yallemagne · 2 years
Don't mind me, I saw an edit of the Dracula musical and got pissed.
SO THE GODFORSAKEN DRACULA MUSICAL. I will. I promise. I will fuck up the J&H musical too, it's also by Frank Wildhorn, but I need to hammer on this one shitty thing about the Dracula musical. Or several shitty things about the Dracula musical. I still need to post a rewrite.
TL;DR: The musical is super inconsistent about what it takes to become a vampire, and VH is so useless against Dracula that he's borderline allied with the guy. They're fucking behind the scenes. They're Bonnie & Clyde-ing it. There is no better explanation for how awful VH is at his job.
So, in the beginning, they lean hard into the homoeroticism of Dracula and Jonathan's relationship. Lots of touching and invasion of privacy. Dracula shaves Jonathan. This theme in the story is dropped as soon as the castle scenes are done though. With the Oct 3 scene going so far as to have Dracula tell Mina that he would have already murdered Jonathan if not for the fact he was her husband. What? This point will make less sense in a sec.
Now, here is a kicker. So, this is one of those 'the bites and blood-sharing are basically sex' ones. Jonathan does get assaulted by the Weird Sisters. Unfortunately, they depict him throwing off his crucifix and fully embracing it which is kind of heinous but he is very clearly not entirely well, I assume he's hopped on vampire drugs. In fact, I'd assume that every "consensual" bite in this is under the influence of hypnotism.
They bite him. Several times on several parts of his body. And when they sing the line "I taste your blood on my lips", he sings along, implying that they also fed him their blood. Then Dracula comes in. And he explicitly promises that he will grant both Jonathan and his wife immortality (and yet a few months later I suppose he just decides he's no longer bisexual). Jonathan rejects his "offer", and Dracula retaliates by drinking enough from Jonathan to age down into a young man!
Jonathan and Mina meet Van Helsing at Lucy's funeral. Fucking lazy bullshit way of doing it, but hey, they didn't have that much run time considering how many sad ballads they gave the villain. Van Helsing immediately knows that Lucy's death was the work of Dracula specifically and, without a beat, asks Jonathan if he got bitten.
"Only once," Jonathan says.
This response would be okay if Jonathan were saying it for Jonathan reasons. NOPE. This response is treated as gospel, and you know what VH says? "Okay, only once? Sure, that's nothing. Just rest and eat well I guess."
In this musical, Lucy dies from getting bitten twice. Once when she sleepwalked and once after her wedding to Arthur. Yeah, they had the wedding, and still, Lucy wasn't allowed to live. Sucks to be blonde, I guess. Lucy hallucinates Dracula at her wedding and passes out. Seward calls up Van Helsing, and you know what Van Helsing does? He forces Lucy to sleep on the couch (okay okay some productions make it a bed) in a room with a doored balcony, completely alone. Then, because the plot hates her, she throws out the tiny amount of garlic decorating the room and lets Dracula in. They sing a shitty love song and Dracula murders her. Very next morning, Arthur goes to kiss her and she pounces. VH aggressively prays at her, and her poor heart stops right then.
TWO BITES. Maybe they intended it to be implied that more bites happened (trust me, it wouldn't make sense if they had), but they did a shit job of it. Maybe that shitty song was meant to communicate that they did the blood ritual? Okay. You know what other song communicated that the blood ritual was done? Blut: the song where Jonathan is assaulted.
Now, I don't think it's a matter of exposure, Lucy having two nights and Jonathan having only one night because Mina gets the blood ritual the very night that she finally meets Dracula in person. Yeah, this musical that tries to play up a Dracula/Mina romance only has the couple meet after Mina has sung more than one song about how much she hates Dracula and wishes he would leave her alone. All other interactions are Dracula creeping on her using the force or something.
So, yeah, Jonathan's bite is trivialized, I can only assume because of sexism. Because what else separates him from Lucy and Mina? He had SO much blood taken from him. What? Can men take more bites, Van Helsing? You absolute whore? How do you know that?
The only thing stopping me from headcanoning that VH is just Dracula but in an overcoat is that they do have a fight song. But you know what? You can still headcanon that they are in cahoots because it's some bullshit. Their reasons for hating each other (VH's gf was eaten by Dracula)? Easily forged. The song they sing? So cliché. They're really hamming up the fact that they're gonna kill each other and then make no move to harm the other. VH's actions? All convenient to Dracula's plans. Disregard Jonathan's bite to make him more vulnerable/a possible threat. Leave Lucy alone in a room with an open fucking balcony. LEAVE MINA ALONE IN THE CASTLE.
YEP, THAT IS RIGHT. The whole team goes to the castle together and VH drags Mina away from the rest of the group, draws a shitty circle around her, and then skedaddles. And moments later, Dracula comes in and forces her to break the circle, forces her to declare her love for him, and then has a sudden epiphany of "whoa actually killing girls is bad" and forces her to stab him. She couldn't even kill her abuser on her own terms.
This whole musical sucks ass. It has to bend over backwards to have the Dracula/Mina romance because they retain the canon fact that Mina despises and fears Dracula. And you know, they retain all the points in which Dracula tortures and kills Mina's loved ones. Remember again that Dracula attacks Jonathan and claims that he would have killed him if Mina didn't love him? *Gestures to Lucy* where was that shit logic with Lucy? Does Lucy not count, you goddamn homophobe?
Anyway, I'll probably post another rant saying how I'd spin it one day with the first course of action being that Lucy doesn't die because it is so pointless to the musical and fundamentally destroys the plot they're trying to set out. And I'm just tired of Lucy dying in every adaptation simply because she must when she could do so much more for the plot alive.
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ribbondee · 2 years
An Interesting Arrangment, Chapter 5
“LET ME GO YOU OVERGROWN ORANGE!” Pac hollered as he was hoisted in the air by his wrist.
“Speak for yourself, Lemonhead”, said Inky.
“Sorry little fella, no can do”, said Clyde who was the one holding Pac. 
“Just quit squirming”, Blinky grumbled.
“Give it up, you ain’t getting in there”, said Pinky.
It had happened again- Pac had tried to sneak in to see the Tree Of Life for the third time this month. It was the one place he wasn’t allowed entry, and with good reason… Everyone knew that if Pac got ahold of the Power Berries, it would more than likely lead to en masse destruction of everything everywhere. In fact, there was an incident involving that when he was merely five years old. He had somehow gotten past security, and gobbled down the berries like there was no tomorrow. In less than an hour the interior of the building was barely recognizable as it was trashed so badly.
On the upside, it gave Betrayus an opportunity to rebuild the building in his own image (whether or not this was actually an upside, I’ll let the reader decide.) Next thing anyone knew, the halls and exterior of the building were decked out in various shades of blacks and reds; banners hung from the walls, and there was a marble statue of Betrayus himself placed out in the garden. But still, it was possibly the only time little Pac was ever shown any sort of discipline, and as such was barred from the Tree of Life’s room, at least until he took the throne.
Pac continued to yell and scream, kicking his legs wildly as if it would make Clyde put him down. He spewed insults at the hefty orange Pac Worlder, saying things that made a sailor’s words look tame. His harsh words caused Clyde to flinch a bit, but it was something he was used to all the same. 
“Come on little guy”, said Clyde, “it’s for your own good!”
Pac went into outright hysterics as Clyde began to walk down the hall while carrying the still outraged heir, hauling him to his bedroom. Blinky opened the door once they got there, and Clyde gently set Pac down and shut the door and locked it as per routine whenever this happened. Pac just continued yelling, and the gang could hear him throwing things in his anger. 
It was times like this when they REALLY wished Pac wasn’t such a brat, as well as wishing that “ol Betty” would do something about it. It was no use complaining either, that would just make Betrayus angry. So they were stuck having to pretty much babysit young Pac. They just walked away from the young heir’s room, leaving the boy to have his tantrum in peace.
“What was Betrayus thinking, adopting him let alone letting him turn out this way”, Blinky said with a sigh.
“Beats me”, Pinky replied with an eye roll, “he’s such a… a…”
“Lemon Menace”, said Inky. “Yeah that. Do you think he’ll do it again?”
“Do what”, said Clyde.
“You know, the thing.”
“Ohhh! Yeah probably. If he does, we'll just bring him back.”
The gang just walked down the hall, chatting amongst themselves…
Nightfall. He had been let out of his room several hours ago, but now he was back as per bedtime. But not that he always went to sleep- nope. Tonight he was gonna try it again… he was going to sneak out. 
So he did the usual first step- he put a pillow underneath his blanket to make it look as if he were in the bed. Then, he opened his window and climbed out, shutting it behind him.
The cool night air washed over him, and he could faintly hear the sounds of crickets. He had done this many times before, yet each time still seemed to fill him with a rush of adrenaline. 
He walked away from the building, being careful to avoid being seen. Once he was far away enough, he broke into a run. Time to have some fun.
He walked down the city’s sidewalk, humming a bit to himself. The sidewalk and streets were empty, save for a few bugs whom he gladly stepped on.
He had already gotten into some shenanigans: spray painting inappropriate words and pictures on buildings, smashing mailboxes, and even at one point doing something as petty as switching people’s mail around. He continued to walk, having a cheerful gait. Little did he know, this was the night that would kickstart the chain of events that would change his life like a set of dominoes tipping over…
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pacopolis was no longer the lively, cheerful city it once was. It was instead quite dull, a sense of dread seeming to constantly hang in the air. The same could be said for the rest of Pac World as well, but Pacopolis had it the worst. Not that she knew what it was once like personally, as she was only a baby when he had taken over. 
The pink Pac Worlder was sitting at a table in her dorm, attempting to finish her assigned homework. Not that she truly cared, as she had other things on her mind. Most of what they taught in schools was a bunch of indoctrination crap anyway. 
She just sighed and set her pencil down, checking the clock. It was almost 9 PM, meaning it was almost time for the weekly meeting. She stood, and went over to the dorm window. She opened it, pulled out a rope, and lowered it down to the ground below. She climbed down, and made sure there was no one around. Now, to make her way toward the designated area…
She was hurrying down the sidewalk, on her way to the safe house- the HQ of the Neo Resistance. One could say she was a bit young to be a freedom fighter, but due to far too many people being too afraid to take a stand, she was accepted alongside another teen. 
She was so absorbed in these thoughts, that she neglected to watch where she was going… BUMP!
“Sorry I-”
“Pardon?” She looked up at who she had run into, and felt her heart stop for a moment and her blood turn cold. It was HIM. There was no mistaking it… those thick soled boots, the red cape, the yellow color… uh oh. But what was HE doing out HERE?
“Puh… puh…” she stuttered.
“Puh puh puh Pac”, Pac said with a smirk. Cyli nodded meekly.
“Whatcha doin’ out so late eh? Shouldn’t you be in a dorm or something?”
What was she supposed to say? It was obvious she wasn’t supposed to be out here, then again likely neither was he. This was a real problem. What if he found out where she was going?! They’d all be executed for sure!
“I was… just on my way back to the dorms.” She mentally facepalmed at such a stupid, transparent lie. She always was a terrible liar.
“Riiiight”, Pac said, “and I’m on my way to the Nether Realm. Where are you really headed?”
Cyli’s heart was beginning to pound. Everyone knew that the young heir was just as dangerous as the father, if not moreso. 
So lying clearly wasn’t gonna work, and neither would telling the truth. So decided to do something very brave or very stupid- she clenched her fists and stomped her foot. “It’s none of your business where I’m headed. You shouldn’t be out here either! Now leave me alone or I’ll tell on you!”
Pac stopped for a moment. “You wouldn’t dare.”
“Oh yes!”
Pac looked as if he were about to retaliate, then backed off with a groan. “Whatever.” He walked past her, shoving her out of the way as he did so. 
Pac was furious- who did she think she was, talking to HIM like that?! He just stomped away back in the direction of his home, grumbling under his breath. 
“She was kinda cute though”, came a sudden thought in his mind. He stopped for just a moment, shocked that he had just thought that. Also, while it was true that no one had ever spoken to him that way, he kind of… liked it? He really hated to admit it, but he did for reasons he couldn’t figure out. 
Now was his turn to bump into someone- 
“Well well well”, rang out Blinky’s voice, “lookie we got here. You lost, little guy?”
“Just take me home.”
All four of their mouths fell open in unison. Was he serious? Usually they had to wrestle with him to get him to come home. They all looked at each other for a moment, then guided him back to the building that served as Betrayus’ headquarters.
As they walked, Pac was still fuming a bit. Did he just get talked down by a GIRL? A cute one to boot…
“Stop thinking about that”, he mentally told himself. 
It took them around ten minutes to reach the building, and Pac was ushered through the double doors. “You’re lucky if we don’t tell your dad this time”, Inky said. 
“Now go to bed before we change our minds”, said Pinky.
Shockingly enough, Pac complied. He went back to his room, and plopped down on his bed. He turned over onto his side, shut his eyes, and began to sleep…
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sushigal007 · 2 years
Ugh, sorry this took so long, I wrote half of this and then Tumblr ate it. So! Over to the Ramaswami’s, where Priya is demonstrating why Tumblr needs a NSFW toggle.
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Don’t ask where she’s hiding that mobile phone.
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Secret Sue: Just so you know, we do have a dress code, and that dress code is clothes.
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Anyway, here’s Rani! Probably.
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Adequate parenting? In MY game?
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Well... sometimes.
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Clyde: This, by the way, is why I end up becoming the evil twin.
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And here’s Sanjay, thrilled about snow. Sanjay: It’s so cool! Getting the dad jokes in early, I see.
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Matthew: Please invite me in before my chain mail rusts.
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Competent Nanny - The Legend Continues!
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Matthew: But can she powder this ass!?
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Marissa: Eggs though?
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Sanjay: I could sleep. So do it, I’m not stopping you.
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Sanjay: You’re sure as shit not helping me.
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That’s not a bed.
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That’s also... hmm... Sanjay and Priya:
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Oh, OK, seems I can’t interact with the bed, oops! I’ll just do a lil force error aaaaand...
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Nanny: How do you suck so badly at this, Matt?
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Hi Lazlo! Lazlo: HACK HACK COUGH COUGH. Bye Lazlo!
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Priya: I mean, the great thing about a Victoria Sponge is that it uses basic ingredients and doesn’t cost much. Who wants to waste £40 and a whole day whipping up a mad trifle though?
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Clyde grows up! He’s a fancy little guy!
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And it’s straight on the pot.
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Rani next!
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Nothing a little TV time with Mary-Sue can’t fix.
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Or, y’know, that works too.
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So nice to see that parenthood hasn’t affected their love life.
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Even though it’s trying really hard.
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Baby goes on floor?
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Baby goes on floor.
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Sanjay: Can you not flush the toilet when I’m showering!? Priya: Maybe you should not shower when I’m using the toilet?
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Nanny: Who needs outerwear when there’s men this hot out?
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Toddler training!
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Toddler trained!
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Is there some reason you decided to grill sausages in the snow? Sanjay: It seemed like a good idea at the time.
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Nanny: Peek a boo!
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And then more toddler training.
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Clyde: That’s right, give me the good shit.
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Speaking of... Sanjay: You disgust me.
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Priya: Wanna take a break from childcare and make out? Sanjay: Absolutely!
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Sanjay: *motorboats*
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Then back to childcare.
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Decided it was about time I gave the nanny a nice, comfy makeover. Carmen: Maybe next you can try remembering my name. I’ll give it a go!
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Well that was a fucking waste of time, wasn’t it.
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Oh, in case you were wondering, Clyde really wasn’t joking about being the evil twin.
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Jesus Christ, Clyde.
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He does have his adorable moments though. Clyde: GET DOWN HERE SO I CAN EAT YOU.
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Townie: Ugliest man alive. Sanjay: I don’t have to take this from a townie with glitch-tone hair.
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Today I learned Sims can hold toddlers while they learn charisma!
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More of this.
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Priya: Ew, disgusting. Time to clean.
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Once again, that was a fucking waste of time, wasn’t it.
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Clyde: Bitch.
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Priya: Nope nope nope I already cleaned that toilet twice.
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Clyde: You were done with that, right? Rani: No!
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Clyde: Wow, that’s too bad, ‘cause it’s mine now.
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Sanjay: Damn, did she throw up in here too? Quite possibly.
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But before we have to deal with any new babies, let’s deal with the old ones.
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First to grow up is Clyde. Clyde: I wish Matthew was my dad.
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Natasha: But is it art?
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And then it’s Rani’s turn.
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I’m just... going to ignore that. They’re getting new clothes anyway.
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Sanjay: Hey, cutie.
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Heather: True love. You’re at his kid’s birthday- Heather: TRUE. LOVE.
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Anyway, here’s Clyde with clothes. For some reason, he looks permanently exhausted. Clyde: Evil is a full time job. Yeah OK shut up, Megamind.
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And here’s Rani. She also looks knackered. Rani: It’s hard work being the good one.
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Clyde: *torment*torment*torment* Rani: For example, I have to put up with this bullshit.
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There’s always time for ponies though.
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This would be a cute family picture if half of these people weren’t random gatecrashing strangers.
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So now Priya’s showing, I let her relax at home while Sanjay took the twins to the park.
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Clyde: I’m in space, maaaan!
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Rani: Tee hee.
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And then Sanjay abandons his children to go gambling. Sanjay: Hey, could be worse, this could be that strip poker table you have. True!
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The twins rolled a want for playground equipment and now Rani lives there.
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Ah, now this is a nice family bonding picture.
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And I couldn’t not post a nice, family dinner, could I?
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Another pop!
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But for now we’ll leave Priya and Sanjay literally necking. Sanjay: Honestly, I have zero complaints about the height mod, I’m exactly where I want to be.
Uberhood Index
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kbandtrash · 3 years
SKZ Mafia Bullet Point
@call-me-horangi thanks for the request!
I. I didn't have to do it like this. What did I create. Anyway next up Megan wanted to do one too so that's the next update
Word Count: 1.6k
I have chosen Chan because I’m baaaasiiiiiiic
But anyway you were both born into the life of organized crime
Your families were friendly with each other so like you were supposed to be bestest friends and fated lovers right??
You haaaaaated each other as kids
He had this reputation of good rule following child but actually? Was just really good at never getting caught
You didn’t like the rules and you were loud about it but did you follow them? Yeah
Did you always get in trouble anyway? Yeah
Did Chan always manage to get you in trouble for things he did? Also yeah
You would try to get people to see that he was a little turd and sometimes they would listen but usually they would be like
Little baby sweetheart Chan???? Noooooo never
After a while you decided that if Chan wanted to be an exception to the rules then he could be an exception to the rules
So you would antagonize him constantly
The amount of times you locked him outside when he shouldn’t have been there in the first place
Or the time you stained his shirt with grape juice right before he was supposed to take pictures
So yeah as kids you were at each other’s necks constantly it was really back and forth
Neither of you was really better than the other
It got better when you were both sent to separate private schools for middle school and you didn’t see each other so much
But if you did have to see each other it was on sight
You never punched him and his stupid little smirk but man oh man did you get close
In high school your parents managed to finesse both of you into the same school
Not only that but the school put you both in the same class
And it would have been a disaster except!
His school friends were amazing!
In fact the reason you remember your relationship turning around was because they would tease him whenever the two of you started fighting
One day in particular you remembered he was trying to rile you up by getting right up in your face
And one of his boys shouted “KISS”
Even still today, many years later, you wish someone had taken a picture of his face
You didn’t know eyes could become so big and round
Never before or since had you seen ears so bright red
For many months later he was barely able to look you in the eyes
And when he was forced to talk to you he was much more polite
At some point in your last year of school, one of your friends started dating one of his friends
And the friend groups started to mesh together
So you were spending even more time together than normal
Suddenly he was much easier to be around
Maybe because you ignored each other for the most part
Wow I’m spending way more time on this backstory than I should
You managed to graduate on a decent note
You don’t remember the pictures being taken, but there’s one graduation photo with both of your friend groups not only with both of you in it
That used to be a struggle when you were younger
But you were both standing next to each other
And not only that!
But there’s another photo of just the two of you
Something that would have been entirely impossible in your younger years
But you had your arm around his shoulder!
He had his hand on your waist!
One might think, looking at the picture, that you were friends at that point
Maybe you were, but you didn’t remember it that way
This is entirely stream of thought guys I’m just writing everything that comes to mind
You weren’t willingly associating yourself with him at least until after college
You were on one side of the country, he was on the other
You saw each other maybe a handful of times over the course of four years
And they say absence makes the heart grow fonder
Very clearly you still remember the first time you saw him after you graduated
You were at the main headquarters for the front for your family business, almost done with training for the work you would be doing for then
And then in walks the handsomest boy you’d ever seen in your life
It took you a second to recognize him
Not because he had changed much physically
Sure, he was dressed quite a bit nicer than you remembered
And his hair was styled differently than he used to like
But his entire countenance was different
The way he carried himself radiated confidence and maturity
He was confident before but now? He had earned his confidence
And his smile
Jisung was easy to recognize walking in with him
They were talking about something as they walked in those doors
And suddenly both started laughing
Had his smile always been that captivating?
Hadn’t you hated it before?
No, this couldn’t be more different than his stupid arrogant smirk
It would have been very embarrassing if you had kept staring at them as they approached you
Luckily the employee that was training you managed to get you back on task before they noticed you
So when Jisung noticed you and called your name, you were at least somewhat prepared and kept your pride
Except then you turned and saw Chan smiling again
At you
And your brain short circuited a little bit
Because he was even prettier smiling like that
At you
It was not long after that that you ended up hanging out together just the two of you
On purpose
Also what
Since when would you have ever willingly spent time one on one with Chan?
But there you were hanging out like you were old friends rather than fated rivals
Wham Bam you were dating so fast
It was almost a little shameful how willing you were to throw away a 20+ year feud
But! He had thrown it away too so
The only pride you had to lose was your families teasing you
Every other second at any gathering
“I told you they would end up together”
“I still remember you as ten-year-olds screaming at each other”
Like thanks? How are you supposed to respond to that
“Aren’t you glad you grew out of that?”
Um yeah I’m glad Chan and I both grew up I guess
“Oh finally”
Oh well
It was not long before you earned the reputation of Bonnie and Clyde within your circle
Sticky situations followed you left and right
But through The Power of Love
And perhaps much experience in self-defense classes and firearm training
But mostly through The Power of Love
You managed to get yourselves out of these situations pretty flawlessly every time
And! Thanks to your extensive experience tormenting each other as children
The two of you are excellent at getting information out of people
It usually goes a little something like
“I will tell you what you want to know if you will pLEASE just SHUT UP”
Usually since you were technically considered higher-ups due to your parents’ status you wouldn’t really get involved so much in the dirty stuff
But you both got a little more caught up in the diplomatic stuff
Which for some reason when it involves you two
It tends to get kind of messy
Why do they even let you guys do this kind of stuff anymore?
Compromise only recently got added to both of your playbooks
More often than not you always end up sitting together in someone’s kitchen patching each other up
Thankfully you’ve never had any terribly close calls
But that leads me to my next point
Boy proposed in the middle of a shootout
Not because it was now or never or anything like that
Just because he felt like it was the dramatic background he needed
He would have been nervous otherwise but like in the middle of a shootout?
He was a lot more worried about getting shot
Or more like you getting shot I guess
Anyway he was a lot more worried about that than about you saying no
Kinda stupid looking back actually
What if he had distracted you and then you got shot and died
But that didn’t happen so!
Anyone that responded with a patronizing comment about your childhoods was uninvited to the wedding
Except not really because this is not the business to be making enemies for petty reasons
But they definitely earned a spot in whatever secret hit list y’all keep together for little things
Venting conversations usually go a little something like
“Please tell me why my aunt is trying to invite herself on our honeymoon”
“Should I ring up Jeongin?”
“If you don’t want my aunt sleeping on our couch then yeah probably”
“Ew nope yeah Jeongin air shot between the toes I’m texting him now”
“Chan wait--”
How on earth do I wrap this up this is a first for me
This was not extremely mafia heavy BUT
Anyway the wedding has not happened yet but when it does
There will most certainly be a secret afterparty for people who deserve it
And another secret afterparty for your friends
Most days actually that’s like the only thing keeping you going
Weddings are stressful but wow add in the organized crime aspect?
So much more to think about
You and Chan are both pretty stressed these days
But at least at the end of the day you’ve got each other to lean on :)
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A/N: Links to Chapter 1-3 posted at bottom of page!
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Chapter 4
It had been a few days since Eden left Sids after they raped her.    She called out sick from work she couldn't face them.    The team was headed out to California and Eden asked if she could fly out and meet the team there.    They said that was fine.     Eden went out a day early and did some sight seeing.       It was nice.     The team arrived later that day.     She had just gotten finished eating when there was a knock at the door.    Eden goes and sees it was Sid.
"Eden please open the door." Sid says.
He had carnations her favorite in his hands and a stuffed Panda bear too.   Eden figured she might as well hear him out.    She opens the door.  
"What Sid?" Eden says.
"I am sorry for what I did to you the other day." Sid says.
"Oh you mean raping me when I said no." Eden replies snarky.
"Yes I am sorry baby.   It will never happen again.     Kris is sorry too these are from us." Sid says.
"Look let's just let by gones be bygones.   I  won't say anything about what happened.   I won't tell your secret." Eden says.
"Please baby.    Think about it.    We really do love you." Sid says.
"Okay I will think about it okay." Eden says.
"Good baby.    We love you and don't want to loose you." Sid says.
"I will think about it okay.   Now I just want to go lie down.   I am not feeling well." Eden says.
"Okay feel better." Sid says kissing her softly on the lips.
"Thanks Sid.   Goodnight I will see you at practice tomorrow." Eden replies.
"Okay baby." Sid says kissing her head.
Eden took the flowers and Panda and shut the door behind him.    She wasn't thinking about anything she was walking out of this and going to be with Chase.  
That was when her phone went off. It was Chase.
"Meet me down in the lobby." Chase texts.
"Wait you're here!" Eden texts back.
"Yup got a race here in Cali and then racing Phoenix and Vegas." Chase says.
"Let me change and I'll be right down." Eden says.
She throws on a pair of jeans and a black be brave shirt.    She then heads down to the lobby.
Chase was standing there waiting for her. She runs to him.
"Chase." Eden exclaims practically jumping on him.
"Hey princess." Chase says kissing her.
Eden kisses back not caring who was watching.
"I'm so happy you are here." Eden says.
"I am happy too I get too see my girl. Now let's go I have a special date planned just the two of us." Chase says.
They link hands and head out to them rental car. They both get in. Chase takes off towards San Diego.
"Where are we going?" Eden asks.
"You will see." Chase says smiling at her.
45 minutes later they arrive at the zoo.
"The San Diego Zoo!" Eden  says excitedly.
'Well I know how much you love animals especially pandas so I figured I needed to bring you." Chase  says.
They park. They then head to the entrance. Chase  pays for them them. They find out there was a bus called the Kangaroo Bus that would drop them off at various parts of the park. They get on the bus and it takes them to the first part of the zoo. The Australian Outback. Inside there they see the Australian Wander which was full of plants that come from down under, along with Camels, Koalas. Laughing Kookabura's, Tasmanian Devils and Wombats.
It was fun. They got to hold a koala, play with a kangaroo and ride a camel together.
Eden was taking all kinds of pictures.
From there they head into the Lost Forest exhibit,. There they see Bog Garden, Bonabo's , Fern Canyon, Flamingos, Ginger Garden, harpy eagels, Hawaiian pants, Hippo's, Mandrills, Monkey's, Okapi's, orangutans, Otter's and pygmy Hippos pygmy marmosets, Tapirs, terrace lagoon, and Tigers.
"I want a hippo for Christmas is one of my favorite Xmas songs so I love hippos." Eden says.
"They are intriguing animals." Chase says.
They continue on. They were holding hands and acting like a real couple and Eden was loving it. They then get on the Kangaroo bus and head to the nest spot for them. They then do the Panda Canyon, where they see Amur Leopard's, Giant Panda's red pandas and Takins.
"Pandas are my absolute favorite animal in the whole wide world." Eden says.
"I know now come with me." Chase says.
They head behind the habitat where they met a zookeeper. Chase paid extra for them to be able to play with one of the panda's. It was one of the Cubs born not that long ago. Also Eden was adopting it and could name it. Eden was having the time of her life. Chase had them take picture and a video. She ended up naming the bear Chase. Finally they leave.
"Thank you for doing that for me. I love it." Eden says.
"I am glad baby." Chase says.
That was when Eden ran to the trash can and threw up. Chase held her hair back. He also got her ginger Ale.
"Do you want to go home?" Chase asks.
"Nope I'm okay now." Eden says.
They then head to the Africa Rocks where they got to see and play with the penguins.
They head around the zoo seeing more different animals. They saved the best for last where Eden  got to see the polar bears another one of her favorites. It was neat to see them out playing. Eden  took more pictures.    Finally they headed to the gift shop and Eden got a few things. Chase got her a few things as well and they left.
"Thank you Clyde for a much needed fun day." Eden says.
"You are welcome Princes." Chase says.
"Our first official date." Eden says.
"And it's not over yet." Chase says.
They hop in the car and head back towards Los Angeles.    Chase heads to Disneyland and parks.
"Disneyland baby?" Eden asks.
"But of course. Have to take my Princess to the happiest place on earth." Chase replies.
"I love you." Eden says.
"I love you more princess." Chase replies kissing her hand.
He then gets out of the car and gets her door. Eden gets out and they head to Disneyland hand in hand. They head inside and   stop first at Sleeping Beauty's castle and have someone take a picture of them in front.   
They got a few different ones including of one of them kissing.   After that they head to start riding rides.   They  get on Alice and Wonderland, Astro Orbiter, Autopia, Big Thunder Mountain, Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters, Casey Jr. Circus Train, Chip and Dale's tree house, the Disney Gallery, Disney Railroad, The Disneyland Story presenting Great moments with Mr. Lincoln, Donald's Boat, Enchanted Tiki Room, Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage, Frontierland Shootin' Exposition, Gadget's Go Coaster, Goofy's playhouse, Indiana Jones adventure, It's a small world, Jungle Cruise, King Arthur's Carrousel, Mad Tea Party, Main Street Cinema, The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, Mark Twain Riverboat, Matterhorn Bobsleds, Mickey's house and meet Mickey, Minnie's house, Mr. Toads Wild Ride, Peter Pan's Flight, Pincchio's Darin Journey, Pirates Lair on Tom Sawyers Island, Pirates of the Caribbean, Roger Rabbits Car Toon Spin, Snow Whites Scary adventure, Space Mountain, Star Tours The Adventure continues, Star wars Launch Bay, Star Wars Path of the Jedi, Storybook land canal boats, Tarzan's treehouse, Dumbo the flying elephant, Haunted Mansion, Main street vehicles, Splash Mountain, Davey Crockett's Explorer canoes, and Sailing Ship Colombia.  
"I am hungry." Eden says after they finished riding the rides.
"Me too." Chase  replies.
"Let's  eat and then we can continue on." Eden  says.
"Sounds good.:" Chase  says.
They decide to eat at the Carnation Café.    They both get burgers and fries and milkshakes.    After they eat they head and do a few shows.   They do a Star Wars Character Experience and then they do Jedi Training.   That was fun they then meet fairy friends at Pixie Hallow and meet the Disney princess at Royal Hall. Chase took a few pictures of Eden. He got a her few things. He figured for Halloween she could be a princess and he would be a race car driver.
They  continue on and get on Animation Academy, Fliks Flyers, Francis Ladybug Boggie, Golden Zephyr, Goofy's sky school, Guardians of the Galaxy: Mission Breakout, Heimlich's chew chew train, it's tough to be a bug, Jumpin Jellyfish, King Triton's carousel, The Little Mermaid: Ariel's undersea adventure, Luigi's Rollickin Roadsters, Maters Junkyard Jamboree, Monsters Inc. Mike and Sully to the rescue, Princess Dot Puddle Park, Radiator Springs racers, Red car trolley, Silly Symphony Swings, Soarin around the world, Sorcerers workshop, Toy Story Midway Mania, Tuck and Rolls Drive em buggies, Turtle Talk with Crush, The Bakery Tour, California Screamin, Games of the Boardwalk, Grizzly River run, Mickey's Fun Wheel, Redwood Creek Challenge trail, Frozen at Disneyland resort, and Guardians of the Galaxy: Monsters after dark.
They then head and see Ana and Elsa's Royal Welcome, Frozen Live at Hyperion, Meet Olaf, and Meet the Residents of Radiator Springs in Cars land.
Finally, they head back to the car and head to Universal Studios.   They go inside and get on rides.   They ride on Harry Potter and the Forbidden journey, The Wizarding World Of Harry Potter, Flight of the Hippogrif, Fast and the Furious Supercharged, King Kong 360, The Walking Dead attraction, Despicable Me Minion Mayhem, Jurassic Park the ride, Transformers The ride, The Simpson Ride, Revenge of the Mummy Ride, Super Silly Fun Land, Sill Swirly Fun Ride, Special Effects show, Water World, Universal's animal actors, and Charter sightings.
They finish everything they wanted to do at the park before heading back to the car.
They then head back to the car and back to the track. Chase  had something special planned for them. He had it set up and ready to go.
"What's this?" Eden says seeing a table set up for two.
"Dinner for two baby." Chase says.
"Awww Clyde." Eden says kissing him.
Chase kisses back. He then helps her sit down.
He goes and heats up their food. He had made chicken parmigiana and noodles along with a salad. When it was done he sits it in the table and then takes his seat. They each take a piece of chicken and some noodles.   They then add a little bit more sauce to each before sprinkling it with parmesan cheese.   They put some salad in their salad bowls and add the dressing.   Chase pours them each a glass of wine.
Eden takes a bite of the food and then says
"Oh my god it tastes as good as it smells."
"Thanks.   The sauce is my mothers homemade recipe." Chase  says.
"Well it's good." Eden  says.
They eat and enjoy each others company.   Once they finished Eden helped Chase  clean up and put the leftovers away and load the dishwasher.
"The flowers are for you." Chase says to her.
"Thank you Clyde.  Carnations are my favorite flower and pink is my favorite color." Eden  says.
"I know baby." Chase says.
"So wha are we going to watch?" Eden  asks.
"Since  I know how much you love scary movies I have the Conjuring universe movies ready to go." Chase replies.
"Lead the way." Eden says.
Chase lead her to the game room.   They both sit on the couch as Chase turns on the Nun.   The movie starts.    Not even five minutes into it Chase jumps at a scary part.
"Damn." Chase says.
"You really hate scary movies don't you?" Eden asks.
"Yes I do.    But I will watch them because I know you like them." Chase says.
"Well I will keep you safe Clyde." Eden says.
"I know." Chase says as another scary part happens.
They movie went on.   Eden felt him get a little tense and knew he was scared so she leaned in a little closer trying to comfort him.   Chase puts his arm around her pulling her closer to him.  She leaned her head on his shoulder.  
It got to the part where the priest was buried A alive.    Chase started to shake.   That was one of his phobias being trapped someplace not being able to get out.   He was claustrophobic.
"Oh Chase." Eden says leaning in placing a soft kiss on his lips.
She would do anything at that moment to make him feel better.   She never experienced a man so vulnerable.
Chase kisses back putting his hands on each side of her cheeks.  Eden parts her lips slightly.   Chase deepens the kiss exploring her mouth with his tongue.
"Mmm." Chase moans deep in his throat.
"Mmm." Eden moans too.
"God Princess ." Chase says once they both come up for air.
"You are a good kisser Clyde." Eden says.
"So are you Princess." Chase replies.
  She looks deep into his eyes and sees a bunch of emotion swirling in them.
Chase leans in kissing her again pulling her all but into his lap.   His hands roam up the back of her shirt setting her skin on fire. 
"God Clyde take me to bed." Eden moans when he let her up for air again.
"God baby are you sure?" Chase asks.
"God yes." Eden says she wanted him so bad.
Chase picks her up carrying her into his bedroom.   He sits her on her feet closing the door.    Once the door was closed Eden pushes him up against it.
"Eden." Chase moans.
"I want you and I am going to take you." Eden says.
"I want you too." Chade says.
She starts to lift his shirt up placing soft kisses along his chest as she does.
"Fuck." Chase moans.
Once she gets the shirt up and and over his she throws it to the floor.
"You have the most amazing body Clyde." Eden says running her nails lightly down his chest to the band of his jeans.
"Thanks Princess oh god." Chase moans as she pops open the button and pulls the zipper down running her finger up his happy trail.
She works the jeans down his hips kissing his stomach with light fluttery kisses as she does.  Chase just moans.
She then works his boxer briefs down as well freeing his rock hard cock.   Eden licks her lips.  She places soft kisses on his stomach again before running her tongue down his happy trail.   She places soft kisses on each thigh before slowly taking his cock into her mouth.
"Fuck Eden." Chase moans running his fingers through her hair.
She sucks him in nice and slow running her tongue along the underside of his shaft.   She looks up locking eyes with him.   She keeps sucking him in and out of her mouth slowly.
"Fuck Eden that's it suck my dick baby." Chase moans gently pulling her hair as he starts to thrust.
Eden kept going slowly torturing him bringing him to the verge of cumming.
"God baby I am going to cum." Chase moans he didn't know what she wanted.
Eden gently starts to play with his balls never taking her eyes off him.
"Princess oh god." Chase moans as he cums hard down her throat.
Eden swallows every drop before slowly licking him clean.   She then slowly works her way back up his body pulling him in for a kiss.   She explores every inch of his mouth with her tongue letting him taste himself on her lips and tongue.   Chase slowly backs her towards the bed.  He breaks the kiss long enough to pull her shirt over her head tossing it.
"Jesus Eden that bra." Chase moans seeing it.
He pulls one strap down kissing her shoulder as he does.  Then kisses the other as he pulls that strap down.   He sucks and licks the tops of each breast peaking out from the cup.   He pulls the cups down taking one in his mouth running a circle around her nipple with his tongue before sucking on it gently nibbling on it bringing it to a peak.
"Clyde." Eden moans running her fingers in his hair.  
Chase moves to the other breast doing the same thing.   He slowly unclasps the bra pulling it off tossing it aside as well.    He then kisses softly down her stomach to the band of her jeans. 
He uses his teeth to pop open the button lightly nibbling on her belly as he slowly inches them down her hips and legs. Eden steps out of them kicking off her shoes.
"God baby those panties.  God so wet." Chase moans running his mouth over her pussy smelling her juices.
He then slowly works them down over her hips and down her legs.     Eden kicks them off.   He then slowly kisses his way up her legs placing a kiss on each thigh.   He blows cool breath across her mound as she slowly spreads her legs.   He runs his tongue up and down her slit before pushing inside starting to fuck her with his tongue. 
Not long after he started Eden gently pulls his hair pulling him away from her.
"Fuck me Clyde." Eden  says all but begging him.
"God okay baby."  Chase says kissing his way up her body.   He picks her up kissing her letting her taste her on his lips and tongue and gently lays her down on the bed.
"God please Clyde I need you inside me now." Eden moans.
"God baby." Chase moans as he gently pushes inside her.
"God yes." Eden moans as he starts to thrust gently at first.
He wanted to go slow letting her adjust to his size.   She was so tight and wet.
"Jesus Eden you feel so good.  Like a glove." Chase moans.
"God fuck me Clyde hard and fast." Eden moans digging her nails into his back.
Chase moves a little harder and faster.   Eden wraps her legs around his waist letting him go deeper inside her.
"Eden oh god." Chase moans going even harder.
"Clyde god that's it." Eden moans as he stretched her even further.
She throws her head back arching into him.  It felt so good.
"God baby I am not going to last." Chase moans
"Cum baby let me feel it." Eden monas.
"Eden sweet Eden." Chase moans looking deep into her eyes as he cums hard deep inside her.
"Clyde oh god." Eden moans shuttering as her orgasm rushes through her.
She cums with him feeling him coat her insides.   She just moans as her body shutters from the pleasure.
Chase kisses her gently on the lips and then the jaw and neck as they ride it out.   
"God Clyde again  I need you again." Eden moans.
She just wanted to feel that good again and not think about anything.
"Okay Eden but this time it will be nice and slow." Chase says.
"Please." Eden begs.
Chase starts to move again inside her taking it nice and slow.
"Eden god." Chase moans loving being inside her.
"Clyde god." Eden moans as he slowly builds her up.
"So close." Eden moans.
"Cum baby." Chase moans.
"Clyde." Eden moans as she cums.
"That's it baby milk my release." Chase moans as he cums again inside her.
They make love a few more times before Eden's eyelashes started to flutter.   Chase gets up.
"Where are you going?" Eden asks sleepily.
"Shhh baby I will be back." Chase says kissing her softly on the lips.
He goes into the bathroom grabbing a wash cloth wetting it with warm water.   He then comes over and gently wipes her down cleaning her.
He goes and tosses the rag in the hamper and then climbs into bed beside her.   She curls up to him laying her head on his chest.   Chase pulls the blanket up over them kissing her head as they both fall asleep.
The next morning Eden and Chase woke up when the alarm went off.
"Good morning baby:" Chase says.
"Good morning, oh god." Eden says getting up and running to the bathroom.
She made it just in time to empty her stomach in the toilet. Chase was right behind her. She got her everything up. Chase then picks her up gently and carries her back to bed.
"Sorry baby." Eden says.
"For what?" Chase asks.
"Getting sick." Eden replies.
"It's okay." Chase replies.
"I need to go back. I have to change before I head to practice." Eden replies.
"Yeah I know. I am glad I was able to see you." Chase says.
"Me too I will try and make the race on Sunday." Eden adds.
Chase smiles. He gives her a few shirts from his collection. They then head to the car and head back to Eden's hotel.
"I will see you later princess. I love you." Chase says.
"I will see you later Clyde. I love you too." Eden replies.
They share a few more kisses not wanting to part ways. But finally Eden heads inside and up to her room. She showered and got dressed and then heads down to the bus. Once everyone was on they head to the arena. Eden goes and gets the exam room set up in case they would need it for anything. That was when she felt arms snake around her waist.
"Hey baby, I missed you last night." Sid says.
"Hi Sid. Sorry I was so tired. Still getting used to the time change." Eden replies lying.
She didn't know what he would do if he knew she was with Chase. She was scared of him. It sucked cus she had a contract and had to work with the Penguins until the end of the 2021 season. Even though she wanted to quit.
"I know it can take effect on you but you will get used to it." Sid says.
"I know. Don't you have practice?" Eden asks.
" I do but I wanted to know if you were doing anything after?" Sid asks.
"No I don't. Sunday I am going to the NASCAR race before the game that night. But nothing today." Eden replies.
"Okay maybe I can come to your room, we can order room service and watch movies." Sid says.
"Okay." Eden says.
"Good see you then." Sid replies.
"Is Kris coming too?" Eden asks.
"Nope just me this time." Sid says.
"Okay." Eden replies.
Sid kisses her and leaves to attend practice. Eden grabs a little something from the snack bar and goes and watches practice. Halfway through Kris took a high stick to the face and there was blood.
"I got it." Eden says.
Kris comes down the runway and into the exam room. Eden follows him in. Kris was sitting on the table.
"Damn that hurt like a son of a bitch." Kris says.
"Sorry Kris." Eden says dabbing the blood away with a towel.
"It's okay. Is it bad?" Kris asks.
"Yes going to need stitches but shouldn't keep you out of the game tomorrow." Eden says.
"Good." Kris says.
Eden stitches him up. Kris puts his hand over hers.
"Thank you. Sorry for the other day Eden. Are you okay?" Kris asks.
"Yeah I'm okay. And your welcome it's my job." Eden says.
"I know. Im still thankful for you." Kris says.
"I know. I don't know what's going to happen between us but I promise I won't tell anyone about you and Sid. I just don't think I can do this. It took me to moving away and being away from him to realize how much I love Chase." Eden says.
"I know I can tell. Look if you want out that is fine. I know you won't tell anyone about me and Sid but I don't know if Sid will let you go." Kris says.
"I know." Eden says.
"Did you ever love us?" Kris asks.
"I loved you Kris you never hurt me.   Sid in the other hand." Eden says looking down.
"I'm sorry he hurt you Eden." Kris says lifting her head up.
He leans in and kisses her.    Eden kisses back.
"God." Eden moans as she pulls away.
"Go lock the door." Kris says.
Eden goes and locks the door.     She comes back over and climbs into his lap.
"God." Eden moans as he shreds her panties.
"I like skirts." Kris says.
"God." Eden moans as Kris pushes up into her.
"Ride me pretty girl. You know you want to." Kris says.
"God Kris." Eden moans as she starts to move up and down.
"That's it pretty girl." Kris says grabbing her hips.
They needed to be faster. Kris took control of their movements. Eden bit her arm throwing her head back to keep from screaming out. Kris nips and sucks her neck as they move.
"Eden fuck." Kris calls out as he cums hard deep inside of her.
"Kris. "Eden moans out as she cums with him.
They ride it out and Kris picks her up off of him. He stands up and fixes himself.
Kris then kisses her head before walking out the door. Eden collected herself. She then cleans up the exam room and prepared it from the game tomorrow. She then heads out and gets on the bus.
Once all the boys were on board they all head back to the hotel. Eden goes up to her room. She changes into her new Chase Elliott shirt and a pair of lounge pants. She wasn't feeling the greatest. She was laying down when there was a knock at her door. She gets up and opens it. Sid was there with room service and flowers.
"Come in." Eden says letting him in.
"Thanks." Sid says kissing her cheek.
Eden shuts the door.
"What did you bring?" Eden asks.
"Chicken noodle soup and ginger ale. Because I know you said you weren't feeling good." Sid says.
"I am not." Eden replies.
"I am sorry. Well let's eat and then we can relax and watch something on Netflix or something." Sid says.
Eden nods her head yes. So far it was going okay and she wasn't afraid. This was the Sid she started dating. They ate the soup and Eden nibbled the saltines. She sipped the ginger ale. Finally they laid in bed and Eden turned on Netflix. She turned on Sweet Home Alabama one of her favorite movies. She started to think about Chase. This movie was the story of their lives. Sid started to kiss her. Eden kisses back closing her eyes. As they were making out Sid runs his hands down her body. He runs them down her pants and under wear rubbing her pussy before sticking a finger in.
"Hmm nice and wet for me pretty girl." Sid says.
"Yes." Eden moans. She was pretending it was Chase.
"Want me to fuck you pretty girl?" Sid asks.
"Please." Eden begs.
Sid slides her pants and panties off followed by his jeans and boxer briefs. He then hovers over her running his tip along her entrance.
"Soaking for daddy." Sid moans.
"God don't tease." Eden begs.
Sid pushes into her and starts to move thrusting hard and fast.
"Fuck baby." Sid moans as she moves with him.
She wrapped her legs around his waist letting him go deeper.
"God." Eden moans digging her nails into his back.
She still had her eyes closed pretending it was Chase fucking her.
"That's it pretty girl milk my cock baby get ready to take my cum." Sid moans.
"GOd." Eden moans she was almost there.
"Fuck Eden god." Sid moans as he cums hard pumping her pussy full of his cum.
"Clyde oh god Clyde." Eden calls out as she cums too.
"What the fuck did you just call me?" Sid shouts slapping her.
Eden's eyes flashed open and she realized that by her fantasizing about Chase she called out his name.
"Umm." Eden says.
"Did you call me Clyde? Were you thinking about another man while I was fucking you." Sid screams at her.
Eden was so scared she didn't know what to say.
"Answer me you ungrateful ass whore." Sid screams.
"Yes I am so disgusted by you and how you treat me that in order for me to even attempt to have sex I have to think about Chase so I can get off." Eden screams out pushing him off of her.
She gets up off the bed. She was going to hide in the bathroom or something. She had her cell phone.
"You fucking whore. Don't you ever push me again or I will rip your hair out and choke you with it." Sid yells grabbing her hair pulling her back to him.
"Ow you are hurting me." Eden says.
"You think I fucking care. I hope it hurts. Remeber I am the only guy besides Kris who can cum in your sweet pussy. We are the only ones who can fuck you." Sid says.
"Fuck off Sid. I want out of this. I can't stand you. I fucking hate you. Get out." Eden screams turning around wailing out on him.
"You want to hit me bitch. I am going to show you." Sid says.
He picks her up throwing her back into the mirror glass shattering. He bashes her head against it not caring that it busted her head open. He then throws her down onto the floor throwing the mirror down on top of her covering her in glass.
"I will kill you before I ever let you leave." Sid says.
"Please I need help." Eden cries out.
"Fuck that bleed for all I care. If I can't have you no one will." Sid says as he kicks her hard.
Eden whimpers. Sid then leaves the room door slamming behind him. Eden still had her cell phone. It took everything in her to dial his number.
"Hey Princess." Chase says answering on the first ring.
"Chase help. I am hurt." Eden says.
"Eden? Where are you?" Chase asks panicked.
"Hotel Chase. Hurry." Eden says before she blacked out.
"Hang tight princess. I am coming to get you." Chase says.
You ever love somebody so much
You can barely breathe, when you're with them, you meet
And neither one of you, even know what hit 'em
Got that warm fuzzy feeling, yeah them chills, used to get 'em
Now you're getting fucking sick, of looking at 'em
You swore you've never hit 'em, never do nothing to hurt 'em
Now you're in each other's face,
Spewing venom in your words, when you spit 'em
You push, pull each other's hair, scratch, claw, bit 'em
Throw 'em down, pin 'em, so lost in the moments, when you're in 'em
It's the rage that took over it controls you both
So they say it's best, to go your separate ways
Guess that they don't know ya 'cause today, that was yesterday
Yesterday is over, it's a different day
Sound like broken records, playin' over, but you promised her
Next time you'll show restraint
You don't get another chance
Life is no Nintendo game, but you lied again
Now you get to watch her leave
Out the window, guess that's why they call it window pane
Just gonna stand there and watch me burn
But that's alright, because I like the way it hurts
Just gonna stand there and hear me cry
But that's alright, because I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie
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3 notes · View notes
viahoshi · 4 years
only those who are forgotten die  // k.sy
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pairing — kwon soonyoung x female protagonist genre — heavy angst, enemies to lovers (?) warnings — swearing, death, blood, murder, major character death and any kinds of criminal stuff words — 2.8k summary — the one where kwon soonyoung needs a new partner in crime note — this is highly inspired from the series, vis a vis as I can’t seem to move on from the character death, I created another one myself. The italic writings are flashbacks, the dialogue ones are the current time. Enjoy♡
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“How did you meet him?”
“Do you know that one quote from Dostoyevsky that says: We sometimes encounter people, even perfect strangers, who interest us at first sight. Somehow suddenly, all at once, before a word has been spoken.”
“Do you like Dostoyevsky?”
“No.” She firmly answered, “He did, though.” 
“So, you two were strangers at first who suddenly grew closer?”
“You can say that. Even though he worked with my brother, I had never greeted him before. Their latest heist went wrong, so wrong. My brother died, and he got into jail. I wanted to greet him personally after he was out to get revenge, you know? Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth.”
“You were planning to murder him.”
“Mmm- yes.”
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“When did the latest bus pass?” Soonyoung asks while wearing his black leather jacked in the middle of the heat of July, rubs his hands together, takes slow steps to the bus stop before turning back again.
“5 minutes ago.”
“And the next one will come in-?”
“40 minutes.”
Soonyoung signs before placing his sunglasses on his nose bridge, and takes another step towards the bus stop before turning around again just to stare at the place he spent most of his youth into. The world seems too large for the young man as he keeps groaning.
Soonyoung was a restless man. He almost appreciates the person who stopped their car for him. Almost. He sharply groans when he recognizes the woman stepping out of the car. The familiar appearance of the girl looks nothing like the one he saw years ago. The way her expression has no marks of distress and uneasiness makes him feel nauseous.
“What are you doing here?”
Soonyoung knows that he was miserably dishonoring his uncaring aura as he shifts from left to right at where he was standing. His hands became sweaty and unsteady in his pockets, failing himself. His features told a different story, and his hands showed another. 
“Every single night when I close my eyes, I see nothing but the two police officers arriving at our house to state that my brother was dead. I acknowledged that everything would go downhill, but I wasn’t foreseeing it to happen this fast. Their son was dead, and their daughter was conceivably a psychopath. All the people I loved and trusted turned their backs to me after that, just like it was my responsibility. You do not understand how it makes your head to be free, but not having anybody.”
He pouted in surprise while nodding, almost as if he was waiting for her to finish and leave, “Nope, I have no fucking idea.”
“I heard you’ve been a very good boy.” Her voice expresses nothing but sarcasm, lips form a smirk, hand raises to remove the hood of her sweatshirt which was closed the whole time, then moves before her eyes to block the steady sunbeams coming to her eyes.
“Yeah, I helped the police in two cases.”
“We’re all falling in line in the end, aren’t we?”
Soonyoung looks at her, tries to read her expression, studies the way her lips curl up on the ends when she smiles, and how her face creases when she fails to block the sunbeams.
“Really, what are you doing here?” Soonyoung asks again, wonder takes over as he glares behind the faint print of his sunglasses.
The girl takes her time glancing at the left and right side of the road, “The bus isn’t coming,” she glimpses back at him, “do you want a ride?”
Soonyoung takes his sunglasses off, and the girl studies the unique frame of his eyes, “To the cemetery.”
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“He wanted to visit my brother’s grave. He tried to look undisturbed, but I knew he was. I left him there and returned to work.”
“Then what happened?”
“It didn’t take him a long time for him to locate the place I worked. When he came in, I thought I was seeing things, I used to daydream about him a lot at work, and I’m not talking about pleasing daydreams.”
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“So you want us to become a duo? Like Bonnie and Clyde, Thelma and Louise?”
“No, that wouldn’t work out. You and me, as a limited liability company. [y/n] & Soonyoung LLC.”
His words make the girl throw her head back and giggle in doubt, “You’re trying to sacrifice me to protect your own ass as you did to my brother?”
“You’re talking as if you weren’t plotting to kill me for years.”
“You see, I hate you and you hate me. Why are you so sure that I won’t stab you in your sleep?”
“Hate is the greatest motivator.” The girl could picture his half smirk even though she has her back turned against him. He continues while standing up and making her way towards her, “We have another option, we don’t see each other again until we meet on a tour bus for seniors, heading to the beach.”
Edges of the girl’s mouth lifts, it’s crystal clear that his words satisfied her, the thought of replacing her brother giving her stomach slight tingles as she imagines the bad things she always wanted to do in her life but never could, “Okay, let’s do it.”
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“And this is how our shared life began as a mismatched twosome who everyone thinks: They’re going to kill each other. With the money we made, we bought our first house, a baby blue caravan. We instantly learned the secret to a good marriage, trusting each other. We weren’t friends, we shared nothing. But as much as we didn’t like it, together we were the best. The perfect couple, precisely because we didn’t love each other. We found the perfect amount of space to not kill each other, neither too close nor too far.”
“You lived like a domestic couple, how come you could undoubtedly trust each other in such a little time.”
“Not a domestic couple, but more like a husband and wife in their eighties who have over 20 grandchildren, but no one visits if that makes sense.”
“Tell me about the things you did respectively, how did you spend your time?”
“We had nothing noteworthy to do, so he bought two chairs and we just sat on the roof of the caravan, on the opposing sides. That was the agreement.”
“And the robberies? How did you follow through with that?”
“We started with big targets, casinos. We would quarrel during the heist and people would just look at us like we’re lunatics.”
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“No one move!” Soonyoung raises his voice, puts his hand behind his head, and holds onto his gun smoothly, “Put your hands behind your head like how I’m doing it. I won’t say it again, okay?”
The young boy doesn’t hesitate to wander towards the money source and doesn’t even consider it necessary to turn towards the girl before commanding pointedly, “The cash. I’ll deal with the cashier, you take care of the hags.”
“Excuse me?” The girl’s attitude catches him off guard as he stares at her in uncertainty. He chuckles softly before running his hand through his pitch black hair. “We’re not having this discussion here. Not now.”
“Why? Why do you need to be in charge of the money?” She cocks her head to the side, not bothered by the weirded looks of the people surrounding her. Soonyoung takes a step towards her, eyes and mouth wide open, “Any problems?”
“The problem is you fucking always put yourself above me,” Soonyoung takes another step towards her to hear her better, “shit, are we really going to start our first job together like this?”
Soonyoung gets much closer to her than he was moments ago, uneasy as he keeps peeking towards the woman who’s filling the bag with money, “We’re already splitting it 50/50.”
“It’s not a matter of money, it’s a matter of attitude.” Her look changes as her voice rises, “Either stop looking down on me or this is over.”
Soonyoung tries to change his expression, softens his voice, whisper screaming, “Is this the right place to talk about this?”
The girl walks over to him completely, face inches away from each other, feeling each other’s breaths on their faces. She whispers, “Are we equals? Yes or no.”
“We have to go.”
“I don’t care. Not before we clarify this. Equals or nothing, you decide.”
Soonyoung lowers his gun, steps away from her, spits while gritting his teeth, “Very well, equals. In sickness and in health, till death do us apart, amen.”
She nods, visibly satisfied. Giggles when she catches Soonyoung grumbling about how more effortless it is to work with a man rather than a woman.
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“And that’s how we carried out together. It wasn’t the Bonnie and Clyde story you would predict, but days like this made me neglect the murder plots going on in my head. And that baby blue caravan was the closest thing I had that resembled ‘home’ to me, if that makes sense.”
“How would you define ‘home’?”
“Home? I don’t know.”
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She gets a decent amount of shampoo in her hands before pressing them to Soonyoung’s airy locks, sudden contact of her hands sends shivers down his spine as he tries to get comfortable in his chair, relaxes his muscles while the girl runs her hands through his dark hair. “I can’t believe I’m doing this.”
“Did you knew that hair doesn’t stop growing after you’re dead?”
“And you want your hair to look sleek in the morgue?”
“No, I just want to talk without looking at your face.”
She eases her hand movements as if she waits for him to continue, he goes on, speaking softer than he did before, “I was 12 years old when my mother married to that pig. He brought nothing but misery and discomfort to the only place I knew as ‘home’. My mother neglected me, trying to be a suitable partner for that bastard,” he chuckles hysterically before continuing, “I was 15 years old when they send me to an orphanage, too old for adoption, too rebel for that environment. I fled from there at 18, and that’s when I met your brother, been doing this shit ever since.”
Soonyoung would pity himself sometimes, only life could be a little kinder to him, only if the world would have a little mercy for him, everything could’ve gone differently.
“What is it?”
“There’s no need to run if you have a home, and the time we spent in the caravan, in the camper is the closest thing I’ve ever had to a home. I wanted you to know that.”
She lets the teardrop she keeps in her flow on her cheek, her lips curl up, forms a faint smile, “It was special for me too.”
She sniffs, grabs the water from the small bowl and rinses his hair. “Even though, to tell the truth, you’re a shitty roommate.” She grabs the towel and throws it to him, making him giggle like a little kid.
“And you droll in your sleep.” He turns towards her.
“So you watch me while I sleep?”
“No, I don’t watch you, you’re just making weird noises and it draws my attention.”
“Fuck you.” Her face lights up before grabbing the pot full of water and wetting his whole torso, his light colored jeans making the situation already more apparent than it already is. He laughs aloud before grabbing the fountain and pointing it towards her, their laughs brighter than the sun, for the first time after a long time.
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“No what?”
“I already know what you’re going to ask. Everyone wonders whether Thelma and Louise fucked or not. We did not. We did not fuck.”
“And also, just clearing it for the record, we weren’t in a relationship either. We didn’t talk about any shit except the heists, that’s it.”
“Okay, good to know.”
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The fairy lights inside of the caravan are shining in the colors of the rainbow as the girl sways to the beat of the song playing in the background. The drink in her hand matches the color of her colored sunglasses, giving her a vintage vibe. Soonyoung lies on his back, watching the way her body moves. She notices how his expression seems so cloddish, approaches him so that their noses touch, “Is this your first time?”
“What?” He tries to brush her off, not breaking the eye contact.
“Yes it is,” she laughs breathily, “this is your first time doing ecstasy.”
Soonyoung pushes her away and stands up to sit comfortably, “This isn’t getting me high at all.”
His tone of voice makes the girl giggle, “Right, you’re not high at all.” Her voice carries no expression but lust and sarcasm at the same time.
“At all.” Soonyoung keeps arguing while giggling and shaking his head.
“You don’t feel… Euphoria, empathy? This- sort of- uh- love? For anyone? I thought those were your favorite emotions.” She smiles sheepishly.
“When does this shit end?” He asks, not betraying his uncaring aura even when high.
Her sarcasm slowly drops and she feels alone with nothing but lust in her heart. She looks at him with an innocent expression, reminding him of those kids who want to buy candy in a convenience store, “Do you know what I want to do right now?”
She gets closer to his face again, looks directly at his eyes, looks directly at his soul, “I want to touch your face.”
“Jesus, fuck no.” He stands up to go to the table which is decorated with various of liquor and grabs the entire bottle of the alcohol, drinks an enormous amount of it until the girl makes her way towards him again.
She moves her hand towards his face; he flinches when her hand contacts his skin. Her fingertips travel on his nose bridge, his cheekbones, his lips, his jawline. She leaves her fingerprints all over his face gently. Soonyoung chuckles but doesn’t move away, he doesn’t look away either. He enjoys the feeling that comes up to his spine as he keeps touching his face.
The air inside the caravan is thick, but it feels lighted than air for Soonyoung as he feels the butterflies in his stomach gently waking as she travels her fingertips along his sharp features. He pants, he doesn’t know if it’s because of the drug, or her.
“We’re not going to fuck, that’s what we agreed for.” He whispers while looking at her with a blank expression.
“You think I want to fuck with you?” She smiles again, and he nods.
“That makes little sense, does it?” She argues again, still looking at him with the same smile on her face and the same tone of her voice, seductive, “Oh well, let’s go to bed then.” And the first thing Soonyoung does when she turns her back at him to walk towards the bed is to grab her by her hair and pull her back towards his body. She laughs in surprise, her heartbeat rises as he pushes her front towards the wall.
And the rest is just a blur.
The next morning, she wakes up to Soonyoung practicing gunshots. She makes him and herself a cup of tea before making her way towards him. “About last night, that was stupid.”
“Yeah. By the way, I made the plan for the next heist.” He grabs the handle of the cup and responds in a sassy way.
“Well, you can tell me later.”
Soonyoung chuckles.
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“Do you have any regrets?”
“Only if I looked back before leaving.”
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Soonyoung stretches out the beautifully packed gift, catching the attention of the girl who was sitting outside despite the cold air. She looks at him in doubt, “Kwon Soonyoung gives presents? Is that a bomb? Or an internal organ of one of your relatives? Perhaps it’s a scorpion-”
“Fuck, just take it.”
She hesitantly takes the gift and opens it just to find a polaroid camera inside, laughs while opening the box, taking the camera out. “Do you want to take a picture?”
“Yes. So you can remember we were young, we were hot, and we were free, and we felt a little, just a little less lonely together.”
She looks at the camera, and back at him before standing up, “Cool, let’s do it.”
The bright flash of the camera makes Soonyoung’s eyes hurt a little. He turns to her as the film gets released from the machine. He bounces slowly, reminding the girl of a little kid while smiling softly, waiting for the polaroid to darken. She gives the polaroid film to him after looking at it.
“Merry Christmas, asshole.”
“You too, princess.”
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“Do you think things have worked out differently?”
“Things should have gone differently. I must have been in Italy or France, not here talking to you.”
“What about him?”
“What about him? Death didn’t intimidate me, nor him. There will still be winters and summers. It’s not like people will stop celebrating Christmas, or a child won’t get a birthday present. The gone is gone, and the world goes on, it’s nothing I can ease. However, he’s not dead.”
“How come?”
“Only those who are forgotten die, I’d like to consider he’ll be living for a long time.”
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maybe-your-left · 4 years
Cowboy Blues: Cowboy Caviar
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CW / TW: there is alcohol in this chapter, lots of it. 
CW / TW: heavy make out, and LOTS OF FLUFF 
You’ve been home since 3:30. You had already showered, shaved, and moisturized and it was barely 6. You paced the bedroom glancing at the three outfits for the night. Option one was something out of a Scooby-Doo nightmare, high waisted light wash bell-bottom jeans with a lavender keyhole crop top. Looked like something Daphne Blake would go dancing in. Option two was toned down but still had some spice. It was a leopard spaghetti strap that was to be tucked into some denim skinny jeans. It definitely was the most uncomfortable but the most modern outfit. Bringing up the rear was option three, a gingham halter top cropped right below your bust line. Paired with the same jeans from outfit two. All the options had the opportunity to win Clyde’s affection but you also didn’t want to look like a bar slut. 
You stood in front of the bed and after several minutes went by you decided on outfit one. The bell-bottoms cupped and curved your ass in such a delightful way it was almost like wearing nothing, which surprise, you were wearing nothing underneath. Pairing the outfit with some chunky heels you went to the bathroom to decide on the rest of the night’s choices. 
After getting all dolled up you drove to the bar, it wasn’t far away and you were shocked how you hadn’t noticed it until now. Out front, there were plenty of cars parked, lots of older cars like your Shelby. A bright red Nova caught your eye as you walked in. 
“Howdy (Y/N), didn’ think I’d see y’ here”
Looking up you saw a familiar face sitting in a rocking chair on the porch. Earl was smoking a cigarette by the front door, giving you a big grin. Immediately you knew you had chosen the right outfit for the night. 
“Hi Earl”, you chirped back, “Clyde invited me with the promise of free drinks.”
“Well ain’t that somethin’... be sure ta say hi for me”. 
You walked past Earl through the big doors and saw a bar full of country men. Maybe you dressed a little too well… you were sure that you were the only female in the establishment. Swallowing your pride you walked through the crowd and plopped down next to the only other girl you could find. Once settled you searched for Clyde. How could such a big man be so hard to find? 
“You must be (Y/N)” an unknown voice filled your ears. “Clyde must’ve finally got the nerve to ask you out. About damn time”. 
Looking to your right you notice that the girl next to you was indeed speaking about your Clyde. Who was she? Was she Clyde’s girlfriend? You felt all the color drain from your face at the realization that you had been fantasizing about this girl’s boyfriend for weeks. Waves of hot shame filled your brain as you tried to apologize. Suddenly a booming voice came from behind the bar, “Mellie don’ ya go scarin’ her off”. Blinking several times you realize that voice was Clydes. Turning to face him you still couldn’t bring yourself to speak. 
“This n’ here is my sister, Mellie” he motioned to the brunette next to you. Relief flooded your senses as you came down from the ledge in your brain. He must’ve noticed you relaxing as he spoke again “What ya like t drink? It’s on the house.”.
“Oh, I’ll have Sand in Your Shorts cocktail please.”
Mellie spoke up next to you, “I’ll have one too Clyde”. He nodded and got to work on your cocktails. You watched him make the drinks with no effort, even with his metal hand, he looked like he was in his own world. You were so entranced you didn’t even notice Mellie had started talking to you again. 
After some time you and Mellie realized you had a lot in common. Both girls with older brothers, both were passionate about your work, and you both had a mischievous nature surrounding yourselves. She was very beautiful too, although it was tough to see the resemblance with Clyde. She wasn’t as big and tall, that man was built like a redwood, but she had kind eyes that mirrored her brothers. During your conversations together you and Mellie exchanged phone numbers and managed to down five cocktails each. Clyde made a habit of staying near you after you finished your third drink. Always keeping a watchful eye out for you, he didn’t call you out on your drinking but seemed amused you were having so much fun with his sister. 
“I better have Joe come pick me up, I don’t think I can make it home. Excuse me a minute” Mellie drunkenly slurred after excusing herself to the bathroom to call Joe. Sighing you looked at your phone and were taken aback. It was 1:30 in the morning! You did not plan to be out this late, well early now, you just got caught up talking with Mellie. Turning around you noticed Clyde had started closing up the bar. Placing both hands on the countertop you drunkenly stood up, and immediately slipped off your stool. “Whoopsie” you giggled uncontrollably. 
“Darlin’ are y’ alright?” Clyde rushed over to help you up. Reaching out with his hand he lifted you off the floor while you erupted in giggles. 
“How many times *hiccup* are you planning on *hiccup* rescuing me?” Batting his hand away you reached for your purse on the floor, making a big show about bending over in front of him. Coming back up from your bend-n-snap you turned to face him and noticed he wasn’t making eye contact with you. “Thanks for *hiccup* having me, cowboy” as you tried to push past him he wrapped his hand around your bicep. 
“I can’t let y’ leave here alone, let me drive y’ home”. Looking at you with pleading eyes, you waited for him to close up the rest of the bar and started out the front doors. Nearly falling down the steps, Clyde had to hook his right arm around you while you threw off your heels. Clutching them to your chest you made it over to Clyde's car. Getting in was a task, you could barely figure out the seat belt until Clyde reached over and secured it for you. You revealed in his warmth and dusky smell as it enveloped the car. 
The ride to your house was short and once Clyde pulled up you turned to him and gave him a big smile. “Will you help me inside?” you tried to say as pretty as possible, making a big show of batting your eyelashes. 
“O’ course” he swallowed before unclipping your seatbelt. 
You practically rolled out of the car once you were free. Completely forgetting your shoes in the passenger seat and making your way up the steps of your front porch. Clyde came up behind you and handed you your purse and you snatched it searching for the keys. Once the door was open you stepped inside and motioned for Clyde to follow you. Making your way to the kitchen you tried reaching up to grab a glass of water. Your inebriated state was not helping you finish normal household tasks, however, your head was clearing up a little bit more.
“Clyde, can you please get me a glass of water?” 
“Sure thing sunshine.”
Reaching over you he easily grabbed a glass and then went to your fridge to get you your water. Standing in silence you noticed how his eyes were glancing up and down your figure. Seeming to drink you in like you were to the water. Finally, his gaze met yours “Y’ looked awful pretty tonight, could barely keep my eyes off y’.” 
“Thank you Clyde, I thought of you when I got dressed up.”
You gulped down the rest of your water and slowly walked over to him. Placing your hands on his broad chest you felt how his breathing became ragged as you inched your face closer. 
“Now darlin’, don’ y’ think it's time to lay down?”
You slowly brushed your lips against his, not letting his catch you as you pushed off of him. “My rooms this way”. As you walked away you knew that Clyde was a respectable gentleman, he wasn’t going to take things too far. He genuinely wanted to take care of you, you could see it in his eyes as he took you home. But it was so much fun to play with him, the alcohol was making you far more ballsy than you were sober. You had been thinking about Clyde since the day you met him and now he was in your house and you did not want to mess it up. 
Sauntering into your room you glanced over your shoulder and saw that Clyde had followed you, but at a safe distance. He brought with him another glass of water which he set on your nightstand. 
“Do y’ need anythin’ else?”
“Nope… just you.” 
You pounced. 
Quickly wrapping your arms around his neck you pressed your lips to Clydes. His first reaction was to pull away, you knew he didn’t want to take advantage of your situation. Pulling away you assured him that this was okay, you wanted him to hold you. The admission caused Clyde to grip your lower back and his lips were on yours again. 
Soft sweet saliva was shared with your tongues as they glided over each other's lips. Clyde tasted like orange and whiskey, the taste causing you to groan into his mouth. In one swift motion, you jumped wrapping your legs around his strong torso. Clyde's hand dropped to cup your ass, slowly massaging it as he walked forward to the bed. His knees hit the mattress and he immediately dumped you on the comforter. Pulling his face back to yours you ran your fingers through his hair. The lush waves were softer than any blanket you had ever owned. Moving your hands to the nape of his neck you broke the kiss and began sucking Clyde’s neck. You made a trail of hot open mouth splotches down to his collar while he stifled a moan. His hips began to buck against yours, the excitement obvious between his legs. The friction was enough to make you cum right there. Balancing on his prosthetic Clyde pulled away and looked at you with hungry eyes. His right hand came up and started rubbing circles on your cheekbone with his thumb. The motion was soothing, added was his soft lips giving you a chaste kiss. 
“I think it's time y’ went ta sleep (Y/N).”
With closed eyes, you hummed at him and before you knew it you were lulled to sleep by the soothing circles. 
You woke up from what seemed like a coma to the sound of a buzz saw. Something was tearing into your room, causing the walls to shake from the vibrations. Attempting to sit up you found yourself pinned under a muscular arm. Blinking your eyes to adjust to the darkness of your room you reached as far as you could to untangle yourself from the unknown intruder. Breaking from the grasp you launched off the bed and rushed into your bathroom and threw on the lights. A quick glance in the mirror told you that you were indeed still clothed and you had makeup caked on your face. Grabbing the closest thing you had to a weapon, you armed yourself with your straightener and peeled back into the bedroom. 
Sprawled out on his tummy, Clyde was snoring up a storm. Still dressed in his clothes, boots and all, he looked like a bear still in his hibernation. He must’ve fallen asleep after you two made out like teenagers. Slowly approaching him you pressed on his shoulder. “Clyde, Clyde, wake up.” No luck, you tried another approach. Attempting to roll him on his side you pinched his cheeks. Hard. His eyes flew open and instinctively pinned you to the mattress. 
“Clyde it’s just me, just (Y/N). Please let me go.” 
In his sleepy state he searched in the dim light to recognize who you were. “Sorry darlin’, I didn’t mean ta hurt y’.” he finally whispered. Leaning in you kissed his forehead and unwrapped yourself again. 
“It’s okay, let’s just get ready to sleep again, I need to change into my pajamas.” 
Retrieving your clothes from the closet you went to the bathroom and changed. After a few minutes you heard Clyde's boots hit the floor and the sound of his belt buckle. Pulling your hair back you started washing your face. You used a Mia Clarisonic to rinse and scrub the grime off your skin from the night of drinking. Off to your right you saw Clyde approach you in the bathroom. 
“What are y’ usin’ there darlin’?” he motioned to the scrubber. 
“Do you not wash your face before bed Clyde?” you lightly joked at him. Motioning him into the bathroom you noticed he was just in his boxers and undershirt. Coming to the sink next to your left he stared at you. Finally rinsing off the suds you turned and looked at him again. “Do you want to try it?” He shook his head no. “Are you sureeee?” you pressed wearing a coy smile. “I have a clean brush head you can use, it’ll make your face all clean.” 
He sighed and nodded his head. Quickly rinsing the machine and changing the head you sat on the counter in front of Clyde. Reaching back behind you, you grabbed a headband. It was a pink headband you got online from a store named Ulta, it was supposed to keep your hair out of the way while doing makeup and it had a huge bow on it. Before Clyde could protest you wrapped it around his head, pushing his hair back. 
“Okay let’s get your face wet first, then i’ll use face wash and scrub it.” 
“Okay I trust y’” he said while closing his eyes. Wetting Clyde's face you prepped the clarisonic and turned it on. Clyde jumped a little when you made contact with his skin. After a few passes he started to relax and you massaged it a little deeper. It was clear he didn’t receive very much affection and he wasn’t one to pamper himself. The movements felt even more intimate than the kisses the two of you shared. The steady buzzing was enough to lull Clyde back to sleep. Finishing up you hopped off the counter and handed Clyde a wet rag to wipe off the residue, smiling up at him while he cleaned his face off. 
“How’s my skin now?” he said to you before pulling off the pink headband. 
“I think you look even more handsome than before.” 
Shutting off the lights to the bathroom Clyde followed you to the opposite side of the bed. You motioned to his prosthetic, “Don’t you take that off to sleep?” Clyde gulped and said nothing as he pulled the metal arm off and placed it on the pile of his folded clothes. He seemed like he didn’t want you to notice the missing limb, but you didn’t mind it. In fact you felt accomplished; he even took off the arm in front of you, even if it was in the dark. 
“Now darlin’ I kinda roll in my sleep”
“Ya i figured that out already, let’s just lay down” 
Shuffling next to each other Clyde positioned his arm to barely touch yours. Taking that as a hint you snuggled yourself into him, resting your arm across his chest and laying your head on his shoulder, slowly falling into a rhythm with his rising breaths. 
TAGLIST: @finn-ray-nal-beads @morby @kirah36 
If you wanna be added to the taglist feel free to ask, I hope you all are enjoying the story so far :) 
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babbushka · 5 years
White Christmas
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Clyde Logan x Reader ; 1.9k
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
Just like the ones I used to know
Where the treetops glisten and children listen
To hear sleigh bells in the snow
 You’re in the kitchen finishing up the very last decorations on the gingerbread house, when Sadie sighs. She’s been huffin’ and puffin’ all evening, much to your dismay. You had hoped that buildin’ the homemade house from scratch would be a fun activity to end off Christmas Eve, but your normally sunshiney niece was practically gloom and glum all night.
She reaches for the final perfect gumdrop, but you use your hand to block her, givin’ her a questioning look, wondering what in tarnation is going on in that mind of hers. Christmas was her favorite holiday, it always had been, and for the first time in years all the Logans had decided to celebrate together, everyone staying in the nice new house you and Clyde bought after the heist.
“Do you think it’ll come tonight?” Sadies finally chews her lip and asks, pouts with those big sad eyes of a child whose dream has been crushed.
Your heart aches, knowin’ what she means. You both glance out the window, to the decidedly un-snowy front yard. In the reflection of the glass, you can see the disappointment on her face, and your heart aches.
“I don’t know sweatpea, but I hope so.” You say, twisting her ponytail affectionately.
“We’ve had snow every year.” Sadie sighs again, plucking off one of the red and green M&M decorations on the roof of her house, popping it in her mouth and chewing noisily before sighing once again with a, “I hate global warming.”
“Me too, me too.” You give a sympathetic smile, pulling her into your arms for a little while, a nice reassuring hug. Before you let her go, you try to get her back in the spirit by whispering real quiet so only she can hear, “But instead of worrying about that for right now, why don’t you run up and get ready for bed, hm? Santa Claus can’t come if you’re not asleep by eight.”
That perks Sadie right up, and before you know it she’s bolting out of your arms with a glance at the clock, realizing it’s already seven-thirty.
“Shoot, you’re right!” She gasps, “Goodnight Uncle Clyde! G’night Aunt (Y/N)!” She gives you each a kiss on the cheek, you in the kitchen and your husband on the couch in the living room, before running into one of the guest bedrooms which she has claimed.
You chuckle fondly at the renewed excitement, and with the gingerbread houses finished, you grab a mug from the counter and fill it with icy cold ‘nog.
You hang in the doorway for a moment, simply admiring the view before you. Clyde is relaxed on the couch in his Christmas pajamas – something you purchased for the whole family so you could all match. He’s got his prosthetic off, put away somewhere in the master bedroom, and his hair is freshly washed and fluffy. From the angle he’s sitting at, all you can see is the strong contour of his profile, and you get the sudden urge to kiss his nose.
 I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
With every Christmas card I write
"May your days be merry and bright
And may all your Christmases be white"
 “Is that the news?” You ask, and he perks up at the sound of your voice, that permanent scowl of his fading away to something much more soft and sweet.
“Yep.” He says, forever a man of many words.
“Has the weather come on yet?” You ask hopefully, but he sighs in that very Logan way that they all do, and you already know the answer before he’s tellin’ you.
“Nope.” He tells you anyway. When he sees your eyes sadden, he reaches out to you, beckons you with his hand and a, “C’mere darlin’, sit with me?”
You sit on the armrest of the couch, and he wraps his arm around your waist. You lean your head on top of his and offer him the mug you brought, still nice and chilled from the frozen bowl you had poured it into just shy of an hour ago.
“Want some eggnog?” You offer, but he shakes his head, tears his gaze away from the news – still no weather – to look at you, smile at you.
“Not if you can’t have any.” He says, and you kiss him softly, just a chaste little something when you push it into his hand.
“There’s no brandy, I made it special so Sadie could have some too.” You explain and his whole face lights up at that, makin’ you chuckle and card your fingers through his hair gently as his huge mouth gulps down half the mug in one swig.  
“When d’ya think we can tell everyone?” He asks, throwing a glance to your stomach, and you can’t help but laugh at the cream that sticks to his moustache.
“Not for two more weeks, just to be safe.” You reply, and he nods in understanding.
You steal the mug back from him for just a moment, just long enough to catch a sip or two before letting him finish it off, and you lean your head back down on top of his, feeling safe and warm in his loving embrace as the low light from the TV flickers on and on, as the two of you wait for a forecast.
  The whole family has gone to sleep by the time you and Clyde decide to turn off all the lights and make your way upstairs.
With Jimmy across state lines to see his daughter more, the whole gang didn’t have much opportunity to get together all that often. You figured that if there were any time of the year to celebrate with your loved ones, it was Christmas, so you managed to convince Clyde to open up the house to his brother and sister, as well as some of your family and friends.
All in all, absolutely every one of the spare rooms was filled for a long weekend of all sorts of traditions. Sadie was so excited to see the new house, she ran around and around the place, gawkin’ and gaspin’ at the newness of it all.
You knew it shouldn’t make you feel so proud and petty, but well, compared to the kind of livin’ Bobby Jo had managed to secure for herself, you thought you did pretty damn good.
But Sadie was snoozin’ in her bed, as were everyone else. You thought about the poem, how Clyde had read it aloud to the whole group, his deep baritone the perfect pitch for the smooth rumblings about sugar plums and sleighs and tiny reindeer. You thought about how they were all dreamin’ themselves, the house so quiet as you both made the rounds to switch off the lights on the tree, blow out all the candles.
It’s only when you’re passing under the doorway to go into the kitchen and help Clyde put away the eggnog and gingerbread houses, that you see the little bundle of green that’s been taped up above your heads, your husband appearing just on the other side of the door.
“Would ya looky here,” He says shyly, always ever so shy your husband, shy as he smile and quirks a brow as he points up to the, “Mistletoe.”
“Now who put that there?” You wonder teasingly, softly, eyes already closing and leanin’ in, lips puckering.
“Someone smart.” Clyde whispers, arms coming around your waist, big warm hand splayed out on your back, pressing you close to him.
On the in the background Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye are singing in red velvet in front of a live audience, and you let your heart swell with the romance of it all.
 I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
Just like the ones I used to know
Where the treetops glisten and children listen
To hear sleigh bells in the snow
 After smoochin’ in the doorway, the two of you can barely keep your hands off of one another, and he walks you back back back against the kitchen counter. He’s so strong, sometimes you forget how strong he is, your husband, forget those special ops muscles. He’s eager, excited, his kisses more and more urgent as he maneuvers you so that he can stand between your legs as your breath puffs and pants against one another.
Y’all hadn’t had much opportunity for any sex, with the entire house packed with family, and you knew you couldn’t reasonably get away with anything in this moment, but it was still thrilling to try. He’s handsy, big warm palm sliding up your blouse and gropin’ grabbin’ pinchin’ at ya.
You only giggle and bite at his lips, bite at his big cheesin’ grin, that special smile only you ever get to see.
You lean back enough to just get a good look at him – and that’s when you notice it.
“Clyde!” You gasp softly, hopping off the counter and immediately moving to the living room once more.
“Hmm?” He frowns, concerned and following you hot on your tail, not seeing what you’re seeing.
But you see it, the soft white flurries that flutter down from the black of night. The porch-lights are on and you can catch bits and pieces of the fluff. Your first thought is of Sadie, how she’s going to get to wake up to a winter wonderland, get to wake up to snowmen and snow angels and maybe even a snowball fight.
But your second thought, is that you want to feel the snowflakes on your face, on your tongue, and even though it’s late, you turn to Clyde with a pleading, hopeful expression.
“Can we go outside?” You ask, your hands braced on his chest, practically unable to contain yourself.
He smiles and kisses your cheeks, your nose, your forehead, until you’re laughin’ and coverin’ your mouth to try and keep quiet, so as to not wake up the rest of the family.
“Only if you’re warm enough darlin’, I don’t wantcha catchin’ cold.” He says softly, appraising you in your pajamas, wondering if he should stick you in ten more layers.
But then you’re grinning up at him, pulling him by the hand to stick your feet into slippers to protect from the chill of the snow that’s already starting to stick, and you toss him one of your beaming grins with a twinkle in your eye as you tell him, “I won’t be if you’re holdin’ me.”
 You don’t stay out long, just enough time to get the cool bite of the gentle breeze on your face, jack frost nipping at your nose, as they say. Clyde is right by your side, hand on your waist, walking around and around the yard with you in the dark, the only light coming from the strands of icicle lights that Jimmy had helped hang up, and the porch lamps.
It’s not much right now, but you just know that come morning, Sadie’s going to be laughing and shouting and wakin’ y’all up to come outside.
So for now, it’s enough that it’s here, enough that you can chuckle softly as you brush the snow out of Clyde’s hair.
 I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
With every Christmas card I write
"May your days be merry and bright
And may all your Christmases be white"
Tagging my Clyde lovin’ friends! <3  @autumnlovesadam @dreamboatdriver @fullofbees @adamsnackdriver @kyloxfem​ @formerly-anonhamster​ @kylo-renne​ @callmehopeless​ @magikevalynn​ @scheherazades-horcrux​ @whiskey-bumblebee​
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omgjasminesimone · 5 years
Bonnie and Clyde
Logan x MC (Ellie). Set a couple of months in the future
Word Count: 3041
A/N: I have grad school stuff to do, but I can’t stop writing RoD fanfiction. Send help.
Now with follow-up! Spring Break
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Logan’s arm searches through the bed for the warm curvy body he’s expecting, but he doesn’t find it. He reluctantly opens his eyes and sits up, scratching his bare chest.
“Ellie?” There’s no response. He frowns. Did he dream that Ellie showed up to his Brooklyn apartment last night to surprise him? Was she really in Los Angeles with her dad for Fall Break like she originally told him?
As his vision adjusts to the dark, he spots various articles of clothing littered on the floor. Nope, not a dream. Last night definitely happened. He grabs his boxers off the floor and slips them on, finally spotting her through his open window outside on the fire escape. He grabs the blanket off his bed and heads toward her.
She jumps slightly in surprise when his arms wrap around her, wrapping them both in his blanket.
He kisses the back of her neck. “Aren’t you cold?”
She’s only wearing one of white t shirts, out in the chilly October New York City air.
She leans back into his embrace “I was a little cold. Good thing I’ve got you to look out for me.”
“What are you doing out here?” He asks.
“There was a car alarm going off, it woke me up. So I decided to take advantage of the nighttime New York City atmosphere. You’ve got quite the view from up here.”
Logan briefly glances down at the twinkling lights in his new neighborhood, where even at 3:30 AM there are cars and people milling about in the city that never sleeps. His gaze returns to her. “It is quite a view.”  
Ellie sees he’s looking at her and rolls her eyes. “You’re so corny.”
He smiles that special Logan smile reserved only for Ellie. “But you love it.” He mutters in her ear before placing a kiss to her cheek.
Before Ellie can reply, Logan’s phone rings from his nightstand. She glances back at him. “Who’s calling you at 3:30 in the morning?”
Logan shrugs. “Dunno. Probably not important.”
She looks at him skeptically. The phone finishes ringing. And immediately starts ringing anew.
“Are you going to get that?” She asks.
Logan sighs, taking the blanket off his shoulders and wrapping her in it before gracefully climbing back through the window.
Logan picks up the phone, turning away from her and walking to the corner of the small studio apartment. “What?” He answers irritably. Ellie watches his shoulders tense. She climbs back into the apartment, closing the window behind her. “Are you serious?” Ellie sits back on the bed as she listens in on Logan’s half of the conversation. “Your timing is terrible. You’re really going to do this 5 hours before?” There is a pause as Logan listens to whatever the other person says. “Fine. I’ll do it myself.” Logan hangs up, sighing irritably.
“What was that?” Ellie asks.
Logan tosses his phone back onto the nightstand, climbing back into bed. “Nothing.”
“Logan.” Ellie presses.
Realizing she’s not going to let it go, Logan comes clean. “Fine. I have a job planned for tomorrow. But that was my driver Fabian. He got a more lucrative offer and just bailed on me.”
“I can do it.” Ellie offers immediately.
“Absolutely not.” Logan immediately replies.
“If you planned it as a job for two people, you obviously know you can’t do it alone.” Ellie reasons.  
“I don’t want you involved in this shit Ellie. What happens if we get caught? Langston could revoke your scholarship. You could be expelled.” Logan argues.
“And what happens to you if you don’t do this? Can you pay your rent?” Ellie asks.
“Don’t worry about me.” He mutters, grabbing the blanket and preparing to go back to sleep.
“Of course I worry about you. Let me help you.” Ellie insists.
“I’m not going to let you ruin your future.” Logan argues.
Ellie’s eyes narrow. “You sound like my Dad. I thought you were done trying to stand in my way once I’ve set my mind on something? Besides, I miss it. The adrenaline. The high stakes. It’s really hard to go back to a normal life when I was just starting to feel like I was actually living.”
Logan sits up, pulling her to his chest for a soft hug. “I know. I tried once the Crew broke up. But ultimately found myself across the country falling back into the life of crime I’m used to.”  
“Then let me help you.” Ellie reiterates. He still looks skeptical. “I just need to get it out of my system. I’ll feel way better after this. If you let me help, I’ll go back to school at the end of the week and study really hard, I promise.”
“You’re not taking no for an answer are you?”
The next morning, Ellie parks the inconspicuous white Hyundai outside the warehouse in Queens Logan directed her to.
“Did you get the masks?” Logan asks, pulling a duffle bag out of the backseat and placing it over his shoulder.
She nods, pulling them out of the plastic Party City bag. She hands him his.
“What is this?” He asks, glancing at it skeptically.
“Dom.” She replies. His face remains impassive. She holds up her own plastic mask. “And Kenna. From the Crown and the Flame?”
He shakes his head. “Never watched it.”
“Oh my god, how can you not have seen it? Now I know what we’re doing for the rest of the week. I was going to go with the Bonnie and Clyde masks, but seeing how that ended up for them, I didn’t want to jinx us.”
He frowns, seeming to contemplate that seriously. “Good thinking. I would definitely rather this not end up with us dead in a bullet riddled Hyundai.”
“Hey, everything is going to be fine.” Ellie insists, placing her hand on his cheek.
He takes her palm and kisses it. “You’re right. I won’t let anything happen to you.” He swears.
“And I’ve got your back too.” She promises.
He smiles. “I’m holding you to that. Okay, so let’s go over the game plan one last time. We go in there, take out whatever security there is, find the car, get the stuff, and hightail it out of there. You’re driving.”
She nods. “Got it.”
“And no real names Troublemaker. We don’t want this to trace back to us in anyway. There are probably cameras we don’t know about.”
“Got it, Fast and Furious.” She responds.
He smirks at the codename. “Alright, just one last thing before we go.”
He leans toward her in the driver’s seat and places his lips to her’s. When her mouth opens, he sweeps his tongue into her mouth. The kiss is hungry, they both pour everything into it. After several long moments, he pulls away and places one last kiss to her forehead. He pulls the mask over his face, his blue eyes peering through the eye holes. “Let’s go.”
Logan is thrown to the floor by the mob security. He rolls out of the way before a shoe stomps down where his head had just been. “Fuck.” He hisses, kicking out from the ground at the mobster and hitting him roughly in the stomach. The mobster falls to the ground, clutching his stomach in pain.
Logan immediately searches for Ellie and the last guard standing. His eyes widen when he sees him coming up on Ellie from behind, much too close for him to get there in time. “Troublemaker, behind you!” He warns.
She spins and ducks as the guard throws a punch, countering with a kick to his side and then a punch to his face when she straightens to her full height. A tooth flies out of his mouth as he hits the ground, out cold.
She walks toward Logan, a well-placed kick to the head knocking the guard still clutching his stomach out cold. She offers Logan a hand and helps him to his feet.
“Okay, I definitely didn’t teach you all of that.” He says, looking at her in shock.
She beams at him. “I’ve been taking boxing and kick boxing at school. I was just trying to avoid the freshman 15, but I guess it has other handy uses.” She finally notices the way he’s looking at her. “What?”
“I have never been more turned on.” He admits.
She blushes, “Not the time or place, Fast and Furious.”
He grins, although she can’t see it through the mask. “I can’t wait to get you home.”
She squeezes his hand before letting go of it. “So let’s get whatever you’re getting and get out of here.”
“Yes ma’am.”
They search through the warehouse and eventually find a door leading to a garage. Logan looks through the glass window and sees the red Lamborghini his contact told him he was looking for. “Troublemaker, I’ve got it from here. Go back out to the car and leave it running. We need to make a quick getaway.”
Ellie frowns, annoyed at being dismissed without seeing exactly what’s in the Lamborghini. But she nods anyway and heads outside to wait.
Ellie impatiently flips through radio stations as she waits, ultimately settling on 90s west coast hip hop. She glances in the rearview mirror, now mask-less. She has added a baseball cap and sunglasses, learning from Los Angeles that she needs to be disguised for street cameras.
She has just started to wonder what’s taking so long when an alarm blares and Logan sprints out of the warehouse, a now full duffle bag clutched in his arms. She has left the passenger door open, so he hops in quickly and slams the door. “Drive, drive, drive!” He shouts.
She slams the accelerator, tires screeching as they head away from the warehouse. Seconds later, several black cars with tinted windows are on their tails. Ellie shrieks when a gunshot from one of the cars hits their back windshield. It doesn’t shatter though, obviously modified to be bullet resistant.
“Damn, that took less time than I hoped.” Logan mutters, pulling a gun out of his waistband. Ellie’s mouth opens in shock as Logan opens the passenger side door, hanging on to the car as he leans outside and starts shooting at the pursuing cars’ tires.
“You have a gun?!” She shrieks.
Logan glances at her briefly, throwing off his mask. He puts on his own baseball cap before firing more rounds, successfully taking several of the cars out of commission. “This isn’t Los Angeles anymore Ellie. New York’s a lot rougher.”
She takes a hard right through an alley, and Logan almost falls out of the car. “Sorry!” She apologizes, “Hard left!” She warns before taking said hard left in an attempt to shake the cars. By now, only one car is anywhere near them. Logan aims and fires, hitting their front right tire. The mobsters skid into a wall and Ellie takes a hard right, honking at pedestrians who scramble out of their way as they fly off the sidewalk and enter Queens surface street traffic.
Logan looks into the rearview mirror as Ellie slows to blend in with the traffic. “I think you shook them. You were incredible Ellie.” He smiles at her, but she doesn’t return his smile.
“What’s in the duffle bag, Logan?”
He shifts uncomfortably, seeming to contemplate lying to her before settling on telling the truth. “Drugs.”
“Hard drugs?”
“You think they’d come after us like that for weed?” He asks rhetorically.
“So, are you a drug dealer now?” Her question is filled with judgement.
He looks at her annoyed. “No. I would have no idea how to move this stuff. A drug dealer hired me to steal it for him.”
“So you’ve gone from stealing from rich jerks to helping fill the streets with illegal drugs that kill people.”
His fists clench. “This stuff is getting onto the streets with or without me. The only difference in outcome is that this way my rent gets paid.”
“Logan, this isn’t you.”
“This isn’t who you want me to be. I keep trying to tell you that you’re looking for something that isn’t there Ellie.” He sighs irritably. “I knew I shouldn’t have let you be involved in any of this.”
Ellie’s hands tighten on the steering wheel. “Yeah, you shouldn’t have.”
Ellie parks outside of a seedy apartment complex in Manhattan. Logan grabs the duffle bag, opening his door. “Stay here.” He orders.
She rolls her eyes. Like she wanted to go anywhere with him at the moment. Once he’s gone, she runs her hands through her dirty blonde hair irritably. What was she doing? She’d committed several felonies today, and for what? Logan? Or did she really do it for herself? To escape her structured life and have some excitement? She worries her lip as she thinks on it.
After several minutes, Logan returns, duffle bag now empty. He approaches the driver’s side. “Can I drive? I want to take you somewhere.”
Ellie nods, scooting over into the passenger seat. Logan adjusts the seat, pushing it back since he’s so much taller, and puts the car into drive.
The couple drives in silence for several moments, Ellie leaning her head against the passenger window and watching the New York City scenery pass by. Eventually, they reach the Bronx and Logan pulls off the main road and parks the car behind a restaurant near the shore. He steps out of the car, and Ellie follows.
He walks off to the end of the shore, staring at an island in the distance. His expression is so intense that Ellie hesitates to approach, but then he turns back and looks at her, his expression softening. He holds out his hand for her, and she interlaces their fingers as she stands beside him.
He gestures at the island with a tilt of his head. “That’s Hart Island. It’s a mass grave where New York City buries unclaimed bodies.”
Ellie frowns, wondering why Logan would bring her here of all places as she glances out at the sad looking island.
He clears his throat before continuing, fighting back his emotion. “My mother is buried there.”
Ellie turns to look at him, surprise evident on her face. He gives her a sad smile, squeezing her hand.
“She was a drug addict. It’s what landed her in jail before I was born. I guess I’m lucky she was locked up, kept her from using while she was pregnant with me for the most part. She…she would get clean, but it would only last a few months. She loved the drugs more than she loved anything or anyone else. I ended up in foster care eventually, and I didn’t hear from her at all. I don’t know what she was doing in New York, it’s a long way from Detroit, but she was here. She overdosed in some crack den in Queens 3 years ago. I hadn’t heard from her in years, but the city still found me somehow. They wanted $6,000 for internment. I…I didn’t have it. This was before Mercy Park, I was just scraping by in Texas at the time. I didn’t want her to end up somewhere like this, it kills me that she’s in some unmarked mass grave.”
“Oh Logan.” Ellie tries to comfort, wrapping her arms around his torso in a sideways hug.
He turns his gaze from the island back to the girl at his side. “I just want you to know I don’t take drugs lightly Ellie. I know what they do to people, to families. These aren’t the type of jobs I want to be taking. It’s just for now until I get on my feet here. Until I can afford to have a moral compass. Then it’s back to stealing cars from rich jerks, I promise.”
“I’m sorry for being so judgmental.” Ellie apologizes, tears welling up in her brown eyes when she sees the pain in Logan’s own eyes. It’s so easy for her to forget that she and Logan come from very different walks of life. She’s never been forced to make the kind of decisions he has just to survive.
Logan twists so they’re chest to chest, engaging her in a comforting kiss. He pulls away, but barely, resting his forehead against her’s. “I’m glad you judge me. It keeps me grounded. Trying to not disappoint you makes me a better person.”
She places a quick kiss to his lips. “But you need to be honest with me. If we’re doing the whole Bonnie and Clyde thing, then this is a full partnership and I want full disclosure. A duffle bag full of hard drugs is not a good surprise.”
He nods. “Full disclosure from here on out. But you’re forgetting that you’re out. That should have been enough adrenaline to last you a lifetime. Crime spree out of your system.”
She smiles. “That was enough adrenaline for Fall Break. When I come visit you for Spring Break I might need another job.”
He chuckles “We’ll see.”
“Also, I want a gun too.” She adds.
“Haven’t you heard? Historians are pretty sure Bonnie never actually fired a shot.” Logan retorts.
“Well, if we’re going to be an updated 2019 Bonnie and Clyde I definitely need to know how to shoot. Can you show me?” She gives him her best puppy dog eyes.
He nods, letting go of her and pulling the gun from his waistband. “You’re turning into a real little criminal, you know that?” She just smiles sweetly at him. He stands directly behind her, correcting her stance as he places the gun in her hands, his hands covering hers to guide her movements.
“Cock it.” He instructs. She does, turning the safety off as she aims over the grimy Bronx water.
His lips directly above her ear, he whispers. “Pull the trigger.”
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hello-stensy-blog · 7 years
Crushable, Chapter I : It’s all good.
He took off in the morning, feeling great about himself. He knew that nothing bad could happen to him anymore. He had confidenceーenough to shake the world and rule as its new king.
Stensland was all smiles as he raised his thumb in the air. He was soaked with rain, but it didn’t matter. His backpack was light, and so was his heart. Billy Ocean was playing in his headphones while he attempted to summon a ride.
At least, that’s how things were in the beginning. Now, he had been waiting for a good samaritan to pull up next to him for two hours. He tried really hard to remain positive: That’s okay. Someone is gonna stop, eventually. I just have to be patient. I just have to believe.
He wasn’t always all sunshine and butterflies. He used to think of himself as a failure, a sad loser, a lonely soul. He was deeply scarred by disastrous relationships from the past. Like old gum, women would chew him up and spit him out. Then, he encountered the Grady Method for Self Love. He started to follow it by the book. First, he began growing a mustache, which was a really bad idea. Fortunately, he realized this soon enough and shaved it, moving on to Grady’s next lessons. He knew them all nearly by heart, and most of the time he believed in them. Everyday, facing the mirror, he would give himself those good-old motivational speeches before confronting the world. After a few months of training to love himself again, he decided to take on the challenge of the book’s last chapter:
Test your newly acquired confidence! Go see the world! Hitchhike! Meet people! Seduce! Amaze!
Of course, that looked easier on paper. Stensland’s phone’s battery was now empty so he couldn’t listen to Billy Ocean anymore and the rain had become a downpour. He gave up. He walked a long way to reach the nearest motel. Exhausted, depressed and dripping, he was having second thoughts about this whole "inspiring trip". So far, the only thing it inspired in him was a really bad novel plot about a heartbroken guy dumped by his girlfriend on his birthday. It was not mind blowing, but it could have been enough to make him want to blow his head off because it was exactly what happened to him only a few months ago.
He paid for a room and ran straight to it. As soon as he was inside, he burst into tears. He didn’t know why he was feeling like this right now. He had spent the last few months in a positive mindset, why was he giving up so suddenly?
He made up his mind: tomorrow, when the sun goes up, I will go home and forget everything that has happened. Maybe I’ll restart Grady’s Method from the beginning, but right now I have to stop weeping, take a shower, change clothes and get some sleep. Maybe I’ll smoke. Or drink. I saw the motel has a bar. What the heck, I’ll do both.
Get naked, shower, masturbate, move on.
It was not a busy night for Clyde Logan. Not at all. There were rarely any busy nights out here. One or two drunkards to serve per night max. That’s why he never said no to extra work.
The job was simple, that’s what the boss said: A ginger guy is gonna show up. When he’s here, you hand him the bag, and that’s it. How will I know it’s him? Clyde had asked. The boss paused for a moment, then asked him: Do you see very many people out there? No, Clyde answered. How about gingers, Clyde? Do you see a lot of gingers in that shithole? No. Then you will know it’s him when he gets there.
So Clyde was staring at the void, waiting for the ginger guy to show up. Eventually, the door opened to one. Clyde stared at him as if he were an alien. Well, that’s not what I expected. What he expected was a picture straight out of a mafia movie. I dunno, a tough guy in a suit at least.
The man was thin, wearing a long sleeved shirt with stripes of the most random colors on it paired with shapeless jeans. He looked pretty cute in his own weird way. He asked for a drink. Clyde had a hard time focusing. The ginger’s expression changed as he looked uneasy from Clyde’s silent staring. After a while, Clyde answered:
Clyde had never done these kinds of transactions before. He had no idea how to proceed. What do I do? Do I just give him the bag like that? Do I have to say something? There was only one other customer at a table far from the counter, drinking alone, and Clyde doubted he was even among them considering how wasted he was. He won’t be a problem.
- Did you come for… something special?
That was pretty clumsy. The ginger looked even more puzzled.
- Huuum… well… you mean, besides the drink?
Clyde nodded.
- Well, you could say that, the ginger answered with a slight laugh.
- Are you looking for someone, too?
The ginger’s eyes lit up and he blushed. Clyde did not notice the blush and thought the light in his eyes was a signal indicating that he was the one.
- I was waiting for you.
Clyde served his drink, then disappeared to the back of the bar.
Stensland’s heart was racing. Wow. I did not expect the barman to hit on me. It was the first time someone had ever done so. Plus, it was a guy. Though, that wasn’t important: feeling wanted is always pleasant, he thought, especially after all he’s been through. He had to admit that he liked the heated feeling in his chest. Moreover, he felt pretty lucky to be to the liking of such a handsome guy. I mean, with complete neutrality, he is tall, mysterious and handsome. A dream guy.
I was waiting for you. These words were running through Stensland’s head, repeatedly. They sound like lines from a cheesy movie.
Why did he leave so quickly? I didn't even get a chance to answer. Anyways, how could I answer? We just met. Literally! We barely even had a conversation and I fall for that! What am I? A Disney princess?
Prince Charming came back with a bag. He put the bag on the chair next to Stensland’s.
Stensland looked at the bag, then the barman. He gave no explanation and did not resume talking to him. Instead, he began cleaning glasses. Stensland started to understand there had been a huge misunderstanding. With hesitant hands, he opened up the bag and almost had a heart attack at what he saw.
This… this is… money… a lot of…
Stensland’s mouth was now forming a silent and shocked “Oh!”. So, that’s it? The barman mistook him for someone else? For a moment, Stensland considered telling the barman that he was not supposed to receive any bag full of cash, but…
Well, he was feeling pretty embarrassed. After all, he had begun celebrating their wedding in his head only a few seconds before, and now he knew that this was all just a stupid mix-up. Plus, this was… a LOT of money. This was exciting. There was no way Stensland could say no to such a thrilling new adventure. He drank his full glass at once, then sighed with a slight smile and said:
-Well! Thank you for the drink, and… my bag! Here you go! (He put three 20 dollars bills on the counter, as he was now feeling immensely rich.) Keep the change! Buh-bye!
He left the bar in a rush. Clyde was not even surprised.
Clyde was getting ready to close the bar. He was cleaning up the counter when the door opened. Without a glance for the newcomer, he said:
"We’re closed.”
- I did not come for a drink.
-Okay. But we’re closed.
-Listen to me, Genius. I have had a terrible day, so yes, I am late, who cares? The bag now, please.
Clyde frowned and looked up. What now? He swore this man was the very same ginger he had served a few hours ago, except now he wore a mafia-worty suit with his hair combed back and the face of Grumpy cat.
-Dude, I already gave you the bag.
-I beg your pardon?
-You were there, you took a pint, I gave you the bag, you left.
- I did NOT! Are you telling me you gave the bag to someone else?
The man was infuriated. He started to cuss.
-Well, he looked exactly like you, Clyde said in his defense, 'have a twin or somethin’ ?
-What do you mean? Are you implying he was a ginger, too?
Clyde nodded. He stared at the man, who was now typing on his phone.
-So, its your twin?
-Shut-up! I don't have a twin! Not all gingers look the same! Did he give you any name?
- Nope. (Clyde went to the door and asked the receptionist who was smoking outside, probably listening to their whole conversation.) Earl! What was that ginger guy's name ?
- Err.. Cleveland...Priceland... No, Stensland! It was Stensland!
The other ginger made a very angry phone call. Earl looked sorry for Clyde, and Clyde was still stunned by the gingers' likeness. It's so trippy. After a quick check, they found out Stensland had left his room already, with shampoo and shower gel samples, a towel and the bag full of money. That was predictable.
It was now five in the morning and the issue had yet to be settled. The second ginger was still pissed after getting off the phone with his boss. He told him in a dry tone:
-Since you are the one who made this mess, clean it up now! What did his car look like?
-He didn’t have a car, actually, Earl said.
-What do you mean? He came and left by foot in the middle of the night?
-That’s utterly ridiculous, The ginger snapped, Well at least it won’t be a problem catching him, even with your obvious lack of intelligence.
Clyde was offended. He still asked:
-So, I’m supposed to chase him down?
-Absolutely. And I would suggest that you get to it NOW. Actually, I am coming with you.
-Can I finish cleaning up the bar, or…
The cross look the ginger gave him was an implied No. Clyde threw the bar keys at Earl.
- Finish my work and drink something. It’s on me.
His coworker’s face shined like a kid’s on Christmas morning as Clyde left with the bossy ginger.
Stensland was a blissful idiot. He successfully ran away with a bag full of money, and he even caught a ride on his way. God bless America!
The guy who offered him a ride was pretty kind, too. They had a nice chat on the road. Stensland was now feeling so good he couldn’t believe that he had been crying a few hours ago.
How will I spend all this money? Amazon. I’m going to buy the weirdest things! I can afford to throw my money now. I could stop working, find a palace, be the king of the hill! I would have the sweetest babes around me, everything would be all good!
It was hysterical. All because of that barman. I’ll send him a Thank You note once I’m all settled. I’ll write it in my pool, or in my jacuzzi.
The sun was now up. Stensland’s new road companion wanted to take a break, as he had driven the whole night.
-Alright! Stensland said, I’m going to go to the bathroom, and then buy a snack. You want something?
-I’m okay! I’m just gonna take a nap.
-Alrighty then!
Stensland left the car and went to the bathroom of the rest area they stopped at.
All this calls for celebration! Stensland thought with a bright smile on his face. And celebrate, he did: he smoked what remained of his stock. He didn’t mind. I’m so rich now I could smoke twice as much everyday! What a life it will be.
As he was daydreaming about this future life, he was startled by a hand reaching inside his cabin.
-Oh shit! It’s occupied! he screamed desperately.
But the hand had already grabbed his bag. The hand’s owner was now running with the bag. The bag full of money.
Stensland screamed some more:
-No! Wait! It’s my bag! Don’t take my bag! Wait! Please!
He left in a hurry, leaving his bong behind. It didn’t matter. It wasn’t A BAG FULL OF MONEY. Stensland was running like he never did before. Where is this brat? I can’t believe it. I can’t believe this is happening.
He saw a car leaving. He ran after it.
His dream life was fading. His not-future wife was waving goodbye.
He ran across the parking area in an attempt to follow the car. The guy in the passenger seat gave him the finger. Stensland stopped. They were too far from him, they were too fast. He was out of breath and desperate again. Another car passed by, then stopped in the middle of the road. What now?
*********************************************** Clyde was sick of the ginger complaining to him. He was sick of his contempt, of his bad manners, he was sick of the road and he was sick of this whole stupid chase. And then, he saw him. He stopped the car so suddenly his passenger hit his head with the most satisfactory “bang”.
-What the HELL?
-It’s him. It’s Stensland.
Clyde was leaving the car now. Stensland looked beat, but quickly his face showed absolute horror and he began running the opposite direction. He had recognized him. Clyde chased him down and quickly grounded him. The bossy Stensland clone followed.
-Please, please! I don’t have it! I don’t have it!
-What do you MEAN you don’t have it? The bossy clone barked.
-They stole from me!
-Who is they?
-The guys… the car… I…
-God! Take him with us.
-I told you he looked like you. Look, Clyde said while he was holding a struggling Stensland with some difficulty as he could only count on his valid arm.
-We don’t have TIME for this now, Logan! Where did the car go?
-This...this way!
Following the second ginger’s orders, Clyde threw Stensland in the car’s trunk. Before closing it, he said:
-Nothing personal, dude.
23 notes · View notes
Do you put sugar on your Coco Krispies? No, but definitely on corn flakes, they're bland postkellogsgeneralmillsitsthecerealwar
If you had a pet anteater, what would you name it? Antubis, obviously
Do you prefer house phones or cell phones? I do not have a house phone. But tbh I hate talking on any phone and prefer using messenger
Don’t you just love it when guys sing to you? Only if they're on stage and holding a microphone and in a band
Are your nails long or short? Long enough to paint :)
Do you ever wear headbands? Nah.
Ever taken dance lessons? I don't dance, I headbang
What does your hair look like right now? increasingly greying
What is your favorite show to watch on Food Network? I don't watch anything on the food network
What type of mp3 player do you have? iTunes on my laptop but transportable music I've put on my phone
What is your favorite kind of cookie? Millies <3
What was the last compliment you received? Someone just messaged me saying "smile you are a very funny man" but its our first convo, I know they'll get bored of me eventually
What are your thoughts on destroying rainforests? It was the start of the end of our species and the only good thing is that when we are gone they will grow back :)
Are you a bookworm? Most definitley. If it wasn't for goodreads I'd forget everything
What did you have for dinner yesterday? mini sausage rolls and onion rings at dinner time, but then I also had salt and chili chickenballs at half 12
Who was the fifth person to call you today? No one has called me today. And I doubt five different people have ever tired to call me in the one day
Pick up a book. Open it to page 89. What does the first sentence say? "Always wanted one of those."
Can you play the saxophone? About as well as Homer Simpson can sax-i-ma-phonesax-i-ma-phone
Have you ever heard the song Can’t Be Saved, by Senses Fail? I have not, no but I'll add it to my list. Love their cover of institutionalised tho :) theysaytheyregonnafixmybrainalleviatemysufferingandpainbutbythetimetheyfixmyheadmentallyillbedead
What colour carpet is in your living room? Some kinda weird browny grey bland thing idk it was here when we moved in andnothecarpetdoesntmatchthedrapes
Ever eaten an entire can of whipped cream in one sitting? No I have not, and now I am wondering why I have never tried this. I think I could.
Do you like sunglasses? Not particularly no
Have you ever been sung to on your birthday in a restaurant? No I have not. And my life has been immeasurably better as a result. I'd probably leave or go to the toilet and hide for ten minutes
Do you have any gray hairs? More and more each day
Do you like black olives? I don’t like any olives
Do you own a pair of toe socks? I think I did and they were rainbow patterened but I don't know where they are I've not worn them for a while :(
How about a designer purse? No. Or a man bag either
What kind of camera do you have? Haweewee cameraphone
Do you love pancakes? They’re okay, but tbh when I was in florida I had them everyday for breakfast.
What about chips and dip? Not a big fan of dips. Or sauce either. Salt and chili seasoning tho mmmh iknowthiswasreallyaskingaboutcrispsbutimnotamericanalsoidontlikecrispswithdipeither
Did I get you hungry? Nope
What time is it? 22.14
Have you ever lived with a friend? Nah. A fiance and a baby mama but not a friend
What are a few of your favorite TV shows? I watch too much to have a favourite. Like my TV Time app says I've watched over 11 months of tele so how can I have favourites
What kind of socks do you like to wear? Knee high stripey socks are always the favourite, right now I have Iron Man ones though
Ever wear lipstick? At Halloween yes but not normally.
Do you have your own house key, and how often do you actually use it? I do, but we never really lock the door cause someones normally in
How often do you eat chocolate? Not that often, but I don't eat chocolate because I don't buy chocolate. If I ever have any its gone in minutes galaxycaramelislife
Have you ever only liked someone because you found out they liked you? My type has always been people that are into me first. I did ask someone out in high school but they nicely rejected me and I've decided that obviously I can't read signs and so will wait for you to show your intrest
Ever baked a pie? Never
How often do you wash dishes at your house? Once a week maybe? We have a lot of dishes so we don't need to do them everyday
Does spell-check on Word or Mac computers ever annoy you when it underlines the word? I turn it off for this exact reason
Do you know what time you were born, and what day of the week it was? 1.11am and it was a Saturday
What colors of nail polish do you like best? Black, obvii. I do also have a metallic purple though madgoffff
Like to take pictures on the Photobooth program on Macs? I don't like macs. And I don't think thats a thing anymore
What is a recurring thought on your mind today? Ow my ear is so sore ffs of all the places to get a cut/scab/spot the inside of my ear has to be one of the worst
Have you had any confrontations with anyone lately? nope. Probably building up to one
What was the last charity you donated to? I did the ice bucket challenge 6 years ago and donated to that charity
Would you say you have an infectious laugh? Not at all no
Shouldn’t you be doing something else right now? I should be sleeping or doing something productive
Do you have anything planned for the summer? I have gigs that were rescheduled to summer but will probably fail due to the 'rona isweartogodgreendaythisisthethirdtime
Are there any mountains nearby where you live? Nope wayuptonthemountainiseedownbelowlifecanbesuchagreatshow
Did you like to collect frogspawn as a kid? No I did not. That's a very American, and also very weird thing to do
Do you walk fast or slow? Fast. Like 8.47minutes/km on average this month, which is basically 4.4mph
Do you keep birthday cards or throw them out? I throw them out tbh
Does sitting in waiting rooms drive you insane? Nope. Boredom is an old acquaintance of mine alsoyoucantdrivemeinsanewhenimalreadythere
Do you ever put sticky notes around the place to remind yourself of things? Nah I just keep it in my phone, and then forget to look there
Are you easy to talk to? I can be but I'm not very approachable in the first place so most don't bother to try
Can you juggle with more than two items? I can't even juggle with two items
At airports do you ever worry your luggage won’t arrive? I've not been in an airport in 20yrs so not really
Do your parents ever call you ‘pet’ or ‘sweetheart’ etc? No, that would be weird
Do you like jalapenos? Not really. I ate like 5 of them in pizza hut in 2005 before they were big and they made me throw up
What other windows have you currently got opened? Facebook
What woke you up this morning? I woke myself up
Would you ever consider visiting Ireland? Maybe. I'd visit someone but that's too much effort for what would end up being an awkward walk around town again
Would you like to visit Venice? I would. Idk what id do there but it might be nice. Probably go on a gondola like a right tourist and then sit in my room the rest of the time
What is the largest body of water near your hometown? They clyde, but not like a major part of it just a small bit
Do you have any flags in your house? Nope
Are there any ‘Keep Off the Grass’ signs where you live? No, thank god
0 notes
What You’ve Done
Warnings: some blood, mentions of abuse, getting punched and kicked, some blood, language, reader being a manipulative little shit
Word Count: ~1300 (lol i have like 13 pages of this so buckle up motherfuckers)
A/N: alright ok so i wrote like a lil bit of this months ago and then added some to it like a couple weeks ago and then i just kinda felt that you guys haven’t seen much of my writing recently so i kind decided to do this????
The road was miles back and she didn't dare to turn around.
She tried running through the river, but the sharp coldness only stung her open wounds as she raced out and through the forest. Her lungs screamed at her for a break and her legs felt as though they were jelly, held up by sheer willpower alone.
It amazed her that she was even able to stay conscious.
She kept running, kept pumping her arms, kept trying to convince herself that she wasn’t tired, she’d eaten two days ago, she still had energy. Everything began to fade out of her mind; she was seeing, but her awareness was beginning to fade. Her mind only occupied the thought of right foot, left foot, over and over again. Eventually they became one thought, a mantra to keep her awake. She might not have stayed conscious otherwise.
She turned a corner and went sprawling through the air. Something had tripped her (a root?) and sent her flying. Her body flew into mud and she slid, slamming into a boulder. A sickening crack! resonated in her ears. She tried to get up, slipping and losing vision. Slowly, she put a hand to her face, feeling the large gash in her forehead. Her body screamed at her to stop; every nerve on fire, every bone creaking and muscle screaming. Her joints cried and ached, but she cried and ached more. Her body couldn’t give up on her now.
Any attempt she made to stand sent her crashing over and seeing double, no doubt giving away her position with all the noise she was making. Hopefully most of it was covered up by the thunderstorm, but in a forest like this everything seemed to echo. Finally, she surrendered to finding shelter in the roots of a great big tree when thunder clapped overhead.
Her lip started to tremble. Her lungs seemed to be able to take in less oxygen with each breath. Something leaked on her face; blood or tears or both, she couldn't tell.
She couldn’t quite bring herself to care. If she wasn't so damn terrified, she might’ve actually laughed. She didn't fall asleep until dawn coloured the sky with her hues of red and gold to lull Y/N to sleep.
“So get this,” Sam said as his brother took a long sip from his coffee mug, “I talked to the coroner the other day, and she described the murders as- and I quote- werewolf attacks.”
“She actually said that?” Dean asked, half-assed raising his eyebrow. He wasn't quite awake yet.
“Yup,” Sam sighed. “Turns out these killing types happened a few years back, under the serial killer who called himself ‘The Werewolf’ to claim his killings.”
“Wacko,” Dean grunted into his hot mug. “So tell me, why are we up at the asscrack of dawn in some forest?”
“Ok, first of all: these are the woods where the attacks happened.” Sam nudged his brother away from the car towards the crime scene. “And by the looks of it, I think this vic was a hunter.”
“Really?” Dean asked, surprised. “How d’you know?”
“His face perfectly matches the description of Derrick.” Sam nodded at him like Dean should've known who he was talking about.
“Who the hell is Derrick?” He asked. Sam rolled his eyes.
“Derrick worked with Clyde,” he explained. Dean made a questioning face.
“Clyde? The rogue hunter that made dad seem like an angel?” He reminded him.
“Oh.” Dean snapped his fingers. “Right. And you're sure it's his buddy?”
“I texted a pic of his face to some guys who knew him and asked if they had heard from him in a while.”
They walked in silence for a minute, crossing the police tape and entering the crime scene. It was empty except for them and an elderly couple chattering.
“Did they?” Dean prodded.
“Nope.” Sam’s eyes suddenly focused on something in the dirt. He stalked closer to it, checking out the print.
“But I think we might be able to find somebody who did.”
Y/N hadn't eaten in two days. She had found a questionable water source to drink from, but at the time it was the least of her concerns. For days, she had resorted to eating the inner strippings of bark to trick her mind into thinking it was being fed.
She just wasn't sure how long it would take her stomach to get the message.
Y/N would've tried to catch or gather something of sustenance if she could move. Sometime the night before, she had- at the very least- severely twisted her ankle. Her guess was that it was broken; heaven knew she’d had enough to recognize the pain of one.
Every attempt to stand was noisy an unsuccessful. She tried to crawl, but her body was bruised and sore, and she could only move a few feet before she collapsed in pain.
She didn't even know if they were still out there, but she couldn't take the chance. Her current state would be bliss in comparison to being with them.
Y/N whipped her head up towards the voices that she faintly heard. It sounded like there were… two… men? Yes. She could recognize the low buzz of a male voice from miles away.
“Clyde,” she breathed out. She had to move. She had to run. She had to hide. Y/N attempted to stand up, but she only crashed down the moment she was upright. Her thoughts screamed what she couldn't let her voice say. In a minute, she’d be stuck face to face with Clyde and his buddy, and then she'd never have a chance at an escape.
Shuffling back as quietly as she could (which was not very), she managed to wiggle her way back into the tree. She was halfway to her hiding place when her foot got stuck. Frantic, she twisted and pulled her leg until she heard a sickening snap! in her foot. Y/N bit down on her lip to keep from crying out. The voices got louder.
Taking a deep breath, she twisted her leg and pulled as hard as she could. Her leg was searing with pain, and she could taste blood on her lip, but Y/N was silenced by the loud crack that had echoed through the forest when she pulled her foot free and broke the roots.
Y/N froze. Goodbye, freedom, she thought.
A loud crack resonated throughout the trees as Sam and Dean inspected the footprint. Their heads jerked towards the noise, silently conversing with each other. Dean nodded, resting his hand on his gun as he stalked forward. Sam quickly snapped a pic and followed suit.
Dean stalked forward towards where the noise came from. His eyes narrowed at the tracks in the mud, like someone had been dragged.
And they were fresh, too.
He nodded at Sam, who nodded back and circled around behind the tree. Dean stalked forward slowly, gun out, and stepped toward the tree. He was in the clearing now. If anything wanted to kill him, then would've been the time. He lowered his gun.
Dean faintly saw a large rock fly at him before it crashed into his temple. He staggered backwards, reeling in the harsh blow. He touched his hand to his forehead, feeling the blood trickling down his skull. Awesome.
He was about to reach for his gun when another rock hit him, sending him backwards. Then another. He crashed to the ground, pretending to fall unconscious. After a minute, he heard a small shuffle. He just barely saw a figure in the corner of his vision. Dean tried to lay as still as possible as they crept closer. He could smell them before he heard them; they stank.
The figure was only a few steps away from him when Sam entered the clearing.
“Dean!” he gasped. Sam raised his gun at the figure, who froze.
“Who are you?” He barked gruffly. “Turn around!”
Slowly the muddy, dirty, filthy figure spun slowly on the spot. A whimper came from their mouth whenever they applied pressure to their right foot. Slowly, they raised their head to face Sam.
“Please,” their voice cracked. “Don’t shoot.”
Sam froze in his spot, surprise locking his joints. He chanced a look at Dean, who was getting up slowly. He looked back at the girl in front of him. Well, he assumed they were a girl. They were soaking wet and so caked in mud and dirt that all Sam had to go on was their voice.
“Who are you?” he asked them again; softly, this time.
“Y/N,” they whispered, their voice cracked like their lips. “Y/N Hayne.”
“Hayne?” Sam questioned. “Why does that sound familiar?”
“You’re thinking of Clyde Hayne.” Dean had apparently decided to wrap up his façade, and was now standing behind the figure. They tensed. “And you must be his daughter.”
Y/N stayed silent.
Sam lowered his gun. He looked at Dean, then at her, then back at Dean. The two exchanged a silent conversation, ending with Sam nodding.
“Y/N,” he started softly. She watched him shift under her stare. “What are you doing here? Does your dad know you’re here?”
She shook her head lightly. He looked back at Dean.
“What happened?” Dean asked. “Why’re you so filthy?“
“Sorry, boys,” Y/N stood up straighter, “but you’ve got to be at least level 4 friend to unlock my tragic backstory.”
Both boys raised their eyebrows, cocking their heads to the side. She smirked lightly.
“As for the dirt...” she trailed off. “Well, I tripped. It was raining. I got muddy.”
“And hurt, too,” Sam gestured to the gash on her forehead. “You should clean that before it gets infected.” She shrugged.
“Wouldn‘t be the first time.” Y/N stared between the two boys. The gears started turning in her head. A feigned look of innocence spread over her face. “So... what now? I’d be fine if you’d let me on my merry way, but you seem too much like saints to do that.” The boys glanced at each other, exchanging a silent conversation.
“Y/N,” Dean said, turning back to her. She etched a look confusion into her features. “You’re alone in the woods where a murder just went down, and you look like you haven’t eaten in days. We want to help. You should come with us. At least, until we can figure out what to do with you.”
Y/N looked between the two of them with distrust. With them? That wasn’t what she thought they’d say.
“And who the hell might my ‘saviours’ be?” she quipped, crossing her arms.
“I’m Sam,” said the taller one. “This is my brother, Dean.” Y/N’s face paled.
“Winchester?” she asked. Her throat seemed to dry up, so she coughed to clear it up. “You John Winchester’s boys?”
“You knew our father?” Dean asked, surprised. He frowned in confusion.
“Nicest man I ever met,” she said honestly. “I only saw him... think it was almost eight years ago. My... my dad worked a case with him. Never saw him again.”
“Really?” Sam said incredulously. “You sure this is the same John Winchester?”
“Can’t imagine there are many others,” she surmised. It got quiet between them. Subtly, she felt behind her for her knife. Thankfully, it was still there.
“You should still come with us,” Sam offered, hoping to revive the conversation. “At least let us get you something to eat. No offense, but you’re looking kind of...”
“Malnourished?” Y/N proposed. “That doesn’t carry any awkwardness.”
Sam chuckled lightly. Dean quipped an eyebrow.
“You can buy me food,” she complied. “But it’s gotta be a burger. I can’t be living off of grass; hunting’s hard work.”
“See, Sammy?” Dean mocked, smirking at his younger brother. “Y/N here knows.”
“Yeah, sure,” he scoffed, rolling his eyes. He turned to Y/N. “There’s a diner a couple miles back. We’ll take you there to get some food. Sound good?” Though Y/N gave him a kind smile, her eyes seemed cold and calculating for a moment. They flickered back to soft and kind before he could react.
“That sounds awesome.”
@of-virtuoso @love-me-some-pie21 @sizzlingbearpolice @zeusmyster @mogaruke @dunkirkc @assbutt-still-in-hell @spn67-sister @thegreasiestbear @sammysbeanie @thyotakukimkim @rosie-winchester
(let me know if you’d like to be added/removed from the list!)
97 notes · View notes
Couple of Criminals | Burglar!AU feat. Bobby
Summary: You stealthily break into a home in order to get some quick money, when Bobby ungracefully breaks in as well, setting off the alarm and forcing the both of you to make a quick get away.
Warnings: Some Language, nothing else
Word Count: 1,606
I hope you all enjoy! I had fun writing this, and wouldn’t mind coming up with more escapades for this scenario. Feedback is appreciated!
-admin Sarang
3am. The perfect time to be silently slinking down the sidewalk, clad in black apparel, empty backpack (save for a couple lockpicks) slung over one shoulder with skeptical eyes darting back and forth. The coast was entirely clear, of course it was, no one in the suburb would be out at this time on a Wednesday. Your eyes locked on your target, a large two story with a pretty garden and an empty driveway. Easy money.
You were smart of course, stealing away to the back door, as to not catch any unwanted attention. You had a few tricks up your sleeve, giving that this had been your means of income for going on three years. With a sigh and the twist of your most prized tools in the lock, your gloved hand slowly pushed open the door. The absence of an alarm made you release a breath you didn’t know you were holding.
You scoped out the place, eyes brushing over the pretty decorations that adorned the living room. Photos on the walls displayed a happy family of five. No hard feelings, you thought, carrying on to the first bedroom you found.
Definitely a teenage girl’s room. Posters of shirtless boys and a lot of throw pillows on the bed, along with a nice shiny laptop. But you didn’t take personal belongings, per say. It was always sticky business, taking things people would miss immediately. Plus of course the added work of wiping it clean so it would seem as good as new. No thank you. You were just here for some good, cold hard cash. So you pressed on, venturing up the stairs, coming across a bathroom and what seemed to be a sport star’s room. Finally, at the end of the hall, the master bedroom.
You started with the drawers, looking for any kind of stash. There were two twenty dollar bills in a nightstand drawer that you pocketed, but nothing big. They must’ve had a safe somewhere, a house like this didn’t come with a broke family.
And that was exactly what you found in the closet, tucked away behind neatly pressed and hanging suits. The hard part was the combination. You remembered seeing a calendar hanging on the wall of the bedroom, maybe you could find a birthday.
After flipping through dates, you found yourself squatting in front of the safe again, your phone open to pictures you snapped of specific dates.
0-3-2-4, nope.
0-9-1-6, try again.
1-2-0-4, nada.
1-0-1-4, cha-ching!
“Holy shit, I can’t believe that worked!” You gasped out loud, pulling the door open and pulling open your backpack. Just as you stuffed a few neatly bundled cash stacks into your bag, a small sound came from downstairs. Your heart rate picked up a bit as you froze, listening for any other noises. Everything remained quiet and you brushed it of as normal house creeks, and you returned to stuffing money into your bag.
Then you heard a window shatter.
Fuck. Shit, oh my god fuck. You panicked, closing the safe back and resetting the lock. You zipped your bag with quick jerking motions, slinging hastily back over your shoulder and rushing out of the closet and to the window. There was a car in the driveway now, but it wasn’t one that belonged here, you knew that for sure. You had targeted this block more than once and knew the cars well. This wasn’t one of them. Suddenly, a shrill, repetitive beeping invaded your ears, making you wince. The alarm had been triggered.
“Time to get the fuck out of here!” You scrambled down the stairs, a bright light hitting your face as you stumbled into the living room again.
“How the fuck do I turn this off?” A hidden figure questioned you as you raised a hand to shield your eyes.
“It’s too late for that, the cops are already coming. I don’t know know about you but I’m leaving.” You started towards the back door but a hand caught your wrist.
“Wait, what are you doing here?” He pressed, causing you to roll your eyes.
“Yeah, I can ask you the same, Mr. Glass breaker, now let me go.” You could see his face faintly now, not that it mattered, you were in no position to rat him out. “I think it’s time we get out of here.”
“Yeah, you’re right. I got my car outside if you wanna catch a ride. Makes for a faster get away than running.” He offered. You quickly contemplated disappearing out the back door and keeping a low profile as you made your way home, but something inside you felt like this night wouldn’t end well like that.
“Okay, yeah I’m in.” You nodded, stepping over broken glass and out into the night again. The two of you crept along the side of the house, listening for any approaching sirens. The air was still, however, and you both took the opportunity to make a dash to the car.
The engine roared to life and he threw it into reverse without hesitation. Smoothly, he backed out of the driveway and switched gears again, stealthily maneuvering down curved roads until you were out of the subdivision. As you turned onto the main road, two police cars flew by, sirens blaring as they went.
He let them disappear, the both of you keeping your eyes forward. The air was silent again and he turned out of the neighborhood. He got onto the highway as soon as he could, picking up speed with ease and relaxing as the distance between the car and the crime increased.
“So my name is Bobby, nice to meet you.” He chuckled, glancing at you with smiling eyes. You felt your nerves calm.
“I’m y/n. Given the circumstances, it’s nice to meet you too.” You pulled your backpack into your lap and buckled your seat belt.
“You get anything?” He prompted as you unzipped the bag to get to the goods. Swiftly, you counted the stacks of a thousand each.
“I got seven thousand and,” you pulled out the two twenties you stashed in your pocket, “forty dollars.” You replied, returning everything to it’s place and tucking the backpack under your feet.
“Not too bad! I’ve never robbed a house before, which is probably obvious given that I did everything wrong.” You laughed, taking in his facial features under the passing street lights.
“Easy mistakes. What made you decide to start tonight?”
Bobby shrugged, “looking for some extra money I guess. But I guess it isn’t my area of talent. I think I’ll stick to cars.”
“You work with cars?” You earned a small laugh from him.
“If you count hotwiring and grand theft auto working with cars, then yes I work with cars.”
“Oh so you mean this car…” You glanced around at the sleek interior and back at his face.
“Yep, I picked this up on the way over to the house. Don’t worry about it though, I’ll change the plates tomorrow. I’d ditch it but I haven’t found something nicer yet.”
You made a noise of comprehension and it fell silent for a little bit. You realized you had no idea where the two of you were headed. It was now just past 4am.
“I don’t want to turn a robbery into a kidnapping, but I think our best bet is getting out of this city for a few days. I can drive you back to your place sometime, just not tonight.”
“I don’t mind staying away for a few days, I have more than enough money to put us in a hotel and keep us fed. I didn’t pack any clothes and I’m assuming you didn’t either, so we could do some shopping too.” You agreed, a small pool of excitement churning in your belly.
“Well you’re making this sound like a pleasant vacation. I don’t mind that one bit, I have transportation covered.” His eyes turned into a smile again and your stomach flipped, butterflies exploding into every inch of your body.
“So where are we headed?” You questioned, yawning as you leaned your head against the passenger window.
“I say we stay on the highway for at least another hour, then you can pick an exit and whatever we come across will be home for a little while.” He suggested and you nodded in content agreement.
“We’re like Bonnie and Clyde now. We make a good team.” You smiled, appreciating the twist the night took. Otherwise you wouldn’t be on an adventure with a handsome car thief in a sleek car going to wherever you end up.
“I can get behind having a partner in crime.” Bobby grinned, his dangerously sharp features lighting up with cheerfulness.
“Sounds good to me. But so does food, so as soon as you see a McDonald’s or something, wake me up.” You settled against the window once again, closing your eyes and waiting to drift off.
“You scored over seven thousand dollars and your taking me to McDonald’s, I’m flattered.” Bobby teased, his hand pushing your knee playfully. You opened your eyes just to roll them and giggled.
“I’ll take you to a nice fancy restaurant when it isn’t before sunrise. Don’t forget I’m paying for your shelter, sir.” You pointed, warning him as you resumed your resting position.
“You got me, you got me. Go ahead and rest up, I’ll keep an eye out.” He quieted down, the hum of the engine lulling you off to a comfortable sleep, thoughts of Bobby turning into dreams. Being a burglar never had such a good pay off.
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okalla · 5 years
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Blame it on distance? Or Maybe lack of Presence? Or it’s just me craving for more love? ... I woke up this morning in Marseille, Will sleep in Toulouse, in few days be in Cork... All of that to put all pieces of my heart together, that’s how spread they are. Tight, strong bond between these 7 hearts, our real challenge is to deal with the price to pay to go where we want to be: High gardens of happiness. At least for @sylvieokalla and myself, as we are the one deciding for now, in few years these little human being will be walking their own paths. I tend to get emotional when i’m not busy, I miss them. My backbone, the woman and children who allow me to be me, get bigger, smarter, kinder, more caring, wilder, player, flirtier, hard worker, dedicated and ultimately confident. Having done a lot of work on paradigm shifting lately... I’m turning things around. I’m not going down the road of being sad and feeling alone and all of that shit. Screw that. The fucking sun is shining high. I spent an amazing time in Marseille. the music is blasting in my beats by dre headphones 🎧 = good quality music. It’s fucking Sunday. I’m managing a project at an aircraft manufacturer, wouldn’t be wrong to stamp it dream job at the moment, given my most successful project is on full display on the picture above... and there could be a number 6... yup, you heard it right, Lord Stark and Lady Stark are back at it... we’ll see, if it happens then so be it, but yes Bonnie and Clyde all over again. so that’s it, people use IG for whatever they want, I just go out naked with my feelings and put it all out there. Reading me and understanding this will never mean you know me. if anything all you can take from this is that I don’t bullshit, I speak my heart and mind out and fucking loud. And yes I love life, living on the edge, and all the good stuff from life. the most tempting being amazing women God create. I’ve got the best coach and sparring partner in my wife. it ain’t an open relationship, nope, the truth is that my twin flame found me, and we ain’t going nowhere even past sweet death take us out of sight ... That’s it for this Sunday😍 Now let that sh*t sink in. love ya https://www.instagram.com/p/BxWqF8XHvBoT-Nxkp2KldZurvMbGna8LZtzcgw0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=z3huxpcw0dao
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The Loud House - The Absolute Worst Sister
Some have had this discussion and are probably set in who they feel is the worst. I feel this needs to be said but Lynn is the worst out of all the loud sisters.
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Now just hear me out. This is just going to be about what she has done by herself, so if it was a group effort it won’t count. Lynn is the most unapologetic out of everyone. In Space Invader she volunteers to stay in Lincolns room herself, she doesn’t wait for it to be offered to her, she doesn’t think to sleep on the couch, she doesn’t think to ask one of her other sisters if she can stay with them. She just thinks let me stay in a cramped ass room with my brother. She is fully aware that Lincoln lives in a converted linen closet but she still thinks he has room for her. While she’s staying in his room, she’s the most obnoxious roommate ever.
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she doesn’t ever realize how annoying she is being, granted Lincoln could have talked to her but still she should know that she is a guest in someone else’s room and should be as polite as possible. But nope, she’s just as rude as ever so you have no sympathy for her getting kicked out. she then decides to move in with all her stuff, knowing there’s no space.
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Throughout the series you constantly see her be mean to Lincoln and never apologize to him. If ever she does apologize it’s because the strife that happened to him was a group effort from all the sisters. When ever she causes him problems she herself never apologizes. Like for instance, Lincoln’s sandwich in kick the bucket list. 
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He specifically said that sandwich was for him and Clyde but she still takes a bite out of the sandwich, burps in his face, ruins the sandwich and then walks away. It may be kinda petty to use this against her but it still proves my point. Then there’s the big amalgamation of fuckery, No Such Luck.
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This episode showcased Lynn at her absolute worst. She showed that she’s a sore loser and blames everyone else for her shortcomings. She threatened Lincoln with a baseball bat just so he would go to her baseball game. 
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Then worst of it is she turned the family against him. You can say he brought it on to himself by going along with it, But at the end of the day she got the family to believe in her silly superstition and brought out the worst in the family, including the parents. If she sucked it up and admitted she just had a bad game or got outplayed the whole thing would have never gotten taken to the extremes that it did. This was the final nail in the coffin for Lynn’s character. You might be thinking what about Luan? Luan only had one bad episode, Lynn was constantly terrible throughout multiple episodes. Maybe in the future they’ll give her a big redemption episode. But for now she is the absolute worst.
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suju-bangtan · 7 years
92 truths
tagged by @monsteronfire ! Buckle up and get ready for a long one
Rules: Tag 20 people
1.Drink: Dr. Pepper
2.Phone call: Mom
3.Text message: my best friend <3
4.Song you listened to: K.A.R.D - Rumor
5.Time you cried: Yesterday
6.Dated someone twice: Never
7.Been cheated on: Never
8.Kissed someone and regretted it: Never
9.Lost someone special: Yes
10.Been depressed: Im not too sure
11.Gotten drunk and thrown up: Never
Black, Blue, Red
15.Made new friends: Yes
16.Fallen out of love: Nope
17.Laughed until you cried: Yes
18.Found out someone was talking about you: Nope
19.Met someone who changed you: Nope
20.Found out who your true friends are: I've always known
21.Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Nope
22.How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: uhhhh, most of them I think
23.Do you have any pets: Yes!! my German Shepard fluff ball Rocky
24.Do you want to change your name: Nope
25.What did you do for your last birthday: Worked
26.What time did you wake up: erm...9a.m ish
27.What were you doing at midnight last night: spamming my blog with Super Junior posts. #noregrets
28.Name something you cannot wait for: Super Junior's comeback
29.When was the last time you saw your mother: 10 minutes ago
30.What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: That I wouldn't procrastinate so much >.<
31.What are you listening to right now: S NUPER - Back:Hug
32.Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Yes
33.Something that is getting on your nerves: people who keep taking my unofficial seat in my classes...like I've sat there since the first day of class and you saw me sit there then mid way through the semester you're just gonna decide to take it? like pls gtfo
34.Most visited website: Youtube
35.Elementary:  Yes
36. High School: Yes
37.College: Yes
38.Hair color: Blonde
39.Long or short hair: Medium length ish, might let it grow out a little more. I haven't had long hair in a while
40.Do you have a crush on someone: Nope
41.What do you like about yourself: I honestly don't know
42.Piercings: Kinda? I have ear piercing but they're probably closed in. I always forget to put earring in...opps.
43.Blood type: No clue
44.Nickname: Malfoy (gaming friends), Baby Girl (from high school soccer because my face looked like a baby face to some of the seniors so it stuck)
45.Relationship status: Single
46.Zodiac sign: Leo (August 2nd)
47.Pronouns: She/her
48.Favorite TV show: I don't think I have one. There's nothing on TV that interests me, or at least on the channels we have.
49.Tattoos: None, but I want some so bad
50.Right or left hand: Left
51.Surgery: July 23, 2015 - cant forget because it was the day after I had to take a calculus 2 final. I had surgery because I completely tore my right ACL along with tearing up some cartilage and getting a bone bruise. Story time!! I used to play as a goalie in an adult co-ed soccer league here, so in April is when I first messed it up but I didn't think anything of it cuz I didn't hear anything pop so I was like whatever, but when it did happen I had to go out of the game because my knee was like 'nah fam'.  So summer league came along and I played in that for a game or 2 before my knee acted up again so we went to the doctors to get a MRI and what not. Then when the doctor told me I tore my ACL, man I think that's one the times I cried the hardest. Its healed but im to scared to play again because I don't wanna mess it up again, but I might get back into eventually.
52.Piercing: Ermmm...want to say I got my first piercing when I was 8
54.Sport: Soccer!! <3
55.Vacation: Destin, Florida in like...2008ish? haven't been on another since
57.Eating: Nothing, im starving though
58.Drinking: Flavored water
59.I’m about to: Go to sleep maybe. unless I get distracted by something else
60.Listening to: Ehhh was S NUPER earlier but now its DEAN - Bonnie & Clyde
61.Waiting for: Me to be productive and study for these stupid tests coming up
62.Want: To learn Greek and Korean and to travel the world
63.Get married: Eventually yes
64.Career: Chemical Engineer, although my dream job is Marine Biologist with a concentration in sharks
65.Hugs or kisses: I've never kissed anyone sooo I'll go with hugs lol
66.Lips or eyes: Eyes
67.Shorter or taller: Taller
68.Older or younger: No preference
70.Nice arms or nice stomach: No preference
71.Sensitive or loud: No preference
72.Hook up or relationship: Relationship
73.Troublemaker or hesitant: No preference
74.Kissed a stranger?: Nope
75.Drank hard liquor?: This year at Mardi Gras maybe. I have 3 Jell-O shots for the first time. I don't know what kind of alcohol it was but I'll consider it hard liquor for me since it was my first time trying alcohol. And poor me thought the Jell-O would help some...hahaha nah. Got a good taste of pure alcohol.
76.Lost glasses contact/lenses?: Nope
77.Turned someone down?: Nope
78.Sex on first date?: Never had sex so nope
79.Broken someone’s heart?: Not that I know of
80.Had your heart broken?: Nope
81.Been arrested?: Nope
82.Cried when someone died?: Yes
83.Fallen for a friend?: Yes
84.Yourself?: No
85.Miracles?: No
86.Love at first sight?: No
87.Santa Claus?: No
88.Kiss on the first date?: Maybe
89.Angels?: Possibly
90.Current best friend’s name: Kelli <3 my hufflepoof best friend
91.Eye color: Blue is what they are the most but they'll change to green sometimes
92.Favorite movie: Gonna bring back childhood feels because Aristocats will forever be my #1 movie
Kinda feel blahh to tag people, and I've done a lot of these this week so feel free to do it if you want to!
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