lajadelmira · 11 months
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✨Chibi Babies ✨
I was practicing a chibi style with my characters a while ago
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contrastparadoxx · 2 years
Oh oh oh oh!!! Liz likes to sleep either on her stomach or clutching a large plush/pillow
Often a combination of the two
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bhaalsdeepbat · 5 months
the plan is for nyx to maybe romance hexxat, but if i end up despising her after love at first sight, nyx is going to break the game and become Jaheira's bisexual panic moment
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renvasart · 7 months
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“Come forth from death, my beauty! ”
My necromancer Nyx and her trusty bloodfiend 🩸
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blindomens · 9 months
Spam Post of all my Tavs
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My first Tav, LeeLoo(yes from fifth element).She was my early access character as well. She was a Bard on early access but in the main game she is a Cleric. No romance, focused on the story and playing with 2 other friends.
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My second Tav, but my first Tav to beat the game with. Miracle, Warlock. Playing with two other friends. Romancing Shadowheart only because she was the 4th in our party so I already had high approval with her.
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My first solo game, Mox, Warlock. Astarion romance playthrough, but also the first playthrough I slept with the Guardian(for the achievement I swear)
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My first dark urge game Tav. Hela, Fighter. Was going to one friend and mine Dark urge playthrough to really go into the urge but he ended up wanting to simp for Karlach and fucked it up so its been a mess of a game. I said fuck it and Romanced Halsin, then once he told me to "let my heart be free" I said, lets see how many people I can sleep with. Halsin, Halsin & the Drow twins, Mizora, and the Guardian. More to come hopefully.
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Nyx, Bard, this save was going to be the save where my friend fixes his fuck up in the Hela save to simp for Karlach so we can go full evil in the other save. Romance Gale. We have hardly played this save, trying to beat the game on the Hela save first.
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Rose, Wizard - Necromancer, Dark urge save(solo this time) so I can go full baddie babe. Figured, already going dark urge why not really fuck myself and go drow too.
I do have one more save just no pictures of her yet.
Enyo, Paladin. I don't know her plans yet. TBA
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Ozi, Rouge, Dark urge. Completely evil. You can find her post here.
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The offical Tumblr Necromancy Sexyman Tournament
the rules are simple, I develop a roster of fictional necromancers and you vote for a winner.
The characters can be any gender, race , etc. Their power can be from themselves or artifacts, as long as they can be considered concretely to be a necromancer, litch,etc. Can come from any media, book, movie, tv, etc.
The term necromancer usually also includes people to talk to ghosts, however for simplicity this list will only include people who raise the dead.
I'll be pulling characters from the Wikipedia list of fictional necromancers
If their is some one you want on the list mention them in a comment or reblog.I
So far the contestants are:
Marcia Overstrand - from the Septimus Heap book series by Angie Sage
Mannimarco - from The Elder Scrolls Game series, Bethesda game studios
Lord Fabian - From A Plague on Necromancy by Sam Artisan
Victor Frankenstein - Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
Kabuto Yakushi- from multiple Naruto media
Johannes Cabal- from the book Johannes Cabal the Necromancer by Jonathan L. Howard
SCP-049- from the SCP Foundation
Harrowhark Nonagesimus - The Locked Tomb book series Tamsyn Muir
Vecna- Dungeons and Dragons
Wei Wuxian- The Untamed Tv series
Chlorr/Clariel of the Mask- from the Old Kingdom book series by Garth Nyx
Nico DiAngelo - from the Rick Riordan books universe
Yorick- League of Legends
Nari of the Eternal Forest- Tales of Arcadia
Claudia- from The Dragon Prince
Ned- from the show Pushing Daisies
Ambrose Spellman -from the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
Imotehp - from the Mummy franchise
Jade- Tales of the Abyss
Edward Grey- from the Undead Canadian book series
Marciline - Adventure Time
Ianthe Tridentarius- the Locked Tomb book series
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sofiasjornal · 3 months
The crowd hissed, and parted to reveal Queen Hypaxia Enador walking into the chamber, robes floating behind her on a phantom wind.
From the corner of his eye, Ithan caught Jesiba's smirk. "Hypaxia," the sorceress said. "Just the necromancer I was looking for."
We are leaving it here for today! Page 404 I think!
See but now it gets interesting because I’m assuming Hypaxia doesn’t know that Celestina is a back stabbing bitch but Ithan does! Now this can very easily go to shit! Because he doesn’t know she and Celestina are together right? So very naively he might share with Hypaxia what he knows about their friend’s escape and that information would get to Celestina and to the Asteri! But at the same time, he could just as well share that Celestina sold them out without knowing to whom exactly he’s sharing that with! So this could go either way… Unless somehow Hypaxia found out already? But how would she? 🤔
Since I’m already ranting away… I loved the crossover with the acotar world but… I was expecting more engagement with all the characters and not just Nesta and Azriel! I get that the connection with Nesta was necessary but I wanted to see the rest of the characters! And Feyre and Nyx! I’m holding on to hope they’ll show up further in the book!
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orgablorga · 6 months
Hey! Mama of a very creative 11 year old girl! She wanted me to put her characters online in hopes of inspiring an artist or two! I told her to not hold her breath, but we both agree it's worth asking! Even if no one bites, she'd love some questions!
Welcome to New Hades, a chaotic, crime-ridden city of crime families and fire. Godhood is impossible, but becoming a New Hades Legend is a close second. Here are a few.
Freddy No Nose: A sadist through and through, this skeletal robot is a veritable terminator with weapon augmentations all over his body, hidden...and glaringly obvious. Tactics be damned! This guy wants to scare and hurt people. A rare breed of sadist, this skull-faced bot with eyes burning red will even sacrifice money if it means he can shed blood or oil. His bomber jacket is fire tho B)
Viole/n/t: The youngest Legend of New Hades at 17, Violet Mendes is a small, frail girl with white hair caused by a rare genetic disease that does give her electric powers, but makes them slowly consume her. She is currently housed in a high security prison for numerous computer crimes. Some call her Robin Hood, given her habits of hacking rich folks dry and giving poor people a very pleasant surprise.
Scales: Some people are just born unlucky. Hans Bank is one of them. What do you get when you combine gigantism, super strength, a bioweapon that causes the skin to become scaly, hard, and sharp teeth to grow? You get one of the top paid fighters in the Erebus Crime Family. It's said that they haven't even bothered to come up with a plan for "when" he's beaten.
Whisper: Age: Unknown. Race: Unknown. Gender: Unknown. What is known about this hooded figure that introduces themself with a metal wire to your throat? Seeing them and dying are about identical. 151,300 people die every day, a surprising amount to the same shadow of a person. (Note: The word "person" is our best guess, their species is also debatable.)
Ronnie Sharp: Money can't buy happiness. You know what it can buy? Everything else. There's a price tag on all creation, it's all pocket change to this man-shark beast of a mafia don. A skinny, short, diseased runt of his brothers, Ronnie is a spiteful, wretched, fervid demon of a shark. But it hardly matters when anyone who calls him out on this is quickly shown how cheap their life is.
Pearly White: Years ago, Mayor Zeus Chandler fiddled with a little underground super soldier experiment. He had his scientists put together a serum that makes psychotic, devoid of empathy, astonishingly clever super soldiers with strength and a healing factor to boot. But as it turns out, kidnapping homeless people and torturing them into psychopathy, then giving them superpowers is a bit of a lousy idea. The pale skin and red lips caused by the serum is what gave The Clowns their name, and if you've met one, you've met them all. Pearly is just their leader.
Harold Finley: Ah, a classic if ever I've seen one. You know those RoboCop street punks? The unrealistically mean ones? Yea, them. Those guys would run screaming if they met Johnny. What does he look like? Good question! Ask the people who've seen him. I'll take you to the cemetery. Hope you're a necromancer.
Nyx: Reading file...pros: passion, literally magic charisma, encyclopedic knowledge of explosives. cons: passion, literally magic charisma, encyclopedic knowledge of explosives. Is this leather-clad, half-shaved, blindfolded lunatic your friend? That's a coinflip if ever I've seen one. Yes, even for her. Heads? Best buds, she'll never let you down. Tails? The Devil shivers.
Simon Shady: The Ministry of Shadows seldom sends out one of their own killers, but when they do, Simon is another word for death. This man is literally made of magical shadows, complete with a noir detective getup. He always kills his target within 7 days of them hearing his name. Each, day, the target loses something they love. More than once, he hasn't even had to finish the job himself.
Gabe Golden. A bear. A literal bipedal bear. In a suit, with golden hands. Actual solid gold hands. Number 1 boxer, huge crime boss. An actual bear with golden hands in a suit. :P
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critfailcleric · 10 months
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champion-of-aurene · 11 months
Welcome to my Guild Wars blog!
Posts here will only be Guild Wars related, I will sometimes post/reblog content that contains spoilers for the game but I'll do my best to tag it appropriately even if it's a tiny spoiler. I also like to mention my OCs sometimes and occasionally I'll reblog other people's OCs!
Here's a list of my current OCs (all of them go by she/her):
Twilight Octavia
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My Commander and main, a Sylvari Necromancer, who is the one in my icon! Traumatized and a little jaded from everything she's gone through, but she still cares deeply for her friends, so much so that she's often been known to put their needs before her own even in the most extreme circumstances.
Astromancer Tavii
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My Asuran Elementalist and WvW main, she's kind and a bit hyperactive, you wouldn't know it from her cutesy appearance that she's an expert with her staff. Unlike most Asura she doesn't look down on non-Asura for their intelligence, she instead finds kindness to be a more valuable trait to see in others.
Firstborn Juniper
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A Sylvari Ranger and a Firstborn, her connection with nature and animals drew her to leave the Grove quite early, she feels it's her duty to defend innocent creatures and the land they inhabit from harm. Her first pet, Spinach the sylvan hound, travels with her wherever she goes.
Nyx Nightpaw
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A Charr Thief, an anarchist who loves her friends and has a secret soft side. Just because she's a thief doesn't mean she lacks morals though! Any respectable thief has a strong set of values and morals that they follow, which she says is why she usually only steals from the rich.
Celestia Abellona
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A Norn Guardian, she vows to protect those in need, and she values doing the right thing for the greater good, even at the expense of her personal or ancestral legacy.
Alessia Bryndis
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A Human Warrior from Elona, she admired Sunspears growing up and eventually became one herself. She grew up poor after her family moved to Tyria, but she hasn't let that stop her from much, and she's always there for her friends. One day she will return to Elona to be with her fellow Sunspears once more.
Alchemancer Akko
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An Asuran Engineer, "Believing in yourself is your magic" is her motto, a little impulsive but she never gives up or turns her back on her friends. (Yes, this character is partially inspired by Atsuko Kagari from Little Witch Academia)
Vesta Mistpaw
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Vesta has a gruff exterior and is fierce when she needs to be, but she has a lot of love for those she's close with and is the first to volunteer to protect her friends or fight those that hurt them. Now an Olmakhan, she was Blood Legion before becoming disillusioned with the legions and wars. She initially joined Blood to use her strength and ferocity to protect those she cared about, but the treatment she received after most of warband died, the treatment of her gladium sire, and her eventual understanding that her killing of Legionnaire Urvan Steelbane never could have fundamentally changed or fixed anything, led to her becoming disillusioned with the high legions as a whole and the Charr culture at Black Citadel. Her discovery of the Olmakhan was the last thing she needed to finally leave Ascalon behind, convincing as much of her warband as she could to join her. Knowing that there was a Charr society that was communal rather than hierarchical, one that wasn't in an endless war, she finally found a place that truly felt like somewhere she could call home.
I have a couple other characters who I'll be adding to this list in the future, but these are most of them ^-^
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thesoulspulse · 2 years
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So I counted the total number of Danny Phantom OC’s I have up to date for the first time in ages and it looks like I have 58 total. But I didn’t count Death since he’s more like the literal Arch Angel of Death in my fanfic “Nevermore.” Anyways, this is my master list of oc’s as of 11/30/2022 and if you’re curious to learn more about them don’t hesitate to ask! Later on I’ll probably narrow down this list to the full cast of which oc’s are actually featured in one of my fanfics or are scheduled to be in the future too so keep an eye out for that!
Male OC’s (from left to right)
Avarice ~ Phantom Thief Ghost
Azrael (Kurst) ~ Former Necromancer Ghost
Aramanth ~ Poison Plant Ghost
Blitz ~ Electric Ghost
Cecil Remmington ~ Local Legend Ghost
Kaden Nightwind ~ Pirate Ghost
Kendric Howell ~ Rainstorm/Water Ghost
Leon Cavus ~ Human
Lucien ~ Ice Ghost
Owen Ravenwood ~ Necromancer/Human
Rozen ~ Blood Blossom Hybrid
Sir Darien ~ Paladin Ghost
Swamp Dweller ~ Swamp/Merman Ghost
Venom ~ Gangster Ghost
Zahrun ~ Snake/Naga Ghost
Female OC’s
Adelaide Ravenwood ~ Human (Blind)
Agent Omega ~ Human GIW Agent (aka Gal’s in White til I think up a better name for the female division)
Antoinette ~ Ghost Possessing A Doll
Aranea ~ Spider/Seamstress Ghost
Aurora ~ Ice/Aurora Borealis Ghost
Banshee ~ Banshee Ghost
Cinder ~ Fire/Comet Ghost In Space
Coral ~ Social Media Star Ghost
Cyrene Vollen ~ Witch
Wraith ~ Evil Personified/Demonness
Dreamweaver ~ Replacement Sleepwalker For My Good Nocturne AU
Eriene ~ Egyptian Ghost
Eris Wright ~ Witch/Shadowmancer
Evelina Patrov ~ Fashion Designer Ghost
Fern ~ Firefly/Fairy Ghost
Iris Brooks ~ Psychic/Paranormal Investigator
Laminae ~ Flower/Dancer Ghost
Lilith ~ Mother Of Demons
Luna ~ Ice Ghost
Midnight ~ Lunar/Night Ghost
Mycena ~ Bio-luminescent Gangster Ghost
Nightingale ~ Siren/Harpy Ghost
Nyx ~ Greek Personification of Night, Mother To Clockwork and Nocturne
Princess Arabelle ~ Medieval Ghost
Rosetta and Colletta ~ Fire/Victorian Twin Ghosts
Scarlet Rose ~ Feral/Beast Tamer Ghost
Selena ~ Medieval Ghost
Swamp Dweller ~ Swamp/Mermaid Ghost
Umbra ~ Goth Gymnast Ghost
Veronica Stirling/Masters ~ Human Businesswoman/Robotics Expert (Vlad’s Love Interest)
Vinca ~ Plant/Healer Ghost
Viola ~ Victorian Noblewoman/Violinist Ghost
Whisper ~ Empath/Will-O-Wisp Ghost
Wren ~ Celtic Healer/Herbalist Ghost
Creature OC’s
Famine’s Horse ~ Horseman Of The Apocalypse’s Steed
War’s Horse ~ Horseman Of The Apocalypse’s Steed
Death’s Horse ~ Horseman Of The Apocalypse’s Steed
Kelpie ~ Unseelie Fae/Mythical Water Horse
Shade Striker ~ Panther Ghost
Wisp ~ Will-O-The-Wisp
Madison ~ Cat Ghost
Leo ~ Cat
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𝕭𝖑𝖚𝖗𝖗𝖊𝖉 𝕷𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 Chapter 13: Stories of the Dearly Departed
Hero Kaeya x Villain male reader
Summary: Stories were what made up civilizations. They served as fairy tales and bedtime stories for children and legends that invoked inspiration as one grew older. But, Kaeya comes to find out, the true stories are always tragic.
Word Count: 9,200
Warnings: death, gore, murder, blood
Mayb’s notes: I had Covid while writing this
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Everything reeked of death. He did. You did. It was everywhere. For a necromancer, perhaps that would be good, likeable in a way. It was far from the truth for you. You got out of there fast, and even faster, you found yourself a river to clean off the odor.
It wasn't the first time you'd bathed in the wild. While it certainly wasn't cleaner than baths in civilized country, it felt a bit more relaxing.
The sound of its cascades was riveting. You closed your eyes, sitting cross-legged in a shallower part of the river. The original purpose of that was to wash your face, to scrub it clean from the laps of drying blood splattered across your skin; but you found yourself enjoying a moment afterward.
Nevertheless, you opened your eyes. The cascades moved down slopes and past rocks like a draping velvet. The grass bordering the river was dewy, as if from fresh from a rain. Its blades were a cool green, effervescent in its darkness.
To feel connected to nature, it was something you loved. Even if the very magic you mastered took the life from it.
A groan to your right catches your attention. You shift your gaze to your partner. At this, Kaeya lowers himself to a squat to... hide.
You chuckle to yourself. "Sorry."
He waves you off. You turn away.
The water around you pools in red. You grimace. The sound of water being cupped in your hands and draped over your body was different from that of nature's, but it was welcome all the same. It was a nice sound. Somehow it felt even nicer accompanied by another.
Kaeya dried his hair with a towel. It was the smallest of things, the biggest you could pack with every other necessity. It was rather clear he was struggling.
Regardless, he starts conversation. "I don't get you."
"How so?" You ask, though you have a feeling you know what the answer is.
"One moment we're all... buddy-buddy–"
"To put it lightly?"
"To put it lightly." He agrees, "The next, we're all far apart. You're leaving me behind all of a sudden. And," He sees you begin to speak, so he stops you before you can, "don't try to lie to me. It clearly wasn't your plan to come back. What even brought you back? Wise old lady in the woods?"
"No," You hug your knees, "Nyx did."
"The horse?"
"I think that's enough to tell you how I teetered from decision to decision, to be persuaded by a horse."
He rolls his eye, "What matters is that you chose to leave me first."
"But I came back for you." You argue.
"A redeeming quality, maybe," He points a finger at you, "but leaving your partners behind is not a right decision, even if you fix it later."
"You're right." You sigh.
The kettle over the campfire begins to whistle for your attention. The conversation pauses as you make the both of you cups of coffee, and it stays silent as you take your much needed sips of coffee.
Kaeya abandons the task of drying his hair in the meantime. That brings up an idea.
"Hey," He shifts his gaze to you from his cup, "face me."
He furrows his eyebrows; nevertheless, he obeys, thinking the command harmless. You circle around him and kneel there. "Let me take over this for you."
If Kaeya agrees, he does not say a thing, and if he disagrees, he doesn't vocalize it either. He likes it, anyway. You can tell by the way he leans into your touch. "How was life in Mondstadt?"
"Without you?"
You stifle the rudeness of 'obviously' and say, "Yes."
"Well," He bites his lip, not that you can see, "it was... hardly anything remarkable, to put it into words." What Kaeya would never tell you, not right now, was that you were the part of his life that changed the most; you were the man who kept his life interesting.
"Did you miss me, then?"
"I mean," You were really putting him on the spot here. "yeah. You?"
"Of course, Kaeya." The response comes without a thought. "I loved you."
You freeze in disbelief of yourself after you register what you said, just for a second. You couldn't show him you didn't mean to say that out loud.
"I loved you too." He says.
You both leave it at that.
The moment was rather domestic, if not awkward. The campfire's heat nips at your skin. Its dim light is the warmth of the forest in the midst of the stars and the moonlight, the dull brown trees and evergreen leaves. In the middle of it all–the plants and animals–is the two of you.
What a weird thing it was, to dry your hair in the middle of the forest, to prefer its landscape over the fireplace of your home.
"How about you?" Kaeya asks. "Tell me of your travels."
You grimace, "The searching?"
"No—well, yes." He pauses, gathering his thoughts. "Tell me the beauty of it. Tell me of the people you've met, the ones that I haven't."
You take a moment to think, but the answers are all clear. "Nature... muddles together. In time, every forest looks like the other. It doesn't undermine its beauty, the peaceful coherence of its sounds or its thriving flora; but after so long, you've seen it all." As for the people...
Just a second later, or that's what it feels like to you, Kaeya prods. "Mhm?"
"Well, the people..." You sigh, "they're unique. Everyone is."
"Tell me who you've learned from, then." He offers an idea, "A mentor is hard to find, right?"
"A mentor is not the only person you learn from." You remind him with a tap on the head. "As we both know... so I'll go with that instead. Someone I learned from."
He nods.
"Throughout my journey..." You begin slowly, recounting stories in your mind. "a handful of people have really changed my life. The first year, I met a woman. She was a general during the Inazuman Civil War–"
"Who's side was she on?"
"The shogunate's." You respond, "Her fighting prowess was strong, and so was her taste and resistance for liquor." He laughs at that. "I didn't let that get to me though. She lived like the war hadn't come to an end. She continued to train, even when the shogunate let her go.
"When she wasn't fighting, she was drinking. Truly, she was sorrowful. Her pride welled up inside her like it threatened to burst. She couldn't believe she had lost, certainly not because her Shogun gave up the fight over a pitiful traveler. But I didn't quite know that about her.
"I only knew she was ex-Shogunate."
Standing straight ahead of the new Shogunate guards were two.
A woman, six feet tall, clothed in the Shogunate armor of a bygone era; and a man with death following him at his every trail.
They didn't know each other, but to the Shogun's guards, they must've been accomplices. Why would two fugitives mingle with one another?
So they fought. The woman took the first step. She was quick with her feet and quicker with her blade. She took down several men on her own, using her expertise of their fighting style to her advantage. There was once a time she was trained under the very same sword art.
From behind her, the man took offense in distance. He launched spell after spell at stragglers or the backline. He didn't much care who was in the way, especially this woman.
"Hey!" She seethes, only able to spare a glance behind her.
The mage only shrugged. To him they were not allies. They only had a common enemy for the moment. If the alliance didn't last after the battle, so be it.
They both had managed to live as fugitives for a reason. They knew how to fight, when fleeing wasn't enough.
The woman breathes hard, leaning against her sword. She wasn't used to this magic, it felt new. It wasn't the resistance's magic, that which was based off of the elements. This was something different.
With the fight over, the man turns heel to leave.
Curiously, he stop in his tracks.
"What magic was that?"
She considered herself to be an expert in magic. It was all she fought to prevent. Only the Shogunate's worthy wizards were supposed to wield it. Anyone else was a criminal. It's funny, most criminals clung onto their innocence; but it was clear you had grown used to being wanted.
So the fact she didn't know what it was she was feeling was surprising.
"Hm." She considers it. "The last necromancer was executed–"
"A millennia ago." He says simply, "I know the story.... and so do you."
The realization gets him to turn fully. She smirks, "Yes, I do indeed." She takes long strides towards the mage. His eyes are cool and calm, they watch as she comes. Good, he wasn't afraid. She takes note of it. "What's your name?"
"(y/n)." You reply.
"(y/n)." She tests the name on her tongue. "Yes. I know it."
You quirk a brow, but she doesn't try to explain herself. "(y/n). Do you want to have a drink with me?"
"She was a charismatic, happy woman." Kaeya can hear the happiness in your own tone as you reminisce. "It seemed that everything she wanted in life was already fulfilled, and clearing her name wasn't exactly something she wanted. She thrived in the battlefield and she loved it.
"I was jealous of that. She found something she loved." He knew you had too, but he wasn't about to say anything of it. "And her ambitions were dealt with. If death came knocking at the door, she wouldn't mind. All she would ask for was one last swig from her tokkuri.
"I used to be jealous of her. And now… well, she’s gone, and I’m not."
Inazuman culture was new to you. Before the Inazuman Civil War concluded, the Sakoku decree prevented it, of course. Aside from that, it was an island far off from the mainland. The nations were intertwined by export and import, traveler and festival. The journey on boat took its time; and for the traveler, A journey at sea was far more monotonous than a journey on land.
The former Shogunate soldier took you to a bar. It was lively, as if in celebration. Whatever it was celebrating, she didn't much care.
Inazuman music was played by instruments you've never seen before and so much different than anything you'd ever hear in Mondstadt. It was so lively.
The woman allowed herself to be carried away by the music.
She swayed and danced to its every beat and rhythm, enjoying a duo with other Inazumans sometimes; and being the center of attention other times. Between songs or at the beginning of them, without fail, she sat at the bar, took a swig of sake, and continued.
She was a sight to behold on the dancefloor.
This wasn't what you imagined when she asked you out for a drink, but you welcomed it all the same. This particular dance, you weren't familiar with, so you stayed back at the bar.
Many times, as she took her swig, she tried to coerce you to join the dance floor. All those times, you denied.
This time, though, she wouldn't take no for an answer.
Perhaps you allowed yourself to be pulled.
She smiles as she pulls you along with her dancing, fixing your rhythm every once in a while. The music on the dancefloor seems louder than it is at the bar and you find yourself absorbed in it.
It only occurs to you now that you don't know her name. It takes a couple tries for her to hear you. "What's your name?"
"The war was as much a part of her as she was of it. Her life, without it, felt meaningless to her. It was something she hated about the home nation she so loved. When the war ended, the people moved on. They accepted defeat.
"She didn't. She was willing to do what the world was so afraid to. It was her self-sworn duty. That was..." You sigh to yourself, "to kill every last unworthy mage by herself."
You had found it weird that she always claimed the mage to herself. The moment her eyes landed on a single unfamiliar spell, she shouted with a laugh. "The mage is mine!"
It was all the same, really. In the end, everyone who opposed you would be dead. You didn't much care.
It was just odd.
Perhaps it was issue of inferiority, you reasoned. A regular soldier was always valued lower than a wizard. In this way, the butchering of a magic-user, she proved to both herself and her former army that it wasn't true. She was everything an army could ever need.
"I never did get your cloaks." You peacefully sip at your drink from the stool beside her. She was a talker, and you were the opposite. "They don't do much of anything, especially when the new bounty posters incorporate it into the witness drawing." She rants away, and you ignore her. The conversation wasn't very important.
Whilst you weren't taking note of what she was saying, you were aware of her constant speech. She stops talking and the bar stool scrapes against the floor. "I'll be right back." She says, her voice devoid of emotion.
You elected to ignore it.
Soon enough, though, 'right back' turns into something else. Her lack of presence was very much present to you.
So you go check on her. The bathroom is the most likely place she's in, of course. Why else would she excuse herself? Well, you checked that, and there was no one there.
Then, you look outside. The snow crunches under your steps. The constant fall of it hinders your sight, as well as the fog the storm provides.
"Ume?" You call into the night, "Where are you?"
No one answers.
You continue to walk under the darkness, following a trail of footsteps in the snow. There's a pattern of two footsteps, left and right, leading forward. Right beside them, as if following, is a drag through the snow that doesn't lift.
The howling of the snow storm is loud in your ear. You wonder if Ume responded, only for the sound to be drowned out in the wind.
"What the hell?" You stop as your eyes catch onto red in the snow. It melts the snow below it. This was not good.
The storm doesn't hold you back anymore. You hurry through and follow the trail. From the beginning droplets, the dragged trail is pooled with increasing amounts of blood and melting snow.
You run and run, the crunch of snow doesn't stop, until...
Ume. She leans over a body, and if it weren't for her evident panting, you'da thought her dead. "Ume?"
She turns her upper half entirely towards you. Her chin is dripping with blood. Her hair is slicked back with drying crimson and the snow that falls atop it melts.
The person below Ume is long gone and her sword remains in their chest. Their layers of clothing tear apart and you can see the path the blade took through their chest.
"(y/n)!" She greets pleasantly, "Really didn't have to worry for me."
She stands up, taking her sword with her like it was nothing. She wipes at the blood on her chin, but it remains insistent on her skin. "We should get me to a shower..." She says, more to herself.
When you don't reply, she finally takes in your face. "Are you alright?"
"No." It was almost a question. Of course you weren't 'alright'. She had just murdered someone—and for what? They weren't trying to kill her, it was evident in the way she remained unscathed, 'side from the blood splashed on her.
"Just a mage, sweetheart. Nothing to worry about."
Just a mage. Like a life didn't have value.
"I was never an exception."
Ume had always known it in her heart that she'd, someday, have to put an end to you as well. You were unworthy of your magic, especially because you had mastered Necromancy. That kind of thing in the wrong hands would reek havoc across Teyvat. She didn't want that for the world.
At the very least, for a mage, you were likeable. Even in your stubbornness, quiet attitude and contrary beliefs.
But you were beginning to suspect her of being "bad". She wouldn't let you stop her from doing her duty.
She would miss travelling with you.
Ume stands beside your bed. Her hand rests on the handle of her blade, sheathed still.
You stir, and she hesitates.
"Ume?" You call groggily.
She brandishes her sword too late; because, as she brings it down, you dodge. It's shoddy though.
You roll off the bed, clutching at your cheek. A nasty cut runs along the skin, spewing blood like a waterfall.
Ume hesitated once, and it cost her a clean kill. She wouldn't let it happen again. You were quite the opposite. "What are you doing?" You question.
She doesn't reply.
You continue to dodge her every attack, but as you know, she's quick with her sword and quicker on her feet. There's only so much you can avoid.
You throw her off her feet with a spell. The groan she gives as she lands on the floor is the only sound that you've heard from her. "Ume–"
"Enough." She says, "Stop trying to reason. Just fight."
It's as if that makes you realize your fate, or at the very least, that she was seriously trying to kill you.
The fight that ensues, its a blur you wished to forget. The wish was mostly granted throughout the years. You didn't want to think about it, what you did to her.
The process was a blur, but you'd never be able to forget the result.
Her own sword goes straight through her chest, nailing her to the ground. One of her hands grasps the blade. It cuts through her fingers, but in her last moment, she tried desperately to get the metal out of her flesh. Her other hand had grasped at your ankle, but you had torn her hold from it. The various cuts and wounds littered across her body smoke black in whisps that wrap around her and everything close to it.
And her eyes... remained open. You never had the guts to close them.
A long silence follows after you finish the story. Kaeya knows that you won't break it on your own, all too filled with guilt or regret or anything. "So what did you learn from her?"
You don't have a response, not yet anyway. The towel scrubbing his hair dry stops. Kaeya grabs a hold of your hand, and the towel, and brings each away. He turns to you, offering his eye.
He's alive. He's blinking on his own. He's not Ume.
"Don't give out your trust so easily."
Kaeya wasn't pleased with that. He turns to you fully, body and all, and takes your hands in his own. "Trust is something earned. It's not something you think to give out consciously."
Your lips press into a line, "I should've known. I should've known after that instance, finding her out in the snow leaning over an innocent mage."
"If," Kaeya begins, dipping his head forward towards you, "she never tried... that, she would've continued to do as she pleased with other mages. She would spill their blood over her hands with no remorse."
You turn your head away from him, but Kaeya prods you with a hand on your cheek to face him again. "If you hadn't done what you did, she would've never stopped."
You nod. He was right.
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When Kaeya wakes up the next morning, you're already up. The smell of coffee fills his nose and he takes a deep breath. Ah. Not a bad smell to wake up to.
"Good morning." You greet.
"Good morning." He greets too.
He was still waking up. He half registers the world as he runs his morning routine mindlessly on muscle memory.
The coffee was good. Its taste was too strong for him to think of it being too bitter, dull or sweet. The breakfast you make is fine, but he has no intention on commenting on its undertones and bases and outstanding accents. The heat of the fire is hardly anything on his skin. The sun isn't too harsh on his eye.
To him, the world was at peace.
To you, though, it was a bit different.
You had made coffee in the morning with the purpose of wakinh yourself up, but as the water boiled, you found that you were already awake enough. The story from last night was stuck in your head. It was nothing more than that, a story from the past; a memory—and yet, she was still here.
The first sip of your coffee made your body move on its own. Subconsciously, you threw the metal cup across camp with no thought of its clanging. The coffee was bitter–a product of your lack of sugar–and it was everything like you remembered it.
It didn't taste like coffee. It tasted like an Inazuman alcohol you never bothered to ask the name of. Bitter. Her favorite.
It used to be the nectar of the Gods, a second victory after your successful battle.
Now it was just a phantom that haunted you.
When the coffee finally awakens Kaeya, he's finished his food. It was clear that you had too, so he began to speak. "Do you have any plans as to where we're going next?"
You don't reply. His gaze remains on you, anyhow. He doesn't prod again as he examines your look. Your eyes were distant, far away. You looked down, at the campfire. He could see its constantly changing waves in your irises. Your shoulders were hunched and you supported yourself with your forearms on your knees.
Before he could move on from that, you spoke up on your own. "Was Mondstadt truly unremarkable?"
He huffs and takes a seat beside you, "Yes."
Kaeya looks to the side, debating whether or not he should tell you. Ultimately, he decides it won't do any harm. "...I got another boyfriend, or two. Tried a girlfriend once. Found both to be satisfying."
"You're not dating someone right now, are you?"
"No, no! Gods, no." He laughs, leaning against his elbow. This really wasn't as bad as he thought it out to be. "Wrong time, right person most of the time..."
Kaeya sulks, so you decide to change the subject. "I do have a plan."
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It was a bit of a pity leaving the forest, but the scenery stayed ever changing. The day's travel had brought you the remainder of the way through the forest, and through the beginnings of a flowering valley.
Nyx and Raph were still recovering from their injuries. You didn't want to give them any more pain than they already had.
"Any more stories?" He gives you a hopeful look. Seeing your raised brow, he continues, "You're a good storyteller."
You huff, "Alright." The sun's setting behind Raph, to your right. "Let's set up camp first."
The setting sun was a beautiful backdrop while you set up, if a bit tedious as the light was getting dimmer. Kaeya, on his part, seemed to be in a bit of a rush. He was happy to get another story, as tragic as it may be.
He set up his tent quick, but took frequent little breaks every now and then. Walking all that way was taking a toll on him.
"Shall we go with the same theme?"
"How about," Kaeya taps his knees with open palms as he thinks, "a past lover?"
"It's got to be a raunchy relationship if you dated someone as a villain. Another villain? Hero and villain? Some regular civilian?" He spits more suggestions out, not gaging a reaction from you once. This doesn't seem to affect him outwardly, until he gasps loudly and says, "Don't tell me–"
"–you haven't dated anybody since!"
That had brought out an unintentional reaction from you, a hefty sigh. Kaeya knows he's struck the truth (and gold, for that matter). "Oh, you poor soul."
You roll your eyes, "I've come close."
"Then tell me the story." He grins, "The closest you've ever gotten."
You had agreed to give him a story, and if you chose a different topic instead of this one, no matter how much of an epic it was, it wouldn't be as satisfying. And maybe it was nice to vent, for once.
"Fine." With one last look at the sunset, you begin. "His name was Émile.
"Émile was from Fontaine. In the City of Justice, there was no way past rigid rules. That's why he decided to run away. He was very ambitious. With the money he stole from the most timid of farmers, he would make a million. He would con the most desperate Sumeru researcher, Mondstadt's wealthiest alcoholic, and the Inazuman soldier that wished for power.
"Obviously, his dreams were never accomplished, at least not so easily. It was like this that I found him, thrown out a pub on his ass."
Afraid of ruining his facade, Émile stood up as quick as possible. He looked around first–straight through the man in a cloak–then wiped the dust off his bruised hands. "Fuck." He muttered.
Unfortunately for other bystanders, Émile hadn't moved away from the door. It wasn't entirely on purpose for him, but it opened up opportunities.
Once a stranger came close to squeeze past him into the bar, Émile tapped their shoulder. The man sighed but politely turned to him. "Yes?"
He reaches behind him, "Give me all your–"
Before he can finish his sentence, the small knife behind his back clanged as it hit the floor. Two seconds later, he was on the dirty floor too, for the second time that night.
"Ow.." From the impact, all his mora spills from his pocket. There was not more than a dozen.
The cloaked man clicks his tongue, "Do me a favor, find yourself a better way of life."
Émile just barely manages to dodge as a pouch of mora falls right where his head used to be. He bites his bottom lip, "H-Hey, I don't need this–!"
Without replying, the man turns heel and heads inside.
"I didn't think much of him the first time. He was nothing more than an amateur and a petty thief. His speed was lackluster, and I could tell he had no technique merely from a glance. I was right about him. He was an amateur, he was petty, and he lacked skill.
"However, in a year, most of those things changed. Apart from the fact he was petty."
Ever since Émile had met that stranger, he had made it his goal to never need another man's penny. The mora he gave him was enough for the inn, and he gratefully used it; but the next morning, he had made it up in his mind. That was the last of a stranger's money–that he hadn't stolen and claimed for himself–that he would spend.
Though, he had quickly learned that it would be hard. With every successful crime, Émile was handed his ass back to him by the local knighthood or police or mercenary group.
That's when Émile realized he needed more skill than anything. For six months, he lived the worst he ever had (even worse than how he did in Fontaine!) to train under the Knights of Favonius. For one, they squeezed him dry of all the energy he had in the day; and two, he had to behave.
Either way, the means were justified by the end. The sword he was given was cool too.
After that, by Queen Esmée's name, he was going to find him. He was going to rob him. And he was going to show him just how little he needed the money he got from him. He would throw it back in his face. Maybe spit if he wanted to. And he would turn heel and leave. This was his life goal.
Well, for a year, the "life goal" was on the back of his mind. Primarily, it was running away from guards now that he was deemed something more than a petty thief.
Until one day, he finally sees you.
He doesn't waste time spitting commands. He had learned the hard way last time, and many times after that, that it was just a waste of time that could ruin his opportunity. Instead, he brings his blade forth to press against the back of your neck and then speaks.
"One year. It's been one year. Do you remember me? Of course you do. I'm that man you took pity on. Shame we meet like this. For you, at least. I am enjoying this. I don't need a coin of your mora. But am I still taking it? Yes! Why?" He was monologuing, big mistake.
Émile lies on his back on the dirty stone floor. His own sword is pointed at his neck. "Fu–"
The hood of your cloak is off your shoulders, allowing him to see your face, and... damn. You're more beautiful than anyone he's ever seen, all combined and he's been fucking everywhere. Was that really you? The guy who insulted him with pity? As much as he hated it–not so much really–this really was you. You had the same skills as a year ago.
Émile liked to think he was a well put-together handsome. He put effort into his outfits, instead of throwing something together. He did his hair each morning and he made sure his skin was clear.
Right now, though, he was a raggedy handsome, a messy handsome from getting his face smashed into the dirty ground. Not everybody was into that—he hoped you were.
"Maybe you haven't been a "bad guy" for so long, but monologuing is usually not a good tactic." The blade of his sword swings side to side as it gets stuck in the cracks of the stone floor. "I'd take you under my wing, but–"
"Will you go on a date with me?"
"Straight forward like that, huh?" Kaeya leans back, arms crossed and eyebrows raised. You couldn't quite tell his emotions right now. He was clearly impressed, but there was something more than that. You had a hunch, though.
"You're jealous."
"No." He denies it outright. "No, no. Absolutely not." You try to speak, but his yammering doesn't pause for you to do so. "For a guy you used to like, what, two years ago? No. He's in the past. I, I'm in the present."
You shake your head at him, but continue on with the story. "Days with Émile were... mixed. He thought himself my rival. He would greet me with a knife to my throat and generally inconvenience me. It was like he saw me coming and stuck his foot out. Obviously, he failed at really harming me or my search."
In two or so seconds, Émile is unarmed, but not on the floor. That was a nice change. He clears his throat and continues as if nothing. "Anyway, as I was saying, you should fight me sometime."
You raise a brow, but Émile doesn't explain himself. You keep silent, and he takes the hint. "Without disarming me, you know, cause I think that's like, cheating."
You continue on your not so merry way. Émile sticks close next to you. His hands move erratically as he pitches his point. "Let me have a chance! I know you're like, super powerful or something– at least that's what all the bounty posters warn you about–but I think I can genuinely stand a chance. You're not so tough—just look at you!"
You come to an abrupt stop, forcing him to do so too. He digs his boots into the dirt ground and spins around to face you.
You hold your hand out, his eyes follow it. Your fingers snap.
Suddenly, Émile is swept off his feet; but he's not on his back like always. This time, he's upside down in the air.
With that done, you continue your trek forward.
"Hey!" He calls out. "Hey, you–you're not just gonna leave me here, are you?!"
There is no response.
"Sometimes, he behaved like anyone else, like a friend. Well, most friends don't flirt, but that's besides the point. On these days, he had the best of intentions, of course. He greeted me with flowers on the occasion. He was an inconvenience anyway, but on the nicer end."
"I was, um, wondering–" Your silent stare was on him as always. Usually he took it like a champ, smiling at you while you kept up the poker face. Right now, however, he was far from chill. He gulps and looks down, rubbing at his neck. Sweat is forming on his forehead. "Are you doing anything... villan-y this weekend?"
Émile says it was the rush of adrenaline or the ecstasy of catching sight of your face for the first time that allowed him to ask you out blatantly. The times following, he's not been able to be so straightforward.
Your lips draw back as you debate on whether to say something. He was harmless, anyway, it was whatever. "No?"
"That's... good. So," He leans forward, arms behind his back and head inclined forward. His eyes are pleading. "would you, I don't know, want to do anything with me thi–this weekend?"
You bite your lip. Émile was a nice guy... most of the time. But he was an amateur. His sense of danger, it wasn't exactly coherent. If anything, he was lucky to have made it this far—he was luckier than you, anyway. You liked him, sure. Sometimes he made you laugh. You sort of needed that to mix up things. You just didn't want to drag him into the mess of your life.
He seemed very insistent, still, and he would probably never stop until you said yes. "...sure."
"Yes!" Émile exclaims. He takes a few steps back and jumps in the air, fists raised up high. He does a few excited spins. Then, once he turns back to you, he freezes. He clears his throat, "I mean, cool."
"Some other times, he was both."
Émile was harmless, but after Ume, you couldn't trust anyone. If he... was just pulling a facade, warm and friendly just like she was, you wouldn't forgive yourself for killing another friend.
But as time went on, and more and more often he asked you to do something throughout the week, you grew... closer and more comfortable around him.
Émile was like that. He was so happy-go-lucky, you could never assume he had something going on below the surface. He was an open book you could maybe even write in. He was everything you needed after your last relationship.
Émile greets you with another bouquet of flowers. The last ones didn't last long, having no vase to inhabit; yet he gives you more anyway. "Hello." He greets, a smirk on his face that you should've minded.
Your hand covers his as you take the bouquet from him, and at that moment, a knife protrudes from out of the bouquet. It nicks you on the chin.
"Ow! You ass." You groan, wiping at the blood.
Émile merely laughs in return.
If that's how he was gonna be, you were going to be worse. Rapidly, as if a week had gone by, the flowers begin to wilt. The cut on your chin heals just as quick and the blood on your fingers dissipates.
"Wow," Émile's smirk turns into a grin. "that was cool! What was that?"
"Something," You pluck his sword from the bouquet of wilting flowers, "you will never have the capacity to learn." With those happily spoken yet insulting words, you tap the bulb of his nose with the flat of the blade.
He purses his lips in return and snatches the sword out of your hands. "You sure? I've got a lot tricks up my sleeve, clearly."
"I don't imagine you've got years of magic experience hidden behind your ear."
He raises his finger with a nod forward, his lips pressed into a line. "You... would be right."
"I thought so." You take a wilted flower from the bouquet. It's brittle, practically breaking apart under the light hold between your fingers. Still, in some kind of sick romance, you tuck it behind Émile's ear. "You better get training."
He smiles.
"So what happened to him?"
You bite your lip and look down. "He..." You can't bring yourself to say it. Kaeya brings a hand to your shoulder. He shows you his sympathy. His hand's warm, its heat spreads comfortably throughout your body. "He died. I was the cause, and I couldn't prevent it."
There were so many things you wished to forget, so many things you regret. The list will always pile up.
Émile knew of this early on in your relationship. You hadn't explicitly told him anything, he just... sort of knew. It was evident in the way you carried yourself. You wanted to be unseen. Your cloaks riveting fabric kept you hidden from the world. You stayed silent. You frowned often. You were always stuck in your head.
If you wouldn't tell him of your past, that was fine. He just wanted to be there for you. You've always been a solemn kind of man. He liked cheering you up, making you laugh. But what would you have when he wasn't around?
Word on the block was that there was a new artefact in the Museum of the People. The museum housed a collection of items and strange machines from the antecedents of Natlan's immigrants from five hundred years ago.
This one seemed to be a child's plaything, a nightlight or mechanical torch or so. It could be turned on and off. When it was on, it painted a sea of images out of light that spun around in a circle. It was a magnificent thing.
Émile had made it up in his mind that he would get it for you. When he wasn't with you, this would remind you of him. It would be a wonderful gift.
His mission hadn't quite gone as planned. The museum, it turned out, had a dozen skilled and armed guards. Émile hadn't accounted for those. He hadn't scouted out the area either, being wanted and all.
Émile was always reckless, but he was brave and brazen. If he faced danger, he could fight it and survive no problem. That hadn't been the occasion this time.
You only managed to catch him as he collapsed in an alleyway, already spewing his last breaths.
"I love you." Were his last words.
He wasn't able to hear it back from you before inhale became exhale and no more air came in.
His eyes, you would have the courage to close; shutting his beautiful blues and hiding them from the universe for the last time.
His body you would bury on your own. You buried him in a plain covered in flowers, by a river that draped over its rocks like velvet, facing the sunset.
...and his revenge, you would enact.
"He taught me," You begin without Kaeya's prodding, "that I should not get so attached to others. In a way, it was almost the same lesson Ume gave me. They both prevent the same thing, anyway."
Kaeya frowns. He could see it in you, the sorrow, without having to look you in the eye. Silently, he brings you into a hug.
You sigh, burying your head in the crook of his neck. Of course he knew. He knew you best out of all people, even after so long apart. Many things had changed about you, but a semblance of the (y/n) Kaeya remembers will always be in you.
"His death wasn't your fault."
"If we hadn't been so close–"
"You would've lived the loneliest life." He brings a hand up to your hair to comfort you, "(y/n), people will never stop caring for you. Zero, Lorelai, and Morden are proof of that."
He takes a deep breath and says, "...and so am I."
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The next morning, when Kaeya wakes, the sun's in his eye, shining bright through the tent. He lays still there for a moment, covering his eye from the sun's bright rays.
He's not trying to sleep again. Instead, he's thinking.
He's thinking about Émile.
Émile had done everything for you. He lived to seek you out. He lived to love you.
In many ways, Kaeya had been the same. When he was still young, a boy in naivety, he lived for you... and you had lived for him. As the days went by, you grew more and more attached to each other again. The lessons you'd learned, he'd undone unintentionally. If he was to die, what would become of you?
He sits up quick after that thought, clutching his head with one hand and his stomach in the other. He couldn't think of that possibility. He wouldn't allow it to be a possibility.
He struggles to stand and part the flaps of his tent, but when he does, his eye catch your figure.
You sit atop a makeshift seat, stoking the dying embers of last night's fire. The uncooked rations of breakfast lay next to you.
Your eyes flicker down his body briefly, then back up at him. "Good morning." You greet.
"Good morning." He greets too.
Breakfast was not ready, and neither was coffee. It was alright. He was already awake. Although, there was not much to do. He resorts to sitting around aimlessly.
After the pan for breakfast is laid atop the fire and the rations are cooking, you turn to him. "There was a sort of game Émile and I used to play."
Kaeya sits up attentively, "What is it?"
You hold a finger in the air, "Hold that thought." Where were those cards you'd taken from the bandit camp? You'd packed up your things in a hurry then, and—there they are!
You return and sit closer to him, cards in hand. "Let me tell you what he used to say." You clear your throat, "Play a game of cards with me. If I win, you travel with me for a while. If I lose… well, we’ll find out afterwards."
Kaeya smiles, "We'll have to figure out different rewards. You're already stuck with me."
"I'd say," You begin, picking out fourteen cards from the pile and dividing them for the two of you, "you're stuck with me actually. But anyway, I guess you can hand me something that you took from the bandit camp."
He nods his head. Not a bad prospect. "Then I'll say, after all this is over," He likes to remain positive, because you aren't, "you'll stay with me for a while." Your eyebrows furrow at that proposal. "What? I'm still fond of you."
"Fond of me." You chuckle, as if the idea is outlandish.
"The idea is not so far-fetched, believe you me." Kaeya spreads the seven cards out in his hand, showing himself each letter and number. "What's the game, anyway?"
"Ah, right. Go Fish."
"Go Fish!" Kaeya exclaims, "That simple of a game?"
"Émile was a simple man." You laugh. The mention of him again, with such a dopey laugh, gets Kaeya a little jealous, but he doesn't mention it. "Do you remember, as kids, Go Fish was that one game that was so easy, we children thought it was too childish? Then, as teens you and I, we were too busy to even play cards. Émile thought it good to go back to your "inner child" or something like that."
Kaeya shakes his head with a laugh but continues on with the game regardless. Then, one of the cards in his hand catches his eye. His eyebrows furrow in confusion. "Do you have a... King?"
"No." It wasn't "Go fish." like the proper game, rather a "no". Something was up with your hand too. "Do you have a... Queen?"
"No." He replies. Breaking all the rules in the game, Kaeya plucks his King from his hand and shows it to you. You do the same with your Queen.
Your cards are the very same as other Kings and Queens in the deck, yet their symbols and colors are so much different.
Instead of a landscape of reds, blues and blacks in harmony, the Queen was entirely light blue. Her symbol wasn't ace, heart, clover or diamond. Instead, it was a drop shape, like a droplet. It was a tear drop, clearly, by the similar tear drop depicted on her cheek. Her eyes were also closed, instead of open, and she wasn't smiling, rather frowning.
The King was much the same way, except he was entirely made up of red. Instead of a simple smile, his lips were open in a grin. The shape of his symbol was the same as the Queen's, a droplet. This wasn't a tear drop, definitely not, because many drops of the same shape were scattered atop the depiction of the King's blade. This was a drop of blood.
The Queen of Tears and the King of Blood. How... "Ominous." Kaeya remarks.
You bring up the card's packet. It looks like every other pack of cards you've ever seen before. Except, its manufacturing details read: "Made in Life." You read out loud, "Have you ever heard of such a place?"
"No, I can't say I have. Perhaps it's more metaphysical, rather than a place?" He suggests.
You nod, "Can't rule out the idea."
Those two monarchs... they seemed familiar.
A ghostly white carriage, accented in blue and a blood red carriage, accented in gold... Yes, that's it! The monarchs, they'd visited your town. The memories were coming back to you now.
The disease. It couldn't be... was that the Blood Parade?
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"The withering."
The village ahead of you was nothing more than a ghost town. The grass in and around it for meters around the town was a dying yellow. There were no green, healthy plants around, and any and all tree bark was old and dead.
"Fuck!" You groan out in frustration, "This was supposed to be it."
Kaeya hated to see you like this.
You remembered this town, it was where many of the kids you were friends with came from. You shared festivals sometimes and you still remembered the way there. It was called Prosperity, the Town of Prosperity, yet here it stands today.
Your own town and its name, you couldn't remember, like a part of your memory was locked. You were hoping you'd be able to ask around for it here.
The withering slowly sucks at your magic reserve, but it allows you to be here long enough to search.
"Could your town be affected by the withering too?" Kaeya asks.
You bite your lip, "It's a possibility." You swear, though, that wasn't what took it off the maps. It was a disease, a plague, something that wracked your town mercilessly. It wasn't the withering.
You search around buildings, leaving your horses by the outskirts.
The first place you go into is a house by the outskirts. A simple try at the front door reveals that it's unlocked. You head inside, Kaeya close behind you.
It seemed like an empty house, as if vacant for new tenants. You trace your hand along the back of a couch. Layers of dust and grime litter its fabric. Just with basic sight, you can tell that the rest of the house is also dusty.
The next house looks about the same. Things that can't be moved so easy, like furniture, remain here; but the smaller things, the memorabilia, it's all gone. The villagers must've left in a hurry.
The place is empty, deserted. As much as you search, you can't find neither hide nor hair of where they must've gone.
"There's nothing here." Kaeya touches your shoulder.
"No," You disagree verbally, though you know he was right. "there's got to be something here."
He shakes his head, "(y/n)–"
"There's still a couple buildings we haven't checked–"
"–and one of them has to be the village leader's house. They have to have left something. I think... I remember their name. It was–"
"(y/n)." He moves you, forcefully, to spin around and face him. "There is nothing here." His eye digs into yours.
Fucking hell... there was nothing here. You had to come to accept it.
He couldn't stay here for long, not when he was weak like this; and you wouldn't be able to withstand the withering for long either. You had to go.
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You sit in camp, back hunched and pondering. Kaeya knew that you were certainly not in the mood for anything at all that wasn't work, so he took up to making dinner on his own.
You had felt this emotion in your search before. It was like the feeling of a crushing defeat. But this time, it was far more than just that. You had spent long summers, long festival days, there. If the Town of Prosperity was abandoned, only so much less could've happened to yours.
"Stop fiddling with that knife."
"Hm?" You look down at your hands. Your dagger is in your right hand, the middle of the handle teetering from left to right between your thumb and pointer fingers. The point of it lay against the inside of your left thumb, already piercing the first layer of skin. When you finally see the wound, the pain comes to you. You hiss at its sting, lapping at the finger with your tongue for momentary relief.
If... if the Town of Prosperity was gone, what could have become of yours?
The withering was merciless and indiscriminative in its attack. If the Town of Prosperity, a place only so much farther from your village, fell under its crutches, yours could have very well suffered too.
But, when you dig far into your memories, you know it wasn't the withering. It was a disease, you're set on it.
"I said stop, you know."
"What?" Your thumb is still bleeding. The tip of your knife, this time, lays against the middle of your ring finger. It threatens to pierce.
"You could hurt yourself further." Kaeya takes a break from cooking, stealing the knife from your grasp.
"Sorry." You look down in shame.
He sighs, "No, don't apologize to me for it." He brings a hand to your cheek, slowly coercing you to look up at him. "Why were you even doing that?"
"You got me thinking of Ume and Émile the night before." Kaeya bites his lip. He regrets asking you for stories now. "And they remind me of someone else."
He curses his curiosity. "Who?"
"His name was Huanghun. He was even more roguish than I. Huanghun was a man always caught up in his brooding. His past, he never told me, but I had a feeling it shaped the way he behaved. He was always fiddling with that knife of his. It was engraved with something in the native tongue of Liyue, so I don't know what it meant. He... also taught me something. Would you like to hear the story?"
If Ume and Émile reminded you of Huanghun, he most certainly didn't want to ask. He supposes the notion is visible on his face, as you say the following: "Don't worry. It's not tragic or anything."
Kaeya purses his lips but nods, taking a seat next to you.
"Huanghun and I were alike. Though, whereas I tried to socialize, he didn't even want to try. But he and I mingled in the same area at the time and we were both wanted men. The first time we met each other, Huanghun sized me up and left. It was clear to me that he was powerful. The sword at his waist wasn't like any other and I could sense he was a magician of some kind.
"Many times, Huanghun and I met. That's why I proposed a sort of alliance. At first, he scoffed at it, but after some thinking, he ended up agreeing. I think he knew that if we were to fight, one of us would fall and the other would soon after.
"He reminded me much of myself when I first began my journey. I was bitter then, and he was still bitter. I was brooding, sulking, and so was he. Anyway, Huanghun was a sort of guide throughout my search. He pointed me in the way of many areas that I asked to know of. They were often dangerous places, though. He might've tried to set me up once or twice." You chuckle at the memory. "He eventually warmed up to me, or at least as warm as Huanghun could get. His scowl stayed and so did his silence about his past, but he spoke to me. He was actually humorous in the way that some idioms flew over his head or some things he said meant other things that he didn't know of."
"What happened to him?" Kaeya asks. Even through your assurance, he hopes that it's not something tragic like the couple of few times he's asked.
"We parted ways eventually." You sigh, "The search in Liyue had turned out empty. He's probably still alive today, powerful as he is. Don't know if he learned the same lesson as I did, though."
"And that is?"
"What is there to life, if I'm brooding and solitary? It almost completely unmade the past two lessons, the ones from Ume and Émile. In the end, though," You grimace, "it probably just led to a personality change. Some lesson, you know?"
"Ah, I dunno." Kaeya begins playfully, "I think brooding folk are handsome sometimes."
You raise a brow, "Over who I am today?"
"No," He smiles, "no, definitely not."
With that story and conversation done, Kaeya stands up to continue dinner. It appears he does it too fast or something, because he stumbles and holds onto his stomach.
You stand too, and steady him by the shoulder. "Are you alright?"
"Yeah." He nods his head, "I'm alright. I probably just need some rest. The withering took its toll on me."
You purse your lips and nod, "Okay. Go get your rest. I'll take over dinner."
He protests, but you flick at his shoulder lightly. "Nuh-uh. The withering, like you said, was harsh on you. You need to get your rest."
He nods and smiles. "Okay."
You smile, "Good."
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tales-from-the-neath · 7 months
🌧, 🎲 & 📚 for the ask game!! 👀
From here!
🌧️ What is the favorite thing for you OC to do on a rainy day?
Nyx just likes to sit by the hearth with a good book, back to the window, and read while listening to the sounds of the rain!
Alisha wouldn’t give a bat’s s__t, and would still be out and about
Winston would be… “reading,” which is what he calls just drinking himself into a stupor after raiding the group’s stash of Morelways 1872
Mr Roses likely wouldn’t even know it’s raining, since it tends to stay in it’s home within the Bazaar or in Parabola
(…actually, I’m pretty sure they’d all panic, since it doesn’t rain in the Neath.)
🎲 If your OC played a pen and paper RPG, what class would they pick? Warrior, mage, thief, ranger, cleric, paladin, druid, necromancer, bard (or other, if that’s not enough).
Alisha would definitely be a warrior. She’s a basic b___h, and it aligns well with her history as a Captain back in Ireland
Nyx might be a bard. True story, I themed one of my D&D characters after them and made them a high-elf bard :P ANYWAYS… just their personality definitely gives bard vibes
Winston… an artificer? Or maybe a (very bad) cleric… rogue doesn’t seem too far off for him either…
Roses would try to be itself since it wouldn’t know what the hell is going on XD
📚 Your OC has to improvise a 10 minute lecture about a topic of their choosing. What do they chose?
For Alisha: what do you think? XD You’re giving a former Navy officer permission to make a 10-minute seminar on any topic. How well do you see this going? In all seriousness, she’d definitely do it on something military-related.
Nyx… ooh, that’s a tough one. Maybe something concerning the lack of foxes in the Neath? Or maybe something about proper etiquette and conduct… since god knows the others in the group actually knows how to act in a high-society setting.
Roses would definitely do a whole rant on just flowers. Flowers, or Parabola. It wouldn’t even stop once the ten minutes was up.
Winston just wouldn’t care. He’s say something along the lines of “lemme get back to my reading,” despite everyone knowing that he doesn’t actually read.
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ghcstlyhearts · 10 months
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Full Name: Onyx Henry Coldwell
Nickname: Nyx / Henry ( Occasionally )
Age: 24
Gender: Cis Man
Pronouns: He & Him
Ethnicity: White
Nationality: Veritean
Education: High School on the Island
Occupation: Assistant at The Arcane Emporium
Hometown: Ravenwyck
Current location: Ravenwyck
Species: Wixen - Necromancer
Written Aesthetics: lipstick stains on your collar, expectations weighing heavily upon your shoulders & sharp tongue and even sharper mind.
trigger warnings: death mention, also some slight nsfw mentions ( basically i hint he's a hoe but it's not detailed )
Face Claim: Gabriel Guevara
Height: 5ft10
Hair Colour: Black
Eye Colour: Dark
Dominant Hand: Right
Distinguishing Features: A slit in his right brow, a smirk constantly on his lips, a few small tattoos, occasionally covered in hickeys and scratch marks.
Abilities: Necromancy ( communing with the dead via spirit boards, being able to raise the dead ) as well as Channelling, Spell Casting, Elemental Manipulation, Telekinesis and Potions making.
Have you always been aware of your abilities?: "The general Wixen abilities? Yes. The Necromancy? That was a shock, it's not usually present within our bloodline, or at least hasn't been for decades".
Favorite Magical Items: He's a fan of magical artefacts, finding them fascinating with how different objects can hold so much power. It's why he took a job where he did.
What supernatural creature is your character most scared of?: Surprisingly, his own kind. Given how his father is, and what he would do for the pursuit of power, it terrifies him, and it's why he'd never go against the man or his coven.
Who or what would they die for? Honestly, he isn't sure. He knows he's supposed to feel that loyalty towards his parents, or a certain cause, but he's not really sure it's worth dying for.
Does your character fight or flee? He would absolutely fight, and if not with magic, definitely with his fists.
Positive Traits: Confident & Resourceful.
Negative Traits: Antagonising & Non-Committal.
Neutral Traits: Flirtatious.
Goals/desires: His desire is to dismantle his current coven, or at the very least take it over from his father and change their current ideals - he can only see it ending disastrously but he won't act against his father. He also wants to master his abilities.
Fears: His father, his coven, his own abilities.
Hobbies: Whittling, drinking, partying, studying artefacts & sleeping around.
Habits: Licking his lips, scribbling down notes on the back of his hand, smirking, flirting with people he shouldn't.
QUESTION ONE: were you born on the island, if so, what kind of curiosities do you have about the world beyond? if you weren’t, what do you miss about the world outside veritas isles?  "I mostly wonder what it's like to live in a place where the main focus isn't magic, or the supernatural. It intrigues me, and I'm often asking questions about how mortals function so well."
QUESTION TWO: what is your favorite part about the island?  "It has to be Oasis Isle. My parents aren't fond of it, so it's a nice break away from the family."
QUESTION THREE: if your character is supernatural, do they fear humans? if human, do they fear the supernatural?  "No, I don't actually. If anything, I find them fucking fascinating. Living without magic, especially around other fearsome creatures, and half of them just not giving a shit?"
QUESTION FOUR: share a fun headcanon or fact about your character! this doesn’t have to be long, just something to introduce us to your character!  Onyx is the only wixen in his family line to have necromancer abilities, despite them all practising dark magic, it comes far easier to him. They didn't realise until one day, they realised his "imaginary friend" was actually a ghost. additional fun fact about the coldwell family: all the children are named after crystals/gemstones, as their parents believed it would help manifest them to be great wixen.
good friends - while they're not as close to him as some people are, onyx still adores them, despite acting like a little shit most of the time
people who's bad side he got on - it probably wasn't hard
flings & one night stands - the boy has never had a relationship, and sticks to flings and one night stands, it's all meaningless and he makes that very clear from the start
his siblings - he's the youngest, but he has three older siblings, they're all expected to practice dark magic in secret, as their coven does, but they could have strayed. they could also envy onyx, as he's seen as the "golden child" due to his abilities. something he despises, however.
his coven - this is a subplot i am going to write up i swear
idk i want him to be chaotic let him break hearts
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captaingrizzlie · 2 years
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The Ultimate Life Form, meets the Voguing Necromancer Prodigy.
Shadow’s quills r so hard to draw bro, idk why I can never get the hang of it!!!! Anyways… Nyx is dressed to meet the edgelord himself, they had to match the vibes.
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the-tired-commander · 2 years
i'd love to know what you think of ian. philanthropist noble necromancer from divinitys reach who is gothic as hell. you know him, i know, but im curious who you'd stick with him. he has a troubled history but instead of wallowing in it he did something to improve the lives of people. given that he and his sister juno are the last to inherit the money from the family line as the sole heirs to the head of estates, he spends a lot of his time just figuring out ways he can give his money away in a non tax deductible way. also, as anonymously as possible.
Sorry this took me so long to get through! I am always delighted to see Ian so I am more than happy to find someone to put with him!!
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Liliyana Nyx - She/Her - Bi - She would be absolutely delighted by Ian, both by the fact he puts effort into improving the lives of others and also because she loves a good gothic aesthetic. She knows things about the past in what seems like a little too much detail, but she uses that to help people keep complete records and to try and correct any misinformation she comes across.
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