shailion · 10 months
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Thereg a fuckingf lizard on me
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mushroomsie224 · 3 months
The look. The. Look.
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randomnameless · 5 months
Something pretty interesting I missed in my earlier Supreme Bullshit reading.
When Supreme Leader is upset at Lonato, she wonders if going to help him would be feasible, which leads to this convo with Hubert :
You want to save the man, Your Majesty? If I may, we would march all that way for...what, exactly?
Hubert, imo, thinks Lonato as basically already done and dead, Supreme Leader earlier was pissed at Lonato not following their plans, he acted on personal enemity and will most likely have to fight both the KoS and the Kingdom so...
Imagine the consequences of leaving him to die.
Here we have an example of the Supreme Leader who made this route, so interesting : it's not Hubert who has all the dastardry in their duo, Supreme Leader too, participates.
When KT forgets that they gave her a sailor fuku to be "more free", they write her to be in a similar vein as the other red Emperors like Arvis, or, Gustadolph from TS.
It's not "we must save him" or "we can't let him die", but Supreme Leader directly evacuates all that pathos, and thinks, rationally, about the consequences of leaving Lonato reap what he sowed.
We need our vassals to believe the Empire will always come to their aid. Always.
It's PR!
Going to save Lonato is not about Lonato himself, she can't give a fig about the dude, but it's all about public relationships and keeping a façade for her war of conquest : her vassals need to believe the Empire will always come to their aid.
Whether they actually do, or not, is irrelevant - they need to believe Adrestia is "trustworthy enough" to come to their help when called.
And the sheer "we need them to believe" coming from Supreme Leader herself? It's really neat, she's lying/manipulating the events to build a perfect image for her vassals, or the ones who will become her vassals (by choice).
Compare this to the Kingdom/Church "we need to help the ones who need help!" and here, instead, we have "we need to make people believe we're going to help them".
Lonato doesn't act following the plan ? It doesn't matter, Supreme Leader will seize this new opportunity to advance her own goals : aka, making people believe the Empire is "trustworthy" and "reliable".
Good. Now make our plans known to the others. I'm counting on you, Hubert.
What plans? The "we must rescue Lonato because he is our ally" or the true "we must pretend to rescue Lonato to make other nobles join our cause and believe in us"?
And what is intereting is how this exchange, of course, only happens when she is alone with Hubert.
In the following event, where Barney is here and they talk about their powers :
Ah, you should see the look on your face! Did Hubert threaten you? Don't let it get to you. Yes, he's quite good at that kind of thing, but it comes from a place of caution.
Hm... Sure. It's Hubert's way of caring I guess.
But then comes the manifesto :
I want to transform the world into a place where no one has to feel trapped by where they came from.
What's that about the place they come from? Aren't we later in this route trashtalking Annette and the Kingdom peeps because they believe in outdated values like chivalry and sacrifices to protect their loved ones?
When I am done, it won't matter where you are born, whose blood you have, or what powers course through you—everyone will be treated as equals.
When she means equals, she means people will "believe" everyone will be treated as equals, just like Lonato was supposed to "believe" Adrestia was coming to back him up and not just, play minimal part to guarantee their PR but not much more?
That's what we're fighting for, and that is what this war is going to achieve.
But Hubert said this war is a war of conquest ?
So believe me when I say this—I don't care who you are.
And yet Barney is still a nobody commoner, even if pal with the Emperor, when Linhardt is a general?
I only care about what you have done and what you have yet to do.
And what Barney can do with that power you said you don't give a crap about right? But what if Barney's abilities are basically the result of their weird powers, can we still say their power/abilities are irrelevant ?
And, hm, maybe someone can translate this for me ?
人の力に拠る未来を創るため、 すべての犠牲を私は負って立つ!
She says this when she defeats 1k peons, and Googl'd it gives... "To create a future based on the power of people, I will bear all the sacrifices!" - so what this line about not giving figs about "what powers course through you everyone will be treated as an equal"? Could Amelie the lady from Mittelfrank who couldn't end up as a diva be treated like Leopold, or what?
Supreme Leader's words being treated as gospel is always imo hilarious, because Supreme Leader has some instances where, when KT's not busy dressing her up with some "Scarlet Blaze Power! Make Up!", she plays the role Arvis already played before her, the dastardly red emperor who manipulates and seizes every opportunity to reach her goals.
In Tru Piss we got the Javelins - but in Nopes? We get those "heart to heart" moments with Hubert that lampshade even more how much of an unreliable narrator Supreme Leader is - she still maintains care to have a level of PR and only confides to trusted people (yay Hubert!) or, in FE16, when, curiously, she has her mask on (Flamey doesn't need PR).
That's why we still have so many pretzels over Rhea's fate in Tru Piss, yes, Supreme Leader claims she wants to spare her when she adresses her in Firdhiad, in front of her allies and the people she has to lie to about her War.
But when she was with Billy? Nah, she can safely tell them that path lead to the death of Rhea and her people, something she rejoices about in their S support.
Too bad Nopes doubled down on "Sailor Adrestia" instead of giving us more of that "Arvis with a skirt" they teased us with (seriously that power move of betraying Rhea in the third chapter was just, that awesome from her part).
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merwynsartblog · 9 months
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was practicing anaomy in a weird silly way
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
Does notos’ face plate not have eye holes while the puppet itself does or does not even the puppet have eyes?
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that had to be one of the most confusingly but correctly worded questions i've gotten yet- here's the information, sir
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tenspontaneite · 1 year
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what I intended to do tonight: post chapter 3 of Assembly
what happened instead: frantically sketched out Seven Red Suns choking out a red lizard
(this stands a decent chance of happening in the fanfic at some point)
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jacqcrisis · 7 months
I love how during the Murder Tribunal, none of the companions had anything to say about Holy Warrior Ronan being like 'oh yeah I'd love to be an assassin of Bhaal. Dribbles? Yeah, we super killed that guy. Really fun. Highly reccomend.'
Obviously, in game there's just nothing scripted there, but I like to think that after months of traipsing after the big lizard man and living through all his convoluted plans that have always worked, the party is just like 'yeah, sure, this might as well happen.' It'll be fine and it was (if you don't ask the rogue how many hits he took).
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justreckin · 8 months
Y’know, I’m all for giving the crap about forgetting the poor lizard babies but there’s a part of me that’s always genuinely wondered if Kathryn’s aware that there were actual babies and not just… y’know the dog’s version of a beloved toy.
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tennessoui · 1 year
No pressure, but do you have any plans to write a sequel to Polyglot? I love its little weird self.
oh i want to so bad!! i made it a series on my ao3 because i think a sequel is inevitable: i love senator obi-wan living out his jedi fanboy, indiana jones fantasies, i love jedi knight anakin who is both an enthusiastic tag-along and then an exasperated and slightly worried escort when he realizes how batshit insane obi-wan is
i left enough loose strings in the original story that it feels like there needs to be a sequel: anakin wrote all these letters to obi-wan to practice his writing!!! obi-wan didn't read them!!! this needs at least 8k more to fully process and work through for the pair of them
probably in a too small bed in some bed and breakfast where they get mistaken as a couple even though anakin SWEARS he made a reservation for 2 beds.....
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engel-hageshii · 2 years
so...I was playing Pokemon Scarlet, the cutscene where Koraidon save us from the houndoom and omg they didn't need to make it look like THAT
First he noticed we are left behind
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Then the doubt in his eyes, he knows he shouldn't waste the little energy he has 😥
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The resolution to protect us nonetheless 🥺
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And his first reaction is to fight but he noticed we still in danger
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MY HEART SKIPPED A BEAT! Am I supposed to feel like this? 😭🥵 they knew what they were doing in that scene omg
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fingertipsmp3 · 10 months
I don’t care what anyone says, the termination log for SCP-682 is still one of my favourite pieces of writing
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chloelouygo · 2 years
I can't be the only one who forgets that the people I interact with on here don't actually look like their pfps
Like fundamentally I know you don't look like Seto but the association goes so strong for me I just can't imagine what anyone looks like and if anyone ever does post a pic it throws me so hard bc ??? you don't look like Yugi ??? Like you guys have real faces?? And don't even get me STARTED on when people change their pfp it takes me forever to figure it out like dude no you are that one image of Bakura don't tell me you're now a DIFFERENT image of Bakura ??!!!?!
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randomnameless · 2 months
I don't think Rhea's meant to be siblings with Seteth and the others. They don't seem as close to her or Sothis, and Rhea's the only one who calls her mother. Maybe Rhea is a 1st gen Nabatean while Seteth and his brothers are 2nd or 3rd generation? Descendants of Sothis, not her direct children.
It's all HC land!
Canon-wise, they're only "relatives" and we can't even rely on the titles or form of adress Nabateans use towards each other (save Flayn and Seteth!) because they either have to pretend to not be related to the various people existing in their verse, or, in Indech'n'Macuil being called Uncle, we have to remember that "Uncle" can be a generic term for a family/familial figure in a lot of cultures, and doesn't 100% mean that this person is your parent's brother.
I type brother/sister because I'm lazy lol and it's the hc I went with fueled by the "tired relative who has to look after a younger relative" Seteth has towards Rhea in both FEH and Nopes!
But you're right, Seteth doesn't use the same words to talk about Sothis than Rhea does and might not be her direct son, but maybe a grandson or something else entirely (great grandson?).
Granted, Rhea's close attachment to Sothis and her inability - that ultimately saves the world so was it that bad at the end? - to come to terms with her death is not supposed to be seen as something positive/healthy, and in the buddhist context of Fodlan (@fantasyinvader and others wrote a lot about it if you want to check!) it's something meant as negative, as opposed to Seteth and the other Nabateans who are more detached about it.
Word of God also mentionned that Rhea's attachment and obsession with Sothis was due to her being her mother, but also, the Creator, aka a divine being/entity for Nabateans themselves!
So is Rhea so gung-ho about Sothis because she's the baby of the family, because she's Sothis' last creation or because she's the one who survived Zanado and has severe depression/self worth issues and believes only the Goddess can fix everything that she lost ?
Is Seteth less obsessed with Sothis because he is older Rhea and not "the baby", or because they didn't have the direct "creator-created/mother-son" bond and is, as you suggest, more like a grandchild and not a direct son, or is it because he doesn't have the same emotional and mental burden Rhea has so he doesn't obsess over her?
Heck, we don't even know if - vibes aside - he is older than Rhea!
Ultimately I think we're supposed to see them as close-knit and "relatives" who appreciate each other, but also share the same secret as genocide survivors trying to not be killed in this world and they care about each other a lot.
If they're not "siblings" in the correct sense (not the same mom), I think that for all intents and purpose, they're supposed to be seen and thought of as "close relatives, as close as siblings".
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merwynsartblog · 10 months
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if this needs a warning please dm me or tell me somehow and ill quickly change it ^^
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nachosncheezies · 1 year
Wait wait wait
Disney has added a CANON 'Jacen'????
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jokes about quiz show being bad are honestly made even funnier to me by the fact that they're true-
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