the state of hockey for a reason, and, uh, just happy to see that league getting the support they deserve and the ladies getting the recognition they deserve. 
are there any minnesota female hockey players who really stand out for you? 
um, well, one i was gonna say is, i played with — when i was at BU i played with, uh, abby cook and jesse compher and they’re both in the PWHL now, and, i mean, we got to go watch them win the beanpot, and, i mean, the hockey’s great, you know — these women are so talented and, uh, deserve to have a place where they can play and, you know, get paid just like we do and, um, you know, i think minnesota’s such a good spot for it. 
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puckpocketed · 9 months
24/12/2023 - San Jose Sharks vs Vancouver Canucks
The Summer I Fell For Hockey - Hunger.
On the last day before the NHL goes on break for Christmas, my body decides it's had enough of being healthy. I come down with a pounding headache and am wracked with the phantom sensation of all my muscles being squeezed simultaneously. Going against the advice of friends and family, I end up necking two Panadol. I peel myself some oranges, make my peace with being one of those hockey guys who has more than one live feed open at a time, and settle in for the games. It’s a truly outrageous day for hockey, it turns out, and I don’t regret pushing through the pain at all.  Not one but two Michigan goals are scored, out of the less-than dozen ever recorded in the NHL; my Kraken win another match (though, that’s not outrageous so much as just plain wonderful); and of course, the Dallas Stars somehow manage to rob the Nashville Predators of a regulation win by scoring twice within the last 13 seconds of third period. But I don’t want to write about any of that. I know there’s a lot to say — maybe one day I’ll even get around to saying it — but it’s my summer memoir and today I want to talk about the Sharks.
I operate at all times with a low-level desire to mention the Sharks. They slip into all the writing I do about hockey, like how someone with a crush always finds a way to bring up the object of their desire. But crystallising how I feel about the San Jose Sharks has come so much slower than it has with my other team. The passing affection is easy; that’s been there since I saw their teal jerseys, silly cartoon shark biting through a hockey stick; but all the rest? It’s come as a slow, spreading honey-drip. 
And so, a full post-game is only now happening after what was a marathon 60 minutes of hope and heartbreak against the Canucks. That’s all Sharks games, I’ve concluded (at least, this season). Every time I’ve watched, no matter how far down they were, I’ve never really believed they were completely out of it. Which some might say is stupid of me given that they’re the absolute bottom of the league standings. But I’ve supported worse performing teams — I waded through the Shanghai Dragons’ 42-game loss streak after all. And the Sharks don’t feel anything like the Dragons.
The Vancouver Canucks are at the top of the top of the entire league, hovering equal first or tied second depending on the matches played. This can’t be stressed enough. David, meet Goliath; and tough titties if you left the slingshot at home, we’re playing for keeps this time. Within two minutes of the puck drop, the Canucks score off an absolute cannon blast from Kuzmenko, which only happens because of a no-look pass that fell into the wrong hands. Kuzmenko scores again off the Canucks’ power play not long after, and we know it’s a Sharks game now because they’re going to be playing catch up from here on out.
The LA Kings nearly shut them out the week before this match. I watched most of that game from behind my hands. So many failed dump-and-chase attacks, failed rushes, failed battles along the boards. An impossibly strong defence from the Kings, as I came to find out later; hockey built on denying a clean attack through the neutral zone. It was a slaughter. Yet at no point did it ever look like the Sharks were done.
I have to leave the Canucks game for less than half an hour. When I come back my Sharks are somehow miraculously even with them at 2-2. It terrifies and thrills me all at once. It seems such a simple concept; thinking there’s always a chance you can win and playing like you mean it. I mean, it’s always true. When my friends and I watch esports we like to say that while not every game is ‘winnable’, every game is ‘throwable’. No matter how far ahead a team is, there is always a non-zero chance they’ll throw it away.
But saying something and living it are two very different things. I think the Sharks live it, and I think they’ve somehow made it fundamental to their hockey. This doesn’t mean never faltering or feeling demoralised after losing a lead — that’s normal, that’s competition — what it means is working and working at the problem anyway, and continuing to work at it until the last second of the game. 
 This is hardly a unique trait; plenty of teams refuse to give up, and you could make the argument that this is a marker of a good team, that it’s a requirement to climb. Here, you could bring up the Stars vs Preds game. But it’s easy to keep going if you’ve got ample proof that it’s going to work out, that it’s worked out before. The Stars put on an excellent show, dug deep and didn’t stop playing, no one’s saying they didn’t. But it must be so much easier if you’re them, and you have a pretty good record on comebacks, and you’re already doing so well in the division standings. When you already know you’re good, that drive is resting on something solid, that faith has already been rewarded — but what if you’re the Sharks? Where does the faith come from then? I think it becomes something else once you’ve left it too long, morphs into something that’s got mass and pull, that breathes and is alive. Players and coaches and casters might call it ‘grit’ or ‘stubbornness’. I’ve begun to think of it as hunger.
During the LA Kings game, I held my breath as the minutes to the end of third period ticked down, I waited for them to flag. I waited for them to fall apart. They sort of did, I’m not going to deny that; giving up a shorthanded goal on the power play while their net was empty. It hurt to watch. But then, in the last 90 seconds of the match, MacDonald slammed it into the back of the Kings’ net from the blue line. The cheer I let out, the cheers that came from the sparse crowd in attendance at the Shark Tank; they didn’t feel like cheers from people who knew the game was over — even with the 4-1 scoreboard and 1:19 left of the game. The cameras cut to fans standing up in their seats, screaming as the home goal horn sounded for the first time that night. The players squared up for the ensuing faceoff after casual celebrations; they didn’t look happy to simply not get shut out. They were still out for more.
The Canucks bring the score back in line during second period: two goals in a row, spaced about five minutes apart. Were I watching the Kraken, at this point we might’ve broken out the memes in preparation for a loss — but I’m watching the Sharks, and all I do is press closer to my screen and clench my teeth. The Sharks aren’t done yet, I tell myself and my blog and the perhaps three other people hanging out in the live tag, to resounding agreement. I think we all actually believe ourselves. The Sharks players must believe it, too, from the way Zetterlund answers the Canucks with a goal of his own. 3-4 isn’t the insurmountable gap that 2-4 was, and winning the match still feels like a shimmering possibility, despite the chasm between the Sharks and Canucks’ place in the standings.
The game goes on. We trade another goal. It’s 4-5 halfway through third period — a gorgeous tip-in from MacDonald — and the stress begins to fracture my belief. My painkillers aren’t quite enough to keep the edge off the pain, and it’s distracting, and I just want the game to be over. “THEYRE STILL IN IT!!” writes one of my Sharks mutuals under one of my live posts, followed by three shark emojis. I breathe, refocus, I push through the pain. I watch my Sharks go hard in the last five minutes of the match; and even as they get scored on twice, I want to believe in them. I believe right up until the final buzzer. The next time they play, I’ll still believe in them.
Commentary on the San Jose Sharks that isn’t “they suck right now” is pretty hard to come by. Occasionally though, if you listen well during broadcasts, if you sift through the pundits on Youtube, if you leaf through enough articles, you’ll find a thread that they all have in common, the thing that everyone can say about the Sharks: you might win, but they won’t make it easy. The Canucks win 4-7. The Sharks didn’t make it easy.
A few weeks ago, the Sharks beat the Jets, who were close to the top of the Western conference, 2-1. Before that, they came back against the Red Wings, overcame the Islanders, nearly caught the Rangers and the Golden Knights. What I’ve learned about the Sharks, what’s finally crystalised my admiration for them, is this: the Sharks might be at the bottom of the league, but if you give even an inch they’ll swallow you whole.
I come to every Sharks game ready for something interesting to happen, ready to see them fight until the very end. Taking my cues from the Sharks, I arrive and I’m always, always hungry. If they can carry this with them into the future, into better management and a more developed roster, I think one day we’ll eat.
The Sharks are circling, ever circling — and eventually they’ll have blood.
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3416 · 1 year
How John Tavares is helping Matthew Knies prepare for his first Maple Leafs playoff run
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By Joshua Kloke | Apr 16, 2023 | The Athletic
Matthew Knies looked around the Leafs dressing room and shook his head. It wasn’t long after the Leafs had finished an optional practice on Saturday afternoon, and many of his teammates were already nowhere to be seen. The highly-touted NHL rookie questioned a few Leafs staff members as to how the room gets so vacant so soon. Quickly, Knies threw on a Leafs ball cap, one he is still working in to fit just right, and realized he should probably hit the road too: his new roommate was probably waiting for him in the parking lot, having finished practice about 20 minutes earlier: John Tavares.
Almost immediately after Knies signed with the Leafs on Sunday, Apr. 9, the 20-year-old received a flurry of text messages from Leafs stars, all offering up a spare room in their house for the highly-touted Leafs prospect to stay in for the duration of the playoffs. Auston Matthews and Mitch Marner texted Knies, but Tavares’ text came first. Knies happily jumped at the opportunity to live in Tavares’ basement.
And for what could be a roller coaster ride for Knies, having Tavares to lean on could help him understand the new life he’s now a part of.
“It makes me feel way more like part of the family,” Knies said.
Knies spent the majority of his first week with the Leafs on the road, playing in Florida, Tampa Bay and New York. He kept his head above water, registering his first NHL point and playing effective, physical hockey in tight spaces and showing impressive smarts with the puck in the neutral zone. Once he finally arrived in Toronto late last week and had a chance to breathe, he did so in Tavares’ basement.
In short, Knies has looked like a player who could be trusted to jump into an NHL playoff game if necessary. And maybe even become an X-factor.
But even Knies will admit there’s more to surviving in the NHL as a rookie than just making smart reads with the puck: with the intensity and physicality of games having ramped up, he knows he needs to treat his body better and improve his eating and sleeping habits.
He’s learning from one of the best in that regard. Tavares’ preparation and efforts to eat well have become renowned around the Leafs.
“Taking notes from a guy with such experience, I couldn’t pass that up,” Knies told The Athletic.
Knies said Tavares’ alarm goes off around 6:15 AM so the Leafs captain can tend to his two young children, with a third child on the way.
“He lets me sleep in a bit,” Knies joked.
The pair were among the first to arrive at the Leafs practice rink at 9:30 AM for an 11:45 AM practice on Sunday.
Tavares will drive Knies to practice, another chance for Knies to open his ears to Tavares’ experience. One thing Knies told The Athletic he’s gleaned from Tavares is how to balance the increased travel in the short amount of time he’s about to face, with multiple upcoming trips to Tampa Bay. Perhaps a few tips like leaving his window open on flights if a time zone change is coming to keep his circadian rhythm intact.
“He’s not cutting corners,” Knies said.
The two new teammates have had a few meals together, and Knies has spent a little time with Tavares’ children. But hey, it’s worth remembering here that Knies is essentially a child himself.
“I don’t know if I’d be the first one he’d ask to babysit,” Knies said.
There is precedent for what the Leafs captain is doing: a then 19-year-old Tavares lived with then New York Islanders forward Doug Weight when Tavares was a rookie.
“All year, he’s been there for me whenever I’ve needed him,” Tavares said in 2010.
Tavares is paying it forward, if you will, and ensuring that if Knies needs someone, he’ll be there for him. Knies’ parents are in Arizona. The new city Knies is living in is one he has only spent a few days in here and there during last summer’s development camp.
Assimilation at a stressful time of the season can be, well stressful, for a young player. But it feels less so for Knies.
“I didn’t want to be stuck in a hotel in my own bubble,” Knies said. “It’s made me feel more comfortable in Toronto.”
That sense of comfort could soon matter. Knies dressed as an extra forward during his first full Leafs practice on Sunday. Yet if the Leafs need some offensive pop, it feels likely he will be the first forward to draw in against the Lightning. He’ll need to keep up with the faster pace of play should he draw into the playoffs. But Sheldon Keefe has never been afraid to tinker with his lineup in search of a better solution.
“Every experience he gets is gonna help him,” Keefe said of Knies on Sunday. “Obviously the talent that he’s shown — he’s a guy that can help us and is another great option for us to have.”
Should that happen, Knies could feel more ready than he would have anticipated when he first signed with the Leafs. And he’ll have the captain.
“That’s going to help my experience,” Knies said, “and help me get accustomed to the NHL lifestyle.”
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Any fics where Blaine is some type of pro athlete?
Please check out the athlete tab in the library as there are a number of different sports. ~Jen
Also see these:
Collide (Major and Minor verse) by @scatter-the-stars 
Kurt Hummel is having a terrible week. On top of his car breaking down and his laptop dying at the worst time possible, finding his boyfriend cheating on him is the final straw against the camel’s back. A night of drinking is much deserved. But waking up in bed with star quarterback Blaine Anderson is something he doesn’t need. Determined to forget it and move on, he finds that hard when Blaine has other ideas. At first wanting nothing to do with the biggest playboy on campus, somehow Kurt finds himself agreeing to being friends with Blaine. It’s a friendship that opens his eyes to the guy he never really knew. And soon finds him wanting the one person he maybe shouldn’t want.
Only a Fortnight in Your Arms by zavacado
Their entire lives have been devoted to excelling. For Blaine Anderson, finding his own perfection in the sport that helped save his life has been the only reason he lives and breathes. That is until he reaches the ultimate place where champions are tested, and realizes there's so much more life out there than gold medals. Olympic!Klaine AU
Similar Pair by Knightlycat 
Notoriously difficult ice skater Kurt Hummel failed in his attempt to win the first gold medal for the new sport of Similar Pairs Skating. Charismatic Blaine Anderson needs a fresh start after an injury prematurely ended his promising hockey career. Can they put aside their personal conflicts and help make each other's dreams come true? AU based on the movie The Cutting Edge.
Top Shelf Sundae by spinmybowtie 
Kurt reluctantly agrees to attend an NHL game with Finn, where he first sees Blaine Anderson, the new star of the Columbus Blue Jackets.
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I need a Trevor Zegras enemies to lovers!! Please!!!
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[❤︎] pairing: Trevor zegras x gn!reader
[❤︎] warnings: enemies-to-lovers trope, trevor gets physically hurt.
[❤︎] word count: 958
thanks for participating in the nhl sleepover!
[requests for nhl players previously listed are still open though!!]
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If anyone got under your skin, it was Trevor Zegras. Trevor was the kind of guy who's cocky beyond belief, attractive, and he damn well knows it. He's the kind that everyone seemed to get along with easily — hell, even Jamie Drysdale, a guy on opposite teams once upon a time, had become best friends with him. 
You saw right through him, and he knew that. Something about him made it seem like every little thing he said was behind an ulterior motive. Like he knew that he had everyone wrapped around his fingers. Like he was a king and everyone was his servant. Trevor hated that you weren't bowing at his feet like he believed he deserved you to be.
The two of you were the walking definition of repelling opposites. Every opinion was rebutted, every comment was met with an eye roll and a scoff, every group event had the two of you either avoided each other until you no longer couldn't or clawed at each other's throats. 
And it's precisely why you'll never hate being in a closet with him more than anything. The group was all at Hughes' lake house, where mindless drinking games were played, including 7 minutes in heaven. His breathing is loud, igniting every fibre in your being — the tinkling sensations spreading like wildfire all over your body are becoming increasingly insufferable. 
"Can you, maybe, breathe a little quieter? "
"Can you, maybe, not talk to me? "you roll your eyes at his mockery. The bottle could've landed on anyone but him, but of course, your first go had to be with him. His body is so close to yours, and you swear the closest got even smaller than it was a couple of minutes ago. There's no concept of time in the small confinement, but you were sure the 7 minutes were up by now even though you had stepped in there only a short while ago. 
"What's your deal anyway? "Trevor asks out of the blue. 
"Why're you here?"
"Because I was invited?"
"Yeah, by your friend who's dating Alex, not by him himself," 
"Your point?" 
"I mean, come on, none of the guys here is actually friends with —"
"Why is it so hard to believe that people in this group like me?" You scoff, huffing as you cross your arms over your chest. "Can you go back to being silent so we can get out of here quicker?"
"Whatever you say, princess."
"And time's up! You guys can come out now!" Cole's voice rang from outside. 
"Move," you grumble, pushing him out of the way so you can be the first one out of that goddamn hell hole. If auras were visible, yours would be flaming red. 
 "I'm going home," you say lowly in your friend's ear. 
"What? You can't," she grabs your wrist, pulling you into the room the two of you were staying in. She closes the door and tries to stop you from packing everything into your bag. 
"What, you're mad I made you go in a closet with Trevor?" 
"Yeah, I am, actually. You know how much I hate him—"
"Which I never got an explanation, by the way! What's the harm? He's a nice guy —"
"Exactly. You all worship the ground he walks on, and for what? There's something not right about him, and I seem to be the only person to notice that around here."
Trevor listens from behind the door. Your words roll off him like water droplets on a raincoat. His smirk returns to his face, loving how much he really gets under your skin. 
The rest of the week is gonna be so much fun. 
You didn't want to go. It's not like you had a choice. Alex asked you to come to his game tonight, and your best friend had begged you to be there, so there was no way of getting out of this. You knew it was a ducks v kings game, and guess who would be the star of the show. 
The game was intense, but the ducks were ahead by a couple of points. Your eyes follow as best they can, watching as Shatty passes to Henrique, who — 
Trevor. His body lays motionless on the ice, slowly trying to get up as the ref skates over to him. You're quick to stand up, vision spotty and head dizzying while you watch him clutch at his side. You don't know what's happening, your body completely taking over your mind as you hastily walk through the tunnel. The complete out-of-body experience finds you at the doorframe where Trevor sits uncomfortably, waiting for the medic to examine him. 
"What're you doing here?" He groans, eyes trailing up to meet yours. 
"You look like shit," 
"Thanks, you do, too," he chuckles. Out of everyone, you're the least person he'd expect to be here, let alone be worried about him. For the first time, you laugh at his comeback. 
"In all seriousness, are you okay?"
"Never better," he winks before groaning in pain while clutching at his side again. The medics finally came to his aid. You feel so helpless, so confused, so—
It was Trevor you were talking about. Why would you feel like this? 
"Is he going to be okay?" You mutter to one of the staff as they exit the room. He nods, "Just needs to rest for a couple of days and make sure he has that icepack on that nasty bruise. You can go see your boyfriend now," 
Boyfriend? The word never affected you before, especially when talking about Trevor. But it sure did stir something inside you.
Maybe you did care about him all along. 
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Snitches Get Stitches: Chapter 4
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Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader
Part of the San Diego Dogfighters universe
Summary: Jake Seresin, golden boy of the NHL and Captain of the Dallas Stars makes headlines when he unexpectedly signs with newly-formed San Diego Dogfighters. When your future seems at the verge of crashing down, you receive the opportunity of a lifetime to become the team physician for the Dogfighters. You never expected to be working directly with your favorite hockey player. Jake has a secret and you have a job to do. Will he be able to trust you enough to help and will you be able to trust him with your heart?
Series CW: 18+ ONLY, swearing, violence, sports violence, medical stuff, blood probably, angst, fluff, (eventual) smut, forbidden romance, sexual harassment, suggestive language, medical inaccuracies, hockey inaccuracies etc. No use of Y/N.
Word Count: 4.2k
A/N: This is a repost of my completed series, Snitches Get Stitches. It was originally posted in October-November 2023, and was lost when my blog was deleted.
Previous Chapter // Series Masterlist // Next Chapter
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The next morning you get to work early. You’re getting set up in the exam room for Jake’s physical, having spoken to both Mav and the player already scheduled for the first slot to rearrange the schedule. You glance at the door every few minutes, it’s still early but a small party of you is scared that yesterday’s agreement was made in the heat of the moment, lulled into comfort by the shared pizza and conversation, and that Jake wouldn’t show. You aren’t sure what you’re going to do if he doesn't show up. You’re running out of options. The puck is very much in his rink, and while you’d promised him two weeks, with the rate everyone else was getting through their physicals, it won’t be too long before Cyclone is up your ass asking what was taking Jake so long. You put down the chart you’ve rearranged on the counter a dozen times over the last five minutes, deciding to use your time elsewhere. You reach for the filing rack to scan over the charts for the other players scheduled for today, anything to take your mind and eyes off the closed door. The ticking of the analog clock on the wall above it feels like a bomb, and you can’t help the way your breath catches in response to every move of the minute hand. At 8:59, your hands are trembling as your nerves finally make their way to your extremities, your toes clenching and opening to ground yourself with the stinging pain. Your back is leaning against the counter, your hands clasped in front of you to hide their shaking while keeping them visible, a sign of trust. You’re not sure how much longer you can keep yourself from going out and hunting down Jake yourself when the door opens just as the minute hand clicks into place over the 12. His blonde hair, usually perfectly styled first thing in the morning, is already sticking up waywardly as if he’s been running his large hands through them repeatedly. When you meet his green eyes, you see a scared animal, caught between fight and flight as his knuckles are bordering on white where they grip the door handle, an anchor to the hallway, a way out if he decides to bolt. His perfect lips, usually spread in that infectious grin you adore so much are pinched in a tight line. Your mind starts racing. The game begins for real now. He’s in your home court and it’s up to you to convince him to stay. The problem with putting two nervous individuals with their respective careers on the line in the same room is that their brains are too busy setting themselves on fire to properly function like human beings. The words are out of your mouth before you can stop them.
“Alright Lola, up on the table and we can get started.” Your hands clap to try and break the tension that you’re sure you’d need an electric knife if not a high-grade laser to dissolve.
It seems like the completely out-of-left-field address does at least some of the trick, however, and Jake’s face twists from nervous to confused. “Lola?” His grip on the door loosens and it swings shut behind him, forgotten.
“Lola.” You wave a hand, dismissively. “Like Lola Bunny? I mean you’re the one who called me Bugs. It makes perfect sense: you’re blonde, you’re an athlete, and you’ve got great tits.” Your eyes widen as your brain finally takes a break from arson to catch up with what your mouth has been up to. You slap a hand over it, but you can’t take back what you’ve just said. Speaking of things currently resembling an on-fire garbage can? Your professionalism can be added to that list. You’re yanked out of your mental spiral by Jake’s booming laughter. It turns out you didn’t need an electric knife or a space laser to cut the tension in the room, that sound was more than enough. Behind your hand, your lips curve into an involuntary smile at the infectious smile. He’s doubled over now, tears leaking from the corner of his eyes. His hands are on his knees, one gripping in humor while the other simply rests, a gesture that doesn’t go unnoticed by you.
“Oh Bugs,” he manages to get out between wheezing aftershocks, “you’re a lot funnier than I expected.” You feel your cheeks heating involuntarily. He looks up from his doubled-over position to fix you with the full force of his dazzling grin. You honestly can’t blame every girl in America for falling for it, you’ve never been particularly attracted to Jake yourself, but it’s got your knees weak, seeing it up close and personal.
“Sorry.” The words are murmured just under your breath, embarrassment muffling them.
“Don’t apologize, Bugs, I’m a big fan.” You feel yourself shrink at the sweet words as he straightens, his previous nerves nowhere to be seen as he closes the distance to the exam table in a few strides, sitting down and you notice the way his feet actually touch the ground. “I like it. Bugs and Lola. We make a good team.” You can hear a thousand warning bells going off in your head. The common sense fire department has arrived to put out the fire in your brain. The sirens are loud but you block them out because the doctor side of your brain is jumping up and down at the strides you’re making with Jake. The doctor side. Definitely, the doctor side.
“Well then Lola,” you emphasize the name because you can’t help it, “let’s get started, shall we? We can do this one of two ways. First, we could just treat this like a regular physical and assume I know nothing about your injury, and proceed as normal until I inevitably discover it and then you start talking or second, we could just address the elephant in the room, you can explain what’s going on from the get-go and then we’ll work from there. I’d personally prefer option two so I can amend the physical procedure so you don’t have to put any unnecessary strain on your leg. Still, it’s up to you, whatever you’re most comfortable with.” The mood in the room shifts as you’re both brought back to the present. Jake is quiet, considering your question before he looks up from where he’s been studying his clasped hands.
“Let’s go with option 2 then, Bugs.” You nod, giving him a gentle smile, pulling the stool out from under the counter and taking a seat, giving the floor to Jake but not before you let him know.
“Thank you, Jake. I'm really proud of you.” You hadn’t intended to tell him the second part but something about the visible nervous tension in his broad shoulders makes you think maybe he needs to hear it. He nods, silently.
“Like you said,” he starts. “It happened during Game Four of the Anaheim series during the playoffs. That defenseman, Jones I think his name was, had been on me all night, and he was getting more and more pushy. I could barely move on the ice without him being in my way and it was starting to piss me off. I went to shove him off but he was too close, and our legs got tangled as we went down. I landed on my knee. Honestly, I think I blacked out momentarily from the initial pain. I knew something was seriously wrong but I also knew we were down two points and if we lost that game it could be the deciding moment of the series.” He shakes his head. “So I lied to the physician. I told him I was fine, just a little shaken up from the fall. I didn’t hit my head, I wasn’t concussed, so they let me play. We lost anyway. Then I finally told the physician what was going on, and,” he falters and you fight the urge to close the distance between the two of you and take his hand. “We did all the scans, the tests, and it came back that I had torn my MCL.” You can’t help the sound of shock that passes your lips. It wasn’t an uncommon injury, complete recovery was possible, common even. Complications were rare. Yet the idea of Jake spending the last three months walking around with it untreated, covering that up, even going so far as to play hockey with the torn ligament made your heart lurch. He had to be in unimaginable pain every single day. His eyes raise at the sound from where they’ve been focused on his hands in his lap.
“What grade?” You don’t recognize the gravelly sound of your voice.
“Three…” You can’t breathe.
“And that son of a bitch didn’t DO anything?” Your voice is dripping with the rage that swirls around your heart. It was simple. It was so simple. Six weeks to heal minimum, but they were at the end of the season. Surgery would have been entirely possible with a three to four-month recovery period during the off-season. He could have been almost back to normal right now and your stomach turned at the complete and total disregard for his care. Jake is silent, his eyes darting between his hands and your seething face. “What the fuck did he do?” Your voice is so quiet you almost don’t hear it. “What the fuck did he do instead of his fucking JOB?” You shake your head, a delirious chuckle escaping your lips as you do so. “What did he do instead of holding to his duty of fucking CARE?” You can’t see Jake’s expression past your blind rage.
“He told me full recovery would take over a year. He said that I would have to sit out the next season if I ever wanted to play again.” Jake shakes his head. “Then my coach was so adamant, so sure we could make it to the final. He was so convinced. He said we could get another cup, if I just stayed in for the rest of playoffs, if I just pushed through it. He said it would make the year off seem earned instead of,” Jake cuts off, barking a laugh, like even he can’t believe it now that he’s saying the words out loud. He’s quiet for a minute before he continues. “And he had my physician in his back pocket, so he told him to make sure I could play when I definitely shouldn’t have been. And you know how that ended. We played the next three games but ultimately lost the series with Anaheim. I started getting more in-depth scans and preliminary treatment done but suddenly Coach wasn’t so sure I was going to be worth the wait. He said if I took the year off, he couldn’t promise me I’d get my first-line spot back. And not in the way that you say when you’re trying to be realistic. No, he said it the way you say when it’s a promise, a threat. Like he just casually forgot my contract was up.” He chuckles and this time it’s unlike every other time you’ve heard the sound. It’s cold, cruel. “He expected me to re-sign, just like everyone else, because when you’re the face of a team, you can’t just leave. So I did just that.”
His green eyes are icy. “By the time I decided to leave, and figured out everything with my legal team, I knew there weren’t any teams still looking for players. It’s the NHL, who doesn’t want their shot? The rosters were full. Then I thought about the Dogfighters. They’re new, looking for their big break, their secret weapon.” He shrugs. “So I gave them an offer they couldn't refuse, served myself up on a big silver platter. I’d been taking the summer easy, staying off my leg the best I could. I thought it would be enough, that I could play. And sure it was probably the delusion, and I knew I would get caught out eventually because I didn’t think any of this through but I sure wasn’t expecting you to call me out on my first fucking day, Bugs.” He chuckles again and this time it’s the one you know so well. “You threw me off my axis, and now we’re here.” His eyes come back to your face and his expression changes to one of immediate concern. “Hey Bunny, hey what’s wrong?”
“What?” Your voice comes out as a croak and that’s when you realize you’re crying. You don’t know when the tears started leaking from your eyes, but now they run silently down your cheeks, dripping onto your clasped in your lap. “Oh, oh my god, Jake I’m so sorry. This is so unprofessional.” You flounder as you reach for the tissue box on the countertop behind you. You swipe at your cheeks roughly, trying to clean up the salty tracks as quickly as possible. “Sorry, I just- That’s not fair, what both of them did to you. They made you play, threatened your job, lied to you about your leg-” You can’t help the sob that chokes your words as you feel yourself getting more emotional as your heart breaks for the man sitting before you. He reaches for you, letting his good leg snag on your stool, rolling it over so you’re sitting between his spread knees. His hands come to take yours and you’re struck by the cruel irony of him comforting you when it should be you doing so for him.
“Slow down, Bunny. What do you mean they lied about my knee?” His green eyes search yours for a lie.
You shake your head. “A grade three MCL tear can heal in as little as six weeks with proper care. With surgery, it could take a little longer, but even then complications are rare. You could’ve been back on the ice as good as new by the time the new season started.” The tears are still running down your cheeks as you watch his face change as he processes your words, his hands clenching on your own as rage contorts his features and you pray you’re never on the receiving end of it because it steals the breath out of your lungs. You have to remind yourself that it’s not you that he’s angry with because your body is fighting the urge to pull away from him until you see tears mirroring your own on his cheeks. Frustration and grief wrack his body with sobs as you stand, pulling him into your arms against your better judgment. “I’m sorry, Jake.” You whisper as you rub circles into his back and just hold him as he falls apart. “I’m so sorry.”
You’re not sure how long the two of you stay like that. Eventually, you separate and discuss your next steps. You want new scans and tests run which you need to schedule. In the meantime, you go through with the rest of the physical to the best of Jake’s abilities and when he finally stands to leave with your help, the two of you exchange tired smiles and promise to see each other tomorrow. In the meantime, Jake needs to talk to his team and you need to talk to his manager and coach. You shoot Mav and Cyclone a text that you need to meet with them ASAP.
That’s how you find yourself sitting in that dreaded chair across from Cyclone’s desk later that day. You’re not sure how long you’ve been there. Time started slowing to a slow bleed ages ago. What started as a perfectly reasonable conversation about the health of one of your patients stopped being that while Cyclone’s face was still human-colored. “What the FUCK kind of behavior is this, Bugs?” Normally you’d fight the urge to flinch at the rage in his voice, but you’ve mentally checked out of the tirade. “I have an injured player, a fucking STARTER at that, and I’m only finding out about this now? And not just injured, but potentially unable to fucking do his fucking job when the season starts in less than two months?” He’s standing, waving a finger in your face like it’s a gun. You don’t really notice, the same way you didn’t notice Maverick typing furiously at his phone a few minutes ago from his seat slightly behind you, closer to the door, out of Cyclone’s direct eyeline at the moment. Mav tried defending you himself, at the beginning, only for Cyclone to yell at him to “sit down and shut up as if you haven’t caused enough trouble by practically begging me to hire her” which was news to you. Maybe you would’ve been touched if you weren’t so numb. You don’t hear the door behind you slam open, cutting off Cyclone as he’s in the middle of degrading your character into the ground.
“HEY!” Jake’s voice cuts through some of the fog around you and your body relaxes slightly instinctively from the tense position it’s been since you entered the room. As if your body knows you’re safe now that Jake’s here. He crosses the room in seconds, standing in front of you as if he can somehow shield you from Cyclone’s wrath. “This isn’t her fault, so don’t you go accusing her as if it is.” His voice is pure fury and if you were in control of your body, maybe you’d shudder at the rage that laces every single word. Even through the haze, your eyes clock the way he puts more weight on his left leg.
“That’s not up to you, son. She’s fired, effective immediately. This is gross negligence, she’s lucky we don’t sue.” Maybe you would have giggled at the words, at the inevitability of them, but your face is still glazed over.
“No, she’s not.” Jake’s tone leaves no room for discussion. “The only way I’m getting treated is if she’s the one to do it.” He glares at Cyclone. “I know I’ve cost you all a pretty penny that you currently don’t have so not only can you not afford to fire me, but you need me to play, and the only way that’s going to happen is if my leg heals, and I’m telling you right now that that’s not happening unless Bugs is my physician. If you want to blame someone? I’m feeling pretty good about my chances of suing my last physician and coach for a lot more than gross negligence. But Bugs and I are a package deal. If I stay, she stays, and I’m staying.”
With that, he turns to you, the rage gone and replaced with concern as he reaches for your hands so, so gently, taking them in his and easing you to your feet. “Come on, Bunny. “ He whispers so only you can hear, placing a hand on the small of your back, the other laced with yours as he guides you out of Cyclone’s office.
Once you’re far enough from the door, he stops, turning to you, a hand coming to cup your jaw as he strokes his thumb across your cheek, green eyes full of worry as they search your empty ones. “Bunny? Hey Bunny, come back to me, baby. I know you’re in there, Bunny, come on.” The gentle repetitive gesture on your cheek and the soothing sound of Jake’s voice slowly draw you out of the place you’ve barricaded yourself in your mind and Jake watches with relief as the haze in your eyes clears. “There you are, Bunny. You okay, baby?” The feeling rushes back into your body and your knees buckle with exhaustion from being on defensive shutdown for so long. You can’t bring yourself to speak so you nod as Jake slides an arm around your waist, holding you up as you slump against the wall. You’re too overwhelmed to catch the term of endearment he’d added into his sentences.
“Jake?” Your voice is a hoarse croak from disuse.
“Yeah, baby? I’m right here, Bunny.” His thumb continues its trail across your pallid cheek.
“What were you- How’d you- Why’d you do that?” Your brain is still fuzzy as you trip over your words.
He shakes his head gently, quiet affection in his gaze as he looks down into your bleary eyes. “It’s like I said this morning, Bunny. We make a good team. You really think I’d let you get away when we’re just getting started?” His eyes dance with something else you can’t place but before you can respond, the door down the hall opens again and you force yourself to stand and step out of Jake’s arms as Maverick comes towards the two of you. If he saw anything, he doesn’t say, instead giving Jake a gentle clap on the shoulder.
“Good save, kid. Quick on your feet, I like that.” He turns to you then. “Bugs, I’m so sorry about all of that. You didn’t deserve any of it, I wish I could have done more to stop it.”
You wave him off. “No need for both of us to lose our jobs, right? And you did help, Maverick. Even if I almost just lost it, you’re the reason I got this job, in more than one way apparently.” You give him a knowing look and his cheeks pinken with embarrassment that makes his fatherly face look boyish. “Thank you for that, I really mean it.” You know Maverick has no idea why Cyclone was so trigger-happy to fire you, Cyclone made that clear at your interview, and as much as you feel the sudden urge to tell him, you hold back because this is your new start and you definitely don’t need Jake to know.
“You don’t need to thank me, just keep taking good care of my boys.” You nod, hoping your gratitude shows in your eyes. “On that note, the three of us obviously need to talk about the next steps and honestly I’m really not in the mood to do that here, so why don’t you two join me and Penny for dinner?” He slings an arm around each of your shoulders, guiding the two of you down the hall, away from Cyclone’s office.
“Penny, sir?” Jake questions.
Maverick beams. “She’s the team nutritionist, and by some miracle, my girlfriend.” You fight the urge to giggle at the sixty-year-old man referring to Penny as his girlfriend instead of his partner.
“I don’t know,” Jake says ruefully. “Pudding’s been home alone all day and I can’t really leave her alone any longer in good conscience.” Mav waves him off.
“Bring her, there’s plenty of room at my house. I’ll text you both the address and take the rest of the afternoon off. We’ll work out where to go next at dinner and let the team know first thing tomorrow. Bugs, you too, you don’t look too great, the physicals can wait until tomorrow.” You nod gratefully as Mav leaves the two of you at the door to the parking garage.
Jake turns to you as Mav walks away. “Do you need to grab your stuff? We can meet back here in a five and I’ll walk you to your car?” You shake your head.
“No, you go ahead and head home. I’m definitely putting my afternoon physicals on hold but I want to make a comprehensive list of scans and treatment options to discuss with Mav at dinner so I’m gonna be another hour or two. I need to make a couple of calls.” That is if your so-called colleagues will even deign to answer the phone. “And no waiting for me this time.” You poke at his chest with your finger. “You get home to your girl and stay off that leg as best as you can.” Your eyes drift down to the new knee brace barely visible under Jake’s sweats. “Give her some extra cuddles because I have a feeling things around here are about to pick up, and drive safe with the brace, you hear me?” You frown at Jake’s leg. “You probably shouldn’t be driving period. Maybe I should give you a ride home.” He waves you off.
“I’m all good Bugs, you focus on finishing up your work, and I’ll see you at Mav’s for dinner.” You shake your head again, more forceful this time.
“No, I’m picking you up. This is the last time you’re driving with that leg. Here,” you pull your phone from your pocket, “put in your number and text yourself that way you have mine. Then you’re gonna text me your address when you get home so I know you made it in one piece.”
“Not all of us are prone to vehicular manslaughter, Bunny.”
“How many times do I have to tell you that HE drove in front of ME?” You snap, irritantly and he grins playfully.
“I don’t know, I think I’ll have to hear the other side of the story at dinner.” He says with a wink before he pushes open the door to the garage. You scowl after him. “See you, Bunny.”
“See you, Lola.” You enunciate as you turn on your heel, marching back to your office with purpose, ready to finally be able to do your job.
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sportspuckball · 1 month
cedar park all stars: snippet
“Leon wants us to move to Edmonton,” he said casually. 
“So that kind of statement is what we open conversations with, brother,” Taryn said after a beat. “We lead everything with ‘hi, the insanely talented and illegally hot man who thinks my daughter is the female incarnation of Sidney Crosby wants us to move to his frozen tundra’ because then I can say ‘oh, well obviously he wants you to do that so he can still be involved with you guys’ and then you can get all squirmy about him only wanting to focus on Addie.”
“Am I needed for this conversation?”
“It would probably be better for all of us if you let me take over,” Taryn admitted. “But for real, Matty - he said he wants you to move to Edmonton?” 
“Eh, ish,” Matthew said. “I said I wanted to move somewhere where we had a family because I can’t do the ‘completely alone’ parenting thing I did when we first got to Austin. And he said that he’d be there to help out, or that McDavid’s wife and the rest of the WAGs would be.” 
“Matty, that is absolutely emotionally constipated hockey player talk for ‘please move to Edmonton’.”
“He wants to work with Addie,” Matthew emphasized. “Which I get and approve of and love. Where you and Brady are getting the idea that he has any interest in me past some sort of coach/parent thing…you’re both nuts.”
“You are very bad at crushes, Matthew. Part of having one is having fun with the idea that it’s returned,” Taryn jokingly scolded. 
Matthew swallowed the tone he wanted to use. “It’s not fun for me, Tare.”
He heard her make a noise, so he repeated himself. “Taryn Tkachuck, it’s not fun. If we do move to Edmonton – which, if she can have access to the whole Oilers organization, I’d be basically neglectful if I moved her anywhere else – then he is all I have there until we get our feet under us. I cannot have fun little dreams, I have to focus on Addie. We all know what it took to get Brady to the NHL – I’m going to do the day-to-day of that by myself, Tare. The fun part of a crush you talk about…it’s just not…”
“Got it, Matty. You got it.” She was quiet for a few seconds and then continued. “Why don’t you head to bed. I’m out to watch the scrimmages next week. We can throw Addie at someone else’s house and get really drunk on Shiners and shoot pucks at the wall. Sound good?” 
He barked out a laugh. “It’s a date. Love you, Tare.” 
“Love you, too, Matty.”
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zegrvshvghes · 1 year
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Drinks are on me next time-QH43
You were sitting at the bar, enjoying a drink after a long day at work, when you noticed him. He had just come in, looking tired and grumpy, with a hint of sadness in his eyes. You recognized him immediately as Quinn, the star NHL hockey player known for his incredible skills on the ice, but also for his grumpy demeanor off the ice.
He sat at the end of the bar, nursing a beer and staring off into space. You couldn't help but feel drawn to him, despite his rough exterior. Your natural instinct to cheer people up kicked in, and you made your way over to him.
"Hey there," you said cheerfully. "Tough day?"
He looked up at you, surprised. "Yeah, you could say that."
"Well, at least your team won tonight, right? That's something to be happy about!" You flashed him a bright smile, hoping to lift his spirits.
He snorted. "Yeah, sure. Winning isn't everything."
You could tell he was just being grumpy, but there was something about him that intrigued you. You had always been drawn to the challenge of cheering up people who seemed down, and Quinn was the ultimate challenge.
Over the next few minutes, you chatted with him, asking him questions about his game and his life. He was hesitant at first, but slowly began to open up. You found out that he had just gone through a rough break-up and that he was struggling to stay motivated on the ice.
As the night wore on, you found yourself enjoying Quinn's company more and more. Despite his grumpiness, he had an underlying sense of vulnerability that made you want to protect him. You found yourself wanting to make him laugh, to make him forget his troubles for just a little while.
Before you knew it, it was time to close up the bar. As Quinn got up to leave, you took a chance and asked him if he wanted to grab a coffee with you sometime.
To your surprise, he agreed.
Over the next few weeks, you and Quinn started spending more and more time together. You found that he had a soft side hidden beneath his rough exterior, a side that craved love and affection. He told you about his dreams and his fears, and you listened, offering words of encouragement and support.
Quinn started to open up to you more and more, and you found yourself falling for him, despite his grumpiness. You loved how he always tried to protect you, even though you were always the one uplifting and cheering him up.
It wasn't long before you realized that you had fallen in love with him.
One night, you decided to take a chance and tell him how you felt. You took him to a quiet corner of the park, where the two of you sat under a tree, watching the stars.
"Quinn," you said softly, taking his hand in yours. "I know you've been hurt in the past, and I know it's hard for you to let people in. But I want you to know that I care about you, more than I've ever cared about anyone else. I know you're grumpy and stubborn, but I love you for who you are. Please, give me a chance to make you happy."
As you spoke, Quinn's expression softened. He took your face in his hands and kissed you gently.
"I love you too," he whispered. "I've never felt this way before, but you make me happy. You make me see the good in the world, even when everything seems dark. Will you be mine?"
You nodded, tears of happiness streaming down your face. For the first time in your life, you had found someone who loved you for who you were, someone who saw the sunshine in you even when you felt like the clouds were looming.
im posting shmut too cause i’m feeling generous tn, plus almost everything i have is prewritten from my cutesy lil wattpad era. i hope nobody sees my notes app they’d be traumatized ❤️‍🔥
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