"always finish your writing session in the middle of a scene/chapter," I say. "it helps with momentum so then you don't have to start something brand new," I say. "great for people like me who hate starting things."
>>>> me literally not doing that
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scalproie · 4 months
ALSO I have been tagged... last week (I'm so sorry) by @kazamajun for wip wednesday and I finally have smth I'm comfortable sharing so. there we go.
Also I would like to tag... idk who currently has wips. @eldragon-x I think you do. @kazooyah you too (if you want to ofc). Anyone else tell me so I can tag you and also you are tagged anyway.
The fight was as fast as it was intense.
The King of Hell made the first move, absolute in might as ever, doubtless eager to finish it quickly, but his powerful strike never came into contact with the goddess' body: her palm met his fist halfway and she used his momentum against him, redirecting the blow and gracefully dodging out of the way, before grabbing his arm, dealing him a swift chop to his neck, bringing him to his knee with a well-placed kick, and slamming her elbow to the back of his head. Unrelenting, she then concluded the throw by tossing him overhead.
But as expected, it did nothing to keep Kazuya down for more than a second. A kick to get her away, and he got back up with a dangerous red gleam in his eyes.
She mainly focused on evasion and redirection, turning his strength back on him all while doing her best to avoid his attacks, as it was evident that he had immense destructive power on his side, and knew how to utilize it at his very core.
She could not espace every of his moves however, and the punch that followed an axe-kick of his hurt her more than from anything she ever faced before. It unfortunately wouldn't be the last blow that would breach her defenses.
The first electrically charged attack that hit her thorax had her stopped breathing momentarily, and at one point he got back at her by grabbing her leg and slamming the goddess to the ground.
She did not spend the whole fight evading or trying to, however, her fighting techniques were as refined as his were perfected. To hit her, he would need to reach her first, but she would hit her mark almost everytime, forcing him to block her blows.
He found no luck falling back on his other abilities either: pure white bird-shaped energy crashed into and nullified flying purple laser-shooting crystals more than once. Her light was on par with his demonic electricity, and she had him panting as much as he did her.
It was clear still that neither of them has ever faced such an fierce opponent before.
She knocked him out of his devil form eventually. A single contact of her light was usually all it took to purge all demonic energy of those from below; he, on the other hand, endured the full force of it fifteen times before a light-infused fist send him flying and purple scales dissipated from the King of Hell to reveal a humanoid form much more similar to her own.
That did not made him any weaker, or any less determined.
Eventually, they each dealt each other a killing blow.
True purifying light from her hand obliterated his demonic insides from behind his chest, while highly concentrated infernal electricity fired at point blank from his remaining third eye tore right through her stomach. Neither knew who delivered which first.
Both fell to the ground the same, in opposite directions, across of each other.
Both also knew that they would be dead soon. Well, as temporary as being dead was to a god.
The physical part of the fight ended, but the battle still wasn't over: the winner of this encounter would be decided by which of the two would see the other die first.
Everything was silent in the clearing save for the two gods' ragged breathing.
Already the woods were giving back to She who made them: small orbs of light emerging out of the spring, the trees, the plants and the grass, were making their way over to her, envelopping Jun's wounds in a warm embrace.
She forced her eyes to stay open to see the god on the other side, being reclaimed by the depths of the earth, tendrils of blood creeping up and dragging him down. With his last bout of strength he was clawing at the ground toward her, still glaring at her.
But was he? Jun looked deeper at the red eyes fixated on her before realizing they were in fact looking past her, pleading past her.
Not yet, not yet, not yet. Not again.
She was no longer the enemy he was fighting.
Without knowing why, on pure instinct perhaps, her hand extanded with the intent to reach him: in her exausted state, maybe her eyes no longer saw an adversary to defeat, but someone in need of help.
Her eyes closed on their own before they could meet his lifeless ones.
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queerdiazs · 6 months
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no snippets today because there's nothing i want to share but here's the list of chaptered fics i made last night that i want to complete before s8 premier, teehee
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johnwickb1tsch · 2 months
andar conmigo ~ epilogue
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A Walk in the Clouds/Don John crossover outline/fic- Paul Sutton x fem!Reader x Don John triangle ~ You grow up at Las Nubes vineyard, and have to go home to your dying father. You take your fake new husband, Sgt Paul Sutton, with you...Your old flame don John does not like this at all. Warnings: FLUFF chapter map
Author's Note: I just want to say a quick THANK YOU to everyone who followed along and supported this story! Girl Genius @scarlettspectra who helped me with the original idea, my utterly beloved @treedaddymcpuffpuff , the SWEETEST @sweetwolfcupcake (who fried my brain with that gif of Paul, thank u! 😘 , the always RAZOR sharp @discoscoob, the hilarious @lilithlinen , the insightful @reallongwire , emoji queen @thesecretlifeofmo , 🖤 @lonelyspadez and SO many others, I wouldn't have finished this without you, it wouldn't have been as much fun, and it CERTAINLY wouldn't be the fic it is without your amazing input!
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-You’re going to have to rewrite the train station scene in your story, because you take him with you at the platform, and you are smart enough not to let go. 
At first, you stay together in your tiny apartment with its fetching view of a brick wall. The arrangement was fine, if not a little cramped. You spend most of your time in bed, anyway, but you find you don’t mind sharing your space with Paul, or your cooking, or your time. Goddammit if Anjelica wasn’t right about that. 
But maybe he knows you better than you know yourself. 
Without you needing to ask, [and you’re not sure you even would have, truth be told], he eventually gets his own place. Yet, you are still inseparable, barring the hours you go to work, and he goes to school. 
You find that you are equally happy to have your own space back, yet unbearably restless for the next time you will get to see him. It is a strange medley to balance in your life, and a part of you hopes that someday maybe you really will score that apartment with enough room for the two of you, and a typewriter overlooking the Bay. 
On the odd days you do not see each other, he writes you a letter, and you always write him back. 
As it turns out, Paul Sutton likes things that go, and he enrolls to study engines at a technical college in San Francisco. 
The day he roars up to your apartment in a leather jacket on a Norton motorcycle with a big grin, you cannot help but laugh. It seems like a ridiculous machine, and yet after the first time he takes you for a ride–it becomes one of your favorite things to do with him. You tear up and down the coast in your free time, picnicking at the beach or beneath towering sequoia trees. 
You have both healed from your misadventure, withstanding the occasional cough, or the odd nightmare...on a whole, your life together is so sweet, and the irony does not escape you that on more than one occasion you have to restrain yourself from asking him to marry you. But Paul is starting to find himself, given time in which he’s not running between raindrops, enemy fire, or immediately jumping into the responsibility of supporting a wife and children. 
He does not always take you on his motorcycle trips, often going on long rides to clear his head. He says it helps ease his mind, when his memories from the war become too loud in his head.
Most of the time though, he seems content, and you are so happy for that. 
-The first time after he dropped into your office at the publishing house to bring you flowers, just because, bless that man, your boss asks, “So that’s Peter?” 
“No, that’s Paul,” you tease him, aware that your beau’s good looks have a certain effect upon both sexes, no matter their preferences. 
You’d let your superior read your manuscript of your book, after catching you working on it at your desk during a break. You decided to title it, “A Walk in the Clouds.”  You’re not getting your hopes up, as he hems and haws over it. He keeps proposing changes to the story that would be untenable to you, as well as writing under a man’s pen name, or a less Spanish-sounding surname, in the interest of appealing to a broader audience. Maybe someday, you’ll find an agent who will champion your vision, and a publisher who won’t hold it against you that you are an intelligent self-taught Hispanic woman with opinions that challenge the conformity of post-War America.  
Maybe someday, things will be better…
Until then, you’ll just have to keep writing. 
-A year later, the two of you are out to lunch at a North Beach café, when a slick-looking man in a dapper suit passes by your table, then does a double-take at Paul, who was engaged mid-bite with his open mouth over a fork full of pasta. 
“Hey kid,” he says. “Ever thought of being in movies?” 
Taken aback, Paul wipes his lips with his napkin, regarding the man quizzically. “Ah…no, never occurred to me,” he admits to the stranger with a quizzical lift of eyebrows. 
“You got the look. Call me.” The Hollywood man flips a card onto the table, then strolls off like he has somewhere important to be. 
Paul looks at you, then laughs, shaking his head as he looks at the card. He is so humble about his dashing good looks, finding it embarrassing when women slow down to ogle him on the street, (or in one amusing case–to you at least– trip over the sidewalk). 
“How silly,” he says with a little smile, tearing off a piece of bread. He’s playing it down, but you think you see a glitter of intrigue in those polished ebony eyes.
You shrug. “Who knows?” you say playfully. “You’re certainly the best-looking man I know.” 
After all this time, his cheeks still pink for you, his ears turning red at the tips. 
“Well, that’s all that matters to me,” he tells you, reaching across the table for your hand. You slide your fingers into his, so happy you could die. 
Afterwards you go for a stroll, hand in hand, looking in the windows of the shops and laughing together, your head on his shoulder.
It’s hard to imagine that life could get much sweeter than this. Deep down, a tiny, selfish part of you hopes he doesn’t call that Hollywood headhunter. How drastically would your life with him change, if he became a star on the silver screen?
That’s when you know you absolutely believe he’s got what it takes–and you beat back your ugly little fears, resolving that you won’t stand in his way, if he wants to try for it.
You realize you’re squeezing his hand too hard when he looks down at you with a question in his eyes. “Sorry,” you apologize, tilting your head for a kiss. 
He grants your request, and his soft lips on yours still curl your toes. He rests his forehead against yours with that little smile, just for you…and your fears go quiet, replaced by the soft glow this man always inspires in you. 
“Just in case you didn’t know…I would marry you in a heartbeat, if you ever change your mind about all that.” 
You blink, your heart a sparkling firework trapped in your chest. 
You have to try twice before you can find your voice. 
“I think…I would like that, Paul Sutton.” 
He laughs out loud, that beautiful sound that fuels you as surely as food or drink or air. He picks you up right in the middle of the sidewalk, spinning you around in a circle before his lips find yours again. 
Suddenly, you’re not worried about anything.
-Paul drops you off at your apartment after a lingering kiss before rumbling off on the Norton. He has to study up for a test on Monday, and you’ve found when you try to help him with his studies more often than not you just end up in bed together. 
There are worse things, but this is an important exam. You’re sure he’ll pass with flying colors, then you can reward him properly. 
You practically skip up the stairs, still giddy from earlier. Are you and Paul actually engaged? Promised to be engaged? Merely in talks? You’re not really sure, but it doesn’t matter. You’re together, and you feel like you have all the time in the world to figure it out. The whole country is in such a hurry now that the war has ended, but the two of you have learned you don’t mind taking your time.  
You almost step on a little lump of something left before your door. Puzzled, you pick it up. It reminds you of the handmade little ragdolls you and your sisters used to play with, made of cloth and thread and horse hair.  
But this toy is burned, half her hair singed away, her blackened face pulled in a terrible grimace. 
With a frown you lay it back to rest on the floor beside your door. 
Maybe the neighbor’s girl down the hall dropped her toy. She might want it back. If it’s still there tomorrow…you’ll throw it out. 
Your earlier elation dampered by a weird feeling weighing in your gut, you let yourself into your apartment, and go about the rest of your day. 
Yet as you sit down with your notebook and a cup of tea to warm the chill inside you, you cannot stop thinking about it. 
There’s no way in Hell that terrible man survived that fire… 
Is there? 
The End…
Or is it?👀
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chaosoftheages · 6 months
Me Watching The New AVM Episode:
"Holy shit Second and Red are cano-DAMN IT!"
"Bro said nope. no netherwart."
"Oof Yellow-"
*the entire chase scene with Green*
"Why Green gotta do that one meme-"
"The pat on the back Green when I catch you-"
"Holy shit red finally went to see a therapist and is lamenting over his failur-HOLY SHIT IT'S PURPLE-"
"Aggressively trying to cake the drawing of your boyfriend and failing horribly."
"Purple be like "dw I gotchu." And then just gives Red a whole ass elaborate plan that he made up in like 5 seconds and I fucking love him for it."
"Purple was probably so confused and why didn't Alan put Purple's reaction goddammit."
"Red, I think you gave Green PTSD-"
"Ik DJ said this but like...he's getting Green all sleepy and then-IM SORRY DID THAT CHICKEN GROW HUMAN LEGS ALAN WHAT THE HEC-"
"Welp. The humanoid chicken can shoot eggs put of its butt."
My dad: is the cow shooting milk bucket out of its di-"
Me: finish that sentence. I dare you.
"Green, respectfully...HOW THE FUCK DID YOU ESCAPE-"
"Why does it look like Green is about to ge-" *Red cakes Green* "Yep."
"Again, DJ speaks facts: that is how you cake."
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thunderandsage · 4 months
my comprehensive star trek fic recs
(starting note: a lot of the following works contain heavy and/or uncomfortable themes, which is my preference when reading fanfiction, so just be aware of that. a lot of them are also, uh, rated E, so yea. i have no excuse for that one.)
(contains: mostly AOS with smatterings of SNW, DS9 and TOS)
Don't Stop Believing by kianspo (Spirk AOS, rated E, finished at 205,901 words, a Spock-character-study slash novel-length-epic, features Spock/Pike heavily near the beginning, explores the loss and pain after y'know losing your mother and your planet, slow-burn Spirk but GOD the slow-burn is so good, not a straightforward story as characters are capable of both advancing and regressing but this complexity makes the story more delicious, includes homoerotic piano duets)
You Don’t Have To (Say Yes) by luminousbeings (Spirk AOS, rated M, finished at 192,321 words, HEED THE WARNINGS, starts out as “let’s make Tarsus IV even worse” but evolves into love letter for friendship and chosen family, characters so good you want to start chewing on the metaphorical pages, Kirk as bright-sunshine-character-with-the-horrors-in-his-past who’s messed up but god he’s trying, passages in this fic permanently rewired my brain)
War Games by seperis (Spirk AOS, rated E, finished at 108,882 words, necessary to read You’ll Get There In The End first, very sharp and cohesive prose and plot, the romance here is pretty unconventional and “unromantic” almost but it honestly works really well, uhh main warning is that this deals with politics analogous with real-world loss of rights so it’s uncomfortably relatable but if you’re fine with that it’s a really interesting read, intrigue and action, sorta-telepath!Kirk and good Vulcan OCs)
K’diwa: A Steamy Novel of Interspecies Romance, by Jim Kirk by branwyn (Spirk AOS, rated technically E but it’s more M i feel, finished at 103,984 words, accidental romance writer Jim Kirk, Kirk-was-adopted-by-Vulcans, Academy Era, far on the feel-good and indulgent side of fic if you’re into that)
The Door by Pouxin (Spirk AOS, rated E, finished at 77,118 words, per the description "and alternative STID thing" with one of the most distinctive and sweet/sharp love stories, smut does feature very heavily but so does literature and messy emotions, contains my favorite version of THAT scene from STID, makes you want to annotate passages and look for parallels like in fucking english lit class again)
For the Gladness of You by kariye (Spirk AOS, rated E, finished at 51,055 words, non-linear narrative, Spock and Kirk both have Issues(tm), definitely a thornier read where problems don’t have clear solutions and people are messy and don’t always make good decisions, more cynical but still so good)
The 1,000 Hour Sleep by spqr (Spirk SNW, rated M, finished at 27,227 words, basically Jim is a secret agent for Starfleet who's treated as expendable by Command but still gets adopted by the SNW crew, good balance of action/angst and romance/pining)
This Trailer Park Is a Shithole But Goddammit, It’s Home by waketosleep (Spirk AOS, rated M, finished at 23,446 words, trailer park AU, Jim Kirk’s dubious adventures in growing weed and trying to avoid the law, the crackiest adaptation of st2009 you’ll ever read)
Something Smart to Do by kianspo (Spirk AOS, rated M, finished at 21,322 words, how many times will Spock and Kirk get fake-married for missions before they admit they’re in love? the answer is too damn much)
How to Inefficiently Acquire a Human Male in 98.6 Earth Days by noodleinabarrel (Spirk AOS, rated T, finished at 30,391 words, Academy Era, Spock tries to ward off Jim's attempts at friendship but receives advice that does... not do that, romcom vibes, meddling Gaila)
Big Me (But It’s You I Fell Into) by waketosleep (Spirk AOS, rated M, finished at 38,728 words, i am entirely indifferent towards golf but this fic still slaps, feat. an oblivious jim, a low-stress but still very fun read)
knives in the water by green_postit (McKirk AOS, rated E, finished at 18,618 words, dark, mafia au, smut and violence, featuring McCoy’s sexual frustration and steadily eroding moral compass)
encrusted gem-stuff / / of the mist by leohtttbriar (T'pura SNW, rated T, finished at 41,862 words, pon farr but it’s lesbians, beautiful psychedelic and almost surreal writing style that i want to inject into my bloodstream)
Unspoken by ThereBeWhalesHere (T’pura AOS, rated M, finished at 29,201 words, lovely AOS Uhura depiction with lots of linguistics and character depth, the path to true love is convoluted and thorny but they get there, eventually)
i cannot paint / what then i was by leohtttbriar (Kiradax DS9, rated T, finished at 15,462 words, brief Jadzia/Lenara Kahn, read if you like greek classics references, bi disaster Jadzia and gorgeous lesbian pining)
let them vie with each other by leohtttbriar (Jadzia Dax/Nyota Uhura DS9 & SNW/TOS, rated T with non-explicit sex scenes, finished at 6,215 words, a rarepair that sank its teeth into my neck, a gorgeous story that is very sci fi not just bc of the fandom but in its storytelling, beautiful science and linguistics asides, incredibly beautiful prose)
A Hermeneutics of Ass-Fucking by Alsike (Christine Chapel/T’pring SNW, rated M, finished at 5,954 words, an enjoyable cocktail of Vulcan intellectualism, crack and lesbian horniness, introduced me to Maggie Nelson’s works, also an update as this has sequels, the main being: Erotic Vulcan Love Poetry, Like a Sea Turtle to their Beach and Federation Day Festivities in Wabanaki Territory (Formerly known as Quebec), all of which are excellent)
Matchmaker of Mars by Edonohana (T’pura TOS, rated T, finished at 2,749 words, T’Pring and Uhura as 1930s scifi writers with a grudge against Campbell)
there's no such thing as a bad idea by bloodyhalefire (Spock & Bones AOS, rated T, finished at 5,114 words, giving "teenage girls talk about their crushes at a sleepover" except it's two emotionally constipated middle-ish-aged men who are drunk)
And Then I Let It Go by kianspo (Spirk AOS, rated E, finished at 10,632 words, post-Beyond getting together including fake identities and agricultural work)
Any Way You Want It by kianspo (Spirk AOS, rated T, finished at 12,031 words, Spock gets offered a promotion and Jim wants to be supportive, misunderstanding ensue, slightly cracky)
Watershed Moments by battybatzgirl (Kirk & Mcoy AOS, rated N/A, finished at 9,455 words, based on that Parks and Rec episode with snake juice but it’s Chekov’s tribble juice here, everyone’s super wasted here and it’s glorious, crack)
Big Damn Heroes by waldorph (Chekov/Sulu AOS, rated E, finished at 6,821 words, Chekov character study in a "live fast, die young" type of Starfleet life, honestly just read anything by waldorph ever, swashbuckling vibes)
what is love? (no really) by serenfire (Aromantic Spirk AOS, finished at 7,534 words, read if you like disaster!Kirk and/or have a grudge against Valentine's Day, cracky)
Hallmark Moment (Here in the Morning Remix) by unveiled (Joanna McCoy AOS, rated G, finished at 3,312 words, bittersweet character study, read if you want to feel a little sad and contemplative)
the five-year mission by screamlet (Kirk & McCoy AOS, rated M, finished at 11,106 words, dark post-STID that sees what with Starfleet's militarization and colonialist undertones... y'know that's not far from the mirrorverse...)
A Monument to All Your Sins by sinestrated (Spirk AOS, rated T, finished at 9,629 words, post-STID where Kirk is ordered to retake the Kobayashi Maru, soft established relationships and musings about the nature of sacrifice/duty)
K’oh-nar by AlexPrime (Spirk TOS, rated T, updating at 320,000 words currently, PLEASE heed the "mental breakdown" tag as it centers around severe psychically-inflicted trauma, featuring Spock’s TOS canonical self-loathing, it’s tagged hurt/comfort but the plot’s still on the “hurt,”read if you want to be stabbed by a hundred knives)
Unbody Me and Take Me Home by Gltertearz (Spirk AOS, rated N/A, updating at 27,416 words but updating, domestic fluff but there's a ghost, slowburn for both the romance and the horror)
Pinched Nerve by RookSacrifice (Spirk SNW, rated E, updating regularly at 14,776 words currently, due to varying reasons both Spock and Jim enter a corporate matchmaking program, hilarity ensues, prose is very sharp and enjoyable)
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winters-hysteria · 2 years
nsfw aged up f. hargreeves nsfw alphabet
you've been warned, minors din
A= Aftercare (what they're like after the act)
i feel like five would seem like he's trying not to care but seeing you laying there all pretty after he's ruined you turns on his absolute *need* to make sure you're okay
B= Body part (favorite body part their own or their lovers)
his favorite part of himself is his hands. they're strong and really nice looking, and he can use them to grab you/push you around roughly and/or gently pin your wrists down 
fav part of you is your ass. there was this one scene (can't remember the episode) but he stared at somebody walking out the door with a really weird smile and his eyes popping out and idk i feel like he'd do the same thing to you walking out a door, just stare and then klaus walks over like "eheheheh whatcha lookin' at buddy buddy boy bro brother homie" and he's just like "oh nothing nothing that interests ur gay ass anyways"
C= Cum (anything that has to do with it)
he'd love to finish inside you, but even if you don't let/want him to (which he will totally respect) he likes to cum in your mouth or your breasts, even if you are a part of the itty bitty titty community
tbh i think he'd like that even more bc (he has a size kink i'll get into that next )
D= Dirty secret (Pretty self explanatory)
he has a SIZE KINK. a really really nearly insatiable size kink. 
i believe he'd like it if his S/O was really small / petite cause it makes him look SO MUCH BIGGER than you and goddammit if he doesn't get even hornier when you're on your knees for him and he looks down to see ur pretty lil hand wrapped around his cock
E= Experience (do they know what they're doing)
seeing as i write for five in his 20s, i think he might know sort of what he's doing but he's gonna need a lot of guidance. he also likes to play dumb when it comes to touching you cause he likes seeing you touch yourself and also it helps a lot with him learning what and where to touch
F= Favorite position
uhhhh this mfer's favorite position is 100% cowgirrrrrl
he loves seeing you on top of him I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH
either that or having you below him is just *AAAAAAA*
G= Goofy (how serious are they)
he can be really really serious, but this man does crack jokes in the bedroom from time to time.
H= Hair (grooming habits)
he keeps himself  pretty nicely groomed, cause yk carpet matches the drapes
and also i hc that he just feels gross if he doesn't
I= Intimacy (in the moment romantic or rough/dirty)
god oh god oh god
the can be *SO* rough, but during nights when he has you all to himself, it's slow, sensual,,,, mmmmmmm yummy
J= Jack off (do they masturbate and how often)
he does this whenever you're not around, but his right hand will never ever evah substitute for the feeling of your warmth clenching around him.
K= Kink (kinks what they like possibly unusual)
bondage, daddy, sadomasochistic power top, dom/sub vibes, possibly a little bit of wax play, definite knife play, coffee kink, mommy kink mommy kink mommy KINK, power play, size kink, choking kink, degradation/praise, roleplay
L= Location (where they like to get it on)
literally anywhere but prefers his bed or yours so he can tie you up
M= Motivation (things that makes them tick/turn ons)
you could probably wave to him and he'd be half hard, like baby you don't need to do anything just move two steps to the left and ur gonna get your pussy pounded
N= No (turnoffs or absolutely won't do)
he absolutely will not get you pregnant, bitch. you've got a world to save, he doesn't have time to be a dad.
scat, piss, vomit, necro, that type of stuff
O= Oral (receiving or giving and how skillful they are)
fuc-king hell he loves giving, but won't ever say no to a good ol' bj
P= Pace (how fast they are and how long they last in bed)
he can last a l o n g time. 
he also won't change his pace unless you beg for it
Q= Quickie (do they prefer fast and hard)
he likes quickies, but really prefers to go nice and soft and slow with you
R= Risk (do they like to try new things)
he's open to it, but ya know he doesn't want to hurt you.
S= Stamina (how many times they can go and how long each round lasts)
im saying about ten or so and then he gets tired
T= Toys (are they game for using sex toys on themselves or lovers) 
has a whole ass collection of bad dragon products to use on you
U= Unfair (how do they tease or do they enjoy suspense themselves)
oh lord this man will tease you until you are barely conscious.. 
"you like that little slut?"
the HEAVY breathing *UH*
when you do dominate him, he loves to be teased and will literally scream your name when you finally let him cum.
V= Volume (are they loud, what sounds, and do they talk)
definite heavy panting, but since he doesn't really have a filter he moans a lot too
he will degrade/praise tf outta you baby
W= Wild card (random sincannon of any sort)
okay but he wants you to top him.
he gets tired of topping sometimes and just wants to let you take over.
so do it, baby. 
do it.
X= X-ray (what's down below in dem pants)
i'm thinking he's a little above average, 7 inches or so
thick, veiny, and a pretty pink head :>
Y= Yearning (sexdrive level)
he is ALWAYS horny and always looking for some way to grind against you or just fuck the shit outta you
Z= Zzzz (do they sleep after if so how quickly after)
so he falls asleep about an hour after because that's when his body just starts to shut down, but he doesn't realise that so sometimes he'll be standing upright doing something and then all the sudden you have to catch him bc he just fell asleep standing
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julcia404 · 3 months
Lost Scenes Thursday! Get to know your favourite authors better. Show five scenes from either abandoned fics where you regret they will never see the light of day, or five scenes from WIPs where you are impatient to see them out there. Long, short, one-liner... it's all good reading. Tag five other authors where you are curious.
(feel free to ignore it though :))
Heya, my fabulous one ♡
Alright, five scenes...let's see how many I can actually find that I'm willing to share 🤭 please keep in mind that they all still need different amounts of (heavy) editing and probably rearrangements, and that I don’t know if or when I'll ever find the courage to actually finish and post them...yadda yadda...here goes nothing 😅
Those first two are from the same WIP that originally was an idea I had for a Duskwood-fanfic (and initially inspired by songs - many of my ideas are 🤭), but I was thinking about turning it into something original...maybe...in 500 years...
Sister Sun Brother Moon / You Only Want Me 'Cause You Want My Sister - Part 1
She is the sun, the center of our little solar system. Everything revolves around her, everyone here builds their lives around her. Like planets, dwarf planets, asteroids, meteoroids, comets, dust clouds...they all orbit the sun. But when she's there, nothing else can be seen anymore: everyone looks at her and she leaves them blind for other things. People hurt themselves for the sun, to be able to get a ray of her all-encompassing light and to feel a little warmth. But it’s a hazardous, harsh warmth - and her blinding and glaring light, it outshines everything else.
They're not able to grasp that though - we humans really are a dumb race. Like Icarus, they burn their wings while trying to get close to her. They feel drawn to her like a moth to the light and once they reach their goal, they realize that it isn’t as great as suspected. But it’s too late then.
She outshines everything and everyone, leaving no room for anyone else's light, and burning them alive. When the sun comes up, the planets and stars fade away and she's the only visible thing...
She has to go.
I don’t want to be a distant star anymore.
Sister Sun Brother Moon / You Only Want Me 'Cause You Want My Sister - Part 2
However, I was never one of them. I was an outsider, an outcast, someone who watched but never took part. Lilly the observer, the cute little wallflower, hiding in the shadows of others. Oh, if only they knew what worlds exist in my mind! It’s time for me to finally get involved, it's time for some chaos. I don’t want to be invisible anymore - I want to be seen. Noticed. Acknowledged. Accepted and valued even, if I'm lucky. But being seen and respected would be enough, even if it means that I have to throw their worlds into chaos.
Whether they like it or not - they will notice me. I'll make sure they do.
This one is a Duskwood-fanfic, and it’s...angsty and depressing 🙈 it’s a looong scene, so let's count it as two, alright? or maybe as a one-shot that never got finished?
The moon painted beautiful shadows on the wall as I watched you silently sleeping on my bed. My tears started falling, and my heart was breaking. Again. This is not how I imagined love. This is not what I imagined for me and the man that I have deeply fallen in love with. I know that you feel the same, but I don't have the courage to talk with you about it. How can I ever tell you how much it hurts without collapsing right in front of you? Without dragging you down with me? Every day, I pretend that everything is alright. That I am alright. That you are alright. That we are alright, goddammit! That everything is going to be fine in the end. But it's killing me every time I see you, especially when you say how much you love me and that you would do anything for me. It shatters me into pieces every single damn time you touch me. I don't know how long I can bear this anymore, but I wish you knew how much I'm willing to go with you. To just be with you. And how much it hurts me that I'm not able to do so.
I try to suck you in, to burn your picture into my soul, in a desperate attempt to not forget what we shared. What we felt. What we admitted to each other, in silent whispers and giggles. The love that we gave to each other.
So I'm sitting here in the middle of the night, not able to sleep, fearing the first light of the sun...because you'll be gone in the morning. You're always gone in the morning. And I'll still be here, alone and isolated, mourning the loss of your presence once again. Again...again and again. When will we see each other again? Will you be back tomorrow? Next week? Next month?
Will we see each other again? I'm tired of the constant grief, but it is how it is. If that’s the price I have to pay to be with you, I'll gladly go broke.
I know you feel the same, I saw it in your eyes every time we had to say goodbye. I know, that’s why you prefer to leave while I'm still asleep now. It breaks your heart just as much as it breaks mine. Will it ever end? How long will we manage to go on like this before our hearts finally break for the last time? How much will be left of us then? Will you ever be free, truly free? Free from me? Or is this our life now:
You on the run - I'm not able to run. Because my body is broken and I'm a burden for everyone to be around. Why do you love me? Why are you still here with me, why are you doing this to yourself? You could do so much better without me...I wish you would just leave me and try to find happiness somewhere else, far away from my burdening love and your twisted sense of duty that’s holding you captive. Because I'm not enough, that’s for certain.
But I don’t want you to go. If I could, I would keep you for the rest of my life in this little room. It's not a long life anyway, so maybe, just a few years from now, you'll be free. Free from me. Free from that nuisance, from my miserable existence. I feel guilty that you love me. I don’t deserve it. I can’t stop thinking that I somehow manipulated you into this whole thing, that you love a picture of me I created for the outside, for the world to see. But deep inside, I'm miserable and empty and barely holding on. My ugly and broken shards are all over the place and here, in my little room, I can’t hide them. I'm deathly afraid that you'll one day wake up and finally see the truth, the ugly and monstruous reality of my pointless life, and then you'll run - finally run away from me - I'm sure of that.
And I dread that day just as much as I want it to finally come.
Alright, let's end with something lighter...this is the beginning of a possible short story that demanded to be put into words, and started as random rambling in my most favorite discord-server 🤭💙
It was late at night when I heard a distant 'meow'. Weird, considering that I live in a building where no pets are allowed...but yet here I was, listening to these feline sounds. Where did it come from, and most importantly - how? How was that possible? I live on the fifth floor and a cat in the hallway would've been noticed by my neighbors. Especially Mr. Wilkinson, who was always on the lookout for possible rule breakers to report them to the landlord.
I groaned and decided that I wouldn't be able to fall asleep now anyway, so I got up and searched for the source of these unusual sounds in my apartment.
But when I entered the kitchen, something changed: it was quiet - absolutely quiet. I wasn’t able to hear anything, not even my own movements, and that was quite an unpleasant feeling. I'm not a person that's easy to impress, or scare, but this situation made me feel a bit…uncomfortable. The wind at my windows, the noise of the city, the creaking old walls of this house, the snores of the kind lady next door, my other neighbor's TV, the buzzing of my fridge, my breath, my heartbeat, any sign of the world - gone. As if everything stopped existing altogether. As if I was living in a thick, deafening vacuum with no way out. Ironically, I was holding my breath while I tried to find out which otherworldly thing caused this unsettling situation, when suddenly…‘meow’.
I jumped higher than humanly possible, frightened and with a high-pitched shriek. What the fuck was happening here? What did I walk into? I should have listened to my mother when she told me not to live alone…or at least not in this apartment, where the previous tenant passed away and wasn’t found for almost two weeks. Mr. Wilkinson, that nosy neighbor with no sense of privacy, felt the need to tell me everything about my predecessor on my first day in my new home, and that she definitely had a pet, against every rule, but always denied it. Well, a pet was never found, the suspected pet owner on the other hand…what a warm welcome.
‘Meooooow…’ Again! Where did that come from? I turned around, trying to locate the direction of those laments, but it was quiet again.
That's it for now 🤭 I hope you liked some of them...
thank you for the ask ♡
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𝔂𝓸𝓾'𝓻𝓮 𝓶𝔂 𝓸𝓷𝓵𝔂 𝓰𝓲𝓻𝓵
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♡ pairing: yoongi x reader (established relationship) ♡ rating: G ♡ genre: domestic fluff ♡ au: summer job ♡ tw: n/a ♡ wc: ~0.8k ♡ track: Miss Right ~ BTS: “I told you many qualifications about my Miss Right, but why you’re my Miss Right is… you are… just you.”
♡ summary: Yoongi specifically took this day off of work because he knew you needed to take a day off. So let him take care of you, goddammit.
♡ an: thanks to @daydreamer-writing for creating this prompt for me. i love you!! this is also going to be a kind of sequel to sugarplum sweetheart, but you don't need to have read that one first. 14 Valen-tans Days masterlist ♡♡ main masterlist
Yoongi woke up to an empty bed and the smell of coffee brewing from the kitchen. He groaned, squeezing his eyes shut as he blindly reached for his phone to check the time. He wasn't even fully awake and the sun hadn't even fully risen yet, and there were already at least two things wrong with the day: coffee was brewing, and the bed was empty.
Yoongi loved you. Yoongi loved you so much that sometimes he didn't know what to do with himself. He forever owed Jimin and his girlfriend for introducing the two of you. You fit together like puzzle pieces or movies and popcorn or a thousand other things he could compare you to.
Right now, however, he was comparing you to an alarm that he thought he turned off but it somehow was still ringing.
You worked as a daycare teacher throughout the year, but you picked up a second job during the summer to make some extra money in the flourishing tourist scene. The problem is that Yoongi would describe you as a workaholic who didn't stop until someone forced you to.
Sighing, tossed his phone to the side and sat up. Today was supposed to be your day off. Yoongi had taken this day off specifically to make sure that you didn't do anything too strenuous. You were right on the verge of working yourself to sickness, and he told you last night that you couldn't get out of bed until after he did.
He knew you felt guilty when you spent time resting, but that was why he was here.
Yoongi walked quietly to the kitchen and took a moment just to watch you. The coffee was done and you were sipping at it slowly while you were dancing around preparing breakfast. You looked like a mess, but you were a hot mess and you were all his.
You needed to go back to bed and get some more sleep.
He padded across the floor and draped himself across your back as you mixed the pancake batter. You let out a quiet giggle. "You're not usually up this early."
"And I told you not to be up this early and that I would take care of things today." He didn't have to be looking at you to know you were rolling your eyes.
"I'm fine, Yoonie," you insisted, trying to hide a sniff. "It's just breakfast."
It was Yoongi's turn to roll his eyes at you. He reached around you to gently pull the whisk from your hand. "And I will finish this while you go back to sleep."
You turned around in his arms and wrapped yours around his shoulders. Yoongi could so clearly see the dark circles beneath your eyes. You needed rest, why were you being so stubborn?
(If the tables were turned, you'd be thinking the same things about him. You had pulled Yoongi from his studio after not seeing him for four days straight, usually with Hobi or Namjoon for backup).
"Yoonie~~" you drew out, "I'm fine, I promise. I'm capable of making breakfast."
"That's not what I said." He kissed the tip of your nose. "Jagiya, this is your first day off in months. Please let me take care of you this time."
He wasn't playing fair. Yoongi knew how hard it was for you to accept help from others, but he also knew you had a hard time telling him no when he so gently begged.
You sighed and laid your head on his shoulders. "I'll go back to bed after breakfast." Yoongi let out a small chuckle. That was fair. The batter was already made, and he didn't want the coffee to go cold. Although, between the two of you, even if it did it wouldn't go to waste.
"Alright, but no more coffee for you."
"Fine." You made no effort to move, content to be leaning against your boyfriend, and said boyfriend normally wouldn't mind, but—
"Jagiya, I need to move so I can make you breakfast." You groaned, but let him go, going to sit down at the table. "I'll be fast, okay? And then I'll wrap myself around you like a koala and we'll take an amazing morning nap together." You let out a sound of agreement and rested your head on your arms.
Yoongi worked quickly, whipping up and cooking the pancakes, even adding some scrambled eggs and bacon. He wasn't going to just let you have some basic-ass breakfast, he was going to go all out for you. You more than deserved it.
Right as he started plating the food to deliver to you, he heard a small snore behind him. Yoongi turned, and you were fast asleep, hunched over on the table. He let out a breathy laugh and set the plate down on the counter.
He gently shook you just awake enough to help you walk back to the bedroom and climb into bed. Hurrying back to the kitchen, he wrapped everything up and stored it in the fridge. Breakfast for lunch sounded just as good.
Then Yoongi went back to join you in bed, wrapping himself around you like a koala, and decided he could use a nap today too.
thanks for reading!!
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weafurry · 9 months
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(Sorry I didn't get to this till now it was late when I saw the ask and I didn't wanna answer it while I was half asleep. Also apparently tumblr doesn't let you edit asks anymore?? )
Leaving this under a cut tho cuz I know this shit will get LONG
ANYWAYS. The. Big one related to that™ post came from a combination of me wondering how the FUCK Cedric got the yellow phosphor needed to rebuild proto + consequences of the revival of characters my beloved
And uh. Yea any yellow phosphor he does end up getting his hands on I. DOUBT WOULD BE ENOUGH.
So uh. Proto being rebuilt with less yellow phosphor then is probably even remotely adviseable and that causing a whole ton of issues™ . And Cedric not even knowing cuz of the whole just. Scanning the blueprints in.
Also this is proto we're talking about here. There's no fucking way he'd tell anyone until shit got BAD.
LEMME JUST. Screenshots from when I was brainrotting over this in my first OneShot fixation
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And yea. The author probably would have had yellow phosphor stored in the lab somewhere just incase. (Esp with the head canon that. Proto predicted his own death a long time ago cuz. Prophet moment. And. Told the author and the prophet but never cedric and rue cuz everytime he went to he would get another vision of them trying to intervene and things only going worse)
BUT. since I want my angst goddammit. That part of the lab collapsed first and while Cedric was abled to salvage some yellow phosphor it ends up not being enough.
BUT LIKE. YEA. the way I always imagined Cedric and Rue actually finding out is. One of those moments where a bunch of errors and shit happens . Happens when him Cedric and Rue are walking in the refuge. And this one's bad enough that he can't just metaphorically grit his teeth through it like the other times this has happened in public. Once it's over Cedric and Rue are reasonably extremely concerned and. Fuckin rush him to the lab to try and see if there something they can do to fix this.
AND UH. That segways into another little detail of this headcanon. BECAUSE. he let this go on for so long with the damage all the errors and malfunctions overtime have caused. It probably would just be better to rebuild him and reuse the yellow phosphor they already have. BUT UH. since the situation around him being rebuilt made it so stressful the first time around, he. REALLY doesn't wanna do that again. I have. Such a vivid idea of a scene in my head for that. They're like. Talking with kip. And shes like halfway through saying the word rebuild and. She doesn't even get to finish he just cuts her off.
So what they end up doing is, in the meantime, using red phosphor to prevent any further damage until they can go to the barrens to get blue phosphor so said phosphor won't have to be replaced as often.
I ACTUALLY. made a dumb little chart of how. I imagined them looking different a few days ago
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I imagine that. Actually having a normal level of phosphor would. Definitely HELP. But. There would still be some issues partially because it's not one uniform type of phosphor and partially because of the damage the issues caused. And you couldnt pry this headcanon out of my cold dead hands. Consequences of the revival of characters go brrrrrrr
AND THEN UH. Don't get me started on the night terrors as a result of the whole squares thing headcanons.
that whole thing. Came from me going. "do robots still need sleep?" and ultimately deciding yes when i came up with the other headcanon that. only tamed robots dream.
When I made this headcanon I actually hadnt played solstice in a while, and for some reason I always remembered it as, him handing Niko the disk while the lower half of his body was already in the squares. which. no he actually hands it to them while the squares are directly behind him BUT. I still choose to remember it that way HSHSH. anyways uh. Important and related to this headcanon. He remembers what that feels likeeee. and hes probably the only oneee because in the solstice ending everyone only sayss they remember the squares surrounding themm not actually touching themmm and even robots who have gotten caught in them and liveed probably dont rememberrr especially since most of them arent tameddd and uhh even if he only remembers the beginning of ittt hes probably really good at filling in the gapss with the whole prophet thingg (thanks @malwarechips for that last idea/silly)
ANYWAYS UHm. so the whole. tamed robots dreaming thing right. HIM. having night terrors about the fucking squares.
I always imagined it as like. about a week after solstice, once things are starting to calm down and return to normal, one night cedric and rue wake up to proto just fuckin screaming at the top of his (metaphorical) lungs. And. they fuckin burst into his room to him tossing and turning in his sleep and then fucking jolting awake. and like.this keeps happening like. practically every other night. he's losing sleep over this shit. Which probably isn't helping all the other issues from the whole phosphor ordeal which he still hasn't told Cedric or Rue about at this point. And I mean. I doubt the nightmares would be restricted to just. in the mines. cuz dreams are weird like that esp when traumas involved AND UH. With the whole prophet thing. That. PROBABLY WOULDNT MIX WELL. (once again thanks eve for that last part/silly)
(On a lighter note I did have the thought of Cedric and Rue sleeping in his room one night and him actually finally getting a good nights sleep and thus that just. Becoming routine for them. The thing about my angsty headcanons is 99% of the time there's hurt/comfort potential in there)
I DO HAVE. some more lighthearted not angsty headcanons, but i wanna save most of those for their own posts cuz theyre small enough that i can actually draw them and finish them.
I will say one more though. this one is 100% projection but *points at proto* chronic migraines
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cottagecorezemo · 3 months
uuughhhh so I've had some health stuff going on this whole year, multiple new medications and all that, so I haven't written since APRIL. Just haven't had the spoons or the drive or the social impetus or fannish juice or anything like that fueling me. (Barely managed to write what I did in the spring, too.)
BUT last night I started working on a wip and was writing for about three hours WHEN MY LAPTOP BLUESCREENED. It's the worst laptop I've ever had and does this at random, and I know it, but I was in the flow state... and couldn't remember the last time I'd saved.
I don't have the writing stamina, the GAS, the OOMPH, the CHUTZPAH, to lose this much work and be able to recover! You know???
Even when I'm writing a ton and those mental muscles are in great shape and the gears are all lubed up, this would be a bit of a blow. To lose a significant chunk of writing. But I am not in great writing shape right now. I'm writing on low battery power, and experiencing the world from behind a weird plastic curtain of med fog. It's hard for me to even start, and everything I write is incoherent zero draft that needs a lot of editing to become even first draft quality, and if I think about what I've written too much, I hate it and trash it and feel bad and don't even try again for a while.
So to have written at all in the first place... and then lose it to the random blue screen of death...
Unfortunately I was a poor kid who grew up without word processing programs fancier than Wordpad and now I still don't use them, even though I have them. So I wasn't using an app with autosave. No temporary files were kept on my hard drive. The writing I lost was just gooone.
But to my immense relief, I found I had last saved half an hour before my lappy ate shit. I'd saved just after completing a scene, on total autopilot. The new scene I had just started was all gone, but I still had the scene I'd edited, reworked, and finished.
I rewrote what I had of the scene before having to tap out.
I'm so grateful. To have written. To have finished a scene, and saved it. To have had enough battery left in me to rewrite what I'd lost.
That was deeply demoralizing for a good ten minutes, but ultimately could have been way worse.
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tobiasdrake · 11 months
Well, chief. I guess this is it. Thanks for everything, and I'll see you aro-- Oh, we aren't finished yet.
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Hypothetically speaking, if you were going to be alone with a man who might try to kill you, what size of knife would you carry on your person and where would you stash it? Asking for a friend.
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Are you, though? You know in a Saturday Morning Cartoon when the adult guardian goes, "The plot is happening but YOU will go to your room and behave yourself. You will NOT slip out and go do the thing."
But this is like episode 87 and we all know they're going to slip out and go do the thing anyway so, really, saying this is just a formality at this point?
That's your level of authority, Yakou. Thank you so much for saving my life from my terrible mistakes last chapter; Anyways, back to doing the things that got me in trouble in the first place!
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I'll write him a note and leave it in Halara's hotel room, along with an IOU formally requesting that they deliver it to Yakou upon confirmation of my death.
I obviously won't be able to pay the IOU but at this point I'm pretty sure Halara only cares about the optics of charging money.
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Kurumi, I took you to meet my dangerous, ambiguous wildcard contact. There's a 50/50 chance he's going to tie you to a chair and dangle you over a vat of acid before all is said and done. We are well past the point where something as innocuous as worry is inappropriate.
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OH THANK GOD. Of Death. Literally. Thank you for finally ending this awkward quasi-farewell, Shinigami.
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We're running out of good ideas to escape from this sub. This is one step above pointing behind Yakou and shouting, "LOOK, A FALSE LEAD!" then bolting when he turns around.
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Because then it will spoil. The best kinds of evidence have an expiration date!
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Yuma finally proving that abandoning all pretense and bailing at the speed of feet is, and always has been, a viable option for dodging Yakou's paper-thin attempts at professional responsibility.
Sorry, man, but you-
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HAHAHAHA OKAY, Yuma made me laugh but I was unprepared for Kurumi to then also bolt out the door. XD Run, guys! Yakou looks like he maxes out at a shamble! A brisk jogging pace should do!
To be fair, she does not work here. It'd be uncomfortable for her to stick around someone else's workspace without her one and only connection to this place.
Sorry, Yakou. As hard as you're going to kiss her ass, Kurumi is not interested in becoming your intern. She's here for Yuma. And she is as much of a troublemaker.
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I legit did not turn the camera to check the fireplace. He may have been here for this entire scene thus far.
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I KNOW RIGHT!? We need to put a bell on him. Wait, no, bell only chimes when you move. ...one of those perpetual motion clicky ball sets that managers have on their desk to make them look important. He can wear it around his neck.
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You heard as much as Yakou, man. Yuma was super cryptic and then fled.
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*sigh* Okay, what's Desuhiko pulling this time, Vivia? Is the pale blue blink supposed to be Fubuki? But then the storm would be... him getting the shit kicked out of him....
Ugh, I don't have time for his shenanigans, I have a trap to go die in.
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For a man who was all gung-ho about box cutting my throat out, you sure don't seem to be in any rush to do it. I think Vivia used up all of his energy trying to stand up dramatically.
How are you going to feel if I die before you have a chance to kill me, Vivia? Can you live with that regret? Or... I guess, since you want to die someday, maybe not being able to live with that regret would be a good thing.
I guess. Keep doing what you're doing and hope for the worst, my guy. Power of positive thinking!
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whichuniverseisthis · 7 months
It's THAT chapter. Beware of spoilers!
First - Vs Lopunny
Previous - Final dimentional duel II
Next - Final dimentional duel IV
Last - Final dimentional duel XI
Chapter 17 / Chapter 433
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At this point point I won't analyze anything anymore, I'll just point out stupid stuff like her "Hooray!" over her completely serious face.
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I still find amazing that "time", "space" and "matter" were already listed as Pryce's, Lance's and Giovanni's objectives back in the GSC arc, when the fourth gen games didn't even exist yet. I don't know how long did it take for Johto to finish its run, but I highly doubt it ended anywhere after 2005.
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My favorite part of these two in the manga is that Volkner isn't depressed, he's just a piece of shit who likes to make fun of others. And they totally did stuff together.
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A little bit of Pearl appreciation who can understand Giratina's movements right away. I would be terrified at the idea of challenging that thing.
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This is the part where I say: oh no. Actually, the protagonist of the book I'm reading does exactly this, which is a pretty funny coincidence.
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Dia, no, go back, Dia-
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Goddammit. Yes, I'm putting this entire scene, fuck you.
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This is the part where my heart broke in a thousand pieces all over again. Pearl only wants to hear Dia joke so badly. He wants to see the life in him. He just wants to have fun with him. This is the part where you remember they're just kids, not even strong trainers like Red or Green. And yet they're forced to fight and basically die.
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Knowing what comes after, the characterization they gave Regigigas is so cool. A Pokémon that was asked to keep the peace, and following the instruction to the bitter end.
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eclipsedrawsthings · 4 months
Alrighty I finished so let me just type my nerdy analysis through my tears
First off, I went in knowing this was a tragedy (unlike my poor partner, who got smacked over the head with the ending), and this granted me the ability to See The Foreshadowing. Man this show uses the structure of tragedies well.
We are entering the nerd zone. Final warning. I am about to bring up Shakespeare.
In Romeo and Juliet, there’s a specific tipping point that changes the play from a comedy (in the Shakespearean sense) to a tragedy—Mercutio’s death about halfway through act three. After Mercutio dies, there’s no hope for a happy ending; the dominos are in motion and there’s no way to stop it.
Shorter is Mercutio. After he dies, there’s no way to have a happy ending. Heck, he even dies at about the same point in the story—roughly halfway through!
Speaking of Shorter’s death, it’s a perfect example of a tragic scene: one small change could have changed the outcome, but there’s no way of knowing of it would be for the better or for the worse. What would’ve happened if Ash had shot him in the arm or the shoulder, instead of the heart? Maybe it would have stopped him, at least long enough for another solution to come to light, but maybe it wouldn’t have! Maybe he would’ve grabbed the knife in his other hand and killed Eiji—Ash only had one bullet. Maybe the outcome we got, as heartbreaking as it was, was the best possible outcome!
I can’t stop turning the scene in my head, tugging on all the threads to see if anything could have been different, but at the same time… Shorter was already dead the moment he got dosed with Banana Fish. (Another very well-done scene by the way—extremely visceral, especially for someone like me who’s squicked out by needles.)
Moving on from Shorter, Ash and Eiji’s relationship is done fantastically. It’s so easy to imagine them together and happy a few years down the line, partly because they already seem like they’ve been together for years. I love all of the scenes of their morning banter—they’re so full of this feeling of “I love this person so much but goddammit do they know exactly how to get on my nerves” that I love in fictional couples because it’s so real. It’s Han Solo and Princess Leia, it’s Miracle Max and Valerie, it’s my mom and my dad.
And I love the way Ash grows as a character, and how it ties into his relationship with Eiji. Just—the way Eiji meets Ash at his lowest and sees something in him worth loving, which in turn makes Ash want to prove him right—it’s the way loving and being loved by someone makes you want to be better, so you can be the person they see when they look at you.
And the fact that they work so well together makes the ending hurt all the worse. If you’ll excuse my quoting The Princess Bride: “You truly love each other, so you might have been truly happy. Not one couple in a century has that chance.”
Switching gears to the art style—there was something about it that was tugging on my brain, and about four episodes in I realized what it was: stylistically, it looks vintage. If you slapped a noise filter over it and maybe changed how the eyes are rendered, Banana Fish would look like it came from the same era as AKIRA. Based on my vary vague knowledge of AKIRA (I read the first volume of the manga, didn’t particularly like it and understood very little of what was going on 😅) I have to wonder if that was deliberate, since my vague understanding is that AKIRA’s plot also involves shadowy organizations and super soldier drugs.
Not really sure how to end this ramble… basically my thesis statement is that this show hurts you by coming so close to a happy ending that was never actually in reach. Also, as cool as the art style is, it makes it a pain for me personally to try and draw these characters, since my own style is very different XD
Peace out, I’m gonna try and stop crying before I have to leave for work ✌️
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im-a-goddamn-cat · 1 year
Neggie/Negan Smith x Maggie Rhee || Rated: E || Words: 2.7 || CW: Canon-Typical Violence
Summary: Alternate take on the fight scene in S1E6 of Dead City; Negan and Maggie's fight takes a steamy turn.
A/N: Hi. Me again with yet another neggie fight scene smut fic. I watched the final episode a few days ago the day it came out on AMC+ and it ruined me emotionally (in a good way) so I needed to write some smut to ease myself. I had been so excited for this fight scene ever since I heard about it and it was just as intense and erotic as I dreamed it would be so of course I had to write this lmao.
Anyways, enjoy! :]
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"Goddammit Maggie, we don't have to do this," Negan tried reasoning with Maggie as she approached him in a threatening manner, knife in hand. Currently they were at a shipyard and were suspended many feet in the air on nothing but a wooden plank on some steel beams with dozens of walkers growling underneath them. When Negan had realized that Maggie was planning to betray him and hand him over to The Croat for her son in return, she attacked him, hoping to subdue him so that she could deliver him. Instead of fully fighting back, he stunned her, threw her down to the ground and ran away, and that's how they ended up in this situation. He didn't mean to get them stuck here but it was the only place to go and he really didn't want to fight her, which is why he's trying to talk her down.
Maggie was hellbent on finishing what she started. There was a part of her that was starting to feel guilty about planning to betray Negan and hand him over to The Croat but she was desperate to get her son back. She ignored Negan's request, instead opting to try slashing him with her knife again. Negan dodged her blows and grabbed her, kneed her in the stomach, and shoved her to the ground again like he did earlier. She almost fell off the ledge into the pit of walkers, which sent a bolt of fear through her and put a pit in Negan's stomach, but she managed to pull herself up before he could even move to help her. She slowly moved to stand up and when she did, she still had the same fire in her eyes that said she wanted to attack him.
"Stop… Stop!" Negan pleaded with her. He really didn't want to hurt her but she was making this difficult. If she didn't stand down, this was possibly going to end with one of or both of them dead and he didn't want that. Maggie realized this too but at this moment, she was too concerned with getting her son back to care. She yet again ignored Negan and raised her knife towards him, aiming to stab him in the shoulder. He grabbed her arm, stopping the blade from making contact with him but before he could dodge it, she used her other hand to push his arm away and went to stab him again, this time succeeding.
"Ahh!" Negan yelled out in pain as the blade sunk into his shoulder. In a sudden moment of rage at the attack, he slapped her hand off the handle of the knife and kicked her in the stomach hard enough to send her flying off the side of the ledge and down onto a bunch of old supplies that were covered by a tarp. Maggie landed on her back with a loud thud and without hesitation, Negan pulled the knife out of his shoulder and jumped down onto the same thing she landed on right as she rolled off onto the barge full of various crates and barrels they had ended up on, coughing as she tried to catch her breath from the impact knocking the wind out of her.
Maggie sat up and when she saw that Negan was coming at her, she began scooting backwards to get away. She quickly stood up and removed her backpack for better agility. Negan noticed what she was doing and followed suit, removing his backpack as well. Maggie grabbed the other knife she had in her holster, and raised her arm to stab at Negan again but before she could, he managed to grab her arm and pull her close to him, using his other hand to press his knife against her throat. Maggie gasped and froze in place at being subdued. "Drop it," Negan growled in her ear, referring to the knife still in her hand. Maggie gulped and let out a shaky breath, reaching up to grab at his arm that was holding the knife with her other hand. He was so close to her that his gravelly voice had trickled right into her ear and she could feel his breath on her face as he spoke. She swore his nose briefly brushed against her cheek by accident as well. His body was pressed against hers as he held her still, his grip on her arm tight. Maggie felt a surge of heat flow through her at the realization of how close they were and a small whimper escaped her throat.
What the fuck is wrong with you?! Maggie scolded herself in her head. Here she was being threatened with a knife to her throat by her husband's murderer and she was getting turned on? Maggie mentally slapped herself. She would never confess to it out loud but she had started becoming attracted to Negan. She doesn't know if it was because she had no one else or if she was just finally going insane but for whatever reason, she's drawn to him. She hates herself for it on a normal day but especially during a moment like this.
Negan noticed the noise she made and his face briefly softened in confusion. He then noticed that her face was red as if she was blushing and that she was breathing very heavily. Is she aroused? As soon as the thought entered his mind, he realized how silly it was. He was trying to ignore it but being this close to her was affecting him. He'd always been attracted to her but he knew she would never feel the same about him. No, there's no way, he reminded himself. He shook those thoughts away and focused back on her, realizing that she hadn't responded to him.
"I said drop it, Maggie," Negan warned her again. Maggie snapped out of her thoughts at hearing his voice again. She contemplated her options for a moment before quickly leaning away from him as she yanked her arm out of his hold and smacked the knife out of his hand with her other hand. She backed up a little, getting ready to attack again, before Negan ran up and shoved her up against one of the large crates around them. The impact caused her to drop her knife as well and when Negan noticed, he kicked it away from them. Negan grabbed her wrists and pinned them against the crate.
Maggie instantly began struggling to get out of his hold but to no avail. "Stop it, Maggie, stop, I don't want to fight you…" he kept repeating to try calming her down. She didn't listen and continued to squirm until one lift of her hips met his and she felt something hard. Negan groaned and Maggie instantly froze in shock. She looked into his eyes and saw a mixture of concern and… Lust.
"You… Are you… You sick fuck," Maggie spat out in anger. Why she was mad at him when she was feeling the same thing, she didn't know, but she was. Negan squinted at her, seemingly studying her appearance. He suddenly pressed his hips into hers, causing her to let out a faint moan, and he smirked, realizing that his suspicions from earlier were actually correct.
"Me? I'm the sick fuck? You were the one practically creaming your pants when you had a knife to your throat," he teased her. A wave of embarrassment washed over Maggie knowing that he was right and she looked away from him. "It's okay, darlin', we all have our kinks… I certainly enjoyed it too."
She looked back at him and saw his shit-eating grin at his own remark. "Fuck you," she said. She tried putting some venom behind her words but it ended up coming out more like a whimper as she was still all worked up. She didn't want to let him know that though.
Unfortunately for her, he noticed the arousal in her tone. "If you insist." He dared to try something that very well might get her to kill him once and for all. He released one of her wrists and moved his hand down to cup her groin. He pressed his palm up against where he guessed her clit was and she let out a gasp. When she didn't object, he undid the belt and buttons on her pants and reached his hand inside under her panties. His fingers teased through the curls there before finding her heat and she was already dripping.
"Hmm, so wet for me already," Negan hummed in approval. He pressed a finger against her clit and she let out a whimper. He started rubbing her clit in circles and Maggie was panting at the contact, her arousal building further. "It's a shame that you were planning on handing me over to The Croat, Maggie," Negan began speaking as he moved his hand down further, finding her entrance and entering a finger into her. He began thrusting into her and Maggie whimpered. When she seemed ready, which didn't take long as she was already so worked up, he added another finger and Maggie moaned in approval. "We could've done it, we could've saved Hershel together. You and I, we get shit done." He changed the position of the thrusts of his fingers inside her until he hit a spot that had her moan loudly. "Fuck," she gasped out. "But you're so god. damn. stubborn," he punctuated each word with a thrust of his fingers on that same spot, making Maggie whimper, before continuing his normal pace. "That you still can't let the past go. And you shouldn't." He continued to hit that spot inside her as he pleasured her, driving her crazy. Maggie was moaning continuously now, the pressure building inside her. "But fuck, Maggie, you and me, we make one hell of a badass team." For some reason, those words are what pushed her over the edge. She moaned out and her wetness seeped out all over Negan's hand as she came. Negan smirked. "But I think you already know that." He leaned in and kissed her once she came down from her high. She did know that he was right but she couldn't admit it, not even to herself.
Negan pulled away from her lips to look at her. He let go of her wrist and removed his fingers from her. He brought his fingers up to his mouth and began licking and sucking her juices from them. He moaned at the sweet taste of her and another surge of heat spread through Maggie as she watched him taste her. Maggie suddenly pulled his hand from his mouth and grabbed him by his shirt, crashing her lips onto his. Negan moaned and when his mouth opened, Maggie took the opportunity to snake her tongue in his mouth. Negan quickly caught on and moved his tongue with hers, tasting her. They frantically explored each other's mouths, unable to get enough of each other.
Maggie moved her hand down to the front of Negan's pants feeling the bulge there. She squeezed him through his clothes and Negan moaned. Negan pulled away from the kiss and looked around the area briefly before grabbing onto the back of her shirt and maneuvering her to where he wanted her. He bent her over a different smaller crate and pulled her pants and underwear down around her ankles. He unbuckled his own belt and pulled his own pants and underwear down as well. He stroked his cock a few times, spreading his pre-cum over himself, before lining himself up with her entrance. He pushed into her to the hilt and both of them moaned in unison. Her pussy clenched around him, the feeling of being so full after going so long without someone felt so good. She was so hot and tight around him, the feeling was driving Negan crazy but he let her adjust to him for a moment before he pulled out and thrust back in. They both moaned again at the feeling. Negan started at a slow pace before building up to a faster one.
"Fuck, Maggie, you're so fucking tight," he moaned out. "If I had known how fucking good your pussy would feel around my dick, I probably would've tried getting into your pants sooner." Maggie whimpered at that. Negan moved the hair on the back of her neck aside and leaned down over her back to kiss the back of her neck. He nipped at her skin and Maggie subconsciously tipped her head to the side, exposing the side of her neck. Negan moved to that area, latching onto the skin there and sucking, marking her. Maggie moaned at the feeling. She began trying to move her hips in time with his thrusts as best as she could from the position she was in but she couldn't get much leverage.
"Ah, Negan… More, please," she begged. She wasn't even sure what she was begging for, and she felt embarrassed for even begging him of all people, but she knew she needed something. Negan moved to stand up straight again and grabbed onto her hips. He adjusted the angle of his trusts until Maggie made a noise that sounded like a mixture of a gasp and a whimper, letting him know he'd found her sweet spot again. He moaned himself at hearing that sound and began fucking her faster than before. Besides the waves of the water around them and the snarling of the walkers behind them, all that could be heard was their moans and the sound of skin slapping against skin.
Maggie clawed at the crate as Negan fucked her mercilessly. She was moaning consistently and getting closer to her release with every thrust of his cock inside her. "Don't stop," she whimpered. Negan reached a hand under her and found her clit, rubbing the little bundle of nerves, and that was the last push she needed to go over the edge. Maggie moaned loudly as she came, her pussy spasming around Negan's cock as he fucked her through her orgasm. Negan moaned loudly and a surge of heat pulsed through him at the feeling, sight and sound of her coming undone. "Oh fuck, good girl," he panted out. Another spasm and wave of pleasure washed through Maggie at his praise.
After she finished, he pulled his hand away from her clit and put it back on her hip. He began moaning continuously and his thrusts started becoming erratic as he chased his own release. The feeling of her was better than Negan could have ever imagined. Maybe it was because he had been lusting after her for longer than he cared to admit, but every thrust into her was heavenly. Maggie purposely clenched her muscles down on him and it pushed him over the edge. Negan let out a drawn out moan as he came inside of her, filling her up.
They stayed where they were for a moment to catch their breath and come down from their highs when all of a sudden they heard voices and noises that sounded like people approaching. Maggie looked back at Negan and they shared a look of non-verbal communication, knowing that the other was thinking the same thing. The Croat is here. Negan pulled out of her and they scrambled to get their pants and underwear back up. They did so just in time when the group of people arrived where they were, with The Croat being among them just like they thought he would.
Maggie quickly grabbed one of the knives that was forgotten on the ground and put it up against Negan's throat. He looked at her and he seemed amused that she was still going along with her plan but there was also a feeling of sadness in his eyes at her betrayal as well. The guilt that Maggie had been pushing down resurfaced but she kept the knife on him. She knew that she had to continue with her plan even if it was shameful for her. Almost as shameful as the mark on her neck and the cum leaking out of her into her panties.
A/N: I had to change and rearrange some of the dialogue from the ep to fit with what I wanted to write, I hope it still works/makes sense. Also sorry if there's any mistakes, I wrote this mostly on little to no sleep.
Anyways, thank you for reading! <3
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Sunset to midday: Shinkane in daylight
So this screenshot is the thing that made me finally put together this post:
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Cuz where is Kogami? On a balcony. And it looks like it is after dark, which makes the Inner Nerd in me go Squee! because they might be playing this into the overall parallels of balconies and sunlight that make this post tick.
The sunlight--or lack thereof--reflects their feelings in specific Shinkane scenes. Now, it’s not all Shinkane scenes, of course, and if I missed anything, please let me know.
Thanks for prodding me to finish this, @shikkokans​. It took me A LONG WHILE, and I kept forgetting to post it for a long time (RIP me) but! Here it is.
So, my other disclaimer: this is a Shinkane blog. Other PP ships are of course Very Cool and Very Awesome and Very Sexy, but Shinkane is, of course, the lens I am going to light this up, just like how Kogami lights his smokes. Cool? Cool.😊
Akane learns about Kogami’s fall from high-paid Inspector to super-depressed Enforcer about a third of the way through Season 1. Here she is, standing on the afternoon balcony* as Gino delivers the news:
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The skyline here has a lot of yellow, but some purple / pink is JUST (and I mean just) visible in the bottom left corner as the early afternoon creeps on. Keep that in mind for later.
Some Shit Happens, and Kogami breaks his promise to her to be a detective and escapes to kill Makishima. And here she is, in the Middle of All That Shit, reading his goodbye letter as early evening (i think of this as about 5 pm? golden hour, I guess?) sets in across the city:
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It’s yellow, yes, and blue, and the purple is creeping in on the right side. Much more colorful than the last instance, yes? Also: Goddammit, Kogami.
Akane is Absolutely Not Giving Up, so she makes it her mission to track him down. More Shit Happens and she succeeds, but in a way that smashes her faith in her own constructed society. To catch Kogami she has made a deal with the Sibyl System. (Now, Akane doesn’t read to me a character to break her promises, but who knows? Also, I wouldn't extend that same courtesy to the System.) When she finds Kogami, Akane works with him to try and bring down Makishima, even though their perspectives don’t necessarily align. As this happens, the sun begins to set across the valley.
It does not go super well for her.
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The violet / purple is pretty strong here, against the gold in the sky and of the hyper oat field, all below the various pinks and reds of the setting sun. (This is also the scene where we see Kogami’s concern for her reflected in his eyes.) Kogami almost loses his shit when he sees her clinging to the back of that truck. When he reaches her after the crash and calms himself down, he leaves her on the tarmac. Then, he takes back Masaoka’s gun and gives chase. As the sun sets, Kogami catches up to and shoots Makishima, forcing them (read: Shinkane) into darkness.
(Also: romantic or platonic, tell me that’s not love.)
The next time she tracks him down, it’s blue blue blue at the movie’s midnight.
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She is seen here, practicing Romeo, oh Romeo on this balcony. (I kid.) There is no way Kogami is coming back to Japan, of course. But she still had to try.
Also, as a side note, in the beginning of S1 the show features her walking behind him and quite specifically looking for his advice. In this, her back is to him while he looks to her for advice, a reversal of their usual positions. (Development baby!)
So, the next screenshot is from Sinners of the System. We get a reflective Kogami, here, staring at the rising sun:
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Again, notice the purple and the pink pushing away the deep blue of midnight. (This is the shot that started this whole deal, since the color palate is so similar to other Shinkane-focused scenes, and here we are.) My own super lame joke is that this is him realizing the dawn of his own feelings for Akane; but don’t be me, dudes. Take it as you will.
So, he agrees to go back to Japan at the end of Sinners, only to find Akane locked up in a detention center. The audience (me; I’m the audience) has no idea why she is in the detention center, but there she is.
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This was . . . not the reunion he had in mind. The only light here is faded and yellow and artificial (which brings to mind their movie meeting on the midnight balcony; but this is somehow worse . . . and hey, check out those iron bars stationed between them). Keep in mind that they don’t face each other in this scene, until the very end.
But! With some finagling from Homura, Akane is eventually released. Here is what she sees to greet her:
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Look at the sunlight as she escapes her cage:
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Now she can finally face him in the full sunlight, one on one, to tell him . . . they are getting lunch. I mean, Kogami is surprised, too. (Her top looks like a heart, here, and think of who she is with . . . either way, SUPER cute.) But, considering where she is going, it’s still nice to return to normal for just a little while with one of her favorite people.
Kogami obliges.*
So there you go: the track of the sun mirroring their developing relationship.
I’m nervous and excited to find out what happened / what will happen between them when the next part releases, and I’ll be hanging on for all 30 of those seconds. Until then, thanks for reading! 😊
*A lot of this happens on balconies . . . like in that famous scene from that play . . . and if you couple that with Target: Juliette from the film . . . it makes me SUPER nervous, is all I’m saying.
*So in English "going out to eat” can be understood in two ways. One is clear, the other is NSFW. Now, I don’t know Japanese or have any idea if this is at all or in any way intentional. But in my headcanon, they are indulging in some NSFW fine dining.
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