leupagus · 3 years
Working title: The Heat Wave that Shook Richmond
AUNTIE: I’m Extremely Concerned the Ted Lasso crew is letting James Lance pick out Trent’s outfits, and I find that distressing
GUS: I will lose my entire mind if there's some scene of Trent at home and he's wandering around in a onesie
AUNTIE: You should write fic about Ted’s crisis of faith after seeing Trent in a onesie.
AUNTIE: Halfway unzipped
AUNTIE: Like the proud slut he is
GUS: honestly I think the sight of Trent's collarbone could well drive Ted into a victorian frenzy of confused lust
GUS: actually that would be hilarious if it was Ted pining and Trent oblivious
AUNTIE: I mean… did you SEE his ankles in the interview? Shameless!
AUNTIE: Obviously the man hates the sensation of clothes on his skin
GUS: I mean I also hate it when he wears clothes so I understand
GUS: but like Ted just falling apart at these scandalous glimpses of Trent's skin
GUS: another time they're on the practice field on a hot day (Trent works there now, wevs, details)
AUNTIE: Heat wave in England?
GUS: hey, global warming baybey
AUNTIE: Global warming has to be good for something
GUS: and Trent puts his hair up and it exposes the back of his neck
GUS: and Ted walks into the water table and sends all the bottles flying
GUS: and Beard is like "oh my god you embarassing moron" while Trent is concernedly leaning over Ted asking him how many fingers he's holding up
GUS: then obv the flash of ankle at the pub one night
AUNTIE: Trent wears a tank top and Ted becomes the idiot who walks into doorways
GUS: like he's got on a jacket over it so it's not immediately evident
GUS: and then he has to take the jacket off for whatever reason and Ted's brain fizzes out
AUNTIE: Noooooooo! The sluttest of all combos!
GUS: oh and another one
GUS: Trent wears a sweater one day and Ted thinks he's safe
GUS: but then Trent has to reach up on a high shelf for something and Ted sees a sliver of his lower back
GUS: and he just wants to put his face on it
AUNTIE: Rude rude RUDE
GUS: I think the funniest thing would be if Trent 100% doesn't realize this is happening
GUS: like he's not wearing any of this with an Agenda in mind, totally oblivious
AUNTIE: And then Ted has to stammer out some excuse to leave and Trent is like “whoa, this man whilst never return my affections”
GUS: and when they finally get together Ted is like "some journalist you are, I've been staring at you with my tongue hanging out for like six months"
AUNTIE: Perfect. A+ fic draft. No notes.
GUS: hahahaha
AUNTIE: Add it to the WIP list!
AUNTIE: Working title: The Heat Wave that Shook Richmond
The whole thing started with a onesie.
Or maybe it started about a half-hour earlier than the onesie, back at the clubhouse with Ted realizing he still had Trent's tape recorder in his pocket. It was handed over about two hours earlier than that —
So maybe it started with Roy throwing a beer in Trent's face.
"OI," Mae thundered, slinging the bar towel over her shoulder much in the same way, Ted imagined, a medieval knight would settle his shield on his arm before wading into the fray.
"He's fucking lucky I don't smash the glass and throw that, too," Roy bellowed at her, before turning back to the table (where Ted *had* been having a very nice chat with Trent up to now) and jabbing his finger into Trent's chest. "The last time Ted gave you the time of day, you fucked him over good and proper. So if all this," he waves his hand at the Ted, the tape recorder, Trent's now-slightly-soggy notebook, "Is just you looking for something else to use in order to shit all over him, I'll shove the pieces down your fucking *throat.* You get me?"
"Roy, there's no call for that—" Ted tried, but it didn't seem to make much of a dent. Neither of them so much as glanced over at him, too busy glaring at each other.
"I've been nutted by Roy Keane, so apologies if I'm less than impressed with your feeble attempts at intimidation," Trent said, although the last word might have been something that *sounded* like intimidation because he got interrupted halfway through on account of Roy picking up Ted's drink and also throwing it in Trent's face.
"All right, that's enough," Ted says, getting to his feet and pushing Roy away. The man was built like a brick outhouse, but Ted had a whole inch on him and longer arms to boot. "You and me, we're gonna have a talk tomorrow about how we use our *words,* but I suggest you go on home, all right? Cool off, okay?"
Roy was still scowling over Ted's shoulder, where Trent was probably trying to wring out his hair or his jacket or something. "Yeah, all right," he said. "Just one other thing."
And with the kind of speed that had made him the scariest midfielder back in the day, he grabbed Trent's own beer and deposited the contents neatly into Trent's lap.
AUNTIE: And then Trent had to put on the onesie because it’s the only thing Mae has in the lost & found!!!!
AUNTIE: But the zipper is broken so it shows off his slutty little collarbone and his man cleavage!
GUS: haha no no
GUS: Trent goes home
GUS: and Ted realizes he still has Trent's tape recorder so he takes it to him
GUS: and Trent opens the door in the onesie
GUS: a matching one with his daughter
GUS: with like, elephants or something
AUNTIE: This is great so I’ll allow it.
GUS: yours was also great but I've already written Ted walking Trent to his car like a gentleman
AUNTIE: I understand. Whatever gets to us to the first peen touch is a blessing
AUNTIE: 🍆 ❤️ 👏
GUS: I'm actually trying to figure out what the instigating peen-touching event would be
GUS: Does Ted have a breaking point or what
AUNTIE: Car wash fundraiser with Trent wearing a white tshirt
AUNTIE: Ted loses his mind and pins Trent against the shed
GUS: hahaha
GUS: What if Ted doesn't pin him up against the shed but like
GUS: is just full on peeved that he CAN'T
GUS: like he catches sight of Trent and is like "are you *kidding* me" and walks off
GUS: and Trent follows him like "what? what just... what??"
AUNTIE: "...take to what??"
GUS: like Trent is still about ten minutes behind current events
GUS: which is very annoying for a journalist
AUNTIE: i like the flip of Trent being the dummy
GUS: Trent's like "I truthfully understood more of my interview with Colin Hughes and he insisted on doing the whole thing in Welsh"
AUNTIE: probably just decided Ted was A Straight and wrote him off
AUNTIE: and is meanwhile slowly driving him nipple nuts
GUS: oh absolutely
GUS: like definitely likes the cut of his jib
GUS: and likes him enormously as a person
GUS: but has absolutely no idea of anything HAPPENING ergo is just like living his best slut life
AUNTIE: Lifting the hem of his shirt to wipe the sweat off his face
AUNTIE: and showing his happy little trail
GUS: yep yep
AUNTIE: while Ted has a sexual heart attack
GUS: at some point he has to roll up his sleeves and Ted's got to take a minute
AUNTIE: then Ted loses his mind and confronts Trent at the car wash and Trent's like "are you... Ted Lasso are you slut shaming me??!"
GUS: poor Ted would be completely derailed from his rage/lustboner
GUS: and be like I WOULD NEVER
AUNTIE: Then Trent gets riotously indignant and screams about how he overheats easily but EVEN IF HE DIDN'T--
AUNTIE: that's when Will the Kitman walks into the shed
AUNTIE: right before they rage bone
GUS: yes perfect
GUS: poor will
GUS: Ted stomps off home and Trent doesn't follow him because it's like, his kid's school booster car wash or whatever
GUS: but he comes over LATER
AUNTIE: i love it. you're terrible and i love it.
GUS: and Ted is like, fuming
GUS: Ted's all about to read him the riot act when Trent steps into the apartment and lays one on him
GUS: and is like "you only had to ask, you know" and then they bone
AUNTIE: national book award levels right here
GUS: the sex scene is all just Ted slowly taking Trent's clothes off and like, reciting all the times he's seen Trent's wrist bone or his shoulder or whatnot
GUS: while Trent is just losing his mind
AUNTIE: omg stop this is so MEAN
AUNTIE: recites some horrible poetry at him
AUNTIE: about his ankles on a summer day
GUS: like reverently kissing Trent's shin because a few months ago Trent and his daughter did one of those Knobby Knees competitions for the Richmond fair
AUNTIE: Ted kisses his inner elbow and Trent nearly blows his load
AUNTIE: Ted's being romantic yes, but also totally getting him back for torturing him for months
GUS: oh Trent totally goes off way too early
GUS: like Ted hasn't even *gotten* to his cock yet
GUS: but Trent's not remotely embarrassed, he just laughs and smiles up at Ted the way he's been doing for the past year (yeah this is gonna get drawn out a YEAR)
GUS: and is like "you're dying to say something like 'that was a long time coming' aren't you?"
GUS: and Ted blurts out "I love you"
AUNTIE: he would!
GUS: Ted doesn't have his heart on his sleeve
GUS: he has his heart on like, a sandwich board
AUNTIE: "i love everything about you. your boney ankles... your knobby knees." Ted! I'm so embarrassed for you, brah
GUS: It's horrible I love it
AUNTIE: the sap and the slut
AUNTIE: together at last
GUS: anyway this ends with Ted waking up early to make breakfast wearing his undershirt and a pair of boxers
GUS: and Trent wandering out into the kitchen and walking into the kitchen table staring at Ted's ass
GUS: give me a Pulitzer
So it was only right that Ted walked Trent back to his car and held the various and sundries that Trent pulled out of his pockets, wiping them off with the one dry part of his jacket sleeve before handing them over. "Please, Ted, *stop* apologizing," he said as they rounded the corner to the parking lot across from the clubhouse. "I expected far worse, truth be told."
"You expected worse than getting tripled dunked and threatened by my coworker?" Ted asked, a little bit scandalized. He sure as heck hadn't been expecting it, or anything like it. "I know I called you a tough cookie, but I doubt that softened you up any."
Trent handed his glasses over, his brow furrowed. "I'm not sure I follow, but that's hardly unusual. At any rate, yes, I did, for good reason. And as I mentioned, I've also *experienced* far worse."
"Yeah, you'll have to tell me about that incident with you and Roy Keane sometime," Ted agreed as they rocked up on Trent's ride. Trent retrieved his keys from the small pile in Ted's arms — and that wasn't even counting everything Ted had in his pockets before they'd gotten overloaded. "How do you carry all this stuff around without a backpack or a satchel or a little rolly suitcase, anyhow?" he asked. "You've got three books, three *notebooks,* two different types of headphones, a wallet that honestly probably needs a little spring cleaning—"
"It's August," Trent said, smiling as he unlocked his car. He took the stuff in Ted's hands and dumped it on the passenger side seat, then waited patiently as Ted patted at his various pockets to surrender the rest of Trent's belongings. "Thank you for your help — and for agreeing to this interview and the whole idea. I'll let you know if the publisher goes for it."
"He'd better," Ted warned. "It's gonna be a heck of a book. Although I would've sat down for a chinwag with you either way — hasn't been the same in the press room without you this season. Nobody's even taken over your chair — we've been thinking of cordoning it off or something."
"Entirely unnecessary," said Trent, still smiling. "But a touching gesture all the same. Now I'll toddle off home and try to sober up my clothing."
"Strong coffee and crackers always works for me," Ted offered, and Trent laughed again as he got in the car. There'd been a lot of laughter during their conversation, but Ted still got a kick out of hearing it. Trent Crimm, Independent was proving just as charming as his forbearer ever was.
AUNTIE: These dorks are so in love
AUNTIE: i hate them so much
GUS: I know
GUS: it's great
AUNTIE: it's perfect. i'm furious.
GUS: hahaha
GUS: look who's talking
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a-dose-of-tuefort · 3 years
Mercs caught under mistletoe with reader?
Ooooo!!! Yesyesyess!!! It's not christmas but who cares? Let's do this!!!
Trigger warnings: swear words because I like insulting spy jgmfkweirj
He's probably the one that set up the mistletoe to begin with
He set it up and then proceeded to forget about it so when he realizes he's caught under the mistletoe with you he's a mix of excited and flustered
He'll point out the mistletoe to you if you haven't already noticed it and if you let him kiss you he'll cup your cheeks and give you a big smooch before quickly darting off to the nearest room
He just kinda panics the whole time until you tell him it's fine and that you didn't mind kissing him
Which he then goes back to being a cocky doofus after you've washed away his doubt
No! He shall not participate in such silly things as mistletoes!! If he's going to kiss his crush he's going to do it in a special way, not because someone put a few dead leaves over his head, he can do that any day he wants!!
No but actually he's really good at hiding it but he can't get over the thought of kissing you
He's quick about it and gives you a quick but loving kiss
He completely owns it too. No embarrassment shall be seen near him!! He won't shut up about it and keeps bosting about the fact that he kissed you
He'll probably come into your room later that day and throw a mistletoe at you before asking you to kiss him again
You...kissing...it??? Yes pleass
Pyro is naturally very affectionate but you'll still catch it shyly twirling its fingers or fiddling with its sache
Pyro will get quite ecstatic even if you just kiss it on its mask
But if you offer kissing it in private without it's mask, poor fella will become hotter than fire and redder than it too
It will defiently not say no to kissing you though and quickly grab your hand and drag you off
It is very shy about kissing you especially because it isn't really too experienced when it comes to kissing and it might get too nervous to look you in the eyes
If you kiss Pyro anyways than expect it to be cuddle in your arms for the rest of the day
He's surprised. For some reason it didn't occur to him that he would end up underneath a mistletoe like this
He plays it off as some holiday shenanigans like he doesn't really care that he's kissing you, but deep down he wishes it was a serious thing
He's very soft and tender about it and he let's you kiss him because he doesn't want to accidently make you uncomfortable
If you go up to him later and ask if he actually wants to become a thing he has to pinch himself to check if he's dreaming or not
It takes a while to wrap his head around what just happened because he never thought he'd get that experience
He wasn't originally going to participate into things like mistletoes or such but he eventually got persuaded into it
He couldn't really remember how this happened. One minute he was just enjoying himself, and the next second he was under a mistletoe with his crush
He didn't really know how to react, he decided to just be quick about it because the longer he stood there the longer he got embarrassed
Afterwards he'll come up to you and ask if you actually want to become a couple and such
He is very good at keeping his composer but this is probably one of the very few times where you see it slip a little
He gets quite flustered at the realization of being stuck under a mistletoe with you
He insists that y'all don't gotta kiss if you don't want to, not because he doesn't want to, but because he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable
He's really bad at hiding his feelings and it's rather quite obvious to anyone really
When you two go to kiss he wraps his arms around your hips and he's very gentle and makes sure to not do anything too rough
He keeps chuckling afterwards and highkey replaying the moment in his head
He's a bit of a mess and keeps stumbling over his words and has to break to his room so he can collect himself and learn how to form a coherent sentance again
Noooooooo nononno
Poor feral man you can see his brain shut down
Tries to hide his face by tucking his hat down more forward
He'll grumble some nonsense under his breath before giving you a small peck on the lips and darting off to who knows where
If you tail after him you get to watch him mumble a bunch of gibberish and the only coherent part probably him saying "I love you"
You're going to have to go up to him after the event because he's too busy contemplating everything to be able to confront you about it
He's feeling a lot of feelings that he can't communicate
He doesn't believe it at first
He keeps refusing it until you tell him to look upwards and he does the whole "I'm not gullible" nonsense
When he does realize that he actually is caught under a mistletoe with you he takes a swig of beer before full on smashing his lips into yours
He tries to laugh it off like it was just some christmas nonsense and there totally weren't any feelings involved
Except there definitely were feelings involved
Definetly a bit of noticeable red on his cheeks afterwards and he's hoping no one else saw how deeply he kissed you
Oh he purposely lead you into the mistletoe with him
He knew what he was doing, he's a bastard like that
"Oh, a mistletoe? How did that get there?~"
He's very confident about the whole thing, one hand on your hip, other cupping your face, and a soft kiss against your lips
He's enjoying seeing your flustered reaction and he's glad you can't see the very shy hint of red on his cheeks
He's just glad you simply fell for it
Ugh he's a smug asshat about the whole thing and the only thing that would wipe the stupid grin off his face is either a slap or a kiss
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fantastic-bby · 4 years
SKZ vs. being embarrassingly drunk
Pairing: Reader x Member 
Word count: 3k
Genre: Fluff
Summary: Spending a night out with the boys and they get absolutely hammered (and cuddly)
Warnings: Alcohol usage
A/n: 1. Pls drink responsibly 2. Anon I’m so sorry this took so long but I hope you enjoy it ^^’
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Probably wouldn’t let himself get drunk drunk
Like he knows how to have a good time 
He just wouldn’t get all CRONKED 
Or at least he would try to avoid that 
There’s a big but 
He strikes me as someone who has a low/moderate alcohol tolerance 
Which means that if he really doesn’t watch how much he’s taking 
This man would end up flying into the next dimension
So in the situation that he does end up getting cronked 
He probably would be clingy or quiet 
Would hug onto you like a koala 
Would also end up being embarrassing  in his mind he’s doing perfectly fine
“(Y/n), you’re reeeeeeeally pretty” 
Ofc you’d just giggle at him 
You’re aware of how Chan doesn’t really let himself go like this 
You find it so amusing but you know he should probably drink water or smth so he doesn’t end up throwing up in the bathroom 
“Drink water, Channie” 
“I don’t need water, (Y/n). I have youuuuu”
Chan wraps his arms around you and kinda smooshes his face into your arm
And as much as you love how amusing it is 
He hasn’t drank water since he started drinking alcohol
You slide the glass towards him and he shakes his head like a child
Of course he has to be stubborn when he’s drunk 
“Drink water”
He sticks his tongue out at you 
Now you’re >:( bcs you don’t want anything happening to him!! 
“Drink the water, Chris”
The moment he hears his English name it’s almost like he sobers up a bit 
“Why are you so scary?”
He wouldn’t admit that when he’s sober 
But he’s scared of you only because you have the tendency to be strict with him when it comes to taking care of himself 
You’re the only person that he honestly listens to when it comes to caring for himself but he would NEVER admit it 
Bcs admitting to that means admitting that he likes you c: 
Chan listens 
He drinks the water and he smiles when you smile at him
“Good job, Channie” 
The praise makes him give you a toothy smile while he wraps his arms around you again and pulls you into a hug uwu
Seems like he would get cronked on a normal Tuesday evening bcs he can 
But I think Chan mentioned once?? That they actually don’t like alcohol?? Don’t quote me on this pls I could be wrong
Minho would probably just be really flirty or might become more dry 
Like he would roast people more than usual if he gets cronked 
“(Y/n), you should drink more, you lightweight”
But you know he’s joking 
Would pretend he isn’t flustered 
Tbh if he gets flustered while he’s drunk 
It’s not like anyone can tell bcs his face might be red as hell
“(Y/n), do the shots”
“I have to drive you guys home”
“Noooooooo, you have to drink with meeeee” 
Minho grabs onto your hands and he starts tugging you closer to him 
Kinda just grabs you and pulls you until you fall into his lap 
“Let loose, baby” 
Wow okay 
“We can always get someone else to drive us home”
He pushes the shot glass towards you 
And you’re just staring at him like uhhh…
The reason Minho wants you to drink with him is lost in his wasted ass mind 
But he just wants to make sure you don’t remember anything that he might end up telling you
Like if Min accidentally confessed to you c: 
But he can’t really tell the difference between sober you and drunk you when he’s absolutely wasted out of his mind 
“I think you’re really nice, (Y/n)” 
“You’re nice too, Lino”
He shakes his head as he pushes you back so that you’re sitting straight and pulls you towards him so that he can hug you
“I think I like (Y/n). But you can’t tell them that” 
Oh no 
“(Y/n)’s always so pretty and cool looking”
“Nooo sshh I’m not done talking yet” 
You just look at him like :| bcs you know that when you tell him about this in the morning, he’s gonna be embarrassed and start whining about why you didn’t give him water
Which you actually tried to do 
Minho just 
Decided he didn’t want any water -_-
“Do you think (Y/n) likes me back?” 
A whole ass cutie 
You laugh and smile 
This man 
I had input from some of my other friends 
We all collectively agreed that this man is a TANK 
And by ‘tank’ I mean he would not get drunk easily 
Could probably take Changbin like a shit ton of shots before he starts to feel anything 
So if he gets drunk drunk 
He might end up being a bit more wee woo than usual 
And by ‘wee woo’ I mean that he would be completely off the fucking rails excuse my language
But I feel like since Binnie’s more of an extrovert anyway, if he were to get drunk then 
He would be even more of an extrovert 
Like he would be going WILD 
So if he was embarrassingly drunk and you just happened to be his crush 
“(Y/n)!!!!! (☆▽☆)” 
His face is red, his shirts |  | this close from coming off, and his beanie is lost under someone’s ass because he threw it off before he started dancing on the bar
“Bin, get down before you hurt yourself”
He looks down at you w his head tilted and this grin on his face
You have to admit his eyes are sparkling like you’re the most interesting person in the room and it makes your heart bust the fattest uwu
“Come on!” 
He doesn’t give you a choice 
Changbin’s climbing down the bar and taking your wrist to drag you towards a less crowded area 
“Dance with me!” 
His hands are holding yours respectfully while he sways you’re actually keeping him up bcs he’s stumbling all over the place
“Binnie, be careful” 
He almost trips and you have to hold this hunk of a man up 
He giggles tho and pokes at your cheek
“You’re so cute. I’ve spent so long wanting to tell you that I find you so cute!”
Now you’re blushing like a mess 
“You shouldn’t drink so much, (Y/n). Your face gets super red!”
Yeah blame it on the alcohol when you haven’t even drank a drop
“You need water” 
Luckily for you, Changbin obediently follows you to the bar so you can get him water 
He gulps it down almost immediately and you panic slightly because he might choke
But he’s fine when he puts the glass down 
For a moment he turns to you and his eyes widen 
Like he’s sobered up and he realises what he’s done
“Oh god—”
“More drinks for the entire bar!” 
You look towards the voice 
Surprisingly it’s Chan 
You turn back to Changbin and he’s already on his fifteenth shot of the night -_-
If he’s already a flirt now 
Alcohol would just increase his flirting to a BILLION 
I hate him and his perfect face and his perfect dancing and his perfect hair I HHHHHHHHHHH
Hyunjin strikes me as someone who would either be more moderate to high tolerance w alcohol 
So he would probably be better at holding his alcohol than Chan is but not as much as Changbin 
But this man OOF he probably also just starts dancing like a madman when he’s drunk and also flirting with everything he sees 
He might even flirt w a chair but that’s just me bullying him at this point
I feel like he would only get hammered on nights when he either needs to relieve stress or when he knows he doesn’t have anything important the day after 
So it’s like a weekend, Hyunjin’s chilling with the gang, he’s drinking 
You know he’s pretty much gone when he slams his shot glass on the table and turns to you 
“(Y/n)... you are… amazing”
You stifle a laugh but you don’t say anything bcs you see that he’s still going 
“You’re like… godly… I can’t believe you’re driving me home…”
His eyes are barely open btw that’s how hammered he is 
“I can’t believe I’ve never told you this before”
“Mhm? What is it?”
“It’s a secret”
He moves closer towards you and smooshes his face against your shoulder
Hyunjin opens his eyes a bit more and they sparkle when he sees you 
“I like you”
Your heart’s actually beating a million a minute bcs you’re certain he’s confessing to you
But you wanna brush it off as just him meaning it as liking you as a friend
“No, you don’t get it. I like like you.” 
“I never wanted to tell you because I didn’t want anything happening to our friendship”
Aaaaaand he passes out 
Now what do you do
He’s snoring now 
Oh god 
You shrug your shoulder lightly to wake him up and his head snaps up to look around 
“I think it’s time to go home”
Of course, when you take him home, you leave water and advil on his bedside table 
You also make a mental note to ask him about his confession in the morning 
But Hyunjin’s too cronked to have a proper conversation so you’re honestly not even sure if he’ll remember the whole thing :|
Might retreat to himself 
I don’t know where exactly Sungie would be on the skz drunk spectrum
But it’s probably low to moderate so maybe around wherever Chan ranks
When he’s drunk he’ll probably cling onto someone he’s comfortable with 
Just so happened to be you 
Jisung’s usually quiet when he’s drunk because he doesn’t like talking or he feels too lazy to actually talk 
But he’s hugging your arm like a koala when he puts his eighth beer bottle down onto the table
Everyone else left to dance except for you, Jisung and Jeongin 
Jeongin’s pretty much bordering passing out beside you while Jisung doesn’t seem to be leaving your side anytime soon
“Sungie do you wanna go dance with the guys?”
He shakes his head like a stubborn child and only holds onto you tighter 
You pat his head and he leans into your touch when you do 
God he's so shdjdbdje a aDORABLE
"Sungie, do you want some water?" 
He nods silently and you slide the glass towards him
He drink the water without a problem but then turns to you
"You’re like an angel" 
Jisung’s lips are kinda pouty as he looks at you with half-lidded eyes 
“You alright?”
He nods before leaning his head against your shoulder and curling up closer against you 
“You’re warm” 
“Do you wanna go home now?”
“I wanna cuddle with you” 
You tilt your head and Jisung only looks up at you with a slightly bigger pout 
“(Y/n), I wanna cuddle with you” 
You give him water and he almost spills it drinks it
“(Y/n)! Come on and dance!”
It’s Minho
He’s pretty much pissfaced 
But Jisung shakes his head furiously and almost pops your arm with how tight he’s holding on
“Don’t go!”
You turn to him and your heart almost bursts out of your chest with how cute he looks 
So you turn back to Minho
“It’s okay, Min. You guys have fun”
“I don’t want you to go anywhere”
Jisung’s voice is softer now and you’re pretty sure he might pass out soon
That’s when you decide it’s time to head home 
“Let’s take you home, Jisung”
“Are we gonna cuddle?”
“We can do whatever you want once we get back” c: 
Super giggly 
There’s two outcomes to drunk Felix 
Cuddly Lix 
Or ready to party Lix 
I feel like he falls on the lower end for alcohol tolerance 
Wouldn’t be surprised if he gets hammered after just a few shots 
But also wouldn’t be surprised if he tried to control his alcohol intake for the sake of staying sober 
In the chance that he does get hammered tho 
He would be a giggling mess 
“(Y/n), drink drink drink!” 
Lix pushes the bottle towards you and you laugh bcs you’re supposed to stay sober for the night 
“I can’t drink tonight, Lix”
“Nononono! Someone else can drive us home! We can always call a cab!”
You give him a look that tells him that you really shouldn’t and it gets him pouting 
You pat his head as a silent apology just as you turn around to see Changbin and Hyunjin playing with the empty bottles
Immediately you’re like AA WHAT so unfortunately you have to turn your attention away from Felix to stop the rest of your friends from getting kicked out of the bar
Felix gets even more pouty 
Because he wants your attention! 
Because he likes you and he’s wondering why you’re giving everyone else your attention! 
Felix becomes quiet 
His intoxicated state makes it easier for his mood to dampen he typically wouldn’t be so open about his feelings
But now he’s all sad and pouty and watching you stop his friends from trashing the entire place 
And he only thinks 
Give me attention!!!! 
So he starts tugging on your hand 
“Hold on, Lix. CHANGBIN”
He retreats into his seat and sulks 
 When you turn back to him he’s just watching you with his brown eyes all sad looking 
“I’m sorry, Lix”
“Hmph” TT
You pat his head gently until he leans into your touch and finally returns to holding onto your arm 
Idk why but he’s part of the higher alcohol tolerance line 
Probably up there w Changbin 
I genuinely don’t know why but I feel like Seungmin holds his alcohol really well
But I also feel like he’s among the line that tries to stay away from actually getting really really drunk unless he knows that he can let loose 
So if he’s like cronked as hell
It would probably be after about eight or nine shots 
His face is all red, he’s just kinda stumbling all over the place and trying to convince you that he can walk in a straight line 
“(Y/n), I’m totally fine, I promise”
“You just tripped over a whole table…”
It takes a bit of convincing but he finally lets you guide him from the bar to your table he tried to push you away at first but then he almost fell over
Seungmin almost immediately falls into his seat 
When you sit next to him 
He squeezes closer to you and throws his arm over your shoulder 
“(Y/n), you have to spend more time with us”
You give him a silent agreement by nodding your head because you know that if you open your mouth you’ll probably end up laughing instead 
“I don’t know why I’ve never told you this, but I like you a lot”
“Minnie, you’re drunk”
You try to tell yourself he’s just spitting nonsense because he’s drunk 
But at the same time 
He probably wouldn’t be saying it if it wasn’t true because he’s drunk
“Nooooo, you don’t get it”
He shakes his head and moves closer to you 
“I’ve never told anyone this, but I really like you. You’re really cool and you’re really pretty and I don’t know why I’ve never mentioned this before”
“I’m so glad that you’re drunk because then you won’t be able to remember this”
How are you supposed to tell him… 
“It’s okay, (Y/n). I don’t think I’ll remember this either when I wake up.”
You just watch him and try not to giggle because he’s cute, but your heart’s about to break through your chest from how hard it’s pounding 
How are you supposed to bring this up in the morning without embarrassing him 
But you can’t just ignore it either 
“Can you take me home please? I think I’m done for tonight”
You’re surprised he actually has the mind to tell you that he wants to go home before having more shots, but you oblige anyway
The conversation of his confession can wait until the morning 
Feels like he’d be more on the quiet side 
Maybe he’d be slightly more giggly and excited 
But I feel like he’d just be clingy and quite kinda like Jisung 
So he wouldn’t want to leave your side either ^-^
But he’s also this |  | close to passing out in the bar
You’re there to drive him home but you’re also there to make sure he doesn’t get hurt while he’s there bcs Jeongin would be super stumbly 
You hold onto him bcs you’re paranoid and you’re worried 
Part of you knows that he would most likely be fine 
But he’s a smol child so you’re just making extra sure he won’t get hurt 
Might get a bit reckless too will tell you he’s fine
He’s sitting beside you while you try to make sure he doesn’t wander off on his own like Minho has and no one knows exactly where in the bar he is
“(Y/n) can we go to the arcade?” 
You turn to him and he has these soft pleading eyes that just make you go AGH (♥ω♥*)
“Not now, Innie. Maybe tomorrow”
Oh no
You go into mild panic bcs you’re worried he might get sad 
But instead he smiles lazily 
“Don’t worry, (Y/n). I’ll wait until tomorrow” ^-^ 
“As long as I get to spend more time with you, I’ll wait”
“We can spend as much time as you want, Innie.” 
His smile only grows and he leans into you
“You’re always so nice to me”
Jeongin’s smile becomes cheekier 
He giggles and closes his eyes 
Leans his head on your shoulder
“Innie, are you tired?”
He nods silently 
“Do you wanna go home?”
He nods again
And looks up at you
And he has the brightest, sparkliest puppy eyes as he looks at you 
Your heart goes BOOM BOOM BCS HE LOOKS SO CUTE AAA ╰(´⌣`)╯��
“Let’s go home, Innie.”
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art-i-know-yes · 3 years
Spoilers Ep.66
The dEscRiption because like a WHAT to WHAAT WITH GLENNNNN
I'm sorry literally one of the only things I've wanted to see is emotionally open Glenn
not the spotify ads
Darryl plays Matt
Hot Take: Darryl hates the environment
That's an oof, Henry
Biiiiig therapy
Horses vs Henry and Cows vs Ron
"I know what you said and I ignored it"
Imagine going to therapy
Awww Ron
I was just high key thinking about them listening outside the door
"That's depressing"
Those are liike good rollssssss
mmmnnnnn nevermind
Kinda wanna dig up clams
I-I mean why not
I guess that's a good idea to teach them how to drive huh
"No, that's ok"
They're too emotional right now
The keyword they didn't use is HOPEFULLY THEIR DADS SHOOT AT IT
Excuse me too young some countries learned by like 8
Hiiiissss voice
"11, that's sounds like it's gonna be sad" "Oooo that tracks for you"
Really!! Glenn followimg laws!!
Kids have these neat abilities called vroom vroom speed vehicle where they get self control
Ehhh come on Darryl you're making this so depressing
Henry shut up please
"Doooope" "Definitely Lark or Sparrow"
I remember seeing someone call Sparrow a furry
I think that is good idea for flexibility because I did not think if that because if I'm honest I only trust TJ to drive we saw what Lark and Sparrow driving was like
Can TJ still like use magic
"I'm sure Grant is gonna be fine, but if ya know, Lark dies or something-" "WHAT THE FVCK DARRYL" DARRYL YOU CAN'T USE THEEEEEM AS AN EXAMPLE
But also my second thought was Nick and I made myself lose it
"Ok so Terry dies-" "NOOOOO-" "Ok fine you have two kids. Let's say Sparrow dies-"
We should camouflage it again, both of them
Toooo thhhee raaaaaat
Well I'm already in tears so
Real Nick Jr.? It's just Nick
Don't bring the Lawwrdd into this
But like literally watch Nick Jr. have to drive and does it perfectly
They are way to into the crab mech
He immediately started yelling-I'm just making noises at this point
Not the escape static I mean USEFUL but like the reverse j-turn is a little later
What did your dad teach you Glenn
This is why they're doing different sections
...I can barely do a regular reverse turn...
Straight cut to "A few quick things in no specific order"
This is about what I expected with Willy as his father
Terry Jr. is having an existential crisis
Not quoting the handbook
W-was Ron used as a getaway driver
TJ is big brain
"Use morse code" "Ok anyone wanna teach me morse code"
I just imagine Glenn turning around and like the Office "Quite an imagination on this kid"
"I'm in a dark place" respectable. thanks for being honest.
Honestly that's what I was thinking. Actually very close to that tune.
I love you so much Sparrow
"*sniffle* you run 'em over son"
I... am so scared to see who's getting this roll
I desperately hope that twins aren't 1 and 2
This is a competition to them. I know it.
A 23!!!
Awwwwwwww poor baby nonononono
I'm not sure if you can tell who's my favorite father-son duo (or characters im general)
Noooooo Terrrryyyy (but like honestly SAME)
"I know!"
"I purely know maps I'm the advocate"
This is the perfect team up
"And then also Sparrow"
"Idk we can tie them to like a stick or something"
Oh yeah the pillars
Doug is better than literally all philosophers
Is...Ron meta?
Not Elizabeth Warden
That...doesn't sound good cause like...the underground part
mnnnmmnnnmmmnnn bombssss
"There was this show called Chernobyl" PFFT-
Yesss Bomb shelter beer
Ron's a genius
"Sounds like somebody cares"
It doesn't sound like we'll make it to ep. 69
The humming is so funny to me
Ron *is* meta
I would LOVE to figure out what Glenn is actually thinking about Nick
I don't think mentally I'm ready for what is going to come out
I SCREAMED emotionally i am not recovered from loosing Nick hypothetically I am completely very ok it
Just the way he said it Hennrrrryyyyy
"Well, that sounds healthy"
He's really switching this conversation at them
We love Ron-Glenn solidarity
ahhhhh Henry rants
"We are Olive Garden"
Sir, that's a ring of self-sacrifice if you're willing
oooooo that hurts
I..dont know what to say. I'm in shock. My body literally has like tingles all over and my heart dropped. Is Erin ok? How'd he get there? How much does he know? I can't feel anything right now so much and many emotions
~20 minites of sitting in silence and shock later~
they were sooooooooo close
I swear to god we better see Glenn again or I'm killing someone
I'm having a late reaction tears are coming once I fully process.
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siremasterlawrence · 3 years
Life Of Male Concubines - Gym Owners
Brenton 1 - 3
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My favorite neighbor invites me over to hand my out with me.
I slid next to him sneakily his beer bottle is available, and drop a few pills in to it.
I watch as the pills settle in fizzling up to the top of it, it fizzles upwards pouring down its side.
He grabs the bottle shaking the beer bottle up, he presses it to his lips letting it curl up
between his lips.
My cock gets so hard at the thought and the sight of his lips I ripples between my legs and I am enjoying it.
I can see the wild, crazy smile on his face is fading out of control, his body shivering as his eyes roll back.
“Sorry buddy, you will never be the same guy ever again.”
“Never the same”
“That body of your yumm take off your clothes and finish that beer.”
“I love you Brenton”
“‘Mmm love you”
“Sir Yes Sire Sir”
“I own you Slave Brenton”
“You love me, say it”
Gregg 4 - 6
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Brenton new his orders heading out of his main office left me there, and approached his brother.
Gregg is busy in mid work out when Brenton grabs his shoulder with one hand and his neck with the other.
“Sorry Bro, it’s for the best”
“What then fuck? why?”
“Let me go”
“Ah No!”
“Sleep, 1 … 2 … 3”
“Poor fool”
“Never saw it coming”
“Package needs delivery”
“What package were you talking about?”
“Oh! You heard me”
“My love”
“My eyes are your focus”
“Stare deep”
“Now sleep”
Robbie 7 - 9
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Brenton shoves the desk aside with one slow kick, and blows me a kiss.
Gregg watches over me taking in my scent as his nose digs in my under arms.
He licks my arm pits climbing on to my lap and giving me a lap dance.
“Hey babe, you want us my love”
“You are my everything”
“Get me your third brother”
“Will you serve me forever Robbie”
“Let me go”
“Why are you doing this?”
“Why are you helping me?”
“Babe, I love you”
“Get away from me”
“Robbie listen to me”
“Fuck you”
“I own you”
“You love me”
The end
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➖ Mature content, 18+ ➖ check the trigger tags each time ➖    Featuring characters by @sillypotcookie​​​​​  
Chapter 6 - The aftermath.
Episode 3. *About 10 minutes later Adrian and Andy was sitting in the living room, side by side on the couch, waiting for Raven and Ben to arrive* Adrian: *He sighed deep, trying his best to not get too nervous, taking a big drag of his cig, then an even bigger sip of his beer* Andy: Hey *he smiled soft* Don't do it then, if it makes you this nervous. I worry you're doing it too fast, and you will end up regretting it. Adrian: It's... I don't want secrets in my relationships Andy... nothing good comes out of that. I need to just *He got interrupted as someone knocked the door* Andy: *He frowned a bit weirded out* Why does that idiot not just zap them in?! *he got up and walked to the door, opening it* Why the fuck are you knocking?! Raven: *He looked a bit like a scolded puppy* Sorry... I didn't know if Adrian would allow me in? Ben: *He stood by Raven's side, looking both uncomfortable and confused* Andy? Andy: *He looked at Ben with a soft frown* Well at least you still remember my name.... Raven: *He frowned soft* Andy: Yeah, sorry sorry.... tonight has been weird... come in *he quickly walked back into the living room* Adrian: *He took a deep breath and stood up, rubbing his hands anxiously against his jeans* Benjamin *he forced a soft smile* Ben: *He stopped somewhere between kitchen and dining table, afraid to step any closer. His heart started pounding faster as he looked at Adrian, then Andy, then Adrian. Why where they both here? shit! There could only be one reason why the two of them were together. He was getting dumped!* Adrian: *He frowned soft as he looked at Raven, then looked back at Ben, his frown growing deeper* We... need to talk... I uh... I think maybe it's best we do it alone... in the garden *he gestured at the front door* Ben: *He turned pale, and felt as if his whole life started crumbling. He had ruined it all, and now he was going to get what he deserved. He had been an ungrateful brat and not appreciated Andy and Adrian enough, and now it would all be taken away from him again. He was going to lose everything. First Pete, and now Andy and Adrian too. He tightened his fists, trying his best to be brave and keep the tears inside* Adrian: *He looked at Ben with a bit of a squint, trying to figure why he looked so stiff, then once again gestured at the door* Let's go outside... *he completely ignored Raven as he walked by him, leading Ben into the garden with a soft grumbling sound, that mostly sounded like a coffee machine in a need of a good cleaning* Andy: *He looked at Raven with a soft frown* We need to talk as well.
Raven: *He rubbed his arm nervously* So... this is where you break up with me again?
Andy: *He looked perplexed at Raven* No... why the fuck would I do that?! Raven: *He covered his face with his hands as he broke out in tears* Andy: Raven? *He looked at him confused and hurried across the room, wrapping his arms tight around Raven* Hey? What's going on? *His voice was soft and soothing as he gently stroke Raven's back* Raven: I was so scared I failed you again Andy: Noooooooo... jesus.... it's not like that at all! Things with Xavier was really fucked up on so many levels! *He sighed deep* shit.... listen, I'm okay with you and Ben, I promise. Especially if you will be okay that I fucked Adrian... Raven:............................ WHAT?!?! *He pushed himself away from Andy, shaking his head softly* Andy: *He snorted* Raven: Are you..... you're serious? Andy: *He smirked cheekily* All of yesterday morning, more or less.... well and night too since we did some portal jumping. Raven: But... I thought he only Andy: Yeah well, there's more to it than that Raven: *He looked towards the garden door* If you're not breaking up with me, then- Andy: No no.... he obviously has to tell Ben about him and I... and there's something else... something bigger, but it's not up to me to tell it.... well if he decides to tell it *he sighed soft* Raven: 'Him an I'? *he quickly dried his eyes* are you two? Andy: No no *he snorted soft and let go of Raven* No.... it was just sex. Nothing more than that. Well and I guess we became friends... but there's no feelings involved at all. I mean he's hot as fuck and you know me and my crushes, but it's strictly casual. Raven: *He nodded soft* I'm... uh... I'm really sorry I didn't tell you about Ben sooner. It just all... fuck Andy... I have barely been alive since Peter.... and.... I'm sorry I pushed you away and I was just in the deepest darkest hole of my life. *He blew out a large amount of air as tears build up in his eyes again* Nothing made sense any longer, everything made my skin crawl... the only thing I could remotely stand was.... Ben. Andy: *He nodded soft and wrapped his arms around Raven* It's okay. I mean I hate being left out like that, it wasn't fun. I was scared and worried. Terrified of losing you. But I also had to give you the space you needed. Hoping it was the best thing to do and you would somehow get better that way. Raven: I'm so sorry *a soft sobbing escaped him as he pressed his face against Andy's shoulder arch* Andy: It's okay, I understand what pain can do to a person. Try to remember that. Raven: *His sobbing grew louder and harder, digging his fingers into Andy's shoulders* Andy: Hey... ssssh sshhh *he stroke Raven's hair softly, speaking in the sweetest voice possible* it's okay... it's okay...   Adrian: *He had lead Ben out of the garden and around the fence, to be as far away from the others as possible, so he would have privacy enough to talk to Ben. But now that he had stopped walking, he had no clue how to even get started* I uh... Ben: *He frowned soft and worried, lowering his head, not knowing if he should look at Adrian or not? He was trying to prepare himself for what would come next. It had to be okay. He had hurt them both and he deserved this. He should never have done anything with Raven, and he had ruined everything himself, so it was only fair he would take whatever was heading his way and live with the consequences of what he had done. But it stung so hard in his heart, knowing he had ruined everything good he had ever had in his life. First Pete and now Adrian and Andy* Adrian: *It was too hard to figure how to deliver any of it, so it just suddenly burst out of his mouth* I had sex with Andy! Ben: *His head shot up and his eyes looked at Adrian, wide and confused* Huh? Adrian: *He fiddled nervously with the sleeve of his flannel shirt* Last night... morning? *he frowned somewhat confused* Andy came over last night... I was worried about you and.... well.... Andy came by.... we had something to drink and smoke... We went out with Willow... danced... tried to forget everything for a while.... unplug.... and one thing let to another... and.... I had sex with Andy... several times... *he looked around to make sure they were still alone, fumbling a pack of cigs out of his pocket, nervously lighting one* It just happened, and I am sorry if it in anyway hurt you, but I was sure you were leaving me for Raven anyway and it's no excuse, but if you do leave I just want you to be alive and happy, and I am sorry that- Ben: *He frowned even more confused, his brain sorta shutting down* Adrian: And it's not something I did to hurt you in any way because of you and Raven. I am as okay with Raven and you as I can be... it's gonna take some time to be completely okay, but if you want to be with him I just hope there will still be a place for me as well in your life, whether it be as a partner or a friend, that's up to you, I'm grateful if I can just be a part somehow *his eyes teared up* although of course I would prefer if it was as partner, because I love you very much, and *his voice started shaking, his chest feeling tighter* I'm terrified of losing you in one way or another and- Ben: *He grabbed Adrian's hand squeezing it tight* I love you too! Adrian: *He frowned soft and sighed, a few tears falling from his eyes* Ben: I thought you were breaking up with me.... and now it turns out you think I am breaking up with you? *he shook his head confused, trying to get all the pieces of the puzzle to fit together* I'm not going anywhere. Adrian: *He squeezed Ben's hand, then yanked his arm so Ben got pulled against him, quickly wrapping an arm around Ben's shoulder, planting a soft kiss on his hair, letting a big amount of air out* I'm sorry. I hope you don't feel like I cheated on you? Andy is a part of the "family" Just as Raven is... so just to be clear, I don't feel like you have been cheating on me. I do get why it has been happening. I am jealous. *He planted another kiss on Ben's hair* but that doesn't mean I want to break up with you. I really don't. Not even if you and Raven want to me more. I just don't want to look at him right now. That's honestly too far for me to stretch... for now. I just need my time. Ben: *He nodded soft, still trying to get everything to make sense* You and Andy uhm Adrian: It was just sex, there's no feelings, I just needed to try how it would feel to *he frowned deep, not at all knowing how to talk with Ben about this stuff* I needed to be the one... he uhm.... I uh.... I just had to for once... it was first time *he frowned deep and shook his head* I didn't... he was the one that- Ben: *His eyes got wide as Adrian's desperate attempt to say something started to actually make sense. He blushed bright red* Adrian: *He cleared his throat, feeling a slight blush creep over his own cheeks* Andy was the one who... took care of me. Ben: *He nodded soft, wrapping an arm around Adrian's lower back* Adrian: ........... *he sighed deep*........... I enjoyed it, and I think I might.... be........ *he frowned deeper, feeling his heart pound in his chest* ....... someone like Andy.... who likes it both ways..... that doesn't mean I would ever expect you to *he couldn't get himself to say the word 'gay', and he didn't understand why? He had never seen 'being gay' as something negative. So why couldn't he say it for himself? He had never had an issue being in a relationship with Felix. It was his young age that had originally made him say no to Felix to begin with, and made him wait many months before he had finally agreed to be serious with Felix. So why was it so hard to say it out loud now? It had been easier to tell Andy. Somehow the thought of telling anyone but Andy, made his skin crawl* Ben, I'm gay! *it just flew out of him, his heart beating so fast he worried it would leap out of his chest and run away* Ben: *He hesitated a bit, then squeezed himself a little tighter against Adrian, wrapping his other arm around him, so he was now hugging Adrian's waist* Adrian: *He blew out a large amount of air and took a drag of his cig, wondering why the hell he didn't bring his beer?!* Ben: *He looked up at Adrian, smiling soft* Thank you for telling me. Adrian: *A tiny smile tucked at the corner of his lips* Ben: *He held the smile on his lips and reached up, stroking Adrian's cheek* I really appreciate you shared that with me. Adrian: *He sighed soft* Ben: ........ I'm sorry I have been so distant and pushed you away.... it has been really hard. And I am sorry I took Raven's help and not yours.... it doesn't even make sense to me.... I love you.... Adrian: *He nodded soft and stroke the boys hair* It's okay... life just turns out that way sometimes, I don't take it personal. I can't heal you... and other than that, Raven still had something to offer I couldn't... I'm just... well not happy, but thankful at least, that you got the help you needed, and you're still here.... that's what matters the most. And I mean that. Ben: *He nodded soft* Thank you. Adrian: *He sighed soft*.......... so we are okay? Ben: *He nodded soft* Adrian: And you're okay with Andy and I?.... because... I don't know where Felix and I are headed... so Andy might be my best chance of... you know... if I would need more.... but if it's too weird for you or- Ben: No *he shook his head lightly* I mean... *he chuckled soft and frowned* it is weird... but I'm also okay with it. You have been so great about everything with Raven... Adrian: That doesn't mean you automatically have to be okay with- Ben: I am. It's okay. I'm just happy if I get to keep you. That's all I need. Then everything else isn't really that important. Adrian: *He sighed soft and relieved* Ben: I mean... *he panicked a bit* I care about you being gay and how you feel and that I hurt you and- Adrian: *He threw the cig and wrapped his other arm around Ben, squeezing him tight* I know. I got it. Don't worry. Ben: *He nodded soft* Adrian: So you and I are okay? Ben: Yes... *he looked up at Adrian, nodding eagerly* Adrian: Good *he bent down, planting a soft kiss on Ben's nose tip* You look healthier... *he nodded soft* that's good. *It stung a bit in his heart, but at the same time he was relieved to see some color on Ben's cheeks again* Ben: *He smiled soft* I missed you though... through all of it.... *he sighed deep and frowned* I just couldn't stand to be around anyone. Adrian: I know *he nodded soft* I missed you too... very much *he stroke Ben's cheek gently* I love you, Ben. *his voice was full of love* Ben: *A brighter smile formed on the boys face* I love you too, Adrian. Adrian: *He leaned down, planting a tender kiss on Ben's lips, hugging him a little tighter* Andy: *He stroke Raven's back firmly, he seemed to have stopped crying, and his body also seemed to slowly relax* Are you alright? Raven: *He sighed soft* I have been better. Andy: *He chuckled soft* Haven't we all? Raven: *He sighed deep* Does Adrian hate me? Andy: No... I don't think he does. But I also get the feeling that it's a mouthful for him, and he needs some space. Raven: *He nodded soft and sighed, then let go of Andy, stepping a bit aside, drying his eyes* Maybe I should leave and let them have some alone time... Andy: Please wait for them to come in... I think it would be weird for everyone if you just left out of the blue, and possibly make Ben worry, so... what's the point of that? Raven: *He nodded soft and sighed* You're right. Andy: *He frowned soft* You're done with the suicidal shit now, right? Raven: *He nodded soft* Yes. I will still go after Peter, but I will find a less risky way. Andy: *He sighed deep but nodded* I get it. I really do. But if it's too dangerous Raven.... there's always another way.... *he frowned soft as he thought of his ex again* Raven: No *he shook his head firmly* No absolutely not! As a matter of fact, if you contact him in any way, I will break both your arms, and forget about me healing them! *He frowned deep* Andy, it's never the right choice to walk back down that road! Not even for Peter! Andy: *He sighed deep* I just don't want to lose you. Raven: You wont. I promise. I will do my very best to be as prepared as I possibly can before I go after him. I promise. I will return. Andy: You fucking better you asshole *he punched Raven's arm soft and sniffled his nose as he got tears in his eyes* Raven: *He quickly grabbed Andy's back head and pulled him in for a loving kiss*
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superw3nch · 4 years
I have this headcanon in my fics that Joyce and Hopper get together and gossip about this kids.
Like we saw in season 3 how Hopper comes to her to complain about Mike and El but I feel like realistically it just doesn’t stop there. Especially with the inclusion of Charlie (my oc).
Like after season 2 they are both so confused with the kids. Particularly the teens because everyone just switched around.
“Wait I thought Charlie and your boy were dating?”
“So did I but I guess he’s with Nancy now. Nice girl but it happened so quick.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean his entire life he’s been with Charlie and I look up one day and Nancy’s in my house”
Dramatic gasp “get out”
“And I asked him about it and he said they were never dating just friends”
“Oh bullshit”
Then they both get confused again because the next week they see Charlie and Steve together and collectively go wtf.
“You’ll never believe who came into the store today”
“Charlie and get this with Steve”
And Hopper looses it “so does that mean Nancy and Steve—“
“But Nancy and Jonathan”
“I know, Hop”
“So Charlie and Steve”
“Seems like it.”
“Oh to be young again”
But then it gets worseSKSKSK cause Charlie and Billy start to get closer. And they are thrown for a fucking loop.
“You’ll never believe who I caught at the quarry the other day”
“Charlie and Billy”
“Billy who’s Billy?”
“The boy who broke your plates.”
“Yes I was just doing my rounds cause that’s the hook up spot these days with the kids”
*dramatic gasp*
“Luckily I got there when I did Joyce I tell ya cause it was bad”
“Omg what were they doing”
“Drinking beers but it looked like ya know”
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renaerys · 4 years
PPG One-Shot: Under the Stars (Brick/Blossom)
Written for the inaugural challenge prompt on PPG Challenge Hub on AO3 for the prompt “things you said under the stars,” hosted by @kiebs, @carriedreamerx, and me. Also functions as a Part 3 to the Shooketh, Not Stirred series. You can read Part 1 and Part 2 here on Tumblr or on my AO3. 
Summary: In which Blossom decides she is definitely girlfriend material, and so does everybody else.
***We are welcoming more submissions for this prompt for the month of July! If you want to participate, please check out the PPG Challenge Hub collection on AO3.***
Nothing short of witchcraft could have held Buttercup’s 1997 Ford F-Series pickup truck together as it ambled over rocky switchbacks and through dense, Redwood forest to the Vista Lakes campgrounds for the Townsville High Junior and Senior classes’ biannual end-of-semester party. Blossom kept a stranglehold on the passenger door and hissed her displeasure over every dip that lurched the old truck too close to the edge of the road. The drop to the bottom of the mountain was a good thousand feet, a death knell for the Normies riding along with them.
Mitch and Harry, however, did not seem to mind as much.
“Oh shit!” Mitch whooped when Buttercup went over a particularly deep crag in the road and rocked the whole truck.
“Buttercup, please slow down,” Blossom pleaded.
“Don’t you fuckin’ dare,” Mitch said through the sliding window that opened up onto the truck bed, where he and Harry rode with the sleeping bags, food, and extra blankets.
Harry laughed. “We’re cool Blossom, don’t worry.”
“Yeah Blossom, don’t worry,” Buttercup drawled. “Besides, it’s not like a fall from this height would kill us.”
“I’m sure Mitch and Harry feel super reassured to hear you say that,” Blossom said snidely.
“Super duper!” Mitch said. He flashed the rearview mirror a sign of the horns and winked.
Blossom forced herself to ignore his goading and kept her eyes firmly on the road ahead just in case. “I should never have agreed to this.”
“Well, tough shit, Leader Girl. You could’ve gotten a ride with Bubbles earlier if you’d left your Winter Break homework until the last day like everybody else, but noooooooo.”
“Not everybody waits until the last minute to get the homework done, for your information.”
“They totally do.”
“They totally don’t.”
“Don’t—ugh, no, I’m not arguing like this with you.”
Buttercup smirked like she’d won the argument (she definitely did not). “Whatever. We’re basically here and no one’s fallen to their death yet, so you can chill.”
The road emptied out onto a clearing overlooking the side of the mountain. Three deep, blue lakes sat still and tranquil, each surrounded by clusters of gnarled Redwoods and camp sites. A lot of people were already here considering the late hour, and a few campfires blazed bright along the shorelines. The gloaming crept over the horizon, casting the valley below in shadow and the skies in dusky, bleeding streaks of red like spilled wine. High above, blues deepened to blacks, but it was still early for stars.
Buttercup parked off the main campsite and the boys began unloading the truck bed. When they struggled with a cooler crammed full of ice, Blossom lifted it effortlessly and floated it over to join others that had already been packed with cheap beer and grill meat.
“Eyyyy there she is!” Boomer opened his arms and pulled Blossom into his letter jacket for a big hug. “I’m glad you decided to come.”
Blossom returned his hug with a smile. “Me too.”
“I told you she would,” said Bubbles, and she nudged Butch who was busy putting away a plate piled high with four hamburgers. He took one look at Blossom and grinned.
“Hey, Highness,” Butch drawled.
Blossom shot him a withering look. “Hi, Butch.” Ever since she’d beaten him in a not-so-friendly spar while Buttercup was out of commission, he’d mellowed out and taken to nicknaming and weirdly friendly ribbing.
“Comin’ down from that pretty throne to hang with the cool kids, huh?”
He stuffed an entire burger in his mouth, while Blossom threw up a little in hers.
“Shut up, Butch. You sound like a creepy old man.” Buttercup arrived carrying two twenty-four packs of beer that she dropped in Butch’s lap. He caught them with a grunt, and Bubbles caught his plate of uneaten burgers.
“Bitch, you love every glistening inch of this.” Butch stood up shouldering the enormous beer crates like they weighed nothing, because they did.
“I love cold beer, so move your glistening ass.” Buttercup snatched one of his uneaten burgers and stuffed it in her mouth.
Somehow, Buttercup got Butch up and helping, and when Mitch and Harry joined them, it was short work to unload everything from Buttercup’s truck. Blossom rolled out her sleeping bag on the grass amidst all the others, but no one would be sleeping tonight. It was merely a courtesy for the too high or the too passed out.
Around the campsite, Juniors and Seniors lounged with beers and blunts, enjoying their last night together before Winter Break. Among them, Wes had his arm around Kim as he flipped hot dogs on a standing grill and chatted up Mike and Robin. Blossom watched them a moment, debating whether to interrupt the conversation to say hi.
Bubbles slipped her arm around Blossom’s waist and squeezed affectionately. “You look a little lost.”
“No, just hanging out, you know.” She returned the half embrace, and they stood there a moment enjoying the cool night air.
“Hey, Blossom! You wanna sit with us?” Harry called. He and a few others had set up some lawn chairs by the shore and were passing beers.
Bubbles giggled. “You know he likes you,” she said.
“What—He does?!” Blossom sputtered.
“For sure. And, you know, since you’re totally not with anybody else, you could have some fun talking to him.”
“You mean, flirt with him.”
Bubbles was as innocent as a lamb. “I mean, be nice to him. That could be fun, right?”
Blossom had nothing to say to that. She was not, in fact, “with” anybody else. And she had every right to talk to whomever of her friends she wanted, so technically Bubbles had a point, but…
Blossom searched the faces gathered. In the encroaching darkness, it was getting harder to pick out profiles and bright colors to see who was here and who hadn’t yet arrived. “I don’t know.”
But Bubbles was already dragging her over to Harry’s circle and waving back to him. Seated in between Harry on one side and Kim on the other, Blossom was handed a burger and a beer and encouraged to participate in the conversation.
“My folks’re taking me to our cabin in Tahoe to go skiing over the break,” Harry was saying.
“That sounds fun,” Blossom said.
He shrugged. “Yeah, sure, if you count me eating snow every five feet when I can’t stop falling.”
“Come on, I’m sure it won’t be that bad.”
“Oh, yeah? I bet it’d be a cake walk for you, Miss Snow Queen.” Harry grinned, and the corners of his dark eyes crinkled cutely.
“Just because I have ice powers doesn’t make me a Winter sports maven. I’ve never skied in my life.”
“Psh, can’t be that hard, right? You start at the top of the mountain, and you end up at the bottom.”
Blossom bit back a smile. “I mean, I think it’s a little more involved than that.”
Harry laughed and leaned over the armrest closer to her. “Well, consider us both noobs. Anyway, most of the time’s spent hanging out at the cabin drinking hot chocolate anyway, right? Best part.”
Blossom tugged on her long, red ponytail as Harry continued to smile at her. She imagined the scene: a cozy ski lodge surrounded by snow, and a smiling boy content to ignore the blunt their friends were passing just to talk to her some more. She would like that. It would be easy, simple, and soft. Normal.
“Um, you know, I was thinking of inviting a few friends for a weekend. Just, like, a small group, and uh, well, I was wondering…” Harry stumbled in the dark looking for the question he meant to ask.
She could say yes, and she could have fun. With him, with any nice boy, it could be fun. How silly that just a few months ago, she had let herself believe she wasn’t the desirable type just because some mean girls said so. It all seemed so absurd now, and yet Blossom could not bring herself to give Harry the easy, simple, soft “yes” he wanted.
“Oh hey! You can have my seat, I’m grabbing more food,” said Kim on Blossom’s other side.
Like a hand to the stove, that voice hit her with a searing demand to be acknowledged. Old habits perhaps, or new ones. He wasn’t one to be ignored, not by her at least. Not these days.
“Brick,” Blossom said, half a question, half a sigh. She pulled back from Harry to look at him properly.
He’d taken Kim’s vacated seat directly next to her and nursed a solo cup of beer. Like her, he was dressed for the December chill in long sleeves, and his trademark red cap sat backwards over his short hair, as always. Red eyes held hers in a look that lingered.
“Blossom.” He spoke her name like a secret.
He was late. Why was he late? It wasn’t like him. She hadn’t seen him since third period yesterday. Was it only yesterday, or years ago?
“Hey, Brick,” Harry said, leaning over so he could see around Blossom. “Butch said you might not make it tonight.”
Blossom worried her lip between her teeth, and Brick took a long sip of beer as he slowly averted his gaze to Harry on her other side. “Here I am.”
“Uh, yeah, so Blossom,” Harry said. “About Tahoe…”
Blossom tugged on her ponytail as she turned back to Harry. Brick watched her twist her anxious fingers through her hair and narrowed his eyes.
“Hm? Oh, right,” she said.
“Yeah, so like I was saying, my parents’ cabin has a few extra bedrooms, so we could make a whole weekend out of it. Skiing, hot chocolate, the works. It’d be cool if you came. What do you say?”
“You throwing a rager?” Brick interrupted.
Harry leaned forward to see Brick again like he’d forgotten he was sitting there at all. “Nah man, just a couple friends for a weekend trip.”
“Cool. Who’s going?”
“Uh, I mean, I don’t have a list or anything. Sorta just came up with it now, so…”
“So you still have space. Count me in,” Brick said.
Blossom and Harry both looked at him like he’d suggested they all go jump in the lake.
“You want to go skiing in Tahoe?” Blossom asked.
Brick shrugged. “Sure, if it means a weekend away from my idiot brothers. Thanks for the invite, Harry.”
Harry gaped, and Blossom ceased pulling at her ponytail to stare at Brick.
“I mean,” Harry said, and nodded super obviously towards Blossom while she wasn’t looking.
“How many others could we invite?” Blossom asked. “If it’s okay with your parents, I mean.”
Harry looked at Blossom, and then he looked at Brick, who sipped his beer like the oblivious, teenaged simpleton he one hundred percent was not. Giving up, Harry sighed and rubbed a hand over his buzz cut. “There’s room for two more if you’re both going to be there.”
Blossom lit up. “How about Wes and Kim? Or Pablo and Hanout?”
Harry sat back in his chair and nursed his beer. “Yeah, fine, whatever you want.”
She was smiling now.
“Wes and Kim,” Brick said. “Pablo snores like a motherfucker.”
“That’s true,” Harry said forlornly.
“Well, either way,” Blossom said, clearly torn between telling them both off and the desire to finalize plans.
Brick got up. “Let us know what weekend. I’m free whenever.”
Pleasantly yet unsurprisingly, Blossom got up too. “Me too. Thanks Harry, this’ll be fun.” She smiled genuinely at him, and he returned it.
“Yeah, the best,” Harry said dejectedly.
Blossom followed Brick as he led her away from the main campsite along the shoreline in the direction of the drop-off.
“Okay, what was that?” she asked when they were away from the roar of the music and the campfires.
“What was what?” Brick asked. It was dark now, and the farther they wandered from the center of the party, the harder it was to see the shoreline as his eyes adjusted.
“You invited yourself to Harry’s. Are you even that close?”
He paused and looked at her. “Are you?”
Blossom clutched the ends of her jacket as she blinked up at him. “We’re friends,” she hedged. “He’s a nice guy.”
Brick smirked. “Uh-huh. Real nice.”
“What does that mean?”
“You tell me. Am I intruding?”
Blossom studied him through the gloom. She was close enough that he could smell her perfume, silken and subtle. “No,” she said at length. “There’s nothing to intrude on.”
He watched her walk along ahead of him, her long ponytail a bloody lash under the cover of night. He chucked his beer and went after her.
“This way,” he said, breaking from the shore and heading into the trees.
“Where are we going?” Blossom drew close. “It’s so dark tonight.”
“I think it’s a new moon. Here.” Brick found her hand so they wouldn’t get separated in the pitch black of the canopy.
Blossom’s hand was cool in his, and she slipped the other one around his arm as he walked deeper into the forest. The walk wasn’t far, and soon the trees thinned as they emerged onto the shore of the lake nearest to the precipice overlooking the valley below. Brick had set up his sleeping bag in the grass far away from the rabble where he could have the best view undisturbed.
“Wow.” Blossom approached the black waters, so still they reflected the night sky back flawlessly. Flurries of stars as far as the eye could see scattered above and below like snowflakes frozen in flight. The Milky Way ripped through the firmament, bleeding more stars clustered so closely together they glimmered ice-bright. “I feel like I just stepped into another world.”
Brick jammed his hands in his jeans pockets and drew up next to her. “Consequence of being away from all the city lights for a change.”
They lapsed into silence for a bit as they watched the nightscape unfold above and upon the water. Brick’s eyes fully adjusted to the lambent starlight, but it was a cold light, and he wore only a thin, red hoodie to stave off the chill. Blossom noticed him shuffle beside her.
“Do you want my jacket?” she teased.
“Ha ha,” Brick groused. But it was fucking cold out here, now that she mentioned it. He had always been particularly sensitive to it in a way she wasn’t. “My sleeping bag should do the trick.”
They retreated to his makeshift camp, where Brick shimmied into his sleeping bag and Blossom sat on the mat next to him, perfectly at ease in the cold. She leaned back on her hands to admire the stars, content like she could watch them all night. Their gossamer light draped her like a veil, softening her edges and igniting her colors. Brick had the sudden urge to touch her, to prove she was no pearlescent dream, that the cold cornering him now was hers and not just the darkness.
“Why were you late tonight?” she asked out of the blue.
Brick lay back on the mat and looked up at the jeweled sky. “Finished the homework.”
Her laugh was as soft as the starlight, and she grinned at him over her shoulder. “Me too.”
Obviously. He wouldn’t put it past her. It didn’t matter, only, he didn’t want to have one more thing to worry about over the break while also spending way more time than usual around his brothers with nothing to keep their focus for eight hours of the day. But the knowledge seemed to please her, which was just as well.
“I told you I was coming tonight,” he said.
And yet, Boomer had blown up his phone texting him all evening wondering where the hell he was, why wasn’t he here yet, and didn’t he realize people were waiting for him? The last text was one he received when he’d touched down at the edge of the campsite and it was already dark: a candid picture of Blossom talking with Harry by a campfire, and she looked happy. Brick had not responded to it or to any of the other annoying texts. Kim had been more than happy to give him her chair the minute she saw him approaching.
“Here you are,” Blossom said, hushed and half-lidded.
Here we are.
Brick curled an arm under his head. “View’s better from down here.”
She worried her lip—did she even realize she did that? That he noticed?—but ultimately lay down next to him on the mat. “Oh, wow…”
The starscape shimmered far and above, and Brick began to pick out patterns in the cosmos. “There, Cassiopeia.” He pointed to a cluster of stars.
“You know your constellations?” she asked.
“A few.”
He could practically feel the aura of challenge she exuded like a pheromone.
“All right. Perseus,” she said.
Brick pointed to a long line of stars near Cassiopeia. “Right next to Andromeda.”
“That was a freebie to test the waters.”
Brick chuckled. “Sure.”
“Okay Star Lord, show me Gemini.”
Brick swept his hand south and west of Perseus to a pair of star lines facing each other. “A couple of gossipy bitches.”
She shoved him playfully, and he caught her with his free arm, pulling her close. “You’re terrible.”
“I’m right. Next?”
“Let’s see… How about Leo?”
With one arm anchoring her to his side, Brick traced the patterns she called out with the other. Dead heroes and their monsters rose from glittering graves with every sweep of his fingers and kept them company in the dark.
She tugged at his sleeve as he searched for the elusive Pyxis constellation. “Hey, we should probably get back to the party.”
Brick let his hand drop. “Why?”
“Because we’ll be missed, obviously.”
He chuckled. “I bet someone’s missing you.”
Blossom rolled onto her side to face him. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It doesn’t sound like nothing.”
He’d taken her to breakfast. It wasn’t a date; he hadn’t technically asked, and she only came because she was hungry and didn’t want to go home yet. It was the first time he’d ever seen her cry—no, sob because of what some dumb girls said to her at a party. Just the normal high school bullshit, and she’d fallen apart. Breakfast was the fucking least he could do after the ignominy of seeing her like that. It just turned out that it wasn’t the last.
Too many breakfasts and long hours spent prepping for finals turned into expectation, expectation turned into anticipation, and anticipation became the new normal. They weren’t together no matter what rumors Bubbles and Robin started and stopped. They weren’t not together either, considering they usually were, in fact, together. It had only been a few months since she’d handed Butch his balls wrapped up in a pretty pink bow and left Brick speechless to behold her, a few months since he’d found her insecure and vulnerable on that rooftop and called her beautiful because she was, holy fuck she was, and so much more.
Blossom was old wounds that should have healed long ago, that he should never have opened again, but she was still so new and he didn’t know, he didn’t know.
She slipped her hand over the cover of his sleeping bag and curled her fingers in his shirt. “Brick,” she said in a voice full of galaxies and longing.
He’d always liked the sound of his own name, after all.
When he kissed her, she tasted like starlight, cold fire. He pulled her closer, kissed her deeper, a step into the unknown, but the unknown was where she was and she was everything. Her breath hitched and she opened for him, just like that day on the rooftop, but he didn’t look away this time and she kissed him back like it had been her idea all along. Chemical X crackled on their flushed skin as he rolled onto his back and brought her with him, her weight on his chest a warmth and a fantasy.
Blossom’s long bangs fanned his cheeks as she hovered above him and he held on to her. He dreamed she might fall back into the sea of stars and he would dive in after her should he let her go. He didn’t let her go.
“I don’t actually want to go to Tahoe,” Brick said.
She laughed, light as a moonbeam. “Neither do I.”
He threaded his fingers through her hair, pulled her down again. “Good.”
She smiled into the kiss and wrapped her arms around him.
No one took much notice when Blossom and Brick popped up at the campsite after a protracted absence. No one except Bubbles, who passed Butch her perfectly roasted marshmallow, which he wolfed down right off the stick without waiting for it to cool. She discreetly got out her phone and snapped a few pictures of Blossom leading Brick by the hand to a couple empty chairs near Wes and Kim. When Brick leaned back in his chair and put his arm around the back of Blossom’s so she could lean into him, Bubbles had to work very hard not to squeal.
Clearly, Boomer sending Brick that picture of Harry chatting up Blossom had had the intended outcome.
She fired off twenty pictures to Robin.
[Bubbles: Yearbook?? 👀]
Robin, who was on the other side of the large campfire with Buttercup, Julie, Mitch, and the Floyjoydson twins, spat out her beer when she saw the pictures.
Bubbles snickered to herself.
“What’re you so happy about?” Butch said halfway through a game of Chubby Bunny.
Bubbles poked his mallow-stuffed cheek and winked. “It’s a secret.”
He rolled his eyes and stuffed another marshmallow in his mouth. “Laaaaame.”
Bubbles stole another glance at Blossom and Brick. She was laughing at something Kim had said, and he turned to whisper something to her. Bubbles bit her lip to hide her smile.
“But not for long,” she sang to herself.
Boomer came up behind Blossom and Brick and threw his arms around them both, laughing and pulling them close. Brick didn’t even try to push him off.
Not for long at all.
Thanks for reading! If you enjoy my writing and are looking for more PPG/RRB content from me, please check out my ongoing multi-chapter over on AO3 called Beyond This Morning. 😊
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Survey #429
“i’m just a bad luck charm to blame when things go wrong”
Are all-nighters something you have grown used to? God no. I have those SO rarely. I don't know how I used to do it. Do you usually wear sunglasses when you’re driving? I don't have sunglasses, and my driving permit has long since expired. Is there ever a time that you enjoy cold showers? COLD, no. A tad chilly, very rarely. I have to be burning the hell up. What clothes are you most comfortable in? Men's pj pants and tank tops. Is there anybody you’re not ashamed to tell anything to? No, not anything. Have you ever unbuttoned someone else's pants? Yes. Are you good at painting nails? Nooooo. My hands are way too shaky. If it’s late at night and you’re hungry, what do you reach for? Usually a granola bar or piece of bread, lol. What word should you really probably remove from your vocabulary? I don't know. I don't really use any words I find wrong/offensive. Will you eat something if it falls on the ground? NOOOOOOOO SIR. Ignoring nutrition, could you live off veggies for the rest of your life? God no. I'm not a vegetable fan. Do you see the value in education? Of course I do. Are you more physically flexible or situationally flexible? bitch neither lmao Does anybody know about your sex life other than your partners? I don't have one now, but my mom knows of some things from the past. Do you make an effort to eat healthy? Yeah. I could try harder, but I do try. Have you ever lived with a girlfriend/boyfriend? Pretty much. I wasn't an official resident, but I was essentially always there and just counted as a guest, I guess. Would you ever be a stripper? No way in hell. Can you honestly say that you love yourself? No. Do you think that you’ve ever actually been IN love with someone? I don't just "think" it, I know very goddamn well that I was. Have you ever done a psychedelic drug? If not, would you ever consider it? No and no. Did you ever see the movie Good Burger when it came out? Not when it came out, but I've seen it and love it. How often do you clear your browser history? Never. Honestly, have you ever eaten raw cookie dough? Yeah man, gourmet shit. Do you consider yourself a burden to anyone? Why do you feel this way? I absolutely do. I'm just a leech at home. A financial burden to my parents since I'm unemployed. I have a lot wrong with me that my mom has to deal with. Who was the last person to carry you? Why were they carrying you? Probably Jason, realistically. I'm probably too heavy for anyone in my life to carry me now, and there hasn't ever really been a reason to besides him just being cute many years ago. Are you a clingy kind of person? If so, how has this affected your past relationships? I know I am. I'm lucky that I don't think it really affected any. I'm not OBSESSIVELY clingy at least, just moderately so. Have you ever witnessed someone drowning? Did you help in any way? Jesus, no. Have you ever felt like you just weren’t enough for someone? Who in your life has made you feel that way? I absolutely have. No one like... intentionally made me feel like that, I just felt it due to my own self-doubt. The times I've felt that that I remember have been in my only two serious relationships, but not endlessly. I'd just do something stupid and feel like it for a while. Have you ever been at a party where the cops came due to complaints?No. What were you doing the last time you spent a night away from home (or wherever you regularly reside)? I was having a sleep study to determine whether or not I had sleep apnea. Where do you like to sit when you’re on the computer? In my bed. Do you feel as though you’re good at understanding/communicating with animals? Absolutely. Are photographs important to you? Do you like to take a lot of pictures? Not incredibly important, because nothing is quite like actually experiencing that moment, but I definitely like to have some of major events. I honestly don't take a lot of pictures documenting my own life, but rather like nature and stuff. And when people pay me to take family/couple/child photos for them. Would you rather hike through the desert, the prairies, the forest, or the tundra? The forest, for sure. So long as I had my camera. If you could reconnect with someone from your past, who would it be and why? Guess. -_- What was the last game you played? Was anyone else playing with you? Do you prefer to play games alone or with others? World of Warcraft. And well, it's an MMO, so you're playing with what, thousands of other people? I mostly do solo content though, but I do usually chat with guildies when I'm on because I'm close and comfortable with them. What is the longest distance you’ve walked in a day? Idk, but definitely far. Do you prefer homemade food or restaurant food? Restaurant, sadly. What was the last new food you tried? Ummm... I want to say sweet potatoes, back at Thanksgiving. I didn't hate them, but they were okay. What is your most recent regret? I dunno, probably something really minor like eating/drinking something unhealthy. What was the last unexpected thing to happen to you? How did you react? I guess that would be the sleep apnea diagnosis. At least, that was the last big one. I can't think of anything in-between. I was very shocked, even doubtful that the results were reliable. But given how my APAP mask has almost completely solved my nightmare issue, I think it's safe to say it's correct. Name your three closest friends. Sara, Girt, and uhhh... Sam. Do you get excited or annoyed when the phone rings? Annoyed, honestly, lol. Do you prefer writing poems or stories? I prefer writing RP, which is pretty much just gradually writing stories. What pisses you off more than anything? Probably rapists, specifically when children are the victims. It's just... so, so repulsive and unforgivable to me. Like I don't understand how a human being could possibly be so diabolical as to scar someone like that. What’s the appropriate age to have sex? I think you should be adults, honestly, given the risk of pregnancy. Not that I followed that, so I can't really talk, and I know most people don't either. When you're really in love with someone and have a sexual side, it's kinda... hard to avoid 'til you're 21. Is there anybody you’re really jealous of? It's so stupid, I'll probably always be so jealous of the girl Jason dated after me. Even though I know they're not even together anymore (well, last I heard a few years ago). Is pornography evil or are you neutral about it? Meh. I'm not into it, but I don't think it's necessarily evil. I personally don't get sex without emotional commitment, but you do you, so long as you are both consenting adults being safe about it. Do you prefer to be monogamous, or are you more a casual dater or swinger? I'm strictly monogamous. I'd be way too jealous to share a partner with someone, and then there's the heightened risk of STDs, too. Have you ever had a crush on more than one person at once? Do you now? Yes, but I don't now. Who is your favorite relative? Excluding my immediate family, Uncle Rob. He is so damn funny. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? I know I would, realistically. Do you think you will be in a relationship three months from now? No. What’s the greatest thing that happened to you today? It SUCKED while actually doing it, but I'm very satisfied having done around 20 minutes of cardio today at the gym. Cardio is something I 110% need in my life. Have you had any beer this week? I've never had beer. I hate the smell of it, and it's associated with memories of my dad as an alcoholic anyway. Could you cry right now? Nah, I'm in a good mood. If you could see one person right now, who would it be? I'd honestly love to hang with Sara again. Do you wear contacts? No, but I wish I did versus glasses, contacts are just WAY too tedious. What color shirt are you wearing? It's a dark teal. Song playing right now? Ha, I am STILL obsessed with Powerwolf's (but with Alissa White-Gluz's vocals) "Demons Are a Girl's Best Friend." Do you wear the seat belt in the car? Absolutely always. Please, please, wear your seat belt. Has anyone ever mistaken you for someone else? Yes. There was a kid at dance who, from behind, thought I was his mother and he just ran up and hugged me from behind and I nearly had a heart attack. Do you like the color orange? Yeah; it reminds me of Halloween. Sometimes, do you wish you were someone else? Not really entirely someone else, but a much better version of myself. What is the weather like today? It's hot as shit and pretty hazy. Do you want any piercings? UGH like you have no idea. Have you given anything up for Lent? No. You do what you want, but I honestly think it's a dumb concept. Would you rather go to a rock concert or a rap concert? Rock, for certain. Have you ever dated someone that was a different race than you? Yeah; Juan was Hispanic. How old is your best friend? She's 23. What does your favorite necklace look like? It's a spiked choker with some dangling chains. It's fuckin' hot. Are you keeping a secret from anyone? I don't like the wording here. I don't have anything I'm hiding from someone in particular, and nothing they need to know at all. I just have a few inconsequential secrets I just don't share with anyone. Would you take a million dollars if it meant you had to die a month later? Uh, no thank you. Do you keep any type of diary or journal? You could say surveys are like snippets of a diary of sorts for me. I share a lot and use them to vent and just jabber on about my thoughts and feelings without exactly burdening anyone with them. What was the last thing that made you really happy? I'VE LOST A POUND SO FAR AT THE GYM!!!! :') It's been just one week, I know, big whoop, but it means A LOT to me. Prior to this, the numbers had just been gradually creeping up and up... but not anymore! :D Can you remember what you dreamed about last night? Very vaguely? Or maybe that was the night before's dream... Have you ever gotten kicked out of a class for being disruptive? Definitely not. I was a well-behaved, quiet student. Have you ever injected a drug? Noooo. Do you think the whole day is better if you smoke pot? I've never smoked. Last time you killed a bug? A while back when an ant walked over my laptop. Are you wearing perfume? What kind? No. The last male you spoke to… is he attractive? That would be my personal trainer, and yeah, he's very handsome.
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raven-black102 · 5 years
I Wish I Could Fly
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Requested by @rockis4ever : can you do a jasper x reader based on the song bullet by Hollywood undead
Warning: suicide
(Y/n)'s POV
Every since the Cullens left everything change for me. "So your just gonna leave?!" Bella yelled as I whine slightly at how loud she is. "Yes. I'm fucking done seeing Jasper! He's fucking gone and it your fucking fault that he left! It yours and Edward's fault that I had to pay for this shit!" I snarled at her then stopped as I felt the wave of dizziness hit me. "(Y/n)?!" Bella yelled as I calps on the floor.
Time Skip
"Why do you keep doing this to yourself?" Jasper asked as I layed in the hospital bed. "Why do you care? You left me remember. Now we both have to pay for the price." I said looking at him as he looks at me in pain. "I don't want you to be in pain anymore. I don't want to feel any pain anymore." I said as I slowly got up. "Stop." Jasper begged as I override the heart beat machine.
"Your not real. Why should it matter?" I asked as Jasper slowly went away. I removed the IV needle out my arm and removed all the other shit. I quickly went to the bathroom to change but was have a bit of trouble. "Come on." I mumbled as I finally manage to change and put on my shoes. Without hesitation I went to the window and opened it. "Good thing I'm on the first floor." I mumbled as I jump out and stumbled off.
Time Skip (few months later)
My legs are dangling off the edge/ The bottom of the bottle is my only friend/ I think I'll slit my wrists again and I'm gone, gone, gone/ My legs are dangling off the edge/ A stomach full of pills didn't work again/ I'll put a bullet in my head and I'm gone, gone, gone
A small sigh escaped my lips as I sat on the edge of a tall building. "Please. Don't do this (Y/n)." Jasper begs as I trough another bottle of beer to the side where a pile of empty bottles. "Your not real." I mumbled as more tears rolled down my cheeks.
Gone too far and yeah I'm gone again/ It's gone on too long, tell you how it ends/ I'm sitting on the edge with my two best friends/ Ones a bottle of pills, ones a bottle of Gin/ I'm twenty stories up, yeah I'm up at the top/ I'll polish off this bottle, now it's pushing me off/ Asphalt to me has never looked so soft/ I bet my momma found my letter, now shes calling the cops/ I gotta take this opportunity before I miss it/ 'Cause now I hear the sirens and they're off in the distance/ Believe me when I tell you that I've been persistent/ 'Cause I'm more scarred, more scarred than my wrist is/ I've been trying too long, with too dull of a knife/ But tonight I made sure that I sharpened it twice/ I never bought a suit before in my life/ But when you go to meet god, you know you wanna look nice
"Fuck." I mumbled as I heard police sirens from the distance causing me to look down my scarred arms. "Times almost up, I guess." I mumbled softly as I slowly got up.
So if I survive, then I'll see you tomorrow/ Yeah I'll see you tomorrow
"(Y/n)?!" I heard as I look down to see Bella and Charlie looking up at me in complete fear. "Why did you guys have to come." I said softly as I look at them in pain.
My legs are dangling off the edge/ The bottom of the bottle is my only friend/ I think I'll slit my wrists again and I'm gone, gone, gone/ My legs are dangling off the edge/ A stomach full of pills didn't work again/ I'll put a bullet in my head and I'm gone, gone, gone
"(Y/n)?!" I heard again as I saw the Cullens looking at me but no Jasper. "I'm sorry." I said softly as I felt so sick. "Just leave. Please." I begged as they look up at me in pain and regret.
We hit the sky, there goes the light/ No more sun, why's it always night/ When you can't sleep, well, you can't dream/ When you can't dream, well, whats life mean?/ We feel a little pity, but don't empathize/ The old are getting older, watch a young man die/ A Mother and a Son and someone you know/ Smile at each other and realize you don't/ You don't know what happened to that kid you raised/ What happened to the Father, who swore he'd stay?/ I didn't know 'cause you didn't say/ Now Momma feels guilt, yea Momma feels pain/ When you were young, you never thought you'd die/ Found that you could but too scared to try/ You looked in the mirror and you said goodbye/ Climb to the roof to see if you could fly
"(Y/n)! Please get out of the ledge!" I heard behind me as I turn around to see Jasper standing behind me a few feet away. "Why? So I can continued to feel more pain?" I said as I saw pain and desperation filled his face and eyes.
So if I survive, then I'll see you tomorrow/Yeah I'll see you tomorrow
"You just used me. Why should I stay here? I don't won't to see you anymore. I don't want to think that I can't be with you anymore." I said as I moved back a little more without him noticing. "I was lying. It was the only way I though I could keep you safe." Jasper said as I look at him.
My legs are dangling off the edge/ The bottom of the bottle is my only friend/ I think I'll slit my wrists again and I'm gone, gone, gone/ My legs are dangling off the edge/ A stomach full of pills didn't work again/ I'll put a bullet in my head and I'm gone, gone, gone
"Its too late. I'm too far gone. I love you Jasper." I said then step back. I closed my eyes as I felt the winds blow behind me. "(Y/n)!" I heard as everything turn black.
I wish that I could fly, way up in the sky/ Like a bird so high/ Oh I might just try/ I wish that I could fly, way up in the sky/ Like a bird so high/ Oh I might just try/ Oh I might just try
Third Person POV
"Noooooooo!" Jasper cried as he kneeled down in the ledge of the building. (Y/n) body layed below as a pool of blood grow under their head. "Why?! Why did you have to go?!" Jasper cried as venom blurred his vision yet no tears could fall.
"I should have been fast. I could have saved you." Jasper mumbled then took notice of the pile of empty bottle of beer and pills. "I'm so sorry Jasper." Alice said as she appeared next to him. "I didn't save them." Jasper cried holding Alice as she quickly guild Jasper out before the police come up.
"Its not your fault." Alice said softly already seeing Jasper decision in the future. "They wouldn't want you to die." Alice quickly said as Jasper started to feel nothing. Not even his gift seems to work or sense anybody emotions.
Time Skip
"Ah? What can we do for you Major Whitlock." Aro asked as Jasper walks into the throne room. Jasper stayed silent as Marcus could already tell just by the look on Jaspers face. Aro took Jaspers hand then slowly frowns. "(Y/n)'s gone." Aro said softly causing everyone in the room to tense up.
"What?!" Caius yelled in anger and sadness at the though of it. "They jumped off a building. Even if I saved them from jumping. They would have still died by a drug overdose and/or alcohol poisoning." Jasper said plainly as Aro frowns. "You could be of used to us." Aro tried to convince Jasper. "I've already made my decision." Jasper said causing Aro to sigh as he looks at both Marcus and Caius.
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itsanerdlife · 6 years
Restless Secrets 13
Pairing: MC!Eggsy Unwin x Steve Rogers Sister!Reader
Warning: Language. Abuse mentioned. Secrets. Drugs mentioned. Violence. Alpha Males. Kidnapping.
Everyone has secrets. Everyone made mistakes. Now you’re rocking the single mom life. But when you’ve got yourself into trouble, you head home to seek the help of your brothers. Bucky and Steve. But your secrets are coming to light when a member of your brothers MC and you have a secret. She’s turning three and the apple of your brothers eyes. Gary ‘Eggsy’ Unwin, is the fling from college Spring Break, and the father of your daughter Olivia. You and Olivia came home for help, but all hell was going to break loose now.
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Brandon drops into a stool at the bar, next to Bucky and Steve, Peter stood behind it opening beer bottles.
“I never thought Eggs, would be one for taking on someone else’s kid.” Buck snorts, sipping from the bottle in front of him. Brandon shifts uncomfortably on the stool, taking a large drink from his bottle.
“Oh well, Eggs loves kids.” Brandon shrugs, avoiding looking at anyone.
“Yeah, but I guess I never thought he’d play step dad.” Buck shrugs.
“That’s a lot to take on. Taking care of a child that’s not his.” Steve adds, nodding, finishing his beer.
“Well look at him with Daisy.” Peter swallows, looking a little nervous himself.
“Yeah, but that’s his sister.” Steve snorts. “Believe us when we say you go to no end for your sister.” Steve glances at Buck who nods.
“I think he’s good for them.” Peter shrugs, playing with the bottle opener in his hands.
“They all seem really happy together.” Brandon adds, before chugging more of his beer.
“Yeah, that’s true.” Steve sighs, almost as if he wasn’t so happy about it.
“Maybe it’s just we never thought he’d be taking care of our girls.” Buck laughs, sipping from the bottle. Brandon and Peter exchange an almost panicked look.
“Probably.” Steve sighs.
“Might want to get used to it.” Brandon chews the inside of his cheek.
“Why?” Steve looks over at him. “I mean they’re happy, but that’s not serious.” Steve shrugs.
“She mentioned the L word to me the other night.” Peter admits, quickly opening another beer bottle and handing it to Steve.
“Eggs said the same to as well.” Brandon nods.
“We’re really not getting rid of him, I guess.” Buck sighs, nodding. Picking up his beer again. Steve mutters to himself, bring his beer to his lips.
“Nope.” Peter and Brandon reply at the same time, both looking nervous. Which secrets they were afraid of the two brothers stumbling upon, neither one knew what the other knew. Both refusing to give up secrets that weren’t theirs to give up.
You lean against the archway into the kitchen, watching Daisy and Livie in the living room. Eggsy and his mom in the kitchen, he was helping her fill sippy cups.
“So Livie,” Michelle smirks at Eggsy as he fills one cup with juice “she’s cute.” She nods. You glance back. The look on Michelle’s face, spoke volumes on where she was going with this conversation. Her dirty blonde hair hung over her shoulders. She looked good for a woman with a grown son and little daughter. You could see where Eggsy got his features from.
“She is.” Eggsy nods, filling the second cup.
“Ah huh.” Michelle nods, folding her arms over her chest. “So did you just not plan to tell me I have a grandchild?” She cuts to the chase real quick. Eggsy’s head snaps up, stunned shock on his face.
“How? Did Brandon call you?” He gaps at her.
“Oh Brandon knows, huh?” She lifts a brow and Eggsy shrinks back a little. “Anyone else? Am I the last to know about your daughter?” She asks.
“We haven’t told Livie.” Eggsy shrugs.
“Or the club.” You add, shrugging a shoulder.
“The club?” She looks from you to her son.
“Her brothers are Steve and Bucky.” Eggsy sighs.
“Well you’ve got yourself into one hell of a pickle babe.” She nods.
“It’s really my fault.” You admit. “I sort of just showed up and shook up everyone’s lives.” You sigh.
“He looks really shaken.” Michelle snorts. Eggsy sighs putting lids on cups quickly. Livie bolts past you holding a book.
“Da, you wead?” She holds the book up. Da, something she had recently started called Eggsy. Eggsy grinned, turning into putty in her hands. He scoops her up, taking both cups with him. They head into the living room, he stops to kiss you quickly.
“Maybe you don’t need to tell her.” Michelle smirks as she comes to join you in the opening.
“She started that recently.” You nod, watching Eggsy sit on the floor, with both girls. He reads the little book, both girls giving their undivided attention, drinking their cups.
“She’s young enough she won’t remember there was a time he wasn’t around.” Michelle nods.
“So just tell my brothers.” You nod, snorting. “Nothing like leaving the best for last.” You shake your head, Michelle laughs.
“You were raised right. Eggsy says you’re a forced to be reckon with. You’ll do just fine.” She nods, a smile on her face.
“Gain! Gain!” Livie bounces up and down.
“Again? Again?” Eggsy laughs. “How about I tickle you for payment?” He scoops her up, he puts her on the floor, throwing a leg over her hips, pinning her to the floor.
“Noooooooo!” She giggles, trying to wiggle out of the weight, but she goes nowhere. Daisy is cracking up watching the two of them. Eggsy turns on her, she stops laughing instantly.
“Aye, you think it’s funny?” He grabs her quickly, putting her on the floor trapping her under the other leg. “Neither of you can escape me. At my mercy!” He laughs, using one hand to tickle each girl. The room erupts into loud, little baby giggles.
“Sthop!” Daisy squeals panting for breathe.
“Say uncle!” Eggsy continues to tickle them. You and Michelle giggling, as you watch.
“Uncle!” Daisy laughs loudly.
“Tevie!” Livie gasps, still laughing. Eggsy laughs harder, as he stops the torment.
“Close enough.” You shrug as Michelle cracks up next to you.
“Not nice, Da!” Livie pants as she sways on her feet, still unsteady for the tickle torment. Daisy is still giggling on the floor trying to catch her breathe.
“Kisses and I won’t do it again.” Eggsy flashes her that ever killer, cocky, crooked grin. Livie drops into his lap, giving him a few kisses. Daisy pushes herself up, before dropping into his lap as well. Both girls are messy haired and panting but look so content being stuck to him.
“He’s always been so good with girls.” Michelle snorts.
“Yeah, I learned that first hand. What with getting knocked up in two weeks.” You nod, the two of you exchange a look and laugh.
“Now imagine if you’d stuck around.” Eggsy looks over at the two of you, winking at you.
“Oh god, I’m going to have to get a stronger birth control.” You rub a hand over your face. Michelle cackles, patting you on the back.
“You sure those are BC and not mini mints?” Eggsy snorts, as Daisy hands him another book. You look over at Michelle a little shook.
“He’s your problem now.” She snorts, leaving you standing there, she takes a seat in one of the chairs. Livie grabs her cup, leaving Eggsy, she crawls into Michelle’s lap, curling up with her cup. Letting Michelle rock the both of them in the chair.
“Eggs, you were joking right?” You smirk at him coming into the living room as well. Eggsy continues to read to Daisy, only giving you a shrug of his shoulder. You glance over at Michelle, who is giggling quietly into Livie’s messy hair.
Everything Peaches 2/6/19: @xmtd5 @mo320   @all1e23 @irepeldirt @alyssaj23 @allyp1023 @joannie95 @kolakube9 @rileyloves5 @sarahp879 @pcterpvrker @pigwidgexn @doctoranon @abschaffer2 @nickimarie94 @teller258316 @wandressfox @amandab-ftw @son-ova-bitch @henrietteoaks @nea90sweetie @circusofchaos @bettercallsabs @lucifersnipnips @queenkrissy11 @destiel-artemis @paintballkid711 @iwillbeinmynest @teaand-cookies @sweet-honey15 @mellxander1993   @spookygrantaire @geeksareunique @supernatural508 @sammysgirl1997 @itzmegaaaaaaan @booksbeforebois @mariekoukie6661 @capsheadquaters @samanthasmileys @futuremrsb-r-main @lovemarvelousfics @petersunderoos96 @loving-life-my-way @booktvmoviefangirl @supernatural-girl97 @toffeecoloredqueen @abbypalmer14-blog @awkwardfangirl2014 @supernaturaldean67 @xqueenofthecraziesx   @writingaworldofmyown @sprinklesandsugarcubes @for-the-love-of-the-fandom @ocaptain-mycaptainmorgan @wonderlandfandomkingdom @crazy-little-thing-called-buck @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @stupendoussciencenaturepanda @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety
Eggsy Tag List 8/23/18: @courtmr @rockagurl   @kgbrenner @xlatinaaxx   @dkpink123 @sgarrett49   @poetsheart   @ingridsigne     @kazuha159 @breezy1415     @emilymorganb   @bellamouse16 @cece-lives-here   @orange-jps3497 @paranoiadestroyah   @nerdyandexhausted @deanwinchestersrifle @fandomsstolemylife00     @hunter-demigod-timelord      
Restless Secrets: @dumblani @patzammit @trustme3-13 @deghostyboi @callie-bear15 @geekymummy @raven-black102 @capandbuckylvr @mrskokitztelford @geeksareunique @that-awkwardnerd @crawlingnightmares @fanfictionjunkie1112
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shirtlesssammy · 6 years
14x16 Bullet Point Rambles
Ah, making out in the car in the deep, dark woods. A very safe activity. Something mysterious whistles in the woods… I AM READY
Oh my god is it BIGFOOT (Boris: Bigfoot doesn’t exist!)
Sam’s still not sleeping. Poor Sammy
Cas isn’t there because he has wanderlust, hmm? (Or is there something else afoot? Methinks it’s the latter.)
Dean is a terrible liar to the people he cares about. Good lord. They tell Jack to take care of the bunker while they head off to hunt
Dean’s got cat-like reflexes as he leaps away from the corpse (Boris: he always lands on all fours - insert Tobias gif)
Meanwhile, the Local Teens ™ watch Ghostfacers and greet Jack, who’s standing gormlessly outside of the closed grocery store
“What’s a ghost?” Goddamn it, Jack, this clumsy dissembling is why we love you
The Local Teens ™ watch Jack shop and wonder about his life with the Winchesters. “Their whole place must smell like beer, kleenex, and Old Spice.” Lesbians FTW
Hey, look at Jack being extra cute so as to injure us more grievously later
IMPORTANT FACT Movie nights are Thursday and Dean loves Lost Boys
Sam found info on the potential monster - a kohunta (sp?), a legend of the local tribe that loves to eat sweet human flesh.
Oooo it’s like a tree bark monster! It drips bile onto an unfortunate victim’s face. Boris is HEAVILY INTO the X-Files jam
The Sheriff calls off the emergency crews, ordering them out of the woods and thereby confirming our theory that he’s covering for something
At the cabin, the Local Teens ™ are adorable. Jack brings Eliot a ton of lore books from the bunker. Backpack Jack settles in and asks a succession of sweet, clueless questions
This segues into Jack hauling out the ol’ angel blade to teach these kiddos how to hunt, like ya do. We are SO worried for Eliot’s survival at this point
Boris: Hey Jack, if you wanna impress seventeen-year-olds then you should really just buy them beer. None of this weapon-wielding stuff
Meanwhile, Sam and Dean get themselves cornered by the Sheriff in the woods. Dean interrogates him about the monster
Back with the Local Teens ™, Jack starts using his powers to swirl the angel blade around and NOW WE ARE VERY CONCERNED
Jack accidentally stabs one of the girls NOOOOOOOO
He tries to heal her and I am very concerned
She survived! Phew!
Jack gets spurned by the Local Teens ™ and has trouble understanding why he can’t hang out with them anymore
Welp. Cue Jack’s self-loathing arc. (If he can experience self-loathing on account of the ol’ soul.) (Boris: He’s a Winchester. Self loathing comes with the package.)
Over the commercial break, we discuss Cas and his approach to humanity and powers, versus Jack. Cas has a lot of experience backing up his choices, whereas Jack has been established this whole episode as being just a wee baby who knows nothing of the world
Back with the oh-yeah-there’s-a-monster-of-the-week, the Sheriff recounts his own experience witnessing the kohunta.
Backstory: the first white settlers encroaching on the land had a hard winter and the boy ate his family, then tried to eat the people of the local tribe. In retaliation, the tribe cursed him to roam the woods, hungry and monstrous forever. Cursed to eat other people, or else digest itself. They marked the forest to keep people out, the monster in, and starve the monster, but people forgot and...well...here we are some 50+ bodies later
(Boris: Oh hey a cursed boy trapped in a box, you say?)
The Sheriff asks why the Winchesters aren’t running around recording monsters and putting stuff on YouTube. Oooo, this is a great juxtaposition to the GhostFacers snark about the Winchesters from earlier
Sam insists that informing the public is a sure-fire way to see everyone dead. Intriguing
Our other troubled teen heads into the woods to hunt the monster. OH NO
You can kill the monster with a silver blade through the heart. That’s so common, Sam and Dean just have it in their back pocket!
Meanwhile, the whistling draws ever nearer. It is so delightfully creepy the way it echoes through the dark woods. And that still-as-a-tree trunk monster stalking! YIKES
This is a good monster fight with some good teamwork with the Winchesters and Sheriff. They stab it and the monster just melts into…stomach acid, I guess
“Whoa, that’s like full on Raiders!” Dean. Bean
Later in the Impala of Feelings… Dean questions Sam’s suggestion to the Sheriff to tell the truth about the monster to his son. Dean thinks lying is the better approach but Sam pulls out the big guns. When they were kids, they lied to their dad all the time about how they were doing, just to make him happy. Let us all now fall into the quagmire of John Winchester’s A+ parenting feelings
Sam and Dean talk to Jack about how worried they are about his powers. They caution him against using them, and tell him they lied because they care, but they’re telling him now because...they still care. Jack stares into space, then promises not to use his powers. No "oops let me tell you how I almost killed someone” stories here. The music turns grim, so we’re all fine. Everything’s fine
Hey! Lies, lies and omissions. Who’s got ‘em? Jack and his power play, Cas and the Empty, Cas and his secret trip to (as the next trailer showed) talk to Anael/Sister Jo, Dean and his denial… Anyone else get the feeling that mounting lies are gonna crush all the fragile peace they’ve managed to paste together?
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obsessed-love · 5 years
Avengers: Endgame
My thoughts during the movie
Plus some extra notes
oh hi Clint
Your daughter is adorable!
the next Hawkeye!
oh noooooooo
That's so saaaad
Please don't go Ronin. Just go find the Avengers. Please! I love you
Oh shit Tony you look like a skeleton
Honey please eat
Wait its been 22 days? oof
Nebula and Tony interacting is adorable
oh no Tony don't you dare die
oh shit Tony is even madder than he was at the end of Civil War holy shit
he’s so skinny holy shit
oh shit Tony don't do that
Steve you don goofed
oh wow okay
Thor finally aimed for the head I guess
Wait 5 years?! HOly shit
oh look Steve is finally going to group theraphy
Natasha’s hair is gorgeous
I love her necklace
oh shit he’s gone Ronin
oh Carol your new haircut is amazing!
It looks so gooooodddd!!!!
oh shit that rat is the one that ultimately saved the world 
the rat brought Scott back
good job
oh they’re gonna mess with time travel?
like back to the future?
she’s so small!
tony is an amazing parent
look at her!
she’s adorable
“I love you 3000″
that's so cute!
Scott is me if I ever meet any of these actors
is that Bruce?
he looks so bad!
he sounds so dumb!
ok so this sucks
The band is almost complete
just Thor and Hawkeye
Thor first I guess
oh wait what? why is there so many cans of beer- 
oh shit is that Japanese?
oh this looks like a scene from an anime
yes Clint it does work
oh shit 
ok ok
it works
so sad he could not see his daughter though
This suspiciously sounds like the plot from back to the future
ok so group 1 goes to New York in 2012 to get the Space Stone, Time Stone, and the Mind Stone
Group 2 goes to 2014 to get the Soul Stone and the Power Stone
and Group 3 goes to 2013 to get the Aether Reality Stone
ok that's good
good plan
man that old outfit looks horrible on cap
shit hulk is so aggressive and its...
really fucking funny
professor hulk is bad at being hulk
hail hydra?
shit dude that's deep
y’all are busted
wait so Natasha and Clint are going to get the Soul Stone? 
oh noooooo
one of them is gonna die-
oh look cut to Thor now
Thor its ok bab calm down
Rocket you’re on your own buddy
awww Frigga
yes Frigga and Thor interacting! Im all for this
oh cut to Professor Hulk
be careful with that woman bruce
shes weird
oh nevermind
so let me get this straight, this whole time travel thing is like in Dragon ball?
ok so that's bad
they didn’t get the Space Stone
Loki just grabbed it and went bye bitch on all of them
Steve... fighting… Steve?
oh shit that's awesome
hah Steve is annoyed at Steve
gg no re
that ass thou
that’s a fine piece of American ass
oop and there he goes to the floor
wait is nebula dead?
oh no
wait what?
ok so lemme get this straight, nobody thought of upgrading Nebula, so now tHANOS CAN USE PAST NEBULA TO SEE OUR NEBULA’S MEMORIES?
Cut to Tony and Steve in the 1970′s
man they both look gorgeous
oh shit. is that Howard?
get away
fuck this guy
oh wait
he’s being nice to Tony
oh my god PEGGY!
is that JArvis?
Cut to Clint and Natasha
oh nooooooo
one of them is gonna have to die
*starts crying a bit*
she’s dead
I cant
well... at least they got the stones?
lets go bbs
wait shouldn't Tony do it?
oh wait no he would die
you go Bruce!
oh wait...
you go Gamora do the right thing!
yes Nebula kill yourself!
wait no don't actually kill yourself just the other you
wait no-
you know what
good job.
oop there goes Tony
what was that?
*crying starts again*
oh wait...
oh wait
“I am Irom Man”
*starts ugly crying*
“Mr. Stark we won”
mY hEaRt
“its okay you can rest now”
“we’ll be okay”
*continues on ugly crying*
they put his old arc reactor on a bunch of roses and just let it float on the river?
what a send off 
im crying cause it hurts
this is so sad
this reminds me of the scene where Tony throws the arc reactor to the sea
shit not like I needed my heart
everyone is here?
oh yeah
*cries even harder*
well at least…
everyone got a happy ending...
man tony stop talking you’re making me cry harder
“I love you 3000″
wait Steve is the one that is going to return the Stones?
just please come back
son of a bitch
wait who’s that?!
shit he looks so old
*continues on crying*
what is that?
Sam is now Captain America and I could literally not be happier
cut to Thor
wait Thor is not going to e King anymore
wait he’s going to go live with the guardians?
no matter how many jokes you throw at me I’m still not gonna stop crying
shit is that Ned?
cut to Morgan and Happy
she’s so cute
just like her dad!
she wants a burger.
oh and here come the end credits
and I’m still crying….
I loved the ending. It was Satisfying and wrapped up phase 3 really nicely. I literally don't see how someone is going to be mad about it. I LOVED IT. It was amazing. Everyone got a happy ending.
But my Fav Baby died
and my other baby also died
and one of my babies got old
one of my main babies one was depressed but only used for a pathetic excuse of comic relief
the other main baby got ugly and green....
I’m so sad
I am kind of intrigued about what will happen next in the MCU
I know Far from home is the ending of Phase 3 and I really want to see what will happen in Phase 4 now that Disney has ownership of Fox
Honestly all I want to see is Morgan Stark either becoming the next Iron Man/Woman or her own superhero called 3000
that’d be adorable
I’m so sad
I still cant believe Tony died
I cant believe they did Thor like that
I cant believe its 2023 in their universe like what?
goodbye phase 3! lets hope phase 4 (and the rest to come) is as good (or even better) than this one!
Lets see where the story goes.
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elejah-wonderland · 6 years
Game Of Love/7
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Part 7
Joel Goran x reader
Ft. Klaroline and other TVD/TO characters, as well as Saving Hope characters. 
TVD- Saving Hope crossover
a/n: Joel Goran meets the Mystic Falls/NOLA gang. But it is totally AU- Klaus Mikaelson is a surgeon, and so is Y/N and Caroline Forbes. 
There is a lot of drama- quite a lot going on. LOL. I hope you enjoy it. I so appreciate you all reading it. xoxo 💕😘
@rissyrapp20 @dendrite-lover @cassienoble2000 @captainshurley @goddessofthunder112 @elejahforever @hides2000 @arivalappears @idkhaylijah
Joel listened to his voice mail- the message from Y/N.
"Hey, it's me. What happened to you? Why are not answering my calls? I guess things didn't go good. Ok. I guess you need alone time."
Joel now made a painful sigh, and played the message again and then flashed back to about what had happened half an hour before.
Joel and the woman he had picked up from the bar crushed on the bed. And as she started pulling his T-shirt off of him, Joel suddenly stopped her and now got up, straightening the T-shirt, gulping.
"I- don't - want this! I am sorry- this is a huge mistake. I got to go."- Joel now stumbled out of the hotel room.
As he got out of the hotel, he walked down the road, his head thumping violently. He waved a taxi and soon he was on  the way to his apartment.
He now pressed the speed-dial and Y/N answered -
"Are you ok?"
Joel gulped feeling terrible.
"I am ok."- he replied-"I just - needed time to myself like you said."
"So, you didn't managed to- get to any kind of agreement?"- Y/N asked.
"Can we talk about it tomorrow?"- Joel said.
"Sure. I will see you tomorrow."
"Thanks."- Joel said.
"Hey. It's ok. All of it is kinda not an easy thing for you."
"Yeah"- Joel muttered.
It was clear to Y/N that something much deeper went on and she now said a little see you and they both hang up. 
At Rousseau’s
Caroline waved a little at Oliver with a little smile. As she walked over to the bar, her mind now played the call she had picked up earlier.
Seeing Klaus’ name on the display, Caroline made a mental sigh and trying to keep it cool, answered the call with a small yes.
“I thought - that - I will see you- thank you - for the card.”
“I was - so busy- Jo has just piled up so much work and - yeah- it’s so good to - you scared us all.”- Caroline said.
“Like my sister said - I am no race car driver- I am better at mending people. Ah - I know that your shift is over - nurse Trevor told me- I know visiting hours are over - ”- Klaus said.
Caroline now drew a long deep breath trying to keep her tears at bay. Oh, she was so wanting to visit him, everything, but - there was this big BUT - and hearing his voice now half hope half anguish, calling her name-
“Caroline?” and then remembering all the stress Camille had already caused, with a heavy heart, she now replied-
“I - can’t- ahm- my date is waiting for me. Yeah- you now think of getting better”
“Date-ha?”- Klaus muttered with a broken voice.
“Yeah. I got to go.”- Caroline said adding a little see ya, and hung up.
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“Beer?”- Oliver now asked, and Caroline nodded and added “ and a shot of Tequila.”
“Right. I see that Dr Parker has really got it in for you”- Oliver now said.
“Yeah - we go way back - and there is no love lost there”- Caroline said and now downed the shot of Tequila as the bartender served her drink-”but can we forget about the hospital. I got the next 12 hours free and I just want to unwind and so do all the things that are so not work - maybe do some other kind of work- anyway - I want to know more about you.”
“All right.”- Oliver now said-”what do you want to know?”
“Can you sing?”- Caroline now said.
“Can I sing?”- Oliver was surprised to hear that question.
“Yep. Let’s do a duet.”- Caroline now took hold of the Attending’s hand and walked him to the karaoke machine.
He had heard that Caroline was a fiery ball of fun, but now he had to experience it for himself.
The other thing Caroline was so good at was getting a party started and get the bar on their feet. She let herself go. To forget and try to turn over the new leaf. And even though her heart burnt and ached for someone else, hours later as Oliver took her home in his car, she kissed him and said-
“For date 1 - this was really mad. So, what are we doing on date 2?”
“I don’t know. I know I will have to somehow top this”- Oliver said.
“You have 24 hours to think about it.”- Caroline said and slipped out of the Attending’s car.
In the hospital, Klaus looked at the card Caroline left for him, feeling like the world had just crushed down as he had just heard from the nurses commenting that Dr Queen has asked Dr Forbes out on a date.
The next day, Joel was paged early in the morning and went to hospital. As soon as he finished he went to find  Y/N, who had just gone to the OR herself.
"Can you please call me the minute she is finished"- he said to one of the nurses at the hub.
He had other patients to attend and finish some paperwork. He did all like a robot, his mind evidently in  different universe.
Vincent, who called him up to the ER, having noticed Joel not being himself.
"Don't tell me there is trouble in paradise?"- Vincent joked a little, to which Joel nodded somewhat.
"I thought you found the one? Don't tell me you messed this up?"
Joel was quiet.
"Seriously? I can't believe it."- Vincent said.
Joel's phone rang and it was the nurse telling him Y/N finished in the OR.
She waited for him at one of the examination rooms. 
"Hey"- Y/N now smiled a little at Joel, walking over to him placing a little kiss on his lips. Joel kissed her back and then taking her hands looked at her seriously now saying-
"I have to tell you something."
Him being deadly serious and edgy, Y/N's stomach suddenly churned with a hollow pain.
"What?"- she slipped her face now changing expression into deep worry.
Joel sighed a little and then told her briefly  how his talk with Alex went, him ending up in a bar, and picking up the woman, going with the hotel she was staying at, and - him walking out of the hotel room. As he finally said- nothing happened, Y/N, who was first in a strange haze now slapped him hard across the face.
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"I should have known. HUH- my head said no, but my heart said- yes, give him a chance. Love him, teach him to be loved. But, you don't deserve to be loved"- the words went right through him, feeling like she had slid the knife in his heart and twisted it. 
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She wanted to go on, as she now felt strange kind of anger wash all over her, but her phone rang and it was Alaric, so she answered, walking away from Joel.
As he tried to call her and talk to her later, she ignored all his calls and avoided him. Luckily, she was not in his team that day or the following, and the days after that. And no matter how much he tried to talk to her, she ignored him. Y/N found refuge at her best friend Bonnie, trying to nurse her bruised heart.
"If  we look at this technically- he didn't actually sleep with her."- Bonnie said.
"No, but - it's the intention that kills me. He kissed and he went with her to her hotel room, and- what is wrong with him? Does he not have real feelings? I know he is messed up- but- he just had a talk with Alex and - he- what? Flipped his emotions and - I don't know what to think. Well, I am the one who is so stupid. He cheated on Alex with me. Why would he be any different to me?"
"We know he has problems with love- and emotions and- I think that - in a very strange way- he is doing this to hurt himself. This may sound strange. But it is like- when there is something good - he kind of self-harms.It sounds crazy but - yeah- that's what it is. It is a conduit for release from emotional stress. It makes him feel better in the short term, that's true. However it can cause emotional damage because the person becomes addicted to the relief that the harm brings and then just gets stuck in a cycle. I think Joel has that problem. But I might be wrong, but - sleeping with other women - is kind of a pattern. Some cut themselves - he- well, you know-"- Bonnie said.
"Makes sense."- Y/N now said-"But I just- can't deal with it- not right now. I am-"
"Hurt, angry."
"Yeah. He needs to get better first, before - if we ever- get - a new chance. I don't know. I feel- huh, I told him that he doesn't deserve to be loved."- Y/N now remembered what she had said to him. 
"Well, I don't know what to tell you, but you- two need to talk."- Bonnie said-"no communication is not good. You know it."
"You are right."- Y/N said and then grabbed her phone now dialing Joel's number. It went straight to voice mail. 
"He is probably in the OR. He is on-call today. Ok. I am going over to the hospital. Thank you."
"What are bffs for!"- Bonnie said-"and whatever happens, I hope it works out for both of you."
Y/N now hugged her best friend and then left. 
An hour later
Joel, Alaric, Alex and Vincent were paged to the ER- and they were there hands on.
"There has been a shooting outside the Coffee Bean."- they were told and soon those who were injured were rolled in. 
And as Joel now got to deal with one of the patient, his eyes now froze as his eyes set on a sight he couldn't believe he was seeing. 
Y/N was rolled in. 
In a nano second Vincent, and Alex now crossed their looks with Joel, who was screaming with his eyes- NOOOOOOOO. 
Y/N was wheeled away to the OR, and Joel, had turned to the patients in need of help. 
Caroline, who was summoned as well, and finding out her sister was shot, was completely beside herself, but as a professional surgeon she had to assist and she did the best as she could to help others letting the Attendings do their job and save her best friend. 
A few hours later, Joel, waited in front of the OR where Y/N was still operated on-
Charlie, one of the General Surgery Attendings now went out of the OR
"Tell me, Charlie!"- Joel said with trepidation coursing his heart.
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"It's very critical."- Charlie said-"All we can now do is- pray."
Joel shook his head in disbelief. A few days before he had it all. And now - everything turned around like the end of the world was nigh.
Joel walked in the ICU room where Y/N was brought to. He sat down on the bed, and looked at the woman with his heart clumped up in pain, his stomach aching with regret for having hurt her. He loved her, it was the holy truth.
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"Please, you have to get through this. I refuse to lose you.I have never wanted to hurt you. Ever. Please, Y/N. I love you so much. I never loved anybody like I love you. You may not  believe it, but it is the truth. Please, fight. You can do this. Please, don't leave me."
Joel now took the Maori pendant that he gave her for her birthday and put it on the side table. 
"I love you."- Joel said bending down to kiss her.
Days that followed, were filled with anguish. Caroline and all Y/N’s friends were there around the clock, sitting with her friend, praying, hoping that she would wake up and come back to them.
 Y/N’s aunt Jenna that came down to from New York  and sat with Y/N nearly all the time she was allowed to. Caroline practically lived in the hospital. Joel had also spent every free time he could find with Y/N, meeting Jenna at one point.
"Caroline said- you were Y/N's last boyfriend? Attending, no more no less. I hear you are a cowboy casanova?"
Joel could only imagine where the name came from, and now made a face saying- that it was a bit exaggerated.
"Caroline also said that you have sat with her the whole night after they brought her out of the OR and wouldn't leave her sight."- Jenna continued.
"I did."- Joel said-"and if it ok, I came to sit with her now, and read to her."
"I have also heard about your ex-ex- girlfriend being pregnant"- Jenna continued.
"What is this? A third degree?"- Joel now asked.
"You can call it that. Look, I know that those two can look after themselves, and I am not a great example of a mom, but - this is somewhat a bigger complication Y/N had ever found herself in. So, if you plan to stick around, and make amends, you better mean it- or- just be a man and walk away."- Jenna said, and seeing Alaric now went to him.
Joel got in the room and sat on the chair, opening the book.
"I never read poems. I mean I did, in school, but not- like this, to someone. I got this book from a patient, who- well, she heard that my girlfriend was not well, and she reckons if I read this to you, you will wake up. Because it comes from the heart. It comes from mine. Ok, here we go"- Joel now randomly opened a page.
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                      Time in Eternity by T. Merill
When you were as an angel in my arms, Had laid your bare head just below my chin, Your length pressed up to mine, entrusting charms My whole youth's starward longing could not win; With still the murmur of your love in me, Miracle-tones of all my lifelong hope, I wished that there might start eternity And seal forever that sweet envelope; And as it did, my thoughts are now for you As every star is blotted by the sun, And so the sun itself Has perished too, And with it, every dream of mine But one.
It was frustrating to see her there laying like the Sleeping Beauty, and there was nothing any of them could do but wait.                        
Joel now descended again in his thoughts. He wished he could go back in time and change so many things. But now he made one wish. He wished Y/N would wake up and she was fine. 
Klaus, having heard about Y/N being shot from one of the nurses, now asked one that came into his room to wheel him to the special ICU area where Y/N was at.
As got there, he now stumbled upon Caroline kissing Oliver bye for the day. The sight made his heart now quiver.  He could not fault her, as he had broke it off with her, even though, deep inside he had regretted it from the moment she had walked away from him that particular day.
And now, he saw that she had moved on. Kissing Oliver Queen openly, meant they were in a relationship.
"Can we go back?"- he said to the nurse now, but Caroline saw him and him turning now away from her would not have been right.
"Hey"- Caroline said as she now came up to him.
"Hey."- Klaus said back now asking the nurse if they could be left alone for a second.
"Of course, Dr Mikaelson."- the nurse said and looked at Caroline.
"It's ok. I will see that Dr Mikaelson gets back to his room."
The nurse left and Klaus now asked how Y/N was doing and said how sorry he was that she was going through this as he knew that Y/N and her were like sisters.
Caroline thanked him for his concern and now filled him in on Y/N's current state. She then asked how he was doing.
"Walking still presents difficulty, but I am determined to get on my feet as soon as I can. And back to work."- Klaus said.
"I am surprised you are still in the hospital."- Caroline now said.
"I prefer to be here than home. Too many women stressing over me. Here I have peace and quite. I am more at home in the hospital than at the family house"
"I get that."- Caroline said- and then with a small gulp. She then wanted to go look for a nurse to take him back to his room, but Klaus took hold of her hand and Caroline stood still for a second, looking at him, trying hard to keep it together.
"I see you- are- I hope he is good to you."- Klaus said referring to Oliver.
"Nothing."- Klaus sighed a little and then said-"Oliver Queen is a good guy."
He then let go off her hand and turned the wheelchair around wheeling away to the elevators.
Caroline stood like frozen looking for a second, her heart now thumping wildly. Seeing Klaus get in the elevator, she whispered-
“Damn you Mikaelson.”
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devdevlin · 6 years
65 and 91, one about Tomione and the other - only if you’re comfortable with it though - about Tom x Hermione x Draco, you decide 😉 i LOVE your work so much, this fandom is honestly blessed with some amazing writers and I’m so glad for it! x
65. ‘I don’t want you to stop.’
Dear Anon, I confess; when I first saw this in my inbox, I was immediately like euugrrrgrhhhhh noooooo i can’t do tom/hermione/draco noooooooo.
But, then I thought on it. And I thought on it. And somewhere along the line, it got under my skin and it festered, so TADAHHHH, here ya go, ily!
Warning for smut. Is smut still allowed on here? Oh well…
Years. Years he’d been imagining this moment, replaying the fantasy as he showered, as he lay in bed, when he was with other women, and now, finally - finally - it was upon him.
Or, rather, under him.
And she was just so responsive. Blaise had insisted time and time again that it was the bookish ones, the quiet ones who were the wildest, and fuck - Draco had to admit, he didn’t appear to be wrong.
With each stroke of his tongue, Granger writhed beneath him, her hands through his hair tightening on his scalp as she breathed his name, and she tasted so… so…
“So good,” she moaned, pushing her hips forward to increase the pressure of his tongue.
He groaned against her, his boxer briefs constricting. He gently stroked down her slit as his tongue worked before slowly sliding two fingers inside of her.
She was so, so wet.
And it was finally all for him.
The sounds she made as he pushed back and forth, slowly fucking her with his fingers were magical. He glanced up to meet her eyes just as he flicked his tongue, and was rewarded as her legs trembled around him.
“Please, Draco,” she whined shakily, grabbing at him and trying to pull his body up by his forearms. “Please, I need you to fuck me already.”
He slowly removed his fingers. “Patience,” he slurred against her after a long sweep of his tongue, eliciting a low groan in her throat.
She recovered quickly, her eyes lighting up with excitement when he finally pushed himself up and crawled over her, positioning himself between her thighs.
“Yes,” she breathed as she hooked her legs around his waist.
Her small fingers dug under the waistband of his briefs, pulling them down-
But before she could free him, the door swung open.
Draco shot up, untangling himself from her deceptively long legs faster than he’d ever moved in his life, just in time to see her fucking husband closing the door behind him.
He paled.
He’d heard of Riddle, his father had been working with him for years, but he’d never met him personally. To Draco, he’d always been a figure without a face; the other man, the one who always won, the one who got the girl.
His reputation proceeded him, of course. Rumours of the great Tom Riddle were plentiful, leaving Draco hardly surprised to see how well put together the man appeared to be. His all-black suit was tailored, custom made surely, and his hair was perfectly swept back, not a hair out of place. He had a tall and intimidating presence, one which the newspapers never seemed to capture in their photographs, and from where they were sprawled on the couch, his irises were indistinguishable from his pupils.
Draco could appreciate that he was a very attractive man. But the other side of all this, was, of course, that the man was downright terrifying.
His eyes roamed over them, his watch cold while his expression remained perfectly stoic. And then his focus locked onto Draco.
Draco shot his hand out to cover himself with his shirt that’d been discarded and raised his hands submissively as he scooched backward from Hermione. “I - it’s - it’s not what it looks-”
“No, no.” Tom spoke quickly, the syllable sounding smoother than Draco anticipated, his dark eyes slowly moving to linger on his wife’s exposed legs. “I don’t want you to stop.”
Draco glanced back down at Hermione. And then back to Tom. And then back at Hermione.
“Don’t mind him,” Hermione soothed as she wriggled closer on the couch, reaching out to rake her hands down Draco’s chest. “Tom likes to watch.”
An soft, unsure sound came from Draco’s throat as her hands roamed lower, pulling his shirt away from his lap and starting to rub over the fabric of his briefs.
“He likes to give me what I want,” she breathed, pulling herself up to bring his earlobe between her teeth. “And what I want right now, is you.”
Draco hummed softly before he glanced back past Hermione toward her husband.
He was watching. While he remained expressionless… it didn’t look like he agreed with her.
“I… you know what, I’m not really comfortable…”
She released his ear and kissed down his neck, nipping at his skin as she went. “At least finish me off. Please?”
Draco swallowed loudly.
“By all means,” Tom said, finally moving from the doorway toward the kitchen bench, untying his tie as he went. “If you don’t indulge her, I’ll never hear the end of it.”
Slowly, Hermione scooted back on the couch, pulling Draco back down with her. He allowed it, stopping as he hovered over her.
Draco glanced back up. Tom had moved to lean against the kitchen door way, arms folded across his chest. His lip turned upward ever so slightly in the corner. It wasn’t a smile… but it was definitely more encouraging than a blank stare.
He glanced back down. Hermione pulled her lip between her teeth and smiled up at him, waiting expectantly.
He swore internally.
This was Hermione - Granger - sprawled under him, waiting, wanting. How long had he waited? How much time had he wasted fantasising about this moment?
He even had permission.
And so, pushing his reservations to the back of his mind, Draco dove back in.
Draco had never had a threesome before, and he wasn’t sure that what had just happened counted.
He wasn’t sure that he wanted to do it again.
Once Hermione had finished (he’d had to go back to using his mouth. Merlin knew, he hadn’t been able to perform with the audience), Tom had, thankfully, left in the direction of the bathroom. The tension in the room had significantly diminished once he was gone.
Draco relaxed back into the couch watching as Hermione pranced across the room, stark naked, glass of water in hand. She offered it to him.
“Thank you.”
She smiled sweetly.
“I’m sorry,” she said softly, watching him drink. “I didn’t know he’d be home so soon.”
“I didn’t realise the two of you had such an… open relationship.”
She merely shrugged.
A moment later, Draco didn’t need to see to know that Tom had come back. His presence demanded attention, even now that he’d removed his jacket and shirt, leaving him in his business pants and undershirt.
It was unusual, how he could maintain his intimidating presence without any shoes on.
Tom didn’t even look toward Draco as he passed through. “Tell your friend to leave.”
Draco stiffened. Hermione glanced toward him sheepishly, taking the glass back out of his hands. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
More than happy to get out of there, Draco shot up and found his jeans, pulling them on in what might’ve just been record time. He pulled his shirt on roughly over his head and slipped his shoes on as he stepped toward the door.
“I’ll… um…” he muttered glancing from Hermione over to Tom who had his back to him as he rummaged through the fridge. “That was… thanks. I guess.”
Hermione gave him a small wave, and Draco left.
Tom pulled a beer from the fridge and stepped back to the counter to open it against the edge. After a firm hit, the cap shot off with a loud clatter.
Sheepishly, Hermione slinked over from the couch, approaching him from behind and wrapped her arms around his waist.
“Did you have a nice afternoon?” He asked after a moment, taking a sip of his beer.
“I most certainly did.” She was too short to reach his head, so she pressed a kiss to the back of his shoulder, instead. He sighed loudly and turned around, wrapping his free arm tightly around her.
“You drive me insane, you know that?”
She hummed in amusement, the sound lingering as she pulled his chin down to kiss him. “I know.”
He kissed her back, slowly and lazily while his fingers traced patterns over her bare skin of her lower back.
“I like Lucius,” he murmured between kisses, “you know that, too.”
She laughed against his lips. “I do.”
“You could’ve just asked me to stop working with him.”
“And what would you have said?”
He pulled back long enough to glare down at her. “He only has one son. He’ll never forgive me.”
“I’m counting on it,” she said after a moment, running her hands over his chest. “Don’t be mad. This way, everyone wins.”
“You win, you mean.”
She laughed again and didn’t deny it, bracing herself as he picked her up and spun her to sit her up on the counter. From the new angle, his hips aligned better with hers and with a smaller height difference, he kissed her more deeply than before.
“You’ll let me watch when you do it, won’t you?” She asked as she broke off, almost feeling guilty for the fate she’d chosen for Draco. Tom wouldn’t make it quick.
He never did.
Tom’s smile was slow and sideways. “You know I could never say no to you.”
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yotsutama · 6 years
Do you have any favorite moments with Yamato and Nagi?
OFC I HAVE!!!!! their relationship is my favorite next to mezzo hahaha
First of all, both Yamato and Nagi has/had secrets that can danger idolish7’s popularity. Their backgrounds are not only opposite but also similar. Yamato is an illegitimate child of a big star, he felt he wasn’t loved and spent his youth seeking revenge on his father. While Nagi had everything and can do anything. He is a prince and loved by women, but almost all the men he met in Northmare, including his brother, didn’t like him because they envy him. 
The two of them found out about each other’s secrets earlier than anyone in i7, they understand each other’s pasts, feelings, and reasons. Because they’re similar, both of them are stubborn and refuse/d to reveal their pasts. But since Nagi understood Yamato’s feelings, Nagi could encourage Yamato to have a serious talk with everyone (in part 3). So I hope Yamato and Mitsuki can do the same to Nagi in part 4 :’))
I’m getting OOT so these are my fave Nagi & Yamato moments!!
First, in 2.4.2 where Yamato refused to accept a drama offer starring Yuki and him. Nagi noticed that Yamato didn’t want to accept the offer because he didn’t want to work with Yuki (who knew Yamato’s father very well). Nagi asked Yamato to take off his glasses to see Yamato’s face which is similar to his father.
Nikaidou Yamato: I’m not doing it.Takanashi Tsumugi: Huh?Nikaidou Yamato: Can you turn them down? I don’t have any intentions on appearing on the silver screen.Takanashi Tsumugi: But…. Yuki-san will be there as well, and it’s such a big chance….Nikaidou Yamato: I’m not doing it. Period.Izumi Iori: But it’s a long-awaited chance, right when everyone’s doing their best….Rokuya Nagi: Yamato…. It is a personal rule of mine to not pry into things.Nikaidou Yamato: That’s good. Keep it up ‘til the day you die.Rokuya Nagi: Take off your glasses.Nikaidou Yamato: Why are you breaking that rule all of a sudden?Rokuya Nagi: Why are you hiding it? I know. I know what Yamato’s secret is.Nikaidou Yamato: …….Rokuya Nagi: Probably.Izumi Mitsuki: Nagi does? Did you hear it from Yamato-san? And by secret, do you mean that one….Rokuya Nagi: No. However, I’d like him to stop hiding and talk about it. Not only are we your members, we are also your Best Friends….Nikaidou Yamato: Oh? I know too, Rokuya Nagi. I know what your real identity is.Rokuya Nagi: OH…. So you watched as a tail sprang out of me, shadow growing long beneath the full moon, in the dead of the night?Nikaidou Yamato: Close. …Lend me your ear for a bit.Nikaidou Yamato: How about we watch some Kokona-chan, together in your room?Rokuya Nagi: YES! YES! YES!! I agree wholeheartedly! We must head towards my theater room right this instant!Nanase Riku: W-what did you say?Izumi Mitsuki: Whatever it was, it seems like he hit the target. I mean, he did say “yes” a bunch of times.Nikaidou Yamato: Hahaha. Well, it’s naptime for Onii-san, so….Rokuya Nagi: Yamato, lend me your ear.Nikaidou Yamato: Hm?Rokuya Nagi: I’m giving you the slip this time. Be thankful. Nikaidou Yamato: You….
Anime Voice: Magical★Flash~!Nikaidou Yamato: Just how many times has it been already….Rokuya Nagi: Wonderful things will always be wonderful, no matter how many times you watch them.Anime Voice: Magical★Turbo~!Nikaidou Yamato: I’m so sleepy….Rokuya Nagi: Yamato is a difficult person. It is quite lonesome, that you’d glare down even your friends the instant people touch upon your secret.Nikaidou Yamato: …….Rokuya Nagi: What are you afraid of? Please trust us more.Rokuya Nagi: I pray that you will find the courage to tell all of us, one day.Nikaidou Yamato: …….
Next, in 3.1.2, when they lost Yamato at a party. I love how Yamato and Nagi are sarcastic to each other sometimes lol
Yaotome Gaku: Huh? Where’s Nikaidou? Nanase Riku: Yamato-san? He was just here a second ago…. Izumi Iori: …It’s because we’re in a place like this. Remember…? Osaka Sougo: …Ah, right……. Rokuya Nagi: Hm….. Yamato sure likes to move around in secret. Izumi Mitsuki: Come on, don’t say that. He’ll come back once he’s done with whatever he’s doing. Rokuya Nagi: You’re a very good, honest, and virtuous person, Mitsuki. Those who carry secrets with them aren’t of such noble character. They’re the same as the timid and cowardly…. Nikaidou Yamato: Who’s a coward? Rokuya Nagi: OH……. Nikaidou Yamato: I’m glad your plane made it on time, Nagi. You just got back from Northmare, right? Nikaidou Yamato: You’ve been going back to your country quite a lot lately. I wonder what’s happening over there…. Is it like a disturbance, or uproar over something? ……Is that the reason why you’ve been going back? Rokuya Nagi: ……Secrets are but a part of a gentleman’s manners. Nikaidou Yamato: OK. Hey, long time no see. What were you guys talking about? Yuki: They were just discussing how excited they are to watch us act together. Yaotome Gaku: ……We were?
In 3.2.1. Nagi tried to ask Yamato to tell them about his past
Nikaidou Yamato: ……. Nikaidou Yamato: Well, I gotta go to work too. Rokuya Nagi: –Yamato. Izumi Mitsuki: Nagi, don’t. Rokuya Nagi: Why not? Izumi Mitsuki: There’s no point in asking him if he doesn’t wanna talk about it. It’s gonna take some time, and that’s different for everyone. Rokuya Nagi: Mitsuki, it’s not because I want to know what Yamato’s secret is. Rokuya Nagi: It’s because Yamato is purposefully allowing the atmosphere to deteriorate between the three of us– and I cannot accept that.Rokuya Nagi: As for Yamato’s secret? I’ll just wash it down, much like I would a bowl of cereal. Yamato, please don’t draw borders between us. Nikaidou Yamato: Ahaha. If you’re talkin’ national borders, then they’ve been there since the beginning. Rokuya Nagi: ……What do you mean? Nikaidou Yamato: Unlike you, a returnee, I have ochazuke for breakfast– not cereal. That’s the answer to all your questions. Nikaidou Yamato: You’re pouring tea on top of rice, instead of milk onto cereal. That’s what different. But that difference holds more weight than any passport could. The tragedy begins here, and ends here. Nikaidou Yamato: You’ll realize it someday. Well, I gotta go now. slam
In 3.5.3. Nagi forcefully make Yamato talk ;’))
Nikaidou Yamato: Hah……. My pulse is racing so fast my heart hurts……. Nikaidou Yamato: ……But I have to go back……. *click*Rokuya Nagi: Hello!Nikaidou Yamato: Ah……. Rokuya Nagi: ……. Nikaidou Yamato: I…. I’m home…. Rokuya Nagi: Welcome back. We’ve been waiting for you to return. Nikaidou Yamato: Yeah…. Ah…. What happened to the entryway? Is it me or did the security got a lot stricter while I was gone……? Rokuya Nagi: That’s not of great importance. Look at me, Yamato. Nikaidou Yamato: But, like…. The windows look kinda grim too……. Rokuya Nagi: Rather than talking about the windows, why don’t you talk about yourself? We’ll hear all about it tonight. Right, Yamato? Nikaidou Yamato: ……. Yeah, that’s what I was gonna do. Rokuya Nagi: OK. Do you know how I feel…. Rokuya Nagi: After urging you, over and over and over again to answer my question…. For you to find that answer at someone else’s house, someone who isn’t even a member…… Nikaidou Yamato: Huh? Rokuya Nagi: Fine. Bring it on. Nikaidou Yamato: Uh…. Are you mad……? Rokuya Nagi: No, no, no! Do you mind if I inform everyone that you’ve returned? I’m sure they’ll be very, very delighted to hear that. Nikaidou Yamato: …Sure, but…. Hm? Who are you calling? Rokuya Nagi: …….
Rokuya Nagi: Hello, President! Tonight’s going to be Round 1 of Yamato’s Confessions! If you have time, please do stop by! Nikaidou Yamato: ……Hey! Just who are you inviting!? Rokuya Nagi: OH! You have something planned? No worries. Thanks. Next– Hello,Yaotome-shi! Nikaidou Yamato: Hey! Let’s keep it to just the members! Hey, are you mad at me? If you are then just tell me, please! Rokuya Nagi: Hello! Mister Yuki. What are you plans for tonight?Nikaidou Yamato: Stop!!! That man’s already given me hell! Rokuya Nagi: Hello, Kujou-shi! Nikaidou Yamato: Are you kidding me? Come on……! *click*Nanase Riku: Welcome back, Yamato-san! I’m really glad you’re back! Osaka Sougo: –I heard from Nagi-kun, so I rushed back! Yotsuba Tamaki: Is it true you’re doing a confession session? I mean, we’ve done a lot up ‘til now, but this is the first time it’s gotten a legit name!Yotsuba Tamaki: That’s our leader! You’re so on point! Nikaidou Yamato: Noooooooo……!
Aaaannd after they listened to Yamato’s story,
Nikaidou Yamato: –I’m sorry…. Rokuya Nagi: Do not apologize. We know, even without asking. Rokuya Nagi: Yamato, you’re happy right now, aren’t you? Congratulations. Nikaidou Yamato: Nagi….
Rokuya Nagi: Precisely. When I came to this country, I learned that ‘Yamato’ was also a word that signified 'Japan.’Rokuya Nagi: That is the name Chiba Shizuo bestowed his child, born in the evening years of his life. Chiba Shizuo, the face of Japan’s acting industry. Rokuya Nagi: He loves you– you’re his pride and joy. Nikaidou Yamato: …….
In 3.8.5. last but not least :”)) Look at Yamato’s character development sobs
Rokuya Nagi: OH…. The video stopped…. Come on, come on, come on…. Signal, please…. Nikaidou Yamato: Nagi, now’s not the time to be slacking off. Rokuya Nagi: Even though you’re holding a can of beer in your right hand, Yamato? Nikaidou Yamato: Haha, I found it in the kitchen. ……Say, Nagi…. I know I can’t say shit, but… Nikaidou Yamato: If there’s anything troubling you, feel free to talk to Onii-san about it. There’s no good in hiding things. Rokuya Nagi: ……. Rokuya Nagi: Hello, Yamato. I’d like to introduce you to my friend. Let’s hop into a time machine and go visit Past Yamato, shall we? Nikaidou Yamato: Ahaha…. I figured you’d say that. Nikaidou Yamato: But, seriously. I felt a lot better after talking to you guys about it. Nikaidou Yamato: So if anything ever happens, just tell us. –Hey now, don’t film this!! Rokuya Nagi: Yes! I’ve obtained some very rare Yamato content!
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