awweshuuks · 5 months
Do u guys think Johnny would fw Jane doe, soda and Steve would fw Mischa (Talia and This song is awesome... C'mon guys..), two bit and dally(he denies it) fw Noel, and though he denies it, Darry and pony fw ocean (darry semi relates and pony analyzes the SHIT out of her character.) I love Ricky but I feel like the one who MOSTLY fw him is Pony :(
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hey, first of all, thank you so much for the effort you put in this account, it's super helpful! i wanted to know if you know any fics where stiles is oblivious to derek liking him bc he thinks derek is way out of his league? thanks!
Sure thing.
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Almost, But Not Quite by hazelNuts
(1/1 I 2,205 I Teen)
anonymous asked, "hi i want to say that i really love your stories because you don't have cheating in them. which right now is something am so thankful for because when it happens to you right out of the blue you really hate even the mention of the word. i really need some happy sterek fluff maybe containing my favorite sterek situation high school derek jock and stiles nerd. as wired as this request sounds at the time my fanfiction pairings are the only people i feel i can trust as they can't hurt me."
Stiles and Derek are dating, but they are also awkward dorks who need to learn to use their words. Sometimes, happy accidents can help with that.
Double Date Me by CaitliNation
(1/1 I 3,014 I Teen)
“I was wondering if you’d go on a double date with me,” Derek says, rushing all the words out at once.
Stiles freezes, scanning Derek’s expression and wondering how exactly he’s going to get out of this mess. He doesn’t want to spend a whole night watching Derek and Erica stare lovingly into each other’s eyes.
But Derek has this hopeful expression on his face that makes Stiles surprisingly incapable of saying no.
“Who’s going to be there?” Stiles asks as he closes his laptop. There’s no way he’s going to be able to focus on his schoolwork now.
Derek looks at him with a careful expression. “Well, it would be us, and then Erica and Lydia.”
Stupid Say What? by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella)
(1/1 I 8,437 I General)
Stiles shoved another bite into his mouth, glancing over at Boyd and Erica. Boyd was smiling down into his eggs benedict and Erica was grinning at Stiles.
He frowned in confusion, his chewing slowing. Tucking the food into one cheek, he asked, “What?”
“Nothing. It’s just nice. I like when the four of us come out together. Our little double dates,” she teased, stabbing her fork into a strawberry and putting it between her lips.
Stiles snorted at her comment, since this wasn’t a double date—he wished—but didn’t comment on it because he liked their outings, too. Even if he whined incessantly about it until he got there, it was always a good time.
Navigating This Space Between Us by Omni
(1/1 I 9,641 I Explicit)
Derek gets forced to watch some sci-fi show about a surly, secret prince and the sarcastic young spaceship captain hired to aid him on his quest. Strangely enough, he finds himself hooked on it. So much so that he's even drawn into the fandom. There he meets a popular fanfic author with an oddly endearing attitude, and he gets rather smitten. Maybe this mystery guy could actually help get him to stop pining for Stiles...
Like a .... Faerie! by 1lostone
(6/6 I 15,027 I Explicit)
Stiles is about half a year from graduating and just about has managed to work up the nerve to tell Derek exactly what he’s been missing. It just goes to show you... making a wish on New Year’s while drunk off your ass was probably NOT the most intelligent of ways to ring in the New Year
Its a Stiles Thing by M4nEat3r
(18/? I 22,183 I Explicit)
“Is no one gonna bring it up?” Erica demanded, practically bouncing out of her seat in Boyd's lap.
“Bring what up?” Derek murmured, taking a gulp of his soda.
“The fact that you smell like a whore house whenever Stiles is around.”
Derek promptly choked.
Wolves with a Spark by AMatchInWater
(12/? I 53,794 I Explicit)
Talia lets out a shocked gasp, "your eyes. They're purple." The Alpha is practically oozing with excitement. Stiles hisses, as the fingers touching the Nemeton start to sting as markings etch themselves into his knuckles and a small one on his wrist that looks like a Y but the stem goes up between the v part. "What the-?" Stiles yells out in pain, yanking his hand off the bark, the back of his left forearm feeling like it's been set on fire. A white fox with vibrant blue eyes burns into his flesh. "Mom?" He asks again, she died when he was young, but the Omega remembers what she looked like fully shifted. The spitting image of the tattoo forming on his skin. "What's happening?" Frantic eyes meet Talia's and Derek's. "You're a spark." Talia whispers in wonder. "You have magic, Stiles."
Stiles moves in with the Hales after his father passes away. Presenting as an Omega and then a spark years later. He's hopelessly head over heels for Derek and wants to be his mate, but it almost certain the Alpha doesn't feel the same way about him so he says nothing and pines from a distance. Talia asks if Stiles would like to train to be an emissary to the Hale pack and Stiles agrees.
The New Normal by midnightcas
(27/27 I 63,392 I Teen)
After Stiles gets hurt...again, Derek puts him on the metaphorical supernatural bench. Meanwhile, Stiles tries to have a normal life and make normal friends. But when a new pack comes to town and the Hales start getting threats, things start to get a little....not normal.
run and hide by whiry
(36/36 I 174,966 I Teen)
"Unlike Derek, Stiles still remembers the first time they met. He remembers the confusion at the pull in his chest, tugging him to the boy with big ears and light eyes. He’d been in the grocery store with his mother and Derek with his, and they had all been minding their business, but Stiles had a niggling in the back of his head directing him toward Derek. And when their eyes met for the first time? Stiles’ heart about exploded. He remembers grabbing his chest and gasping and his mother running over and Derek’s mother running over. The boys didn’t even say anything, and poor Derek looked so confused, and Talia and Claudia simply looked at their boys, looked at each other, and immediately set up a time to meet. And that was how it started."
or, stiles and derek suck at being mates, a new threat comes to town, and stiles has to desperately try to save everything he's ever loved from total destruction all while trying to get through his sophomore year unscathed.
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robinrequiems · 2 years
Pleaaaaaase the model and actor au, Maeee
welll.. we aren’t gonna talk abt how late this is! somewhat rushed, maybe a little unfinished !
• jon started acting at a young age, kon is an actor too, jon me first acting thing was playing a younger character to kons character, people loved jon as soon as he showed up hinestly, he was a cute ass kid
• damian began modeling at 10. why? because he wanted to show off some brands that were animal cruelty free regarding clothes :)
• but he wasn’t rhat active til 16( bruce and talia didn’t want him to be that publicized at a young age )
• he’s homeschooled. and Damian wanted to get out more.. and how to do that? by being more in the public. Damian became more active on Instagram and Twitter to show awareness for a lot of different things. mainly regarding animals.. for obvious reasons
• jon mainly focuses on acting, unfortunate teenage heartthrob. following after kons steps. but has a hell of a lot expectations to follow after bc kon is famous.
• damian is just trying to live up to his brothers and wants to impress his father and mother
• anyway, they meet at a movie premier, jons first solo movie
• rising model Damian wayne makes his first appearance to a premier that isn’t related to his family
• damian and jon end up sharing a small conversation that gets blown way outta proportion. articles like “YOUNGEST WAYNE AND RISING TEENAGE HEARTTHROB ACTOR, JON KENT SEEN TOGETHER AT KENT’S MOVIE PREMIER? IS THIS YOUNG LOVE?”
• the conversation was an arguemebt because Jon spilt soda on Damian’s attire.
• dami hardly does press interviews and barely leaves the house because he hates going outside, but when he does? he’s now mobbed. going out with maya? cant happen? they see past his amazing disguise! “DAMIAN DAMIAN! WE HEAR THAT YOURE DATING JON? IS IT TRUE?” Bruce sues that guy and hires Damian a bodyguard. or five. ( jason is one of them, he never got into modeling or acting or whatever, people think he died after an issue with a crazy fan of Bruce’s.. )
• jon- is also having that issue. but worse because he’s a sweet boy who has trouble leaving his Fans.
• Twitter is bad, fans of either one fight with the other, people are angry at the prospect of a potential relationship, it’s insane
• but unfortunately the pr people thoguht it was a good idea for the two to go and clear the air, spreading awareness of the dangers of everything. it um.
• …okay the shipping died down, thankfully, but now the world thinks they’re best friends. they aren’t. they’re mortal enemies.
• and that will continue until the met gala when they’re legally allowed to attend and they go as each other’s dates
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jaeyleo · 5 years
Honestly I stan Johnny?? Like you go you funky little vigilante boy. go beat up a demon. go talk to a ghost. do whatever tf you want except die that’s not allowed
yes, johnny please go do your thing but not the dangerous things. lets all take johnny to the movies i bet he’d like that. he’ll sneak in snacks and buy huge buckets of popcorn and sodas, someone’s gotta bring a blanket. and he’s bringing talia ok he really likes her- it’s not a crush or anything don’t tell her he has a crush ok BC ITS TOTALLY NOT A CRUSH AT ALL OK
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bloodfcst-a · 5 years
REPOST, don’t reblog.
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favourite things:
season: summer. colour: dark blue, like navy. pie: key lime. fruit: passionfruit. ice cream flavour: french vanilla. also cookies & creme. breakfast food: crepes. alcoholic drink: sex on the beach. soda flavour: strawberry ramune. scent: freesia. flowers: lotus. animal: kitties. movie: mulan. tv show: ... i don’t have a particular one in mind, but i can say yufi would prefer chinese historical dramas like the king’s woman / tribes and empires / nirvana in fire compared to like....... korean dramas like boys over flowers, goblin, my love from another star. but action stuff like iris? she’d be into it. book: definitely enjoyed the empowerment of the sailor moon manga. superhero: what do you mean catwoman & talia al ghul don’t count? then she’d pick raven. fairy tale:  anything regarding guanyin. genre of music: soft pop...  genre of movies: action. genre of books: poetry.
pick one:
hot or cold juice or soda tv or movie movie or book late night talk shows or reality tv twitter or instagram trees or flowers philosophy or psychology ocean or lake water park or amusement park cats or dogs fresh water or sparkling water sugar or honey cookies or candy bath or shower morning or night running or walking piercings or tattoos frozen yogurt or ice cream vanilla or chocolate caramel or butterscotch art or music t-shirt or button down text or call ghosts or aliens
have they ever:
ridden a motorcycle: yes! she owns one, but her dad doesn’t really care for that... it’s her preferred method of transport. she also has muscle cars & jeeps for offroading. stolen something: most definitely. eaten an entire pizza by themselves: only the small personal ones that are like 7″ or smaller. made a prank call: she’ll dial it, come up with the idea, but won’t execute. broken a bone: you’d be surprised? she is baby.... not yet. fallen asleep during a concert or movie: never a concert, but most definitely a film, if she’s exhausted but her friends want her to watch. walked out of a movie because it was so bad: no. she would just refuse to go. been on the phone with someone for longer than 2 hours: no. at that rate y’all should just do chores or hang out together. dined & dashed: never. she gives her team big tips. held a gun: bang bang bang pull my devil trigger. yes. ding dong ditched: never!! in her neighborhood? a bad choice. gone skinny dipping: definitely. cried during a movie: nah. smuggled food into a movie: not really smuggling if you show it off and it’s not challenged, right? lied to get a job: for her covert locations, yes. practiced lines in from of a mirror: nah. she’s confident about her words. her looks? sometimes she questions those.  tried to see how many marshmallows they can stuff in their mouth at once: probably vs tida & majima. been kicked out of somewhere: only bc majima tbh. been on a blind date: her dad thinks this is the ideal way to go. he’s a dumbass. ghosted someone: she warns folks she can and will disappear at anytime. if they hold on to her after that warning, it’s their loss. bragged about something they haven’t done: why would she lie when she’s actually had an incredible life? she could brag about the things she has done. said i love you without meaning it: no. gotten in a fight: most definitely. fallen asleep on a bus: no. doesn’t typically take them,  as she prefers walking, taking her motorbike, or... being chauffeured. thanks, pops.
how do they take their tea or coffee: adds nothing to her tea, unless she craves a tea latte ( which in that case, she prefers earl grey or lavender with a touch of honey ). her coffee is typically iced-- a sweet treat to share with james, especially when they have gossip to dish or a necessary vent session. what is their ideal date: one where the attention is one-on-one and there’s no reference to her work or her title. she wants to be seen as an individual, for her own particular positives and not the connections she has or what she can do for someone. what are some of their guilty pleasures: sweets, shiny things like jewels and crystals, excessively cute things. catch her in sanrio or with her gudetama. longest they’ve stayed up for: three days. no rest for the wicked. she also doesn’t like to stop until the job is done. biggest purchase: that she’s personally made? mm, she doesn’t often make purchases for herself, more for her friends or for private services. things are typically bought for her. occasionally she’ll rent out an entire venue for her and her friends, like an arcade or a dance club.  greatest talent: spice level > 9000.  strange habits: perhaps that she’s very interested in the aesthetics & harmony of even basic things. she’s also quite health conscious, despite indulging in sweets from time to time. not that she doesn’t snack, but you’d find her with edamame vs potato chips, for example, or sparkling water to soda.  first job: working as an assistant in a dojo. can they do a handstand: yes. she’s a very athletic and flexible and strong little thing. can they cook: yes. in fact, most of her friends would probably starve or survive only on junk food if she didn’t. it wasn’t considered a necessity to learn, given the dynamics of her household. but she studied under her personal chefs because she enjoys the artistry of it. do they believe in the paranormal: most definitely. she swings buddhist / animist. do they have allergies: outright stupidity. she had to get some immunity to handle tida & majima. she loves them but... unbelievable levels of dumb sometimes. do they believe in love in first sight: never. have any special talents: she’s one of those people who relish in like, twisting cherry stems with her tongue. wiggling her eyebrows. winking with both eyes. making her muscles pop. hyper flexibility. doing stupid amounts of flips. learning things fairly easily and quickly. the annoying kind of special talent.
tagged by: @sharkapologlst offered it to me as a gift & now i bless u tagging: @garrotejima @0xa00001 since i directly referenced y’all. anyone else interested, too. 
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softiedancers · 3 years
Favorite solo from the following choreographers? Molly Long, Alexa Moffett, Zoi Tatopoulos, Teddy Forance, Will Loftis, Talia Favia.
molly- uh too many but maybe haunted (dyllan) or blackbird
alexa- enter one (brynn)
zoi- soda (easton)
teddy- shoulder of giants (elliana)
will- silver screen bc it’s SO cool and different from him but also burn up the sea (london), and don’t tell me what to do (sav)
talia- okay too many again but probs my mind (kiarra), morning lies (ell), 9 crimes (izzy), and give it (crystal)
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plushievash · 6 years
17, 22, 24, 30, 39, 54, 60, 65, 69, 75, 77, 79, and 80!! for felix, dara, leo, shufen, and honestly anyone else u wanna add!!
17. What is your OC’s imagination like?felix: very mechanical? he likes thinking abt the construction of things and how to build things better and have them working more efficientlydara: spooky!! he imagines what cryptids look like a lot of the time and also how things happen? like crime scenes and events….leo: very colourful; he imagines tons of designs and colour schemesshufen: a lot like felix and dara
22. Who is/are your OC’s closest friend(s)?felix: miko/dasha/leo/dara/pietro/shufen/talia/rykerdara: dasha/leo/shufen/talia/malai/rykerleo: felix!!/miko/maxim/dasha/pietro/talia/ruby/darashufen: dara/malai/felix/talia/dušan/pekkaalcides: maxim/pekka/leo/ruby/talia
24. Who are the people your OC dislikes/hates?felix: zacharie/miska/velia/lodovico/sofia/wojciech(?)/emilio/paola/franco/i serpenti/artyom/alexei/lynden(dislike)dara: miko/sofia/velialeo: lodovico/sofia/velia/wojciech/ulderico/i serpentishufen: shuipietro: ulderico/lodovico/i serpenti/miko
30. Did your OC participate in extracurricular activities, and if so, what were they?felix: woodshop/swim team/paranormal club(regrettably)dara: woodshop/paranormal clubleo: chess/swim team/paranormal clubshufen: paranormal club
39. How does your OC handle anger?felix: poorly. he bottles it up and hides it it sometimes seeps out towards people he hates/dislikes (ex.alexei/lynden);; usually doesnt act on itdara: well. he doesnt get angry very often but when he does he just calms himself down and jokes it offleo: poorly. very irrational and will say things he doesnt mean (often happens with pietro;; theyre both like this and they end up in explosive arguments)shufen: poorly. doesnt act on it; bottles it up and distracts herself but never resolves it
54. Does your OC think with his/her head or heart?felix: headdara: heartleo: heartshufen: head
60. If your OC could change one thing about him/herself, what would it be?felix: his entire look; or at least his mutationdara: he cant choose…theres a lot he doesnt like about himselfleo: his need to take care of himself? basic things like sleep and eat…turn himself into a robot basically just so he can work 24/7 like he already basically does just now without consequencesshufen: how she lets some people treat her like a doormatalcides: put his face and arm back the way it was
65. What is your OC’s favorite drink?felix: whiskeydara: cherry 7upleo: whiskeyshufen: strawberry soda
69. What is your OC’s favorite kind of weather?felix: sunny!dara: cloudyleo: sunnyshufen: partially cloudy
75. What is your OC’s favorite scent?felix: dasha……..dara: cotton candyleo: fresh coffeeshufen: strawberry
77. What is your OC’s favorite sound?felix: dashas voice/laugh/breathing/heartbeat + sound of metal against metal  and distant city ambience and bird soundsdara: harsh wind sounds/bird soundsleo: distant city ambience/felixs and mikos voice/laughshufen: windchimesfiore: the sound of high heels clicking with a confident walkpietro: bird sounds/distant city ambiencezacharie: ocean soundsalcides: the soft sound of (someone else) shifting in bed
79. What is your OC’s favorite kind of ice cream?felix: ube/mangodara: ube/chocolateleo: coffee/coconutshufen: strawberry/green tea
80. What is your OC’s favorite dinosaur?they all like pterodactyls bc those are the coolest, and the Best dinosaur
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phanwritings · 7 years
Not Jealous
Tittle: Not Jealous
Summary: Dan has a crush on his best friend, who has a girlfriend.
Word Count: 1.7K
Warnings/Triggers: None!
A/N: I just wrote this? Also the ending cut off kinda weird bc I didn't want to write smut lol
Dan was aggravated. He was aggravated because his best friend since he was nine years old has all of a sudden decided to stand him up. And why did he decide to stand him up? Because he wanted to shove his tongue down some girl's throat. Dan didn't even know when they started dating, it was all of a sudden. Phil just came over one day and told Dan that he had a girlfriend and that he had apparently liked her for weeks. Dan called bullshit, but he would never tell Phil that.
Dan wouldn't even mind him dating her if Phil didn't change so drastically overnight. All of a sudden it was all about her and Dan was pushed to the side. Well, kind of. Dan just didn't like sharing Phil with someone. That's it. If Dan was jealous it was just because he wanted to spend time with her best friend. Obviously. Nobody would like that.
Dan got pulled out of his thoughts when  he saw Phil jogging towards to him, clearly out of breath and panting. "How nice of you to come," Dan said snarkily.
Phil rested against the wall that Dan was leaning against, clutching his stomach. "Sorry, I totally forgot," Phil said.
"Oh that makes me feel so better," Dan said bitterly. He was considering just going into the movies without Phil and refusing to sit next to him. He wanted to get revenge on him.
"I said sorry!" Phil defended. "Talia can be very convincing. Makes a guy forget things."
"Like his best friend?" Dan asked, not wanting to hear Phil talk about his girlfriend any more than he already did.
"Apparently," Phil admitted. "Sorry."
"Just don't do it again," Dan was still mad at him but he was getting over it quickly enough. "Shall we go watch this movie?"
"Yeah!" Phil said, following Dan into the movies. "I hear its absolute shit."
Dan laughed, buying his ticket and quickly stepping into the concessions line while waiting for Phil. Phil joined him and they both bought a popcorn and a soda. It was their daily routine to go to the movies every Friday after school. They both loved movies and had no homework on Fridays so it was a perfect evening. Sometimes they would have a sleepover on Fridays too but it just depended on how tired they were.
Dan glanced at his best friend in the darkened theater. He took in how he looked. Phil's eyes were trained on the screen. Dan took in how soft his skin looked and how his hair fell in his eyes. Sure, maybe Dan was a little aggravated that Phil had a girlfriend. Maybe it was because he was jealous. Maybe he knew that too, but maybe he didn't want to think about it.
This was the second time in two weeks that Phil had stood him up, and Dan was getting fed up. It was Friday again and this time they were seeing Spiderman again. Dan had bought some candy boxes from the store and had brought them in his messenger bag for them to share. They really only bought popcorn once a month because it was so much more expensive and they were two broke high school boys.
Dan was considering just going home before he caught sight of Phil once again running towards the building. He adopted the most pissed off look he could muster, hoping Phil would pick up in how irritated he truly was.
"I'm so sorry, just lost track of time -" Phil started but Dan cut him off.
"Save it," Dan stalked off into the building, buying his ticket and walking towards the theater, knowing that Phil was following. Dan just walked to their normal seats and sat down. Phil followed, sitting down next to him and clearly regretting being late once again. The pre-trailers were playing and Dan was putting all of his energy into pretending that they were the most interesting thing he had ever seen.
"Dan, really, I'm really sorry I just completely lost track of time," Phil tried to explain again. "We were making out and I clearly didn't keep track of time. But to be fair you can't blame me, if you were making out with somebody you'd lose track of time too. Trust me, it's the best thing -" Dan cut him off again.
"I really don't want to hear about you making out with your girlfriend, Phil," Dan said quietly.
"Well, why not?" He questioned. Dan couldn't really answer Phil's question. Phil had had girlfriends before and had always talked about what they did in great detail. In fact, Dan was the first, and probably only, person to hear about how Phil lost his virginity. It was just different now. Dan shrugged.
"It's just that it's different now," Dan said. Trying to keep as much of the truth hidden as he could. "I just don't want to talk about everything now."
"Why? What's changed? Are you jealous or something?" Phil asked, clearly really trying to figure out what was wrong with Dan. But Dan couldn't blame him for trying to make feel better and talk it out. Dan would do for Phil, he was his best friend after all.  The problem was that Dan was jealous. But not of Phil, of his girlfriend. Dan just nodded and hoped Phil would just drop the topic. He had no such luck.
"Why are you jealous? Just because you've never had a girlfriend doesn't mean anything. You'll find a girl eventually." Phil tried to comfort him. It didn't work.
"I don't want to talk to about it," Dan said, digging in his bag and handing Phil his candy.
Phil didn't protest.
"I've come up with a master plan!" Phil announced as he bombarded into Dan's room. Dan was shocked, pulling his bed covers up closer on instinct.
"Why are you here?" Dan asks, rubbing his eyes. Phil had woken him up when he burst into his room.
"I came up with a master plan! Didn't you hear?" Phil responded.
"I did hear, I was just busy sleeping," Dan grumbled. "What is your 'master plan' anyways?"
"I do not appreciate the air quotes around master plan, Daniel Howell. And it's to help you get a girlfriend!" Phil seemed excited about this. Dan wanted to groan.
"I don't want a girlfriend, Phil. I want to go back to sleep," Dan sighed, rolling onto his back and closing his eyes. He felt Phil settle by his thighs and moved his legs so that he would have more room.
"Of course you do, you said so yourself. Your jealous. Not that there is anyone to be, just because you haven't done loads doesn't mean anything. Society puts a lot of pressure onto guys and men to be sexually active and tough and stuff. I've actually been reading up on it, it's called toxic masculinity -"
"Phil, seriously, I'm fine. I just don't want to hear you talk about making out and having sex all the time," Dan interrupted.
"But you said yourself that you were jealous, which can only mean one thing, you want a girlfriend," Phil commented. Dan was getting fed up with Phil's talk. He really didn't want a girlfriend. At all. He thought it was kind of obvious. He had been asked out by loads of girls, why would he turn all of them down if he was straight? Phil knew this too. Dan sat up, ready to tell Phil.
"I'm gay! I don't want a girlfriend!" Dan exclaimed.
"You're not gay, silly," Phil said playfully. "You would've told me. Plus, you wouldn't be jealous of me if you were gay."
"This is me telling you!" Dan said, seriously. "I'm gay. I can assure you. I'll even show you the porn folder on my laptop if you don't believe me."
Phil looked at him. Not in a disgusted or disturbed way, but in a way of disbelief.
"You're being serious?" Phil asked. Dan nodded. "Oh my god."
Dan didn't know what to do. Phil was clearly still processing this. He didn't know how to react to Phil's reaction.
"If you're gay then why are you jealous?" Phil questioned. Dan sighed, looking at his sheets. He didn't want to look at Phil right now. He could either tell the truth and lie and tell him it wasn't true. Which would be lying about the truth, something that Dan tried not to do.
"I wasn't jealous of you, I'm jealous of your girlfriend." Dan confessed.
"Oh," Phil said quietly. Dan quickly shut his eyes and tried to keep himself from crying. He wanted to see as nonchalant about this as he possibly could be. "You can kiss me if you want."
"W-What?" Dan asked, his gaze quickly glancing up to Phil's.
"You can kiss me, I know you probably want to," Phil repeated. Dan didn't want Phil to know how much he really wanted to.
"I couldn't do that," Dan said. "You wouldn't want to and you're just offering because you pity me."
"Not really," Phil replied. "I don't pity you. I've never thought about being with a guy before, I could be bisexual.
"Are you serious?" Dan asked, wondering if this was really happening. Phil nodded.
"Am I kissing you or are you kissing me?" Phil asked. Dan couldn't stutter out a response so Phil just rolled his eyes and leaned forward, placing his lips on his. Dan immediately sighed into the kiss, taking his arms and looping them behind Phil's neck. Phil's lips started to move against his and Dan quickly followed suit. It was electric and Dan never wanted it to end. All too soon, Phil was pulling back. He was now sitting on his knees, face still extremely close to Dan's. Phil's arms came to rest on Dan's waist.
"Hey, you wanna learn how to make out?" Phil asked, eyes stuck on Dan's lips. Dan quickly nodded.
Phil leaned his head back in, lips colliding with Dan's once more. He quickly pushed Dan against the bed, coming to hover above him. Dan sighed again, biting his lip as Phil's mouth moved to his neck.
This was not how he planned for his day to go. Not at all. But he didn't mind.
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plushievash · 7 years
what are some of your top felix songs? have you ever made a playlist based off an oc before?
i have!! king of kings // artificial love
heres 3 that go with his perfect spoiled rich partyboy persona:1 // 2 // 3
heres 3 that go with him internally:1 // 2 // 3
ill put some more under the cut bc i have so many songs i associate with felix and i love them all..so much more bc of that….
sldfj so im just gonna say outright before i start listen that i heavily associate p!atd with felix and like honestly?? most p!atd songs,,,,,felix,,but anyways,, itll try not to put literally every goddamn song,,
him alone
new perspective // casual affair // nicotine // theres a good reason these tables are numbered… // this is gospel - p!atdstrangelove // walking in my shoes - depeche modewild sex - oingo boingo (tho this is more of a song he just listens to while hes working)pork soda // the other side of paradise - glass animalsdangerous - big datamillion dollar man - lana del reysmoke and mirrors - gotyewe are beautiful, we are doomed // romance is boring - los campesinosvery good bad thing // reaper man // problems // the stand // the drugs - mother motherjealou$y // rip 2 my youth // the beach // a little death // no grey - the neighbourhood
relationshipy ones,,
always // collar full - p!atd (dasha)perfect - 11 acorn lane (dasha)ezios family // sanctuary - ac2 ost (dasha/leo/dara/talia/miko;; tho ezios family,, is more of a leonardo song,,with felix instead,,)alone in the town // true // the reverse will // terror in the depths of the fog - sh2 ost (miko)smugglers - tlou ost (miko)save room theme - re7 ost (miko)victorious - p!atd (leo)worlds on fire - the prodigy (lodovico)$ting - the neighbourhood (talia)bittersweet - p!atd (sofia/talia/pekka)sunlight - bag raiders (dasha)save theme - re4 ost (dasha/leo/dara/miko/talia/pekka)
sdlfj anYWAYS.. thats all ill do for now,,before i get too carried away,,but i have TONS more.. and like just for felix alone,,i have so many that go with my other ocs too u can also check his charahub hes got lists under 2 questions but even then thats not all of em,,,,
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