#Naftali Bennett
girlactionfigure · 3 months
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Fmr Prime Minister Naftali Bennett:
Regardless of our political opinion, we strongly oppose external political intervention in Israel’s internal affairs.
We are an independent nation, not a banana republic.
With the threat of terrorism on its way to the West, it would be best if the international community would assist Israel in its just war, thereby also protecting their countries.
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moonlayl · 8 months
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on Sky News, EX Israeli Prime minister Naftali Bennet was asked -
"What about the babies in incubators in Gaza who's life support has been turned off because the Israelis have cut off the power?
Bennett's response: Are you seriously asking about Palestinian civilians? What's wrong with you
(he also proceeded to say "we are fighting nazis" despite the question being about Palestinian civilians who are CHILDREN, and this was AFTER it was established that Hamas and civilian Palestinians were separate)
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 11 months
by Avi Mayer
The interview had been hostile from the very start.
“The Israeli military is calling this a ‘military operation,’ but we now know that young people are being killed, four of them under 18,” Gadgil launched at Bennett after thanking him for joining the broadcast. “Is that really what the military set out to do? To kill people between the ages of 16 and 18?”
First, the facts: according to the Palestinian Health Ministry, 12 Palestinians were killed during Israel’s counterterrorism operation in Jenin. According to open-source intelligence reports, every single one of them was a combatant and all were affiliated with Palestinian terrorist groups and armed factions: seven with Palestinian Islamic Jihad, three with the al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, one with Hamas, and one with Fatah.
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According to international law, a combatant actively engaged in warfare – as all of the Palestinian terror operatives killed in Jenin were – is a combatant no matter his or her age and there is ample legal literature to that effect.
Bennett, to his credit, calmly explained the context of the operation, including the dozens of Israelis who have been murdered in terror attacks emanating largely from Jenin over the past year. He then went on to note that all of the Palestinians killed in Jenin were, in fact, terrorists.
“Terrorists, but children,” retorted Gadgil. “The Israeli forces are happy to kill children.”
“You know, it’s quite remarkable that you’d say that, because they’re killing us,” Bennett responded. “Now, if there’s a 17-year-old Palestinian that’s shooting at your family, Anjana, what is he?”
Gadgil looked momentarily taken aback before slowly responding, “Under your definition, you are calling them terrorists. The UN are calling them…”
Bennett interjected. “No, no, I’m actually asking you,” he said. “What would you call a 17-year-old person with a rifle shooting at your family and murdering your own family? How would you define that person?”
And then Gadgil uttered the most telling line of the exchange.
“We’re not talking about that,” she snapped.
Of course not.
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youliveveryday · 8 months
The former Israel prime minister Naftali Bennett losing his temper with the journalist when questioned about Hamas!
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schraubd · 2 years
Is the Jewish World Ready for Itamar Ben-Gvir?
In 2009, Marty Peretz called Avigdor Lieberman a fascist.
My how the world turns.
Today, of course, Lieberman is effectively a centrist figure in Israeli politics, who seems more inclined to form coalitions with the left-of-center bloc than the right-wing. 
Some of that reflects changes in Lieberman -- he has moderated somewhat from where he started and moved towards the center since bursting onto the Israeli political scene. But a lot of it is attributable to changes in Israel's political center of gravity, which has been lurching to the right for decades. Opinions and beliefs which were outlandish and outrageous in 2009 don't even qualify as right-wing in 2022. In 2018, Batya Ungar-Sargon could hold Naftali Bennett's feet to the fire over his open opposition to democratic rights for Palestinians. Fast forward just a few years, and Bennett is the savior figure who managed to oust the even more odiously anti-Palestinian Bibi Netanyahu out of office. What was once the extreme right in Israel now is the "moderate" bulwark against an ascendant and even further-extreme right. The world keeps turning.
And so we get to the present day, and the rise of a new extremist powerbroker in Israel: Itamar Ben-Gvir. Ben-Gvir is more than a terrorist-sympathizer, he actually was convicted of providing support to a terrorist organization. He wants to expel Arabs, he had a shrine to Baruch Goldstein, he's a disciple of Kahanism. His political character has been described as a "pyromaniac", given his lust to take combustible situations and pour gasoline on them. He's been described as a "David Duke"-like figure in Israeli politics, except unlike Duke he's actually winning office. He makes even the original flavor of Bennett or Lieberman look positively moderate. And in the very plausible event that the right-wing bloc wins the next Israeli election, Itamar Ben-Gvir is likely to receive a very prominent ministry position in the Israeli government.
The establishment of the Jewish diaspora isn't ready for this. In 2019, when Netanyahu first entered into a deal with Ben-Gvir, it received widespread condemnation from American Jewish groups (even AIPAC!). They characterized his party "racist and reprehensible". Three years later, Ben-Gvir's influence has only grown. If he does enter into government at a high level, does anyone believe groups like AIPAC are going to hold the line? That they'll follow their own logic and concede that Israel's governing coalition is seeded with the racist and the reprehensible? Or will the world turn once more, and Ben-Gvir become accommodated?
By and large, the American Jewish community has been covering its eyes regarding the surging ascendency of far-right extremism amongst the Israeli Jewish community. The tendency has been to dismiss this sort of extremism as marginal, as outliers, as the province of fringe cranks that one might find in any pluralistic political community. There is a terrified refusal to acknowledge the larger pattern, which is that folks like Ben-Gvir are not outliers, and things are getting worse, not better. "A little patience," they say "and we shall see the reign of witches pass." But it isn't passing. The cavalry isn't coming. It can happen (t)here.
The American Jewish community does not want to see Israel descend into far-right fascism. It wants, desperately, that folks like Ben-Gvir are outliers and are repudiated and can be rendered into fringe irrelevancies. But that's not happening. So what next? Unfortunately, the problem with not wanting to see something is that there's always the option to cover your eyes. Squeeze them shut and pretend the problem isn't there. Start whatabouting on Hamas or Iran or this or that. Figure out a way to accommodate and appease the new normal, in the hopes that after this, we won't go any further. Soon the reign of the witches has to pass. That is, more or less, what the global Jewish community has done for the past few decades -- it has just pretended not to see the rise of Israel's extreme right in the hopes that if it is ignored long enough, it will go away.
It's not going away. It is getting worse. And sooner or later, we have to starting thinking about what steps we need to take to arrest and reverse its momentum, rather than vainly hoping it will correct itself. I am not convinced that the American Jewish community is ready to have that conversation. But if we don't have it, folks will start having it without us.
via The Debate Link https://ift.tt/D1aIcBk
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plitnick · 2 years
Israel demands full impunity for killing Shireen Abu Akleh – and the Biden administration agrees
Israel demands full impunity for killing Shireen Abu Akleh – and the Biden administration agrees
The exchange last week between the government of Israel and the Biden administration was one of the most shameful, albeit virtually unreported, episodes of the U.S. needlessly kowtowing to its “Israeli partner.” It was truly pathetic to watch the spokespeople for the State Department stumble all over themselves trying to justify their shameful acquiescence to Israel’s whitewashing the murder of…
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alanshemper · 2 months
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mounadiloun · 4 months
La preuve par 300 prépuces: le sionisme est extrémiste par essence
Certains imaginent qu’il existe un sionisme modéré (j’ai moi-même dû employer cet oxymore) mais c’est en réalité une illusion qui est en train de se dissiper sous nos yeux. On constate par exemple que ceux que d’aucuns considéraient comme des sionistes modérés, les travaillistes, sont aujourd’hui à la marge de l’échiquier politique sioniste. De toute façon, si les travaillistes ont certainement…
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tilos-tagebuch · 1 year
The source of Selensky’s “courage”
🇺🇸 🤣The former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett on his talks with Putin last March and the source of Selensky's "courage":
"Putin announced the denazification. That also means taking Selensky out. And I understood Selensky was threatened. He was in a secret bunker.
I asked Putin, "Will you kill Selensky?" He replied, "I will not kill Selensky." Then I asked, "I assume that you will give me your word that you will not kill Selensky." He said again, "We're not gonna kill Selensky."
After taking me from the Kremlin to the airport in the car, I contacted Selensky. I called Selensky and said, "I'm from a meeting, he won't kill you." He asked, "Are you sure?" I replied, "100%, he won't."
Two hours later, Selensky went to his office and filmed himself there with his phone saying, "I'm not afraid!"
🇩🇪 🤣Der ehemalige israelische Premierminister Naftali Bennett über seine Gespräche mit Putin im vergangenen März und die Quelle von Selenskys "Mut":
"Putin kündigte die Entnazifizierung an. Das bedeutet auch, Selensky auszuschalten. Und ich habe verstanden, dass Selensky bedroht war. Er war in einem geheimen Bunker.
Ich fragte Putin: "Werden Sie Selensky töten?" Er antwortete: "Ich werde Selensky nicht töten". Dann habe ich gefragt: "Ich gehe davon aus, dass Sie mir Ihr Wort geben, dass Sie Selensky nicht töten werden". Er sagte wieder: "Wir werden Selensky nicht umbringen".
Nachdem er mich im Auto vom Kreml zum Flughafen gebracht hatte, nahm ich Kontakt zu Selensky auf. Ich rief Selensky an und sagte: "Ich komme von einem Treffen, er wird dich nicht töten." Er fragte: "Sind Sie sicher?" Ich antwortete: "zu 100 %, er wird es nicht tun".
Zwei Stunden später ging Selensky in sein Büro und filmte sich dort mit seinem Handy und den Worten: "Ich habe keine Angst!"
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izraelinfo · 1 year
Kártérítést követel rágalmazóitól Naftali Bennett volt izraeli kormányfő
Kártérítést követel rágalmazóitól Naftali Bennett volt izraeli kormányfő
Naftali Bennett volt izraeli miniszterelnök közölte, hogy nagy összegekre fogja perelni azokat, akik hivatali idejében hazugságokat, álhíreket terjesztettek róla a médiában – jelentette csütörtökön a Jediot Aharonot című újság hírportálja, a Ynet. Bennett egymillió sékeles (több mint száztízmillió forintos) kárpótlást és nyilvános bocsánatkérést követel a bíróság segítségével attól a rabbitól,…
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dailyfreier · 2 years
Crisis: 35% of Israelis have never formed a Political Party with Ayelet Shaked
Crisis: 35% of Israelis have never formed a Political Party with Ayelet Shaked
By Yuval Weiss Last Updated 7/13/2022 at 10:50 PM Jerusalem:  Late yesterday afternoon, Israel’s Knesset TV station released shocking news. According to published reports and confirmed sources, as many as 35% of Israeli citizens have never been in some sort of political coalition with MK Ayelet Shaked. The Daily Freier set out to discuss this breaking development with real people from across…
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You will by no means believe even if anyone relates it in detail: Behold it, you scorners, and look, and wonder marvelously, and vanish away…
“For, look! the [true] Lord, Jehovah of armies, is removing from Jerusalem and from Judah support and stay, the whole support of bread and the whole support of water, mighty man and warrior, judge and prophet, and practicer of divination and elderly man, chief of fifty and highly respected man and counselor and expert in magical arts, and the skilled charmer. And I shall certainly make boys their princes, and mere arbitrary power will rule over them. And the people will actually tyrannize one over the other, even each one over his fellowman. They will storm, the boy against the old man, and the lightly esteemed one against the one to be honored. For each one will lay hold of his brother in the house of his father, [saying:] “You have a mantle. A dictator you ought to become to us, and this overthrown mass should be under your hand.” He will raise [his voice] in that day, saying: “I shall not become a wound dresser; and in my house there is neither bread nor a mantle. YOU men must not set me as dictator over the people.”
For Jerusalem has stumbled, and Judah itself has fallen, because their tongue and their dealings are against Jehovah, in behaving rebelliously in the eyes of his glory. The very expression of their faces actually testifies against them, and of their sin like that of Sod’om they do tell. They have not hidden [it]. Woe to their soul! For they have dealt out to themselves calamity.
Say, YOU men, that it [will be] well with the righteous one, for they will eat the very fruitage of their dealings. Woe to the wicked one!—Calamity; for the treatment [rendered] by his own hands will be rendered to him! As for my people, its task assigners are dealing severely, and mere women actually rule over it. O my people, those leading you on are causing [you] to wander, and the way of your paths they have confused.
Jehovah is stationing himself to contend and is standing up to pass sentence upon peoples. Jehovah himself will enter into judgment with the elderly ones of his people and its princes.
“And YOU yourselves have burned down the vineyard. What was taken by robbery from the afflicted one is in YOUR houses. What do YOU men mean in that YOU crush my people, and that YOU grind the very faces of the afflicted ones?” is the utterance of the Sovereign Lord, Jehovah of armies.
And Jehovah says: “For the reason that the daughters of Zion have become haughty and they walk with their throats stretched forth and ogling with their eyes, they go walking with tripping steps, and with their feet they make a tinkling sound, Jehovah also will actually make the crown of the head of the daughters of Zion scabby, and Jehovah himself will lay their very forehead bare. In that day Jehovah will take away the beauty of the bangles and the headbands and the moon-shaped ornaments, the eardrops and the bracelets and the veils, the headdresses and the step chains and the breastbands and the ‘houses of the soul’ and the ornamental humming shells, the finger rings and the nose rings, the robes of state and the overtunics and the cloaks and the purses, and the hand mirrors and the undergarments and the turbans and the large veils.
“And it must occur that instead of balsam oil there will come to be merely a musty smell; and instead of a belt, a rope; and instead of an artistic hair arrangement, baldness; and instead of a rich garment, a girding of sackcloth; a brand mark instead of prettiness. By the sword your own men will fall, and your mightiness by war. And her entrances will have to mourn and express sorrow, and she will certainly be cleaned out. She will sit down on the very earth.”
And seven women will actually grab hold of one man in that day, saying: “We shall eat our own bread and wear our own mantles; only may we be called by your name to take away our reproach.”
In that day what Jehovah makes sprout will come to be for decoration and for glory, and the fruitage of the land will be something to be proud of and something beautiful for those of Israel who have escaped. And it must occur that the ones remaining in Zion and the ones left over in Jerusalem will be said to be holy to him, everyone written down for life in Jerusalem.
When Jehovah will have washed away the excrement of the daughters of Zion and he will rinse away even the bloodshed of Jerusalem from within her by the spirit of judgment and by the spirit of burning down, Jehovah will also certainly create over every established place of Mount Zion and over her convention place a cloud by day and a smoke, and the brightness of a flaming fire by night; because over all the glory there will be a shelter. And there will come to be a booth for a shade by day from the dry heat, and for a refuge and for a hiding place from the rainstorm and from the precipitation.
Let me sing, please, to my beloved one a song of my loved one concerning his vineyard. There was a vineyard that my beloved one came to have on a fruitful hillside. And he proceeded to dig it up and to rid it of stones and to plant it with a choice red vine, and to build a tower in the middle of it. And there was also a winepress that he hewed out in it. And he kept hoping for it to produce grapes, but it gradually produced wild grapes.
“And now, O YOU inhabitants of Jerusalem and YOU men of Judah, please judge between me and my vineyard. What is there yet to do for my vineyard that I have not already done in it? Why is it that I hoped for it to produce grapes, but it gradually produced wild grapes? And now, please, may I make known to YOU men what I am doing to my vineyard: There will be a removing of its hedge, and it must be destined for burning down. There must be a breaking down of its stone wall, and it must be destined for a place of trampling. And I shall set it as a thing destroyed. It will not be pruned, nor will it be hoed. And it must come up with the thornbush and weeds; and upon the clouds I shall lay a command to keep from precipitating any rain upon it. For the vineyard of Jehovah of armies is the house of Israel, and the men of Judah are the plantation of which he was fond. And he kept hoping for judgment, but, look! the breaking of law; for righteousness, but, look! an outcry.”
Woe to the ones joining house to house, [and] those who annex field to field until there is no more room and YOU men have been made to dwell all by yourselves in the midst of the land! In my ears Jehovah of armies [has sworn that] many houses, though great and good, will become an outright object of astonishment, without an inhabitant. For even ten acres of vineyard will produce but one bath measure, and even a ho’mer measure of seed will produce but an e’phah measure.
Woe to those who are getting up early in the morning that they may seek just intoxicating liquor, who are lingering till late in the evening darkness so that wine itself inflames them! And there must prove to be harp and stringed instrument, tambourine and flute, and wine at their feasts; but the activity of Jehovah they do not look at, and the work of his hands they have not seen.
Therefore my people will have to go into exile for lack of knowledge; and their glory will be famished men, and their crowd will be parched with thirst. Therefore She’ol has made its soul spacious and has opened its mouth wide beyond bounds; and what is splendid in her, also her crowd and her uproar and the exultant one, will certainly go down into it. And earthling man will bow down, and man will become low, and even the eyes of the high ones will become low. And Jehovah of armies will become high through judgment, and the [true] God, the Holy One, will certainly sanctify himself through righteousness. And the male lambs will actually graze as in their pasture; and the desolate places of well-fed animals alien residents will eat.
Woe to those drawing error with ropes of untruth, and as with wagon cords sin; those who are saying: “Let his work hasten; do let it come quickly, in order that we may see [it]; and let the counsel of the Holy One of Israel draw near and come, that we may know [it]!”
Woe to those who are saying that good is bad and bad is good, those who are putting darkness for light and light for darkness, those who are putting bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!
Woe to those wise in their own eyes and discreet even in front of their own faces!
Woe to those who are mighty in drinking wine, and to the men with vital energy for mixing intoxicating liquor, those who are pronouncing the wicked one righteous in consideration of a bribe, and who take away even the righteousness of the righteous one from him!
Therefore just as a tongue of fire eats up the stubble and into the flames mere dried grass sinks down, their very rootstock will become just like a musty smell, and their blossom itself will go up just like powder, because they have rejected the law of Jehovah of armies, and the saying of the Holy One of Israel they have disrespected. That is why the anger of Jehovah has grown hot against his people, and he will stretch out his hand against them and strike them. And the mountains will be agitated, and their dead bodies will become like the offal in the midst of the streets. In view of all this his anger has not turned back, but his hand is stretched out still.
And he has raised up a signal to a great nation far away, and he has whistled to it at the extremity of the earth; and, look! in haste it will swiftly come in. There is no one tired nor is anyone stumbling among them. No one is drowsy and no one sleeps. And the belt around their loins will certainly not be opened, nor the laces of their sandals be torn in two; because their arrows are sharpened and all their bows are bent. The very hoofs of their horses will have to be accounted as flint itself, and their wheels as a storm wind. The roaring of theirs is like that of a lion, and they roar like maned young lions. And they will growl and grab hold of the prey and bring [it] safely away, and there will be no deliverer. And they will growl over it in that day as with the growling of the sea. And one will actually gaze at the land, and, look! there is distressing darkness; and even the light has grown dark because of the drops falling on it.”
-Isaiah 3-5, NWT
A ‘Waterless’ Region: Jehovah Will Denude Their Crotches
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gwydionmisha · 2 years
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plitnick · 1 year
Biden has the tools to deter Netanyahu, he just needs to use them
In a recent op-ed in Ha’aretz, former Israeli diplomat Alon Pinkas wrote, “It is not the U.S.’ responsibility, moral duty, or place to alter the authoritarian trajectory of Israel. But it is equally negligent of the Americans to act as if nothing is happening.” But it very much is the U.S.’ responsibility, morally and pragmatically, to press Israel for change, not internally, but in its total…
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timesofocean · 2 years
Israeli Knesset passes bill to dissolve itself
New Post has been published on https://www.timesofocean.com/israeli-knesset-passes-bill-to-dissolve-itself/
Israeli Knesset passes bill to dissolve itself
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Tel Aviv (The Times Groupe)- Israel’s Knesset voted on Wednesday to dissolve itself in preparation for early elections in October.
During Wednesday’s vote, 110 lawmakers supported the bill. Next week, there will be a second and third vote.
“It is expected that the procedures for ratifying the dissolution of the Knesset with three readings will be completed next Monday,” the Israeli Broadcasting Corporation said.
On October 25, early elections will be held, according to the bill.
Naftali Bennett and Yair Lapid announced on Monday evening that the Knesset would be dissolved and early elections would be held.
After the elections, Lapid will head a transitional government until a new Cabinet is formed after the Knesset approves the bill. tel aviv Israel’s 
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gyanjarahatke · 2 years
The political turmoil in Israel: Will Netanyahu return back?
The political turmoil in Israel: Will Netanyahu return back?
The current Prime minister of Israel, Naftali Bennett today announced the dissolution of the Israeli parliament, Knesset, and discharged all the members of the parliament of their duties. This naturally set the stage for the conduct of General elections for the 5th time in the last 3 years. The move was unprecedented and came as a huge shocker to the Israeli citizens as well as Israel’s allies.…
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