pocketramblr · 4 months
fun as all the various other quirks-in-ofa manifest first are, i am now musing on a "the first power to manifest is the vestiges" au where Izuku, still functionally quirkless, is in the middle of the entrance exam when he uhhh summons seven and half ghosts who were not prior to this fully aware and/or paying attention.
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introspectivememories · 9 months
unrequited tddk is about the emotional infidelity. and i know what you're thinking, "oh from shouto's end right? cause he's can't ever get over izuku and it bleeds into every single romantic relationship he has?" no!!! from izuku's end. izuku who is very much not in love with shouto but can't seem to stop the weird Closeness that they have. izuku sitting in shouto's lap even though he has a boyfriend. izuku staying up all night with shouto bc shoucchan just gets it guys!! we understand each other. izuku getting sick and the one thing he asks for is shouto much to the chagrin of his boyfriend. izuku who remains willfully oblivious to the situation because if he acknowledges it then he'll have to let shouto go and that is the one thing he cannot do. izuku who wasn't loved by his peers growing up and now that he has someone who Gets him like nobody else, he's not letting go.
#100% izk is mean like this#you don't understand#this is like the first fic idea i ever really sat down to write#like years ago#and i did write parts of it but i could never get it to come out the way i wanted it to#so now im turning it over to y'all#anyway in my story the boyfriend is bakugo#and bakugo fucking hates how close they are. like truly despises it but he can't even say anything cause izk refuses to acknowledge it#and like “ffs izuku can you let that poor man go? it hurts just watching him pine over you”#and like i dont think sho is the kind of person who can be friends with someone who rejected him#so i think that when izk starts dating bkg he initially lives in a state of denial for like a year until ocha talks some sense into him#and then he picks up like an overseas hero placement and drops all contact with izk#bc he loves izk but he cannnot watch izk be happy with someone else#and maybe that makes him selfish but why does he always have to be the selfless one? let him be selfish this once#and izk spends like the next 5 years with a hole in his heart#but sho is Thriving overseas without the added angst of izk draping himself all over sho.#until one night izk shows up at sho's apt. turns out that izk was doing an overseas mission and asked for sho's address under the guise of#being an old school friend. and sho reluctantly lets izk in cause it's cold outside and by god he has never been able to deny izk anything#and then they have a massive blowout argument.#why did you leave? / are you fucking serious? like you weren't two-timing bkg with the way you used to sit in my lap#wth are you talking about? / izuku! you do not get to have both of us! either you pick me or you pick him. and judging by that ring you#picked him. / i am not kind like you izuku. if you picked him i don't want anything to do with it. i don't want to be there for it#anyway#tododeku#tddk#todoroki shouto#midoriya izuku#bnha
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intoaneverythingbagel · 3 months
the tragedy of war torn veterans and it's correlation to my hero academia
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I think the conversation revolving izuku midoriya, and how he's been treated since the war ended is very, very interesting. The general consensus being that it's genuinely insane the mistreatment he's faced only a bit after the wars ending. He's a hero. He was beaten, bruised, mutilated and traumatized on live television for the entire world to see. And has received zero acclaim.
Most people are saying that it's genuinely fucked up, and yeah, I agree, it totally is. I mean, a 16 year old boy had to step up because a bunch of adults couldn't hold their own, saving the entire world, all while simultaneously losing himself and his quirk. He gave up his dreams, his sanity, and almost his life for peace; and yet he gets to relish in none of that. None of the fame, the acclaim that comes with heroism. Nothing.
Some have said that they find it to be unrealistic- "he saved the world, of course he's famous!- horikoshi is just bad at writing!" And yeah, he should be, but I don't think that horikoshi is bad at writing or that him getting acclaim is just something that isnt being shown. Horikoshi knows how to write fame, how to write stardom, we see it with hawks and Merko and most definitely all might. We even see it in the newest leaks (427) where bakugo and todoroki have fans- the new first years.
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So why then? If horikoshi can write, and he knows how to portray fame, then why is izuku facing neglect? Well, as we know, mha has always been a show about how people with disabilities are treated. (I will go further into dept on this in a future post, probably today or tomorrow) being quirkless is seen as being less abled then others= disabled, and now that izuku has lost his quirk, he is back at square one- being disabled. Not to mention the physical strain the injuries he has faced leave him with. He will face life long repercussions from those injuries. He is literally a disabled veteran. And for a lot of disabled veterans, the reality of the situation is that you don't always get to be a war hero after all is said and done. You don't get the fame you deserve, or the acclaim, or the help you need! or any of that because no one wants to hear about the gory, sad, disgustingly depressing side of battle. They want the glamour, the starlight and shine.
They want the miracles, and izuku is no longer a miracle.
I think what horikoshi is trying to portray is that things really dont go back to normal right after the war ends, peoples hearts and minds aren't all immediately changed, and the mindset that has been pushed for decades about quirklesness and it's abled-bodyness will not disappear just because the hero was once quirkless, because at the end of it (at least in their minds) they were right, someone who is quirkless could never truly be strong.
So, my consensus on this debate is that horikoshi is trying to portray how a lot of veterans end up after battle. It isnt some glorifying, amazing thing. It's not this heroic adventure. It's war, and it's after and disgusting and horrific and so so scary and it kills people, and it's usually the real heroes who end up the most fucked. A commentary on how veterans are often discarded once not needed anymore. Shits deep.
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Telling off Mineta
|Izuku Midoriya|Katsuki Bakugo|Shoto Todoroki|Fluff|Female reader|
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It was a training day. Everyone was excited to finally be able to use their quirks after long boring classes, being able to burn off some energy. Everyone was in the changing rooms getting ready and changing into their hero costumes. Making small talk with each other wondering about what exercise Aizawa and All Might would make them do.
“I hope we get paired up today Iida. Ive been working on my powers and I want to see how well it would measure up to your super move!” Midoriya slide on his suit while thinking about how exactly he would use his shoot style and ways he could improve it.
“Youve been practicing well Midoriya, but your not the only one. Everyone has gotten stronger” Iida said tying up his shoes tight. It would be horrible if he used his quirk and he ended up tripping.
Midoriya turning to grab something overhears Mineta spouting on about someone. Midoriya has learned to ignore Mineta's antics until he heard who exactly he was spouting about. You.
Even though you didn't even attend UA that didn't keep you safe from Mineta's perverted antics.
“You’ve seen Y/N right? I hope she comes to visit UA again. The skirts at her school are so short. Mmm~ I just want to-” His speech came to a sudden halt when he felt a deadly grip on his shoulders. Glancing up he saw Midoriya with a...smile? “Mineta ...do you mind not talking about Y/N like that? I dont think its really appropriate to do so” Even though Midoryas face seemed warm his tone and grip on Mineta's shoulder told a completely different story.  
Mineta sucked in a breath “Y-Yeah of course. It was just a joke” His choice of word just agitated Midoryia more. “Yeah? Well the next time you decided to “Joke” about Y/N we will have a problem.” Mineta nodded his head quickly and Midoriya went back to Iida.
“You know what Iida. I wouldn't mind Mineta being my partner today either” He slammed his locker shut walking off. 
“What happened to Midoriyas locker?” Kirishima asked Iida looking at the door hanging off a single hinge. “Mineta” Iida simply said closing his and heading out to join the rest of the class.
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Everyone had settled in the cafeteria. Students bustling, utensils clattering, the mumbled tones of food-stuffed voices, it was utterly annoying to him. It's not the fact that it was loud, heck he could be louder than anyone in there. It was the catastrophe sound of it altogether. 
“...it was so cool to see! I have to train 100x harder to be on their level!” Baukgo was with his usual group. Kirishima was telling some story of a Hero he saw that morning. He wasn't fully listening only picking up on parts here and there. “Dude you train all the time. You train just as hard not if harder than everyone else here” Denki responded. “Yeah man, you will reach the Hero level sooner than you know it” Sero chimed in.
Bakugo was mostly in his own head. Thinking about training today school work and other things, but something pulled him out of his thoughts. Someone. A voice stood out to him, an annoying one at that. Bakugos sudden grown snapped Kirishima out of his story. “What's wrong man? What-” Bakugo instantly stood from the table hands slapping down and shaking it.
Hands in his pocket he walks up to him. “So I was thinking me and you could you know...” Mineta's hand reaches out to you but before it makes contact a shadow looms over him. Mineta looks up behind him. Bakugos eyes were narrow and livid “What were you trying to do with my girl you fucking pervert” His voice was low and dangerous. “Katsuki...” you said calmly. He clasps his hands on Mineta's shoulder his hands starting to spark. 
Mineta froze in place “Answer me when I ask you something shit face!” Burn marks starting to form on Mineta's shirt “OW! OW! N-NOTHING, I WASN'T TRYING TO DO ANYTHING” A sinister smirk came up on Bakugos face “You better pray we aren't paired up together for training. You won't live through it” He says letting go and walking towards you. “He didn't touch your right?” He asked you still slightly pissed off. You shook your head giving him a reassuring smile and placing a hand on his arm.
“I'm fine Katsuki. Thank you.” He smirks grabbing you and kissing you deeply so Mineta and everyone else knows that you are his and his only. Mineta kept his fat mouth shut for the rest of the day but was unlucky during the training session. He was with Recovery Girl for the next 2 days.
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It was pretty quiet in the classroom. Mostly hushed voices and paper rustling. Everyone was just waiting for Aizawa to roll into class. Todoroki was just reviewing notes with you until you stepped out to use the bathroom. 
Todoroki continued to review notes on his own until he could have sworn he heard your name. He glanced around the classroom looking until, there. He spotted Mineta talking to Kaminari and Sero in the back of the classroom. Gesturing towards the door you just walked out of with that gross look on his face that made Todoroki shrivel up in disgust.
“Did you see the way her legs looked? They're so slender and sexy”
“Bro I don't think you should-”
“And her bust! Oh man I was Y/N to just-”
An ice crystal soon shadowed the room. Mineta is displayed inside. “I strongly suggest you keep your perverse topic of conversation away from Y/N and all the other girls in class”
Todoroki said towards Mineta's frozen body before swiftly returning to his notes. “All right everyon-” Aizawa halted seeing the large spear of ice. Glancing towards Todoroki who innocently carries on with his studies. “What happened here?” He questioned everyone pointing at you as you coincidentally walk in. You stand there confused seeing an ice block and fingers pointed towards you slowly putting together what had happened. 
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i-cant-sing · 11 months
My mind is just coming up with amazing ideas today. I guess that's what happens when u don't study for a week... (this is all happening my academic burnout sm)
I present to you- Yandere Dad Hawks x bird kid reader.
Look Dad Keigo was gonna be a doting father for any kid, biological or not, but there's just something about his bio kid who also HAS HIS QUIRK😭😭😭 Like he can't stop awing at the sight of his little baby bird having tiny tiny red wings like papa.
The ever loving, forever doting, always spoiling his baby, that's the kind of dad Keigo is. I mean, putting his own childhood trauma aside, he still wants you to have the best childhood ever. There are very few things he says no to (only coming second to Dad Dabi who only says no to things that will actively put you in danger. Want ice cream for breakfast? Okay. Want to go to 7/11 with grandpa Enji? Hell no.). Child reader wants an Endeavour hero figure? Of course, darling! Here, take one from daddy's collection 🥰🥰🥰 Dont wanna eat your peas? Sorry, doll. You're gonna have to finish your plate, even if you try to look adorably menacing by fluffing up your wings.
Oh and your wings😭 You know how Rei has a weird thing for your hair (and she definitely gives you a flea bath after you hang out with hawks)? Yeah that's how Keigo is with your wings- obsessed. He takes care of them, cleans them out and even has you sit for hours if that's how long it takes him to groom them. "Its no use swatting me, baby. I'm still not letting you move an inch until I'm done. So, just sit back and relax.🥰" keigo would say as he hands his phone to watch some shows.
I headcanon that Keigo's kid will be sassy and quick as him. The two can bicker for hours, and no ones really sure whether you're just that good at arguments or if Keigo just let's you win because he loves you so much.
I can also see Keigo and reader bonding over their mutual love for pro hero Endeavour (but in very different ways💀)
Dad Keigo adores spending time with you, especially now that you're put in a safehouse with only a handful people he let's you meet. A major part of his life is feeding you. Maybe it's the bird brain, maybe it's his childhood trauma, but Keigo has to cook meals for you and he has to watch you eat them. He's not sure, but it makes him be at peace knowing that you sleep with a tummy full and a warm bed.
I think as far as flying goes, Keigo tells you to only to do it under his supervision. You know how sometimes you forget how ti breathe and then making a concious effort to breathe makes it difficult to do so? That's what Keigo thinks happens. He thinks that if you fly alone, you might suddenly forget how flap your wings or maybe you get tired and then you're just crashing down to the ground. Unfortunately for his weak heart, you don't listen to him and fly as high as you can.
Would Keigo let you go to school? Initially, yes. But it only takes one incident, something even as harmless as a stupid prank call threatening his child (Dabi did the call), and that's enough for him to go hay wire and pull you out of school and move to a new safehouse, cut off from anyone and everyone. When he has to leave, he'd either drop you off at Enji's, OR have someone from the Hero Comminsion come and babysit you.
You can pout and cry and scream at him all you want, he's not changing his mind. You're his baby, his only light, only will to live, he can't risk your life.
His life would only become more complicated if either of you get a love interest. For you, the choices are: Katsuki, Tokoyami, Izuku. For him, the choices are: Dabi, your baby mama, Miruko.
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cvnt4him · 3 months
AN; okay so to be completely fair this is my first fic EVER. So like if it's bad that's my excuse. ALSO!! Reader will not have any specific gender so I felt like it was best to put GN so..yeah. enjoy<3
WARNINGS. Manipulation, blk coded reader, chubby coded reader, (or js plump. Basically in some way has fat on tummy.) 'vulgar' language, boys being boys.
If in any way, you feel bothered feel free to exit now<3
Can you tell this is an old fic from like 2023? Like I'm js cleaning out my drafts and honestly good guy!zuzu is a good idea so.. yeah!!!!! I made alot of fics and wrote them as my "first fic" clearly this isn't my first anymore but I js mostly updated it to how I write now. We all know i dont use warnings so.. yur 💀
Good guy my ass.
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How did this happen.
You find yourself being dicked down in a public bathroom. By none other than the local good boy, izuku midoriya. Better known as deku, an aspiring and upcoming hero, only now a sidekick and being the center of attention for having such adorable features and such a powerful quirk. [or nine but wtv]
This is absolutely filthy. Genuinely pathetic. Your face was being pushed against the disgusting greasy mirror as he pounded you from behind, hoisting one of your legs onto the counter. It wasn't a rather uncomfortable position, who dient like getting fucked? It's the fact that this guy is supposed to be a good guy. He's supposed to save people, not threaten to kill them or boast and brag about how powerful he is.
"I could snap your slutty fucking neck right now, you'd like that wouldn't you whore. You like being fucked by a hero? Dirty slut loves getting fucked down in a public bathroom."
The words he let fall from those perfect lips just didn't sound right, but god was it sexy. The way he grunted and tried to hold back his moans from how tight you were squeezing around him. He just couldn't help himself, hips jerking and stuttering into you at an uneven pace, his thrusts getting sloppier by the second his moans started to flow more fluently, you see in the mirror his eyes rolling into the back of his skull as he throws his head back.
You couldn't do anything but let muffled moans out of your drool filled mouth, his fingers being stuffed down your throat, gagging and spitting all over his thick scarred fingers. The way your tongue licked and moved around his fingers sent him over the edge. He was holding out for a lot longer than he expected, his cock was twitching and leaking so much pre before he got inside of you he swore he was gonna cum the second he put his flushed throbbing cock head against your hole.
He continued to hold out, savoring his seed for you, he knew how much a cock dumb whore like you enjoyed cum, he promises you it'll be so much just for you.
He groans and lays his head on your shoulder, his hips thrusting into you at a brutal pace, he slaps your ass harshly a red mark becoming visible from his hard slap. You cry out in pain around his fingers hiccuping and sobbing hopelessly he wasn't letting you despite his upcoming orgasm he was going to milk this moment for all that it was.
He yanked on your curls his fingers entangling inside, he pulled your head back making a noise leave you, the way your neck was craned back was aching and slightly painful yet he just wouldn't stop. He removed his sticky spit covered fingers from your mouth to slap you hard. It shocked you and made you stutter out a wailed cry. You couch and choke on the air he finally let you have before putting his fingers right back into their place; you're slutty mouth.
He thrusts one last time before spilling his all inside of you. The way you convulse around his cock making him whine the immense pleasure and overstimulation making him shiver in pain. It was blissful really, he felt dark to good to let up on his thrusts he was a good guy after all, it only makes sense to let you cum around his cock.
He leans down and whispers in your ear, his hot breath fanning your cheek.
"cum on my cock baby, c'mon you can do it."
With that you fell apart completely around him, sobbing and moaning as you finally feel that release the way his thick engorged cock head repeatedly crashed and harshly hit against your cervix had your head spinning, but finally you could cum.
You catch your breath as he runs your shoulder soothingly whispering sweet nothing into your ear. It was crazy how easily the switch up was for him, one moment you're a filthy slut who deserves to be fucked like the cum junkie you are, next you're so beautiful and did so well for him and he wants to spoil you and treat you right. The fuck? This nigga fr had the nerve, the GALL, to fuck you in a filthy bathroom then proceed to say "treat you right" like in what way is that okay?
He zipped up his suit zipper and assured he looked presentable in the mirror, a clear spot being shown where he had your face smashed up against, the sweat had smeared on the mirror.
He smiles to himself wiping off his suit and shaking his hand in his hair making sure either looks wild and messy per usge, he knew how to make himself look nice.
You regained your composure slowly as you slipped your shirt over yourself, you were sore and tired kind of hungry too, just your luck he can't seem to not get hungry after sex.
"grab'n a bite."
He says still admiring himself in the mirror wiping the tears that prickled at the corner of his eyes due to the pleasure you gave him.
You lazily look up at him through still lidded eyes, you couldn't speak your throat hurt from how hard he thrusted his fingers down it. You simply hum at his words and expected this to be where you part ways. You assumed he was grabbing a bite and wanted you to wait back behind him so no one seen you two leave together especially because you look a mess, like you'd just gotten fucked in a public bathroom. Oh wait, you did! By him.
He was very proud of himself, he's fucked alot of bitches but there was something about you the way you hushed around him that had him wrapped, well it wasnt you. Just your body that he was rather obsessed with. The way you moved underneath him, how you plead for him. The intoxicating feeling of it all.
He headed towards the door not hearing your footsteps behind him, he grabs the handle but before opening it turns to you and looks you up and down with a raised brow and pretty much emotionless face.
"y'coming or....??"
He was kind of sassy and you did not like it. Fucking cunt.
You raise a brow and look around pointing to yourself as if there was someone else in there with you two...
He rolls his eyes and facepalms himself, you're hot sure but a fucking dumbass.
"no shit. Are you coming or fucking not I don't have time for this."
He lets out in an annoyed tone, giving you an angry face while opening the door.
"I don't really have the money at the moment so i---"
"did I say anything about money? No, so keep that pretty mouth of yours shut unless you have something to say."
He stops at the door looking back at you with a squinted look and a frown on his face. You scoff as he leaves, the door shutting behind him immediately. There is just no way this guy is this fucking mean. Like he's actually an asshole for a living. Damn he fucking sucks.
You groan and leave the bathroom after him, you see him being swarmed with fangirls and others trying to get pictures autographs and videos with the upcoming sidekick.
He gives them his usual picture perfect pearly white smile as his eyes land on you, his smile stays the same as his brows furrowed slightly not too noticeable to his fans as they were all starstruck and probably wouldn't remember anything from this interaction.
He nods his head to the door telling you to "get the hell out he'll be there in a sec".
You don't really give much of an answer, you never stopped walking while you watched him hint to the door. Like no fucking shit, you're not dumb.
That slightly angered him, not that he'd dare let it show, but how could you be such an entitled bitch? You're the slut that fucked him in the bathroom. You should be THANKING him for even granting you with permission to be in his presence. Breathe the same air as him. Walk on the same earth he does.
He bids adieux to his fans as they all try to follow him he hurriedly walks outside and grabs you by your arm.
"wha- wHAT ARE YOU?!--"
Your speech was cut off by him grabbing you bridal style and jumping off into the air, hopping on building to building with you in his arms.
You scream and bury your face into his chest, you hated heights so the fact he had the nerve to bring you this high was making your stomach turn.
"calm down, I'm not even going that high or that fast."
Izuku was really fast some day the fastest human alive apart from allmight but hey even then he might still be faster than him, so he probably was going slow however you're still above the ground, and not just a few feet you were on top of the highest buildings ever in the busiest city evet. If people bothered to looked up they'd see izuku holding you and hopping away.
He finally sets you down as you're now at a restaurant, a rather empty one. This place was quite nice, there's no way it's this empty.
"go on inside and grab a seat, yeah? I'll be in soon hun."
'hun'? How dare he. He can't just treat you with respect then call you a whore the next. You hated him, the almighty, perfect, sweet, gentlemanly, golden boy. More like a golden piece of shit. He's an ass hat and should sit on a dick.
You go inside to see a waiter taking a couple of people's orders, they were all at one table and wore hoods hats or sunglasses if some kind. What the hell were.. were those pro heroes?! What the hell???
You stare in shock, there was no way all of these heroes are just here at the same time you and izuku were grabbing a bite. Izuku walks in which grabs their attention, you notice them looking back at you and jump lightly trying to exit but to your surprise you're stopped by a taller and much bigger than you izuku who looks down at you with a raised brow and a frown or disappointment. You look up to him with wide eyes, you hadn't expected these heroes to be here as well he can't blame you for being nervous and trying to vanish..
He sighs deeply and sucks his teeth as he whispers down to you to not alarm his peers.
"can't do a simple job? I asked for one thing, one thing and yet you act like a deer stuck by headlights. Fucking imbecile."
He ends his speech before looking back up to his friends with a smile and a chuckle saying hello to them all as he turns you around by your shoulders with a harsh grip, holding the small of your back and pushing you towards the other heros.
He pulls out a chair for you gesturing for you to take a seat, you do so looking to the ground the whole time. You'd lost your appetite, there's just something about people being mean and disappointed in you that hurts your heart terribly.
The way it aches and yearns for release. How your eyes slowly well up with hot tears threatening to spill from the corner of your eyes. You give izuku a half smile while sitting.
Izuku watched you the whole time, his squinted eyes studying your state. His friends spoke laughed and had drinks while conversing about hero work, fans, and other things you couldn't relate to, not begin to care about. Izuku continued to observe you, the way you played with your food in front of you not even eating it just picking at it and setting your fork down.
Just to your luck the conversation headed towards a new direction, a new topic, one that made you even more uncomfortable. All the guys were just talking and smirking at the conversation of having sex with women and doing other things etcetera etcetera. It bothered you, being around men jnt shit natural habitat. The way they spoke and joked around was disgusting and guy wrenching.
You quickly get up and excuse yourself, bowing slightly with a polite tone as you head the women's restroom.
Izuku watched as you fled, he was about to get up as well before being stopped by one of his other sidekick acquaintances.
"damn that ass was nice, how you manage to bag that huh, midoriya?"
"yeah I agree, there's no way a fine piece of ass like that likes someone as soft as you. Haha!"
They all laughed and joked, pissing the freckled man off more than he already was. Whatever that phone call was about bad angered him deeply and these fucking losers weren't making it any better, he tried to hold out, he tried so hard to not blow his top and yet he just couldn't help hinself.
" just because I respect women and know how to treat them right and it like a piece of meat doesn't insinuate that I'm "soft". God forbid I treat a woman right, huh? You all are fucking pathetic junkies who'll never get passed being a sidekick. I'm younger than all of you and will be a pro hero before your lives even begin. Don't forget where you stand next to me, you are all walking second place medals. Act like it."
He excuses himself in a polite manner, bowing with a smile on his adorable face leaving all of them speechless as he heads towards the women's restroom to fetch you and leave.
He knocks gently and opens the door to see you breathing heavily, tears streamed down your face as you silently cried. You were overwhelmed and uncomfortable and just wanted to leave, but you had no idea where you are, what side of town you're on, when this man would even decide to let you go, and so on.
You hear the door open and shoot your face to the sound, he sees you and doesn't have much emotion on his face as he walks toward you slowly and calmly so as not to alarm or scare you. You gulp hardly and stare up at him through glossy eyes while he stops in front of you, peering down at you through his lashes.
He didn't say anything, wiping the tears off of you flushed, chubby, tear stained cheek with his glove. You sniff and wipe your nose, attempting to talk before he simply pulls you into his chest. Your face landing directly in between his clothes pecs, he was very fit underneath hjs suit and you could feel it though the suit, despite his hard abs and muscles he was rather soft to lay on, quite comforting as well.
"pretty thing.. let's get you home, hm doll face?"
He says to you, rubbing the top of your head, rubbing and gently pulling on your curls and watching them recoil.
Something tells him he's not going to be able to get you out of his life so easily. You had gotten him attached to you, the way you cried like a baby, but spoke and acted like a bitch. You were mesmerizing yet annoying as hell. He didn't have time for relationships he actually didn't want one, fucking his fans in public bathrooms, or at hotels, and in the meet n greet closets were fun, it's not something he wanted to give you just yet, but he wss sure he hadn't wanted to give you up either.
He'd protect you, just to fuck you again.
AN: this is so old and so trash I tried to just rewrite it as editing it was going to be far too hard due to how old and outdated my writing style was, it was wack as hell bro.
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tteokdoroki · 4 months
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hello everyone!! i wanted to join the writing project ficsforgaza with the intention of raising more awareness and hopefully donations for the ongoing cause. i am a little slow on writing but hopefully this will motivate myself and others for a good cause <3!
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rate: $1 USD per 100 words !
instructions: please follow this link and donate to a vetted fund of your choosing. after doing so, send an off-anon ask to myself including the following: a redacted screenshot as proof (hiding any personal information), a link to the fundraiser you’ve donated to, the name of the wip you’re sponsoring.
example: hi aali! i have donated to help mashael and her family. i would like to sponsor an alternative to grief [ screenshot showing $5 usd has been donated - equivalent to 500 words ]
i will not be publishing asks, but for transparency, will be keeping a record of evidence to send to @ficsforgaza — this is to ensure individuals are not reusing screenshots sent to myself or other writers. the wips will be updated regularly.
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⋆⭒˚。⋆ 🍉 wips disclaimer ! - they are below the cut.
there will also be a donation goal for each wip just to ensure that I don’t get overwhelmed! i work full time and write a little slow, but the main goal is to raise awareness and donate to an important cause. there are various lengths available, subject to change but dont worry if i don’t have anything you fancy! please check out the other authors who are apart of this project!
note: minors, blank and ageless blogs do not interact. sfw, nsfw and dark content is included in the wips below.
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⋆⭒˚。⋆ 🍉 current wips available !
an alternative to grief; katsuki bakugou.
tags ! pro hero!bakugou, nurse!reader, strangers to lovers, dating after loss, children, therapy, grief, hurt comfort, fluff, angst, smut + part one of three.
with the sudden death of your husband, you find yourself alone with a son, angry at the world and in the corner of a therapy group specifically for grieving spouses of pro heroes. it isn’t until you lock eyes with a familiar, formidable red that you come to realise… there is happiness after death and alternatives to grief.
current word count: 7,545/10,000+
donation goal word count: 580/5,000
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my doll; eijirou kirishima.
tags ! pro hero!au, soft dom!kirishima, dumbification, dollification, smut + dark content.
eijirou kirishima was born with an innate desire to protect, to give, to dominate and perhaps that is why he slowly begins to take over your life, treating you as though you’re some dainty little doll…belonging only to him.
current word count: 2,647/3,500
donation goal word count: 1,000/1,000
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something i thought belonged to me; izuku midoriya.
tags ! pro hero!au, college!au, strangers to friends to lovers, coming of age, misunderstandings, fluff, angst + smut.
after abandoning your dream school to start anew and get away from your shitty ex, you adopt a stray l cat to cope with your lonesome…only to find out the pro hero exchange student next door has had the exact same idea.
current word count: 134/15,000+
donation goal word count: 2240/5,000
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swingsets; yuuji itadori.
tags ! college!au, small town!au, summer romance, coming of age, first loves, self discovery, misunderstandings, fluff, angst + smut, part one of many.
everyone always says you’ve got your whole life ahead of you. but life moves quick and yuuji itadori has only one year left of his degree to figure out what it is that he wants. making it big in the big city of tokyo isn’t all what it’s cut out to be, so he decides to return to his roots, and indirectly, return to you. OR a jjk small town!au where each sorry connects to another. this is the story of yuuji itadori, reconnecting with his first love.
current word count: 0/20,000+
donation goal word count: 1820/5,000
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other ways to help can be found here and here.
— all rights reserved © TTEOKDOROKI 2020-2024. all fanfics belong to me, do not copy, translate, repost nor recommend on tiktok any of the works seen here.
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yandereaffections · 2 years
My Hero Academia Masterlist
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Izuku Midoriya (Deku)
Coming home covered in blood begging for love
“if you dont love me ill kill myself”
Deku vs Bakugo
Naga Izuku
S/o who is clingy during their period
Kidnapped S/o giving up
Jealous S/o leaving hickeys all over him
College Roomate
Siren Izuku w/ Lost at sea S/o
S/o w/ Psychedelic quirk
Poly Uraraka/Deku w/ a S/o who loves to Knit
S/o w/ a Angelic quirk
Not letting anyone else touch his S/o
Poly Nage Deku/Bakugo w/ Harpy S/o
Naga Izuku w/ Crush whos terrified of snakes
S/o who is tired all the time
The Purge + Blind S/o
Poly Uraraka/Deku HC
Nurse S/o
Tough S/o using her quirk to play with kids
S/o who loves his fluffy hair
Bakugo + Izuku with a S/o whos Quirk ends up hurting them
Dating Aizawas daughter
“hows the weather up there?”
Villain Deku trying to supply his vampire s/o with his blood
Darlings whos accidently morbid and creepy
Finding Crush s/o crying cause they were rejected by someone else
Gifting him an actual heart in a jar for Valentines
Yandere Alphabet: B,D,H,M,O
Villain Deku Headcannons
Comforting S/o who is upset over a character design change
Goth Darling who melts at affection
Comforting S/o who feels objectified
Poly Deku & Uraraka Headcannons
S/o who cant kiss directly in fear of eye contact
Darling attracting butterflies to them with their blood
Kidnapped S/o breaking down in relief that they dont have to worry about school anymore
Kidnapped Darling demanding cuddles when coming home
S/o that demands affection
Darling who loves that love lolita fashion but broke
Poly Kirideku
S/o wearing a lolita dress inspired by his hero outfit
Izuku Midoriya vs Peter Parker
S/o likes to be carried by him
S/o escapes only to come back with fast food
S/o saying "Yo! Guess what I found!!" with a arrow in their shoulder
S/o who jokes they're basically a acrow with anxiety cause they love shiny
"Why would you want me? You could have anyone you wanted"
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Bakugo Katsuki
Deku vs Bakugo
Shut in S/o
S/o who has low self esteem due to family
S/o whose friends are affectionate
S/o Practicing their Love Confession with Deku
Accidentally hurting S/os feelings
Unknowingly kidnapping Vampire S/o
Liking Naga Bakugos punishments
Poly Nage Deku/Bakugo w/ Harpy S/o
Werewolf Bakugo protecting his mate
S/o whose parents dont let them have more than the minimum
S/o does illegal quirk cage battles
S/o Revealing her Healing quirk
Tall darling with low self esteem
Parents not supporting S/o after Winning tournament
Quiet crush Kabedoning him
S/o who can beat his ass
Bakugo + Izuku with a S/o whos Quirk ends up hurting them
S/o has a ‘villainous’ quirk
Kidnapped darling ignoring him
Naga Bakugo/Hunted down
Darling confessing to him first
Only being soft for his S/o
Villain Darling
S/o who’s the polar opposite of him
Finding his missing  kidnapped S/o in his bed
Kidnapped darling loving him back
S/o who spars cause they want to be pinned
Accidently hurting a low self esteem reader
Bat quirked reader
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Aizawa Shouta
Depressed S/o
Villain S/o
The Purge
Vampire S/o
Demon Aizawa w/ angel s/o
Life Threatening situation
S/o being forced to be a Villain cause their family is that way
Werewolf Aizawa
S/o who relaxes when he plays with their hair
Thicc S/o
S/o who loves cats just as much as him
Making him jealous from giving all your attention to cats
Cuddling HC
Hawks kidnapping Aizawas S/O prt 2 (prt one on Hawks section)
Shinso dating Aizawas child
Cat like S/o
Stalking celerity S/o
S/o with daddy issues
S/o w/ a Bear quirk
Taking care of his new child
Yandere Alphabet: A,B,E,L,W
Student reader turns out to be the UA Traitor
Finding his S/o tangled in his scarf
S/os personality changes around animals
Stalker Headcannons
Finding out crush sleeps with a eraser head plushie
Tall S/o that pulls him into their chest in every hug
Aizawa falling for a MILF S/o
S/o who was rejected at first before Aizawa fell for them
S/o avoiding him cause they think theyre annoying
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Todoroki Shoto
Jealous Todoroki
Yandere Crush
Kidnapping Tourist S/o
“You’ve already made me a victim, no need to make me a liar too”
Naga Todoroki
Yakuza Leader S/o attempting to send a hit on his father
S/o who wants to be a Manga artist more than a hero
Sick Darling
S/o whos clingy during their period
Yandere Alphabet: C,E,K,W
Falling for S/o HC
Villain Shoto w/ civilian crush
Villain Shoto w/ Villain crush
Engulfing him in a hug after a battle happy hes ok
S/o doesnt speak the same language
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Tsuyu Asui
S/o’s a fan of hers
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Hitoshi Shinso
Siren Hitoshi using his voice to make S/o take their swimsuit off
Naga Hitoshi
Shinso dating Aizawas child
How he would treat you
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Dabi Todoroki
S/o who’s unfazed by Dabis appearance
Innocent Baby sitter crush
Witch S/o
S/o with healing tears family constantly makes them cry
Freedom HC
Stealing his drugged crush after a dental surgery
socially awkward and anxious s/o
another social anxiety s/o HC
Celebrating S/os Birthday
Commenting he should visit his mother more
Gentle darling S/o
S/os in a loveless quirk marriage
Loner S/o
Fluff HCs
S/o who has a cruel family
S/o whos so scared of dadi they cry anytime he gets near
Kidnapping his S/o
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Shigaraki Tomura
Buff s/o who’s actually a softie
someone hurting his darling right infront of him
Younger sister reader
S/o also has skin problems
Affectionate and loving darling
S/o who only allows him to touch them
Yandere Alphabet: A,B,H,I
S/o w/ a quirk similar to his own
Sick darling
Proposing to him
Finding out S/o is his favorite streamer
Peaceful S/o who hates violence
S/o who looking at him with motherly loving eyes
Breaking down and coming to him for comfort
Gentle darling
S/o saying he takes away their emotional pain
naive and trusting darling
“Do I need to remind you what happened last time you acted out? Because I will if you keep pushing me.”
Someone trying to save kidnapped S/o
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Kirishima Eijirou
Fluff HC
S/o who acts tough but is actually really soft
Finding his S/o fighting Bakugou
Poly Kirideku
Getting jealous over how you treat your friend
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Momo Yaoyorozu
S/o Spoiling her
S/o wants more stuffed animals but already has a bed full of them
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Poly Uraraka/Deku
Poly Uraraka/Deku w/ a S/o who loves to Knit
Poly Uraraka/Deku HC
More Poly Deku & Uraraka Headcannons
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Tamaki Amajiki
S/o isnt bothered with being kidnapped
S/o whos on their period
Tamaki + Mirio Poly HC
S/o also has Anxiety
Kidnapped s/o insisting on a movie night
S/o is something like the mom of 1A
Seeing his darling is stabbed yet calm about it
Coming home to S/o and their collapsed pillow fort
S/o who loves to cook
Gifting him butterfly hairclips
Hearing S/o saying "Do you have Five wilting Cabbage Leaves instead of a Brain?" to another that tried asking them out
Kidnapped S/o who just stands there after breaking out of captivity
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Tamaki + Mirio Poly HC
Accidentally bumping into Blind darling
S/o who likes cats but hes a dog person
S/o who has a god level quirk but is a dumbass
How his yandere tendencies are affected by losing his quirk
Darling flirting with other people
Bear quirk S/o
S/o missing school cause they got hurt while fighting a villain
S/o whos soft with Eri
Pregnant S/o who doesnt want to keep them
Rival s/o whos mad at him for taking their spot in the Big Three
Wooing a introvert darling
Villain Mirio
S/os boyfriend left her pregnant
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Equally clingy S/o
S/o with wings
Cottagecore S/o
S/o with a symbiote quirk
Cat Quirk reader
S/o having a depressive episode
Quirkless S/o whos afraid of heights
S/o who loves the petname ‘kitten’
Hawks Bird habits HC
Soft S/o getting pissed and yelling in Spanish
Bathing with him
Finding out his S/o is pregnant
Kidnapped S/o whos chill as long as they have games
S/o whos dependent and clingy feels like he they dont deserve him
Celebrating Halloween
S/o dressing up as him for Halloween
Villain Hawks
Comforting S/o whose friend started ignoring them suddenly
Falling for a different heros S/o
Hawks kidnapping Aizawas S/o (prt 2 on Aizawas section)
Almost forcing his Vegan S/o to eat meat
Wings HC
Raising a child
Vegan darling HC
Dealing with s/os teacher who doesnt treat them right
Raising a teenage child
Darling who has separation anxiety
Soft S/o whos tall and buff
Feral Headcannons
Shy, Awkward reader
Bat quirk S/o
Miruko & Hawks x reader Headcannons
Preening S/os wings
S/o who has self harm scars on their legs TW
S/os scared of birds
Hero s/o hates the hero commissions
S/o has a affectionate pet bird thats a little shit to keigo
Foreigner that hardly speaks japanese
Shy S/o thats scared of his wings
S/os cat loves hunting/playing with his wings
Yandere alphabet K,P,T
Yandere alphabet A,D,E,L 
Hunted down
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S/o who has a body pillow of him
Trying to get him on a normal date
S/o whose power ultimately harms them
Darling ends up pregnant because of him
raising a child
S/o is as much of a clean freak as he is
Yandere Alphabet: A,B,I,K,W
Calling him a crow because of his looks
Escaping with Eri
S/o is a escape artist
Naga Overhaul
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S/o scared theyll get zapped if they touch him
S/o who loves affection but is shy about PDA
Using him as a shield against socializing with others
Finding out S/o is Kirishimas sibling
S/o who isnt given gifts often
Yandere Alphabet: A,B,J,W
S/o who loves him just as much
Would denki hurt anyone or punish his S/o
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Darling confessing their love to him
Yandere Alphabet: A,K,S,R,T
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Finding out S/o goes out to feed cats with Aizawa and Shinsou
S/o going out of their way to spend time with them
Cuddling HC
Crush is Bakugos sister
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Finding out S/o wonders out at night
Jealous HC
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S/o who also has a animal quirk
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Chubby S/o
Miruko & Hawks x reader Headcannons
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Mina Ashido
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Inko Midoriya
Introducing deku to their new sibling w/ s/o
Average day with her
Haunted house
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Rei Todoroki
Soft and quiet darling
Introducing her new child w/ s/o
Calm S/o yelling for the first time
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Protective S/o
S/o likes his french
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NS FW alphabet
Naga Izuku 
Praise Kink & Sugar Mommy S/o
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Werewolf Aizawa + Breeding 
Neko s/o going into heat Ropework 
Favorite Position & Breeding kink 
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Poly Erasermic
Poly Incubus EraserMic w/ S/o 
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NS FW alphabet
Orgasm control, BDSM
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NON-CON + Incubus Dabi TW
End of the world + Breeding 
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Poly Dabi/hawks
Poly Incubus Dabi/Hawks w/ S/o 
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Favorite Position 
Praise/Body Worship 
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Sugar Daddy & One thing that would instantly turn them on
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Cockwarming and creampieing 
S/o likes it rough slightly 
Breeding/Heat HC 
Using his Feathers as a form of bondage 
Breeding season 
Extra Heat HC 
Male S/o First Time & Corruption
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Virgin S/o 
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Using his quirk during sex 
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Inko Midoriya
Lingerie & Bodyworship 
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Rei Todoroki
Foreplay Headcannons 
1K notes · View notes
dekusleftsock · 7 months
I did just re-read the chapter, hazbin/helluva hyperfixation is gone y’all I’m back and ready for more.
Okay so, a couple of things I noticed. Let’s start there.
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Throughout this chapter, it really is heartbreaking to see how Izuku regards one for all as Allmight’s power, and therefore a disrespect to him to give that away. Which is quite frankly insane given the nature of what the power is, but regardless it still shows me just how deeply he still cares for and admires allmight.
It also makes the transfer Izuku makes to Katsuki in the heroes rising movie all the more intimate; izuku wouldn’t just give the power to anyone, if not for himself (which is also clearly due to that fact since he still sees ofa as the thing that makes him a hero, not his characteristics), then simply out of respect for allmight and his legacy.
It’s just the anger you can see, feel in those words as he demands to know why. I’ve personally been in the boat of “Izuku dislikes Kudou immensely bc he hasn’t proven to be heroic and amazing like Katsuki has, and also he insults him a lot why would he like him”, since Izuku does genuinely have self respect (a common mischaracterization imo), he’s just also more forgiving and faithful to those he admires or loves (or both).
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I want to highlight the words “But even so, this boy refuses to throw in the towel”, bc it’s such an important part of Izuku and his character.
He isn’t overly self sacrificial, he isn’t a masochist, he isn’t even a martyr—especially not a martyr.
Izuku is stubborn. That is not the same thing as wanting to constantly die for others; izuku is like Katsuki, he wants to fight for others. Giving up just simply isn’t in his morality.
And if “giving up” also includes letting someone die or failing to save someone out of his own negligence, that’s not because he wants to die.
I can’t explain how much the interpretation that Izuku wanting to die, even for others, is so fucking out of character. Izuku is stubborn, he’s stubborn in the way that he won’t just fall over and let the ground take him. Given the circumstances, Izuku would fight for his life just as he would fight for another.
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“Idiot! If I’d really jumped, you’d be charged with bullying me into suicide!! Think before you speak!!”
Like he’s so unaffected by the awful comment outside of being angry at the DISRESPECT of said comment. This is why all those damn suicidal Izuku fics have always felt so ooc. Izuku isnt a moody, brooding ball of depression, he’s a stubborn, courageous, and angry ball of depression. There is a difference.
Even before this, he literally attempts to say something or fight back to Katsuki, honestly it looks like he’s about to punch him here.
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Btw for anyone who has or ever will be in Izuku’s position, punch him. I love Katsuki But hit him in the fucking gut. If you get your ass beat at least you can say you can took it like a champ.
Speaking from someone who regrets not punching three girls who were trying to gang up on me in middle school🫶🫶🫶
Anyway, I’d argue that Izuku not taking Katsuki in a fight was made out of self preservation, something he very much has.
And last but not least, we get to this lovely fucking page.
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First of all…
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Hm, ain’t that strange?
I’m not saying it’s fully a parallel, I’m just saying it’s something to consider.
Especially with the context that I don’t think Izuku feels shameful here.
He’s been a hero who didn’t look like one once before, I’m sure a snide comment through Shigaraki is nothing in comparison to the literal hundreds of civilians afraid of him.
Or, even more interestingly, what if he’s shameful of it, and okay with that? Now THATS some control over your emotions. This is demonstrating the very thing Banjo told him in the first place; using his emotions to fuel him. Let himself live with them, breath with them. They exist, and they hurt, and that’s fucking okay.
But it begs the question…. Why bring attention to it?
Clearly horikoshi WANTS you to see that Izuku is the one who looks like the monster now. He even looks devil like, blackwhip coming out of his back the way it is just feels like wings.
But maybe… maybe this is how he stops sweeping problems under the rug. Maybe this is him, Izuku, at his most animalistic form. Him. At his core. This is the Izuku he doesn’t want people to know.
The faceless, long clawed, oozing black monster.
He’s a kid who can take a fucking beating. He’s not Deku the useless doll, nor is he Deku the hero. He’s simply Izuku.
And you know what’s even more likely?
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The black pit of anger that Shigaraki has formed, fueling his uncontrolled emotions and anger and despair, with the light tear showing something underneath…
What if, this was Izuku’s black ball of anger and shame, except this one is escaping his body, pouring out and showing all of that for what it truly is. Pent up rage, uncontrolled emotion, anxiety and shame, all mixed into one hell hole of a person—but a ball that can be molded, controlled, torn apart from the inside out.
See, the same way Kudou tears at Shigaraki’s mental breaking to see what’s underneath, so have the ofa users for Izuku. Slowly, but surely, the people in Izuku’s life have, while created that ball in the first place, also worked to destroy it. The final piece of the puzzle is for Izuku to choose to let it happen, and he is.
Learning to sit in one’s fear, doubt, hatred, anger, sadness, grief, happiness—without that emotion having to be something, simply something that flows through you, that you can choose to act on or not; this is where Izuku’s arc is coming to its tipping point. We are nearing the climax, I can feel it.
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drea-ms · 4 days
AND DONT YOU KNOW HOW SWEET IT TASTES? BKGs group![YN]s group | masterlist | one
bakugos (unwanted) friend group! surprisingly they can handle him pretty well and NOT die but his hands, his personal pr team when he fucks shit up.
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BAKUGO , KATSUKI ; hero name: Dynamight QURIK: explosion Second biggest All Might fan, secretly a new jeans stan. Hid his spotify wrapped from everyone when new jeans came up #1 on his most played artist. When nwjns did visit UA, he became a fan. Listens to their music while working out.
MIDORIYA , IZUKU ; hero name: Deku QURIK: One for All Katsuki's closest friend since childhood, made up what ever yaoi series they had since childhood by the end of their first year. Is the only one who knows that Katsuki is a tokki, Owns an All Might stan acc on the side and has his username based after bakugo telling him to khs. He still teases him after that day.
KIRISHIMA , EIJIROU ; hero name: red riot QURIK: hardening Second closest friend of Katsuki, how? idk 🤷‍♀️ but they're close. His voice of reason and ability to not get the blonde in trouble has the rest of the world blessed. A shared friend between the mcs. Likes when both Katsuki and [YN] cook everyday.
KAMANARI , DENKI ; hero name: chargebolt QURIK: electricity Somehow survived being friends with the blonde, the only ONE that likes nwjns publicly. Knows that bakugo does too, because he caught him once listening to them and almost died that day. Since then, Bakugo has calmed down on hitting him due to blackmail.
ASHIDO , MINA ; hero name: pinky QURIK: acid Bakugo's wingwoman and unpaid pr intern, makes sure to make sure bakugo messes up (JOKINGLY) in order to get fired. #girlkisserno2, flirts with [YN] when she can and helps the blonde how to get girls so he doesn't become a loser and dies bitchless.
TODOROKI , SHOTO ; hero name: shoto QUIRK: fire & ice Least sane person in the group, how he became friends with katsuki? i do not know, the second voice of reason, but more blunt and to the point. spends money that isn't his (dads) on his friends just because, follows accs that criticize endeavor, and stalks stan twt, especially for proherotwt.
URARAKA , OCHACO ; hero name: uravity QUIRK: zero gravity #girlkisserno1. is THE girls girl in the class, and became friends with katsuki due to izuku. hates when people hates on her friends. The sweetest person you can come up too. The most understanding person in the group, you can probably come up to her for help, emotionally, she'll probably have answer. Katsuki tolerates her more than the others.
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taglist is open (19/??)
@jkovrl @mitskiaddict @xoyumiqls @bkgsdoll @irenexj @valiendokk @liyah457 @redgie-69 @kdacase @ilove-krsna @kyluskaye @puppyminnnie @kanvis @idkidk32 @altgojo @curlyfriesthings @i-simp-for-mha-men @eccedentesiast-sapphic @your-mum3000
vals yapping session IJBOL ; my period started. IM KMS. it's joever guys.?,.?:/((2(?: anyways i tried not to make these guys fanon but still have some modern personalities but i have sucked at that idk ALSO VIVA MEXICOOOOOO 🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽 it's tmrw buttttt it's never to early to celebrate 😽😽
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satoruyes · 6 months
Naivety | pro-hero deku x gn reader
| sypnopsis: naive bimbo-ish little y/n who was convinced by pro-hero deku that he can pass off “one for all” to them if they just swallow some of his cum!!
| tw: nsfw, dub-con, oral(m!), spit, rough, corruption
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“so yeah, thats how i got my quirk sweetheart.” izuku gloats. “woah! you were quirkless just like me?” you gape in amazement. he rests a hand on your shoulder then nods. you admire his built muscles as they flex. “yep, 'nd all i had to do was consume a bit of all mights dna.” he leans back against your couch.
“sweet, so all id have to is consume some of yours?” you ask as your brows to furrow in curiosity. izuku confirms your question and smiles at you. the older pro-hero has been using this trick for years.
“ok.. fair enough, too bad you’re gonna have to lose a bit of hair because of me,” you giggle. izuku face contorts into fake confusion, “my hair? no sweetheart, you’re going to be getting it a completely different way.”
izuku has you on your knees. the back of your head flat against the wall while he holds your hands up above your head with one of his own.
“nope- no, no dont fight it, just take it. c'mon you can do it. you wanna be a hero right?” he teases as he rhythmically thrusts in and out of your mouth; going balls deep each time he does.
you start to struggle out of instinct as he harshly fucks your face, barely getting gasps of air. you try to get out of the vise grip he has on your wrists to no avail. he takes notice in your overly watery eyes and pulls out merely for a second, kneeling down to your level.
you gasp for air like it’s your last, spit dripping down to your breast. “you want to be a hero bad huh?” you look up into his eyes and loudly gasp for air. with his free hand he smacks you, “can’t fucking talk hm? i’ll give you a reason to not talk.”
he stands back to his feet and you panic, unaware this is what you were in store for when he offered a slither of his power to you. “wait! 'zuku wait!” you yelp in desperation. “what baby,” he coos, letting go of your wrist then grabbing your chin. forcing you to look up at him.
“please, can- can i have a break,” you cough out. he pauses for a second — admiring your messy appearance. the way your hair messily frames your wet face. the way your spit made its way over your face - dripping down your chin.
“but how else are you gonna get your powers? gotta make me cum sweetie.” he remarks condescendingly.
“w- what if you fucked me instead?”
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132 notes · View notes
ableism in mha
okay so i was scrolling and i came across this post and it helped me reorganize a lot of thoughts ive been thinking sense i first started mha. ive always been not a fan of izuku getting ofa in the first place as it felt to me as it almost completely erased any meaning of his backstory. it felt like such a plot armor/mary sue moment but in the end i got over it, assuming that most likely he would loose it at one point (i was right but we'll get to that later).
after he enters UA its almost as if his entire past is just like- not important?? i have plenty of hcs about his suppressed trauma and if you read into a lot of the situations he goes thru in the manga i can see it but is not blatantly said/expressed that he struggles with a complex from how he was treated as a child.
in the end mha becomes a manga mostly focused on some sort of version of not judging a person by their cover. The fact that a technically "villainous" quirk does not make someone a bad person.
now ofc this is totally true. no one should be overlooked or declined rights or decency because of the quirk they have. this lesson is a valid one.
the analogy i have made up in my head is this.
people who are born with "hero-like" or "useful" quirks, for example: bakugou, todoroki, hawks etc are beautiful people
(for the context of this metaphor ignore the fact that beauty is complex and is in the eye of the beholder just roll with me)
and then you have the people with "useless" or average quirks that are just average people
and then you have people like toga or shinsou with quirks that are seen as inherently dangerous. quirks that are unable to be used for good. those are the ugly people.
now obviously we shouldnt discriminate people just because society says they are ugly. there is no doubt in that and it is a tragedy that it happened and still happens.
20% of the population cannot even fall onto this scale. the quirkless. aka the disabled. they are not even seen as being worth a label on the scale because they are so disgusting and strange that no one wants to remember yhey exist.
i wouldnt be as upset by the lack of talk about quirkless people if izuku wasnt quirkless, if the first arc of mha wasnt izuku struggling with the fact that no one in the world cares about him but his mom and that not even her believes he can achieve anything because of his disability.
the whole set up was izuku wanted to be a hero DESPITE his disability. even though truly he thought it was impossible. he didnt work out, he didnt try and do anything to become a hero because he believed everyone was right. that what society had been telling him his whole life was true and he couldnt be a hero. but he wanted to despite that. that was the hook of mha. at least for me.
a bullied lonely boy with a disability achieves his dream despite society. despite being told at every turn that he couldnt do it. he said he can and he does.
but thats not what happened at all.
instead some pillar of all that is heroic drops down from the sky and magically cures his disability. and suddenly hes just a normal kid.
and suddenly we forget all about midoriya izuku and how hard it is to be quirkless. how much quirkless people struggle. how many of them must commit suicide because of yhe seeming completely normalized harassment of them in everyday life.
and i dont want to blame izuku for this because in the end hes a kid with trauma who just wants to fit in. its frankly quite obvious that he whole heartedly agrees with bakugou and everyone else from his past that yeah quirkless people are useless.
the way he treated Melissa in the movie broke my heart. he belittled her like it was second nature and while he obviously had no malicious feelings toward her because of her quirklessness he sees her as a second class citizen. hes surprised that she is able to achieve things despite her disability. that she manages to be happy in a world where she isnt "normal".
and again in the long run i dont truly blame izuku for feeling this way. like everyone he is a product of his environment.
again, however:
i do blame horikoshi
do we need to be nicer to people with villainous quirks: yes ofc
but your manga isnt about that. your manga is about someone whose seen as even less than that. you can address both issues.
having bakugou break down about izuku becoming quirkless was good but that was pretty much all we got.
and what happenes when izuku looses ofa?? he gives up on being a hero.
how the hell does that make sense
everyone in japan knows this boys name. he is considered a top hero. and he just drops off the face the hero scene?
hatsume exists??? izukus face has been in her boobs TWICE for gods sake. yaoyorozu can make things out of thin and are they had to wait 8 years.
izuku is too smart to not think of that.
it would take hatsume 3 days max.
and ignoring that whole point again hori is pushing the idea that bakugou and everyone from aldera were CORRECT. that yeah u were right to think the quirkless of useless cause like they cant do anything :3c
izuku has had NO growth this whole manga. all hes learned is how to hit things how to kick things and awww kacchan sad :(((.
nothing about believing in himself. nothing about how he can be a hero despite the odds. nothing even about the power of friendship helping him to overcome.
im just like wtf hori.
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izuku midoryia’s type in women PLEASEEEE🙏🙏
OFCC!! Sorry for taking so long, in my last post I explained why I've been on an unofficial hiatus but yeah 😭 I got u!!
IZUKU MIDORIYA - type in women
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bro DOES NYYYAT care, literally at all. I think everyone has their preferences, him too ofc, but he's him guys. The ratio from hips to waist is NOT what bros laying attention to, but ofc I'll still give you my opinion.
SUN KISSED BADDIES you got that like sunburn across your cheeks? he's going crazy. like legitimately. I don't think he would be able to handle his feelings. he'd probably pass out from a blood pressure spike.
He likes them brown haired girls 😔 and brown eyed girls 😭 (song reference) He honestly doesn't care Abt details like that, he'd date anyone, but he def compares his love life to shoujo series and he stays seeing those dark haired baddies.
ass tits thighs personality ✅ he's fs a personality man but let's bffr, every guy has there thing....height, hips, and arms. He likes his girls shorter than him 🙂 (around 5'2? not too short tho cuz then he gets weirded out) He LOVES dem hips. Yk whenever a girl has that natural dip in her hips, it kinda looks like those donut stack toys babies play with? (random comparison I js can't think of anything) HE LOVES THAT SH!!T. He's def secretly crazy for thick hips, like when u got some fat around them. Loves it 100%
okay...so the whole arms thing...he likes girls who have thicker arms...and not rly a muscle kinda thick, more like an auntie thick when you got that little folded skin hanging over the elbow. Bros specific, and bros a lil weird Abt it. He would NEVER admit it out loud, but it's like a creepy fetish for him. He would js never actually be creepy Abt it tho cuz yk, HE HAS COMMON DECENCY. (Unlike some guys 🙄)
When I say he's not picky, I MEAN he is not picky. It's giving very much Yuji Itadori and that one girl that he was like "yeah it would be her" (very mindful, very sweet, very wholesome, very demure) Slim, Thick, Skinny, Midsize, Plus size, All size, Morphing Size (idfk im running out of sizes and you never know with those quirks man)
if ur a mean ass bitch you can get TFFF OUUUTTT bro does NOT stand for that sh!t 🙅‍♀️ tbh i dont think he'd be picky when it comes to personality but he doesn't stand for someone who has room for hate in their heart, even after everything hes been through. I'm not gonna sit here and be like "oh he's a sweet cinnamon roll 🥺" like bffr, but he won't even look in your direction if you're a "hater"
He generally wants someone sweet, or just nice in general. like ochaco (no I'm not shipping them, she's just really nice and the best charcter to describe his preferred personality to)(did you see her with toga? shes a sapphic queen guys bffr) He wants someone who cares TREMENDOUSLY, like he does. Kindness is what gets his attention, being a good soul and good spirit, someone he can match wave lengths with mentally.
A strong mind and determination. (bkdk reference) (I'm joking) He knows exactly where he wants to be in life, even if his idea of that is a little messy, so he likes whenever someone has the same drive he does, natural will to be good. He wants someone mentally tough and ready to face the world for what they believe, as long as they know in their heart it's what they want/believe. (all might reference)
He rly likes girls who can draw 😭 He thinks it's the coolest thing ever and it makes it so easy for his partner to get him gifts bc he'd melt if he got a personalized drawing of him and his fav heros 😭
LOVE LANGUAGE - physical touch
he's not huge on pda (he gets rly embarrassed, not in a embarrassed of you way, more of a, im shy and feel like my face is going to explode, kinda way) but he loves sweet little acts of physical touch. Whenever he's stressed or really anxious holding hands melts all his worries away.
LOVE LANGUAGE -quality time
bro fr js wants to be next you. he loves little cheesy dates (amusement park and sharing crepes)(manga reference) but yeah, just cheesy things like that.
Really likes nerdy girls (very big on matching energy if you can't already tell) like js geek out with bro and he'd die for u istg.
Play a damn board game with this kid, Jeezus Chrysler. Whip out monopoly and you'll have his attention till he rots in fictional jail. He actually REALLY sucks at board games but refuses to ever stop playing them. Jenga? He can't even set the blocks up without knocking them over. Uno? He forgot what the word uno was. I mean literally say there stuttering trying to remember what word he's supposed to say.
BUY THIS KID SHOES. He doesn't know why...but it's one of his favorite gifts to receive. He loves trying them on and showing them off to you. He also gets rly geeked out over custom fan shoes. (think like those Hercules sandals from the Hercules movie) He knows it's cringe. He doesn't care. He has display racks for all of them on his wall.
OMG I FINISHED WRITING IT HOLY SH!T I DIDNT THINK I WOULD I js pulled all of these he out MY BEHIND BRO it's midnight I'm dead ASF, I have that convention in 2 days, shizzz wild rn. Pls lemme know what u think!! I've never been a HUUGHERE Deku fan, I kinda js appreciate his character, but I think this is pretty cutesy, how tf do u spell that. Anyways, yeah. This was fun. BYEYYEYEYEHEHEHEHEHEYYTEYRYTRYYR
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angy-grrr · 3 months
i understand ppl getting disappointing over today's ep, even tho I was expecting something like that it still look me by surprise too. But honestly, we got spoiled -we have been for a long time.
It means a lot to me the parallels between ep 7 season 7 and the memories ep where Izuku can't use black whip against Katsuki. Its so, so crazy. In this chat about romance, Midoriya gets extremely embarrassed over the concept of being someone's boyfriend, and Present Mic (one of the common narrators of the show) adds a little build up: he is really amazing and has earned great achievements, but for all of his triumphs, he is still, just a damn nerd.
He is still Izuku, that awkward kid whose childhood friend considers too nerdy to see or understand concepts like romance, boyfriend, and him getting involved in them. This call back to Katsuki is unnecessary, even more so considering he is not the narrator, but still, Present Mic considered the best way to describe him is to use the words his closest person says. With Izuku getting confessed, and him explaining what he considers to be a boyfriend's role, Katsuki's presence is still part of the scene. But what's even more interesting is the way he is also linked to the other part of the scene: what Izuku thinks about admiration and love.
When the word boyfriend comes out of Himiko's mouth is like his whole brain can just think about cheesy, typical movie stuff (thats what a boyfriend is, right? someone you hold hands with, share crepes and go to the amusement park with, right?) instead of feelings. Idk about how different the idea of love is in Japan compared to the one im used to, but Izuku seems to not know that, to be a boyfriend, first there are usually some feelings that make you want to become that -affection, curiosity, even love*. That word, boyfriend, is associated with many concepts, and instead of asking "boyfriend?! Like someone who makes you feel butterflies in your stomach?!" he focuses first on actions the boyfriend does -boyfriend is the one you hold hands with, the one who you share crepes with, the one who goes with you to the amusement park**.
But once Himiko explains her own idea of love and admiration he gets to focus on the latter part of the conversation, he does get what it feels like, but not like her. When its not associated with romance, its almost like he is allowed to express more freely about his emotions and opinions about love; he actually reveals some interesting stuff.
So first of all, Izuku seems to start thinking about it more deeply when Himiko explains that to her, being a couple means becoming the person she likes. That immediately reminds him of his own feelings towards his mentor -he does want to be like him, he gets that satisfaction, but not how that could be romance duh lmao, and he is the one who brings up the admiration aspect. He doesnt see it as a couple thing, or a romantic feeling, because he immediately associates it to pure admiration.
"Yeah I want to be like All Might my biggest idol, so I get how great it is to try it". That's his way of connecting to her, creating a bridge of understanding each other's perspectives -"I get this part, but I cant understand how you could not want to share the feelings of the person you love".
Then he follows it with "I dont want to hurt the person I love".
So, for Izuku, there's something more going on than just being completely clueless about everything -he does have an idea about what he wouldnt want to do to the person he loves, and an idea about what he does.
When he focus on the boyfriend or couple side, he gets all flustered, because those are embarrassing topics, and immediately jumps into a general, superficial idea about what those mean. Because... he doesnt get it when is described with those names -those names are related to things that look so unapproachable for a nerd like him. However, when he has something he relates to ("becoming the person... oh! like the admiration I have for All Might!"), he has a chance to actually explain his feelings and opinion about her confession.
Once this reaches an emotion he does understand, he spills how he wants to share the feelings the person he loves has. Which is... not that different from what Himiko feels. After all they both want to be closer to the people they love by having something the person has in common*** He also wants that kind of connection on a deeper, emotional level, rather than the superficial description he gave before; he is more free to express this when he can ignore the big name and connotation "couple" or "boyfriend" has.
When Izuku thinks about love without thinking about Love, he has an idea of what comes natural to him: to get closer to the person. Maybe thats why he doesnt think about Tenko the way Ochako does with Himiko -he feels empathy for his past and terrible present, currently he feels guilt over not being able to do more, reach out sooner, save... but he doesnt talk about feelings he wants to share with him like that. So, it makes sense thats how he views it.
For him, love is not only understanding the other, is sharing feelings of love. And the other key to Izuku's love is one Himiko cant ever reach: not wanting to hurt the person he loves.
This paralleling extra content shouldn't be that important, but considering Izuku is unable to use black whip when remembering Katsuki's sacrifice to him... doesnt it sound relevant?
Izuku confesses he doesnt want to hurt someone he loves, and it parallels a scene of him being... scared of hurting Kacchan the way AFO did, and deciding not to -whether it was consciously or not, black whip decided to not attack him.
He can train with him perfectly okay until his own quirk reminds him of Kacchan hurting.
Am i crazy? EDIT: alright I think I see some stuff about Izuku’s idea of love, and this will be the short, quirk version of this whole thing:
Admiration and wanting to be like someone, solely, it’s not enough for Izuku to consider it love —that’s what he does when it comes to All Might, and he knows he doesnt feel that way.
However, sharing the same feelings and not wanting to hurt them, thats way more important to him when it comes to love. Those, at least right now, are cores to his perspective of love.
He rejects Himiko's love because it has nothing to do with his from his point of view: she wants to hurt the people she loves, the biggest deal breaker, she doesnt share the same feelings as him, and she also considers imitation and admiration good enough to be considered love.
*it doesnt have to be romantic love, as platonic and queer platonic love and relationships can also start and continue to date and be wonderful for the people involved. Im adding this just to clarify there are multiple possibilities for a feeling of love, and its completely okay.
You can also date anyone for any reason really, including being confused by your feelings, expectations, social and peer pressure, etc., but im talking about what in theory would be the best case scenarios.
** This is in case we take into consideration the original meaning from the manga. In the anime, if the phrasing is actually different in Japanese as the subs suggest, then it would be "what a couple does".
*** The main issue that separates them is the abuse Toga has suffered that led to her seeing herself as a unlovable monster. For her, deep inside, she has to become the other person in order to be loved, bc she sees the goodness and precious things in others, and the only way she could ever be that... is if she literally stops being herself AAAAA MY POOR BABY
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serxinns · 7 months
okay so like, what if there was a reader who was like really happy-go-lucky and kind and what-not but when it comes to battle or sparing they are a BEAST!!! i mean DISRESPECTFUL, folding people like HOT OMELETS IN A PAN! i also like to think what if this reader has a quirk thats like toph from atla and they know like reaaaally rare earth bending techniques like bone-bending and lava bending. how do you think yandere class 1a would react?
btw you dont have to write anything 4 this(though it would be a bit cool if u did, no pressure ofc!!!) i just wanted to share the thoughts in my noggin
(NOTTHEHOTOMELETOMG 😭 y'all are insane)
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•You had a very powerful quirk which was earth bending you had telekinesis and were able to control earth like dirt, and sand, and mentally your quirk was considered dangerous and very powerful but despised that you were the exact opposite you were a happy full of life always smiles and your classmates and some of the teachers love about you
•Your classmates would do anything to protect that beautiful smile of yours they would even fight to the death if that was the final result to make you happy, even in the darkest times you still were always positive and made everyone's day whenever someone was down you made them happy with your silly jokes and encouragement
•you got along very well with the happy, and chaotic ones (Ochako, Kiri, Izuku, Sato, etc) izuku Was writing down everything about your amazing power he wishes to be a hero with you and to always protect you from wicked villains so he can be called your hero or how Kirishima would be your number one "Fan" whenever he always feel insecure your encouragement and compliments motivate him on making him blush making him mumble about how manly you are
•And You got along with the quiet ones as well (Shoto, Jirou, Kota, and Shoji, etc.) Jirou and you would join in and sing happy tunes and talk about your favorite genre and Shoto wanting to have his private therapy section with you because he's memorized your positive aura and words Kota loves when you hang out with his animals he almost cried tears of joy when he saw his pet rabbit resting on your lap he is just in AWE he took a lot of photos that day
•Now nobody saw you angry heck is it even possible to make you angry one time a person rudely shoved you all you did was shrugged it off and hummed your tune, If you were so close to winning a game and you lost at the last second you still would just be like "Oh well!" and just play it again, everyone was curious to see that unknown side was but didn't matter to them sicje they like seeing your smile
That's what they all thought
•One day you were fighting some villain for stealing some money when all of a sudden the villain punched you in the face you were ok and quickly recovered from it but you were PISSED because they broke your favorite hero helmet, you quickly zoomed over trying to hunt that villain down and beat the absolute SHIT out of them while saying saying words that they didn't expect for you to say such vulgar words
•Bakugo wasn't even shocked this dude was cheering for you while the rest of the squad jaws were wide open
•iida was even speechless he didn't even try to stop you just...observed you he was more worried for you then the poor dude gets beat
•Kirishima was just a mess he thinks your a absolute badass, He honestly loved this side of you
•Ochako was just eyes was just sparkling she wanted to hug you right you right then and there and asked to marry you
•While Izuku was shocked he was secretly fanboying dude was writing down this whole new side while giggling to himself he was gonna ask you a lot of questions after this
Aizawa was just shocked while the mic was paranoia mic was begging Shouta to use his bandages on you to restrain you but aizawa was just smirking telling him "Wait wait just a little more" but he had to restrain you cause he didn't want you to kill the poor dude
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mallas28 · 2 months
Whats wrong with this chapter?
So Horikoshi just write this weird and wrong chapter with strange structure and composition only for beautiful picture in the end? Because so many serious problems brought up in manga are unanswered like:
1. Quirk singularity. Quirk evolving every time. Humanity is still in danger. There only a matter of time when someone will appear with ability to end the world with one hand.
2. Discrimination of quirks and quirkless people. I know that Shodji het a "reward" for fighting discrimination,but we still see that it exists. Like Dai(or how is that boy was named) is still bullied for hid quirk.
3. Heroes system doesn't change at all. No matter how you change to call a hero. In final chapter we see that It doesn't change. Like raitings are still there. We see that Tokoyami and Kirishima selling their products. So heroes are still capable making a huge amount of money. So there is a matter of time when heroes will become corrupted.
4. Quirkless people can't become heroes if they are not millionaires. So Horikoshi telling me that Izuku was miserable for 8 years, waiting for teacher in order to All Might suddenly appear and give him suit? Its quite hypocritical thing anx message dont you find it. Manga literally telling me that if you are not millionaires or dont have a millionare friend you cant achieve your dreams. Wow.... Very inspiring message. I have no words.
5. Why Izuku doesn't change? I mean he still looks like a teenager. Why Horikoshi doesn't bother to change his appearance a bit. Its so confusing.
6. No ship confirmed. I think Horikoshi feared to confirmation the ship. So he let open ending. (Or maybe because a sequel).
7. No Dekus father. Horikoshi promised to show Dekus dad. But ot was droped for nothing. Fans were waiting. But nothing happens. Horikoshi again chickened? As he did with ships?
8. No one dies except villains. Don't get me wrong i am not eager for blood or smth. But you have a FINAL WAR. And you spared even pilots with no names at all. Is this serious? Is this fair and called Final war?
I really hoping for sequel announcement in 5th August. Because so many questions still unanswered. Horikoshi as a writer really dissapointed me a lot. He chickened to do many things in order to make all fans pleased then his work lost his own shine.
If sequel will be out i wish that Horikoshi could have a strong willed and skilled editor. Who will encourage Horikoshi to write complex story. I think Horikoshi is too afraid lost popularity that he easy to change his own story to please everyone.
This ending was bad in many ways. To be honest i never ever read ending worst than that. Even Fairy Tale final chapter was better written.
I hope for sequel.
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