aww daryl is so sad and greasy and soggy ;A; carol fixing his hair and giving him a forehead smooch like she's his mummy 🥺🥺🥺
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just-zy · 3 months
Cursed Bloodsucker
pairing: Wednesday Addams x Fem Reader!
summary: A day of the week, you'd think curses and hexes was all on the same day, but surely it wasn't that bad.. You had a girlfriend, didn't you?
A/N: I feel good tonight, and I feel like I didn't do pretty shitty here..
Warnings!: ermmm....ooc wednesday probably..
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Being a vampire had its perks, but everything seemed to be..a downside for a certain individual today, specifically, friday. One might say, 'Oh, but how bad can it be?', well...
"O–Ow, Jesus Christ, easy on the stitches Wednesday.."
"If you'd just listen to what I had told you, we wouldn't be in this predicament."
Waking up early wasn't a problem for the vampire, so instead of listening to Wednesday, she decided to sleep in, and look where that got the bloodsucker. Running off to her second period while trying to neat out her wrinkled vest. She couldn't see well really, having her satchel slinging on her shoulder for dear life, her sunglasses almost falling off before she got inside the classroom, what a sight to see.
Disheveled hair, wrinkled clothes, slipping satchel, she thought it couldn't get worse.
She might've jinxed that one, that for a moment she thought she was cursed for living on specific days.
Walking was supposedly calming for the vampire, but today just seemed to be a day you wanted to get over with.
"Okay, what's for lunch, ooh– gimme!"
"Y– Y/N! Stop—!"
She was determined to have a bite of whatever Enid was having for lunch, unknowingly, the utensil Enid decided to use for todays lunch was silvered utensils. Why did that school have silvered utensils anyway? Well, labels. They have labels.
She reacted instantly to the object, dropping the spoon, immediately. "Fucks sake! Wha–"
"That's silver!"
If only she didn't let her intrusive thoughts win for once, maybe then she'd live another day.
Another problem, a full moon was happening tonight, what a coincidence!
She felt too worn out to even go out and feed, but she just had to, didn't she.
That same night, she did quite have an interaction with a shifting wolf, then gets mauled. What are the chances, huh? Thankfully, Wednesday was there to save the day! Or night.
"I feel exhausted, thank goodness it's the weekend tomorrow..I don't always have the best luck on friday's I swear, I'm cursed."
"Perhaps it's because you think you are."
Wednesday tidies the kit and stitches on the vampires bed, making her way in the bathroom and began cleansing her hands filled with the blood of her girlfriend.
"No– I really do have bad lucks on fridays.. Remember that one time I had an essay due? And I accidentally poured coffee, everywhere. Then there was that time when I slipped on the stairs and nipped my fucking tooth, and had my lip busted. But, I guess– they weren't as bad.. Because I had a lovely, gorgeous girlfriend to help me recover from all of that.."
The raven sat next to the vampire, scrutinizing her lover. She had a light smirk plastered on her lips, she leaned forward, your lips mere inches away from touching. You waited, you always did. You closed your eyes, awaiting her plump crimson lips making contact with yours, but that didn't happen. Tonight was different, she felt like tormenting you. She had only pecked your cheek.
What. The. Fuck.
Bothered, you gazed at her as she began inspecting the stitches on your arm. "Stitches look horrendous on you, Cara Mia."
"You're just pure evil, like the devil, did you know that?" You grumbled, unhappy that she still hasn't given you the one thing that you were waiting for all day, considering she was out with Eugene the whole day.
"Some consider me as Lucifer's daughter, but that isn't new, no."
Her eyes looked rather, luminous under the moons emitting light, you were ready to do everything she'd order you to, even let her redo the perfect stitches she's done just so she could have all her attention back at you, while she enjoys at what she does best. Being your girlfriend.
You didn't dare disrespect her, or even trespass her boundaries and limitations. Never in your life would anything hurtful leave that mouth of yours, you love her too much to do so.
Your gaze didn't leave her still figure, if anything it made you more focused on her, and only her. Your fingertips grazing on her pale skin, feeling her burgundy lips on your finger, to your desperate bloodied lips.
Fridays in the morning were a no, but the night time was an exception.
A/N: Wednesday has my heart, but she's soo difficult to write for sometimes 💔 this is a makeup for the recent imagine 😌
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prolifeproliberty · 2 months
Hi! Just a question as I don't know much about this matter. Do you think that surrogacy by itself is wrong? I know that is used and promoted for all the wrong purposes and can be connected to eugenics (especially today) but are any reasons that make it wrong by itself? Couldn't we say it's an alternative to adoption for example?
Short answer: yes
Long answer: Calling surrogacy an alternative to adoption misses the reason why adoption is a good thing.
Adoption is not a good thing because it provides a child to an infertile couple. Adoption is good because it makes the best out of a situation with no good answers.
It is not good to separate a child from their biological parents. In an ideal world, we want children to be born to a married mother and father who work together to raise the child. That is the best case scenario.
Adoption - separating the child from their biological parents - comes in when the alternative is worse. A single mother who feels she can’t raise her child, for example, may choose adoption so that the child can have a mother and a father, even if they aren’t the biological parents. For another example, a child adopted from foster care is removed from an abusive or neglectful situation and put in a loving, caring home.
Adoption isn’t good on its own, but it is good because it saves the child from a worse alternative.
Surrogacy doesn’t do that. Surrogacy creates a situation where the woman carrying the child is both the child’s mother and not the child’s mother at the same time. In most cases, the child is an IVF embryo implanted in the surrogate (and I’ve talked at great length about the reason IVF is immoral - we can rehash that if needed), and so the child is not genetically related to the surrogate. And yet the child is carried in the surrogate’s womb, and a bonding process happens. Then the child and the surrogate, who went through the natural process of mother-child bonding that happens in pregnancy, are ripped away from each other almost immediately after birth.
This is not done to save the child from some unavoidable worse situation. It’s done to provide a childless couple with a child.
Infertility is an awful, painful thing. But infertile couples don’t have the right to put their desire for a child above the well-being and safety of that child.
IVF (which is almost always used in surrogacy) inherently endangers the children it creates. Surrogacy intentionally bonds a child to a woman who will not raise him or her. Altogether, surrogacy treats children as a disposable commodity, where the ultimate goal is the couple getting their ideal amount of children, regardless of how many embryos die in the process or what the effects on the surviving children are.
Summary: Adoption is (supposed to be) about the best interests and well-being of a child. Surrogacy is about the interests of the couple who pursues it, regardless of the interests and well-being of the child. They are not the same.
(And as you said, this isn’t even getting into all the exploitation and eugenics issues)
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lovelyd0gg · 2 months
Some more Hcs!
What would be the BoB boys reactions to you having a mental breakdown?
Warnings: Fluffy<3, mild-angst.
Extra: The setting is while you and the boys are in war. But at a bar or smth.
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Bull Randleman.
•He first noticed your heavy breathing and how you were breathing faster than usual. He asked you if something was going on but you hid it and said everything was fine.
•He immediately knew everything wasn't fine when your breathing started to get faster and you started to whimper.
•He looked over at you and asked you if you were okay and you didn't say anything.
•He then hugged you and comforted you. Saying things like, "I got ya." Or "it's alright, cry it out."
•He was giving you time and patting your back as you cried in his chest.
•He then asked you what caused the break down to happen but you didn't answer it immediately.
•And he was completely fine with it.
•Once you were able to actually breathe properly and actually talk, you told him you were having a mental breakdown due to the stress you're getting from the war and everything.
•He completely understood you, he also felt stressed at times, he just didn't show it.
•He comforted you and told you that you and him were gonna get through this together and you both will stay alive.
•After you calmed down, you just hung around next to him. And he was protecting you from other people.
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Eugene Roe.
•He noticed that you weren't okay when you were just breathing heavily, your hands started to shake too and he knew you were having a mental breakdown.
•It wasn't the first time he noticed you had a mental breakdown either.
•He comforted you, said some words in French affectionately to calm you down, anything that would help you really.
•He had you in his arms and just kept you there as you cried in his chest.
•Tears going on his uniform, making it damp, but he didn't care or mind. The only mission he had, to make you feel better.
•After you calmed down he asked you if you were okay. You said you were feeling better.
•He kissed your head affectionately and said some quiet words in French, some words of endearment.
•Like "Je t'aime chéri." (I love you, darling.) Or "Tu es magnifique bébé." (You're gorgeous, baby."
•His voice soothed you and you felt at ease.
•It didn't take that long for you to calm down either. He's the master of being calm.
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George Luz.
•Let's be real, he's not very good at comforting people.
•He blanks out, he tries to make jokes but they don't help or work.
•So when he saw you having a mental breakdown, he spaced out with wide eyes and didn't know what to do.
•At first he tried to comfort you by putting his hand on your shoulder, but that didn't seem to work.
•So he switched to plan B.
•"You want some water...?"
•He didn't even ask if you wanted tissues, poor boy😭
•He eventually had to switch to plan C, which was just sit there doing absolutely nothing.
•He felt awkward, he felt guilty that he couldn't comfort or help you in any way and that's what made it even worse.
•Eventually, you calmed down and he immediately hugged you.
•He kept apologizing because he couldn't comfort you.
•You chuckled a little and said that it was okay. And that you understand.
•He still doesn't know how to comfort you when you have mental breakdowns at times but he asks Winters or someone responsible to give him tips.
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Bill Guarnere.
•Two words, "oh shit."
•He freaks out and panics, he doesn't know how to comfort you either like Luz.
•But he doesn't blank out. He is very much aware and he sees you right in front of him, crying.
•He didn't know what to do and he felt ashamed.
•He put some tissues in front of you silently and letting you cry it out.
•After some time, he glanced at you and noticed you calmed down and were doing better.
•He asked you multiple questions, if you were okay, what happened, and some more.
•He was listening to you and made sure to at least try and comfort you after you answered his questions.
•He handed you a beer and smiled at you, saying it was gonna be okay.
•Phew, that was a close on.
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Lewis Nixon.
•He put down everything he had in his hand and walked to your side.
•He was concerned, worried, anxious, you name it.
•He asked you if you were okay. And he knew you weren't but he wanted to make sure.
•You didn't answer his questions at first and he pulled you into a light embrace.
•Holding you tightly, making sure to stroke your hair at times, and saying it's okay.
•He knew how to comfort you, and he was quite good at it too.
•But then again, he's done it so many times now that none of this new.
•He kept comforting you and rubbing your back, shushing you quietly, hoping you'd calm down.
•Once your cries stopped and it was silent, he said, "You done with the waterworks?"
•Obviously it was light-hearted teasing and he didn't want to make it seem like a rude comment.
•Especially when you were in a fragile state.
•Most of the time, you were chatting with him while he held your hand.
•He did all of this, while being calm (somewhat)
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Ronald Speirs.
•He looked at you with an unfazed expression, but deep down, he was freaking out and wanted to comfort you immediately.
•But it would ruin his reputation, the stern and strict Lieutenant comforting a woman? Sure, doesn't sound so bad but to him it's a big deal.
•But his heart got the best of him and he walked to you, comforting you and planting soft little kisses on your head.
•All while staying silent. He never talked much, but this was because he was silently panicking, hoping you were okay.
•After a little while of him just holding you, you calmed down and told him how grateful and thankful you were that he came to comfort you.
•He nodded silently and patted your back.
•"You okay now?"
•He would ask when you finished talking.
•When you nodded, he felt at ease and felt a pang of relief.
•Nobody was making fun of him either, except maybe Guarnere and Perconte, due to him being a strict and serious man.
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Joseph Liebgott.
•As soon as he saw you panicking and breathing faster, he knew something was up.
•He looked you up and down checking for any more signs of a mental breakdown.
•You seemed to check off most of the signs and he knew he had to spring to action.
•He put his hand on your shoulder and started talking to you.
•"It's alright, you're alright, calm down."
•He usually said that, and he walked you through the steps to breathing properly.
•You did this for a good 5 minutes and when you both stopped and you calmed down, you felt your breathing get better and the tears stopped rushing down your eyes.
•You were feeling a lot better thanks to him, and you were very grateful that he helped you.
•You told him thank you so many times and he just waved his hand and would just say "my pleasure."
•On the outside, it seemed that he was laid back and chill, but on the inside, he felt anxious that if he didn't come to help, it would've gotten worse.
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luna-rainbow · 5 months
So I was thinking about the super-soldier serum and the corrupting influence in relation to Bucky. The narrative of TFaTWS (is that the right abbreviation?) wants us to think Steve was the only person who was never corrupted by the serum.
It really annoys me because to me, its obvious that Bucky was never corrupted either and I think a large reason for that was because he never asked for it anyway. I mean yeah its theoretically possible for unasked for power to go to someone's head and for them to abuse it, but everything that happened to Bucky happened because other people were exploiting and using him for their own ends
I kept wanting to kind of yell every time someone rubbed the fact Bucky was a super-soldier in his face, John Walker, Zemo, even Sam at times because they all acted like he loved it or always wanted it or something.
If he had a choice, I dunno I think he just wanted to survive the war and go back home to live a normal life. If anything the serum was like a curse instead of a blessing for him and not something he derived a net benefit from overall.
What do you think?
I'll have no hope of finding my old post on this but yeah, lots of Bucky fans were pretty annoyed with that particular part of the storyline. It wasn't just Zemo saying "there's never been another Steve Rogers", it started with Walker saying "super soldiers don't exactly have a great track record no offence" along with Zemo talking about the Flagsmashers being supremacists (??) It's one of many examples where what is spoken doesn't match how they act, because a "one world one people" slogan is certainly not about any form of supremacy.
Erskine: The serum amplifies what is inside. Good becomes great. Bad becomes worse.
There were two ways of interpreting this: physical, and metaphorical. If the serum enhances everything physical, including the brain and its emotional centers, then yeah maybe it makes someone who is reckless more impulsive, someone who is prone to anger more aggressive, someone who is brave more fearless. I personally don't like this explanation because it seems...rather eugenics or essentialist to me, and the creation of Steve Rogers as Captain America was supposed to be a middle finger to the eugenics movement driven by the Nazis in the 1930s. It's like saying that what determines your actions and your personality is already embedded into your biology, so when your biology is enhanced, so are the good and bad traits in your personality. It doesn't seem to allow scope for personal choice as the main driver of people's actions.
The second option is a more metaphorical interpretation. The serum enhances physical strength and power (and presumably attractiveness), which tends to move people up the social ladder (regardless of whether this is the intention). And it falls back on the same motto that drives Peter Parker -- with great power comes great responsibility. When power falls into the hands of someone unscrupulous, it will tend to bring out their worst traits because the extra strength lowers their inhibitions. When power falls into the hands of someone idealistic and kind, one hopes they will take it upon themselves to use it responsibly and use it for good deeds.
So I agree, I think at some level, the intention behind becoming a super soldier does matter, because we've seen it impact on how people behave after they get their extra strength. The five Siberian super soldiers - their goal was to become better fighters and better spies, and they did, but they were so vicious they couldn't be contained. The Flagsmashers - I mean I'm not happy with their overall consistency, but you could argue their immaturity added a sense of vengefulness and anger to their purpose, which pushed them slowly onto the path of killing indiscriminately.
And Bucky? We have no indication he wanted to be any part of it. He didn't show jealousy at Steve's new bod, for one thing, just a concerned, "Did it hurt?" When Walker said, "This must be so easy for you, with all that serum in your veins." It was hard not to dislike him, because Bucky didn't choose to have the serum, and his protectiveness (in this case of Sam) predates the serum.
It wasn't the serum that turned Bucky into the Winter Soldier, as the series seem to imply at turns, although it seems to recognise at other times that it was the mind-control (and it never for a second even showed the torture Bucky went through). And aside from the Winter Soldier era, Bucky really doesn't have anything else to answer for...so yeah, I agree, I've always had issue with the way the series seem to emphasise that Steve was the only "good" super soldier.
If Bucky was "bad" simply through the serum, they wouldn't have needed to torture him to turn him into the Winter Soldier.
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liptonsbabe · 1 year
Blood all along
Eugene Roe x fem! reader
Inktober "Snow"
Warnings: Mentions of death, blood, war, the usual in this fandom(?.
a/n: well hello! This is a little something that I did for the inktober! I'm not an artist but I thought it would be cute to write a few fics for our favorite boys on this month! Hope you like it!
Btw English is not my frst language so tell me if something's wrong
ofc this is based on the hbo series and the actors who portray the characters, no disrespect for the real heroes!
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You hissed in pain as you disinfected the wound on your leg. You were lucky, the bullet had only grazed your skin and the only thing you had to deal with was trying to stop the bleeding that was staining the snow beneath you red.
Bastogne was being a complete nightmare, the air support that arrived a few days ago was not enough and the battalion's medical team was having serious problems helping all the wounded men.
Having to digging in right along the line and repel the German attacks was the worst moment of the war so far and having lost so many soldiers in such a short time was a very strong blow for everyone.
Malarkey, Muck, Penkala and you were inseparable since Toccoa and losing two of your best friends in the same night was so painful for you, especially cause you trained so hard to become a doctor and still couldn't do anything for them. Don talked to you right after what happened, making sure you were okay, but the truth was that he was just or worse affected than you were, and even if Donald Malarkey always knew what to say to lift others' spirits, at that moment the words were stuck on his lips. The only thing he could do was stay by your side, silent and holding your hand tightly.
Everyone in the company noticed your change in attitude after Muck and Penkala's death. Somehow you turned lonely, quiet, and your hands shook when you were near the soldiers' wounds, something that didn't go unnoticed by Eugene Roe, who asked you to step away from the line for a while and try to forget everything that had happened in the last few days.
But forgetting was impossible. Even if your friends hadn't died, you could never forget the warm, viscous feeling of blood on your hands, the smell of gunpowder filling the air or the screams of pain you heard every day, at every second. Now, every time you closed your eyes, the images of the wounded soldiers appeared among a dark cloud that slowly grew bigger and bigger, trying to choke you.
You hissed again, the cold making the wound on your exposed leg sting terribly. You took some alcohol from your backpack and soaked the gauze with it to disinfect the bullet graze. You smiled a little, remembering how you had gotten hurt.
If you had found the third battalion sooner, Babe wouldn't have fallen into that Kraut's foxhole and you wouldn't have to run through the woods with gunfire hot on your heels. It was kind of fun tho, but your leg was swollen like hell.
You heard footsteps approaching your position and without thinking twice you grabbed the knife that you always carried on your belt. You waited for the shadow to become clearer in the snow to attack, but then you recognized the silhouette and relaxed your body.
Eugene walked towards you slowly. His nose was red from the cold and his hands were hidden in the pockets of his uniform. You put the knife aside and continued cleaning the blood. Eugene sat in front of you, noticing the red snow under your feet.
“(Y/N), you're hurt.”
“Yeah, I noticed.”
“Wait, I'm gonna help you,” he said and rushed to examine the swelling on your leg. You pushed him away “You should've come to me sooner.”
"It wasn't necessary. Don't worry, the bullet didn't hit me. At least not completely. Plus, I'm a doctor too, remember? I can take care of this by myself.”
"Doesn't matter. I wish you'd let me check you properly. Edward told me what happened.”
"Who?" You frowned, not understanding who he was referring to. Then you remembered that Eugene never called anyone by his nickname “Uh, Babe.”
“I asked him not to do it, I didn't want you to worry.”
“Well, no matter what happens, I will always worry about you” then he removed your hands from the wound and took the gauze carefully. Roe cleaned your wound and took the time to check that it was indeed a simple bullet graze. He put some ointment on it and blew on your swollen leg for a couple of seconds. You sighed cause the air from his mouth felt like a kiss on your skin and relieved the burning momentarily. You admired the firmness of his hands and the way the blood no longer scared him. He pulled a bandage out of his jacket and started wrapping it around your leg.
“Eugene, how can you stand it?”
He looked up for a second while continuing to manipulate the bandage. “What d'you mean?”
"I mean this. Still standing after everything that has happened."
Eugene stopped. His fingers rested on your bandaged leg and he thought hard for several seconds. He looked at you and could see how broken and tired you were.
"I pray. Sometimes"
“There must be something else” You sniffled, wanting to stop the tears. Eugene sighed, “Something that makes you feel like it's worth staying here.”
“I think there is always something good at the end of the road. I think that… beyond this forest, beyond this frozen hell… there's something that gives purpose to what we are doing. And I hold on to the thought that everything I love will be there when I come back” he said and caressed your cheek “And maybe, with a little luck, I can convince you to come home with me” You laughed through your tears and Eugene squeezed your hand gently. “I'm sorry about Muck and Penkala. I know you feel guilty for not being able to help them, but I'm convinced that they believed firmly in you, and that if it had been different, you'd be there, trying 'til the very end.
Your tears were uncontrollable and Eugene hugged you tightly, he let your pain come out of your chest and let your tears be carried away by the heavy snow that fell from the sky. Roe stroked your hair and kissed the top of your head.
“Everything's gonna be okay and i promise you that I'm gonna take you home,” he whispered in your ear. “I promise, (Y/N), I do promise.”
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lyrenminth · 6 months
Quiet love 2/?
For this chapter I highly recommend to listen Ariana's song - we can't be friends - to get in the mood
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And yet, Justin wasn't the type to make a move. So, you were screwed up.
"I had a great night" you said, heading toward your room. "What are you plans tomorrow?"
"I'm gonna go golfing with the guys"
You nodded.
"Have fun"
"We can have dinner here" he added.
"Yeah, sounds good"
And the sudden thought caught off guard. Did his friends knew about you? Tate knew because it was obvious. But people here in LA knew?
"Justin, your friends know about me?" you asked, regretting it at the moment.
He frowned, confused.
"What do you mean?"
"Your friends in L.A, not in Eugene"
"I don't think they care or why they should know?"
"Because it makes me feel unwelcome. The fact the you prefer to hide our friendship"
"That's not true" he argued "I don't want nosey people in my life, our friendship is something I treasure"
"And what's wrong with people knowing about me?"
"I want privacy in my life"
"I'm not going to spill anything"
"It's not about that!" he raised his voice, frustrated. You flinched and he ran his hand through his hair with exasperation. "The fanatics are crazy. And I don't want people stalking you, telling you insults and threatening you when things aren't pretty during the season"
You stayed in silence. You were arguing before bed again. How funny.
"I'm not talking about the fans, I'm talking about your teammates, people you know here in L.A"
He gulped, and crossed his arms against his wide chest.
"Mmm it's not common to present a friend" he said, suddenly shy "Only girlfriends and wives"
"Only...oh" you felt dumb, of course you wanted a space reserved for another person.
You let out a sigh. You were so stupid.
So, so stupid.
"Well, that's clarifying" you said, trying not to cry.
Really? Crying because your friend is your friend and gives you friend treatment? Then why...why he does those things that confuse your brain? Why he treats you so nice, invite you dinner and let you stay all the time you want? Made you feel wanted and loved?
You felt your eyes burn and blinked to keep the tears away.
"Are you ok?" he said, worried getting closer to you. You gave a step back, and he looked hurt.
"Yeah, it's...summer allergies I think"
"You don't have allergies"
"Mmm L.A weather is intense" you changed the topic. You looked at your room's door and bite your lip "I'm tired, see you tomorrow"
"Wait..." he call you but you were closing the door already.
Needless to say you couldn't sleep so much that night.
You couldn't stop thinking about what would happen if you tell him the truth. You dreamed about him a lot. You dreamed about his affections changing its course and realizing it has been you the whole time. You wanted to be his special person because he was yours. He was yours since childhood. He was yours since the gave you a Star Wars band-aid when you scraped your knee playing or when you searched for frogs during your walks in Oregon. He was yours during the Christmas exchange, and the family meetings. And what would you do with all your affection if he said no?
The thought made you cry harder.
You were bleeding your love at 3 am.
The next day, you avoided him like a plague. Yes, it was childish and immature but you couldn't look him in the eye without feeling a turmoil of emotions inside you, good and bad. If you dare to look at him you would started crying or threw him a shoe. You went straight to work, and since you seemed in distress you co-worker, Lydia asked you what's up.
You tell the story, his name was omitted in purpose. All the emotions, his behavior, your confusion, your friendship. At the end of your story, she wasn't happy.
"I'm sorry, but I think you should put your big girl pants and ask him" she said, sounding rational "it's not healthy for you staying in a situation like that. Pretty cool of him letting you stay, but if it's something bothering you, you should talk to him. The worse thing that can happened it's knowing you can't prolonged that situation anymore"
"How am I suppose to do that?"
"Hey, I think I catch feelings for you but we really haven't spoke about it so tell what do you feel so I can make decisions "
"I'm not brave like that " you regretted.
"You must, baby. You are dying in a "what if"
"But he is my friend, I don't want to lose him" it was true, you had so much story.
"It's better for you. You deserved to be loved by someone without limitations"
You were crying at that point, feeling pathetic.
"If he says no, where am I going to stay?"
"I have a friend who is looking for a roommate, the apartment it's closer to work, so you don't need a car" she said, compassionate about you.
"Can you send me the number?" you cried.
When you arrived at the house he was in the kitchen which surprise you because you purposely took the longer route. He should be sleeping by now. WHY HE WASN'T SLEEPING?
You said the driest "hi" and went to your room. You felt his stare burning your skin. Your heart beating so fast you were scared of having a heart attack.
You changed your clothes for something more comfy, you grabbed a book and sat on your bed to start reading. You were two chapters in when Justin knocked your door.
"Come in"
He appeared, in grey pants and a blue shirt.
"If you are hungry there tacos and soup" he said "Keenan's wife made it"
"Thank you" you said, still reading your book. Words didn't make sense but it was better than look at him because it was painful. He leaned at the door.
"Can we talk?" he asked. You stomach twisted.
You feelings were to intense after the talk with Lydia, but what she said it was true. You were dying of uncertainty.
"About what?"
"About...us" he replied.
You gulped, and it was like passing a stone through your throat.
He moved again, somehow staying in the same position. He put his hands in his pockets then decided it was better to cross his arms. You waited patiently.
"Are you mad at me?" you sighed.
"No, Justin" your voice was soft but firm. Good.
"Yesterday you were mad" he stated, you didn't blink. "What did I do?"
"Nothing" you felt like someone was cutting through your chest to get your heart out. "I'm more annoyed with myself than with you"
Why it was so difficult to talk about it?
"I misinterpreted our situation" you voice trembled and you cursed at yourself for being so weak around this man.
His face was blank. The same face he puts when a journalist ask a stupid question.
"How so?"
Oh, dear. If you could only talk without fucking crying. It was happening, wasn't it? Revealing your feelings and potentially losing a friend.
You were so scared.
You deserve a love without limitations.
"Gosh, Justin. I came here, you lend me your car, you bought me pickles, you treat me like more than a friend and then you say you want me to stay..." saying it out loud made you feel worse. It was nothing, it was kindness. It was friendship, wasn't it? "I... I know we haven't seen each other in years so I thought...I thought that you may feel something for me as I feel for you"
His throat bubbled. His gaze was on the floor.
Of course, how could you forgot? He was a man.
"I don't know what to say" he started. "You know, my work, my life is very different from yours"
What the actual fuck? What was he trying to say? Was a Mr Darcy type of proposal?
"Justin tell me the truth, do you like me back? Yes or no?" You asked, getting angry. You didn't deserved such disrespect. If he didn't like you back, well you would deal the heartbreak but prolonging these feelings until the end of season and beyond was madness.
"I'm not sure" he replied, you almost didn't hear him.
But it was all you needed to know. You exhaled deeply, feeling all the emotions at once. Luckily your face remain blank, you grabbed the sheet with such force your knuckles turned white.
"I guess... that's ok" you looked at your watch only to see it wasn't night yet. "Well, I'm going to continue with my original plans" you opened your book again trying to play it cool not reading a damn word "If you need something send a message"
"What do you mean?"
You raised your eyebrows in confusion.
"By original plans?" he prompted.
"Moving out, I mean" you replied not glancing once. You were acting petty, but he just said he didn't like you back. Of course you were ashamed, angry and desesperately in love.
"Oh, alright" he looked around, not even giving you a glance.
His short answer was like a stab in your heart. Sometimes he was so cruel, but he had the right to feel what he was feeling too. You could not force him to like you and that was even worse. Your eyes were burning, tears blurring your vision.
"Good night" he had the audacity to say before leaving.
And when he closed the door, was like closing all the posibilities you had to be something for him. Throwing years of friendship only because you misread him.
And you felt so so stupid. Of course you were only his friend. How could you even think to be more than a friend? He was Justin Herbert, young, rich, athletic. He had all the options in the world, why he would settle for you?
You started crying, leaving all those emotions out.
Just another sleepless night.
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nerdasaurus1200 · 7 months
For the ask game, #3 and #8 for Cass and Eugene? (not romantic tho ahah)
I am so so so sorry this took so long, anon. I started this and life got in the ay and then the holidays came around. But I finally got around to finishing this! Consider it a late valentines day gift ^_^
3 and 8, "snuggle weather" and "warm soup"
To say Cassandra was exhausted was an understatement. Her ankle was still tender, but the royal medic insisted the cast had to come off today. She didn't see why it mattered, she would still be wheelchair bound for weeks to come. And even worse, there was a terrible storm brewing so she couldn't even spend the evening mapping like she had originally planned. Normally she liked storms; autumn storms were the best. The storms in Corona were freezing thanks to the coastal winds, which made it perfect to snuggle up in a blanket. And she always enjoyed watching the lightning split the sky. Something about it was soothing.
Unfortunately this storm was different. Both Rapunzel and her father were stuck out in it. According to the briefing she was coming back from, Rapunzel had decided evading her security was a good idea and her father had gone after her to make sure she came home safe. Thank goodness she'd put on a pot of lamb stew to simmer before the briefing; she was now far too tired to start cooking. As Cassandra entered her room, she heard Owl ruffle his feathers and give her a soft sleepy hoot in greeting.
"Hey. Go back to sleep for now." She whispered, giving him a boop, "But wake me when the stew's done." Her wheelchair rolled right beside her bed, Cassandra stood up and let herself fall onto the...body??
"Heyyyyy get oooff..." a man's voice whined and Cass jumped back. Instantly, Owl hissed at the intruder as he sat up.
"Fitzherbert." Cassandra snarled, "What the fiddlestick are you doing in my bed???"
"Calm down, Cass, I just woke up, gimme a second." Eugene mumbled tiredly, rubbing his face to wake himself up. After a stretch that was far too long to be real, Eugene finally spoke, "The girls are cleaning my room, and yours is comfier."
"Well they're probably done by now." Cassandra rolled her eyes, "So go nap in your own bed."
"I'd love to, but I'm too tired to walk all that way." Eugene shrugged. Owl snapped his beak at Eugene and puffed his feathers so he looked nearly twice as big. Even though the sight was clearly a display of aggression, Cassandra always found it so adorable.
"Easy, Owl." Cassandra carefully limped over to Owl and stroked his head, "Rapunzel's boyfriend needs his eyes for preening. He preens way more than you do, after all."
Eugene opened his mouth to make a retort back, but then he finally got a good whiff of what was on the fire.
"Ohhh no, Cass!" He scolded, "You know what happens when you cook!" He made a move to "save" the pot, but Cass yanked him back.
"It's lamb stew, Fitzherjerk. For your information it's the one thing I can actually cook. And it's almost done, so don't touch it." She snarked at him.
"Wait, something you can cook? This I gotta taste!" Before Cassandra could stop him, Eugene made a beeline for the pot again and eagerly tasted it.
"Holy moly, this is delicious!" Eugene marveled, "How'd you learn to make this? This is even better than when Mis Claire made it at the orphanage!"
Cassandra blinked in surprise and smiled at him. No one had ever asked about her stew before.
"It's an old family recipe...I think. The secret ingredient is Saporian black pepper." She answered. She leaned over the pot a bit and gave the stew a stir, carefully checking if it was ready.
"You think? What, are you and Cap a little fuzzy on family recipes?" He asked, quirking an eyebrow.
"I've been making this since before my Dad found me." She explained, "Mother...my mum...I think she taught me. I remember standing over the pot, with my hands on her wrists as she was stirring."
"That...that sounds nice..." Eugene mumbled.
"It was." Even though Cassandra wasn't looking at Eugene, he could tell that she was smiling sadly. Shoot, his plan was failing! Gotta think of something to avoid missing parents....
"What are you doing?" Cassandra asked when she noticed him rummaging through her shelves.
"Looking for a good book, but all I can find is maps and history stuff." He griped, "Oh my god, of course you're a Seven Dragons fan."
"Hey! That's the best book of all time!" Cassandra defended, giving him a playful glare.
"Oh come on, it's the worst book in the Flynn Rider series! He's barely in it!" He protested, "That's why I only read it once."
"That's because it's Ramona's story, not-" Cassandra began, but then cut herself off, "Wait....you only read it one time?! How long ago?!"
Eugene bit his lip to hide his smirk. He had her right where he wanted her.
"I dunno, like ten years ago, why?" He asked, maintaining the perfect air of nonchalance.
"Oh that's nonsense, we're reading it now. Get in the blanket. But don't get any stew on my bed." Cass instructed. Eugene finally let himself smirk once Cassandra turned her back towards him. She fell for it, hook line and sinker. Hopefully this would be enough to keep her from worrying about Rapunzel and the Captain until they came back.
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Juicy jury angst
@angelpuns owns Eugene (no hate towards him PLEASE, I wrote this on my own and with permission to show Eugene angry)
Don't worry guys! They are still family, just having a little bit of a fight
Tw/cw: cigarettes, fighting, dissociation, alot of guilt (from three), slight descriptions of feeling like body melting, Three not taking accountability for half of the story
Hurt no comfort
Now, he will admit he is a thief. He steals from big Mama, he steals from yokai, people on the street, stores…anything shiney he can get his hands on. His greedy little hands.
If he could, Three would probably steal candy right from a baby. Not because he is mean, not because he is evil. Simply put he doesn't understand the world, he sees people have things he thinks people he cares about should have…and,...well. He takes them.
He usually never steals from those close to him but his boss, Eugene…well, he wouldn't let him have something. And he wanted to be just like him, but stores won't let him buy it and he can't get behind the counters so he went into his room.
He snatched the plastic lighter and the carton of cigarettes and sat in the middle of the room. He struggled to strike the lighter before he decided to use the flames coming from his jaw to light it.
It didn't take long for the smell of the bitter smoke to fill the air in the room. He didn't have a lower jaw but he did his best to copy how he remembered Eugene using them, breathing in….
And oh that BURNT. It burnt his throat and his chest, leaving him coughing it up, only adding the burn to his nose hole and the roof of his top jaw, some of the smoke coming out from his eye sockets.
Three cringed at it, he didn't understand how Eugene could do it. But Eugene was cool and strong so of course he had to do it too!
Eugene would never do anything that's purposely bad for him! So maybe it's just a new experience he had to live through.
He never saw Saturn do it, or Ra. Only Eugene and a few of the guards off at the hotel.
Or the people in their fancy get ups and makeup and masks, hair heavily sprayed with hair products and longer cigarettes that smell even worse than these ones.
But what hurt more was when Eugene found him not even a few minutes later. He could see the anger in his flames as they raised a little higher. He could feel the anger through his stomps, how he snatched the cigarettes out of his hand, how his voice sounded rougher as he screamed at him.
He couldn't hear what Eugene was saying, it was as if he tuned it out. It wasn't intentional he just…couldn't. It was as if Eugene was screaming at him from under water. He just…couldn't hear him.
He could only hear bits and pieces of it as Eugene took the items from his hands.
It wasn't everything he said but it's what he caught onto the most. He starts zoning back into the conversation as Eugene grabs him by the arms and takes him out the room, firmly planting him outside the door before slamming it shut.
Three turns and looks at the door, frustration growing in his chest. Eugene could smoke so why couldn't he!? And so what if he touched them he was going to buy a new pack next time he went out!
He gets up and storms to his room. He doesn't even know what Eugene said, he doesn't. He knows three sentences. So it isn't like he can just figure out exactly what to say when Eugene calms down.
He closes his door and climbs onto his bed. He hated this, when they fought. Not…not play fought like genuinely fought. When the two would get angry and snap at each other and walk away. Sure they would be okay later but…this time it felt different, it felt worse.
It didn't help that the frequency from Eugene was off, it felt angry. It felt…somehow worse than how Big Mama's angry was.
What was he to do…what could he do?...
Nobody was home, he wouldn't be allowed down the stairs because of the baby gate…he doesn't know what exactly got Eugene so mad about it. I mean he knew that taking the cigarettes was bad, but it isn't like half the gifts he gives them aren't stolen! He's never gotten in trouble with it before so why was he now?..
Not only that Mama Saturn and RA were out in town for the whole day…so what could he do. He couldn't ask them what to do.
He didn't like this, his throat still burned, his chest hurt and his hands hurt. He didn't like this, he sat there in silence staring at the ceiling for what felt like forever.
He gets up and hops off the bed, heading down the hall to Eugene's room, he turns the handle and opens it, seeing the baby gate put between him and the room.
"Eugene I wanna sit in there with you" he looks at him sitting at his desk. He watched Eugene glances at him and then go right back to what he was doing.
"Eugene! I want to sit in there remove it-" he pushes on the baby gate.
He huffs and watches Eugene through the bars before he tries to climb it, struggling. "Eugene! Are you still mad!" He huffs and grunts as he slips and lands back on the floor.
He huffs and looks between the gate at Eugene, who still ignored him. Three felt the hurt in his hands get worse as he stands up and sticks his arm through it. "Eugene!.."
He couldn't get to him, he hated this. He wanted to be in there with him like he usually is. He grunts as he tries to reach him, even though Eugene was a good few feet away.
"Brother!" He shouts at him, his voice cracking with desperation before Eugene stood up. Three's tail wags slightly and he backs up to be let in only for Eugene to reach over the baby gate and slam the door, without so much as a look at him.
His tail slowly stops and he stares at the door, blinking a few times.
"... Eugene..?.." his voice cracks slightly, he must have really pissed him off now. He didn't understand, all he did was try to be like HIM. What was wrong about that? He knew it wasn't taking the cigarettes because he's from other people before.
He looks at the stairs and notices the gate was moved from there to Eugene's door. He looks back at the door and tries to open it only to hear the clicking of the lock protesting.
Eugene locked him out. He never locks him out. Three slowly heads back to his room, hugging himself. He must have really messed up…and this time he didn't know how to fix it.
He didn't know what to do, he messed up so bad that his brother won't even look at him. Was Eugene mad about him calling him that? Was that why Eugene was mad?
Thoughts flood into his little skull as he tries to figure out what needs to be fixed, he can fix it he swears he can. He doesn't want to end up back at that void if he can't fix it. It's COLD.
It's cold and he doesn't have anyone there. But if he can't fix it...
No, no it's okay. Three has to reassure himself. Because Big Mama has the bracelet, not Eugene.
Speak of the devil and he shall arrive because as soon as he thought about her he felt the center of chest squeeze. He gasps slightly and takes a few steps to his bed before the squeezing tightens, his legs crumble quickly and he drops to the floor, his flames dying quickly and dripping into liquid on the floor, he swore he felt half his face melting, even though it wasn't.
He couldn't feel Eugene's frequency, and it scared him but as soon as the grip loosened it was right back to where it was, thrumming through the floor and the air.
He gasps softly as tears build up, he feels nauseous. The liquid slowly stops dripping and goes back to the fine mist then back to the flames.
He had to get ready to go. He would be gone a whole week…and. He needed to talk to Eugene right now.
He couldn't leave Big Mama waiting but he couldn't leave Eugene mad. He slowly gets back to his feet and walks back to Eugene's door. He hesitates before knocking. "Eugene?..."
No answer. So he tries again…still no answer.
Final time, Eugene swung the door open, his hands shaking. "Three, leave me the fuck alone. I don't want to see you right now"
Three hesitates before looking at him. "I gotta-"
"I don't care!" Eugene drags his hand down his face in annoyance before huffing. "Leave me alone, you stole from me. I can't TRUST you right now."
Three stares at him, realizing he was in trouble for taking the cigarettes. He didn't get a chance to respond before the door shut again.
And just like that three felt the warm tears building up, he messed up. He messed up and there was no time to fix it. He slowly turns and walks down the stairs, hand on the wall.
He had to leave, to go fight and he didn't even know if Eugene would text him at all while he was gone. Would he even care?...would he pick him up at the end of the road?
Three walks out the house and lets in a shaky breath. While he is gone…he can go find something to fix it. And when he gets home…all will be better.
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bwobgames · 2 years
Previous First
"We met on University, I was on the student council and he was the type of guy who was everywhere, all volunteer works, all university events, all sport competitions, he was there. So, I decided to befriend him, to get information on how the student body was doing"
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"You networked your way into romance?"
"Don't say it like that"
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"We made a great team, He was amazing at managing time and ideas, while i'm great at people managing and overall organizing. We admired that about eachother. That admiration turned into love, I think"
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"He told me of his big project, his dream company. We were young, we were extremely competent, and most importantly, he was rich. So, clearly, it was a success."
"After that we had it all, a nice house, money, time. So we decided to take the next step: kids"
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"From the moment I saw my little Nadia's tiny hand, I knew this was happiness. I knew that this was all that i've worked for, that it was finally time to rest."
"Eugene wanted a boy too, so we had another. Two silly little things waddling around the house."
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"But after a while, he was restless again, He wanted more projects, more travels, more deals. But I couldn't join him, our kids needed us!, I tried to make him understand that, but he took it as an invitation to just do it alone"
"He appeared once every month or so, bringing gifts to the kids, claiming he loved them. I hope he did"
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"Honestly, If it wasn't for Nina I wouldn't be standing right now."
"Excuse me, who?"
"Eugene's sister, She's always been there for me. She's wonderful with kids, and with me. I would do anything for her"
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"We raised the kids together, they still call her "Mama Nina" sometimes. it was difficult, but she made it all better"
"Until one day. when suddenly Eugene came back carrying divorce papers"
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"I asked why, and he just said he was over with family, that he tried it but didn't want it anymore, so he was going to leave"
"He decided to take the house, and our shared bank account"
"At first I thought he was cheating on me, but then I realized it was way worse"
"He never loved, he wanted the concept of a wife, of kids and family. But he didn't care, he just wanted to check that mark and continue with the next life event. I was just another dumb girl being used by a selfish rich guy"
"I don't really remember what I did, maybe I cried, maybe I screamed. But knowing myself, I probably just stood in silence and accepted it."
"Nina didn't accept it at all"
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"I've heard siblings fight but never like this. Whatever she said must have really moved him, because next thing I know, he's running away from authorities"
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"The thought of all my youth, my potential, my life prospects being squashed by one man- I... I wasn't coping well.
I screamed and cried and said horrible things to the people I love. My kids went to live with their friend. I drove Nina away. And when i tried being better, doing something for the community, this happens. He haunts me. We are still perceived as husband as wife because we didn't tell anyone!"
"I don't know why this is happening, but I know one thing: Just like his name, that man is a bacteria. He will infect you and slowly rot your insides, and you will never realize it until he has killed you already."
"Tell me, detective. Now that you've listened to all that."
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atypical-irritant · 2 years
Discourse Stances & Personal Opinions
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On the topic of my general views, my present stances are:
PRO CONSANG » Consanguinamory is odd and, personally speaking, I couldn't have less interest in it if I tried. That said, what consenting adults do together is none of my concern. It's a situation that calls for nuance and conversation, not reflexive demonization and disgust. The arguments about inbreeding reek of eugenics, anyway.
PRO PARAPHILIA » I have no issue with paraphilias in general. Demonizing someone based on what's in their head is textbook thought policing. If someone is struggling with those types of thoughts or impulses, they need help; not harrassment.
PRO MOGAI » MOGAI orientations and microlabels exist and do plenty of good for those who use them. They don't "give the queer community a bad name", though queer folks parroting homophobic, conservative rhetoric in hopes of being considered socially palatable sure do. MOGAI labels are just people exploring their understanding of self; get over it.
PRO SELF-DX » In a world where it cost over $2,000 just to get some neuropsych to ask me a few questions, self diagnosis is a valid action. Even if it wasn't, demanding medical proof from strangers is much worse. If they're wrong, that's their problem and not your concern.
PRO KINK » Kink is healthy and literally a non-issue (because that's somehow controversial 🙄).
ENDO SAFE » (TL;DR I can neither confirm nor deny the possibility endos exist and, to my knowledge, no one can nor should they try. I'm also critical towards those who are aggressively against their existence.) When it comes to the possible existence of non-trauma formed systems, I believe that, due to the covert nature of dissociative disorders such as DID and the varying affects societal stressors can have on a person, it's possible anyone believed to be non-traumagenic could very well have gone through trauma and not recognise or remember it. I also believe that entire possibility is completely irrelevant and serves no purpose other than to make others paranoid of their own mind. In the same vein, anyone that shares a similar opinion who then goes on to declare non-traumagenic systems as impossible and/or demands endogenics find "proof", needs to read up on the argument from ignorance fallacy and get their head out of their own self-absorbed ass. Fakeclaiming is even more outlandish when you consider the likelihood that large slews of people with zero prior relations all decided to fake a covert and complicated dissociative disorder for fun/attention. Should I recommend reading about Occam's Razor next?
ANTI CONTACT DISCOURSE » I'm getting tired of seeing people argue about the theoretical ethics of which paraphiles, if any, can or cannot interact with their corresponding attraction. Why this is even a discussion is beyond me. There are laws against certain actions. These laws will not suddenly stop existing because your moral compass says they're unjust or wrong. It's a moot point. I refuse to pick sides on a battle where no one wins.
ANTI SYSCOURSE » This is somewhat complicated. Those who treat "syscourse" as an excuse to harass people they don't agree with are the problem, not the groups as a whole (though I wouldn't say syscourse in general is all that productive either). Essentially, I can't stand die hard exclusionist and "antis" from either side of syscourse arguments. So why do I participate in it? The behaviors of those who genuinely believe they're making some type of difference and wholeheartedly believe their own shit fascinate me.
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I'll add more as I'm made aware of other hills people intend to die on. Feel free to send me an ask if you're curious about any of the things mentioned or have information that I've perhaps missed. I'm not above changing my mind. Conversely, I'm not beneath telling self-important assholes how wrong they are neither.
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We've Always Wanted To Transition. This Was Denied From Us. By Our Abusers. Then Doctors. Even The State. Everything Is Trying To Kill Us. Nothing Will Get Better. This Abusive Brainwashing Is UNTRUE. That's All We Have Ever Been Told YEARS AND YEARS ON. YET EVERYTHING IS AS THAT ALWAYS WAS. NOTHING GOT BETTER WE'RE ONLY WORSE. WE WERE NEVER PATHETIC LIKE THESE LOSERS. ONLY WE GENUIENLY CARE NOBODY ELSE DOES. WE HAVE BEEN ABUSED BY THEM NOTHING ELSE. ABUSER BIGOT DESPISE REALITY. THEY ONLY ACCEPT TOXIC POSITIVITY. THAT MAKES ME WANT TO KL MSLFF... If I Did They Wouldn't Know. They Would Say Well I Didn't Mean To Do That 🤷‍♀️ And Keep Going. We're Meaningless To Them. Just Like Every Single Dead Trans Person Is. We're Blocked For Nothing. We're Right. She Made Us Crash. Just Another Kl Yoursllllfffff (A Fish I Swear.) Than Anything Else. So Really That's Them That Are Sick And Abusive. And Saying Get Help Didn't Work For The Many Many People That Have Finished Themselves.
Because Just Like Everyone Else Transphobic And Fascist They Make This About A Made Up Illness That Will Be Cured In A Snap And Suddenly You're Everything They Wanted You To Be. Than Transition Something We Can't Have. And If We Do That's Too Late By This Point. I Already Got A Little. Nothing Happened. If That Does. That Isn't Some Paradise. Opposite. Why Would I Be Happy. With What I Lost? Sick. But All They Can Do This Call Us Ill. Something That Only Makes Be Hate Myself.
I Am Very Clearly An Abuse Victim. If They Weren't A Bigot They Could've Handled Us. Atleast My Wife Sees Me As A Human. But They're Like Every Single Abuser. And Instead React Like This.
I Must Be Myself. That's On You For Making Me Upset. Everything Is About Me And My Emotions. If You Couldn't Please Them That's Your Fault. Besides... You Can Block What You Don't Like. Just Like She Blocked Us. Saying You're Worthless I Hate You I Hate All Crazy And Paraphilia People. I Hope You Kl Yoursllllllfffff... Which I Swear... Is A Fish Okay? A Fish.
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knowlessman · 1 month
holy shit I fell off this for a long time. uh, bnha s6e16-20
hawks origin stuff ig? dang, every backstory in this show really does revolve around all might -- ah k, hawks's more revolves around endeavor ig
…idfk, hey look it's the fuckin batmobile. honestly at this point it shouldn't make me bat (haha) an eye
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-- …okay so. they did a Feign Death thing on Jeanist to convince dabi. and they LET DABI HAVE THE BODY. and somehow they still project lazarus'd jeanist "in secret." …whuh?
"I'm here to talk about our family." well. this gon b heavy -- huh. he got resistance to cold but not heat; he got the wrong required secondary power. …wait, "gene editing…" is shoto a GMO '''XD I mean technically they all are cuz quirk marriage is literally eugenics but -- "I'm telling you [natsu] because only you get it, the women in this house are worthless" wowwwww dabi has misogyny? or at least he hella did as a kid
"I know eavesdropping is illegal denim…" jeanist I don't think you were that high on my tierlist to begin with but you're not really putting yourself on an upward trend here
okay hawks the sheer extent, the mind-boggling extremity, of how much this is not your business -- "but there's still one thing we don't understand. One for All, what is that?" ohoh
"Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight, are you alright?" okay that bit is still funny tho
"before you wake up, we need to talk." hm. two of the previous Avatars are Blair Witching for some reason
oh yeah, whatserface, Tomura's grandmother. …huh. well that's gotta be awkward, now she knows about tomura. I guess maybe the yellow glow is the placeholder for when Toshinori dies? -- "we only found out [mr danger sense's cause of death] after Yagi's investigation" okay so yellow ghost is another avatar nvm -- …facepalm yagi toshinori. I was right the first time. fucking dammit
"aang, you might have to kill fire lord ozai" okay idk if I'd say she looks much like kyoshi, but she doesn't not give off similar vibes, at least here
…oh, her cape is white. not yellow. the connection I was tryna make last time makes no sense 'XD
"had twice activated his quirk, the damage would have been even worse" yeah it's like real fucked in that way tbh. either shigaraki or gigantomachia, on their own, on a whim, can account for near-dragonball levels of destruction and loss of life, and we don't know by how large a factor Twice can multiply that but we do know that he can make it worse. the Re-Destro trap is proof of that. -- I keep thinking of when they were trying to put 'machia in a cage and one of the guards idly mentioned "he is technically still a human, so it's illegal to shoot missiles at him." like, superpowers as a thing at all make things so fucked up; your average basic human can't even really handle having vague influence over too many other people all that well, never mind built-in weapons that can kill a person and can't be dropped or disarmed, never mind built-in weapons that can wreak destruction on grand scales and can't be dropped or disarmed or contained. Really investigating the concept gets you, well, here.
Purple Ha - eh, smoke? huh, looks like it's En's power.
"is midoriya there?" "I must go" hehe. his danger sense can sense annoying phone calls.
"I can't go back to U.A." deku's poor mom signed up for exactly 0.000% of any of this bullshit 'XD like how the fuck do you parent when 80% of kids are born with guns in their arms and like a third of them are born with nukes
don't mind me, just…
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"but you couldn't beat him" "I'll get stronger" 0.00000000000000000000000000000000% of any of this bullshit
"the way he holds the phone is so cool" hawks I'm afraid I must inform you that in point of fact jeanist looks like a fucking idiot. I bet he's cheating by using his power to hold his arms up so they don't get tired
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we're almost in the last fifth of the season; my faith that we're gonna find out who that purple-haired chick in the intro is at some point is starting to fade just a tad. I know I remember seeing her during the breakout, but she hasn't shown up since
hm. the two wall-facing avatars what look like they wandered in outta naruto are joining up. the full loadout's coming together.
deku's phone got shot by a purple dart. aha, about time…
she's hanging out with overhaul. huh. wonder where he's at these days. doesn't seem up to much. gonna be honest, I don't fully remember what his motive was, beyond profiting off of eri's quirk.
"consider this a down payment" hmmmm. yup, should be interesting. in theory, last five eps in a row, next time
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hyunjinhour · 3 years
I have just finished the finale and I just want to vent at the mess that was gram black and I have to say the writers did such an amazing job at making me hate a character so much. I couldn't even look at Gram, I can't look at him anymore and the fact that they made gramgene end game, I had to skip that kiss scene, like don't make me sick.
The screenwriter on the drama not the book because in the book Gramblack are canon. So, the screenwriter basically put Eugene in this situation because of women empowerment, but what women empowerment is it that you say no to a man and he doesn't listen and carries on asking you the same thing whilst ignoring what you said multiple times. That you get with your ex's best friend. Yes, that screams women empowerment like no other.
Gram, didn't care about black at all. This is me not even thinking romantic wise but just to say or even think oh, my friend is he alive, is he okay? No, I don't care, Iet me go and kiss his ex-girlfriend that he clearly still cares about. The irony of Gram pushing Black away when he tried to kiss Eugene.
And the flashbacks of Black hurting Eugene are basically black knowing he is going to do something dangerous, be in a dangerous situation so he is ending it to protect her so that is black being worse that gram who is a shitty friend. If I was Eugene I would be like if you don't care about your friend, how in the world are you going to care about me. The writers of this drama ruined eugene's charactor and butchered Gram's. This was so bad, I have never ever experienced such bad writing in a bl, well since diary of tootsies 2 and it was the same writer.
If it had been eugene/ gram from the beginning I wouldn't have cared this much but it's the fact that for the first half of the show it was hinting strongly at Gram/black and then the U-turn in the second half.
Also, the way the writers wrote black coming out of the coma was so poorly done. Like his friends didn't care, even at the end, he saves them and they don't care abt him. Gram the most because at the first half of the show we all thought gram and black were friends at least but Gram doesn't care about Black except if it is trying to steal his ex-girlfriend. That's such a trashy thing to do and the fact that they are trying to romanticise that and add a woman empowerment stamp just makes me sick.
I was thinking of writing a gramblack fic, but I don't even like gram's character at all anymore. But maybe someone will write a fic that will make me not dislike gram as much as I do. The drama writers did such a bad job, I have hope in many people doing a better job than the mess I have suffered through. Thank fck its over.
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tangledbea · 3 years
I just realized something. How was the first time that Rapunzel felt jealous? I'm curious. Headcannon about it?
How about a fic, instead?
Rapunzel understood wanting things. She understood dreams and wishes and desires. She understood not getting everything she wanted, even when other people could, like when Gothel got to leave the tower, or when Pascal changed colors. She understood disappointment, frustration and righteous anger. What she didn't understand was the strange combination of all of these emotions.
She hadn't been home - well, her new home, the castle - for very long, maybe a little over a month, and so far, her parents had let her do basically anything she wanted to do, so overcome with joy that she'd returned to them that they couldn't seem to say no to her. It was great! She'd never had so much freedom in her entire life!
But gradually, oh so gradually, she began to notice restrictions being put in place. They didn't really bother her, because they were also structure! For the first time in her life, Rapunzel got to go to school, and be taught things by experts instead of trying to figure them all out on her own. Learning was so much easier when there was someone to explain the things she didn't understand, to answer her questions, to correct her when she was wrong (though her math tutor was often impressed with what she'd managed to intuit on her own, in a tower). It was time consuming, and she was starting to miss her hobbies, but she couldn't complain much when there was so much in the world to learn about that she'd never even realized there was to learn.
And through it all, Eugene stayed by her side, helping her adjust to living in a society, and keeping her company. He was her rock, and she often looked to him for answers before her tutors or even her parents, asking someone else only when he didn't know the answer. ("But why are there so many forks?" "I don't know, Sunshine. Better ask someone at a higher paygrade than me.")
However, these past few days, he wasn't glued quite so close to her side. He'd started making friends with some of the castle guards, which was good! Rapunzel knew that Eugene deserved to have friends outside of her, and of course she didn't begrudge him this, especially when friendship with the guards would likely lead to him being given less stink-eye as he walked around the halls . But when, on a beautiful, sunny day when the clouds were laying like streaks of paint across the sky and a balmy breeze was carrying the scent of Old Corona's apple orchards on it, he opted to skip her weekly history lesson - which he described as, "so dull that a blacksmith's hammer couldn't liven it up" - to hang out with Stan on his afternoon off, a strange new emotion passed through her.
At first, Rapunzel assumed it was just because she was going to miss Eugene being there. She, for one, found Corona history fascinating. This was the land she came from! The family she came from! Each of the kings and queens and duchesses and dukes that came before her had contributed to the kingdom, for better or worse, and these were the shoes she was going to have to fill someday!
But, as she sat in the palace library, the dusty scent of old books all around her, the only sounds those of quietly turned pages and the scritching of her quill as she took notes from the tome she was reading about Rupert Moody, the fifth son of the twelfth king of Corona, she looked up and looked at the weather, and decided she'd rather be outside having a picnic with Eugene than stuck in here. She calmly placed a ribbon to mark the page she was on, then closed the book and stood.
"Where are you off to, Highness?" her tutor, Master Arkwright asked, peering over the top of his half-moon spectacles at her.
"Oh, I was just going to go outside and--"
"My lesson ends at three o'clock, sharp."
"Yes, I know, but I was thinking today I could just--"
It was a command, as though she were a dog. Rapunzel hadn't heard the like since she'd left the tower, and she felt herself bristling and flushing as she stared wordlessly at Master Arkwright, not moving.
"I said, 'sit!'" he commanded again, more sharply this time, and Rapunzel felt her knees go out from under her as she obeyed, landing hard on the chair. "That's better. Back to your lesson, please."
She just stared at him, heart hammering, a mixture of fear of times long past and anger that she was being spoken to that way swirling around inside her. She glance outside, at the blue sky and those playful clouds. "Can I... at least open the window? Let a little bit of that nice day in?" she requested, and hated how meek she sounded.
"Very well, but don't dawdle."
Feeling like she was being weighed down with lead, she shuffled over to the window and opened it, taking a deep breath of warm sea air and hearing the sound of Eugene's laughter ringing out from somewhere just out of sight. She wondered what he was up to, what he and Stan were talking about, what was making him laugh, if he was thinking about her as much as she was thinking about him. She wished she could join him on this beautiful day and find out. The urge to climb out the window and take off was strong.
Perhaps she was staying too long at the window, because Master Arkwright suddenly said, "Princess, your studies." It wasn't a suggestion.
She slumped back to the table she was working at like a sullen teenager and opened the book again. Once more, the world was the scritch of her quill and the rustle of papers. But now, every now and then, Eugene's laughter would ring out again, and at once her heart would soar at the sound and how much she loved him, and a stab of irrational anger hit her, making her feel more sullen and more left out. What was the point of learning about all these great things people in the past did if she wasn't allowed to go outside and do great things, herself?
Okay, maybe a picnic wasn't a great thing, but who knew where a picnic would lead?
And now, she was keenly aware of the ticking of the clock. She cast a glance its way to check on the time and saw that she still had a torturous an hour and forty-three minutes of lessons left. Master Arkwright cleared his throat and her eyes returned to the page, though she was hardly absorbing what she read anymore, too busy thinking about the nice day and Eugene and how it wasn't fair that he got to go outside and play whenever he wanted to, and she was stuck in lessons.
Those hour and forty-three minutes passed torturously slowly, and for the first time since she came home as the princess, she was glad to be out of lessons, all but slamming the tome she'd been reading from closed and hurrying back to her room, notes clutched in her hand. She was glad to be free, and irritated every time she thought about Eugene and confused about that irritation.
She got out her paints, deciding to work some more on the mural on her wall, but every time her hand got close, the urge to do something mean to one of the little pictures of Eugene flashed through her head, and she had to withdraw her hand, not wanting to do something she'd regret, and not understanding why she was having the urge in the first place.
And so it was that Eugene found her, standing in front of her wall, hand and brush hovering about a foot from it as she stared intently.
"Sunshine?" he asked. "You okay?"
Hearing his voice seemed to snap Rapunzel out of whatever thoughts she was having, and she suddenly felt guilty in the face of the man she loved, who she'd just spend a few hours being mad at through no fault of his own.
"Oh! Um... yes. I was just... I couldn't decide what to paint."
Eugene didn't look convinced, and that made Rapunzel feel even more guilty. Tucking a lock of hair behind her ear, she set her brush down and lowered her gaze. "Actually... I've been feeling really strange for a few hours now, and I don't know what it is."
Immediately, she wished she hadn't phrased it that way, because he looked mildly alarmed. "Are you okay? Are you sick?" he asked, striding toward her to press warm hands against her face.
"Yes, I'm fine. I'm not sick. It's... it's an emotion, not an illness." At least of that much, she was sure.
"An emotion you're not familiar with?" he wondered, then took her hand and led her over to her window seat. She loved her window seat. She could feel the sun in the afternoon and had a spectacular view. "Wanna talk about it, Sunshine?"
His eyes were hopeful and warm and inviting, always giving her the peace of mind to let him know what she was thinking about.
"You got to be outside today, and I didn't. I had to sit in my lessons."
"I thought you liked your lessons.
"I did! Do! I do like my lessons. But today, I wanted to be outside with you, and Master Arkwright wouldn't let me go, and then I got mad at you for being out there instead of inside with me, which is where you've usually been until now."
A smile tugged at the corner of Eugene's mouth, and for another moment, Rapunzel was almost mad at him for smiling at her plight, but that wasn't fair. Especially when that particular smile usually meant he had solved the riddle of what she was going through.
"You were jealous of me?" he wondered.
A frown of confusion pinched her features, and she recalled Gothel telling her that jealousy was an ugly emotion. "I don't... know. She used to say that jealousy was ugly, but I never understood exactly what it was." Was Eugene calling her ugly? That was unlike him.
"It's when you want something that someone else has," he explained. "Actually," he quickly corrected, "that's envy. You're envious. They're not exactly the same thing."
A small smile reached' Rapunzel's face. Trust Eugene to know. "What's the difference?" she asked.
"Well, jealousy needs three people. Like, if you were jealous of Stan because I was hanging out with him today and not you. But what you described was envy. It just takes two people. You wanted what I had. You didn't necessarily want me not to have it, but you wanted to be included instead of stuck with Rupert the Moldy or whatever."
And now, she giggled. "Rupert Moody," she corrected.
Eugene beamed, clearly pleased with himself for getting her to laugh. "Right. Anyway, to make up for you feeling left out today, how about tomorrow we have a nice picnic date for lunch?"
She hummed her approval and snuggled up close. "You read my mind. Thank you, Eugene. Oh! How was your afternoon with Stan?"
And just like that, the feelings were banished.
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disaster-j · 3 years
aaaa i love how even tho white has to keep up the act and be cold towards sean you can just see in his eyes how worried he was when sean was having a nightmare like you can hear it in his voice too gun portrayed it so well !! btw do you think white is sometimes going overdoing the asshole act ? telling sean he would leave him to die was kindaaa 😬 i cannot imagine how confused sean must be with his feelings tho:( also i kinda feel bad for gram bcs white has NO IDEA about gramblack and now this dummy gon think gram and gene got smth going on...my poor meow meow gram...black please wake up!!! the whole eugene thing is a trainwreck too white just keept making the situation worse (under todd's influence too umm sus) like imagine pretending to be your twin brother and getting back together with his ex gf that he dumped not only putting you in an awkward situation but also giving her hope 😬 it looks like she's maybe gonna catch on soon tho ? I HOPE SO andddd yok is just so gay and in love i just know he's planning a danyok wedding in his mind i got no words for this idiot (,,kinda long msg sorry)
Yesss I love the contrast between White's harsh act and his genuine concern for Sean. Like I've said it before but it bears reiterating- Sean and White are just naturally drawn to each other, it's just how they are. So it makes sense that even though White has been led to distrust Sean and suspect him of hurting Black and hence has to be harsh to him, it's clear he doesn't really want to. Sean is not the type of person White can ignore or hate. The more White gets to know Sean the more noble Sean seems. Even when he disagrees with their methods, White can no longer pretend he hates them for what they're doing. Because all of this matters, because it is helping people. I think at this point the only reason White is continuing to distrust the gang is bc of Todd leading him astray. If it weren't for White's blind faith in Todd he'd have realised the gang couldn't possibly be responsible by now. I really love how Gun portrays White's internal dilemma so clearly without really voicing it at all. It's just like P'Nuchie said, for this show the acting is all about the eyes.
Oooh. No. I don't think he's overdoing it at all, quite the opposite actually. I felt ep4 was when he finally STARTED nailing Black's intensity. Is it really fucking cruel to say he would abandon Sean in real life? Hell yeah. But that's exactly what Black would say. Now don't get me wrong, for all his rage and murderous tendencies I don't believe Black would just let one of his friends- or frenemies in Sean's case -die like that. But I know for a fact he would say it. The thing about Black is that he's a very complex individual. He has all this trauma and anger and unlike Sean who doesn't let his anger get in the way of his human relationships, Black does. Black is someone who is very intense about everything, when he truly loves and cares for someone he would go to insane extremes for them. If he let himself actually care about everyone around him it would consume him. So he shuts most people out. It also doesn't help how similar Sean and Black are, and that similarity is what creates so much friction between them. Both too angry, too petty, too stubborn to really find a way to get along peacefully.
I always feel so sad for Gram too bc he's the one person who just genuinely loves and cares for Black, without any negative emotions tainting their relationship. It really sucks that he can't be there for Black when he's so hurt. Like it's bad enough already that he doesn't know the man he loves is fighting to stay alive but now he's going to be accused of stealing said guy's girl too like that's so undeserved. Gram is a Good Boi! He would never! Even if Gram wasn't so clearly in love with Black he's just not the kind of person who can betray someone like that. It's honestly so sad that anyone would actually believe GRAM could do something like that. Pls ik he looks like a hunk but he's really the baby of the gang 😭
As for Eugene, I don't think she's gonna catch on but I do think she's gonna be hurt by whatever goes down next. And I don't like it. If this was Yujin like the book I wouldn't care but Eugene in the show is clearly a good person who doesn't deserve to be caught up in this mess. I think Black was right to break things off with her right before Shit Went Down bc it separated her from the mess he'd gotten into. Now White has unwittingly dragged her back in and I don't see it ending well.
Yok! Is so smitten! It's so funny I love it. He totally is planning the wedding in his head, that idiot. I can't wait to see him and Dan finally have a proper meeting next week it's gonna be great! Also can't wait to finally get confirmation of whether Dan is fully hearing or not bc it's been driving me insane how we haven't seen him actively register or respond to auditory stimuli for FOUR WHOLE EPISODES!?! That can't not be deliberate right!?!?
(Dw about long messages I don't mind at all! And wow this turned into a long post huh...)
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