#Nana: is this UA? what on earth are they thinking-
pocketramblr · 4 months
fun as all the various other quirks-in-ofa manifest first are, i am now musing on a "the first power to manifest is the vestiges" au where Izuku, still functionally quirkless, is in the middle of the entrance exam when he uhhh summons seven and half ghosts who were not prior to this fully aware and/or paying attention.
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josephsaturn · 3 years
The Teacher’s Aides AU: what they would co-teach
So…50+ notes?
In all honesty, I didn’t realize how popular this would get! Thanks so much for liking/reblogging and all that!
Either way, here’s what I think the vestiges would be teacher’s aides for
Beware, I have no good reasons, just lil bitty thoughts and what I think are funny ideas if said vestige taught that subject
(Under the cut)
Yoichi: History
He’s the oldest
Would prob look up what culture inspired a fake culture in his fave mangas
The visual of him arguing with the history teacher (who I assume to be either Cementoss or Snipe) about what actually happened in the pre-quirk era is a pretty funny visual
Hikage: Science
His quirk
This is just about his quirk; it’s perfect for this setting
Specifically if u have the bakusquad dealing with dangerous chemicals
Daigoro: Modern hero Art History/Social Studies in general
Listen the visual of Banjo & Midnight teaching a class together in general is hillarious: they’d bounce off of each other like pong
Plus it would be funny if he was actually ready cultured & stuff
Oh who am I kidding: it’s the shirtless thing; entirely the fact that the two of them look the most risqué of their peers, but I do genuinely think they’d be able to teach a class together quite well
En: Mathematics
Ectoplasm gets the unproblematic short one
Math is simultaneously the worst and best class at UA: worst because not very many people like math, best because oh shit it’s Mr. En!!
He also gives off “burnout” vibes. Idk he just does
Nana: English/foundational heroics (after the combat training)
Serves as a bit more down-to-earth foil to Mic; everyone loves her
She’s willing to smack someone if they get too close (mineta)
Had to also do work for Foundational Heroics when it was being taught after the combat training incident
Second & Third: Nothing!
They don’t like how “commercial” the hero industry has gotten
Can, will, and have made fun of izuku’s classmates
Speaking of, when they saw a certain someone’s costume they both rioted (same with any other impractical costumes, but this someone was spectacularly impractical)
That’s it for now!
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static-head · 4 years
it's that time again where I talk about an idea I had
so I don't have a name for this one but it's a time travel AU with an overpowered Izuku
The story starts at the end, Izuku won the fight against All For One who revealed to be his father and now they both lay on the ground, the villain slowly dying and the hero exhausted
Izuku should be happy, he won, he beat the greatest villain, he had done his duty, but this victory was bittersweet as he thought of the sacrifices of hia friends and teachers, they were all dead, no one was left for him to celebrate
"I'm quite proud of you son" said AFO, Izuku cringed hearing those words coming from him
"don't call me that" he answered back, he didn't want to get called son by the worst man on the world
Now that he was dying, AFO let something thet he had ignored resurface, feelings, feelings for his family, his son
He felt bad, he had taken everything his son held dear that had been part of the plan at the begging but now, in a horribly ironic way, his son was more similar to him, alone ha ing lost everyone he ever held dear
one thought came into his head as he kept thinking about his son 'how many birthdays did I miss?' he owed his son something, anything really, maybe a sorry? no that isn't enough... maybe... yes that would work well
"do you wish to see your friends again?" AFO suddenly said surprising Izuku
"Can't you die a little more quietly?" he asked back, guess his father didn't live this long for no reason
"please, in my last minutes, humor your father, do you want to see your friends again?" AFO tried again, this time Izuku took a few seconds to answer and that brought a smile to his face, a black and red tendril already forming from his fingers
"of course I would, I would do anything to see them again, to try and save them or to at least have more time with them" tears came back to Izukus eyes, he closed them as he remembered their time together, he wished he could go back to the old times when they weren't child soldiers but just students
"well, it may be a late gift but I think you deserve it" these words confused Izuku, what was he talking about? had he finally gone insane? he opened his eyes to see the moment a black and red tendril stabbed him in the chest going straight into his heart, blood filled his mouth as he saw electricity run through the tendril into him, this was it for him, he had lowered his guard and now he was paying for it
When the electricity reached him, he felt a wave of pain go through his entire body ripping him to shreds, he felt his body go numb and in a strange way be unmade almost like Shigaraki's decay
as his own mind started to slip, the world around him started to blur and change and the last thing he heard was AFO, his father say
"Happy late birthday son"
Izuku slowly came back to his senses with the feeling of a dull pain on his body, the ground beneath him cold and wet but what caught his attention was the familiar voices around him
"-happy to see you again little brother, Isn't this the best? All the family is here"
"Back off you old bastard!"
"Now that's no way to treat a guest Nana, even less in front of the host"
"Uhm guys, the little guy is waking up"
Izuku slowly opened his eyes to see that he wasn't in the middle of the battlefield that was a destroyed city, instead he found himself in a dark alley surrounded by very familiar ghostly figures
He quickly recognized, Nana, first, Daigoro and the other users and someone with curly white hair hugging first as if they were... family...
"Why is he here?" Izuku asked suprising everyone including himself because of how high pitched his voice sounded, he lookes at himself to see thag he wasnte wearing his hero costume anymore, instead he was wearin his old middle school uniform and he wasn't a young adult, he was the small teenage boy from before UA
That's right, AFO decides to do one good thing which is sending Izuku into the past so he could spend time with his friends but the twist is, he send him back with One For All and All For One and all of it's stolen quirks
Izuku must now try to live his life again with the other AFO users and the spirit of his dead father while hiding the fact that he is from the future and that he is now the strongest person on earth
Izuku might do a little of vigilantism, taking care of a few villains that would be a pain in the ass later on, maybe putting a few villains in the right path and adopting all of his class
AFO is just happy to be able to pass time with his brother and son again
Nana is trying to find a away to kill ghost AFO
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stillness-in-green · 3 years
When MVA/MLA Arc gets animated, what will you be looking forward to the most? What (canon-compliant) additions and/or changed do you want or think Bones should make, if any?
There’s--a lot.  Does that surprise anyone?  There’s a lot.
o  I have been foaming at the mouth for voice actor announcements for almost a year now, particularly for Trumpet, Geten and RD.           Trumpet’s superpower is literally his voice!  I mean, nothing about that statement requires that voice be particularly entrancing, but it certainly seems like it should be, right??             Geten is a boku-type in the manga, but that was literally the only hint foreshadowing his pretty boy face through 21 solid chapters of Pure Feral Gremlin.  Everyone was shocked by Geten’s face reveal!  How do you maintain that surprise value with an actual voice actor in the mix?  Do you not even try?  Do you play up the disparity--in which direction?  I can’t wait to see what they do.           And Re-Destro!  Re-Destro requires so much range!  From his peppy, silly businessman persona, to the urbane commander, from the overeager yes-man to the raving zealot--who on earth do you get to believably cover all that ground?  I can’t even begin to guess, but I am living in anticipation of that article going up on ANN or the official Twitter sources.
o  I’m also much looking forward to getting official coloring on Trumpet and Geten.  Skeptic seems pretty straightforward--black, black, more black--and RD and Curious, we have color art for, but I wonder if Trumpet will also be all black clothes, to go with that dignified politician image of his, or if he’ll get some color to pep him up a little.  What color are those tinted shades of his?  His eyes?  The wicked-cool Sevens Loud?           I assume Geten is all wintery shades, but it’ll be great to confirm which ones.  I mean, we all assume he’s white-haired to better annoy Dabi with family parallels, but what if he turns out to be platinum blond?  And are his eyes blue?  Gray?  White?  What color is that awful parka?           Also, Re-Destro’s stress powers.  Having been writing them as black since at least August--Rorschach test blots are generally black, after all, and they’re the clear inspiration--I would much like it if the anime would have my back on this.  They made Destro’s mask a dark cinnamon brown, though, so I’m prepared to be unpleasantly surprised in this matter.
o  Predictable MLA adaptational choices aside, I’m also eager/anxious about how they’ll handle Spinner’s narration.  What I really hope is that they actually straight-up hand him ALL the narration duties--not just the stuff he dictates directly in the manga, but also e.g. the name and quirk explanation material that Present Mic normally gets, or the previews that are always handled by Deku.           The opening and closing sequences are another big structural thing, of course--based on the flashed snippets of Hawks and Endeavor in both our current and the previous OP, I’m expecting we’ll see at least a bit of something referencing the upcoming internship arc (which I expect to close out the season), but I hope the villains just walk away with the closing entirely.  I want my slice of life villainy ED, dangit.
o  Another thing I’m eager/anxious about would be Kotarou, and the Shimura flashback generally.  There’s a brittle edge of to Kotarou that I really love, and I hope he manages to keep it in the anime, despite the anime being generally not so great at moments that I would describe as “delicate.”  For example, I’d like it if he doesn’t get a super deep voice, and if they could manage to keep his pretty face, and capture how deeply bitter and tired he looks in the scene where he’s reading the letter Nana left him.           Also, I hope they keep the little montage bits and, crucially, the changes of clothes the family goes through.  We see Tenko in no less than five, possibly as many as seven, different T-shirts through the course of that flashback.  It seems like a small thing, but it’s one of the factors that makes me skeptical that AFO gave Tenko Decay, when so many days clearly go by between the opening with the man at the door and the tragic end.  It’d be nice not to see too much resurgence on that just because the anime can’t be bothered to come up with more than one outfit for the Shimuras.
I have enough issues with the anime’s usual adaptation choices that I’m trying not to get my hopes up too high on the actual content of the episodes.  The staff is diverting too much of its major talent to the movies (BAH) these days for me to expect the whole season to look all that great, and it’s never been particularly creative or daring outside of its climactic sakuga-heavy fight scenes anyway.  I’ve also long had a bone to pick with its scoring decisions, and am already eyeballing the climax of the RD/Shigaraki fight and imagining the minor-keyed terrifying dirge I fear the anime will play there, at the moment that Re-Destro (and, shortly afterward, Spinner) are supposed to be experiencing something akin to religious awakenings.           There’s also the issue of the violence and gore--judging by how the anime handled the scene where Shigaraki and Compress maim Overhaul, I have some severe reservations about how much blood they’ll be allowed to get away with, particularly in the scene where the League brutally decimates that CRC group and, of course, Shigaraki’s backstory.  I’m looking at MVA to serve as a preview for how all the same issues will be addressed in the War Arc.
That bit of pessimism aside, as to what I’m hoping they’ll add or change?  Well, off the top of my head.....
o  I would love to get a full episode devoted to the time the League spends fighting Machia.  Not that first tussle, but the six grueling weeks in the mountains.  There’s so much you could add there for character building and atmosphere that Hori didn’t so much as montage through.  Where was their food coming from?  How’d they pick out places to pitch camp?  How much access to news from outside did they have, and how frequently?  What were the circumstances in which Gigantomachia “told them himself” about his great sense of smell??  Stuff like that!             I don’t think we’re at all likely to get this--honestly, the series of late has had enough of a problem with trimming bits and pieces that I’m as worried about what they might cut as I am hyped about things they might add--but the one thing that gives me some hope is the training camp arc.  Specifically, the moment 1-A first gets to the Pussycats’ forest, they get jumped by earth golems, a fight that the manga off-panels entirely, but the anime spends a modest amount of time on, giving the kids a little bit of time to show off their moves and such.  I’d love to get something equivalent for the League.
o  On a similar note, I wouldn’t turn it down if they fleshed out some of those running street fights a bit.  One obvious thing comes to mind: there’s a weird jump in the manga between Skeptic and a horde of his golems being all but on top of Twice at the beginning of 233 and then that fight just--doesn’t happen.  There’s no mention of it at all.  I think the suggestion is that either Machia’s appearance or the tower going down interrupted it--Skeptic breaks off from his fight the same way Geten and Trumpet do theirs, shifting focus to protecting Re-Destro--but it’d be nice to see the anime touch on it.
o  It’d be nice to get a bit of expansion on the nature of the bullying Spinner endured.  We’re told he was, but was it limited to verbal?  Did he get beaten up a lot?  Was there an online element?  Deku’s our only other reference point for “bullied kid,” and whatever one might think about the story’s development of Bakugou’s mentality, it’s been made clear in retrospect that there was a lot more too that than just the matter of Deku’s quirklessness.  I’d love to know how Spinner’s bullying looked in comparison (not least because of some of the theories about Spinner and Deku needing to come to some kind of accord to free Shigaraki from AFO).
o  Make the Villa (both here and during the War Arc) look more realistic.  By which I mean, I know Horikoshi is capable of drawing interesting and lived-in interior spaces--he has an entire chapter dedicated to it in the 1-A dorm room contest, after all--but he normally doesn’t bother much with it.  At UA, it’s not too distracting, because we know good and well that that whole building is probably maintained by Cementoss anyway.  Ditto places like Tartarus (intentionally, dehumanizingly barren) or the League’s post-Kamino hideouts (abandoned homes and industrial spaces).  But the Villa?            For heaven’s sake, it’s called a mountain villa.  It has a clear reception desk on the ground floor; it’s obviously some sort of high-end hotel, if not an outright resort or rentable retreat lodge.  Speaking as someone who’s worked in one, places like that don’t look as fuckin’ bare as the rooms we see there always seem to.  For fanfic purposes, I’m happy to go on telling myself that e.g. the pool and the bar and the restaurant(s) and the gym are in the building Cementoss doesn’t tear in half, but it’d be nice if the anime could class the whole place up a little, maybe put some real furniture and decor in the rooms that are in use.  (Yes, I know this is a ridiculous nitpick.)
o  This is less a change and more a correction, but for fuck’s sake, BONES, give us white-haired Shigaraki.  The climax of Deika is a solid time for it, given that it’s obvious in the manga that Shigaraki’s hair gets paler in Deika--you can see it in the way Horikoshi inks it (which is to say, the way he stops inking it)!  I think if we ever get white-haired Shigaraki in the anime, a somewhat better time as far as narrative justification goes would be when Shigaraki gets out of the tube in the War Arc; you could easily justify it as a side-effect of the surgery.  Still, I’d rather see it here.  I want white-haired Shigaraki, gleaming and brilliant through the scattering ash in that crater, a veritable angel of sacred destruction.           Honestly, more than anything, the crater sequence is the one I hope I love.  It’s probably my favorite single moment in the entire manga, as Shigaraki wins over Re-Destro, Spinner and Gigantomachia in the same moment, and finally comes into his own.  If they can at least nail that, I’ll consider myself pretty satisfied.
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sweetness-pop · 4 years
Introducing Nanae Yagi (八木虹恵)🌻🌈🌟
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Meet.......Nanae Yagi, she’s the daughter of Toshinori Yagi & Inko Midoriya, also making her the younger half-sister of Izuku Midoriya. & The young Symbol of Joy!
Born on November 19th. In fact, born just 4 months after her parents married. Toshinori was 49(Until his age is finally confirmed, I’m gonna headcanon him currently being around 47, which would have been the age that Nana Shimura’s son Kotaro would have been if he was alive in the series) & Inko was 43 when they had her. Izuku was 18 when he became a big brother, & he was around his 3rd year at UA.
She has blonde hair like her daddy with the addition of an ahoge on her head. Light tan skin that was probably from her mommy like her big bro. & As for her eyes, they are actually central heterochromia, as the outer rings are light blue like Toshi’s eyes while the inner rings are green like Inko’s & Izuku’s.
Her name in the kanji is 虹恵, which means "rainbow blessing". The moment she was born, a rainbow mysteriously shined out of the sky. The rainbow is a symbol of peace & serenity. (Someday, I’ll write a post about her birth) 
Guess what? The one who ended up helping Inko giving birth & delivered baby Nanae was actually Melissa Shield from Two Heroes(thank you Horikoshi for making that film along with Heroes Rising canon!).
& She was born with a quirk. Now about her quirk, it’s both an inheriting & mutating one. She obviously inherited Inko’s levitation quirk, however the reason why it’s also a mutation because Nanae has the ability to pull any natural phenomena to either her direction or anyone else’s once activated. Like, she can literally grab & manipulate any phenomena she uses. Examples for this, she can easily bring a tornado to blow stuff or even people around, she can pull a tsunami from the ocean & hit or even drown anyone with it, or Nanae can simply mess around with the outer space, & grab something like stars, the moon or even a supernova to Earth. Yeah Nanae’s quirk is too dangerous, powerful & extremely scary. Her quirk manifested when she was an infant. Remember when I said that a rainbow did appear the moment she was born? However, while pregnant in the 3rd trimester, Inko encountered stars floating around her......oh dear, you could guess where I’m going with this.
So what do you MHA & ToshInko fans think about little Nanae Yagi? She’s my 1st fankid that I’ve ever came up with for Toshinori x Inko. Plus, I love the idea of Izuku having a baby sister. Nanae is the Mighty Family’s miracle child. Please share your thoughts in the comments or even reblogs. In the pic, she is around 3 to 4 years of age. & Credit: https://charat.me/en/dressup/ 
Sayonara now my sweets! Go Beyond! Plus Ultra!
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Ooh May I please request Hcs for Young!Toshinori and a black girl who shadows him at UA for a month long exchange program, and how he reacts to her changing up hairstyles (braids, scarves, fro, blowout) and how teasin n friendly she is with him? Maybe they grow close and exchange contact? Then years later she comes back to UA to do a presentation when hes teaching there? Maybe Toshi is kinda like her fanboy and its fluffy? (Crush confessions maybe? A kiss?) quirk: element manipulation (avatar)
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- U.A. had begun an exchange program with another school in order to help students learn about the different teaching styles associated with learning how to be a hero.
- It was just Toshinori’s luck that his teacher asked him to help you around for the month you’d be attending the school while he was busy trying to train One for All.
- Stopped minding as much when he found out they stuck him with a cute girl, not that anyone could call him out on it. Nana called him out on it.
- He was so impressed since he was born quirkless and here you were with essentially four quirks in one since you could control earth, wind, water, and fire.
- Always one to tease him after you beat him at trainings, a simple smirk on your face when you simply sing out, “Jealous, Toshi?~”
He wasn’t jealous.
Okay a little jealous but mostly impressed.
- It goes a step further when he discovers an odd thing about you. Instead of keeping up with one style and hero costume, you had multiple ones depending on what type of mood you were in.
- Blow-ed out hair and green tunics when you were feeling particularly windy, intricate braids and flowy blue skirts when it was a water day. Afro and tights days were fire days and scarves and shorts when it was time for earth day.
“You sure have a lot of looks,” he had mentioned.
You had laughed and teasingly snapped back. “And you sure look at me a lot.”
That had earned a blush across his face, and you laughed at the obvious embarrassment he felt having been called out on his staring as of late.
- Toshinori had only wished he’d had the courage to ask you out when you were going to U.A. but he settled for exchanging numbers and snapchats with you.
- He never grew tired of the videos you sent even years later you’d keep sending him memes or messages, although the medium changed every few years, especially when you two first became official heroes. 
“I stopped 42 crimes this week, Toshi! How about you?” you sent, flexing a muscle.
“It’s not a competition. Remember, the amount stopped doesn’t matter. It’s the people saved.”
You smirked. “So, less than me, huh?”
- Then, he got the best surprise when you came back to try to convince students to try the very same program years later.
“You’ll all be able to work under our fabulous (hero/name)! Not only does she have years of hero work under her belt, but also—”
- He goes on a tangent for quite a while. Some of the students even fell asleep midway through. He’s almost as bad as Midoriya is with his fanboy-ism. Toshi almost went the entire class time before you float up with your quirk and pat him on the head.
“Toshi, if you keep going, I won’t be able to tell them about the program.”
“Right, of course!”
“Okay! So—”
“But also, don’t forget, that she—”
Face palm.
- After school, you attempt to catch up.
“I think a few of the students are seriously considering going with you, but it’s to be expected after that presentation. You looked amazing.”
“Aw,” you cooed then pouted, “but are you saying I don’t always look amazing, Toshi-kun?”
“Of course not! Y-You always look fantastic! I just meant—”
You snickered. “Cool it. I’m just messin’ with you.”
He sighed, calming his beating heart. Toshi tried to look for anything to change the conversation and settled on the outfit you chose to wear today. Green. And your hair. Blown. “So, I guess you were feeling in touch with your wind side today.”
“Nah,” you disagreed. “I just knew this one was your favorite,” you explained, giving a little wink that made him flush and gape as he tried to think of a response. You smirked. “So…are you going to ask me out this time or just keep stuttering?”
“What,” he blurted. “You knew about that?”
You rolled your eyes with amusement. “It was pretty obvious there, big guy. Everyone in school knew you had a crush on me.”
“Ah! Well…” he gulped, thinking of how embarrassing the entire explanation was. “Do you want to go out for coffee?”
You “hm-ed” in response.
You shrugged, and Toshi nervously cleared his throat. If you didn’t know better, you’d swear his voice was going to crack again like when you were teens.
You smiled and activated your quirk so you could float up to his height and kiss him on his reddened cheek. “I like dinner.”
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lilypad-make · 5 years
BNHA Fanfic Recs
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You : *minding your business on tumblr*
Me : *pops up* 
Its out! The UA yearbook has arrived to the public. And 1A is the star!
CONTAINS: Social Media Absurds amounts of fluff Flufforoki AND MORE
Its finally time that the public REALLY get to know our favorite hero kids.
THIS FANFIC IS AMAZING . I always wanted to see the public reactions!
When the phone jolted him from a dreamless sleep, Toshinori cursed softly and answered without looking at the caller ID. Dread coiled around his heart. It was the wee hours of the morning and only bad news came from phone calls at that time.
Two sides of a coin. Two sides of a decision. Two people bet their relationship choices on a flip. Heads or tails? Ochako and Izuku see the consequence of choosing one side.
Four years have passed since graduation and Ochako has not seen any of her classmates including that green-haired one ever since she went back to her hometown. Is this because she placed all her faith on that coin toss back in their third year?
What if Izuku unknowingly possessed a "sentient" Quirk like Tokoyami's 'Dark Shadow'? Enter Midoriya Izuku, a young boy thought to be Quirkless who subconsciously controls the number one vigilante in Japan; an entity powerful enough to rival even the strongest villains. There's only one small, tiny problem: the entity thinks of him as a big brother. Good luck, Izuku-nii-chan!
This fanfic was a rollercoaster ride of emotions and plot- twists . I really loved this fanfic for it’s unique quirk usage .
It may not be a new thing, for a retired hero to deal with nightmares, but this is the first time that Toshinori has had to deal with one of Izuku’s.
Midoriya Izuku is Quirkless. Well, he thought was. That was until he opened his mouth to sing. There is more power in Midoriya's singing than he could have ever dreamed of - a power truly worthy of a hero. But will he ever have the confidence to spread his wings and soar?
Follow Canary on his journey to find his voice and become the hero he was always meant to be.
I’ve always wanted to read Present Mic and Deku in the radio and this fic gave me that and more ! I love the way the songs are used and it’s thrilling to read !
Aizawa's heart has always been hopelessly big for those who needed help. Growing up taught him how to obscure that fact to protect himself after a few hard lessons but he never gives up. A parent's love is to be trampled on time and again but always ready to help. He didn't begrudge not having a marked parent of his own- well, outside Nedzu in his own odd way- maybe it even made him determined enough to deserve the twenty one child marks on his back.
If only he didn't have to get his hopes up every year he teaches a new class at UA. Maybe... Maybe this year he'd at least find one of them. Right?
Never expected to see an AU like this but I LOVE THE CONCEPT ! It’s so beautiful !
Izuku and his classmates are Pro Heroes in the future. He's twenty-eight when he gets into a battle against a villain that had been getting away with murder for weeks. He remembers blinding pain, and then suddenly he's watching a baseball fall from his hand and he's back on his first day at U.A.. It must've been the result of the villain's unknown Quirk, so he has to be cautious and not raise suspicion, because that's the smartest course of action for a hero in an unknown situation.
Aizawa - god, he missed his teacher - returns his Quirk, and Izuku automatically fires up One for All without thinking to fling the ball. Only when it flies out of the Earth's gravitational pull does he realise, oh, wait, that was 75% of his power, which was a lot more than he had a grip on at this age.
He winces and turns to face Aizawa, and the man's shocked face turns into the disturbingly wide grin he'd seen before. Oh boy.
So much for laying low...
Another TimeTravle! Au and it’s SUPER COOL !
Soft one-shot. Yagi's got something he wants to give to his successor- and no, it's not another Quirk!
DadMight! fanfic which I adored !
The one where Shimura Nana left behind two children: her son, Kotarou, who resents the memory of his Hero mother...
...and her daughter, Inko, who does not.
They say that home is not a place, but a person. Losing her parents at the age of 17, just days before turning 18 and celebrating Christmas, meant letting go of their home for her incapability to pay the rent. Without a family and without a roof above her head, what else is she to lose? Instead of a Santa Claus coming to her rescue, it is a walking Christmas tree on that snowy day who says, “I can give you a home, and I can pay for your parents’ home. I-if you would m-m-marry me.”
Izuku Midoriya, 18, is made heir to the One for All company, known for providing all kinds of merchandise for all kinds of needs – “There is nothing to fear, for everything is here.” Currently, the top company in the country headed by famous tycoon, Toshinori Yagi, who calls himself, All Might, takes in Izuku as a successor. But there is one condition in being his heir – that is to get married.
IzuOcha! I really love how sweet this fanfic is and that it gives me diabetes 
“My thanks.” He says, smiling back. “What is your name, boy?”
“I’m Izuku! Izuku Midoriya, sir!” The boy replies, excited, looking up at him. And Toshinori looks into the unmoving washed out green, into milky white pupils visible behind the mess curly hair, and realizes.
The boy is blind.
The boy that he distinctly saw dodge a series of fairly quick attacks, light on his feet and clearly used to some kind of training, the boy that had thrown him the bottle at the perfect height and perfect speed, the boy that has easily collected his spilled groceries and orderly put them back into the little plastic bag—
The boy. Is blind.
All Might imparts a lesson onto his student that his master taught him. It's perhaps the most important lesson he's never quite fully learned
She couldn’t recall how she ended up on a roof of some building. She wasn't the only one up here. There was a small boy, about her age, if she had to estimate. He was lanky, messy, shaky and – after he tripped over his own feet – a bit clumsy. A schoolboy in his black school clothes. Curly hair on top and freckles dotted his baby face.
Ochaco thought she'd get answers, but the more they spoke, the less it made sense. With ho other people around, and the clocks all stuck at just-past-eleven, she thought she had time to figure it out.
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Till then enjoy until I find more~
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thesardonicwriter · 6 years
Epoch, Chapter 3
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“Okay, so who’s the best hero then? Other than number one, obviously,” Kaito asked.
“Then I have to go number two. You clearly didn’t think this through, Kaito,” I joked, “but I’m going to humour you anyway by thinking about this objectively. Okay. So, we have to take into consideration a few things. Why don’t we treat this like the Shiketsu entrance exam, then? Rescues, villains, and planning. Obviously, Farside is pretty great. After all, I am interning with him.”
“That’s not objective, Aiko,”
“Are you sure? Fine. Shimura Nana.”
“Shimura. Good choice, good choice. I won’t deny she’s strong, but is she as strong as… Lone Ranger?”
“Stronger, easily.”
And thus, continued the lunch time debate about the best superhero. There was probably an obvious answer, that being the number one hero, but that was why we had added the extra rules for deciding. It was a fun little game we liked to play. Being second years, we were close to being heroes ourselves. Kaito was always prepared for these situations. Probably because he came up with the questions. That was why we were friends. Iko Kaito, a fellow second year. His Quirk - weapons master. He was able to touch anything that could be used as a weapon and instantly know the best way to use it against his opponent. It was impressive, really. I had seen it at work more than once. He would be a great battle hero one day. I didn’t really know how he would work as a rescue operative, but he’d probably make it work somehow.
“Speaking of internships, Akahashi, you’re with Farside! He’s the number three hero in the world! You have to tell us about what happens there,” someone else said.
“Believe me, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. We mostly just patrol, and he shows me how to do paperwork. There is a lot of it when you’re a pro hero. Though, he does like to use his Quirk to keep me on my toes. I’m learning how to see him wherever he is,”
“How’s that?” Kaito asked. “If he can hide from your field of vision, how do you see him?”
“Peripherals. It’s his weakness. I’m getting really good at it. It even helps with general attacks. Someone comes up from behind or the sides, I can usually stop them before they get close to me.”
The table nodded. I was lucky that Farside had requested to work with me. It had been a hard year, but it was worth it. I was one step closer to becoming a hero because of all the work Farside had put into me. I was grateful for it. I had worked so hard to reach this moment for Byakuya. I was going to make it one day. One day, I was going to find out what happened to him and stop it from happening again.
“So, you coming to watch those UA jackasses make fools of themselves on live television Akahashi?” Junko asked me, leaning forward expectantly. “Kaito is hosting the party this year.”
“Well, then, I suppose I don’t have much choice. How else are we gonna show those idiots who’s boss, right?” I laughed. “Honestly, I don’t get why they do that. Televise the event, I mean. They know that the other schools are going to use that against them in the licensing exam. It’s reckless.”
“Maybe they’re just cocky,” Kaito suggested.
“That’s absolutely what it is, Kaito, you’re right.”
The whole table laughed. I may have said that, but I knew they had a right to be. UA was the best school on the East coast. Still, they were facing Shiketsu, the best on the West. They could be cocky all they wanted. They wouldn’t have anything on us and our strategies. I wasn’t going to let them get any upper hand on us because we got complacent. Just because we knew their Quirks didn’t mean that we would know how they improved over the next several months. Still, some upper hand was better than no upper hand.
The conversation slowly strayed away from UA and more onto normal school things. We went back to class, learned about calculus and its applications in the hero world. I wondered what it had been like to learn these things before Quirks had come into the world. Had there really been any real-world applications, or was that just something teachers said to get students to pay attention? There wasn’t any way that I’d be able to find out, that was certain. It was strange things like that that just popped into my head when I let my mind wander. I had to be pulled out of thoughts about the past from Kaito continuously poking my forehead after class was over.
“Earth to Aiko, Aiko, come in Aiko,” Kaito joked, “seriously, what do you do in your head all day?”
“Imagine all of the ways I’m gonna kick your ass in the finals.”
We playfully wrestled as we left the classroom, ending with our arms around each other’s shoulders as we walked out of Shiketsu, imitating different heroes and their catchphrases. I veered off to head home before I went to watch the tournament with Kaito. I didn’t want to be in my school uniform all day, especially not if I had to wear the stupid hat. I hated that uniform hat. It was truly awful. I’m getting off track. I changed quickly and started out the door.
“Aiko, can you come here for a moment?” My mom called from the kitchen.
I bit back a groan and walked towards her. I was honestly expecting some kind of a lecture or something. It was all that she seemed to do these days.
“You just got home. Got some exciting plans?” she asked.
“Nothing too crazy. I’m going to Iko’s house to watch the UA sports festival. The provisional license exam is coming up and I want to be prepared.”
“Just, y’know, be careful. Text me when you get there and when you leave. Be safe.”
“Mom, I’m going to be fine.”
“Aiko, please.”
“All right, fine, I will. Bye!”
I understood where her concerns were coming from. Byakuya had been my age when he disappeared from UA. She was just worried about me. Still, it was annoying that she was thinking of me as him. I was my own person and Shiketsu was safer than UA. That had been proven time and time again. I just wished that she trusted me. I was going to be a hero, after all. She would lose her mind if she spent all of her time worrying about me. I walked to Kaito’s house. He wasn’t particularly close to my house, but he was closer than school, at least. I knocked on the door. Surprisingly, there were already people from our class there, ready and waiting. Kaito practically pulled me into the door. I really hadn’t expected for them all to be so rowdy. I had hoped that they would at least take this seriously somewhat.
I sat down on the couch, ignoring the others around me. Even just watching what happened in the beginning was helpful. I watched as the students of UA started to stretch and prepare themselves, a few of them even exercising their Quirks. My eyes skimmed over everyone until I saw it. Just a flash, a moment of something familiar. A streak of golden blond hair moving across the screen. I stiffened. No. There was no way. Yagi was, is, Quirkless. I couldn’t even see this person’s face. I was just… reverting. I shook my head and forced my muscles to loosen up. I was just remembering some bad parts of my life and associating things that looked similar. It was a bad thing. I thought I had moved past it.
A gunshot signalled the start of the event; an obstacle course that they had to get through to show off their Quirks. No sooner than the course started did the boy with the blond hair rush forward with a speed like no other. I watched curiously as he moved, a streak compared to his classmates. They didn’t even seem to be surprised by it. Everyone still actually paying attention at Kaito’s house was. It took that boy less than a minute to pass the full obstacle course, leaving nothing but a trail of dust behind him. That was going to be the one to look out for. He was going to win. I could already see that, and it had just barely begun.
The second match was only to determine which students would face off against each other in a fight using their Quirks. It was now, and only now, that they showed the names of the students. The name flashed out at me like a blinking light. It was a yelling at me.
Yagi Toshinori.
The little Quirkless boy who lived down the street from me. The little boy who dreamed about being a hero with me. The little boy with the golden hair and the stunning blue eyes.
And here he was, so many years later, the most powerful out of all of them. How was that even possible? As far as I knew, people didn’t just develop Quirks this late into their life. Maybe it had been the year after I left or something like that. I don’t know. We hadn’t kept in contact after I moved. A part of me wished that we had, seeing him now, moving effortlessly against his opponents. All of his battles lasted moments. It was almost impossible to see how he fought. I noticed a few patterns, still. They were things he had always done, but he could actually apply them now. It was impressive. His opponents never stood a chance.
Finally, it got to the last two people. Yagi Toshinori and Todoroki Enji. Todoroki had the Quirk hellfire. It was the hottest flame in the world, able to burn or melt anything. He was just as capable as Yagi. I was impressed. Those who fought against him ended with more than a few serious burns. I was on the edge of my seat, watching them and picking up on their cues. They fought with all of their energy. I could see Todoroki getting more and more upset as Yagi avoided his attacks. That was going to be Todoroki’s downfall. I could see it coming from a mile away. He left his right side open. Yagi took advantage of it in an instant, sending Todoroki flying out of the ring and into a wall. Even on the TV, the sound boomed through the room. All eyes turned to the TV, silence filling the air. Yagi stood tall, pushing his bangs out of his face with a grin. The crowd on the TV roared. This was going to be the one we had to look out for. Yagi Toshinori was a force to be reckoned with. I had yet to see even a pro hero with that kind of power.
I felt a shiver go down my spine as I thought about what that power felt like coursing through his veins.
“What the fuck was that?” Kaito whispered.
“That is why we need a strategy,” I responded.
“No shit.”
Kaito turned off the TV. We knew who had won. There were no doubts about it. The small party picked back up as people seemed to forget about how the festival ended. I headed home early. I couldn’t get Yagi out of my mind. All he had ever wanted was a Quirk.
“Hiya, Aiko. I guess you heard, huh?” Toshi was trying to hide the way his voice wavered.
He wanted to be strong for me, I guess. Maybe it was just trying to convince himself that it wasn’t true. I don’t suppose that I’ll ever know what was going on in his head. He certainly wouldn’t tell me the truth now.
I moved across the room and pulled him into a hug. My face was buried into his shoulder. He was shaking. He was trying so hard not to, but he was. I just held on to him tightly.
“It doesn’t matter, Toshi! Because I am here! And while I’m here, you and I are going to go on the best adventures! We’ll find buried treasure and explore unknown parts of the world. You and me to the end! Right?”
Toshi laughed sadly. He sniffed and wiped his eyes again. “Always.”
It had been a nice thought. Forever never lasted as long as you thought when you were a kid. After that, I ended up moving away and losing contact with him. Yagi probably ended up getting into all kinds of trouble after I left.
Even if we had lost contact, I would have thought he would have found some way to tell me he had a Quirk. I had been there when he thought that he didn’t. I was there comforting him and being his friend. I was a little hurt that he hadn’t. I wasn’t any better. I tried to completely forget about him, so I could forget about Byakuya. It hadn’t worked, but I still tried. Now, Yagi Toshinori was the strongest out of all of UA. There was no question about it. As I said before, he would be the one to beat at the license exam. It would be best to avoid him all together, for multiple reasons.
Yagi Toshinori.
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hithercamealexander · 7 years
Secret Santa reveal!
Hey everyone! Merry Christmas!
Some time ago I joined @boku-no-secret-santa’s gift exchange, and it’s time to reveal my gift and my secret santa, so here goes!
I wrote an All Might-centric fic for Agatha (@mydoriya), with some angst and a lot of fluff, so I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it!! >.<
There you go, Agatha, so Merry Christmas! :D
P.D. It’s also posted on AO3 (https://archiveofourown.org/works/13141350)
Keep smiling...
All Might flinched as he dug his nails into the palms of his hands. He hadn't even noticed that he was doing it until he felt the pain. He looked at the red marks he had left on his skin and sighed. It was the third time today he had caught himself clenching his fists too hard; Recovery Girl would scold him again. 
But he couldn't help it. 
Nighteye's last words echoed in his mind. He could still hear the weakening beeps of the machines that surrounded his old sidekick, the aseptic smell of the hospital, the colour of his eyes fading away...
-All Might, could you photocopy this document for me?
Cementoss' voice brought All Might back to reality. His fellow teacher was staring at him with a worried look in his eyes, holding a folder with 2nd-year students' records. Nobody had yet voiced their concerns, but everybody knew that All Might was not holding on very well after the raid of Overhaul's lair. All the students involved had come back scarred in some way or another, but Midoriya Izuku, Togata Mirio and All Might had taken the worst hit of all. Sure thing, others like Amajiki or Kirishima had only just been discharged from hospital after sustaining pretty serious injuries, but the wounds that those three had received were not of the kind that heals quickly. 
All Might looked at his watch while the photocopying machine wheezed and flashed. 1st-years were now training with Aizawa, while the 3rd-years were in one of Present Mic's loudly educational English lessons. All Might thought about the two talented young men; he thought about the one who had been considered the ideal vessel for his power and about the one who had actually inherited it, and he was surprised when he noticed that, as well as pride, he felt a pang of jealousy. Both of them had suffered just as he had the loss of Nighteye, but while he was still sulking in the shadows, being told off by his colleagues for not paying enough attention to his duties, Midoriya and Togata had resumed their lessons at UA and were proving to Nighteye that they were indeed becoming great heroes. 
How pathetic.
He was All Might, the number one hero, and yet he was nothing but a shadow of what he had been. He looked at his reflection in the computer's black screen and grimaced. He saw his sunken eyes, the bags under his eyelids, and thought of Nana. "A hero must always smile!" 
Smile indeed... Master, what would you think of me if you saw me now? I couldn't even protect Nighteye... Is this the hero that I wanted to become?
The hot summer sun shone down on UA while All Might sighed again.
Deku had decided that the night heat and the jarring, endless cry of the cicadas were too much for him and that, if he couldn't sleep, he might as well make use of his insomnia, so he got out of the house, careful not to wake up his mother, and went to Dagobah Beach. He usually liked training there, as it made him think of his first encounter with All Might and how he inherited One for All, but that particular morning it was just a painful reminder of his failure to save Nighteye, and his heart filled with those doubts that had been eating him inside ever since All Might passed his power on to him.   
What if All Might has made a mistake? What if Mirio-senpai could have saved Nighteye? Am I... am I really good enough? Will I ever be?
Suddenly, a lean figure in the distance caught his eye. The sun had only just started to rise, so he couldn't quite make out the person's features, but it was certainly a familiar figure.
-All Might!- he yelled, waving his arms, and the figure started and turned around. Indeed, it was All Might, but what was he doing here at this hour? Though, Deku pondered, the same could be said of him.
-Young Midoriya!- All Might looked sincerely startled- What are you doing here?
-I couldn't sleep and I just decided to go for a run. It usually helps me clear my head. What about you, All Might?
Deku glanced at his teacher's face. He had been worried for the number one hero ever since he incident. After all, Nighteye had been All Might's sidekick and one of his closest friends... Not to mention his profecy about All Might's fate. Deku had vowed to twist fate, but after the conclusion of Eri's rescue, could he still keep his word?
All Might scratched his head.
-I guess I couldn't sleep either. It's not easy, these days- his hand went to his left side, to his scar, in an automatic movement that wasn't lost on Izuku- So much has happened, and yet... I yet I am still unable to do anything at all.
-That's not true, All Might!- protested Deku- You're still the Symbol of Peace! The light that guides us! The light that guided Nighteye! That's why he was a hero capable of sacrificing himself for other, like Mirio-senpai! Because you inspire us, because...
Deku stopped talking; he felt that if he continued he would choke on his tears. All Might gave him a sad smile and gently patted him on the head. The pain he felt inside for Nighteye's death and his own failure as a hero lessened when he looked at Midoriya and he sensed his heart well with pride. He was becoming such a great hero, and he didn't even notice...
-All Might- the boy sobbed, in a quieter voice than All Might would have expected- do you... do you ever think that you were wrong? That someone else would have deserved One for All more than me? That I can't be a proper hero?
Deku's shoulders were trembling, and All Might understood how hard it must have been for him to see Nighteye die with his own eyes. He thought of Nana, of how he felt when he saw her chest stop moving, and then looked back down at Deku. A smile crept up to his lips.
-Young Midoriya...- All Might put his arms around the boy's shoulders and pulled him into a warm embrace- Never once.
They never saw it coming.
In one of his exceedingly less rare days off, All Might had decided to visit the girl that his colleagues had saved from Overhaul’s lair. He hadn’t actually gotten a chance to properly talk to her yet, but after everything that had happened, he couldn’t not do it. He also knew that her quirk was unstable and dangerous and that she was the one most afraid of her own power, but All Might considered that the most important reason to speak with her. She needed to know that she wasn’t alone.
He stopped and leaned against a lamppost.
That’s a good job you’re going to do there, you socially awkward failure.
As All Might he could take on the world, but as Yagi Toshinori… Ever since he had accepted that his “true form” was going to be his definitive one, he found himself ever more self-conscious. He wanted to believe that he could still actually inspire people, but the reveal of his secret to the world after his fight with All for One and the widespread discussion on whether he was a fraud or not that had spread like wildfire in the media had been slowly eroding his confidence. At least he still had Young Midoriya's admiration and, if he could get Young Eri to trust him, just a little bit, maybe he could feel that there still was in him some of the he hero he had once been.
So he walked towards Hosu's general hospital with a small box of mochis in his hand, hoping they would cheer up the young girl, when an earth-shattering explosion shook the ground. 
Nearly losing his balance, All Might managed to grab a lamppost and steady himself, and when he looked up for the source of the explosion, he saw in horror that the hospital was up in flames. Black smoke swivelled up into the sky, and even from the distance he could hear the crackling of the flames and the victims' cries of distress. He was suddenly paralised. He body refused to move.
What can you do? Nothing.
Who can you help? No one.
Remember Nana. Remember Nighteye. 
You're useless. You're a fraud. 
Give up.
All for One's voice echoed in his head. He clutched his left side, panting heavily. His scar burned, throbbed, making his flesh shudder. He tried to shut the voice out, to make it stop, but it wouldn't. A part of him wanted to listen to him, but then again...
Eri was in the hospital.
Eri was the target.
All Might sprang forward, his muscles moving on his own. The mochi box dropped to the pavement, its contents spilling, but he couldn't care less. Only one thought filled his mind.
He had to save Eri.
Every great hero has that moment where his body just moves on its own to do what is right. You can become a hero, Toshi. Smile!
He was nearly out of breath when we reached the blazing building, yet he never slowed down. He could see that some heroes, those around the area, had already come in aid of the victims. Some of them had scratches, some bruises, but nobody seemed to have been severely wounded. However, it seemed that there were still people inside the hospital, judging by those who were escaping the burning inferno inside, coughing and heaving. But no matter where he looked, he couldn't see Eri. His heart rushed. Would he actually lose two people in the same place with such a short time difference? No. No, he wouldn't. He was All Might. He was the Symbol of Peace. 
He would succeed.
People gasped when they noticed the scrawny, dishevelled man jumping into the flames, but none of the heroes had time to react and stop him.
The burning heat was the first thing to hit All Might right in the face, as he felt his lungs bursting with fire. He held his breath, hoping to be quick enough not to end up roasted, and moved forward. A few people ran past him towards the exit, looking at him as if he were a madman (he was, in a way, wasn't he? he thought), and as they passed by his side he caught wind of something of a villain or two villains, and of a fire quirk, or an explosion one, he couldn't be sure amidst that chaos. What was clear was that it wasn't going to be easy. 
 The explosion caught Eri in an uncomfortable light sleep, turning and twisting in her bed, but as soon as the quake hit she leapt up. She knew something was amiss. And, somehow, she knew it was her fault.
Years of living with Overhaul had taught her that everything bad that happened was always her fault.
She held on tight to her bed sheets, remembering how those two boys had risked their lives for her. The blond one. The green-haired one. Her heroes. Would they come to save her once more?
She hadn't got the chance to thank them properly. Maybe she never would. Maybe that was for the better. 
She could hear people screaming and running outside her room, but the door was tightly locked and she couldn't get to the other side. Through her window, all she could see was mayhem. Then a thump at her door. She started, trembling. Was her father back for her? Would Overhaul punish her very harshly? Her hands shook. 
Another thump, this time stronger.
Then the door flew open, hinges hanging loose.
Two men came in. Eri didn't recognise them, but she knew that they weren't good news.
One of them was sturdily built, with more bulging muscles than a normal body should have, while the other was lean, with light hair and tired eyes. They looked around the room as if there were nothing out of the ordinary in their actions and grinned widely when they spotted the trembling child in a corner of her bed.
-Well, well, well, who do we have here. If it isn't the little lady.
The lean man's voice was melodious and could even have been described as pleasant, were it not for his obviously disdainful tone and the hint of madness that one could detect in his countenance. The big man just grunted.
-Just take her, Setsuno, I don't want another fucking hero squad chasing our asses.
-Language, Nakatani, there are children present- Setsuno Toya mocked his companion - We don't want the young miss to turn us to dust like she did with her real dad, do we?
Eri looked down, trying to hold back the tears. She was a monster. Maybe she was better off in a laboratory, as she had been her whole life.
-You're gonna come with us, kid- Setsuno said, extending his hand towards Eri- and you don’t get to choose. We'll get you and Overhaul and everything will be back to normal. The Eight Precepts of Death will be revived once more and Overhaul will see to it that we're never defeated again.- His eyes shone, insanity within them.
Maybe she was better off dea-
All three people turned, dumbstruck at the sudden intromission, but all Setsuno found was an enormous fist that connected with his jaw and sent him flying to the other side of the room. His companion, Nakatani, blinked and, without even noticing, took a step backwards, as it was no one other than All Might in front of him. Compared to the bulk of the number one hero, even his musculature paled. 
Eri was gaping in awe. Having lived cloistered within the prison that Overhaul had built for her, Eri knew nothing of All Might or of his heroic deeds, so she hadn't the faintest idea of who this enormous, blond man who had barged in and knocked out her torturers was, but then he smiled at her and she felt something move in her heart.
-Fuck!- Nakatani threw a punch at All Might, turning everything in his way to ash, but All Might saw it coming miles ahead and ducked in time. He knew that he had barely a few punches in himself and that he could only keep his muscle form for an incredibly short amount of time, and that even only after mustering every single ounce of force he had in himself, but it had to be enough to save Young Eri. In a smooth movement he adjusted his feet, immobilised with ease the villain's scorching arm, and smashed his head into the floor. He heard something crack, probably bone in addition to the floor tiles, and he jumped away as Setsuno thrust a broken glass shard towards him with his quirk. The sharp edge razed him and blood trickled down his sleeve. All Might hissed and lunged towards Setsuno, who avoided a near-fatal blow only because All Might flinched, his body unable to keep going much longer. The villain thought quickly, he needed another strategy, he couldn't believe Nakatani had been taken out so fast, fuck, how come All Might was back, wasn't he fucking retired? Fuck, this wasn't in his plans, he couldn't face All Might, he didn't have any weak points, fuck, fuck, fu-
Then Eri caught his eye.
The girl. Go for the girl.
All Might was still reeling from the ache in his limbs when we understood what Setsuno intended to do, and he jump just in time to stop all the projectiles from crashing into Eri.
He held the girl in his arms, feeling her small, trembling body, and even though the pain of his wounds was nigh unbearable, he looked at her, and when he saw her face flooded by tears but with a sparkle of hope in her eyes, he did what he always did, what Nana taught him to do, what Nighteye wanted him to do.
He smiled.
-Don't worry, young lady. Everything is fine, I'm here now.
Without letting Eri go, All Might stood up, shards of glass falling from his back and arms, and gathering the little strength that he had left, he strode to where Setsuno stood, trying to put together one last attack, and punched him with all the fury of his soul.
 When Eri opened her eyes again, the bulging muscles had gone, and in their stead stood a skinny, dusty and bleeding man. Her brain tried to understand what had happened, but then he looked at her and smiled again, and she felt the same thing she had felt when she had seen him appear through her room's door. The same thing she felt when she first met Deku and when Mirio had given her his cape. 
She felt hope.
She hugged All Might with her short, little arms and buried her face in his chest, and for the first time in months, despite the numbing pain of his wounds, All Might felt at peace.
-All Might Power Cookies? For All Might?
Todoroki gave Deku a skeptical look.
-Well, yes! I mean, they are the best ones! They are produced with a special grain from Hokkaido which is extremely beneficious for muscle implementation and which also helps with blood circulation, not to speak of the delicious flavour of...
-Yeah man, we get it, we get it!- Kirishima tapped Deku on the shoulder. The whole class knew of Deku's habits of muttering endlessly about subjects that thrilled him (mainly All Might, of course).
The attack on the hospital and All Might's unexpected intervention had caught everybody by surprise, and as soon as they learnt that the villains responsible for the fire were in custody and All Might was in hospital with some wounds, they raced there to see their teacher. Deku was especially worried, since All Might hadn't answered any of his texts ever since and he didn't know the extent of the damage. Mirio had told him, in confidence, that the perpetrators had been some of Overhaul's minions, trying to kidnap Eri for some kind of mad scheme of bringing back the Eight Precepts of Death. Where had All Might found the strength to fight the people who helped kill Nighteye was something that Deku had no idea, but he was concerned about how it must have affected his teacher. 
The students of 1-A reached All Might's room and lightly knocked on the door. All Might was sitting up on his bed, talking to Midnight, who had come visiting, and his eyes lighted up when he saw his students flooding in through the door.
-Oh, well- All Might blushed slightly, and Deku and Ochaco looked at each other and giggled- This a very pleasant surprise!
-We couldn't NOT come, All Might!- Iida felt obliged, as usual, to give a few introductory remarks, moving his hands in an extravagant motion- As students of UA's Hero Course and future pro-heroes, it is our duty to look after our fellow heroes and mentors!
-Well said, Iida!- whooped Kaminari- That's our Class Rep! 
All Might smiled, covered in bandages as he was. Deku responded with a shaky smile. All Might seemed well enough, but what did really lie behind the eternal smile of the ex-number one hero? 
-How are you doing, All Might-sensei?- asked Yaoyorozu with her soothing voice.
-I have been better- All Might laughed off his students' worries. He wished that he could still freely use this muscle form to comfort them, but he would just have to do his best as he was. 
-Were you able to fight like that?- Todoroki seemed somewhere between worried and suspicious. All Might wished he knew what was going through the young man’s mind; after all, he was Endeavour’s son, who had risen to the number one position after All Might’s retirement. He had no idea what Todoroki thought of him before, but know, being the weak shadow of what he had been, he feared he had lost the young man’s respect.
-Not like this, no- he answered, pointing at himself- I managed to get all muscle-y for a while and that was more than enough.
Then, to his amazement, all the kids looked at him with glittery eyes, brimming with excitement.
-That’s All Might for you!!- exclaimed Kirishima, lifting his fist- That is so cool!
-He was the number one hero, after all- slipped in Mina. Iida nodded very energetically.
-No less will be expected of us as pro heroes, everyone, so no slackening! Let All Might’s example inspire you all, understood?- he said.
-Oh, come on, Iida- Sero jumped on the class rep, taking him by the shoulders in a friendly gesture- You can't expect us all to be like All Might! That's aiming too high!
-Yeah, exactly!- protested Mina- All Might is the Symbol of Peace! We're more like... the Symbol of Brave-but-dumbness, or something like that.
The class burst out laughing with Mina's joke, but All Might couldn't help but wonder at the students' behaviour. Did they actually still look up to him? Did they still... admire him?
Suddenly, he noticed a slight nudge to his bandaged hand, and when he looked up his eyes met with Deku's.
-I'm so glad that you're all right, All Might- the boy was smiling, a smile that reached his eyes and that filled All Might with warmth- You're incredible, you really are...
-Young Midoriya...- All Might started to say, but then Midnight interrupted his thoughts.
-It seems you have a visitor, my dear- All Might and the rest of the children turned towards the door, that Midnight had opened to reveal two figures, one of them a tall, scruffy man in black and the other one a tiny white-haired bundle of nerves.
-Yo- Aizawa greeted the class and gently nudged Eri forward. The inquisitive gazes of all who didn’t know her yet (that is, everyone apart from those involved in the raid of Overhaul’s lair) fell on the young girl, who shrank in fear of all those strangers, but, suddenly spotting out Deku in the midst of the crowd, she regained a bit of self-confidence and, after inhaling deeply, strode forward. She stopped in front of Deku, who wasn’t entirely sure what she was doing there, but whatever it was he nodded in approval. Meanwhile, Aizawa kept his eyes fixed on Eri; he didn’t want to risk any possible catastrophe that the girl’s uncontrolled power might unchain, but she had pleaded so much to be able to visit All Might that he had finally given in.
Eri finally got to All Might’s side with her eyes stuck to the ground. All Might wasn’t sure whether the girl was scared, angry or what was it that she was feeling, and he felt completely at a loss for words. He opened his mouth to say something, but then Eri just leapt up into the bed and hugged him tightly. All Might was stunned, unable to move for a second, when he started feeling the girl’s warm tears soaking his shoulder.
-Thank you. Thank you- she whispered to his ear- You’re an amazing hero.
All Might held her tightly and not caring that his students were present, he let his tears flow freely for the first time in a very long time.
 A few hours later, after sharing cookies and tea with Eri, Midnight and Aizawa, all the students of 1-A left for home, except Deku. He excused himself to Iida and Ochaco, telling them to go ahead without him, and stayed behind to speak to his teacher. It had been a long day for All Might, but he had held on quite stoically.
-All Might- his teacher looked at him, his usual warm smile on his lips- Thank you for saving Eri. It must have been quite demanding, given your situation…- Deku couldn’t help but fumble on his words; his mind worked faster than his mouth and he just hoped that he was making sense- The thing is, I just wanted to know that… that I’m very proud that you chose me. Even though I have many doubts, and a lot of the time I feel I’m not up to the part, but seeing what you did there… how you risked everything for what you thought you had to do...- Deku looked up, and the intensity of his gaze impressed All Might- I will become a great hero. A hero that you, that Togata-senpai and that Sir Nighteye can be proud of! I promise you I will fight to create that future!
All Might fell silent for a moment, pondering the young man’s words, and then, looking into his eyes, he smiled once more.
-Really, Young Midoriya… You have already created that future. You already are a hero.
The afternoon light of the sun dwindled as two stars, a rising one and a falling one, continued to burn bright.
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syncogon · 7 years
My Glory Academia
aka the bnha au of qzgs that no one asked for, inspired by @oneinchofash
- ft. qiao yifan as our izuku protagonist. while he has no main single tormentor like bakugou was for izuku, he was a social outcast for being weak (either quirkless or some really lame quirk he can’t really use). dreamed of being a hero but this was out of reach until ye xiu (all might) sees his potential and grants him the ghostblade power
- for the purposes of this au, the younger proplayers are ua students, while the veterans are pro heores/ua teachers/etc
- idk about the villains so don’t ask lol
- ANYWAY let’s go. thoughts under cut bc it got long
- gao yingjie as todoroki, wang jiexi as a not-abusive endeavor. yingjie isn’t bakugou because even though he’s like a link to yifan’s past, yingjie is just… very not-bakugou in temperament. so instead, yifan and yingjie are childhood friends, although with limited interactions because of yingjie’s extensive training (again, not as bad as endeavor, but wang jiexi is still relatively strict)
- tang rou as uraraka, except less bubbly and more of the intensity shown during her fight with bakugou. in fact, we can say she’s kind of a mix of uraraka and bakugou – not as sweet and kind as uraraka, not as violently aggressive as bakugou, but stubborn and determined and hard-working and ambitious
- an wenyi as tsuyu, smart and observant and blunt and tends to speak his mind
- bao rongxing as kaminari. brings ppl together but also idiot mode
- luo ji as yaomomo maybe? v book-smart but justifiably insecure about practical battle ability. plus some jirou-style annoyance at bao zi/kaminari
- mo fan as dorky edgelord tokoyami
- lu hanwen as kirishima. i don’t know lu hanwen’s personality very well but he seems a good fit – bright, talkative, brings ppl together, determined to live up to his hero (huang shaotian)
- qiu fei as iida. also don’t know qiu fei’s personality too well but he seems pretty rule-abiding and down-to-earth
- okay now moving out of the students of class 1a
- ye xiu as all might, as mentioned earlier. i think this is pretty given
- han wenqing as aizawa maybe??? former full-time pro hero but got injured or smth so had to take up teaching (and hero duties on the side)? v scary, esp at first. kinda-rivalry with ye xiu.
- zhang xinjie as recovery girl hahahahahahahahahahaha actually tho every time i see sir nighteye i think of zxj but he doesn’t quite fit that role so.... maybe a nighteye doppelganger who heals ppl and gets frustrated at the ridiculously unhealthy habits of most of the ppl he interacts with
- yu wenzhou as principal nedzu. smart and shrewd and does a good job of running the prestigious school full of students and teachers with their own possibly-dangerous quirks (both powers and personalities haha)
- huang shaotian as present mic maybe? rip everyone’s ears
- zhou zekai, jiang botao, sun xiang as the big three. sun xiang is nejire, and then zhou zekai as tamaki and jiang botao as mirio? except here zhou zekai is more of the leader of the three and not jiang botao
- wei chen as gran torino. old and kinda shameless (wei chen would totally do that fake-death thing for the heck of it) but still extremely skilled and knows what he’s doing
- fang rui as another ua teacher. i actually don’t know the teachers that well tho so idk who exactly
- zhang jiale as the no.2 hero – jk that’s wang jiexi, poor zhang jiale isn’t even second in this universe, sorry. but he runs a good hero agency alongside sun zheping
- chu yunxiu as mt.lady perhaps? runs a good agency of her own. honestly we can just say this about most of the captains of the other notable teams like xiao shiqin, li xuan, etc
- loulan slash def started out as one of what stain would call “corrupt” heroes, just in it for the money/fame, but he got better
- chen guo as midoriya inko but moms more aggressively
- blue river as detective naomasa maybe, except slightly more tired.
- su muqiu as tragic backstory shimura nana
- does this make su mucheng shigaraki???
- but nah lol su mucheng as midnight, kind and supportive toward the students
please feel free to add/argue ideas. i spent way too much time thinking about this
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