#Napoleon as author
apurpledust · 10 months
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finished my final today (YES ON A SUNDAY) and went to my school library to find borrow some Napoleonic books and take pics ❤️ there was more but I didn't have time 😭
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empirearchives · 5 months
Citizen Cooks in the Age of Napoleon
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Excerpt about the role of cooks in France after the abolition of culinary guilds, and how they navigated a world which demanded for them to find new ways to stay relevant and prosperous. From Defining Culinary Authority: The Transformation of Cooking in France, 1650-1830 by Jennifer J. Davis:
French cooks sought new sites upon which to rebuild the authority of culinary labor. Throughout the early nineteenth century cooks increasingly adopted scientific terms to demonstrate their reliability and profound knowledge of the culinary arts. Such language communicated the author's education and distinction, just as an appeal to an elite patron had done in the 1660s and referral to a cook's professional expertise had done in the 1760s. The rhetoric and institutions of scientific knowledge also provided a means of distinguishing men's work from women's in the post-revolutionary era. During the early nineteenth century, cooks' claims to scientifically valuable savoir-faire rested on three crucial points of culinary innovation: food preservation, the improved production of bouillon, and gelatin extraction.
As these processes left the realm of traditional knowledge and became sites of scientific inquiry by tradespeople and amateurs alike, cooks sought to maintain authority in this arena by including scientific terms and theories in cookbooks, advertisements, and government petitions.
Two factors encouraged cooks' claims to scientific knowledge during this era. First, when Napoleon Bonaparte took the reins of government as first consul in 1799 and established himself as emperor in 1804, he raised medical doctors and academic scientists, Idéologues, to positions of political prominence. From these posts, the Idéologues subsidized experiments and inventions deemed useful to the nation and encouraged the popularization of science in the public sphere through state sponsorship of exhibitions and print forums. The Idéologues particularly supported research related to food preparation and preservation that might benefit France's armies and navies, with obvious benefits for professional cooks. Many cooks presented their particular techniques to the government during this time, seeking both financial recompense and public acclaim. Second, a voluntary association closely allied with the Idéologues' vision, the Société d'encouragement pour l'industrie nationale (Society for the Encouragement of National Industry), provided a forum in which formally trained scientists, politicians, merchants, artisans, and curious educated men might unite to address questions that inhibited French science and industry.
Together, these men sought to develop a more coherent program for industrial advancement than any one group could achieve independently. The society explicitly sought to join scientific knowledge to artisanal practical expertise, recognizing that each group had strengths that would benefit industrial development. This association invested heavily in three diffuse projects that eventually infused the most basic culinary processes with scientific awareness: new methods of food preservation to benefit the nation's armies and navies, new methods of stock preparation to sustain the nation's poor, and new methods of extracting gelatin from bones to improve hospital and military diets at little added expense.
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enlitment · 4 months
Huge shout-out to my friend who lets me indulge my hyperfixations and somehow managed to track down a photo of my old high school history notes on the French revolution??
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Some higlights!
Headline: The Impact of the French Revolution (on the Czech Lands) (which was part of the Austrian Empire back then, making it just a bit more spicy)
After the fall of the Bastille in 1780, the revolution gains traction, making Austrian authorities uneasy
Leopold II. (Austrian emperor) knows it is important to filter the news getting to Austria from France
The news about the revolution are apparently more censored in Czech-language newspaper than the German ones, since the Czechs were known to rebel against authorities (kind of a "don't want to give them any ideas" type of situation") -> this meant that Czechs who spoke German would have had better access to the news about the French Revolution
The French Revolution would have more support in the Czech intellectual circles, compared to the countryside
a first disinformation campaign was launched in the Austrian newspaper, focused on making the French Revolution look as bad as possible (designed to protect the "traditional regime = the right solution" narrative)
This was contrasted with the experiences of real French people brought to the Czech lands by French soldiers (e. g. during the Napoleonic Wars - the Battle of Austerlitz, arguably the most important battle on our territory)
it also says that the French army was apparently viewed largely positively by Czech people and that the soldiers generally behaved quite decently? (I guess there's a really low bar for a behaviour of a foreign army but still. This surprised me, definitely not something I remembered from my class!)
After the ideas of the French Revolution spread to our country, it influenced the intellectual climate and made people rethink the status quo under the Austrian rule
last point (in all caps for some reason lol): FIRST RECORDER TIME IN WHICH THE STATE USED A DISINFORMATION CAMPAIGN, trying to paint France in a bad light
you also get to witness my horrible handwriting I guess~
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napollya-inspiration · 10 months
69 for the Spotify drabbles haha
#69 on my 2023 Spotify Wrapped is Glitch by Taylor Swift (there’s a number of ways to interpret this song - this is just how I see it)
(send me a number between 1-100 and I'll write a drabble about the corresponding song on my 2023 Spotify Wrapped)
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There’s a way in which Napoleon understands the world to work. He understands that when he leaves a popstar’s or a model’s or an actress’ house and someone takes a picture, it will drive the interest in his life up. He knows that when he has a movie coming out and he picks a woman to be seen with, the tabloids are going to make fun of him but write about him all the same. He understands that it doesn’t matter what filth they choose to describe him with - especially since he’s come out - it only drives the interest in his name. So, he did it. Oh, he had fun doing it, too. But lately, the whole system seems to be breaking down.
You see, it’s a Friday night and he’s cooked an elaborate meal for two with no desire to go out. He’s not itching for the next beautiful thing in his bed. No, he wants Illya to look at him, wants to hear the plot to his new novel only so they can pick it apart together. He wants to see if he can find the part that makes the tips of Illya’s ears go red as he mumbles something about it being inspired by something that Napoleon had said or done.
He’d met Illya by accident as he’d ducked into his local bookshop to grab something to read during his upcoming press tour. Everything had been as always but then there he’d been. And nothing had ever been the same again.
Oh, Napoleon had fully intended to get him ‘out of his system’. But then he’d been drawn back to him, over and over again. And now it’s been a year and he’s not sure that he wants to stop.
A year of sneaking through the back entrees of hotels and paying ridiculous sums to keep people quiet when inevitably something would leak somewhere. There’s another rumor brewing online - spurred on by the premier he’d attended by himself. He’s seeing someone and it isn’t casual this time.
When Napoleon brushes past Illya who is sitting at his counter, laptop open in front of him, an arm snakes out to pull him in. This is anything but casual, alright.
“You ready for dinner?” Napoleon asks.
“Yes. Just tell me when,” Illya says and with him perched on the stool, they’re face to face. It’s an opportunity that Napoleon won’t pass up. He leans in and steals a kiss.
Despite his newfound secrecy, his movies had sold. Illya had even talked him into doing a small indie project, something he wouldn’t have dared to accept before. He hadn’t come this far to see his name fade back into obscurity. Now, somehow, Napoleon can’t find it in him to be afraid of it.
Because, somehow, Illya is still here. Staying, day after day. There’s a reason why he hadn’t let himself get attached in years. But somehow, Illya seems to defy every rule. He doesn’t care about his fame or his money. He doesn’t care about Napoleon’s dating history or his job. It’s like he’s a glitch in the system and now that Napoleon has found him, he’s not going to let him go. At least, if he has anything to say about it.
“What?” Illya asks. “I can see you’re thinking about something.”
“Mmmh. Just thinking you’re the glitch in my system,” Napoleon says.
“Doesn’t sound very flattering.”
Napoleon chuckles and smoothes Illya’s hair back. “You know, I really thought I knew how my life would play out. And then there was you. I was supposed to sweat you out but-”
“Here you are.”
“Here I am. And I’m not even sorry about it.” Let them talk their talks. As long as he has this, everything else doesn’t really matter. And it surprises no one more than Napoleon himself.
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emerald-truth · 4 months
headcanon about napoleon wanting his ass fucked that got so long I thought it should have a title
Prompted by how much I love N/I fics where Napoleon wants to be penetrated on him and Illya's first time together.
First of all, I don't think sex is an activity Napoleon attaches a lot of meaning to most of the time. It's just fun. Also he's a pretty open minded guy and open to trying new things. Therefore, I don't think he would attach a lot of meaning to anal penetration or be afraid to try it. If Napoleon learns about another way to have sex that feels great he would definitely try it. I don't think he's the kind of person to have reservations about its associations with homosexuality either. Even if he does have trouble coming to terms with his attraction to men, he doesn't think about sex in such a restricted way. And he certainly isn't going to have a problem with the fact that it's not good christian sex for reproduction because he already has a promiscuous and sinful sex life by those standards. Even if he's only having sex with women, I think he's gonna be trying it with them. Especially thrush women, knowing thrush . . .
I also think being penetrated feels a lot more vulnerable for Illya in a way that scares him, and this also has to do with Napoleon placing less importance on sex than Illya. I think Illya has less sex than Napoleon not just because he isn't very interested in women but because he doesn't want it to be a casual act. He may have casual sex sometimes because it's more common in gay subcultures and because he's too closed off to have anything more than casual relationships, but I think he's closed off sexually as well as emotionally. And he's particularly closed off to being penetrated because he does place meaning on it and see it as an act of vulnerability and he isn't willing to be vulnerable with anyone (except Napoleon).
And I don't think Napoleon feels vulnerable about it at all. This has to do with what I see as the fundamental difference between Napoleon and Illya's secretiveness. Both of them have to keep secrets because they're spies of course, but Illya is antisocial and insecure personally in a way that Napoleon isn't and has nothing to do with their job. Not only do sexual acts not have as much inherent meaning to Napoleon, he's a master at being open and friendly without actually giving away any information about himself. He doesn't feel uncomfortable about being outgoing or being known, at least on a surface level (and most sex is surface level to him), like Illya does. It's revealing personal information, especially about his past, that he's worried about. And just because you've had sex with someone, no matter what kind of sex it was, doesn't mean they know anything more about you than they did before except about that one sexual incident.
This doesn't necessarily have to be related, but I also think Napoleon likes being submissive during sex more than Illya does, and this is part of the reason I love fic where Illya tops their first time. Also because it's rare compared to the other way around and it's just nice to have variety but that aside . . . Even though he's technically superior in rank in uncle, Napoleon is more comfortable not being in control. In their work, he's more spontaneous and more willing to operate without all the facts. Illya is a scientist and he likes to be well informed and follow a plan. In control. He also keeps very tight control of himself. He usually only speaks when he has something important or witty to say, and his body language is very calm and controlled. Napoleon on the other hand, is comfortable and enjoys talking off the cuff, and he's very loose with his body, touching and fidgeting with everything around him. He doesn't restrict himself the way Illya does. That's what gives Illya so much more of a more mysterious vibe even though we actually know more information about him.
Now what does this have to do with sex. I got on more of a general character meta tangent, but analysis of what characters enjoy sexually should stem from analysis of characters in general so this is fine. Illya would probably be willing to give up control during sex after he and Napoleon have been together a while because it's Napoleon, the one person he trusts. Their first time however, and most of the time, he probably isn't going to want to, especially since I think he attaches more of a submissive connotation to bottoming than Napoleon does.
And not only is Napoleon ok with being submissive I think he likes it. He's very considerate during sex no matter who it's with and enjoys making the other person happy. Sometimes that means letting the other person relax while he takes care of them, but sometimes that means letting them do whatever they want with him. And as someone who's in a lot of high stress situations it's probably really nice for him to relax and not make decisions. Sex is one of his favorite things to do in his free time, so it seems reasonable he would want to take a break from being in control during that time. Especially with Illya who he can truly let his guard down with.
The other thing is. Napoleon knows Illya. He knows Illya likes to be in control and is afraid of vulnerability and he isn't going to put Illya an a situation where he's uncomfortable. And as much as Napoleon is masculine, he isn't macho. And he isn't afraid of letting Illya have control over him. He would let Illya do anything to him because he loves him. And he's certainly going to let Illya do something to him that makes them both feel great and that other people have probably done to him before.
The heart of the matter is Napoleon has sex to feel good, he's adventurous, he's a bit of a hedonist, and he has very little sexual insecurity. In what world is he not going to want his prostate stimulated.
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clove-pinks · 8 months
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This is what you Sharpe's Rifles people are reading, right??
This was my light reading last night, and I enjoyed it very much, despite being written for children people of all ages. Foundling George Milton escapes the workhouse where he is cruelly mistreated and becomes a bugler for the 95th Rifle Regiment in 1809, after he is rescued and adopted by a Regimental Sargent Major. Awwww!
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As a piece of historical fiction, it's put together with great care, with a lovely emphasis on the day to day life of a Napoleonic era soldier. The forward by Bernard Cornwall states that Richard Sharpe would approve of George Milton and even seems to hint that Sharpe could make a cameo appearance in a future volume.
But alas, volume 1 was published in 2020, and there are no signs of any sequels? I can't find any information about this series being continued.
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achilles22hector · 14 days
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— The 33 Strategies of War, Robert Greene
The 33 Strategies of War is a military history and personal development book. It was written by American author Robert Greene in 2006. It is composed of discussions and examples of offensive and defensive strategies from a wide variety of people and conditions, applying them to social conflicts such as family quarrels and business negotiations.
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isthenapoleoncute · 1 year
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Napoleon seems to be interrogating a daughter of the legion, Violet M. Methley. It's even being announced above in the air! She looks embarrassed. What should be done, if anything?
Rating: Cute!
Napoleons are inquisitive creatures! A lot of times, people become uncomfortable with the rapid-fire way Napoleons vocalize their curiosity - "did the Napoleon even hear me when I told him I have six sons before he asked how many of my patients I killed?! Also who just asks someone that?!" - but the Napoleon doesn't mean any harm. He's just curious!
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planetwaving · 2 years
my collection of The Man From U.N.C.L.E. tie-in Ace Books series !
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plus these four British printing ones my friend gave me :)
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needcake · 10 months
Needcake! I'm losing my mind - I remember a scene from your fic (I think it was your fic - I can't think of anyone else who writes Portugal and England so *beautifully) where I *swear* Portugal was fending off France during the Napoleonic Wars and in the back of his mind was waiting for England's navy to show up (something something St George's Cross on the horizon) and I'm looking through your fic...did you write a scene like this, cos I *swear* I read it and it's emblazoned itself into my mind, like omy god.
hahaha thank you!!
I don't have a scene exactly like that, but I did write a Port/France interaction along those lines for the 2021 whumptober (here), if it's mine then it's probably that one bc the other fic hasn't gotten that far yet
(If it's not mine then please share that fic with me if you find it!!!) (@shachaai wrote a fic set in this time period as well here, maybe that is the one you're looking for?)
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wickedlittlecritta · 1 year
after that last reblog i’m tempted to write an extremely self-indulgent au where my wizard devin is a weird little mage-diplomat from tyra and they all have to deal with him.
he’s white girl wasted on red wine and speaking fantasy italian at 100 mph. alanna is crying.
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travsd · 4 months
Hat's Off to Kevin Brownlow
Today we salute one of the key figures in the silent movie Renaissance of the last several decades: author, collector, preservationist, director, producer, screenwriter, cinematographer, and editor Kevin Brownlow (b. 1938). Brownlow’s 1968 book The Parade’s Gone By… is one of those seminal volumes like Walter Kerr’s The Silent Clowns that inspired thousands to explore silent cinema. With…
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empirearchives · 2 years
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I’m dying at this letter from Napoleon to his uncle, Joseph Fesch, during the French Revolution.
“Liberty is fairer then they and eclipses them.”
Napoleon really called them ugly for not supporting the revolution. Wtf 😂😂😂
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okok new layout the plan is to look like im in the napoleon fandom so i can find more friends hopefully this works i am very lonely
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maggiec70 · 1 year
Hello, dear Tumblr grandmother. I have a question…
HOW THE FUCK DID YOU HANDLE “THE QUEEN’S FORTUNE”?! I’m listening to the prologue of the book and I’m already not impressed!!!
I have a high tolerance for Really Awful Historical Fiction simply because the rewards from writing blistering, scathing, eviscerating reviews of said books are so great. Not to mention compelling the scribblers of the Awful Books to have heart failure and attempt to retaliate. I got two of them banned from Goodreads for their feeble attempts to take on my reviews.
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writer-and-artist27 · 11 months
It's past 10 pm on a Friday night when the author posts this, but with a third family member having ascended to the world beyond in the span of a year from cancer treatment, the author had to process things.
And with the recent Halloween Rising 2023 event in FGO NA, a certain Foreigner's antics rubbed the author the wrong way enough to provide just enough of leeway to go try-hard in writing rage.
Fuck cancer in taking another person away from me.
Content warning for spoilers for Sections 4-6 of said Halloween event, graphic violence, cruel and unusual punishment, and mentions of torture. You've been warned.
AO3 link here. OST Playlist on YouTube here, with the new songs all included.
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