#NT Kent
aisphotostuff · 7 days
Ightham Mote Outstanding 14th-century moated manor house, gardens
Ightham Mote Outstanding 14th-century moated manor house, gardens by Adam Swaine Via Flickr: Nestled at the bottom of a path sits a picture-perfect, 14th-century timber-framed manor house, on its own little island surrounded by water. Built nearly 700 years ago, this house has seen many changes and been owned by medieval knights, courtiers to Henry VIII and high-society Victorians. The gardens are as equally diverse as the house - a formal lawn, flower borders, secret glades and a sweetly scented cuttings garden. And then there are walks and views taking in lakes, an orchard, ancient bluebell woodland and Kentish farmland.
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cherryxcadbury · 1 year
16 with Mason if it is not gone please?xx
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first person pov
“Cast picture, everyone in!” One of your costar’s publicists beckoned to everyone.
You nodded, smiling nervously. You were at the French football awards, commonly known as the ballon d’or ceremony. Closely behind the Oscars and Golden Globes, this was one of the ceremonies with the most paparazzi you’d ever faced.
You were a Hollywood actress, a very successful one at that. From an early age, you’d love watching football and grew up supporting West Ham United. So, when the producers of Ted Lasso offered you a main role, you quickly did the paperwork and cleared your plate of all your other jobs.
After the cast photo was done, you more than anything wanted to get off the carpet, but the paparazzi had other ideas.
“Y/N! One solo photo please! Just one please Y/N!” The photographers screamed.
You bit your lip and opted for one photo. Trying to keep a straight face as the flashes intensified and you could see nothing but lights flashing constantly. Red carpets were a nightmare. Your hand was stationed on your hip and you debating on moving. The amount of light rendered you speechless.
That shout got you out of your daze and you quickly made your way off of the carpet, trying very hard not to trip in front of everyone.
You let out a breath of relief when you realised you’d survived the fatal light show.
“Survived aye?” You quickly turned the opposite way upon hearing a voice speak to you.
You turned to see your costar, Brett (who played Roy Kent), looking at you with an easy smile. On set, Brett had surprisingly grown to be a very close friend of yours. Almost like a brother. In honesty, you were a bit worried about getting along with your cast mates given the large majority of them were at least ten years older than you.
You were so happy that you ended up being very wrong. Brett specifically was initially intimidating, because well, look at him. But he was a lot like his character, Roy. He specialized in being hilarious, in that serious, deadpan type of way. But he was so loving and caring, again, a lot like a big brother.
“Tell me about it. That was one of the worst red carpets yet.” You groaned.
Brett shrugged his shoulders with a laugh, “Maybe for you. Their cameras were following you the whole time. You should’ve seen how quickly the rest of us were forgotten after the cast picture.”
“Please. I’ve seen how Roy Kent obsessed some of these guys are.” You teased him, to which he laughed.
“Let’s move to our seats now yeah?” He suggested.
You nodded, quickly turning the opposite way, maybe a bit too quick. Because you ended up crashing right into something quite a few cms taller than you.
Well, more like someone. A crimson blush immediately made its way onto your face. You hated embarrassing yourself at events like these. So much so that you worked meticulously to avoid doing so.
“I’m so sorry. I wasn’t looking where I was going.” You apologised after steadying yourself.
The person you crashed into looked up with an easy smile on his face. Mason Mount.
“No worries.” He flashed a charming smirk at you, upon seeing the blush deepen on your face.
You gulped wanting this interaction to be over as soon as possible.
“Y/N L/N right? The actress who’s been winning a crazy amount of awards?” Mason checked.
You stood for a second taken aback. He knew who you were?
“Yeah I am Y/N. It’s nice to meet you.” You stretched your arm out to shake his hand.
You were not a big hugger, so you were grateful when he accepted with a smile.
“I’m Mason, Mason Mount. I play for Chelsea. All the guys love watching you.” He replied earnestly.
“I know who you are. You had a really good season last year.”
“What about this year?” Mason quirked his eyebrow.
You felt yourself slowly getting more comfortable with him.
“I’m not one to judge when someone’s club is going through it.”
His eyes twinkled with interest, “Yeah and what club do you support?”
You ceased a chuckle, “West Ham. So I’m really not in any place to speak.”
“Y/N! We need to get to our seats.” Brett called to you with a smug look on his face.
You knew that you were gonna hear it from him later.
“It was nice talking to you. Hopefully we meet again.” You waved goodbye, turning in the other direction.
When you’d caught up with Brett it was just a matter of waiting until he started teasing of you.
“Mount’s the bloke you were talking to yeah?” Brett began.
“I swear to god Brett if you say anything to the others…” You started before being cut off.
“I won’t say anything. I promise. Other than Y/N’s got a little boyfriend.” He teased.
“This is why I hate you.” You replied with a roll of the eyes.
“Hey! Someone’s gotta do it.” He defended himself with a smile.
The two of you jokingly shoved each other on the way to your seats, you with Mason Mount on your mind the whole way.
six months later…
“I’m not going to lie, pretty sure people hated season 3.” Toheeb, who played Sam Obisanya mumbled to you and the rest of the cast.
After being renewed for a fourth season, you lot were back and filming again.
“We’re like apple tv’s only successful show ever.” Hannah, who plays Rebecca, mentioned.
“That’s why they’re trying to increase the star power this season. Some *actual* footballers are supposed to be guest starring.” Brett informed.
“YOOOOO. Mbappes about to guest star innit!” Phil, who played the infamous Jaime Tartt got very excited.
“No way. The cost for Mbappe to do a 30 second appearance would probably cost the whole season’s budget.” You scoffed.
“Well whoever it is, they’re supposed to shoot their scenes today.” Jason, the Ted Lasso, informed the others.
“Say. Let’s get to shooting now yeah fellas!” He suggested, already slipping into his character.
About five hours later, they were almost done for the day.
“Okay Y/N. I assume you’ve read the script. You’re going to have a scene with the two guest stars. They already know what they have to say, so just do you and I’m sure the take will turn out great.” Jason encouraged.
You nodded, focusing to get in your element. Acting was understandably something that came easy to you. Though you were shy, there was always something appealing about masking your fear and embarrassment into a character. You nodded, focusing to get in your element. Acting was understandably something that came easy to you. Though you were shy, there was always something appealing about masking your fear and embarrassment into a character.
“You can take a water break, maybe five minutes, the guest stars should be here once you get back.” The episode’s director told you.
You nodded, very excited to get some water and some food. You were very very hungry. You walked over to your trailer parked right next to set and grabbed some of the snacks you always had on hand. You almost groaned in frustration when you thought the only thing you had was pistachios, but inwardly celebrated once you saw the cola gummies that you absolutely adored.
“Y/N! We’re about to start the scene!” An assistant director informed, knocking on your trailer.
You stuffed the last bit of cola gummies into your mouth then sped walk back to set. A hair and makeup artist fixed your hair and touched up your makeup before going back to where the camera was fixated.
“I’m here! I’m here! Sorry, I got a bit hungry.” You smiled sheepishly.
“All good Y/N. Now Y/N these are the two guest stars, Mason Mount and Reece James, they both play for Chelsea. Mason, Reece, this is Y/N, she’s one of our stars.” The director began introductions.
You quirked an eyebrow when you heard the names. You turned to your side to see Reece smiling at you, and Mason staring at you with an astonished look. He literally knew you starred in Ted Lasso, why was he surprised?
“Hi Y/N! I’m Reece, this is Mason, we’re both big fans!” Reece said, coming over to you with Mason in tow.
You didn’t know who were expecting but Mason Mount was certainly not it. Seen you’d met him at the Ballon d’or ceremony, he’d improved his game tremendously, getting out of the slump he was in in no time. He was becoming the star that got him nominated for the ballon d’or a season or two ago.
“Hi Reece, Mason. It’s a pleasure.” You smiled, shaking Reece’s hand.
“Reece! If you can come over here so we can tell you your lines, Mason knows his already.” A producer called Reece away.
“I’ve been watching your games.” You were the first to speak.
“Still been struggling?” He asked with a knowing smile.
“Very impressed with how quickly you improved your game. Maybe if Messi and Mbappe didn’t exist, you’d stand a chance at the ballon d’or.” You teased.
“I really have been meaning to thank you ya know.” Mason suddenly turned serious.
“It was something you said about how Chelsea wasn’t doing so well, and we weren’t. It made me so determined to put in extra work and extra hours in training. You’re part of the reason I’m back on my game. So thank you.” He confessed.
“I’m not one to take credit for other’s hard work. But I appreciate that, thank you.”
“Mason! Y/N! Let me show you your positioning!” The director called out.
About two hours later, the last scene had been shot for the day. You were about to get in your car and drive home before you heard Mason calling for you.
“What’s up Mase?” You asked, turning around.
“Here.” He said, slipping a piece of paper into your hand.
You opened it and successfully avoided blushing when you saw a phone number written down. “This yours?” You teased, waving it in front of him.
He nodded, hands stuffed in his pockets.
“I’m not making the same mistake I did last time.” He winked, walking away.
You stood there dumbfounded until you saw Brett’s provoking smirk several meters away from you.
“Y/N’s got a boyfriend. Y/N’s got a boyfriend.” He sang while walking to his car.
“I hate millennials.” You groaned.
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lunar-years · 8 months
the thought of Roy and Jamie at separate clubs makes me sad BUT the thought of Keeley having a custom split jersey made that's half a Richmond Kent kit and half a whatever-club-Jamie's-at Tartt kit and then wearing it proudly in the stands at a match where they're playing against one another makes me deeply happy.
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m-bennet · 1 year
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤyou deserve someone who makes you feel like you've been struck by lightning.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “ — fuck off, you're a child!
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ — you fuck off, you're hairy old prune! ”
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pseudo-hero · 2 years
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Two important talks of many that our parent-figures might give us in life, other than “The Birds and Bees”:
1. The “Don’t share every piece of info about your life, especially if it’s clearly TMI and full of typos that would embarrass your techie/reporter fathers!” talk
2. The “Sometimes your parents or others in your life will get intimate and do things that make you uncomfortable but you’ll just have to learn to deal with it” talk.
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sanguine-vn · 1 year
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dumb doodle i did last year of the anthro au
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royal-confessions · 8 months
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“If Princess of Kent wasn't a racist c*nt she would be my favorite royal in BRF. Such a beautiful and elegant woman. She just needs take some classes on diversity and learn to respect others.” - Submitted by Anonymous
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Textiles at Knole House (NT), Kent
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eddievedders · 1 year
hey! sorry to bother you but I just watched the last episode of Ted Lasso and there's something I didn't understand because of my english (it's not my native language). can you explain what did Phoebe means when she ask for the first pound to Jamie after he gave Roy his present? I didn't understand the reason for her to think it was a bad word
thank you so much!
Hey, anon! You're not bothering me at all. 😊
It's because Jamie says he got them (the people where he got the shirt from) to change the 'e' in Kent to a 'u', making it Roy Kunt. Phoebe connected the dots, and since c*nt is a very bad word, she asked Jamie for the pound.
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autcnomy · 1 year
clark went to lex’s funeral even though he was totally fucked up on red kryptonite :(
lex has a whole additional level of C-PTSD from being stuck on a desert island alone :(((((( eating bugs and i am pretttyyyy sure hallucinating his “castaway” buddy
tom w as an actor can at least do anger damn well, yike
lionel continues to be a massive c*nt and helen is giving him a run for his money
and so is jonathan kent for literally driving clark to run away and never apologizing for it!!!!!!!
someone just hug lex please  
literally all anyone had to do was sit him down and talk to him lmao
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Rotterdam 2020 – Semi-Final 2
Host: Netherlands Slogan: “Open Up” Participants: 41 Voting method: 12-point system (50/50 system - separated) Format: 2 Semi-Finals / Grand Final = the top 10 of semi 1 & 2 + the Big 5 + host
General Overview:
Well, there's not much to comment on here! As I said, SF2 is the more open semi this year. There's only 6 countries that I perceive as “safe” qualifiers in this one, which leaves 4 spots that are up in the air. The first half of this semi is kinda weak too.
Having said that, I think the 2020 winner is actually in this group - Iceland, Switzerland, or Bulgaria. Or it's Italy in the Big 5. I just don't see the juries giving Lithuania and Russia enough support to take the crown. Maybe Norway would've been a dark horse though.
Greece: Stefania - Superg!rl W!th an exclamat!on po!nt! Dream Team instrumentals usually dominate their songs - those quivering, unstable “B-B-B-BR-BRR” bursts are LOUD and overbearing. But they go hard and sound Greek. They're like a supernatural force overtaking you and your surroundings. After the approaching thunder-drum intro, the first one occurs right away (with castanets?) Then the verse minimizes to bass nudges and dull kicks; heightening midway. There's a slam, and the pre-chorus hums alongside light bucket drips, as Stefania's voice now jumps out. Another slam, and the little metal balls dropping accelerate; then a diversion of skipping broken ticks before the “drop” goes OFF with bass throbs. The drop also fills up with lyrics in the second half. Verse 2 quiets to traditional strings. And the bridge escalates via slicing strikes and an intense hum; leading to a big note, a haunting choir chant, horn roars, and one final drop. That bridge is my fave part. The song builds into the drops nicely, and I like the hazy atmosphere. But the comic book character metaphor is kinda cheesy. The lyrics mention Clark Kent's phone booth, a “super car” and X-ray vision. Stefania says girls don't need that stuff to feel powerful and be themselves. The song is about female empowerment (“There's no wonder it takes a woman” is certainly a pun) and finding your passion and identity in the darkness. Stefania also stands up against the detractors. But the message seems unfocused. She also acts as “your supergirl” to help humanity (which she does in the video). The lyrics also sound like they're about a relationship. The “girl/world”; “power/tower” rhymes are filler too.
My prediction: 80% (#19 odds/ #19 scoreboard app). This seems like a pretty safe qualifier. It stands out in a good way, but it's the kinda song that gets 17th-22nd place in the grand final. LIKELY.
Estonia: Uku Suviste - What Love Is “INEVERIMAGINEDTHEPOWER”... this rapid wordy chorus, where Uku crams too many syllables together, just does not work. I like when the “I neeeever kneeeew” slowdown cuts it off, but it just isn't enough. The song is too bland and dull. It begins with Uku taking a breath, then the first verse is a piano ballad, with this alien spaceship sound upon “beautiful surprises”. It has a night sky vibe. There's a heavy thud and an eerie wind, then the chorus initially holds back, with tickles and patters. Then, after a heartbeat thump, Uku's voice rises and the percussion forcefully stomp-splashes, creating a quiet/loud contrast. The post-chorus then adds strings. Verse 2 is less tense with sharper drums, until the pre-chorus. The second chorus jumps right into it. And the bridge copies the chorus lyrics, while the vocals and production reduce to a steam leak. But nothing about this production is that special. The lyrics are sappy too. Uku remarks on how mysterious and surprising life is. That he never understood his old self. And that his aspirations in life weren't about finding a partner. Then he lists a bunch of examples of how you don't know something until you experience it. He was unaware of the power and necessity of love until now. It's a bit cringe how Uku takes his epiphany SO seriously; like this awakening was SO important. The dramatic production doesn't help with that either. This is the kind of song where I'm just waiting for it to be over. The Eesti Laul staging was boring too.
My prediction: 10% (#38 odds/ #38 scoreboard app). The least likely qualifier of SF2 imo. The song is a forgettable nothing-burger, and it was given the worst running order spot. NO CHANCE.
Austria: Vincent Bueno - Alive Austria are in their jury bait era. “Alive” is just too calculated and soulless for me. It's like the songwriters wanted to show off their polished technical craft, but in doing so, I cannot connect to the song. Vincent's Justin Timberlake tribute leaves me feeling cold too. And the intro is kinda pretentious. It spreads a message of freeing yourself from shackled thrones, and how we're all heroes behind our egos. While the piano is like elevator music, with brief subtle strings and echoes of “screaming”, which puts focus on Vincent's vocal flexing. The way he yells “SHACKLE BOLTS” annoys me. Weirdly, the rest of the lyrics are basic. He repeatedly says this person makes him feel alive again... and that's about it. He doesn't need much to ignite his mood, so prepare for “fire shots”. After that intro shuts down, the murky bass emerges, the computerized claps accelerate, there's a windy whoosh, and the funky bass-line takes over, briefly pulling the brakes on “hey!” The post-chorus adds showering synths as the melody fills out, ending on a crackle. Verse 2 maintains the momentum (and adds door knocks) until a synth blare; then the pre-chorus drops down and builds back up. The bridge emphasizes the bass-line, where Vincent whispers. And the song abruptly returns to the intro at the end, where the monarch is overthrown. The production is filled with quirky sounds. I like the funky bass and the “you make me feel like... oh oh oh” build-ups, but the “alive again x2” hook is annoying. The song has a self-confident vibe though.
My prediction: 50% (#31 odds/ #26 scoreboard app). I could see the juries pushing Austria through... and then they would receive <10 televote points in the grand final. “Amen” was only 11th with the juries, but “Alive” is more dynamic. The upbeat songs have an advantage in SF2 as well. It's very borderline though. BORDERLINE IN.
Moldova: Natalia Gordienko - Prison The studio version is better. Natalia needs a more powerful live vocal, since Dream Team productions are so dominant. She also awkwardly walks around some LED chairs and copies “Bulletproof”. The song opens with a dramatic slam, while a whistling flute alternates sides. Then the verse piano tickles, with a couple snowy echoes. Another slam and the bass hums, ending on a windy gasp. Another slam and the pre-chorus jumps out; intensifying midway after a rattle. Then the dark bubbling synth takes over, with plenty of chain clangs and electrical scatters. This chorus sounds like a large, dark, echoing prison. The whole “I don't want to be with/without you” repetition feels empty though. The chorus heightens upon the “PRISON!” yelp, where the flute returns. There's a breather afterwards. The synths arrive earlier the second time. The bridge is a bunch of screams appearing one at a time. And the production goes crazy at the end. It's a very entrapping atmosphere. The louder parts represent Natalia losing her mind, and the lyrics showcase her indecisiveness in wanting this person. There's a lot of “I don't want to...”s, and repeating lines with extra words. That “IdontwannaFEEL... you” melody also channels “Hijo de la luna”. She doesn't want to fight “inside”. She's trapped by the memories. She wishes for solitary confinement. The relationship feels like a prison. She doesn't want to be needy or desperate. These lyrics lack depth and Natalia's emotion seems unconvincing. The production is epic, but this sound only exists in K*rkorov's head; much like Russia 2014 & 2016.
My prediction: 25% (#33 odds/ #40 scoreboard app). Very poor fan reception, but Moldova are known for staging glow-ups, and Kontopoulos & K*rkorov have only NQ'ed once (Azerbaijan 2018). Still, I just don't see it happening with that NF performance. “Sugar”'s placing surprised me, but that had meme potential. UNLIKELY.
San Marino: Senhit - Freaky! Yeah... Senhit had the biggest upgrade in 2021. “Freaky!” cranks the camp factor up to an 11. I mean, she sells it, and it's a high energy upbeat song. But the chorus is annoying, particularly the “FREAKY! FREAKY! FREAKY!” group chants, with the percussion slaps. The song sounds tacky and cheap. And it's another dated disco instrumental from San Marino. The humming intro is like a pretty sunrise. The tiny guitar pings, “body” echoes, and finger snaps continue this peaceful vibe. I like how the opening verse melody hangs on – it's different from the rest of the song. Then, a helicopter flutters by, and the drums and funky bass take over, with some brake screeches. The chorus adds disco strings and synth vomits. Then the intro verse returns. Then it's the chorus again. And the bridge is a disco instrumental break, leading to a group chant moment, and a power down effect. The backing singers sound like they're at a party. But the second half of the song keeps repeating the same 3 stanzas, as if they ran out of ideas. And Senhit sings the “freaky”s and “And life goes by...” with a mocking tone. In the lyrics, she's smitten. Her whole body feels a sensation from this person's touch. The couple are into PDA's, and people call them “freaky”, and think she's pretending to like it (does “freaky” imply public sex?) But they don't care. They like being freaky! They'll break the rules! Life is too short! The song has a 'free yourself and party' kinda vibe. But the more I listen to it, the more annoying and empty it is.
My prediction: 10% (#37 odds/ #41 scoreboard app). Very poor fan reception. The song is too kitschy and dated, and San Marino struggles to qualify most years anyways. This is a contender for last place in the semi. The staging would have to be incredible to save it. NO CHANCE.
Czech Republic: Benny Cristo - Kemama I love that Czechia chose an Afro-beats song. It's not a genre you often hear in Eurovision. But “Kemama” isn't very catchy, is it? The “I wasn't always like that / I wasn't born like that...” build-up is great (with the sliced-up bangs afterwards), but it builds to nothing. The chorus is flat. It's a 'chill vibes only' kinda song though. It opens with a summery guitar and dull synth drips, as Benny lists the producer tags. Then (a subdued version of) the chorus starts things off, with restless taps, little guitar twiddles, and bead shaker swipes. Things intensify with Benny's raised voice and the claps. Then the pre-chorus synths stop/start to build hype. And the new chorus percussion skips along. The second verse/chorus are elevated by horns. The bridge is a foot-dance drum breakdown, then he shouts the last chorus transition. And a wild outdoor drum commotion finishes things off. There's a lot going on in this instrumental, but it's never too much. The lyrics involve Benny and his mother reversing roles - he's now giving her advice. He reassures her he'll be okay. She needn't worry what others say about him. He's become independent with a big heart. He refutes the idea he's “lost his way” - no, he's sure of himself. He'll prove them wrong. He asserts he worked 24/7 to get here. He was bullied as a child, but was resilient thanks to his mother's advice. And now he just wants to dance and enjoy life – there's no need for fighting and prejudice. I like the message at least. I just wish it stood out more.
My prediction: 35% (#26 odds/ #34 scoreboard app). This sounds like nothing else in the contest, so it could be a shock Q. His Vidbir 2020 performance of “Kemama” was much better than whatever that trainwreck was in Eurovision 2021. But I don't think it's catchy enough to Q. UNLIKELY.
Serbia: Hurricane - Hasta la vista This is fun and catchy but it's kinda monotonous. I love the fierce attitude though. The narrator leaves her cheating partner by throwing that Arnold quote in his face! She takes control and decides when it's over: “1, 2, 3 and it's the end! Your time is up!”; “Take it or leave it!”. She blames him for her insomnia. They don't even talk to each other. He can't handle her 'craziness'. And she says he made the wrong choice. “Oh, well, sorry you didn't like me”! Hurricane expresses 0 regrets or doubts here. He blew his chances and they refuse to compromise - it's not “vanity”, it's self-respect. The song has a 'I'm so much better off now' vibe. The instrumental paints the image of the trio fleeing on motorbikes. Maybe he was cheating with all 3 lol. The intro sounds like a vibrating tailpipe that cuts off. Then the Blackpink horns and claps hype things up, as the song swirls up and down. Then, after some glitchy beeps, the trap-y verses kick, buzz, roar and glitch. The pre-chorus switches to a clappy build-up, ending on a deep vocal distortion. Then the chorus speeds/bounces forward with drum rattles; pulling back for catchy stutter responses. The verses also have responses. The post-chorus is like the pre-verse. Verse #2 completely stops twice for submerged vocal bits. And the bridge is a bigger clappy build-up, but it doesn't build to anything new. In Beovizija, Hurricane have great stage presence. That version adds army boot stomps, while the LED keeps displaying “HURRICANE”, and shows an army of women at the end.
My prediction: 75% (#23 odds/ #20 scoreboard app). This is basically the same song as “Loco Loco” so I expect the same result. It's catchy and they had a solid live performance in 2021. Plus, Serbia sounds like a step-up after the last few songs in the running order. LIKELY.
Poland: Alicja - Empires This sounds like a James Bond theme, and I mean that as a positive. The violin intro paints the image of Alicja standing in the ruins after her city burned down. It sets a mournful mood with the somber piano. There's a light thump, then the orchestral strings flicker on/off and tip-toe. The pre-chorus quickly increases the volume. Then the drums take over the chorus, with idle strings, changing the mood into feeling powerless watching this tragedy unfold; until it falls into a thud on “rise and fall”. Verse 2 adds waddling footsteps. The next chorus has a dramatic jittery start. The bridge quiets to piano and cello. The piano slows to a stop before the final chorus. And Alicja ends on a huge scream. The song is about climate change (as seen in the video), and how the world's empires are close to crumbling down. Every empire in history fell at some point. We're not immune. Alicja remarks that it happens so easily and asks if it's our fault. She feels guilty for staying in an escapist reality. She says we hope for change but we don't do it. And she cries “We just want it all”! There's also several idioms: “Ashes to ashes, dust to dust” (we'll be a part of Earth again someday), “Fool's gold” (our possessions have fake value), “Moths to a flame” (we're addicted to harmful stuff). Maybe it's preachy in saying our lifestyles will lead to destruction, but Alicja sings with genuine concern. I also like her distinct vocal and the song's dire atmosphere. The NF performance looks like karaoke night with the scrolling lyrics.
My prediction: 50% (#20 odds/ #23 scoreboard app). Poland is usually a televote-friendly country, and this is a jury-friendly song, so... win/win? SF2 is more ballad-heavy, but I think her voice makes this one stand out. Although this would probably flop in the grand final. That NF staging needs improvement too. BORDERLINE IN.
Iceland: Daði og Gagnamagnið - Think About Things “Baybay... I. Can't. Wait. To. Know.” No, he's talking to an actual baby (his newborn daughter.) Dadi is curious to know what she's thinking about, since he can't understand her yet. He promises to always be there, so she can tell him anytime! He wonders if she loves him back. And he says they're bonded forever, despite her essentially being a stranger. Dadi acts like babies can comprehend parental relationships. But I read these lyrics as sweet and not weird. Babies are an unknown, so it's natural to wonder who they'll grow up to be. The song itself has a nostalgic sound and a relaxing family time mood. It remains low-key the entire time, but still reaches a climax. Dadi's unusual vocal style and the harmonies are hypnotic too. There's a drowsy intro, with the mircowave-y vapor puffs and minimalist vocals, while this antsy wiggly thing grows. Then the synth 'pow's, the moving bass taps, the stationary foot taps, the backing “ah uh ah uh...”, and a quick drum 'ta-t-ta' get things moving (in that order). The verses move to a funky guitar and snaps. Then, after a double slap, the droopy chorus follows a bass guitar groove, as the snaps return midway. An excited horn break follows this, ending on a rolling drum. The next pre-chorus drops down. Chorus #2 is fuller. And the bridge horns anticipate the climactic final “BAAAABBY”. Those “BABY!” hooks are great. The Söngvakeppnin staging definitely stands out - the green pajamas, the pixelated faces, the strange instruments, the sideways struts, the face turns. This is a quirky entry, but a charming and polished one. And the song's groove/rhythm is very interesting and unique.
My prediction: 99% (#4 odds/ #3 scoreboard app). Probably the SF2/grand final televote winner as well. The juries had Iceland pretty high in 2021, so yeah, I think this would've been the Eurovision 2020 winner. LOCKED.
Switzerland: Gjon's Tears - Répondez-moi I initially found this boring. But it captures a feeling of existential dread really well. It's a relatable message in today's world. In the lyrics, Gjon asks life's unanswerable questions. He starts small with why does rain exist? But soon turns serious with why does death exist? He also mentions being separated from his family, and feeling like a stranger in his new and old homes (his parents are from Albania and Kosovo). He later asks why do we keep running? Why do we pray differently? And why future generations are screwed. In the chorus, Gjon is tired of guessing and begs for answers – and no BS ones. But there's no resolution; we're all stuck guessing forever. The verses repeat every question, showing how unrelenting they are. He doesn't beat around the bush either. The song moves very slowly and it has a very serious tone. But Gjon's vulnerability makes it work. He projects sadness really well. And it's a very personal song. The intro is this vibrating hum that lingers for a bit, like white noise. The first verse continues this uneasy silence, only adding tiny guitar pings, and a piano midway. While the chorus inserts strings, “ah uh AHHH...” hooks, and ends on a falsetto scream. The percussion waits until verse 2 to arrive, where the echoing snaps and stomps convey painful frustration. Chorus #2 adds a bleak soldier-marching snare and echoing strikes. And the bridge falls into silence before Gjon screams over the last chorus – I love this climax. His vocals are great too. I can really feel the emotion in this.
My prediction: 99% (#3 odds/ #2 scoreboard app). And this is probably the SF2/grand final jury winner. I mean, Gjon did just that in 2021. Plus, if he can communicate the message through the staging, this will have televote appeal. But will we get two sadboy ballad Eurovision winners in a row? LOCKED.
Denmark: Ben and Tan - Yes This is so aggressively catchy. Depending on my mood, “Yes” is either a banger or it's annoying AF. The chorus is a super potent singalong that's impossible to ignore - every single word of it pops out. It's also excessively upbeat. So, Denmark takes us back to the mid-2010s folk-pop trend. The song starts with acoustic guitar slaps and a stomp-along beat, while Ben & Tan trade leads. The verse winds down upon “give life one more chance”. Then, after a “HEY!” shout, the chorus heightens and occupies the entire surroundings. This part conveys how overwhelmingly strong their feelings are. There's fluttering claps, more stomps, emphatic “SAY YES! SAY YES! SAY YES!” releasing shouts that echo across the arena, and an “ooooh” post-chorus that sounds like bagpipes. Verse 2 introduces the violent strikes (that hit the ground full force from excitement), which reappear later on. The bridge reduces to minimal guitar, before one last “ooooh” creates an epic build into the final chorus - I like that pause when it hits. And the song ends on a softer moment. The lyrics are straightforward. It's about them giving love (or life?) another chance despite what they're dealing with. Tan felt bitter, sad, and lonely because she would've died for her ex. While Ben was controlled by fear and didn't think he could be happy while sober. But everything's changed now they've found each other! The archery lyric goes with the folk song imagery too. In the audience-less DMGP final, the LED flashes “YES”, while Ben & Tan have strategic stage positioning.
My prediction: 85% (#15 odds/ #17 scoreboard app). This is WAAAY too catchy and polished to not make it, and their DMGP performance was pretty solid. Juries love catchy radio pop as well. I predict top 15 in the final. LOCKED.
Albania: Arilena Ara - Fall from the Sky I don't mind if Albania keeps sending female ballads. Arilena's powerful voice really elevates this one, even if the cliché wings metaphor weakens the chorus a bit. She makes that chorus impactful regardless, with the “SKY-Y-Y-Y-UH-Y” cries and “HOLD BACK... MY WINGS...” pauses. She sings with SO much conviction, like she's fighting for her life. I can hear her suffering. And she sounds like Katy Perry lol. Her voice also dominates over the instrumental. Which makes sense, since Arilena is regaining her autonomy from an abusive partner. She hides all the pain they caused, in order to deny them the satisfaction that the absue “worked”. They made her doubt her faith. They lied. They controlled her. But she's resilient! I love when Arilena switches to anger in the bridge - it shows she's no longer afraid. The Albanian version is much darker, where murder seems like the only escape. But the revamped instrumental is more dramatic and... harsh I guess? There's a sharp, ice cold piano intro that slows down. Then, after a rumble, the piano dejectedly softens, before picking itself up. There's a cymbal crash, the chorus strings weep, and the drums and metallic echoes summon strength within. Verse 2 adds a woodblock, and skip-splashes at the end. The bridge breaks free. Then the tension builds with strings and drum bangs, until it breaks upon “FLYYYYY”. The icy piano returns, there's a loud strike, the drums/strings resume, and she literally “screams inside” in a big note. That last chorus transition is so good. Finally, the song crashes down and the outro goes a cappella.
My prediction: 60% (#28 odds/ #18 scoreboard app). This probably would've placed... 17th in the grand final. Albania's female ballads are usually borderline qualifiers, but Arilena's vocals and the big dramatic chorus should be enough. BORDERLINE IN.
Finland: Aksel - Looking Back Last year, Finland said “Look Away”, this year they're “Looking Back”! This one is a personal, heartfelt ballad, where Aksel provides a comforting, sentimental vocal. The lyrics are relatable too. It's about the uneasiness of growing up, and how we don't appreciate our youth until it's over... and then we're nostalgic for it. We're too fixated on achieving a dream job (the “high life”) or on current woes (the “low lights”). Aksel also reminisces over his youth – sharing dreams with friends; the impatience to turn 18; being naive, clueless and confused about stuff; going to parties; acting carelessly. These memories give him comfort. Indeed, the song has a 'don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened' kinda vibe. There's a chilly wind intro, then the first verse is a calm piano ballad, as the autumn winds reappear. A shimmer starts the chorus, where the “HIIIIGH LIFE”/ “LOOOW LIGHTS” shouts hang off a cliff, and the following line relaxes. It isn't the catchiest chorus ever, but it's fine. Verse 2 introduces the dense, stuttering kicks (like a dribbling basketball); which turn splashy in the next pre-chorus. Chorus 2 is fuller and maintains the kicks. But there's no bridge, and that chorus is repeated for a full minute, where nothing changes. I wish there was more *to* this song. The outro reduces to little guitar echoes. Aksel's UMK performance seems heartfelt. The LED shows moving dashes, red lights (to match that lyric), and chalk drawings of kids hanging out and dating.
My prediction: 45% (#27 odds/ #33 scoreboard app). This could be a shock qualifier because of the the juries, but I'm not convinced the televote would go for this. There's so many ballads in the second half, and I don't see this surpassing Poland or Albania. BORDERLINE OUT.
Armenia: Athena Manoukian - Chains on You Eurovision mostly avoids trap music, so this is refreshing. Athena's confident attitude, her flow (“I start it, I make it...”), her “yuh yuh yuh”s, the slurred auto-tuned “diamonds on you”, the “chains on chains on you” mumbles, and the background “woo”s and breathing are what trap needs. She can't sound stiff. Plus the production constantly adds or removes layers at the right moments. It's never overdone or messy. The most prominent layer is the steel drum loop. It starts in the intro and moves ominously in single steps. There's a creepy finger-fidget descent, then the scraping trap beat arrives, with broken metal rattles added in next. The pre-chorus bass bubbles, with a gunshot midway, then the rattles return. The next part switches to claps, bass pulls, and alarm roars. The music stops on the unclear words, then the chorus resumes the first beat. The 2nd verse adds a rapid 'eh-eh-eh' thing. Then the beat minimizes to introduce the frosty warnings. The next clappy part removes the bass midway. The bridge is a bunch of dramatic bangs and muffled “hurt me”s. And the outro electrifies. It's a dark and dangerous, bass-heavy instrumental. It paints the image of meeting up in a sketchy place at night. In the song, Athena knows her admirer has naughty intentions. But she's in control and sets the terms – he must accept she's independent and ambitious. She doesn't care if he leaves. The diamonds are a metaphor for self-worth, since they only shine on her. He assumes she's not interested, but Athena turns seductive in the clappy parts, using “boy” lures and “hurt me!”s. She'll put him in chains too! How kinky. She shows 0 nerves sitting next to him either. The national final had poor sound quality, but there's male dancers and a throne.
My prediction: 60% (#22 odds/ #15 scoreboard app). I think this would've been the “Hvala, ne!” of 2020. It would benefit from the second half having so many ballads, and it sounds modern. It's a polarizing genre, but that might actually help it stand out. It probably wouldn't do much in the grand final though. BORDERLINE IN.
Portugal: Elisa - Medo de sentir This might be the most forgettable entry of 2020. The rising “eeeEEEE” hooks stand out, but the melody is weak and it's a generic FDC ballad. The song is just boring to me. Elisa's delivery seems heartfelt though. She's afraid to love again because of previous failed relationships. She rejects anyone who invites her in. Their gestures make her nervous. Their “I love you”s sound fake, and she doesn't believe they'll stay. Her loneliness won't stop. But she wasn't always putting her guard up. In the bridge, she ultimately asks if they'll wait for her, meaning she hasn't given up. I get the sense she wants to change. The song opens with a “da-DA-da-DA-dun” piano sequence, and it remains a depressed piano ballad for the first verse, while Elisa gives a gentle and vulnerable vocal. The verse ends with a “tah-ha ha-ha” and an “mm-hmm”. Then the chorus introduces the foot thuds, as the piano becomes louder. The instrumental stops midway, then a subtle woodblock appears. Verse #2 adds the strings. Chorus #2 adds the triple drum bangs. Then the pace finally picks up in the bridge, where the drums roam free. This leads to a big note climax, as the piano/drum bangs escalate - it's the moment when Elisa has had enough. The song goes silent afterwards, until the slices appear. And the last chorus has thunderous drums. But this instrumental isn't the most interesting. And the song isn't noticeable enough. Elisa gives an emotional performance in FDC. She sings to the pianist at one point.
My prediction: 20% (#36 odds/ #32 scoreboard app). I think this is too forgettable to qualify, and the other ballads in SF2 have more going for them. UNLIKELY.
Georgia: Tornike Kipiani - Take Me as I Am This just isn't my thing. Tornike's screaming is grating (especially the long notes and the “ME” and “GERMAN” growls). The song is excruciatingly slow. The instrumental feels like I'm drowning in quicksand. And the lyrics call out anti-Georgian xenophobia by... listing stereotypes of other countries. So basically, Tornike is whining about Europe not loving Georgia's Eurovision entries. He's discouraged from being himself, and expected to assimilate to western culture. But he'd rather be authentic, and loved for that. The lyrics only mention the Big 5 countries, so I guess he's mad they get a free pass, while Georgia NQs. In the chorus, the female backing says “I love you” in those 5 languages to give him validation. I get Tornike's point, but it comes across like he's guilt-tripping us into sympathizing with him. As for the production, the intro guitar is like static electricity scattering. Then the verse starts restrained, with deep guitar, deep vocals, and buzzing bass; like we're deep underground. But once the song shifts, his voice changes, and the intense background is overwhelming AF - it's like standing next to a vacuum cleaner. It's just a stationary wall of noise. The percussion kicks, echoes and bone-cracks also move slowly. The chorus doesn't offer any variation, and the long “youuuu”s and “aaaaam”s drag on. Verse 2 thankfully pauses the vacuum, if only briefly, for some subtler sounds. Chorus 2 adds the orchestra. And the song ends with a horn and a cymbal.
My prediction: 45% (#14 odds/ #27 scoreboard app). This is the hardest one to predict. People will either love it or hate it. But Georgia's other left-field entries didn't qualify (like 2012, 2014, 2019, and 2022) and I think the juries would tank this too. BORDERLINE OUT.
Bulgaria: Victoria - Tears Getting Sober Billie Eilish's influence didn't take long to reach Eurovision. Victoria uses a similar minimalist vocal style, and the backing “mHmHm”s mimic Billie's vocal layering. But this combination creates a cool texture regardless. “TGS” opens with those ghostly hums alternating sides; followed by an icy 'ding... ding... ↓wind down↓'. Then Victoria's voice and the bare piano are very intimate and personal. The humming returns for the chorus, with some “i-uh-i-uh-i” hooks, but it's still pretty bare. Verse 2 adds a tiny harp(?) that ticks like a clock. The new pre-chorus has a backing wail. The next chorus adds the strings, pausing for an “mHmHm” midway. And the bridge recoils into this quivering thing. But then... the strings grow (thru the “GROOOW” climax) and fall down, the horns rise back up, and that final chorus gives me the chills. Victoria's voice and the orchestra breathtakingly soar, with a midway rise-up. The song quiets upon “scar”; ending with a clarinet(?) and one last hum. “TGS” is a modernized version of the grand, sophisticated ballads of the past. It does a good job of holding back patiently until the climax. In the lyrics, Victoria sarcastically says “great!” - her mental health is affecting her 10 times a day. She knows she has to let go of the pain and the burden. She'll move on in time, but the scar leaves a mark. There's a couple of unusual phrases, like “sugar in my wounds” instead of salt, implying they're sweet lies. Plus the song title – I guess “sober” means “dry”. And the dirt metaphor comparing her to a plant. Later in the song, Victoria is amazed by her growth. It's her first time trying too! And the grandiose finale symbolizes her transformation.
My prediction: 99% (#1 odds/ #4 scoreboard app). It's one of the 6 winner contenders of 2020, and this would do really well with juries. The Billie Eilish vibes might appeal to the televoters too, since that makes it modern. She could just sit on a bench like the music video, and I think it would work. LOCKED.
Latvia: Samanta Tīna - Still Breathing WTF is this drop? It sounds like an elephant struggling to sneeze; with glass shatters thrown in. It's so rigid and it keeps getting blocked off in an unsatisfying way. Which is a shame, because I like the rest of the song. It has a good message - as long as you're still alive, it's not too late to grow or change. The recurring, circling, distant chants of “I will keep on going / I will keep on running...” are a mantra to motive yourself, believe in yourself, and control your destiny. The chants sound resolute and ominous; like they're coming from a poorly lit, abandoned gym. The song opens and closes with them. The intro also leaks steam midway, followed by irregular clock ticks. Then the kick-clap trap beat takes over, while ejecting several blares. The verses swing in midair, and the trap beat remains in the later chants. There's another leak, then the popping squeaks and the backing responses anticipate the drop. Verse 2 reduces to those squeaks before the beat returns. Samanta raps over the second drop. There's a breather before building to the third. And the song ends on a 'DO-DO-DO-DO'. So, Samanta felt like giving up and staying in bed. Her life was going nowhere. But she's not looking back anymore. Now she pushes herself to improve everyday. The build-up into the drop signals her growing strength. And the rap section mentions her ambition and self-love. There's also that “Life is music/I am a composer” lyric lol. In Supernova, the 3 backing singers wore face shields and used spray bottles... it was 2020 after all. The flashing lights are overwhelming though.
My prediction: 40% (#35 odds/ #21 scoreboard app). I think this is just too experimental for Eurovision. That “drop” might instantly turn some people off, particularly the juries. Also, “The Moon Is Rising” was last place in the semi, and Latvia has one of the worst qualification records. And I can't see BOTH Armenia and Latvia qualifying. But... it does stand out, so BORDERLINE OUT.
Predictions recap... Locked: Iceland, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Denmark Likely: Greece, Serbia Borderline in: Armenia, Albania, Austria, Poland Borderline out: Georgia, Finland, Latvia Unlikely: Czechia, Moldova, Portugal No chance: Estonia, San Marino
SF2 Winner: Iceland Jury winner: Switzerland or Bulgaria Televote winner: Iceland Last place: San Marino
My Ranking:
01. Iceland: Daði og Gagnamagnið - Think About Things 02. Bulgaria: Victoria - Tears Getting Sober 03. Armenia: Athena Manoukian - Chains on You 04. Switzerland: Gjon's Tears - Répondez-moi 05. Poland: Alicja - Empires 06. Albania: Arilena Ara - Fall from the Sky 07. Serbia: Hurricane - Hasta la vista 08. Latvia: Samanta Tīna - Still Breathing 09. Finland: Aksel - Looking Back 10. Denmark: Ben and Tan - Yes
11. Czech Republic: Benny Cristo - Kemama 12. Moldova: Natalia Gordienko - Prison 13. Greece: Stefania - Superg!rl 14. Portugal: Elisa - Medo de sentir 15. San Marino: Senhit - Freaky! 16. Austria: Vincent Bueno - Alive 17. Estonia: Uku Suviste - What Love Is 18. Georgia: Tornike Kipiani - Take Me as I Am
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aisphotostuff · 1 month
Ide Hill B2042 Kent Weald..
Ide Hill B2042 Kent Weald.. by Adam Swaine Via Flickr: The B2042 is a rural B-road in west Kent..The village is one of the highest points in the Kent Downs National Landscape, offering sweeping views across the surrounding countryside.
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ao3feed-tedlasso · 6 months
better than anyone else you get me
https://ift.tt/h45BUFK by pinkboxes (thegreatkatewritingmachine) “How’re you feeling, coach?” Beard probes. He knows the answer already— disregulated, worried, thinking about all of the problems associated with the bus being late— but it’s good to ask Ted anyway. Coach Beard clocked Ted's autism before anyone else. He's also the best person to help him through meltdowns, to know what he needs, to stay by his side. Words: 1803, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Ted Lasso (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Ted Lasso, Coach Beard (Ted Lasso), the rest of the team in the background Relationships: Coach Beard & Ted Lasso, could be read as ted/beard but i didn't write it with that intention, but have at it shippers i support your cause Additional Tags: autistic ted lasso, let's get some fics with that tag babey, meltdowns, Sensory Overload, Autistic Coach Beard, Hurt/Comfort, Friendship, the close bond of ND friends who get each other better than NT people, background supportive roy kent, background supportive richmond team, Some cute fluff at the end, Massages, if this is out of character shut up, it's my headcanon i can project if i want to source https://archiveofourown.org/works/51822523 November 25, 2023 at 01:37PM
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loisinherlane · 11 months
3, 6, 10, 22 for violence asks
ty <3!
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
i don't take screenshots because my anger would be neverending. BUT there is my pet peeve from an old fandom where people either treat my problematic fave (k-nt parson) as either the evil abusive ex or a sweet baby who does no wrong. which is bad enough. but then i saw a really awful take that one scene (which we only get glimpses of but has NO evidence that this was anything other than mutual) was an incident of sexual assault. i was about to bite someone.
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
look, i know we're all saying timkon, but t-mkon. uhhh i also used to see really bad takes about kory from d-ckbabs fans, which only made me even more hateful.
10. worst part of fanon
the batfam is a copout answer so. the girlbossification of every single woman sucks. i say this as a lois stan, but not every woman is a lois lane or a barbara gordon. even they need times to be vulnerable. where is our complexity!!!
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
the brief period in dc canon where EVERYONE got a free adoptive child. i want sin lance back! misfit! rani carter! chris kent! (and i love jon samuel okay i do which is also why i NEED chris kent back because i need both of them to interact. i need the three kent boys to have a brotherly relationship complicated by their different origins and places in the family.)
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mbtimonologue · 1 year
Tumblr media
Wild deer herd at Knole NT Kent
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sanguine-vn · 1 year
hello i am currently suffering trying to figure out how to get the two hands achievement like i dont understand the instructions ive done both nero and k*nts routes individually and with a mix of answers but i still cant seem to get it ,,
in one playthrough you have to pick choices that get points with the both of them. for example, anytime you interact with nero you need to pick the options from his walkthrough and the same for kent.
hope this clears things up!
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