rolex-kaard · 2 years
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SEE HIM FACE !!!! ( @autismswagsummit )
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bonetrousledbones · 8 months
falling to my knees sobbing bc i saw somebody point something out about the knight papyrus theory that was the most solid reason for debunking it i've ever seen and it was like 1 sentence long
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tentacletournament · 2 years
Soundwave sweep one time he had an axe and it was really funny I think
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the urge to just become a transformers fan
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hurgablurg · 10 months
So, Undertale.
The funny thing to me about Undertale is that anything the game, and it's fangames, try to tell the player about peace and choosing non-violence falls completely and pathetically flat for at least one big reason: no one who isn't a main character takes that lesson for themselves.
Sure, Undyne chills out, you can guilt Toriel down, you can therapize the Amalgamates, you can even redeem Asriel, but what about the random encounters and side bosses...?
When does Washua stop trying to drown a child? When does Froggit stop pouncing? Why does Snowdrake, a literal child, think it's a cool idea to murder someone in the woods? When does Tsundereplane finally figure out that killing her senpai doesn't work? When exactly is Muffet supposed to learn that killing and eating people for not giving her money is bad? Are any of them even meant to go through the same improvement others do?
Are they after human souls? In most cases, apparently not, because much of the Underground doesn't even recognize Frisk as human in the first place. Even Undyne apparently needs to be told what the human is wearing to find them, as if she wouldn't be able to recognize a human right away.
Are they trying to "communicate through magic" but are inadvertently doing harm because magic is like that? No, that was a fan theory people came up with to explain why they attacked first. If monster magic really did work like that, then Frisk would have to avoid projectiles in every. Single. Conversation. You can buy items without dodging the SOUL around heaps of merchandise. You can talk to the Snowdin bear without having to duck around the presents he's setting under the tree. You can hang out with Papyrus without having to dodge his bones during the entire date.
The only explanation we are left with is that some people in the Underground just really love murder, and will happily attack anything that crosses their line of sight.
Hell, even the cripplingly depressed Shyren will STILL make a token effort to kill Frisk. Like, whats her deal?
Why do we want to befriend people like that? Especially if they keep trying it after being spared? It'd be understandable if each encounter only showed up ONCE and then was befriended from then on, but no, every time until post-game True Pacifist they will keep coming back to try to kill Frisk.
Where are all the moralizing friendship speeches about their actions?
Random civilians are free to attack children with impunity, but those same children acting in self-defence or fighting back is abominable, enough to make humanity in it's entirety worthy of genocide.
And genocide is the Underground's goal, in case everyone forgot. The whole purpose of Asgore absorbing the human souls and "becoming god" (that's literally how it's described in the game) is to take revenge on humanity. Asgore may not be willing to go through with it because he's a depressed weeny, but everyone else is pretty hyped for the destruction of humanity once the doors are open.
And for what, exactly? The Underground is perfectly livable. All that's missing is the sun, but unless a lack of vitamin D is what's turning everyone into slavering psychopaths, I don't see the problem. They can probably even just make their own artificial sun with the technology they have. Everyone's just hyped up on propaganda about how cool the surface is.
Is their bereavement worth the explicit extinction of the human race? Is it worth the inevitable monster casualties that will come from humans fighting back? I don't think so, to be quite honest.
I think the hypocrisy of this running thread is best displayed in the Yellow fangame, by Martlet during the game's Genocide route:
"We only took five, but you've taken dozens".
Sure, that's factually true, but it's also a fact that you intend to take the rest of humanity whether they fight back or not. It's not equivalent if the plan was always to do worse damage. It's hypocrisy.
The player (and by extension Frisk) has to put in extreme amounts of work into building relationships with people who will gladly turn physically violent at the drop of a hat, who are literally planning a genocide, constantly defying logic and self-preservation just to get a couple shots in on Some Guy.
Hell, I don't think Frisk as a person even comes into it in the first place. They are just a shell for us, the players, to experience the story.
And why? Because we saw a let's play of it? Because game reviewers said it was game of the decade? Because we want to see what it's like to play? To "befriend" these oh-so-whacky, predictable characters again and again a decade after the game's heyday?
The story, in the end, is all to fulfill a narrative who's foundation is a shaky legend about humans being mean to monsters millenia ago, some immortal, royal brats having bruised egos, and a mutated goat prince scaring a bunch of peasants into violence, told from the perspective of the Underground, with little inference as to what the surface is actually like.
For all we know, Asgore and Toriel are lying and were the conquering tyrants of a human-monster empire who were sealed underground by opposing kingdoms of the surface in the days of yore, causing them to rewrite history (and "rewrite" population demographics) to make themselves look like the victims to their entirely-captive audience. If the barrier was a cooperative measure, it would go a long way to explain why human and monster souls are both needed to break it. if the humans really DID want to kill all monsters to prevent their souls being stolen, why were the monsters allegedly allowed to surrender? The royals even have an equally-immortal "war hero" at their beck and call with a cross-game skill for writing Tolkien-esque fantasy literature, settled down "doing archaeology work" in the region where the Underground's supposed history is written. That's a coincidence, I'm sure.
All that said, and mostly by the by, I say Deltarune is the better game.
The previous, pitiless freaks are friendly neighbours. The foes in the Dark World are overlords, mercenaries, guards, animals, and madmen - people with purpose to capture or kill the Lightners, rather than random civilians who see fit to attack anything that crosses their path. It makes sense. Plus, the story is actually engaging, the mystery is more intriguing, the characters are more entertaining, Kris is an actual character with a will of their own that we are explicitly subverting, and the "evil route" is actually, undeniably evil.
Deltarune came first conceptually, if you will all remember. Undertale is the weird off-kilter AU Toby made for practice. Not the other way around. And it definitely shows.
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lavenderskye29 · 1 year
it was mentioned that LS Papyrus was excited for vr to become advanced enough so he could steal the consciousness of whoever he’s infatuated with, but what would it be like if he did?
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Be prepared to lose all the freedom you’ve ever had, because LS Papyrus has more important plans for you. He has been waiting and WAITING for his darling to finally enter his domain… now that they’re there, LS Paps can now do all the things he hasn’t been able to before.
He refuses to let them out of his sight, afraid that they may find a way out, or get swept up in the flow of the internet, so he keeps them in a simulated house he created for the comfort of his darling. He monitors them at all times when he’s out and about just making sure they don’t get into trouble while he’s away. If his darling continuously gets into trouble whenever he leaves, he ties them up and leaves them on the couch. Sometimes he will leave the tv on, but the only thing that’s on is LS Papyrus love propaganda.
When LS Paps is around, he is glued to his darling’s side. He is always forcing them to play his games or psychologically messing with them. He hopes to create Stockholm Syndrome in the mind of his darling, so that they become totally reliant on him as well as tricking themself into trusting him. There are sweet moments between the two though: LS Paps makes sure that his darling is well taken care of, physically and mentally. Being Papyrus coded, he loves to work out and to encourage others, so he helps his darling to stay fit/get into shape, being patient with them and encouraging them to keep trying. He also regularly checks in with them, seeing how they’re doing emotionally.
He knows when something’s off.
He is generous to his darling’s needs, but not lenient with disobedience, or ideas contrary to his own.
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What if the mayor of the city near MT Ebott welcomed the monsters with open arms?
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But he's the younger brother of the human that fell down before Frisk...
The mayor's older brother was the Justice Soul (you decide if it's Clover).
The mayor has a daughter with a soul of patience.
The mayor also has a fondness for cowboys and has a soul of kindness.
The mayor is kinda traumatized by losing his brother.
The mayor ironically became quite close with Asgore (his brother's killer).
When the mayor finds out the truth about what Asgore and the monsters have done.
He feels heartbroken, betrayed and hatred begins to fill his once kind soul.
The monsters were put on trial, but the judge decides that only Asgore, Toriel, Undyne, Alphys, Mettaton, Papyrus, Sans and the Royal Guard (the main monsters that hurt Frisk) should go to prison.
The mayor is outraged that so many other monsters that hurt Frisk and wanted to hurt other humans can be set free.
So, the mayor decides to make the monsters living in his city feel like it's a prison.
It was horrible; despite the rest of the monsters being free to go, many humans glare, insult and even attack them over their past actions inside the mountain.
The mayor's anti-monster propaganda doesn't help.
Even the humans that the monsters befriended don't trust them anymore.
It's gotten so hard to live in the city, that many monsters returned to MT Ebott.
But it wasn't enough for the mayor, he wants them all to disapear from his life forever.
The mayor then discovers a Corrupted Gaster (or evil creature from the void).
The void creature offers to help the mayor create a time machine, to prevent the Justice Human from ever entering the mountain.
The mayor could place giant boulders on both entrances to the mountain, so the beast can rot down there, and future kids will be safe.
The void creature convinces the mayor to kidnap Frisk and place them in a magical coma (Frisk's determination and reset powers are the main power source for the machine).
Flowey tried to protect Frisk, but he got captured as well.
The void creature also convinces the mayor to kidnap monster children (including Monster Kid) to harvest the magic of their souls.
Since monster souls fade away quickly, the monster children will be kept alive and imprisoned until the machine is ready.
The mayor is quite hesitant about doing this part until the creature says: "King Asgore didn't hesitate to harvest your brother's soul, so why should you care what happens to these beasts?"
"What about Frisk?"
"Frisk tried to hide the truth to protect all the monsters... Frisk is just as guilty as they are."
The mayor's soul gets darker.
The mayor's daughter is horrified by what her father is becoming.
The daughter promises Monster Kid that she'll find a way to save everyone.
If she freed all of them now, her father would notice and recapture them.
The daughter only frees Flowey, tells him everything and then they tell the imprisoned main monsters.
The main monsters bust out of jail and become fugitives to save Frisk, despite everything they've been through.
The 'time machine' is actually a giant device that will plunge the world into the void, but the mayor doesn't know this.
Asgore and Toriel try to convince the mayor that revenge will only make things worse.
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tanglefellau · 2 years
Y’know I never got far with this and not sure I ever will. But I like the ideas I had. Maybe I’ll write it in long form sometime, maybe not, but hey, might as well ramble to the internet, right?
The idea of TangleFell was an swapped-fell AU where monster souls could form a soul-bond with another, giving some amount of telepathy between the two monsters. These were not easily severed once made… for better or worse. There was some exception where parents and children would have temporary soul bonds that naturally withered as the children grew, but otherwise required two people to be extremely close, whether romantically or platonically.
Being Undertale, of course I started with Sans and Papyrus lol. At first glance, Chain/Sans was meant to look like he was in charge, dragging his brother Papyrus/Lock(jaw) by a leash and collar with Papyrus physically unable to speak out against it due to his jaw being wired shut… But they had a soul bond and Lock was the one calling the shots, mentally manipulating, abusing, and sometimes outright controlling his brother remotely. Chain is the more physically powerful one and is, in fact, captain of the Royal guard!!! Also they were raised by the Snowdin dogs and sometimes this shows up in them being a bit dog-like hehe.
Then I made the rest and oh boy.
The ruins… actually look pretty nice. Monsters generally don’t want to kill you and it’s full of plants (and artificial lights) thanks to exiled king Asgore. He’d try to be nice to Frisk, try to raise them, but, well…
He had a soul bond with Toriel. And Toriel has lost her damned mind. Much like with the brothers, she haunts him sometimes. Enough that, inevitably, he ends up attacking Frisk and forcing them out.
The “Flowey” of this world is Temmie… who is actually Chara. Specifically, Chara ended up as a ghost Mad-Dummy style, but with determination! Though given that magic attacks can still hit ghosts, it hasn’t helped them much except against Frisk, on occasion.
The Temmie village is replaced with Flowey village! And I think these lil guys are my FAVORITES. So you see…
Undyne, the Royal scientist using the hydroelectric power produced in waterfall, naturally experimented with determination and started using the old flowers from the queen’s gardens. Unlike in Undertale where one came to life, the Flowey came to life en masse and, gradually, started piecing themselves back together into having a sort of hive-mind/soul, each having pieces that grew soul bonds with all the other Flowey. This means the Flowey are actually very nice and childish, but dear god they are scatter brained… usually. They managed to rub enough collective brain cells together to escape en masse as well. Which you’d think would be bad given the setting, but they also know if any other are attacked. Yeah, you attack one and have a whole fucking Flowey swarm pop up around you. Monsters learned fast to leave the harmless little weirdos alone. They really like the soil in “Flowey Village” and also visiting Asgore in the ruins. He also loves them. One likes to stay in his house with him in a pot: Buttercup! He was one of the earliest to awaken. Also, instead of Tem-Speak, well… “We Flowey Can shapeshift and emote really well :D”
Undyne, as stated, is the total scientist. She considers Toriel something of a mom, and Toriel funds the science for her own gain. The fact that Undyne does surveillance only helps in Toriel’s very paranoid eyes~ She’s just as enthusiastic as in canon, though in this AU she’s kinda an electric eel mermaid (but still fishy up top? Bleh) like in that she has an eel tail and if she wants to move about on land, she often uses a robo-Walker that she powers with her own electricity! But typically she instead relies on security systems and her possessed robot propaganda machine, Napster (who is also secretly a rebel but she doesn’t know that). Bread and circuses and all that, right?
Alphys USED to be part of the Royal guard, but she started a rebellion in Hotland and intend to overthrow the queen. Unfortunately for Frisk/you, the easiest way to do that is absorbing a human soul. Tough luck kid. This means she’s at odds with her old best friend: Sans… who also hates Toriel by now, but both he and Chain are deathly terrified of her, so they work under her. Alphys is pretty, uh… well not based on a real raptor, but on the Jurassic park versions, long legs and will chase your ass down.
And… Toriel. Well, long story short, it started somewhat Undertale-like, but Asgore’s rage spilled into her and she was too clever by half in starting war against humans and preparing monsters for it. She got paranoid, got some LOVE, and just went progressively more insane. Give her one soul and she’ll leave, but in this AU, other monsters got the fallen human souls first and got the fuck out of dodge.
Finally… Frisk! They start with a bit of LOVE because they got attacked by a monster on the surface. Yeah, some escaped. Yep, it’s bad. But the sheer power of their DETERMINATION melted it. People saw that Frisk “got control” of one and chucked them down to be eaten and, hopefully, usurp control of a monster and help them with the overpowered Super beings coming from this cave. They wanted no part of this.
So… yeah. Might say stuff about plot later, but there ya go.
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doodleimprovement · 2 years
Title game round 2!
“You don’t play with fire”
“We love to lie”
“Affection in All the wrong places”
“I’ve had enough”
"You Don't Play With Fire"
Akari is missing. Her typhlosion knows where she is
Too bad no one's paying attention, and when someone does, it's not exactly who the pokemon was expecting
But beggars can't be choosers...
A fic that follows Akari's starter, Typhlosion, as it desperately tries to get someone to listen and pay attention to help Akari, who has been taken prisoner by a traveling band of thieves not native to Hisui.
He ends up getting assistance from the least likely source- The Charm Sisters
"We Love to Lie"
Adaman hadn't meant to keep up the grift for so long - he hated lying to Mai, to Melli, to his mother. But he felt like he didn't have a choice.
How do you tell your clan that you've fallen in love with the enemy?
Adaman is in love with Irida and knows it's not reciprocated, and therefore just pretends he isn't. He's bad at it, and its getting harder to pretend he's not completely smitten. He's rather not address it, so that he doesn't have to go through that grieving process
And then it all blows up in his face in the funniest way possible
An public love confession... from Irida. With Mai right there in earshot
Oh no.
“Affection in All the wrong places”
Rei was starting to get weirded out by Melli. He was attempting to be wayyyy too friendly.
So when the teenager confronts the Warden about it, he gets an answer he was not expecting
"Can you get me on his good side?"
One-sided Melli crush on Ingo that is not reciprocated. Extremely lighthearted and comedic, no angst. You almost feel bad for Melli but that man has Papyrus-level self confidence so you just laugh at him instead.
Ends with the plot twist that Ingo is an AroAce King, but will happily be Melli's friend.
Also Uncle Ingo Propaganda
“I’ve had enough”
Cyllene has been patient. She has been careful. She put herself out there and cared
And here is her so-called commander, ruining everything and putting the entire village at risk with his paranoia
She's not putting up with it anymore
Or "Cyllene commits a hostile takeover and becomes the leader of the Galaxy team, immediately rescinding the protags banishment and sending a scouting team to go find them and bring the home so they can fix this all together
Whether or not she was too late is the question hanging over her guilty head.
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msmkcreates · 3 years
AuraFell InfoDump
Hello! As some of you may already know, I have created my own AU called AuraFell! It doesn't have any Tale/Swap/Swapfell/etc counterparts yet, so this is completely new!
I'm going to dump everything I have to start with this AU below the cut. If you want to wrote or draw this AU please ask, it's still in New AU stages so I want it to be done right! But I'm very easygoing and I would love for more content to me made so don't be afraid (:
More info below the cut, it's a mess of about 7k words so bear with me!
Let's start with the magic system. Most monsters have the same type of magic as regular AUs, nothing special. If they have an aura, it's weak or hard to use.
Boss Monsters, though, have Auras that are strong and super effective.
Boss monsters in this AU (that ive developed) are:
-Papyrus (Mockingbird)
-Sans (Terror)
-Asgore (Dad)
-Toriel (Auntie)
-Undyne (Shrill)
-Alphys (Professor)
-Mettaton (Signal)
-Grillby (Ozone)
-Frisk (Kiddo)
And the deceased ones with powers thus far:
-Gaster (Doctor...deceased)
-Asriel (Giver...deceased...?)
-Chara (Pal....deceased)
Nicknames! So nicknames are actually given to Boss monsters by the ones their aura effects. They all for some reason call them that name.
Aura powers fall under two categories, with subcategories. If your aura is in the same category, you're resistant to the other's power. If you have the same category AND subcategory, you're immune.
Ambient Auras: These are Auras that are area of effect, sort of. They are focused in one way or another but generally present at all times.
-Visual: This means the Ambient Aura is focused with a visual effect (flashing colors, a friendly smile, the written word)
-Audial: This means the Ambient Aura is focused with sound (humming, singing, spoken word)
Given Aura: This aura type must be administered physically somehow. It is not ever-present but can be "stowed" or "kept". The effect is imbued to an object or physically given somehow.
-Present: This means the Given Effect must be given through an item (a baked good laced with the effect, a gift, etc)
-Physical: This means the given effect must be administered through physical contact (a bite, a kiss, skin to skin contact)
Let's start with the skeleton Brothers' powers
Papyrus, AKA Mockingbird
-His Aura is called Lullaby. He makes people fall asleep. He usually does this by humming or singing. It can effect one person immediately or multiple with a delay. 
-His favorite lullaby to hum is "Hush little baby" (you know. The one where Mama is gonna buy you a Mockingbird...) and perhaps that's why everyone calls him Mockingbird
-He used to think he had no powers because he didn't know how to focus it, and his Category/Subcategory is the same as Sans AND Undyne (whom he spent the most time with) so neither were ever affected
- Category/Sub is Ambient (Audial)
Sans (Terror)
-His aura is called Modify Memory, but nobody knows that. He can speak to a sleeping person and influence their dreams, or speak a story to an woken person and they will legitimately remember that it happened that way. Again, it's most effective when focused on one person, and the details fuzz or change if he tries to stretch it to more people
-He pretends to be affected by Mock's lullaby. He's incredibly fast, agile, and strong, and he pretends he's only a good fighter when he's unconscious. This way nobody will risk a surprise knockout and they'll cooperate with him when Mock threatens to put him to sleep. He modifies people's memories so they will spread by word of mouth that the unconscious fighting is his power, not modify memory
-Category/Sub: Ambient (Audial)
Speed run through the others:
-Toriel (Auntie) makes pies or any baked good that are more addictive than any drug. Category/sub: Given (Present)
-Asgore (Dad) has Big Dad Energy and everyone wants to impress him, to an extreme. He's so strong he affects most of the Underground without knowing it, and to his horror most of the Underground seems to think that murdering others and getting stronger is the way to impress him. He focuses with spoken word but it's mostly unnecessary at this point. Ambient (Audial)
-Grillby (Ozone). Hypnosis. Pretty flame colors. Leaves his victims open to suggestion. Ambient (Visual)
-Muffet (? Nickname tbd) makes a paralyzing poison. She has figured out how to put it in her pastries but it's best delivered by bite. Given (Physical)
-Undyne (Shrill) has the command power. People follow a command from her. Longer instructions if focused on one, one simple instruction if aimed at multiples. Ambient (Audial)
-Alphys (Professor). People take whatever she says as fact as long as it's written in her handwriting. Ambient (Visual)
-Mettaton (Signal). His TV programs are brainwashing propaganda. He can convince people to buy or sell anything if they are watching him through a screen. Ambient (Visual)
-Frisk (Kiddo) radiates friendship with a smile. Ambient (visual)
-Gaster (Doctor) used to be able to say anything and people would believe him. Ambient (Audial)
-Chara (Pal) was able to convince anyone to be friendly to them no matter what they'd done. Ambient (Audial)
-Asriel (Giver) could give you a rock and you'd well up with grateful feelings. Given (Present)
yeah that's the basics, that's the big peeps in that world. Basically it isn't really Asgore's fault the place is so fucked up he's just very old and powerful and the violence is mostly people trying to impress him (poorly).
Gaster is Terror and Mock's Dad but he died when they were young, 8 and barely 2. He died trying to save Asriel and Chara when he accidentally dropped a barrier-breaking theory that Asriel then took as fact because of Gaster's aura.
Toriel moved almost immediately after the children's deaths, and Asgore did his best to raise Terror and Mock until Terror was old enough to take Mock to live in their house in Snowdin (about 14 and 8 years old)
Snowdin is a really bad place now though bc Toriel (Auntie) has been giving away her pies at the ruins gates, and people are killing and hurting each other for enough G or whatever they think she wants to get the next fix. She's kinda lost it at this point, she keeps feeding them out of some twisted need to be needed
Terror was old enough and smart enough to know "yeah, let's not eat that". They're immune to Asgore's power bc they are the same types, but they still want to impress him the normal kid-wants-to-impress-dad amount so they never tell him when they need more support out of some sense of pride. 
Mock was a bit of a runt well into teenage years. His magic was very slow to grow. He got picked on a lot, kids stole his lunch money and roughed him up and such. He would hum his favorite lullabies to himself to calm his anxiety, and wouldn't you know it, but one day it put everyone to sleep!
So sometimes he doesn't even realize he's humming, he does it to calm his nerves, he a nervous bean, but he also  knows from the one time someone injured his socket that earplugs are good enough to slow his effects
He also learns pretty quickly that junkies don't sleep for long and they are way stronger than he anticipated so, he racks up some of his LV for stuff like that.
He also likes tea because his powers depend on him being able to hum/sing
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entryno17 · 3 years
Dont think we've quite reexamined how fucked up the skeletons blinking are if you think about it enough. Like hwhwta the fuck Soft Bones? Gelatinous? Muscular bones? Papyrus' sick fucking biceps canon?
... i try not to think about it. papyrus insists that skeletons are “WARM AND CUDDLY” and “VERY SOFT, AND FULL OF CALCIUM” but he also says that skeletons are animals so this information is dubious and possibly skeletal propaganda.
the physical forms of monsters seem a lot more malleable than humanity’s? since they’re made of hopes and dreams and stuff. the best way to interpret it is that the skeletons just sorta choose what to emote, and that their expressions are sometimes uncontrollable manifestations from their soul. sans rarely emotes because he’s too goddamn lazy to, and papyrus sometimes spontaneously grows eyeballs because it’s funny. they just do whatever
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nutmeg & papyrus for the asks <33
ugh thank you for the ask!!
nutmeg ⇢ how’s your room/home decorated? do you have a specific theme or style going on?
i have neither enough money nor autonomy to have real decorative cohesion but my room has the following decorations (and it is a tiny room so its p maximalist in effect): a fake Tiffany floor lamp, old play posters from high school on the closet door, some Polaroids on the back of the door, a framed picture of Anthony Bourdain, a decorative ceramic tile painted with my grandmothers face in the 40s, a movie poster for Goodfellas, a gigantic OG Gossip Girl poster, three art pieces from professional artist friends, a kitschy 20s propaganda poster, Criterion collection postcards for All About Eve and Do the Right Thing, and a poster with Paul Robeson quotes. Also multicolored Christmas lights that I never turn on. I also have four limited edition Sondheim Playbills that I need to buy frames for so I can hang them (somewhere. once I find room.)
papyrus ⇢ if you put your ‘on repeat’ playlist on shuffle, what’s the first song that comes up? what do you like about it / associate it with?
Love Can’t Happen (David Carroll’s version) </3 So this is a big number from the musical Grand Hotel, and the man who originated the role didn’t end up recording the cast album because he died of complications due to AIDS. (actually iirc he died right in the studio) His replacement recorded the album, but to honor him, they put his version of the song, from a recording of one of his cabaret acts, as a bonus track on the album. It’s the only version I listen to, the vibratto is divine, and he’s a baritone but he hits a crazy tenor high note at the end (and would have done so while crawling up some scaffolding during the actual show, which is some crazy athleticism)
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taglegend · 4 years
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Tag Fact #3 -  I’ve come to realize I’ve always been a fan artist more than I thought. so here is a timeline of influences that shaped my childhood to now. from nostalgic times, to sad changes, to great loss, to strange rises to fame and phases, to stepping stones and finally a laughing place. all the things that make up your favorite fan artist Tag.
1. Rayman (bumped into this in the year of 1999) was actually the first fandom (with crossovers) I bumped into when I was 9. although the internet wasn’t available at the time it was still fun to dwell in home amusements. I remember the storylines and the OC’s I made but they’re kind of embarrassing and it’s probably a good thing there was no internet. I’ve done fanart and comic crossovers of Rayman with Calvin and Hobbs and Nights Into Dreams, spinoffs of Sonic the Hedgehog OC’s, Yoshi with Pikachu, and the Pokemon/Digimon craze with OC’s and other Nintendo comic shorts. but the drawings and comics are long gone and disappeared in the garage in a backpack due to suspecting my sister’s dad accidentally throwing them away. years later towards the year 2018 (now 28), we decided to move to North Carolina and it was my chance to find them again. unfortunately the backpack was gone just like I suspected (my main stuff), but for some reason I found my Pokemon/Digimon fanart, a good batch of Super Mario drawings (vaguely remember doing these), my sister’s drawings and some other neighborhood kids’ drawings in a dirty box. I was partially happy I found something at least but it was the backpack I wanted the most. sometimes I regret not looking for the backpack (’cause I was too busy being a kid) but it’s alright, noone needs to see that shit anyway, ha ha. anyways, I recall being a fan of Rayman from 1999 ‘til 2002.
2. Sonic Adventure 2 Battle (bumped into this in the year of 2003) my second fandom I bumped into when I was 12 going on 13. at the time, my sister and I both liked the Sonic The Hedgehog Franchise based on the Battle remake and ended up making our own secret fanart club that consisted of only us two members. she liked Sonic (and that was her boyfriend, ha ha) and I liked Knuckles (and he was my boyfriend, ha ha) and we were crazy in love about Shadow’s backstory. we listened to the game’s soundtracks as we drew fanart and comics after school and man, those were good times. however, as we grew older towards the year of 2005, we ended up having separate rooms and I believe it played a part in disconnecting on the same interest. then one day, I asked her why she wasn’t into Sonic anymore and she replied, “Because I grew up.” I was sad after that and slowly observed that she was influenced by the emo culture and the new friends she’s made. I was the only member of our little club for a little longer...but eventually I moved on too. I still have some surviving fanart we did together but it doesn’t mean shit anymore since she turned out to be an abusive mother from the last I’ve heard of her. 
3. Gorillaz (bumped into this in the year of 2006). as the Sonic years were at its end, I first heard the song “Feel Good Inc” on Music Choice and seeing the first image of them as displayed on this post (except the fan-made background doesn’t count since I can’t find the original artwork). this was my third fandom and later had proper access to the internet to the website I still currently use called DeviantArt. at first I liked 2D but eventually fell for Murdoc and developed a spiritual connection towards the character as obviously seen in my old fanart and rare photos of my devotion shrines on Valentine’s Day and his birthday every year. for the longest time since being a permanent fan from 2006-2017 (11 1/2 years) I had no knowledge that it was a political propaganda band and other realizations I don’t want to talk about. I only followed them because it was a cartoon and not the bullshit behind the musical project. the world I’ve built and support for them for all those 11 1/2 years shattered the fuck out of me and I just wanted to be left alone to find myself again, somehow. activity stopped on all my profiles, the flow of fanart stopped since I now cringe from the fan service and felt I was used for my talent. I didn’t want to be reminded of it all so I took down all my Gorillaz fanart and archived them for old followers’ nostalgia but also in the hopes they’ll be forgotten in my timeline. I ceased to exist in the fandom for huge personal reasons but it’s best to not say why. I know for sure that the fandom wonders what happened but it’s none of their business. THE END.
4. Waluigi (although I knew he’s been around since 2000 during childhood, I took deep interest once I revisited the character again in the year of December 2013). as silly as this sounds, when I revisited him again, the character was so bizarre that I ended up staying up 3 nights and 3 days in a row just looking all over the internet on everything about him and the questionable “hush-hush” absence of a backstory. despite there being no backstory he slowly gained a cult following and in many ways it’s a good thing. however, since the early 2010′s tension has been building up between Nintendo and its fans about him starring in a main game but everyone hasn’t fully gotten it in their heads that it’s not gonna happen. as long as Nintendo is in control of that, the fandom will not win, I’m sorry to say. on the other hand, if it’s going to be this way, then that’s what fanart and comic projects are for. as for me, I am doing my very best to get my comic project “Waluigi Land” going. again, I apologize if it’s taking very long to get Chapter 2 going if you’ve been keeping track but aha moments need to develop before I start permanent drawing (since concepts, character design and storyline needed improvement badly). as of right now I am still a Waluigi fan and I will not quit on him.
5. Turbo from Wreck-It-Ralph (although it debuted in 2012, I watched the movie two years later into the year 2014). for some bizarro reason, I had an unhealthy obsession with this character to the point where I dressed up as him for Halloween 2014. only 2 fanarts of him and the Turbo Twins exist on my profiles, mainly because my mind was more focused on just ‘thinking about him’ or ‘being him’ rather than drawing physical drawings. luckily, this supposed alleged fandom didn’t last long a little after Halloween so I chalk it up as a very short phase. to this day I don’t know what has gotten over me about him. the only thing I can think of now is that I think it’s because the character had yellow eyes and teeth but I don’t know. now that I think of it, that little fucker was ugly as hell and I STILL don’t know what had gotten over me. one day, my brother mentioned what that was about, and I said to him, “I don’t wanna talk about it.”
6. Undertale (although it debuted in 2015, I later took interest in it in 2016). It was all about Sans and Papyrus. I couldn’t get enough of the skeleton bros. eventually Toriel and Mettaton EX became my favorites but it took a long time to draw more of all 4 of them because I had other important things to do in my life plus I was still waiting for the next Gorillaz album to revive my imaginative juices (or so I thought). I really want to have this as one of my frequent fandoms but I just don’t have time for it anymore. it’s still in the back of my head to want to draw them but at this point I still have other better interests to be in. and besides, I’m lazy just like Sans.
7. Cuphead (June 28th, 2017 was the official day I called quits on the British-based band Gorillaz due to the bullshit behind it. since that date I was lost, had no inspiration to look forward to and no cartoon guy to make me smile...but lo and behold of the same year, I took an interest in playing the game Cuphead and man...that shit was a frightening exaggerated metaphor for being on that one drug (forgot the name though) and having sex at the same time but man that was the best fun I’ve had in years. I mean, it’s like, enemies are just so happy to murder you and that scared the shit outta me. and the facial exaggeration?....I think I should stop, ha ha. anyways, the Moldenhauers saved my ass from spiraling down, they have no clue. anyways, eventually I became a permanent fan of their work so to ease the hurt and erase my past from the G-fandom I had to re-wire my brain into a different cartoon category that’s a rather more American, so anything Toon related like Roger Rabbit, Felix the Cat or another favorite that’s a western-based cartoon makes me feel better, especially my new man .......King Dice <3 <3<3<3. however, there was something about this new fandom category I still didn’t quite understand until the date March 14th, 2020. I finally understood what it was but I feel I shouldn’t bring it up. anyways, Cuphead and anything western or rubber hose is my last stop in inspiration for the remaining years of my life. many say never say never but I believe I’ve found my laughing place and that’s all that matters.
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the-writing-mobster · 3 years
WDYW Chapter 71
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For the first time in the building’s existence… the library was in an uproar. A table had been set up, and the shelves were put back into place. Owls stood on top of the empty shelves, their black eyes staring at the caucus below. The Angelican leadership, Frisk and Asriel, the Gasters and several town leaders were gathered together; friendly debate on what to do next had turned to an act of congress. Frisk was utterly silent as she listened to the arguments, sparing looks to Asriel who hadn‘t spoken a word the entire gathering. 
“We need to strike fast! Take Hotland!”
“No! Hotland is too overrun with soldiers, we would never succeed.”
“We can’t just wait for them to lay siege to Snowden.”
“But we can’t be cocky now, or else they’ll crush us!” 
“Sans and Papyrus are right, it would be utter suicide to do any’fin in Hotland or the core. I’d prefer to keep my tail intact.”
“Yeah, unfortunately there’s too few of us… unless we could rally the underground onto our side.”
“How would we even do that? Mettaton’s propaganda runs pretty thick.” 
“Not thick enough; people are stirring with unrest and have been for years. They just need a spark of hope.”
“We could make a statement, after all, Frisk did make a pretty strong demonstration to the soldiers.”
“Nathan, do you have the recording?” asked Yasha once the leaders quietened at the mention of Frisk. She perked up at her name and glanced at the ethereal ghost floating in the corner. Three dark holes formed in his misty form, his mouth and eyes. He stared eerily across at them, and the corners of his black mouth lifted into a smile. 
“Indeed I do…” Frisk narrowed her eyes and she rummaged through her coat pocket. It was still there! The poster. She grinned and shot up. 
“I have an idea. I’ve… had this idea for awhile but I didn’t know when the right time to bring it up would be,” she said as she slapped the poster down onto the table. The poster was creased and ripped around the edges but the face of Mettaton still stared back at all of them. Yasha bared her teeth at the sight. 
“Go on,” said Gogo with a nod of her head. Frisk stepped forward and leaned against the table. Asriel eyed her, knowing exactly what her plan would be. So she was really going to go through with it. 
“We need to sabotage Mettaton’s broadcasting for as long as we can. At first my idea was to enter one of his shows, but that was dumb so I threw that off the table and did a bit more digging. He's presenting a short film about the evils of the Angelicans next weekend. That's when we'll strike, and we'll use it as an opportunity to get our message out to the rest of the Underground.” Sans shot her a look. He knew that Mettaton had traumatized her, and part of him wondered if this was her way of getting revenge. If it was, he'd be one hundred percent on board, after all… he had tracked down most of her more disgusting assaulters. Mettaton was simply the final nail in the coffin. 
“And… we could… wreck his studios and offer his employees a way out by helping us. We’d take them in and take care of them if they so choose. I know they hate him,” she said firmly. Nathan floated over to them. 
“I’m in. My cousin abandoned our family and sold out our uncle. I’ve been wanting to get back at him for years,” he said darkly. Frisk shot him a bewildered look. This ghost was Mettaton’s cousin? She was sure there were more answers and thousands of explanations and they all made her head hurt. Instead of asking, she merely shook her head yes and thanked him. 
“You’re not doing anything dealing with that fuckass without me, kid.” Frisk glanced at Sans as he crossed his arms. She was trapped under that thoughtful gaze that always made her feel like she was being studied under a microscope. A small smile flickered at her lips. 
“Of course… and I was hoping we could really mess up his circuits,” she said with a dark glint in her eyes. Sans’s grin widened. 
“I’d like that… I’d really like that...”  
Want to read the rest? Check it out here!
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chorusnihili · 3 years
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Treble headcanons subject to change.
Swapfell Gaster
Like other Gaster, he was born on and lived on the surface for a brief amount of time
When humans attacked him, scarring the right side of his skull, he retaliated and killed them, getting his first taste of EXP. Horrified, he tried to suppress how much he liked it and fled.
In this timeline, his mentor still found and tended to his wounds. But at the same time, she intended to entrap him and turn him into a slave. As the war got worse, Gaster in desperation discovered spatial magic and escaped to the Underground.
He hoped the Underground would be better. It wasn’t, obviously. But at least monsters couldn’t dust him with a single strike, so there’s that.
He most often dwells in Waterfall, perched up on the bridges or reclining on the Underground mountain.  
He doesn’t know what happened to his left eye.  He’s fairly certain he was drugged during whatever it was.  He’s not sure he wants to remember.
He lost most of what remained of his vision in a nasty bar fight that left the horizontal scar over his right eye.  He can see blurs of colors and gets around decently enough by sensing magic and a modified form of echolocation.  
If you don’t bother him, he won’t bother you.  If you’re a threat to him, he’ll dust you without hesitation.  
He’s probably the strongest non-Void Gaster I have.
One of the few Gasters that didn’t erase himself from history.
Also one of the few with no relation to Sans and Papyrus.  
Very much a loner.
He rarely speaks, since he’s still confined to Wingdings and isn’t close enough for anyone to have learned his font.  If he needs to communicate, he spells words with bullets.  
He’s still very intelligent, but not into science.  Strictly speaking, he was swapped with So Sorry, and is a freelance artist and rebel who can regularly be found spreading anti-human and anti-Toriel propaganda.  
His high LV manifests as a constant hunger and bloodlust.  He regularly uses his music to help ground him; it’s ill-advised to disturb him while he’s playing.  
He plays very well, but that’s more a result of years and years of practice than any natural talent.  
Of the Gasters (save Unleashed Gaster) he probably has the best control of spatial magic.  
He even knows how to leave his timeline, but, in his own words, he’d rather deal with the predictable shit than the unpredictable shit.  
He’s very sexually active, which eventually leaves him pregnant with no way of knowing who the father is.  He finally decides to leave the timeline in search of somewhere better because he knows he’ll just wind up dead in that condition.  
His hair is magically infused to his skull, he could remove it if he wanted to, but, no.  
The red on his skull, fingers, and ribs is essentially bone tattoo.  It’s also on his blaster, which he regularly uses as a chair.  
He does enjoy his aesthetic, but it’s more to give off a tough, don’t mess with me aura than anything.  
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thefloatingstone · 5 years
overlordraax replied to your post: Not feeling much better after waking up. Somebody...
List your top fave fanfics. List your top fave tropes in fanfic.
Oh noooooo this is a really good one too sdjkjdhfsh
I was actually thinking of doing a fanfic Rec list tbh!! I hope you don’t mind that they’re all Undertale fics! I think I’ve read more fanfiction for this fandom than I’ve read for any other fandom I’ve ever been in. (Including MLP which is a friggen miracle if you stop to think about it)
BUT ANYWAY! Please check out these fics by some incredibly talented individuals (some of these I’ve put in lists before but w/e here it is again!)
(in literally no particular order at all)
Postcards from Waterfall
Rating: Explicit (Fic as a whole is T but occasionally has specific smut scenes which are marked for easy skipping)
Ship?: Sansby
Setting: Classic timeline
Word Count: 353 763
After an unremembered Genocide timeline, Sans is struggling with lingering feelings of dread. On top of this, coming to terms with his own childhood, and dealing with a lifelong recovery from a massive accident in his youth. However, things seem to slowly improve as he unexpectedly grows closer to Grillby, and feelings turn towards the romantic. But there are still things lurking in the Underground that would do them harm.
(the fic mostly focuses on Sans’ childhood trauma dealing with a apathetic Gaster, an mysterious “Accident” he can barely remember in his near-childhood, his developing feeling for Grillby, and their awkward relationship developing and reacting to situations around them. the plot is paced slowly, but I wouldn’t call it a slice-of-life story as there are larger things at play and get slowly revealed as things move forward)
Rating: T
Ship?: Reader / Underfell Papyrus
Setting: Classic Timeline with Underfell Sans and Papyrus
Word Count: 263 284
It’s the classic timeline, and monsters have been on the surface for almost 2 years already. In the Skeleton household though, Sans and Papyrus have acquired two tag-alongs in the form of Underfell Sans (Red) and Underfell Papyrus (Edge) who have come from a much more violent and desperate timeline with no way of going back. This wouldn’t be so bad, but a lifetime of being on constant alert and being intimidating and scary to everyone, where it once had Edge be the most respected of monsters as Captain of the Royal Guard, now sees him severely emotionally and socially crippled. Unable to make friends due to his learned behaviour of being scary and permanently angry, unable to find work because most monsters AND humans find him too hard to handle, and struggling to find his place in his own family unit, with his relationship with his own brother awkward after so many years of pretending to be “boss and henchman”, a strained relationship with Sans who does not trust him (for admittedly good reason) and with the only person he seems on good terms with being Papyrus (who also represents everything Edge could have been but have no hope of achieving).
Things change when caught in a pretty bad thunderstorm, Reader (you) finds him hiding in an alley outside your apartment. And lucky for him, you’re crazy enough to let a terrified stranger into your home until the weather improves, and even crazier, as you decide once he starts yelling, that you’d like to stay in contact with him.
The story is a slowburn Reader-insert romance, but it’s almost much more than that. Told from Edge’s perspective, it’s a recovery fic more than anything. Recovering from a lifetime of trauma, violence, learned survival behaviours, mending relationships with family, learning to fit into a world that at first seems completely incompatible with you, and finding a place in life. Lots of self reflection, sometimes self loathing, pining, confusion, frustration, brief arguments over stupid petty things, arguments over really IMPORTANT things, and a lot of tenderness, even if you’re not someone to go for Reader-insert stories, I highly recommend this one if only for the characterisation and emotional and psychological exploration, especially for Edge and his relationship to to his brother and the world at large. It definitely sold me on his character in a way I’ve never really considered.
Panic Room
Rating: M (note cw on fic)
Ship?: Nothing yet but working towards Reader/Papyrus Reader/Sans (no f//ntcest)
Setting: Swapfell
Word Count: 150 548
It’s been years since monsters broke the barrier, stormed into Ebott, and forcefully took over, place Toriel as the monarch and cutting the city off from the outside world. Ebott has become a dystopian dictatorship, where humans are second class citizens who can have incredible luxury depending on how useful and accommodating they are to their new monster rules, or simply be exterminated if stepping out of line. Reader (you) have been imprisoned for almost a year, living in torturous conditions, scarred from beatings and with no hope or future to even think of. But due to your spirit of Perseverance, you continue to live, to not give in to despair. One day, Swapfell Papyrus (Rus) wanders into the prison, looking to “buy” himself a human (for reasons unknown to you) and, for whatever reason, picks you.
He brings you home, has you cleaned up, healed up to the best of his ability, and then has the hurdle of trying to present you to Swapfell Sans; the Lieutenant of the Royal Guard and Alphys’ right hand man. On the verge of throwing you out, Sans allows you to stay and work as the maid in his meticulous home. A hard job, but you accept, unwilling to try your luck on the streets of Ebott. And so your new life begins with the brothers, and the longer you work there, the more you learn. You learn more about the very touchy but at his core good-hearted Rus, you learn more about the terrifying and ruthless Sans, and the sadness and desire to show kindness behind his mask, and you learn more about Ebott. About the constant servailence, the propaganda machine, the injustice, the violence, the broken system ruled by the blind and terrible queen.
You don’t know what sort of life or future is in store for you now, but it’s better than the prison (ANYTHING is better than the prison) and just at the edges of reality, where you can’t even see or notice them yet, a change is coming. Invisible and far in the distance, but slowly approaching.
Dirty Laundry
Rating: T
Ship?: Reader/Papyrus Reader/Sans (poly relationship, no f//ntcest)
Setting: Swapfell
Word Count: 49 369
Reader (you) have recently moved to Ebott for a change in life (it being monster central may or may not have something to do with that). It’s been a few months since monsters were freed, and many are integrating with society slowly but surely. One day, while at the laundromat, you find yourself watched by a scary but ultimately nervous and “I don’t know how to laundry!” Swapfell Papyrus.
In time, a friendship forms. He’s a really sweet guy, anxious but eager to please. It would all be very cute if not for the fact that his asshole brother doesn’t seem very pleased with you (or anybody?) “worming their way” into his baby brother’s life. Nevermind that their therapist said they needed time apart! Nevermind that Papyrus has asked him for some space! He’s going to make sure his little brother is safe! Just as he always had.
Besides... if he doesn’t, what else is there for him to do? Leave Papyrus alone? Leave both of you alone? Accept that Papyrus doesn’t need him any more? May not even want him any more?
...would that make him happier?
Fired Up and Bone Weary (Series)
Rating: G - T
Ship?: Sansby
Setting: Classic Timeline
Word Count: various
A collection of short stories and oneshots, documenting the everyday life and events in Sans, Grillby and Papyrus’ lives, starting underground and early dating, and working its way to surface life and marriage. Mostly just fluffy, slice of life settings, only now and then undercut by misfortune or drama. Dealing with Grillby’s complicated family, trying to manage Sans’ fluctuating depression, and Papyrus’ role and desire for a family. Most of it is just small, everyday happiness though. And the fear that at any moment all of it could disappear with a reset is (most of the time) not thought about.
(I haven’t finished the series myself just yet. I got stuck on the third last story in the series, the one with the most chapters, due to personal reasons. I do plan to finish it at a later date, but at this point in time it hit a little too close to home. I still recommend all of it whole-heartedly, as I doubt other people will react to it the way I did.)
There are also a few oneshots as well as fics I’ve mentioned before (like SSLL for instance which I STILL love and you guys should STILL read!!) but these are the main ones I’m reading/have read at the moment!
If you guys want I can make a list of oneshots too. Just let me know 8′D I also didn’t include people’s tumblr names just in case they didn’t want it spread around for any particular reason, and I didn’t include more than one fanfic per author, I may add some of their other work in another post at some point. But I wanted to give each author equal exposure in this post.
Anyway! Hopefully you guys consider any (although you really should read ALL) of these fics! And give the authors comments and kudos!
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ut-paper-story · 5 years
Undertale: PaperStory - Snowdin Story
Here you’ll find: -Beginning -Snowdin Forest -Snowdin Town -The Great Papyrus’ Fight (and Hangout)
Ruins | Waterfall | Hotland | CORE | New Home | Post Neutral | The End
Once at the forest, Paper and Kongo don't meet Sans inmediately after leaving the ruins, so they have time to walk around. They discuss on where they are. Truth is, Kongo was born in the Ruins, and it's not like Toriel had ever allowed them out or anything. The two walk around, solving some puzzles that they find sprinkled through the entrance, and Kongo talks more about his family.
As it turns out, Kongo has an older sibling that's been looking after him for some years, but now that he's at the Ruins' University, he hasn't really, well... had any real friends. And while Kongo is talking, Chara also is talking to Paper about the forest and stuff. Needless to say, it's hard for Paper to keep up with both conversations, but he manages.
Eventually, they reach a room with a lamp and sans' stand. They jear two voices, so Paper hides behind the stand, and Kongo hides behind the conviniently human-shaped lamp that does not hide him at all.
Papyrus and Sans come in, well, more like Papyrus is dragging Sans through the snow. "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'RE FORCING ME TO DRAG YOU TO WORK, SIMPLY UNBELIEVABLE." He proclaims, as he literally slides sans behind the counter. Paper jumps out of it in surprise, and Papyrus and Paper share an awkward stare. "... SANS, SINCE WHEN DO YOU KEEP WEIRD MONSTERS IN YOUR STAND???" "bro, i think that's a human." Papyrus is shocked, and all of a sudden gets nervous and excited. He didn't have time to practice his speech today! So he quickly makes his way out of the scene.
Sans introduces himself, and gives Paper some pointers on what's up with Paps. Kongo leaves from hiding as well and isn't really comfortable at the skeleton's proposition of "playing along", neither of the kids know what he means, but whatever. Soon enough, Kongo and Paper go deeper into Snowdin Forest...
-Snowdin Forest-
Snowdin's forest is quite amazingly filled with many Puzzles, side puzzles, side puzzles for the side puzzles, and riddles that puzzle the puzzles. Most of them are similar to those of UT's, save for the fact that there's now more platforming-oriented puzzles, such as timed switches that need to be pressed as quickly as possible, some flip side platforms that change depending on your jump (think 3D land/world's).
It's at these puzzles that Paper and Kongo meet Merry, a bunny monster that's not as used at Puzzle solving, and got herself stuck in the switch hidden in the snow puzzle. After Paper and Kongo manage to solve the puzzle, Merry is relieved that she doesn't have to deal with that stupid puzzle. Kongo introduces himself and Paper to Merry, he explains that their plan is to leave the Underground. Their idea is to go through the barrier. While Merry greatly questions how are they going to do THAT, she decides to remain silent. Seeing as the group is headed towards Snowdin town, she decides to follow along.
* Merry has joined your party!
Now that Merry is in the party, she can carry Paper, and jump greater heights than Paper ever could. albeit with the downside that she can only jump high in 4 directions. In battle, Merry can do a shield spell, which can take one hit before dissapearing. Though over the course of the story, she can learn other skills as well.
The next time they face Sans and Papyrus, he realizes that now it's three. Papyrus ponders if the human is amassing an army or something, and he asks if he could join it. Merry, somewhat annoyed with Papyrus because of the puzzle from earlier. quickly shoots down his idea, saying that they're already full. He gasps, heartbroken, Papyrus dramatically leaves the area. Sans briefly mentions how it wasn't cool, and heads with Paps as well... Paper frowns at Merry, to which she's like "What? He got what he deserved..."
He will adress this later, for sure. But for now,it's time to head into...
-Snowdin Town-
Once they're in the Town, Merry decides to give the group a Tour around the town, where she shows off how much of the Town she knows about. Of course, she doesn't know everything, because the moment Kongo asks "Where does the Ice go to, anyway?" Merry stays silent for a bit, before awkwardly uttering "... I don't know.", and looks away embarassed. The group goes to basically all the main locations, buying some food and badges, and such.
There's also a shop ran by Sans in Snowdin, where you can buy a "Sans Hammer". It costs 9999G, so Paper and the crew think it's an obvious scam, but Sans offers them a 999% discount, just 'cause they know him. And Kongo just can't resist it, so he buys one for 99G for himself. The moment he takes it out of the box, it turns out to be nothing but an oddly realistic sock tied to a branch. "hey, there's only one sock like that 'round here. you could say it's out of this world." Kongo gets frustrated, and hands it over to Paper. But he's not using it anytime soon.
Paper wants to check out the Inn, but Merry is like "You guys DO know I live here, right? We could just sleep there!" And thus, Paper's dream of going to the Inn have been ruined forever. The crew have the option to go to Merry's house now which is what they do next. The crew has a power nap on the couch- which also maxes out their HP and then they're ready to continue.
The crew has a brief nap at Merry's house, which leaves them ready to continue on their adventure. HOWEVER, THERE IS ONE MORE OBSTACLE THEY NEED TO FACE, AND THAT IS...
The exit to Snowdin Town gets progressively foggier as they go on, before they stumble against Papyrus, who is standing there. He rants about how he feels, since he's been rejected from the little club the human is making, he now has no option but to fight them! And then the human will be delivered to the capital, and then...! AND THEN...! He doesn't know, but whatever, it's time to FIGHT!
During the fight, Paper and Kongo try to convince Papyrus that they didn't mean to hurt his feelings, and that he can join the crew if he wants. Papyrus doesn't listen. IF Paper is defeated, regardless of the partners' HP, Papyrus will drag him into the shed, which is just the same as the OG one. Blue mode operates the same as UT, save for the fact that Paper is the only one that is blue'd.
After the fight, Papyrus is all down that he couldn't beat them, despite being so strong! Now neither Undyne or the human's club will want someone as weak as me! However Paper reassures him that he can join in and be a part. Merry questions it greatly, but Papyrus gasps in excitement, he's so happy! He finally made friends! All that he had to do is put people through puzzles and fight them!!! He offers to host a party at his house to celebrate that he is now a member of the crew, and flies away.
Merry asks Paper why the hell did he do that, Papyrus DID try to kill him. Kongo points out that he himself DID try to beat Paper down to a pulp, yet he's accepted him as a friend. Paper asks what is Merry's problem with Papyrus, and she answers that Papyrus is for the most part a nuisance, and that his puzzles have caused more issues than they have solved them. Not to mention he's so loud when he's around. Paper suggests that she talks to Papyrus about this.
So they backtrack, and head to Papyrus' house.
Papyrus greets them at the door, and lets them in. It's a bit surprising that, since the fight just happened, he managed to decorate and prepare snacks (spaghetti) for everyone. Papyrus is a decent host, for what it's worth. They play a board game called Humans and Stairs, plus some other non-human-acceptant games. But Papyrus blames it on the propaganda that's been going around lately. The group, including Merry, enjoys most of it, save for the spaghetti. Merry didn't eat it, and the others two did it out of the wish not to upset Papyrus.
The trio of two monsters and one human eventually head out, and Kongo asks if Papyrus is going to follow them. But Papyrus says that he... Isn't. He has business to deal with, but he lets them know that no matter, he 100% will support them in heart!!! The crew heads out, and leaves to Waterfall. Merry’s impresions on Papyrus having changed.
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