#Natural handmade scrubs
sudsnyc · 1 year
The Ultimate Guide To Choosing The Right Charcoal Face Mask For Your Skin Type
Before using any charcoal face wash, it's essential to do a patch test to ensure that you're not allergic to any of the ingredients. Apply a small amount of the mask on your inner arm and leave it for 24 hours. If there are no adverse reactions like redness, itching, or inflammation, you can proceed to use the mask on your face.
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millionmovieproject · 2 years
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Bar soaps, bath bombs, and epsom salt scrubs.
All vegan, organic, and handmade (by me) with responsibly-sourced ingredients.
Better for you, and more affordable than anything in stores, and great for gifts!!
DM to make your order here, or on the shop page at Madmartigan Soap Co. on Facebook.
The bar soaps are at near-sellout status, so order soon before they're all gone!!
See my tie dye collection here
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m8103 · 7 months
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ancientritualsshop · 1 year
Who Can Use Brown Sugar Body Scrub In Their Skincare Routine
A brown sugar body scrub is a natural and gentle way to exfoliate the skin, removing dead skin cells and promoting healthy skin cell growth. While it is safe for most people to use, there are certain factors to consider before incorporating it into your skincare routine.
Suitable For All Skin Types
Firstly, a brown sugar body scrub is suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin. However, it is important to be gentle when using the scrub on sensitive areas such as the face and neck, as the sugar granules can be too harsh and cause irritation. For those with very sensitive skin, it may be best to use a gentler exfoliant and the best natural handmade skincare products. 
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Dry Or Flaky Skin
Secondly, those with dry or flaky skin can benefit greatly from using a brown sugar body scrub. The granules help to remove dead skin cells, allowing for better absorption of moisturizers and other skincare products. However, it is important to follow up with a moisturizer or body oil to prevent further dryness.
People With Acne Prone Skin
Thirdly, those with oily or acne-prone skin can also benefit from using a brown sugar body scrub. The granules help to unclog pores, removing excess oil and preventing breakouts. However, it is important to be gentle when using the scrub on active acne or inflamed areas, as the granules can further irritate the skin.
People With Aging Skin
Lastly, those with mature or aging skin can benefit from using a brown sugar body scrub, as it promotes healthy skin cell growth and can improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. However, it is important to be gentle and not over-exfoliate, as mature skin can be more delicate and prone to damage.
Wrap Up
In conclusion, a brown sugar body scrub is a versatile skincare product that can be used by most people. However, it is important to consider your skin type and any sensitivities before incorporating it into your skincare routine. With proper use, brown sugar body scrub can promote healthy skin cell growth, improve skin texture, and provide a natural glow.
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p1nkcanoe · 2 years
shower intruder
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[ mountain x gn!reader ]
summary: you would love to end your day with a relaxing shower... alone... but it doesn’t always end up that way.
warnings: nudity; slight body worship
word count: 844
Hot steam rose to the ceiling and stuck to the intricate tiles that made up your private bathroom. It had been a long and tedious day of work around the abbey and you felt your shoulders physically loosen and drop at the feeling of hot water washing over your skin. A variety of handmade soaps and scrubs in uniquely shaped containers adorned the edges of the tub and you took your time choosing the best one to calm your nerves and hopefully relieve some stress. You wouldn’t normally wash your skin first, but the thin sheen of sweat that covered your body was incredibly irritating. You hummed and decided on the citrus one that seemed to be calling out to you; Sunshine's personal choice of wash, made naturally from oranges and lemons from the courtyard. Slowly and deliberately, you generously lathered the soap into your skin and relished in the way that the aromas filled your head.
Your hands then made quick work of your favorite bottle of a sweet smelling shampoo and you poured a puddle of it into your palms before beginning to scrub your tired scalp. Some of the bubbles slid over your forehead and threatened to fall into your eyes so you turned to face the stream of water and washed off your soapy hands to clean your face.
Suddenly, and without warning, the flimsy curtain of your shower is pulled back and you barely manage to catch a glimpse of the very large and very naked ghoul stepping in behind you. “What the hell?” You shriek as your body instinctively jumps, your feet losing their placement on slick porcelain. Two large hands grab you by the waist and steady your balance from behind, a quick apology leaving their lips. And although you’re very thankful that they didn’t let you fall, you can’t help but feel irritated at the ghoul who decided to infiltrate a rather intimate part of your night routine. You turn, briefly meeting the golden eyes of the earth ghoul who has already decided on a tobacco-smelling soap and more focused on pouring it into his palm.
"Mountain, what the hell are you doing?"
"Showering?" The ghoul shrugs and his lips twitch into an oblivious smirk. He reaches up and steals handfuls of water from above your head to spread over his own chest and arms. He begins to wash. The bathroom smells richly of cut pine and tobacco.
"You have an entire room for that,” you remind him.
"It was occupied."
You stand in the steamy cascade of the water and watch in hilarious bewilderment as the ghoul ignores your eyes and goes on about his routine. He doesn’t seem bothered at all by your presence. Mountain goes for another bottle and turns it to read the wording of the label but you’re quick to snatch it from his hands and place it back next to a pink scrub. He finally looks down and meets your eyes.
"... no it's not,” you point out, your lips twitching into a smile when Mountain begins to chuckle at his own lie. “I was down there not even twenty minutes ago replacing the towels."
Mountain throws his head back and groans towards the ceiling, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “Oh come on… Is it so wrong for me to want some time with you?”
“No, but all you had to do was ask— or wait.”
“Whatever— don’t act like you want me to leave.“ He grabs ahold of your waist, stepping around your slippery body carefully so that he’s under the water and your back is pressed to his chest. His clawed hands are so very gentle as he works through your hair and relathers the shampoo that still remains there. You sigh, leaning into his touch and the unnatural warmth of his skin, completely giving into the ghoul that intruded on your shower.
Once he feels that he’s cleaned you an ample amount and that you’re content with the work he has done he once again switches so that he can take his time washing you off. His hands run over and massage areas of your skin where soap has long since washed away, but you happily let him take care of your body. And when he’s all done you surprise him when you guide him under the water and wet him down. He looks soggy and his funny expression makes you laugh. Your hands have to reach to get to the top of his head but he is more than happy to let his posture suffer if it means your fingers are running shampoo over his scalp and cleaning his horns. Mountain begins to purr. His chest rumbles low and deep and pure. Maybe he should lie more often if it means he gets to be worshipped like this. You consider the same idea. Needless to say, Mountain begins infiltrating your showers more often.
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oldfarmhouse · 1 year
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- We use unplastic wraps instead of cling film or plastic bags. The pretty ones in the pic are from @ohbeeco and are handmade in Finland using recycled cotton, and they decompose. We use them for food storage, for wrapping snacks in, etc. and from all the brands I’ve tried so far, these are definitely the best.*
- Ever since we stopped using paper towels back in 2010, we’ve been using reusable wipes in the kitchen; I knit dishrags as well as smaller wipes from bamboo or recycled cotton, which can be washed on a hot cycle even though their labels usually suggest cold. I’ve also bought some bamboo dishrags, the oldest of which date back to 2012!
- Instead of paper napkins we use linen ones (in the big basket) —
- For all my scrubbing purposes, I use wooden scrubs with bristles made of natural materials. I even reuse old toothbrushes for scrubbing on tight places. When we’re done with them, into the wood burning oven they go.
- The linen tea towels with pink stripes used to belong to my grandmother who passed away a few months before my daughter was born (A is now eleven!). I use her towels for all kinds of purposes from wiping my hands to drying tableware to covering bakes that are cooling down.
- Instead of plastic cutting boards, we use wooden ones. I bought the one in the picture back in 2011 when we moved to a new flat in the city, and every now and then I scrub it clean with some soda & lemon, then oil it (olive oil will do fine for this). It’s one of my favorite items in my kitchen because it reminds me of our past life in the city.
I’d love to hear about the ways in which you try to reduce waste in your kitchen — share your tips so we can all come up with more tricks for less waste!
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cosmicdreamt · 8 months
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"I found this spot that sells some REALLY nice handmade candles and body scrubs and things of that nature. You should come with me to check it out!" // @the27percent
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theinsatiables · 1 year
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Reviewing Cult Classics: Drop Dead Fred
"This is easily one of the worst films I've ever seen," said Gene Siskel. What did he know anyway? He was only one half of a powerhouse movie critiquing duo that had been actively giving expert reviews for 30 years. Is it possible that he and everyone else overlooked the importance of mental health and protecting your peace, along with the quiet reveal about Fred’s true identity when so harshly rating the cult classic, "Drop Dead Fred?"
Fred is Elizabeth Cronin’s imaginary friend from the past who reappears after she suffers through a series of life shattering events. His chaotic nature makes him appear to be a nuisance who everyone tends to wish would just drop dead. His obnoxious antics consistently embarrass Elizabeth until she remembers his importance to her childhood. Through Fred’s special breed of support and encouragement, Elizabeth musters up enough courage to dump her cheating husband, Charles, and part ways with her manipulative and controlling mother. Considering the deep dive this movie journeys, a basic plot explanation simply isn’t giving what it needs to give, so let’s try another route.
Mental health is an overarching topic in the film, and it is easy to spot the tells if you pay close attention. Having a manipulative and controlling mother seems to be the free gift with birth; everyone has one. Some parents may blame concern for their meddling and this could very well be true, but imagine having a parent tell your five-year-old self how you never do anything right.
The verbal abuse Elizabeth suffers at the hands of her mother has likely stunted her growth into adulthood, which can be seen in the stark contrast between her friend Janie's appearance and Elizabeth’s seventies Holly Hobby style; ankle length frumpy floral dress with white socks and shiny black doll shoes. Is it possible she is suffering a form of arrested psychological development, meaning she remains stuck at the time of her childhood trauma? This would explain why she appears to be immature during the earlier years of her marriage, the person who has been gaslighting Elizabeth throughout his entire affair with Annabella.
Then there’s Fred.
After her husband’s infidelity left her all alone, Elizabeth moves back to her mother’s home, where she is treated as a child by being banned from the living room carpet that has been roped off. It is at this point when Fred makes his return to discover a grown up Lizzy Cronin. The first “game” he pulls her into is using dog waste to destroy the very area she was told to stay away from. The next morning, she wakes to find her mother vigorously scrubbing the excrement from the carpet. For an imaginary friend, he sure did get the assignment. No one puts Lizzy in the corner.
Lizzy Cronin’s struggles first take shape at age five, when she is forced to create Fred as a defense mechanism against her mother’s abuse. 
During one of many flashbacks, we get a first look at young Lizzy’s relationship with her imaginary friend. Fred can be seen waking her up in the middle of the night to play robbers and slips a handmade striped sweater over her smock nightingale nightgown. Their adventure includes stealing silverware and smashing in a window, to which Fred exclaims how much he loves the breaking noises. When things go south, she recalls to Fred how her mother told her she never does anything right. This kind of self-doubt in a child can be damaging. Luckily, Fred is right there to remind Lizzy of just how great she is and encourages her to unapologetically walk in her truth.
Elizabeth's next memory of Fred takes her back to the most painful time in her life as a child. She was locked in her bedroom by her mother and placed under the care of a terrifying nurse after being taken to a child psychiatrist to discuss the dangers of Fred’s presence.
Dressed in a replica of the nightgown from her childhood, she remembers a time when her mother’s verbal abuse was so upsetting that Fred made an appearance and suggested they make a mud pie to cheer her up. Unfortunately, the dish was served using fine china and left a mess everywhere. Her imaginary friend then flees into Lizzy’s jack-in-the-box for safety. When her mother enters the room, she finds the mess and angrily pries the toy from her daughter's grip, leaving her in tears and begging for her friend. She then proceeds to tape the box shut and forbids Lizzy to open it, threatening that she would crush him to death. 
As an adult, Elizabeth discusses with Fred how much she suffered from his disappearance, telling him that after he left, "all of the life, spirit, and Fred went out of me." He then encourages her to flee from her mother’s watchful eye to attend a party her husband hosting. Elizabeth breaks the glass window in her bedroom, exclaiming how much she loves the breaking noises, and she and her imaginary friend escape. Although she is now an adult, and Fred has spent half of the movie hilariously condemning her for growing up, the two seem to have more in common than they know.
Once Elizabeth has won back Charles, the courage she gained takes a back seat to his manipulative ways when he convinces her to take the pills the psychiatrist prescribed to help phase Fred out. While Fred tries to warn her about the ill motives of her husband, she doesn't listen and begins to take the pills. For every pill she took Fred suffered through painful stomach cramps that slowly crippled him. When the romantic dinner Elizabeth prepared for Charles is revealed to be a mud pie, she threatens to take the last pill that will end his life. After overhearing Charles' plans to continue his affair, Elizabeth ends up developing a similar pain to what Fred us suffering from on the floor next to her. When Fred tells her to leave her husband, she confesses she is afraid of being alone.
Coming to terms with the reality of her feelings sends Elizabeth on a journey of freedom that starts with her becoming one with Fred as he walks her through her most repressed fears. When she arrives at an eerie replica of her mother’s home, she is immediately faced with a sinister version of her husband, whose advances she must reject in order to pass the first test. In the last task she finds her mother’s terrifying profile standing guard at her bedroom door refusing to let her in. With Fred’s encouragement, Elizabeth vanquishes her presence by shouting that she is no longer afraid of her.
Upon entering the room, she finds her five-year old self taped to the bed, frees her younger self, and discovers she must return home without Fred. Elizabeth no longer needed his physical form because she realized that Fred had been a part of her all along. 
She was Fred.
When Elizabeth returns, in true Fred fashion, she breaks up with Charles by dumping the dinner she had been preparing all over his head and wipes a booger on his cheek. When she returns to her mother’s home to make a final attempt at discussing her childhood trauma, she is met with the same verbal abuse that was used to tear her down as a child. She immediately made the decision to walk away from the very person who had been responsible for years of fear and anguish. Once her mother realized her daughter was leaving her life forever, she confessed her own fear of loneliness in an attempt to get her to stay, to which Elizabeth advised her to get a “Fred.”
If Elizabeth was her own imaginary friend all along how do we explain the little girl at the end who seems to have her own Fred? Simple. Fred is merely a physical manifestation brought on by the need to protect oneself from something. Whether it's a motherless child who is consistently being left with nannies or a woman who finds herself taking her loneliness out on her own daughter. Everyone is capable of creating their own Fred; it's called an alter ego.
Looking back at the movie, “Drop Dead Fred,” proves how beautifully complex the film truly is. Much like life, there are connections just waiting to be made in order to fully understand who we are and bring us to a place of healing. What may have been disregarded or harshly rated once before can now fully shine in the realization that our trauma and mental health is deserving of respect and a safe space to work through it with grace.
As for Elizabeth and Fred, perhaps the best part of their relationship was that he never gave up on her and gave her the strength she needed to call the "mega beast" out on her manipulative pile of shit.
-Tracee Carter
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stankycowboy · 7 months
"Here." Delicately a small box is dropped into his lap before she plops down into the soft, pink embrace of her bed.
It's simple mostly. Black with no paper but tied around it is a bow printed with a pattern of eyeballs. The small tag reads 'Trick & Treat' in glittering gel ink. Nestled within the confines are two things. The first is a necklace. The main pendant is half a technicolor heart with the inscription BFF on it. Though with it hang several molar teeth --- charms that are just too realistic in look (and even feel) to be fake. One even has a gold cap. That, in her mind, was the trick. Nothing heinous, rather hilarious. Or in her humblest opinion it's worth a laugh. If nothing else she got a kick out of the idea.
The second item is absolutely the treat. A classic style stiletto switchblade. The handle is a sleek black marbling, and the blade whips out smooth as silk; sharp and shiny ready to slice or dice. Of course, being the beast he is, it's not a necessary item but since when were knives not fun? Never.
"Happy Halloween."
Severen drops the bag of candy he has been carrying for her into the small pink chair by the door. It slumps, nearly spilling their spoils amongst the scattering of other things that have accumulated there. Juliet collapses onto her bed in a similar fashion. He glances over at the sound of her voice, popping the sucker out of his mouth with an arched brow. He was pretty sure that gift giving wasn't really a part of the holiday, but turning down presents was not in his nature. Eagerly, he sits next to her and picks up the package. Admiring the outer decoration, he slips the lollipop back into place to free his hands. He flips the tag over, gives her a wink, and pulls the bow apart. The ribbon lies limply in his lap as he pries the lid off the box and peers inside. He is honestly surprised by the first object. A necklace. Handmade. Something in his throat constricts, emotion impossible to completely hide although he would admit to nothing if asked. A distant memory plays behind his eyes. Diamond encircling his throat with a string of glass beads. 'All snakes display their colors'. Severen is quiet for a nearly a full minute as he stares down at the heart, the acronym inscription such a trademark sign of the one who has made it that it's like a physical imprint of her frozen in time.
Feeling uncomfortable suddenly in his sentimentality, the flesh eater clears his throat and shifts on the bedspread, chuckling awkwardly. "S'nice" he smiles through his teeth, setting the lid down so he can pick up the jewelry and examine the teeth; respecting the bloodstains that were unable to be entirely scrubbed out. "Hn, that's a quality crown", he admires the accessorized tooth, thinking of how he would have pried this out to make a pretty penny 'back in the day'. He's so caught up in this first item he nearly misses the second without her gesturing to it. A soft exhale passes his lips as puts the box down in his lap to use his other hand to snatch up the truly exquisite knife. Brightly shining eyes run the length of the handle in wordless praise of the excellent styling. The nearly soundless, 'snick' of the blade springing from its housing actually makes the hairs on his neck stand up. It is a thing of beauty. "This is..." he sighs, like a kid on Christmas having their belief reaffirmed in Ol' St. Nick. Severen is completely dumbfounded by materialistic wonder. "...S'nice" he says again, quiet, rotating his hand to watch the light radiate blindingly off the polished edge. Finally, his gaze slips off his presents and he locks his eyes onto Juliet's with radiant joy. "We still gotta couple hours right?" He hasn't said 'thank you', he hasn't given her praise, or stumbled over himself to show a physical sign of his gratitude, yet it is not presumption, or greed that causes him to do so; it is the very honest surprise at being the recipient of such things. Like any over eager youth-- or one who acts like he is in any regard-- he is simply bursting to show his new wonders to the world; forgetting that Juliet is the provider, merely wanting her to join in the fun. Without waiting, Severen stands up, the box now a forgotten vessel tumbling to the floor as he ( regretfully ) tucks the blade back into the sheath so he may pocket it. Clumsily, he unclasps the necklace and secures it around his throat. It falls in a familiar place, the pendant just in the center of his clavicle-- framed by the faint ridges of the molten fragments still housed in his skin-- fingers touching it faintly, as if affirming its weight; its pride of place. Feigning ignorance to his bathos, Severen speeds toward the door. "C'mon!" He encourages her with a nod of his head, ready to see just how sharp his new knife is on the first motherfucker he finds. Diamond would approve, that he's sure, and that is good enough for him.
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sudsnyc · 2 years
Use Natural Body Washes Instead Of Chemical Prove Ones!
The body wash is a popular product that many people use to clean their bodies. It comes in different forms including liquid soap, bar soap, lotion, shampoo, etc. However, not all body washes are created equal. There are some natural body washes out there that are just as effective as any store-bought products. They may even have more benefits than traditional body washes. Here are seven natural body washes that you should try.
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1. Coconut Oil Soap
Coconut oil soap is a great option if you’re looking for something that works well without drying out your skin. Not only does coconut oil soap moisturize your skin, but it also smells amazing. You can find pre-made bars at most grocery stores that already have coconut oil added to them. If you want to make your own, simply mix two parts coconut oil with one part water. Mix until the lather begins to form and then add enough white vinegar to create a nice scent.
2. Castile Soap
Castile soap is a type of soap that uses olive oil as its base ingredient instead of water. Olive oil is a great moisturizer, especially for dry skin, and castile soap is much milder than regular soap. Because it contains less harsh chemicals, it is safe for babies and children. To make your own, combine four parts of olive oil with one part of white vinegar.
3. Aloe Vera Soap
Aloe Vera is a wonderful plant that has been around for thousands of years. It is known for its soothing effects on the skin, and aloe vera soap is no exception. Simply put the gel inside a jar and place it near a heater or stove. After about half an hour, the mixture becomes hot and starts to separate.
Along with such organic soaps, you can also give a try the natural sea salt for your skin. By using such products you can see the magical difference in your skin as compared to using synthetic soaps and gels.
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millionmovieproject · 2 years
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Madmartigan Soap Co. is back open for business on Facebook with our great bar soaps, and two new products, with more in the works!!
All products are vegan, organic, handmade, responsibly-sourced, and reasonably-priced.
Check out our new menu, and DM me directly, or the Madmartigan Soap Co. page to make your order. Digital payments and personal checks are accepted.
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💕 What a wonderful bundle of natural homemade selfcare gifts from @girlbosskollection!! I got to try their lip scrub and mask set, oatmeal milk & honey cold process soap and 2 colors of gloss lippies!! They all smell delicious and I can tell they're all made with love! Everything is made with skin loving ingredients to moisturize, hydrate and soften skin perfectly.
🍒 The cherry lip scrub smells amazing and is made with natural freeze dried fruits. It's a different kind of lip scrub because it feels smooth and not gritty like others I've tried. Love how it's made with a little honey powder so it has a creamy feel. The Lip Mask is great to go along with the scrub! The blueberry oil totally soothes and makes my lips soft! It's great for soothing irritated and cracked lips. I had cracked lips a few days ago and it completely cured it in 2 days! I simply put it on every night before bed and slept with it on!
💕 I think the gloss lippies are my favorites! I love the colors and think they would look great on any skin tone! They're made with tinted pigment and infused with Shea butter. Super hydrating and creamy feeling! I even use some on my cheeks with no foundation for a natural glowing look.
🧼 The oatmeal milk and honey cold process soap is awesome! Cold process soap is so much better than brand soap you buy at the store. This soap is handmade and natural plus it doesn't leave any residue! Love how it smells so good and lathers up with creamy bubbles! My favorite thing about it is how moisturized it leaves my skin. I don't even need to put any body lotion on after a bath when I use this soap.
💕 Right now my followers can get anything sitewide and save with my code: Shan22
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How To Find The Best Handmade Contemporary Area Rugs?
Are you looking to add some warmth and style to your home or office? Look no further than handmade contemporary area rugs! In this article, we'll discuss the various materials, styles, and designs available when shopping for handmade contemporary area rugs. Plus, we'll provide tips on how to find the best rug for your space. So keep reading to find out more!
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Tips for Finding the Perfect Rug
When it comes to finding the perfect rug, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First and foremost, you need to consider the size of the room. The rug should be large enough to cover the entire floor space, but not so large that it's over helical essay definition overtake the room. You also need to think about the style of the rug. Are you looking for something traditional or contemporary? Something patterned or solid-colored? Once you have a general idea of what you want, start browsing through different retailers' websites or visit a local store in person.
When narrowing down your choices, pay attention to the materials used in each rug. Some are made from natural fibers like wool or cotton, while others are made from synthetic materials like polyester or nylon. Each has its advantages and disadvantages, so choose the one that best suits your needs. Once you've found a few rugs you like, take them home and see how they look in your space. If possible, try them out for a few days before making your final decision. With these tips in mind, finding the perfect handmade contemporary rugs will be a breeze!
Rugs for Living Areas
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There are a few things to keep in mind when shopping for rugs for living areas. First, consider the size of the room and the furniture in it. You'll want to make sure the rug is large enough to fit under all of the furniture, but not so large that it overwhelms the colors in the room, and choose a rug that will complement them. Consider pattern and texture as well; a busy pattern might be too overwhelming in a small space, while a textured rug can add interest to a room with simple furnishings. And finally, think about how the rug will feel underfoot; you'll be spending a lot of time in this space, so it should be comfortable!
Rugs for Bedroom
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There are a few things to consider when shopping for the perfect rug for your bedroom. First, think about the size of the room and the furniture in it. You'll want to make sure the rug is large enough to fit under all of your furniture, but not so large that it overwhelms the colors in your room and determine what will work best with your existing décor. If you're not sure, opt for a neutral color like black, white, or gray.
Next, think about the material you want your rug to be made from. Wool rugs are soft and durable, making them ideal for bedrooms. But they can be pricey. If you're on a budget, look for a wool-blend rug or one made from synthetic fibers like polyester or nylon.
Finally, take into account how much traffic your bedroom gets. If it's a high-traffic area, you'll want to choose a rug that can withstand some wear and tear. A low-pile or looped-pile rug is a good option for bedrooms that see a lot of foot traffic.
Tips and Tricks for Cleaning Rugs
When it comes to cleaning rugs, there are a few tips and tricks that can help you get the job done right. First, be sure to vacuum regularly. This will help to keep dirt and dust from building up on the surface of your rug. If you have a spot or stain that needs to be cleaned, be sure to use a mild soap or detergent and blot the area gently with a clean cloth.
Avoid scrubbing too hard, as this can damage the fibers of your rug. When it comes time to deep clean your rug, you may want to hire a professional cleaner who specializes in cleaning Oriental rugs.
Final Words
Handmade contemporary area rugs can add beauty, color, and texture to any room. With the right knowledge and guidance, you should have no problem finding the perfect rug for your space if you explore rugs at Creative Furniture Store. Use our tips above to help you find a high-quality handmade contemporary area rug that is both stylish and affordable. Whether you are looking for a modern abstract design or something more traditional like transitional rugs, there is sure to be an option out there that will fit perfectly into your home's decor scheme.
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faceofnature5 · 2 years
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Top Best Organic Beauty and Skin Care Products in The US The face of nature has a wide range of handmade natural beauty products made from natural ingredients. Organic skin care products from Face of Nature include: Rainfall Mist, Rise and Shine moisturizer, Black African Soap, Red Clay Masque, Lavender serum, Lavender Bar Soap, Exfoliate Scrub, etc. For more details: https://faceofnature.org/collections/skincare-products
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estelleross586 · 2 years
JuViLu Essentials provides natural medicine and plant-based alternatives. Products include herbal based tinctures, balms, dried herbs, gummy capsules & supplements, as well as many healing and essential oils.
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jandrcleaning · 20 days
Are there any carpets that cannot be cleaned?
Carpets are a popular choice for flooring, adding warmth, comfort, and style to homes and offices. However, maintaining their cleanliness and appearance can be challenging. Have you ever wondered if there are carpets that simply cannot be cleaned? At J & R CLEANING Company, we’ve encountered various carpet types and stains, and we're here to share our insights on which carpets pose the most significant cleaning challenges and why.
Understanding Carpet Materials
Before diving into the specifics, it’s essential to understand the different materials used in carpet manufacturing. The material composition plays a crucial role in determining the cleanability of a carpet. Capet Cleaning Fort McMurray highlights that carpets can be broadly categorized into natural fibers and synthetic fibers, each with unique characteristics.
Natural Fiber Carpets
Wool is a luxurious natural fiber known for its softness and durability. However, it is highly absorbent, making it susceptible to staining and damage from excessive moisture.
Sisal is a natural fiber derived from the agave plant. It is durable and environmentally friendly but can be challenging to clean due to its coarse texture and sensitivity to water.
Jute is another natural fiber that offers a rustic charm. It is softer than sisal but equally sensitive to moisture, making it prone to mold and mildew if not properly cared for.
Synthetic Fiber Carpets
Nylon is one of the most popular synthetic fibers used in carpets. It is known for its resilience and stain resistance, although it can be susceptible to oil-based stains.
Polyester carpets are valued for their vibrant colors and resistance to fading. However, they can attract oily stains, which can be difficult to remove.
Olefin, also known as polypropylene, is highly resistant to moisture and staining. However, it is less resilient than nylon and can be crushed under heavy foot traffic.
Factors Affecting Cleanability
Several factors influence how easily a carpet can be cleaned, including its material composition, the type of stains it encounters, and its age. Carpet Cleaning Services Fort McMurray often finds that older carpets with worn fibers are more challenging to clean than newer ones.
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Challenges with Natural Fiber Carpets
Sensitivity to Moisture
Natural fibers like wool, sisal, and jute are highly absorbent and can be damaged by excessive moisture. This sensitivity makes them more challenging to clean, especially with water-based methods.
Risk of Shrinking and Discoloration
Improper cleaning techniques can cause natural fiber carpets to shrink or discolor. For instance, using hot water on wool can cause it to shrink, while harsh chemicals can lead to discoloration.
Professional Cleaning Techniques
Hot Water Extraction
Also known as steam cleaning, this method involves injecting hot water and cleaning solution into the carpet fibers and then extracting it along with dirt and debris. It’s highly effective for deep cleaning but must be done carefully to avoid over-wetting.
Dry Cleaning
Dry cleaning uses minimal water and relies on specialized cleaning compounds. This method is suitable for delicate carpets and those sensitive to moisture.
Bonnet Cleaning
Bonnet cleaning involves using a rotating pad soaked in cleaning solution to scrub the carpet’s surface. It’s effective for routine maintenance but may not remove deeply embedded dirt.
Special Considerations for Delicate Carpets
Antique and Vintage Carpets
Antique and vintage carpets require special care due to their age and delicate materials. Professional cleaners with experience in handling such carpets are essential to prevent damage.
Handmade and Hand-Knotted Carpets
Handmade and hand-knotted carpets are often valuable and intricately designed. They need gentle cleaning techniques to preserve their beauty and structural integrity.
The Role of Carpet Protection Treatments
Benefits of Stain-Resistant Treatments
Applying stain-resistant treatments can help protect carpets from spills and stains, making them easier to clean and maintain over time.
Application and Maintenance
Regular reapplication of stain-resistant treatments is necessary to ensure continued protection. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for best results.
When to Consider Carpet Replacement
Signs That a Carpet Is Beyond Cleaning
If a carpet is heavily stained, worn, or damaged, cleaning may not be enough to restore it. Indicators such as persistent odors, significant discoloration, and frayed fibers suggest it’s time for replacement.
Cost vs. Benefit Analysis
Consider the cost of repeated professional cleanings versus the expense of replacing the carpet. In some cases, investing in a new carpet may be more cost-effective in the long run.
Tips for Maintaining Carpet Longevity
Regular Maintenance Routines
Regular vacuuming, prompt stain removal, and periodic professional cleanings can significantly extend the life of your carpet.
Preventative Measures
Using doormats, removing shoes indoors, and rearranging furniture periodically can help reduce wear and tear on your carpets.
Maintaining clean and beautiful carpets is a task that requires attention to detail and an understanding of the materials involved. While most carpets can be cleaned effectively with the right techniques and professional help, certain types and stains pose unique challenges. If you're searching for a "Carpet Cleaning Company near me," look no further than J & R CLEANING Company. We are committed to providing top-notch carpet cleaning services tailored to your needs, ensuring your carpets stay fresh and vibrant for years to come.
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