#Nae sarang
girl8890 · 2 years
JK | Hieros Gamos (III - Final)
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Summary: Falling in love with your soulmate was the easy part. The hard part is finding out what you have to do to complete that soul bonding rite, especially when he’s the one that’s left to tell you the truth.
Paring: God!Thanatos!Jungkook x Goddess!Reader
Genre: greek gods!au, soulmates!au, smut, angst, some fluff
Rating: 18+
Warnings: secrets reveled, horror stories, full fates casting, unwanted reading of the mind, jealousy, vaginal sex, loss of virginity, oral sex (f), fingering, completion of sacred marriage, family arguments, virgin!reader, big time skip, jk is such a gentlemen and in loveeee~
A/N: You know how I tag the genre as some fluff? Well, this where that fluff comes in. I just love making jk in love with reader, and out of all times for that fluffy cuteness to come, now is the time! Hope you are all ready for this long ass chapter, enjoy! 🖤
Part I | Part II
。・°°・°°・。 。・°°・°°・。 。・°°・°°・。
You wake upon the softest surface you have ever slept on. Feeling a fabric similar to silk under your fingertips, and you smile as you smell the scent of pomegranate clog your nose. The pigment oder making you wonder how close the fruit might be to you in this moment.
Your smile slowly drifts away once that smell registers in your brain completely. There’s no pomegranates in the cave. There’s no plants that aren’t in Elysium or at least sacrificed to the gods that ever come near the underworld.
That’s when you remember everything that happened yesterday… how you left the cave, got attacked by souls, were saved by being flown away in the air, finding out who your best friend truly is, how you and your best friend… you did…
Your cheeks heat up thinking about what Jungkook did with you yesterday, digging your face further into the pillow. Pillow? You blink a few times against it, then push yourself up to see just what and where you fell asleep. You look around the room, and find yourself in a strangers room. There’s no one there, but you’ve never been there before to know who’s room you were in.
The sheets your on are gray, and the blanket and pillows are sheeted in black. The walls around you are colored in a deep cream, with sketches of what looks like a war carved in all over. You turn to your left to see an opened up balcony, and you realize then that must be how you smelt pomegranate before, but that could only happen if your in… if your close to…
You gasp when you realize where you are. You must be in Hades and Persephone’s home. You know the story of how Persephone ate six pomegranate seeds to stay with her husband for half a year, rendering Demeter, her mother, pleads useless to get her away from the unseen one. Unlike most gods and mortals alike, Jungkook told you the story in truth. Meaning there was no rumors to cloud what really happened to the couple, as in: they were in love.
You wonder how you didn’t think he was involved with the story, at the time. But looking back he talked about it like he was involved. So many gods, especially those that reside in the underworld, were involved with Persephone, Hades, and Demeter dispute. It only coming right a close when Persephone ate the pomegranate seeds and now she goes to the over world six month out of the year (for spring and summer), and then stays with her husband for the other six (fall and winter).
You feel a small smile twitch the corners of your mouth upward at the reminder of the last night you saw the queen of the underworld. It was close to a decade now since you last saw her, and she didn’t even know you were there at the time, but you knew she was kind by the way she presented herself.
Persephone came to the fates to ask if her and Aidoneus - Hades - would ever have children. Although the fates casting was not clear, they told her she would have three. You always wondered if she ever did have the children she wished for.
You sigh, thinking about the queen, then you continue to look around the room you woke up in. It’s dark, but overall normal looking. Nothing to make you think it’s a room of someone who cared about there room more then just somewhere to sleep.
Just as you’re about to wonder about it’s owner, you see the case over the bed. One that looks like it hasn’t been used in a long time, but the outline of the sickle that once laid in it makes it clears who’s room this is.
This is Jungkook’s room, and your in the god of death’s bed.
This witch needs to shut the fuck up.
You startle when you hear Jungkook’s voice inside your head, looking around like he would suddenly appear in thin air.
What should I say to her? … The witch isn’t helping.
You raise an eyebrow, wondering how you’re able to hear him in your head right now. It’s then you see the glowing link you saw when you both were… in the cave, stretch out in front of you again. The line leads to somewhere behind the wall, and you put two and two together to understand that Jungkook is behind that wall.
Before yesterday, you never saw such a thing before. You also never heard Jungkook’s thoughts before yesterday - well, you assume it’s the next day - and the thought of his words that were said inside of your head has your heart picking up in speed.
I love you, we’re the words that shock your soul to its very core. It wasn’t your words, just like the ones that flooded your mind before. They were Jungkook’s words… and they were directed towards you.
Maybe not directly, but he thought them and felt them. You bite your bottom lip, fighting back a smile. Even though he still has a lot of explaining to do, you’d be lying if you said you didn’t feel the same about your friend. If you can even call him that, anymore. Would after what happened between you two, the intimate moment you shared, make you more now?
Shaking your head, you try to remove the thought. The string connecting you two together fading but still there. Like it’s trying to just not be in the way.
You swallow thickly, looking at your connection that you’ve felt for so long be right there in front of you. You wonder if Jungkook felt it too. How it pulled you two together until your hearts connected. You wonder more what it means. What it all means! And you have a feeling the god of death knows the answers to all your questions.
You close your eyes, trying to concentrate on the god in question. There must be a way you can talk to him back. That not just random thoughts could be exchanged between the two of you. Can Jungkook even hear your thoughts?
You try not to think about it, nervous about what he could have heard, but either way you push. You push your mind to extend to the god that’s filled your mind before you even knew what he looked like.
“For a man with wings you tend to fall flat on your face when it comes to women,” Hecate scolds, not liking the situation Jungkook has made for himself and the underworld.
Jungkook rolls his eyes, pushing off the wall he was leaning on to tread up to the goddess of witchcraft. “It’s not just any other women, Hecate. It’s her.”
Hecate’s eyes widen slightly for a second before she sobers. Her naturally solum face never changing. “Nonetheless, she’s the daughter of the fates. I much prefer to not have another Demeter epidemic in the underworld.”
“Oh, please! The fates don’t scare you. You just hate that you know about this and the king doesn’t.” Jungkook’s words are true. The king of the underworld does not know about you, or your connection to Jungkook. A secret Jungkook wanted to keep all to himself, but since little miss read everyone’s mind without asking decided to read Jungkook’s mind on a particular day he preferred her not to, she’s now involved.
If Hecate had the patience for Jungkook, she would scoff, but instead she keeps herself neutral. “You know he should know. He should know who sleeps in his domain, and if what that hollow of a brain of yours is speaking the truth, she will be here for quite awhile.”
Jungkook’s eye twitch’s, hating that Hecate not only read his mind during a moment he was lost thinking of you - to be specific the you from yesterday - but that she decided to judge. Why are all the goddess that swore their maidenhood as off limits to all so judgmental?
“Because unlike you, Jungkook, us ladies can keep our pants on,” Hecate replies to Jungkook’s thoughts.
He breathes through his teeth, readying himself to fire some hate back at her, but before he could he hears your words loud and clear in his head.
I’m awake.
It was only two words, but enough to have Jungkook’s mind racing with all things you. Well, his mind is always racing with all things you, but after what you two shared yesterday has his brain running imagine after imagine of your face like a movie.
Jungkook looks towards the door of his room, the one your just beyond. He turns away from Hecate, not wanting to speak to the witch anymore, but she stops him just before he leaves the conversation completely.
“You must tell him eventually. The king and the fates deserve to know that’s she’s here.”
Jungkook sighs, feeling his body deflate at knowing Hecate is right. “I know, and I’ll tell them. Can you just… give me some time?”
Hecate purses her lips, looking at the god that’s older then her like a child. But, she’s relentlessly. She’s never seen this god so torn between his king and a women before. Before Jungkook swore off women all those eons ago, he would bring her own followers to bed with him without a thought. He at least made sure their maidenhood was already gone before taking them, not that it made it right since they were never able to bear children afterwards (if they were still able to anyway).
The goddess wonders if you were the reason he swore off women. The reason he kept himself away from any willing women - which sadly, there were many - and if so, Hecate is entirely grateful for you.
“Fine, but Jungkook, a little word of advice?”
Jungkook rolls his eyes, wanting to leave the witch and get to you as fast as possible. With a annoyed tone, he asks, “What?”
“Don’t do what Aiden did with Persephone. Tell her the truth before you bed her.” With those last word and a swish of her auburn hair, Hecate leaves Jungkook staring after her flabbergasted.
He coughs into his fist, feeling his ears heat up red and he tries to cool them down before he enters the room you’ve been most likely patiently waiting for him in.
He was already planning to tell you the truth when you woke up, whether Hecate gave the advice or not, but now he’s suddenly feeling anxious. There’s not just the rite of completing hieros gamos that he needs to talk to you about, but what it means for the two of you. What will happen to you after you complete it with him. If, you want to complete it with him.
Jungkook looks down at his feet, stalling. You’re such an innocent goddess, and there’s few of them like you. Having to be the one to explain to you what it all means is a scary thought. What if you don’t want him? Or worse, what if after he tells you the truth about what it would do to you if you did it with him you would leave him? Seek another to do it with, even?
His jaw tightens at just the thought of you being with someone else. After seeing how you reacted to him yesterday he doesn’t want anyone else, but him to be the one to stir those feelings in your again.
Over the eons he tried to be good. Never taking another women because he knew you were always there. You may not have known who Jungkook was to you, but you were there nonetheless. Always there to cloud Jungkook’s mind, and he never strayed from his loyal love he silently gifted you. He just never had any jealousy’s to worry about either, so if you were to leave and find someone else…
Jungkook’s fist clenched around his sickle, his weapon of choice gleaming in the light. He tries to think of something else - the positives of if you’re okay with it. Well, the sex for one. Jungkook’s already smirking at the thought. And if you are okay with never being able to have kids and staying with him in the underworld for eternity, then everything will turn out great and his years upon years of waiting for you would have been completely worth it.
Yup positives.
Fuck, this is going to be hard.
Jungkook then realizes something then, as he pushes through the door to his room and finds you on his bed on your knees. Two pretty eyes blinking up at him, and the top of your chest and neck still covered in his love marks he left from yesterday… even if you were to leave, his love would still be completely loyal to you.
You would still be the one to cloud his mind, even if it would be thoughts of you with another. You would still own his heart. He just prefers to be gifted yours as well.
“Jungkook!” You beam with a smile as you see him enter the room - well, his room, but lets try to ignore that fact so your face doesn’t decide to heat up at the fact of you being in his bed.
Jungkook once worried expression sobers when he hears you say his name and sees the smile you greet him with. How can a being truly be this perfect? He thinks he would gladly kill anyone for you, but right now he has to try and protect you from himself as he feels the pull of your connection strengthen in that moment.
He had a feeling the hieros gamos connection would one day start pulling you towards each other. He just didn’t predict it would be the first day you saw him in person! And now, even when you were asleep, anytime you two were close to each other the rite begs to be completed. Even as he watches you squirm in your spot, obviously feeling the same tension as him, he tries to be the good boy he’s been around you for decades and walks in the opposite direction of you.
He sits in the chair about five feet away from you, and tries his best to smile though the tension that just laid like a blanket on top of you both. “Hello, Nae sarang. Did you sleep well?”
You pick at the blanket your sitting under and try to ignore the wave of want that coursed through you before. Also ignoring how the connection line connecting Jungkook and you suddenly got brighter by him just entering the room.
“Um- fine, thank you.” You glance at the bed. “I’m guessing this is your bed?”
Jungkook raises a confused eyebrow at you, wondering why you even need to ask. “It is.”
“Oh,” You say through an exhale of air. “Thank you for letting me use it. Although, I don’t quite remember falling asleep in it,” The end of you sentence gets smaller as you speak. Another memory from yesterday flooding your mind on how you passed out after orgasming against the god in front of you.
Your eyes widen, and your cheeks heat up into a rose hue. Jungkook doesn’t need to read your mind to know what just crossed it, and he smirks at the fact that he can still affect you like this even after he has you so intimately wrapped up in his arms yesterday.
“Yes, well, I couldn’t just leave you in the entrance of the underworld. That cave can be dangerous for a goddess like yourself, not to mention is really creepy.”
You shrug your shoulders, feeling thankful for the slight subject change. “I don’t know. I thought that cave was quite beautiful.”
The memory of the first word that his mind caught of yours crosses Jungkook’s mind. How perfectly fitting it is that you thinking the word beautiful matched your own description perfectly to Jungkook, but it also brings his mind back to what he needs to speak to you about.
Jungkook clears his throat, and scoots forward in his chair. The connection tugs again, but he ignores it. Using his elbows on his knees he leans closer to you. “Y/n, I feel I have some explaining to do.”
Your smiles falls a little - to Jungkook’s dismay - and you nod your head because he does in fact have a lot to explain. “Yes, I think you do.”
Jungkook winces at the harshness of your voice, but he believes he deserves it. Even if he wants to blame he fates on him being untruthful to you, there was never a promise of him not telling you who he was. That was all him. All because he was scared of something you never cared about in the first place.
He still feels dumb about it. Not realizing that your his soulmate and his soulmate wouldn’t care about such stupid, trivial things like the past or rumors.
“I want to start with staying I’m sorry. I’m sorry for not telling you who I was or reveling myself to you when I should have.” You go to tell him it’s alright, and that explanation has already been done with, but he interrupts you before you had a chance. “I know your going to tell me it’s fine, but it really isn’t. For me to be untruthful with you over a fear is not right, and you deserve better. For that, I apologize.”
You take each of Jungkook’s words in, processing them and being mature about how you take them. Truthfully, your over that lie, but it does still feel good to hear him apologize about it even now. He had his reasons, and the fact that his reasons were out of fear alone is a little endearing. Especially when that fear was of your rejection.
“All is forgiven,” You say with a closed lip smile.
Jungkook’s corner of his lisp twitch up when he sees you smile again, tapping the sharp part of his sickle against the table in front of him before he completely puts it down. This next part… is going to be the hardest.
“I’m glad you forgive me, and I hope you keep that heart of gold you have when I explain to you why you’ve been stuck in that cave all your life.”
Your eyes widen, and your smile falls. Out of all things for Jungkook to explain, you were not expecting him to be able to answer that burning question of yours. “Y-you know why?” He nods his head. “Tell me! … please.”
Jungkook combs his fingers through his hair, hoping the fates don’t curse him with a terrible future ahead after he tells you this. “You know who your father is, correct?”
You nod your head before voicing the truth. “Yes, it’s Tartarus. That’s actually where I was heading before-“
“You were what?!” Jungkook’s stands up so fast his chair almost falls back behind him. He had a feeling you would be curious about the place, but he didn’t think you would want to go to the worst place in all of existence all alone! “Y/n, Nae sarang, please tell me your not serious.”
You feel smaller now, not expecting Jungkook to get so mad about you going there. You know by the few things the fates talked about that the place was bad, but also the ignorance they bestowed on you not letting you know how bad it actually is.
“It’s the realm of my father. I don’t see-“
“You can’t! I mean- you shouldn’t.” Seeing you suddenly scared sobers Jungkook’s temper a little, but it doesn’t stop him from trying to convince you to never ever go near that place.
His feet move on their own accord, until he’s right in front of you at the edge of the bed. He kneels down in front of you, taking your hands in his and staring deeply into your eyes so he makes sure you hear his every word.
“The fates have told you about Cronus, right?” Your eyes blow out wide at the mention of the Titans name. Although you’ve never met the demon of a god, your blood runs cold out of fear of who he is and what he has done.
In the smallest of voices, you reply, “I have.”
“He’s there. Trapped, yes, but he’s still there, as well as a bunch of other monsters. Not even the king or queen of the cursed lands go there unless they absolutely must go.” Jungkook rubs his thumb across your knuckles, trying to sooth you from this horror of a story he’s about to tell you. “He also maybe trapped, but if he somehow gets into your mind… I-if he can get into your thoughts a-and me show you things…”
Jungkook’s stops there, suddenly overheating at just the thought of Cronus getting into your mind the way he has others. Few have ever ventured there and returned, but those who have - especially women - never return the same once Cronus has filled there minds with such terrible imaginations that feel too teal to be what they actually are.
“Hey- hey- hey,” You say as you let go of Jungkook’s hands and put your hands on top of his shoulders. You don’t know what’s going through his mind right now, but by the way he’s shaking at just the thought of you going there, and his warnings he’s giving you are all because he cares about you. He cares about you enough that he’s telling you the truth about the monstrous place and not spearing any detains. Something not many people have given you the gift of respecting your old enough to know. “Okay, Jungkook, I won’t go. I’m sorry I even thought about it.”
Jungkook breathes through his nose, trying to control himself before he flies to Tartarus himself and stabs Cronus with his sickle a bunch of times for something he hasn’t even done - even though he deserves a few stabbings for everything else he’s done.
“Don’t apologize, Y/n. I know you were just being curious, and it is your father that realm consists of, after all.”
You nod your head a singular time in understanding, and now your wondering how this even got brought up in the first place. “Why did you bring up my father, again?”
Jungkook’s eyes widen for a second, and then he rocks back and forth on his spot on the floor. Because of the shock and fright you just gave him, he completely forgot what he was about to tell you for a moment.
“Right, yes, Um… so your father. He is the realm itself of Tartarus, but he didn’t bestow your mother the gift of pregnancy for no reason. The fates and I believe that you were given a power like no other.”
Your shocked by what Jungkook is saying, but somehow out of everything he just said only one thing sticks out the most. “When did you and my family talk?”
“Never mind that now, I’ll be explaining that soon. But, have you by any chance felt… different since you left the cave? Any new abilities, I mean.”
You look down at the string of connection connecting you and Jungkook, then look back up at him. “Well, yes. I never saw this string before.”
You point at the connection you two have like he can somehow see it. Jungkook looks down at where you’re pointing, and all he sees is the bumps in the blanket of where your legs are underneath. “What string?”
“The one connecting us together.” Jungkook’s eyes widen, and his breathe catches. “It’s been there since yesterday, and I never saw it before. What do you think it could be?”
Jungkook has a feeling he knows what it is, he just wasn’t expecting you would be able to literally see it. Of course, out of all abilities for you to have you had to have the one where you can see - and most likely manipulate - hieros gamos connections.
Well, he was going to have to explain it to you sooner or later. Might as well be the latter.
“What do you know about the rite of hieros gamos?”
After Jungkook tells you all about hieros gamos, your looking at him with brand new eyes now. It all makes so much more sense! Why he’s always been there, why you always felt a pull to him, and how your feelings for him are so strong even after he’s kept such big secrets from you.
But even after he’s explained all of this, it seems like what you have should be impossible! You two never had sex. You would very much remember doing that with him, and what you two did yesterday doesn’t count for the rite. On top of that, you can legit see the connection, so it’s not like he’s lying to you.
“S-so I can see the hieros gamos connection.” Jungkook nods his head. “And we have that connection, but it’s not complete?” He nods his head again. You feel the blush on your face brighten, realizing what he’s silently suggesting from you. “And you want to complete it w-with me?”
Jungkook eyes widen ever so slightly, and he looks away from you out of embarrassment. The simple answer to that question is FUCK YES, but because Jungkook is a gentleman so he says instead, “I won’t force you into anything, Y/n. This is a lot to take in so I understand if you need some time. I’ve waited this long for you and I’ll gladly wait another decade or two for you, Nae sarang.”
You look at Jungkook with stars in your eyes, feeling your heart grow a little bigger for the god in front of you. How can someone lay upon you so much pressure, but make you feel so much love at the same time?
Gods! You need to have confidence in this. He’s waited so long for you, and, in a way, you’ve waited a long time too for this. Maybe he was captivated by you from the second you were born, but you loved him even before you knew what he looked like!
Your his Nae sarang, whatever that means. You look back at Jungkook, realizing out of all your life changing questions the smallest of them all has not been answered yet. Except, you won’t realize how big that question is until he answers.
You blink up at him, clenching the skirt of your dress between your fingers as your stomach builds with nerves. “Um… Jungkook… what does Nae sarang mean?”
Jungkook looks at you fondly, thinking back about when he first started called you that endearment. He knew you never knew what it meant, but you also never asked. It was his own way of admitting his feelings to you without you even knowing. Without him defying the fates that he promised he would be patient with you.
“It means, my love,” A quiet gasp escapes your mouth as you hear his confession. Jungkook caresses your cheek with one hand, and gently grabs a hold of your other hand in your lap. He can’t help but want to touch you as he retells the story about how he knew he loved you outside of the connection you two shared.
“When I first realized who you were to me, I wanted nothing to do with you. My life was just fine without adding love to it, and you were just an infant, so I thought these overwhelming emotions would go away eventually. I’ve seen many gods and goddess lose their hieros gamos bond with each other over the years, so I thought if I just stayed away from you, we would eventually lose it too…”
Although his words right now are cracking your heart right down the middle - unable to fathom a life without Jungkook now - it’s crazy to you to think this all started once you were born with him. You stay silent as he continues to tell you the tail about how he fell in love with you.
“But it never went away… it got bigger and bigger, until I just stopped trying to stop it. Once you turned 16 and the combination of our worlds bloomed my whole body ached to be near you. I just-… I couldn’t stay away from you after that.”
You raise an eyebrow at him, not understanding a part of his story. “What combination of our worlds?”
Jungkook continues to look at you with a small smile, absolutely loving retelling you all the moments he cherishes so much with you. “The tree at the back of the fates caves. It didn’t just grow there for no reason. It grew there when you were able to-“ He cut himself short, not wanting you to think you hitting maturity was the reason he came into your life. “The tree grew there and it - in a way - beamed me to you. It was-… honestly, it felt like it hurt to even be away from you.”
Your eyes widen for a second at thinking Jungkook was in pain. “Hurt you? That doesn’t sound romantic at all!”
Jungkook chuckles, rubbing your cheek with his thumb when you don’t understand what he’s trying to say.
“No, Y/n. I don’t mean physically. I mean right here.” He then picks up your hand in your lap, and places it on his rapid beating heart. A part of him he truly believes will only come alive when you’re around.
You feel Jungkook’s heart beat under your palm, and looking into his eyes that haven’t once swept away the fondness he has for you. Although, now that you think about it, fondness is too small of a word to describe what he’s really feeling towards you. What he’s always felt towards you.
“You really love me, don’t you?”
Jungkook has thought of a million scenarios of how he would one day tell you he loved you, but out of all them he never expected it to be this way. With you sitting in his bed, after you ran away from the fates, and asking him a question you already should know the answer to.
But this scenario ended up being the best of all because of what comes next.
“I’ve loved you longer then I knew what the word really meant.” 
It takes five seconds for Jungkook’s words to be processed for you, but once they do you know your answer to what you’ve been wondering about yourself since before you can remember.
You’re Y/n, daughter of the fates, father of Tartarus, goddess of connections… And wife of Jungkook. The god death.
You just need to go through one more glorious trial before you can claim that last title completely. And your happy to make the first move this time.
You grab onto the sides of Jungkook’s face, and smash your lips against his. He automatically recuperates the kiss, and next thing you know he’s crawling on top of you onto the bed. Using his arms to support him next to your head. He cages you in his arms, and the way his lips feel against yours has your stomach doing flips. The feeling of both of you together like this already addicting.
Unlike yesterday, this kiss was all on the both of you. There wasn’t some force pulling you two together, just the increasing amount of love that did it. And you do love him.
“I love you too,” You say against Jungkook’s lips, making him gasp into your mouth. He pulls away from you but only about an inch away. Looking into his eyes now, all you can see is yourself reflecting back at you. If this was an alternative universe, then there would be cartoon hearts in both of your eyes.
“Fuck, do you really?” Jungkook asks like a five year old kid instead of a deathless and ageless god.
You smile up at him, rubbing both of his cheeks with your thumbs and reveling at the goosebumps that follow. “Yes. Yes, I always have-“
Jungkook interrupts your confession with another searing kiss, and your everything but upset about it. You whimper as his tongue dances across your bottom lip, asking for entrance. It’s when he grinds down on you, his growing erection rubbing against your core, that you gasp into his mouth and his tongue attacks your own.
To Jungkook you taste like honey and rose water. Two tastes he never thought he would love so much. To yourself he tastes like passion and affection. Two things you never knew had a taste and it’s dizzying you.
As your tongues dance in each other mouths, you feel his hands start to explore you. Your hands stay clamped on his shoulders, but you already feel yourself arching as his fingers dance across your skin. Your arms, your sides, your legs. They go everywhere.
“Fuck, your so beautiful, Y/n,” Jungkook says against your lips, making you swoon with affection. “Please let me keep you forever.”
Just when he’s about to explore the places you want him to explore the most, that he suddenly stalls, and backs away from you entirely. You look at him, and unlike what you thought you would see - a face of worry - you instead see something far worse.
A face of a terrible realization. How could Jungkook forget? It was one of his most frequented worries, but the second your lips pressed against his he forgot everything. And now all that was about to happen, him finally being able to have you in his arms the way he craves the most, may never happen because of something he can’t control.
“I need to tell you something…”
Your blink up at him, feeling whiplashed. You silently nod your head, suddenly feeling anxiety bloom within you. You back up in the bed when Jungkook starts to crawl back on it. Both of you sitting across from each other. Jungkook makes the silence stretch way to long, and seeing his hands shake isn’t like him. Granted, you’ve only been able to actually see him for two days, but he’s not an antsy person. Always cool and collected, unlike right now.
You can’t take it anymore. You grab onto his hands, gently rubbing his knuckles with both of your thumbs. “Jungkook…what’s wrong? What do you have to tell me?”
Jungkook looks into his lap, only glancing at your joined hands in the middle, but feeling like he needs to hold onto them for dear life - afraid you’ll run away if he doesn’t. 
“What do you know about me, Y/n? I mean… the god of death and my abilities?”
Your eyes widen for a second, not expecting the question. “I know your the reaper of souls. That a single touch from you can kill any being if you want to.”
He nods his head, still not looking at you. “That’s correct. Anything else?”
You dig into your memories, trying to find the stories the fates gave you about the god of death and his abilities. Once it clicks in your head whats he’s worrying about, you tighten your grip on his hands and a small smile blooms on your face.
“I don’t want children,” You blurt out.
Jungkook whips his head up at you, eyes wide. “Y-you- wait, what?”
You giggle, feeling lighter now that you understand why he became so worried before. “I said, I don’t want children. I never have, and never will. Was that your worry?”
Jungkook’s eyes don’t shrink back to normal, and now his jaw has dropped. He’s never asked you about if you wanted children, but he also wasn’t expecting that to be your answer to his unspoken confession.
All women who lye with death are rendered infertile, that’s why he also never slept with virgins. They don’t know what they want, especially at such a young age. All his past conquests being mostly newly born nymphs or praisers of Hecate who were already half dead and not able to have children anyway.
He sighs, “But how do you know that?”
You raise a pointed eyebrow at him. “Come again?”
“How do you know you’ll never want children?”
And now it’s your turn to sigh. You just never did. You were treated like a child for the majority of your life, so having your own wasn’t ideal for you. Not to mention you have very little experience with children in the first place. Not many mortals under the age of 18 coming to the fates to request a new path. That, and, you feel like your life has just started. Even if you’ve been alive for decades, until yesterday you’ve never been truly free. Children are the last thing on your bucket list right now, and if for some reason you want kids in your future you could always just look over at Jungkook and think; he was worth not having any for.
You explain every single one of your thoughts to him, and you don’t miss how he slowly gets closer to you as you speak - invading your personal space (which, lets be honest here, you don’t care).
“Are you sure?” He whispers so close to your face that you feel his breathe fan. The smell of mint clinging to your sense of smell “There’s no turning back once it’s done.”
You still see the worry in his brow, and you lift your hand to wipe it away. “Hundred million percent.”
Then Jungkook couldn’t take it anymore. He smashes your lips back together, and the whole conversation is lost behind you. There’s no more worries once he has you in his arms, and the whimpers start pouring from your mouth into his. Stirring him on to start up right where you both left left off - to touch you everywhere he can get his hands on.
When you feel him cup your breasts in both hands is when that feeling from yesterday starts to bloom inside of you. You open your mouth wide into a moan, and he kisses your bottom lip as you do. His lips kiss down your jaw until they stop at your neck, attacking the surface there.
Sucking, biting, licking, and kissing is what you feel. All the while he continues to give both your breasts affectionate squeezes.
“Tell me, Y/n,” Jungkook says against you neck. All you’re able to reply with is a quite hum, unable to say anything while your mind is slowly getting fuzzy to everything else besides his hands and lips. “Have you ever touched yourself before?”
He squeezes one of your breasts again, his other hand dragging down your body until it reaches your hip. You arch your back and whimper when he licks a particular strip up a sweet spot of yours on your neck.
“Y-yes,” You reply with tightly closed eyes.
Jungkook then detaches from your neck, looking down at his fucked out goddess that’s only gotten this way from a few kisses and caresses from him.
He’s taught girls that thought they knew there way around pleasure, but your different then them. For one, the obvious reason, he’s in love with you. Not a single girl from the past has ever made his heart beat so fast in this moment that it feels like it’s about to explode out of his chest. Secondly, your intact. A virgin, untouched and know nothing about the art of love making. Your a blank canvas to Jungkook, so he needs to tread lightly about how he treats and talks to you.
Jungkook’s kisses you lightly on the lips, and whispers against them, “What did you think about while you did?” Your face heats up at his question, and Jungkook’s smirk only raises. “Who did you think about? Who did you imagine touching your body like this?”
As you go through a mental overload of things to respond with, Jungkook begins his descent down your body - kisses ever part of you clothed and unclothed.
“Y-you trying to get me to say you?” You say as he begins to kiss your clothed hip bones. The two bones jutting out while you have your legs half way bent with his head in between them.
Jungkook chuckles against your hip, and then nuzzles your abdomen. “Oh, Nae sarang… I know I’m the one you imagine.” You gasp at his cheekiness. “I just want to hear you say it.”
With a couple more pushes of his body downward, he gets to your thighs. The slowest of kisses get pressed to the inner part of each of your thighs, and you can’t help yourself but whimper as you watch. One particular breathe of his as he switches over between legs has your now soaking pussy clenching on nothing and it’s driving you crazy.
Jungkook bites his lip as he glances in between your legs, wanting to see and taste your pussy so badly, but he doesn’t stop the slow pressing of his lips on each thigh. He’s become a very patient god over these past centuries because of you, so he’ll gladly wait another just to hear you say it. Although, the intoxicating smell of what’s hiding under your dress that’s so close to his face right now may have him swindled to push forward anyway.
He never finds out if that would be true, though, because after a few heated silent moments you’re nodding your head and admitting, “I… I think of you… I would hear your voice in my head and imagine you talking to me as I did it.”
Jungkook’s smiles against your thigh, feeling his ego grow times ten, but he’d be lying if he said his cock didn’t just jump in his pants because of your words.
“Such a naughty girl,” Jungkook’s teases, making your rose colored blush stretch down to your neck. He then looks down at his next destination, and swallows thickly. He rubs his face against your thigh, suddenly nervous about something he’s hasn’t done in a long time. He knows he’ll enjoy the taste of you, he’s enjoyed ever other taste of you thus far, but having something he’s only seen in his wildest of dreams that’s only a dress flip away is a new experience.
“Gods help me,” Jungkook whispers to himself. You don’t hear him, but by the way he’s staring at what’s between your legs is making you sweat. So you decide to be a little daring. Wanting to show him your not as innocent as the fates make you out to be.
Jungkook’s eyes move away from your center when he sees your fists start to bunch you your skirt, slowly moving the garment up your thighs. It’s like everything is moving in slow motion in front of him as you slowly reveal your barely covered, soaked through the cloth, wet pussy.
Jungkook’s mouth runs dry when he sees your womanhood for the first time. It’s only covered by a practically see through garment, but it’s there. His eyes darken as he looks you over for the first time.
Your essence is leaking to your thigh, and every time you move your leg it sticks to the opposite surface. The smell of just how aroused you are hits his nose, making him have to hold back a moan. He feels his tongue jut out, and he plays it off as him just wetting his lips although he just really wants to taste you. 
With an experimental finger, Jungkook drags his finger down your clothed core. He feels the soaked cloth become sticky to his skin, and then he’s pulling his finger away at the sound of a whimper. He looks back up at you, and the sight is breath taking.
One. Fucking. Finger.
All it took was one touch of his finger to have you close to tears and breathing like you ran out of air. If this is how you act by just one touch of his fingers, he wonders how you’ll act when he finally goes down on you. And Jungkook can’t wait anymore.
With the wettest and longest strip of his tongue, he moves the barer cloth away and licks up your pussy. You arch your back and scream his name into the quiet room, “Jungkook!”
It’s music to his ears, and he wants more of it. He licks every single one of your crevices, and smells your aroma fog his senses as he does. At some point the barer cloth gets in his way, so he pulls it clean off your body altogether, making you jump in your spot on the bed. You don’t get much time to process his action, though, because then his face dives right back between your thighs.
“So good. I knew you would taste so good,” He says without taking his face off of you. You arch your back when he speaks against you pussy, moaning a particularly high moan you’ve never done before.
You cup your hands together, and cover your mouth as his decent on your pussy starts making the most lewd noises comes out of you. Jungkook is to busy at the moment to notice, but soon he’ll layer his tournament with his fingers in your slit. Sucking on your clit while his fingers rub at your wet folds. He probes a finger gently inside of you, reveling at how tight it is for just his finger.
He starts to wonder how he’s going to fit in you, but then he hears a very clear and loud muffled moan, and looks back at you. He sees your hands covering your mouth, and two blood shot eyes looking down at him near your fingers.
He freezes everything. For a second he thinks he went to far. For a second his heart was ready to rip apart at the thought of him hurting you, but then you uncover your mouth and ask him in the most sexiest breathless voice he’s ever heard before, “W-why’d you stop?”
Jungkook shakes his head, his worst nightmare fading from his mind as he takes in your appearance now. Your eyes aren’t blood shot out of tears of sorrow but out of tears of pleasure. And your covering your mouth because… your embarrassed.
No. Jungkook won’t allow any of that.
He takes his hands that were once busy on your pussy and thigh, and pulls them away from your face to hold them near your waist. Your starting at him wide eyed, not understanding why he would do such a thing.
Why? He hears in his head from you.
And he answers back with, “Because I want to hear you.”
Then he’s diving back in, using his hold on your wrists now to push you deeper onto his face. The second his tongue touches you again, licking inside your hole like it’s trying to dig for a diamond, you arch your back to the heavens and cry out so many profanities you don’t know how the rest of the underworld can’t hear you. 
“J-J-Jungkook… God! Fuck! … I feel like I’m dying.”
He chuckles against your pussy, and your to blissed out to notice what little correlation you just made with your words and him.
He pulls his face away from you, your essence dripping off his chin, but then he’s letting go of one of your wrists so his finger can then start to play with you again. You hum as his rough fingers start to rub you in all the right places.
“No dying yet, Nae sarang.” You blink down at him, way too dizzy in the head to understand a world he’s saying. “Deaths currently off duty.”
Those are his last words he gives you before you feel like you’re actually dying. His tongue returns to sucking on your clit at the same time his finger enters you, and it overheats your entire body. Forget seeing stars, you see fucking galaxies by the way his fingers are rubbing your insides. He’s finding spots inside of you you’ve never found before, and licking at all your crevices you never thought would feel good.
With more more press to a sweet spot, and sucking of your clit, within seconds of him your cumming harder then you ever have in your life! You swear there was even a few seconds you blacked out after that. Only his name on your lips as you cum on his face is echoing back to you in your head.
By the time you come to planet earth, you look down to see Jungkook lewdly licking at his fingers and lips. He revels in the taste of you, and can’t help but jut against the mattress. He’s so hard right now it feels like he’s close to pain, but he won’t be in pain for long.
“How was that my little goddess?“Jungkook asks with a knowing smirk.
“T-that was… t-that was wow.” This is now the second time Jungkook has run you speechless by orgasms, and you feel your entire body shutter when you imagine what it might feel like when he actually enters you.
You’ve heard through many sad tails from women that have visited the fates that not all sex experiences are pleasurable for women. Sometimes it hurts, especially your first time. But then you remember the few women that have actually gone to the fates for love, and you think there’s no way they would go there if they didn’t love their husbands.
You love Jungkook, and he loves you. More importantly, for your worries right now, you trust him to never hurt you.
The even slightest bit of worries wash away, though - when Jungkook sits up, and removes his shirt. Your jaw drops, and shit it immediately closes once you realize how embarrassing that is. You knew he was fit, you felt it yesterday and today while he was on top of you how hard his body is against yours (not including the obvious part of him in his pants right now). But what you see now makes the words cut like a god seem like a understatement.
In few words… Jungkook is fine as fuck!
He lets you take your fill, biting his tongue to control his laughter. He then tilts your chin up with one finger, and smiles down at you like he’s a sexy devil instead of a deathless god.
“See something you like?”Jungkook ask. You scoff at him, but your face is still red as a tomato. “Such a little feisty goddess.”
You raise an eyebrow at him, your breathing finally going back to normal. “Wonder why the cosmos paired us together.” It was a rhetorical question and one laced with sarcasm. Jungkook’s grins at you, taking your comment as it was and not taking it to heart.
“I think-“ Jungkook starts as he leans down to your face, making you back up against the pillow behind you. “It paired us together because it knew there had to be someone like you for me to fall in love with.”
Jungkook kisses both of your cheeks, holding himself above you by his strong forearms. You lightly glide your fingers across his arms, feeling the veins under your fingertips. He is such a beautiful being, and starting up at him in all his handsome glory really does make you wonder why the universe paired you two together.
“What do you mean?”
He glides his nose across your own, teasing the touch of his lips to yours. You bite your bottom lip, pulling it through your teeth as you gaze into his two love sick eyes.
“Someone I would never reap.“ The one the reaper will never reap. “A deathless person like myself.” A goddess she’ll be. “And someone who I’ll be craving to take.”
Taking in his words has your insides twisting, and your pussy craving what he’s willing to him. Jungkook smashes his lips back on yours before you can crave to long, though. Its all clothing being ripped off, and the twisting of tongues from there. You don’t even realize your completely naked underneath him until Jungkook attaches to your nipple. The feelings you had from yesterday when you two were in this exact position sparks within you.
Your moans soon turn to gaps, though, when you feel something new, and foreign, and hard against your thigh. When did he take off his pants?
Jungkook feels you stiffen underneath him, his hands stopping in there tracks down your body as he unlatches his mouth from your chest. He knows you feel his want for you, and by the way your eyes widen he wishes it could be any other way. He wishes this wouldn’t hurt as much as it’s going to, and maybe if you weren’t a vir-
His blood starts boiling before the thought fully registers in his mind. There’s no space for what ifs anymore, anyway. Your here, naked in his bed, and underneath him practically begging with your eyes for him to take you. Wanting him to take you for the first time, and trusting him enough with your soul for eternity.
He whispers through the connection something that could have brought tears to your eyes if it wasn’t for your nerves.
Are you sure you want this?
Are you sure? Are you sure that you want the one and only person you considered to be your friend as a life partner? Someone who has been with you longer then your memory stretches, and has loved you before you even turned two hours old?
“Yes…” Jungkook licks his lips. “Take me, Jungkook.”
And who is he to deny you?
With a comforting arm underneath your head, and his other hand supporting your thigh, he slowly enters you for the first time. There’s pain, yes, but you feel an even bigger emotion spread within you. Spread through the both of you.
It’s a feeling deeper then love, and when he moves ever so slightly inside of you, stretching your insides to accommodate him, it’s almost catastrophic. Like the universe is giving you a brand new feeling that only you and Jungkook could feel.
“Nae sarang… are you… okay?” Jungkook says between deep breathes. He knew you would feel good, but he didn’t think you would feel this good. If it wasn’t for his amazing restraint, he would be fucking you so hard that you couldn’t see straight. The feeling of you surrounding you is so tight, and he now understands how making love is so much better then regular fucking.
Your just so perfect.
You nod your head, and squeeze his body closers to yours so your chest to chest. “Please move, my love.”
Jungkook groans into your neck, the pet name from you in English somehow sounding even better to his ears then his own nickname for you. He picks up his face out your neck, and stares down at you as he starts to move within you.
Whoever said the god of death isn’t a gentlemen is surly mistaken, because the way he treats you in this moment is like fire skating around ice. Maybe it’s the fact that your a virgin - was a virgin- or that your the first person he’s ever been in love with that he treats you like a glass doll, but either way you admire his patience with you.
You’ve never had someone care for you like this, and you particularly love when there’s a singular thrust he drives inside you to hard, Jungkook’s resolve nearly breaking, that drives you up the walls and having you cry out in pure ecstasy.
“Jungkook… My-My-…”
My god, was what you were meant to say, but instead you started moaning and the words were lost from you.
Jungkook shakes his head, remembering how to breathe when he hears you moan and whither in his arms. He didn’t even realize how stiff he was until now, but seeing your face contort the way it is now has him back to reality.
“Please Jungkook, can you… Ah!”
With a stronger grip on your hip, and him now gripping on the headboard behind you he starts thrusting into you with earnest. Moan after echoing moan is heard within this room, and Jungkook’s ears are capturing every sound.
The second you gave the go ahead, he took it. And fuck it feels like your melting his cock by how hot you’re getting around him.
Jungkook smiles down at you, and kisses your open mouth as you moan. When he starts to feel you clench around him a moan passes through his own lips. You rip at his back with your nails as he drives into you full force, unable to hold back any noises like before. You’ve never felt this good before, and truthfully, neither has Jungkook.
“Your so tight, and wet, and warm… fuck, baby, your so perfect for me.”
You both are so engrossed with each other that his words hit you right in the stomach, making you to close to be considered normal to reaching your end. It’s when Jungkook thrusts against a particular spot inside of you that it starts coming. It starts with your toes and then it’s vibrating across your every limb. It’s a quacking of an orgasm that he continues to fuck you through.
“Fuck, Y/n… shit you feel so good. The way you tighten around me feels like you’re trying to rip off my cock, ” Jungkook curses into your neck. He tries to keep himself steady as you ride out your orgasm, but it’s like he can feel it in his spine. The pleasure of what you’re doing only increasing by the seconds and making you both dizzy.
He pushes himself up by his arms, and your legs wrap around him to connect at the ankles. This angle not only has him driving into you deeper and harder, but with each thrust your clit is being pressed against. Your back arch’s, and your hands grab onto the sheets. Jungkook’s watches how you both reconnect and disconnect, and he sees how wet you truly are. He has to clamp his eyes shut. Feeling how wet you are is one thing, but seeing it is another. And if you were to say…
“Jungkook! So good… so good!”
You don’t know how it’s possible, but even just coming off your own orgasm you feel it again. It makes no sense, but you don’t think about it as your toes curl, your pussy clenches, and you feel Jungkook grow even bigger inside of you as you cum again. Your words and the feeling of your clench around him drives him to get three seconds away from cumming.
He drops against you, holding you tightly in his arms as his own orgasm begins to coarse though him. It’s all to much, but you hold him through your third orgasm of the night, and then your feeling his own inside of you.
There’s no warning besides a loud grunt in your ear when he cums. It shakes your fricken soul, and it has the both of you quacking and holding into each other much tighter.
And then you both feel it. 
Your emotions became his emotions, and his became yours. Every thought, experience, or count of love crossed between you two is being shown to your eyes in front of you. Your chest are pressed against each others, and you feel Jungkook’s arms tighten around your body as he holds you. Both of you knowing that your both about to see some amazing images of each other as the truth of each others love is completed.
You gasp when you see yourself as a baby, the emotions that crashed into Jungkook with them that day.
He feels your emotions when you first realized you loved him, the day he told you the story about the war. Jungkook remembers that day, although not quite like you. He thought the story scared you, but you actually heard Jungkook’s every word as a way of him not treating you like a child.
That’s how the fates treated you, and you hated it. When Jungkook told you this horror of a story, him feeling like he’s doing the wrong thing by letting you know needed Information for being a goddess, he understands how your heart grew a little bigger for him.
Both of the days you fell in love with each other had double firsts. Both of you being each others first loves, as well as you being the first person he cared about and him being the first person to respect you.
You blink your eyes open, and see Jungkook already staring back at you. You both felt it, and you both saw it. The lightening of emotions and the connecting of souls that just climaxed from the two of you completing the rite. You smile, knowing your connected with Jungkook in this way now, and then something you’ll never get tried of hearing is said.
“I love you so much, y/n. I didn’t- you never told me that you felt that way… back then.” He means to say this as a way of clearing the air of the overwhelming emotions still pouring into the both of you, but there’s a hint of sadness there too. If Jungkook knew you loved him sooner, you could have been what you two are now sooner. But he knows that’s mostly his fault. Never being able to tell you the truth being the reason why. The past is the past, though. And Jungkook knows a thing or two about being stuck in the past. “I’m so glad I have you.”
Your smile never wavers as you look at Jungkook lay on your chest. You gently comb your fingers through his hair, feeling him hum against you - finally content with himself. He only pulls out of you after you start to whimper from over stimulation. Jungkook already getting hard again because he’s waited a millennium to be like this with you, but he’s willing to wait a few moments before he can ask you for more.
I’ll wait forever for you.
Your feeling a little drowsy now that you’ve come down from your high, but his thoughts echo all around your head. Before, it was always like a whisper. Something so small that had the potential to grow, and now that it has each word is clear as day. You wonder if it will always feel like this.
“I’ll make sure you always feel like this,” Jungkook answers your unspoken question. “I’ll make sure you never feel lonely again.”
He makes good on his words by scooping you up in his arms, and making you giggle as your suddenly picked up and cradled like bride. But I guess, you are a bride? You honestly don’t know how any of this works still, but your fine with figuring it out slowly.
His wings sculpt around you both, making it seem like it’s just you and him in this world. You glide your fingers down a set of feathers and feel the softness dance on your fingertips.
“They’re beautiful,” You comment.
“Yes you are,” He responds back. You look back to face Jungkook, and his eyes are only on you. You were clearly talking about his wings, but Jungkook can only think about you in any context in this moment.
You nuzzle your check against his peck, and hum in content like he did before. Jungkook bites his lip, fighting back an obvious smile, as he looks down at you.
“You make me so happy,” You say softly, still in a daze. “Can we please never leave here? Let’s not face the fates, and just… be here. Be together.”
Jungkook’s smile falters a little, but not completely. He wonders if he’ll ever be able to not smile around you again, but then he realizes he already has the answer - you’re the only reason he smiles. It’s just the mention of the fates that irks him. He knows they probably know what happened. They aren’t able to see your fate, but they can see his. Heck, they probably knew this day would come before even he did.
But still, one day you’ll want to see them again. He pulls you closer to him even though your already smushed against him because he can’t help but think they may try to take you away from him. Would they be that cruel? To cast a fate that he would lose you somehow?
You don’t need to read Jungkook’s thoughts to know he’s upset, although the emotion is pouring through your every blood cell at the moment. You sit up in his lap, and hold his face in your hands, and kiss him.
“I’m yours,” You say against his lips, and he stiffens underneath you when he hears your words. Eventually melting into the kiss.
It’s fierce, and powerful. Nothing to suggest more then kissing, but it’s intimate nonetheless. It’s your own promise to Jungkook. A promise that your not going anywhere, and that you two are forever bonded.
And just in case he doesn’t get the hint, you say through the hieros gamos bond the promise you’ll make every day if you have to.
I love you always, Nae sarang.
You never thought ten years would be your limit, but here you stand at the precipice of the cave you once lived in, readying yourself to see there faces again.
These past ten years have been crazy. Anything that has to do with Jungkook and you separate from the rest of the world has been as you expected: wonderful.
You’re team, really. You don’t go with him to the mortal realm and reap souls, but you love dictating who they will love for life in the future after they drink from the River Lethe, and then watching their souls drift to a new life.
Hades - Aiden, he likes to be called - and Persephone have opened you up to the Underworld with open arms. They didn’t even need a full introduction when you first met. Hecate being as loyal as ever - to everyone, but Jungkook - told the king and queen that first night after she snuck into Jungkook’s mind by accident.
The first night you were there, turned into five. That’s right, five whole days and nights of where Jungkook wouldn’t let you out of his room for any reason. It got to the point where even his mother, Nyx, was banging on his door and wondering what the fuck he was doing.
That was awkward first met and greet with the goddess of night. You being just on your hands and knees bent over the chair in the room while Jungkook was thrusting into you no more then a minute before hand. The goddess Nyx - similar to every other deity - welcomed you with open arms, though.
Within a month you knew everyone. Within three months you knew ever square inch of the underworld. And then within a year you claimed this place as your forever home, eating a full fruit of the underworld and not looking back. Forget six seeds, you had no one else outside of the underworld that your cared about and would want to see.
Well… you did have three someone’s. But there technically, if you squint, in the underworld. And now your going to see them for the first time in ten years…
Jungkook wasn’t happy about it. Him being prepared to stop reaping souls and keep you captive in your shared room to prevent you from leaving. For which you had to remind him that you’re your own person, and just for an extra measure - you reminded him just how much you love him with your mouth alone. Sucking him dry until he passed out.
Jungkook still held you close that night - like he does every night, but that night it was as if he let go of you then you would somehow disappear.
“Do you have to go?” Jungkook asked with the smallest of voices.
“I’ll only be gone an hour or two,” You assured before you kissed him on the cheek. You look into the eyes you’ve woken up to and fell asleep next to everyday for ten years, never getting tired of the sparkle within them, but with this everyday knowledge you see his sadness. You feel his sadness. It crushes your heart, but the only reason it’s there is because he loves you with all his being. “I’ll never leave you, Jungkook.”
“Such a big promise from someone so small.” You roll your eyes and then playfully hit his shoulder at his tease for your height. “Kidding! … I just- I just love you so much…”
You hate the smallness in his voice. It still echos in your head now, as you take your first step into the cave you were raised in. The first leap to the past you kept behind you for so long, you were willing walking back to.
The first thing you smell is the smell of thread. It’s a smell that hasn’t been lost from you in these last ten years. You wonder who’s fate they are currently sewing together, but as you walk further into the cave, you find out.
The three fates sit at there three seater sewing stand, pressing the humans fate and writing out how their life will play out before it has even begun.
“Hello, daughter.”
“We were wondering-“
“When you would visit.”
You smile at their familiar way of talking. Each word being passed through each of them as they talk. Unlike ten years ago, you see the visible only to you link between the three of them. You’ve learned a lot about yourself over these past two year including your abilities. One of those abilities being that seeing the hieros gamos link was not your only ability, but any link between connected beings.
You learned this when you met Orpheus for the first time. He did not complete the rite with his true love Eurydice when he went into the underworld to beg the king of your realm for her to come with him back to the mortal world. Despite that, you saw the link between the two of them, even if he did not see Eurydice’s spirit until the final second he shouldn’t have, you saw the romantic fate the two of them shared.
It was pink unlike yours and Jungkook’s. The hieros gamos link being blue. The fates link is a shimmer gold. A bond that will only break once one of them dies. Something the fates haven’t even written in the twine yet.
You walk up to the fates, wanting to reach out and touch their line but stopping yourself. Not wanting to know what would happen if you touched such a sacred bond like that. The other bonds you’ve touched had made their feeling stronger, but your not sure what will happen if you touch a link that’s been so fragile over the years.
“Hello, family,” You start with. “Who’s fate are you creating, today?”
You watch your mother’s smile grow, and your aunts lips switch upwards with hers. It’s like your reading off an old script as you ask that question. That question being something you would always ask, and being one of your favorite types of stories.
“A man who’s life will not be long.”
“He will have great hopes, and bear many babes.”
“It won’t be until he gets too greedy with his women-“
“That the last women he swelled with life will slit his throat.”
“Ending there love-“
“That never grew-“
“To what it was meant to be.”
From the outside looking in, it seems like the fates just casted a hopeful, but tragic life for this one man. But that is not the case. Unlike the fates, when you look at the twine you see a very important thread being carved inside of it as they sew in his 20s.
He will fall in love with his soulmate at the age of 22, but she will die before giving birth to their fifth child. Him slitting his own throat because of her, and a life cut short at the age of 30.
This is something you were never able to see before. It’s like you were finally given glasses to read out the fates castings that once either confused you, or you read to literal. You smile at the thread, even though the ending is still tragic it’s a life he filled with love.
Your mother, Atropos, cuts herself off from twining with a snip of her scissors. The other three sisters stopping once the thread has weaved through the spindle all the way.
All three of them sit up straight, and look at you at the same time.
“How have you been?”
“Pff! She means how’s the husband?”
“Any grand babies yet? Ow!”
“Death cannot bear children!”
“Stupid sister.”
“Oh… I forgot… sorry… your still my favorite niece, though!”
You roll your eyes and smile at your aunt Lachesis. Her foolishness was always so entertaining to you. “It’s fine. We don’t want children anyway.”
All three fates raise their pointed left eyebrow, then they look into the ether to find Jungkook’s thoughts on the matter.
“She’s right!”
“Must still be a good- Ow! I was going-“
“To say-“
“Marriage,” Your mother shakes her head. Jutting out her bottom lip in an angry pout at her sisters.
You laugh and it feels so foreign to do around the three of them, that even that fates look over at you in wonder. You clear your throat, coughing into a closed fist.
“It has been good, yes… but must admit I didn’t come here for a family visit.” Although you still love your family dearly - even after they kept you trapped in the fake life for so long - you forgave them at the same time you forgave Jungkook.
In the end, you got what you wanted on your own path, and maybe that’s what the fates wanted for you the entire time. Maybe that’s even why they didn’t stop you that day - because it was time. You realized this when the three of them never came after you. Not even a whisper of a fates revenge tail being rumored across the three realms.
“Then why-“
“Did you come here-“
You answer, by looking in the direction of the place you first met your true love.
You expected the tree to somehow be withered and wilted. A tree unkept or visited by the one who empowered it made you think this way. But when you stepped into the small clearing you used to visit so often, you’re surprised to not only see it still standing but bigger then before.
The carnations are sprouting wildly upon the top of it, and the bark is still strong and brown. There’s not an inkling that you ever left that place to begin with.
“How can this be?” You ask no one in particular.
…but someone answers.
“It was made from a hieros gamos bond. I told you it would still be here.”
You smile when you hear the love of your life’s voice from behind you, but you turn around with a pout as you face him. “I told you not to come!”
Jungkook rolls his eyes, but the bright smile he grows when he sees your face takes the attitude away. He walks up to you, and envelopes you in his arms around your waist. You smooth your hands up the front of his shirt, connecting your fingers together when your two hands meet behind his neck.
“Maybe I was curious about the tree too.”
You pull your lips into a thin line, unbelieving his very obvious lie. “Mhmm… and I love flying.”
Jungkook’s wings spread out behind him, like they can hear you mocking them. He chuckles lightly, then leans down close to your ear and whispers, “You don’t mind flying when we’re in the air and I’m fucking-“
You shove him away before he can say anymore, playful swatting at his chest. “Your so gross!”
“Then your in love with a gross god.”
You roll your eyes, but that statement has never been more perfectly- “True.”
Jungkook beams at your confession, and he clasps your fingers together with his because he can’t help but want to touch you every time you confess your love for him. You look over at the tree after a silence spreads between the two of you. Not silence out of nothing to say, but silence because you both are basking in the place you first exchanged words in.
You both end up sitting under the tree underneath the branch Jungkook used to love sitting on, staring up at the beautiful flowers. Your hands are still conjoined with his in the middle of the two of you, but you stay silent nonetheless. Both of you are remembering all the pining and longing you both did for each other here, and to think if either of you just opened your feelings up sooner then the life you live with each other now would have started much sooner.
But that’s not what keeps either of your silence in that moment, either. It’s the pure love you both feel here. You decided to venture here when you own day felt it calling to you. Like you needed to show the tree that you were in love with the person it grew for. You lean onto that said person’a shoulder, and breathe in the loving aroma around you.
“Wow,” Is all you say. It’s all you need to say because you both feel what this place is radiating right now.
And your love for each other, along with this tree, will be forever deathless
The End
。・°°・°°・。 。・°°・°°・。 。・°°・°°・。
Pomegranate -  Symbol of death and fertility. In Greek mythology, the pomegranate was known as the 'fruit of the dead' as it was said to have arisen from the blood of Adonis. It also prominently featured in the myth of Hades and Persephone.
River Lethe - Also known as the Ameles potamos (river of unmindfulness), the Lethe flowed around the cave of Hypnos and through the Underworld where all those who drank from it experienced complete forgetfulness.
Orpheus and Eurydice - read the full tragic love story about these two here.
Ending Notes: I want to give a big shout out to the author of the book Receiver of Many because reading that series over again inspired me to write this mini-series. If your interested in reading more Greek mythology stories, this one being about Hades and Persephone, I definitely recommend checking her series out!
I’ve also had this idea in my head for like a year, and only about two weeks ago decided to write it out. I don’t know why I didn’t have the confidence before to write it, but now that I did I absolutely love what I did!
Please leave all your feedback down below, or you can even message me. I really love hearing from y’all, and I’m not lying when I say it inspires me to write when I see positive feedback.
I hope you enjoyed this mini-series as much as I did writing it. Until next time my curious cats ఌ
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king-midas-of-music · 2 months
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yoramkelmer · 2 years
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Very rare poster for Shin Sang-oks North Korean movie “Love, Love, My Love” (사랑사랑내사랑) from 1984, here billed as “Oh My Love”.
Starring Jang Sun-hee, Ri Hak-chol, Choi Eun-hee, Pang Bok-sun and Choe Chang-su.
Note that Shin and Chois Company Shin Films is written further down.
Posters like this one are rare because when Shin Sang-ok and Choi Eun-hee managed to flee in 1986, several of their movies were banned or their names were removed from the credits.
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uroborosymphony · 1 year
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In the year 2023. Two centuries have passed since the Great War Against the Witches. Two centuries since Calista escaped from the Order, after her arrestation for her crimes against humanity.
Tales from the past live under the cold skin of The Lamia. Wars that never truly ended in her mind, raging their ever afters within her soul, wars she dreamed of reviving. Reaching her 600 years old of age has transformed her many times, from a royal of the Joseon dinasty, to a unhinged beast feeding on rage and desolation, to finally, a dormant menace. Since her defeat in the 20th century after the Great War against the Witches that started in the 19th century, Calita disappeared from the radar, being a wanted war criminal who escaped right before her trial - and yet she never stopped envisonning a way to finally get what she wanted : her Death, her liberation. An obsession that evolved and raised her plans to higher levels in the 21st century. Not only she wanted to terminate her existence, it was immortality all together she was aiming to take down. A grand scaled insanity nobody was aware of, as many thought the Monster defeated. The Lamia knew where her opposition would be when she starts moving : the Gods themselves. And The Moonlake Order, as well. The latter truly played a game in defeating her during the Great War - and was still looking for her, to this day. To have Sarang by her side was either a savior or a nail in the coffin for the both of them, two heads these clowns might come after, sooner or later. Calista traveled then, silenty, discreetly, to corners the world she knew members of the Order might be found. Was it risky? It was but since she has decimated her own council and her armies got defeated, the Lamia had no choice but to work alone, to do what it took to answer her interrogations : will the Order stand in the way? The creature is wearing her usuals in these modern times : a suit, of immaculate white, blending with the whiteness of her hair as well, thick and large black sunglasses on. The first on her list : Nae-Gil. The last member who crossed blades with her, the one that cealed the handcuffs of platinium around the Lamia's wrists the night she got arrested when the war was won, surrounded by both the Mother Witches from all the covers and the knights. Calista still remembers the helmet then, that was put on her head, one meant to block her hyponotic and manipulation powers, along with the restrains all over her body that were piercing through her flesh, to prevent her from using her hands and legs ; along with powerful spells casted by the legendary Yokhulan, the Grand Priestess of Sihege, to keep Calista in a lobotomized harmless state. The day of her arrestation was a day of celebration accross the material and immaterial realms - However, the Calista escaped not so long after - justice was never made for her crimes. Nae-Gil was a legend in the Order itself, the most talented Knifeman she had encountered. Calista was a prideful entity, but skill recognizes skill. Her observations lasted for days as she watched the man for afar, living a life she did not suspect he would. It all came to that little place in the heart of the city, where the sun was blocked by the shadows of the leaves above. A gentle wind in the trees. A waitress places down his order, he's sitting at a table for one even though two chairs are there, as if Nae Gil was expected her to meet him there. Calista's heels echo down the floor, one after the other, slow, mechanically royal and stern, as she always have been, while she makes her ways in between the customers tables to finally reach him. The lamia sits down the chair by his side as her attention remains on the surroundings.
"I have been observing you, Knight. I do know you do know that."
The Lamia wasn't so naive and knew perfectly a warrior of his calibre could feel when he was being circled. "It however was a surprise for my hands to remain free. No restrains as I walk this ground. I could only assume you have not made that call yet, for your comrades to come, seize and lock me again." The Lamia exposes,as her eyes then slowly drifting to him. "Wouldn't that be useless. I have escaped once, therefore I will always." It was important for her to notice that : even though Nae-Gil now knew she was still alive, he did not seem to have warn the rest of the Order. Why? "I'm curious, Knifeman. To what do I owe such a warm treatment?"
            for @theimpalpable
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tim-shii · 6 months
Just read your Aventurine bf hcs, and I would like to request abt the dancing part plz 👀
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a/n: my oh my oh my oh nae sarang bE MY ONLY LOOVEEEEEEEE i love u aventurine 🫶 i live for u aventurine 🫶 EUEUYAUEYEUYE ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️😭😭😭😭😭😭
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bf!aventurine who dances with you in the kitchen of your shared apartment. palm to palm, nose to nose and music provided by him as he sways you two to his own rhythm.
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aventurine is an affectionate lover. he may not be at first but after a few months, he'll hover over you everywhere and any time like a moth to a flame.
his love language being physical touch. he makes sure to show off his love in the many ways that he knows.
one of them: dancing.
not really in a professional way, no. more like casually.
he'll drag you off the couch after he has successfully pushed the coffee table away, a space now visible in the living room.
like a gentleman, he'll offer a hand requesting: "care for a dance, my love?", and once you've placed your hand in his, he'll lift it up and press a lingering kiss on your knuckles (looking you in the eye as he does)
aventurine's arms would be wrapped around your waist like a life line, and your hands finding solace on his shoulders. how fairytale-like.
he sways you side to side. the serene dancing accompanied by him humming "only" by lee hi, making up for the lack of music.
a while later, he pulls away only to grab your hands away from his shoulder. choosing to hold it in his instead.
when his palm hits yours, he's reminded of the times he'll pray to gaiathra years ago with his sister.
he shakes his head, removing himself from the memory because he's with you now.
he may not be praying to a deity but in this moment, aventurine can feel himself praying to be by your side for a very very long time.
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likes and reblogs are appreciated! masterlist
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sheerfreesia007 · 1 month
Moves Too Quick
Pairing: Han Jisung x Reader
Word count: 2,587
Content warnings: Fluff
Summary: Han is coming to terms with his feelings for you, his best friend. What happens when he sees you in a bikini of his favorite movie?
Nae Sarang: My Love, Gongjunim: Princess
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Han laughed loudly as he watched Changbin grab onto Hyunjin and pretend to throw him into the pool as the taller boy tried to stay on the pool deck. The group of them were all gathered to hang out at the pool to try and stay cool in the heat wave that they were experiencing right now. It was supposed to be a fun filled day but Han was a little on edge with the addition of you to their group.
Lee Know had made the decision to invite you along to the pool day without letting anyone know until about a half hour before you were all supposed to meet up. Normally it wouldn’t be such a bad thing for you to come hang out with them but lately Han had been struggling with his feelings towards you. You were beautiful and so sweet and kind to all of them that he had found himself falling hard for you and trying to keep up with his growing affection for you. And while you hadn’t caught onto his emerging emotions the other boys had and used every opportunity possible to tease him about it.
There had been a few times when he thought you had understood what the boys were teasing him about but you never said anything and while he was thankful for that it was always maddening because he kind of wanted to just rip the bandaid off and see what happened. But then his anxiety would rise up and nearly seize his insides and keep him in a chokehold. He hated this constantly flopping back and forth with his emotions and needing to express them but not being ready to hear the rejection he was sure you’d give him. It was starting to take a toll on him. He hated this constant state of being on edge or anxious around you.
Han darted his eyes around his friends for a moment before he spotted you talking to Lee Know looking a little nervous about something. He wondered idly what you had to be so nervous about but when he saw Lee Know put a soft hand on your shoulder and say something to you that he couldn’t hear he felt his chest stutter with air. You looked so unsure of yourself and Han instantly wanted to reassure you with whatever it was that made you nervous and unsure.
You nodded at Lee Know for a moment before taking a step back and quickly slipping your baggy t-shirt off your body. Han felt his mouth go dry as he saw the bikini top covering your torso, it had some sort of pattern on it but it was held together with thin straps that hooked at your back and behind your neck. Not to mention the image you made wearing a pair of baggy basketball shorts that made you look so tiny and precious that Han’s heart thudded heavily in his chest.
”You’re drooling.” Chan says softly and Han immediately wipes at his mouth as Chan and Changbin laugh at him teasingly. He scowls and shoves Chan away from him as Changbin cackles loudly at him. Han moves to shove Chan again as the older man wiggles his eyebrows at him but he’s instantly halted when your sweet voice speaks up.
”Hey fellas.” You greet them and Han turns to you with a soft smile on his face while Chan and Changbin chuckle knowingly at the younger man before happily greeting you.
“Hi Gongjunim!” greets Changbin as he wraps you in a tight hug before lifting you off your feet slightly making you squeal softly as your arms wrap around his neck. Your laughter is infectious as Chan and Han both grin at the display of affection Changbin has for you before he’s setting you back on your feet making you wobble slightly. Han reaches out to stabilize you but Chan beats him to it as he holds your elbow steady letting you find your balance as you grin up at the older man.
“That’s a pretty bathing suit.” Chan says suddenly and Han frowns at him quickly before his head turns and he gets a good look at your bikini. His eyes widen into big saucers when he notices that the bikini has different scenes from Howl’s Moving Castle all over it and he feels his brain turn to mush, you knew his favorite Studio Ghibli movie was Howl’s Moving Castle the two of you had plenty of movie nights where you’d both debate the pros and cons of all the Studio Ghibli movies. He knew your favorite was Spirited Away, which made him wonder why you hadn’t chosen to buy a bikini with that movie’s scenes on it.
“Thanks! It was a toss up between this one and Spirited Away to wear today. Felt like Sophie today.” you responded with a shrug of your shoulders and a soft smile on your face. Han’s eyes dart over your body and feels himself grow warm at your explanation as he smiles adoringly at you. You’re beautiful in that easy unbothered way that he loves about you, and while he still feels conflicted with his emotions he can’t help but be drawn to you and how relaxed you make him feel just by being you.
“You look hot!” he says boldly and silence falls over the pool area as your eyes widen while a pretty red blush creeps across your body starting from your exposed chest. Chan and Changbin gape at him while you duck your head embarrassedly as Han suddenly freezes with panic. “I-I I mean.” he begins to stutter softly when suddenly Seungmin and Jeongin burst out in loud laughter. Han watches as you turn to them still blushing to scowl at them as they continue to laugh. “I’m so sorry.” Han says softly before he jumps into the pool to get away from the awkward situation, he swims to the far corner of the pool where Felix and Hyunjin are hanging out. Felix immediately reassures him as Seungmin and Jeongin still laugh loudly, Han doesn’t look at you as he feels his whole body heating with the hot flush of his embarrassment but out of the corner of his eyes he can see Lee Know at your side saying something to you as you nod your head.
It’s later in the day and the hangout is starting to wind down, Han has successfully avoided you ever since he blurted out that he thought you were hot earlier. Though he has caught on that you’ve also been avoiding being near him as well as you played and relaxed in the pool with the others. He felt bad about avoiding you but he felt even worse when he realized that you were giving him space and not being as close to him as you normally were.
Han watched from his spot in the corner of the pool as you and Hyunjin laughed at something Changbin said while lounging on the steps of the pool. Your head was tossed back and the muscles in your neck were on display to him, making his body heat with desire and affection for you. Suddenly Jeongin calls for you as he’s standing over by the lounge chairs letting you know that your cell phone is ringing, Han watches as you scramble out of the pool and quickly race for your cell phone, able to grab it before it stops ringing. They all watch as you talk to whoever is on the other line before you nod and hang up the phone.
“Alright guys, I’ve gotta get going. One of my girlfriends needs me to help her with something.” you tell them with a bright smile on your face. Han feels instant disappointment that you’re leaving already but he follows the boys out of the pool to say goodbye to you. You’re quickly drying yourself off as Lee Know and Chan say goodbye to you while giving you big hugs and thanking you for joining them today. The rest of the boys are slow to say their goodbyes and Han watches quietly as you easily slip on your clothes once more before storing away your towel in your backpack. You turn and hug Seungmin and Hyunjin quickly before your eyes darted over to Han and he perks up a little bit. “Walk me to my car Ji?” you ask him with a soft smile on your face. He eagerly nods his head and feels his chest puff up importantly as you give him your attention.
“Of course.” he responds and slips his sandals on before guiding you to the gate that leads to the parking lot. The two of you are quiet as you wave one last time at the boys as they all yell goodbye to you causing you to chuckle and smile at their antics. You then turn your head and smile brightly at Han and he responds with his own wide smile as you fall into step next to each other. YOur eyes crinkle at the sides and Han feels his heart thud heavily in his chest, you’re too cute for his sanity and he can’t seem to control himself now. “I’m sorry. For earlier.” he says suddenly and you look at him with furrowed eyebrows before your face clears and you smile softly before ducking your head and chuckling. He can see your blush coming back and he feels his panic start to return as his hands come up to try and assuage your embarrassment and his panic.
“It’s okay Ji.” you say fondly to him as you smile softly at him. Your face is still sporting your pretty blush but your smile is kind and the sparkle in your eyes is teasing. He watches as you turn to face him while walking backwards towards your car and he picks up his pace to make sure that you don’t trip or fall as you continue walking to your car as you smile warmly at him. “I know your mouth moves too fast for your brain sometimes. It’s okay. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable though.” you say with a shrug of your shoulders and Han stumbles slightly at your words. You were worried more about him being uncomfortable than him just blurting out that you were hot? He can feel the warmth in his body from his panic earlier start to melt his insides at how considerate you were of him. He should’ve known that his words would just roll off your back and he shouldn’t have been embarrassed, you knew just as well as he knew you. It’s not like this was the first time his mouth had gotten him into the hot seat with you. But he wanted you to know that what he said earlier was the truth for him, he thought you looked hot and gorgeous in your bikini. So once again he let his mouth get the better of him.
“It’s the truth though. You looked so good in your bikini.” he said truthfully as his eyes focused on yours and you nodded at him with a pleased smile on your face. Suddenly your back hit the back passenger door of your car and you looked over your shoulder at your car before turning back to him.
“Thanks Ji.” you said, sounding thankful of his words as your cheeks were dusted pink at his compliment.
“Why did you choose Howl’s and not Spirited?” he asked curiously as he remembered that you had mentioned having bought two bathing suits with the two movies on them. He watched as your eyes widened slightly before you turned your head to the side and chuckled softly as if you were embarrassed.
“Well you see Lee Know’s been on my case about being honest about my feelings lately and I thought if I wore a bikini with your favorite movie on it then it’d give me courage.” you explained to him and he tilted his head to the side confused on what you were trying to say.
“Courage for what?” he asked and you smiled shyly down at your feet as he took a step closer to you.
“Courage to confess to you how I feel about you.” you said softly and Han’s breath stuttered out of his chest as his thoughts fell into chaos at your soft admission. He licked his suddenly dry lips as his eyes danced across your downturned face trying to connect with your eyes but you weren’t allowing him to.
“And how do you feel about me?” he asked breathlessly and you grimaced softly before smiling adoringly down at the ground.
“I’m in love with you Ji.” you say softly as your face turns up to stare at him with soft adoring eyes. “But I don’t want to pressure you or anything.” you say quickly as you raise your hands to hang in the air shaking between the two of you. “I adore you and feel so comfortable and safe with you but I won’t push for anything more than friends if you don’t like me back.” you reassure him and he feels his heart seize in his chest before it begins to race double time. You were in love with him, you were in love with him. Han felt like he was on cloud nine as he stared at you with wide eyes as his mouth dropped open slightly. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to make this weird or awkward!” you say suddenly and Han quickly shakes his head as he sees you begin to panic at his quietness.
“No!” he suddenly bursts out and you stare at him surprised as he cages you against your car. His arms come up to bracket you in and you stare at him with wide shocked eyes. “Please, give me one second. My mind is racing.” he pleads softly and you smile fondly at him before nodding your head slowly. You settle against your car and Han takes a moment to gather his thoughts. “I’ve been struggling with my feelings for you for the past few weeks.” he starts to explain. “You’re my best friend and I’ve started to feel like I’ve wanted more than just friendship lately. I want more than just cuddles during movie night, I want to be able to press kisses to your lips and skin without it being weird. I want to spend the night with you just holding you close to me. I want to take you on cute couple dates where no one else matters but each other. I want all of it with you.” he confesses softly and feels his heart sing inside his chest as he sees the blossoming grin on your face as your eyes sparkle excitedly. “I’m in love with you too nae sarang.” he whispers to you and he suddenly feels your hands grip his damp t-shirt before you pull him forward up against you as your lips press to his in a chaste kiss. He grunts against your mouth before you pull away to rest your forehead against his as you grin widely at him.
“Sorry my mouth moved too quickly for my brain there for a second.” you tease him and Han chuckles softly before cupping your face and pressing another soft chaste kiss to your mouth.
“We both have that problem huh?” he asks goodnaturedly and you chuckle at him before nodding your head eagerly with sparkling eyes.
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tinykittendelusion · 2 months
Seventeen as nicknames they'd call you
a/n : this is just a general one as I'm just starting out :)
tw: none mostly fluffy
would love to call you anything which is a shorter form of your name at first but would love to call you 'yeobo' especially when he's asking for your attention.
would jokingly call you the devil to his angel to annoy you but would normally call you jagiya.
this gentleman would call you only babe or baby the first time he did the guys laughed how red the both of you had become.
jun normally called you bao bei and other cute nicknames in Chinese. If he is jealous he would resort to call you babe and yeobo just so the other guys staring at you understand whose you are.
this guy called you baby tiger regardless of who was around. You guys got a few laughs but neither of you cared.
He loved calling you princess and he even treated you like one. He just loved seeing you blush whenever he called you his princess.
In the beginning you had thought that woozi would not be big on nicknames so did woozi but turns out his favourite thing to call you was my pretty girl. Although he would rarely call you that on your face but that's how referred to you when talking to anyone.
this sunshine would refer to you only as my baby and nothing else. According to him it was the perfect way to express his love for you and also clear any confusion anyone else might have.
This puppy absolutely adored you and he would use all kinds of pet names and nicknames for you. His favourite was darling he adored seeing you blush every time he called you that.
Like jun he too would prefer to use Chinese nicknames but his favourite was Qīn Qīn. He would love explaining the meanings of all the nicknames to you.
Seungkwan being the dramatic and romantic baby that he is would love to call you nae sarang. He liked how cute it sounded and more than that he liked how you blushed every time you heard it.
This boy liked keeping things simple and he wasn't big on nicknames so he often called you by your names but sometimes would call you baby or cupcake especially when he wants something.
This guy loved calling you nicknames although they kept changing right now he was calling you cookie but he's called you cuties patootie, babygirl, darling honeybee etc. he likes picking nicknames that make you laugh. He likes seeing you smile.
a/n: Hope you guys liked it lmk if there is anything you'd want to see.
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riekiss · 9 months
꒰՞ ܸ. .ܸ՞꒱💭 ・ 엔하이픈 x fem reader. 장르 fluff established relationship warning not-proofread kissing petnames skinship & 810 words
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Ending the year by watching your boyfriend on stage wasn’t a choice many would relish. Yet, understanding him intimately, you’d rather bask in the glow of his happiness under the spotlight.
As his performance concluded, you approached a security guard, offering your credentials and proof of connection. With a nod, they granted you access without hesitation.
The clock struck 12:30 AM, ushering in a new year. In the chilly night, you found your boyfriend cocooned in blankets, wisps of white breath dancing in the cold air.
Your heart warmed at the sight of him, a tableau of passion and dedication that made braving the late hour worthwhile.
“Hi, baby,” he called out, a radiant smile gracing his face.
“You were absolutely incredible out there,” you praised, your hands gently cupping his cheeks in an attempt to share warmth.
“Thank you, but I believe it’s time I repay your patience,” he said, draping the blanket around you.
His lips met yours, creating a timeless moment that muted the fireworks, cheers, and music. A cocoon of warmth enveloped both of you.
“Happy New Year, Yeobo,” he whispered, sealing the beginning of the year with a kiss that felt like the promise of countless beautiful moments ahead.
“Jongseong, you were incredibly cool earlier,” you praised, peppering his cheeks with kisses.
“Heh, thank you, baby,” he replied, tenderly kissing your hairline.
“Are you cold?” he asked, wrapping the blanket he once wore around your shoulders.
“I’m alright. What about you? Aren’t you cold?” you inquired, concern lacing your words.
“You know what could warm me up?” he suggested, a mischievous gleam in his eyes.
“This,” he declared, leaning in to capture your lips in a sweet kiss.
As he pulled away, your cheeks blazed with warmth. You exhaled before playfully muttering, “Happy New Year to you, dork,” as the lingering taste of his kiss filled the air with the promise of a delightful year ahead.
“Princess! How was my performance? It was amazing, wasn’t it?” he excitedly exclaimed, pulling you into a joyous hug, swaying your bodies in sync with his elation.
“Eung, you were so good out there!” you exclaimed, wrapping your arms around his waist.
“Oh, wait, I forgot something,” he suddenly said.
He leaned in, planting a deep, passionate kiss on your lips.
“New Year’s Kiss, hehe. Happy New Year, my princess,” he whispered, leaving the taste of celebration lingering in the air.
“Hi, sweetheart,” he said, his eyes softening at the sight of you.
“You were amazing out there, Hoon. All the ENGENEs were freaking out about you,” you laughed, recalling the cheers whenever your boyfriend graced the screen.
“I wanted to look cool in front of the person I love,” he mused.
“Oh, I know I’m a bit late, but…” he began before leaning in to kiss your lips. His movements synced with yours, unleashing a flurry of butterflies in your stomach.
Breaking off the kiss, he whispered, “Happy New Year, Nae Sarang,” leaving the promise of a year filled with warmth and shared moments lingering in the air.
“There’s my beautiful girl!” Sunoo called out, opening the blanket wrapped around him to welcome you inside.
“Happy New Year, Sunoo-ah” you whispered, savoring the cocoon of warmth he provided.
“Back to you baby, now c’mere,” he said, gently guiding your chin to face him.
Closing the distance between your lips, the cold weather faded in comparison to the warmth enveloping you. What a beautiful way to commence a new year.
“Jungwon-ie! Happy New Year!” you exclaimed, pulling him into a hug that he swiftly embraced.
“Happy New Year to you too, babe,” he chuckled, holding you close. He hummed in contemplation before turning to you.
“Wanna do something cliché?” he asked, tilting his head.
“What is it?” you inquired, but instead of answering, he placed his hands on your cheeks and kissed your lips deeply.
“That,” he chuckled, enjoying the sight of your flustered expression as the beginning of the new year unfolded in a sweet, timeless moment.
“There you are, love. I was looking everywhere for you,” Riki said, a small pout forming on his lips as he pulled you close into his embrace.
“Sorry, it was so crowded, so I stayed a bit far to come to you easier,” you explained, resting your head on his chest, where his heartbeat quickened in sync with your proximity.
“Hmm, I’m about... 35 minutes late,” he said, checking the time on his phone.
“To what?” you asked, puzzled by his remark.
“To do this,” he replied, leaning in to kiss your lips. His warm hands cradled your cheek and the nape of your neck.
“Happy New Year, Ai,” he whispered, sealing the moment with a kiss that marked the start of a new year filled with warmth and affection.
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i520u · 1 year
invisible string ʚĭɞೃ⟡
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HIII i’m so sorry this took me so long i just didn’t wanna be unemployed after i’m done with my series so i decided to keep this in the drafts for a while 😞 i hope you’ll like this!
PAIRING sung hanbin x gn!reader
GENRE fluff, sfw
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hanbin is a responsible bf, so you can definitely let loose when you’re around him!
he will always makes you feel safe
when you go out on dates with him, he would always silently take your handbag off of your shoulder and carry them himself 😞
his nicknames for you are usually the common ones, baby, my baby, angel, and i think he’d most commonly use 내 사랑 (nae sarang/my love) because it’s so endearing to give your s/o a nickname in your own mother tongue am i right
but he prefers calling you by your name, bc he thinks your name is already pretty
constantly complimenting you
you get your work done and he’s like “good job baby” and then he’d kiss your cheek
you finish mopping the floors and he’s like “you worked so hard today my love, thank you”
the type of boyfriend that will give you legitimate answers to your “would you still love me if i was a worm?” questions
one time you asked him what he would do if you turned into a snail one day
and he told you he’d have to build you nice house where you would be comfortable living in
drives your around ALL the time
he would freak out if you offered him gas money because he really doesn’t mind spending his time, energy, and money with you :(
if you gave him a $10 cash he would applepay you $15
i think hanbin is a great cook, so eating out is very rare for you both because he’s always cooking up a meal for the both of you
if you don’t like a certain taste (sour, salty, sweet, etc) he’d make sure to alter the recipe a little so you’d both be able to enjoy the meal together
hanbin would be cutting up some vegetables, and then you’d come up to him and ask for a kiss, and he would gladly give you a quick kiss before resuming with the meal prep
conflicts with him rarely ever happens
he’s so good at communicating, and he’s just so gentle there’s really nothing to be mad about with him
he trusts you, and he feels secure in the relationship so he never really asks you about your whereabouts. you’re free to hangout with anyone!
all of your friends loves hanbin. he treats you so well, and he’s so polite and can mix around with them, so he’s practically in your friend group too
when you DO get into fights with hanbin, the fight never lasts longer than 2 days. he either apologises first if he realised that he’s in the wrong, or he’ll talk to you and explain why he felt like he was wronged
plus, even when the two of you are fighting, he’d still cook you a good dinner, and you’d still help him clean up all the things he used to make the meal 😭
also on nights where you both had heated arguments, if the situation was okay, he would still wrap his arms around you while you sleep
hanbin never go all out for anniversaries though
rather than fancy dinner date or a big gesture to show his love, it’s more domestic and meaningful
hanbin prefers celebrating your anniversaries together with things like giving you a photobook of all the moments that you’ve spent together
of course he’d buy you a gift too, but his main idea of anniversaries are more domestic
one time he rearranged your house and made a candlelight dinner all by himself for your anniversary, candles, silk tablecloth, fancy steak, he did that all by himself
whenever you get sick, he’d feel bad leaving you alone while he goes to work but duty calls!!!
he would make you text him and update him every 3 hours so that he knows you’re eating well and taking your medicines on time
when HE’S sick he tells you not to worry about him and then he would get flustered when he finds out that you cooked him some healthy soupy foods for him to eat
he thinks you’re so cute when you’re worried over him getting a stupid little cold
when he gets better he would give you so many kisses and cooing at how cute you were when you were taking care of him
honestly he’s always kissing you somewhere, or you’re always kissing him somewhere, it doesn’t matter. he loves kisses
when you say something funny he would laugh and then bring your hand to his lips for no reason?? when you ask him why he’s just like “you’re so funny i just had to kiss you”
when you’re showing him the new top you just bought and then he would just pull you in to kiss the top of your head bc why not
when you kiss him first his ears will go red
he would even be like “why’d you do that”
when you say you just wanted to kiss him he’d giggle and would call you adorable
“my partner is so adorable today, i wonder what’s got into them?”
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codemiracle · 10 months
Currently in a state of delulu so how would the LIs react to a billingual MC who calls them a pet name in another language (i love my sayangs (beloved in indo))
Seth: "Ah, you're so clever, Mon amour, or should I say... Mi cielo? Maybe Schat? Amore mio? I can think of a lot of pet names that'll fit you, Älskling~" (he's flexing.)
Dr. Kurosaki: "Well well, aren't you full of surprises? Please keep talking to me, I love the adorable little accent that you have when you talk." Yotsuya: "A-Ah! I actually learned Korean for my work at the company... so uh... that makes two of us. What? you want me to give you a pet name too...? Uh... nae... sarang? Ah sorry, I just learned economy terms in my classes..." Yuuta: "Don't you dare use that again without telling me you almost gave me a heart attack." (He's getting cuteness aggression don't mind him.) Tatsuya: "Ah! Haha, that was so adorable. Can you give me other pet names? I would love to hear them. Please, please, please? You sound so cute when you talk like that!"
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hwashotcheeto · 8 months
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𝑩𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝑭𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅'𝒔 𝑴𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 (4)
Best Friend's Mother Masterlist
Chapter: Four
Milf!Park Seonghwa X gn!reader
Summary: A week has gone by since your late night secret with Seonghwa. You kept telling yourself to not entertain the idea of anything more than a one night stand. But Wooyoung, as always, throws a wrench in your plans.
WC: 4.4k
CW: Suggestive towards the end, kissing, touching, lots of teasing, Wooyoung is a cockblock, fluff, cuddles
AN: I spent a whole day writing this, my body hurts, my brain hurts, but I wanted to get this chapter done so badly. I hope you all enjoy it.
Tag List: @hyunjinsjeans @malldreamprincess @unlikelysublimekryptonite @becauseilovedyou @kittkat44 @babyxhoiz @asleepylilcat @mxnsxngie @rxnexxi @mommahwa1117 @acciocriativity @anxiousskylar @h3arteyes4mingi
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“Hey guys,” Wooyoung said as he entered the living room. “I have an idea for something we can all do.”
The announcement shouldn’t have filled you with fear, but it did.
The week was a roller coaster, if you had to be honest. You’d wanted to keep your interactions with Seonghwa to a minimum, only talking to him if he talked to you, only if you absolutely needed to.
And it felt like torture.
You wanted to talk to him, you wanted to be nice, you wanted to sit with him and have long conversations about anything and everything. You wanted to give him hugs like Wooyoung did.
But you were scared of what would happen if you let yourself do that. If you fell deeper into him. If your lust for him turned to something more than sex.
You weren’t ready to confront that. Despite Wooyoung constantly dragging you with him to do anything, and “coincidentally” always having Seonghwa be there too, you didn’t think it was something beyond Wooyoung wanting to spend time with you. And of course, you were going to spend time with Wooyoung, so you were in a difficult spot.
And yet, the whole time you were trying to subtly avoid him, Seonghwa wasn’t dumb. And unfortunately, he was more observant than you’d thought he was.
And he hated to admit that he thought about it every time he laid down to sleep. He’d lay in his bed for hours and think about you. About the night you had together.
The way you’d look away when he tried to talk to you, the slight red tint in your cheeks when he’d call you “dear” or “sweetheart,” the little tremor in your voice when you talked to him. He was hopelessly attracted to you, and he knew you felt the same way about him.
And you both were battling with your desires in your own ways.
If only you knew that the gorgeous man you were daydreaming about was doing the same thing just one wall away.
You force a sweet smile at Wooyoung as you come back to the present. Seonghwa also looks up at him.
“Eomma, you know that restaurant you’d take me to as a kid?”
Seonghwa smiled and shook his head. “I’ve taken you to many restaurants.”
“The really expensive one that we went to for special occasions?”
“What’s the occasion?” You wondered. In the back of your mind, you wondered if Wooyoung was about to reveal his “relationship” with San to his mother. But the smirk Wooyoung was giving you shot that theory down quickly.
“Isn’t our presence enough of an occasion?” He answered, standing up straighter, puffing out his chest a little. Seonghwa laughed and shook his head again.
“Your presence is always an occasion, nae sarang, but I can’t just take you. That place-”
“Requires reservations,” Wooyoung interrupted, finishing his sentence. “Well what if I told you I already took care of that?”
You and Seonghwa both blinked, not completely believing him. You had no idea where this was going, or what restaurant they could possibly be talking about. Even if you did know the name, it wouldn’t have helped, because you could never afford to go to a restaurant nicer than Olive Garden.
“Wooyoung,” Seonghwa started, in the signature disappointed parent tone that said everything without having to say it. The tone that meant “you shouldn’t have done that.” But it didn’t dissuade Wooyoung in the slightest.
“Come on, why not? I haven’t been there in a long time, and it’s something we can all do together.” He put extra emphasis on the word “together.”
You turned your attention to Seonghwa, and he was looking at Wooyoung with nothing but love in his eyes, with a little smile on his lips. He knew that no matter what excuse he made up, he was going to relent. He was going to say yes, because there was no reason to say no.
Part of him wanted to see how serious Wooyoung was. Part of him wanted to see what else Wooyoung was up to. He had his suspicions, but couldn’t tell for certain.
“What day do you have this reserved?” Seonghwa asked, tilting his head back a little.
“Tonight,” Wooyoung said proudly. “The perfect night to go out to eat.”
Time had started to warp and bend for you since you were thr0wn off your usual schedule, but Wooyoung had mentioned to you earlier that it was a Saturday. You realized now why he bothered to point it out.
Seonghwa still pretended to roll the idea over in his head. Both you and Wooyoung knew he was faking it based on his smile, but you two were still waiting with bated breath for his answer.
And finally, Seonghwa sighed and nodded. “Okay, when do we have to be there?”
Wooyoung did a little happy dance and squealed. You smiled and sighed in relief.
You didn’t feel so scared about the idea of going to dinner with Seonghwa knowing Wooyoung was going to be there. You’d have to throw together a decent outfit from the clothes that you brought, but you were sure you could do it.
And that’s what you did. About an hour before you were going to leave, you had taken a shower and made yourself look nice before you went to sort through your clothes. Just a simple outfit, but it still made you look put together. It wasn’t luxury, but it would pass decently for an hour or so.
As you were going to leave the room, there was a knock on the door. When you called for them to come in, Wooyoung peeked in. He took one look at your outfit and shook his head.
“No, that’s not gonna work.” He left and went back into his room. You followed him, befuddled.
“What do you mean, I look fine!” You protested, but Wooyoung was already going through his closet to look for something better. He frantically grabbed at different clothes, looking them over, and rejecting most of them.
“Fine isn’t good enough, this is a high class restaurant.” Wooyoung pulled out a shirt that he was satisfied with and tossed it onto a nearby chair. “Thankfully, your awesome best friend is here to help you.”
You sighed and looked at his outfit. He wore black slacks with a belt, with a white button up tucked into the shirt, the sleeves rolled up to his arms. This was the nicest you’d ever seen Wooyoung in the entirety of your time knowing him, Wooyoung never dressed up for anything. Not even to the formal events your college hosted.
Realizing that, you decided to listen to him and accept the clothes. You let Wooyoung dress you in the outfit he’d picked, and he helped fit and adjust it so it looked good on you. He accessorized you as well, with a couple of necklaces and rings.
You had to admit, when Wooyoung was done with you, you looked much better than you did before. Much more worthy of a fancy restaurant dinner.
Wooyoung also put a coat over your shoulders. “To match the outfit,” he commented.
“I have a jacket, Wooyoung.”
“Not one that goes with your clothes.” You rolled your eyes, but buttoned up the coat regardless. He had a point, sure, but you mostly just wanted him to shut up.
You and Wooyoung made your way to the front door and waited for Seonghwa.
“How do you have all these nice clothes anyway?” You asked, remembering that you never asked what Seonghwa did for work. With his nice house and Wooyoung’s extensive wardrobe, he had to be doing something amazing.
“My mom is a model,” Wooyoung says nonchalantly, looking at his phone.
Oh. Of course he was.
“What does he model for?”
“Mostly shoes, but he does a lot of other stuff. He has a couple deals for a few different luxury brands.”
Of course he does.
As you were about to continue, you heard a bedroom door close, and the familiar click of heels across the hardwood and down the stairs.
Your breath caught in your throat as Seonghwa came down the stairs. Good Lord, he looked fucking stunning.
He’d dressed himself in black slacks, a white, long sleeved turtleneck, and heels. Heels.
His silky black hair was curled and fell down in beautiful waves, his bangs framing his face perfectly. A few gold chains hung from his neck and rings on his fingers. He’d even put on makeup, with small wings by his eyes and sparkly eyeshadow, with sparkly, glossy, pink lips.
You had a sudden urge to kiss him.
You knocked yourself out of your daze when Seonghwa came over to the door. “Are we ready to go?” He asked as he reached into the closet for a coat.
Wooyoung pushed off the couch, already having a coat like you did. “Yeah, we-” And then his phone began to ring. “Oh-Sorry, let me take this.”
Wooyoung took a few steps away as he answered the call. “Hey. Oh, no. Oh, that sucks. Do you want me to come help? Yeah, I can come over. I’ll be there soon. Okay, bye.”
“Who was that?” Seonghwa asked, fixing his coat, which was white and fluffy, and long enough to cover his entire body, leaving it open. You tried to focus your attention on Wooyoung instead, who was putting his phone into his coat pocket.
“A friend from college, he needs me to come over.”
You had a strong feeling who that “friend” was.
“What happened?” You asked, but Wooyoung was already making his way to the door hurriedly. You grabbed onto his arm to stop him, and as he looked at you, you could see in his eyes that he was scared.
There was genuine fear there. Your stomach suddenly filled with dread wondering what could’ve happened to this unnamed “friend.”
“I’ll explain later, I just really have to go.” He pulled his arm out of your grip and opened the door. “I’m sorry, you two should still go enjoy dinner!”
“Wait, Wooyoung,” Seonghwa tried to stop him, but Wooyoung was already gone.
And you and Seonghwa were alone. As the silence stretched on, another realization dawned on you.
You were about to go to a restaurant and have dinner with Seonghwa. Alone.
“Well,” Seonghwa began. “Do you still want to go?”
“Yes,” you blurted, way sooner than you wanted to. Seonghwa’s lips curved up into a smirk.
“You don’t have to hide it anymore, sweetie. He’s gone.”
Your heart stops and you can feel sweat break out all over your body. Of course he knew, of course he’d seen how you were avoiding him and being shy around him. But you weren’t prepared for him to confront you about it.
And all that you can say is a soft, strangled, “What?” Seonghwa laughed softly and closed the gap between you two, standing over you. He made you feel so much smaller than you already were.
And you wanted to grab him. Desire burned in your bones to reach out and hug him, pressing your face into his chest, being safe and happy in his arms, letting the rest of the world fade out.
But you held yourself back, and forced yourself to keep eye contact with him. And he was loving the panic in your eyes.
“You can relax. It’s okay.” Seonghwa grabbed your hand and held it gently. “Enjoy this night with me.”
“But Wooyoung-” You tried to argue, but Seonghwa shook his head.
“He’s an adult. He’ll be okay. I’ll leave my phone on if he needs me.” He squeezed your hand gently. “Please. Come with me.”
And who were you to tell him no, when Seonghwa was asking you to go with him?
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You followed Seonghwa into the restaurant, and you were already impressed in the first few seconds.
The entrance had little lanterns on the walls with candles inside them, illuminating the small hallway to the hostess stand and the rest of the building. There were large potted plants along the carpeted walkway, and the walls were adorned with large, gorgeous paintings of different landscapes and animals.
You stayed close to Seonghwa, but still far enough away to not touch him. He didn’t allow that, he grabbed onto your hand and laced his fingers with yours. The small gesture made your stomach flip over.
The hostess looked up and smiled at Seonghwa, and she started speaking in Korean. You heard her say “Mr. Park,” but you couldn’t understand anything else. Seonghwa responded, but there was a slight stutter in his voice.
You looked up at him, but before either of you could say anything else, the hostess motioned for you to follow her, and she led you into the dining area.
The dining area had the same theme of decor as the hallway. Dark moody lighting, lanterns, paintings and plants everywhere. The tables ranged in different sizes, from large to small, and nearly all of them were full.
But there was one open small table, with only two chairs with it.
You and Hwa took your seats, removing your coats first and leaving them on the chairs. You turned to Seonghwa and you nearly choked seeing him in the low lighting. Highlighting the bright parts and increasing the shadows, he looked like a character from a movie.
“It’s funny,” Seonghwa began, looking at you. “The reservation was under my name. For only two people.”
Your heart stopped for a second. And then you couldn’t help but laugh.
Wooyoung, the fucking brat. He set you two up. He was never going to come with you two.
Seonghwa laughed too, a soft, beautiful sound. “Did you tell him?”
You shook your head aggressively. “No, he told me not to.” And as soon as the words left your mouth, you regretted them. Seonghwa’s eyes flicked up to you, and chills ran all across your body as when his eyes met yours. A smirk appeared on his lips again.
He was about to make a comment when a server came over and, in Korean, began to speak to Seonghwa. The look on his face disappeared and was replaced with a bright, award winning smile.
And somehow, jealousy began to burn in your bones, seeing the server clearly flirting with Seonghwa. You couldn’t understand what either of them were saying, but the way the server was smiling, giving him half closed eyes, laughing at what he said, it made you angry.
You balled your hands into fists by your sides, trying to keep your face neutral as the conversation went on. It was brief, but it was enough to piss you off.
The server walked away and Seonghwa turned his attention back to you. You forced a small smile and unclenched your fists. Seonghwa smiled back and crossed his arms, leaning on the table. You awkwardly kept your hands in your lap, not knowing what else to do with them.
“I’m sorry you’re getting left out of a lot of conversations. All I did was order for us, I hope you don’t mind what I got.”
“We’ll see when it gets here, won’t we?”
“Of course, we’ll see.”
And silence went over you both. You weren’t sure how to do this. This was less of a simple dinner and more of a date, and you’d been working to avoid this. But now you were sitting in front of him at a luxury restaurant waiting for food.
You had no idea how to fill the gap, since you hadn’t ever planned for this. You could see in Seonghwa’s eyes that he had ideas. But he just watched you.
He delighted in how you squirmed under his gaze. Holding eye contact, but nervously fidgeting and shifting around. Maybe he was just a little bit of a sadist.
“So,” he finally said, sitting up to take a drink of water. You let out a heavy breath and gulped, suddenly needing the water too. “Should I teach you a few words? Just for fun?”
“Sure.” You set the glass back down and put your hands back in your lap, still fidgeting with them. “That sounds fun.” You smiled, but it was weak and forced. Seonghwa was living for your nervousness.
“Okay, first word, eomma. It means ‘mom.’”
“Wooyoung uses that one,” you piped up. “I guessed that’s what it meant.”
“Yeah, that was easy.” He went quiet as he tried to think of more words to teach you, and one popped up in your head.
“What about the one you call Wooyoung?” Seonghwa looked at you, and his smile spread across his whole face.
“‘Nae sarang?’ It means ‘my love’.” His smile made butterflies burst in your stomach.
“That’s cute,” you squeaked out, reaching for the water again. Seonghwa’s eyes sparkled in delight.
“I thought so too,” he mused, leaning back on the table.
He was playing you like a goddamn game and you were falling right into it.
He was teasing you, toying with you. Trying to break you and admit that you wanted him as badly as you knew you did. He saw it all over you, but you refused to admit it.
But he’d made you. He knew he’d make you crumble for him.
“How about another cute one? ‘Jagiya’ means “baby,” like the pet name.”
The looks Seonghwa was giving you while he was teaching you these words was obvious. You knew the game he was playing. And you were powerless to stop it.
“Yeah, it’s cute,” you said softly. Seonghwa moved so he could prop his head up on his hand, under his chin.
“Why don’t you try it? Go on, say it.”
You gave your best attempt at the word, and Seonghwa’s heart fluttered hearing you say it. He was already imagining you calling him that.
And maybe someday, nae sarang.
No. That’s ridiculous. That would never happen. That’s not possible.
But what if it was?
The food came not long later, and the same server from before was the one to deliver it. The server was more bold this time, putting a hand on Seonghwa’s shoulder while she spoke to him.
The jealousy bubbled up in you again. Aren’t servers not allowed to touch customers unless it’s an emergency? This had to be a violation of some kind. Could you report the server for being inappropriate? Maybe, but you don’t know how you would.
“Sweetheart?” Seonghwa called softly. You snapped out of your thoughts and looked at him. You realized the server was nowhere to be found. How long had you zoned out?
“Sorry, I-”
“If looks could kill, that server would’ve been dead and buried.” He said as he picked up a pair of chopsticks. He spoke so matter-of-factly that it almost sounds like a lecture. Your cheeks burned hot and you looked down at the food, which looked delicious. A noodle based dish. “Go on, try it. I think you’ll like it.
So you did. You struggled with the chopsticks for a bit before you got a hold of them, which Seonghwa found adorably amusing. You grabbed a small bite of the mixture and took a bite.
And he was right, you loved it.
“Oh, this is so good,” you mumbled as you continued to eat, trying to remember your table manners and restrain yourself. Seonghwa could only smile as he watched you.
“I’m glad you like it.”
You both ate with minimal talking. Mostly because you were starving and hadn’t eaten in a long while, and you were loving the food. Seonghwa didn’t mind, because he was happy enough being here with you.
You were adorable. Plain and simple. You were stuck in his head.
Which is why he wanted you to admit that you wanted him to.
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You got back into Seonghwa’s car as he did, settling back into the seat.
“Thank you for that, Seonghwa.” You looked over at him. “I really appreciate this. This was really nice.”
“You’re welcome, jagiya.” He started the car and began the drive home. He’d made the drive many times before, with Wooyoung, who had set you both up. It’d be an interesting conversation when you both got home.
You were sitting in the seat beside Seonghwa with your brain shorting out from the pet name. Jagiya. You knew there was a chance he’d use it on you, but it still broke your brain.
“Jagiya?” Seonghwa called softly. He glanced over at you, and he smirked, seeing your eyes glazed over.
Seonghwa placed his hand on your thigh. Gently, very gently. He didn’t move, he just kept his hand there. Just a gentle, steady pressure.
But he felt how your thigh tensed under his hand. He glanced up at your face, and your eyes were wide and clear, but your hands were gripping onto the seat below you.
“Do you want me to stop?” Seonghwa asked softly.
“No,” you blurted.
It shouldn’t have made him so happy to hear that, but he felt the desire bloom in his bones. He gently squeezed your thigh, massaging it.
And it made fire shoot up your leg and all over your body. Your stomach was churning inside you, your head was growing light. You didn’t think you could melt so badly from a simple touch, but you felt like you were actually turning into a puddle in the seat.
Every night, all week, he was in your head. You were thinking about your night together. His hands on your body, his arms around you, how his touch lit you on fire. You craved it more than you knew.
Seonghwa’s hand moved up your thigh, and you couldn’t cover your mouth in time before the whimper fell past your lips. Seonghwa bit his lip at the soft sound.
“I missed you, sweetheart.” His voice had slipped into a deeper octave, something more sensual. “I wanted you back in my bed. Don’t deny it anymore, you wanted it too, didn’t you?”
You bit your lip to stifle the rest of the noises that tumbled out of your mouth. The constant circles he was rubbing into your inner thigh, right next to where you needed him most, mixing with his voice, his confessions, you were a mess.
A mess just like he wanted.
“You wanted me too, jagiya. You thought about me, you wanted me. You wanted me to fuck you again just like I did before.”
Somehow, you were back at the house already. You hadn’t paid attention, how could you? Your brain was wrapped up in Seonghwa, all in him. Just him, and how badly you wanted him again. He was right, of course he was.
He turned to look at you, with his eyes half closed, his hand still on your thigh. He squeezed tighter than he had before.
“Tell me you want me to fuck you, jagiya. Tell me.”
Fuck it.
“I want you to fuck me, Mommy.”
“Good doll.”
You both quickly got out of the car and into the house. You pulled your shoes and coat off, and dropped it onto the couch. You turned to Seonghwa and choked on nothing as he stripped his coat off, tossing it aside, his eyes trained on you.
The only light in the room was a lamp by the door, making him look fucking angelic. An angel here for you.
He grabbed you and pushed you against the wall, his hands on your waist, his body pressed against yours. Your hands locked around his neck and pulled his lips to yours, beginning a messy, passionate kiss, all tongue and teeth.
Desperation clawed at you both like a frantic, wild animal. Seonghwa’s hands wander to your shirt, pulling it up and rubbing up against your skin, his lips traveling down your neck.
“You don’t want to go to bed?” You breathed, gripping onto his pretty silky hair.
“We’ll get there eventually, I need you now.” He gripped onto your waist again, pressing against you harder, almost pushing you up the wall.
Your legs fell open for him almost embarrassingly easily, but all pride had been thrown out the window.
Seonghwa’s hands ran down and grabbed onto your thighs, and you grabbed onto his shoulders, ready to jump into his arms.
Until you both heard the front door open.
You and Seonghwa both immediately jumped away from each other, trying to pretend that you weren’t just all over each other as Wooyoung came in the door.
Seonghwa had gone over to put his coat away, and flashed a fake smile to his son. They exchanged a brief “hi” before Seonghwa tried to cover up the sin you were about to commit.
“We just got home too! Did everything work out with your friend?”
“Oh, yeah.” Wooyoung took off his coat as well, and you couldn’t help but smirk when you saw his messy clothes. His shirt was untucked, his collar wasn’t properly fixed.
And oh, what’s that, just under his jaw? A little bruise. And how would Wooyoung get such a small bruise in a spot like that?
It took everything in you to not burst into giggles knowing exactly where Wooyoung had run off to.
All three of you agreed that everything worked out, everyone pretending they didn’t know anything about each other, before you headed up to your separate bedrooms. Not without you giving a little smirk to Wooyoung.
You’d give him shit in the morning about his dirty little secret. You knew you would.
But you were back in bed, laying awake, thinking about Seonghwa.
Fuck. This was a new level of desperation for you.
And realizing how badly you wanted to be back with him sucked any sexual energy out of you. You just wanted to be in his arms now.
As quietly as you could, you snuck out of your room and went to Seonghwa’s door. You didn’t bother to knock, you couldn’t risk waking up Wooyoung.
You slowly opened the door and slipped inside. Seonghwa was already waiting for you, and happily pulled his blankets back to let you into bed.
You crawled in and laid next to him, putting your head on his chest. He held you tight and close, and finally, what you craved was yours.
“Too risky to continue?” You whispered.
“Too risky,” he whispered back. And that was fine with you.
At least now you had him. You had his arms around you. You were in his bed. He was rubbing your back. Your head was on his chest. And everything felt right. Everything felt good.
Whatever your future held, you knew it would have Seonghwa in it. You would be sure of it. How could you ever let him go?
“Stay with me,” he whispered. “I really did miss you.”
“I missed you too,” you whispered back.
And you stayed.
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Thank you for reading! Please reblog if you enjoyed! 💜
This is a work of fiction written by me. This does not represent the idol(s) in any way. Any re-upload is not allowed and will be reported.
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silverlightsminky · 3 months
Sweet but Not Innocent.
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18+ Minors don't interact
Contents & warnings : smut, oral sex, consensual sex, nipple play, orgasms, idol, unsafe sex (wrap it before you tap it) NSFW, shower sex.
Genre : smut
Please be advised that all content presented herein is purely fictional and does not reflect any actual individuals or interactions. The sole purpose of this document is for entertainment purposes only.
"Please mingi" you beg pouting slightly while looking at your boyfriend, "please?" You're sitting on your bed while he's getting dressed.
"I already told you, doll not now." he leans down to kiss you as he heads towards the door. You get up and follow him,
"We can do something later when I return, okay? I love you," he says as he grabs his keys and wallet.
"I love you too, have a good day" you say as you give him another quick kiss before closing the door behind him. It's always so tough when he has to go to choreo rehearsals or spend time in the studio.
You knew he wasn't going to be gone for very long he just had to stop by KQ for a few hours in the studio and a rehersal and then he was yours for the rest of the day. You just had to find something to do while you killed time waiting for him.
In the few hours it took Mingi to be done with work you decided to pamper yourself, you got your nails done, you got yourself a massage and you treated yourself to sexy new lingerie and a few other fun surprises for the both of you.
As Mingi arrives home, he removes his shoes and carefully places his keys and wallet back in their designated spot, where he had taken them from this morning. With a gentle voice, he calls out for you as he makes his way towards your bedroom.
"Nae sarang (내 사랑)" ?"
"I'm in the shower babe, I'll be out in a moment!" You respond to him. As he approaches your room, he hears the water turn off, he patiently waits for you sitting on the edge of your bed right where you were begging him to do "something new and exciting" with him earlier in the day.
"Baby!" You squeal as you open the door and enter your bedroom, finding yourself, clad in only a bath robe straddling across his lap with your arms wrapped around his neck, Proceeding to give him a kiss. He laughs into your mouth. "It's only been a few hours, but you act like I've been gone for days." his broken English makes you melt, he's so cute.
"you know it feels like and eternity when I'm away from you" you say, pouting your bottom lip, tracing his collar bone with your finger tips.
He bites your lower lip, holds you by your hips and pulls you towards him and rolls the two of you over you. You're now laying on the bed underneath him as he starts rolling his hips into yours, "I can't remember why I got out of bed," he murmurs, nibbling on your neck and shoulder. "You should have stayed here with me." You purr in response, now tracing his biceps with your fingers.
You just breathe in the scent of him and let him take control. He knows you so well after all those times you were supposed to be asleep but couldn't stop touching each other.
He slips his hand under your robe gently grasping and caressing your skin, exposing your naked form underneath. His eyes, usually gentle, darken as he takes in every inch of you, when they connect with yours, his words confirm everything you already know. "I can never get enough of you." He moves his hand to cradle your face and kisses you like he's been starved for weeks and hasn't eaten a thing.
You giggle while tucking his hair behind his ear.
He leans in close, his forehead touching yours, kissing you deeply. His full body sitting between your hips you writhe and wiggle rubbing yourself against him, feeling the hard bulge forming in his pants. You reach down gently grasping and rubbing your hand against it making it harder and throb under your touch.
"naneun neoleul neomuna wonhae"(나는 너를 너무나 원해) He murmurs in your ear, while your proficiency in the language may be limited, you understood exactly what he meant.
He grabs your hands with one of his and holds them above your head while kissing your soft pink lips his tongue sliping between them to taste yours, your hips bucking up against him feeling his hard cock pushing against his pants as you do so.
He let's go of your hands so he can undo the button on his pants, when he does you help him slide them off his hips, his hard on pushing against the black material of his boxers. He unbuttons his shirt, you find yourself falling in love with him all over again. He's so beautiful.
Mingi leans back down towards you, grabbing your hands and holding them above your head again, this time holding them a little bit tighter as he starts kissing your lips again, making his way down your neck, breathing in your scent. He pushes his hard cock against you, your body quivering. "You're so sexy baby" he says as he takes both your hands into one of his as he reaches down with the other and gently runs his fingers over your folds and into your wet slit, his palm gently rubbing against your clit as he fingers you, As you let out a groan, he takes a second to remove his shirt, revealing all that hard muscle, causing your eyes to fall upon his beautiful body, . His lips meet yours, and you moan from the taste of him. you moan " youre going to make me cum." He runs his hand through his hair, pushing it back from his face. "Okay pretty girl" he says "cum for me". The way his voice breaks is enough to send chills down your spine.
"I want to taste you" he says he moves his way down your body and places his lips on your clit and gently starts sucking swirling his tongue around tasting every inch of you.
"I need to feel you" you barely manage to get out, your high taking over your body as your back arches as you have your first release. "
Mongi slips off his boxers, your core aligning with his hard length, his mouth covers your nipple. With his other hand, he starts to stroke himself. A few seconds later, he's inside of you.
"God, I missed this" he grunts. He rolls his hips, causing his tip to hit a sensitive spot inside of you. You bite this shoulder and dig your nails into his chiseled skin. "Oh, you feel so good baby" "Mmmm." You lean up and kiss him again, tasting yourself on his lips. He slides himself out and then thrusts into you, causing your whole body to jolt with pleasure. "I love how good you feel. " You moan as he keeps his pace, making sure that every inch of you is met with his. Your eyes roll back as you feel the start of another orgasm coming.
"Come on, don't hold back. " He slowly slows his pace as your body contracts around him. " Oh god, please don't stop. He pulls you closer, his cock still buried deep inside of you. " I could do this forever." His lips find yours as he starts moving again. You moan against him as you meet each thrust he gives you.
You throw your head back and cry out,
"Oh god, right there. "
Your moans really do something for him
"Oh fuck baby you're going to make me cum" he groans as you grind your hips into his thrusts.
He reaches his climax and shoots his warm load into your quivering pussy and your body pulses with unbridled pleasure as you yourself cum again.
He falls over you, gasping for breath.
he rolls over to lay beside you, tenderly kissing your shoulder, as the golden hour sun shines on his beautiful heaving chest.
"Let's go take a shower, and get you all cleaned up" he says sitting up, he takes you by the hand and leads you back to the still humid bathroom that you just came out of. Your robe gently falling off your shoulder to the floor as you get up, your long hair brushing against your back.
"I didn't even show you the new things I bought today" you playfully pout. Mingi turns on the shower as you watch him from the doorway, head resting against the frame.
"I didn't even get to return the favor..." you almost whisper as you look him up and down, cock still hard, body like a Greek statue .He takes your hand and guides you into the shower. With his back to the water you stand on your tip toes to kiss his lips, without taking your eyes off him slide your hands down the length of his body getting down on your knees, you take his cock into your mouth sucking on the tip. He groans, letting you know he likes it. As you run your tongue around the head, he stares at you. He fists his hands in your hair. " Baby, I love you. You moan onto his cock, giving head is one of your favorite things to do for him.
He hrows his head back as you swallow his cum. He leans down and takes your lips in a deep kiss, his cum still on your tongue. When you finally pull away, you give him a sly smirk. "I love you too".
" He growls as he kisses you again. " You lean up and whisper into his ear. " And don't worry, we'll be doing this again later, I still need to show you what i got today."
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honeyhotteoks · 2 years
a little more love to give (j.yh + p.sh)
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summary: fifth and final installment in the husbands series; it's been years, and you life with them has grown, you just don't expect your second baby to be a surprise. part one: room for three || part two: and if i stay || part three: their gift || part four: hold fast together
note: 18+ content, minors DNI. // i'm back.... with the final installment of the husbands series. it's essentially all fluff and tender smut, definitely less hard than previous chapters but you know, they're parents now lol
warnings: non idol!yunho, non idol!seonghwa, fem!reader, married!yunhwa, established yunhwa x reader relationship, mmf, brief mention of trouble conceiving, pregnancy, discussion of early pregnancy symptoms like nausea, headaches, dizzy/fainting spells, nervous!yunhwa, some physical body descriptions relating to body change with pregnancy including weight/physicality, but on a fun note...... praise, degredation/humilitation, body worship, so much fucking oil, vaginal and anal fingering, oral (m receiving), oral (f receiving), cumshots, mention of sir kink but not used, lots of verbal instruction, lots of breast and nipple play, nipple clamps, light pain play, gratuitous use of good girl, sweet girl, pretty girl, etc., essentially if you don't want to read pregnant!reader sex, don't read this but honestly they're pretty in love and i thought it was cute - please let me know if i missed any.
pairings: yunho x seonghwa x reader
genre: smut, fluff, domestic / slice of life
word count: 11.4K
my masterlist || read it on AO3
special note - their daughter's name is dasom, which literally translates to love in korean. seonghwa calls her 'nae sarang' which also translates to 'my love'. i think after all the trouble they had getting pregnant, there's nothing else they would want to call her but love. i just thought that additional context might be nice for some readers. please enjoy, and thanks for sticking with this one. x
You’re tucked away in the dim light of your bedroom nursing a headache when you hear the front door of your apartment swing open. Checking your phone for the time, you wince at the bright light and press the lock button again quickly to dim the screen. You have unanswered messages and notifications, but you can’t even think about that with the way your head is aching, you’re just glad it’s not as bad as it was a few hours ago. 
With a sigh you stay settled under the covers and opt to listen, your husbands getting home from their respective days downstairs. 
“Oh,” You hear Seonghwa say first, “hey, Nari,”
Your best friend’s voice is bright and clear, echoing up the stairs and you know she’s in the entryway to greet them, “Hi, Seonghwa,” and then a beat later, “baby, look who’s home!” Her voice lilts up, playful and fun.
Your daughter makes a joyful, bubbly sound, “Appa!” 
“Come here, nae sarang,” He’s hauling her up into a hug, you just know it. 
You duck your head up out of the blankets to listen more closely despite the throb behind your temples. 
“She’s getting so big,” Nari says.
“Mhm,” Yunho’s low voice murmurs, “a proper little princess now,”
Your daughter giggles, and you smile.
“Where’s y/n?” Seonghwa finally asks.
You had all but begged her to keep your secret, but Nari is a terrible liar and all she can do is stumble over her words, “She’s, well, you know her, she’s,”
“Nari?” Yunho asks, a laugh in his voice still.
“Princess,” Seonghwa coos to your baby girl, “where did your mommy run off to?”
There’s a long pause, and you can almost picture your baby’s teary face, round cheeks pink and wet with fat tears. It took so long to get her to stop crying in the first place. “Eomma,” she wails, and you grit your teeth.
“Oh, aegiya don’t do that,” Nari soothes, “it’s okay,”
“Shh,” Seonghwa croons, and you know he’s rocking her from side to side. 
“What’s going on?” Seonghwa sounds confused. 
“Ah. I just got her calmed down,” Nari sighs.
“E-Eomma!” She wails again and this time Yunho’s voice isn’t so casual.
“What’s going on, sweetheart?” He maintains a light tone for her, but you can hear the anxiety in it, “Where’s mommy?”
“She,” Nari starts to say. but your daughter’s bubbling wail cuts her off.
“Eomma f-fell down!” Another pointed sob. 
“What?” Alarm is laced through Seonghwa’s voice, “Is she alright? Why didn’t someone call us?”
“She’s completely fine,” Nari assures, “she just called me to come watch Dasom after,”
“After what?” Yunho presses.
“Hush, baby, it’s okay,” Seonghwa croons, trying to even out your baby’s cries.
“Where is she?” Yunho asks insistently, trying to keep calm in front of Dasom. 
“She’s not hurt, she didn’t even hit her head, she’s just,” Nari back tracks, “sorry, okay, she’s in your room,”
You hear jogging, footsteps hurrying up the steps, and Dasom wails again, Nari’s soothing tone humming as she takes your daughter back in her arms. 
The door pushes open wide, Yunho’s eyes searching and nervous, “Hey,”
“Hey,” You murmur, groaning a little at the harsh hallway light, “oh, please shut the door, the light,”
Seonghwa pushes the door shut as Yunho crosses the room, sitting on the edge of the bed and looking you over, “What’s going on?”
“I’m okay, don’t worry,” You reach for his hand and give him a squeeze, “Dasom just got scared because I’m not feeling well, and I asked Nari to come over so I could get some rest,”
Seonghwa eases onto the opposite side of the bed, scooting over until he’s sitting up against the headboard by your side, “she said you fell? Fell how?
You sigh into your pillow, “I was making her lunch, and I got dizzy,” 
Yunho’s eyes flick to his husband’s, then back to yours, “Okay,”
You know they’ll panic when you say it but they’ll find out no matter what, “I fainted, which I think just seemed scary to Dasom,”
“Did you hit your head?” Yunho reaches for you, fingertips soft on your jaw, “Should we go to the hospital?” 
You shake your head, “No, no, I caught myself fine,” 
“I still think a doctor,” Seonghwa sounds nervous, “you fainted out of nowhere? I saw you eat this morning,” 
Your mind flicks back to when you threw it all up in the hallway bathroom while Dasom was down for her nap, how you pulled yourself up and rallied to make her a little lunch and then found yourself stumbling in the kitchen, your daughter’s nervous voice in your ear. 
“I don’t need a doctor,” You assure him, “I just need a little rest,” 
“Come here,” Yunho slides closer and lays his hand across your forehead, “you don’t feel warm,” 
“It’s not a fever,” You murmur, taking his hand and pressing a kiss to his palm before letting him pull away. 
“If you felt bad enough that you needed to call Nari,” Seonghwa shakes his head, “that you couldn’t keep an eye on Dasom, I think it’s serious enough that we should see a doctor, jagiya,” 
You wanted to tell them later, to confirm things with a blood test first, to make sure everything was going well before you announced the news, but you suppose there are enough signs that you’re sure. Little things you had been brushing off for weeks, not to mention the positive test from the pharmacy. The same exact symptoms that you had with Dasom, down to the sudden migraines. 
“It’s okay,” You take his hand, “I promise. It was scary for Dasom, but she’s three,” 
“Then why did you call Nari?” Yunho presses, “You should have called us, I could have come home early,” 
You’re hardly ever sick, and you forgot how fussy they get anytime you so much as sneeze. 
Your head throbs again and you sigh. You had wanted to make it special, to make it more romantic than this, but there’s no keeping it from them now. You shake your head, “I called Nari so she could watch Dasom while I rested, and so she could pick me up a pregnancy test on her way,”
Yunho’s face goes slack, “A what?” 
“I’ve been getting sick again,” You push yourself up in the bed to sit against the soft headboard, “everyday at lunchtime just like before. I didn’t think anything of it, of any of the signs because we haven’t been trying,” 
“You’re kidding,” Yunho leans away, glancing between you and Seonghwa, “you… why didn’t you tell us you were sick?” 
You open your mouth to explain, to find something to say, but Seonghwa finally speaks up. 
“You’re pregnant?” He stammers, “Are you sure?” 
“I’m sick everyday, dizzy, my headaches are back, I’ve been crying at fucking everything,” Your eyes sting at the thought, “I’m so late, I didn’t even realize it, we’ve been busy… but I’m so, so late,” 
“Oh my god,” Yunho’s face lights up, and he presses a hand over his mouth. 
“There’s a positive test in the trash,” You nod towards the bathroom, “I was going to go to the doctor tomorrow, confirm everything with a blood test and then tell you… so much better than this, but, yeah, yes, I’m pregnant,” 
“Jagi,” Seonghwa breathes, and you realize now his eyes are full of unshed tears. 
Yunho tugs you into his arms and you start with a squeak. His arms wrap around you, his face ducked into your neck, and he takes a watery breath, “I can’t believe it,” 
“I don’t know when it happened,” You lean your cheek on his chest, “but if my symptoms are lining up on the same timeline as Dasom, I’m at least twelve weeks,” 
“The lake trip,” Seonghwa says after a moment, and you flip back in your mental calendar to three, almost four months ago when Yunho’s parents had taken care of Dasom for a long weekend and the three of you slipped away for a much needed vacation together. 
Yunho nods into your neck, his hand coasting up and down your back. 
He’s not letting you go, and Seonghwa hasn’t said anything more, and your stomach flips. “This is good news, isn’t it? I mean, I know we haven’t talked about it recently, but it’s,” 
Yunho laughs sharply, pulling away and cupping your cheeks, “Of course it is,” His cheeks are wet, eyes sparkling, and he surges forwards to kiss you, his breath shaky on your lips. 
“Oh, thank god,” You mumble against his mouth. 
A light knock on the door catches your attention and you hear the door squeak open, “Hey, y/n,” 
Yunho pulls away, but he can’t quite pull his eyes away from you as you lean past him, “Yeah?” 
“Dasom’s getting a little ancy,” She murmurs, “how about I take her tonight? A little sleepover with her auntie to give you three some time?” 
You exhale and nod immediately, “You - Nari, that would be such a help,” 
“Did you,” She looks at you pointedly and gestures between the two men on either side of you. 
“Yeah,” You can’t stop the grin on your face. 
Yunho wipes away the tears threatening to spill over and pushes himself off the edge of the bed, “Let me help you get her things together, is she still crying?” 
“No,” Nari shakes her head, “she’s upset, but I got her to calm down for now,” 
“I’ll talk to her,” He squeezes your hand and takes a steadying breath, trying to calm down his sudden swell of emotion. 
“Don’t tell her yet,” You interject, “please,” 
“No,” He agrees, “not yet,” 
“Congratulations,” Nari says quietly, “all of you,” 
Yunho grins wide, nodding and Seonghwa murmurs a quiet thank you. You’ll have to do something nice for Nari, something special for taking care of Dasom today and giving you time with your husbands tonight. 
You had always talked about having more children, but the timing was never quite right. Dasom alone was a handful, plus the demands of all of your jobs growing stronger. It just became something you might do soon, but not now. Always not now. 
You watch Yunho take a deep breath before he follows Nari back downstairs to tend to your daughter, and then you’re alone again with Seonghwa. 
“Hey,” You murmur, shifting to meet his eyes. 
“Hi, darling,” He smiles warmly, eyes still shining. 
“How are you?” You gently prod his thigh. 
“I can barely believe it,” He admits, “but darling, you know me, I’ve always wanted another baby,” 
“You’re happy?” 
“So happy,” He reaches for you, shuffling closer on the bed until you’re pressed together, forehead to forehead, “I love you,” 
Tears bubble up again in your eyes and you nod against him, “I love you too, Hwa,” 
“I love our little life together,” He murmurs softly, “every second,” 
Your breath hitches a little, and you let your eyes slip closed, breathing together in time with him in the center of your bed. A light commotion downstairs breaks you both apart and you grin, “We should get up,” 
“You should be resting,” He shakes his head, “how’s your headache?” His fingertips smooth along your hairline as he looks you over. 
“Better than before, but still,” You sigh, “you remember what they were like,” 
“I do,” He gives you a soft, sympathetic smile, “which is why I’m saying go back to bed,” 
“I will when Dasom leaves,” You lean forward and kiss him gently, “but I don’t want her to be scared tonight, I should let her see me before she leaves,” 
There’s no argument there, so Seonghwa takes a deep breath and climbs out of the bed to offer you a hand, “I’ll go with you.” 
“Let me clean up second,” You blink hard when you get to your feet, the equilibrium of the room and the light from the hall a little jarring still, but you are feeling better than before, so you smooth your hair back and turn towards your vanity. You don’t bother to try and look completely normal, Dasom’s smart enough to see right through that, but you still run a brush through your hair and try to perk up just a bit to avoid looking dead on your feet. 
Seonghwa stands behind you, watching in the mirror with a smile on his face. 
“What?” You smile back at him, the joy in the room infectious now. 
“You’re a beautiful mother,” He says softly, “and I love you,” 
Pink tinges your cheeks at his words and your eyes flick down, “I love you too,” 
“My pretty wife,” He wraps his arms around you again, nuzzling your cheek and peppering soft kisses across your cheek. 
“Oh, stop,” You twist to kiss his soft lips, “come on, let’s go down,” 
“Mmhm,” He kisses you again before he lets you go and leads the way out of their bedroom and towards the stairs. 
As you enter into the light you wince a little, but it’s not so harsh that you can’t manage. 
He lays a hand on your lower back and moves to see your face, “Is it too much?” 
“Not yet,” You assure him, “I’ll be fine for a few minutes,” 
The voices downstairs start to shift, and you realize that Yunho is walking back towards the foyer at the bottom of the steps by the front door.
“People cry for happy things too, baby,” Yunho murmurs, and from the top of the stairs you watch him walking back and forth with Dasom in his arms, her tiny face pressed into his chest. 
She says something to him you can’t quite hear, muffled into his shirt. 
He smiles, rubbing her back, “I can’t tell you yet,” 
Her head pops up, and she rubs at her face with her little hand, “Why not?” 
“Mm,” Yunho narrows his eyes at her playfully, “because it’s a surprise,” 
Seonghwa wraps his arms around you from behind, listening with you. 
“I want a surprise,” She nods and Nari’s laugh echoes from the next room. 
“I know,” Yunho shrugs, keeping the energy light so she relaxes more, “but I promise when you come home from Nari’s we’ll have the surprise ready,” 
She sighs, and Seonghwa chuckles behind you. 
“Are you ready, baby?” Nari holds up Dasom’s coat and little backpack. 
“Can we watch Ariel?” Dasom perks up, scrambling to get out of Yunho’s arms.
“Mhm,” Nari drops down to her height to help her put the coat on, “but I don’t remember all the words to the songs, so you’ll have to teach me,” 
“I know all the words,” She says and you watch Yunho’s face light up. 
Seonghwa squeezes you, “I want to see her before she leaves,” 
“Me too,” You brush off your cheeks, and despite your headache you get yourself together enough to go downstairs, “do I look like I’ve been crying?” 
“Not too bad,” Seonghwa assures you, “me?” 
You shake your head, “Only a little,” 
“Yunho’s the crier anyways,” Seonghwa grins, and then starts down the steps. 
You follow him, and at the first creak of the stairs, Yunho looks up and Dasom whips right around, “Eomma!”
“Hey,” You smile, “I heard you’re having a sleepover,” 
Yunho’s watching you like a hawk, his body tense like you might faint again at any moment but you give him an easy smile and shake your head a little. Seonghwa’s hand presses into the center of your back, and the minute you hit the landing, your daughter collides with your legs. 
“Hey, hey,” You smooth back her hair, “what’s this?” 
“Are you sick?” She mumbles into your leggings. 
You share a quick smile with your husbands, and then reach down for her. When you hoist her up, both of them take a sudden step towards you, Seonghwa’s hands around Dasom’s waist to help lift her and take any weight off, but you settle her on your hip anyways. 
“I’m not sick,” You assure her, “you know how mommy gets headaches sometimes?” 
She nods. 
“Just a headache,” You smile, “I’m sorry I made you worry, baby,” 
“It’s okay,” Her words run together, and then she twists in your arms to find Yunho, “Appa has a surprise,” 
“Oh, he does, does he?” You smile, her attention back on you, and when you look up Yunho’s holding up his hands and mouthing an apology. 
“I want it now,” She kicks her little legs and you smile. 
“Mm,” You consider her words, and she watches your face carefully as you pretend to think, “I don’t know, my love, patience is important.” 
She frowns, and at the first quiver of her bottom lip you shake your head, she stills. 
“The surprise isn’t ready yet,” You tell her honestly, “but when you get home, it will be. So if you can be a big girl, and be very patient, your present will be here when you get home from your sleepover,” 
“But,” She starts, but Seonghwa is quick to intervene. 
“Dasom,” He says, voice soft but just a little more firm than before, “mommy’s not feeling very well, don’t argue, please.” 
Her mouth snaps shut, and she still looks sad, but she nods. Every day you feel her growing up in your arms and learning little by little and your heart clenches. A sudden image of her teaching your new baby flickers through your mind and you feel overwhelmingly tender, soft like you might cry. 
Seonghwa picks up on the change immediately, “Come here, nae sarang,” 
She’s out of your arms and held in his a moment later. Yunho’s wide palm smooths up and down your back and you take a steadying breath. 
“Can you put your jacket on for auntie, please?” Seonghwa asks, turning her away from you and nuzzling her with his nose, pressing a kiss to her soft cheek. 
“Yep,” She says as she drops to the floor and stretches her arms up and wide for Nari to slide her arms through the sleeves of the puffy coat. 
“God, she’s cute,” You murmur under your breath and Yunho chuckles at your side. 
“Let’s go, babe,” Nari zips her up and grabs her backpack from the floor. 
Yunho steps forward and snags it, “I’ll walk you down,” 
“Thanks,” Nari nods, patting Dasom’s back. 
Dasom says goodbye to you over her shoulder, focused on whatever Yunho’s saying to her, the stress of the day forgotten now that she’s seen you up and walking around. Yunho keeps her attention with ease and her little hand locks on Nari’s. You watch her go and despite your headache, your heart aches worse. 
“Alright,” Seonghwa murmurs as soon as they’re out of sight, “back to bed,” 
“Yes, please,” You admit, sighing and leaning against his chest. 
“I’ll come with you,” He kisses your hair. 
“It’s early,” 
“So, I’ll stay until you fall asleep,” He pushes you gently towards the stairs, “just relax and let me take care of you,” 
It’s easy to do, you’ve been letting him care for you for years. He takes you to bed and helps you slip into sleep. By the time Yunho gets back upstairs you’re out like a light and the two of them are left to marvel in the news by themselves. 
It’s hours and hours before your headache breaks and you wake to the warm feeling of your husbands bodies pressed close to you. Someone’s arm is wrapped around your middle, someone’s thigh pressed between yours, lips on your shoulder, a hand on your backside, feet tangled together under the comforter. Morning light bleeds into the room, pale yellow and warm, one of the first times you’ve woken up by your own internal clock in what feels like months. 
You’re pressed into Seonghwa’s chest, and you kiss his bare skin softly, eliciting a contented sigh from his lips. His hand slips down from its place on the small of your back and under the waistband of your sleep pants, coasting over your skin and squeezing you in all the right places. 
“Mm, Hwa,” You pull him closer. 
“How’s your head?” He asks softly, checking before he takes his hand any further. 
“Better,” You nod, your lips traveling up his throat, “come kiss me,” 
Yunho rolls closer behind you, groaning as he wakes, the familiar feeling of his morning hardness connecting with your thigh. “We haven’t slept in,” He sighs, “in so long,” 
“It’s seven-thirty,” You laugh against Seonghwa’s lips. 
“Exactly,” Yunho tugs you both closer, “our six am human alarm isn’t jumping on us,” 
“Oh, you miss her,” Seonghwa laughs, “I know you do,” 
“So much,” He smiles against your shoulder. 
“Well,” You murmur, pressing your hips back into Yunho’s to feel him just a little closer, “I think our sleep is about to get worse, not better in the next few months,” 
“True,” Seonghwa shifts down in the bed to kiss you properly, his fingers tangling with Yunho’s above your head. 
“Mm, but I think,” Yunho reaches around and smooths his hand over your stomach, and then stills completely. 
“What?” You mumble, shifting back from Seonghwa’s lips and looking over your shoulder to try and find your other husband’s eyes. 
“You’re already showing,” His hand moves across you again, this time from top to bottom of your belly to trace the soft swell, “how did we not notice?” 
“It’s not that much,” You shake your head, but Seonghwa is already sliding his hand out of your sleep pants to curl around your front and feel for himself. 
“Yes, it is,” Seonghwa grins, backing up to look down at you, “oh my god,” 
“Come here,” Yunho tugs you back onto your back gently and Seonghwa pushes the comforter down until it’s settled low around all of your hips. 
“Look,” Seonghwa slides your sleepshirt up until it’s tucked just under your breasts and he smooths a hand across your belly, “that’s a bump,” 
Shifting in the covers you look down at yourself, “You’re right,” you murmur softly, eyes still studying yourself. 
It’s still small, not the pronounced curve of a clearly pregnant person’s body, but they know you and every inch of your skin well, and to them it’s plain as day. Your body has been so different since Dasom, softer in so many ways and even to you this little change is easy to miss until you’re really looking. To anyone else the subtle swell would be nothing, but to you it’s everything. To them, it’s your words made real. 
“Look, look,” Yunho grins, sliding his hand down your side until he cups under your stomach,  his hand clearly folding into the slightest curve at the change in your body, “you really are pregnant,” 
“Yeah,” Your voice is small. 
Yunho moves low in the sheets suddenly, pressing his lips to your stomach and smiling, “Hi, baby,” 
You stroke his hair softly, “You’re so cute,” 
“We’ve missed months,” Yunho says without looking back up, stroking your skin again, “we started talking to Dasom when she was the size of a pea, we’ll have to catch up with this little one,” 
“God, I really do love you both,” You sigh. 
“Mhm,” Yunho kisses your stomach again, “and we love you, and this new bean,” 
You could cry, you really could. 
“Boy or girl?” Seonghwa murmurs, propping his head up on one hand. 
“Sister or brother, is the real question,” You offer, “Dasom would lose her little mind if it’s a girl,” 
“Should we find out early?” Yunho asks, pulling his attention away from your stomach and looking up at you both. 
With Dasom you did, you were all being too cautious and careful about the pregnancy since it had taken so long to get there that you had every health screening and pregnancy checkup known to man, so the mystery of your baby’s sex wasn’t easy to keep when you went through as many ultrasounds and doctors visits as you did. 
“Maybe,” Seonghwa says, “it might be nice to know early to help prepare Dasom, they always say it’s hard for kids to adjust from only child to older sibling. Maybe if she knows sister or brother she can start to think about it early,” 
You nod, chewing your lip and absent mindedly running your fingers through Yunho’s dark hair. 
“She could help us decorate,” Yunho offers, “it might help keep her involved so it’s an exciting thing, not a scary thing,” 
“It’s a good idea,” You agree, “but let me get a check-up first,” 
“Sure,” He says, “but it’s still nice to plan for, she’s going to be so excited,” 
“I hope so,” 
Seonghwa snuggles into your one side, kissing you warmly and wrapping an arm around your middle, “How are you feeling so far today?” 
“Normal, I think?” You smile. 
“Yeah?” Seonghwa brushes your hair back, “Nausea? Headache?” 
You shake your head softly and then take a moment to feel your body, taking stock of all the little things. You stretch against the mattress, arching your back a little to shift out of your sleeping position, and find yourself in a deep yawn. 
Yunho’s hand smooths over your stomach as you stretch long, his fingers spread wide and grin across his face, “I really can’t believe it, I thought we’d have to try again,” 
“Me too,” You admit, threading your fingers with his. 
“Last time was…” Yunho trails off, and he doesn’t have to say it, you all remember. 
“Let’s not think about it,” Seonghwa surprises you, reaching across to brush Yunho’s cheek, “let’s just be happy about this little one,” 
Yunho swallows and clears his throat, pushing away whatever momentary emotion had flooded up inside him. It was hard for all of you, and when Dasom finally came all of those hard, bad things were easy to forget, at least for a little while. 
“There’s a lot to be happy for,” You smile, pushing past those memories and focusing on the present, “for one… we’re alone,” 
“That is a very good point,” Seonghwa kisses your head. 
“Alone for a while,” You add, “hours, even,” 
“Oh, you are feeling better,” Yunho laughs, dropping a kiss to your belly and sighing warmly against your skin. 
“We’ve been so busy,” You relax between them, letting your shirt ride up a little, “don’t you miss me?” 
“Don’t even joke,” Seonghwa huffs, picking up on your queues with ease and slipping the shirt up and off your head. 
Yunho pulls the tie of your sleep pants open with one firm tug and slides them off in a hurry. 
They crowd you on either side, lips dropping on your skin and hands smoothing over you until Seonghwa stills, cupping the beginnings of your bump and Yunho falls still beside him. 
“What?” You reach for Seonghwa, trying to tug him back down to your mouth. 
“Nothing,” He shakes his head, “I just keep remembering that you're pregnant again.” He smooths his hand down further, looking for your thigh. 
“Mm,” You stretch, letting Seonghwa shift your leg open wide, “does this mean you’re both going to start fussing over me again?” 
“Who’s fussing?” Yunho smirks, easing down the bed and pressing kisses across your belly until he’s settled between your open thighs. 
“You,” You smile, “treating me like glass,” 
“To be fair,” Seonghwa’s lips travel across your shoulder, teeth nipping at your collarbones, “we were all nervous last time,” 
“And now?” You sigh. 
“I think we know how to take care of you,” Seonghwa chuckles. 
Yunho’s hands coast up and down your thighs, “And there’s nothing wrong with being gentle,” 
You start to smile, but your breath catches in your throat as he runs the back of his knuckle down your slit, the fabric of your panties tickling your sensitive nub. 
“Taking it slow,” Seonghwa offers, his mouth dancing closer to your nipple but conveniently never touching. 
“I like slow,” You breathe, letting your eyes fall closed. 
“Mm,” Seonghwa shakes his head, “no,” 
Yunho chuckles. 
“You like hard,” Seonghwa nips at your breast with his teeth, “and fast,” 
Your breath thins as you feel your body start to respond. 
“And rough,” Seonghwa adds, the pad of his thumb pressing down over your nipple, “and sometimes mean,” 
“Fuck,” You hiss as he flicks your nipple hard before pinching it between his thumb and forefinger. 
“Slow,” Seonghwa adds, “just makes you whine and beg for hard and fast,” 
“So?” Your hand on his back tightens. 
“Sometimes we want just want to take our time darling,” Seonghwa’s tongue finally, finally flicks across your other nipple, “especially when we know how sensitive you must be,” 
Yunho presses a kiss to your clit through your panties, sighing through the fabric, “Are you sore, sweetheart? Aching?” 
“Does this hurt?” Seonghwa cups your breast, kneading it with a little more pressure than before and you gasp. 
“N-no,” You breathe. 
“Do you want it to?” Seonghwa squeezes you again. 
Your hips buck softly, pressing your cunt harder against Yunho’s face and he smiles, flicking the firm muscle of his tongue over your clit, dragging the cotton fabric across it enough that you rock your hips again. 
“This is too slow,” You let your head fall back against the bed, “and you know it,” 
Seonghwa lifts his head, kissing your lips before brushing his fingers along your jaw, “Just for now,” he murmurs. 
“Okay,” You crane your neck up to kiss him back, “but you remember what things were like with Dasom, you won’t hurt us,” 
Seonghwa smiles, and Yunho lifts his mouth away to slip his fingers under the edges of your panties and drag them down your thighs. “Us,” Yunho repeats, his voice content and soft. 
“I have an idea,” Seonghwa sighs, “how about you lie back and trust me, jagi,” 
“You know I do,” You didn’t mean to upset him, and of course there’s nothing wrong with him taking his time, but you’ve been gifted with time alone and you really, really want to use it. 
“Just hush,” He shakes his head, “close your eyes.” 
You snap them closed immediately, “Yes, sir,” 
“Mm,” Seonghwa makes a soft, negative noise as he shifts off the bed, “not today, okay? Just be with us,” 
You nod, feeling Yunho’s hands slide up over your hips to warmly ground you. 
The sound of a drawer opening perks you up though and you lift your head to try and hear better. 
“Baby,” Seonghwa says to Yunho, “how’s this?” 
“Perfect,” Yunho agrees, and you feel him shift on the mattress, his hands leaving your hips, “and get me the - yes, those,” 
“What are you two doing?” You finally ask, desperately eager and wanting to open your eyes. 
“My darling,” Seonghwa says, “we’re going to show you how much we love you,” 
“For as long as you can take,” Yunho adds, “as fast or slow as we want.”
Your body melts into the mattress, you know that tone of voice. You love that tone of voice. 
“Tell us if something doesn’t feel good,” Seonghwa’s voice is back at your side.
“I will,” You promise, and you can’t help the smile on your face. 
“Alright beautiful,” Seonghwa kneels by your side, “lift up, eyes stay closed.”
Yunho’s hand on your hip clarifies your other husband's words and you press up to lift your hips high. They’re prepping something, communicating silently with each other, and it leaves you wanting. You’re a second away from pleading with them to tell you their plans. 
“There we go,” Yunho says, “you can relax,” 
When you ease back down the sensation under you is different, a soft towel underneath your hips and you’re about to open your mouth and try to guess their plan, but your husbands push your thighs open wide and something warm and wet and slippery drips over your bare mound. 
You sigh out a soft moan as the warming oil slides down between your thighs, and then you feel it again. Warm oil spreads again, this time across your belly and breasts and you suddenly realize what they mean to do to you. It’s not often that you have the time for this kind of foreplay anymore, let alone the patience for it. Seonghwa isn’t necessarily wrong either, you love them when they’re bossy and firm and taunting, so room for this kind of slow worship is narrow. Except something about Yunho’s thumb gliding the oil down over your cunt is making you dizzy, so you let them give you what they want. 
“You’re beautiful,” Seonghwa murmurs into your ear as he smooths the oil up your chest and spreads it across your skin, “always, jagiya, but something about this,” 
“Mhm,” Yunho hums, his fingers slowly massaging your skin, close to your slit but never parting your folds, “so perfect,” 
“Please touch me,” Your voice is breathy, “please,” 
“We are touching you,” Yunho says and you can hear the teasing smile in his voice. 
“You know what I think?” Seonghwa sighs, sliding his hand over your breast again and massaging. 
“Tell me,” You arch into his touch, opening your legs wider for Yunho. 
“I think,” He squeezes your nipple a little harder than before, “we clearly haven’t been taking care of our darling properly if we didn’t even notice this.” He massages the oil down your chest over the soft, small swell of your stomach. 
You twitch beneath him, breath quickening. 
“We need to make it up to you, my love,” Yunho’s voice is low, husky as he stays focused on his task. Every warm rub of his fingers anywhere near your dripping slit has your hips jerking. 
“Oh, god,” You sigh. 
“Mm,” Seonghwa massages your chest again, “I think these are fuller, we missed that too, love,” 
“Oh,” You moan sharply as he pinches your nipples again. 
“You’re being so patient, sweetheart,” Yunho murmurs, the tips of his two fingers dipping inside you for just a moment. 
“G-God, do that again,” You press your body forward, begging for just a little more. 
“Yunho,” Seonghwa says, his voice firm, “hands off,”
Suddenly no one’s touching you, and you’re a breath away from screaming. Your body’s pulsating with need, not just the extended, slow foreplay bringing you up but the sheer amount of hormones coursing through your body that make you want to come so hard you hear colors. 
Still, you know better than to open your eyes. 
Seonghwa descends over you with ease, his mouth hot at your ear, and his words have you arching in the sheets. With a nip at your soft earlobe he says low, “Can we play with you, baby?” 
All you can manage is a stammering yes. 
“Let us play with your pretty body, baby,” He kisses your throat and a warm hand fully cups your sex. 
“A-anything, anything,” You’re almost embarrassed by how much of a puddle you already are, but it was exactly the same last time you were pregnant and you’re sure they’re loving every second. 
“Good, good girl,” Seonghwa murmurs, his voice tender, “I love you so much,” 
Blush floods your cheeks and you feel warm pinpricks behind your eyes, “I love you too, Hwa,” 
He kisses your cheek, your jaw, your throat, and then pulls back slightly before you feel the bed move, “Would you like clamps, or are you too sensitive?” 
Your eyes fly open and you immediately see Seonghwa above you, in his hand a familiar silver chain. You nod immediately, “Yes please,” 
“Are you sure?” He smiles, a little teasing as he palms one of your breasts and starts to lovingly tweak your nipple into a hardened peak. 
Warm pleasure sparks through you at his ministrations and you whimper, “Yes,”
He preps you easily, making sure you’re ready to take the clamps and your skin there is dry enough that they won’t slide off. Your eyes flick to Yunho who watches with rapt attention, his lips parting as Seonghwa secures one nipple clamp and then the other. 
“How’s that?” Seonghwa checks as he sets the second one. 
You’ve been sensitive lately, he’s certainly not wrong about that. Your breasts aching with the changes of your body, and you’ve been hyper aware of anything brushing along your nipples at all, let alone the sensation of a clamp, and if you're being honest it hurts. You hiss sharply as he releases the pressure of his hand and lets the clamp close, and he doesn’t rush to remove it but his eyes flick to yours. 
The initial pain fades to a kind of numbing warmth and you exhale slow and steady, “I’m okay, it feels good,” 
“And this?” He draws the chain tighter in his hand, just enough that the clamp pulls at your nipple. 
A shock of pleasure runs through your breast down your back, “Oh fuck, Hwa,” 
“Good,” He smiles, dropping the chain on your chest, “sit up a minute, would you?” 
“Sure,” You push yourself up and Yunho takes your hand to draw you up into a seated position on the towels. Seonghwa spreads another towel down behind you before shucking off his boxers and sliding behind you. As he situates, you realize what’s on the bed next to you. Next to the bottle of warming oil are two vibrators and a dildo. Yunho smiles as he sees your expression. 
“Come here,” Seonghwa says from behind you as he scoots closer, one leg on either side of you now, “lay back,” 
Yunho eases you back down onto your husband’s bare chest, “Comfortable?” 
“Mhm,” You assure him, “but I know you’re planning something, I know that look,” 
Yunho laughs and shakes his head, “If spending the morning making my wife come is planning something, then sure,” 
Your muscles clench around nothing at his words and you can’t help but wet your lips. 
“Now,” Yunho smiles, “just relax for us,” 
You nod, and Seonghwa pushes your hair back as you lay on his chest. His hands settle on your slick skin, massaging the oil into every part of you that he can touch, his hands never quite coming back to touch the clamps or their chain. With a sigh, you let your muscles relax fully and your legs fall open and slack against Seonghwa’s thighs. 
Yunho pushes off his knees and settles down next to you, sitting almost hip to hip with you, before uncapping the bottle of oil and pouring a little more out in his hand. 
You exhale low and slow, “Should I close my eyes?” 
Yunho glances back at you, “Do you want to?” 
“Do you want me to?” You clarify. 
He shakes his head, “We want what you want,” 
You swallow hard, your body lighting up at just the sight of his hands glistening and ready to please you, “I want to watch,” 
“Good girl,” Seonghwa chuckles, nipping at your ear and pressing kisses anywhere he can. 
“Now, please,” You sigh, widening your legs a little more, “Yunho, please,” 
“Shush,” He shakes his head, and you’re about to protest, but then he’s touching you and your mind is singing. 
Yunho slides his hand down and parts your slick folds with ease, his middle finger teasing your entrance repeatedly until he sinks it inside. You moan, tilting your hips up a little more. 
Seonghwa hums behind you as he watches, his cock stiff and aching behind you, but it hardly matters because right now their attention is laser focused on you and you alone. One of his hands travels up to cup your breast and slowly he starts kneading your soft flesh. 
“You’re so wet,” Yunho murmurs, almost to himself as he starts to rock his hand in a slow massaging rhythm, dragging his fingers down and back up your swelling clit before dipping inside you each and every time, “and tighter,” 
The feeling of his hand is already too much, applying perfect pressure and speed to knot your body up with need but never push you anywhere close to the edge of anything. He’s taking his sweet time, savoring you and your body, and you’d be embarrassed by the intensity and intimacy if it were anyone in the world but them. 
Seonghwa’s plush lips start to work over your throat, sucking at your pulse points and placing tender bites along the column of your neck. Your breath is thinner, thready and you can’t help the little whimper that bubbles out of you. 
Your eyes almost flutter shut, but Yunho’s other hand dips under your raised thigh and he glances back at you with warm eyes. 
“W-what,” You start to ask what that face is for, what he means to do, why he won’t speed up, but then his fingers press down on the tight ring of muscle between your cheeks and your voice cuts off in a tight moan. 
“Does it feel that good, baby?” Yunho presses his fingers inside, pumping them slow and deep. 
“Yun,” You moan, “more,” 
For the first time all morning, he listens. 
Yunho slides one hand to your clit, setting a firm pace of massaging circles while his other steadily pumps two fingers in and out of your ass, curled in just the right way to apply pressure where you need it while the slick pad of his middle finger stimulates your aching bud. 
“Oh, baby,” Seonghwa smiles against your throat, “is he making you feel good?” 
You nod, your face crinkling up as the edge of your orgasm starts to curl up and over you. 
“Tell us how good,” Seonghwa directs, and his hand slides down your sternum and takes the chain. 
“I’m,” Your breath catches and you roll your hips, “it feels so, so good,” 
“Good enough to come?” Seonghwa pulls the chain and you arch with it, the pull of the clamps against your prone nipples combined with the steady pulse of hands inside you making you keen. 
“Yes, fuck,” You choke. 
Yunho chuckles and his hand speeds up. 
“God, oh god,” You pant. 
Seonghwa massages your body with his free hand, deft fingers pressing in all the right ways over the soft, plush curves of your sides, your stomach, your thighs. His opposite hand pulls the chain with the slightest bit more force. 
You cry out, voice dying in your throat and your eyes clamp shut, body arching up in their hands. 
“Color, darling,” Seonghwa asks quickly, “you alright?” 
“Green,” You shake your head, “don’t you dare fucking stop,” 
“Come,” Yunho commands, doubling his efforts on your clit, “I know you need it,” 
“F-fuck,” Your body flushes with heat, slick wetness everywhere, and you can’t really get purchase on anything, but you try, your oiled hands gripping Yunho’s back and Seonghwa’s thigh. 
“Come on,” He bids again, “let go,” 
Seonghwa tugs the clamps again and your vision whites, your legs snapping shut and body curling as you crack open, nothing but a stuttering mess of moans and shivering limbs. 
“No,” Yunho wrenches your legs back open, “I’m not done with you,” 
Your mind doesn’t make sense of it until you feel the silicone nub of the suction vibrator. He works quickly, locating your clit with ease and closing the mouth of the toy over it before clicking it on. The sensation is immediate and it takes both of them holding your legs open wide to keep you from closing down on yourself and riding out the sensation. 
“Good, baby, yes,” Seonghwa’s fingers are tight on your skin, “what a fucking mess you are,” 
It takes all but thirty seconds of the sucking toy and Yunho’s fingers working your ass open for the familiar tight bubble to build again, only this time the pressure is all encompassing and you only have a second of conscious thought before the sound that leaves your lips is desperate and feral. 
“I’m gonna fucking come,” You scramble in Seonghwa’s arms and he tugs the clamps again, “I’m- I’m gonna,” 
Yunho rocks the toy, circling with the suction, and you swear you lose time. 
You come so impossibly hard you think you just might bring back your migraine, but it would be worth it for this. Clear fluid pulses out of you as you release and Yunho’s saying something encouraging as he coaxes you to come more with his fingers moving fast across your slick folds, but you can’t hear him. 
When your body starts to pull away from him and your moans turn to little overstimulated sobs, he pulls back and clicks off the toy, and drops low to press hungry kisses across your skin. He sighs against your inner thighs, nips at your soft belly, and can’t help himself when he takes a long, slow lap of your cunt. 
“I need you right now,” He confesses, “H-Hwa move,” 
“Slow down,” Seonghwa tries to bring him back down to earth, “take a breath,” 
Yunho’s hands tighten on your thighs. 
“Seonghwa,” You shake your head, “please,”
“Alright,” He murmurs, dropping the chain, “I got you.” 
He slides out from behind you, and then Yunho’s above you, wasting no time at all. He finds your entrance with ease, rocking his hips slowly until his cockhead catches inside you, and then with a slow press forward of his hips he fully seats himself inside. 
The stretch is delicious, dizzying and deep, and you moan, biting down on his shoulder. 
“Am-am I hurting you?” He asks, breathless. 
You shake your head, “No, you feel so perfect,” 
He drops his head against yours and sighs into your hair, “God, you’re so tight, I can’t,” 
Your muscles clench around him, pulsing wet and warm around his cock and he chokes, his hips dropping lower. 
“Jesus, fuck,” He breathes low through his nose, “I’m trying really hard not to fuck the life out of you,” 
“Mm,” You rock yourself up against his pelvis, “why don’t you,” 
“Because,” He shifts back enough that he can see your face, “I said slow,” 
He draws his hips back, dragging his hot length almost all the way out of your channel, before pushing in again just as torturously slowly. You moan, hard and arch in his hands, “Again, please, again,” 
He does, just as slowly. He repeats himself, and then his eyes flick over your body, softening at the sight of you below him. Yunho sighs, dropping over you so that your bodies are flush together, still careful to keep the bulk of his weight off you. His mouth closes on yours, tongue dipping into your mouth, sharing one single warm breath between you as he starts to roll his hips. You taste yourself on his skin, the sharpness heady and hot between you. 
You moan against his mouth, your skin slick with sweat and oil. He cups your cheek, drags his hand down your side, slipping a little and his head bumps softly against yours. You grin against his mouth and he laughs and suddenly you realize, this is your life. Held beautifully between these two men who love you like no one else has ever loved you, their child inside you, not a single second of it a dream. 
Your breath hitches softly and you can’t stop staring up at him grinning. 
“What?” He asks softly, studying your face. 
You kiss him soft, “I love you,” 
“I love you too, sweetheart,” He breathes, “so much, I can’t… I don’t even know how to say how much,” 
“Show me then,” You cup his cheek, drawing him closer, “please,” 
He slides his hands up the back of your arms, drawing them above you, “Hwa,” 
Seonghwa catches your wrists with ease, holding them to the mattress as he moves closer to watch you both and have his hands on you. Yunho turns his head and kisses his shoulder, the closest part of Seonghwa’s skin he can reach, before snaking his way down your chest. 
“Use me,” He cups your hip, drawing you tight to his body, “I don’t want to hurt you,” 
“You won’t,” You assure him, threading your fingers into his hair. 
He shakes his head, “Use me anyways,” he says, bearing down his hips so that your clit is pressed up hard against his pubic bone, “please,” 
You draw him close, finding purchase with your heels on the mattress, and slowly you start to rock, grinding your body up into his. You sigh, the pleasant feeling of it spreading through you already, and he smiles against your chest. 
Yunho’s kisses grow hotter, little bites across as your skin and his hot breath across your nipples, but you moan when his teeth close over the chain and he draws back his head, pulling it taught. 
“Oh,” You shake, your hips stuttering to a stop, “oh, god,” 
Yunho nods, tapping your hip with his hand and begging you to start moving again. He holds your gaze as he pulls back, and suddenly you’re straining against the lead, the clamps pulling you perfectly and striking a hot stroke of need through your entire body. 
“Don’t stop,” Seonghwa offers, filling in where his husband can’t given his full mouth. 
“I can’t,” You whine, almost too tired and raw to work yourself against him like he wants. 
“Give her more,” Seonghwa instructs, and with just the slightest adjustment of Yunho’s head, the clamps pull harder. 
You’re crumbling. Desperate need strikes in your belly and you roll up into him, your muscles are aching but if you just keep going, just a little more, you’ll give him what he wants and what you know your body needs. 
His hips drop a fraction more and he hisses through his teeth, your cunt pulsing and aching as you build up, close to the edge and ready to tip over it. 
“Please,” You babble, even though you don’t know what you’re begging for. 
Yunho groans as you shift, his cock inside you bumping again and again into a velvet spot. 
“Beautiful,” Seonghwa sighs, his hands squeezing your wrists, “look at how well you take Yunho’s cock, hmm?” 
Your eyes roll, thighs starting to shake.
“Is he deep in your pretty cunt, sweet girl?” He drops his lips to your ear, pushing you closer and closer, “Do you love it?” 
“Y-yes,” You work yourself against him harder, the rolling pressure of his firm body against your sensitive clit bringing you closer and closer to release. 
“You do love our cocks, don’t you?” Seonghwa smiles, reaching between you and taking the chain from between Yunho’s teeth. 
“God, yes,” Your legs wrap around Yunho’s hips and hold him steady as you jut against him. 
“Are you close?” Yunho asks, voice broken and tight. 
“L-let me go,” Your wrists jerk against Seonghwa’s hands and he releases you immediately. Your hands fly forwards, bracing on Yunho’s shoulder and side, nails digging in as you hold onto him, “please, Yunho, move, please,” 
He sighs heavily, his hips jerking against yours and finally, finally he can’t resist it. 
You can feel how much control he’s using, trying his best to not thrust too hard or hold you too tightly, but it doesn’t matter. The rhythmic drag of his cock over your g-spot over and over sends you up, and when Seonghwa pulls down on the chain between your bodies, it all crashes into you again. 
Yunho groans at the feeling of your release, pulling back and out of you suddenly and Seonghwa switches focus. The chain drops on your chest as he moves and when your eyes open, you nearly come again just from the sight. 
Yunho still has one hand braced on your hip, but leans against Seonghwa, their lips crashed together. Seonghwa’s hand works fast over Yunho’s slick cock, and with a shuddering groan Yunho comes hard, his nails digging into your skin as he paints your body with ropes of hot, white cum. 
“Oh my god,” You breathe, your body still trembling. 
Yunho’s chest is heaving, bright pink with blush and shining with sweat, and Seonghwa brushes his fingers through his hair, pressing kisses across his face as he releases Yunho’s now softening cock. It takes him a moment to recover, but when he does, Yunho’s eyes find yours immediately, “Okay?” 
You nod, emotion flooding you as your mind finally starts to reconnect after the haze of orgasm after orgasm. Now your body is aching. You wince a little at the taut clamps, reaching for them to remove them yourself but Yunho moves more quickly. 
“I got it,” He soothes you, “Does it hurt?” 
“Not too much,” You ease him, sighing pleasantly as he unclips them. 
“Here, love,” Seonghwa uses a towel to clean you off, and it’s no replacement for a shower but it’ll let you relax here for a little bit longer until you can trust your legs. 
Yunho drops the clamps onto the side table along with the other toys, any of the ones unused forgotten in a minute. He hadn’t meant to fuck you, that wasn’t in the plan necessarily, but logic and reason left his brain the minute he saw you falling apart on his fingers. 
You’re blushing hard and recovering, limbs still a little shaky, when Seonghwa clears away the towels and pulls the sheet up over your body. He tosses the towels in the hamper and clears away the clothes off the floor, and he’s heading for the shower when your brain starts firing on all cylinders. 
“Seonghwa,” You call into the bathroom, listening as he starts the water. 
“Hmm?” He calls. 
You trade a quick smile with Yunho who’s still collapsed at your side before you call back, “Baby, I’m not done with you,” 
The look on his face when slips back into the bedroom is priceless, one brow raised and his shaggy black hair a mess of slight curls, “You need more?” 
“No,” You sigh, stretching and rolling onto your side, “you do,” 
His eyes flick over you, “You really don’t have to,” 
Yunho huffs behind you, “Just come back to bed,” 
“I know I don’t have to,” You sigh, pushing yourself up to a kneeling position on the bed, “but I want to,” 
Since getting up, Seonghwa had thrown a towel around his hips but you can still see the hard line of his cock beneath it, pushing against the thick fabric and begging to be touched. You wonder if he was going to try to quickly take care of things in the shower, try not to bother you with his needs, and that thought makes you want him even more. 
“Hwa,” You repeat, “come over here,” 
The corner of his mouth tips up in a smile and he makes his way back to the edge of the bed, “Yeah?” 
Your hands slide over his chest and find the top knotted corner of the towel, “Yeah,” you breathe, pulling the towel apart and letting it drop to the floor, “Yunho, can you help?” 
“What do you need, baby?” Yunho shuffles across the bed to be at your side. 
“Do you think Seonghwa would like my mouth? Or yours?” You ask, feigning innocence. 
“Yours,” Seonghwa interrupts, cupping your cheek, not waiting for flirty banter. 
Yunho laughs softly and nods, “There’s your answer,” 
“Sorry,” Seonghwa sighs, “I didn’t mean to answer that fast,” 
Yunho shakes his head, “I’d pick her too,” he stands, “but maybe I can still help, hmm?”
You feel Seonghwa’s fingers twitch along your jaw as he waits for what’s next, and you take the moment to reposition. You slide down onto your front, propped up on a pillow and using your leg for leverage, and then when you look back up you’re perfectly eye to eye with his pink, aching cock. 
A hand closes around it and Seonghwa moans, and your eyes flick up to see Yunho pressed flush behind Seonghwa and reaching around him. The smile on Yunho’s face is wolfish and hungry, his lips at his husband’s ear, “Do you like when I touch you?” 
Seonghwa sighs heavily and melts back into him, “Yes,” 
“Do you like when our baby touches you too?” Yunho pumps his hand and meets your eyes, nodding for you to get involved. 
You let saliva gather in your mouth, and slowly rake your nails down Seonghwa’s bare thigh, then back up to dance close to the base of his cock, down again so your fingers can slide over his balls. 
“y/n,” He chokes, “Jesus,” 
“Shh,” You murmur, and with your hands braced on his hips, you let the gathered saliva drip from your tongue over his cockhead. 
His cock jumps at the sensation, and Yunho’s hand sweeps up to take your saliva and work it down Seonghwa’s shaft as lubricant. You spit again, and once again Yunho catches it and pumps his hand up and down. 
“Baby,” You say softly, almost lazily, pressing a featherlight kiss to his velvet tip, “can I have a taste?” 
He fights the urge to jerk his hips and he nods. 
You lean forward, and Yunho slides his hand away so you can work your mouth deeply over him. Seonghwa might want to take it slow with you, but you don’t want to take it slow with him. You know they’re just being careful with you, considerate and lovely given the baby, but there’s nothing you want less than to take it slow right now. 
You surge forward, taking him down your throat in one move, your tongue dragging along the underside of his shaft until you’re pressed against his pubic bone and steadying your breathing. 
Seonghwa’s cock jumps in your mouth and he curses, hand tight in your hair now. 
“Oh, she’s hungry,” Yunho teases, “look at her,” 
“I’m looking,” Seonghwa’s voice is breathy, “God, darling, warn me next time,” 
You make a negative noise, and he groans at the vibration. You don’t warn him, when you draw back and sink forward again and then set a pace, your wet lips tight on his cock, tongue flicking at his length, hollowing out your cheeks to draw that suction you know makes him crumble. 
“Fuck,” His hand locks onto your scalp and you moan around him. 
“Does that feel good?” Yunho’s voice is husky above you, “I can give you more,” 
You suck hard and Seonghwa groans and you know whatever combination of your mouth on his cock and Yunho’s hands doing something has Seonghwa ready to melt. 
“Mess,” Yunho groans, “you and your pretty fucking mouth,” 
Seonghwa shudders. 
You pull back, taking a heaving breath and clearing your throat before you find your voice, “Fuck my face,” 
Seonghwa moans and you look up to see the way that Yunho’s teeth are attached to his husband’s throat, fingers expertly tweaking at his nipples and helping make the man a shaky mess. At you words, Yunho lifts up and moves right back to Seonghwa’s ear, “Don’t make her wait,” 
There’s a flicker of hesitation in his eyes, and you’re about to tell him that being pregnant does not in fact make you a virginal saint and he can and should come down your throat, but he reaches the same conclusion a second later and tugs you forward by the hand in your hair. 
“I didn’t say stop,” He says gruffly, pushing your head back towards him. 
You open your mouth wide and accept him with a deeply genuine sigh. 
“Your mouth,” Seonghwa thrusts forwards, knocking his hips against your lips and forcing your throat open, “is almost better than your pretty pussy,” 
You whine, breathing slow through your nose and opening up the back of your throat more for him. 
“Almost as tight,” His hips find a rhythm, “almost as warm,” 
“Almost as wet,” You feel another hand in your hair, Yunho brushing the hair from your eyes. 
“But I only get to hear you like this when I’m down your throat,” Seonghwa pants, bucking his hips as he holds you perfectly still to accept him, “I’m in love with this sound,” 
You choke a whine, trying again to regain your breath, and you’re dizzy but he’s so, so close. 
Yunho’s hand finds yours and he gives you a squeeze, an offered lifeline if it gets to be too much, but you don’t need it. You brush your thumb along his knuckles to let him know you’re more than fine, despite the heady, wet noises in the room. 
“Oh, fuck,” Seonghwa curses as his pace stammers a moment, and you double down with the suction, “fuck, darling,” 
“Fill her pretty mouth,” Yunho urges him, “come,” 
It takes two more thrusts before he groans, locking your head to his pelvis and spilling himself deeply down the back of your throat, so far you barely taste him. 
You give him a moment, but when you’re sure he’s done and just holding you in the afterglow you squeeze Yunho’s hand. 
“Come here,” Yunho must indicate something to Seonghwa, because he pulls out of your mouth slowly and takes a step back. Yunho drops into your eyeline and finds your gaze, “okay?” 
You swallow hard, clearing your throat and nodding, “Mhm,” 
“That was,” Seonghwa trails off, no words really enough to justify the orgasm he just had but he leans against the side table and exhales heavily. 
“Really hot?” You offer. 
He chuckles, “Yeah,” 
As you steady you see immediately that Yunho is rock hard again and you smile, “Are we ever going to get out of this bed?” 
“I have a better idea,” Yunho grins, and he moves forwards and wraps his arms around you. 
“What-” You start to ask, but then he’s hauling you up over his shoulder and you’re falling apart into hysterical laughter, “Where are we going? Put me down!”
“Nope,” He says, “I’ve got more plans for you,” 
Seonghwa follows you both, and then you realize the shower was never turned off. The bathroom is full of hot steam, enveloping all of you the minute Seonghwa shuts the door. 
“We’re multitasking,” Yunho slides you off his shoulder to the floor, kissing your cheek as he does and reaching in to check the temperature. 
Seonghwa wraps his arms around you, hand closing over your belly as he nuzzles your head, “Good, because I have plans too,” 
They have you again in the shower, Seonghwa on his knees between your thighs, and then once more braced against the glass doors. It’s insatiable, your need for each other, even after all these years. You’ve shared everything with them, every inch of your body and desires. Not a single moment of it worth trading away. 
It takes time to come out of your hazy morning, every time you think of pulling away something brings you back. Their lips, hands, tongues, cocks. Every part and piece of them. 
But eventually, after what feels like hours, you’re clean and dry and changing the sheets. 
You only have a little more time before Dasom comes home and your life changes once again forever, so you slip back into bed with them for just a little while longer. 
Seonghwa strokes your stomach slowly, lips on your cheek as he does and kissing the corner of your mouth, “I think it’s a girl,” 
“Yeah?” You murmur, Yunho curling closer behind your back so that you’re all tighter together. 
“Mhm,” Seonghwa smiles, “I have a feeling.” 
“You thought Dasom was a boy,” You point out softly. 
“No,” He shakes his head, “I know it this time,” 
“Do you want another girl?” You murmur. 
“I think so,” He confesses, “it just feels right,” 
“You know,” Yunho kisses your shoulder softly, “I think you’re right, I think it’s a girl,” 
“I don’t want you to be disappointed if it’s a boy,” You find his hand between you, threading your fingers together. 
“Nothing about our baby could disappoint me,” His brows knit together as he shakes his head, “girl, boy, Yunho’s… mine, it… none of it matters, it’s just a feeling,” 
“You really mean that,” You smile softly. 
“I really do,” He nods, “no matter what, they’ll be so loved,” 
Yunho’s breath catches in your ear, and you can’t quite see his face but he reaches past you and cups Seonghwa’s face, his thumb stroking along his husband’s cheek, “Oh, yeobo,” he sighs, “of course they will.” 
You duck into Seonghwa’s chest, pressing a kiss to his skin, “You have so much love to give, Hwa,”
His warm hand on your belly is a comforting weight, grounding and sure and he nods against your hair. 
“Dasom will be home soon,” Yunho murmurs, and you can hear his voice is tight and shaky, “we probably shouldn’t be crying messes when she gets here,” 
“I’m not crying,” You grin against Seonghwa’s chest. 
“Me either,” 
“Right,” Yunho takes a deep breath, “fine, I can’t be crying when she gets home then.” 
“Aw,” You twist in his arms to face him, cupping his cheek, “baby,” 
“Don’t,” He scrubs at his eyes, “you know I cry at everything,” 
Seonghwa laughs, snuggling closer, “We know,” 
“I’m just,” He sighs, “fuck, I’m really happy,” 
“Me too,” You kiss him softly. 
Seonghwa nods, “Me too,” 
“Sometimes I think about the night we met,” Yunho smiles, pushing your hair behind your ear and glancing over your shoulder at Seonghwa who makes a soft humming noise of recognition. 
“Yeah?” You cup his cheek. 
“We almost left you there,” Yunho confesses, “did I ever tell you that?” 
“No,” You study his eyes. 
“We were watching you for a little while,” He strokes your neck softly, “and I said we shouldn’t bother you. You looked ready for a date, I was sure whoever the guy was was just running late. You looked… beautiful, I thought there was no way someone would let you just sit there all night.” 
“You’ve never told me that,” You shake your head, “are you serious?” 
“Mhm,” He nods, and then his eyes travel up to Seonghwa, “but then he said, ‘What’s the worst that happens? We buy a pretty girl a drink and go home?’” 
The idea that they would have left, there at the end of the bar one second and gone the next. Interesting strangers and a passing thought in your whole life. 
“So you changed your mind?” You manage. 
“It would have been the worst mistake of my life,” Yunho says. 
“Our lives,” Seonghwa corrects. 
“Mine too,” You tug them closer, wrapping them tight around you, “and I wouldn’t have even known it,” 
Your phone buzzes on the side table and you smile, it’s probably close to that time. Dasom would be ancy to come home and at the end of Nari’s good graces. You shift to get up, but they tug you right back down. 
“Five more minutes,” Yunho shakes his head. 
“But,” You start to say. 
“Just five,” He repeats. 
For a little longer, it’s just the three of you. Tucked between them, you imagine the life you might have had without them. You would have found someone, you might have had children with them. You might have bought a house or moved out of Seoul. You would probably be happy, in that other life in that other place, you might be happy it’s not impossible. But it wouldn’t be this. Full, complete, whole. You might in some other life be a wife, but not their wife. You might in some other life have a child, but not Dasom. Not this new life. You can’t conceive of it. You’re sure you would have figured it out, but you can’t really imagine how without them. 
Your phone rings again on the nightstand, and slowly you unfold yourself from their arms to pick it up. Yunho slips his hand under the hem of your shirt while you talk to Nari, Seonghwa presses warm kisses across your neck. Not long now. 
The day stretches into itself until the afternoon sun warms your sheets and your skin. The door downstairs opens and you hear your daughter's fast footfalls on the stairs. Your stomach turns with nervous butterflies, but your husbands hold you close and the wing beats calm to a subtle flutter. You think maybe they’re not butterflies, maybe they’re something more. In an excited rush Dasom pushes through the door and throws herself up on the bed. Strong arms catch her and bring her in to cuddle close. She’s home, and now you all are too, together always. 
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nyctophiliq · 2 years
Hi mossy! requesting again but this time just comfort,, any sort of comfort with the ow agents,, anyone you want <33 just need a little comfort in my life atm,,
feel free to ignore if you don't feel up to writing! and pls remember to take care of yourself 🫶🏽
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✮ — CUDDLING WITH THEM ; widowmaker, kiriko, d.va, moira, mercy, brigitte, sombra, ashe, 
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content warning; afab/gn reader. sfw ! — lowercase writing intended, no content warning applies
moss' notes; back from death !!! enjoy this fluffy little collection of drabbles and thank you for requesting celeste
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— widowmaker˖⁠♡
widowmaker is not a woman who lets you cuddle her, no matter your reasonings, she cannot protect you if her arms are wrapped around you because she cannot reach for her gun like that, and having a third body like that in bed wouldn’t be comfortable for you. she refuses every single time but she will settle for letting you take her hand, lace your fingers with hers so you would stop demanding. you are happy and she is happy, perfect compromise.
“you keep your side of the bed, i keep mine… the hand is fine yes, it is… convenient.”
amélie however has a soft spot for holding you in her arms whenever she can, either in the bed or while watching tv and spending time together on the couch. she rarely sleeps on nights like that, she is trying to savor every moment that she can while being her true self. she doesn’t want to waste any minute while she can be with you when she can be outside so she pulls you as close as she can, enjoying the warmth of your skin against her cold body as you peacefully sleep.
“i can move if it’s uncomfortable for you, it’s just… i don’t often get to be this close and comfortable with you.”
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— kiriko ˖⁠♡
most of the times, kiriko probably asks you to cuddle her or cuddles up with you when she is stressed. she likes whatever position, but half-spooning really is the thing that does it for her. kiriko enjoys holding your hand and playing with your fingers while her other hand is looped around you, circling either your back or arm. she can be a sort of menace, putting her cold hands under your shirt, telling you that they are cold and need to be warmed up.
“come here hanii, i need to cuddle you, hm? i am already laying down, come on now!”
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— d.va ˖⁠♡
cuddling with hana is both good and bad. when it is a movie night and both of you ought to stay up, actively talk about what is happening and her little outbursts when somebody does something stupid keeps her up. at those times she is a really good cuddling partner, she likes holding onto you in any way she can cuddle up with your arm, or your chest, have you done the same to her or forced you to sit down on the floor, back against the back of the bed so she can loop around your neck and rest her head on your shoulder. but when it’s time to sleep and the two of you cuddle up, then she falls asleep, then she starts flopping around like a fish that ended up on the shore, stripped of water. she moves around, kicks, hogs the blanket, and takes up all the space on the bed! you cannot be mad at her, she is just so cute, but she is annoying.
“i am sorry nae sarang, it gets chaotic, gotta stay in the game at all times! let me make it up to you, please?”
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— moira ˖⁠♡
physical affection doesn’t come to her naturally, she is always willing to comply with your request, experiment if you say that hugs in bed will make you happy. she will be eager to test your hypothesis. she finds it strange as you tighten your arms around her, how your heartbeat starts to fasten a little then calms down when you squeeze her a little stronger. she is just laying there like a dead body, her mind going at a speed of light, thinking of how it could be then her arms just wrap around you, her nails dragging along your skin. she once again picks up on your pulse racing a little before calming down and with all this over analyzing she is missing out the comfort that stirs in her, that her own heart is a little crazy as you lay so close to her.
“such a strange occurrence, your pulse seems to be all over the place my darling. my hand? i do not know… it just happened.”
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— mercy ˖⁠♡
angela is a hopeless romantic and very affectionate, her love language varies between physical touch and words of affirmation. cuddling with her is like a fever dream, it’s the warmth that we all crave on a winter night. she likes to be face to face with you, brushing your noses together or with either your head in the crook of her head as she listens to how your day was, what you did, and what you plan on doing the next day. she progressively tightens her arms around your body, pulling you closer before sleep takes over her. she can hardly be coerced into taking breaks during the day so you gotta have to do with when she finally decides to come and lay in bed.
“liebling, your arms are my safe space, so that’s where i’ll be sleeping tonight, and you too, in mine! no safer than in the arms of a doctor.”
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— brigitte ˖⁠♡
brigitte is a really good cuddling partner if not the best. she likes to be the big spoon and honestly who can deny her? but she wouldn’t mind you backpacking her, or would not object to it. she is estimated to be about 6 feet 3 inches tall, you bet she is gonna give the best bear hugs and cuddles. her strong arms looping around your frame, the breath of her sweet words hitting the top of your head before she plants a couple of kisses. there are times that she enjoys having your full body laying on her, literally, you are on top of her! she can’t really explain why it makes her so happy, but the plus weight on top of her is very comfortable for her, like a weighted blanket! it is embarrassing, she handles you like a baby at times like that, calls you one to tease you a little.
“you’re honestly the cutest when you’re all flustered and red. come on, don’t look so disappointed! you are the sweetest pie.”
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— sombra ˖⁠♡
she is a bit awkward with it at first, slightly embarrassed to admit how much she needed physical comfort like this. she doesn’t know where to put her hands, where she can hold you and cannot, how to place her head or what would feel right for her so she just leans on you to show her. she really likes it when you cuddle her from behind, or the both of you are on your sides and you cuddle up to her chest. it is hard to believe someone like her would be at a loss of words yet could go on and on about how content she fills when being close to you like this. olivia is very shy to ask for such a simple thing, always needs to start all over again when she tries to ask for it.
“wanna, like- i mean, if you’re not busy… we could cuddle? or just hug that last a little while longer than it should, you know...”
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— ashe ˖⁠♡
oh, how she loves cuddling after a long day between her gang members, having your head lay on top of her chest with her arms around your back, thumb slowly circling little shapes on the fabric of your shirt while she tells you all about what went down before the two of you got into bed for cuddling. elizabeth enjoys the feeling and knowing that she is protecting you as you are in her arms, safe from whatever might come. if you fall asleep she will just stare at you, no matter how her neck might hurt later, silently race her eyes around your face and study all your features. she can get a little cocky, and tell you all about how good it feels for her, the pressure on her tits, ask you if it’s the best pair of pillows you have ever had. of course she won’t tease you for too long if you find it too flustering or is not interested in talking about things like that. if you wanna enjoy the moment then be it, she will too, silently or while listening to you rant about what happened to you.
“you know you love me sugar, my wild heart, cuz i am wild at heart, that’s why you love me. don’t lie to me now, my favorite girl.”
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tag list; @darlingmisa @soffisalive @sevikasangel @pixiegirlz @gonegonethankyouuu @xthescarletbitch @wolfheartsstuff
751 notes · View notes
Your eyes rolled back as your boyfriend drove his hips against your ass his thick cock penetrating your gushy pussy, and the big blanket muffling the squelching of your cunt as your grip on your other boyfriend's white sleep shirt. "shush, Jagiya. We don't want to wake Gunwoo up would we?" woojin cooed mockingly, pulling on your ear with his teeth as his thrusts sped up. Making it nearly impossible to stop from moaning
Your mouth dropped open in a silent scream as your boyfriend rubbed your clit between his fingers, the knot inside tighten. "W-woojin," you whined his name, throwing your head back to rest against his shoulder as he drew his hips back before snapping them, his tip slamming into your cervix, officially pushing you over the edge.
Woojin groaned quietly, his pounding became more rapid, as he soon followed, his seed filling your sore cunny.
"had fun, Nae sarang?" Gunwoo asked sleepy, looking at you with hunger in his eyes.
Oh no.
144 notes · View notes
bp-zb1fics · 1 year
A little crazy
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pairing: overprotective bf shanbin x s/o reader
genre: university au on unhingedness (same verse as perils, and no, it's not lasik), fluff
tw/tags: established relationship, some stereotypical characters, hanbin has a few quirks, character study lowkey, unwanted flirting, unintentional flirting, pet names, intimidation, he's sweet but a psycho, drinking, getting a lil tipsy, lowkey stalker vibes but not really, for plot purposes we will find it cute, threatening, idk how to tag this pls tell me if i missed something
wc: 2078
summary: your boyfriend is legitimately the sweetest person ever…except when someone tries to make moves on you. Then he gets…well…
a/n my advanced birthday fic for hanbin! Bc idk why I thought it was today I must have hallucinated but also idk if I have time to post on the actual day bc of real life commitments lmao whoops I struggle and try my best. Shout out to Kara aka @boysplanetmorelike for sparking this lil idea~
Check my pinned for more fics~
It’s not like he was perfect, even if people liked to think he was. Well, yes he is very boyfriend. That’s why he’s your boyfriend.
You, of all people, can attest to the fact he isn’t perfect. You’ve seen his hair in the morning. He’s definitely not at his prettiest. Sometimes he becomes a little control freak. You know that. You’re the one who they call to get him before he makes one of the poor freshmen cry unintentionally and then ends up feeling guilty about it and apologising profusely for the rest of the day, your poor soft-hearted man. And some might argue that yes he has his little ticks but they’re only minor character flaws if they can be considered flaws at all.
If only they knew.
Those who have had the pleasure of getting to know Sung Hanbin on a more, well, personal level are probably the only ones who will ever know. Poor souls, really.
And perhaps it isn’t as effective to explain as it is to show what exactly one of his more problematic personality issues is. Let’s take one unsuspecting, innocent afternoon.
Perspective. You’ve just finished class. It’s a pleasant day. You decide to meet at one of the benches under the trees outside your building. His class finishes a bit after yours so you wait, scrolling through your phone, peaceful, unbothered.
Enter unfortunate victim. For the purpose of this exercise, he shall remain unnamed. We’ll call him Victim #444. Or well, that guy.
He’s your typical fuckboy. Good looking in a sort of lukewarm way, hugely overconfident, probably thinks he has a bigger dick than he actually does, a horrible flirt, we’ve all met that type.
You share a class together. That’s how he makes conversation. Otherwise, he might not dare to approach at that time. Your talk goes something like this.
“Hey, you’re in Choi-seongsaengnim’s class too right?”
“Yeah?” You look up from your phone and he’s just there. He takes a seat on the same bench without asking. Well, it’s public property but he’s a little closer than you would like.
“He’s such a hardass, don’t you think? Like sure, he knows the lesson but he doesn’t need to act like this is the only class we’re taking.”
“Well, I mean-”
“-Like seongsaengnim, come on, I have a life outside of trying to figure out what the fuck your lessons mean.” You can add self-absorbed and stupid to this one’s list of notable traits.
“I think-” And definitely not letting you get a word in.
“Speaking of, have you got a partner for the latest project? Because, you know, I’ve been asked but I’m happy to make an exception if you want to pair up.”
“Actually, I already have-”
“Let me give you my number so we can contact each other? Maybe meet up, you know? I’ve got a nice little place to myself on the other side of campus.”
Ugh, as if. He’s leaning in so close that you can smell his cheap cologne. Before you can get up from the bench, arms wrap around you from the back and a very familiar voice coos in your ear.
“Ahh nae sarang, sorry I’m late.”
You turn your head, leaning into him.
“Hi Binnie-yah.”
He beams at you before directing his stare at the other guy. And so it begins.
“Oh, who’s this?”
You’re pretty sure Hanbin knew who this was. He knew who everyone was and at least one notable thing about them because he was quirky like that. Well, he wasn’t known as the university’s social butterfly for nothing. And you don’t want to spoil his fun so you let the guy introduce himself.
“Ah, you’re taking that major, yeah? So Junho-yah is your senior, how is he these days?”
“Oh, ah yes, Junho-sunbaenim’s been doing well, I don’t really see him around much actually.”
And bingo. The guy starts squirming. Faster than it usually takes. Your boyfriend’s made himself comfortable even though he’s half-hunched over and resting his chin on your shoulder, looking at the other guy with an unwavering stare. Sort of the way a spider would probably look at a fly before, well, you know.
“Really, well last I heard from him, he was complaining about how disrespectful his underclassmen are…but you’re not like that, aren’t you?”
“Ah, no, of course not sunbaenim.”
You can feel Hanbin’s smile get wider, his eyes crinkling in a way that you find adorable but you suspect might not be as cute for your unfortunate companion.
“That’s good, keep up the good work. I can’t imagine how I’d feel if any of my underclassmen were being disrespectful. Ah well, actually I can….”
He pauses and you swear that the guy stops breathing.
“...and I can definitely say that they’ll be very sorry that they even tried that with me.” Hanbin continues cheerily.
Suddenly he walks over and starts patting him on the shoulder. The guy flinches back.
“So next time, remember to be on your best behaviour and keep being polite, hmm? Don’t be so obvious? Maybe try not to be so shameless, yeah?”
“Ah, yes, of course, sunbaenim. Actually I- I just remembered I- I have to go- ah- sorry to disturb um- excuse me-”
You watch as he does a roughly 90 degree bow to both of you before walking off quickly.
“Less than 5 minutes, Binnie, that’s a new record.”
And your cute boyfriend is back, pouting and grabbing at your hands and squeezing them softly. If you were anyone else, you would have gotten whiplash.
“It’s not my fault if I want you all to myself, hmmm?”
Did you mention that your boyfriend was a little off in the head? Not in the should-be-confined-to-the-mental-hospital way but that slight sort of insanity that possesses him when someone tries to go for his little brother (rip Gunwook) or his little sister or his close friends or well, you.
And everyone else? Everyone else was not safe. If murder was legal, literally everyone else would probably be fearing for their lives. Which is probably a good thing that murder isn’t legal. Those incredibly lucky bastards.
Take one of the freshmen trying to chat you up during a party. They’ve been incredibly nice all evening, pouring you drinks and asking you all sorts of thoughtful questions about the major. So yes, you’re very happy to answer and give them little tips on how to ace a certain project.
“And it’s honestly fine if you mess up a little on your first test for Hwang-seongsaengnim’s class, he’s very nice when it comes to students forgetting a few names so don’t stress too much about it and make sure to ace the extra credit he gives.”
“Oh, thank you so much sunbaenim. That’s so helpful, I’ll definitely try my best.”
You can’t help but smile. So cute. Maybe it was the alcohol but you remember how it was like being a wide-eyed, overeager freshman listening attentively to your own seniors.
“It’s really no problem. Ask me anything, anytime. Seriously, don’t be afraid if you need advice.”
You reach over to pat them, swaying just a little from the amount of soju running through your body. They’re awfully red as well. You wonder why.
“How are you getting home, sunbaenim? Do you live nearby? I can walk with you if you’re comfortable with that, I don’t think it’s too safe to be out at this time.”
“Oh it’s no worries, I’ll be taking them home.”
“Ah Hanbinnie, meet my new dongsaeng” you’re not too sure when he got here or even why he’s here but Hanbin’s incredibly warm and his hands around your waist feel so nice. 
“This is my boyfriend.” You introduce him to the freshman. He dips his head in greeting as the other nearly tips over trying to bow. You make a concerned noise, making to catch the other but Hanbin firmly keeps you from moving, letting the freshman catch themselves instead.
“So nice to meet you, we’ll get going if that’s alright. It’s really not safe to be out this late, especially with someone you barely know.” You hardly register your boyfriend’s words but you’re not that drunk that you don’t know the smile he’s giving is about 95% fake and razor-sharp.
“Ah yes, get home safely, sunbaenim. I’ll find my way back so don’t worry.”
“Oh we won’t” You think you hear Hanbin say. Maybe. Could be your imagination. Because the next moment he’s nuzzling at your neck like a very spoiled cat, arms firmly holding you up as he guides you out of the bar and into the car.
“Nae sarang, you really need to take better care of yourself or I won’t want to let you out of my sight.” He says to you softly as he practically carries you into the passenger seat. It’s sweet, well the implication behind it is kinda creepy but you know he doesn’t mean it that way. (Does he?)
“You drove here?”
“Of course, I can’t let you go home all by yourself, can I?”
Like you said, there’s just a tiny screw loose in that head of his, considering the bar where you’re drinking is over an hour away from campus. You chalk it up to it being Hanbin. He can get a little paranoid on occasion. 
And sometimes, he goes a bit psycho. A little. Not a lot. Still, according to Gunwook, it’s terrifying. You really wouldn’t know but you’ve seen it.
You’ve come to wait for his dance club to finish when someone collides into you. It’s not too hard but it still knocks you off your feet and onto the ground with a thud.
“Yah, watch where you’re going, huh? I have a performance next week and I could have injured myself.”
It’s definitely one of the newer members because you don’t recognise them. Before you can say anything, Seo Won, one of the veterans, is already helping you up and asking if you’re okay. The one that knocked you over huffs and is about to say something else when Hanbin calls their name sharply.
Your boyfriend’s eyes narrow and maybe you’re a little lightheaded from the fall but also from the way his shirt clings to his body and his hair weighed down by sweat. It’s kinda hot but you’re not admitting that out loud. Not now, at least. He calls the other member’s name again and gestures him over.
He speaks too quietly for you to hear anything. All you know is that the other’s face pales drastically and he bows several times, walking over and apologising to you before practically hightailing out of the room.
Hanbin’s all over you in a matter of seconds, practically lifting you off the ground. It’s not good for your heart. Seo Won quickly backs off.
“My poor sarang, are you okay? Do you need anything? Ice? Are you bruised anywhere? Let me check.”
You don’t ever see the person who knocked you over again. Ever. You’d wonder about it but you’ve learned that it was better not to question sometimes. Especially when Hanbin insists on carrying you around for the rest of the day and practically waits on you hand and foot until the bruises fade. And it’s just a bruise. You do admit to him later that maybe you find it attractive when he’s a shade pissed and sweaty. Maybe you both get a little sweaty after that. And later, when you’re rightfully tired and sprawled out on top of him, you think about it.
Really, you wonder what goes through his mind sometimes.
[cut scene]
Hanbin smiles, all teeth and no sympathy. It’s like the serial killer before the murder.
“You speak to anyone like that ever again and I can do injuring for you, understood? No, don’t talk, just nod if you’ve managed to get it into that head of yours, hmm?”
A nod. Hanbin likes it when they’re like this. Quiet and white-faced and sweating nervously.
“Now go apologise to them. Sincerely. Like you mean it. And then, get lost. I don’t want to see your face for awhile, yes?”
Another nod. They take one step back and make to turn around.
“Oh wait.”
They freeze.
“Remember. Sincerely, okay? And don’t think I won’t know if it isn’t.”
A final nod.
“Very good. Now go.”
They go. Hanbin sighs. God, you’re going to drive him insane one day. (He already is)
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