#Naaah must be sam
landothemuppet · 1 year
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dearboopl · 3 years
An essay on why I feel like spn hasn't ended yet and what's the problem with that.
These last few days, after the he who must be not named happend, I have been feeling weird, like spn is still going to air. And no, it is not because I don't want to accept the fact, but because it is one sided goodbye.
I'm just not sure from which side the goodbye was said.
Let's start from me saying that I was okay with it ending. I actually wanted it to wrap up, close all the loose ends and answer the BIG questions.
What we got... well I don't have to remind. It is not only that the ending doesn't make sense and just cancels all the progress, character development, but like many people said it feels out of the blue.
Watching the vampire scene, for a moment I thought, maybe this is not the memory from first seasons, maybe all that was builded leading up to the finale was just a dream. It is wrong. Something is not right.
Even with that, the weirdest thing is the lack of goodbye from everyone. I would guess after 15 years building this show, we would get every member, writer talking on social media how it changed their lives, how sad it was to end. Hell, I waited for videos of them all finishing last scenes and just seeing their adrenaline rush off to realization that it is the end.
What we got? Apart few before the episode aired tweets, Jensens video about last but maybe not the last goodbye, and Misha's sad reaction to the end, nada. Everyone is quiet (afc there were some tweets from other actors, but from mains???) . Only Jensen put a snarky photo with the nail to absolutely let us know that we are not the only ones who feels that it was stupid. So stupid.
What happend?
Well shit will we ever know? I doubt it. But as I feel, as out of character as it was, something big happend.
One of the things that does not sit well with me, (is the absolute humiliation of Dean character) is the after scene where Sam is showed getting old, alone, we never see his wife, we get a hilarious wig scene where Sam looks like his kid asked him to cosplay an old dude, but they didn't have time to prepare, loots of Sam being sad because Dean is dead and he can not live without him. I could go on, but the messages from is that this seems a last minute script change. It wasn't planned, but something happend in the office.
I don't know the mechanics of creating an episode, and doubt if you can change production last minute (few scenes yes), but this just feels like the end wasn't going to be like this.
Few thing why:
1. I mentioned the after scene was hilarious and looked like a parody.
2. We did not see Sam's wife - that just doesn't make sense as we know Seileen is cannon, and they are not gay, so why shy away from showing them together. Maybe because this wasn't planned and they couldn't get the actress on set???
3. Dean's death is also a parody. They dealth with a fucking God, his son is the new God and they want us to believe that a nail is enough to kill Dean Winchester?
4. There is absolutely no happines for Dean in that heaven. His baby? A car? That what it takes? Come back to earth you fucker and drive her like you have been driving for the last 15 years.
5. Dean's feelings. As we saw from the last episode, he doesn't have any feelings. He was happy to die, all his wishes for a trip and vacation to the beach, settling to a steady place were suddenly changed after a cold, CW production and homophobia nail pearced through his insides. Oh Cas said something to him? Opened up? Naaah man, look A fucking CAR.
6. Almost zero mention of Cas.
7. Cas in the onion field was cut???
8. Dean in heaven fucked nothin for 50 years and waited happily for Sam to die? Lol? You could have everything that you want and you won't get Cas. Buddy thay scene in purgatory screamed I love you Cas and not in the brotherly way.
9. They want us to believe that the pies cream was the only white thing on Dean's face that he ever got?
9. For the last point I left Jack the new God. You saying that he, the almighty, didn't want to help Dean, after all they did for Jack. Buddy if not the Winchester and Cas you would be dead. That is what makes me furious, IT DOESN'T MAKES SENSE.
So overall, before this post turned to absolute shit post (because the last episode was). I want to say sorry for everyone who had hopes, myself included.
For myself, I'm not taking this last episode as the end, and surely I'm going to delete it from my mind. We will create our own end. One that will make sense.
This doesn't feel like the end and I cannot wait to learn what the hell happend. This is one sided goodbye from the old writers.
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jbbuckybarnes · 4 years
Move-in Day
Pairing: Modern!Bucky x Reader (platonic) A/N: This is for @the-ss-horniest-book-club​‘s College AU challenge. I wrote it in like an hour, so ignore any dumb typos and all that fun stuff. Also let me know if you want a second part where Reader meets Steve and Sam. Warnings: Fluff, awkwardness, food, not proofread.
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„Mixed housing.“ You shrugged when that topic came up in your preparation for college and school housing. Well, now you were about to see the person you would spend at least a year with. With a big suitcase in your hand and a giant box still waiting in your car you stood in front of the room with your number on it. After taking a few deep breaths you pushed down the door handle and slowly opened the door. „One minute! I‘m still putting stuff in the bathroom!“ A deep, soothing male voice echoed from the bathroom. You looked at his side of the room, full of his shirts, a ukulele, a polaroid, a big candle, a bunched up pack of fairy lights and a trophy that seemed to be sports-related.
A few seconds later a pair of blue eyes peaked out of the bathroom, brown hair all disheveled. „Oh, you must be my roommate then.“ The rest of him became visible to you. He was tall, looked strong but his face was softer than a million puppies. „I guess so.“ You gave a nervous chuckle. „James, but most people call me Bucky.“ He didn‘t know either if a hug or a handshake was appropriate. „Y/N, people like to call me Blue. Because I had blue hair tips for a few years.“ You smiled at the memories. „That must‘ve looked cool as fuck...um, if you need help hanging anything up, you know who to ask.“ He was as awkward as you, you guessed that was a win. „I mean, Command Hooks aren‘t really hard.“ You laughed. „You say that now. I‘ve just stood in there for an hour, trying to hang up one of those mini shelf thingies.“ He looked at you with traumatized eyes and had you laugh harder. „That explains your hair.“ You pointed at it and he looked up crosseyed and fixed it. „Yeah. Do you need help carrying anything?“ He asked very attentively. „Naaah, I only have one more thing to get from my car and that‘s it. I didn‘t bring much.“ He nodded before pointing at the bathroom and leaving to set it up further. You were glad you two had a bathroom right in your room and only the living room and kitchen were shared with another two people. After you had brought the giant box with a marble pattern on it to the dorm, you needed to lay in the bed for a minute, panting and staring at the ceiling. This was going to be home for a while. The bed dipped next to you and you looked up at James. „I think we need rugs, this floor is ugly.“ He noted monotone and then grinned at you. „Yeah, I only brought a bedside table thing, this box, my bathroom stuff and a few pillows.“ You sat up too.
The rest of the day was spent setting up your shared cove and fairy lighting the shit out of your room. He shared a bit about his sports background and what he was going to major in. You told him about graduating a year early and your fucked sleeping pattern he would have to live with. His side was navy blue and white, yours was white and grey. It was almost as if you had planned this beforehand. He had a big constellation poster over his bed, you had put up a canvas you had painted yourself. He put up the ukulele, you put up a neon sign reading „Good Vibes.“ You both decided rugs, a full-length mirror and a basket for more pillows and blankets needed to be bought. It was almost funny how anxious you were earlier, the boy was an absolute delight to have around. „Ordering takeout?“ You suggested later in the day. „Absolutely.“ He answered, getting out his phone.
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nordic-sassenach · 7 years
about Sam’s latest IG picture
No offence, but am I the only one who thinks he is being a bit of an attention-seeker? Doesn’t he have any respect for himself? I’m not saying that people should write nasty comments on his IG, but when you’re showing this much skin, you must know what will happen. This boy is just being very immature and I bet he looooves the drama. He is probably also just using WS to get more followers. Thirsty much? 😜
Naaah, jeg kødder bare med deg or something (btw I have become obsessed with Norwegian tv show called Skam (if you haven’t watched it, go watch it now. (it’s so good!))). 
I think it’s a lovely picture and he looks VERRA GOOD. 😘
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