#jasper hale whitlock imagine
s9fti3 · 5 months
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‘And you’re still hungry for her’- Jasper Hale Headcannons!!
• A southern gentleman through and through. He greets those he likes (and who he can control himself around) with a smile and a ‘Well, Hello there.’ while tipping his imaginary cowboy hat.
• He says ma’am and sir even if he is 10x older than the person he is talking too.
• Did I say he was a gentleman? Jasper likes to hold the door for those behind him, waits for the person who is tying their shoe, listen to the person who was cut off in the middle of a conversation, offers his friends to stand under the umbrella with him while it pours down rain, offer to pay sometimes.
• When first being with you, he had to keep a distance for a long while. He wasn’t sure that he could handle himself and was scared of hurting you on accident. But with the help of Edward, Bella and Alice, he was able to spend more time with you and realize he won’t hurt you.
• One of his hobbies is playing baseball and he loves to have you watch him play, but he loves it more when he gets to teach you. His cold hands over your warm ones on the bat as Alice tosses the ball in your direction. Teaching you how to throw the ball with enough force to get it to hit hard.
• His body is absolutely freezing, so please bare with him when he touches you with his cold hands. The worst thing is when your cooking with Bella and he comes over with his cold hands offering to help, placing his hand on your shoulder.
• He smells like a lot of things, but the ones I can pick up on the most are pine wood, blood, rain, and old spice.
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entitled-fangirl · 8 months
Are you scared of me, Princess?
Jasper Hale x human!reader
Summary: The reader sees the scars on Jasper's arms, prompting him to tell her the truth.
Words: 1,646
Warnings: talk of murder, vampire stuff idk, scars, cursing
Author's note: God this is angsty. Someone get 8th-grade me in here right now because this is what she thought she was reading at her age.
Masterlist <3
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Jasper sat in the bed placed in his room, his mate resting her back against his chest. His arms were wrapped around her waist and his face found its way into her hair. Her hands were placed on top of his on her waist, relishing in the feeling of comfort he gave her.
They were a strange pair, the two. The bloodthirsty vampire fighting his instincts to feed and the helpless human girl who wouldn’t be able to fight him if she tried. 
But she trusted him with her whole heart. It had been hard at first. She had to marinate in the knowledge of the existence of vampires, and he suffered the constant smell of her sweet scent, calling out to him every second.
It was so hard for him, even on a good day. Her smell of her blood always drew him in. 
The only thing holding him back from draining her was the feeling he knew he wouldn’t fight the minute her body became lifeless: dread.
But now, they laid in each other’s arms in complete trust. 
Her hand wandered up his forearm, stopping at the unevenness of his skin. She looked down, pulling his sleeve up briefly.
Bite marks and scratches laid all up and down his forearm. She didn’t want to know how far up his arm it went, thankful for the sleeve.
She felt him shift. He felt uncomfortable. Scared of her reaction. But above all else, he cared for her. She could practically feel his gift poking at her emotions, intertwining them with his. A sense of calmness fell over the two of them before words could form.
Her hand still laid against his arm gently, her thumb brushing one of the bites to comfort him in her own way.
She felt his head move away from hers, leaning back against the bed frame. She used this opportunity to turn in his grip, now facing him. Once there, she pulled his arm into her lap, her eyes inspecting the scars in front of her. 
He simply watched. He couldn’t hide them, and he would never lie. Not to her. So, he simply sat there to let her ask him or draw her own conclusions.
She finally looked up, her eyes locking on his. She’s thankful of his gift, because otherwise, she may have been teary-eyed. “T….Tell me, Jasper?”
His eyes softened. God, she was so good to him. So perfect. So innocent and pure. Everything he knew he wasn’t.
Her blood would be so easy to take. The feeling of adrenaline would be worth the-
“It’s… a long story, Princess. I don’t think you wanna hear it.”
She was visibly hurt by his answer, her hand retreating from his. “Oh. I… I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to pry… I just… just thought…”
He chuckles to himself, teasing her, “Thought what, Princess? You really wanna know?”
She nods, her eyes glossy, holding an unreadable expression.
He sighs. He wanted to hold off from telling her this. That was his plan. But now, she had ruined the perfect plan in his head. Not that he could be mad at her. His heart couldn’t do that.
He pulls his sleeve up his other arm, showing her the scarring. “D’you know much about the Civil War, Darlin’?”
She nods, her eyes never leaving his forearm. 
He smiles, “Good girl. Knew you would.” He took a deep breath, not that he needed to, but it allowed him to collect himself and decide what to say. “I was turned during the Civil War. A woman named Maria convinced me to help her train a vampire army. I was foolish and naive. I thought she was doing the right thing.”
He looked up at her to gauge her reaction. She simply stared at the scars, her head low in thought. He took this as a sign to continue.
“You know.. I was, uh, a major, in the war?”
Her head perked up at that, her eyes meeting his. “A..a major?”
He smirked, “Yeah. Major Jasper Whitlock.” As he said so, she felt a wave of pride come from his body. She didn’t need Jasper’s gifts to sense it, for it had come so plain. 
He continued, “I trained them myself. Her army, I mean. I know you don’t know much about us, but newborn vampires are more dangerous. More deadly. They’re stronger than most.” As he said this, she could feel his tone becoming sharper. 
“Stronger than Emmett?”
He nods, “Yes, Princess. Much stronger. You stay away from a newborn.” It had meant to be advice, but it came out a demand. “They’re more deadly than you can imagine. I’ve watched them do…” his eyes look off in thought, “…unspeakable things…”
A small silence overtakes them before she breaks it. “And you trained them?”
His eyes quickly move back to hers, the amber color glowing, “Yes, ma’am.”
“Not easily. They don’t take too well, as you can see,” he said, his head motioning forward at his arms. “I punished them, too. Killed them when they got out of hand or weren’t what we needed.”
He feared to look up at her, but he couldn’t resist. Her gaze was on the window. He didn’t often wish for a gift different than his, but at this moment, he wished he could read her mind. See what was going on in that lovely little human brain of hers. But he couldn’t. He sensed she wasn’t distressed. He had to see her eyes to be sure. Not for his gift’s sake, but for his own. His hand outstretched to grab her jaw gently, pulling it towards his own. “Are you scared of me?”
Her eyes catch his, their faces a foot apart. “…Sh…should I be, Jasper?”
He considers her question quickly with a nod, his voice low. “Really fucking scared.”
She blinks at his wording, her brain struggling to comprehend everything in front of her. 
He wanted to joke, take the dark mood away, but he knew this was serious. “I killed before this,” he gestured to himself, “I killed during this…. I’ll probably have to kill sometime after this. I’ve murdered many with no remorse, their bodies laying at my feet. Innocent lives and murders, too. I overpowered the strongest vampires with ease, ending them mercilessly. My heart holds no mercy. So, I’ll ask again. Are you scared of me?”
She wasn’t sure what to think. She couldn’t put it into words. Was she scared? She supposed so. Any sane person would be. But she trusted him. She trusted him. She trusted him. “You… You won’t hurt me, Jasper.”
He wanted to laugh at her sweet response. How naive of his little lamb. She said it so sure of herself. Of him. She didn’t know of the constant, deep thirst of blood he fought back every time their eyes met. She didn’t know of the pain he felt when she parted from him. She didn’t know of the horrors he had endured. And most importantly, she would never understand the terrors he had caused.
“You don’t know that, Princess.”
She took a quick breath in at his response. Every reasonable thought she ever had was gone. She should run. She should hide. But she didn’t. She wouldn’t. Her body remained here, on the vampire’s bed, his hand gripping her jaw while staring at her like she was prey. Every reasonable thought was gone.
She reached her hand up to place on top of his on her jaw, flinching at the cold feeling of his skin on hers. “You won’t, Jasper.” She began to even sound confident.
He smiled at her, his sharp teeth peeking out. This girl believes in him that much. What a stupid girl. Too trusting. Too hopeful. Too pretty. Too good. Too perfect. He could absolutely ruin her. But he wouldn’t. “C’mon, Princess. Admit you’re a little afraid.” He needed to hear her say it.
Her hand gripped his, pushing it down her jaw lightly until it rested over her throat. His hand now wrapped around her neck, her hand lightly resting on his. 
He was speechless at her touches. Her movements. Her willingness. Her loyalty to him. His eyes stare at his own hand, admiring the view in front of him. Her hopeful eyes staring into his while his hand rested above her only source of oxygen. It was intimate. It was scary. It was perfect. She was perfect. 
His thumb brushed her throat lightly, feeling her heartbeat quicken at his touch. He could practically feel the blood running through her veins. And she trusted him still. 
They sat there in silence for a while, simply admiring the other. 
She was perfect. Too innocent for her own good, but so loyal and willing for him. Her pretty face was the perfect view for him. He could stare at it until the end of his days. And she trusted him with her life. 
She trusted him with the one thing his body thirst to destroy. And he loved her all the more for it.
He was strong. Resilient. An open book for her to read at her leisure. Protective was a word she was familiar with. She felt like his arms were the only thing she needed to live in the world. She trusted him with her life.
His other arm moved up her body, his hand getting lost in the hair on the back of her head. He pushes her forward, capturing her lips in his. 
The hand on her neck stayed. But it never twitched. 
They pulled away from each other to let her catch her breath. Their faces were close as they tried to think of the right words to say.
“You’re not afraid of me.”
It wasn’t a question, it was a statement. She wasn’t afraid of him. 
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iconicstoner · 6 months
I read your love bites and apologies story and I was thinking something similar but opposite!! Reader loves the hickeys and can't get enough of them! Like reader is always covered in hickeys!!! Maybe there's a situation with reader's parents or something, and reader uses it as a way to rebel or something! Idk! Just do whatever you want!!!
If you don't want to write this, that's totally cool!
a/n: Thank you so much for this request! It was so fun to write and I hope you like what I came up with lol. I also am really glad you enjoyed one of my other stories!
marked up
gn!reader x jasper hale (smut)
words: 910
summary: you decide to rebel against your parents by letting Jasper mark you all over, but it quickly turns to even more than that.
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“Woah darlin’, calm down now,” Jasper tells you, keeping one hand in your hair. Your mouth is on his icy cold neck, leaving kisses everywhere. He doesn’t have blood, so he can’t get hickeys, but if he could then he would’ve been covered by now. He tried again to tell you to calm down, but all he could focus on was your warm breathe on his neck.
“You always cover me in hickeys, so maybe it’s my turn,” you tell him with a smirk. You’re sitting in his lap, the two of you on his bed, and despite the fact you’re looking down at him, he’s in full control.
  “You don’t like when I leave marks on you?” he asks, already knowing the answer. He gives that perfect smile that’s been burned into your memory. 
“I love it,” you whisper sensually in his ear. You hear a low moan in the back of his throat as he grabs you by the waist. He lifts you up and roughly places you down on the mattress below him. 
“Sweetheart, I’m gonna leave you covered by the time we’re done here. Everyone will know you’re mine,” he tells you. 
“I was hoping you’d say that,” you respond. 
“Why’s that?” he asks with a grin. You think back to the fight with your parents you’d had before you’d left home. You fell asleep without a shirt on, your parents noticed one of the hickeys on your chest, and they were not pleased. You assured them that it was fine. You still had amazing grades, great relationships with your friends, and your own hobbies, but they hated the idea you were having sex, especially not with someone they didn’t trust, like Jasper.
Jasper lifts up your chin, kissing you your jaw, bringing you back into reality.
“My parents and I are fighting about you again,” you say between breathy moans, “they think you’re a bad influence.”
“I am,” he said while slipping his hand under your shirt. You wanted to listen to his thick southern accent forever, hearing him call out your name in it. You tugged at his shirt, lifting it up. He quickly took it off, and you did the same with your own. Your chest was now exposed and he began kissing you all over. He left hickeys up and down your chest, your waist, your neck, everywhere. Anywhere he could reach your soft, warm skin he pressed his tongue to it. He knew neither of you would be satisfied until you were fully covered in hickeys.
He pulled away from you, slowly unbuckling his pants just to tease you. He unbottoned your pants next and pulled them off you, leaving kisses along your hips. He pulled down your undewear just enough to expose you and began to kiss you there. He licked your bare skin slowly, causing you to buck your hips with excitement. 
He moved back up to your neck, kissing and leaving hickies there again, but he kept a firm grip on your hips. His mouth trailed down to your collarbones, and left more marks there. You knew he was trying to tease you. As he pulled away to let you gasp for air you looked noticed a tent in his boxers, and you knew you craved him. He began to slowly grind against you, his hard pressing up against you in the most satisfying way, causing you to beg for him.
“Please Jasper, I need you,” you moaned out. He began to kiss and suck one of your nipples. You jumped in pleasure as he put one of his cold hands between your thighs, roughly spreading them open. He stopped kissing your chest, and began to kiss you. His tongue was in your mouth, his hard cock was rubbing against you, and you were in pure bliss. He pulled away from the kiss and pushed a few strands of hair out of your face.
“Oh darlin’, I’m not even done with my tongue yet,” he told you before moving back down between your thighs. He grabbed you by the hips and began to tease you with his tongue. He traced it along your inner thighs, causing your hips to jump again.
“Please, Jas,” you begged. You saw him smile up at you before begining to give you head. His tongue moved in the most perfect ways. He kissed and licked you everywhere, and you had never felt more pleasure. His hands were firmly gripped on your thighs, and his tongue moved swiftly. You let out shaky mones as your got closer to your climax, but his movements never faltered. Before you could even register the thought, you had already came. Your legs were shaking from the pleasure.
He sat up, brushing more hair out of your face. He wiped some sweat off of your face before gently kissing your forehead. It was hard to tell if you liked him more gentle and sweet or rough and dominating. You sat up, resting in his arms. The two of you peacfully laid there, skin to skin, for what could’ve been forever. He shifted and got out of bed, having to force himself to let go of your hand. 
“It’s getting late,” he told you as he gathered both of your clothes. “You should get home before it’s dark, or else I might have to punish you next time,” he whispered seductively as he left a final hickey on your neck. 
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simpfordemetri · 5 months
hiii !! idk if ur requests are open or not but I was wondering if u could make what a flirty friendship with jasper hale would look like yk what I mean??😭anyways I would really appreciate it if u could do it !!
stay safe and hydrated !!🫶🏻
Flirty friendship w/Jasper Cullen
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-This man oh my god
-He definetly knows how to flirt,and its even better because he will do it in a gentlemanly way that you are just
-Opening doors,study dates,bringing you lunch for school,pick you up and leave you in your doorway.
-He will give you unexpected gifts that you will love
-Lots of compliments
-“Looking good today ma’am”in that southern accent
-I think with him that friendship wont last,sooner or later he will ask you out
-VERY close hugs where he leaves a kiss in your cheek(almost lips)
-Rub his hands towards yours “accidentally” while walking
-He wont let you carry anything during your school period,all books and your backpack are carried by him
-Intense looks across the room while classes
-He knows what you feel for him im just saying
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xetlynn · 9 months
IMAGINES- Jasper x reader
My Star
(This was requested months ago and I’m so sorry I’m just now putting this out 😭)
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Twilight Masterlist
In which Jasper lost his “Star” before turning into a vampire and years later spots her with his new vegetarian family.
“Are you sure you’re ready for this?” Carlisle asked Jasper whose eyes were widened already trying to control his thirst around all the humans.
He nodded his head.
Edward and Emmett stood on either side of him.
“If it gets too much let one of us know.” Alice stood in front of Jasper with a sweet smile on her face.
The family thought Alice and Jasper would end up together due to how much he trusted her but Alice knew she wasn’t the one for him.
He mourned for his lover before them.
Before turning.
She knew that was the only woman for him.
And he was glad she understand, not having to speak on it. The pain was too much for him to bare so he kept silent about it.
“Yes, ma’am.” He smiles down at the girl, his hands laid behind him, clasped together.
“Alright, you got this.” She nods at him, getting out of their way and the three men enter together. The rest of the family behind them.
As they entered the loud building the energy switched.
Jasper focused on the music that played, watching the girls that kicked their feet and played with the bottoms of their dresses as they danced.
The men that encourage them, cheering them on.
He scanned the room, observing.
“I want to dance.” Rosalie stated behind them.
“Let’s dance then baby!” Emmett boomed.
Edward furrowed his brows trying to remind them of why they were here.
Alice placed a hand on his shoulder. “Let them have fun.” She nods her head to assure him.
Edward makes eye contact with Carlisle who also allows it, taking Esme’s hand and taking her to dance.
He scoffs, staying sternly next to Jasper.
Jasper still scanned the room, not paying attention to his new family. Alice joined Jasper’s other side and took his hand.
“Want to try to dance too?” She had a lot of hope and confidence in him.
Something he could say the same for.
The blood burning his nose as he tried his hardest to hold it in.
“I don’t know, honestly.” He answers her, his nose flaring but he tries to hold it in.
“You got this, trust me.” She pulls him onto the dance floor as well.
Alice begins to twist her hips, following the rhythm of the music.
“C’mon!” She encourages, now kicking her feet and moving his arms for him.
“I don’t know how to dance.” He begins to smile.
“Just follow my lead.” She gets more into and he finally follows suit, the burning in his nose still there but she distracts him from it.
Edward still stood there, solemnly.
Watching Jasper’s every move, making sure he doesn’t get caught up and switch like a light.
As Jasper dances, he glances around again.
A shine of a light flashes on a man and he stares at the guy for a little bit before moving alone onto the next thing.
This time his eyes spot a lady.
A lady who looks oddly familiar.
Her hair bouncing as she dances and laughs.
Time freezes for him. Alice notices his change in posture. His moves slow down.
“Jasper?” She turns to see what he’s looking at. Edward comes up to them, pulling them off the dance floor.
“What happened?” Edward aggressively questions.
“I- I don’t know.” Alice stammers, Jasper’s eyes don’t leave the girl he saw.
“Jasper, what’s going on?” Edward grabs onto the mans shoulders.
“I see her.” Is all that leaves his lips.
“See who?” Alice asks, gently pushing Edward out of the way.
“My star.” He whispers, shoving past Alice and Edward, the girl left the dance floor and to the bar.
He stays feet away but watch her every movement just like Edward was doing to him.
But for him, he was trying to see if it’s true.
If it’s his star. As she got her drink, Edward grabs onto him once again.
“Jasper, you can’t do that.” Glaring at the man who doesn’t seem to be there. Not paying attention to his “brother.”
She’s on the move once again, a man beside her this time. She’s flirting with him and Jasper feels a pang in his chest.
She laugh and he hears it for a split second. That’s how he knew, it’s her.
It’s his star.
She grabs onto the man’s shirt that she’s flirting with and guides him outside into the back of the building. Jasper realizes he needs to get Edward off of his back.
He looks around trying to find something to do so. Alice watches Jasper’s movements and then she gets a vision.
Holding onto the wall once it’s over.
She grins and goes over to Edward.
“Eddie!” She laughs vibrantly, grabbing onto the boy and spinning him around. “Please dance with me!” She then spins herself with his hand. “Alice, now’s not the time.”
“When ever is there a time, Edward.” She pouts, then glances at Jasper and widens her eyes, telling him to go as she distracts the boy.
He mouths a “thank you” before rushing off. Following who he believes is his lover.
He exits the building, now being quiet.
He looks around for her. Not spotting her as the wind blows in the air. The moon shining down on him and the body of water ahead.
He takes a few steps out, he hears some noises of a man whimpering, gargling his own blood.
The blood smell fills Jasper’s nostrils.
He feels enticed by it, his body moving slowly towards the dying body feet away from him. It’s the man that she came out with.
It’s the same man from before.
And before he can get any closer his body flies to the ground with a thud. Someone pinning him down. “Who are you?” A voice questions, shoving him further into the ground.
The lady not getting a look at him.
He grunts, trying to fight her off. Slowly he stops fighting, trying to get a good look at her face.
“My star.” He huffs out, his hands laid next to him and her strength weakens on him. Pulling her hands back.
“Jasper?” Her voice breaks, this time he flips them over and pins her down. Not harshly.
She laughs loudly.
“My Jasper!” She squeals, not able to do anything but she kicks her feet to the ground as he stares down at her with a grin.
“[Name], I thought you were dead.” He tells her, observing every feature upon her face.
“I thought you were dead.” She lifts her head up to tell him. He lets her arms go but still straddles her waist, slightly hovering above her though.
“You’re one of them too?” He notices the blood that drips from her mouth.
“I was turned after you left, they invaded our home.” She informs him, leaning up on her elbows. He closes his eyes, shaking his head.
“I should’ve been with you.” He mentally beats himself up.
“Hey! Who’s back here?!” A voice shouts and the two scramble up. Jasper grabs her hand, yanking her away from the scene. They hide behind a vehicle as a sheriff flashes a light around the area they were just at.
He finds the body and gasps. [Name] giggles to herself, watching from the window of the car.
She looks down at Jasper with a smile, gripping his hand and she guides him to the lake in a fast movement.
“You eat humans?” He suddenly asks her. She furrows her brows. “What else would I eat, darling?” She bends down, cleaning the blood off of her face. Luckily none of it got onto her dress.
“Animals.” He responds in a quiet tone.
“Your family’s one of the vegetarians?” She sat on her knees but turned her body to his direction.
“Your’s isn’t?” He tilts his head.
“I don’t have one. I’ve been alone since they killed everyone in our village.” She hums, playing with the water.
“Everyone?” He repeats.
She then realizes how insensitive she sounds, that was his family too. “The Volturi, since everyone grew in havoc they deemed us dead. No hope for any of us to be civil enough to live out in the world.” She thinks back to her memories of when it all happened, the fire.
“I escaped without anyone realizing. I’ve been on the run for a while.” She stands up.
“Before the village was turned they told me you died. I had no reason of living. But then I was turned and I couldn’t even kill myself. It was tragic.” She places a hand on his cheek, rubbing it gently.
“Did you ever return home?” She goes to take her hand back but he grabs it, keeping it on his face. Cradling her hand.
“No, she told me you were dead and I couldn’t bare to see your name on a grave.” He spoke softly.
“She?” She furrows her brows.
“Maria. She turned me. Made me her personal soldier after she told me you were dead.” He closes his eyes trying to fight back the memory of him falling to his knees when he found out his star was dead.
“I’ll kill her.” Venom laces in [Name]’s voice but Jasper chuckles.
“She’s dead, my Star.” He shakes his head.
“Good, she’ll never experience my torture.” She half-jokes. Knowing there’s some truth to it.
“Never leave my side again.” He kisses her hand, pulling her into his arms.
“Never again.” She agrees, laying her head on his chest. It was cut off by yelling.
“Jasper!” His siblings were looking for him, he grabbed [Name], holding her close to him as the family found the man.
“Who is this?” Rosalie was the first to question. Esme held Carlisle’s hand. Alice clapped her hands.
“It’s her!” She grinned. Jasper gave the shorter girl an earnest smile.
“Her?” Rosalie gave a dirty look, still confused. “It’s [Name], his passed lover.” Carlisle announces.
Edward then lets it all hit him.
That’s why he was acting weird in the building. Relief also hits him when he doesn’t see blood all over him. Just a little on the girl next to him.
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volturissideslut · 10 months
Can you pretty please make a japer hale/Cullen one where if he saw his human mate crying and what he would do. He's my biggest comfort character and I would appreciate it so dearly but, if not that is completely okay I promise you. 🫶
Ps. I love you're writing I read you're page when I'm feeling down and just through out the day. It brings me comfort and happiness I appreciate you as a person in this world of ours. You are amazing and you are doing an amazing and lovely job.
𝕵𝖆𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖗 𝕳𝖆𝖑𝖊
"Darlin'?" his country accent rings out through your dark and empty room,his vampire eyes easily letting him locate you hurried in the covers on your bed where you sniffle quietly.
He watches in the reflection of your mirror as you squeeze your eyes shut, almost af if it would hide you from the world. If he wasn't so worried about you right now he'd chuckle at the sincerity and childishness at it.
"Bad day, Darlin?" he tries again, and you hum back in response - unable to get your voice to work right now.
At that, he's kicking off his shoes and climbing into bed with you, turning your lamp on as he goes so you can see him. Her pulls you close to him and holds you tight.
"want to talk about it?"
You shake your head no.
"want me to use my gift?"
You hesitate, but ultimately shake your head no.
"... want me to leave?"
You shake your head no.
His thumb rubs soothing circles into your side and the sniffles die down eventually. "I'll let you have tonight, but I want you to talk to me tomorrow. Is that okay, sugar?" his accent becomes a bit thicker in the vulnerable moment.
You nod, turning over and hugging him tightly. Face buried in his neck and arms holding him tight, you mumble a small "thank you, Jasper" before you fall asleep in his icy warm embrace.
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3vergr3en · 2 years
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Summary: Evening naps in Jasper’s bed is a usual thing that happens daily, but the vampire isn’t complaining. Instead he loves it, Y/N’s heartbeat is Jasper’s haven.
Additional Info: (Fem!Human!Reader x Vampire!Jasper Hale.) Some sensual kisses being shared. Overall fluff. This is my first one-shot of Jasper Hale! Please ask for more requests!
Mentions of the Cullen Family, specifically Esme and Emmet.
TW: Slightly suggestive.
Rain droplets can be heard splattering outside onto the windows of Jasper’s room, but no sound can disrupt the deep slumber of Y/N. You were sprawled out on Jasper’s bed (that was installed shortly after your visits became more frequent). You were laying on your stomach, your left knee raised up to your side and your arms buried under the ivory colored silk pillow. Your breathing heavy but quiet. The aroma of Timber & Patchouli filled the interior, being lit by the vampire shortly after the mortal fell asleep.
Jasper laid beside the human, his back pressed against the wooden headboard of his bed while his hand played with a strand of Y/N’s H/C hair, This was a usual event that happens, and he loved it. He couldn’t get enough of hearing the gentle, repetitive beats of her heart. It was calming for the immortal.
Whenever he felt stressed or overwhelmed, he’d stand behind the latter and wrap his arms around her waist. He then would hide his face in the crook of Y/N’s neck, breathing in the female’s pleasant fragrance, drowning out his thoughts with her heartbeat.
“Jasper..?” Y/N calls out groggily. You slowly, but eventually push yourself up with your arms so that you’re now sitting up. Your arms extending outwards while a yawn left your lips. “Yes, darlin’?” Jasper quietly chuckles, finding the tired mortal to be cute. “I’m right behind you, love.” His voice soothing.
“Mm.. How long was I asleep for?” You ask, turning around to face Jasper with half-lidded eyes. “Just a little over an hour.” The male hums, reaching out to pull you onto his lap. You shiver at the sudden chilliness of his skin in contact with yours, but you soon grow used to it. “What are you looking at? Is there drool on my chin?” You question after noticing the male staring up at you. You turned your face away from the latter, trying to wipe away any saliva from the corner of your lips. “There’s nothing there, hon’. I’m just appreciating the beauty that’s in front of me.” Jasper whispers the last sentence into your ear, pecking your cheek afterwards. You quickly turned your head back to look at Jasper with slightly widened eyes. You gently hit his chest before covering your face with your hands, “Jasper!” You giggled, wrapping your arms around his neck, “..thank you, love.” You smiled, leaning in closer to fill the gap between the two of you, his lips feeling so soft against yours.
A small, faint gasp left your lips once you felt Jasper’s hands firmly grip at your waist, his thumbs caressing your skin. He smiled into the kiss, his tongue dancing with yours. You hum against his lips, pressing your chest up against his broad chest. Your hands riding up his soft, golden locks. “Jasper..” You pulled away momentarily to softly whisper before leaning back in. His lips detaches from yours, leaving a trail of kisses down to your jawline. “Are you hungry, my love?” He asks, pulling back to look at you in your eyes. You smile and nodded, “Starving actually.“
“Esme insisted on cooking tonight because she couldn’t the last time you came over. She felt very guilty for having you leave on an empty stomach, so beware for a feast.” Jasper chuckles as he intertwines both of your guy’s hands together, bringing them up to his lips to kiss the back of your hand. “Oh god, how am I going to finish all of it? You and the cullen’s don’t eat food.” You pout as you make your way off of Jasper’s lap, worrying about how you’re going to finish all of the food. “It’s okay, just sleep over tonight and have the rest for breakfast tomorrow mornin’.” Jasper says as he shifts over to the edge of his bed, shortly standing up afterwards. “I suppose that’s fine. My parents are away for the weekend.” You shrugged, standing up from Jasper’s bed, laughing at Jasper’s enlightened face. “C’mere, give me a kiss.” You ordered, shuffling over to Jasper to wrap your arms around his neck, tipi-toeing to take the male’s lips into yours once again.
But the door slams open abruptly, revealing the tall, built brown-haired vampire. “Y/N! Dinner’s ready!” Emmet announces, immediately regretting his enthusiastic entrance when he’s met with Jasper’s glare. “Dude, seriously?”
“Thank you, Emmet!” You thank, equally as energetic as the brown-haired vampire. You looked over to Jasper with a grin, patting his chest in attempt to calm the latter.
“Oh shit— sorry. My bad.” He laughs, “I’ll just..” He trails off, speedily running down the hall to the stairway.
“Now.. where were we?” Jasper hums with a smirk, leaning in.
“Nuh-uh. C’mon cowboy. I’m hungry.” You laugh, quickly running away from the immortal before he has a chance to pull you back into a kiss.
“Hey-! Wait! That’s not fair!” Jasper calls out, using his vampire speed to easily catch up to the young woman.
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jasperhaleobsessed · 6 months
What it would be like to date Jasper Hale headcanons as a human
Notes: heavily inspired by other headcanons and fanfiction I've seen. I hope you all enjoy! :)
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Jasper's cold dead heart would swoon the moment he'd lay eyes on you
He'd be careful to approach you scared you accidentally scare you off. But gradually over time he'd work the courage to talk to you and eventually you two would get to know each other better.
You would share classes together and talk about shared interests
And evntuallt you would go from strangers to friends to lovers and the rest would be history
Most definitely a Gentleman, he'd open doors for you, pull out chairs for you, and helps take your jacket off, etc, etc.
They say chivalry is dead but he proves that wrong. He's very respectful of you and polite as well. He wouldn't ever make you do something that makes you uncomfortable. He'd never force you to do anything that upsets you. And again very much a gentlemam..
Fiercely protective of you but respects your bounds
Gentle and Considerable of you as well as attentive
But most of all he'd be an amazing boyfriend and you two loved each other deeply
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andreafmn · 2 years
Hello I see your taking request again ! I’m so happy It’s been sooo long hope your doing well !?!
Can you write a reader x jasper
Reader is a vampire she has been with the cullens for ever like before Alice and jasper got there !
She’s as cool as a cucumber like no one has ever seen her mad
Well once edwards started seeing Bella and being a diva he makes a comment about jasper and reader loses it like full on throws him through a wall lol
Everyone is super shocked because they’ve never seen her like that and emmitts booming voice in the back round saying well never talk shit about jasper in front of reader again
everyone nods in agreement and jasper just looks at reader and says I love when your defending me love but let’s not put anymore people through a wall and everyone laughs
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Word Count: 3K
Story Description: (Y/N) Cullen might be even-tempered and calm by nature. But when it came to her partner, no one gets by unscathed. Not even her own family.
A/N: I know I took forever to post this request, but I always take forever for everything 😅 though I hope you enjoy and that I did your request honor, anon. My content will always be free, but if you’re feeling particularly generous, you can leave a tip on any of my posts to support me and my love of writing🥺👉👈. Hope you enjoy, and all constructive criticism is encouraged.
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Karmic Retribution
There were certain unspoken rules to being a Cullen.
One of the worst ones, the oldest made all the decisions. This meant that, more often than not, Carlisle and Edward were the ones to determine the outcome for the family. And to that point, it had been fine. There was never anything truly holding them down to any place in particular, and they could travel any time they wanted.
(Y/N) was fine with that to an extent. She was on the same level as Edward in terms of age, and sometimes she felt she should have more leverage in family decisions than she had. But she had always been quiet, keeping her anger always at bay. And it helped that she had Jasper by her side.
Their connection was almost instantaneous.
When the messy bundle of blond curls walked into their home in Calgary, she knew he’d turn her whole life around. They grew close quickly. Spending almost every moment by each other’s side. (Y/N) could not remember her life before she met Jasper Whitlock. As time passed, the memory of her time without him seemed more and more like a dream rather than her past. To her, he had been there forever.
Though she did not have any special abilities, everything about her was extraordinary to Jasper. She became his lifeline, the only thing to keep him afloat when he felt like drowning. Because most days he felt his head was always just barely above water. Treading on the line between fighting his animalistic instincts and his new family’s peculiar lifestyle.
(Y/N) could do to him what he was able to do for everyone else. She could read his emotions before he had a chance to name them, and she somehow found a way to make him calm and tranquil. She was everything he did not know he needed.
He had been afraid to tell her of his past. How he’d fought for the confederacy and had built and led an army of newborns in the south. He was ashamed of the lives he had taken, the people he had turned and promised eternity to in exchange for their loyalty, only to dispose of them one year later. All for what he thought was love. Jasper was frightened that the second he confessed to the sins of his past, (Y/N) would forsake him and push him aside.
Instead, he was met with a wave of compassion that washed over him. As his eyes stung from dry tears, (Y/N) provided him with a smile that he was sure could warm his frozen body. She placed a comforting hand on his cheek and gave his lips a soft kiss.
“Our pasts do not define the people we are today,” she had told him, nothing but love in her eyes. “The reason we are who we are now is because we have moved forward from what we did yesterday. You don’t need my forgiveness, my love. For the man I know now will never be the same as the man that was. What you need is to forgive yourself.”
At that moment, Jasper knew that his search was finally over. Though he still struggled with his hunger and considered himself a dangerous man, he’d found the person that could love him completely. A woman that had taken one look at the scars of his past — literally and figuratively — and, instead of recoiling in fear and disgust, had placed a kiss upon them and filled them with love and compassion.
“Do you know how lucky I am, darling?” Jasper had told her one day as they lay in a clearing somewhere in the snowy surroundings of Alaska.
“Is that so?” (Y/N) chuckled. Her fingers traced the stitching of the vest he wore, her head pressed against his chest wondering what his heartbeat could have sounded like. “I’d like to think I’m the one that is lucky. How many years did I spend on my own, waiting on my forever? Then you show up, with Alice in tow, and you change our family for the better. And now, I have someone to walk through life until the end of time.”
“Life is funny that way, huh,” he smiled. “And that is precisely what I wanted to speak to you about. I know our journey is seemingly endless and certain mundane things don’t particularly mean as much as eternity. But there is something that I want more than anything — mostly as a symbol of how much I love you. Because in this life and the next I want nothing more than to spend it by your side. So I ask you, (Y/N), would you do me the absolute honor of allowing me to be your husband?”
“For as long as love lives between us, yes. A thousand times yes.”
A wedding was such a monumental event for humans. For beings that stood the trials of time, it was a symbol of commitment. A way to bind their lives with something other than words. A simple promise made in the presence of the people they valued above everything else. That they were making the choice to intertwine their lives in all ways, regardless of any circumstances.
The event had been small, much to Alice’s dismay. The pair simply wanted their family and a few friends in attendance. Their love needed no impressive show, it simply was, and that’s how they wanted it.
In the family, they kept their heads low and out of the way. It was futile to insist on having more of a voice when it came to the decisions of the family. To that point, they had no quarrels with the choices the patriarch had determined for the clan.
Keeping to themselves allowed (Y/N) and Jasper to form a bond like no other. They didn’t need Edward’s mind reading to be able to hear the other’s thoughts; didn’t need Alice’s foretelling to know their life would be live and full of life. The couple had created the perfect balance between themselves and orbited around the family. Still, it was them against the world.
Jasper being the youngest — at least considered that way for being the last to join the family — was often the target for many quips in the family. From his stoic stare to his short fuse when it came to human blood, the blond would often be the butt of the joke. And it never seemed to anger him. He’d chuckle from time to time or roll his eyes at any lines that went just a little too far. But he never defended himself or asked them to stop.
His efforts were centered on keeping (Y/N)’s anger toward the family at bay. Though she was calm by nature, she despised the way their adoptive brothers picked Jasper apart. How they would jokingly criticize something the man could not control. It was often a topic of discussion when the pair enjoyed a rare moment of privacy.
“I’m going to squash them,” she huffed. “Are they not tired of the same jokes? Is there even an original thought in their heads?”
“There’s no need to worry your pretty little head over them, darling,” Jasper chuckled, placing a comforting kiss on her head. “I’m used to it by now.”
“But you shouldn’t be! Every day you work your hardest to control yourself around humans and I know how painful it can be for you. Then Tangina and Schwarzenegger come in and tell the same stupid jokes over and over again,” she exclaimed. (Y/N)’s arms flew up in frustration earning a chuckle from the man as he stared at her from where he lay. “It’s not funny, Jasper. One of these days I’m gonna blow and you’re not gonna be able to calm me down.”
“As much as I would love to see you say your piece to Edward and Emmett, I assure you I do not mind.” He took her hands in his, kissing the knuckles gingerly. “Their words do not affect me, darling. The only person whose approval I care for is yours.”
“And that you will have until the end of time.”
And that was the case for the next couple of years. Whenever they’d reach a new town the other two Cullen teens would joke about how Jasper could snap at any moment, and he’d wreak havoc in the city. They would say pick on him and laugh at him. The worst part, he simply took it, much to (Y/N)’s dismay.
She would grow angry, he would temper her emotions, she would complain about their brothers’ treatment behind their backs, and he would say it was fine. But it shouldn’t have been fine. He should never have gotten used to the unnecessary mean jokes from the older boys.
When they settled in Forks, (Y/N) already knew the cycle. New town, same jokes. The only difference this time, Edward grew obsessed with a particular human.
The day he’d come home from school muttering how he needed to leave for some time and hole himself up in Alaska, (Y/N) couldn’t help the smile that spread across her face. There was Mr. Jasper-can’t-control-himself at the end of a downpour of blood frenzy. Everything he had jabbed at her partner with had come back to bite him.
She had laughed with Jasper that night, the jokes laced with actual worry that Edward would be the one to snap and attack a human. But the karmic retaliation had been far too exquisite for her to remain concerned. Revenge was always a very tasty treat.
But her small victory had not lasted long.
Only a week later, Edward had come back home with a recharged confidence. His woes about hurting Isabella Swan had died in a matter of seven days and he was ready to throw a hundred and ten percent toward forming a connection with the frail human.
And with Edward’s presence coming back, so did the overused jokes.
It had been a sunny afternoon in Washington and all the Cullens were stuck inside the house. Most of the morning had been uneventful, each of the family members reclused in their own rooms. The house was quiet and tranquil, peaceful. But that never lasted long. Especially when they were all home.
“So, Edward, this Bella chick is kind of… different, huh?” Emmett commented, his typical goofy grin spreading across his face. “But don’t you think it’s kinda dumb to get involved with a human?”
“Yeah, it might be,” he chuckled. “But it would be dumb of me to not even try. There’s just something about her that’s… intoxicating.”
“Yeah, it’s called human blood,” Rosalie spat. “Because she’s a human, Edward. The worst thing you could do is get involved with her. It could put her in danger. It can put all of us in danger.”
“There’s nothing wrong with testing the waters though,” he debated. “There’s truly something about her that calls to me. I need to see what it is.”
Anger had started sprouting inside (Y/N) as she listened to her family discuss the sudden apparition of Bella in their lives thanks to their adoptive brother. The cold that ran through her veins suddenly started growing warm, consuming her from the inside out. Not even the hand that Jasper had placed lovingly on the low of her back was enough to dissuade the ire that was taking over her.
“We’ve pretended to be humans for decades; I think I can do it for a couple of months with Bella. I just… I need to get to know her,” Edward continued. “I need to at least try.”
“And what will you do when she starts asking questions?” (Y/N) interjected. “How will you explain the cold skin? The fact that you don’t eat? The fact that you turn into a disco ball under the sun? How will you refrain from telling her you are a vampire?”
“I simply won’t tell her, (Y/N),” he chuckled. “It’s not that hard to not mention the fact that my family and I are a bunch of supernatural vampires.”
“You can’t even read her mind, Ed. How will you know she’s not coming up with conclusions on her own?”
“God, we can sit here a debate all night long on why it’s a bad idea for me to get in any way, shape, or form to get involved with Bella,” he retorted. “But it’s not really a family decision. I’m gonna see where things go with her, regardless of what any of you think.”
“So, you’re willing to put our family – our whole species – in danger, for a seventeen-year-old you met a couple of weeks ago?” (Y/N) questioned. Jasper was failing to calm her down. He could feel the angry red monster taking over her mind as she debated with Edward. Her emotions were taking over her reason and he could do nothing to help her. “I can’t believe you could be that reckless and selfish. Our entire existence depends on us being careful and guarding our secrets with our lives, especially in this town. If the Volturi don’t get you, I’m sure the wolves would be more than ready to put you in your place for breaking the treaty.”
“Oh, come on, (Y/N),” he laughed dryly. Everyone could tell he wasn’t taking the dangers seriously, he was not taking her seriously. To the older boy, it was merely a conversation. “If there’s anyone we should worry about recklessly exposing our secret is mister short fuse over there.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“That it only takes something as little as a prick on a finger and fidgety Jasper will be pouncing on a human. The safest way for any of us to keep the secret is for you to keep a short leash on your husband.”
Edward had once vowed to not use his ability on his family unless absolutely necessary, and he had always kept that promise. That afternoon, he regretted it.
As everyone laughed at his taunting joke, (Y/N)’s emotions reached their peak. Her eyes had grown darker, and her hands had balled into fists. She couldn’t resist the wrath that had taken over her. All she could see was red.
One second, the family was enjoying the gag against the Cullen. The next, (Y/N) had pushed Edward hard enough to go through a wall in their picturesque living room. Dust filled the area, fragments of the wall thudding against the wall, falling around the boy. A mix of glass, wood, and gypsum board had scattered around Edward’s body, his body coated in a fine layer of dust.
The same expression of shock washed over each of the family members, astonished at the sight in front of them. Calm-mannered and good-natured (Y/N) had finally reached her boiling point. For centuries, she had always been able to keep herself emotionally balanced, even without Jasper. None of them thought there would come a day when they would see her temperament break.
Her chest was heaving, her nostrils flared, and her hands still stretched in front of her. She wasn’t breathing, instead, she was letting out every ounce of fury that still burned inside her. In a split second, she regained her composure. (Y/N) smoothed down her clothes and her usual smile spread across her face.
Silence spread across the room, the kind that was enough to deafen ear drums. It was tense and uncomfortable, filled with a type of discord they had never witnessed between them before.
“I think we can all agree that all jokes about Jasper’s, uh, condition shall only be done in private or inside our heads,” Emmett’s voice sliced through the silence, his voice booming and reverberating against the walls. “That was… unexpected.”
“But we can all say it’s a long time coming,” Jasper grinned, turning his attention to the woman he proudly called his wife. “And, darling, as much as I love that you’re defending me, I think it’s best we don’t put more people through walls. Alright, love?”
“I guess that’s doable,” she smiled.
The rest of the siblings broke into laughter. All but Edward that wore a scowl on his face as he wiped away the white dust from his face. (Y/N) couldn’t help the pride that swelled in her chest. After years of biting her tongue and holding back her feelings, it felt exceptional to finally shut Edward up.
“Well, Edward, it seems you and Emmett will have to set aside some time to fix that wall,” Carlisle grinned. “Can’t have your new girlfriend coming over and seeing a person-shaped hole in our new living room.”
“Why do I have to do it? (Y/N)’s the one that pushed me!”
“Let’s call it your apology for taunting Jasper for the past few decades,” Esme responded before joining her retreating husband. “Now get to it, boys.”
“How is that fair?”
“What can I say, Eddie boy?” (Y/N) grinned. “Karma’s a bitch.”
Jasper and (Y/N) promptly sped outside, needing a moment to themselves after the chaotic scene that unfolded. When they reached the clearing they often sneaked out to, the blond wrapped his wife in his arms and placed a passionate kiss on her lips.
“I can’t thank you enough for defending my honor,” he smiled, resting his forehead against hers. “Though I can’t say Edward didn’t deserve it, maybe next time we can try to use our words rather than our hands.”
“I’m offended, Major. It was a calculated reaction after years of bullying.”
“(Y/N),” he lovingly reprimanded. “You know better than that.”
“Alright, love. I promise I won’t throw Edward into a wall ever again,” she smiled, pecking his lips. “But I can’t promise I won’t find other ways to get even.”
“I would never expect less.”
At that moment, everything was perfect. Nothing and no one could ever have predicted that in less than a year Bella Swan would infiltrate their family, that all the quips against Jasper would accidentally turn into reality, and that life as the Cullens knew it would drastically be altered.
Taglist: @agent-anna @banterbanner @alitav99 @daniallh @catchmeupimgettingoutofhere @imaginetwilight2704 @mauvette268 @beefwhobarksandisalilmadalot @abelbai000 @ridiculous-creature​ @mikariell95 @gryffi-ndor @jules-bea2308 @comic-book-overload @winter-soldier-101 @jessicasunderground @mxyee @hey-you-therexo @witchy-obeyme-freak @xcastawayherosx @kortniec696 @slutforsainz @Blackbluerose666 @DyslexicCatterpillar @sunflowerleii @gypsymusiclover @byelannie @a-sifu-hotman @zheezs14 @minhaimaginacao @bluebirbnamedJay @sirenheadenby @mushroomelephant @swidkid @skyesthebomb @user0ur0mom @nogitsune-the
@cometstail @volturiwolf @locokoca @esposadomd @this-is-a-bad-idea @nocturnalherb16 @rosalie-whitlock @nyctophilia710 @blueshoelaces @ems-alexandra @then-worship-at-my-altar @six-call @witchofhawkins @lovel-blog @sugajar @goodpeoplegotohellanyway @yuki254 @avis15 @honeylovemoon @wonieeee @baebeepeach @catgirlpwr @krazyk99 @klf1999 @sl-ut @adaydreamaway08 @cinffy23 @toomanythoughts33 @sugasthreedollarkookie @laylaskywalker @fandomonetwo @fruitylilfuck @a-slut-for-Loki-Bucky @honeywxter @haroldpotterson @revnamjinn @justamessandahalf @come-on-darling-honey @dove-chan32931
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nobody0805 · 8 months
Okay but imagine new Moon.
Jasper has Y/N. And she absolutely refuses to stay in forks when they leave.
So she comes with the Cullens. (Edward is pissed about this, Jasper is just happy he doesn’t have to leave her in forks)
Shenanigans ensue, surprise motherfucker, Vampires can get humans pregnant.
As far as I remember, the Cullens stayed away for like 6 months?
Y/N and Jasper fooled around because what else are they gonna do, play chess? With a guy who lead a newborn army? No thank you he’d destroy her in chess.
She ends up pregnant.
Surprise surprise, this shit is growing fast
So basically Bellas pregnancy but they aren’t in forks, and Jasper can feel the emotions of the baby because if Edward was able to hear Renegades thoughts, Jasper can feel his kids emotions.
Of course even if this is all happening, the Cullens still don’t contact Bella.
When the whole ’Depresso Edward goes to Italy‘ saga goes on, Alice comes to Bella and eventually has to admit that there are some changes with the family except how Edward is being stupid in Europe.
Yada yada, Eddie boy is alive, the Cullens come back
”who is the child“
”why is Y/N a vampire…?“
Turns out, it’s actually quite surprising to have your boyfriends family come back home only for there to be a child that looks oddly like Jasper and Y/N and for the only other human to now be a vampire
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notti-stellate · 2 months
Raging Storm
a/n: This was a really good request so I hope I did it justice. I always kinda thought Jasper had to have some trauma from his time with Maria (ew I literally hate even just typing her name) so I kinda leaned into that. I did my best with this but if it offends someone at all then please say something. Enjoy 🌌
Warnings: scars, brief mentions of trauma, heavy PTSD, very angsty turned comfort
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I gasped as I heard a quiet tap on my window, my heart racing before I realized it was just Jasper. I shook my head, spinning around in my chair toward the southern boy silently sliding into my room. The first thing I noticed was Jasper’s shirt, his normally long sleeves were pulled up to his elbows. His pale skin shimmered against the fairy lights surrounding my room, the only thing casting a dim glow into my room. 
“Hey darlin’,” He murmured, sitting on my bed and motioning for me to join him. 
“You scared me,” I mumbled, glaring at him playfully. “I was trying to finish my history paper.” 
He shook his head, smiling at me while I lowered myself onto his lap. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer and holding me to make sure I didn’t fall. My head fell onto his shoulder, sighing quietly before I looked down to grab his hand. Immediately my eyes locked onto the marks littering his arms, sucking in a breath before Jasper yanked his arm away. Before I could even process what was happening Jasper had slid me off of him and stood across from me, looking down at his boots intently.
“Jas I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to… are you okay?” I blurted out, the words flying out of my mouth before I could stop them. I stood, trying to come closer but Jasper stepped back as soon as I did. My heart broke at the picture in front of me, I had never seen Jasper like this. He was silent as he stood there except for his heavy breathing, his sleeves pulled all the way down and his thoughts seemingly far away by the look in his eyes.
 All I wanted in that moment was to comfort him, to hold him in my arms and never let anyone or anything hurt him again. I knew a little about his past, just that he hadn’t had the best life before he found the Cullens. He hadn’t told me any more than that, and from the look in his eyes when he said it I decided it was best not to push him any further.
“Jasper? It’s okay baby just breathe, you’re okay” I murmured, my voice soft in an attempt to bring him back to the present. I know he doesn’t need to breathe but his quick breathing definitely wasn’t helping him calm down. His breaths stilled for a moment, almost as I could see his mind soaking in my words. His eyes slowly moved from the floor to my chest where the necklace he had gifted me sat, still not looking me in the eye.
“Just like that love, deep breaths,” I raised my hand, making sure to give him time to pull away if he wanted before I grabbed his and placed it on my chest, lightly squeezing to get his attention. “Just like this, in and out.”
After a second his eyes finally met mine, his muscles loosening more as he breathed with me. We stayed like that for a while, just breathing and doing my best to comfort him. Once he seemed to have calmed down enough I coaxed him onto my bed, propping myself against my pillows as he laid his head on my chest.
“We don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to. We can though, I’m always here if you need me.” I whispered, my fingers carding through his hair while my other hand ran along his back. I felt his arms tighten before he spoke, inhaling a shaky breath.
“It’s alright, you deserve to know.” He sighed, continuing on with his story. For the next hour I fought back tears as he told me what really happened to him, all the way from Maria to when Alice found him and brought him to the Cullens with her. My heart broke all over again as he rolled up his sleeves, showing me the scars riddling his skin again. I don’t understand how someone could make him do those things, how could someone put the caring boy in my arms through such horrible trauma. All I could do was hold him close and try to soothe the storm raging deep in his mind.
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s9fti3 · 2 months
“You’re doing so good.” Alice praises to you, holding onto you as your eyes roll back. She keeps her legs over yours so you can’t close them as Jasper pushes the rest of himself into you. “Almost there, just- hold on.” Jasper say, closing his eyes and taking in a breath he knew he didn’t need. But he needed to compose himself or else he could risk hurting you. “It’s alright, Jas, you won’t hurt her.” Alice says as she takes her attention off of you for a moment to look at Jasper. With those words, he pushes himself into you completely without any warning. He watched you cry out and arch your back, clinging onto Alice’s arm for support. For a moment he thought he hurt you, until he felt the pure bliss you were in.
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iconicstoner · 7 months
Jasper Hale and gn! reader they're looking around the stream and they see some Quartzite and reader gets excited (it's their fav.. rock)
typically its found in the mountians
a/n: This was so fun to write! This was actually my first request, so I'm glad to get to write it. Thank you, and I hope you enjoy!!
i could listen to you forever
gn!reader x jasper hale (fluff)
words: 535
summary: you find your favorite rock along the river's edge, and Jasper can't help but listen to you ramble.
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“Jasper,” you whisper shout to him. Your eyes are only partially open, but you still see something shining in the sunlight towards the bed of the stream. “Jas,” you urge again, this time shaking his shoulder. You aren’t sure why either of you decided it’d be a good idea to rest here, out in the forest, but it’s been some of the best sleep you’ve ever gotten. 
“What is it love bug?” Jasper asks in a soft, sleepy voice. Vampires can’t sleep, but sometimes he gets so relaxed with you that he feels like he could. You yawn, stretching your back, and stand up. One second you’re looking at Jasper resting against a rock, eyes barely open and strands of blonde hair in his face, the next second he’s stood next to you with wide eyes. His vampire speed might be something you never get used to.
“I see something shining over there,” you say excitedly. You absolutely loved all things rocks and crystals, and Jasper knew that well. 
“Well, let’s go look and see what it is, Sugar,” Jasper tells you with a smile. He loves to see you get excited over what you care about, and you love when he calls you those sweet nicknames. The two of you quickly make your way over to the river's age. The sun is hitting just right, and Jasper begins to sparkle just as much as the rock in his hands.
“Is that what I think it is?” you ask him happily. You watch as he rubs his thumb over it, and then holds it up to the light. 
“Why yes, I do believe so,” he says with a smirk, leaning in closer to you. You laugh and gently kiss him. He places the rock in your hand and you begin to exam in it.
“Did you know this is my favorite?” 
“I think you’ve mentioned it,” he says with a smile, “maybe I’ll get it made into a ring for you.” You laugh at his comments, but deep down you know that sounds amazing. “Why don’t you tell me about it?”
“Haven’t I already told you about it?” you ask genuinely. You could talk about this sort of stuff forever, but you don’t because you don’t want to annoy Jasper.
“You have told me about it, but I wanna hear it again,” he tells you as he grabs you by the waist and kisses the top of your head.
“It’s Quartzite, typically found in the mountains. It’s a metamorphic rock, meaning it’s formed by being subjected to high heat and pressure, that’s made from quartz rich sandstone. Sometimes it’s used to make kitchen countertops.” 
“You sure do know your stuff, sweetheart,” he says with a smile. His southern accent is more prominent then ever when he’s calling you his sweetheart. 
“You don’t mind when I ramble?”
“Darlin’, I could listen to you talk about rocks for the rest of my life, which I’d like to point out is the rest of forever.” He kisses you on the top of the head again and holds you close.
“Well, I guess you’ll be learning a lot about rocks,” you joke.
“I can’t wait,” he says, syrupy sweet. 
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simpfordemetri · 5 months
Hello can you do one where you and Jasper hale are doing the deed and um Carlisle and Esme walk in oop. Thank you ❤️
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-Oh god he is embarrased
-Quickly covering you with the sheets
-You can stop asking him over and over again how he did not hear them
-That embarrase him even more
-He will NOT continue after this event
-And less to say its the last time you two are doing the fruity in his house
-If he could cry from shame he would
-Dont dare to laugh at the situation because to him is everything but funny
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xetlynn · 1 year
Twilight- Youngest Shadow: Chapter One, Two Sisters, Dad
(Alice X Reader X Jasper)
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[one] [two]
I was never a people person, not wanting to rely on someone.
Especially family, I didn’t need help.
I am not vulnerable, I couldn’t be. I saw how it affected people on a daily. High schoolers in relationships getting dumped, cheated on, having to many dramas in between them.
It was unnecessary.
I had my small circle and most of them were blood related to me.
My mom, my sister, Bella, and my father who lived across the country.
Oh, and my best friend. But practically family.
I’m content in my lifestyle too. I didn’t need pity from anyone. Either way that’s what I get from everyone. Even my older sister who tried to act like she understands.
My life was consistent. Making sure my mom was happy, helping my sister from losing her mind because of mom needing so much adventure. Other than doing that I played sports, practicing everyday.
Trying my best, not to be the best but to keep up my adrenaline. Running helps the most.
Adrenaline kept me alive, if I could jump off an airplane I would. I would do every crazy thing imaginable just because of the adrenaline that came with it.
Even little things can entice me. My piercings, having to make them a secret from coaches to play sports. Riding my motorcycle anytime was the best feeling after getting it.
I snuck out a few times, not even to do crazy things but to just say I did it.
You would think living in Arizona helped me with keeping my adrenaline up but you’d be wrong. It’s the same thing everyday now. I know what’s around.
And the heat, don’t get me started.
As much as I love my mom, I wanted to be in a forest hiking, see a fucking wild animal that could attack me. Jump off cliffs for the hell of it. Ride my motorcycle on different roads.
Seeing my dad, maybe join him in action. Hunt with him even.
Speaking of which, I stood beside Bella, my older sister by 10 months. She had just said goodbye to some “friends” who seemed like they could care less that she was leaving.
I turn to see our mom walking out of the house, so much energy balled into one person. She had hints of sadness and anxiety pulled on her face, trying to hide it with being happy for us.
She thrusts a phone into the hands of my sister, “It won’t work again, baby.” She frowned, her face always looked like it moved with every feeling she had. Never being able to hide how she felt. “You put it on hold.” Bella points out, the tiniest bit amused.
“I did?”
I smirk, trying to stop myself from laughing.
As much as it is funny it is worrisome, how will we reach her if she doesn’t even know how to work a phone.
“Look, you also called Mexico.” Renée pushes Bella, nudging me as well as the three of us laugh.
“I’ll figure it out. You gotta be able to reach me and Phil on the road.” She exclaims right before she gets excited. “I love saying that,” she grins, “On the road.”
“Very romantic,”
Bella and I both say, silently glancing at each other.
Phil comes up behind our mom, “If you call crappy motels, back water towns and ballpark hot dogs romantic.” He jokes, well partially since he was serious.
He places a Phoenix Desert Dogs baseball hat on Renées head, along with kisses her.
Looking at them partly soothes my nerves about leaving mom. I’m sure Bella feels the same since we practically took care of her for so long. Even though it should’ve been the other way around.
Phil walks away, to finish packing the car with our things. Renée grabs a hold of both of our arms, clinging to us as we walk to the vehicles.
I’m driving my motorcycle, mom wanted to get a trailer for it since it’s a really long drive but I convinced her not to. I couldn’t sit in a car with them for that long.
Plus I have a feeling Charlie is going to force me to anyway.
“Now you know if you two change your minds, I’ll race back here from wherever the game is.” Her face strained trying to hide how even though it would be a sacrifice she would still do it for us.
“You don’t have to worry.” I force a smile, Bella doing the same.
“We won’t change our minds mom.”
“You might, Bella. You’ve always hated Forks.” That’s true, I usually visited more than her. I had a closer relationship to dad, due to my interest of hunting like him.
“It’s not about Forks, it’s about dad. I mean unlike [Name], I went two weeks a year. We barely know each other.” She explains but I think it just worsened our moms worried expression. “Mom, I’m fine. I want to go. I got [Name] there with me.” She looked between us, hugging her eldest, whose face drops once she knew her mom couldn’t see it. It was full of dread and doubt. I also noticed the regret but kept quiet when she wants to bring it up she will.
They let go and Bella climbs into the car, moms attention going to me.
“I want you behind us at all times, you do not pass this vehicle. And no swerving.” She furrows her eyebrows, staring at me. “And don’t be stupid.” I add with a smirk, she rolls her eyes in a humorous way.
“I just want my baby girl safe.” She pouts, pulling me into a tight hug. “You don’t have to worry with me.” I miss her cheek, pushing out of the hug as I knew it would’ve been longer if I didn’t.
“Alright helmet and jacket and let’s go!” She pats my butt, reaching over and getting my helmet to give it to me. She gets into the van and I adjust my wired earbuds so one goes into my ear, stuffing the rest into my jacket and zipping it up.
I pull my helmet on and I press play on my iPod.
Getting to Washington State was a breath of fresh air, not only for my tired hand but the change of view and weather. My sister called it gloomy, never paying attention to the beauty of it all.
Dad surprisingly let me continue driving my bike, it was bittersweet for me. Really it was because he forgot the trailer. I kind of wish he did bring it because slouching like this for hours is not exactly fun. My back will be aching for weeks.
I’m just glad I didn’t have to sit in the awkward atmosphere of them two in that cruiser.
We passed a sign that said “The City Of Forms Welcomes You. Population 3246.”
I smile to myself.
Passing all of the familiar buildings I was missing felt amazing.
We pulled into Charlie’s driveway, I take my helmet off, sitting up straight for the first time in a few hours. Charlie comes over and messes with my hair as I climbed to his torso like a little kid. We laugh and he hugs me back.
I was the first to get into the house, putting my things right in my room. Really throwing them on the ground and rushing back out to see if Bella needs any help. My room was the only one downstairs. Dad had to make add it onto the house when they found out they were having me surprisingly.
I was truly the accident out of the two. Only three months after Bella was born was when I came around.
“I put Grandpas desk in your room. And I cleaned some shelves in the bathroom for you two.” He was mainly speaking to Bella. I watched her grimace. “That’s right, one bathroom.”
I followed her eyes around the house, going straight to a picture of our parents when they were younger and in love. “I’ll put these up in your room.” Charlie motions to her bags.
“I can’t do it.”
I silently stand there as they both reach for the bags, awkwardly bumping into each other causing me to cringe at the scene.
She backs off, letting him do it anyway. Which she should’ve done in the beginning. And I wouldn’t have seen that go down.
After that… experience, I followed my dad to the living room. “That was, nice.” He pauses for a minute before sighing. I place a hand on his shoulder. “It’ll get better. This is just new for both of you.” I smile sweetly and he nods, swinging an arm around my shoulders. But internally I’m just hoping I’m right. It’s going to be a long two years if I’m wrong. “What would I do without you?” He nudges me.
He lets go of me, telling me about how Billy and Jacob should be here soon to drop off surprises they’ve been working on. The one for Bella I knew about.
And right after it was spoken into the air we heard a honk outside.
I stand up straighter and run outside. A boy my age hops out of the red truck, rushing to give me a hug. “Jacob!” I laugh, this was the best friend I was talking about. My absolute best friend.
“Bella, you remember Billy Black.” Charlie speaks up, obviously Bella came outside after hearing the honk as well.
I let go of Jacob, “Glad you two are finally here. Charlie hasn’t shut up about it since you two told him y’all were coming.” He teases our dad, both Jacob and I snicker at the two who have always acted like this.
“Keep exaggerating, I’ll wheel you down the hill.” He tells the man who’s in a wheelchair.
“Right after I ram you in the ankles.” Billy goes after Charlie who dodges. Jacob shakes his head, I take him up to Bella. Poking him to say something.
“I’m Jacob, we made mud pies together when we were little kids.” He exclaims, she squints almost unnoticeably. “Yeah I think I remember.”
“Are they always like this?” She points to the two dads. “It’s getting worse with age.” He jokes.
Jacob always had a crush on Bella, so it was cute watching him finally be able to interact with her and not be a nervous little kid.
Cutting us out of our small silence Charlie pats the hood of the truck. We didn’t even notice they stopped messing around. “So what do you think of your homecoming gift?” He grins proudly. I watched my sisters face contort to confusion to happiness. “No way. The truck is for me?” Turning my focus to my dad who was soaking in her excitement. “Just bought it off Billy here.”
“I rebuilt the engine.” Jacob adds in.
“It’s perfect.” Her smile grew bigger, and more genuine. It was great to see her eager and happy about something. Her and Jacob rush to the truck so he could explain everything to her.
My dad snuck up to me, handing a small box. I look up at him confused. “Open it.” He motions. I stare at it for a minute, glancing over to Billy who puts his hands up as to say he knew as much as I did.
I bit my lip, opening the box carefully.
It had a locket inside, the same locket I would stare at in the window of an abandoned antique store that no one would clean out. The place I begged my dad to go into just to get me that necklace.
“The place finally got cleaned out and I just happened to be on patrol before they got rid of it.” He tells me.
“It doesn’t have a picture in it yet but I thought you could pick one you’d like.” I threw my arms around him, “it’s beautiful.” I pulled away to look at it in my hands again as it was a delicate flower.
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volturissideslut · 8 months
hii wanted to ask u if u may could do jasper hale & fem human reader n reader has been struggling to fall asleep for weeks n how jasper would help her by cuddling her comforting her etc etc yk i love jasper with all my heart his my biggest comfort person n i would really appreciate it!!🫶🏻
I just found ur account n i love ur writings sm pls never stop writing!!🫶🏻have a great day/night n stay hydrated 🫶🏻🫶🏻
𝕵𝖆𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖗 𝕳𝖆𝖑𝖊
"Darlin, why are you still up?" his voice rang out into the darkness as he felt you shift against him again, breaking the silence in the room. "You haven't been sleeping properly for days now, sweets, please get some rest." His tone reveals the true depth of his worry, even through his whispers, only to be more pronounced with the soft kiss he presses into the crown of your head.
"It's not like i'm not trying," your voice waivers, and he already knows you're barely holding back frustrated tears of exhaustion. "I'm tired. So, so tired, but I just can't fall asleep." You whine into the crook of his neck and his heart breaks a little for you because there's nothing he can really do for you.
"What can i do, darlin'. Tell me how i can help you. Anything at all." he speaks into your hair, squeezing you a little closer to him and rubbing small circles into your back, feeling at least a little of your tenseness leave you. "whatever you need"
Your heart warms at this and you feel a few tears leave you. From love, frustration, or pure exhaustion you're not sure but you start crying. Jasper holds you impossibly tighter at the sound of your sniffles until the pressure grounds you enough to calm down and use your words.
"Can you use your gift, please?.." Your voice is so small, it's almost enough to stop his initial shock. "I know you don't use your gift on me much, but i just need it to settle me down. You don't have to if-" but before you can even finish your sentence you can feel a deep calmness settling into your bones, a heavy tiredness weighing on your body, a hazed feeling behind your eyes leaving them to drop shut.
"Thank you Jas, love you" you mumble into his neck and settle into sleep knowing he'll hear you.
"I love you too, darlin'. I love you too"
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