#Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys mysteries
drewslegacy · 9 months
Ace Hardy, and his feelings for Nancy, throughout the season's.
Season 1: "Man, my crush is working in the same place as me. This is exciting."
But also,
"Gotta keep it cool. Love her from afar."
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Season 2: "Man, this is getting harder. I gotta tell her. But-
-what if she doesn't love me back?! I'm not worth of her anyway."
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Season 3: "I'm soo in love with her, and i gotta fix this. I gotta work on my insecurities, and i gotta tell her. No matter what the outcome is.
Coz i can't see her with someone else."
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Season 4: "why did i ever fall in love?! Coz now I can't live without her. I need her. I need her in my arms."
But also,
"I will die for her but can't let her do the same for me."
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Series finale: "i want you to marry me soo badly, Ms. Drew. I need you to be my wife. ASAP."
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notrandtumblin · 3 months
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nancydfan · 1 month
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I'll take any Jancy crumbs here.
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The Hotel Intel
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Fandom: The Nancy Drew/Hardy Boys Mysteries (TV)
Character(s): Frank Hardy x Nancy Drew
Rating: T (cw: blood)
Summary: “Do you really think this is the first threat that I’ve dealt with?” Nancy interrupted.
“And how many times have you almost gotten hurt or killed for your sleuthing?” Frank demanded.
Wordcount: 883 | ao3
Prompt: blood-stained tiles (from @febuwhump ’s Febuwhump 2024)
“Maybe you should stay in Joe’s and my room,” Frank suggested.
“There’s no need for that,” Nancy said. “I’ll be perfectly safe in my own room.”
They were in the hotel elevator headed up to their floor.
“But the note said–”
“Do you really think this is the first threat that I’ve dealt with?” Nancy interrupted.
“And how many times have you almost gotten hurt or killed for your sleuthing?” Frank demanded.
“I wish someone would kill me right about now,” Joe said.
“And you think I’d be safer with you?” Nancy asked, ignoring Joe. “From this dangerous murderer?”
“Yeah, obviously,” Frank said, also ignoring Joe. “Three is more than one, Nancy.”
Nancy rolled her eyes. “I’ve handled myself this far,” she said. “You guys are just paranoid. It’s a wonder you’ve solved a single case if a note like that gets you scared.”
“Don’t lump me in with him,” Joe protested. “I don’t want you in our room any more than you do.”
Frank glared at him.
“Then I’ll have to share a bed with you,” Joe said, raising his hands. “Blanket-hog.”
It was Frank’s turn to roll his eyes. “Please, Nancy. I won’t sleep a wink if you’re alone.”
“Then take a sleeping pill,” Nancy said as the elevator dinged, and the doors opened. “See you in the morning, boys,” she called, walking down the hall.
Frank and Joe stepped out as well, Joe turning to head in the other direction. Frank grabbed his arm before he got far.
“Frank,” Joe said. “You can’t argue her into agreeing with you. In fact, I think you arguing with her makes her agree with you even less.”
“We can’t just let her–”
“Nancy will do what she thinks is best,” Joe said. “C’mon, I thought you two had a ‘special connection’ and everything.”
Frank smacked his shoulder but started down the hallway. “Fine.”
Frank woke with a start. The clock read 1:27 am. Joe slept soundly in the other bed. He wasn’t sure what woke him, but whatever it was made him uneasy.
Nancy was probably right about his paranoia, but nevertheless, he got up. He pulled on a pair of pants and grabbed a flashlight. Quietly, he slipped out into the hallway and padded toward Nancy’s room on socked feet.
Immediately, he could tell something was wrong. Nancy’s room’s door was slightly open.
He rushed inside, the door slamming against the wall with a bang as he entered. Crouched by the bedside table was a figure that definitely was not Nancy. It was a burly man in blue overalls, who rose and turned quickly when he heard Frank.
A glance at the bed told him Nancy was not there.
“Where is she?” he demanded, brandishing the flashlight like a weapon.
The man’s eyes flicked to the bathroom and when Frank’s eyes followed, the man charged at him. He shoved Frank to the ground and took off out the door. Frank was on his feet in a moment, ready to run after him. But then he saw a flash of red in the bathroom.
He clenched a fist at the sound of the man thundering down the hallway. Then he rushed to the bathroom and flicked on the light.
The pure white bathroom tiles were splattered with blood – so vivid it looked fake.
But Nancy was very real.
Nancy, unconscious, hair matted with blood, lay sprawled against the side of the bathtub.
“Oh, god,” Frank breathed, stumbling to her side. The flashlight fell forgotten from his grasp, clattering and echoing in the small room. The blood soaked into the knees of his pants as he knelt beside her. He reached out and held her face, gently tapping her cheek.
“Nancy?” he said. “Nancy, wake up.”
When she didn’t so much as stir, he felt panic set in. Head wounds always bled a lot. He knew that. They always seemed worse than they were. His heart hammered in his chest.
“Oh god, oh god,” he muttered. He closed his eyes tightly. Get a handle on yourself, he ordered. He took a breath, opened his eyes, and hollered. “Joe!” As he called for his brother, he ripped towels from the shelves and packed Nancy’s head wound with them.
Joe appeared at the door in his shorts and a t-shirt. “Frank, what’s– Oh.” He was on his knees too in a moment.
“The guy– He was here, he ran, I– I couldn’t leave her,” Frank babbled.
“Did you call for an ambulance already?” Joe asked.
Frank shook his head.
“I’ll do that then,” Joe said and rushed out of the bathroom to the phone on the nightstand.
Alone again, Frank looked at Nancy’s face, which was still except for the slight movements in her breathing. He repositioned her so she leaned against him, propping the towels between his shoulder and her head. As he reached for her hands, he realized one of them was loosely clenched around something. He gently opened her fingers to find a cloth patch of some kind.
He smoothed it out and read the text: Mac’s Auto Repair. Bits of fabric were still stuck to it – torn and the same blue as the intruder’s overalls.
Frank almost laughed. “Damn it, Nancy,” he said. “Never let it be said you’re not determined.”
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culttvblog · 6 months
The Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries: The House on Possessed Hill
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I've never read any of the Hardy Boys books. The reason for this is that our headmistress subjected Enid Blyton's books to the same unfounded criticism levelled at the Hardy Boys books in the US: that they weren't proper literature and would stop the kids reading any proper literature. On this basis she banned the books completely from school premises and systematically shamed anyone caught with them. Of course the result was that Famous Five and Secret Seven books were passed around surreptitiously like the contraband they were and nobody at my school read the wildly successful Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew because they weren't banned.
I did, however, manage to watch the TV adaptations later, in my teens. Perhaps I should clarify that this post is about the 1977 to 1979 ABC series starring Parker Stevenson, Shaun Cassidy and Pamela Sue Martin or Janet Louise Johnson. I loved the mysterious theme tune and the plots. It's a show of the genre that I like to think of as aspirational for early teens: the kids are definitely kids but just older enough that they have a freedom the viewers don't have so that it can prompt dreaming, hero worship, or even crushes. This was never the effect of the Famous Five, which was clearly set in a world which didn't exist and where the kids had a freedom that no kids in human history have ever had. In the books Frank and Joe are permanently 16 and 17 respectively, which is probably just the right age to get this effect, They're probably a bit older in this series but still apparently free of the adult responsibilities of earning a living, studying, family, and so on.
The House on Possesed Hill is an absolute superb episode which basically takes the plot of a horror film and twists it slightly to fit in into the mould of the show. Joe and Frank come across Stacey, a young woman who is running away from a baying crowd who are after her. She wants to shelter from them in a mysterious house and she says the townspeople are after her because they think she is a witch: their evidence for this is that she foresaw an accident a friend had.
The show plays her psychic abilities very straight, at no point questioning what she says. In fact it seems uncanny.
Rightly, I think, at the beginning the townspeople just keep their distance from the house and don't give any excuse to Joe for being after her. This is somehow much more scary than the classic horror film tropes where she's either excaped from the local Nursing Home for the Insane Daughters of Gentlefolk (Matron: Jessica Fletcher) or she is the ward in court of the town sheriff who for no apparent reason doesn't want to go back to his house. We hear them talking amongst themselves and they do believe the house is cursed.
In fact the local sheriff doesn't help at all, saying that there's nothing he can do because it's not illegal to want to speak to someone and demanding that a crime be committed or else the Hardy boys had better shut up or leave his town. But then, ACAB.
In fact I'm slightly embarrassed to admit that on first viewing I completely missed that the house Stacey and Joe escape into is of course the house from Psycho. Since realising its identity I have seen that it's been used endlessly in film and TV since obviously a boy's best friend is his mother. I was going to make a quip that the only show it hasn't appeared in is Murder, She Wrote, but of course it's even made an appearance in that. Damnit this show follows the old dark house trope to the extent of having a mysterious hand pull out the telephone wire just as Joe tries to make a call.
The show returns to the world of the classic horror film when Joe and Frank take Stacey home and she's met by the family doctor, who is utterly creepy. Despite Stacey having been seen by specialists in New York who couldn't make head nor tail of her, Dr Creepy then does some kind of regression in the show which mysteriously reveals everything that has happened in her life. Medical ethics, anyone?
If you want a criticism of this episode you might possibly feel that it's got an embarras des richesses in the multiple possible explanations for what's going on in the house leading to a conclusion where it turns out it's several at once. However since the point of this episode is to draw from about every old dark house film ever, that's the point. There's also my enduring query about this show that Parker Stevenson was too old for the role he plays.
This is an excellent episode drawing on the rich horror film tradition.
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lizard-speed · 6 months
The acting in the Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries is quite questionable but honestly they play the characters so well that it lowkey doesn't matter
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Come on, everybody, get down and get with it! We're going back to the 70s for an episode of The Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew!
We discuss the plot, characters, setting, VAMPIRES, and most importantly, Shaun Cassidy singing.
Listen on Spotify and YouTube!
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imsmallfry · 1 year
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My Nancy Drew Valentines <3 comment if you know which games these are from :3 and please vote for my art in the Nancy Drew valentines day contest! https://www.instagram.com/nancydrewpcgames/ I’m #4 in the Friendly category, my eyeball art was featured!
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drewslegacy · 10 months
So lately I've been watching Hardy boys (Hulu) and finished with Season 3. And honestly, i LOVED the series. Especially S2 & S3 are my fav!
And ofc, not to mention, I've had a solid Deja Vu, in best possible way. So many parallels with Nancy Drew (The CW). So many similar episodes/ scenes. Names,
Lucy (who is a red head), Ted CARSON, Abigail OWENS, Biff (Elizabeth), DREW Darrow, LAURA Hardy, (So many more.)
I highly recommend fans to watch the Hardy Boys. You'll realise the prove that Ace being a Hardy boy was right there. (I'm realising it now coz i didn't watch S2 any sooner).
Here are some refrences/parallels that just can't be ignored.
1. The Claw / WILT'S Deli (a hanging spot of the detective gang)
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2. The blue house.
(Nancy's house / The Hardy's house)
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3. ✨FLORENCE✨ and the family car of the Hardy boys. (So technically Ace is driving his father's car 💀)
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This parallel/reference was a STRAIGHT prove that Ace is Hardy boy. And it was right under our noses, from the day one.
4. Ace and Joe dress up in the exact same way. 💀
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There are more that I'll add to this post later. Or post as Part 2. Till than Ciao! 👋😊
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seattlemanboy · 1 year
Joe and Frank Hardy (Shaun Cassidy and Parker Stevenson) in The Hardy Boys (1977-1979).
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countesspetofi · 1 year
I'm getting better at telling Frank and Joe apart, but it's kind of hard getting a handle on how old the Hardy boys and Nancy Drew are supposed to be in the 1970s TV series.
The actors playing them ranged from 18 to 24 when the show premiered, but that doesn't necessarily mean the characters are. None of them seems to attend school or hold down a paying job (until the third season where the brothers become part-time Federal agents).
I'll have to keep watching for clues.
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nancydfan · 1 month
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chaptertwo-thepacnw · 2 years
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Found some episodes of the 70s Nancy drew and Hardy Boys tv series on Youtube. I forgot how cool the title sequence was. I love the creepy maze they’re running around the the flashes of the book covers with the actors edited in!
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balu8 · 11 months
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Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys#1: The Big Lie
by Anthony Del Cole; Werther Dell'Edera; Stefano Simeone and Simon Bowland
Cover by Fay Dalton
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Unfortunately Frank, you'll just be in high school because time is meaningless in Hardy Boys world
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