#National Redhead Day 2022
BFCD Ginger Space
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April O’Neil Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles | Ariel The Little Mermaid | Enfys Nest Solo: A Star Wars Story | Merida Brave | Jean Grey X-Men | Jessica Rabbit Who Framed Roger Rabbit | Karli Morgenthau The Falcon and the Winter Soldier | Lady Fire Graceling | Luna The Hex Girls/Scooby Doo | Mikayla Infinity Train | Mystique X-Men | Poison Ivy DC Comics | Starfire Titans | Storm Goddess Courage the Cowardly Dog
Aleece Wilson | Carissa P | Carmen Garitano | Carmen Solomons | Coral Kwayie | Erin Kellyman | Faith Evans | Georgia Moot | Jamillah McWhorter | Joyjah Estrada | Mahogany Amour | Poppy Vernet | Renee Mittelstaedt | Sabina Karlsson | Sincerely Nymphie | Sonny Turner | Zoe Knife
This is absolutely a placeholder for me to fix all these tags whenever I have time for housekeeping. Little note: I have some gingers in my family, perhaps because we got a sprinkle of Irish in our ancestry (we do), or whatever other reason that genetics have for doing the things genetics do. I always liked the aesthetic of gingers and Black gingers in particular are not appreciated enough and Black women truly can rock anything, so whether natural redhead or artificially colored, I wanted red hair to have a space on this page and since today is National Redhead Day, I collected the tags I have right now.
Other Tags
Black Ginger Tag | Black Gingers Tag | World Redhead Day 2022 | On the Main | National Redhead Day 2022 
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lcdrarry · 4 months
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LCDrarry 2024 Round-Up Post | Week 3
On Sundays during our posting period, we won't post a new work, instead you have time to catch up with the works that posted during the week and hopefully leave lovely comments for our creators.
Happy reading, commenting and sharing! ;)
~Your LCDrarry Mods
PS: Please have a look at the author notes and tags on AO3 for additional information. Thank you!
PPS: Please share far and wide! Thank you!!
"The Pirc Defence" by sleepstxtic
Prompt: "The Queen’s Gambit", 2019, Scott Frank Written by: @sleepstxtic Narrated by: Anonymous Podfic Length: 01:05:00 Rating: Explicit Warnings: None
Summary: They were rivals, and they were lovers, and they were the greatest chess players of their generation. Exactly in that order.
Listen to it now on AO3.
Draco's Moving Castle
Prompt: "Howl's Moving Castle", 2004, Hayao Miyazaki Prompted by: @Somethingveryodd (newskyillusion on ao3) Author: Anonymous Art Medium: Digital Rating: General Audiences Warnings: None
Summary: Art for LCDrarry2024 fest. Prompt was Howl's Moving Castle.
Read it now on AO3.
we were born to be national treasures
Prompt: "Legally Blonde", 2001, Robert Luketic Prompted by: MoonyEmilie3017 (ao3) Author: Anonymous Word Count: 4,979 words Rating: General Audiences Warnings: There is nothing triggering in the work, although it does heavily rely on the subject of needing academic validation as a woman in a patriarchal society.
Summary: Danica Malfoy is determined to study law and move forward in life. But is anything really ever that simple?
Read it now on AO3.
End of Beginnings
Prompt: "All of Us Strangers", 2023, Andrew Haigh Prompted by: Anonymous Author: Anonymous Word Count: 5,324 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: Canonical Character Death
Summary: As Harry and Draco start developing a relationship, Harry finds himself drawn back to the Potter house in Godric's Hollow, where his parents appear to be living just as they were on the day they died.
Based on the movie All of Us Strangers (2023) though you don't have to have seen it to understand the fic.
Read it now on AO3.
The Potters : Possessed case
Prompt: "The Conjuring", 2013, James Wan Prompted by: Anonymous Author: Anonymous Word Count: 12,039 words Rating: Mature Warnings: Horror, blood, vomiting, mention of suicide, possession, exorcism
Summary: After a lecture, Harry and Draco meet a frightened woman, telling them that her entire family is scared to death of their new house.
But Harry and Draco wanted to take a break after a traumatising case. Maybe it's just natural causes and the house isn't haunted, right?
Read it now on AO3.
By the Book
Prompt: "The Proposal", 2009, Anne Fletcher Prompted by: Anonymous Author: Anonymous Word Count: 14,586 words Rating: Teen and up Warnings: None
Summary: It’s hard being Draco Malfoy: workaholic publishing professional extraordinaire. Between revolutionizing the Wizarding World and fighting with Harry Potter, his chief of staff, it makes sense Draco forgot to check his mother filed some paperwork. Oops. Easy enough to avoid deportation by saying he’s engaged to said manager.
Too bad that plan involves visiting Ottery St Catchpole, a gaggle of redheads, and defrauding the government.
Read it now on AO3.
this strange effect
Prompt: "Killing Eve" (2018 - 2022) Prompted by: Soulmates Drarry Author: Anonymous Word Count: 30,670 words Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Violence, Blood and Injury, Assassinations, Killing Eve AU, Murder, Light Poisoning, Obsessive Behavior, Reference to past addiction issues, Presents
Summary: Harry hated his job, his cousin, and his inability to figure out how to fit into the boring, depressing world around him. He kept his peace until Draco Malfoy turned out to not be dead like Harry thought he was. Deadly, though? Harry was going to figure that out.
Read it now on AO3.
The Heart of the Heart
Prompt: "Howl's Moving Castle", 2004, Hayao Miyazaki Prompted by: @Somethingveryodd (newskyillusion on ao3) Author: Anonymous Word Count: 52,775 words Rating: Teen and up Warnings: None
Summary: Harry Potter’s boring routine comes crumbling down when he takes the wrong shortcut at the wrong time; he almost ends up in a brawl, gets rescued by a handsome stranger, successfully escapes sentient tar, learns to walk on air and then becomes victim to a spiteful, petty and undeserved ageing curse - and all that within a single afternoon! Now transformed into an old man, Harry decides to run away in search of a way to reverse the spell, but the path is precarious and the journey long. As he's trying to make his way through magic and treachery, danger and deceit, it's becoming abundantly clear that something more is hidden behind petty magic - something deeper and more valuable and connected all too thoroughly to what may only be classified as love.
Read it now on AO3.
Please help promote the fest by sharing your favourite submissions, so more people can enjoy all the amazing new Drarry works of LCDrarry. Thank you!
Creator reveals are on 15 June.
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Movie Review | Crimes of the Future (Cronenberg, 2022)
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This review contains spoilers.
On this Canada Day in the year of our Lord 2022, I decided to do my patriotic duty and support a great Canadian filmmaker. So I hopped on the subway, headed downtown to the TIFF Bell Lightbox (a theatre that's been responsible for some of my favourite moviegoing experiences, but perhaps has lost some of its luster recently thanks to increasingly boring programming choices) and handed over my hard earned Canadian dollars for a ticket to David Cronenberg's Crimes of the Future. Now, this wasn't just patriotism at work, although there is a certain national pride I feel in enjoying the work of a great director who came out of this country whose work doesn't have that stench of distinctly Canadian lameness about it. (It might be hard to explain to non-Canadians, but imagine if 90% of the film and TV output of your country was centered on the most boring, tacky signifiers of national identity. Tune in to the CBC and just drown in an embarrassing flood of hockey, Tim Hortons, "aboot" and "eh".) But there's also the fact that like many movie fans, Cronenberg's work is near and dear to me.
Videodrome was a formative movie for me during my high school years, not just because it was a cold, weird, off putting movie that also kicked ass, but because it was a kind of metaphor for my cinephilia, putting me on a quest for the weirder horizons of cinema. (So yes, I'm going to blame my embarrassing viewing history over the last two years all on this one movie.) At the time it felt like I watched something truly transgressive. A movie with this collection of plot points shouldn't exist. Snuff TV, stomach vaginas, fleshy bulging cassettes, kinky redheaded Debbie Harry? The last one may have broken my brain. Why does the singer from Blondie have red hair? Also the whole kinky weirdo angle.
In that respect, Crimes of the Future offers up two characters in the same tradition, who I suspect would have similarly wreaked havoc on my cerebral functions had I watched this at a younger age. There's Lea Seydoux, former surgeon and partner of Viggo Mortensen, with whom she does a performance art act of cutting out his organs for an audience. And there's Kristen Stewart, as a bureaucrat in a secret government agency responsible for logging Mortensen's organs who not-so-secretly is turned on by all this. (An early scene has her visibly aroused as she inspects Mortensen's organs through a camera jammed inside his stomach.) She coins the movie's key phrase: "Surgery is the new sex." (Seydoux and Mortensen have scenes together that show this concept in fairly literal terms, which kind of grossed me out but I suspect will do a lot for somebody somewhere.) The former brings an innate warmth and emotion to an otherwise cold and alienating movie (is there another actress currently who is as good at looking on the verge of tears?), and the latter has a nervy delivery that provides some of the movie's biggest laughs.
Now, I suppose I should gesture towards the overall plot, which features Mortensen and Seydoux wowing the art world with their daring surgery-centric performance art. This is in the context of a world where human evolution is leading to the growth of weird and scary new organs and a corresponding increase in aggressive body modifications. Some of this seems to be a vehicle for Cronenberg to air out his thoughts on art, and one especially funny scene has a rival artist dance to techno music while covered in ears in his self-satisfied, up-its-own-ass act. This is a funnier movie than I expected, although much of the humour is of the deadpan variety. I already mentioned Stewart's comic timing, but I also chuckled at Mortensen's outfit, which looks like something a ninja would wear, or perhaps pilfered from a Yohji Yamamato or Rick Owens collection. The wardrobe of the rest of the cast is less dramatic, aside from the rise of their pants. (Yes, yes, I'm talking about clothes again.)
But there's also a political dimension, as Mortensen is working undercover for the government to infiltrate a group of subversives, although it wasn't clear to me what exactly the ideological difference was between the two parties. The movie is not interested in political coherence, and seems cagey about the nature of the government's repression, although we do get a sense of atmospheric decay from the crumbling Greek locations, presence of analog technology (which leads to the sporadic use of different film and video formats), and scenes of political operatives carrying out grisly assassinations. (There is also the frequent presence of flies, which I found a bit on the nose.) I suppose there are similarities here to the vagueness with which Videodrome sketches out its political dimensions, but that movie at least put words to the villains' ideology, giving that element a certain charge.
"North America's getting soft, patrón, and the rest of the world is getting tough. Very, very tough. We're entering savage new times, and we're going to have to be pure and direct and strong, if we're going to survive them. Now, you and this cesspool you call a television station and your people who wallow around in it, your viewers who watch you do it, they're rotting us away from the inside. We intend to stop that rot."
I haven't seen Cronenberg's last few films, but there is a sense that he was getting more respectable over the last two decades. (I'd seen A History of Violence and Eastern Promises from that period. Both quite good, but aside from a few instances of extreme violence, fairly palatable to mainstream tastes.) So seeing him go back to the biopunk sensibilities of his earlier work, the stuff that speaks to me more directly, does make the movie pretty interesting in the context of his career, and I did mostly enjoy seeing him play around with those elements. But where movies like Videodrome, Scanners and Shivers (to take a few examples) work for me and this one doesn't is that those movies had a certain cohesion and forward momentum. You enter worlds that are fairly well defined and attach yourself to protagonists who are propelled through their narratives, all delivered with a feverish, punk rock energy. (Of those movies, Videodrome has the best leading man in James Woods, whose sleazy presence gives added queasiness to the proceedings.) This movie has no real interest in making its contextual elements cohere, and kind of ambles to its climax. Also, I appreciate that we all have different sensitivities to certain subject matter, but the fact that this movie places its dramatic crux on something as upsetting as a child autopsy completely alienated me from the final section. And that the movie closes with a scene of what looks like the worst YouTube food vlog in the world meant that I was not won back before the end credits rolled.
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justaredheadf1fan · 3 years
Well, hello there 😃
My name is Naia, but everyone around me calls me Nai. I’m a 28-year-old redhead with a mild fixation (ahem…) with Formula 1, and some other stuff, but mainly Formula 1 🤪
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I’ve always been a fan of the sport, to be honest. I still remember to this day the weekend afternoons with my father and brother watching the races and qualification sessions. Without missing any of them, ever.
Being Spanish, we always rooted for Fernando Alonso, and for what I could gather neither my father nor my brother liked any other driver enough to support them as well, same way as football for instance, we’ve always been Athletic de Bilbao and Spanish national team supporters, but I always tried to see more to both sports to just settle for just one driver or team. So, I ended up looking away a little and found myself supporting other teams, other drivers, than the ones I was “supposed to”.
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Back to F1, I always loved Michael Schumacher, there’s no point in denying it, he was always a beast. I didn’t like Sir Lewis Hamilton or Sebastian Vettel though, but I did have some sort of soft spot for Kimi Raikkönen because one of my closest friends at the time, who was a huge fan of his. But time has proved that people evolve, so many of my preferences did too, and after many, many years, I’ve come to love both Sir Lewis and Sebastian much more than I could’ve ever expected thanks to a dear friend (hi, Marina 👋🏻) who reintroduced me to F1 after many years of losing track of the sport.
I admit that after watching Sebastian win his 4th title with RedBull, we stopped watching F1 altogether at home. I myself didn’t find that motivation that came with race week, since Seb was completely unchallenged at that point and there was barely any more competition as there used to be, in my eyes (I might mention I was 20, so I didn’t know better at that point? 😅). Races looked almost exactly the same at that stage for me, but oh, do I regret now my thoughts in 2013…
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So, I was in desperate need of guidance from my lovely friend Marina, who I also share my passion for football and others with, to remind me of what I was missing out on and put me up to speed on most of what I hadn’t seen so far since 2014. Needless to say, she got me hooked once more, like never before at that. Obviously, now I can’t just drop it, can I? She got me all hyped up right at the end of this insane 2021 season. AND NOW WHAT!?
Now I find myself starting a Formula 1 blog out of nowhere and totally uncalled for, but I guess my need for more at the moment is getting the best of me at the moment. It is what it is.
Anyhow, getting back on track before I finish my Bible of an introduction, if you got this far reading, congratulations, you have a hell of a patience here. I’ll do my very best to stay as objective as possible while commenting on races, qualification sessions, free sessions and whatever else I can get my hands on from now on. I obviously have my favorites and least favorites just like everyone does, but still. Obviously, we can’t all agree on everything every time, but I do believe friendly, reasonable and respectful comments are the best way to go anywhere, so those will always be welcomed here. That way we can properly debate about all topics and we’ll all learn from one another in a nice way. Plus, if anyone has suggestions regarding topics or anything that comes to mind, I’m open to hearing about it, the more feedback I get the better I can do this.
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To whoever’s reading this, if there’s anyone at all so far, welcome and thank you very much. I never in a million years thought I’d be doing this, like at all. So, buckle up, it’s gonna be a bumpy ride.
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I'm updating this to say a couple things:
I've being thinking lately that I haven't been as objective and "professional" as I hoped to be at the very beginning of this. I mean, I'm objective on several things but I know I'm subjective too. I talk mainly about the top points that I see or my faves or the drivers I like most, if you will. This is because now I work, which when I started all this wasn't happening, so I have less time and also less energy, but I always try my best to be truthful and honest about what I see the way I see it. Obviously, a lot of you might disagree and that's perfectly healthy. And I try to make it entertaining to read, at least 😂
I'm thinking about putting together some kind of a masterlist in order to find all posts easier, both for me and for anyone who wants to take a peak. Not expecting anyone going around old posts from a blog that barely anyone knows, but who knows, it's never too much putting together something nicely, right?
So, let's see if my lack of an attention span lets me follow through with this and I put it all together bit by bit.
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gear-project · 4 years
2021 Guilty Gear Calendar
2021 Guilty Gear Calendar!!! Happy New Year (and Happy Birthday, Anji)!
[JANUARY] Jan 1st: Anji Mito (New Year’s Day) Jan 16th: <Celebrated> Tyr (Appreciate a Dragon Day) Jan 28th: Zato=ONE/Eddie (Daisy Day) This Month’s Jellyfish Pirate: Janis, the Cat and Mascot of the Jellyfish!
[FEBRUARY] *Final GGStrive Character Announcement this month*! Feb 8th: Jam Kuradoberi (Bubble Bath Day) Feb 9th: Chipp Zanuff/<Celebrated> Mizuha (Static Electricity Day) Feb 14th: <Celebrated> Valentine/Jack-O’/Aria Hale (Saint Valentine’s Day) This Month’s Jellyfish Pirates: Febby who does the Laundry, Accounting, and Book-keeping! Also Leap the Administrative Director and Cook!
[MARCH] Mar 5th: Baiken (Multiple Personalities Day) Mar 14th: <Celebrated> Bedman (World Sleep Day) Mar 18th: Nagoriyuki (National Supreme Sacrifice Day) Mar 28th: Raven (Something on a Stick Day) Mar 31st: <Celebrated> Asuka R. Kreutz “That Man” (World Backup Day) This Month’s Jellyfish Pirate: March, head of Communications (despite the fact she doesn’t talk much).
[APRIL] Apr 7th: <Celebrated> Robo-Ky (National Robotics Week) Apr 9th: GUILTY GEAR STRIVE RELEASE DATE FOR 2021!!! Apr 20th: <Celebrated> Millia Rage (Easter) This Month’s Jellyfish Pirate: April, Helms-woman and ace pilot of the Airship!
[MAY] May 5th: <Celebrated> May (The day Johnny found her) May 9th: Testament (Lost Sock Memorial Day) May 11th: <Celebrated> Alternate Timeline Day (Twilight Zone Day) May 12th: <Celebrated> Fanny (International Nurses’ Day) May 14th: <Celebrated> Sol Badguy (Guilty Gear Foundation Day) May 31st: Sin Kiske (International “No Tobacco” Day) This Month’s Jellyfish Pirate: May, the Powerful Princess and 2nd in Command of the Jellyfish!
[JUNE] Jun 3rd: Ramlethal Valentine (Repeat Day Repeat Day) Jun 8th: <Celebrated> Ariels/Chronus (‘Big Brother’ is Watching Day) Jun 15th: Zappa (Power of a Smile Day) This Month’s Jellyfish Pirate: June, the Desk Manager and Aristocrat of the Jellyfish!
[JULY] Jul 1st: Leo Whitefang (Creative Ice Cream Flavors Day) Jul 26th: <Celebrated> ALL OR NOTHING! Day Jul 28th: <Celebrated> System Administrator Appreciation Day This Month’s Jellyfish Pirate: July, sword expert and combat professional!
[AUGUST] Aug 3rd: Izuna (National Watermelon Day) Aug 14th: Daisuke Ishiwatari/<Celebrated> Chimaki (Summer Romance Day) Aug 21st: Dr. Faust (National Senior Citizen’s Day) This Month’s Jellyfish Pirate: Augus, strong melee and grappling expert extraordinaire!
[SEPTEMBER] Sep 2nd: Justice (National Blueberry Popsicle Day) Sep 8th: Answer (International Literacy Day/Bury the Hatchet Day) Sep 9th: Kliff Undersn (Chrysanthemum Day) Sep 12th: <Celebrated> National Video Games Day This Month’s Jellyfish Pirate: Sephy, the Ship’s Kind Doctor!
[OCTOBER] Oct 16th: <Celebrated> Leopaldon/Gig/Judgment (National Boss Day) Oct 18th: Potemkin (Health and Sports Day) Oct 24th: Johnny/<Celebrated> Venom (National Billiards Day) Oct 25th: <Celebrated> National Comic Book Day Oct 26th: Bridget (Coming Home Day) Oct 31st: Slayer (Halloween) This Month’s Jellyfish Pirates: Octy, Crow’s Nest Navigator specialist! And of course don’t forget about Johnny, the Captain!
[NOVEMBER] Nov 6th: Giovanna (National Redhead Day/National Nachos Day) Nov 9th: <Celebrated> CHAOS NEVER DIES! Day Nov 11th: <Celebrated> Dr. Paradigm (National Education Day) Nov 20th: Ky Kiske (Feast of Christ the King Day/Absurdity Day) Nov 25th: I-No (Elimination of Violence against Women Day) This Month’s Jellyfish Pirate: Novel, the Ship’s Engineer and Weapons designer!
[DECEMBER] Dec 5th: Kum Haehyun (Prohibition Repeal Day) Dec 17th: <Celebrated> A.B.A. (Paracelsus’ Birthday) Dec 25th: Axl Low/Dizzy/Elphelt Valentine (Christmas Day) This Month’s Jellyfish Pirate: Dizzy, the Ship’s Administrative Coordinator (on indefinite leave).
PLEASE NOTE: –As always NEW Characters may be announced as the Year goes on, Dates may be altered/adjusted as information is revealed! –Characters that have no Birthdays may get one, and Characters with Birthdays may have theirs corrected as needed! –Other Holidays are just personal fun/preference/Optional! –Also Note that this List may not go in to effect until after it is posted!  Meaning some holidays will go in to 2022!
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trashyeggroll · 5 years
Alex Danvers/Samantha Arias - train like an actual 🚂 please and thank you!
ahaha i appreciate that you specified 🤣 and thank you for the prompt!
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#4 Train
trashy’s note: west wing fans will recognize this final exchange. i think about it all the time.
Alex Danvers jerked out of sleep, instinctively putting out a hand to steady herself. Her palm landed on a table, and a half-second later, her brain caught up with reality: She’d nodded off while sitting up, the pull of gravity on her head having woken her back up. And no wonder she’d fallen asleep—the Amtrak train zooming from Seattle to Portland was rocking gently, their compartment pleasantly warmed by the sun. In the seat next to her, her wife, Sam Arias, had had a better plan, with her jacket tucked between her head and the window as she slept.
And their daughter Ruby, the reason for this trip, wasn’t in her seat, likely in the dining car with the crisp twenty Sam had handed to her that morning. They were on the West Coast leg of a grand college tour for their seventeen-year-old, who was angling her life towards med school and, as of the last six months, neurology. How much of that career path was related to the time Lena Luthor had had to drag Sam back out of her own mind… unconfirmed.
Whatever the root of Ruby’s motivations, the teenager was relentlessly dedicated to her goals, acting with the same integrity and decisiveness as Sam while speaking to a board of a directors with billions of dollars in weath between them. She was the president of her student council and played defender in a competitive soccer league, and her grades were near-perfect, like her SAT scores. But, she was still a seventeen-year-old, including all the hormones and emotions that went along with that age range, and Alex and Sam had been weathering the growing pains of young adulthood in addition to their unending pride in Ruby’s accomplishments.
Another passenger shuffling past their seats had Sam squirming out of sleep, her forehead momentarily wrinkling in a confused, cranky fog, but then her eyes found Alex, and the lines relaxed with Sam’s smile. “Are we there yet?”
“Still another hour.” The redhead leaned across the seats for a kiss, then decided against straightening up and instead dropped her cheek to Sam’s shoulder, snuggling closer and prompting a soft chuckle over her head. “Where’s our little thunderstorm?”
“Probably telling some poor barkeep all about her struggles,” yawned Alex, smiling when Sam’s arm curled over her shoulders and gave a squeeze. Truth be told, the college tours were like the vacations the family had never had time to take, and she knew that one day, Ruby would be appreciative of all the family photos they took in bucket-list locations: the top of the Space Needle, the Chihuly museum, the Fremont Troll. Sam’s high-pace executive world and Alex’s constant world-saving battles certainly hadn’t given them much free time over the years, but the flattened multiverses had helped; Alex could leave National City with a modicum of comfort, knowing that the Pierce family was there to help Kara in case any crises arose. Which they would, inevitably.
Sam’s phone buzzed, as if the real world sensed Alex’s reflection, and she craned her neck up to look at her wife’s face as she checked the message. To her credit, though, she set the phone back down immediately, albeit with a wistful sigh.
“Something on fire?” prodded Alex, sitting up a little.
“Something is always on fire when you have shareholders.” Sam met her eyes, lips shifting into a small grin, and the little laugh lines at the corner of her eyes were so endearing that Alex had to reach up and tug her chin down for a kiss. Soft brown hair fell over their faces like a curtain, and Alex took advantage to indulge. The years together felt simultaneously too short and like a lifetime, but the passage of time had done nothing to dull the shine of her love for Sam Arias, despite what movies and TV shows seemed to suggest. Alex flattened her hand on Sam’s stomach, reveling in familiar warmth, and let the kiss deepen, sighing as Sam’s tongue slid between her lips and—
Alex was used to this impeccable timing, by now. Neither women startled, but simply sat up straight again as Ruby slid into her seat across the table, her brows knitted in the typical teenaged withering stare.
“There are other people in this car, you know.”
“Oh dear, sweet summer child,” teased Sam. “Please keep that attitude about PDA when you go to school.”
Ruby didn’t seem to appreciate the humor, offering a wan smile that looked so much like Sam’s, and then returning her attention to her phone. True to Alex’s suspicions, Ruby had returned with an armful of likely-overpriced snacks, chips and soda and candy.
“So…” began Alex, ignoring the suspicious grin Sam flashed at her. “Excited to check out nephrology at OHSU?”
“That’s kidneys. I want to study neurology,” Ruby corrected her without looking up from her phone.
“No, I thought neurology was your bones, like the skull.”
“That’s orthopedics.”
“Then what’s obstetrics?”
Finally, Ruby looked up from her phone, sighing. “Mom, you’re not gonna make me laugh. I’m trying to study.”
Alex nodded, and she put one hand on her wife’s knee, then extended the other one, open with her palm up, to their daughter. “You know, no matter what you do… We’re proud of you. And we know you’ll achieve whatever you set your mind to, okay?”
Sam squeezed her hand, nodding her agreement, as some of the tension melted from Ruby’s posture. She didn’t put her phone down, but she did extend her other hand to Alex’s for a quick squeeze. “You want some Cheetos?”
Of course she wanted some of those price-gouged Cheetos, and Alex knew that that response was more than it seemed. “Yeah, sure. We can split it.”
With that small family victory under their belts, the trio sat in companionable silence for awhile, munching on the puffy orange snacks.
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brookston · 2 years
Holidays 5.26
Bob Day
Boulder Day (Republic of Molossia)
Crown Prince’s Day (Denmark)
Drool Day
Dzien Matki (a.k.a. Mother's Day; Poland)
Feast of VooDoo Economics
Go Barefoot Around the House Day
Grey Day
Independence Day (Georgia; from Russia, 1918)
Independence Day (Guyana; from UK, 1966)
Mother’s Day (Poland)
National Paper Airplane Day
National Sorry Day (a.k.a. National Day of Healing; Australia)
Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole Day (Hawaii)
Sally Ride Day
Windmill Day (Netherlands)
World Dracula Day
World Lindy Hop Day
World Orienteering Day
World Product Day
World Redhead Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Blueberry Cheesecake Day
National Cherry Dessert Day
Fourth/Last Thursday in May
Chardonnay Day [Thursday before Memorial Day]
Eat More Fruits and Vegetables Day [Thursday of Memorial Day Weekend]
Feast Days
Augustine of Canterbury (Anglican Communion and Eastern Orthodox)
Eleuterus, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Festival of the Valley (Ancient Egypt)
Lambert of Vence (Christian; Saint)
St. Monica (Positivist; Saint)
Oduvald (Christian; Saint)
Peter Sanz (Christian; One of Martyr Saints of China)
Philip Neri (Christian; Saint)
Quadratus of Athens (Christian; Saint)
Stalin Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Thargelia (Birthday Festival of Apollo & Artemis; Ancient Greece)
Zachary, Bishop of Vienne (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Dracula, by Bram Stoker (Novel; 1897)
Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, by The Beatles (Album; 1967)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 146 of 2022; 219 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 21 of 2022
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 14 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Huáiyuè), Day 26 (Ji-Mao)
Chinese Year of the: Tiger (until January 22, 2023)
Hebrew: 25 Iyar 5782
Islamic: 24 Shawwal 1443
J Cal: 26 Bīja; Foursday [26 of 30]
Julian: 13 May 2022
Moon: 10% Waning Crescent
Positivist: 6 St. Paul (6th Month) [St. Monica]
Runic Half Month: Ing (Expansive Energy) [Day 14 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 65 of 90)
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 5 of 30)
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years
Holidays 5.26
Bob Day
Boulder Day (Republic of Molossia)
Crown Prince’s Day (Denmark)
Drool Day
Dzien Matki (a.k.a. Mother's Day; Poland)
Feast of VooDoo Economics
Go Barefoot Around the House Day
Grey Day
Independence Day (Georgia; from Russia, 1918)
Independence Day (Guyana; from UK, 1966)
Mother’s Day (Poland)
National Paper Airplane Day
National Sorry Day (a.k.a. National Day of Healing; Australia)
Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole Day (Hawaii)
Sally Ride Day
Windmill Day (Netherlands)
World Dracula Day
World Lindy Hop Day
World Orienteering Day
World Product Day
World Redhead Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Blueberry Cheesecake Day
National Cherry Dessert Day
Fourth/Last Thursday in May
Chardonnay Day [Thursday before Memorial Day]
Eat More Fruits and Vegetables Day [Thursday of Memorial Day Weekend]
Feast Days
Augustine of Canterbury (Anglican Communion and Eastern Orthodox)
Eleuterus, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Festival of the Valley (Ancient Egypt)
Lambert of Vence (Christian; Saint)
St. Monica (Positivist; Saint)
Oduvald (Christian; Saint)
Peter Sanz (Christian; One of Martyr Saints of China)
Philip Neri (Christian; Saint)
Quadratus of Athens (Christian; Saint)
Stalin Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Thargelia (Birthday Festival of Apollo & Artemis; Ancient Greece)
Zachary, Bishop of Vienne (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Dracula, by Bram Stoker (Novel; 1897)
Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, by The Beatles (Album; 1967)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 146 of 2022; 219 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 21 of 2022
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 14 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Huáiyuè), Day 26 (Ji-Mao)
Chinese Year of the: Tiger (until January 22, 2023)
Hebrew: 25 Iyar 5782
Islamic: 24 Shawwal 1443
J Cal: 26 Bīja; Foursday [26 of 30]
Julian: 13 May 2022
Moon: 10% Waning Crescent
Positivist: 6 St. Paul (6th Month) [St. Monica]
Runic Half Month: Ing (Expansive Energy) [Day 14 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 65 of 90)
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 5 of 30)
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jamieroxxartist · 2 years
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Today, May 26th, 2022, is #WorldRedheadDay!
A #Painting I Painted a couple of years ago: ‘#AnnMargret Pop!’ 2019, acrylic and oil blend on canvas, 18"x24" by @ArtistJamieRoxx #JamieRoxx (www.JamieRoxx.us) This Sold Painting is Not Available.
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