zeiinoviahh · 6 months
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The Sheriff and the mess of a man he has to babysit
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girlnextvore · 7 months
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This is the last time I will change Rosa's Reference I SWEAR. Anyway she is a Nagloper now cause i think thats neat!
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crownedinmarigolds · 5 months
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Alezya and Rosa for @girlnextvore! Nagloper wives. <3 Thank you SO much for commissioning me, they're gorgeous and were so fun to draw! :0 I have developed the largest of crushes on the both of them. Bonus - Family Portrait!
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medeaft · 1 year
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The Esperantist (originally: Az eszperantista) 2023 Acrylic on paper
For @meatcrimes. Wishing you a happy birthday and many pleasant thoughts.
This is the Sheriff, spending time in his haven; I imagine that at the moment he's studying Esperanto, as a hobby. I think he would find it interesting to compare it, a constructed language, to naturally emerging languages that he (I imagine) knows many of. The normal-sized pen is so tiny in his huge hand, but I have always imagined that he would have very beautiful handwriting.
I know his right hand is the one he uses for the sword, but for some reason I imagined he might prefer writing with his left, so that's how I painted him. I suspect, as someone who doubtless made his own body himself, he would likely be ambidextrous anyway.
The skulls are fused together; I expect he had to have done that while the bodies they were a part of were alive. That must have been an interesting sensation. Well, who am I to stand between a Nagloper and his home improvement atrocities?
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iravaid · 2 years
Out of the blue question, but what is the Sheriff doing in your Sabbat LaCroix au? Is he apart of the Sabbat or the Camarilla? I just like the idea that he ran off to join the Camies and Lacroix is all sad bc his best friend (one-sided) is gone.
LaCroix: Where did you go!? I made us friendship bracelets!
Sheriff, whose relationship with LaCroix was equivalent to two office workers who sometimes chatted around the water cooler: I don’t even remember your name.
So! In my head Sabbat LaCroix never goes to South Africa, and in turn never encounters the Sheriff, as his pack and sire are best established in Eastern Europe, and after Brynn's death they move to North America. I could see the Sheriff either remaining in South Africa and establishing a pack/meat monster army in a dark enclave deeper in the country, in a mine mayhaps, before a Camarilla incursion forces him out of the country.
Maybe they do in fact cross paths in New York City, with the Sheriff/Nagloper drawn to the flesh cathedral underneath the urban landscape, and Sabbat LaCroix is busy aiding Polonia in fighting the growing Camarilla faction. I can see them interacting at the height of the tensions and maybe fighting alongside each other.
Ough - but maybe something happens and the Sheriff defects to the Camarilla, his aid helping push the Sabbat pack by sabotaging the Tzimisce cathedral etc., and disappears after the Battle of New York and crops up again in Los Angeles as The Sheriff. Sabbat LaCroix lost his water cooler buddy #tragic #devastaed
But yes! I vibe with your headcanon lmao
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vtmb-references · 4 years
The Sheriff Reference
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red-mercer · 5 years
Fact 1: The Sheriff in VTMB is supposed to be a Nagloper
Fact 2: Naglopers weaken if they don't sleep buried in dirt in the day
Hypothesis: Wherever the hell he slept during the day had a giant litter box of dirt
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weirdwitcheryart · 7 years
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👻 OC in a really bad disguise for the Sheriff requested by @curodole
Why did I choose this disguise? I just read this article about the disguises of the German Secret Police in the DDR, that were... slightly suspicious to say the least.
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toreadorprincess · 5 years
Don't call yourself a monster lover if.
You don't swoon and fantasize about the sheriff from vtmb.
naglopers are pretty hot God damn it! and just as sexy as nosferatu.
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victorluvsalice · 5 years
AU Thursday: Londerland Bloodlines -- Tower Assault
Hey, I said this AU was on my mind -- and with the release of the newest (pre-alpha, admittedly) gameplay trailer for Bloodlines 2, that's unlikely to change anytime soon. So -- let's have some fic! :D Today's offering was inspired by a previous “updating the verse” post I made, where I talked about a change I thought of regarding Alice's final assault on LaCroix's tower -- rather than going in the front door and fighting her way through all those guards, she manages to get herself some climbing equipment and scales the damn building while Obfuscated. As you might imagine, this is the last thing LaCroix is expecting when he tells his elite guards (and Chunk, here called Officer Norris because that’s his voice actor’s name) to watch out for her. . .
"Officer Norris? Has there been any sign of our – miscreant?"
"Uh, no, Mr. LaCroix!" Norris chirped over the intercom. "Haven't seen hide nor hair of her! Promise I'll let you know the moment she comes by."
"Very good, Officer Norris. Thank you."
"Uh, Mr. LaCroix?" Norris got out before he could release the button. "Not to, you know, pry into stuff that ain't my business, but – why is it you want me to keep her out all of a sudden? You weren't really clear on that before. And us in the security business – well, it's important we get our facts straight, ya know?"
"She betrayed me, Officer Norris," LaCroix replied, letting the words roll off his tongue with silver smoothness. Not that he needed to waste such talents on Norris, but – practice. "She betrayed quite a lot of people, actually. She's been selling secrets to other parties, making deals with unsavory sorts. . .and I have reason to believe she's recently caused the death of a potential business partner of mine."
"Oh wow! That is – never would have thought it of her! She's always seemed like a bit of a tough cookie, but the kind with a creamy center, you know? All molten chocolate and–"
"Focus, Officer Norris," LaCroix said, rolling his eyes. Mortals and their obsession with food. His eyes flicked over to the sarcophagus. Then again – I know what it's like to anticipate a meal.
"Yeah, sorry, Mr. LaCroix. Er – so, if Alice is this dangerous, shouldn't we, you know, call proper 9-1-1 and all that? I got some buddies in the call center–"
"I assure you that all the appropriate measures have already been taken," LaCroix cut in before Norris could go on another ramble about his "cop friends." "There is no way Miss Liddell is leaving this city without facing justice for her crimes. If she does come here, you have my full authorization to use lethal force."
"Right you are, Mr. LaCroix." Norris sighed. "Hope it doesn't come to that, though. Man, and here's me, thinking she's a pretty sweet girl once you get to know her. . ."
"The cruelest wolf can mimic the friendliest dog, Officer Norris. Remember that."
"Sure will, Mr. LaCroix. And you can call me Chunk, you know!"
LaCroix winced. "Given our relationship, Officer Norris, I don't think that's appropriate."
"Oh, yeah, yeah. . .well, anyway. I'll give you a call moment I see her."
"Thank you, Officer Norris." LaCroix released the intercom button, leaning back with a sigh. "To think I employ someone like that," he muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Now that Bach's little group has been – disbanded, I should give him his walking papers." He smirked, one fang peeping through his lips. "Though I suppose it doesn't really matter, does it? Not with what's in our future."
Melech nodded shortly, then glanced at him, eyes questioning. "Oh, she'll come," LaCroix said, steepling his fingers in front of him. "She will most definitely come. That rabblerouser Jack will have told her by now I'm responsible for all her woes. And has she not made it very clear, during our last few meetings, that she wished our – alliance, shall we say, to be at an end? The girl is a Brujah trapped in a Malkavian skin. She must be itching for a chance to take out her temper on me, and damn the consequences."
Melech tilted his head, lips slightly pursed. "Yes, I called the Blood Hunt, but would you trust the average Brujah or Gangrel on the street to take her out?" LaCroix responded, looking up into that stony face. "After the miracles she's committed? May I remind you that she has destroyed both the local chapter of the Society of Leopold – including one of my personal enemies – and the heart of the Los Angeles Sabbat? Tasks that were beyond your capabilities? And there was that news report the other evening, of the massive wolf found crushed to death in the Griffith Observatory. Somehow, I doubt that was the work of Nines Rodriguez – though it still worries me that we can't confirm his Final Death." He sighed, then waved a hand. "Well, I suppose if he does turn up alive – so to speak – it will make the Anarchs happy. And so far they seem willing to believe that Alice has thrown her lot in with Ming Xiao and her nest of snakes. So long as they remain enraged enough to drive those ridiculous excuses for foreign vampires out of my city, I shall be content. And then. . ." He looked again at the sarcophagus, anticipation clinging to its every chip and crack. "Then we will make plans accordingly."
He pushed back his chair and stood up, walking with lazy grace to his favorite spot in front of the window. Los Angeles stretched out before him, twinkling in the dark. He reached out, longing to scoop it up and capture it in his fist. "A shame, really – she could have had it all," he mumbled, flexing his fingers. "I was just beginning to realize her worth as an agent. To survive everything she did, to accomplish so many difficult tasks as a mere fledgling. . .I will give Fish this – he picked someone worthy of being an eighth-generation vampire. If she'd only been a bit more deferential, a bit less – well, her. . .we could have done amazing things together."
Melech rumbled an agreement. LaCroix sighed. "But, of course, she refused to cooperate. To let her full potential grow under my guidance. To accept the wisdom of her elders and betters. No, she had to go it on her own – to forge down the path of the fool and the malcontent." He chuckled briefly. "At least I have the pleasure of knowing that the Anarchs don't trust her either. From what I've heard, she had an early falling-out with Nines, and the rest of them find her as irritating as I do." His brow furrowed briefly. "Perhaps we really did drive her to the Kue-jin. . .no, she's too smart for that. She'd know they'd never actually accept her." He laughed again, a little louder. "What a silly girl, to reject any and all that could help her! She must feel quite alone on those streets." He leaned toward the window, drinking in his city with his eyes, running his tongue over his fangs. "An apt punishment for the hubris of the newborn."
"God, you love the sound of your own voice, don't you?"
LaCroix recoiled backwards, the scream of a little girl ripping itself from his throat. On the other side of the glass, Alice rolled her eyes, adjusting the harness she wore. "As if getting up this bloody tower wasn't grueling enough," she continued, bracing her legs on either side of the window frame. "What exactly are you compensating for? You're not that short, and I have it on decent authority that your interest in your manly bits should have waned with the Embrace." She shrugged, bending her knees and adjusting her grip on her rope. "I'll leave the question for the primogen to debate. Right now – for putting up with all your posturing and other various pieces of bullshit, I believe you owe me your life. In the most direct sense possible."
With that, she pushed off, sailing into the air – then came rushing back, thickly-booted feet held out in front of her. LaCroix scrambled to safety under his desk as the window shattered, sending shards of glass flying. Melech raised his massive sword to shield himself as Alice rolled to a stop. "Ah – gah – GET HER!" LaCroix managed to shriek, waving one arm wildly in her direction.
His sheriff, fortunately, was quick to comply. He flung aside his sword and coat, spreading his arms wide as he called up on his dark Disciplines. Moments later, his human form morphed and twisted, stretching itself into the terrible gigantic bat LaCroix had only seen twice before. Alice gaped, eyes wide, one hand on her harness's release. "What–"
Melech shrieked at her and flung himself into the air. His talons locked around her arms, dragging her back out the window and snapping the harness like it wasn't even there. "Yes – NO!" LaCroix cried after him, suddenly conscious of the incredible violation of the Masquerade. Too visible, much too visible – but she couldn't be allowed to survive this night – "The roof!" he screamed. "Take her to the roof!"
Melech squealed and wheeled around, dragging his dumbfounded passenger up to the highest point of Venture Tower. LaCroix huddled under his desk, arms around his knees, trying to control his trembling body. It's all right, he told himself firmly. It's all right. Melech will take care of her on the roof, and we'll let the morning sun dispose of the corpse. And – and we'll come up with an appropriate story for the masses later. An – an advertising gimmick gone wrong. A Batman cosplayer gone mad. Some sort of – of mass hallucination from swamp gas carried on the wind. We'll make it right. We'll find the key. And I will never have to worry about any of this ever again.
. . .God, I hope he wins that fight.
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dopesotherstuff · 3 years
VTMB Headcanons Part 1
1. Caine is significantly less of an asshole than he was 10k years ago. Also vampire legend does get a significant number of things wrong. Thus the world isn’t about to end so much as go through a drastic shift.
2. Regent Strauss’s Humanity is actually higher than Prince Lacroix’s. Evidence: his behavior, his ability to laugh, his ability to deal with apprentices, their still-human morals and typical apprentice shenanigans...and his ability to (temporarily, as VV apparently falls in love with new people every day or so) maintain a relationship/flirtation with a high Humanity Kindred without scaring her off. Generally Tremere tend to have sort of middling Humanity--too high and it impedes some of what they must do as Tremere, too low and it impedes not only focus and performance but relations with both clanmates and outsiders. Maintaining that “happy medium” is a practical, not moral choice. Maximillian appears to be a touch higher than average...but that still indicates that Lacroix is actually on the low end of the moral scale.
3. Evidence for Lacroix actually having dangerously low humanity that he is masking only semi-successfully, and which is a significant reason for his being an insufferable bastard: Yes he is passionate, but only with negative and self-centered emotions (rage, greed, etc). He thinks nothing of murdering or having people murdered for almost no reason (like killing off Mercurio for being beaten up if you tell on him, trying to kill off the Fledgling basically for being inconvenient, or murdering Dr. Grout on the mere suspicion that Grout was on to him, and as a convenient thing to frame Nines with). He is isolated, not only from humans but from other Kindred, except for the Sheriff/his bodyguard, when the game makes a point of showing how interacting with humanity is one of the ways vampires keep in touch with their own. His self-control is failing, sending him into fits of anger at small setbacks. He cares about exactly nobody, including openly dismissing the very real concerns of his Primogen. And most of all: diablerie is not only on the table for him ethically, but is a coveted end goal of his in the story. These are not small lapses. Fucking cannibalism is about as low as you can go morally. These are the signs of a downward spiral.
4. The reason why Lacroix has fallen so far in Humanity over the last century is standing behind his throne. The Sheriff is a Nagloper. Naglopers, besides being kin to the Tzimisce, are on their own very, very, very, very, very very FUCKING evil.
Relevant quotation from the wiki:
“They allow the Beast to dominate them, leading them into causing any debauchery one can imagine, and some were only thought possible in nightmares.“
Even other Laibon avoid them, as anyone who enters a Nagloper’s territory will basically be made into a toy.
This guy has been the only close companion that Lacroix has had for an entire century. Ghouls and even his childer appear to basically be cannon fodder to him. The Sheriff, however, is always there, and has his ear when he doesn’t even speak to anyone else. Whether Lacroix has him blood bound or not, the Nagloper is going to believe that tempting Lacroix closer and closer to falling to the Beast is doing him a favor.
So he does it. Subtly. Suggestions of viciousness. Insinuations to sow distrust of everyone but him. Helpfully hiding the bodies that pile up more and more during “normal” feeding. Slowly driving a once-promising Ventrue first to petty, cruel and murderous ambition and then, to the final frenzy.
And nobody, especially not Lacroix, realizes that he’s doing it.
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sugarmusicnews · 5 years
Suikerbossie – David de Lange
Suikerbossie – David de Lange
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David de Lange
‘Suikerbos ek will you hê’. These words are so well known in South Africa, particularly amongst the Afrikaans community where it is almost part of the DNA. It has been covered by many and there is even an English version called ‘Sugarbush’ which Eve Boswell recorded, and this proved popular enough for Doris Day and Frakie Laine to also record it. Their version went to number 8 in…
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girlnextvore · 7 months
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Also from being a Nagloper I redesigned my character Rosa (found here) Sire/Wife Alezya. She looks REALLY good and I would kiss her if she wasn't amoral as fuck
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cemeteryfun · 4 years
Nagloper?? Naglooper?? Naglomper???? 
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iravaid · 3 years
Hey I just wanted to say thank you for giving some love to the Sheriff. He deserves it for keeping the poor little meow meow safe for over a century (couldn't keep Lacroix safe from his own idiocy however but oh well...). I know you talked about the Sheriff in some of your posts but do you have other headcanons about him?
SHERIFF!!!! he..... man bat..... really got the short end of the stick portrayal wise for all of the antagonists in vtmb :/ which is a shame; him having a chiropteran minotaur form suggests he is very old, or of low generation, and powerful. Thank you lmao, love giving some attention to the more minor characters of vtmb, hell yeah
He rlly could’ve been used as a vessel to help flesh out the Laibon, concept of Vicissitude, his and LaCroix’s backstory, and just add another notable character to the list in general - instead of a silent big guy you fight in the last mission. Then again, probably good he was left untouched by White Wolf. Monkey’s paw innit
this turned out more rambling than i intended, so here’s a convenient readmore
Because of where Nagloper were traditionally found in the continent of Africa (where is now Ghana), I hc he was Ashanti during his life, being embraced by a local Nagloper who saw something of a kindred spirit in the young man
Developed a specific style of Vicissitude that draws inspiration from animal anatomy and physiology - more bestial vozhd than humanoid, and his own Zulo form prior to attaining chiropteran minotaur was a writhing, pantherine body of grasping arms and crocodilian armouring. Repurposed stomach acid? maybe, reduce reuse recycle and so on. Lots of bone spurs and additional teeth and eyes of different animals capable of seeing things like infrared (pits instead of eyes), UV, and ley lines. then he figured out how to make something the size of a car flight capable
Has very high levels in all his Disciplines, Vicissitude out of passion and Auspex out of utility. Had a buzzard famulus that died in the Battle of New York, even if he wouldn’t admit it, it’s thrown the Sheriff off Animalism. The pain that had followed was intimidating to him, and he loathes personal weakness. 
I’ve seen a couple hcs for names used for him - I use Akombe in Diviner Bureaucrat and Qedusizi in WDH. I’ve also seen Natangwe from @meteormemoirs and Kamau from @missn11 not much of a hc but just something that’s interested me - seeing the names people give him.​
I’ve already voiced the fact i don’t hc he’s blood bound to LaCroix, and that i’m not too comfortable with the implications of it (yeah yeah weak soft snowflake etc, my city now). But them sharing a vaulderie ensuring mutual cohesion and that other’s continued survival is in their best interests would make sense, both as a precaution between two very cautious (Sheriff) and paranoid (LaCroix) kindred, and a way to break from a potential Sabbat past. It might also play in with the Sheriff owing some kind of significant debt to Lacroix - perhaps by some miracle the Ventrue saves his life/the Sheriff from a grisly fate at the hands of the Camarilla/Sabbat/Hunters. Or maybe LaCroix offered the chance for entertainment and adventure: life of an ambitious Camarilla ancilla isn’t very peaceful, and the Sheriff doesn’t strike me as much of a homesetter, Nagloper territorialism or not.
Listens to audiobooks on a Walkman he keeps tucked away in his giant coat. This is canon actually, it just wasn’t important to the Fledgling’s story to know every time we left LaCroix’s office he’d whip out a tiny little pair of headphones and resume listening to his most recent book series <3
Has a very large collection of audiobooks on cassette, as well. Accrued them over the decades before the digital era became more prominent and the tech was phase out. He’ll still listen to the cassette versions every now and again when he feels that shred of sentimentality in the middle of his chest. 
Speaking of books, I’d say he doesn’t have the strongest feelings for any specific genre, title, author, nor narrator, as is the nature of an elder Kindred. Just goes for a vibe and listens to a book that suits it, and has listened/read to anything from historical nonfiction of palaeolithic lifestyles to thirteen book series of hard-scifi. But the those that have had the most re-listens would include Anthills of the Savannah, books and papers on Asase Ya, Medical Thriller novels (genre), science fiction focusing on body horror, and the occasional vampire pulp novel for the irony of it. 
Tried listening to Anne Rice’s vampire chronicles to see how close she got it, as is custom for vampire bookworms. Was vaguely impressed by the accuracy, but ultimately had to stop listening because of the uncanny similarities between Lestat and LaCroix. It was just too much for the man, considering how much time spends guarding LaCroix lmao
Maybe he even commissions some audio recordings of novels that have yet to be narrated, either due to age or obscurity. It’s not that the Sheriff can’t read, more that he prefers to have his eyes free to be vigilant, and it’s nice to be able to block out LaCroix when he starts muttering.
Feel like LaCroix provides his haven/housing. Not like in a sugar daddy or dependent way but in a “Be my Sheriff.” “Give me a vampire 401k and pay my rent you little bastard.” sort of way. No one else wants to work for LaCroix and they both know it lmao, Sheriff gets his way by threatening to unionise LaCroix Foundations every now n again, keeps LaCroix on his toes
Still ultimately a consummate professional and Gets Shit Done with very little questions asked. He’s probably the one Kindred LaCroix wouldn’t feel the need to micromanage because the Sheriff is quick, brutally efficient, and maintains the Masquerade without explicit orders to. (also something seen w/Mercurio to an extent, the meow meow has a type i guess)
Very quiet and knows how threatening he is to other people (as intended via vici), so sometimes will just cross his arms without prompting to see what reaction it’ll garner. One time he sighed audibly and all conversation in the room Stopped. 
When he does feel it’s necessary, he’ll communicate either through Auspex or ASL. Is a man of very few words as a preference, doesn’t feel like talking  to those insignificant to him.
Learned BSL decades ago but it’s changed from what he originally knew it as, new signs also being incorporated into the language as time carries on - and he’s in the States now. Can carry a conversation w/LaCroix in ASL Because I Said So; it’s a fun hc because it means he might also teach Lunchbox some ASL as well, should she sit still in his line of sight long enough
Oh this is very long lmao, thank you for the ask! sorry it took so long to reply, you caught me in the middle of exam prep
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vtmb-references · 3 years
VtMB: References
This is a blog dedicated to screenshots of NPCs, PCs, items, weapons, and areas in the game Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines.
It’s still under construction while I work my way through the list, so please do bear with me - and feel free to dm/ask to request a specific set of references that I’ve yet to do, or one I have done but you feel wasn’t comprehensive enough :) 
Click the read-more to navigate the blog via tags
609 King’s Way
Nosferatu Warrens
Santa Monica
Ankaran Sarcophagus
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