#jungkook as a god
girl8890 · 2 years
JK | Hieros Gamos (III - Final)
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BTS ML | Mood Board
Summary: Falling in love with your soulmate was the easy part. The hard part is finding out what you have to do to complete that soul bonding rite, especially when he’s the one that’s left to tell you the truth.
Paring: God!Thanatos!Jungkook x Goddess!Reader
Genre: greek gods!au, soulmates!au, smut, angst, some fluff
Rating: 18+
Warnings: secrets reveled, horror stories, full fates casting, unwanted reading of the mind, jealousy, vaginal sex, loss of virginity, oral sex (f), fingering, completion of sacred marriage, family arguments, virgin!reader, big time skip, jk is such a gentlemen and in loveeee~
A/N: You know how I tag the genre as some fluff? Well, this where that fluff comes in. I just love making jk in love with reader, and out of all times for that fluffy cuteness to come, now is the time! Hope you are all ready for this long ass chapter, enjoy! 🖤
Part I | Part II
。・°°・°°・。 。・°°・°°・。 。・°°・°°・。
You wake upon the softest surface you have ever slept on. Feeling a fabric similar to silk under your fingertips, and you smile as you smell the scent of pomegranate clog your nose. The pigment oder making you wonder how close the fruit might be to you in this moment.
Your smile slowly drifts away once that smell registers in your brain completely. There’s no pomegranates in the cave. There’s no plants that aren’t in Elysium or at least sacrificed to the gods that ever come near the underworld.
That’s when you remember everything that happened yesterday… how you left the cave, got attacked by souls, were saved by being flown away in the air, finding out who your best friend truly is, how you and your best friend… you did…
Your cheeks heat up thinking about what Jungkook did with you yesterday, digging your face further into the pillow. Pillow? You blink a few times against it, then push yourself up to see just what and where you fell asleep. You look around the room, and find yourself in a strangers room. There’s no one there, but you’ve never been there before to know who’s room you were in.
The sheets your on are gray, and the blanket and pillows are sheeted in black. The walls around you are colored in a deep cream, with sketches of what looks like a war carved in all over. You turn to your left to see an opened up balcony, and you realize then that must be how you smelt pomegranate before, but that could only happen if your in… if your close to…
You gasp when you realize where you are. You must be in Hades and Persephone’s home. You know the story of how Persephone ate six pomegranate seeds to stay with her husband for half a year, rendering Demeter, her mother, pleads useless to get her away from the unseen one. Unlike most gods and mortals alike, Jungkook told you the story in truth. Meaning there was no rumors to cloud what really happened to the couple, as in: they were in love.
You wonder how you didn’t think he was involved with the story, at the time. But looking back he talked about it like he was involved. So many gods, especially those that reside in the underworld, were involved with Persephone, Hades, and Demeter dispute. It only coming right a close when Persephone ate the pomegranate seeds and now she goes to the over world six month out of the year (for spring and summer), and then stays with her husband for the other six (fall and winter).
You feel a small smile twitch the corners of your mouth upward at the reminder of the last night you saw the queen of the underworld. It was close to a decade now since you last saw her, and she didn’t even know you were there at the time, but you knew she was kind by the way she presented herself.
Persephone came to the fates to ask if her and Aidoneus - Hades - would ever have children. Although the fates casting was not clear, they told her she would have three. You always wondered if she ever did have the children she wished for.
You sigh, thinking about the queen, then you continue to look around the room you woke up in. It’s dark, but overall normal looking. Nothing to make you think it’s a room of someone who cared about there room more then just somewhere to sleep.
Just as you’re about to wonder about it’s owner, you see the case over the bed. One that looks like it hasn’t been used in a long time, but the outline of the sickle that once laid in it makes it clears who’s room this is.
This is Jungkook’s room, and your in the god of death’s bed.
This witch needs to shut the fuck up.
You startle when you hear Jungkook’s voice inside your head, looking around like he would suddenly appear in thin air.
What should I say to her? … The witch isn’t helping.
You raise an eyebrow, wondering how you’re able to hear him in your head right now. It’s then you see the glowing link you saw when you both were… in the cave, stretch out in front of you again. The line leads to somewhere behind the wall, and you put two and two together to understand that Jungkook is behind that wall.
Before yesterday, you never saw such a thing before. You also never heard Jungkook’s thoughts before yesterday - well, you assume it’s the next day - and the thought of his words that were said inside of your head has your heart picking up in speed.
I love you, we’re the words that shock your soul to its very core. It wasn’t your words, just like the ones that flooded your mind before. They were Jungkook’s words… and they were directed towards you.
Maybe not directly, but he thought them and felt them. You bite your bottom lip, fighting back a smile. Even though he still has a lot of explaining to do, you’d be lying if you said you didn’t feel the same about your friend. If you can even call him that, anymore. Would after what happened between you two, the intimate moment you shared, make you more now?
Shaking your head, you try to remove the thought. The string connecting you two together fading but still there. Like it’s trying to just not be in the way.
You swallow thickly, looking at your connection that you’ve felt for so long be right there in front of you. You wonder if Jungkook felt it too. How it pulled you two together until your hearts connected. You wonder more what it means. What it all means! And you have a feeling the god of death knows the answers to all your questions.
You close your eyes, trying to concentrate on the god in question. There must be a way you can talk to him back. That not just random thoughts could be exchanged between the two of you. Can Jungkook even hear your thoughts?
You try not to think about it, nervous about what he could have heard, but either way you push. You push your mind to extend to the god that’s filled your mind before you even knew what he looked like.
“For a man with wings you tend to fall flat on your face when it comes to women,” Hecate scolds, not liking the situation Jungkook has made for himself and the underworld.
Jungkook rolls his eyes, pushing off the wall he was leaning on to tread up to the goddess of witchcraft. “It’s not just any other women, Hecate. It’s her.”
Hecate’s eyes widen slightly for a second before she sobers. Her naturally solum face never changing. “Nonetheless, she’s the daughter of the fates. I much prefer to not have another Demeter epidemic in the underworld.”
“Oh, please! The fates don’t scare you. You just hate that you know about this and the king doesn’t.” Jungkook’s words are true. The king of the underworld does not know about you, or your connection to Jungkook. A secret Jungkook wanted to keep all to himself, but since little miss read everyone’s mind without asking decided to read Jungkook’s mind on a particular day he preferred her not to, she’s now involved.
If Hecate had the patience for Jungkook, she would scoff, but instead she keeps herself neutral. “You know he should know. He should know who sleeps in his domain, and if what that hollow of a brain of yours is speaking the truth, she will be here for quite awhile.”
Jungkook’s eye twitch’s, hating that Hecate not only read his mind during a moment he was lost thinking of you - to be specific the you from yesterday - but that she decided to judge. Why are all the goddess that swore their maidenhood as off limits to all so judgmental?
“Because unlike you, Jungkook, us ladies can keep our pants on,” Hecate replies to Jungkook’s thoughts.
He breathes through his teeth, readying himself to fire some hate back at her, but before he could he hears your words loud and clear in his head.
I’m awake.
It was only two words, but enough to have Jungkook’s mind racing with all things you. Well, his mind is always racing with all things you, but after what you two shared yesterday has his brain running imagine after imagine of your face like a movie.
Jungkook looks towards the door of his room, the one your just beyond. He turns away from Hecate, not wanting to speak to the witch anymore, but she stops him just before he leaves the conversation completely.
“You must tell him eventually. The king and the fates deserve to know that’s she’s here.”
Jungkook sighs, feeling his body deflate at knowing Hecate is right. “I know, and I’ll tell them. Can you just… give me some time?”
Hecate purses her lips, looking at the god that’s older then her like a child. But, she’s relentlessly. She’s never seen this god so torn between his king and a women before. Before Jungkook swore off women all those eons ago, he would bring her own followers to bed with him without a thought. He at least made sure their maidenhood was already gone before taking them, not that it made it right since they were never able to bear children afterwards (if they were still able to anyway).
The goddess wonders if you were the reason he swore off women. The reason he kept himself away from any willing women - which sadly, there were many - and if so, Hecate is entirely grateful for you.
“Fine, but Jungkook, a little word of advice?”
Jungkook rolls his eyes, wanting to leave the witch and get to you as fast as possible. With a annoyed tone, he asks, “What?”
“Don’t do what Aiden did with Persephone. Tell her the truth before you bed her.” With those last word and a swish of her auburn hair, Hecate leaves Jungkook staring after her flabbergasted.
He coughs into his fist, feeling his ears heat up red and he tries to cool them down before he enters the room you’ve been most likely patiently waiting for him in.
He was already planning to tell you the truth when you woke up, whether Hecate gave the advice or not, but now he’s suddenly feeling anxious. There’s not just the rite of completing hieros gamos that he needs to talk to you about, but what it means for the two of you. What will happen to you after you complete it with him. If, you want to complete it with him.
Jungkook looks down at his feet, stalling. You’re such an innocent goddess, and there’s few of them like you. Having to be the one to explain to you what it all means is a scary thought. What if you don’t want him? Or worse, what if after he tells you the truth about what it would do to you if you did it with him you would leave him? Seek another to do it with, even?
His jaw tightens at just the thought of you being with someone else. After seeing how you reacted to him yesterday he doesn’t want anyone else, but him to be the one to stir those feelings in your again.
Over the eons he tried to be good. Never taking another women because he knew you were always there. You may not have known who Jungkook was to you, but you were there nonetheless. Always there to cloud Jungkook’s mind, and he never strayed from his loyal love he silently gifted you. He just never had any jealousy’s to worry about either, so if you were to leave and find someone else…
Jungkook’s fist clenched around his sickle, his weapon of choice gleaming in the light. He tries to think of something else - the positives of if you’re okay with it. Well, the sex for one. Jungkook’s already smirking at the thought. And if you are okay with never being able to have kids and staying with him in the underworld for eternity, then everything will turn out great and his years upon years of waiting for you would have been completely worth it.
Yup positives.
Fuck, this is going to be hard.
Jungkook then realizes something then, as he pushes through the door to his room and finds you on his bed on your knees. Two pretty eyes blinking up at him, and the top of your chest and neck still covered in his love marks he left from yesterday… even if you were to leave, his love would still be completely loyal to you.
You would still be the one to cloud his mind, even if it would be thoughts of you with another. You would still own his heart. He just prefers to be gifted yours as well.
“Jungkook!” You beam with a smile as you see him enter the room - well, his room, but lets try to ignore that fact so your face doesn’t decide to heat up at the fact of you being in his bed.
Jungkook once worried expression sobers when he hears you say his name and sees the smile you greet him with. How can a being truly be this perfect? He thinks he would gladly kill anyone for you, but right now he has to try and protect you from himself as he feels the pull of your connection strengthen in that moment.
He had a feeling the hieros gamos connection would one day start pulling you towards each other. He just didn’t predict it would be the first day you saw him in person! And now, even when you were asleep, anytime you two were close to each other the rite begs to be completed. Even as he watches you squirm in your spot, obviously feeling the same tension as him, he tries to be the good boy he’s been around you for decades and walks in the opposite direction of you.
He sits in the chair about five feet away from you, and tries his best to smile though the tension that just laid like a blanket on top of you both. “Hello, Nae sarang. Did you sleep well?”
You pick at the blanket your sitting under and try to ignore the wave of want that coursed through you before. Also ignoring how the connection line connecting Jungkook and you suddenly got brighter by him just entering the room.
“Um- fine, thank you.” You glance at the bed. “I’m guessing this is your bed?”
Jungkook raises a confused eyebrow at you, wondering why you even need to ask. “It is.”
“Oh,” You say through an exhale of air. “Thank you for letting me use it. Although, I don’t quite remember falling asleep in it,” The end of you sentence gets smaller as you speak. Another memory from yesterday flooding your mind on how you passed out after orgasming against the god in front of you.
Your eyes widen, and your cheeks heat up into a rose hue. Jungkook doesn’t need to read your mind to know what just crossed it, and he smirks at the fact that he can still affect you like this even after he has you so intimately wrapped up in his arms yesterday.
“Yes, well, I couldn’t just leave you in the entrance of the underworld. That cave can be dangerous for a goddess like yourself, not to mention is really creepy.”
You shrug your shoulders, feeling thankful for the slight subject change. “I don’t know. I thought that cave was quite beautiful.”
The memory of the first word that his mind caught of yours crosses Jungkook’s mind. How perfectly fitting it is that you thinking the word beautiful matched your own description perfectly to Jungkook, but it also brings his mind back to what he needs to speak to you about.
Jungkook clears his throat, and scoots forward in his chair. The connection tugs again, but he ignores it. Using his elbows on his knees he leans closer to you. “Y/n, I feel I have some explaining to do.”
Your smiles falls a little - to Jungkook’s dismay - and you nod your head because he does in fact have a lot to explain. “Yes, I think you do.”
Jungkook winces at the harshness of your voice, but he believes he deserves it. Even if he wants to blame he fates on him being untruthful to you, there was never a promise of him not telling you who he was. That was all him. All because he was scared of something you never cared about in the first place.
He still feels dumb about it. Not realizing that your his soulmate and his soulmate wouldn’t care about such stupid, trivial things like the past or rumors.
“I want to start with staying I’m sorry. I’m sorry for not telling you who I was or reveling myself to you when I should have.” You go to tell him it’s alright, and that explanation has already been done with, but he interrupts you before you had a chance. “I know your going to tell me it’s fine, but it really isn’t. For me to be untruthful with you over a fear is not right, and you deserve better. For that, I apologize.”
You take each of Jungkook’s words in, processing them and being mature about how you take them. Truthfully, your over that lie, but it does still feel good to hear him apologize about it even now. He had his reasons, and the fact that his reasons were out of fear alone is a little endearing. Especially when that fear was of your rejection.
“All is forgiven,” You say with a closed lip smile.
Jungkook’s corner of his lisp twitch up when he sees you smile again, tapping the sharp part of his sickle against the table in front of him before he completely puts it down. This next part… is going to be the hardest.
“I’m glad you forgive me, and I hope you keep that heart of gold you have when I explain to you why you’ve been stuck in that cave all your life.”
Your eyes widen, and your smile falls. Out of all things for Jungkook to explain, you were not expecting him to be able to answer that burning question of yours. “Y-you know why?” He nods his head. “Tell me! … please.”
Jungkook combs his fingers through his hair, hoping the fates don’t curse him with a terrible future ahead after he tells you this. “You know who your father is, correct?”
You nod your head before voicing the truth. “Yes, it’s Tartarus. That’s actually where I was heading before-“
“You were what?!” Jungkook’s stands up so fast his chair almost falls back behind him. He had a feeling you would be curious about the place, but he didn’t think you would want to go to the worst place in all of existence all alone! “Y/n, Nae sarang, please tell me your not serious.”
You feel smaller now, not expecting Jungkook to get so mad about you going there. You know by the few things the fates talked about that the place was bad, but also the ignorance they bestowed on you not letting you know how bad it actually is.
“It’s the realm of my father. I don’t see-“
“You can’t! I mean- you shouldn’t.” Seeing you suddenly scared sobers Jungkook’s temper a little, but it doesn’t stop him from trying to convince you to never ever go near that place.
His feet move on their own accord, until he’s right in front of you at the edge of the bed. He kneels down in front of you, taking your hands in his and staring deeply into your eyes so he makes sure you hear his every word.
“The fates have told you about Cronus, right?” Your eyes blow out wide at the mention of the Titans name. Although you’ve never met the demon of a god, your blood runs cold out of fear of who he is and what he has done.
In the smallest of voices, you reply, “I have.”
“He’s there. Trapped, yes, but he’s still there, as well as a bunch of other monsters. Not even the king or queen of the cursed lands go there unless they absolutely must go.” Jungkook rubs his thumb across your knuckles, trying to sooth you from this horror of a story he’s about to tell you. “He also maybe trapped, but if he somehow gets into your mind… I-if he can get into your thoughts a-and me show you things…”
Jungkook’s stops there, suddenly overheating at just the thought of Cronus getting into your mind the way he has others. Few have ever ventured there and returned, but those who have - especially women - never return the same once Cronus has filled there minds with such terrible imaginations that feel too teal to be what they actually are.
“Hey- hey- hey,” You say as you let go of Jungkook’s hands and put your hands on top of his shoulders. You don’t know what’s going through his mind right now, but by the way he’s shaking at just the thought of you going there, and his warnings he’s giving you are all because he cares about you. He cares about you enough that he’s telling you the truth about the monstrous place and not spearing any detains. Something not many people have given you the gift of respecting your old enough to know. “Okay, Jungkook, I won’t go. I’m sorry I even thought about it.”
Jungkook breathes through his nose, trying to control himself before he flies to Tartarus himself and stabs Cronus with his sickle a bunch of times for something he hasn’t even done - even though he deserves a few stabbings for everything else he’s done.
“Don’t apologize, Y/n. I know you were just being curious, and it is your father that realm consists of, after all.”
You nod your head a singular time in understanding, and now your wondering how this even got brought up in the first place. “Why did you bring up my father, again?”
Jungkook’s eyes widen for a second, and then he rocks back and forth on his spot on the floor. Because of the shock and fright you just gave him, he completely forgot what he was about to tell you for a moment.
“Right, yes, Um… so your father. He is the realm itself of Tartarus, but he didn’t bestow your mother the gift of pregnancy for no reason. The fates and I believe that you were given a power like no other.”
Your shocked by what Jungkook is saying, but somehow out of everything he just said only one thing sticks out the most. “When did you and my family talk?”
“Never mind that now, I’ll be explaining that soon. But, have you by any chance felt… different since you left the cave? Any new abilities, I mean.”
You look down at the string of connection connecting you and Jungkook, then look back up at him. “Well, yes. I never saw this string before.”
You point at the connection you two have like he can somehow see it. Jungkook looks down at where you’re pointing, and all he sees is the bumps in the blanket of where your legs are underneath. “What string?”
“The one connecting us together.” Jungkook’s eyes widen, and his breathe catches. “It’s been there since yesterday, and I never saw it before. What do you think it could be?”
Jungkook has a feeling he knows what it is, he just wasn’t expecting you would be able to literally see it. Of course, out of all abilities for you to have you had to have the one where you can see - and most likely manipulate - hieros gamos connections.
Well, he was going to have to explain it to you sooner or later. Might as well be the latter.
“What do you know about the rite of hieros gamos?”
After Jungkook tells you all about hieros gamos, your looking at him with brand new eyes now. It all makes so much more sense! Why he’s always been there, why you always felt a pull to him, and how your feelings for him are so strong even after he’s kept such big secrets from you.
But even after he’s explained all of this, it seems like what you have should be impossible! You two never had sex. You would very much remember doing that with him, and what you two did yesterday doesn’t count for the rite. On top of that, you can legit see the connection, so it’s not like he’s lying to you.
“S-so I can see the hieros gamos connection.” Jungkook nods his head. “And we have that connection, but it’s not complete?” He nods his head again. You feel the blush on your face brighten, realizing what he’s silently suggesting from you. “And you want to complete it w-with me?”
Jungkook eyes widen ever so slightly, and he looks away from you out of embarrassment. The simple answer to that question is FUCK YES, but because Jungkook is a gentleman so he says instead, “I won’t force you into anything, Y/n. This is a lot to take in so I understand if you need some time. I’ve waited this long for you and I’ll gladly wait another decade or two for you, Nae sarang.”
You look at Jungkook with stars in your eyes, feeling your heart grow a little bigger for the god in front of you. How can someone lay upon you so much pressure, but make you feel so much love at the same time?
Gods! You need to have confidence in this. He’s waited so long for you, and, in a way, you’ve waited a long time too for this. Maybe he was captivated by you from the second you were born, but you loved him even before you knew what he looked like!
Your his Nae sarang, whatever that means. You look back at Jungkook, realizing out of all your life changing questions the smallest of them all has not been answered yet. Except, you won’t realize how big that question is until he answers.
You blink up at him, clenching the skirt of your dress between your fingers as your stomach builds with nerves. “Um… Jungkook… what does Nae sarang mean?”
Jungkook looks at you fondly, thinking back about when he first started called you that endearment. He knew you never knew what it meant, but you also never asked. It was his own way of admitting his feelings to you without you even knowing. Without him defying the fates that he promised he would be patient with you.
“It means, my love,” A quiet gasp escapes your mouth as you hear his confession. Jungkook caresses your cheek with one hand, and gently grabs a hold of your other hand in your lap. He can’t help but want to touch you as he retells the story about how he knew he loved you outside of the connection you two shared.
“When I first realized who you were to me, I wanted nothing to do with you. My life was just fine without adding love to it, and you were just an infant, so I thought these overwhelming emotions would go away eventually. I’ve seen many gods and goddess lose their hieros gamos bond with each other over the years, so I thought if I just stayed away from you, we would eventually lose it too…”
Although his words right now are cracking your heart right down the middle - unable to fathom a life without Jungkook now - it’s crazy to you to think this all started once you were born with him. You stay silent as he continues to tell you the tail about how he fell in love with you.
“But it never went away… it got bigger and bigger, until I just stopped trying to stop it. Once you turned 16 and the combination of our worlds bloomed my whole body ached to be near you. I just-… I couldn’t stay away from you after that.”
You raise an eyebrow at him, not understanding a part of his story. “What combination of our worlds?”
Jungkook continues to look at you with a small smile, absolutely loving retelling you all the moments he cherishes so much with you. “The tree at the back of the fates caves. It didn’t just grow there for no reason. It grew there when you were able to-“ He cut himself short, not wanting you to think you hitting maturity was the reason he came into your life. “The tree grew there and it - in a way - beamed me to you. It was-… honestly, it felt like it hurt to even be away from you.”
Your eyes widen for a second at thinking Jungkook was in pain. “Hurt you? That doesn’t sound romantic at all!”
Jungkook chuckles, rubbing your cheek with his thumb when you don’t understand what he’s trying to say.
“No, Y/n. I don’t mean physically. I mean right here.” He then picks up your hand in your lap, and places it on his rapid beating heart. A part of him he truly believes will only come alive when you’re around.
You feel Jungkook’s heart beat under your palm, and looking into his eyes that haven’t once swept away the fondness he has for you. Although, now that you think about it, fondness is too small of a word to describe what he’s really feeling towards you. What he’s always felt towards you.
“You really love me, don’t you?”
Jungkook has thought of a million scenarios of how he would one day tell you he loved you, but out of all them he never expected it to be this way. With you sitting in his bed, after you ran away from the fates, and asking him a question you already should know the answer to.
But this scenario ended up being the best of all because of what comes next.
“I’ve loved you longer then I knew what the word really meant.” 
It takes five seconds for Jungkook’s words to be processed for you, but once they do you know your answer to what you’ve been wondering about yourself since before you can remember.
You’re Y/n, daughter of the fates, father of Tartarus, goddess of connections… And wife of Jungkook. The god death.
You just need to go through one more glorious trial before you can claim that last title completely. And your happy to make the first move this time.
You grab onto the sides of Jungkook’s face, and smash your lips against his. He automatically recuperates the kiss, and next thing you know he’s crawling on top of you onto the bed. Using his arms to support him next to your head. He cages you in his arms, and the way his lips feel against yours has your stomach doing flips. The feeling of both of you together like this already addicting.
Unlike yesterday, this kiss was all on the both of you. There wasn’t some force pulling you two together, just the increasing amount of love that did it. And you do love him.
“I love you too,” You say against Jungkook’s lips, making him gasp into your mouth. He pulls away from you but only about an inch away. Looking into his eyes now, all you can see is yourself reflecting back at you. If this was an alternative universe, then there would be cartoon hearts in both of your eyes.
“Fuck, do you really?” Jungkook asks like a five year old kid instead of a deathless and ageless god.
You smile up at him, rubbing both of his cheeks with your thumbs and reveling at the goosebumps that follow. “Yes. Yes, I always have-“
Jungkook interrupts your confession with another searing kiss, and your everything but upset about it. You whimper as his tongue dances across your bottom lip, asking for entrance. It’s when he grinds down on you, his growing erection rubbing against your core, that you gasp into his mouth and his tongue attacks your own.
To Jungkook you taste like honey and rose water. Two tastes he never thought he would love so much. To yourself he tastes like passion and affection. Two things you never knew had a taste and it’s dizzying you.
As your tongues dance in each other mouths, you feel his hands start to explore you. Your hands stay clamped on his shoulders, but you already feel yourself arching as his fingers dance across your skin. Your arms, your sides, your legs. They go everywhere.
“Fuck, your so beautiful, Y/n,” Jungkook says against your lips, making you swoon with affection. “Please let me keep you forever.”
Just when he’s about to explore the places you want him to explore the most, that he suddenly stalls, and backs away from you entirely. You look at him, and unlike what you thought you would see - a face of worry - you instead see something far worse.
A face of a terrible realization. How could Jungkook forget? It was one of his most frequented worries, but the second your lips pressed against his he forgot everything. And now all that was about to happen, him finally being able to have you in his arms the way he craves the most, may never happen because of something he can’t control.
“I need to tell you something…”
Your blink up at him, feeling whiplashed. You silently nod your head, suddenly feeling anxiety bloom within you. You back up in the bed when Jungkook starts to crawl back on it. Both of you sitting across from each other. Jungkook makes the silence stretch way to long, and seeing his hands shake isn’t like him. Granted, you’ve only been able to actually see him for two days, but he’s not an antsy person. Always cool and collected, unlike right now.
You can’t take it anymore. You grab onto his hands, gently rubbing his knuckles with both of your thumbs. “Jungkook…what’s wrong? What do you have to tell me?”
Jungkook looks into his lap, only glancing at your joined hands in the middle, but feeling like he needs to hold onto them for dear life - afraid you’ll run away if he doesn’t. 
“What do you know about me, Y/n? I mean… the god of death and my abilities?”
Your eyes widen for a second, not expecting the question. “I know your the reaper of souls. That a single touch from you can kill any being if you want to.”
He nods his head, still not looking at you. “That’s correct. Anything else?”
You dig into your memories, trying to find the stories the fates gave you about the god of death and his abilities. Once it clicks in your head whats he’s worrying about, you tighten your grip on his hands and a small smile blooms on your face.
“I don’t want children,” You blurt out.
Jungkook whips his head up at you, eyes wide. “Y-you- wait, what?”
You giggle, feeling lighter now that you understand why he became so worried before. “I said, I don’t want children. I never have, and never will. Was that your worry?”
Jungkook’s eyes don’t shrink back to normal, and now his jaw has dropped. He’s never asked you about if you wanted children, but he also wasn’t expecting that to be your answer to his unspoken confession.
All women who lye with death are rendered infertile, that’s why he also never slept with virgins. They don’t know what they want, especially at such a young age. All his past conquests being mostly newly born nymphs or praisers of Hecate who were already half dead and not able to have children anyway.
He sighs, “But how do you know that?”
You raise a pointed eyebrow at him. “Come again?”
“How do you know you’ll never want children?”
And now it’s your turn to sigh. You just never did. You were treated like a child for the majority of your life, so having your own wasn’t ideal for you. Not to mention you have very little experience with children in the first place. Not many mortals under the age of 18 coming to the fates to request a new path. That, and, you feel like your life has just started. Even if you’ve been alive for decades, until yesterday you’ve never been truly free. Children are the last thing on your bucket list right now, and if for some reason you want kids in your future you could always just look over at Jungkook and think; he was worth not having any for.
You explain every single one of your thoughts to him, and you don’t miss how he slowly gets closer to you as you speak - invading your personal space (which, lets be honest here, you don’t care).
“Are you sure?” He whispers so close to your face that you feel his breathe fan. The smell of mint clinging to your sense of smell “There’s no turning back once it’s done.”
You still see the worry in his brow, and you lift your hand to wipe it away. “Hundred million percent.”
Then Jungkook couldn’t take it anymore. He smashes your lips back together, and the whole conversation is lost behind you. There’s no more worries once he has you in his arms, and the whimpers start pouring from your mouth into his. Stirring him on to start up right where you both left left off - to touch you everywhere he can get his hands on.
When you feel him cup your breasts in both hands is when that feeling from yesterday starts to bloom inside of you. You open your mouth wide into a moan, and he kisses your bottom lip as you do. His lips kiss down your jaw until they stop at your neck, attacking the surface there.
Sucking, biting, licking, and kissing is what you feel. All the while he continues to give both your breasts affectionate squeezes.
“Tell me, Y/n,” Jungkook says against you neck. All you’re able to reply with is a quite hum, unable to say anything while your mind is slowly getting fuzzy to everything else besides his hands and lips. “Have you ever touched yourself before?”
He squeezes one of your breasts again, his other hand dragging down your body until it reaches your hip. You arch your back and whimper when he licks a particular strip up a sweet spot of yours on your neck.
“Y-yes,” You reply with tightly closed eyes.
Jungkook then detaches from your neck, looking down at his fucked out goddess that’s only gotten this way from a few kisses and caresses from him.
He’s taught girls that thought they knew there way around pleasure, but your different then them. For one, the obvious reason, he’s in love with you. Not a single girl from the past has ever made his heart beat so fast in this moment that it feels like it’s about to explode out of his chest. Secondly, your intact. A virgin, untouched and know nothing about the art of love making. Your a blank canvas to Jungkook, so he needs to tread lightly about how he treats and talks to you.
Jungkook’s kisses you lightly on the lips, and whispers against them, “What did you think about while you did?” Your face heats up at his question, and Jungkook’s smirk only raises. “Who did you think about? Who did you imagine touching your body like this?”
As you go through a mental overload of things to respond with, Jungkook begins his descent down your body - kisses ever part of you clothed and unclothed.
“Y-you trying to get me to say you?” You say as he begins to kiss your clothed hip bones. The two bones jutting out while you have your legs half way bent with his head in between them.
Jungkook chuckles against your hip, and then nuzzles your abdomen. “Oh, Nae sarang… I know I’m the one you imagine.” You gasp at his cheekiness. “I just want to hear you say it.”
With a couple more pushes of his body downward, he gets to your thighs. The slowest of kisses get pressed to the inner part of each of your thighs, and you can’t help yourself but whimper as you watch. One particular breathe of his as he switches over between legs has your now soaking pussy clenching on nothing and it’s driving you crazy.
Jungkook bites his lip as he glances in between your legs, wanting to see and taste your pussy so badly, but he doesn’t stop the slow pressing of his lips on each thigh. He’s become a very patient god over these past centuries because of you, so he’ll gladly wait another just to hear you say it. Although, the intoxicating smell of what’s hiding under your dress that’s so close to his face right now may have him swindled to push forward anyway.
He never finds out if that would be true, though, because after a few heated silent moments you’re nodding your head and admitting, “I… I think of you… I would hear your voice in my head and imagine you talking to me as I did it.”
Jungkook’s smiles against your thigh, feeling his ego grow times ten, but he’d be lying if he said his cock didn’t just jump in his pants because of your words.
“Such a naughty girl,” Jungkook’s teases, making your rose colored blush stretch down to your neck. He then looks down at his next destination, and swallows thickly. He rubs his face against your thigh, suddenly nervous about something he’s hasn’t done in a long time. He knows he’ll enjoy the taste of you, he’s enjoyed ever other taste of you thus far, but having something he’s only seen in his wildest of dreams that’s only a dress flip away is a new experience.
“Gods help me,” Jungkook whispers to himself. You don’t hear him, but by the way he’s staring at what’s between your legs is making you sweat. So you decide to be a little daring. Wanting to show him your not as innocent as the fates make you out to be.
Jungkook’s eyes move away from your center when he sees your fists start to bunch you your skirt, slowly moving the garment up your thighs. It’s like everything is moving in slow motion in front of him as you slowly reveal your barely covered, soaked through the cloth, wet pussy.
Jungkook’s mouth runs dry when he sees your womanhood for the first time. It’s only covered by a practically see through garment, but it’s there. His eyes darken as he looks you over for the first time.
Your essence is leaking to your thigh, and every time you move your leg it sticks to the opposite surface. The smell of just how aroused you are hits his nose, making him have to hold back a moan. He feels his tongue jut out, and he plays it off as him just wetting his lips although he just really wants to taste you. 
With an experimental finger, Jungkook drags his finger down your clothed core. He feels the soaked cloth become sticky to his skin, and then he’s pulling his finger away at the sound of a whimper. He looks back up at you, and the sight is breath taking.
One. Fucking. Finger.
All it took was one touch of his finger to have you close to tears and breathing like you ran out of air. If this is how you act by just one touch of his fingers, he wonders how you’ll act when he finally goes down on you. And Jungkook can’t wait anymore.
With the wettest and longest strip of his tongue, he moves the barer cloth away and licks up your pussy. You arch your back and scream his name into the quiet room, “Jungkook!”
It’s music to his ears, and he wants more of it. He licks every single one of your crevices, and smells your aroma fog his senses as he does. At some point the barer cloth gets in his way, so he pulls it clean off your body altogether, making you jump in your spot on the bed. You don’t get much time to process his action, though, because then his face dives right back between your thighs.
“So good. I knew you would taste so good,” He says without taking his face off of you. You arch your back when he speaks against you pussy, moaning a particularly high moan you’ve never done before.
You cup your hands together, and cover your mouth as his decent on your pussy starts making the most lewd noises comes out of you. Jungkook is to busy at the moment to notice, but soon he’ll layer his tournament with his fingers in your slit. Sucking on your clit while his fingers rub at your wet folds. He probes a finger gently inside of you, reveling at how tight it is for just his finger.
He starts to wonder how he’s going to fit in you, but then he hears a very clear and loud muffled moan, and looks back at you. He sees your hands covering your mouth, and two blood shot eyes looking down at him near your fingers.
He freezes everything. For a second he thinks he went to far. For a second his heart was ready to rip apart at the thought of him hurting you, but then you uncover your mouth and ask him in the most sexiest breathless voice he’s ever heard before, “W-why’d you stop?”
Jungkook shakes his head, his worst nightmare fading from his mind as he takes in your appearance now. Your eyes aren’t blood shot out of tears of sorrow but out of tears of pleasure. And your covering your mouth because… your embarrassed.
No. Jungkook won’t allow any of that.
He takes his hands that were once busy on your pussy and thigh, and pulls them away from your face to hold them near your waist. Your starting at him wide eyed, not understanding why he would do such a thing.
Why? He hears in his head from you.
And he answers back with, “Because I want to hear you.”
Then he’s diving back in, using his hold on your wrists now to push you deeper onto his face. The second his tongue touches you again, licking inside your hole like it’s trying to dig for a diamond, you arch your back to the heavens and cry out so many profanities you don’t know how the rest of the underworld can’t hear you. 
“J-J-Jungkook… God! Fuck! … I feel like I’m dying.”
He chuckles against your pussy, and your to blissed out to notice what little correlation you just made with your words and him.
He pulls his face away from you, your essence dripping off his chin, but then he’s letting go of one of your wrists so his finger can then start to play with you again. You hum as his rough fingers start to rub you in all the right places.
“No dying yet, Nae sarang.” You blink down at him, way too dizzy in the head to understand a world he’s saying. “Deaths currently off duty.”
Those are his last words he gives you before you feel like you’re actually dying. His tongue returns to sucking on your clit at the same time his finger enters you, and it overheats your entire body. Forget seeing stars, you see fucking galaxies by the way his fingers are rubbing your insides. He’s finding spots inside of you you’ve never found before, and licking at all your crevices you never thought would feel good.
With more more press to a sweet spot, and sucking of your clit, within seconds of him your cumming harder then you ever have in your life! You swear there was even a few seconds you blacked out after that. Only his name on your lips as you cum on his face is echoing back to you in your head.
By the time you come to planet earth, you look down to see Jungkook lewdly licking at his fingers and lips. He revels in the taste of you, and can’t help but jut against the mattress. He’s so hard right now it feels like he’s close to pain, but he won’t be in pain for long.
“How was that my little goddess?“Jungkook asks with a knowing smirk.
“T-that was… t-that was wow.” This is now the second time Jungkook has run you speechless by orgasms, and you feel your entire body shutter when you imagine what it might feel like when he actually enters you.
You’ve heard through many sad tails from women that have visited the fates that not all sex experiences are pleasurable for women. Sometimes it hurts, especially your first time. But then you remember the few women that have actually gone to the fates for love, and you think there’s no way they would go there if they didn’t love their husbands.
You love Jungkook, and he loves you. More importantly, for your worries right now, you trust him to never hurt you.
The even slightest bit of worries wash away, though - when Jungkook sits up, and removes his shirt. Your jaw drops, and shit it immediately closes once you realize how embarrassing that is. You knew he was fit, you felt it yesterday and today while he was on top of you how hard his body is against yours (not including the obvious part of him in his pants right now). But what you see now makes the words cut like a god seem like a understatement.
In few words… Jungkook is fine as fuck!
He lets you take your fill, biting his tongue to control his laughter. He then tilts your chin up with one finger, and smiles down at you like he’s a sexy devil instead of a deathless god.
“See something you like?”Jungkook ask. You scoff at him, but your face is still red as a tomato. “Such a little feisty goddess.”
You raise an eyebrow at him, your breathing finally going back to normal. “Wonder why the cosmos paired us together.” It was a rhetorical question and one laced with sarcasm. Jungkook’s grins at you, taking your comment as it was and not taking it to heart.
“I think-“ Jungkook starts as he leans down to your face, making you back up against the pillow behind you. “It paired us together because it knew there had to be someone like you for me to fall in love with.”
Jungkook kisses both of your cheeks, holding himself above you by his strong forearms. You lightly glide your fingers across his arms, feeling the veins under your fingertips. He is such a beautiful being, and starting up at him in all his handsome glory really does make you wonder why the universe paired you two together.
“What do you mean?”
He glides his nose across your own, teasing the touch of his lips to yours. You bite your bottom lip, pulling it through your teeth as you gaze into his two love sick eyes.
“Someone I would never reap.“ The one the reaper will never reap. “A deathless person like myself.” A goddess she’ll be. “And someone who I’ll be craving to take.”
Taking in his words has your insides twisting, and your pussy craving what he’s willing to him. Jungkook smashes his lips back on yours before you can crave to long, though. Its all clothing being ripped off, and the twisting of tongues from there. You don’t even realize your completely naked underneath him until Jungkook attaches to your nipple. The feelings you had from yesterday when you two were in this exact position sparks within you.
Your moans soon turn to gaps, though, when you feel something new, and foreign, and hard against your thigh. When did he take off his pants?
Jungkook feels you stiffen underneath him, his hands stopping in there tracks down your body as he unlatches his mouth from your chest. He knows you feel his want for you, and by the way your eyes widen he wishes it could be any other way. He wishes this wouldn’t hurt as much as it’s going to, and maybe if you weren’t a vir-
His blood starts boiling before the thought fully registers in his mind. There’s no space for what ifs anymore, anyway. Your here, naked in his bed, and underneath him practically begging with your eyes for him to take you. Wanting him to take you for the first time, and trusting him enough with your soul for eternity.
He whispers through the connection something that could have brought tears to your eyes if it wasn’t for your nerves.
Are you sure you want this?
Are you sure? Are you sure that you want the one and only person you considered to be your friend as a life partner? Someone who has been with you longer then your memory stretches, and has loved you before you even turned two hours old?
“Yes…” Jungkook licks his lips. “Take me, Jungkook.”
And who is he to deny you?
With a comforting arm underneath your head, and his other hand supporting your thigh, he slowly enters you for the first time. There’s pain, yes, but you feel an even bigger emotion spread within you. Spread through the both of you.
It’s a feeling deeper then love, and when he moves ever so slightly inside of you, stretching your insides to accommodate him, it’s almost catastrophic. Like the universe is giving you a brand new feeling that only you and Jungkook could feel.
“Nae sarang… are you… okay?” Jungkook says between deep breathes. He knew you would feel good, but he didn’t think you would feel this good. If it wasn’t for his amazing restraint, he would be fucking you so hard that you couldn’t see straight. The feeling of you surrounding you is so tight, and he now understands how making love is so much better then regular fucking.
Your just so perfect.
You nod your head, and squeeze his body closers to yours so your chest to chest. “Please move, my love.”
Jungkook groans into your neck, the pet name from you in English somehow sounding even better to his ears then his own nickname for you. He picks up his face out your neck, and stares down at you as he starts to move within you.
Whoever said the god of death isn’t a gentlemen is surly mistaken, because the way he treats you in this moment is like fire skating around ice. Maybe it’s the fact that your a virgin - was a virgin- or that your the first person he’s ever been in love with that he treats you like a glass doll, but either way you admire his patience with you.
You’ve never had someone care for you like this, and you particularly love when there’s a singular thrust he drives inside you to hard, Jungkook’s resolve nearly breaking, that drives you up the walls and having you cry out in pure ecstasy.
“Jungkook… My-My-…”
My god, was what you were meant to say, but instead you started moaning and the words were lost from you.
Jungkook shakes his head, remembering how to breathe when he hears you moan and whither in his arms. He didn’t even realize how stiff he was until now, but seeing your face contort the way it is now has him back to reality.
“Please Jungkook, can you… Ah!”
With a stronger grip on your hip, and him now gripping on the headboard behind you he starts thrusting into you with earnest. Moan after echoing moan is heard within this room, and Jungkook’s ears are capturing every sound.
The second you gave the go ahead, he took it. And fuck it feels like your melting his cock by how hot you’re getting around him.
Jungkook smiles down at you, and kisses your open mouth as you moan. When he starts to feel you clench around him a moan passes through his own lips. You rip at his back with your nails as he drives into you full force, unable to hold back any noises like before. You’ve never felt this good before, and truthfully, neither has Jungkook.
“Your so tight, and wet, and warm… fuck, baby, your so perfect for me.”
You both are so engrossed with each other that his words hit you right in the stomach, making you to close to be considered normal to reaching your end. It’s when Jungkook thrusts against a particular spot inside of you that it starts coming. It starts with your toes and then it’s vibrating across your every limb. It’s a quacking of an orgasm that he continues to fuck you through.
“Fuck, Y/n… shit you feel so good. The way you tighten around me feels like you’re trying to rip off my cock, ” Jungkook curses into your neck. He tries to keep himself steady as you ride out your orgasm, but it’s like he can feel it in his spine. The pleasure of what you’re doing only increasing by the seconds and making you both dizzy.
He pushes himself up by his arms, and your legs wrap around him to connect at the ankles. This angle not only has him driving into you deeper and harder, but with each thrust your clit is being pressed against. Your back arch’s, and your hands grab onto the sheets. Jungkook’s watches how you both reconnect and disconnect, and he sees how wet you truly are. He has to clamp his eyes shut. Feeling how wet you are is one thing, but seeing it is another. And if you were to say…
“Jungkook! So good… so good!”
You don’t know how it’s possible, but even just coming off your own orgasm you feel it again. It makes no sense, but you don’t think about it as your toes curl, your pussy clenches, and you feel Jungkook grow even bigger inside of you as you cum again. Your words and the feeling of your clench around him drives him to get three seconds away from cumming.
He drops against you, holding you tightly in his arms as his own orgasm begins to coarse though him. It’s all to much, but you hold him through your third orgasm of the night, and then your feeling his own inside of you.
There’s no warning besides a loud grunt in your ear when he cums. It shakes your fricken soul, and it has the both of you quacking and holding into each other much tighter.
And then you both feel it. 
Your emotions became his emotions, and his became yours. Every thought, experience, or count of love crossed between you two is being shown to your eyes in front of you. Your chest are pressed against each others, and you feel Jungkook’s arms tighten around your body as he holds you. Both of you knowing that your both about to see some amazing images of each other as the truth of each others love is completed.
You gasp when you see yourself as a baby, the emotions that crashed into Jungkook with them that day.
He feels your emotions when you first realized you loved him, the day he told you the story about the war. Jungkook remembers that day, although not quite like you. He thought the story scared you, but you actually heard Jungkook’s every word as a way of him not treating you like a child.
That’s how the fates treated you, and you hated it. When Jungkook told you this horror of a story, him feeling like he’s doing the wrong thing by letting you know needed Information for being a goddess, he understands how your heart grew a little bigger for him.
Both of the days you fell in love with each other had double firsts. Both of you being each others first loves, as well as you being the first person he cared about and him being the first person to respect you.
You blink your eyes open, and see Jungkook already staring back at you. You both felt it, and you both saw it. The lightening of emotions and the connecting of souls that just climaxed from the two of you completing the rite. You smile, knowing your connected with Jungkook in this way now, and then something you’ll never get tried of hearing is said.
“I love you so much, y/n. I didn’t- you never told me that you felt that way… back then.” He means to say this as a way of clearing the air of the overwhelming emotions still pouring into the both of you, but there’s a hint of sadness there too. If Jungkook knew you loved him sooner, you could have been what you two are now sooner. But he knows that’s mostly his fault. Never being able to tell you the truth being the reason why. The past is the past, though. And Jungkook knows a thing or two about being stuck in the past. “I’m so glad I have you.”
Your smile never wavers as you look at Jungkook lay on your chest. You gently comb your fingers through his hair, feeling him hum against you - finally content with himself. He only pulls out of you after you start to whimper from over stimulation. Jungkook already getting hard again because he’s waited a millennium to be like this with you, but he’s willing to wait a few moments before he can ask you for more.
I’ll wait forever for you.
Your feeling a little drowsy now that you’ve come down from your high, but his thoughts echo all around your head. Before, it was always like a whisper. Something so small that had the potential to grow, and now that it has each word is clear as day. You wonder if it will always feel like this.
“I’ll make sure you always feel like this,” Jungkook answers your unspoken question. “I’ll make sure you never feel lonely again.”
He makes good on his words by scooping you up in his arms, and making you giggle as your suddenly picked up and cradled like bride. But I guess, you are a bride? You honestly don’t know how any of this works still, but your fine with figuring it out slowly.
His wings sculpt around you both, making it seem like it’s just you and him in this world. You glide your fingers down a set of feathers and feel the softness dance on your fingertips.
“They’re beautiful,” You comment.
“Yes you are,” He responds back. You look back to face Jungkook, and his eyes are only on you. You were clearly talking about his wings, but Jungkook can only think about you in any context in this moment.
You nuzzle your check against his peck, and hum in content like he did before. Jungkook bites his lip, fighting back an obvious smile, as he looks down at you.
“You make me so happy,” You say softly, still in a daze. “Can we please never leave here? Let’s not face the fates, and just… be here. Be together.”
Jungkook’s smile falters a little, but not completely. He wonders if he’ll ever be able to not smile around you again, but then he realizes he already has the answer - you’re the only reason he smiles. It’s just the mention of the fates that irks him. He knows they probably know what happened. They aren’t able to see your fate, but they can see his. Heck, they probably knew this day would come before even he did.
But still, one day you’ll want to see them again. He pulls you closer to him even though your already smushed against him because he can’t help but think they may try to take you away from him. Would they be that cruel? To cast a fate that he would lose you somehow?
You don’t need to read Jungkook’s thoughts to know he’s upset, although the emotion is pouring through your every blood cell at the moment. You sit up in his lap, and hold his face in your hands, and kiss him.
“I’m yours,” You say against his lips, and he stiffens underneath you when he hears your words. Eventually melting into the kiss.
It’s fierce, and powerful. Nothing to suggest more then kissing, but it’s intimate nonetheless. It’s your own promise to Jungkook. A promise that your not going anywhere, and that you two are forever bonded.
And just in case he doesn’t get the hint, you say through the hieros gamos bond the promise you’ll make every day if you have to.
I love you always, Nae sarang.
You never thought ten years would be your limit, but here you stand at the precipice of the cave you once lived in, readying yourself to see there faces again.
These past ten years have been crazy. Anything that has to do with Jungkook and you separate from the rest of the world has been as you expected: wonderful.
You’re team, really. You don’t go with him to the mortal realm and reap souls, but you love dictating who they will love for life in the future after they drink from the River Lethe, and then watching their souls drift to a new life.
Hades - Aiden, he likes to be called - and Persephone have opened you up to the Underworld with open arms. They didn’t even need a full introduction when you first met. Hecate being as loyal as ever - to everyone, but Jungkook - told the king and queen that first night after she snuck into Jungkook’s mind by accident.
The first night you were there, turned into five. That’s right, five whole days and nights of where Jungkook wouldn’t let you out of his room for any reason. It got to the point where even his mother, Nyx, was banging on his door and wondering what the fuck he was doing.
That was awkward first met and greet with the goddess of night. You being just on your hands and knees bent over the chair in the room while Jungkook was thrusting into you no more then a minute before hand. The goddess Nyx - similar to every other deity - welcomed you with open arms, though.
Within a month you knew everyone. Within three months you knew ever square inch of the underworld. And then within a year you claimed this place as your forever home, eating a full fruit of the underworld and not looking back. Forget six seeds, you had no one else outside of the underworld that your cared about and would want to see.
Well… you did have three someone’s. But there technically, if you squint, in the underworld. And now your going to see them for the first time in ten years…
Jungkook wasn’t happy about it. Him being prepared to stop reaping souls and keep you captive in your shared room to prevent you from leaving. For which you had to remind him that you’re your own person, and just for an extra measure - you reminded him just how much you love him with your mouth alone. Sucking him dry until he passed out.
Jungkook still held you close that night - like he does every night, but that night it was as if he let go of you then you would somehow disappear.
“Do you have to go?” Jungkook asked with the smallest of voices.
“I’ll only be gone an hour or two,” You assured before you kissed him on the cheek. You look into the eyes you’ve woken up to and fell asleep next to everyday for ten years, never getting tired of the sparkle within them, but with this everyday knowledge you see his sadness. You feel his sadness. It crushes your heart, but the only reason it’s there is because he loves you with all his being. “I’ll never leave you, Jungkook.”
“Such a big promise from someone so small.” You roll your eyes and then playfully hit his shoulder at his tease for your height. “Kidding! … I just- I just love you so much…”
You hate the smallness in his voice. It still echos in your head now, as you take your first step into the cave you were raised in. The first leap to the past you kept behind you for so long, you were willing walking back to.
The first thing you smell is the smell of thread. It’s a smell that hasn’t been lost from you in these last ten years. You wonder who’s fate they are currently sewing together, but as you walk further into the cave, you find out.
The three fates sit at there three seater sewing stand, pressing the humans fate and writing out how their life will play out before it has even begun.
“Hello, daughter.”
“We were wondering-“
“When you would visit.”
You smile at their familiar way of talking. Each word being passed through each of them as they talk. Unlike ten years ago, you see the visible only to you link between the three of them. You’ve learned a lot about yourself over these past two year including your abilities. One of those abilities being that seeing the hieros gamos link was not your only ability, but any link between connected beings.
You learned this when you met Orpheus for the first time. He did not complete the rite with his true love Eurydice when he went into the underworld to beg the king of your realm for her to come with him back to the mortal world. Despite that, you saw the link between the two of them, even if he did not see Eurydice’s spirit until the final second he shouldn’t have, you saw the romantic fate the two of them shared.
It was pink unlike yours and Jungkook’s. The hieros gamos link being blue. The fates link is a shimmer gold. A bond that will only break once one of them dies. Something the fates haven’t even written in the twine yet.
You walk up to the fates, wanting to reach out and touch their line but stopping yourself. Not wanting to know what would happen if you touched such a sacred bond like that. The other bonds you’ve touched had made their feeling stronger, but your not sure what will happen if you touch a link that’s been so fragile over the years.
“Hello, family,” You start with. “Who’s fate are you creating, today?”
You watch your mother’s smile grow, and your aunts lips switch upwards with hers. It’s like your reading off an old script as you ask that question. That question being something you would always ask, and being one of your favorite types of stories.
“A man who’s life will not be long.”
“He will have great hopes, and bear many babes.”
“It won’t be until he gets too greedy with his women-“
“That the last women he swelled with life will slit his throat.”
“Ending there love-“
“That never grew-“
“To what it was meant to be.”
From the outside looking in, it seems like the fates just casted a hopeful, but tragic life for this one man. But that is not the case. Unlike the fates, when you look at the twine you see a very important thread being carved inside of it as they sew in his 20s.
He will fall in love with his soulmate at the age of 22, but she will die before giving birth to their fifth child. Him slitting his own throat because of her, and a life cut short at the age of 30.
This is something you were never able to see before. It’s like you were finally given glasses to read out the fates castings that once either confused you, or you read to literal. You smile at the thread, even though the ending is still tragic it’s a life he filled with love.
Your mother, Atropos, cuts herself off from twining with a snip of her scissors. The other three sisters stopping once the thread has weaved through the spindle all the way.
All three of them sit up straight, and look at you at the same time.
“How have you been?”
“Pff! She means how’s the husband?”
“Any grand babies yet? Ow!”
“Death cannot bear children!”
“Stupid sister.”
“Oh… I forgot… sorry… your still my favorite niece, though!”
You roll your eyes and smile at your aunt Lachesis. Her foolishness was always so entertaining to you. “It’s fine. We don’t want children anyway.”
All three fates raise their pointed left eyebrow, then they look into the ether to find Jungkook’s thoughts on the matter.
“She’s right!”
“Must still be a good- Ow! I was going-“
“To say-“
“Marriage,” Your mother shakes her head. Jutting out her bottom lip in an angry pout at her sisters.
You laugh and it feels so foreign to do around the three of them, that even that fates look over at you in wonder. You clear your throat, coughing into a closed fist.
“It has been good, yes… but must admit I didn’t come here for a family visit.” Although you still love your family dearly - even after they kept you trapped in the fake life for so long - you forgave them at the same time you forgave Jungkook.
In the end, you got what you wanted on your own path, and maybe that’s what the fates wanted for you the entire time. Maybe that’s even why they didn’t stop you that day - because it was time. You realized this when the three of them never came after you. Not even a whisper of a fates revenge tail being rumored across the three realms.
“Then why-“
“Did you come here-“
You answer, by looking in the direction of the place you first met your true love.
You expected the tree to somehow be withered and wilted. A tree unkept or visited by the one who empowered it made you think this way. But when you stepped into the small clearing you used to visit so often, you’re surprised to not only see it still standing but bigger then before.
The carnations are sprouting wildly upon the top of it, and the bark is still strong and brown. There’s not an inkling that you ever left that place to begin with.
“How can this be?” You ask no one in particular.
…but someone answers.
“It was made from a hieros gamos bond. I told you it would still be here.”
You smile when you hear the love of your life’s voice from behind you, but you turn around with a pout as you face him. “I told you not to come!”
Jungkook rolls his eyes, but the bright smile he grows when he sees your face takes the attitude away. He walks up to you, and envelopes you in his arms around your waist. You smooth your hands up the front of his shirt, connecting your fingers together when your two hands meet behind his neck.
“Maybe I was curious about the tree too.”
You pull your lips into a thin line, unbelieving his very obvious lie. “Mhmm… and I love flying.”
Jungkook’s wings spread out behind him, like they can hear you mocking them. He chuckles lightly, then leans down close to your ear and whispers, “You don’t mind flying when we’re in the air and I’m fucking-“
You shove him away before he can say anymore, playful swatting at his chest. “Your so gross!”
“Then your in love with a gross god.”
You roll your eyes, but that statement has never been more perfectly- “True.”
Jungkook beams at your confession, and he clasps your fingers together with his because he can’t help but want to touch you every time you confess your love for him. You look over at the tree after a silence spreads between the two of you. Not silence out of nothing to say, but silence because you both are basking in the place you first exchanged words in.
You both end up sitting under the tree underneath the branch Jungkook used to love sitting on, staring up at the beautiful flowers. Your hands are still conjoined with his in the middle of the two of you, but you stay silent nonetheless. Both of you are remembering all the pining and longing you both did for each other here, and to think if either of you just opened your feelings up sooner then the life you live with each other now would have started much sooner.
But that’s not what keeps either of your silence in that moment, either. It’s the pure love you both feel here. You decided to venture here when you own day felt it calling to you. Like you needed to show the tree that you were in love with the person it grew for. You lean onto that said person’a shoulder, and breathe in the loving aroma around you.
“Wow,” Is all you say. It’s all you need to say because you both feel what this place is radiating right now.
And your love for each other, along with this tree, will be forever deathless
The End
。・°°・°°・。 。・°°・°°・。 。・°°・°°・。
Pomegranate -  Symbol of death and fertility. In Greek mythology, the pomegranate was known as the 'fruit of the dead' as it was said to have arisen from the blood of Adonis. It also prominently featured in the myth of Hades and Persephone.
River Lethe - Also known as the Ameles potamos (river of unmindfulness), the Lethe flowed around the cave of Hypnos and through the Underworld where all those who drank from it experienced complete forgetfulness.
Orpheus and Eurydice - read the full tragic love story about these two here.
Ending Notes: I want to give a big shout out to the author of the book Receiver of Many because reading that series over again inspired me to write this mini-series. If your interested in reading more Greek mythology stories, this one being about Hades and Persephone, I definitely recommend checking her series out!
I’ve also had this idea in my head for like a year, and only about two weeks ago decided to write it out. I don’t know why I didn’t have the confidence before to write it, but now that I did I absolutely love what I did!
Please leave all your feedback down below, or you can even message me. I really love hearing from y’all, and I’m not lying when I say it inspires me to write when I see positive feedback.
I hope you enjoyed this mini-series as much as I did writing it. Until next time my curious cats ఌ
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jkvjimin · 2 months
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JIMIN & JUNGKOOK & TAEHYUNG ↳ are you sure?! | ep 1
[cr. @jung-koook]
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userjiminie · 1 month
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taking the baby grocery shopping: a very arduous activity — part 1 cr. moreloveforhobi
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7brownsuga7 · 4 months
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The God who answers after dark ☆ The intro:
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Summary: You used to pray to the Gods after dark before you went to sleep, always thinking that you were praying to the good kind. The kind that showed mercy. However you were mistaken, as time passes and you grew older and wiser it will be revealed that your prayers were answered, but not by the Gods you thought you knew, but the dark kind. The kind that your grandmother used to warn you about. Ones you hear in stories. The kind that you should fear, but how can you when it's all you know. How can you when he was the only one who answered?
Tags&warnings: Jungkookxfemreader, mostly fluff I guess, a bit of smut if you would call it that?!?? age gap I guess?!!? Jungkook is obsessed with reader, a bit delusional. Slight manipulation???! MDNI!!!
Word count: 3k+
Note: making this into a series🫶🏽 this is just a little something that I wrote when I was bored. Be prepared for more obsessive and possessive Jungkook!
Was inspired by the book invisible life of Addie-Larue
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The God who answers after dark ☆ series master list: Here ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
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It was dark.
The night creating shadows in the corner of your room, allowing your imagination to run wild, creating things scary to imagine.
You wasn’t scared though, because you knew it was your imagination. And because you’ve experienced something way darker. You invited him into your home with a simple whisper, let him talk to you throughout the many dark nights, telling him your dreams and wishes of a better life where you are happy and loved.
You was always an imaginative child. While you watched others make friends, you created your own, that grew along with you. Who only came out at night.
You first called upon him when you were only seven. Mindlessly talking to the open air. You had wanted a friend. A friend you could talk to, play with, share secrets with. So you stared off into the dark and talked about nothing and everything. However, when you saw the shadows in the corner of your room move, and sit before you did you realise that you summoned something else. Not a friend, not an imaginary one, something much darker. Still you spoke to it, and it spoke to you like rough winds in the cool night. It comforted you like a cool breeze in a summers heat.
You found comfort in him. You would mindlessly tell him your dreams. He would make empty promises of giving you that dream felt life. Empty, because they came with a price that you were not willing to pay for. Still he would sit beside you and listen to your stories and dreams.
You had asked him what his dreams were and he had told you that he was the son of a God - he had none, but he could grant them within due time. When he himself became a God. So he settled with telling you stories about Gods and wars. Desperate souls and deals. The kind his father spoke to him about, the kind he experienced himself.
Then, he was an angel, the son of a God he refused to speak of. Now, he is a God himself, the God of Darkness. Like the type you’d find deep in a forest, hidden behind the shadows of the trees, infused within the night that covers the sky like a blanket. Comforting to some, suffocating for others.
You was a child who had a lot to wish for and no control of your imagination back then. His company grew on you so much that he was like an accessory to your room. Like a cushion that decorated your bed, a small plant that had a home on your desk, a stack of books that rested in a pile on your bedside table. He felt like home.
The man that would sit before you, appearance created from your imagination - answered you everytime you called on him. He was always there with you. When you looked out of your window at night, when you wrote in your diary about the stories he’d tell you. In your dreams. He was always there.
It was dark.
So you did what you’ve always done when the lights went out, and people lay deep asleep. The night silent and still.
You called for him.
“Yes my love?” He appeared from the dark corner of your room. Once a shadow, now a man that sat before you on your bed. The only bit of light was the shine from the moon and the small warm lamp next to your bed.
You always expect the bed to shift as he sits down, but his weight is like a feather held in one’s palm. Light and weightless. Proof that the form you see before you is none other than what he has stolen from your imagination. His true form something like a stream in the night. Dark and shallow.
His lean body presented in a white button up shirt and black slacks. Very simple, but styled so well. He was always so well presented, dressed so elegantly. You knew that that wasn’t your imagination that created the fine attire, it was simply him, the Darkness who was a charmer, who had lived many years before you. Of course he’d picked up some style on the way.
“I want to be loved” you spoke out, tone delicate like a whisper, too embarrassed, too afraid.
“Y/n my dear, you are loved by many. Your mother adores you, friends cherish you, need I say more?” His eyes match his soul, dark and intense, yet they still seem to be so warm, inviting. It’s either that or his voice that draws you in. So soothing yet so deep. Like a calm ocean that holds many depth below.
“Not that kind of love. I want to be loved by a man. I want to feel that type of love I read in books and see in movies. The type of love my grandparents have. The type of love that won’t make me feel so alone anymore”
He chuckles a beautiful melody.
You always surprised him. The things you’d speak and dream of so bizarre yet so intriguing. Out of all the souls who begged for his help and all the humans he’s encountered, you’re the one that amused him most. A girl who asked and wished for so much, yet all she needed to do was look in the mirror and realise her worth, her power.
But he of all people knew that wishes were easy to slip from one’s lips. Words slide out of people’s mouths just as easy as a balloons string slips out of a child’s hand, so effortlessly. People are so careless when it comes to words. If only they knew the power it holds.
Wishes, prayers. They were all the same to him. It didn’t matter because they both had the same outcome, the same deal, the same promise, the same fate and the same desperation. The person was always begging and pleading in the end, too desperate to have their prayers answered to form a logical sentence, and to understand a twisted deal.
“You are not alone my love. I am here, I’ve always been here. I am the breeze that embraces you in the night, the darkness that lulls you to sleep. I am here. And you are loved.”
“You are not a man, even if you choose to be in this moment.” Your words are harsh, yes, but that’s what he loved about you. You were honest with him, you weren’t afraid.
“I can be the darkness of the night, a friend when you need company, I can be a man…”
When you make no move to respond to him, he rolls his eyes and sighs. “But before all of that I am a God. A God that answers wishes, say the words and I’ll give it to you, for a price”
This isn’t the first time he’s said this, and this isn’t the first time you’ve asked for something. But it always ends up with the same outcome, an offer of a sacrifice that you refuse. And then the whole interaction is swept away in the night, forgotten.
“Im not sacrificing my soul to you”
“My dear, you’ve called upon me countless of times, I’ve stayed by your side for years, you must know by now that you’re mine. I may not have your soul entirely, but yours is bound with mine, through shared memories and dreams, nights and years.”
“Don’t you get tired of chasing something that doesn’t belong to you? That will never be yours?”
“I have patience” is the only thing he says before he changes the subject back to your previous wish.
“I’d love to help you. You know I always do. But you should know by now that I can’t just give you that. I can’t just muster up a man for you that will make love to you. You want me to grant your wish of being loved by a man, that I can’t do, but like I said, I can be a lot of things.”
His hand reaches out to touch your jaw, thumb caressing it. His touch light, smooth. And despite everything, you wish he would touch you more, so you lean into his touch.
“I can be a God, an Angel, a Devil, a Human. Whatever you’d like me to be, as long as I am yours and you are mine”
“That’s not the type of love I’m talking about” your voice is shaky, unsure of what you want. What you need.
“Oh isn’t it? All those nights you would touch yourself to images of me… where you would talk to yourself about wanting to be touched. Those days where you would listen to all your friends stories about being with another, being touched by another. You envy them. You want to be loved in a way that has your skin littered with goosebumps, chills running down your spine” his fingers brush along your collarbone and you feel a shiver come across your body.
You think back to the nights where you would dream of his fingers against your skin. Light, cool and delicate.
“You must know by now that your body is mine. Your mind, your heart, your soul. Stop wasting your time being stubborn and let me give you what you want. The love you hope for, a world where you’re happy, things go your way. I can give you all of that if you would just be mine”
You hate the fact that he’s partially right. You have dreamt about him and thought of many nights where he would lay you in bed and take you as his. It was one of your dark fantasies that you never spoke of, you couldn’t , not to him.
Just as much as you were, he was stubborn. And as a God that always gets his way, he hates being told no.
“I see you’re making it a habit of calling me yours. You may be a God, but I don’t belong to you. I won’t”
“Within due time”
You don’t say anything else, instead you focus on the stillness of the room. The way his presence is so strong, the way you feel relaxed around him.
“You want me to grant your wish of being loved by a man? I can’t give that to you if you don’t sacrifice, but I can show you how to be loved, y/n. I can show you what it feels like to be touched” his hand brushes the side of your face. His eyes pouring into yours, if you didn’t know his games you would almost fall for his tricks. Almost.
“Is this how you get people to give you their souls? Is this one of your twisted games? I give you my body and you take my soul as a keepsake.” Your breath is shaky as his touch takes over your body, so intense, so wrong but so right.
“I don’t just want your soul y/n. I want your heart, I want your touch, I want your love and your word that you will be mine.”
“You aren’t capable of feeling those things. you’re n-“
“Not human, I know. You’ve told me many times” his fingers brush along your thigh. “But when you have lived amongst humans and dealt with them for as long as I have, you begin to understand real emotions. I’m more human than you’ll ever know ”
His lips brush along your earlobe. “Let me show you”
He lays you down on the bed, hovering over you.
“No man on earth can give you what I can give you. I’ll take their souls if they tried. I can give you the world, the luxury of never having to worry about anything. A life of happiness, a life of freedom. If only you would let me have you”
He spoke so much about making things happen. He could make things happen with the click of his finger. And you wondered if he ever manipulated you in anyway. And why he hasn’t so far. If he really wanted you like he said he does, then why doesn’t he use his power to get you?
He spoke so softly in your ear, his voice like a blanket of silk. You don’t realise that you have yet again leaned in to him. Drawn in by his words, the way he spoke them so effortlessly and so passionately.
“You have me, I’m here right now” you give up your fight and give in to what your body craves.
Your eyes flutter close as you let yourself escape in everything that is him.
Just like when you were a child, you use your imagination to create your own little world. Just you and him for the moment.
You’re lost in his earthy scent. The night sky drawn around you like a blanket, protecting you. A sense of freedom as you seep into the darkness of the night that is him. But when you open your eyes you see more than just the darkness. You see the stars in the night. His eyes mimicking the galaxy as he watches you with so much want.
There in that moment is when you realised how powerful he was. How powerful his words were, his presence was. And his touch…
His touch that had your body reacting in ways you never knew it could.
His touch light, like a cool embrace of the wind.
Except your skin is like the sun, setting your skin on fire as his hands caress your body. You hate that your body reacts so easily to his touch. But over anything else, you hate how he knows your body when you don’t even know it yourself.
He knows just where to touch you, just where you crave another’s touch.
Just where to touch to have the hairs on your body stand up. Eager for more.
His face is in the crook of your neck lightly running his lips along the service, just before he litters small pecks to it. He smells you, breathes you in, humming in the process.
“I’m so full of everything I can have in life, and yet I still crave you”
You shiver when he pauses just by your earlobe.
“What are you doing to me my love?”
You both lock eyes for a second, the world stopping in the moment that is just yours. You don’t answer him. He seems elated with just watching you anyways.
“You’ll let me have you?”
You hold your breath, unsure of what to say. Yes because you want him to take you here right now, but you know how sneaky he can be, you’re afraid that your words would be used against you.
When you make no move to speak, he smirks against your skin and whispers, “Smart girl, I’ve taught you well.”
He takes no time in playing with the lace of your panties. You feel wetness stick to the fabric, something that started once he laid his fingers on you.
He’s always been good with his fingers. One night he played you a song on your guitar, his fingers moving effortlessly over the strings. In this very moment you feel like an instrument. The way his fingers work on you, you creating sounds so melodic you don’t even recognise yourself. The way he holds you so gently as one would with their instrument. You’re not afraid when you’re with him. There’s no need to be when he holds and touches you so gently.
His voice is almost a whisper when he speaks to you. His fingers working inside of you making your back arch and toes curl. Your fingers grab your sheet, mind going crazy because you know you shouldn’t be doing this. This is crazy and it’s not like you at all. And with him?
“You’re so stubborn. Why won’t you be mine? Look how your body is reacting to me. The moment I made myself present, your breathing changed rhythm and heart increased pace. You don’t think I know how you feel?”
You release a pathetic moan. A desperate one that has you cringing with embarrassment because of how needy you sound.
He leans in towards the crook of your neck with a low, “hmm?”
You look away. Too embarrassed and too in awe at the way he’s making you feel - making you act.
“Look at me”.
You find the courage to look at him. His fingers that work inside of you have your pussy creating sounds you never knew it could. You take deep breaths, slight frown on your face as your body’s taken over by the pleasure.
“You’re so wet for me. So needy.”
He continues to watch you with half-lidded eyes. Taking in the moment. Taking in everything that is you.
As the night progresses, you find yourself sinking deeper and deeper into it.
You’ve given yourself to him in this moment - not entirely as he had hoped, but having his way with you in this point in time is more than enough.
He takes you there on your bed. The same place you would speak to him every night, dream of him every occasion.
He’s gentle, careful. His motions precise, enough to have your breath stuck in your throat.
Your mind has been lost in the darkness that is him. You don’t even want to find it.
He’s hovered over you, your legs wrapped around him. Kisses given with each thrust.
He speaks beautiful words to you, hand caressing your face every now and then.
And in this moment you’re sure you’re making love. Even though you know it can’t be because you both know nothing of the sort, but this is exactly how it feels like.
You reach a hand out to him, brushing back his dark stringy locks that fall in front of his face.
He kisses you with so much passion, speaks to you with words that has your heart aching for more.
In this moment you almost give him your word. Your life, your soul. Your head clouded by this intense emotion, a feeling that you can’t grasp. He’s taken you to a whole different universe, mind lost in everything that is him.
You almost give him your word, almost.
And when he brings you to your climax you sink deeper into him, into his embarace. Letting your body infuse with his.
You both lay there in silence for a while until he voices, “Even if you deny it. I’ve given you my word that I’ll stick by your side. There’s no getting rid of me”
You don’t need to ask him about what he means.
You know.
His fingers caress your skin as you close your eyes, letting his words fill the air.
“A soul as beautiful and pure as yours is a soul to wait a lifetime for. And I’ve got a lot of time”
And when you open your eyes, you’re met with nothing but the darkness of your room.
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The God who answers after dark ☆
- mimi ☆
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cosmicdreamgrl · 26 days
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𝘧𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘫𝘬 𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘴: (101/?)┃𝘤𝘳: 𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘶𝘴𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘦𝘥
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userarmyhope · 1 year
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JUNGKOOK From Weverse
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roo-bastmoon · 1 month
What is even happening in these tags?
People who are mean-spirited or having meltdowns in our space just get straight-up blocked forever; simply cannot waste precious time and energy entertaining b.s. on the shared timeline.
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ANYWAY... back to what matters:
The phone call with mom... the pool shenanigans... the ramyeon conversation... eating out of the same bowl... sitting together to watch music videos... knowing JK got no sleep on the plane... snuggling up on the bed... ottering in the ocean... tattoos on display...
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jungkook97 · 10 months
and if you let me;; jjk
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pairing: non idol!coworker jungkook x reader
word count: 1.9k
rating: teens & up!
genre: romance & fluff, cheesy confession, jungkook is a nervous guy in luv, also is silly, dorky, sweet, etc. (all the adjectives!)
summary: it was your last day at work and jungkook, who has a big fat crush on you, throws a going away party before you go.
notes: there's hardly any plot lmao it's just a hit of dopamine/feels i guess HAHAHAH :) i love him so much and my feelings are at an all-time high with the new gcf that came out!!
this is for nei (@melancholy-of-nadia)!!! luv u!!
© jungkook97 2023. do not repost or modify. please ask for permission to translate.
Jungkook was annoyed. Very annoyed.
As you howled in laughter at Hoseok’s antics, Jeon Jungkook was in his little corner, crossing his arms and shaking his head. 
It wasn’t that he was jealous. In fact, Jungkook was pretty confident and had somewhat normal self-esteem levels, but he felt like he was running out of time.
Running out of time for what, you ask? Confessing his love to you.
It was an open secret on the office floor that Jungkook had the biggest and loudest crush on you, making it real clear to all the guys in the office that you were the love of his life (on the clock, anyway). He liked people who were great at their jobs, and you were, to say the least, great at it. As your new boss and your guys’ boss fought for dominance to get you as an employee, it was clear that you were irreplaceable in the workplace, and that somehow made you even sexier to Jungkook. 
At first, it was all a physical thing. You were a looker with brains and a dry humor that Jungkook appreciated in a workplace filled with kiss-assers. It was easy to flirt with you, and it seemed like you were 110% flirting back, which, a few months down the road, got Jungkook to freak out. 
Surely, it was one thing to flirt with coworkers nonchalantly and another to deliberately be a boy loser about it. He was down bad at the 3-month mark and found himself counting the days when you would return to your cubicle, which conveniently was next to his. 
Every day, he swung by your desk trying to be smooth, only to trip up somehow. Whether it be the intonation of his voice or him tripping over his own feet, he would kick himself silly mentally before lamenting to his best friend and work confidant, Kim Namjoon at the water cooler hours later. 
“I swear I cannot walk around her!” Jungkook would sigh loudly, swirling his coffee stirrer as Namjoon chuckled, leaning against the counter before patting his coworker on the shoulder. 
“It’s okay, dude. I’m sure she doesn’t even notice it like you do,” Namjoon would reassure him even though he knew you would eventually find out (you would of course, but unaware how deep Jungkook’s love for you was). 
A year would swing by until you finally broke the news to the office that you would be leaving for another job with higher pay, and it felt like Jungkook’s world came crashing down. How could he continue working at this job if you weren’t next to him, giggling at his stupid jokes and his stupid short haircut that he specifically cut to make himself look even hotter for you? How could he possibly get through several rounds of meetings if you two weren’t playing tic-tac-toe on the memo pad the two of you would share? Or the times when Jungkook would go out of his way to the coffee shop to get your usual honey oatmilk latte from Urth Caffé? Or the time Jungkook would time his lunches so he could sit with you for the whole hour? 
And so, Jungkook devised a plan to break the “news” that he was in love with you, hoping that you would feel the same way. He orchestrated the going away party first, going to a KBBQ spot with your closest coworkers before doing karaoke with drinks. Because how else was Jungkook going to relax around you?
Jungkook could feel his heart thumping wildly in his chest as you giggled at his innocent joke about Hoseok’s dance moves as your delicate head leaned against his wide shoulders. His stomach lurched forward as he coughed to cover his nervousness up, pouring yet another glass of soju for the two of you. You gladly took it, clinking the glass against his before taking a swig, and swallowing the alcoholic contents as you clung into Jungkook for the next hour. 
Jungkook was elated of course, but he didn’t wanna give much away, closing his lips together as he thumped his fingers against the table, encouraging your former coworkers to drink more. 
An hour passed and you were blasted, still hollering and hooting for the dancers, Hoseok and Jimin, to continue as karaoke night came at a fever pitch. At this point, you and Jungkook were inseparable, and he has made major moves to the level of your comfort: 1) putting his arm behind you and 2) crossing his legs so he could tap his feet against yours. 
As you hummed quietly to yourself, you shivered at the cold air coming through the AC. Jungkook saw and immediately grabbed his leather jacket, putting it around you. 
You thanked him, leaning against his chest as the two of you cuddled. Jungkook’s heart skipped a beat as he flushed red, again covering his flustered self with a cough. 
“Are you getting sick?” you inquired, looking up at Jungkook with a pout. His eyes twinkled at this point as you cutely and drunkenly put your hand up to his forehead, trying to feel his temperature. It was going up all right, and Jungkook turned even redder than the tomatoes in the ramyeon in front of you two. 
“Uh,” was all Jungkook could say, stuttering his way into a lame excuse. “The ramyeon is a bit too spicy that’s all, haha.”
He did his best to chuckle sexily as you sighed, frowning. 
“Should I have asked for it to be mild?” you inquired, grabbing the menu from the table. “If I had known you didn’t like spice, I would’ve ordered it.”
“Oh no, i-it’s okay!” Jungkook hastily replied, putting the menu down. He was freaking out, and a few of the boys were starting to notice the two of you being rather cozy.
“Man, I have never seen Jungkook look so happy in my entire life,” Taehyung teased, snorting into his beer and pointing at the both of you. 
Jungkook frowned, still beet red. 
“W-what are you talking about?!” he fired back at Taehyung. All the second youngest in the office did was shrugged, smirking. 
“Oh, now you’re playing stupid,” Taehyung drunkenly laughed, leaning against you as he whispered something in your ear. 
Jungkook’s stomach bubbled in nervousness while Taehyung chuckled after saying his piece which made you giggle a bit.
“Yeah, he can be obtuse sometimes,” you replied, glancing back at Jungkook. He flushed again, his stomach in knots. Did you know? Were you playing with him? 
As the night progressed, you began acting more and more wild, making Jungkook laugh uproariously at your behavior. Seeing you loose made him happy and glad that he planned the goodbye party in the first place. He clapped and cheered for you as you attempted badly to sing Whitney Houston’s “I’ll Always Love You”. Even if you were off-key, he still found it endearing that you even attempted. 
Your unabashed confidence was shining through, and something ignited within Jungkook. It was then when he realized how much he liked you and seeing this side of you made him want you even more. The desire to be even closer than you two already were, and the desire to be intimate was growing inside Jungkook’s already big and kind heart, and he wanted to do something more. 
It wasn’t too late when everyone began to go home, leaving the two of you alone. You had Uber’d your way to the noraebang so Jungkook offered naturally to take you home after sobering up. 
As the two of you walked to the car, you instinctively but a bit impulsively wrapped your arm around his. His stomach lurched forward as his heart beat unbelievably fast, making him cough out of nervousness. 
“You okay?” you asked worryingly, slurring a bit of your words. Jungkook was a bit concerned for you as he gripped your arm tighter around his bicep, leaning against you. 
“I am,” he hummed lightly, opening his Mercedes GT door for you before guiding you in. “Are you okay though? You had a lot to drink.”
He strapped you in with the seatbelt as you smiled warmly. At this point, you two were really close to each other, feeling each other’s warm breaths as Jungkook’s big eyes stared into yours. He lamented quietly that you weren’t entirely there, wishing you were entirely sober so he could just kiss you right then and there. Your red warm lips were calling to him, and he wanted to kiss you so fucking bad, but only if you let him. 
God, you’re so beautiful right now, he thought.  
“What?” you laughed softly as he snapped out of it. 
Clearing his throat for the 1529458th time, he pulled away from your warmth and back into the winter air. Sliding his hands together to keep warm, he sprinted to the driver’s side of the car, sliding in before turning the engine on. The hot air swirled through the cabin as he turned the lights on and navigation took you home.
Not much was said during the ride to your house. Surely, he didn’t want to interrupt you slowly dozing off, mumbling to yourself as your hand laid on the center console. Jungkook’s hand was firmly on the shift gear but it achingly wanted to be there as well, holding your hand. He wanted to warm you up so badly, just like how he did it all night with you. 
There must have been real chemistry between you two up until this point, Jungkook thought. There was no way all of this was platonic or you had been leading him on. All the flirty exchanges you two had for the past year started replaying in Jungkook’s mind like a broken video tape, replaying over and over until he couldn’t take it anymore. 
He had to tell you. He had to confess.
As the car came to a stop and turned off, he went over to your side to open the door again. You woke up to the brisk cold air hitting your face as you were startled awake. Jungkook’s dark silhouette encapsulated you as you pulled out of the car, only to slip from the ice below and into Jungkook’s arms.
“Fuck!” you exclaimed as he caught you immediately into his embrace. His firm, yet warm body was pressed up against your own as you giggled drunkenly, trying to maintain your balance. “God, I’m just all over you tonight huh, Jeon?”
You could feel his heavy breaths on you as you looked up. He was already staring down at you with a soft smile, his cheeks pink. 
You wondered if he was going to keep hiding it from you. You knew for quite some time that Jungkook liked you a bit too much, and even in your drunken state, you wanted to tell him it was okay to lean in for a kiss. You liked him too, and you wanted him to be yours. 
Under the dim streetlight, he ever so slowly leaned in, closing the gap between you two. His eyes were pensive, thinking a bit too hard on this, but you had already made up your mind.
Kiss me, Jungkook. 
“If you let me,” he whispered right before your lips touched his. 
You pulled him in, kissing him. His eyes closed immediately as he took control, squeezing you tightly as you two softly kissed each other, keeping warm.
Snow was falling lightly on the both of you as your lips slowly made a grin when the two of you parted.  
“Always, Jungkook.”
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itbemoonchild · 3 months
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This picture is everything
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haomnyangz · 9 months
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Would I be able to straighten out the errors and mistakes and save all of us? I didn't grasp the depth and weight of this question. It was true that I desperately wanted to save all of us. No one deserves to die, to despair, to be suppressed, and to be despised. On top of that, they were my friends. We might've had our flaws and scars and have been twisted up and distorted. We might've been nobodies. But we were alive. - Seokjin – 2 May Year 22 HYYH; THE NOTES
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girl8890 · 2 years
Jungkook as Thanatos
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Thanatos: God of death.
Nicknames: The Man in Black and Reaper.
- Merciless: Mercy only goes to those who never expect it. There's no mercy when it comes to a being’s death. Doesn’t matter if they’re a god, human, monster, or even the amount of begging they give, Jungkook will take them all. There’s very view in this lifetime or the next that he will try to hold himself back from reaping. And they don’t even know they have this ticket of skipping over death to begin with. 
- Equal: In the end, everyone goes down the same path... to death. Jungkook does not discriminate. Age, race, class, it all doesn’t matter to him. He does, in fact, though, think those that lived healthy live embrace him the best. He’ll still reap them, but he’s not as much of a stickler to letting them give a last ‘ghostly’ goodbye. 
Appearance (as a god)
- Black - large, and intimidating - wings. Not only are they his source of veiling himself from the undead, but his way of traveling from earth to the underworld.
- To the gods, he’s a handsome yet scary being. But to mortals, he’s a skeleton of a man. Hence, why everyone - not just for who he is - is scared of the personification of death. Even if he really is just a handsome and sweet being. In all ways, he’s completely judged wrongly and misunderstood.
- Sickle. His most prized possession. Gifted to him after the war, and the only thing he asked for after granted anything he wanted. The sickle use to be owned by Cronus himself, so Jungkook may use and hold the sickle even closer than most think. There's pride imbedded in that sickle, and inside Jungkook too. 
- Necromancy. Being the god of death gives him the complete ability too control death. He may not decide where a being goes after death, but he is the one that reaps souls out of there bodies. Hades is still the ruler of the dead, but there's no dead to start with without Jungkook. 
- Kiss of death. This, to unpopular belief, does not involve actual kissing. One touch from jungkook creates death. This isn’t a power that just freely blooms, though. One accidental brush of the arm won’t actually kill anyone, but an on purpose touch will. 
- Infertility. This involves a little more intimacy, but it does in fact make any being infertile. Lying with death renders any being the inability to give life. Just don’t sleep with death, and you’ll be good........
Mood Board 🌙
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jkvjimin · 2 months
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(144/∞) the perfect nose for butterflies to land on it ♡ cr. @jung-koook
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mrs-monaghan · 2 months
Hi Shaz! How are you doing? How is your little one?
So i saw your recent anons /insecure jkkrs crying about jimin's words about muse. You already gave them enough points as to why Muse is not personal like Face. Now i dont know whether you read the latest interview of the ghstloop and pdogg but those annoying anons and everyone should read it!
Here is a snippet!
Here pdogg clearly says Muse is not as personal as face. It is more about abstract feelings about the concept LOVE.
Also it is funny how CTT song is properly recognized as a fan song with jm and team jm are so comfortable in speaking abt it but for LETTER nothing significant as CTT😶‍🌫️.
Thanks anon. The Jikook are straight agenda is going hard in light of AYS. I dont blame them. They just jealous JK gets to feel on Jimin's waxed legs and they don't
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7brownsuga7 · 4 months
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The God who answers after dark ☆ series ☆
Teaser & masterlist:
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Summary: You used to pray to the Gods after dark before you went to sleep, always thinking that you were praying to the good kind. The kind that showed mercy. However you were mistaken, as time passes and you grew older and wiser it will be revealed that your prayers were answered, but not by the Gods you thought you knew, but the dark kind. The kind that your grandmother used to warn you about. Ones you hear in stories. The kind that you should fear, but how can you when it's all you know? How can you when he was the only one who answered?
Tags&warnings: Jungkookxfemreader, mostly fluff I guess, a bit of smut, fingering included, age gap I guess?!!? Jungkook is obsessed with reader, a bit delusional. Slight manipulation???! MDNI!!!
Notes: inspired by the book The Invisible Life of Addie-Larue
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Intro uploaded: 13/05/24
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The God who answers after dark masterlist ☆
☆ teaser (this) ☆ intro ☆ one ☆
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cosmicdreamgrl · 2 months
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𝘧𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘫𝘬 𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘴: (83/?)
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hopeinthebox · 4 months
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you needed to see this OKAY BYYYYYYE
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