#NOT because (a) other cultures are nice to look at and you can borrow it like through clothes dances food songs religion
kingsandbastardz · 8 months
So for basically my whole life I'd grown up with and was resigned to accept that the chinese concept of formal/nice clothing of my and the previous generation has been western clothes. So at any awards ceremonies or performances, entertainers would show up mostly in western suits/dresses and maaaaaybe you'll spot the occasional cheongsam if they're going for a Wong Fei Hong vibe. Which, you know, kinda sucks if you have any concept of western cultural imperialism in asia.
So when the hanfu revivalist movement started, I was waiting to see when it would enter the mainstream -- my hope was for fashion designers to integrate traditional/dynastic elements into their work and make it common place enough that I can buy this shit online for ME. Because I WANT.
Though some of the designs can be a bit hit or miss, I am LOVING what various stars and entertainers are wearing out and about now.
Anyway - here's a collection of Xiao Shunyao's modern hanfu inspired/hybridized stage outfits from the last couple years. For his MLC performances, his stylists seem to be borrowing inspiration from his Di Feisheng and possibly other character costume silhouettes.
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I'd been seeing a few comments about how his outfits play with gender - and some of his outfits do! But I think the interesting thing to discuss is from which standard is he playing with gender? Because from a western perspective, the things he does with his western suit tops, belting on top of the jacket for a tightly cinched waist, and the addition of a trailing skirt = femme. But if you're talking from a hanfu-hybridized pov, that's just a modern take on hanfu and having any of those elements is not inherently femme and would often read masc to me.
So these things aren't necessarily gendered because they exist traditionally in chinese men's clothing or costume designs (ie video games, comics, historical fiction illustrations and film, etc, so therefore in the modern lexicon of masculine/acceptable for men):
presence or lack of a skirt
silky, velvety, gauzy or sparkly material choice, esp in formal or stage clothing
short or long length of skirt
flowers/floral/bird designs
folding fans
certain styles of makeup
beading, gold, tassels, jewels
non-chunky jewelry
widely flowing silhouettes
What XSY's stylists are doing with some western clothing items are interesting. I'm convinced there have been one or two western jacket tops made of thinner material that they're folding over the front, and belting down instead of buttoning (which then matches with his other outfits that are designed specifically to do this). Then they're adding a skirt, cloak or bracer element to it.
The western portions often bring a military minimalist feel which they balance with a more gauzy material in the skirt or cloak portions.
Things I think are playing with gender:
row 1 - image 1: red di feisheng-inspired outfit
The lace-up girdle is there to match the bracers in both material and style. And it's positioned to be similar to the heavy belt that Di Feisheng wears. HOWEVER. That style of girdle/corset-like clothing item can't be divorced from the modern idea of sexy leather corsets. So imo, this waist piece on that outfit was a choice. Especially when paired with his allergic-to-collars-higher-than-his-sternum necklines. And if you take into context how masculine yet female coded his character is in the drama, the whole look evokes that.
row 2, image 1: black western suit with belt on top, hat, cloak, black boots and not-visible but also a black tassel fringe skirt
Hat and cloak moves the intention of the outfit from western toward a more Asian slant, because alone, it looks like a western black suit with western heeled boots, cinched waist with a lady's belt (seated photoshoot) and western style tassel skirt. The suit top consists of a vest and a shrug-like sleeve portion that appears masculine at first glance. But take the shrug and pair it with the tassel skirt (I can't find the red carpet photos but here is a better view of the skirt when seated), and I think you got a look that's both intentionally edging toward the femme in a western sense but also confusing matters by hiding within the parameters of both western and chinese traditional male styling.
row 2 - image 2 : white asymetrical western jacket styled in a front fold-over style, gauze skirt, trailing pearl embellishments
The more traditional leaning version of this is the white outfit in row 3 that he wears to the Hi6 Hello Saturday variety show -- the skirt portion on that outfit is one I'd consider non-gendered. Row 1, images 2 and 3 are examples of masculine/neutral uses of gauze that plays with flow of form but isn't inherently femme. This stage outfit is very western-appearing masculine suiting, until you hit the skirt which is giving me long ballerina tie-on skirt with the additional swan/mermaid pearl strings. Imo, another example of deliberately using traditional masculine styling but switching it up with the combination of material choice and make that is feminine.
row 2, image 3: black space military boots, black suiting, black -silver ombre sequin trailing skirt and white gauzy shawl with black floral design
The over all design is going for a masculine military-feel. (think this outfit for shen langhun) But instead of a thicker military cloak, it's replaced with a woman's gauze shawl and a skirt that trails behind him very much like the back of a woman's formal fish-tail gown when he moves around. If you take into context Wang Herun's outfit is a white-silver sequined dress cut in a way to also give a space-military-queen vibe, imo they both coordinated their outfits to balance out with both femme and masc qualities.
Thoughts? I'm curious what others think about this.
While I wait for the CNY photoshoot for XSY's red and black look, here's him with his stage collaborators with a nice range of skirt lengths, period influences and material choices. The woman in the center is the one with the most military-fighter design out of the bunch. The dudes are all in variations of formal-wear-with-good-kicking-boots (and lots of crotch space).
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adragonsfriend · 3 months
There are no trash takes on Jedi philosophy, there is contextual analysis.
As may be obvious from the title (humorous--I have gone through several common misinterpretations myself), this is about that infamous scrap of poetry,
There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serenity. There is no chaos, there is harmony. There is no death, there is the Force.
And the other version,
Emotion, yet peace. Ignorance, yet knowledge. Passion, yet serenity. Chaos, yet harmony. Death, yet the Force.
I've seen quite a few interpretations of these along the lines of "the second version is reasonable but the first version is crazy and stupid," so here's why I think both versions are actually communicating the same idea, and the wording doesn't really change the meaning much at all.
So just like I did in my post about "do or do not there is not try," let's start by asking some questions to establish context before we look at the text itself.
Is it THE Jedi Code or just a mantra? Legends says it's the Code, canon says it's a mantra. The fact of the matter is that no matter what, it's really a scrap of poetry which couldn't encompass the entire philosophical basis of a culture even if it was trying, so we'll consider it a mantra.
Does the fact that it's a mantra rather than THE Jedi Code mean that we can't get anything deep or meaningful out of it? Of course not. Just because it's not the whole of or a full explanation of Jedi philosophy doesn't mean it's just a nice sounding string of words.
Who is saying this to who? This mantra is often used to focus a meditation, with the first phrasing used by adults in the culture, while the second phrasing is more often used by children.
What were George Lucas' inspirations for Jedi culture that relate to this mantra? (borrowing from this post) A combination of christianity, buddhism, and his interpretations. I'm not an expert in any religion, and definitely not in buddhism, but I know enough to know I'm about to make some sweeping generalizations, so take this with a grain of salt. Disclaimers aside, this mantra, and the way it is phrased, indicate it is being inspired more by buddhism. The way christian texts, specifically the Bible, are written typically goes "here is a story about people doing something, and here is how big G god and/or Jesus reacted." There are metaphors sprinkled in, but they are mainly there to clarify for readers. Buddhist texts on the other hand (and lots of other eastern belief systems as well, like daoism, hinduism, etc. It's an important note that these belief systems don't necessarily conform to the western idea of what a religion is, and often their original languages don't even have a word which is equivalent in meaning to "religion") use metaphor in often deliberately contradictory ways, to make the reader think about things which are difficult to express in words alone. The ongoing struggle to reconcile contradictory descriptions is the point. This doesn't mean those texts can be interpreted however a reader would like. There may be multiple right interpretations, but there can also be wrong interpretations.
What the mantra does NOT mean:
"There is no ___ …" =/= "The experience of ___ is fake news."
"There is no ___ …" =/= "___ is not a useful concept."
"There is no ___ …" =/= "We should totally ignore ___ and pretend we've never heard that word before."
The mantra is not realy a set of advice on how to act. It's a set of statements about Existance. And I do mean capital E, philosophical, epistemological, weird, deep, think-y, Existence.
Temperature Metaphor
You know the first time someone tells you as a kid that cold isn't real, it's just the absence of heat and you're like… "but I'm touching something right now and it feels cold???" It sounds wild the first time you hear it, but as you think about it more, maybe learn about it a second time in science class, get some more context about how molecules work, etc. it begins to make more sense. It gets easier to grasp, until eventually the knowledge feels intuitive--especially if you're a STEM person who thinks about it a lot. We still talk about cold as a concept, because it's useful to us as well--lack of heat can have damaging effects on our bodies after all, and a cold drink is great on a hot day--and it's more efficient to say "cold" than it is to say "lack of heat." But there are some situations, like developing refrigeration or air conditioning, where it is not just useful but essential to think of temperature as it really is--heat exists, cold doesn't--and thinking of it colloquially can only hold us back (if this isn't actually intuitive to you, that's fine, it's just a metaphor--you could also think about dark being the absence of light, vacuum being the absence of mass, any number of things mirror this).
Probably the easiest like to get one's head around, imo at least, is "there is no ignorance, there is knowledge."
Taken hyper-literally it would mean "why seek out knowledge ever when everyone already knows everything?" But if we say knowledge is to heat as ignorance is to cold, then we can understand the real meaning--knowledge is real, where ignorance is only the name of an experience.
The Whole Mantra
This is the way the Jedi are understanding of emotion, ignorance, passion, chaos, death, etc. They are introduced, as children, to the idea that whilst they may feel all of these things, what they are actually experiencing is the lack of the other things--peace, knowledge, serenity, harmony, the Force. That's why they start with the "___ yet ___" phrasing--it introduces them to the first steps of understanding:
They can feel emotions, yet peace is still real and out there to reach for no matter how overwhelming those emotions may be at the moment,
They can feel ignorant or unknowledgeable, yet knowledge is out there to find,
They can experience passion (meaning suffering or pain in this context), yet know that serenity will return to them,
They can find their surroundings chaotic, and yet look for the harmony in the noise,
They can understand that death happens, yet be comforted by the fact that the person dying is still as much a part of the Force as they ever were.
Eventually they move onto the full mantra:
They will always feel emotions, but if they always reckon with those emotions and pass through them they can always return to a place of peace,
If they feel ignorant, they must seek out knowledge, rather than acting rashly. Also, their own knowledge is not the limit--others may hold knowledge in places they consider clouded,
They may experience suffering and pain--it may even feel like a good thing--but there is no wisdom in pain, it is the distraction from serenity, which is where truth can be found,
No matter how chaotic the world appears, it is actually a part of an underlying harmony that makes up all the patterns and the beauty in the world,
Death is not an ending, no matter how much it may look like one. It is a natural transition back into the Force, the place all life comes from.
A Jedi youngling is someone for whom this understanding is an essential part of the culture they are being brought up in.
A Jedi Padawan is someone who is beginning to learn to apply this understanding outside the confines of the Jedi temple, in a world where not everyone shares it.
A Jedi Knight is someone who has learned to apply this understanding on their own, without supervision.
A Jedi Master is someone for whom this understanding has become intuitive and automatic, no matter their surroundings.
All this is to say,
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dunmeshichilchuck · 3 months
For That One Guy on Tumblr part 6
Chilchuck x !fem !halffoot reader
The party trudged through the icy floor they'd found you on. 
At one point Laois pointed out where they'd dug you out of the ice. There were what looked like explosions, signs of battle, and a dead ice golem. Ahhh so they'd been fighting something else and your body had just happened to have been uncovered. That made sense. 
You spotted a chunk of fabric attached to...something, and shuddered. Looks like they hadn't collected everything. The experience of seeing your own flesh, disconnected and dead was surreal. Maybe you should take it along with you as a souvenir. Laois would probably be all too ready to help you pickle it. 
You felt a hand on your shoulder and jumped. Turning, you saw Chilchuck. 
"Hey, come on, you're starting to fall behind."
You hadn't even realized you'd stopped to stare at the remains of your death, but the party had indeed started to pull ahead. 
Chilchuck turned without another word and you fell in step beside him as you both caught back up to the party. 
The door to the next part of the dungeon opened into what looked like one long hallway, bending to the right off in the distance. You stepped through the threshold and immediately shucked off the blanket you'd had to borrow to use as a jacket. It felt wonderfully warm in here. 
As the party continued walking you noticed that they had been working together long enough to automatically sort themselves into an order that made sense for combat. Laois was up front with Senshi, the two most durable heavy hitters. Then Marcille, presumably for quick backup and/or healing. Then Chilchuck, who would need to be out of the way of any fighting, and would be best equipped to hear anything sneaking up from behind. Izutzumi drifted around wherever, up in front, back behind, racing ahead and then flopping down and digging a stone out of her shoe. You weren't sure what her role in the party was yet, but she seemed extremely agile and confident, so you'd guess she could hit a lot harder than her skinny frame and lack of obvious weaponry would suggest. They really were all very well coordinated and used to working with each other. 
You kept in line with Chilchuck. Both because of all the tactical stuff you'd just run through, and because it was nice to get to chat with another halffoot again. It'd been a year since you'd seen another halffoot when you went into the dungeon, and then another six months or so in the dungeon.
Up ahead Laois and Senshi appeared to be in excited conversation about cooking the remnants of the barometz. From the sounds of it Senshi was looking forward to taking advantage of the tender meat to make delicious stir fry, and Laois was theorizing about the best way to use the plant as bait for larger monsters.
You glanced at Chilchuck. "Laois and Senshi seem to be having fun."  
He chuckled. "Yeah they do that. They're both kinda freaks about monsters, Laois MUCH more so. That guy..." He shook his head ruefully. "I mean don't get me wrong, he's a good fighter, and the monster knowledge helps him fight and survive, and he's even picked up some healing magic so he's a good guy to have on your side, but he just does not understand social or cultural norms or how to deal with people. Plus he's just kinda a freak about it."
You nodded. Up ahead, Laois and Senshi dropped their voices a bit and started discussing meals that would be suitable for you to eat until you recovered from revival sickness. 
You grimaced. "Ah, have they not..."
"Realized we can hear them even if they think they're too far away? No they haven't, they still think of me as a tallman child after all, I doubt they clock that we can do stuff they can't." He snorted and said. "I bet they think of you as a toddler. After all they already think I'm a kid and you're so much shorter than me."
"Wha- hey!" You spluttered. "I'm not the one that's short, you're ridiculously tall! Being around the tall races has warped your idea of whats normal for sure."
Chilchuck grinned. "Regardless of what's normal for us they're still gonna ruffle your hair first chance they get. Mark my words." 
You'd interacted with enough of the other races to know he was probably right. You'd been able to work people underestimating you to your favor sometimes but that didn't mean it wasn't annoying. 
Up ahead there was a strangled yelp, like a cat being sat on. Marcille gasped. "Izutzumi!" And started sprinting ahead to where the corridor took a sharp right turn. 
Laois and Senshi followed suit. You and Chilchuck followed but quietly dropped back to keep some distance.
You came skidding around the corner to see a very mangled walking mushroom and Izutzumi standing over it looking cranky. 
"Izutzumi!" Marcille gasped out. "are you okay?? What happened??"
"I can't stand these things." Izutzumi growled. She turned to Senshi, who was already inspecting the mushroom. "You better not be thinking about putting that into my food! I will NOT be eating-"
You heard a faint series of "chunk" sounds, like a series of very large stones softly falling into place. You whipped your head around, looking for the source. Chilchuck also started glancing around, but no one else reacted. It must have been out of their hearing range. 
it didn't take long to find the source. A solid wall had risen up in the corridor you'd just come down, and doors and turns had opened up in the corridor you'd just entered. 
Chilchuck turned to Senshi and Izutzumi. "Stop squabbling about that! We've got bigger problems." 
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lifeiskentastic · 1 year
Ken x gn!Reader as friends to lovers story
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A/n: my first fic on tumblr… and hopefully not the last;) also english is my second language so if you notice a mistake please write to me about it, 'cause i'm just learning and this will help me a lot.
Summary: A real world reader finds a box of vinyl records in Ken's house, which leads to an unexpected turn of events.
Genre: fluff, comfort, friends to lovers;
Song played in fic: Biggest Part of Me by Ambrosia;
World count: 805 words;
Hope you enjoy!
"Ken, can I borrow this, please?"
You point to a small box in the corner of Ken's House (and yes, as it turns out, it does really exist), right by the entrance. Although it may look small at first glance, if you take the lid off, you'll be genuinely surprised at how much can this thing hold. How many music records can this thing hold.
"Mmm," Ken turned to you in confusion, distracted from the very important task of destroying all available books about patriarchy (only those that mentioned horses survived).
As soon as Ken realized what you were pointing at, he jumped up and ran over to you.
"Oh, this thing..." He exhaled heavily, as if he didn't know how to describe it: "I brought it from your world... I haven't figured out how to use it yet. But it was fun to play with it in Frisbee, though."
You had to hold back your giggles, knowing full well that the box contained not a Frisbee but rather vinyl records of 80s rock hits.
"Ken... Don't worry, I know what it is, and unfortunately, I wouldn't recommend playing with it."
Ken looks at you in confusion, waiting for an explanation.
"Then what does it do?" Now his face was full of curiosity.
"Oh, it's music." You bit your lip, already anticipating that wave of the cutest delight in the entire universe on Ken's face. "My favorite music, for real. What a coincidence!"
"Ah, so that means we can listen to these little flat wheels?"
As difficult as it was, you still controlled your laughter because you didn't want to hurt your friend's feelings.
"Huh... Yes, Ken, wait a minute, I'll play you something."
You had noticed beforehand that the box contained a modern vinyl record player. The only question was where Ken had gotten it from, but you decided to put that aside for later. There are more important things to do now. For example, the culturalization of the inhabitants of Barbieland for unselfish purposes (or one particular inhabitant of Barbieland for, to be honest, a little bit of selfish purposes)
You could feel Ken's intrigued look on your back as you conscientiously chose which song to start your immersion in the deep culture of the 80s. Of course, you chose the one you thought Ken would like the most. Of course, it was a love song.
As the playful melody began to play on the record player, you were very pleased with yourself. But Ken was still on edge. So you wisely decided to relax him a little.
When the first words of Biggest Part of Me by Ambrosia touched your ears, you gently led the surprised Ken into a dance, grabbing him around the waist with one hand and intertwining your palms with the other. He was a little confused, but he quickly realized what was going on and began to follow your movements. His puzzlement turned into a gentle, homely smile, and those two crystal blue eyes look that always gave you goosebumps.
"It's a nice song." He spoke calmly and quietly, though there was no need for that. "Make a wish, baby, and I will make it come true."
He began to sing along to the beat of dance, which suddenly gave him control of the situation.
"I finally found someone who believes in me." Ken kept staring at you, still smiling gently. "I need your love here, next to me."
It seemed as if with every turn in the dance, your faces were getting closer together. And when you felt that you were crossing the line between friendly dancing and something closer and more romantic, you had to stop it. But you didn't want to.
"You're the biggest part of me".
Immediately after these words, Ken stopped singing. He thought for a moment and then confidently proclaimed:
"Hmm, really," he raised his eyebrows as if he had come to some brilliant conclusion, "I really feel like you are the biggest part of me."
You had to swallow because something strange and incomprehensible was preventing the answer from coming out of your throat. However, when you felt your cheeks burning, you realized that this strange and incomprehensible feeling was embarrassment. A very unusual kind of embarrassment, the kind that you shouldn't normally feel towards a friend.
"M-m", You understood that Ken was waiting for your answer, so you gathered all your willpower into a fist and said, "I feel something similar, Ken."
Ken's smile grew bigger, and his joy radiated from him like rays from the sun.
"I'm, ah, glad to hear that... Does that mean we can continue dancing?"
You smile back. Ken was charging you with positivity just by being there.
"Of course, Ken, as much as you want!"
You were both ready for the next song.
Thanks for reading! I'd also love to hear your ideas for the next Barbie fic, so see ya.)
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inchidentally · 6 months
was originally writing this as tags on this photoset of Carlos but god no I need to write it out properly bc god knows carcar carloscar fans need more in our tags <3<3
also part blame falls on @wisteriagoesvroom as a carloscar enabler in chief !!!
AU where Carlos is already with Ferrari when Oscar was with Prema and they cross paths in Italy at the same facility while both filming media…
the Prema boys can't resist sneaking over to the next room to watch the big boys at Ferrari - maybe get an autograph or a picture! and Oscar has to suddenly grip his hoodie in front of himself when he sees Carlos looking like THAT. and then Carlos spots the pretty pink thing with the sweet mouth huddled with his friends, and the devastating fucker actually winks at Oscar. Robert and Logan look like their eyes are about to fall out of their heads and Fred is suppressing spasms of laughter but all of them freeze when Carlos saunters over to them, still wearing that second-skin hi vis top that clings all the way down to the grooves of his groin.
and maybe Carlos casually introduces himself to them and poses for selfies. but as the boys are scolded back to their own room for filming, maybe Carlos wraps a big tanned hand around Oscar's wrist and ohhhh my Carlos' fingers overlap so deep around the fine bones. his voice casually offers to take Oscar for dinner that night bc he's heard a lot about this impressive kid and he always likes to scope out the guys he'll be racing against one day. but his eyes are saying that he'd like to get to know the intimate skin of Oscar's thighs where they meet his ass.
Carlos goes so far as to meet Oscar at the shared accommodation and with a huge effort Oscar keeps the other boys from going all googly eyed out the window. Carlos is dressed in just a linen button down and dark trousers and it makes Oscar self-conscious about having borrowed a blazer from one of the race engineers to wear over his only pair of nice pants and a white collared shirt he's had since school. Carlos' Ferrari is as cool as he is and Oscar feels at ease finally in gushing about it all the way to the restaurant. Carlos seems to maybe be laughing a little bit at him but Oscar doesn't mind. and when Carlos says maybe he'll have something just as nice one day soon, Oscar lifts his chin and returns that 'maybe he'll have something even nicer'. it's clearly the right thing to say because Carlos tips his head back and actually cackles. he says "I knew I was going to like you, guapito" and slaps a huge hairy hand over Oscar's upper thigh.
Oscar had expected to be taken to a nice, cozy trattoria or some obnoxiously exclusive spot with celebrities "off duty" that Carlos would probably ignore. he wasn't expecting a small table in the intimate outdoor garden terrace of a restaurant that doesn't even have a sign out front. there's a heavenly breeze that didn't seem to exist outside the magic of the six tables placed comfortably apart from each other. the entire space is sinking into a pinky-orange dusk with only lanterns and candlelight illuminating everyone's faces.
Carlos is actually even funnier than he seems in the videos Oscar's been watching since he was probably too young to have a crush on someone Carlos' age. he's also crazy smart and can keep pace with Oscar in discussions about aerodynamics and the stuff that he knows a lot of other drivers don't want to be bothered about. he's also intimidatingly cultured and well-traveled and yes, unavoidably part of exceptionally elite society. there are strong divergences in their experiences both in and outside of racing but Oscar tilts his chin up with pride and refuses to feel embarrassed about chasing sponsorship money. he can see Carlos assessing him in those moments and his smile looks warm, not condescending.
two other things Oscar discovers about Carlos: he has no understanding of personal space, and he's got an iron constitution when it comes to potent wine. Oscar had tried to keep up so that he didn't seem like a total baby but still had to alternate his sips with water. Carlos had chuckled and stroked the hot open flat of his hand over each of Oscar's red cheeks, mumbling something in Italian to the waiter and they both grinned at Oscar knowingly.
the delicious food and heavy scent of earth carrying over from the countryside make Oscar feel sleepy and slightly dreamy as night settles around them. at some point, their chairs had scooted closer together and Oscar leaned more and more into Carlos' casual touch. Carlos' eyes are fully black in the dim light and the flame of the candle on their table is the only light reflected in them. his hand had gripped the back of Oscar's neck jokingly but he'd kept it there, massaging slightly. Oscar had hummed and then the fingers slipped up to cup the base of Oscar's skull, rubbing circles over the soft, closely cropped hairs.
Oscar can't even blame the wine he'd given up trying to enjoy an hour ago when he steadies himself with a hand on Carlos' thigh and pushes a closed-mouth kiss against Carlos' lips. he can't stop the whine when Carlos pulls away after a moment, leaning back in to whisper "not here" into his ear.
and maybe Carlos hastily pays up and guides Oscar with a big warm hand curled around where Oscar's waist dips narrow and lean. and maybe Carlos turns the car in the opposite direction of Oscar's accommodation, throwing a questioning look at him, to which Oscar replies by sinking lower into his seat and cupping himself lazily where he's been thickening up for the better part of an hour. Carlos swears heavily under his breath and speeds up to get to his apartment.
and Carlos crowds Oscar inside, carefully not putting his hands anywhere untoward as they climb the public stairs but never taking them off of him either. Carlos is on him the second he turns the lock on the door, pryng Oscar's mouth open with the kinds of kisses Oscar remembers seeing on his mom's favorite shows but that he didn't think existed in real life. how could anyone feel confident in taking someone else's mouth like that?
Carlos may not be much taller but he's broad and strong and muscles Oscar to the bedroom with ease. Oscar probably gets a surge of panic over wanting to make sure he gets at least one fantasy lived out in case Carlos doesn't like his body or changes his mind or gets a call from some supermodel who wants to come over and he boots Oscar out.
so he pulls away and actually begs to be allowed to blow Carlos, not even caring that his voice broke on the 'ple-ase'. and that's how Carlos ends up hastily throwing an accent pillow down on the floor for Oscar to kneel on while Carlos leans back on his arms on the bed with one hand curled in Oscar's hair, urging him on. it's seeing Oscar's arm moving furtively out of sight and realizing that Oscar's getting off just from energetically but inexpertly blowing him that gets Carlos to climax. he apologizes because he hadn't even warned him, but the sight of Oscar shuddering through his own orgasm and moaning with his open mouth overfilling with Carlos is honestly worth the rudeness.
reasoning that someone Oscar's age has practically no refractory period, Carlos hauls him up onto the bed and strips them both. he grips Oscar behind both knees and lays into abusing the flesh of his inner thighs that have been on his mind since that afternoon. he pushes Oscar's legs up even higher to get his teeth and tongue on the exact crease of thigh and cheek and works each side until the skin is red raw from his stubble. Oscar is making these small, broken-off noises that are driving Carlos crazy and he drops both legs to work his way up to Oscar's beautiful pecs. he assumes no one has ever paid attention to this area before now because Oscar nearly bucks him off the bed with how intensely he reacts.
and Carlos has probably gotten hard again so he swipes his lube from the bedside table and jerks them both off one-handed while worrying one of Oscar's nipples red and sore. Oscar comes again and Carlos has to kneel up and finish all over Oscar's pale, pink chest. some of it hits Oscar's chin where some of Carlos' come had already started to dry from before.
and maybe there's a moment after they've both recovered enough to think where Oscar is about to awkwardly as for a cab or maybe a ride back but Carlos gets ahead of it and tells him to text his friends and Carlos will drive him back in the morning.
and Carlos smirks when Oscar hovers his fingers over his phone, clearly unsure of how to phrase it. "go ahead and tell them all about it, it'll drive them crazy"
and Oscar smiles to himself as he types out who he's with and why and what they've done and then gazes up at Carlos who is holding Oscar's chin between thumb and forefinger, wiping down his face with a warm cloth.
"you're going to be bad news for me, Oscar. I can tell.”
there is a seriousness behind it that Oscar is too young and inexperienced to hear. instead he smirks and digs a knee into Carlos' side.
"you bet I am"
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hum-suffer · 9 months
I'm Yours 5
Ishan curses the moment he has sober thoughts back in his head, that is, the next morning. He slept through his alarm and has less than half an hour to get ready and not be late to college so he stores any and all thoughts away as he carefully puts down the gajra from his wrist and onto the dining table before running around his house like a headless chicken.
His day proves to be even more trying, as news reaches the college that the university is going to host an organisation for cultural events and as the manager, Ishan is supposed to coordinate at least the engineering department. He couldn't have had a weirder week.
He almost snaps at a student when they ask him for important questions but at the last moment manages to hold his tongue and instead give them a later date for such a discussion. He has a lot on his plate already, and them asking for important questions almost a month before the exam is literally not helping him.
It happens when Ishan enters Virat's office, to borrow his copy of Rashmirathi. Virat bhaiya seems to be talking to someone on his phone, a video call.
He beams when he sees Ishan. "Arre, Ishan! I was just talking about you. You should take more holidays too, baba, you look so rested."
It's the effect of mind numbing alcohol after my stalker became a cock block, he wants to say. Instead, he snorts,"Wow, call me out on all my dark circles, why don't you?"
Virat bhaiya shakes his head fondly. He beckons Ishan on the other side of the table and almost shoves his phone in Ishan's hand. He's been talking to Shubhman.
Shubhman seems to be just as surprises to see him and freezes. Ishan freezes as well, but for something else entirely.
He has a fucking hickey on his chin.
His heart thuds uncomfortably in his chest as he smiles,"Hi, how are you?"
"I'm good," he absolutely doesn't sound good with the way his eyes are widening,"Just wanted to show Virat bhaiya the toys I bought for Vamika yesterday." Almost as if he's relieved, he turns the phone camera to some soft toys, piled up messily. Ishan smiles, spotting the Pikachu plushie that Vamika is sure to love.
"That's very sweet of you, Shubhman." He looks at Virat bhaiya and back at Shubhman. "I'm very sorry to cut this short but I need to borrow Virat bhaiya's copy of Rashmirathi instantly before my next class."
"Of course, totally understandable! It was nice talking to you!" He seems like he is hesitant in adding anything else.
Even as he knew it could probably be the worst choice of his life, Ishan smiles at him at graciously. "Fir milenge."
Shubhman is waiting on the steps of his porch when Ishan returns home. He looks like a kicked puppy.
He keeps stealing glances at Ishan, as he walks across the veranda. He stands up when Ishan reaches him and Ishan gestures at the door, unlocking his house and letting his guest enter first, as courtesy dictates.
"Ishan. Can we talk?"
Ishan nods, removing his jacket and throwing it over the arm of the sofa. "We can. But before that, I need tea to survive that conversation. Do you want some?"
"Please, thank you."
The pass the time in silence, unlike last time when they'd been yapping on and on about one thing or the other.
As the tea is boiling, Ishan sneaks a glance at Shubhman, who is staring at the bunch of gajras that Ishan has now started to group at the corner of the dining table. Before Ishan can take his eyes away from Shubhman, the man turns and Ishan wants to bury himself somewhere because Shubhman looks so fucking beautiful.
"I'm not sorry for meeting you, for falling for you or for wanting to date you," Shubhman says. His voice is shaking. "But I am sorry if I was a nuisance to you or if I scared you. I only ever wanted to, I don't know, just let you know how my world revolves around you."
Ishan doesn't know what to say, so he remains silent. Shubhman continues, softer, more vulnerable. "The day I saw you, I wanted to completely drown in you. Possess and be possessed. You seemed so full of life, love and enthusiasm. And I was never even remotely like that. I've never had a shred of peace or enthusiasm. You're so beautiful, so lively. I wanted you to myself."
"You could have asked me on date, Shubhman." He says, pouring the tea in teacups that he bought last year— only because they looked cute to him. White, covered all over by cute emojis. Shubhman gets the one with sparkle emojis.
Shubhman raises his eyebrows, still uncertain. "And you wouldn't have turned out to be homophobic? Or just token straight? Or even committed?" He blows lightly on his tea and the smell of mint calms Ishan somehow. "I realise I was wrong, but wanted to protect myself. I found out everything about you there is to find— I wanted to be cautious. I'm one of the youngest names in the industry, I'm unused to the attention and my success makes me a target for jealousy. I am nothing if not careful."
"And so humble, too." Ishan marks with a wry grin.
Shubhman looks down, almost shy. He continues after a moment,"I started searching you up and then when I was sure that you're all around a good person, I couldn't hide the urge to text you. After the first day, it became kind of addicting. Talking to you was the highlight of my day."
"You can break into my house to give me gajras and not ask me on a date?" Ishan raises an eyebrow. Shubhman shuffles adorably. Ishan is reminded how young and hence naive the man is, and something certainly unethical flares inside him.
Stop, he tells himself. For the sake of a peaceful death, stop.
Shubhman gives him a hesitant half grin. "I'm not even sorry."
And that was the truth. While Shubhman may feel sorry about spooking Ishan, but he won't feel sorry about pursuing him— in any way.
Ishan realises abruptly that his tea is empty when Shubhman lifts his cup up, taking his mug as well and putting them both in the sink. Ishan doesn't even have the coherence to stop his guest from doing chores because— what the fuck. What the fuck. His stalker is washing their cups of tea.
"No, wait!" Shubhman looks at him, surprised,"What are you doing, you're my guest! My mother will kill me if she finds out! Stop!"
Shubhman laughs and throws some water at Ishan almost unthinkingly before he freezes. Ishan swats him on the bicep.
There's something dangerous bubbling in his chest and it's not necessarily illicit but it is so so tempting and rattling.
Shubhman smiles at him and Ishan wants to keep the smile tattooed over his throat and feel him every time he takes a deep breath.
It's a miracle but ishan somehow manages to blink himself back to reality when Shubhman starts speaking. It's breath of fresh air to see the boy standing awkwardly in his kitchen, but Ishan has better manners than that. He leads Shubhman back to the living room. They cannot sit apart, won't, and Ishan feels so awkward that he might as well have met him at the club again.
"So," Ishan stretches out the syllable,"last night? What was...that?"
Shubhman blushes and looks down. For all purposes, he looks like he is here to give an interview or proposition a marriage.Ishan knows which one he prefers.
(No. Stop. Bad Ishan. BAD.)
"As you know, I've already hacked into your phone." Ishan raises an eyebrow and Shubhman shrugs with a wince. "I promise I didn't find you through that. I was in the club to drink myself in misery since the whole spooking you in the bathroom thing. It was out of line and I am very sorry about that. But yeah. I saw you with the guy and...I couldn't just watch. I wanted to be one whom you laugh with, whom you dance with. I knew all the dance hook steps you seemed to be enjoying and I wanted you to look at me like you're proud.
"I got the lights cut off for a while. I only planned to come near you and just bask in the fact that you're touching me. Things... escalated. And well. I can't claim to regret anything." His hand hovers over the hickey at his chin and his eyes look at the biege shirt Ishan is wearing, the one that conceals his own set of hickeys just barely. He'd had to wear a tie today to hide the one at his throat.
Ishan knows something is wrong with him because he definitely doesn't regret that either. He thinks that he'd love it anyway, if it was Shubhman or the stalker. The only reason that he didn't recognise the voice was because Shubhman appeared to have a mild cold, which deepened his voice.
Shubhman purses his lips and it's only when Ishan sees the look on his face that he realises that he's fingering the hickey at his throat. Shubhman's jaw tightens but he stays where he is.
Ishan gulps and looks away, at the gajras at the dining table.
"So," Shubhman copies Ishan. "Something like a girlfriend, huh?"
"You leave me flowers, worry about my well being and steal my shirts. I'm not even wrong," Ishan says with a grin. Shubhman grins back but Ishan knows that he wants a real answer and that makes him look away. "Since my childhood, I've had issues with, um, sharing. Thinking that someone solely wanted me, that someone is completely mine in a sense that is undecipherable, it may be wrong but I was flattered. I liked being the sole attention."
Shubhman looks at him hesitantly. "My attention is only ever going to be on you, Ishan, should you allow it. There's nothing I want more than I want you to be my partner, my companion."
"And you're not a murdering psychopath who stalks people, makes them fall for him and then kills them?" Ishan asks, just to be sure. He's late in the question and he's also aware that an actual psychopath wouldn't say the truth, because plausible deniability, who?
Shubhman grins at him. Ishan wants to curse how beautiful he is. No fucking wonder he's on so many magazine covers. He would have ended the world of modelling if he didn't choose academics.
"And you're asking me this question after I've broken into your house more than three times and you've invited me for tea twice?"
Ishan shrugs. Shubhman laughs.
"No." The intensity of the word comes as a bit of a shocker. "There's never going to be anyone but you. And you'll never get hurt by my hand intentionally, I swear it. You're everything, Ishan." Shubhman smiles, softer and quieter. He turns and his knee bumps with Ishan's thigh. "I don't become a stalker for just anyone, Ishan."
Ishan feels heat rush to his cheeks and ears. He unnecessarily clears his throat. "It's a good thing too. How would I take you to the best date ever if you're in jail?"
Shubhman blinks owlishly. Ishan panics. He definitely shouldn't have asked. Maybe Shubhman wanted to take it slow. Maybe he didn't want a relationship. Maybe he was busy. Maybe he found out he didn't like Ishan all that much—
"You still want me? After... everything?"
Ishan breathes a sigh of relief. One of his hand goes to Shubhman's knee unbidden and the other goes to cup his face.
"I've wanted you since the very moment I heard about you, baby. Of course, of course, I want you."
Tagging: @mayakimayahai @onthecloudseven @kyayaarkiraa @k-h-watari @ek-ladki-bheegi-bhagi-si @khwxbeeda @fortunatelycrazyyouth @theseventhhoax @ms-potato @athena-swords (bless you and your comments, ily)
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jujumin-translates · 5 months
★ Main Story | Act 13 - Budding Spring | Chapter 10 - Forced to the Starting Gate
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Itaru: (I think it’s about time to head out… ah, right.)
Itaru: (Now that I’ve got a rough idea of our performance schedule, I’d better apply for paid leave before I forget.)
Boss: Chigasaki-kun, may I borrow you for fifteen minutes?
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Itaru: --Of course.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Boss: It appears you’re all here.
Itaru: (Looks like there’s a few of my colleagues… and a handful of younger guys too.)
Boss: I called you all here to ask if you’d be interested in participating in an urban development project that our company is currently working on.
Boss: The project itself is already in its final stages, so what we’d like from you is to provide support in the form of an induction course.
Itaru: (So this is that large-scale overseas urban development project. The one about creating a theater establishment and developing the surrounding area to be a center of arts and culture…)
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Itaru: (I checked out the outline since it was related to theater and sounded interesting.)
Boss: It’s not mandatory, of course. It would just be something to do alongside your current jobs.
Boss: That said… there is a reason you all were chosen specifically.
Boss: As individuals who are important to the company’s future, I truly hope you consider becoming core members of this next project.
Itaru: (Eight racehorses competing in the promotion race line up at the gate. Favored to win is Communication Skills Demon, but My Parents Are Absolutely Loaded is also attracting quite a lot of attention.)
Coworker A: I’ll do my best to meet your expectations.
Coworker B: I’ve been interested in this project for quite some time now, so I’m honored to be part of it!
Itaru: (The gate has opened and both of the favored horses have taken off running.)
Coworker C: Considering the state of my current workload, I should be able to participate in the induction course.
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Itaru: I… sorry, can I have a little more time to think about it?
Itaru: (If it weren’t for the timing, I probably would’ve been all in, but…)
Itaru: (Honestly, I’m so busy with the troupe and the Fleur Award right now that I just don’t have time to think about anything else.)
Boss: …Ah, because you have your own theater company to worry about, right, Chigasaki-kun? Please do consider it based on your schedule with that in mind.
Boss: However, the theme of this urban development project is the arts, which is why the other team members were really hoping to work with you, Chigasaki-kun.
Coworker A: …
Itaru: I thank them for considering me.
Boss: I’ll set up another opportunity at a later date to explain more on what the induction course entails and to introduce the project’s team members. I hope to see you there.
Itaru: I will seriously consider it.
*Door closes*
Itaru: …
Coworker B: He seriously can’t just say he’ll consider it and then refuse.
Coworker C: Must be nice being in a position where you can just quit the company if worse comes to worst.
Coworker A: Well, it is a popular theater company, and the fact that it’s generally well-known definitely doesn’t make it any easier for the company to deal with him.
Itaru: …
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Itaru: (If you’re gonna say it, at least do it behind my back.)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Chikage: I’m so sorry, but my hands are full at the moment.
Company Employee A: I see. I apologize for dropping it on you so suddenly.
Chikage: Let me know if there’s anything else I can help you with.
Itaru: …
Itaru: Wanna head somewhere a little nicer, Senpai?
Chikage: …I don’t even want to try and guess where that might be, but go on.
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Itaru: The hell is that supposed to mean?
Chikage: Haah, I suppose I can’t say no. I’ll go with you.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
*Punching SFX*
Itaru: Start by cheesing it and then follow that up with a double finishing move and K.O.! Man, is there any greater high than this?
Chikage: If you’re going to try and hide the way you actually feel, do it a little better.
Itaru: …Ughh, this is so stupid. Why can’t it just be the people who actually wanna be part of the promotion race at the starting gate?
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Itaru: I mean, they should dip if they don’t wanna do it. Directing hate at me isn’t gonna go anything.
Itaru: There’s supposed to be a fine line between noobs like them and a mid-tierer like me. Why is it that the more of a mid-ranker you are, the less human rights you get?
Chikage: There aren’t really that many mid-level people to begin with.
Itaru: The company knows what to expect from the “Elite Chigasaki-san”. That’s why they’re hiring guys fresh out of college to steadily raise them into the perfect corporate slaves.
Itaru: I get why my colleagues are so desperate to advance their careers by using their outer appearances and mild manners to do so.
Itaru: From their point of view, it’s gotta be infuriating to see a guy who acts so carelessly while chasing after both theater and a career.
Itaru: And hit ‘em with a triple combo finisher-- But I’m just trying to figure out where I stand, so just eff off.
Itaru: Must be nice for you, Senpai. You go overseas a lot and get to level up your career stats in the least complicated way possible.
Itaru: And the things people say about you aren’t nearly as harsh, either.
Itaru: Me, on the other hand, I’m just stuck being the “can-do guy” who does a little better than decent work around the office.
Itaru: At the end of the day, I’m just a mediocre handyman at best.
Itaru: Even if I’m not being treated like the favorite, I still don’t slack off with my work. I may not be the most motivated, but I’d like to think I’m still doing everything I’m supposed to.
Chikage: You sure move your mouth and your hands a lot.
Itaru: What am I even trying to do in the first place?
Itaru: Should I sell my soul and become a corporate slave like you, and aim so high that no one can ever possibly complain about me not being good enough, or should I try and attain a rank that’s purely “Itaru Chigasaki”?
Chikage: Dad jokes and pro-level dodging techniques, huh? (1)
Chikage: Anyway, shouldn’t your first step be thinking about what you want for yourself?
Itaru: What I want… Well, I guess just to maintain the status quo so I don’t have to deal with everyone’s complaints about me… No, actually, maybe I want to speedrun my way to early retirement with passive income…?
Chikage: Then stop spending money on pulls and start investing.
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Itaru: Absolutely not.
Itaru: …I originally chose this job based on the benefits and was lucky enough just to get in, so it’s not like I have any real desire to climb the corporate ladder.
Itaru: Most of the troupe have more than one thing on their hand, but they all have dreams and love what they do.
Itaru: And then there’s me who’s job is just a source of income. I feel like I really don’t have a whole lot to bring back to the troupe.
Itaru: It’s an important time for Spring Troupe to compete, and here I am getting caught up in a promotion race while all my coworkers talk behind my back.
Chikage: So you’re in a position where your hobby is more useful to the troupe.
Itaru: Exactly. To be honest, I wonder if there’s even any point in me continuing to be an office worker, but I don’t have the backbone or the self-confidence to just quit and do theater as my full-time job.
Itaru: Basically, I just wanna have something to fall back on.
Itaru: Ugh~, who would’ve thought I’d still be having these kinds of student problems even now… You ever think about this kinda stuff, Senpai?
Chikage: Well… there’s a variety of upsides to my job.
Itaru: A variety?
Chikage: A variety.
Itaru: Oh, okay. By all means, don’t elaborate or anything.
Chikage: No matter where you are, there are always two sides to things. There’s the side where you’re appreciated and the side where you’re disrespected. It’s not just you.
Chikage: The same goes for me, just with a different set of people. I guess I’m just glad to even be able to do theater activities in the first place.
Itaru: But if we’re actually nominated for the Fleur Award this time around, I doubt the company’s gonna be too eager to accommodate for that.
Chikage: Well, the company does have a performance-based evaluation system. If you can’t contribute to improving the company’s image, you’ll be told you need to be giving your work your undivided attention.
Chikage: At any rate, that doesn’t change the fact that we need the results of our next performance to be good too.
Itaru: I guess you’re ri… Hell yeah, I win! Haaah, I feel better now.
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Itaru: Oh, right, didn’t you get asked to do something annoying too, Senpai?
Chikage: Ah… I was asked to accompany a client on an overseas business trip as an interpreter, but I had to decline because I just don’t have the time for that right now.
Itaru: Guess even cheaters like you have it hard sometimes. But y’know, I’m sure there’s tons of people who would kill to have the opportunity to do some sightseeing while all you have to do is be an interpreter.
Chikage: Well, it’s not to a country that I particularly want to go to.
Itaru: But you know the language, don’t you?
Chikage: I guess.
Itaru: Yeah, okay, we get it, you’re cheater.
[ ⇠ Previous Part ] • [ Next Part ⇢ ]
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(1) Itaru says “役職 『茅ヶ崎至』 に至る” (yakushoku “chigasaki itaru” ni itaru), literally “Attain the position of “Itaru Chigasaki”. The joke is that the verb “to attain” (至る; itaru) and Itaru’s name are the same kanji and have the same pronunciation, hence why Chikage mentions dad jokes.
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wayfayrr · 1 year
aaaaaaahhh all i can think of is like- most isekai fics I've seen for some reason [i mean understandably] the reader is wearing their pajamas, but after visiting the modern world they can finally show the chain what they actually like wearing, [i can see this going in so many ways, depending on who is reacting, and especially depending on what aesthetic the reader likes to dress in. for the sake of the request ill keep it as dark academia, cause i love it so muchhhh [not so much in the summer, but i make it work lol] with time? [just imagining reader with a tie and just wearing business casual w a trenchcoat frrrrrrrr- might draw this kind of thing and send it to you lol]
Anon I hope you know this ask had me in an absolute chokehold. OUJDFNBJNF ✨I LIVE FOR DARK ACADEMIA AESTHETICS!!!✨ My trenchcoat is one of my favourite things I own. So I get your pain in summer as well 🥹
“Hey Time, have you seen Wild anywhere? He borrowed my laptop and I really need it back.”
“I haven’t sorry [nam]-... Is that what you wear normally? You look incredible.”
“Pretty much, yeah? Why, is there an issue with it?”
Time’s blushing. Is what I’m wearing really that impressive because I know he’s not blushing over what I’m wearing being revealing. A trenchcoat that goes down to my calves with the rest of my clothes? Does he just think I’m attractive or something? 
“No, no issue. You look good in it, it’s just very different to what you arrived in Hyrule wearing.”
“I know, like I said then those were my pyjamas. These are my casual clothes.”
Well, his blush has only gotten worse from that, so he is clearly struggling with how my clothes look on me. Dark academia doesn’t exist in Hyrule I know that, but really he’s struggling far more than anyone else has with my fashion sense. 
“Do you think you could help me choose some clothes like that? I’d like to match wit.. I think that style would suit me.”
“If you’d like, we can go shopping for you later. After I get my laptop back and finish off this report I have due.”
Laughing at how he's stumbling over himself to ask me these questions simply isn't an option, no matter how hard it is to hold myself back. He's asking so genuinely and so sweetly and who knows maybe getting some new clothes could help him adjust to this world more easily, I mean it certainly helped me when I was in Hyrule. How different could it be for time?
It didn't take too long to find wild after talking to time, and even less to finish off the work I had to do, now it’s just down to taking time shopping.
“So you want to look like you belong with a shot of espresso in an artisanal coffee shop while writing a research paper?”
“I only know what half of those words mean [name.], even less with how you’re using them.”
“Right, sorry. I’m still getting used to all of the differences in our cultures. Hopefully, you’ll get more used to the terms we use here sooner rather than later. Ready to go out though?”
“I am, it’ll be nice to get some new clothes. Not that I’m complaining about the excuse to wear yours.”
The nearest place that sells things like these isn’t exactly the closest to where I live, making it the perfect opportunity to adjust Time to my world’s transport. Well, more than he’s already seen anyway. Actually, now that I’m thinking about this, what size clothing even is he? Not that it’s an issue but not knowing a vague size is gonna mean he’s going to have to try on a lot of different fits. Then finding the right colours for him is a whole different challenge… And we’re already here… Time to find out the answers to those questions of mine.
“Where would you like to start?”
“A coat exactly like yours perhaps?”
“I don’t see why not. Any colour in mind or just the same style?”
A shrug was NOT what I wanted as an answer, but he does know what he wants which means that I’ve got somewhere to start. Trench Coats are somewhat pricey but with how some of the others are chipping in towards living costs now there’s no issue with spending out occasionally. He seems to be gravitating more towards things that are similar to mine, isn’t that charming? He sees something he likes on me then decides that’s what he wants for himself hopefully, he just stays away from the expensive ones. 
“You ready to try those on then, old man?”
“Just a moment more love, I can’t find quite the right colour yet.”
He just… How red is my face right now? It has to be crimson, doesn’t it? That’s the first time Time’s ever called me something like that naturally it’s when he’s looking at clothes like my own, is he trying to kill me with his charms?
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I've been very bored at work so I've decided to take my two special interests and smash them together to make a set of custom Fe3h universes beyond commander decks.
The designs are definitely still a WIP, especially the number tuning, and the art is... borrowed from the now defunct FE Cipher card game.
These are the face commanders I've created for each deck, explanations for the cards and the concepts for the decks in the Read More.
Edelgard / Crimson Flower
The Black Eagle/Empire deck is the fastest of the four, and focuses on overwhelming opponents through sheer numbers. The deck will generate a lot of creature tokens and has a number of effects that buff your whole team or provide keywords to them. There will be touch of Aristocrats flavor representing the Agarthan influence on the Empire, though cards related to TWSITD will appear in most decks as there were no nations that escaped their meddling hands.
Edelgard herself is a tough creature that encourages you to go wide, and can bring in a some elite knights to instantly enable her second ability if she focuses all her energy on attacking. She can also support her troops from the back line and play defense, but is at her best playing aggressively. She wants to end the game quickly and efficiently to cause as few casualties as possible.
Dimitri / Azure Moon
The Blue Lions/Kingdom deck wants to bide its time until it can attack with one large creature, though it is not intended to be a voltron deck (focused on equipments/auras). There are also some Knight kindred elements meant to represent the Kingdom's culture of Chivalry, and a few cards that involve the monarchy meant to emphasize Dimitri reclaiming the throne once he comes to his senses. The Blue Lions deck is the second slowest of the four.
Dimitri himself is designed to evoke that very concept. When he enters, he must reclaim the throne before he can take his place as king. Once he does, his followers look on with pride (or perhaps exaltation), placing their faith in the nobles of the Kingdom.
Claude / Verdant Wind
The Golden Deer/Alliance deck understands that it must make use of every possible resource to ensure victory. The lands of the Alliance are smaller than those of the other factions, and as such they must rely on diplomacy and clever use of resources to find victory. The deck will produce a lot of different types of artifact tokens, and has a dash of board politics to keep its opponents mollified until it sneaks in a win. The Golden Deer deck is the second fastest of the four.
Claude is a man who understands diplomacy, but also the idea that, “It’s a win-win arrangement. I just happen to win the most.” (To quote the flavor text of Cut a Deal). He plays nice with your opponents by letting them draw cards, but gathers information on their plans to prepare for what's coming.
Rhea / Silver Snow
The Church of Seiros deck is the slowest of the four, and wants to control the flow of the game while it builds up to something big. To aid that, the deck will tax your opponents and encourage them to fight amongst themselves, while a small life gain subtheme will keep you sitting pretty until its time to deal with whoever is left. Like the Alliance deck, there is a dash of board politics meant to allow you to provide boons to those who take your... advice.
Rhea is meant to be relatively unassuming at first glance, but also to threaten your opponents with the knowledge that she could transform at any time. The Immaculate One by contrast is a major beater, and can swiftly end the game if your opponents aren't prepared for it. When Rhea dies as The Immaculate One, she returns in a weakened state, and will perish for good if she transforms again before she recovers.
(Also she doesn't have the flip symbols because the version of MSE I'm using doesn't have borderless flip cards as an option.)
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ninja-muse · 3 months
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I need to start walking past used bookstores instead of into them…
Anyway, June was an all right reading month. I read some really good books, and some kind of poor ones, which is fairly normal, but I also didn't read as much as usual. This is a combination of having a few slow reads (Steampunk, Navola) and writing up a storm, neither of which is a bad thing. I am so glad to have written as much as I have this month. The end of the latest WIP is in sight!
Navola, by the way, is really good and if I'd been organized enough to take a photo of the ARC before I unhauled it, it would have gotten a dedicated review here. Think Renaissance Italy, low magic, ruthless politics, a boy coming of age, an unwanted destiny he has no choice but to accept, the trapped soul of a dragon… It's complex and twisted and detailed and layered, the sort of book you have to pay attention to and which will surprise you anyway. Highly recommended if you like George R.R. Martin or Robin Hobb or grimdark that's less about blood and battles and more about everyone being flawed and kind of awful.
This was also a month of ebooks for me, accidentally. I had a few library holds come in (and delayed one until next month because time), and I received not one but two e-ARCs, the second of which I'm working on right now. I also had one of those moments mid-month where I had no idea what to read so went for something radically different—a thriller about a forensic artist, mostly because it had been on my TBR for a bit and was available on Libby the day I needed a book.
And I reread Drums Along the Congo! Which I last read over 25 years ago so it was basically a new book to me. There's a lot of stuff I either missed or forgot the first time, but I was a kid who was reading it for the living dinosaurs rather than an adult reading for the journey and historical moment. I can't imagine the details about Congo in the 1980s would've made much of an impression. If you're into travel writing, it's one I'd recommend.
The third book off my TBR, A Bouquet From France, is that pretty marbled cover. (I nabbed it off my dad's unhaul pile mostly for that.) More interesting than the poems are some of the 1920s-era translation choices and the fact that the book has actual handcut deckle edges, like you can see where the knife went in off-center to cut the signatures open. Also Victor Hugo is introduced as one of France's best poets, with no mention that he might have also written some major novels.
In terms of my book haul for the month: one out-of-print comic book my work got on sale; one memoir a coworker was unhauling; two travel books that the "I've adulted so now I get a treat" used bookstore had in stock. One is the sequel/follow-up to one I hauled last month, so it's nice to have both. The other is excerpted letters by an English diplomat's wife from Constantinople in the early 1700s.* I successfully delayed a trip to the other tempting used bookstore until next month, so stayed tuned for that.
*Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. Awesome woman. Look her up.
And that's about it for this time around. I didn't do exciting cultural events or anything, just read and wrote a lot. How was your June?
Click through to see everything I read this month, in the rough order of how glad I was to have read them.
How to Become the Dark Lord and Die Trying - Django Wexler
Dani’s stuck in a time loop in a fantasy world. She’s supposed to be the Chosen One but that clearly not working. Time to switch sides for funsies…
🏳️‍🌈 protagonist (bi woman), protagonist of colour
borrowed from work
Navola - Paolo Bacigalupi
Davico has always been aware of Navola’s politics and his banking family’s role in them, but also knows he’s unsuited to inherit that power. Unfortunately, in a city that breathes intrigue bowing out isn’t exactly an option. Out in July.
warning: violence, graphic injury, pseudo-incest
reading copy
A Bouquet From France - Wilfred Thorley, translator
A collection of French poetry from the 1100s to the 1920s.
off my TBR shelves
Steampunk - Ann and Jeff Vandermeer, editors
A collection of steampunk stories, old and new.
warning: misogyny, racism, eugenicists
off my TBR shelves
Running Close to the Wind - Alexandra Rowland
Avra, rubbish spy, finds himself on his ex’s pirate ship in possession of a deadly trade secret. Unfortunately, selling it to the highest bidder means working with a very sexy monk, and all manner of shenanigans.
🏳️‍🌈 main character (multisexual), 🏳️‍🌈 secondary characters (ungendered, achillean), major character with prosthetic eye, largely brown-skinned cast, 🏳️‍🌈 author
warning: frequent discussions of sex, cursing, animal death
library ebook
Every Time We Say Goodbye - Natalie Jenner
Vivien moves to Rome in the 1950s to work as a script doctor and possibly learn the true fate of her soldier fiancé.
Black American secondary characters, 🇨🇦
library ebook
The Face of Deception - Iris Johansen
Eve Duncan, world-class forensic artist, is drawn into a dangerous web when she takes a commission from a tech billionaire.
warning: animal death, murder
library ebook
The Black Bird of Chernobyl - Ann McMan
Lilah’s happily misanthropic life preparing bodies at her funeral home is upset when her father hires perky Sparkle for community outreach. Then Lilah goes viral… Out in July.
🏳️‍🌈 main character (lesbian), 🏳️‍🌈 secondary characters (lesbian, sapphic), Black secondary character, 🏳️‍🌈 author
warning: death, grief
digital reading copy/won
Drums Along the Congo - Rory Nugent
A naturalist travels deep into the African jungle in search of a legendary living dinosaur—or tries to. A lovely portrait of a time and place.
predominantly (Black) African cast
warning: animal death, brief mentions of Congo’s colonial brutalities
off my TBR shelves
Currently reading
The Dishonest Miss Take - Faye Murphy
Desperate to clear her name after a murder she didn't commit, a superpowered former villain stumbles onto a mystery—and a curious assassin. Out in September.
🏳️‍🌈 protagonist (sapphic), 🏳️‍🌈 secondary character (sapphic)
digital reading copy/won
Music from the Earliest Notations to the Sixteenth Century - Richard Taruskin
A history of early written European music, in its social and political contexts. The Penguin Complete Sherlock Holmes - Arthur Conan Doyle
Victorian detective stories.
disabled POV character (limb injury), occasional Indian secondary characters
warning: racism, colonialism
Monthly total: 8 + 1 Yearly total: 59 Queer books: 3 Authors of colour: 0 Books by women: 3 Authors outside the binary: 1 Canadian authors: 1 Classics: 1 Off the TBR shelves: 3 Books hauled: 4 ARCs acquired: 3 ARCs unhauled: 2 DNFs: 0
January February March April May
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firstdivisiongirl · 1 year
HELLOOO I JUST FOUND YOUR FICS DUDE IM IN LOOOVE WITH YOUR WRITING!!!! i recently got into op and your fics have been a really nice start for op fan content :]]
id like to make a request! short fic or scenarios is fine, whichever you prefer! im preparing for college, and im gonna be living on campus but one of the things im really scared of is losing my culture cause its difficult to go out of my way and cook or search for food that reminds me of my mexican background when at that point it's basically just trying to survive on anything yk??
if it wouldnt be much trouble, could I ask for a gn!reader x sanji, something along the lines of reader feeling homesick and sanji making them a comfort meal from their culture? (it doesn't have to be mexican you can really do whatever!!)
Hi! Thank you for the compliments. I really loved this. I feel the same way as you. While I am not Mexican, I do try to stay close to my German and Irish roots, even though no one else in my family does. I did a good amount of research on food that are authentic l Mexican cuisine. I got a lot of new recipes to try! I remember college, the only thing was I lived at home and drove. I really hope you enjoy this fic and I also wish you luck at college.
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How to Cure Homesickness
Everyone misses home sometimes.  You were no exception to that rule.  You recently joined the Strawhats as their cultural expert.  They need that because Luffy and Zoro had a tendency to offend people.  Sanji noticed you weren’t your happy self.  You weren’t playing with Chopper, Luffy and Usopp.  You weren’t sunbathing with Robin and Nami.  You just sat there at the railing of the Sunny, watching the sea as the waves crashed into the sides.  Sanji understood how you felt.  He got homesick all the time.  He would miss Zeff and the rest of the guys at the Baratie.  When he missed them, he would make his favorite foods from the Baratie.  The seafood risotto, the fruit parfait and his famous soup.  Then it hit him like Nami did to Luffy when he was being dumb, make the foods that remind you of home.  He walked up to Robin, who was reading on deck, “Robin darling, do you have any cookbooks in your library that I can borrow,” he asked, smiling like a fool.
A few hours later, Sanji called everyone in for dinner.  He had been in the kitchen all day, reading and cooking.  When you walked into the kitchen a familiar scent hit your nose.  It wasn’t the usual scent of tangerines, saltwater, or even meat.  It was different.  It smelt like…home?  You looked at the table and saw all of your favorites: carne asada, mole, huachinango a la veracruzana, arroz con leche, you name it.  You looked at Sanji.  He was smiling at you, “I thought you could use some cheering up dear.  I know you miss home, so I thought I’d bring home to the Sunny,” he said as he took another drag of his cigarette.  Everyone was so amazed by the food to notice you and Sanji.  “Thank you Sanji,” you told him, giving him a quick peck on his cheek.  He started to blush, before he grabbed his nose, so he didn’t bleed all over you.  “Anything for you dear,” he said, “HEY LUFFY DON’T EAT ALL OF IT!  THIS IS FOR Y/N NOT YOU!!!”  The good news was that he made extra and saved it in the locked fridge for you.  Looks like besides knowing you and your habits well, he knew his captain’s habits all too well as well.
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Please do not copy, modify, translate, or repost my writing on other platforms. Comments, reblogs or likes are highly appreciated!
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portersposse · 2 years
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Porters Posse: Ostara/Spring Equinox/Passover/Easter Seasonal/ Cooking Challenge
Thinking about taking part? Reply to this entry - or send me a DM - and I’ll add you to the Ostara/Spring Equinox/Easter Posse list.
WHO: Anyone of any practice, or no practice at all, who enjoys seasonal celebrations, cooking, and feasting!  No restrictions, if you can pick up a spoon and stir you are invited!
WHAT: Your challenge is simple: choose at least one recipe from the Porters Seasonal Celebration Cookbook’s chapter on Easter to incorporate into your seasonal celebration and share with us photos and a write up.  I hope you will use as many seasonal and local ingredients as possible and look forward to hearing about your experience with those ingredients and locales.
Southern Hemisphere friends!  Please participate.  If the chapters on Easter don’t suit your seasonal celebration needs, please participate by choosing a recipe(s) from the harvest or Michaelmas sections.
While the recipe(s) from Porters Seasonal Celebration Cookbook should be the star of your entry Id also love to hear about other traditional favorites that you used in your celebration and any special non-cookery traditions!
Dietary restrictions?  You are welcome to adapt the recipes to meet your needs! This is ultimately about you and your celebration!
(Haven’t been able to snag your copy yet?  Click on this link to borrow it from archive.org   Porters Seasonal Celebration Cookbook)
WHERE: In the convenience of your kitchen! Though I’d also love to hear about those farmer’s markets, ditches and orchards!  Be sure to tag your post @portersposse!
WHEN: I’m opening up a broad window for Ostara/Spring Equinox/Easter. This challenge will take place between March 19th and April 13th.  Send me your entries between April 14th and 15th.  Remember to tag them @portersposse so Ican share them with the whole posse!
WHY: To celebrate the season in a way that includes everyone, and to quote @graveyarddirt ‘s Hagging Out “because it’s occasionally nice to be social in the comfort of your own home without actually having people over.”
HOW: By yourself or with family and friends! Just be sure to include at least one recipe from Porters Seasonal Celebrations Cookbook by Richard, Earl of Bradford and Carol Wilson.  
Don’t get hung up on Easter being a religious holiday—I’m looking at it as a cultural date that has its roots in the past.  This is a HUGE seasonal cusp!
Don’t forget to leave me a message here or DM me @portersposse so we can add you to the Posse!
Your friend,
@pagan-stitches / @goadthings
A special invitation to friends who have participated in the past:
@ birchwood-path
@graveyarddirt @msgraveyarddirt
If I’ve left anyone out, please forgive--I’m on 3 hours of sleep! 
Spring posse to date: @hechizoh @hrusewif, @lupinelace @lurelurk, @msgraveyarddirt, @pagan-stitches, @satsekhem, and @woolandcoffee
Let me know if I left you out!
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theladyofbloodshed · 1 year
So, I have a question. I am planning a new series with following a certain mythology. I know a lot of readers drag sjm through the mud about stealing names from mythologies (including myself), like the names of gods/goddess & places, and not coming up with none on her own.
How should I combat that?
Is it a tad bit better to come up with all new names and places but keep the mythology lore?
I am trying to avoid being like sjm. (Also, I am asking a bunch of other tumblrs this question so you might see it around).
Long post incoming...
I think the issue with some of sjm's mythology is that she rips it away from certain cultures and then does nothing with it or warps it to the point where she should have just invented her own name e.g. Morrigan is famous in Irish folklore as three sisters (who are also all the same goddess) who is associated with war, she can be seen washing the armour of soldiers who will die that day. She's also famous for trying to seduce/end Cuchulainn who was battling Queen Maeve. There is no way sjm just came up with the name, because there are some similarities with acotar mor... but then we've never actually seen her power in 5 books.
She just takes random bits from lots of different cultures. Acotar was supposedly inspired by Outlander which is set in Scotland. The Ballad of Tam Lin is also Scottish (but acotar really is not similar to it). We have Rhys/Amren/Nuala/Cerridwen which are all Welsh names. But then I've seen people interpret Nuala and Cerridwen as POC because sjm is so vague (not to say welsh people cannot be poc, but the clothing they - and feyre - first wear is more like Jasmine from aladdin). Morrigan is Irish. Azriel is Hebrew. Cassian is Latin. Nesta is Welsh. Elain is Welsh. Eris is Greek. Lucien is French. Puca are celtic. The bogge comes from old english for the bogeyman. The Weaver is based on strzyga which are slavic. Baba Yellowlegs is a rip off of baba yaga also from slavic folklore. Koschei is also a slavic legend along with the Firebird. Heck, just look at the Slovenian flag and you'll see three mountains with three stars above it. I've seen people theorise that Thurr is CC is like Thor and CC will be the norse ragnarok.
Calan Mai is a Welsh festival and the acotar version is a bastardisation of it. Fires are lit to ward off spirits and banish disease the night before. On the day, farmers traditionally took their animals out to pastures and singing/drinking happened to give thanks for a good season. A May Queen and King would be crowned and the village green opened. SJM took Calan Mai from welsh traditions and turned it into a giant orgy (of course). Thunderbirds are important to Native American mythology and sjm has just taken that yet again for a character. I've only read cc2 once but I feel like there was no description of Sofie whatsoever.
It's not wrong to borrow from mythologies and folklore. These stories have existed for thousands of years for a reason. My issue is the strange amalgamation of shoving so many together and snipping only the "nice" bits e.g. the Morrigan can transform into an eel and she loses an eye at one point and transforms into an old woman. Sjm cant have ugly main characters!
I think try and be consistent with the mythologies e.g. don't mix lots of different ones together if you're using "real" names because I don't think they gel well - this is my friend Thor, his brother Apollo, and their friend Anubis. There are sooooo many mythology/folklore books out there. I have a whole shelf because I love it. There are also so many websites. Delve into less commonly known mythologies/stories. Alternatively, be inspired by them and come up with your own creations. Or, come up with your own lore in general :-)
Ultimately, you are telling the story you want to write. Do what is best for you!
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theoutcastrogue · 2 years
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In a Roman Osteria, by Carl Bloch (oil on cavas, 1866)
A very popular genre painting (full resolution here) by the Danish painter Carl Bloch. Genre paintings have subject matters drawn from everyday life, rather than anything pompous, and often from life in the margins in particular: if you’re looking for rogues in European painting, this is where you’ll find them.
An osteria is like a humble tavern, primarily for wine, and maybe to grab a bite and socialise – one way or another. The concept arguably goes back to ancient Rome, and there’s something more or less like it wherever wine is made, but Italy’s oldest osterie, in Brindisi and Bologna, are from the 1400s. It’s a fitting setting for a genre painting.
You can interpret it as you like, but my take is: “POV: you are sitting in an osteria in Rome drinking wine and exchanging suggestive glances with a young lady at the next table, when her friend takes wind of it and tells the young man accompanying them, and he turns around to look at you and he’s NOT happy; uh-oh, he’s got a knife.”
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It doesn’t look like an Italian knife, it looks like a Spanish navaja. Designs could of course be similar, and ideas and techniques were borrowed back and forth, but there’s a decorative element which doesn’t show up in Italy (AFAIK), only in Spain and sometimes Morocco: those white discs on the handle are called ojos de perdiz (partridge eyes), they’re bone inlays and the “iris” is usually brass. It makes a nice contrast with the darker material of the handle, which is horn or wood.
As it happens, I have one that looks a lot like it:
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Spain, c.1850
And here are a few more navajas with “partridge eyes”, made around the time In a Roman Osteria was painted. (All these are with a carraca, a ratchet; our Italian friend carries a simpler folding knife.)
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Albacete, 1860
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Albacete, 1866
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Cádiz, late 19th century
Back to Italy, a similar decorative element can be found in one very special case. The lover’s knife or love knife (coltello d’amore) is an extremely fancy folding knife, dating to the 18th century, and given as a token of love or as an engagement gift. Among other decorations, it features occhi di dado (dice eyes), which are similar to ojos de perdiz but with a much larger iris, placed off-center. Kind of like googly eyes.
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21st century version by the Colterellia Saladini, a very high-end cutlery; it’s their most expensive knife (EUR 1220, lol)
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an atypical fixed blade knife, small (16 cm total) and humbly made, 19th century
The eyes are supposed to “ward off the jealous gaze of anyone looking at your lover”, and I think they look a lot like nazars. Italy does have its own apotropaic symbols, however the south (where these knives hail from) has had significant contact with both Arabic and Greek culture, where nazars are super common, so it’s not a terrible leap to assume there’s a connection. But that’s just my speculation.
In the series Suburra: Blood on Rome, the young Sinti gangster Spadino is carrying this exact knife (the Saladini one). Sadly in a different context, it’s a parental / wedding / coming-of-age gift, they just picked it because it’s so extra.
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Spadino's mama: “you’re a man now, act like it”. Spadino: *fumes in gay*
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elijahhendley · 2 months
7月22號 Day 11: Our last day
So today will be our last day in Taipei. We will be leaving tomorrow during a National air defense drill! So during the year Taiwan does an air defense drill which is similar to a tornado drill, just for the country. Everyone must be inside for 30 minutes during the day and all cars have to stop on the road. No one is allowed to e out and you get fined if you are. But, if you are on the highway you can keep driving, so hopefully we are on the highway when it happens so we don’t waste any time.
Anywho, today started at 9:30 and our first stop was to the Chengchi University. Yeh Laoshi and chief Redstone both went to school here but at different times. We got to check out the dorms where most foreign students would stay if they went here. The dorms were pretty nice. Definitely nicer than most UF dorms. The room was reminiscent of Wang Peng’s dorm. So Wang Peng is a character in our Chinese language book and there are videos we watch with specific dialogue. In some of these videos he is in a dorm room and his room looked like the ones we saw today lol. Downstairs they even have a room where you can borrow a Nintendo Switch to play games with your friends and also sing karaoke.
Then after the dorms we went to the library which was HUGE! It was built only 5 years ago in 2019. It was an eight floor library with so much seating and a lot of space. They had private rooms you could rent out and also they had a creative space where students can do imprints or 3D printing on a small and large scale. They had PLA printers, resin printers, and 1 giant 3D printer for bigger projects. They also had a cafe downstairs which had a good variety of drinks although I did not get anything.
After, we had our break for lunch. I went to a dumpling place with some of the others because Austin suggested it and it was sooooooo good. I had a mini pork wonton noodle soup with some addition potstickers on the side and it was all very good. Then as we were waiting in the heat for the bus, Yeh Laoshi kindly bought us all icecream from McDonald’s. It was really good, thank you Yeh Laoshi! Then we got back on the bus, which was the small bus, and headed to the location we have all been waiting for… the… Taipei Zoo!!! The zoo was good. We got to see leopards, elephants, camels, capybaras, hyenas, and so many monkeys. We saw PANDAS and this other animal I forgot the name of that was mostly donkey and some zebra. But it was very hot at the zoo and after walking for 2 hours we took the shuttle train back to the front of the zoo and met everyone else.
Then our final stop was the YaoYue tea house. It was located on the side of a steep mountain. We had a mini tea ceremony done by one of the workers, Peter, and Yeh Laoshi. It is awesome how intricate the tea making process is and all the little things the culture considered when making tea. Watching them make tea made me excited for the tea ceremony we have at the end of the trip. Also the tea was good and light. Not too strong at all and very refreshing. The type of tea we had was Jasmine tea which is very fragrant. After the tea Austin Jack and I rushed to get some Cantonese fried rice with Josh(Yeh Laoshi’s nephew) because it was closing soon. It was really good and also, it was Josh’s birthday today, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOSH!
Academic reflection
So today I wanted to reflect on tea. Reading about all of the potential benefits of tea, I wanted to share that here. Tea is consumed by two-thirds of the world's population. It is very popular across the globe but not as popular in America as compared to other places. Because of this I have never done research on tea. I only have heard that it is good for you, but have not read any studies on it. So here is what I learned.
There are basically 3 bases of tea; Green tea, Oolong tea, and black tea. The difference between the three is the time fermented. Green teas is non-fermented, Oolong teas semi-fermented, and Black tea fermented.
Tea overall has a lot of positive effects. It contains many polyphenols, which are known to be a preventative agent. Specifically, the catechin epigallocatechin-3-gallate(EGCG) is the credited to the anticarcinogenic effect of grean tea(cancer preventative). Many anticarcinogenic effects where only attributed to green tea but now more research has come out for black tea having similar benefits. Different types of cancer tea can help prevent are skin, prostate, lung and breast cancer.
Green tea also helps reduce reactive oxygen species(ROS) and promote fat metabolism to help reduce athlerosclerotic plaque in the blood vessles. This all promotes good cardiovascular health and decrease myocardial infarctions.
Green tea also lowers the risk of diabetes and artheritis in women and could potentially have neurological effects that prevent parkinon's disease.
After learning all of this, I felt so healthy drinking the tea and had so many cups of it. Not only was it good Jasmine tea, but knowing that they used green tea as the base for jasmine tea, I might start drinking more tea when I get back to the US.
Maybe drink some tea
Until next time, 再見!
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staghunters · 8 months
hey hey! 2, 8, 12, 14
hoi hoi!
2. Oldest book you own (as in the one you received earliest in your life)
This one!
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I got it from my grandpa one pakjesavond (sinterklaas/the dutch boxing day) when I must've been around 8 years old? I can recommend it, though it is very much a children's book in that there is a lot of exposition that feels overdone at times. Still, it's got "fairy tales are real but a bit fucked up in this world", fairies with double agenda's, sibling love, a shapeshifter who's definitely queer in some way shape or form!!, and the main character is basically like an Indiana Jones but for fairy tale artefacts (hijinks included) on the background is this large-scale political conflict that makes it all very witcher-y.
You might know this author from Inkheart, btw! This one has also been translated into english.
8. Best cover
A tie between these two!
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I got them both last year on my bday credit at the store and haven't read either of them, but they look very nice. The Bale one is a hardcover that has gold details, but just the whole composition of it all is perfect.
12. Weirdest book you own
Definitely "The making of The African Queen, or, How I went to Africa with Bogart, Bacall, and Huston and almost lost my mind" by Katherine Hepburn.
I couldn't get it anywhere physically except as an second-hand library edition from the states (shoutout to Boston Baptist College Library!) but read it beforehand on internet archive because you can borrow it there for free! It's just a personal account of making a movie, but Katherine Hepburn is hilarious. It really reads like you're sitting with her and she has to vent about this stupid flick she did but wowza. Please let the following passage convince you to check it out. The full thing is only 150~ pages long.
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14. A book you love but wouldn’t really recommend to others
HEX by Thomas Olde Heuvelt! (I don't have the cover below but really like it so ordered it at work just now asjdkfhlsd)
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It was review bombed big time on Goodreads. On some points I could see the validity, but there's something really cool going on in here but that either doesn't translate well cross-culture, or is in general a bit ambiguous. The climax and ending is WILD. Not in a way of "wow some crazy fucked up shit happens here", which it kinda does, but I'm talking fucked up like a Hieronymus Bosch painting, and not like SAW.
I believe Olde Heuvelt did change some things to make it more understandable for american audiences, while sticking close to what he meant in the dutch version. Putting the town in the Hudson Valley as opposed to somewhere near Nijmegen makes sense, but still doesn't cover the typical "dutch small town" feeling from the original, particularly because of how densely populated my country is, making the whole curse that confines you to your super small old town forever till you die thing a lot more frustrating when everything modern and big is within a half hour drive.
Anyways, if you'd still want a rec: A town (name might vary but it's called Black Spring in the american edition) is haunted by the figure of a 17th century witch. the gist of her curse is that anyone who stays in the town for too long or is born there will have to stay till they die, only being able to leave for short amounts of time. Over the years there's been a sort of witch-watch task-force that keeps track of the witch's movements (she otherwise doesn't really do anything). All goes well until some teen boys want to fuck around for a nice video to post online.
Bookish Asks
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